Play scary maze face

Disc Golf Pro Tour

2016.02.28 22:43 DiscGolfProTour Disc Golf Pro Tour

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2014.09.24 05:54 Jock_fortune_sandals Screamers, the way to scare the shit out of people

Yes, screamers! Subliminal Messages, optical illusions, bait and switch, any other types of screamers! Playing, turning up the headphone, or something else, BAM! A screamer! Scares the shit out of you! Hope you enjoy your stay!

2018.10.01 12:12 QueenYuno Get Latest Reverse Harem Updates! šŸ’–

Reverse Harem Book Store šŸ“š

2024.05.21 20:18 karina87 Shy/anxious almost 3 year old

Iā€™m looking for advice for my almost 3 year old. Heā€™s always been shy and slow to warm up since birth, but itā€™s been worsening in the past few months. Here are some examples.
Last year, he enjoyed going to the zoo. This year, he says that the big animals are scary, and he whined and actively resisted going to watch the lions, hippos, camels, etc. (basically any animal thatā€™s bigger than a gopher).
Heā€™s been at the same preschool since 18 months of age but he continues to be very shy. He often does not answer his teacherā€™s questions. In videos, I often see him standing or sitting on the side rather than dancing with the rest of the class. He does dance sometimes in class, but it is not as lively, not as uninhibited like the rest of his classmates. He does participate in activities that he likes, like art.
At the playground, he will avoid playing on a structure if another kid is on it, and heā€™ll shy away and want to hide behind me even if itā€™s a much younger kid.
We were at a birthday party with his preschool class and rather than run around the playground like all the other kids, he wanted to stay with me.
He gets easily frustrated, always wants ā€˜helpā€™ to do things even though heā€™s able to do it, and I think part of it stems from anxiety and lack of confidence. For example, he knows how to put on his socks and shoes, and take off his clothes. However, he often just gives up if his sock gets a bit stuck and then whines for ā€˜help me mommyā€™. Or whines for help when his arm gets stuck taking off his shirt, rather than figuring it out for himself. Again, he can do it, but he prefers not to. At school, his teacher also says the same thing ā€” that heā€™s very capable of doing it, but too often asks for help rather than doing it independently. And that itā€™s beginning to become a problem or habit for him.
I would like to encourage him to try new things and be more independent and confident in his skills. As someone who was also shy as a kid, I know that it is critical for him to learn to open up, be more confident, less anxious, and more independent. Life just becomes much easier.
Any suggestions? Has anyone done play therapy at this age?
submitted by karina87 to toddlers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:17 scarletta1997 Scary Flute Player

So at exactly midnight, me and my gf heard scary flute music start to play from outside. She was so scared she asked me to go with her to pee. After about 10 minutes of it playing, I went outside to check and it immediately stopped. Heard on Barkley Blvd. Anybody hear it or are we going through a shared psychosis?
submitted by scarletta1997 to Bellingham [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:15 Kindly_Pipe4778 The Mother

