Letter requesting rent payment

Boston Tenants

2014.08.12 22:42 wihz Boston Tenants

For discussions, news, and organizing on subjects related to Boston area tenant's rights, issues, and resources.

2019.01.24 18:32 ForLoveOfHumanKind AHandUP

A community to Give or Receive Needed help a Hand Up not a Hand Out

2024.05.22 01:28 Celestial_star108 How to deal with the guilt?

I’m 31 and was recently diagnosed with pots as well as SVT. I’m having a cardiac ablation in a couple days and I’m hoping that helps but I feel so guilty all the time. I’m on a medical leave from work but it’s unpaid. I tried to apply for colorado FAMLI which pays for medical leave but my cardiologist filled out the paperwork saying I don’t need medical leave so I’ll be denied. I work with kids on the autism spectrum and it’s HARD. Keeping up with them is incredibly difficult, our center is always hot and I constantly feel ill because of all of it. I love working with the kids but I don’t think I can do it and still maintain my health (physically and mentally). I feel guilty because I need to do my part to support our household. I have kids. I have rent. I have a car payment. This is not something I can put off on my boyfriend. We’re just not there yet, and even if we were, I’d still feel like a giant POS if I wasn’t contributing. I’m so used to my family telling me to “get over it” and just “be a grown up, everyone has problems” but I’m so tired ALL OF THE TIME. No one gets it. No. One understands how hard I have to push just to get through the day. Sorry for venting…I just don’t know where else to unload. Any advice? TIA
submitted by Celestial_star108 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:26 Square_Substance_522 ECSI turned my paid loan debt into a zombie loan.

I need HELP! So, I fell for ECSI debt collector trap by replying to one of their bills of $0.
When I contacted them in Sept 2023. They asked for proof of payment in full I made 7 years ago and I sent it, only for them to take my information, and claim I didn't pay in full. The took the amount I paid and subtract it from what the lawyer billed me in 2016 to prove that I didn't pay the principal? Which makes no sense because why would I pay almost double the amount in debt all at once only to leave out $200?! I don't have the letter for the payment in full since it was sent to my work email, and I was laid off so no access.
With this, they created a new amount for the debt with the $200+ and added fees and interest on top, restart my loan and claimed it to the Dept of Education. I never got any bills until ECSI decided to trick me with this scummy move. Basically they took Biden's covid deferment law and started sending out bills in hopes that someone answers them in order to zombify their loans, same situation with the zombie mortgages! I put in a complaint to the DoEd only to get my complaint dismissed without explanation which was weird.
They reported me to the credit bureau and claim they have been billing me since Feb. 2023 the so called "$300+ amount" even though I have paper proof I was billed $0 current and past amount in Sept 2023 with the bill stating " THANK YOU FOR KEEPING YOUR LOAN CURRENT. Credit Bureau rating as of the above due date: Current and in Good Standing."
I have asked for paperwork of this 26-year-old loan via mail and phone calls. They claimed they mailed it, I never got anything. I tried a pro bono lawyer, who first wanted to help but now said he got no time since he picked up so many other bigger cases. The lawyer suggested the SAVE program, but I have to wait another 20 years for it be dismissed? I also don't like the fact I have to agreed to take ownership of the new loan amount when I already paid more than enough to be considered paid off and extra all at once.
It's clear ECSI just made everything up. Now they constantly bill me every month since Dec. 2023. I tried everything I can think of, from complaints, to emails to the school the loan originated. By the way its no longer there, but merged into some other school. I emailed the old debt lawyer, too, and they all ignored me. Well, I tried everything other than starting lawsuits which I am highly tempted to do.
I swear they are just hoping this amount of $370+ is small enough that I would pay them off to get them off my back. It's still increasing by $1 every month btw. But I rather fight it if I can since I paid it off in full and should not be coerced to pay more for these scammers.
What do you all think?
submitted by Square_Substance_522 to StudentLoans [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:23 Dazzling_Squash7058 Anyone here had luck with getting reconsideration request approved >1 year after you've retired?

