Pleasurebonbon 10 galler

Don´t tread on the s̶n̶a̶k̶e̶ dragon

2024.05.28 04:09 Jormurngandr Don´t tread on the s̶n̶a̶k̶e̶ dragon

Don´t tread on the s̶n̶a̶k̶e̶ dragon submitted by Jormurngandr to ultimateadmiral [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:16 Whole_Willow_8997 Imagine if we get the app #1 trending it’s over game over gooooo

Imagine if we get the app #1 trending it’s over game over gooooo submitted by Whole_Willow_8997 to FFIE [link] [comments]

2024.05.17 18:00 Junepero Story 114 games

This year’s games took place at the Ghostly Lake. Capital viewers were treated to a dark and ominous sight as the cameras panned through the arena. A forest biome littered with dark green pine trees spanned throughout this year’s arena. There were no mountains or hills, but interest was piqued when a couple caves were discovered. However, the crown jewel of this arena was the lake in the middle. It spread one kilometer in diameter and was covered by a blanket of mysterious fog. Hidden inside this fog, unbeknownst to the now rising tributes, was a small island. The cornucopia was placed on western shore of the lake, the only spot with an open area. The semicircle of podiums circled around the cornucopia which was barely two meters from the water. The clearing held the usual weapons and supplies one would expect with one peculiar exception. There were several flashlights and small lanterns with battery pouches attached. Viewers speculated that these must have a purpose. All in all, the Capital appreciated a more laid back arena compared to the meticulous detail put into the previous year’s games. Tributes rose up to the surface and felt the gloom and despair upon seeing the gray cloudy sky and the strange fog hovering over the lake. Cameras spotted grins on the faces of Harbor and both tributes from 7. Harbor was placed between Colt (3) and Sean (14). He searched for his allies and spotted all three of them. Jacqueline was near the end of the semicircle between Zest (9) and Malona (2). There was slight tension between the two. Facet was at the far end of the semicircle with only Dorothy (12) as his neighbor. He spotted Harbor and pointed towards Jacqueline, Harbor understood and signaled him to help her since he was closest. Brook on the other hand was between Atlas (6) and Lee (11). She felt slight relief upon seeing her district partner and diverted her attention back to the cornucopia. When the gong sounded, it was absolute pandemonium. Fifi (6), Zulu (10), Lassie and Sean (14) were the only tributes that ran away from the cornucopia. Malona (2) didn’t hesitate to chase after Jacqueline. Jacqueline was swifter however and she sprinted for the cornucopia. She approached the first supplies and thinking quickly, swiped one of the flashlights and hurled it towards her pursuer. Her throw struck Malone in the face and she fell back. Jacqueline ran further into the cornucopia to fetch a weapon. Facet was running behind the chase that was happening and chuckled at Malona’s fall. While Jacqueline ran to the cornucopia, Facet ran to Malona and kicked her back down. He grabbed the flashlight and proceeded to whack her sharply on the head knocking her clean out. He was interrupted by Amarylio (7), who had attempted to strike him with an axe. Facet rolled out of the way and retreated to the cornucopia towards Harbor, who was holding his own. Harbor was one of the first to make it to the cornucopia. He grabbed a trident and immediately dispatched Atlas (6). He covered for Brook by killing a surprisingly fierce Scarlet (8). Brook quickly grabbed a trident and was scrambling to find supplies. She was nearly stabbed by Lee (11) but she managed to slice his throat. She spotted Crane (2) cutting down Hargree (12) with his back turned. Brook decided to use this opportunity to attempt to kill him. She charged towards him but was not expecting him to turn around. Crane quickly sidestepped and tripped Brook. She begged for her life and promised her family’s money without thinking. Crane busted out laughing and called her a “gutless fish”. Before he could give the killing blow, Facet hopped over Crane’s shoulders and Amarylio (7) collided into Crane. The two men fell over and Facet pulled Brook off the ground. Crane and Amarylio fought for a few seconds before Amarylio ultimately decided to retreat instead, taking out Volta (5) on his way out. The four careers continued to gather supplies and fight more tributes until everyone was gone. So much happened in such a short amount of time that it was