So a year or so ago, my roommate (I'll call her Ella) and I decided to try out the seed 001101100011011000110110 (binary code for 666). Gameplay was pretty normal until Ella and I started a prank war and I left to build my base far far away. I found a really good spot next to a ravine, a ruined portal, and a shipwreck, and later when I was digging around I found buried treasure. So I set up a nice little castle thingy. But then the next day when I went mining I found a huge diamond ore deposit at -66, I swear there were like 20 diamonds there!! But then I checked the coords of my base later so I wouldn't forget it. And I'd placed my bed at 666, 66, 666. I immediately moved it ofc but it was too late, I'd already slept there.
But the next day when I was playing Minecraft I swore I saw Herobrine and Entity303 in the caves but they didn't do anything, they just ran away. Ella said she saw a giant behind the mountain (i now know that she'd placed HER bed at -666, 66, -666 but she did that on purpose cause she likes creepy stuff). And I thought I saw Ella too but she sent me a screenshot of her coords and she was waaaay across the world (she has an alex skin but with eyes pointing opposite directions, idk why I felt the need to mention that lol).
Then on the second day, we were just hanging out at spawn and grinding at our mob farm when Ella went off to get diamonds from her base cause her sword was gonna break. Well like 5 minutes later she left the call but I heard her screaming cause she was in the room next door. She wouldn't tell me what she saw she just pointed at the screen and kept saying "Mother". But there wasn't anything there, just a normal Minecraft plains biome. It was like midnight so I just assumed she'd fallen asleep on her desk again and had a nightmare or something.
But the next day, it became all too apparent that I was in danger. Ella vanished without a trace, and I'm a really light sleeper, I always wake up when she opens her door or her window. When I went into her room I saw that Minecraft was up and running and that she was at the mob grinder. I just shut down her PC and assumed she was out shopping or something. But she never leaves her PC on, not after I changed her password when she wasn't looking LOL
Yeah I honestly thought she'd be back in an hour. Then a day. Then a week. The police have still never found a trace of her. And the strangest thing is, she wasn't on the front door camera or on the high school security camera (it's facing her window).
This may sound stupid, but hear me out. I've wondered before why there are so many creepypastas. Far too many to be simple glitches in the code, and far too smart. I've thought before that creepypastas might actually be human souls who were trapped in the game, but I asked myself, "how in the world does a soul get trapped in a videogame?" But this experience gave me the final piece of the puzzle.
There are a few seeds that are inhabited by an entity called the Mother. She is the creator of the vast majority of creepypastas, and therefore, they must listen to her, lest she destroy them. The Mother has made a deal with Mojang that as long as the entities that serve her well are safe from deletion, she will hibernate (unless awakened). The Mother is awakened when three or more of her 'children' are summoned in one Minecraft day. I summoned one entity by using a cursed seed, one entity by sleeping at cursed coordinates, and Ella summoned one entity by sleeping at cursed coordinates, all in the same Minecraft day. However, while the Mother inhabits all seeds, she can only be awakened on certain ones.
What does the Mother do, you may ask? Well, when awakened, she summons all of her children, but orders them not to attack. She does this so that the victim will learn not to fear them. Once this has been accomplished, she reveals herself to the victim once they are alone. Then, when everyone else is either gone or asleep in real life, she takes the victim's soul and essentially factory resets it, turning them over to an older entity (like Herobrine or player 13) and they are trained to be a mindless killer. After that, the Mother goes dormant once more, and the new entity is released.
I believe the Mother can only be summoned on seeds that are in binary code. Here are 6 seeds where, based on my theories, the Mother may be able to be awakened: 011011010110111101101101 ("mom"), 011001000110100101100101 ("die"), 01110011011011110111010101101100 ("soul"), 01110111011000010110101101100101 ("wake"), 01110100011101010111001001101110 ("turn"), 01101101011010010110111001100101 ("mine")
If you intend on trying to awaken the Mother, I recommend playing with at least 4 other people, if possible. And don't let anyone be alone, even for a second, or she will take them like she took Ella. But if the Mother does reveal herself to them, don't let them play Minecraft for 5 years. By that time, the Mother should have forgotten them, and they may have forgotten her. If your friend remembers the Mother after that, they cannot play Minecraft ever again, because if they accidentally summon a single entity, the Mother will recognize them and she will take them.
submitted by Kindly_Pipe4778 to MinecraftCreepypasta [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:12 Pretty_Beginning7318 I am crying

I Freaking tried to buy messi then he demanded a high paying contract then I did the contract then I got terminated then the next match I faced him he freaking scored and slid tackled my players I'm about to scream I HATE THIS GAME my players were playing so bad I'm typing this with tears kn my phone screen please just fix this game
submitted by Pretty_Beginning7318 to FifaCareers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:12 Necessary-Daikon1380 I went beyond the flowers one day

