Strep viridans uti

Do I change doctor?

2024.05.19 19:00 kotzij23 Do I change doctor?

My 4 year old daughter gets sick every month or two. Her symptoms are usually high fever and vomit. She gets very weak and won’t eat anything. Every time we go to the doctor her white blood cells are high, between 23 to 25. Doctors never find the reason just say she has an infection.
She gets a lot of UTIs, my 12 year old used to have some type of urine reflux but she didn’t need surgery as it fixed by itself. So based on her sister history and my experience with her I brought it up to the doctor and she dismissed it, saying my 4 year old doesn’t have the same symptoms.
Two days ago she was sick same symptoms as always, I did a at home uti test and was positive, at the doctor she came out negative but doctor said she has red blood cells in the urine, as per the doctor is very normal.
Her throat was red but she came out negative for strep throat, so they did not gave me a reason of her symptoms other than we think she has strep but she came out negative.
I don’t know what else to do because she gets sick often and they’re not able to find the reason.
She goes to daycare.
submitted by kotzij23 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 18:47 kotzij23 Kid is sick

My 4 year old daughter gets sick every month or two. Her symptoms are usually high fever and vomit. She gets very weak and won’t eat anything. Every time we go to the doctor her white blood cells are high, between 23 to 25. Doctors never find the reason just say she has an infection.
She gets a lot of UTIs, my 12 year old used to have some type of urine reflux but she didn’t need surgery as it fixed by itself. So based on her sister history and my experience with her I brought it up to the doctor and she dismissed it, saying my 4 year old doesn’t have the same symptoms.
Two days ago she was sick same symptoms as always, I did a at home uti test and was positive, at the doctor she came out negative but doctor said she has red blood cells in the urine, as per the doctor is very normal.
Her throat was red but she came out negative for strep throat, so they did not gave me a reason of her symptoms other than we think she has strep but she came out negative.
I don’t know what else to do because she gets sick often and they’re not able to find the reason.
She goes to daycare.
submitted by kotzij23 to sick [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:26 Nice-gal1610 Vulvar pain, itching & urinary issues

Hi everyone,
I’m posting this to hopefully get some help/advice. Sorry it’s so long!!
My issues all began after UTI-like symptoms in December 2023 after sex. This was a common thing for me after sex as I would frequently get UTI-like symptoms and just treat it with antibiotics (I never actually tested for UTIs 😣 but was certain it was because I knew how it “felt”). In the months before this I was also using feminine wash and wipes daily which I’ve read can cause irritation.
After treating this UTI in dec-23, it felt like the antibiotics didn’t totally get rid of my symptoms. Over the next 2 weeks, I was dealing with burning when urinating, urge/frequency, waking up several times in the night feeling like I needed to pee even though I made sure I didn’t drink a lot before sleeping and used the toilet before, eventually this developed into occasional bed wetting too (I’m 21!!). Intercourse with my boyfriend became painful with burning at the entrance and an inflamed vestibule at 12 o’clock around urethra area, leading to me either immediately stopping or avoiding sex. I developed pangs/shooting feelings of internal itch - when walking I’d literally have to stop and crouch down or apply pressure. Vulvar itch developed too on my labia majora. This completely destroyed my life, I couldn’t even walk let alone go to the gym or work in the office (worked from home a lot more) - my mental health was at an all time low.
I’ve had SO MANY GP, gynaecologist and sexual health consultations. I’ve done STI, thrush, BV, diabetes and urine (dip, culture, MSU) tests. A vaginal ultrasound which is all clear. My vulvar skin has been checked by sexual health nurses and 2 senior consultants (gynae, GUM) - all normal.
After 4 months in March-23, my GP diagnosed me with Vestibulitis/vestibulodynia. I have been taking Amitriptyline since. The first dose (10mg) immediately relieved my urinary issues!! I am currently on 30mg and using lidocaine ointment (5%) nightly, and lots of lube for sex - this has enabled me to have sex, often with mild-no pain. Internal itch is gone too.
The thing which has not been relieved at all is itchy labia majora 😩. Since January, I have been washing and applying an emollient only, using sensitive laundry detergent, cotton underwear and sleeping without underwear. The itch is sometimes worse at night but I think that’s because I’m less distracted. In April I took antibiotics for Group B Strep that was found on my vaginal swab but this just worsened my symptoms, my labia were extremely inflamed, swollen and red, labia majora itch was so bad. I took probiotics and applied hydrocortisone which helped. I have continued taking probiotics.
I have also been on a low estrogen oral contraceptive pill for 2 years. Since the amitriptyline has helped for most symptoms I’m guessing it is irritated nerves (vestibule is red at 12 o’clock). However, I still have labia majora itching and my boyfriend noticed that my labia majora looks redder than it used to be and my labia minora look more ‘dehyrdated’, slightly browner in colour. Could this itching, dehydrated appearance be hormonally-mediated? All my doctors have sort of shut down the hormonal idea when bringing it up.. either way I have stopped my pill. I also only recently told my GP I had a few episodes (5 in 3 months) of bed wetting before starting the amitriptyline and he seemed quite concerned so has booked me in for an ultrasound of my bladder and a spinal MRI to “cover all bases”.
Sorry for such a long post, I just wanted to get everything in there. I’d appreciate any advice, similar experiences etc. 🥰
submitted by Nice-gal1610 to vulvodynia [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 14:23 Nice-gal1610 Vulvar pain, itching & urinary issues