hard seeing the order of events. Camilia and Silica ordered a death toll for the bloodbath. The fallen included Malona (2), Darlene (3), Volta (5), Atlas (6), Scarlet (8), Zest and Mazin (9), Mateo (10), Lee (11), and Hargree (12). Ten cannons rang out through the arena. The commentators nearly asked for who killed who but the careers were already comparing kills. Harbor boasted about his three kills, them being Atlas, Scarlet, and Mazin. Facet sported just two kills, them being Malona and Zest. Jacqueline cursed to herself, saying she was going to go back for her but appreciated him looking out for her. Jacqueline said her only kill was Darlene but claimed to have wounded Daisy (11). Cameras confirmed this to be true. Brook said she managed to kill Mateo and Lee but sulked for failing to surprise Crane. Harbor scolded her for trying to face him alone but she wasn’t fazed. Facet said it was worse that she tried to bribe him with money. Jacqueline was quick to say, “That was stupid. What’s money going to do here?” Brook was red with embarrassment. Facet said what mattered was that they had the whole team in case they ran into Crane again. They all knew he would be angry and craving vengeance. After two hours of inventory, the four discussed their next move. Jacqueline commented on how mysterious the arena felt and had a nagging feeling they were being watched. The rest felt it too but knew it was too soon for an arena event. Facet noted how they couldn’t just dive into the forest as all the tributes went there. Harbor agreed but was still dumbfounded over what they should do. He pointed out the lake and wished the fog would let up so they could see the other side. Brook finally suggested they walk along the shoreline around the lake. The three stared at her in surprise. Brook said, “What? Being rich doesn’t always mean being dumb.” The three agreed to her plan and they all set off. Facet speculated the addition of the flashlights as they were never added to the arenas before. Harbor guessed it to be a future arena event or potential mutts. Jacqueline made her own guess that since they arrived at a dark arena, it would stay dark the entire duration of the games. Brook changed the subject to current threats. It was unanimous that Crane (2) and the pair from 7 were their biggest threats, especially the latter for this being similar to their home. Harbor optimistically pointed out that being from District 4, they had the expertise to navigate the lake. Brook was unsure about that, admitting to feeling a sinking dread everytime she stared at the lake. Almost as if something was under the surface looking back at them. Harbor and Facet shrugged it off but Jacqueline shared Brook’s discomfort. The four exited the clearing and were now in the forest. They maintained a short distance from the lake and kept a watchful eye on the dark forest to the left of them. The forest noises made them jump a couple times. Viewers knew they didn’t need to worry about other tributes as the closest ones were Lassie and Sean (14). The career pack finally decided to settle down in the northwestern sector. Harbor and Brook started fishing for a couple hours. Jacqueline joined them while Facet organized rations for dinner. Jacqueline noted that the lake still was covered in fog and wondered if anything was out there. Harbor said that while he couldn’t feel fear or dread like the girls can, he did sense something was off. He had a feeling the lake would somehow be utilized for the finale as it was the center of the arena. Brook snarkily said, “Good thing I’m a good swimmer.” Harbor scoffed and declared himself the better swimmer. The two began a humorous argument over who the better swimmer was, both reaching for their training feats while doing drills in Gottagrin Bay. Jacqueline was cracking up at their exchange. Facet finally shut them up and had them eat dinner. The four told each other stories about their training regimens, finding remarkable similarities. The four were startled by a cannon in the distance, belonging to Carter (8). Carter was discovered by Crane (2) and was mowed down after a short chase. Soon enough, night fell and the tributes began to sleep. Facet kept the first watch. The portraits of the fallen arrived and displayed all those that fell on the first day. The fallen included Malona (2), Darlene (3), Volta (5), Atlas (6), Scarlet and Carter (8), Zest and Mazin (9), Mateo (10), Lee (11), and Hargree (12). This left fifteen tributes remaining.
Day 2