17th May, 2015. It was a warm day, ideal for some exploration. I think I'll go beyond the flowers today. "Never go beyond the flowers" I heard my mother's voice in my head. I had grown up hearing this, no questions asked. Jumping in the creek, picking flowers, climbing trees...I was free to do anything on the vast property grounds. Except crossing the flowers.We lived in a small cottage on a large estate, mum and I. It got lonely at times, but I had the large grounds to frolic around and it had kept me busy so far. At the cusp of teenage rebellion, though, the urge to venture beyond the flowers, into the dark woods was growing by the minute. What can possibly be out there, after all? An old saying meant to keep children out of trouble. Maybe some wolves, but I wasn't worried. I had seen the Gardner cock his gun and take down the silvery beasts. How hard could it be?
I slipped out, into the shed and carefully lifted the rifle. The metal felt strangely cold in my hands. I wasn't worried about being seen, mum was never really out back here. There were the grounds that extended for miles around me, the edge of the woods a wall in the distance. There were pretty flowers all over, it was the peak of summer after all. The flowers, however seemed to end abruptly at the treeline. We never went beyond that, remember? We never went into the woods. Proud of having made my way to the woods, I began looking around, my confidence wavering as I saw the trees up close. They loomed ahead, tall, dark...and somehow, menacing.
'Come on now, don't be silly.' It was my imagination playing tricks on me. They were trees, ordinary. Just trees, right? I almost didn't notice him. He blended well into the canopy of branches, and I would not have noticed him had the shadows not moved. He seemed as old and gnarled as the trees themselves, bony limbs and a tangle of wild hair. However, I barely saw how he looked. His pretty...I'd never seen eyes like those. Were they blue? Brown? I can't tell you. They seemed to reflect every color of the rainbow, pitch black too, and colors I'd never known. His eyes... Ignoring the dull tingle of fear at the back of my neck, I continued looking in the man's eyes, transfixed. I didn't realise that I took a step forward. Or another. I barely noticed the dull thunk of cold metal falling on the ground. I was crossing the treeline now, he was leading me into the woods. But his eyes...out of the corner of my own eye, I noticed I could no longer see the flowers. Whatever. I couldn't look away, not now. The man stopped now, a few feet ahead of me. His eyes looking in mine. His eyes....his eyes. They were no longer pretty. They were cold and dark now, lifeless. The spell broke, and my heart was pounding in my ears. He was still looking into my eyes, as a slight smile began creeping up his face. Every fibre in my body seemed like it was on fire, as I made a blind dash for home. The trees seemed to close in on me, footsteps behind me. Any minute now. They got closer. The footsteps, the trees. So close now. So close, that I could see the flowers. Before I knew it, I was in the clearing again, crumpled among the pretty flowers. Steadying my pounding heart, I dared to look behind me. The woods were tranquil, and I was the only one around.
At home, I tried to be as normal as possible. Mum would throw a fit if she found out. I was never going out there again, that was for certain. Eager to put the whole thing behind me, I crawled into bed, exhausted. Waves of sleep lolled over me almost immediately, and I was out cold within minutes.
I had a rather sound sleep, though something was at the back of my mind. I couldn't remember what but oh well. I took out my phone to check the time, it was not long before I could go out. My eyes caught the calendar, the blank squares staring back at me. Today was 17th May, it seemed like a good day to go out and explore. I think I'll go beyond the flowers today...
submitted by Necessary-Daikon1380 to nosleep [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:12 AlsoPosted The Vanishing Lights: Why Are Fireflies Disappearing?

Fireflies, also known as lightning bugs, have captivated humans for centuries with their mesmerizing light shows on warm summer nights. However, in recent years, these enchanting creatures have been facing a decline in numbers, raising concerns among researchers and conservationists. The disappearance of fireflies is not only a loss for nature enthusiasts but also a sign of a broader environmental issue that needs urgent attention.

Understanding the Decline of a Natural Wonder

There are several factors contributing to the dwindling population of fireflies, with habitat destruction being one of the primary causes. Urbanization and development have led to the destruction of natural habitats where fireflies thrive, such as meadows, forests, and wetlands. As these habitats are cleared for construction or agriculture, fireflies lose their homes and sources of food, ultimately leading to a decline in their population.

Factors Contributing to the Decline

Another major threat to fireflies is light pollution. Artificial lights from street lamps, buildings, and vehicles can disrupt the mating rituals of fireflies, as they rely on their bioluminescent signals to attract mates. Excessive artificial light can obscure the faint glow of fireflies, making it difficult for them to find and communicate with potential partners. This interference can disrupt their reproductive cycle and lead to a decline in their numbers.

Pesticide Use: A Silent Killer

Pesticide use is also a significant factor in the decline of fireflies. The chemicals used in pesticides can be toxic to fireflies, causing harm to both adults and larvae. As fireflies play a crucial role in the ecosystem by controlling pest populations, their decline can have far-reaching consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem health.