In October of last year I received a package with all my retirement paperwork, effective 20 April. However, I still had active Tricare Reserve Select, and I paid the premium every month, so I did not think much of it.
I went into the ID card office last week to update DEERS. Then called Tricare to enroll, and they we'll need to back date this to 20 April. However, since it's been over a year, and it's outside open enrollment, you'll need to submit a "reconsideration request" explaining why you did not enroll within the alloted one year of your retirement. Someone will respond in 30-40 days.
Meanwhile my fam is without insurance. Best case is it's approved and backdated; worst case is they say no and I have to wait until open enrollment to get insurance. Oh and the best part is every claim for the last year will be reversed and I'll be liable for the full balance. I said but I've been paying premiums and had effective coverage. "It's not valid, your TRS stop date is 20 April 2023, so we will not pay any claims after that time".
Going to write a letter and send evidence that I didn't get retirement papers until six months after the fact.
submitted by Dazzling_Squash7058 to tricare [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:22 Lee_M22 [REQ] Borrow $450 for 2 months. Payment will be $500 (VIA BANK TRANSFER)

I just used this month's allowance and my part-time salary to fully pay my tuition balance. I am from the Philippines so the bank transfer would be to Gcash.
I have no credit score since I don't really loan from banks and institutions because I know they'll reject a student even though I have a part-time job and I don't want to get it from loan sharks.
My allowance per month is close to $300 a month and my part-time salary is $120 per month. So the term for repayment will be on July 2024. I'll be doing a one-time payment so the fees are minimized. I assure the potential lender that I will be able to pay since I don't rent my house, I have a steady supply of food and water.
Why I need 2 months? I'll split my $300/month allowance and I'll use my salary to compensate for the rest.
Month 1: $150 + $120 = $270 Month 2: $270 + $150 + 80 = $500
submitted by Lee_M22 to BorrowmoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:21 Rosephine Are taxes to blame?