Hi everyone,
I’m posting this to hopefully get some help/advice. Sorry it’s so long!!
My issues all began after UTI-like symptoms in December 2023 after sex. This was a common thing for me after sex as I would frequently get UTI-like symptoms and just treat it with antibiotics (I never actually tested for UTIs 😣 but was certain it was because I knew how it “felt”). In the months before this I was also using feminine wash and wipes daily which I’ve read can cause irritation.
After treating this UTI in dec-23, it felt like the antibiotics didn’t totally get rid of my symptoms. Over the next 2 weeks, I was dealing with burning when urinating, urge/frequency, waking up several times in the night feeling like I needed to pee even though I made sure I didn’t drink a lot before sleeping and used the toilet before, eventually this developed into occasional bed wetting too (I’m 21!!). Intercourse with my boyfriend became painful with burning at the entrance and an inflamed vestibule at 12 o’clock around urethra area, leading to me either immediately stopping or avoiding sex. I developed pangs/shooting feelings of internal itch - when walking I’d literally have to stop and crouch down or apply pressure. Vulvar itch developed too on my labia majora. This completely destroyed my life, I couldn’t even walk let alone go to the gym or work in the office (worked from home a lot more) - my mental health was at an all time low.
I’ve had SO MANY GP, gynaecologist and sexual health consultations. I’ve done STI, thrush, BV, diabetes and urine (dip, culture, MSU) tests. A vaginal ultrasound which is all clear. My vulvar skin has been checked by sexual health nurses and 2 senior consultants (gynae, GUM) - all normal.
After 4 months in March-23, my GP diagnosed me with Vestibulitis/vestibulodynia. I have been taking Amitriptyline since. The first dose (10mg) immediately relieved my urinary issues!! I am currently on 30mg and using lidocaine ointment (5%) nightly, and lots of lube for sex - this has enabled me to have sex, often with mild-no pain. Internal itch is gone too.
The thing which has not been relieved at all is itchy labia majora 😩. Since January, I have been washing and applying an emollient only, using sensitive laundry detergent, cotton underwear and sleeping without underwear. The itch is sometimes worse at night but I think that’s because I’m less distracted. In April I took antibiotics for Group B Strep that was found on my vaginal swab but this just worsened my symptoms, my labia were extremely inflamed, swollen and red, labia majora itch was so bad. I took probiotics and applied hydrocortisone which helped. I have continued taking probiotics.
I have also been on a low estrogen oral contraceptive pill for 2 years. Since the amitriptyline has helped for most symptoms I’m guessing it is irritated nerves (vestibule is red at 12 o’clock). However, I still have labia majora itching and my boyfriend noticed that my labia majora looks redder than it used to be and my labia minora look more ‘dehyrdated’, slightly browner in colour. Could this itching, dehydrated appearance be hormonally-mediated? All my doctors have sort of shut down the hormonal idea when bringing it up.. either way I have stopped my pill. I also only recently told my GP I had a few episodes (5 in 3 months) of bed wetting before starting the amitriptyline and he seemed quite concerned so has booked me in for an ultrasound of my bladder and a spinal MRI to “cover all bases”.
Sorry for such a long post, I just wanted to get everything in there. I’d appreciate any advice, similar experiences etc. 🥰
submitted by Nice-gal1610 to vestibulodynia [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 11:47 dreamdrop92 antibiotics twice in a month