The next morning just as Brook was waking up her allys to begin their day. Facet kept the group in high spirts by telling them about many sparing matches he was in at the Ritshlund academy. Jacqueline asked “Didnt you win oly 50% of them.” As Facets face blushed bright red Harbor laughed replying that it was still
Facet smiled before asking Harbor if he or Brook were any of teh training academys. Both brook and harbor looked at each other in a beliwdered look before Harbor replied “Were kind of a secondary carrer district are mentor has one but she has been in the captial lately.” Jacqueline chimed in that it “Didnt matter that they werent carrers they were still strong enough in there eyes.”
This honorable moment of honesty garnered many “Awwws” in the capital with Silca replying “Thats an efficent carrer pack I hope they last.”
As one cannon sounded the 4 jumped up and looked around there camp before Harbor shoutted at Facet to duck. As he obliged Brook and Harbor simatensoly hurt led there tridents into Fifi from 6s heart. As her cannon then sounded. Viewers in the captial saw that Colt from 3 had been chassed down by Fifi and Crane a suprsing alliance that shocked many viewers. As Colt’s cannon sounded Crane had pointed to the “Carrrer aliance”and told Fifi to get them. However as she protested he took out his sharp dagger that had been genersouly sponsored by his mentor Herminia gold. And as Fifi’s cannon sounded Crane laughed before running away. Facet had thanked Harbor for defending him from the “Loony girl.” Harbor smiled and told him “not to worry.”
Facet smiled back viewers in the captial and even Harbor noticed a small blush cross his face. He walked over to the near by camera jokingly saying “Dont worry Melanie He and I arent dating”. As ripples of laughter crossed the capital and even district 4 Melanie let out a guilty smirk as she was being interviwed by peacekeepers in the district.
Afterword 4 chimes of sponsor gifts flew down for the alliance,Jacqueline and Facet smiled gleefuly at there bread baskets and news set of weapons. Harbor walked behind a tree and opened it seeing a small dagger with a note saying “handle with care,keep your eyes peled your doing good so far’’ from S.
Harbor smiled softly at the note before thanking Sienna before hearing a loud gut wrentching scream. Brook had unforeanutly been attacked by this years vampire bats mutts. Forteanutly it was her arm that was striked before Jacqueline shoutted at teh group to run. Viewersin the captial were shocked seeing Vampire bats shooting down at the tributes like hawks. Luckily for the carrers they were only stroke 2 more times with the group hiding behind a hiding by a cave entrance. Facet quickly pulled out the flashlights and handed them to everyone, figuring that the light might deter the bats. Indeed, as soon as they switched on the flashlights, the bats screeched and retreated, uncomfortable with the sudden brightness. Harbor helped Brook inside the cave, where Jacqueline started to bandage her wounded arm.
The careers took a moment to catch their breath and evaluate their situation. Facet was the first to break the silence, commenting on how the flashlights seemed to be more useful than they initially thought. Harbor nodded in agreement, suggesting they keep the lights on while inside the cave to avoid another surprise attack. As a few more bats attacked the group they turned the flash lights made the bats screech louder the carrers rested in exhaustion as the bats dispersed to the other tributes. A sponsor gift quickly flew down for the carrers as Jacqueline smiled seeing a medical kit and a vaccine that could remove toxins from the bat bites. Brook grimiced as the wound was being cleaned causing Jacqueline to shush her.
Facet soon asked Harbor if he was “Fighting for anyone”. Being taken a back by the question provided Harbor said “No just wanna get back home if I can get out.” Facet shrugged before saying “My boyfriend im fighting for.” Harbor smiled before saying “I change my answer wanna win for my girl and family.” Camiilia and Silca both gasped in awe saying that they “defintly wanted one of them to win” as there popularity rates skyrocketed over night. After the cannon of Darian from 5 sounded. Brook pointed to Lassie and Sean from 14 running away from the bats. Facet hurled his knife as it whistled into Seans neck his cannon sounded. Jacqueline high fived him on the kill before Jacqueline chassed after Lassie. As Lassie’s canon soon sounded the vampire bats flew back up to the control room leaving an eerie quiet sensation in the arena.