Ok I was speaking with a friend of mine about this today and things started to click, so I want to present my theory and hear people’s thoughts because I am by no means an economist or politician or anything and I want to know if I’m way off base or not. In other words, I need advice on my theory on real estate taxes and how they’re impacting current renters rates…
This is purely speculative without supporting evidence.
So, Boston gets a huuuuge portion of the revenue through property taxes, and of that number a huuuuge portion comes from commercial businesses real estate. But in comes Covid telling people to work from home for “a while.” What’s a business to do? They don’t want to get rid of their properties because they’ll need them eventually, but they’re so expensive. So it’s time for plan B. Layoffs, yup. Downsizing, yeah. Closing completely, mhmm. All of these things are happening, and it’s driving the cost of commercial real estate down, which in turn drives down the taxes earned from each property.
Meanwhile, Boston has been spending those taxes like crazy, and who could blame ‘em! They had a health crisis to manage, on top of all the other projects going on (looking at you mbta, you really botched that green line job huh pal…).
So the money is going out faster than the taxed businesses can replenish it. Fast forward to today and Boston is in the red by a lot. Like a lot a lot, projected to be 1.4B deficit in five years. On top of that, the damage is done and people realize they don’t need to commute to work and they don’t want these offices, leaving the businesses holding the bag on what appears to be poor investments on paper. Last I checked businesses are far better at lobbying than individuals, are they about to pass the buck to residents? What’s Mayor Wu to do?
Well, unsurprisingly taxes went up. Commercial real estate went up, as did residential taxes. On top of that, the values of these residential properties also went up, making those taxes more expensive.
Now Mayor Wu has filed legislation - not passed, just filed - to try and protect those residential property owners by allowing for a rather substantial tax exemption… if you live in the property you own. Ya know who doesn’t live in their own properties. The landlords… well, typically.
So, regardless of if Mayor Wu’s legislation is passed, landlords are looking at a tax increase no matter what, and boooooy howdy they ain’t gunna be the ones paying it, all you are. This is why you see landlords asking for substantial rent increases, getting shot down, then listing the place for even more. But it gets worse.
The deficit of taxes within Boston is so great, it’s unlikely that property taxes for businesses or residents will ever go down anytime soon, only increase. So what are the landlords to do? Some will weather the storm, but I think a lot of them will sell, and I think Mayor Wu is hoping for this, but I foresee it backfiring. We aren’t talking about the major real estate owners property conglomerates selling, nor are we talking about the schools selling either, I’m talking about the yuppy rich white lady down on the cape that has a few rental properties and never takes care of them. She’s selling. But to who? I think the hope is that potential home owners will buy these properties, incentivized by the tax exemptions, but this us where my skepticism comes from. There’s absolutely noooo way that’s happening when their main bidding competitors are colleges, whose resources are practically unlimited, and real estate companies who have started renting by the room and not by the apartment. And if all else fails, just pull a seaport and buy, demo, build.
Let’s review. Boston is in debt and it’s only getting worse. Commercial real estate value is continuing to drop. Taxes on those properties are increasing but it’s not enough to offset the spending like it used to. Businesses gunna shutter. Residential real estate is increasing in value. Taxes on those properties will be unmanageable for the run-o-the-mill homeowner. Wu is trying to keep home owners, so landlords get disproportionately taxed. Renters are left holding this very heavy bag. Oh yeah, those renters also have like absolutely zero protections against any of this.
Let’s skip ahead a few more years and let the crazy conspiracy theorist in me run rampant: Taxes continue to go up for everyone, so a whole lotta businesses are gunna close (I mean, did you see what just happened to Tavern in the Square this week? Yeah, expect more of that…), landlords keep raising their prices, tuition keeps climbing, unaffordable housing keeps getting built, there’s a mass exodus of businesses leaving Boston, and the businesses that do stay can’t pay their… no, they can, but they won’t pay their employees a salary to live here. They just won’t, and why should they? It’s ungodly expensive to live here and equally as atrocious to run a business here, you’d have to live with your parents rent free for years on a Boston salary just to save enough for a competitive down payment for a home in the city, and forget about renting and saving… your boss’s argument is that they commute in from the cape everyday so why can’t you? Audible eye roll… The schools love this, keep the poor out and only allow for the wealthiest students and their very rich papas and mamas to pay for everything, they look more prestigious than ever, meanwhile I’d wager that at least 1/10 of those students are here to party and get fucked up. Fucked up on what though? TITS literally just closed, liquor licenses are obscenely expensive, you can expect to see more Hecate’s than Silhouette’s because the clientele will absolutely spend $100 to have some smoke rolling out of the glass… The renters gotta make a quick buck and sell their pain killers from an injury the year prior, get kids hooked but they can’t afford anything, so they turn to tranq. Meanwhile those same renters, who are respectable hard working nurses and teachers and small business owners and all kinds of people who should NOT be in this situation, they all have their price jacked up AGAIN to mmm I’m thinking 3500/studio will be the going rate by now, and so these renters are forced to “move” but the question is how? Everyone wants a first, last, security, brokers, and a U-Haul, no one can afford to move, or save for that matter, so they have to leave the city. If they’re lucky enough to have a place to go that is, otherwise everyone else is going to be turning methadone mile into a methadone marathon.
Boston is well on its way to make Philly and San Francisco look like saints in comparison.
submitted by Rosephine to bostonhousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:20 randomaccount_hmf Auto Loan Principal Selection

Pretty much the title. First time car buyer, dealership has been pretty good to me and no junk fees. Few “optional” (but pre-installed, so not optional) items to make sure they get their cut of profit, but the price is pretty good.
I decided to finance externally with my credit union because my credit is good and the rates are decent for my relatively short credit history and historical/market rates recently (~7% APR for 72 mo).
So… when I am selecting the total amount to request for the loan (I’m approved for more than I need so I have flexibility), should I pack in any extra/rounding or just use exactly the “out the door” worksheet price less my down payment amount? I don’t want to have any hiccups when I go back to the dealership to buy it later this week, if I can avoid it.
submitted by randomaccount_hmf to personalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:19 Isaku_c Help!! Is this person serious or are they lying?