31F 5'6 200lbs i have PBC, PCOS, POTS i take ursodiol, pantoprazole, ferrous sulfate, vitamin D
about two weeks ago i took amoxicillin for strep throat and now i'm pretty sure i have a UTI a couple weeks later and i'm worried about needing to take antibiotics so close together like that. but my thing is, do you think i will be alright? should i just request another antibiotic than the one i just took or do i need to take amoxicillin?
submitted by dreamdrop92 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:35 Diligent-Ad-7125 Inner left labia redness/ irritation and ulcers/lesions. Mystery pain for 4 months.

I am having a mystery illness/infection or skin problem affecting my vulva.
•i (24F) have had inner labia pain since early feb, 2-3 days after sex with my partner (25M) of 2 years. also used a toy and saliva at the time. symptoms were raw pain on left inner labia, redness/irritation near vagina left entrance. a month after initial symptoms ulcers or lesions appeared on the same affected area (inner left labia), without any other outbreaks. Also have had yellowish on/off discharge that is sour smelling.
•plenty of dr visits, mostly taken medications based on symptoms not tests. which were (clotrimazole suppository x2, metronidazole tablet, doxycycline x2, acylovir, ceftriaxone, miconazole + metronidazole suppository, vaginal probiotics suppository, zinc oxide cream, lidocaine gel, prednisolone tablet, steroid gel) all in diff timelines in a span from early feb - now. currently on prednisolone and steroid gel.
•After taken most of the medications stated above. ive run many tests as well. But some test (unsure) might have been affected since many medications were already taken most tests were done mid march- april ;
hiv, syphilis, hsv, hep, chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trichomoniasis, high vaginal swab for yeast, strep and bv or other bacterias and a pap smear test was done.
ALL NEGATIVE. but during a swab test for gonorrhea which was done mid march, pus cell was seen. And by this timeline, i only had taken clotrimazole suppository.
•Today i took a UTI strip test at home. the leukocyte part changed from nude to purplish? but not covering the whole square, nitrate doesnt change colour and rbc is same base colour just with tiny green dots? unsure of the results.
•i am still in pain, left inner labia, red patch or whatever and ulcers/lesions are still there. Now right inner labia hurts as well. Both labias and clit/clitoris hood feels sensitive or just uncomfortably painful. its going to be 4 months since initial symptoms and i still have no idea what i have. im suffering. please help me. anybody.
** i have hypothyroid and im taking levothyroxine 50mcg daily.
submitted by Diligent-Ad-7125 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 14:56 Diligent-Ad-7125 What does this results mean?

For context as to why I took the UTI test. I am having a mystery illness/infection or skin problem affecting my vulva.
•i (24F) have had inner labia pain since early feb, 2-3 days after sex with my partner (25M) of 2 years. also used a toy and saliva at the time. symptoms were raw pain on left inner labia, redness/irritation near vagina left entrance. a month after initial symptoms ulcers or lesions appeared on the same affected area (inner left labia), without any other outbreaks. Also have had yellowish on/off discharge that is sour smelling.
•plenty of dr visits, mostly taken medications based on symptoms not tests. which were (clotrimazole suppository x2, metronidazole tablet, doxycycline x2, acylovir, ceftriaxone, miconazole + metronidazole suppository, vaginal probiotics suppository, zinc oxide cream, lidocaine gel, prednisolone tablet, steroid gel) all in diff timelines in a span from early feb - now. currently on prednisolone and steroid gel.
•After taken most of the medications stated above. ive run many tests as well. But some test (unsure) might have been affected since many medications were already taken most tests were done mid march- april ;
hiv, syphilis, hsv, chlamydia, gonorrhea, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, trichomoniasis, high vaginal swab for yeast, strep and bv or other bacterias and a pap smear test was done.
ALL NEGATIVE. but during a swab test for gonorrhea which was done mid march, pus cell was seen. And by this timeline, i only had taken clotrimazole suppository.
•as of today the pic taken shows the uti test strip that i just took. unsure of the results. Could anyone diagnose me? Ive met plenty of GP, a derm and a gyno and non is helping me.
•i am still in pain, left inner labia, red patch or whatever and ulcers/lesions are still there. it going to be 4 months since initial symptoms and i still have no idea what i have. im suffering. please help me. anybody.
submitted by Diligent-Ad-7125 to DiagnoseMe [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:27 spawn_of_santa_ The never ending paronychia

