Runescape itemcode database

SCP-6183: "B L A C K B O X" (Part Two)

2024.05.03 09:00 ToErrDivine SCP-6183: "B L A C K B O X" (Part Two)

Hi, all, welcome to part two of the SCP-6183 declass. Part one can be found right here.

Part Two: Sometimes I Feel Like We’re Both In Chains

Addendum seven does not exist. Addendum eight does, though! Unfortunately… well, see for yourself.
SCP-▞▛░3-B is a range of phenomena affecting transitional passageways such as hallways and sta░rwells located within Foundation infrastructure across the planet. ▉▛▞▕ ▍▚▂ ▗▚▝░▘▕▕▏ ▜▆ describes ▓▉ ▙▀▓ ▚▀░ ▙▞▎▛▄▕▃▁ ▋ ▞ ▙ ▕ which causes an unknown quantity of these structures to spontaneously ▎ ▇ ▛ ▁ ▌ ▃ ▛ ░ ░ ▚ ▁ ▙ ▂ ▒ ▂ ▔their interiors▔ ▓ ▕ ▜ ▍ ▐ ░ ▞ become lost. As a result, the number of potential casualties and unusable spaces, up to an▛ including entire▒▘ ▒▛▎▁▕▞▓▏▞▅▝ ▁▔▞▔▀▁▅ ▋▇▔ ▏▒▂▉▕▗▅ ▇ ▃ ▙ ▄ ▕of Secure Facilities is unk▌▏▄ ▍▇▘▞. In addition, the rate of ma░ifestation and the total area of space each can encompass have been shown to increase ▍▒▛▌▓▟ ▒▞ ▊▇▙ ▒▕▊▞▟▁ ▝▜▕▞▔▝▃▔▝ ▓▘▅ ▞▎▞▎ ▊ ▞▒ich correlates with ▎ ▇ ▛ ▁ ▌ ▃ ▛ ░ ▎▀▍▎▇█ ▆▍ ▂▏▖▄▎▝▚▍▀▁ ▇▁ ▟▋▅ ▆▇▎▚▃▚▛▅ ▍▙▐▍ ▟▍▘▄▀▁▅ ▊▎ ▎▉▃▙ ▒ ▖ ▌ ▖ described above.
Foundation a░▒lysts pred▋▟▝ ▋█▔▘▄ ▓▗▜▀ustained activi▞█▛▕▄▆▖ █▏▋▍months ▉▂▇▜▎▐▙ ▃▌░▀▘ ▊▝▒▞▁▅ ▟▓▔▗▚▛ ▛▗█ █ ▅▊rende█▗ most▐▝▍█▀▃ ▗▂▝ ▂▞▔▖▞▌ ▛▘▗▅█ ▓noperable, lead▒ng▝▗▒ ▞▍ ▚▎▇▆ ▊▝▘▁▞▂▅▉ ▌▄ ▙▜▔ ▋▛▒lapse and%8a▗▐ █▀ ▃▟▚ ▐▜▍▝ ▋ ▇▊ ▜ ▗▙▛▉█d ▟▓ ▄▙▝ ▞▉▄▙▐▒ease existing.░
an error occurred while reading file ; task ended unexpectedly
Something is fucking up Foundation hallways without warning or explanation. We don’t know exactly what’s happening, so I’m declaring that they’re turning into Mystery Dungeons. (Billith said there’s a nonzero chance that this is the case, so I look forward to reading about the Foundation’s Explorers Guild.)
(God, we need a new Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game.)
Also, the uneaten word ‘Interiors’ is a reference to SCP-7912, ‘I N T E R I O R’, which, as you probably guessed from the name, is another Deletions skip.
The next addendum is called ‘ADDENDUM 6183/X: SCP-6183-C Initial Testing’. Interestingly, this is X, or ten, and the last one was 8. There’s no mention of what happened to 9, even a line about it not existing- Billith said ‘can't mention what doesn't exist, if the thing that exists to mention that it doesn't exist stopped existing’. (I was going to make a dumb joke along the lines of ‘damn you, seven’ but it doesn’t work with the WOG.)
FOREWORD: ▍ ▆ ▏ ░ ▌ ▄ ▙ ▜ ▇ ▏ ▁ ▙ ▕ ▎ ▇ ▛ used to ░ ▕ ▝ ▚▚ ▕ ▉ ▁ ▗ ▂ ▕▟ ▘ ▔ ▒▝ ▕ ▗ ▋▙ ▒ ▖ ▌ ▖ ▐ ▟▒ ▝ ▒ ▁ ▃ ▙ ▄argeted▅ ▊ ▅ ▞ ▋ ▒▞▀m▀▞tation▏ ▄ ▍ ▇ ▘ ▞ ▞ ▖ ▘ ▃ ▄░▅ ▚ ▟ ▊ ▐▟ ▎ ▚▁▙ ▂ ▒ ▂ ▔ ▛ ▎▐ ▄ ▜ ▟ ▗ ▜SCP-▇▀▇▀▇▀▝ ▔ ▓▙ ▒dvised ag▜▇nst▐ ░ ▞ ▐ ▎ ▉d▚▉▟tions▁▙rocess.
▇ ▇easo▞ ▙ ░ ▞ ▃ ▎ ▏ ▚ ▍ ░ ▞ ▘ ▐ ▍ ▋▒ ▅▊ ▅▁ ▇▜ ▙▄▌░▔▒own.
From what we see next, this is the Foundation using either the Department of Deletions or something in their possession to try deleting certain anomalies- not decommissioning, deleting, which neatly sidesteps that pesky waste problem. (Again, that pesky waste problem will become very important in the next installment.)
We’ll see how that goes for them later, but as to how it works, I’ll just add in what Billith told me: ‘As I said, as above, so below. In universe documentation for an anomaly that is sent through the barrier effectively leave the narrative and become overwritable. This changes their in-universe "physical" counterpart as their file in our database becomes deleted. it also begins to delete other information, like a file that is the only mention of a site might delete that site too.’
Item one is an indestructible lamp that used to live in Dr Rights’ office. A note from Bold says that this is the last thing they need deleted, but it makes for a perfect test subject, since it’s indestructible and totally harmless. And… the test works: the lamp is deleted.
We then skip to test 29, where the Foundation deleted SCP-352. Bold’s note says that they had no reason to think that their magic deleting thing wouldn’t work on a living subject, but it’s nice to have the confirmation.
We now skip to test 44…
RESULTS: Subjects successfully deleted. Deletion event r▟troactively reveals that twelve Foundation personnel outside of Temporary Observation Post-3333 had been covertly killed and replaced by SCP-3333-1 instances.
NOTES: Even though SCP-6183-C utilizes Foundation documentation to ▄▍▀▌▜▟▁ █▝▀▟▚▌▄ its targets, it was able to identify several SCP-3333-1 instances that SCP-3333's researchers were entirely ignorant of. It's too soon for certainty, but this potentially supports Dir. Genevieve's theory that SCP-6183-C attacks its targets on a conceptual level.
SCP-3333 is The Tower, which has an excellent declass that you can read here. (If you haven’t read either the article or the declass, I strongly recommend doing so.) For the purpose of this explanation, I also recommend reading the declass of SCP-1539.
So, if we go back to Billith’s explanation, we see what happened here: SCP-3333 got deleted. Now, since the Suntop Lookout is well-documented as an actual thing, it didn’t get deleted, it was just the unending spatial anomaly attached to it that got deleted. But because all of the Tower’s inhabitants… (did anyone ever come up with a name for those fuckers?) …or whatever they’re called are conceptually linked to the Tower and nowhere else, they all got deleted too. (Imagine them having labels saying ‘Made by the Tower’ on them, and deleting the label ‘The Tower’ deletes the Tower-people because their labels correspond to the label that got deleted.) And because the Tower-people are such a big threat, the Foundation views this as a net positive and an incitement to keep deleting things. Anyway, back to the deletions.
*long sigh* This is the Foundation, so let’s just get the inevitable over and done with.
SUBJECT: The beast which endures.
RESULTS: Subject successfully deleted. 6 hours later, the devourer of hearts reappears in the cave system in █████ ████████, China where SCP-553 is contained, whereupon it proceeds to breach containment. In the same instant, all known SCP-553 instances vanish, both from the cave system and the chamber in Site-37 where 125 instances were being held for ex▆er░▞n▔ation.
Following the shard-plated abomination's return to containment approximately 16 hours later, it is discovered that its scales now possess a crystalline structure and that a set of lepidopterous wings have grown from its back.
…seriously, I think we need to ban Genevieve from doing anything related to 682, full stop. Especially after what comes next.
SUBJECT: That whose hate flows in an unending tor▞ent.
RESULTS: The daughter of disgust is successfully deleted. Travel to REDACTED PER PROTOCOL 4000-ESHU is subsequently prohibited; all lifeforms within are considered lost.
NOTES: This was a m░stake. All proposals to delete that fucking lizard will henceforth be rejected. No good will come from following this path, if one even exists anymore.
You fucking dipshits.
Finally, we get this:
RESULTS: Subject successfully deleted.
