Ccna discovery 3 final exam

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2024.05.21 23:00 Amazing_Avocado3714 I saw him on Bumble tonight...

End on February, which was around 2 months after we broke up, he texted me to let me know he was getting back on Bumble. He said he wanted to let me know in advance in case I see him there. He said it didn't mean that he was over me and what we had but that he really needs to find someone compatible.
We had met on Bumble. He had deleted that account, so it meant that he was going to create a new one. I didn't open Bumble since reading that message. I couldn't handle seeing him there. I wasn't even using the app back then, it was more like a constant swipe-left race for me at that time, more proof that I'll never find anyone again. And since he wrote me he was getting back there, I stopped it. I couldn't stand seeing him and his new profile.
Over the next months every now and then I caught myself wondering if he's already met someone, if he's already seeing someone, if he's already sleeping with someone. I imagined how I'd feel if I come across his profile again, what he might have written there, what photos he might have posted. I wasn't sure of how I'd feel, so I kept avoiding touching the app icon.
It happened tonight. I opened Bumble last night, finally, after 3 months. I felt stressed. My heart was dropping with every swipe, "what if the next profile is his?"
He wasn't there after some swipes and I thought "maybe he's out of town or maybe he's already met someone and got off the app".
But then there he was. Tonight. 2 pictures from before and a new one. A modified bio. I could see some of what we had in this new version of his bio. Different than what he previously had there when we had matched.
I froze. Closed the app. No swipe on him.
I opened the app a bit later again. Saw it again. Checked the profile again. The bio. The details. The pictures. The distance. I had been missing this person for so long.
I don't know how to feel. I don't know what to think. I liked this person so much. I had such amazing time with this person. I saw so much potential for us. I had so much hope for what we had and could have. The whole time he told me the same things making me have even more hope. But it was all based on lies.
But gosh I still wish for him, I still wish he was a better man, I still wish it wasn't an illusion... The version of him he showed me, who he pretended to be, it was the closest to what I ever wanted. And I miss that person so much, although it was fake.....
submitted by Amazing_Avocado3714 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:59 iamsam22222 How I passed first try both SIE and Series 7

As requested, I am going to share a list of things I did that helped me pass my exam yesterday. Just a heads up, this list is going to be more focused on changes that I made in my personal life I strongly attribute to passing both the SIE and Series 7 on my first try while I only had 2 months to do so. I also did not have a group to study with and I did this on my own. I really wanted to prove to my boss that I deserve to work with him and I’m so glad I succeeded. Let’s get into it…
  1. Eating healthy: sounds stupid but it’s necessary. You have to feed your body good food in order to help better prepare.
  2. Getting off social media: I deleted Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok when I started studying for these exams. I found that I was able to pay attention to my studies for longer periods of time, and I actually don’t miss these apps at all. Life overall is better without them but I think they’re necessary to delete while studying for these exams. I only kept Snapchat, YouTube and Reddit because I didn’t want to be completely cut off from society and friends lol.
  3. Taking breaks: don’t be afraid to take breaks while studying. There’s no point in trying to wrap your head around a concept if you’re pushing yourself too hard. I would study for about 20 minutes and then I would take a few minutes to chill. I think this technique is great for memorization.
  4. Study when you feel the best: again, there is no point in pushing yourself too much. You will not be able to memorize concepts if you aren’t feeling your best. Somedays I just was not feeling well and I wouldn’t study for as long as usual. Sleep is also super important.
  5. Study everyday: I studied everyday for at least 3 hours, most days it was about 5 or 6 hours. I do have the time to be able to do this but my boss gave me 4 weeks to study for this exam so I really had to push it. I increased it to 7 hours everyday during the last week of studying. You have to keep up with memorization. I quit my restaurant job and took a quarter off from school so that I would be able to pursue this, and it was important that I studied as much as possible.
  6. Really try to nail concepts from the SIE: this applies to people who are getting ready to start studying for the 7, but I noticed that a lot of concepts from the SIE directly applied to what we learn on the 7. It’s important to have a basic understanding of that exam since they go hand in hand.
  7. Believe in yourself: I’m a strong believer that you are your biggest supporter! This sounds stupid but I know a lot of people struggle with self worth, including myself. You have to be your biggest hype man!
  8. Relaxing before the exam: this is arguably the most important thing to do. I took my exam on Monday, and last Saturday, I studied for 7 hours and then went to hangout with friends and we had some drinks. I am not promoting alcohol use, but I am promoting finding a way to relax, and that’s how I felt I needed to do it. There is no way in hell you’ll be able to pass this exam if you’re too stressed. I basically cut out alcohol and hanging out with friends while studying for this exam, so it was nice to be able to see them and be with them. It really helped with my nerves. Some people might scold at this idea, but I have no regrets.
  9. Going with your gut: I can’t lie, I think I guessed on about 30% of the questions on the exam. This exam is EXTREMELY detail oriented, I was shocked. I honestly did not think I was going to pass while taking it. I marked about 10-12 questions for review, and then decided to not change any of my answers and to just go with my gut.
  10. FINRA has ridiculous protocols: this sounds crazy, but sometimes, the most wild choice is the right choice. When I was taking practice exams, I would always choose answers that seemed like they would be the right answer, and the answer almost always ended up being out of pocket in some way. I cannot exactly describe what I’m talking about, but if you know, you know. Sometimes I would laugh and think to myself, “that answer is silly, but ok”. I kind of applied the same idea when I was taking the actual exam. There are some really crazy questions that will have the weirdest of answers. It’s funny in a way.
  11. Things to study: OPTIONS!! Everything about options! Nail it down! Regulations and rules as well. Taxes are important too. Realized/unrealized gain/loss and the different strategies to sell stocks (FIFO, LIFO, etc) are important as well.
Good luck to everyone out there! You got this! Keep at it! It’s pointless to take the exam if you’re too stressed and if you don’t feel confident. That’s what’s most important! Cheers!
submitted by iamsam22222 to Series7exam [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:59 No-Calligrapher6859 The Unmaker imo is the best current RS story

I've read everyting currently on RS top 15, and The Unmaker is my favorite. The author said in her discord server that she doesn't use reddit a lot, so I thought to make this post for her because I absolutely adore the story and I think it's getting a lot less attention than it deserves.
(Also, if you're a frequent Royalroad RS list browser, you may have seen the Brightlyre series trio on RS a couple months before. Well, these two stories share the same author, which is a guarantee for the quality of the rest of the story ig)
TDLR: give this story a shot. HIGHLY RECOMMEND. I like it so much I spent half an hour puzzling out this reddit post for it in the middle of finals week. ty <3
P.S. sorry if i have any typos, you prob get what i mean
submitted by No-Calligrapher6859 to ProgressionFantasy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:59 Huge-Ebb2519 Egg Freezing Complete