The carrers then rested for the rest of the afternoon with Brook’s condition restoring as her arm turned back to the usual white color. However there rest was sharply interputed when Crane from 2 shouted in early joyful manner that he “Found the little mice.” As Crane hurled his weapons at the four Jacqueline and Facet when darting at the phsyoctic boy from 2 with Brook quietly whispering “Should I offer him my money again”. Harbor smirked before slapping her good naturedly before yelping as Facets knife nearly hit the pair from 4 on accident. However this encounter wasnt with out its losses. Crane managed to stabed Jacqueline in the heart causing her to wheeze in pain. Micarseolu both she and Jacqueline raged on before whacking a near by rock onto Crane’s head. As jacqueline soon lost concoious her cannon also sounded. Facet looked werily out before Harbor placed his hand on his shoulder and said he was sorry.
“She wasnt much but she was from home.”
Facet soon sighed before stabbing Crane sevral times in the back saying “Disqusting 2s”. As his cannon sounded Harbor walked him back to there orignal camp. As they soon looked on in a tired heep at they looked at the lake. As a ghostly figure known as a swamp monster popped out. Camilia imedtlay popped the interview with game maker swan. She soon told to all of panem that this swamp monster wasnt violent until provked. Which made most of the captial citzens gasp. Harbor soon was picked up by the monster as he screamed out Facet hurled his knife into the monsters leg. As it screamed out it kicked Facet into a tree he managed to get back up. However as the swamp monster grabbed its leg in pain Brook softned before cleaning its wound. Harbor soon pated the giants head causing it to smile. As a rather cute momemnt started to unfold. Facet bowed his head as an act of an applogy. The monster accepted the appology before picking him up in its shrub hands.
“The monster just wants a friend.”
Facet laughed before feeling the flowers of the monsters hand as it walked over toward the perimeter as it covered the group in its aborial hands. As this convent opportunity allowed all three tributes to rest they had a breif dinner and slept as horn of plenty played at midinght featuring the fallen. Jacqueline from 1 Crane from 2 Colt from 3 Darian from 5 Fifi from 6 and the pair from 14 leaving Facet from 1 Brook and Harbor from 4 Bloom and Amarylio from 7 zulu from 10 the pair from 11 and Dorthoy from 12 remaing.
Day 3
Earily in the morning the following day the cannons of the pair from 7 awoke most of the tributes after they were ambushed by Zulu from 10. After the carrres awoke the monster returned them to the lake. However just before Camilia revealed the top 3 tributes on the captial’s good books Facet had been quietly wandering over to Brook with a tomahawk in his possession.
Harbor looked at him with a sarcastic expression saying “Drop it.” However as Facet did not listen Brook got up and grabbed her trident saying “ 2 against one doesnt seem fair does it.”
As Facet spat out he through his tomohawk toward Harbor as he ducked he grabbed Brook by the arm and through her to teh ground. And tried to stab Brook Harbor grabbed his flashlight before shinning it into Facets eyes as he sreamed in anger as Brook grabbed her trident before hurling it into Facets neck. As his cannon souned Brook smiled softly saying “Sorry for being a dush bag to you when we were kids”.
Harbor smiled before nodding as the hovercraft soon flew over to take Facets body. The pair keot each other from boredom by talking about the acadmys and on what they would do if they made it back home. Viewers were surprised hearing Brook saying she would “Try to make amends with everyone she wronged.”
“You started with me and were good Jacqueline would want you to continue on.”
Brook smiled before Harbor and Brook walked around teh forest again for the time being. As they heard the cannon of Zulu sound in the late afternoon. Game maker swan made alive announcement she congratulated the remaining 4 tributes that afeast would take place at evening and would feature anything the tributes desired.
However suprsingly only Dorthoy from 12 died. Brook and Harbor rested at there first camp for teh remainder of the day as horn of plenty played featuring the fallen Facet from 1 Bloom and AMarylio from 7 Zulu from 10 and Dorthoy from 12 leaving Harbor and Brook from 4 and the girl from 11 as the final 3 tributes remaing,
Day 4.