NOTES: In using SCP-6183-C to decommission a purely mathematical Anomaly, we have def▔i▚▛ve proof that it operates within conceptual space. The exact nature of that space, however, has yet to be determined.
Addendum 11 doesn’t exist, so let’s go on to the first Incident Log:
FOREWORD: ▞ ▄ ▂ ▉ ░ ▁ ▅ ▉ ▙ ▀ ▙ ▘ ▆ ▎ ▌ ▄ubsequent▙▟▍ ▆ ▂ ▒ ▇ ▛ ▁ ▒ ▂ ▙ ▓ ▅ ▅ ▙ ░igh prior░▒y▓ █ ▘ ▐ ▋ ▎ ▗ █ ▂ ▖ ▌▍▙▐▍▟istr▚ss cal▄ ▚ ▐ ▞ ▙ ▇ ▇ ▋ ▋ ▌ ▞ ▉ ▛ ▟ ▐ ▁ ▛ ▋ ▌ ▁ ▊ █ ▜ ▘ ▃ ▛ ▃ ▋ ▋ ▙ ▌ ▙ ▇ ▔ ▓ ▛ ░ ▅ ▀ ▏ ▝ ▆ ▝ ▉ ▙▇ ▖ ▇ ▚ ░ ▜ ▅ ▇▇ ▔ ▇ ▔ ▔ ▜ ▒ ▔ ▕ ▌ ▀ ▞ ░ ▆ ▆ ▎ ▒ ▙mergent propertie▅▆▖ ▗ ▇ ▂ ▏ ▋▚▋▘▘▛█▝ ▖ ▄ ▙ndogenously▎▘▞velop▝ ▉ ▘ ░ ▂ ▔ ▖ ░ ▁ ▚ ▃ ▋▊ ▇▟ ▔ █ ▋▆ ▕ ▜▋▛ ▀"▓verw▇▄t▉e▆", ▖ ▛▇ ▁ ▘ ▕ ▕ ▋ ▟▞ ▃▒▊ ▍ ▛▅ ▕▇▞.
Great omen, there. At least the actual meat of the article is readable- though Billith did clarify for me that the visible words here are ‘subsequently, high priority, distress call, emergent properties, endogenously develop, "overwritten".’, which really doesn’t sound good.
SUMMARY: A non-euclidean architectural Anomaly is discovered within the Winchester Mystery House in San Jose, California, USA. The Foundation's automated cl▔ ▇ ▔ication system assigns it the vacated designation of SCP-3333.
Three days after its classification, a window manifests in SCP-3333's basement that displays a view of the Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest in Washington, USA. This prompts further examination of the Anomaly, which reveals that a locked trapdoor has appeared in the ceiling of SCP-3333's top floor.
Realizing the rapidly forming similarities between SCP-3333 and SCP-3333-D, Dir. Bold utilizes SCP-6183-C to delete SCP-3333 before any SCP-3333-1 instances manifest.░▙
Well, shit. It looks like at least part of the deletion involves the significance of their names/designations/slots (like the slot goblins of GoblinCon)- I’m probably not explaining this very well, but it’s possible to resurrect the deleted by giving someone or something the name of something or someone who got deleted. The Tower and its inhabitants were conceptually linked to the name ‘SCP-3333’, hence by giving that title to something else, the something else begins to take on the traits of the Tower.
N░TES: I was hoping that deleted Anomalies partially overwriting one another would be limited to that fiasco with the undying reptile, but this test seems to imply otherwise. Of course we wouldn't be that lucky.
RAISA has been instructed to modify the SCP classification algorithm to stop future SCPs from being given the previously-held numbers of deleted SCPs. Hopefully, this should prevent further incidents of this nature.
At the very least, consider it a tempora▟y workaround.
The second and third incident logs don’t exist, which is great. Let’s look at Incident Four.
NOTES: Something's very wrong with the Foundation database. Edits are reverting, files are corrupting or deleting themselves at random. Redactions and blackboxes are appearing wh░re vital information was present only yesterday. At this point, there's a good chance this incident log won't even make it into SCP-6183's documentation.
We are rapidly careening towards an i▟ternal communications blackout unlike anything we've dealt with before. As of this moment, nine secure facilities are considered inactive or dark, with thirteen others perilously close to the same fate.▆▙▝
Well, this is really, really not good.
database incident_logs_db.xml cannot be read because it is corrupt or in use. please contact your system administrator for more details.
Things are just getting better and better.
▞▞▁░█: This is how it ends, isn't it?
Ah. Well, then.
Addenda 13 to 16 don’t exist either, but 17 does. It’s regarding the exploration of Research Station Mnemosyne- some Department of Deletions agents sent the Foundation an invitation, so they sent a D-Class to go hang out with them.
Billith elaborated a bit on the nature of RS Mnemosyne for me, so I’ll just put this here:
RS Mnemosyne exists in the Gray, and just like Deletions personnel, forms from pieces of deleted locations that haven't yet been fully overwritten. It typically exists outside of Foundation timelines, where personnel (named N/A) can freely take the form of any combination of constituent blackbox matter in their gestalt without the falling apart/losing cohesion like when they manifest in an actual timeline.
It’s not really relevant, it’s just a cool bit of info for you.
Our D-Class, D-6183, heads down the path as directed. He comments that the hallway he’s in looks more like a home than a research station, that it’s surprisingly cold, and that there’s a humming noise, though the microphone doesn’t pick it up. As he progresses, he comments that as cliched as it sounds, it’s too quiet. He later adds that the station is totally empty and clean, and that ‘the hum is not just a hum’. When asked, he says that ‘It’s not just a sound, it’s a physical sensation. Something about the darkness. It’s thicker than regular air. It vibrates in my chest when I breathe.’
(There’s also a few comments about how the D-class are all going to be watching Coco later. Billith had to clarify this for me because I don’t know much about Coco other than that it’s a movie, but apparently in Coco, ‘the dead remain alive as spirits until they are forgotten by those who knew them.‘ Keep that in mind.)
A short while later, they lose contact for about ten seconds. They get audio back, but not visual, and then…
It's my fucking hand! It's made of… candlewax… It even has a wick running through the middle finger. God. I can't feel it. What is going on!?
Well, shit.
Control activates the safety tether, trying to get D-6183 out, but when they get the tether back, it’s attached to the harness D-6183 was wearing, without D-6183. And then he says this:
D-6183: Yeah. The upper half of my body is gone. When did that happen?
Control: You… don't seem too concerned.
D-6183: I am. Well, I was, but that was before I uh, started turning into candlewax and uh… fucking fettuccine.
That’s a new one. Though it does give me flashbacks to that one skip where an MTF got killed by pasta.
D-6183: Yeah, well, feels like time doesn't move the same way over here, as if I can see ▃ ▊ ▄ ▜▜ ▏▆ ▜▞ ▍▐ ▂▚▟ and it can see me too. Sometimes you talk really slow, sometimes I can barely keep up. Other times you just ignore me completely. I'm also realizing that I'm not alone down here. Never was.
Control: Who is with you?
D-6183: Me. Pieces of me, and pieces of others. So many little fragments, in these black clouds. You— You soak them up and they fill in the blank spaces that have been erased. Deleted. Like a thousand thousand-piece jigsaw puzzles, all with missing pieces, thrown into one box. A puzzle can be completed but the picture is a patchwork. I feel hundreds down here. They're all waiting. Waiting to die, but death never arrives. The construct is flawed. The wheel has been broken. The mirror reflects a negative. Equal and opposite forces. Why does this feel familiar? Who am I?
And suddenly the pieces are falling into place. (Also, that bit after 'as if I can see'? That's 'the BUREAUMANCER'. Keep him in mind for later.)
I think— I think I've been marked. It's why I can't leave. Not this way.
Control: What do you mean?