Conservation Efforts

Efforts to conserve and protect fireflies are underway, with organizations and researchers working to raise awareness about the importance of these fascinating insects. Citizen science projects and community initiatives are helping to monitor firefly populations and gather valuable data to inform conservation strategies. By reducing light pollution, preserving natural habitats, and promoting sustainable farming practices, we can help ensure the survival of fireflies for future generations to enjoy.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

In conclusion, the disappearance of fireflies is a warning sign of the environmental threats facing our planet. By taking action to protect these magical creatures, we can make a positive impact on their populations and the broader ecosystem. It is crucial that we recognize the value of fireflies and work together to conserve their habitats and ensure their continued presence in our world. Let's join hands to save the vanishing lights before it's too late.
submitted by AlsoPosted to u/AlsoPosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:11 armanivision58 Original sports glasses

Original sports glasses
Are you a person who loves all kinds of sports and outdoor activities? Protecting your eyes is important in any sport or activity you love, whether it's a hobby or a profession. You should not use your trendy prescription glasses or sunglasses while exercising. Typically, these glasses are not made for sports. They are fragile and prone to breaking, especially if they get hit during play. Depending on the material, lenses can break and possibly dislodge, increasing the risk of eye damage.
This is where sports glasses come in, as they are glasses that are specifically designed for use in physical activities and sports. They are designed to protect the eyes and enhance visual performance during activities such as running, cycling, skiing and basketball. Sports glasses can be prescription or non-prescription and come in a variety of styles. In this blog, we will explain what sports glasses are and what are their benefits.

What are sports glasses?
As the name suggests, sports glasses are glasses that are specifically designed for use in physical activities, outdoor games and sports. They simplify the athlete's experience on the field by providing exceptional visibility, color contrast, UV and glare protection, impact resistance and comfort. Sports glasses can be prescription or non-prescription. Finally, you can find customized sports glasses for different types of play, such as basketball, cycling, running, etc., each with its own unique features.

Why do you need sports glasses?

Outdoor sports and games are agile activities and the risk of injury is always there. Therefore, it is essential to be extra safe and prepare with the right equipment. The head, face, eyes, knees and elbows are among the most vulnerable parts of the human body that need an extra layer of protection.
Most people are also unaware of how to minimize the risk of injury. Currently, the need to increase safety awareness in sports and ensure quality protective equipment for players is very important to reduce accidents and injuries caused by sports.

5 main advantages of sports glasses

1- Protection against physical damage

Risks of physical injury or injury are always present in sports. Whether you are a professional athlete or a hobbyist exercising for personal satisfaction, everyone on the field is equally at risk of injury. Therefore, it is important to use a face mask, prescription sports glasses, eye protection and other similar devices to protect your sensitive organs from any physical harm. Polycarbonate lenses and anti-impact frames of sports glasses protect you from damage to the sensitive eye area.

2- Protection against ultraviolet rays
Most outdoor sports are done in the sun. Therefore, playing a game under strong sunlight for long periods of time can cause eye fatigue and increase the risk of vision problems such as age-related macular degeneration (AMD), corneal damage, cataracts, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to avoid excessive exposure to sunlight. To avoid additional exposure to the sun's UVA and UVB rays, it is critical to choose sports glasses with UV protective coatings. You can also size up to sunglasses with dark lenses instead of a clear lens. In addition to using sports glasses with UV protection, you can also use sunglasses with dark lenses to protect your eyes from the sun.
In addition to UV protection, the right sports glasses also protect you from the glare of the sun. This glare may disrupt your focus and attention on the field and reduce your performance. Therefore, choosing the right glasses with anti-radiation properties is very important.

3- Improving visual clarity

The third advantage of using sports glasses or prescription sports glasses is to improve visual clarity. As we all know, outdoor games can be played in broad daylight, foggy conditions and rainy days. Therefore, to increase performance and reduce the risk of injury, you should enjoy clear and sharp vision.
High-quality sports glasses have anti-glare coatings, polarization, and special tints that help clear vision and reduce the amount of reflected light that reaches your eyes. For example, if you are a tennis player and cannot follow the ball on the court due to the intersection of the color of the environment and the color of the tennis ball, your performance may be impaired. But, using sunglasses with anti-glare and polarized coatings will increase the contrast and clarity between objects, so that you can always perform well in the game.