Imedtllay after the remaing 3 tributes awoke the cannon of the girl from 11 (Cherry) sounded after she tried to run away from the vampire bats but got chomped on neck causing her to bleed out in seconds. Harbor looked forward seeing Brook suddenly have a vindictive smile.
“You really thought I was sorry hahah your such a dumass.”
After hearing this sudden delcartaion many citizens in snow square started to jeer at the girl with Camilia saying “Thats one way to kill your repuation.”
Harbor smiled before saying he knew she “Never was sorry.”
Brook smiled before hurling her trident at Harbor many viewers in snow square and evenn Sienna and her 2 friends Aj Carnvile victor of the 104th games and Quintin Mahoney the only 3 mentors left in the mentoring gallerly shouted at Harbor to defend himself.
Harbor through himself to the ground only grabbing his dagger that Sienna had sponsored him and darted to the corncopuia as game maker swans announcment had been barley audible due to the loud screams in snow square and in the arena.
Luckily for harbor the same swamp monster that had sheltered the pair on the second night came back. It shot its ivy roots out allowing Harbor to hide within it. Harbor smiled sadly seeing Facets bow and arrow he had been sposnored the second day before holding the bow before pocking out of the bushy arms. However after hearing Brook’s gut wretching scream after a violent monster hurled her into the corncopuia wall he stuck teh arrow out and let it fly. As it flew intoo her heart her cannon sounded. As the sun popped out over the grim arena. Harbor let out a small smile as brook’s cannon sounded. The swamp monster soon placed him back on the lake as game maker swan crowned Harbor Zanders of District 4 to be the victor of the 114th hunger games. Once he boarded the hovercraft he smiled seeing his mentor before melting in her arms causing her to embrace him as the hovercraft left the arena.
Harbor was adorned in a light blue pirate suit with his curly black hair dyed a crispy shade of brown. He was also given a pirate hat which in general came as a surprise to many viewers. Camilia was dressed in a golf uniform fashioning a rainbow suit golf hat and even a rainbow golf club.
Camilia appluaded Harbor on his victory before joking “Must of been tough having the high school bully with you.”
“Yeah she was a nightmare in its self when we were at school”.
As the crowd laughed Camilia went over the strategies of the carrer pack and his allies mistakes/kills. When Facets death was shown he softned before saying Facet was a “good ally” causing Camilia and the audience to sigh symptheaticaly. She then revealed to Harbor that his victors nickname was “The swamps soul”. HArbor laughed before saying that “it wasnt to horrendous>’ As teh crowd cheered Harbor bowed before game maker swan was welcomed with high appluse.
She was adorned in a sliver suit with a yellow bountiner. However it came to a surprise as Game maker swan remained quiet only saying to “Whatch out for flying objects.”
As teh citizens in the studio questioned this mysterious hint a few bits of appkuse sounded Camilia ende dthe interviews there. Harbor returned home to district 4 moving into the victors village with his family and girl friend. Unforeanutly not even after a weak he was stabbed by Coral Brook’s father luckily he was able to be reusiated and healed. He would later go on to marry his girl friend Melanie and had 4 kids with him. Harbro would go on to be a decent mentor to the furture male tributes of the district manging to get 2 wins in the following 1 and a half decades. Also opening up a seaside bar naming it "Shellys" becoming quite famous for their seafood and cianttis. After the hideous end to the 137th hunger games he would go on and become one of the many victors who helped Sienna obtain her presidency after president Mcaines removal. He would then become incharge of panems coastal forces.
And that is the end of story 114 I do hope you alll enjoyed. In my own opinion I do think this is one of my better writen tales. Also I would like to thank Mortimer Whimwick for helping me on writing the blood batha nd the remainder of day 1. One thing to note the european file will be delayed I do belive I will try get fully up after I finsh the 116th games. But yep I do hope you all have a wonderful mornung noon or night or what ever time it is for you and as we always say panem today panem timrow panem forever.
submitted by Junepero to christianblanco [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 17:02 subpardave Proposed traffic flow changes around the Mound/George Bridge/Cockburn Street