D-6183: I got a pretty big promotion.
Control: Promotion? D-Class don't… get promoted.
D-6183: All the more reason to accept. They've even assigned me a super important mission.
Control: And what does this mission entail, exactly?
D-6183: Message delivery.
And that’s who Deleted is: he was originally this guy, and now he’s an amalgamation of everyone who ever got deleted, including bits of himself from previous deletions. I’ll add in what Billith told me:
The Barrier seems to be weak in some unknown, yet completely accessible portion of Site-19, causing D-6183 to slowly dissolve and begin to collect bits of others and himself from previous deletions he is unaware of. Thing is, he can't go back the way he came without dissolving even more, and it's painful. So he must continue up the stairs in the 2nd animated gif, saying he's been 'marked'.
There’s a final note:
And then there’s a collapsible to a recovered image. When clicked, it shows a distorted image of a corridor. However, that’s not the key info here: if you click that collapsible, the entire article gets deleted, barring four words: ‘[DELETED]’ and, a little further down, ‘does not exist’. Nifty trick.
So, what in the actual fuck is going on here? Well, thanks to a lot of help from Billith, I actually can give you some answers.
Firstly, SCP-6183 is not the process of deletion (OK, technically the process of deletion is SCP-6183-C, but you know what I mean), it’s the Department of Deletions itself. After all, it’s an alleged SCP Foundation department that came right the fuck out of nowhere, its agents are basically Gielinor), and its HQ doesn’t exist- why wouldn’t it get classed as an anomaly? But that’s just the start of it.
When I first read this, I thought that the story of the article was ‘how Deleted got made’. This is technically correct, but it’s not the main point. See, it comes back to that conversation with Genevieve- that’s the really important part. Quick recap/explanation:
1: What we’re reading is actually a time loop in an alternate timeline. This whole time, Deleted has been working on the problem ‘of solving the buildup of blackbox/patterns in the Database, and to warn Genevieve about some grave threat in the future’, as per word of Billith. Genevieve thinks that Deletions should be dealing with the former, but apparently the Foundation has to be the one to fix it.
2: The amount of anomalies has increased drastically, there’s a big anomalous waste problem, and dealing with them both is rapidly becoming something that the Foundation simply cannot handle. As a result, the Foundation decides that the Department of Deletions is the answer to their prayers and works with them to start deleting anomalies instead of decommissioning them. This actually works for a while (with the exception of 682, because as we all know, Genevieve is a fucking idiot). (Billith told me that Deleted did try to stop her from doing anything related to 682. Good man.)
3: Everything starts going horribly wrong, because of Database corruption. It starts with hallways turning into Mystery Dungeons, because ‘the files that should be deleted from the database are only getting partially deleted and becoming heavily corrupted as a result. A mainlist article might be the only SCP that mentions a Site-8392948, so deleting the file should delete that site completely. if it doesn't get properly deleted (ie slot goblins), there could be portions that lead to nowhere, or to The Gray, since it's deleted and non-deleted space mixing’. Things do not get better from there and the weirdness doesn’t stop with hallways.
4: The DOD sends the Foundation an invitation, and they send D-6183 to go look in RS Mnemosyne. However, as previously mentioned above, the Barrier has become weakened in some part of Site-19, hence why D-6183 starts dissolving and turning into candlewax and fettuccine. He becomes part of the Deleted mass, which restarts the time loop.
5: As to what happens next, I’m going to directly quote what Billith told me, as there’s actually several options:
1. He nearly does so and gets shutdown/deleted by some unknown force ('[DELETED] is deleted')
2. fails to do so before the corruption/mega682 completely overtakes the timeline ('This is how it ends, isn't it?')
3. He gives up, breaking the loop, which is what was causing the buildup in the first place ('we are because we shouldn't'), ('equal and opposite forces'). If this occurs, then the timeline goes on to create 6820, and the Deletions assignment is complete ('[DELETED] does not exist')
4. People have asked me if it was possible for an alternative outcome where the timeline did not end up destroyed. ie, a "good ending"
I said while technically possible, [DELETED] has never seen evidence of that outcome so probably not.
So, either way, the timeline is fuckéd.
In addition, let’s look at the greater implications here:
1: From what we can tell, the Department of Deletions is trying to help/work with the Foundation to prevent major clusterfucks and ward off major threats, and ultimately, as per word of Billith ‘stop themselves from existing in the first place’, but there’s some sort of opposing force/enemy that seems to be interfering, at least in this case, which is causing time loops and Deletions agents getting fragmented/broken up and fused back together.
2: Anomalies are becoming more frequent and more resilient, and the Foundation is running out of ways to handle them. If something doesn’t change soon, the Veil is going to be a pipe dream.
3: There’s been references to something called ‘Bureaumancy’ and ‘the Bureaumancer’. We don’t know what/who that is or what they want, yet.
4: It’s starting to look a lot like someone or a group of someones is trying to engineer the Foundation’s collapse by getting them to try to handle big problems in such a way that they inevitably fuck it up, causing huge repercussions not only for them, but for entire timelines.
Am I right about that last one? Who knows? I’m sure we’ll find out.
But, before I conclude this, let’s go back to that bit at the start: you know how I said that all the potential meanings of ‘black box’ are the appropriate one here? Let’s look at them again.
‘1: Also known as a flight recorder- a recording device that’s placed in an aircraft to record information about the flight so that if the plane crashes, investigators can figure out why it crashed.’
In that sense, this whole document is a black box- it’s telling us how and why everything got deleted.
‘2: A computing and engineering term for a device or system where you can see its inputs and outputs, but not its inner workings.’
We don’t know how the Department of Deletions came to be, but we know what they can do.
‘3: Censor bars. Y’know, these little guys. ██ ██ ██ ██ ██ ██’
There’s a lot of redacted stuff in this article.
‘4: From the DOD hub itself, “Junk data surviving from previous narratives which have been deleted.”’
As the article told us, that’s everyone in the entire Department.
Nicely done, Billith and co.
And that’s SCP-6183: a solid example of why one shouldn’t assume that an option is a good idea just because it solves your problems. Thanks for reading.