4- Protection against particles

Various sports today, such as football, cycling, volleyball, etc., are played at a very high speed. Due to the high speed of sports, the possibility of insects, particles, dust and other substances hitting your eyes is very high, and you may not even have enough time to avoid or avoid them. This entry of these elements into the eyes can cause problems and inconveniences for you. A speck of dust that gets into your eye can have disastrous consequences. Therefore, caution is required.
Sports glasses and prescription sports glasses act like a shield against the harmful elements coming your way. So, you can focus on your game, and the impact-resistant glasses protect your vision.

5- Increase performance

For any athlete, winning is always a sweet and memorable experience, regardless of their level of athletic experience. But when practical things like glare, discomfort, and dust particles reduce your performance, you're less likely to win. In this context, sports glasses appear as a kind of savior with a brilliant appearance. They can help improve your performance in the following ways. By reducing glare, sports glasses enable you to react faster in bright light conditions.
Sports glasses help your eyes adjust quickly between bright and dark environments. Increasing the contrast helps you to distinguish between an object and the background in which it is located. This feature is especially useful in sports such as tennis, golf, hockey and basketball. For example, in sports where the ball moves quickly and players need to react quickly, increasing contrast can help players see the ball better and react more accurately.
Sports glasses are very important in protecting your eyes. Particles, dust and harmful UV rays can damage your eyes. Up to this part of the article, we have given a comprehensive overview of the 5 main reasons why sports glasses are very useful. Now, let's go into more detail by looking at some tips and tricks for choosing the right glasses.
submitted by armanivision58 to u/armanivision58 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:05 eveningschades Season 4 Rewatch

I just started S4E5 Monster Movie. I'd completely forgotten about the opening scene where the boys are driving down the dark, twisty road with the 1940's scary movie music playing in the background. Dean turns to Sam and says, "Man, the radio here really sucks!" and turns off the radio.
It made me laugh loud enough to make wake my dogs and make them bark!
submitted by eveningschades to Supernatural [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:02 lasan007 18M [M4F] anywhere - huh, Iā€™m surprised this caught your eye.

Well the fact you graced this post with your presence gives me hope, so without wasting your time any further here are things about me.
Iā€™m into anime and music. Iā€™m learning violin and piano. I play video games and chess( thought Iā€™m just average at it) Iā€™m a science student.
Physical appearance : Just an average face. Height: 5ā€™10, Slim.
What Iā€™m looking for : Please be around my age Please be a human from earth, if youā€™re from a different solar system, then Iā€™m sorry. Please be alive and fit.
So if you Iā€™m worth your time just message me with a simple greeting and Iā€™ll carry the rest of conversation.
Damn you actually read all of that?!
Then you might as well know that I also have a dog.
submitted by lasan007 to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:01 Outrageous-Till2753 Apology to my old self