TW for anatomical terms!
I am pre-everything and decided I wanted to freeze my eggs prior to starting T. The reasons I chose to do so are because I am sure I want biological children in the future and I am sure I want to start T, so I did not want to go through the emotional whirlwind of getting off T, going through the process, and then back on T. I’m also 27, I don’t think I’ll be ready to have kids for at least another 5 years, and they say the earlier the better. The biggest factor was that my insurance plan covers pretty much all of the first cycle for people who have a gender dysphoria diagnosis, and one is all I needed. I just wanted to share my experience in case anyone was thinking about it or curious in general.
Cost: The way American insurance works is I order for the insurance company to start paying for your medical expenses, you have to meet what is called a deductible. Mine is $500. I paid that basically after my first visit to the fertility clinic. After that there were some fees that weren’t covered by ANY insurance. This ended up being $1000. I also had to pay a copay for my medication of $120. Altogether one cycle cost me $1620. The pros of this is that I have met my deductible for the year and am close to spending my out of pocket max, which will bode in my favor for top surgery (consultation is in July!!!)
Process: My first appointment was to meet my doctor and she legit gave a PowerPoint presentation about the entire process from start to finish. My doctor was Dr. Milroy from UNC Fertility. I cannot recommend her and her staff enough, I was never misgendered or deadnamed once from day one. Everyone from the front desk to reception were incredibly kind and welcoming. After this first appointment it was about a month before I ordered all my medication and started the process. Being a trans patient, they made sure all of my monitoring appointments were done via ultrasound instead of transvaginal which was amazing for my mental health. This is how it works: you have a period, then start taking birth control pills. I started birth control on 4/24. On 5/7, I had a monitoring appt (ultrasound and bloodwork). Injections started on 5/11. I had two shots I took to my belly once a night at the same time. I had another monitoring appt on 5/15. Then one more shot was added, so I was doing 3 every night instead of 2. I then had a monitoring appt on 5/17 and 5/19. I didn’t take any of my normal shots on the 19th, instead I took what’s called a trigger shot, which is a single shot of a different medication taken at a very specific time (mine was 9:45). I then had bloodwork appt yesterday just to confirm the trigger shot worked. After that I was all done - retrieval was today so the process is officially over.
Physical/emotional effects: I definitely felt way more sensitive the week of my injections, and overall way more tired by the end of the day. Other than that, I felt normal. The injections didn’t hurt /bother me either. I was definitely very uncomfortable yesterday and this morning, I just felt very bloated and crampy, but this is to be expected since my ovaries were so enlarged. I was completely knocked out for the retrieval, and I was prescribed oxy for the pain so I’m feeling pretty good right now. I got 14 eggs total which is great, and now I can finally start T! Going to give myself ~2 weeks to recover and let my hormones level out but I’m honestly just so happy it’s over. I finally get to physically transition and have the peace of mind of knowing my genetic dna is up for grabs whenever I’m ready.
Overall I am glad I did this and recognize how lucky I am to be able to afford it. I had a good experience overall but I’m so happy it’s over so I can continue with my transition. I wrote this on mobile so hopefully the format isn’t complete shit. If you have any questions feel free to AMA!
submitted by Huge-Ebb2519 to FTMMen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:59 VisibleRaise3261 Fellow DACA, I received a DUI, but didn’t.

I have had DACA since I was 14, I’m 27 now. I recently got a DUI 2 years ago, I went to court my name did not appear. I heard when you don’t hear anything in a year from the court they drop it so a a year went by and it got dropped. BUT DMV was already aware and I had to get a SR-22 for 3 years and I had to pay to get my license back and the SR22. I re applied and told them I was arrested but it was a detention is what the police report said. I went to court to get paper work but they said nothing was there. I went to get the police report and sent it with my DACA papers. I finally got an update after 3 months and they told me I need additional evidence. Is this normal to ask for when you receive a DUI? My case is very different. Because it wasn’t processed through court. I have heard DACA get DUIS and they still got there DACA renewed.
submitted by VisibleRaise3261 to DACA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:59 amazingaqua Finally did it

After 3 years, we finally found counsel, did the paperwork, and now we wait 6 months for the official decree. I dreaded paperwork, getting an MSA together, custody, etc. it really wasn’t even bad. Our counsel made it so easy and painless.
Marriage made me feel trapped. There were great moments but was I ever truly happy, deep in love and fulfilled? No. Even with that, I was still back and forth with proceeding with a divorce. I knew I wanted my independence but kept thinking about our kids (of course) and how it would affect them. I also couldn’t fathom the fact of tearing down our life together that we built for years and all the memories made. So I kept stalling for a year or 2 saying I needed to get on my own two feet and to give me time to be at 100% with the decision. It took a lot of convincing myself. It was hard. I would find myself crying at some points. What finally created action is that we’ve just grown to be so miserable with one another and the people we’ve been dating also weren’t taking us serious.
Our divorce is totally amicable. We will still remain best of friends as when we started and be a team for our kids. It’s a bittersweet feeling but I’m glad we finally did it. Will I ever get married again? The answer is no, for now. I’m just excited to begin self-discovery and create a new chapter in my life.
submitted by amazingaqua to Divorce [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:58 CalmCan3030 How to tell a child that their father isn't coming back/ doesn't want to see them?

I have a 5 year old, 4 year old and a 1 year old. They all have the same father and my oldest is the only one that actually knows who he is or wants to see him. He was gone for a year and briefly came back for maybe a month during court to get custody and out of child support and after they gave me full custody and finalized the divorce he disappeared and he hasn't seen them for about 6 months.
But that month. That month of being in her life she thinks so highly of him. She used to talk about abuse and sexual allegations and after the 3 visits in that month that she had with him it turned 180 and she said he didn't touch her sexual and he never hurt her and he loves her. Things that were absurd because he never showed them love or affection. He never took them to the park, doesn't know the name of their doctor or their allergies or birthdays. I just can't imagine a 5 year old in denial. I don't blatantly say he doesn't love her or doesn't want to see her. But today I did because she told me to die because she wanted him not me and what bothers me is that she loves him more then me. And I'm not jealous, I'm hurt. I took care of them by myself for 5 years now. I did it all. I worked 2 jobs, I was a full time mother I went to college and I saved up every dime of my money to buy a house and move away from their father and I did. I worked so hard for them to have their own rooms and have toys and he sat there in bed all day on his phone. He slept through every night they cried. He never came with me to play with them or be in their life. Never got them a gift for any holiday. And then he sees them 3 times and it all changes. How? Why? Why is she so adamant that he loves her?
What im getting at is I don't want her to believe that loving someone is being there a few times and leaving. Loving them is treating them the way he does. I don't want her to think it's okay to love someone and then never see them. I don't want her to keep hoping he's coming back and him not showing up. It breaks my heart. But I am also trying to help her draw her own conclusions. But today I blew up when she told me to die. She told me he was better then me. My mom isn't afraid to tell her the truth but I don't feel right speaking ill of their father I feel like it's wrong and I don't do that. But after today, it just hurts my feelings to hear these things from her. How should I go about this. I don't want to do this again. I don't want to speak badly of him but I also don't want them to think that he's the greatest thing on earth because he picked them up a few times and then left them again. I don't like that. I don't want her constantly hoping he will come back for her. It just hurts. What's the right thing to do? He is a narcissist and they aren't at an age where it fulfills him to see them and I do know that one day when they r older I'm sure he will show up so he can manipulate and hurt them and turn them agaisnt me and I would like to prepare them for that as well. Any advice for that?
submitted by CalmCan3030 to ChildPsychology [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:58 A7X13 Seeking opinions from hiring managers: Am I finally worth a higher salary offer?