40/F, 5’6”, 110 lbs. It started in my ring finger in February. Soaking it in epsom salt and using neosporin helped, but it wouldn’t go away. Telehealth doctor prescribed Amox/Clav 875mg/125mg in March. That and the soaking helped, but still didn’t go away. Saw a dermatologist in April and was prescribed a topical antibiotic (Neo-synalar) and recommended adding a vinegawater soak to my routine. Between the cream and 4 soaks a day, it got a lot better but not gone. Went on vacation 2 weeks ago so I stopped my routine for 4 days, and it’s back with a painful vengeance. I’m still soaking 4x/day and using the neo-synalar and it’s not helping. I also took Cedfinir 300mg for a UTI at the end of March, and Amoxicillin 500mg mid April for strep throat. I would love to not have to take antibiotics again but I don’t know what to do anymore. Help!! Thank you in advance!
submitted by spawn_of_santa_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 22:06 Ecstatic-Ad-7024 Ecoli

If he says most utis are strep how does he explain ecoli
submitted by Ecstatic-Ad-7024 to medicalmedium [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 20:50 Spiritedaway2468 Anyone who had/has colicky babies have taken many antibiotics throughout their life?

As in more than a couple times? I've had to take multiple for UTIs, strep, BV etc. I've had to take some during pregnancy as well for h pylori at around 4 months. I'm a Ftm and my baby is very colicky. Just curious if mothers gut health has to do with it? Also breastfeeding or formula fed?
submitted by Spiritedaway2468 to beyondthebump [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 22:25 squirrelmo Two things: Effects of prednisone?? Low WBC count?

I was dx with Hashimoto's in 2012 and have managed with Levo since. Last June, I was very hypo, low VitD, and PCP upped Levo plus added D supplement weekly.
I also have had lowering WBC counts over the past three years.
Fast forward to November when I began getting sinus and ear infections. I had strep throat twice plus a UTI in March. In April, I had such a bad sinus/ear infection that it perforated my ear drum and caused hearing loss.
So I take Levaquin and prednisone.
At the same time, I notice heart rate up, sweating, and weight loss.
Blood work from last week has my TSH lower than the chart and T4 higher than the chart. Why am I suddenly hyper?? My leukocytes are also lower than the chart.
Question: Has anyone experienced hyper symptoms from steroids or pronged illness? And has anyone had to deal with low WBC counts? What should I be asking doc?
submitted by squirrelmo to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 22:17 Careful_Control9246 Trying to stay positive

I haven't been happy lately. My older sister died. My job doesn't have any work, and I haven't had luck finding another job. I've also been sick this week with strep throat, a UTI, and a stomach bug, and my son is having to stay at my mom's while I recover.
I feel like a bum, a bad mother, and I feel lost. I can barely pay my bills, but I pray the temp agency I'm going to interview with has a job opening.
I'm so tired of being in bed sick. I have no appetite, and I miss having my son at home. Being alone all week sucks and I really don't like myself right now.
Does anyone have any positive advice,?
submitted by Careful_Control9246 to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 04:48 skippyskysky High Cortisol With No Cushing’s Symptoms? Need Help Evaluating Other Test Results