Help!! Is this person serious or are they lying?
I have just received this random email and wanted to know if I have been hacked and what to do, or if it is a fake scam to get me to pay money that I don't have.
submitted by Isaku_c to hackers [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:15 methiel First rental, 3rd property advise

I purchased a dual address property about 7 years ago. 2 ~1000sqft 2bd1b houses. Property was valued at 130k, listed at 100k. Lowballed and they accepted for 79k FHA at 4.5% with all costs included.
One home was dated but livable, the other was to the studs. I spent about 30k cash fixing the barren one and it is slightly above average flip quality.
I've been splitting rent with 3 people on the property since, so not really "renting" but essentially long distance room mates. This adds up to the entire monthly payment including insurance and escrow is about $700/m, and with rent share I collect about $1000/m without myself paying anything.
Prices have skyrocketed in the area since purchase, and without a real appraisal, the state reevaluated the property at roughly 240k and the loan is down to 65k.
I know I can pull equity out of this current property, and if refinanced I would lose the mortgage insurance cost from the FHA but I would gain a higher interest rate. Should I consider a HELOC instead of cash out refinance? I'd personally rather it just be 1 payment.
I also learned that you may count potential rent as income, and have found the Fannie Mae Form 1025/Freddie Mac Form 72 to do so.
Estimating for the area I "should" be able to rent 1 at 800+ and the other at 1000+. Looking at a potential 3rd house that would have an extra rentable area for at least 500+. I'm likely lowballing these numbers, as there are apartments nearby renting for 1200/m.
The new potential property is being sold to settle an estate, listed at 240k it us roughly 130k undervalue for its area/size, but needs a little work. Literally just walls and floors, which I can do solo for probably 10k cost.
What are realistic next steps? My yearly income is roughly 45k, I have 5k debt and 20k cash. Is this property "doable" for me in a banks eyes? Or should I keep looking, and am I even going about this the right way?
Thanks in advance, I'm basically the John Travolta lost meme right now, not knowing where to go.
submitted by methiel to realestateinvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:15 ArcRiseGen Section 8 Application Supplemental Documents

Hi, I am currently trying to help my parents get ready for the Section 8 application but I wanted to know if the application would accept supplemental documents to help our case. Essentially, my dad was part of the Creatives Rebuild NY program, which started in 2022 and ends by July this year. His income is expected to drop significantly and I want to make that known for the application. If the application only focuses on his income from last year, then he wouldn't qualify but after losing the job, he's only going to make around $1500 per month (before taxes). Both my parents are seniors but have not retired yet so there is no Social Security income. My mom hasn't been able to work for about a year and a half due to an eye surgery that took much longer to recover than expected but is currently seeking work as well.
I do currently live with them and my income is about 51k after taxes but because of my ISA for a coding camp (long story, ISA company might be in legal trouble still asking me for monthly payments), about 15% of my income goes to them. They are also very loving parents who refuse to accept me paying anything for rent and I've been trying to convince them.
I want to be able to explain all of this for the section 8 application. We already know our landlord accepts Section 8 Vouchers and spoke with him directly, saying that the building is rent stabilized and essentially automatically accepts the Vouchers.
submitted by ArcRiseGen to NYCHA [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:08 spanksforskanks MN GI BILL HELP

Has anyone successfully used their Minnesota G.I. bill for tuition at Capella? I have been having nothing but difficulty is getting the applied to my account. I have been told that because it state benefits, it is handled through their financial aid office versus their military education department. I am several weeks into my cycle and I have not received any form of payment. Every time I try to contact the financial aid office they don’t know how to help me and just say that they will escalate it yet. I never receive a callback. The second part of my question is because I am doing the flex path, I have completed enough courses in my building session to be considered full-time. I have been trying to reiterate to them that I need my full-time status in order to receive the $3000 from the state of Minnesota for the semester versus the 500 for part time. They do not seem to know how to help me with this aspect either. I submitted a form requesting a change in enrollment status once I completed my two courses within the first week of the program. They denied my form and said that because I’m not eligible for the federal program, they will not be processing this request as the only reason enrollment matters is because of the Pilgram so I do not feel that they are understanding my needs or knowing how to help me and at this point, I’m going to finish my educational program before getting a resolution to this..
submitted by spanksforskanks to CapellaUniversity [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:06 BloodyScourge [WTS] Silver Under Melt, Cheap 14K & 18K Gold