I've been a staff accountant for a not for a non-profit with about 35M net assets for 2.5 years now. I make $63K a year in a HCOL area. And boy am I drowning when it comes to finances.
I'm not a CPA yet but my monthly duties are the following:
  1. Cash entries and bank reconciliations
  2. Fixed assets depreciation and reconciliation
  3. Prepaid amortizations
  4. Accruals
  5. Loan service entries
  6. Monthly lease entries and reconciliation
  7. Sales taxes reporting
  8. Employee PTO, retirement and payroll entries
  9. Monthly income statement variance analyses
  10. Monthly full balance sheet account reconciliation
  11. Assist with audit requests
  12. Ad hoc entries and projects as requested
Am I finally worth something somewhere else? I needed the accounting experience so I took this role and did my best to learn. I love my team and my job. But inflation is crazy in my area. Groceries for just myself are like 100 bucks a week, when they used to only be like 50 at most. Half my paycheck goes to my rent. The rest is for student loans, my car loan and gas. I'd like a bit more money.
Would any of you hiring managers hire me at $80K-90K with this experience?
submitted by A7X13 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:58 ForeverNo5009 Please help with my situation I don't know what's happening and why and what to do

Buckle up, this is going to be confusing and long. I have to say from now that I actually have major "memory gaps" from alot of what happened and most of what I'll say from now is information I had to gather from people who were around me when this happened.
Last week, in school, I was sitting with my friends in the cafeteria area. I looked at my watch and realized the date of the day and thought "my dad is coming back today from traveling" (he was in another country), I just remembered a past memory of him yelling at me and abusing me. Now the thing I don't understand is that suddenly I kept having multiple "flashbacks", both visual and auditory, of the abuse my family put me through, including my dad. I wanted it to stop but I realized I couldn't, I was literally paralyzed on the outside. I tried to nudge my friend beside me but I could barely twitch my finger. (she was distracted with my other friend and had her head turned away from me). The best way I could explain the "flashbacks" is that it was like if you had multiple Tvs around you playing multiple movies, aka memories, all at once at high speed and volume.
I realized my heart was beating very fast and loudly, and even in less stressful situation than this one, feeling my heart makes me anxious. Luckily one of my other friends came to sit with us and noticed how I was. I tried with all my strength to talk to them and tell them what's happening but I was "paralyzed" and couldn't tell them. I was already extremely distressed and realizing how badly I couldn't react made me start crying involuntarily and they called the doctor assuming I was ill. Obviously the doctor realized I wasn't sick and told me to just drink juice. The more she asked questions and the more I didn't respond, the more she got frustrated at me. By that point they called my sister who also got mad at me for not talking. By then, the break had ended for a while and I don't know how but I ended up in my classroom, I think i just literally walked there but I don't remember doing that at all. Then I sat down on a chair next to the supervisors table and, once again, I don't remember what happened but I realized time had passed and there were multiple people surrounding me and one of my friends was on her knees infront me trying to talk to me. And when I realized I don't remember her walking up to me at all, talking to me, kneeling down beside me, I was so frightened and just started sobbing. I don't remember much from here but I do know, from my friends, that the supervisor told everyone to go back to their class. I should mention that my class was less than a few feet away from the supervisors seat, she doesn't have a private office.
I just started sobbing and sobbing and the only person I wanted was my closest friend, who I'll call "S", who knew me more than anyone else. I was scared of my dad so badly even though I knew he couldn't do anything in school. Again, I somehow ended up in another area near the supervisor's table and I was hugging S so hard her arms turned red. My mind felt hazy and then I glanced behind her for a second and I fucking saw my dad just standing there. I knew there was no fucking way he was there, I go to an all girls school, 3 floors up, and he was in a different country, but I was so confused. I half believed and half didn't. I was so horrified and I kept telling them he was there but they told me no one was there (from my friends' narration).
This kept going on for a while until I just somehow ended up in the bathroom, laying down on the floor, and a few teachers and people from the administration were surrounding me. I genuinely don't remember how I ended up there. It got so bad my sister had to call my therapist, and I yelled at the phone that my dad was there and he was going to hurt me but even I knew that was ridiculous but I couldn't help it. We had to hang up on her through. After a long while I managed to stand up and I was beside my class, my class door has a window thing you can look through and then it hit me that all of my classmates are seeing this and it scared me again.
My friends told me later that someone opened the door and I ran in and grabbed one of my closest friends who also knew about my dad's abuse and yelled at her something like "tell them I'm not lying tell them tell them" but the thing is I don't remember who "them is" or what I meant by lying I really don't. They kicked everyone in the class out and I ended up just sobbing for a while again. I don't remember much and my friends had to leave so I don't have any information of what happened. I ended up going home and they gave my mom a warning.
So fast forward to yesterday, on Tuesday. I was having a completely normal day, and then an hour into school, I just felt "weird" and started banging my head hard and alot on my table. Luckily the tables aren't that hard, I don't know what the material they're made out of is called but they can't really do much, it's hard but weak. My friends sitting beside me had to grab me with all their strength because, again from their narration, I kept trying to fight against them to hurt myself. The administration came in and kicked everyone out and I just kept trying over and over again to harm myself. Apparently I even tried to take my clothes off but they stopped me. But everyone saw what my upper body looked like I think. And I ended up downstairs 3 floors down in the principals office, I don't remember how I ended up there. I was screaming crying and begging for S and my favourite teacher, they wouldn't bring S but they did call that teacher. She kept hugging me and comforting me. Then they tried to make me leave to my driver who was outisde the gate. When they got me out to the gate i for some reason just ended up on the floor sobbinf and I don't know why. Then I looked behind me and my dad was there. It wasnt a delusion or whatever he was there. Enough time had passed for him to have time to come. They also called 3 male teachers from the boys section to carry me. When my dad held I can swear I screamed like I was tortured alive. The more he held me the more I was distressed and scared. I don't know what happened but he left and they called my mom to pick me up instead. (I live with both my parents but my dad has a busy job and had to go back to work for emergencies whole my mom stays at home). I went back home and the rest is too much irrelevant details I don't wanna focus on. Theres only one week of school left with exams, in the exams time we stay only 2 hours in school and leave, there's no classes or anything like that. And now the school is refusing to let me go back to my classrooms, they said I'll have to take the exams in the administration room.
I genuinely have no idea what's going on with me, I've done so much research but I haven't even found anything that could be a basic assumption or theory or idea or whatever of what's going I'm so confused I hate this and I'm stressed and now everyone at school knows I'm being abused by my dad. Please if you have any idea what's goin on with me, even if it might sound ridiculous or whatever please please tell. And I know I have to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist but we're still in the middle of dealing with that so yeah. Also no one in my family has a history of mental illness especially with something like this.
Ps. As I've said most of what I've written is from what people told me they saw when they were there so I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer most questions.
submitted by ForeverNo5009 to AdviceForTeens [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:57 itwasfuckenoneofyous Need a little help