I (19F) saw an endocrinologist last summer because of abnormal thyroid results. The thyroid came back good, but DHEA-S was low so she had me do a dexamethasone test which came back suppressed. At the time I was also having a fainting issue so she said that my test results concerned her and to get a head MRI, but I never did because I lost insurance.
In December 2023 I got insurance again but couldn’t see that doctor anymore so I got a new endo. He wanted me to do more testing, but I got a steroid shot in March because I was sick. Every month for the last six months I’ve gotten sick during my period (104F Fever, Swollen Tonsils with Exudate, Swollen Lymph Nodes, Not COVID/Flu/Strep/RSV/Mono) and the only thing that has fixed it was that steroid shot. Anyways, I had to wait two months to do the test and just did them last week. I did a blood test that came back with high cortisol (21.7ug) and low DHEAS again (68.6ug), but normal sodium. I also did a 24hr urine test though and it came back with low chloride (16mmol) and low sodium (<24mmol). I’m not sure if cortisol was tested in the 24hr urine.
I’m confused about the high cortisol because I haven’t really shown any symptoms of Cushing’s besides being overweight, but I thought that was due to weight gain from Birth Control. Other symptoms: hair loss, weight loss, appetite loss/only crave salty foods, increased thirst, fatigue, frequent urination, reoccurring uti/yeast infection, irregular period, red rash, fever of unknown origin.
I was wondering if these test results sounded like Cushing’s to y’all and what y’all did about it. My doctor said my high cortisol is just from stress and the fevers/sickness during my period are PMS so I need to go on anti-depressants to be less stressed. He also said that I should just retest in two months and see him again in 3. He said that after the blood test, but the 24hr urine results just came in today so I haven’t heard from him. I don’t know what to do because I know I’m going to get sick again when my period comes next month and really want to avoid that, but my PCP is now basically refusing to treat me because it’s “specialty care”. The endo I had last summer said specifically she thought it was Cushing’s so this new endo basically blowing every concern I have off is making me nervous.
submitted by skippyskysky to Cushings [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 01:47 Cowchawps Feeling suicidal

This nightmare started in February. I got strep throat and was put on antibiotics. Which caused the c diff, went on flagyl and got a uti. More antibiotics which caused c diff again, went on vanco which maybe caused another uti, almost done taking cephalexin, but I’m having cramping and gas and some diarrhea so I’m pretty sure I got c diff again. I don’t want to be on antibiotics forever. I’m seriously considering just ending my life and this nightmare.
submitted by Cowchawps to cdifficile [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 13:59 ceeleetsa7 Should I get another culture or am I overreacting? UTI

I’ve had two UTIs the past year that’s were confirmed by culture strep B and klebsiella. I had to take two rounds of antibiotics each time to get any relief, doctor thinks my body is just weaker at fighting infections? My main symptom was heavy bladder pressure and frequent urination (I was urinating loads that I couldn’t believe that much can even come out)
Well 10 months have gone by and I didn’t have any UTI (great!) … until two weeks ago! I was certain because I’m fully symptomatic and have heavy pressure and frequent urination, to the point I’m living in the toilet. UTI culture came back negative (organism found but under 1000 cfu) because I was symptomatic my dr gave me augmentin as a broad spectrum antibiotic for 4 days as he couldn’t tell what was wrong.
Well day 5 now and I’m a lot worse and my urine burns me. I called my doctor back and he thinks I’m crazy and should ‘relax a little’. I can’t relax because I’m so uncomfortable.
I don’t have any STDs also. I’m travelling in two days internationally and I genuinely don’t even know how I can sit on a plane. I’m also getting a lot of back pain now but that might be muscle strain from how often I have to push the last bits of urine out?
Can a urine cutlure miss it? I’m just so confused and uncomfortable. Should I get another one? Surely I’m not imagining this pain, I feel like my doctor is annoyed with me and I don’t know where to get help for this
submitted by ceeleetsa7 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 04:31 Careful_Control9246 Still learning, still growing in faith.

So. I messed up on Friday. I had one too many drinks, and slept with a guy I know.
I asked God for forgiveness, and I'm now back on my sober and celibacy journey. After this encounter, I got strep throat and a UTI.
I think God looked at me, shook his head, and said, "I'm going to teach her a lesson." Lol
I'm still learning, still growing.
submitted by Careful_Control9246 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 03:29 hunterhall122601 the reason why my ex bsf and I are no longer friends