Proposed traffic flow changes around the Mound/George Bridge/Cockburn Street submitted by subpardave to Edinburgh [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 21:51 TheOperand_ I appear to have ended up in the wrong timeline.

I appear to have ended up in the wrong timeline. submitted by TheOperand_ to Stellaris [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 18:29 Sidelobes 56€ in Switzerland

56€ in Switzerland
I‘m aware Swiss prices can be shocking for everyone except Belgians 😉 Keep in mind Switzerland has a very high cost of living — with corresponding wages.
To give a bit of context, these are items that I (as a Swiss in my 40ies living in Zürich) consider “very good deals”: sausages, bread, berries, capsicum — and these items I consider “premium” (i.e. I could get them cheaper, but am willing to pay more for the quality): Raclette cheese, milk rice, biscuits, eggplant
submitted by Sidelobes to Grocerycost [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 09:28 Hairy-Dare6686 matchmaking

matchmaking submitted by Hairy-Dare6686 to u/Hairy-Dare6686 [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 11:00 Main-Property9316 Thoughts on this shirt

Thoughts on this shirt
Think this is fire but idk if I should cop from another seller
submitted by Main-Property9316 to Pandabuy [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 16:38 Knifeman2510 What is your dream bike?

What is your dream bike? submitted by Knifeman2510 to bicycling [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 22:17 Entangled_visions Look who's here today!

Look who's here today!
Saw this at the dealership. God almighty, what a car! I spent a few minutes staring at this beauty and those curves. Brought out the 18 year old in me. Never have I gawked so hard at a Lexus!!
This is somewhat of a realistic dream car. Looks, Performance, Luxury, Reliability!
submitted by Entangled_visions to Lexus [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 10:44 piabet_ Rakipsiz Oranlarla Günün Yüksek Oranlı Karşılaşmalarına Hemen Bahsini Al 🔥

Rakipsiz Oranlarla Günün Yüksek Oranlı Karşılaşmalarına Hemen Bahsini Al 🔥 submitted by piabet_ to u/piabet_ [link] [comments]

2024.03.26 09:39 Masterbettingg MASTERBETTING KOMBİNE ÖZEL ORAN

MASTERBETTING KOMBİNE ÖZEL ORAN submitted by Masterbettingg to u/Masterbettingg [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 13:43 PeachConfident2102 Gg poker thr most rigged platform

Gg poker thr most rigged platform
More of ggpoker and the bots
submitted by PeachConfident2102 to GGPoker [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 21:11 DAP969 G-Major: the key and the effect

G major is a major scale based on G/Sol, with the pitches G/Sol, A/La, B/Ti, C/Do, D/Re, E/Mi, F♯/Fa♯. Its key signature has one sharp. Its relative minor is E minor and its parallel minor is G minor.
Main key G major
Relative key E minor
Parallel key G minor
Dominant key D major
Subdominant key C major

Scale degree chords

G major was regarded as the "key of benediction" before 1750. And according to Spotify, G major is the most common key on the streaming service, closely followed by C major.
G-Major, partially based on the chord, is one of the basic effects used by many YTP makers and logo editors everyday. The effect was used as a possible meme before the founding of the community. Since its creation by PanicBomber in August 2007 and Gallers in November, the effect has been used widely by users in the logo editing and YTP communities.
The effect only appears to be inverted by luminance or contrast. Sometimes the effect would contain only color change. A sequence of six different pitches when added to the audio often sounds scary. The method of the audio varies, usually from using two tracks to over seven/eight tracks.

Instructions (Vegas Pro)

Just use an invert filter.
You need six audio tracks, but you may use Audacity or FL Studio for the audio if you want. In six tracks, each track as a specific pitch to be raised or lowered:

Instructions (KineMaster)

If you have downloaded Color Inversion, then apply it. If not, you can't make this effect.
Extract the audio six times. Apply them as a different pitch to be raised or lowered:
If your version of KineMaster does not range from -12 to +12, then your result might sound off.

Origins and usage

G-Major is the oldest effect in YTP making and logo editing. On November 24, 2007, Gallers, a user on YouTube, uploaded a video titled as "Hotel Mario In G Major". The video contains the Hotel Mario introduction but with the audio being modified heavily. Gallers had also started another YouTube Poop fad which uses a vocoding mechanism; the trend is usually called "Videos in Electronic Sounds". Even though the "in G-Major" videos fad had been started by Gallers, another video, which was created 3 months before, used a similar style. PanicBomber, another user on YouTube, uploaded a related video titled "scaryroll", around in August 2007, but uses a similar style of G-Major; inverting is added to the video and the audio uses more/different minor notes/pitches. Their channel contains videos that repeatedly use the original G-Major method, but has not uploaded a video in 15 years. They are usually referred as the original starter of G-Major videos, but Gallers had brought the fad to its activeness. After Gallers's video was released, the effect has influenced others to create the same type of videos.