tl;dr: object reference not set to instance of object ; tl;dr does not exist.
submitted by ToErrDivine to SCPDeclassified [link] [comments]

2024.04.19 15:17 F2Sway Jagex please let Non-Jagex Account Authenticators expire after a period of inactivity

TLDR The email I used for an account got locked nearly a year ago and I can't disable the Authenticator nor recover the emails or account itself. The only thing holding me back is the Authenticator; the account was never hacked and just to make sure there hasn't been any activity since I last logged in - I check the highscores every few days/weeks. I still play the game and this account is different from the one I've posted pictures for on reddit.
As of now I have tried the following:
  1. Used the account recovery form at least 30 times.
I feel like the more information I try to dig up from the creation of this account, the lower my chances are of recovering it. I know all of the passwords, associated emails, and most of the billing information but that is apparently not enough.
  1. Tried to reobtain access to the associated emails.
This account has 3 emails tied to it: the original registered email that is the username for the login, the email that I changed to receive the Authenticator, and the email that I used for billing. The 1st and 2nd emails are permanently locked by the email service provider (Yahoo), but I still have access to the 3rd (Gmail).
The 1st email (created over 15 years ago) was locked after it came out that Yahoo was breached between 2013-2016 and since this Runescape account was created somewhere around that time there is no way for me to know the exact account creation date. I have used many of the suspected months between those years for the Jagex account recovery form, but it hasn't worked so far because I could be missing some other information.
The 2nd email (created approximately 12-13 years ago) containing the Authenticator was locked nearly a year ago. This is the email I have been trying to recover with no success. What I didn't know for the past 8-10 years was that when the Yahoo Breach happened, they deleted all of the security question answers from their databases. No matter what answers you use, you can't recover your account using security questions despite the email sign-in helper STILL using the questions and asking to answer them. I foolishly continued to use this email without knowing and since I moved around quite a bit I got hit with a "Please login from a device you typically use" that persists to this day.
I've contacted Yahoo Support over the phone and through their "Premium Support" service several times, but their recovery method involves recalling things that don't make sense. For example - they ask you to recall the header of 3 emails that you've sent to someone. I use this email to register for games or subscribe to services, I have NEVER sent an email from this address in my life. And so it doesn't seem likely I will get this email back.
The 3rd email (creation date doesn't matter, I still have this one) was used for billing. Through the Jagex account recovery form I've tried to switch my lost account's email to this one. This email address has emails that IMO prove that I am the owner of the account for the past 9 years but that's not enough for Jagex.
  1. Tried to find an old phone that potentially had the Authenticator codes still active.
Coincidentally, around the time I lost access to my email, an Apple iOS update combined with a Google Authenticator app update deleted ALL of my authenticator codes, not just for Runescape but for various things in my life. Needless to say I lost quite a bit of money.
As an individual living in the US, I traveled to another state to find an old phone that I kept with relatives. The phone was in decent condition although the battery needed to be replaced. When I managed to turn the phone and open the Authenticator I was happy to see that the codes were still there for this account! Until I used the codes to login and they didn't work for whatever reason. My 11 year old iPhone had an old version of Google Authenticator - before they had the feature to back up authentication codes - and it couldn't be updated past a certain point. I thought it was a time sync issue but no matter what I did it didn't work.
As you can see, this series of unfortunate events caused me to lose access to my Runescape account. I am imploring Jagex to (re)consider making the Authenticator expire after a period of inactivity. I will gladly wait several years if I knew for sure I am going to get this account back. Either that or I would like to talk to a living breathing person about it rather than an automated system that denies my recovery requests at random intervals. Thanks for reading.
submitted by F2Sway to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.04.17 16:00 Illustrious_Wear8454 Exploring Java's Enduring Influence: From Mobile Apps to Enterprise Solutions

Java has remained a cornerstone in the programming realm since its inception, showcasing its durability and flexibility over time. This article delves into the influential software and platforms that owe their success to Java, highlighting its adaptability across various sectors.

Android: Leading the Mobile Revolution

Android OS stands out as one of the most prominent Java-based platforms, dominating the smartphone market globally. Its Java-friendly ecosystem has redefined mobile application development.

Desktop Applications

Java continues to play a vital role in desktop application development, supported by tools like AWT, JavaFX, and Swing.

Web Applications

Java's security features and ease of use make it a preferred choice for web developers.

Integrated Development Environments (IDEs)

Application Servers

Enterprise Solutions

Financial Software

Web Services

Scientific Computing Tools


submitted by Illustrious_Wear8454 to u/Illustrious_Wear8454 [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 22:09 null0_0void [1.5 YoE] Self taught Software Developer - Updating resume after layoffs

[1.5 YoE] Self taught Software Developer - Updating resume after layoffs
I've read the wiki and made changes accordingly. Looking for mostly frontend webdev roles. All of my professional experience has been in smaller teams and fully remote. I'm having trouble gauging how I come across on paper and identifying glaring holes in my resume.
Is it reasonable to move a personal project into the experience section if it has a consistent user-base or if it is generating revenue?
The current market seems tough for my experience bracket, especially considering the lack of formal education, so all feedback is greatly appreciated, tyvm!
submitted by null0_0void to EngineeringResumes [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 08:23 hamster_farts Gaming suggestion: Nukefire MUD - a casual text-based game

I saw a cross-post to MUD which inspired me to drop a post of my own here. MUDs were the first MMORPGs as far as I am concerned. Without them, you might not have Runescape, WoW, Guild Wars, etc. And while MUDs as a whole are on the decline, there are still many out there that continue to thrive.

As a working adult with a family, MUDs are games that I can easily pick and play as I find the time in short or long sessions. The PC requirements are minimal such that I can play practically anywhere from any device, including my freakin phone! That's right, I can play while I poop at work. For those folks who are unfamiliar with MUDs, think tabletop dice games such as Dungeons and Dragons, only automated and in text format. It's way more fun than it sounds, and much easier to get into than classic tabletop dice and paper games.

The MUD I enjoy playing, Nukefire: Beyond Thunderdome is a fantastic casual hack and slash RPG. The creators have painstakingly crafted the game to cater to players from diverse situations. Whether you have just a few minutes here and there to game, or all day to play, you can burn that time with ease and enjoyment on Nukefire. You create a party of up to 4 characters that you control to crawl through dungeons, solving mazes, puzzles or just mowing down creatures. All to gather up that sweet loot to make you stronger so that you can. . .go kill some more stuff, or die trying! The feature set of Nukefire is far too long to touch on everything, or explain the lingo to non-mudders in a single post on reddit but hopefully hitting the highlights below will encourage some of you who made it this far in my post to check the game out.

Nukefire MUD features (not comprehensive):

Just point your favorite MUD client or telnet to:
port: 4000

submitted by hamster_farts to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 10:17 Honeybun_Hero Unable to get any android development position. I think my resume is to blame
I've been trying to get an entry level android dev position for a long while now. Every single application I've done is essentially rejected outright and it's extremely demotivating. I've tried explaining each project as best I could. If there are better ways to phrase certain things I haven't been able to think of it. I'd like any and every piece advice I can get, so, please, feel free to tear apart this resume!
submitted by Honeybun_Hero to resumes [link] [comments]

2024.04.03 02:05 _hiraeth_ Best games with locally hosted private servers for solo play?

A bit of a niche request, i'm looking for games where you can host your own private server for solo play that weren't originally designed for solo play in mind, i'm not looking for games that were already designed with solo play in mind such as:
some examples of this "genre" i'm looking for are
Next on my list is a maplestory private server but was hoping for more suggestions in the same vein as these types of games, generally they're MMO but they don't have to be
I enjoy the ability to modify aspects of the game like item/currency drop rate or being able to bypass limitations in the original game (talent trees/cash shops/etc)
submitted by _hiraeth_ to gamingsuggestions [link] [comments]

2024.03.25 11:04 ImpossibleCoffee91 Should I get T480, T14 gen2 or something completely different?