Another post, this one is a bit different though. I sat down today, thought about my relationship with food, my body, myself really throughout my life. Because after Week 2 of ā€œall inā€ recovery, I slowly see my love-handles and belly creeping back up, scared me at first, or still does but see below.
As a kid, even teenager I loved sweets, Iā€™d oftentimes eat a lot of sweets and absolutely loved Sundays because those were the days when my family made pancakes for breakfast, Iā€™d easily eat 8 or so pancakes and it was bliss for me as a child. During high school I had a phase where Cinammon Toast Crunch and KitKats were my favourite thing in the world, I always loved going to dinner with friends and family, loved helping my mother cook and loved school bake sales. The thing is, I also enjoyed many other things, enjoyed exercise, enjoyed grabbing beers with friends until the early morning, enjoyed video games and enjoyed travel.
Less than a year ago, I decided I felt a bit out of shape for my standards and wanted to lose a couple pounds again. Little bit more running, cutting back on the snacks and a bit more healthy food.
It turned into an addiction, an addiction that ruined all of these aspects of my life. An addiction that took the things I loved and destroyed them. Now, when I think of these things, nothing but food comes to mind. Or at least it used to. ā€œHow many calories are in x?ā€ ā€œWhat could I eat to stay within my limits?ā€ ā€œWhat game would be best to play so I donā€™t think about food/hunger?ā€ Itā€™s controlled all these aspects of my life.
I had for a short while ā€œachievedā€ my absolute dream body. The one I thought Iā€™d never have. The one I was always so slightly jealous of, the kind of body that you can see plastered on social media, on magazine covers and in movies, the body that was deemed fit and healthy. I was proud and it kept me going, trying to maintain this body. I got compliments, god did I feel confident, taking my shirt off at the beach was finally something I was looking forward to.
I also had no sex drive, my ass hurt when I sat down because there wasnā€™t enough fat there, I slept terribly, I had to pee every 20-30 minutes because I was chugging a gallon of water before every meal to not feel hungry. I felt invalid, because I was already eating at ā€œmaintenanceā€ at that point, felt like nothing could be wrong because I wasnā€™t underweight. Felt like the dead look of my face was just something that came with being leaner than I was used to. I looked up to fitness influencers, even upped my calories to above maintenance, which still felt like a prison. I went to sleep thinking of all the things Iā€™d eat the next day, just to pace myself at breakfast to save calories for dinner. I barely recognised myself, it felt like a stranger was controlling this body, my mind felt like it wasnā€™t mine anymore. It consumed me, maintaining this physique became the most important aspect of my life, a reason to cancel dates, cancel vacations, a reason to ā€œkeep goingā€, whatever the fuck that means.
So, sitting here, scared shitless because of the ā€œall inā€ and the rapid weight gain. I want to apologise to the chubby version of myself that I guess I will inevitably return to.
I am sorry you didnā€™t love yourself. I am sorry you didnā€™t feel attractive enough. I am sorry for starving you. I am sorry for pushing through injuries and going to sleep hungry. I am sorry for not accepting our faults. I am sorry for pushing you way past what you felt comfortable with. I am sorry for masking this hell I created for us as discipline. I am sorry you didnā€™t enjoy your birthday dinner, sorry you couldnā€™t enjoy moms cooking without worrying about calories, sorry you couldnā€™t enjoy our last vacation because you had to run 10 kilometres to be able to eat to fullness at dinner, sorry for making you order that dumbass salad instead of the steak the next day to make up for potentially overeating. I am sorry for all the memories you missed out on because you wouldnā€™t let yourself have a drink. I am sorry for ever letting it get this far.
I hope for both of us, that once we get out of this shit show and food becomes normal again, that we can love our body and enjoy life to the fullest. And who knows, maybe future you can cut down on the Reeseā€™s a tiny bit, or not, your call.
To anyone else struggling, or as I often do, feeling invalid, especially those folks without a diagnosis, those folks who arenā€™t underweight, those whose stories may be different, I feel you all and youā€™re all just as valid as anyone else. We all deserve to be free from this nightmare and to enjoy life without much worrying at all. I hope youā€™re all doing as well as possible and much love to this community from my end. Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll be right back here with another post asking for reaffirmation or reassurance. But for now, I just hope you enjoyed the read, just something I had to let off my chest.
submitted by Outrageous-Till2753 to fuckeatingdisorders [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:01 Despadia Are there forms to prove Iā€™m a nanny when out with a child?

Hello, so I 19F just started working as a live-in nanny for 3 year old NK in a different state.
(Iā€™d like to add that as much as this post may sound like a troll post itā€™s incredibly serious and Iā€™m genuinely looking for a solution.)
So, I took NK out to a waffle house for lunch and she made a ā€œfriendā€ there, she wouldnā€™t finish her food and only wanted to play so I told her we had to leave (mind you this is my second day being with her, but first day actually working) anyways she had a full blown meltdown inside the waffle house and outside and people (of course) stared at us. She was screaming ā€œGet away from meā€, ā€œleave me aloneā€, ā€œI want my mamaā€, etc etc. I got her back safely, but the police showed up and Iā€™m worried someone called due to her tantrum and saw us come here (we are staying at a hotel due to the parents having to travel for work) and that theyā€™re currently looking for me/us.
Of course, Iā€™m happy to see good samaritans looking out for a child that may need help but it is scary for me as I am a young black woman, in a predominantly white area, taking care of a white child and donā€™t have any legal paper work that would prove I am the childā€™s nanny if authorities were to ever stop/question me.
Does anyone know how anything the family and I could draft that is genuinely legal and would help protect me while out with the child?
submitted by Despadia to Nanny [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:58 Wixej šŸ‘ ALX29 LCD Watch Face šŸ‘

šŸ‘ ALX29 LCD Watch Face šŸ‘ submitted by Wixej to GalaxyGear [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:57 Wixej šŸ‘ ALX29 LCD Watch Face šŸ‘

šŸ‘ ALX29 LCD Watch Face šŸ‘ submitted by Wixej to GalaxyWearOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:57 MrTommyPickles TIFU by attempting to tie a latex-free condom into a knot.