Got a nice selection today! Silver Price/oz is $32.10 at time of post, Gold Price is $2421.90. Items tested with Sigma when possible. Prices Valid with Silver Spot under $32.50/oz and Gold Spot under $2450
Imgur is super glitchy today, so bear with me on the photos!
Constitutional SILVER
Price Item Quantity
$220 (under melt!) $10 FV Washington Quarter Tube $50 FV
$225 (under melt!) $10 FV Walking Liberty Half Dollar Tube $65 FV
$135 $5.50 FV of SLQ quarters, some with dates, most dateless 1
$507 Lot of 19x Cull Silver Dollars, 17 Peace + 2 Morgans 1
14K & 18K GOLD Jewelry
Price Item Quantity
$485 14K Gold Necklace marked "MQ", 10.65 grams 1
$570 14k Gold Necklace w/ Pendant w/ stones marked Italy, 12.5 grams 1
$525/each or $1,030 for both (well under melt!) 18k Gold Bangles w/ Egypt markings, out of round, combined weight 18.55 g 1
Payment Methods:
I ship to all 50 states, APO/FPO, PR & the territories. Shipping is $6 under 12 oz, and $9 for anything 13 oz or more. Upgrade to $9 flat rate priority if desired. Customers located outside of CONUS please contact me for shipping rate. I pack well and tightly, but once I drop off it is the carrier's responsibility. Insurance and Signature Confirmation available at cost. Comment here first, then Chat please!
Security Pledge: My reddit account is secured with 2FA, I suggest you do the same. I can supply proof photos of individual items upon request. If there is ever a question as to the legitimacy of account ownership, I will gladly verify myself on other platforms and/or with previous buyers if desired. Stay safe everyone.
Thanks for looking!
submitted by BloodyScourge to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:05 Business-Yogurt-8983 Selling condo 3 months after fixed term lease ended (owner occupied now) - 6 month rule applicable? Located in BC.

My parents have rented their condo on a fixed term lease (1 year lenght) which ended in March and they have been occupying the unit since then. They want to sell the unit now and I'm wondering if the 6 months rule of owners needing to occupy the unit after the fixed term lease ended is applicable here? Obviously I don't want them to be at risk and on the hook for potential 12 month rent payments to the previous tenants so I want to give them the rounddown of all the options and risks if they sell now.
Their condo is in BC.
Thanks everyone!
submitted by Business-Yogurt-8983 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 01:02 throwawaymoney225 WIBTAH For refusing to pay for my share of gas money they want me to pay?

Throwaway account due to the people involved being active on social media platforms.
My friends and I recently took a trip out of state and drove to another state roughly 8 hours away. Before the trip we all agreed that one friend (who I will refer to as "A") would carpool another friend (who I will refer to as "B") and I to the place we rented in that state. A and B said they would take shifts driving to the destination and back. I agreed but expressed that I would also be fine driving if any of them needed a break but they declined the offer citing that I drive too slow. We then agreed that A would handle buying gas and he would just tell us how much money we owed him at the end.
Well the trip happened and now I am back home when A messages me saying I owe him my portion of the payment he needs. Well what I come to find out is that A and B decided that since I didn't drive at all I should pay double of what B is paying (think 50/25/25 as the distribution for what they want us to all pay). I found this out because no one told me or even hinted that I would have to pay more.
I was pretty pissed to say the least because I thought the gas money due would be split evenly between us. I brought this up to B and they agree with A citing that I didn't drive as the reason why. My issue with the distribution is that it is unfair to make me pay double because they chose for me not to help with driving. I am willing to pay the amount that I would've paid if it was split evenly but I refuse to pay double for what they both are going to pay.
I asked some outside friends and most if not all agree with me saying that since we all arrived at the same destination and they didn't need to take me somewhere out of the way, I should pay the same amount they did. What makes me waver on my stance however is what B had said to me plus confrontation isn't something I'm good at.
This leads to me coming to this subreddit for some outside advice and whether or not I should pay the amount they are asking for.
submitted by throwawaymoney225 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:57 Far-War-3804 C06 WHITE HATS FOIL (another) PLOT TO ASSASSINATE PRESIDENT TRUMP. February 24, 2024.