I’ve just landed a job in finance so I can finally start doing the ACCA. However, my employer isn’t paying for it so I’m having to do it by myself. This isn’t a massive problem, but I’ve found the website isn’t very clear with some things (or maybe it’s just me being dense) so I have a few questions if anyone can help. 1- It mentions online learning and classroom learning, but is it possible to just study by myself? 2- Is online learning free or paid? 3- Does each module have a textbook that I need to buy and am I told this after I pay for subscription and start a module? 4- Does paying for the annual subscription mean I get access to any teaching materials or is it just something I need to do so I can book exams? Thanks!
submitted by itwasfuckenoneofyous to ACCA [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 ForeverNo5009 Why is this happening please I don't understand

Buckle up, this is going to be confusing and long. I have to say from now that I actually have major "memory gaps" from alot of what happened and most of what I'll say from now is information I had to gather from people who were around me when this happened.
Last week, in school, I was sitting with my friends in the cafeteria area. I looked at my watch and realized the date of the day and thought "my dad is coming back today from traveling" (he was in another country), I just remembered a past memory of him yelling at me and abusing me. Now the thing I don't understand is that suddenly I kept having multiple "flashbacks", both visual and auditory, of the abuse my family put me through, including my dad. I wanted it to stop but I realized I couldn't, I was literally paralyzed on the outside. I tried to nudge my friend beside me but I could barely twitch my finger. (she was distracted with my other friend and had her head turned away from me). The best way I could explain the "flashbacks" is that it was like if you had multiple Tvs around you playing multiple movies, aka memories, all at once at high speed and volume.
I realized my heart was beating very fast and loudly, and even in less stressful situation than this one, feeling my heart makes me anxious. Luckily one of my other friends came to sit with us and noticed how I was. I tried with all my strength to talk to them and tell them what's happening but I was "paralyzed" and couldn't tell them. I was already extremely distressed and realizing how badly I couldn't react made me start crying involuntarily and they called the doctor assuming I was ill. Obviously the doctor realized I wasn't sick and told me to just drink juice. The more she asked questions and the more I didn't respond, the more she got frustrated at me. By that point they called my sister who also got mad at me for not talking. By then, the break had ended for a while and I don't know how but I ended up in my classroom, I think i just literally walked there but I don't remember doing that at all. Then I sat down on a chair next to the supervisors table and, once again, I don't remember what happened but I realized time had passed and there were multiple people surrounding me and one of my friends was on her knees infront me trying to talk to me. And when I realized I don't remember her walking up to me at all, talking to me, kneeling down beside me, I was so frightened and just started sobbing. I don't remember much from here but I do know, from my friends, that the supervisor told everyone to go back to their class. I should mention that my class was less than a few feet away from the supervisors seat, she doesn't have a private office.
I just started sobbing and sobbing and the only person I wanted was my closest friend, who I'll call "S", who knew me more than anyone else. I was scared of my dad so badly even though I knew he couldn't do anything in school. Again, I somehow ended up in another area near the supervisor's table and I was hugging S so hard her arms turned red. My mind felt hazy and then I glanced behind her for a second and I fucking saw my dad just standing there. I knew there was no fucking way he was there, I go to an all girls school, 3 floors up, and he was in a different country, but I was so confused. I half believed and half didn't. I was so horrified and I kept telling them he was there but they told me no one was there (from my friends' narration).
This kept going on for a while until I just somehow ended up in the bathroom, laying down on the floor, and a few teachers and people from the administration were surrounding me. I genuinely don't remember how I ended up there. It got so bad my sister had to call my therapist, and I yelled at the phone that my dad was there and he was going to hurt me but even I knew that was ridiculous but I couldn't help it. We had to hang up on her through. After a long while I managed to stand up and I was beside my class, my class door has a window thing you can look through and then it hit me that all of my classmates are seeing this and it scared me again.
My friends told me later that someone opened the door and I ran in and grabbed one of my closest friends who also knew about my dad's abuse and yelled at her something like "tell them I'm not lying tell them tell them" but the thing is I don't remember who "them is" or what I meant by lying I really don't. They kicked everyone in the class out and I ended up just sobbing for a while again. I don't remember much and my friends had to leave so I don't have any information of what happened. I ended up going home and they gave my mom a warning.
So fast forward to yesterday, on Tuesday. I was having a completely normal day, and then an hour into school, I just felt "weird" and started banging my head hard and alot on my table. Luckily the tables aren't that hard, I don't know what the material they're made out of is called but they can't really do much, it's hard but weak. My friends sitting beside me had to grab me with all their strength because, again from their narration, I kept trying to fight against them to hurt myself. The administration came in and kicked everyone out and I just kept trying over and over again to harm myself. Apparently I even tried to take my clothes off but they stopped me. But everyone saw what my upper body looked like I think. And I ended up downstairs 3 floors down in the principals office, I don't remember how I ended up there. I was screaming crying and begging for S and my favourite teacher, they wouldn't bring S but they did call that teacher. She kept hugging me and comforting me. Then they tried to make me leave to my driver who was outisde the gate. When they got me out to the gate i for some reason just ended up on the floor sobbinf and I don't know why. Then I looked behind me and my dad was there. It wasnt a delusion or whatever he was there. Enough time had passed for him to have time to come. They also called 3 male teachers from the boys section to carry me. When my dad held I can swear I screamed like I was tortured alive. The more he held me the more I was distressed and scared. I don't know what happened but he left and they called my mom to pick me up instead. (I live with both my parents but my dad has a busy job and had to go back to work for emergencies whole my mom stays at home). I went back home and the rest is too much irrelevant details I don't wanna focus on. Theres only one week of school left with exams, in the exams time we stay only 2 hours in school and leave, there's no classes or anything like that. And now the school is refusing to let me go back to my classrooms, they said I'll have to take the exams in the administration room.
I genuinely have no idea what's going on with me, I've done so much research but I haven't even found anything that could be a basic assumption or theory or idea or whatever of what's going I'm so confused I hate this and I'm stressed and now everyone at school knows I'm being abused by my dad. Please if you have any idea what's goin on with me, even if it might sound ridiculous or whatever please please tell. And I know I have to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist but we're still in the middle of dealing with that so yeah. Also no one in my family has a history of mental illness especially with something like this.
submitted by ForeverNo5009 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 samowen_ UPDATE Light Therapy Product Project

UPDATE Light Therapy Product Project
Back in November I posted on this subreddit asking for responses to a survey to help inform my final year Industrial Design project surrounding light therapy. Now the project is almost over and I’m looking for evaluation based on potential users so this is Solmo, a light therapy product designed to be better integrated into the home environment, make travelling light therapy more convenient and allow users to have more control over how they receive light therapy. The product works by utilising two folding LED light panels that magnetically connect to a charging dock, in its primary configuration, it resembles a desk / bedside lamp with 3 different lighting modes to provide appropriate lighting for the user throughout the day, the panels can then be taken off, folded out and connected in a larger square light, for providing effective light therapy, these panels can then be taken and used independently whilst travelling & charged using a USB C cable.
Please take 2 minutes to review this product via a survey, its only 6 questions & any response is hugely appreciated!
submitted by samowen_ to SeasonalAffective [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 Opening-Echidna222 Type me based on my life for past few years