I bought like 5 years ago or so this lenovo yoga 500 for my mom, and now it's on my use. It rocks an Intel Pentium 3805u, who knows how much ram or what SSD, and my god is it slow. I was trying to play SNES games and it couldn't keep a stable 60fps !
None of my retro games were able to run at 60fps, and browsing on the internet and watching youtube is "laggy". Like I can browse youtube and stuff kinda plays fine on both 1080p and 720p, but my god is it an awful experience compared to my desktop PC. Also, I was on linux mint during the gaming test.
Any suggestions for an upgrade? I've been eyeballing at T480, T480s, T14 with 5600u vega 7 and 1135g7 iris xe. I would also be completely open to other suggestions!
Here are some of my needs to help narrow it down better:
1: Need it for office stuff like excel, word, browsing the internet, youtube, videos, anime, movies. 2: Also need for light gaming such as retro games as PS1 or even up to PS2 emulated games running at a stable 60fps. Huge plus if runescape, league of legends and diablo 2: resurrected run at stable 60fps. I never plan on playing anything more demanding than a PS2 emulator or diablo 2: resurrected at 1080p low settings 3: I also occasionally play poker at pokerstars or GGPoker, using a database software such as PokerTracker4 with HUD and 12 tables open simultaneously. It's a hobby of mine and it would be nice if everything runs smoothly whenever I decide to play 4: budget is max 600€. I can purchase used T480s with 8250u and 16GB of ram at around 250-300€, but I'm not sure if the performance is there for my needs. I've seen T14s at around 500€ that have intel 1135g7 or AMD 5600u. 5: I do not need portability. I'll be leaving the laptop on a charger like 95% of the time. It would be nice to have 2-4 hours of battery life if I wanna watch movies at bed 6: Upgradability and swappable battery are some really nice bonuses, though I'm not too crazy on this. I almost fell for the apple M1 trap, but then I found this reddit page and learned that I can get good laptops for less than 300€ that can also be repaired in order to save the planet and my wallet 7: I want the browsing experience on youtube and firefox and google to be really snappy. I tried M1 macbook once and everything just happened instantly. Not sure if any windows laptops can reach close to that experience 8: Would be nice if the laptop doesn't run hot when browsing or playing SNES games, because I want it to last for as many years as possible. Understandably it might get hot at some other tasks, but as long as it stays cool on the light stuff I'm happy 9: I have no plans on editing videos, but it would be nice to have a decent laptop for it that doesn't lag like crazy if I change my mind later on 10: Would be nice if the laptop is built with high quality, so that it lasts for at least 5 years or more with good care
I am a bit of a cheapskate, but I do believe in the saying of "buy it cheap, buy it twice", so I am ready to invest a bit more on better laptop. The issue is that I'm not sure if I really need anything better than the T480 with 8250u and 16gb of ram for my needs.
Also I'm really sorry, I never learned how to write shorter texts, so it's a bit of a mess!
TLDR; What's a good used laptop to buy with a 600€ budget that lasts a very long time and handles all the light tasks and light gaming and PS1-PS2 emulation at 60fps. Is T480 enough for my needs, or should I spend the little bit extra for T14 gen2? Or go for something else?
submitted by ImpossibleCoffee91 to thinkpad [link] [comments]

2024.03.18 06:38 Strange_Importance46 Having trouble running game

Hi everyone, I've been playing Runescape for nearly 15 years and honestly I took a huge break recently due to my computer just struggling to play the game. I've tried a lot of different things like dialing down the graphcis, playing in Compatibility Mode, updating my graphics driver (because Runescape always says it's outdated by 1,000+ days for some reason), and clearing my cache on multiple occasions, but it always leads to the same issues.
If I'm playing on Normal Mode, the game will work for a moment and then will have a black screen where I can sometimes still interact in game or just freeze.
If I'm playing in Compatibility Mode, it'll work for a moment (at max a minute), but eventually the game will freeze and crash.
I really want to keep playing (and I will build a new PC soon) but I just want some help to figure out what's going wrong and to see if anyone else struggles with this.
Here's my specs:
Operating System: Windows 11 Home 64-bit
System Manufacturer: Acer
BIOS: V1.18 (type: UEFI)
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-1035G1 CPU @ 1.00GHz (8 CPUs), ~1.2GHz
Memory: 8192MB RAM
Available OS Memory: 7982MB RAM
Page File: 6706MB used, 3131MB available
Windows Dir: C:\WINDOWS
DirectX Version: DirectX 12
DX Setup Parameters: Not found
User DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
System DPI Setting: 96 DPI (100 percent)
DWM DPI Scaling: Disabled
Miracast: Available, with HDCP
Microsoft Graphics Hybrid: Not Supported
DirectX Database Version: 1.5.0
DxDiag Version: 10.00.22621.0001 64bit Unicode

submitted by Strange_Importance46 to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.02.26 06:04 LootbagGG Lootbag.GG - New OSRS Merching Site (My passion project of past 2 months)

Lootbag.GG - New OSRS Merching Site (My passion project of past 2 months)
Hi all! I'm new to this reddit but just wanted to share a project I've been working on for the past 2 months and thought it might be able to help some of you!
Backstory: Came back to playing OSRS for awhile and a clan member taught me how to merch. At first I used the wiki prices site to track prices on an active basis but, I really felt like there is/was a need for a better tool out there with more FREE features so I built lootbag . I work full time as a software engineer and thought this would be a fun project to expand and apply some skills such as AI, responsive design, scaling databases and more while giving back to the Runescape community and sharing it all for FREE while building up some experience with a fin-tech like app.
Highlight of Features:
  • Security, runescape is full of phishing and scams unfortunately. This was a challenging problem to present itself. So I've made it where you don't have to enter in a password to use the site and all it's features. I'll generate it for you and keep it saved.
  • AI powered 'NEWS' page that shows when items are mentioned in a new article from Runescape
    • What would I use this for?
    • A great example of this is exactly what happened to the "Spectral Spirit Shield." Using the News feature you can see what items are mentioned in an article without needing to read the entire thing
  • Merchanting charts (every merching tool has this out here so it's a must)
  • Shareable Links
    • What are these?
    • If you're using the search feature to browse prices on the website you can copy that and send it to another clan buddy and they will see the same exact filtered view
  • Table chart settings
    • Don't want to see all those columns that are lengthy? There's settings where you can select which columns are most important to you.
  • Profit Calculator from Buys/Sells
    • This feature is in a section called "portfolio" and has two purposes:
      • Track your buy and sell net profit
      • Track all your items at the price where you've bought them and they're sitting in your bank so that you can have a one stop look of what is in your bank and track your net worth in real time
  • UNLIMITED Alerts
    • Currently this feature will alert in real time to discord if you're online or offline
    • here's a link to discord webhooks if you're confused on how to set them up:
    • If you're gold flipping on your own or in a merchanting clan it's nice to keep an eye on your items without needing to be logged in or viewing the chart at all times. Keeping your security in mind we do not ask for an email or phone number. Instead you can paste in a discord webhook url into the dashboard and it'll send an alert in the channel you assign that discord bot to.
  • App & Mobile responsiveness
Disclaimer: Some of these features such as Alerts, Tracking Profit, and net worth required me to have to tie that info to a user. Otherwise, if you refreshed your browser or went on a different device you'd loose all that information. Runescape, god love it, unfortunately has had a history of phishing and scams. I've set it up so that account sign up only requires a made up username of your choice if you'd like to use these features. IF this is something you'd still be cautious about, you can continue to use the search (charts) and AI powered news features without a login.
Plans for the future: I want Lootbag to do well but there's tons more planned and I want to develop features that give everyone the best experience. As long as I can I want to keep it community based and free. If you see something that you think would be nice to add or have questions feel free to comment here. I plan to actively check this reddit and answer any questions or take in feature requests.
(P.S. if a mod sees this and this posts needs to be tweaked or edited to fit the rules please let me know and I will happily do so. Saw there was only two rules and most importantly to be kind to others :))

You're going to need to pinch and zoom on this one. Sowwy
submitted by LootbagGG to GrandExchangeBets [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 22:42 idofurryart How to not get hacked with 10b in your bank