We'll call her Carrie. I had spent the last couple of nights at her house. we had a threesome (don't worry about it) and then went out to eat with the guy paying. the next night we were chilling and all and then Carrie called bullshit when i told her i was sick (i ended up being diagnosed with strep, a UTI, AND a yeast infection), then she wouldn't help me look for my water (i was looking because my throat hurt), and then she said "yummy water" as sarcastically as possible, I flipped (i hadn't had my medicine and i'm prone to outbursts of anger when off of it) and threw water and it accidentally got on her kid(we'll call him Jake) it was literally an accident but then she kicked me out, put my shorts, dress, shoes, 2 chargers, and my socks and underwear on the fucking curb knowing damn well someone was gonna steal it and all of it ended up stolen.. Carrie drives on a suspended license with her 5 month old kid in the backseat, steals stuff (baby stuff and makeup, nails, etc) using his stroller and diaper bag, and she calls me a bad person?? absolutely not! Carrie then proceeded to text me this:
"You're literally the definition of a fuckng liar. You play victim to any fucking situation. Nobody's gonna believe you anyway because all you fucking do is lie. You're the one who put stolen shit in my diaper bag. Also, I have a recording of the whole fucking incident the other night so this hit that you posted on your snap story think again because yeah. Also, I called bullshit from you being sick because you seemed fine. I also offered you water so don't sit there and act like I didn't. (she didn't offer me any water) And I literally laughed and smiled and said "yummy water" with my water bottle and you threw and fucking dunk dwater on me and my kid. You're a fucking bitch because you saw my child laying not even 2 inches next to me and you still did it so don't sit here and say that it was a fucking accident."
Carrie literally was recording after i threw the water. i would kill my self before i would even think about hurting that baby.
and then Carrie goes and texts my mom and calls me a pedophile! she also texted my boyfriend's(we'll call him Luke) mom and told her that i have been cheating on Luke. I have never done that once and now his mom doesn't like me at all.
Carrie stays with the abusive ass baby daddy(we'll call him shitface=SF) who PHYSICALLY PUSHED HER OUT OF THE CAR ON THE HIGHWAY WHEN SHE WAS 6 WEEKS PREGNANT! SF also (as i recently discovered through a mutual friend) covered Jake's ENTIRE FACE WITH A BLANKET AND WAS YELLING "SHUT UP" OVER AND OVER AND OVER!
submitted by hunterhall122601 to CharlotteDobreYouTube [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:31 Exciting-Material952 Uti symptoms but negative test results

It was around a month ago where I tested positive for strep b uti. My symptoms where itching inside urethra, sore to pee, blood when I wipe, urine smelled, low back pain and burning during and after urination. So they prescribed me amoxicillin for 7 days. I’m still getting symptoms, sore urination, feels sore and achy inside urethra, still really itchy inside and low back pain. Keep testing negative. I can’t sleep or go to the toliet properly. I’ve already tested negative for vaginal infections.
submitted by Exciting-Material952 to WomensHealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:31 Exciting-Material952 Uti symptoms but negative test results

It was around a month ago where I tested positive for strep b uti. My symptoms where itching inside urethra, sore to pee, blood when I wipe, urine smelled, low back pain and burning during and after urination. So they prescribed me amoxicillin for 7 days. I’m still getting symptoms, sore urination, feels sore and achy inside urethra, still really itchy inside and low back pain. Keep testing negative. I can’t sleep or go to the toliet properly. I’ve already tested negative for vaginal infections.
submitted by Exciting-Material952 to PelvicFloor [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:30 Exciting-Material952 Uti symptoms and negative test result

It was around a month ago where I tested positive for strep b uti. My symptoms where itching inside urethra, sore to pee, blood when I wipe, urine smelled, low back pain and burning during and after urination. So they prescribed me amoxicillin for 7 days. I’m still getting symptoms, sore urination, feels sore and achy inside urethra, still really itchy inside and low back pain. Keep testing negative. I can’t sleep or go to the toliet properly. I’ve already tested negative for vaginal infections.
submitted by Exciting-Material952 to Interstitialcystitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:29 Exciting-Material952 Uti symptoms but negative test result

It was around a month ago where I tested positive for strep b uti. My symptoms where itching inside urethra, sore to pee, blood when I wipe, urine smelled, low back pain and burning during and after urination. So they prescribed me amoxicillin for 7 days. I’m still getting symptoms, sore urination, feels sore and achy inside urethra, still really itchy inside and low back pain. Keep testing negative. I can’t sleep or go to the toliet properly. I’ve already tested negative for vaginal infections.
submitted by Exciting-Material952 to CUTI [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 01:28 Exciting-Material952 Uti symptoms but negative results

It was around a month ago where I tested positive for strep b uti. My symptoms where itching inside urethra, sore to pee, blood when I wipe, urine smelled, low back pain and burning during and after urination. So they prescribed me amoxicillin for 7 days. I’m still getting symptoms, sore urination, feels sore and achy inside urethra, still really itchy inside and low back pain. Keep testing negative. I can’t sleep or go to the toliet properly. I’ve already tested negative for vaginal infections.
submitted by Exciting-Material952 to utis [link] [comments]