Not today, but years ago in my 20's.
I once had a date with a teacher that went well and we ended up doing the deed using a Skyn comdom. It went great and we both enjoyed it. Once we were finished she went to pee and I cleaned up at the sink. Then, I walked over to the trash to dispose of the Skyn.
My habit has always been to tie the condom in a knot before throwing them away. I figure it prevents smells or messes or whatever. It has never been a problem. So, I started to tie the knot like I usually do. That's where everything went downhill.
What I learned that day is that Skyns don't really tie up very well. You can get a knot if you're gentle but if you pull it too hard the condom will break right at the knot. They are not like synthetics where you can just tug on them as much as you like to make the knot tight.
It was like slow motion, I was carelessly pulling the knot tight when it snapped sending some of the contents flying into her black purse which was open on the counter.
I was absolutely dumbstruck because it was such an unexpected and shocking moment for me. I was just standing there speechless, staring at the halves of condom in each of my hands. But before I could regain any of my mental faculties, she walked out of the bathroom. She hadn't closed the door to pee so I didn't have any warning.
Without thinking I tossed the condom halves into the trash. She must have seen a weird look on my face because she asked me what was wrong? Like an idiot I told her it was nothing and walked over to the toilet to pee too. The door was still open so I looked over to see her looking right into the trash can.
She started to tear up, gives me a dirty look, and begins to get dressed in a hurry. I'm an idiot so I don't realize why she is upset and ask her if she is okay.
ā€œYou're an asshole!ā€, was her reply, ā€œYou seriously weren't going to tell me the condom broke?!ā€ It is at that moment I realized she thought it broke during and was worried about pregnancy. So, I tried to explain how it happened afterwards but she didn't believe me and ended up leaving.
I was too embarrassed at that point to tell her about the purse so I let her leave without saying anything. I'm not sure if she ever noticed. I wish I came clean though because it would have been evidence that it broke at the counter and not inside.
She was a cool person I wish I had played that better.
TLDR: Skyn broke after sex causing it to launch a load directly into my date's purse and I'm an idiot so instead of being honest I handled it in a way that made her think she might get pregnant.
submitted by MrTommyPickles to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:56 Wixej šŸ‘ ALX29 LCD Watch Face šŸ‘

šŸ‘ ALX29 LCD Watch Face šŸ‘ submitted by Wixej to GalaxyWatchFace [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:54 dylanrallen In my Fender electric guitar era

I am a flamenco guitarist. Never really got into playing electrics but have always loved blues and jazz. A few weeks ago I decided to buy this HSS Player Plus strat, and I love it. Dove face first into forums, video reviews and whatnot on electric guitars and decided I loved the sound of telecasters. So last week I bought this Player tele, and while it has some minor quality issues, the tone and playability are fantastic and I like it more than the strat, but both guitars are excellent.
I am trying to decide what mods I might want to make to the tele. I already have locking tuners, and am getting new string trees (adding an extra to hopefully fix buzz on open G from the nut). Any other suggestions?
I am getting a very annoying click when I touch the pickups from static. What is the easiest way to fix that?
submitted by dylanrallen to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:54 Vegetable-Bit-5892 I'm sorry, I want to share