It seems like a lot of people have the misconception that their accounts get hacked through Runescape or Jagex launcher itself. Unless there was a MAJOR security incident at Jagex (on the scale of it would make news articles and emails sent to every account owner), this is not the case.
People with 10b bank generally get hacked in the following ways:
You can protect yourself by
When it comes to password security, the fbi says length is recommended over complexity these days.
Additionally, on top of that, Jagex lets you set a bank pin in game to protect your bank even if you are fully compromised.
Additionally Additionally, if you want to see if you show up in any past compromised database leaks, you can check your information out on .
Re-do the stronghold of security yall
Bottom text
What I mentioned are not individual fixes but multiple things that should all be considered/done generally if you want to remain secure online. If you are curious on how to practically apply something as crazy as having a unique password for each account you can see my response here
Edit Edit:
How did a post about me saying security best practices end up being my most controversial lol
submitted by idofurryart to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.02.02 15:19 CharleeJennings iOS App

iOS App
Hello scapers, I'm a software developer that is embarking on a journey of iOS/Mobile development. I have an app that interfaces with the RuneScape (OSRS) database. Currently I have just 2 feature: search and watchlist. Searches are only updated every ~14 hours or so ( This is RuneScape batch loading prices n such also this is only GE items ). I'm looking for any beta tester willing to try it also any suggested for features, improvement, Any feedback is welcome
submitted by CharleeJennings to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2024.01.25 16:09 the_net_ What I accomplished in my 4th year building an open-source MMO engine


I want to make it easy to build indie virtual worlds. My dream is to bring creativity, innovation, and fun back into the space. For more info, check out

High-level goal

The goal for this year was to have all content creation tools in place. I have a full-time job and can only work on this in my nights/weekends, so this was a very ambitious goal for me.
For context, this engine has no offline world editor. All content creation happens live in the world. This is for 3 reasons:
  1. It's better for spontaneity and collaboration.
  2. It makes the world feel more like a real place.
  3. If you want to let players affect the world, all of the tools are already in place.
The third point is especially important to me, since I feel most virtual worlds are very static and become bland quickly. I strongly believe that players should be able to impact the world, causing it to evolve and grow.

Finished features

Improved build mode (4.5 months)

First up was turning the tile map tools into a simpler "Sims-like" experience. For this, I added a context-aware Wall tool, an easy to use Remove tool, and additional simple tools for Floors, Floor Coverings, and static Objects. To support these, I also had to spend time improving the resource importer (a separate app that we use to generate resource files) and adding features to our UI library.
This feature is ultimately a small thing, but having a build mode that feels somewhat "polished" was huge for motivation. It felt like the first not-totally-janky feature that I could show people.

Entity creation and scripting (3 months)

Development of the entity creation experience went through a few phases:
  1. Thinking really hard about the design (especially how interactions work).
  2. Adding a simple way to register components for replication (and doing a lot of performance testing).
  3. Creating the Entity build mode UI.
  4. Integrating a Lua library and designing hooks to bind Lua functions from the project level.
  5. Designing the Lua interface patterns.
The final Lua design phase was where I started to feel some magic. I started by researching existing virtual worlds with scripting interfaces: Runescape, LambdaMoo, and DikuMud in particular. LambdaMoo's interface is powerful but not very convenient, whereas DikuMud's is convenient but not very powerful. I ended up choosing what I think is a good balance between the two.

Item creation and scripting, Inventory (3 months)

I was able to borrow a lot of the item design from what was already done for entities (interactions, creation UI, general scripting). The biggest time sink with items was figuring out how "Use On" interactions would work, but even that didn't take too long.
The bigger challenge was Inventory. Building out the UI for inventory interactions was really tough, especially since I was also responsible for adding any missing functionality to the UI library. I had to add right-click menus, drag-and-drop, and some finicky item selection logic. Ultimately though, I'm really happy with how it turned out.

What's next

This year, I hope to get all of the MVP features done to support a basic world. I just finished adding a database for entity and item persistence, next up:
  1. Animation
  2. Text chat server, UI
  3. User account server, player entity persistence
  4. Account permissions (e.g. is this player allowed to edit the world?)
If you're interested in getting involved, I encourage you to check out the task board and join the Discord. There are plenty of simple, approachable tasks for newcomers.
submitted by the_net_ to gamedev [link] [comments]

2024.01.23 17:21 WhosDylan Nexon involved in Supermassive Data Leak

Hey all, I wanted to shed some light on this topic to the community for awareness. I hope Nexon makes an official statement to protect the players but if not here it is.
I am a cybersecurity professional and this article came across my desk this morning:
"Comprising an astounding 12 terabytes of information, spanning over a mind-boggling 26 billion records. "There are data leaks, and then there’s this. A supermassive Mother of all Breaches (MOAB for short) includes records from thousands of meticulously compiled and reindexed leaks, breaches, and privately sold databases." (please read the article yourself if you are interested in more)
Nexon(dot)com is the only Maple-related site I could find however with Runescape I was able to find a handful of community sites also involved in the leak. If you notice any other community or official Maple sites that I missed please post them in the comments and I will add them to this list.
It's important to remember that although the data leak is massive, we do not yet know how impactful it is to any of the sites listed above. I recommend everyone who has created an account at any of the sites above to use the cybernews data leak checker tool that is linked near the top of the article. There are other tools and sources to use beyond this if you are concerned. Stay Safe!
submitted by WhosDylan to Maplestory [link] [comments]

2024.01.03 21:09 LevelPension AlternativeHistory: Bonds Existed in 2007?

What if Bonds existed in 2007, immediately after GE was established? By that I mean the actual real life year of 2007 (not OSRS game mode). I chose 2007 because it is widely regarded as being one of the golden years of Runescape having among the highest playerbase counts and a game mode was made based on that. In light of the anniversary of Free Trade Removal and today marking the first time the official GE database listed its price at 90M, I thought of asking this HistoryWhatIf question.
How would this change the economy over the years? Would Free Trade Removal still be needed? Would kids who couldn't have parents buy them membership played more often because they had a way to play the game using in game cash? How much do you think the price of Bonds would be over the years? And would this have been a good income generator for Jagex in addition to membership?
submitted by LevelPension to runescape [link] [comments]

2024.01.02 22:01 xHaroen My experience with RuneScape (OSRS) and false achievement

RuneScape, the game we have all played back in the day. It's a game still played by many, be it the modern version of the game or the 2007 variant.
I have played the 2007 variant of the game (Old School Runescape) for over a thousand hours. I have gotten multiple 99's, done almost all of the quests and did a lot of bossing. The game has a crap ton of content, enough for tens of thousands of hours full of gameplay.
Which is exactly the reason why I quit playing it. The game sucks all the life out of you. I sacrificed my hobbies, my passions and a lot of time to 'achieve' my 'goals' in game.
The game plays in on our human nature very well. As humans, we love achieving our goals and developing ourselves in life. It's how we've survived as a species. What RuneScape does is give you an arbitrary goal that takes a certain amount of hours to reach with a certain reward at the end, be it a 'skillcape' or an unlock. The game then tells you to do simple, mundane and mindless tasks to get to that goal. Things so simple, even a primate could do them. I'm talking clicking once every 30 seconds on a tree to gain Woodcutting XP, or clicking on a green box every 10 seconds to gain XP in a certain skill. The game gives you a sense of achievement for very, very little effort.
This then leads to people like me sacrificing real life goals and achievements for in-game 'XP gains' since the XP gives a much higher sense of achievement for much less effort than doing the weeks of Linear Algebra homework that has been piling up.
The game is genuinely like a drug, and ticks all the boxes to be classified as one. The game is not necessarily fun to play, the after effects are terrible (horrible dopamine imbalance), it's very addicting and gives a temporary sense of euphoria. I played the game all week last week during the first week of my winter break, and when I think back to that week all I can see is a blur. I achieved nothing and wasted so many hours.
I would advise anyone thinking of returning to OSRS to rethink their decision. Your life is worth so much more than some numbers stored in a database somewhere in the UK. Stay away from the game and consider playing something that does respect your time.

TL;DR: RuneScape is a game that plays in on our human nature. It gives a false sense of achievement for mindless tasks. Stay away from it, there is no genuine fun in the game. It's a drug.

submitted by xHaroen to StopGaming [link] [comments]

2024.01.02 15:52 rslookup Discover DATASEEKER Offers!