2019: graduated from University with a gold medal, and i have an idea what I want to be in future, where I want to earn money and enjoy as many things as possible and live life in luxury so I started upskilling myself and applied to many jobs and attended job fairs but i failed in passing exams in every job and I never succeeded in any interview , I took each and every experience and started improving myself but i failed again and again. No matter how much I try there is so huge competition that I'm failing in every job openings . I am getting rejected by every company.
2020: COVID happened , no job openings and no job fairs to attend and stayed at home and became a shut in for 6 months all while watching animes, movies with whatever money I earned from part time jobs, friends and family. I thought I want to live like that forever (stupid me). In the later years i joined masters course from online as my father pressurized me by saying "do it , u r jobless, u r worthless scum, u are just a shut in who won't do anything" , I said "if I join masters in the institute u r recommending then this plan of urs will definitely fail as u already know it well, u don't have enough guts to send to go far away place where the institute is located if in case COVID reduces" he said "when COVID reduces, just drop out of masters" I said "huh? Then y should I join then?" He said "because I said so, it's for ur good" i said "dad,wait for few months I will find worthwhile job" he said "u will be worthless if u neglect ur career further" . And everyone around me pressured me to join masters course and I joined the course because of pressures and it was completely online at the time , and I worked tirelessly to pass each semester.
2021: continuing masters, i put so much effort into my exams only to barely pass. Whereas , my classmates scored straight As . I was suprised , i was putting so much effort and why I couldn't be as good as them but I was chill cause I'm passing. I finally got assigned a project. I completed the project early even before final semester and I even published a research paper in a journal
2022: in final semester when the COVID decreased the institute which I enrolled masters insisted us to come. The institute was pretty far away from my place. And my dad never allowed me to go there and he never wanted me to lose the masters , I thought of making deal with professor as i already completed the project and even my research paper was published in journal and my professor said " even if u complete the project and passed in every exam I won't pass u in the project unless u come " I said " I can't come due to family issues" my professor "then u r unworthy to study " my dad raised a complaint and after hearing the complaint the whole institute accused me of defaming the institute honor and blackmailed me they will get cops involved in this and ruin my future and to solve this they demanded me to come there and do what they say. I said to them "whatever it is , i won't come there" and i am dropping out of the institute and i do t need any master's . I dropped out of the college and I said this to my dad he became angry and i blamed him this was his mistake and told him "2 years ago I told u this will happen u and none listened to me now see there is 3 years gap in my career and no one will recruit me and 2 years ago when I was clean i failed everything now I have this remark of dropout and now none will recruit me, u do realise how fcked up competition really is in our country , if u r not competent u will be crushed" . A few months passed and i decided to leave the town and family. I found a minimum wage job out of the town and lived with one of my cousins, where I have to do maintenance of transformers and other electrical equipment. There i worked for 4 months and left it because my boss was too bossy and I don't want to work under him. I started working as another minum wage job and left it too because I can't stand bossy people there and also i slapped my boss and i finally thought my own stupidity, professors arrogance and power and my father arrogance and power are the reasons for this, and i decided to go in teaching field. So, i planned how to get into it, so first I started working as a tutor. I joined masters course again at a different institute with scholarship facility as I was a gold medalist from University during my undergraduation. I continued tutoring as a part time to earn money and working on masters in other hand
2023: I worked on my masters and passed through all semesters with above 4 GPA and worked on my project. The students that i tutored as a part time stood as strong as support to me. Their happiness after I teach them filled me with confidence that I can do many good things in life and I want to help as many students as possible. Though I never admitted this to them because as a teacher I can't show weakness before and I need to be strong. Also, my cousin who provided me shelter in times of need made me to be strong and not lose hope on myself
2024: i completed my masters last march and I immediately joined as professor and this professor job is good that none bosses me around again and i am teaching students who are very interested in my lectures, as i already has experience in teaching. I kinda love this job , i don't live with minimum wage anymore and I am helping people with their studies and most importantly none bothers me as i myself earned quite a name regarding skills all thanks to the technical skills and subjects i learned back in 2019. My hardwork of that time not wasted , instead the skills that i developed at the time are helping other people instead. Currently,i am planning on doing PhD maybe I will do it next year or some time later but presently I need to stabilize myself financially .
That's it guys, I'm curious what u think my type is based on this
Also, I agree , I made many stupid decisions in my life don't be harsh on me please... I already blamed myself enough
submitted by Opening-Echidna222 to Enneagram [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:56 ImTheFingLizardQueen Passed G2!!

Yay! I am 32 and have only have had L and G1 since I was 20. I drive a bit, it expires, take test again, repeat. But I finally got past that step and got my G2! Yay! Also I have 3 boys (6,4 and 2) and I'm proud that I can show my kids that sometimes we don't succeed right away, but as long as you try and keep practicing, eventually you will accomplish your goals. ✨️❤️
Onto the G! Those of us working on our liscenes; Good luck everyone, we got this!
submitted by ImTheFingLizardQueen to Ontariodrivetest [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 tempmailgenerator Resolving Jenkins Pipeline Email Notification Issues

Enhancing Communication in CI/CD Workflows

Email notifications are a pivotal component of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) pipelines, particularly when using Jenkins, a leading automation server. They serve as a direct line of communication, alerting teams to build statuses, failures, and successes, thereby facilitating rapid response and maintenance of software quality. Configuring email notifications within Jenkins pipelines ensures that developers and stakeholders are kept in the loop, enhancing collaboration and efficiency throughout the development process.
However, setting up and troubleshooting email notifications in Jenkins can present challenges. From incorrect SMTP configuration to authentication issues or script misconfigurations within the pipeline code, there are several potential pitfalls that can disrupt this communication channel. Understanding the common issues and how to address them is crucial for maintaining a smooth and effective CI/CD pipeline. This introduction aims to provide insights into optimizing email notifications within Jenkins pipelines, ensuring that teams can leverage this functionality to its fullest potential.
Command Description
mail Sends email notifications from Jenkins pipeline
pipeline Defines the Jenkins pipeline structure
post Defines post-build actions
always Condition that specifies actions to run after every build
failure Condition that specifies actions to run if the build fails
steps Defines a series of one or more steps to be executed in a stage

Optimizing Jenkins Pipeline Notifications

Email notifications within Jenkins pipelines are not just about informing team members of a build's success or failure; they represent a critical feedback loop that supports the agile development process. By integrating email notifications, teams can immediately identify and address issues, maintain high-quality code, and ensure that software deployments are done seamlessly. The effectiveness of these notifications, however, depends on their proper configuration and the ability of team members to act on the information provided. This involves not only setting up the right triggers for emails but also customizing the content of the notifications to include relevant information such as build status, logs, and direct links to the build results for quick access.
To further enhance the utility of email notifications, Jenkins allows for the configuration of conditional notifications. This means that emails can be tailored to specific events within the pipeline, such as failures in critical stages or warnings when certain thresholds are met. Advanced configurations can include scripting within the Jenkinsfile to dynamically adjust recipients based on the nature of the build or change, ensuring that the right stakeholders are informed at the right time. Moreover, incorporating best practices such as using email filters or integrating with collaboration tools can help manage the flow of notifications, preventing information overload and ensuring that teams remain focused on critical issues. Ultimately, a well-configured email notification system within Jenkins pipelines not only keeps teams informed but also enhances collaboration and the continuous improvement of development practices.