U.S. Army Criminal Investigation Division officers on Wednesday arrested two men suspected of plotting to assassinate President Donald J. Trump at the CPAC conference in National Harbor, Maryland, sources at CID’s headquarters told Real Raw News.
He said White Hats shadowing President Trump on the campaign trail learned of the diabolical scheme Tuesday morning when CID officers spotted a pair of suspicious characters lingering outside the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center and drawing a map of the venue and side streets on a sheet of graph paper. The observant CID men witnessed a suspect sketching an outline of a multi-level parking garage adjacent to and overlooking the convention center’s main entrance, through which attendees and speakers, including President Trump, would enter the building later in the week. The suspects also drew a dashed line that the CID investigators took as the flight path/line of sight a bullet would take from the upper level of the garage to the doors leading into the convention center.
The suspects appeared to be foreigners who spoke limited English with thick Eastern European accents, characterized by heavy use of guttural and palatal consonants. Although the duo discussed dining arrangements and not devious details of assassinating the president, the existence of the map and its shady artists raised the alarm, and the CID officers, having notified their commanding officer and Gen. Smith’s office, requested permission to surveil the suspects.
“We sent four guys to back them up, just in case,” our source said. “It was damn suspicious, but the parking garage seemed an unlikely vantage point. The conference is several days long, and that garage would be packed with cars and people coming to and leaving the convention center. It would be a great place to take a shot—for someone wanting to get caught. Not to mention it had security cameras. I can tell you President Trump was cautioned against appearing in Deep State territory—and we hadn’t had any credible threats until that point—he wanted to send the Deep State a message—he didn’t fear them. Anyway, we quietly watched the two.”
CID learned quickly that the suspects had leased a nondescript van and rented a room at the MGM National Harbor Hotel & Casino a mile north of the convention center. White Hats at U.S. Army Cyber Command accessed the hotel’s registry and discovered that the men had booked separate rooms using the undeniable aliases of William Henry James and Stephen Butler.
On Tuesday evening, CID considered apprehending and grilling “James” and “Butler,” but superiors at CID headquarters advised the officers on location to continue observing the suspects in case they belonged to a larger terrorist cell. The CPAC conference would kick off in two days, with President Trump to speak Saturday night.
Early Wednesday morning, while the sky was still black as pitch and “James” and “Butler” slept soundly in their rooms, the CID team located the suspects’ van, parked on a crossroad, and discovered that someone had cut out a circular hole—large enough to accommodate a scoped rifle—in a rear door pane of glass, which had been carefully reseated using transparent tape.
Our source said the team bypassed the vehicle alarm. The interior held electronic surveillance gear and a steel case secured with a padlock, which CID picked. Upon opening the case, their fears became realized; it held a suppressor-equipped M2010 Enhanced Sniper Rifle, a U.S. Army weapon that supplemented the venerable M24 Sniper Weapons System in 2010 and saw combat in Afghanistan a year later. The case also had two pistols with silencers, the drawn map, ammunition, and notes on President Trump’s publicized travel itinerary.
“That cemented everything. These guys planned to drive to the top level of the garage and snipe President Trump, somehow, try to, even though he’d be heavily shielded by security. The agents on scene informed HQ, which consulted with Gen. Smith, and they said to stake out the van and grab the suspects ASAP,” our source said.
The CID hadn’t waited too long. At 7:00 a.m. Wednesday, “James” and “Butler” exited the hotel and began sauntering toward the van, unaware of the CID investigators walking behind them and at the truck, ready to pounce. CID sprang into action when the suspects touched the door handles, tackling them to the ground and holding them at gunpoint while frisking them for firearms or paperwork that might betray their real identities.
CID seized the van and took “James” and “Butler” to an undisclosed location for interrogation, our source said, adding that President Donald J. Trump was immediately made aware of the situation and again encouraged to postpone his speech—should additional assailants lurk elsewhere nearby. But Trump would have none of it. He agreed to added protection but refused to shirk his responsibilities to MAGA and the United States of America. He said his oration would continue as scheduled, and he will speak tonight, delivering what MAGA says will be a passionate Magnum Opus.
According to our source, White Hats identified one suspect as a member of Ukraine’s Intelligence Directorate who entered the U.S. with forged credentials 10 days ago. How or where they obtained the rifle is unclear.
“We know one thing for sure, President Trump plans to stop funding Ukraine’s aggression. That alone might be reason enough for them to take a pop shot at him. We’re doing whatever’s needed to get a full confession,” our source said.
submitted by Far-War-3804 to CourtofAges [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:52 Eugene_Debs2026 I’ve donated. Will you join me?