Secure and Legal:
- Our databases are compliant with all legal and ethical standards.
Extensive Databases:
- Gain access to hundreds of valuable gaming databases, including RuneScape and Valorant.
Lightning-Fast Results:
- Get the information you need in just 50-100 milliseconds.
Data Tools:
- Empower yourself with data tools for efficient bulk searching.
Daily Updates:
- Enjoy new database additions every day.
Exceptional Support:
- Reach out for assistance via our responsive ticket system.
Flexible Payment Options:
- We accept PayPal, cryptocurrency for your convenience.
Visit now to learn more!
submitted by rslookup to dataseeker [link] [comments]

2023.12.24 01:52 afropunk90 Been a hobbyist programmer since I was a teenager, I want it to become my career. Is it worth it? What are my options?

I'm 26 now and have been programming since I was 14. I'm completely self-taught and haven't done any formal schooling. The main language I write in is Java, but I have pretty decent amount of experience with Kotlin and I've written a few projects in Scala as well.
I would say my knowledge is at an advanced level, I've written tons of projects over the years ranging from APIs for sites such as pastebin, to reverse engineered old school Runescape servers, complex full featured Discord bots, etc. These projects also taught me how to use things like Netty, SQL databases, IDEs, etc.
For a lot of reasons I ended up in the trades and I'm feeling a little disenfranchised with my decision for monetary and work life reasons. I was supposed to go back to school to upgrade my trade license, but I'm really debating going for IT instead. Would this even be worth it?
I might've chosen the wrong career path. What is the fastest way I can leverage my experience in programming to make a switch out of the trades? Is it even worth it?
I would be willing to work for almost any tech company, even volunteering if that means I could eventually land a job. Willing to send my github profile over DM if that could help get a better idea of my programming level
submitted by afropunk90 to torontoJobs [link] [comments]

2023.10.05 04:55 mustang__1 Query runs in 1 second, unless in a table value function

SQL Server 2019.
The query returns an inline table valued function. I've tried updating statistics on the databases and tables the query pulls from, and recompiling the stored procedure.
When I run the query directly, it returns data in 1second or less, but when called from the TBVF, it takes up to 30 seconds. Query plan does not show any missing indexes.

ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fn_GetItemsSoldAfterTransfer]( @AcctNo VARCHAR(10), @Warehouse VARCHAR(5)) RETURNS TABLE AS RETURN (WITH LastTransferDate AS (SELECT HSH.OrderDate , CountOfItems = COUNT(HSD.ItemCode) , HSH.SalesOrderNo FROM HistorySalesOrderHeader HSH INNER JOIN HistorySalesOrderDetail HSD ON HSH.SalesOrderNo = HSD.SalesOrderNo WHERE 1=1 AND HSH.OrderType = 'S' AND HSH.OrderDate > DATEADD(dd, -15, GETDATE()) AND ( HSH.SalesOrderNo LIKE '9%' OR HSH.SalesOrderNo LIKE '1%' ) AND CONCAT(HSH.ARDivisionNo, '-', HSH.CustomerNo) = @AcctNo GROUP BY HSH.SalesOrderNo , HSH.OrderDate HAVING COUNT(HSD.ItemCode) > 5 UNION ALL SELECT HSH.OrderDate , CountOfItems = COUNT(HSD.ItemCode) , HSH.SalesOrderNo FROM SalesOrderHeader HSH INNER JOIN SalesOrderDetail HSD ON HSH.SalesOrderNo = HSD.SalesOrderNo WHERE 1=1 AND HSH.OrderType = 'S' AND HSH.OrderDate > DATEADD(dd, -15, GETDATE()) --15 days was insuficient... AND ( HSH.SalesOrderNo LIKE '9%' OR HSH.SalesOrderNo LIKE '1%' ) AND CONCAT(HSH.ARDivisionNo, '-', HSH.CustomerNo) = @AcctNo GROUP BY HSH.SalesOrderNo , HSH.OrderDate , HSH.SalesOrderNo HAVING COUNT(HSD.ItemCode) > 5), LastTransfer AS( SELECT * , RowID = ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY OrderDate DESC) FROM LastTransferDate), SoldSinceTransfer AS ( SELECT ItemCode = MOL.ItemNo , TotalSold = SUM(MOL.Quantity) , LastOrder = MAX(MOH.Orderdate) FROM MCNI.dbo.McniOrderHeader MOH INNER JOIN MCNI.dbo.McniOrderLine MOL ON MOH.OrderNo = MOL.OrderNo WHERE 1=1 AND MOH.[Location] = @Warehouse AND MOL.ItemNo NOT LIKE 'V%' AND MOL.ItemNo NOT LIKE '/%' AND MOH.OrderType = 'I' AND MOH.Orderdate >= CASE WHEN @Warehouse = '033' THEN (SELECT DATEADD(dd, 1, Orderdate) FROM LastTransfer WHERE RowID = 1) ELSE(SELECT DATEADD(dd, 0, Orderdate) FROM LastTransfer WHERE RowID = 1) END /* (SELECT Orderdate FROM LastTransfer WHERE RowID = 1) */ GROUP BY MOL.ItemNo ), BackOrderStatus AS( SELECT ItemCode , QuantityBackordered , QuantityPicked FROM SalesOrderDetail SOD WHERE 1=1 AND SOD.SalesOrderNo = (SELECT SalesOrderNo FROM LastTransfer WHERE RowID = 1) AND SOD.QuantityBackordered >= 0 AND SOD.QuantityPicked = 0 UNION ALL /* Added 20220508 since if all transfers are cleared out of transaction entry then..... how the fuck did this have anything to grab? */ SELECT ItemCode , QuantityBackordered , QuantityPicked FROM HistorySalesOrderDetail SOD WHERE 1=1 AND SOD.SalesOrderNo = (SELECT SalesOrderNo FROM LastTransfer WHERE RowID = 1) AND SOD.QuantityBackordered >= 0 AND SOD.QuantityPicked = 0 ) SELECT IL.ItemCode , TotalSold = CAST(CASE WHEN SST.TotalSold IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE SST.TotalSold END as decimal(18,2)) , WasBackordered = CAST(CASE WHEN BS.QuantityBackordered IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END as bit) FROM ItemList IL LEFT OUTER JOIN SoldSinceTransfer SST ON IL.ItemCode = SST.ItemCode LEFT OUTER JOIN BackOrderStatus BS ON IL.ItemCode = BS.ItemCode WHERE SST.ItemCode IS NOT NULL OR BS.ItemCode IS NOT NULL) 

submitted by mustang__1 to SQL [link] [comments]

2023.10.02 00:29 Resident-Revenue-326 I was a little curious and wanted to check out the prices of Discontinued rares in RS3 and what that might look like in Oldschool prices

I was a little curious and wanted to check out the prices of Discontinued rares in RS3 and what that might look like in Oldschool prices submitted by Resident-Revenue-326 to 2007scape [link] [comments]

2023.09.29 18:47 FoodAccurate5414 Newbie here thrown in database management with no idea. Advice ?