Configuring Email Notifications in Jenkins Pipeline

Jenkinsfile Groovy syntax
pipeline { agent any stages { stage('Build') { steps { echo 'Building...' } } stage('Test') { steps { echo 'Testing...' } } stage('Deploy') { steps { echo 'Deploying...' } } } post { always { mail to: '', subject: "Build ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", body: "The build was ${currentBuild.result}: Check console output at ${env.BUILD_URL} to view the results." } failure { mail to: '', subject: "Failed Build ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName}", body: "The build FAILED: Check console output at ${env.BUILD_URL} to view the results." } } } 

Enhancing Jenkins Pipeline Through Effective Email Notifications

Implementing email notifications in Jenkins pipelines plays a crucial role in maintaining continuous integration and deployment processes. These notifications serve as an essential tool for developers and operations teams to stay updated on the build and deployment statuses, facilitating immediate action when issues arise. Properly configured, email alerts can drastically reduce downtime and ensure that all stakeholders are informed of the pipeline's health. The configuration process involves specifying the SMTP server details, setting up authentication if required, and defining the conditions under which notifications should be sent, such as on failure, success, or unstable builds.
Moreover, the customization of email content to include specific details about the build process can significantly aid in troubleshooting efforts. By providing links to the build logs, summaries of the changes that triggered the build, and even metrics on build duration, teams can quickly identify and rectify issues. This level of detail is invaluable in fast-paced development environments where time is of the essence. Additionally, integrating advanced features like email throttling and failure analysis reports can further enhance the pipeline's efficiency by ensuring that teams are not overwhelmed with notifications and that they receive meaningful insights into the build process.

Top Jenkins Email Notification Queries

  1. Question: How do I configure email notifications in Jenkins?
  2. Answer: Configure email notifications in Jenkins by navigating to Manage Jenkins > Configure System > E-mail Notification, where you can enter your SMTP server details and authentication information.
  3. Question: Can email notifications be sent based on the build status?
  4. Answer: Yes, Jenkins allows you to configure email notifications to be sent on various build statuses, such as success, failure, or unstable.
  5. Question: How can I customize the content of the email notifications?
  6. Answer: Customize email content using the Email-ext plugin, which offers various tokens for including dynamic content such as build logs, status, and environment variables.
  7. Question: Is it possible to send emails to different recipients based on the build outcome?
  8. Answer: Yes, with the Email-ext plugin, you can configure conditional recipient lists based on the build outcome or other criteria.
  9. Question: How do I troubleshoot email notification issues in Jenkins?
  10. Answer: Troubleshoot email notification issues by checking the Jenkins system log, verifying SMTP server settings, and ensuring the Email-ext plugin is correctly configured.
  11. Question: Can Jenkins integrate with third-party email services?
  12. Answer: Yes, Jenkins can integrate with third-party email services by configuring the appropriate SMTP settings for the service you wish to use.
  13. Question: How do I limit the number of email notifications sent during a certain period?
  14. Answer: Limit email notifications by configuring the throttle settings in the Email-ext plugin, which can restrict the number of emails sent over a defined period.
  15. Question: Are email notifications supported in pipeline scripts?
  16. Answer: Yes, email notifications can be configured directly within pipeline scripts using the `mail` step.
  17. Question: How can I add attachments to email notifications?
  18. Answer: Attach files to email notifications using the `attachmentsPattern` parameter in the Email-ext plugin, specifying the file patterns to include.
  19. Question: Can email notifications include links to the build console output?
  20. Answer: Yes, include links to the build console output in emails by using the `$BUILD_URL` environment variable in the email body.

Final Thoughts on Jenkins Pipeline Notifications

Implementing a robust email notification system within Jenkins pipelines is more than just a convenience—it's a necessity for teams committed to agile development and continuous integration. Proper configuration and customization of these notifications can dramatically improve the development workflow, enabling teams to respond swiftly to build outcomes and maintain high-quality software delivery. As we've explored, Jenkins offers extensive capabilities for tailoring notifications to meet diverse project needs, from conditional alerts based on build status to detailed messages that include logs and direct links to results. However, the true power of email notifications lies in their ability to facilitate immediate and effective communication among team members, bridging the gap between automated processes and human intervention. By leveraging these tools wisely, teams can not only enhance their operational efficiency but also foster a culture of transparency and collaboration, ensuring that everyone is aligned and informed at every stage of the development cycle.
submitted by tempmailgenerator to MailDevNetwork [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 moonlight_evy Péssima filha ?

Oi gente, tudo bem com vocês? Espero que sim! Em agosto farei 21 anos. Dois anos atrás minha mãe me expulsou de casa mesmo eu sendo uma filha exemplar. Não podia mexer no telefone, sair, casa tinha que estar limpíssima, nçao podia ter amigos, assistir tv e as vezes ficava de castigo até de ler. Passei em jornalismo em uma Universidade Federal e depois de anos no cativeiro sendo espancada e humilhada, com 18 anos ela descobriu que comecei a namorar e que perdi a virgindade (com 18!!) e me espancou e expulsou de casa. Fui morar com minha tia e ela me deu toda assistência necessária. Meu pai também, entretanto não morava com ele pois ele morava com minha avó. Depois de 1 ano e pouco expulsa de casa, o relacionamento que estava desandou de uma forma extremamente tóxica e qual não percebia que era tóxica, então no final de outubro de 2023 tentei su1c1d10 por causa do término e em 3 de novembro de 2023 minha avó morreu. Fiquei me recuperando do baque e em dezembro conheci um rapaz qual eu achei que não seria nada mas nos envolvemos de uma forma extremamente saudável e eu estava morrendo de medo que fosse mentira, uma vez que nunca experienciei nada saudável em minha vida. Depois de tentar ir dessa pra melhor (ou pior), minha tia pediu que eu fosse morar com meu pai com a justificativa que ele se sentiria muito sozinho depois da morte da minha tia. Meu pai é um amor de pessoa, apesar de me deixar resolver tudo sozinha. Eu até o entendo já que os pais criam os filhos para o mundo. Só quando eu explico a ele que ainda preciso de ajuda , ele me ajuda. Trabalho com ele em uma empresa. Após meses me relacionando com esse rapaz e a relação estando saudável , não isenta de dificuldades mas saudável ao ponto de nos validarmos e resolvermos, sem perceber estamos passando a semana juntos, dormindo juntos, brincando juntos. Estamos a quase 6 meses juntos. O ponto principal é que estou me sentindo triste por estar "abandonando" meu pai, já que com 14 anos ele se separou da minha mãe e eu não tive contato com ele direito porque ela me batia se eu falasse com ele ou ela batia nele se ele aparecesse lá em casa. Vejo ele todo dia no serviço e tem umas 3 semanas que eu fico na casa do meu namorado , ai vou pra casa do meu pai etc. Minha universidade está de greve então fico dormindo com meu namorado mas fico mal e vou pra casa do meu pai. Estou me sentindo uma péssima filha...o que eu faço?
submitted by moonlight_evy to Ajuda [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:55 Past-Sleep157 It’s finally happing! Ovulation CD43 after CP