I’ve donated. Will you join me?
I’ve been listening to Corey for nearly 3-years. He’s never asked for a penny and his podcast is one of the best pro-labor series out there. Just that alone should get his supporters to donate at least 1-hour of wages.
Sure the 2026 Concerned Letter Carriers(CLC) slate is still being formed and not being publicized yet, but as we continue to see with National NALC having their officers, brown-nosers, and boot-lickers touring the nation to tear apart the Open Bargaining Resolution we are in for a serious fight.
CLC is going to need some serious investment upfront to gauge the level of interest from the rank and file membership.
Corey blasting out the CLC donation request, imho, is a call to arms: No more being a “Supporter” of change, but to become an “Activist” of change.
The listeners of FATA need to move towards the “Core” of the bullseye, if you hope to see change in the NALC.
submitted by Eugene_Debs2026 to fromatoarbitration [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:51 StormsRider [For Hire] I will do your Java homework/exams/programs. Respond 24/7, ready for urgent requests, Java help, Java homework help Reddit, Java programming homework help, Java assignment help, Java exam help, Java tutor

I have a lot of experience helping students with their Java programming courses. You can hire me to do your java homework, exams or any kind of Java work you are not in the mood of doing yourself. ​
What services I provide:
Message me and get the best Java help money can buy ; )
submitted by StormsRider to ExamHelpers_Tutoring [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:51 Patient-Piccolo-3901 Advice on disclosing domestic abuse situation to explain poor grades in first few years (strong upward trend)?

I am sorry for another GPA explanation SOP post, but I could use some advice.
I have a very mentally ill parent that resulted in our home environment being very abusive and traumatic and this had a big impact on me growing up and the first two years of university when I was living in and out of home (due to financial difficulty I struggled to afford rent on my own). My first two years of university are TRASH. I mean fail, withdrawal, absent fail etc. I'm a first-gen student and had no idea how to seek help. I have been in therapy for years and I'm very happy and functional now. I turned it around, got almost straight As in my final two years, then got into medical school, now I'm on leave from my MD program (in Australia) to do an MSc in Biomedical Data Science in the US and appy to PhDs as I realized I wanted to focus on basic research not clinical in MS1.
Here are my credentials. I'm applying to bioengineering and neuroscience PhD programs with a very detailed list of labs highly aligned to my interests in cities where I want to live and where my long-term partner can work (Stanford, UCSF, UCB, Yale, Mt Sinai, Columbia, MIT, European Molecular Biology Laboratory).
CGPA (including MSc first-year coursework): 3.25
Final Two Years of Undergrad: 3.85
Major GPA: 3.88
Masters GPA: 4.0
BSc in Genetics from top Australian university
Completed MS1 of MD and going to withdraw in good academic standing (Pass/Fail School) from top Australian university
MSc in Biomedical Data Science from US T10 school
Research Experience:
2 months functional genomics research in undergrad cut short by pandemic lockdown (~15 h/w)
1 year synthetic biology/genetic engineering research in undergrad (~20 h/w)
1 year in-vivo and in-vitro neuro-epigenetics/neural stem cell research during MS1 (~20 h/w)
1 year bioinformatics/computational biology research for master's thesis (~30 h/w)
Additional Relevant CV Items:
Letters of Recommendation:
I am just so nervous about my early years ruining my chances to get into a program I really want when I have been busting my ass every minute since I figured out how to get help, especially as an international student. I also have an autoimmune disease that was only recently diagnosed and ADHD diagnosed when I was 21, but I don't want to trauma-dump and include every little reason.
submitted by Patient-Piccolo-3901 to gradadmissions [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:51 brother12359 Police Email