Hey everyone.
Hope you well.
So at work I have been thrown into the deep end as the ERP software I implemented was completely butchered as mangers felt mandatory fields were inefficient.
So I have gone from pseudo ERP customiser to database problem solver. I was managing things with CSV tables but the functionality and being error prone was a complete mess.
I finally moved to dbeaver as it was free and it's actually great software. So my first question is.
Is there other software that is better, easier to use. That's AFFORDABLE. Keep in mind I know nothing about SQL.
I currently get by with chatgpt 4 which is an incredible tool. Sadly if I didn't study SQL I would probably be ten times faster. But i have come to realise that as a language it goes pretty deep.
So my main challenges are data cleaning and integrity which I struggle with.
Today for example it took me 5 hours to solve a problem.
I had a supplier list. The key link was supplier name. But its the name that's for accounting documents. So I have a 60 000 item inventory with supplier names as well, but I'm sure you can imagine that each supplier name was spelt wrong double entries etc. It was a massive task.
Also the fact that suppliers can have multiple items.
So I took the values from the supplier table. Created a match table by finding unique values in the inventory table and tried my best to match the values of 850 suppliers. To there "similar name to the supplier name and I think I achieved that alright.
Now its the case of using that matching table to update the rest of the data. Which I find challenging.
A big struggle is that it's a perptury accounting system so bascj dating doesn't work at all and you cant change record values after transactions are done. Which is stupid.
So I'm up against a very difficult accounting systems and any changes I have to match have to balance in the accounting.
For example my next project it's updating unit of measures of 57 000 items and it's daunting as hell.
One massive question I was wondering you could guide me on.
So we have item codes. The item codes have to stay the same. But I cannot change aspects of the data as it's locked. How would I approach this.
The only Idea I had was to change the item code to itemcode/old and them create new items with the required code.
Any advise on this particular challenge.
So another question is that dbeaver seems awesome. I looked at jetbrains data grip which looks cool but feels unusable.
So what software are you guys using. And what can you recommend, dbeaver doesn't have charting which kind of sucks.
I'm scared to have a read write connection at the moment so I'm working on a local host.
Any pointers guys. I would really appreciate, I'm know going to binge this Reddit
Thanks and keep well
submitted by FoodAccurate5414 to DatabaseHelp [link] [comments]

2023.09.25 13:01 Altruistic_Hippo_202 The Solution

In order to solve RWT, botting, and other mass produced farms, I propose the following changes:

  1. Players can no longer trade items to other players if the receiving trade window is +/- 25% of the grand exchange value. This will allow players to still aid each other in the process of bypassing buy limits, high alching, or completing tasks for one another. For context, adamant or rune platebodies can often be found for 20% less than the GE value and alched for 20% more of the value, allowing for 30-40% profits
    1. Any player found to be manipulating grand exchange prices to bypass this limit will be permanently banned. Any player actively trading something such as Menaphite Brew (2) right now should also be banned. How has this bank scam continued to go on for months? As a returning player, I actually fell for a token scam for 8mil of my bank in exchange for 2.1mil of tokens. While this was my fault for not noticing, I was drunk, and many players play runescape intoxicated and it's really not fair to blame ourselves everytime something goes wrong when it's really other players who are just trying to take advantage of that fact.
    2. For friends offering to give items to other friends, they can resort to GIM or, additionally, there should be a 24hr loan feature once again where players can loan their items to friends for a period of time, after which it's returned to their bank or a deposit box. A lot of people are going to complain about this in regards to PVP, so the solution would be to only allow trades between friends who have been friends for >4 weeks to prevent instant item sharing and unfair advantages or "paid loans" where someone asks for like 1mil for a freaking temporary loan on an item they probably aren't using anyways
    3. Trade windows need to have a warning screen consequently that warn people of any manipulated GE items, and the GE needs to have a supply demand calculator that gives you the ACTUAL value of an item and not the item other players are selling it for. A good example is the currently boosted menaphite brew, which has a value of 2.5k on the GE but is only worth about 800g. Botters basically have scripts to buy everyone less than 2.5k and then resell them for that amount to manipulate the GE price
  2. Players can no longer attack other players if their account is less than 30 days old, to prevent PVP RWT. Maybe place some other restrictions like this restriction being removed at 70 combat.
    1. Players can only receive a portion of loot that is, at most, twice as much as what they currently own. Nothing worse than a 50k rusher rushing someone for 50mil. This would also severely hinder RWT and PVP risks from becoming a scam or whatever else
  3. Players can no longer drop items exceeding 75k-100k unless the falador party room is used.
    1. Falador party room has a minimum requirement of 10 people to prevent RWT through drop chests and parties. With trade restrictions and PVP restrictions, this would prevent 10 players from all getting items and then trading them to one another.
  4. New accounts must have a 72 hour active played time to begin chatting. Active play time = non-afk time. Any span of time longer than 5 minutes with no action could be considered afk time
The first change, in my opinion, would entirely eliminate all RWT and decrease the need of 3rd party botting. It's no secret really that half of the bot farms belong to jagex. Go to world 326 for example. There is a guy there named Jansen767 with forty two accounts that have are 1/1/1/1/1/1 with 200mil magic exp (for context, alching that much XP is over 3 million alches and a profit of over a billion gold). The only explanation that someone like this could have botted for so long, is that it's actually a farm created by Jagex to help stabilize the economy for new players getting into the game and using the GE.
The second change is just to prevent the influx of RWT that would go into dueling and PVP once the trade option is limited.
The third change is just an oversight to prevent anyone trying to break these rules.
The fourth change is to prevent the massive influx of pink clay bots. I am 99% sure pink clay is one of the designers of the infernal anyways, considering his sales have gone on for so long and he was perhaps the very first person to access infernal. Could even be dearlola1.

Rev caves are another big issue. To solve botting in the wilderness, all Jagex needs to do is put a detection system on instant teleports. EVERY single bot in the wilderness teleports the second your client sends a packet telling them you're in viewable range. This is completely inhuman, it's really a 50/50 in a human situation whether teleblock gets cast or not. Another detection system would be detecting player range differences. If a player always keeps a range of 20 units from other players indeniably, they should be banned.

I really don't see how the botting issue is so prevalent unless there are runescape moderators and jagex members running most of everything behind the show. ALL botting behavior is predictable. It's a programmed script that does the same thing over and over, sometimes with randomized movement. Not sure whether someone's a bot but think they might be? Well, just try having a conversation with them.

Additionally, world hopping beyond 3-5 worlds at once should have a 10 second delay placed because it's really annoying to sit in slayerev caves and see the same level 3 pop up 20 times in a row as they scout for people to PK with their 5 multiboxed accounts that they purchased. Putting a limit of 3 to 5 worlds would allow people to hop for skilling and minigames without limiting them, while preventing multiboxing pkers or bot farmers from teleporting, world hopping, etc.

Oh, another thing... How are purchasable accounts not banned? It's quite ridiculous to actually go on a purchasable account website and see an accounts exact stats and inventory and not be able to sit there and ban them or pinpoint them. I kid you not, 99.9999% of pures or zerkers with 53 thieving and 10 slayer are in fact bots. Real players who never purchased their accounts do not, in fact, levels skill and stop just to go purely pking. You need to make money elsewhere and elsehow, and the required money and items to actually start pking (if you're a hybrid or anything of the sort) would take longer than 10 in every skill to acquire. There are less than ten to twenty players actually good enough to hold a high enough KDA to build a consistent bank from pking, and almost all of them are streamers or youtubers and the fact that they're able to do what they do is what makes them have such a high following.

Implementing these changes would give Jagex a 3 day and 30 day window to detect and prevent all bots from actually influencing or affecting the economy/grand exchange as well. Part of the problem with the detection system is there's no prevention system. Detection does nothing if you're not trying to actively prevent stuff as well. At the moment, literally anyone can make an account and run to the GE to say "go to x website for infernal cape"

Also, Jagex needs a system that detects any variant of the websites being said. How can you have a computer with every single alphabetical and numerical lettenumber and not be able to detect when a website is being said with an extra ' above a specific letter?

Also, Jagex needs moderation members who are just sitting on sales forums and manipulating people into selling them items. I kid you not, 90% of botters could be banned instantly if Jagex just did a cross reference on purchased igns and forum names of S**he members. Seriously, everyone selling igns for gold or money is also selling botting or scripting or boosting services so all you need to do is an ip history of those names and cross reference in a database of other players.


Fearless - Rank 1 mage on WoW and former sales group leader who was banned during world first progress for RWT and sales.

I'm with you guys, and Jagex too. If you want someone who knows how all of its done and hasn't done anything for about 6 years, hit me up.

submitted by Altruistic_Hippo_202 to 2007scape [link] [comments]