Sharing this experience since I was scouring through threads and google trying to find info on when ovulation came for different people after chemical pregnancy. I thought it happened two weeks ago I had several days of small LH rises and then back down. Body was obviously trying to ovulate. My temps have been lower this entire cycle than last and didn’t have a clear bbt jump since they were kind of all over the place. I measure with Oura/Natural Cycles. I was taking pregnancy tests already thinking I was around 9-12dpo. Finally got a blood test and it was negative. Here’s the kicker - I took a few opks the last few days just out of curiosity and noticed yesterday “wow that’s a dark line!” But had heard that sometimes early pregnancy can cause opks to darken so was thinking that must be what’s happening. Thank god I got the blood test to clear things up or I wouldn’t have know that I’m ovulating now! I only wish I had figured this out a few days ago since I missed about 3 days of opk testing so not sure exactly l when it began to rise but hubby and I will get to BDing tonight and the next few days and keep our fingers crossed. So for anyone in similar shoes- it does eventually happen. Was not expecting it to be a month and a half later and that waiting is excruciating. But it must finally be happening now! 🥳
submitted by Past-Sleep157 to TryingForABaby [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 Specialist-Poem-9105 Watching jojo's bizarre adventure for the first time. And what i think of the first few episodes.

After so many years seen so many memes so many references and “is that a JoJo reference “ jokes, I finally decided to watch everyone’s favorite show. A few disclaimers, im not an avid anime watcher, the shows i tend to like are serious ones, the ones that dont feel too much like and anime . I like the 80s and 90s style velont movies and shows, along with new Shows Like monster, attack on titan, berserk, parasyte the maxim, 91 days, death note and the such. So just seeing clips from the show it was apparent that i might not like it, it looked like a show that was trying its hardest to be wired and give as many memes as possible.
A few things more things in wanna say before I discuss what I think about the show now, I tried watching it before and I I just couldn’t finish the first episode, I physically cringed at character, designs, and style of the show and the British accent in 1800 style of speech. So I stopped and judged you all to be weirdos after a while later I tried reading the manga and I did first chapters, but I’m not much of a reader so I dropped it, but I found it interesting enough with aztec stuff in the mask to give the show another watch and after a year or so again decided to try to watch the show again on boring evening when I have nothing to do and nothing to watch and after a couple of beers, I thought it was finally time to sit down and appreciate what everybody loves.
Episode one : I’m Laughing my ass off because of the dialogue and how the characters acted. “ jojo was annoying and I really don’t like “naive goody two shoes heroic” type characters. Dio was annoying too, but it was the stagnant behavior that made him so punchable that i waited for someone to do it. But I continued, and First episode feels… honestly to me felt like a parody someone would do of another another show ,or how some people online make parodies and abridged versions of shows, or ti make fun of anime tropes. So i kinda came to the conclusion to treat this like a comedy show honestly, but In a way that its so bad that it’s good kind of way. But i pressed on. Second episode : I have to be honest, kind of grew on me I wanted to know what was gonna happen. Back on the silly dialogue little bit, and introduce interesting plot points, and my hatred for dio and seeing him get what he deserves and the mystery about the mask made me watch the full episode. And seeing you get the shit kick out of them was very very satisfying. At The end of the episode all I thought was fucking vampires???! This Shows about vampires?! L O L I was still Still laughing my ass off, but I was having fun (granted I had a few years before) and was intrigued intrigued to still watch whatever happens next. So i continued.
Episode 3: dio was discovered??! Alright the beginning didn’t go as i had thought it would, that made me realize i should expect plot twists and wxpect the story to go plaqsses i can’t predict, and honestly that made me glad, as it probably won’t be a boring watch anytime soon. The father’s death, now it might be the boos talking but i did feel a tear coming up as he said his last words. And again, FUCKING VAMPIRES?!! Lol. So after the corrny dialogue from everyone. the fight between them was pretty much plot armor and corny as well but surprised to see the narcissistic psychopath killed. in the end i was reassured that i have absolutely no ability to predict this show, as i have no idea where this story might go from here on. But damned be me i am invested! (I tried to sound the characters lol) but yeah even though i find it ridiculous, I’m having fun with it so far.
Episode 4,5 and 6: it really killed my enjoyment of the show, it was way too dramatic and just boring and generic imo. So i stopped.
In the end i don’t think the show is for me, i will continue watching it sometimes just have to be in the right mood, i will keep you updated if i do. But tell me your experience with the show and why you ether like and dislike it yourself, always fun yo see a different view from your own.
submitted by Specialist-Poem-9105 to AnimeReviews [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 seckarr Finished DS1/2/3 and need info on sources of difficulty for other fromsoft games

Just finished all 3 DS games (can't believe i nailed Gael blind on the 1st try, but man, fuck friede with 1 quadrillion HP bars) and am wondering what to play next. I do not want a magic answer, I will make my own decision, but I would like some answers to help me decide:
So, in my experience, all DS games had different sources of difficulty.
How do Sekiro, Elden Ring and AC6 compare? What are their "sources of difficulty"?
I know that roughly Elden Ring is supposedly just a reskin of a basic DS game and Sekiro is more of an action game and less of an RPG, you dont inflate your stats and get to level 100. About AC6 all i know is that it has robots and since its a fromsoft game its also supposed to be hard.
So: 1. Is Elden Ring just another DS game? (by "just another DS game" i do not mean anything bad. I would love it if they continued up to DS 10+ like Final Fantasy). How does it compare to DS3? More enemies like in DS2? Similar amount of stronger enemies like in DS3? Any significant differences, like magic/some weapon being turbo-overpowered or shit?
  1. I heard that "Sekiro parrying is different from DS games". How exactly? If i remember correctly in DS3 depending on what shield you had, you had a certain number of frames during the parry animation that would open the enemy to a riposte if they struck you during those exact frames.
  2. How is AC6 different from DS3 (aside from you know, robots and rockets and guns) ? Is dodging more central here? Is "tanking" with a shield even less viable than in the DS series? Something else?
submitted by seckarr to fromsoftware [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:54 ForeverNo5009 Does anyone have any idea what the hell is happening to me and why??