I want to sue police in Alberta for a false arrest. I sent a email requesting to preserve evidence to the officer that arrested me. He emailed be back saying sending a request to preserve evidence to the wrong department is a crime and if I continue to peruse “frivolous claims” I may be prosecuted. Is there any merit to these claims? Below I will post the letter.
“This is not a lawful demand. Please seek legal counsel if you wish to pursue any perceived issues that you believe could potentially lead to civil litigation. There is a process in place in the Canadian legal system for individuals who are not satisfied with their service however please be aware that any frivolous complaints, false statements or items sent, such as this email, where you are requesting something and cause somebody to act or attempt to have someone act without any lawful authority or under false pretense, could result in criminal charges.
I understand you briefly studied law at one point however I will point out that the Canadian Legal system varies significantly from the legal system in the USA. I am assuming that you are making this request through ignorance and not to intentionally try and mislead the police, which is also a criminal offence.
Please be aware that this correspondence will be uploaded to the initial complaint file for future reference.
Any future correspondence will need to be completed through the proper channels and in the proper manor.”
submitted by brother12359 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:50 Z2DD MagnaCut Sebenza 31 W/Inlay, M4 PM2 in Lava Flow Fat Carbon, MagnaCut Nerd, Stock Mini Bugout, LNIB Anonimus, and More

Only accepting sale requests. YOLO > all. $15 USD will be knocked from any purchase total containing multiple listed items.
All payments processed via PayPal G&S.
Shipments shall be sent within 36 hours of sale. Only shipping to the lower 48. Insurance provided upon request.
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/hM1OixW
OWNERS: Myself and two others
CONDITION: Used well. Snails abound. Centered beautifully. Classic Sebenza lockup. Edge could use some care. Box, papers, and goodies intact.
ACTION: Smooth and decently flickable. Typical Sebenza return action.
OWNERS: Myself
CONDITION: LNIB (save one clip screw that arrived stripped from factory). Centered well. Zero blade play. Sticker intact.
ACTION: Snappy. Immensely satisfying return action.
OWNERS: Myself
CONDITION: LNIB (save two minor rolls). Centered well. Zero blade play. Kunwu pouch not included.
ACTION: Smooth and nearly drop-shut.
OWNERS: Myself
OWNERS: Myself
CONDITION: Like new. Centered well. Slight play, as is typical of blades kept in place via Axis Lock. Pouch intact. Box not included.
ACTION: Smooth and easy. Return action requires a bit of wrist, as is typical of Mini Bugouts.
OWNERS: Myself
CONDITION: LNIB. Centered well.
ACTION: Smooth and easy. Return action demands some user-generated persuasion.
OWNERS: Myself
CONDITION: Pristine blade. Scales and pivot somewhat marred. Centered well. Box remains intact. Original pouch and cloth missing. Ships instead with a Civivi taco.
ACTION: Smooth and drop-shut. Notably firm detent.
OWNERS: Myself
CONDITION: Edges exist as from factory. Scissors are marked somewhat. Main blade presents with superficial spotting. Box included.
ACTION: Smooth and easy on all fronts.
submitted by Z2DD to Knife_Swap [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:49 StormsRider [For Hire] I will do your Java homework/exams/programs. Respond 24/7, ready for urgent requests, Java help, Java homework help, Java programming homework help Reddit, Java assignment help, Java exam help, Java tutor

I have a lot of experience helping students with their Java programming courses. You can hire me to do your java homework, exams or any kind of Java work you are not in the mood of doing yourself. ​
What services I provide:
Message me and get the best Java homework help money can buy ; )
submitted by StormsRider to Students_AcademicHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:47 SofloAndDough [WTS] BELOW SPOT Buffalos! Rounds and Bars

Hello all I have some Buffalos for sale for below spot at $31.00 Per ounce, would prefer if someone would take the whole lot but willing to piece out as well.
I’m a newish seller so willing to ship first with lots of feedback or use of middleman at buyers expense!
Inventory: 2004 Buffalo Rounds x 19 - $31 Per
10 Ozt Buffalo bar x 1 - $310 Per
Shipping: Standard USPS - $5 Priority USPS - $10 Additional carriers and insurance can be requested at buyers expense
Payment: Prefer Zelle! Also take Cashapp and PayPal as well
submitted by SofloAndDough to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 00:42 StormsRider [For Hire] I will do your Java homework/exams/programs. Respond 24/7, ready for urgent requests, Java help, Java homework help, Java programming homework help, Java assignment help Reddit, Java exam help, Java tutor

I have a lot of experience helping students with their Java programming courses. You can hire me to do your java homework, exams or any kind of Java work you are not in the mood of doing yourself. ​
What services I provide:
Message me and get the best Java assignment help money can buy ; )
submitted by StormsRider to HomeworkHelp_Tutors [link] [comments]