submitted by DAP969 to logoeditingfandom [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 09:10 Masterbettingg MASTERBETTING KOMBİNE ÖZEL ORAN

MASTERBETTING KOMBİNE ÖZEL ORAN submitted by Masterbettingg to u/Masterbettingg [link] [comments]

2024.03.20 10:56 ProfessionalMoney366 Summer Hual(Palm Angels,Stussy,Gallery Dept)

Summer Hual(Palm Angels,Stussy,Gallery Dept) submitted by ProfessionalMoney366 to Pandabuy [link] [comments]

2024.03.17 17:39 Zealousideal_Cat_271 Cards FS

Cards FS
Page 1 all 4 cards for $10 includes bmwt OR vintage for $5 each with pwe OR Non vintage $1 includes pwe.
Page 2 all 4 cards for $10 includes bmwt OR vintage for $5 each with pwe or Non vintage $1 includes pwe.
Page 3 both for $15 bmwt or $10 per card with bmwt.
Page 4 Satchel /50 $25 shipped bmwt will include other Satchel with purchase.
Page 6 and 7 New Mays cards - $1 each. Singles will ship pwe. I am open to offers on multiple cards. Will go bmwt with anything purchase $5 or more.
submitted by Zealousideal_Cat_271 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2024.03.07 02:55 crownedmoon Studio temporarily closed

Studio temporarily closed
I went to looked up the studio on Google maps since I’m going to Japan this month but I just saw it says temporarily closed. There’s an update post that was made today saying due to health issues they are closed for the month. It’s a bummer but also worrying. I hope he feels better soon. Their Google maps page seems much more updated to date on info than their Instagram.
submitted by crownedmoon to HiroshiNagai [link] [comments]

2024.02.22 20:16 try_altf4 Does everyone dick ride for Boss on reddit?

Exhibit A:
I once deepthroated an entire SD1
Alright dudes, and the 3 members who do not fit the label of male <3, I recently found out my friend's hot wife has a boyfriend who is a Boss and that both of them dick ride for Boss.

Now I know, you're thinking "Jesus Christ this guy is going to spend 30 minutes writing a rant and go full psycho with this shit" and you're right. Let's Begin.

Just kidding, but I'm real bent out of shape the MT-2w and HM-2w lack a blend knob when it was explicitly voted on and communicated to Boss' designers on Boss' official facebook page they made to get feedback.
I'm also ass-hurt the RV500 series have 0 algorhythm support when the 200 series pedals come out with better presets, sounds and UIs. Like bruh, I HAVE the space echo algo on my DD and RV 500 then you clown on me with the RE-201? Plus the RV500 presets are ass, whereas the RV200 ones sound good.
Oh yea and the MS-3 is comical to me, because it's almost always bigger than the actual pedalboard itself.
submitted by try_altf4 to guitarcirclejerk [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 15:14 w1tnesstotheb1zarre crosspost about a sugar daddy scam in a subreddit for unidentified persons

crosspost about a sugar daddy scam in a subreddit for unidentified persons submitted by w1tnesstotheb1zarre to lostredditors [link] [comments]

2024.02.21 00:47 DetectiveGuybrush Please can you help me to understand why this weapon doesn't give me the full meleé damage, thanks.

Please can you help me to understand why this weapon doesn't give me the full meleé damage, thanks.
Look at these three pics, when I equip the exterminators axe I don't receive the same meleé damage and only receive 5-16. With the greataxe I seem to have the full meleé damage. What am I missing and which of the two should I pick? Is this due to str or Dex, and if so what points that out? Thanks.
submitted by DetectiveGuybrush to BG3 [link] [comments]

2024.02.16 04:41 Upper_Judge7054 jre8 scales wrong with 4k monitors

jre8 scales wrong with 4k monitors submitted by Upper_Judge7054 to starsector [link] [comments]