Buckle up, this is going to be confusing and long. I have to say from now that I actually have major "memory gaps" from alot of what happened and most of what I'll say from now is information I had to gather from people who were around me when this happened.
Last week, in school, I was sitting with my friends in the cafeteria area. I looked at my watch and realized the date of the day and thought "my dad is coming back today from traveling" (he was in another country), I just remembered a past memory of him yelling at me and abusing me. Now the thing I don't understand is that suddenly I kept having multiple "flashbacks", both visual and auditory, of the abuse my family put me through, including my dad. I wanted it to stop but I realized I couldn't, I was literally paralyzed on the outside. I tried to nudge my friend beside me but I could barely twitch my finger. (she was distracted with my other friend and had her head turned away from me). The best way I could explain the "flashbacks" is that it was like if you had multiple Tvs around you playing multiple movies, aka memories, all at once at high speed and volume.
I realized my heart was beating very fast and loudly, and even in less stressful situation than this one, feeling my heart makes me anxious. Luckily one of my other friends came to sit with us and noticed how I was. I tried with all my strength to talk to them and tell them what's happening but I was "paralyzed" and couldn't tell them. I was already extremely distressed and realizing how badly I couldn't react made me start crying involuntarily and they called the doctor assuming I was ill. Obviously the doctor realized I wasn't sick and told me to just drink juice. The more she asked questions and the more I didn't respond, the more she got frustrated at me. By that point they called my sister who also got mad at me for not talking. By then, the break had ended for a while and I don't know how but I ended up in my classroom, I think i just literally walked there but I don't remember doing that at all. Then I sat down on a chair next to the supervisors table and, once again, I don't remember what happened but I realized time had passed and there were multiple people surrounding me and one of my friends was on her knees infront me trying to talk to me. And when I realized I don't remember her walking up to me at all, talking to me, kneeling down beside me, I was so frightened and just started sobbing. I don't remember much from here but I do know, from my friends, that the supervisor told everyone to go back to their class. I should mention that my class was less than a few feet away from the supervisors seat, she doesn't have a private office.
I just started sobbing and sobbing and the only person I wanted was my closest friend, who I'll call "S", who knew me more than anyone else. I was scared of my dad so badly even though I knew he couldn't do anything in school. Again, I somehow ended up in another area near the supervisor's table and I was hugging S so hard her arms turned red. My mind felt hazy and then I glanced behind her for a second and I fucking saw my dad just standing there. I knew there was no fucking way he was there, I go to an all girls school, 3 floors up, and he was in a different country, but I was so confused. I half believed and half didn't. I was so horrified and I kept telling them he was there but they told me no one was there (from my friends' narration).
This kept going on for a while until I just somehow ended up in the bathroom, laying down on the floor, and a few teachers and people from the administration were surrounding me. I genuinely don't remember how I ended up there. It got so bad my sister had to call my therapist, and I yelled at the phone that my dad was there and he was going to hurt me but even I knew that was ridiculous but I couldn't help it. We had to hang up on her through. After a long while I managed to stand up and I was beside my class, my class door has a window thing you can look through and then it hit me that all of my classmates are seeing this and it scared me again.
My friends told me later that someone opened the door and I ran in and grabbed one of my closest friends who also knew about my dad's abuse and yelled at her something like "tell them I'm not lying tell them tell them" but the thing is I don't remember who "them is" or what I meant by lying I really don't. They kicked everyone in the class out and I ended up just sobbing for a while again. I don't remember much and my friends had to leave so I don't have any information of what happened. I ended up going home and they gave my mom a warning.
So fast forward to yesterday, on Tuesday. I was having a completely normal day, and then an hour into school, I just felt "weird" and started banging my head hard and alot on my table. Luckily the tables aren't that hard, I don't know what the material they're made out of is called but they can't really do much, it's hard but weak. My friends sitting beside me had to grab me with all their strength because, again from their narration, I kept trying to fight against them to hurt myself. The administration came in and kicked everyone out and I just kept trying over and over again to harm myself. Apparently I even tried to take my clothes off but they stopped me. But everyone saw what my upper body looked like I think. And I ended up downstairs 3 floors down in the principals office, I don't remember how I ended up there. I was screaming crying and begging for S and my favourite teacher, they wouldn't bring S but they did call that teacher. She kept hugging me and comforting me. Then they tried to make me leave to my driver who was outisde the gate. When they got me out to the gate i for some reason just ended up on the floor sobbinf and I don't know why. Then I looked behind me and my dad was there. It wasnt a delusion or whatever he was there. Enough time had passed for him to have time to come. They also called 3 male teachers from the boys section to carry me. When my dad held I can swear I screamed like I was tortured alive. The more he held me the more I was distressed and scared. I don't know what happened but he left and they called my mom to pick me up instead. (I live with both my parents but my dad has a busy job and had to go back to work for emergencies whole my mom stays at home). I went back home and the rest is too much irrelevant details I don't wanna focus on. Theres only one week of school left with exams, in the exams time we stay only 2 hours in school and leave, there's no classes or anything like that. And now the school is refusing to let me go back to my classrooms, they said I'll have to take the exams in the administration room.
I genuinely have no idea what's going on with me, I've done so much research but I haven't even found anything that could be a basic assumption or theory or idea or whatever of what's going I'm so confused I hate this and I'm stressed and now everyone at school knows I'm being abused by my dad. Please if you have any idea what's goin on with me, even if it might sound ridiculous or whatever please please tell. And I know I have to go to a psychiatrist or psychologist but we're still in the middle of dealing with that so yeah. Also no one in my family has a history of mental illness especially with something like this.
Ps. As I've said most of what I've written is from what people told me they saw when they were there so I can't guarantee I'll be able to answer most questions.
submitted by ForeverNo5009 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 Beardedgeek72 Five tips for new players of the Automatron DLC and robot building

  1. Most important: Automatrons (aka robots) you build, and this includes Codsworth and Ada, use your perks. This means that the damage numbers and weapon rankings on a "tip page" aren't necessarily true for you and your builds. Example: If you have the commando perk maxed, a robot with a minigun will do twice as much damage as if you had no points in commando. So suddenly, for you, your robot might do as much damage with the minigun as it would do with a gatlin laser. Expand this to other perks like Demolition Expert, and suddenly that unstable explosive minigun that according to the "build tip" pages is shite is better than anything you can put on your robot. And of course if you have Demolition Expert maxed out that arm-mounted rocket launcher or shoulder mounted standard explosives are surprisingly good all of a sudden.
  2. Unstable items that breaks during combat will be auto-repaired as soon as the fight music stops. No need to waste robot repair kits.
  3. Engagement distance is based on head: Assaultron only detects enemies that are fairly close to you. Protectron a tad better and so on. From worst to best: Assaultron, Protectron, Sentry, Mr Handy, Robobrain. Same with accuracy: Assaultron, Protectron, Sentry, Mr Handy and Robobrain share the same score on this one.
  4. Bleeding armor pieces only add to already existing bleed damage. If your robot's weapon doesn't cause bleeding having armor that increases bleeding damage is pointless.
  5. And finally... Although "more expensive is probably better", check the fine print on armor. Some armors have tradeoffs that are unexpected; the most expensive armor pieces for arms and legs have less carrying capacity than slightly cheaper armor for example.
submitted by Beardedgeek72 to fo4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:53 funnypostsful Dicas de Restaurantes Bacanas

Iae, galera
Este final de semana estarei indo de surpresa para Fortaleza comemorar meu aniversário de 3 anos de casado (minha esposa atualmente mora em Fortalcity à trabalho e não sabe que aparecerei lá sábado).
Como ainda não tive a oportunidade de conhecer a cidade, estou a procura de algum restaurante arrumado, com um ambiente legal e principalmente com comida boa (mas de preferência onde 1 prato individual não seja mais que R$200,00) para levar ela de surpresa. Olhei alguns no TripAdvisor e me interessei pelo "Cortile Ristorante" esse vale a pena? Vocês tem outras sugestões?
submitted by funnypostsful to Fortaleza [link] [comments]