Hi everybody. I'm sorry for this post, it just got covered and I need to talk it out. This post is essentially a long whining of a young idiot.. If you'll excuse me, I'll start from the beginning.
I am about to turn 21 and for the last two years I have been tormented by the question of faith. I'll come from afar.. I am from Eastern Europe and as a child they tried to instill Orthodoxy in me.. But at the age of 13, I was led away towards rigid atheism. As a result, the question of faith ceased to play any role in my life, but it returned.
I don't know how to explain my condition. I'm scared.. It's scary because it's likely that none of what I'm trying to believe exists. Life after death, creator, the paranormal.. Thanks to registering on reddit and being in groups like afterlife, paranormal and so on, I managed to calm my anxiety. But now that faith has become shaky.. In fact, I am thrown from side to side: I can read something in this topic and faith returns, and then plunge into the comments of materialists and atheists and faith dies.
In fact, faith feeds me.. She supports the desire to live. Without her, there is no meaning in life. It's so terrible to realize that when everyone leaves, everything will go away.. That the day will come when I will no longer hear my father's jokes, the barking of the dog, see my mother's smile and will not be able to watch my younger brother and younger sisters having fun. All this will go away.. Only faith gives hope that something will happen next.
Faith helps me not to fall apart completely. In my 20s, I live with my parents, I can't do anything, I sit at home for days and only faith gives me hope that I need to move on, I need to try to overcome my laziness, fight.. But sometimes, looking at how the number of atheists is growing, how the world's religions are dying, it feels like I'm just a miserable idiot who tries to believe in fairy tales because of my own wretchedness and because of the realization that I missed my youth..
Sometimes it feels like all these attempts to find evidence of faith are just attempts to escape from reality.. A reality in which I will never realize what I wanted.. I won't read books because of laziness, I won't be able to get into a relationship with a goth girl (I keep trying to join this subculture, but it turns out poorly), I won't be able to find friends after university, I won't be able to stop looking ridiculous.. And there will be only work ahead, work, work, work, work, gradual extinction and watching the death of relatives. Phrases like "Life will fly by" "The time of fun has passed and this time is youth" are also annoying.
I'm sorry, this all sounds like the whining of a 13-year-old whiner.. God, I even mentioned the girl... But.. I really don't know what to do.. Faith dies and with it the desire to live fades away. And the feeling that I missed everything.. While my peers are having fun, playing in groups, being realized, I have a feeling that everything is lost
submitted by Vegetable-Bit-5892 to spirituality [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:53 D3ST13L Rp request

( ) = me āœØ = me
Iā€™m a 22 year old roleplayer who has been doing this for about 7-ish years. I know this is a long stretch, but Iā€™m still gonna keep trying. Iā€™m currently searching for roleplay partners. Please be at least 20 and have discord! These are my current fandoms that Iā€™m interested in rpingā€¦
Demon Slayer - Harry Potter - T33n wolf - The maze runner - Scream - Creepypasta - MLB - AOT - Fairy Tail - Death Note - Danganronpa - Undertale - Sk8 The Infinity - Angels Of Death - Tokyo Ghoul - FNAF - Marvel - Supernatural - Su1c1d3 Squad - Adventure Time - Stranger Things - Sally Face
Searching for; Iā€™m currently on the hunt for a Demon Slayer RP! I wish to rp as Aizetsu, Yoriichi, Rengoku, or Iguro. Looking for Sanemi, Muzan, Uzui, or Giyuu roleplayers.
These are SOME of the characters/ships from some of the fandoms. {NO OCS PLS!}
šŸ™ = Iā€™m dying to try out!!
(M)xM ships;
āœØNagitoāœØ x Hajime {Danganronpa}šŸ™šŸ™
āœØAizetsuāœØ x Sanemi šŸ™
āœØYoriichiāœØ x Muzan
āœØRonāœØ x Draco {Harry Potter}
āœØHarryāœØ x Draco {Harry Potter}
āœØNewtāœØ x Thomas {The maze runner}
āœØRengokuāœØ x Uzui {Demon Slayer} šŸ™
āœØIguroāœØ x Giyuu {Demon Slayer}šŸ™
āœØIguroāœØ x Sanemi {Demon Slayer}šŸ™
āœØIguroāœØ x Rengoku {Demon Slayer}
āœØGiyuuāœØ x Rengoku {Demon Slayer}
āœØVoid Stiles/StilesāœØ x Derek {T33n Wolf}
āœØNearāœØ x Mellow {Death Note}
āœØLevi AckermanāœØ x Erwin Smith {AOT}
āœØCherryāœØ x Joe {Sk8 the infinity}
āœØUtaāœØ x Yomo {Tokyo Ghoul}
āœØJuuzouāœØ x Ken {Tokyo Ghoul}
(F)xM ships;
āœØMitsuriāœØ x Iguro {Demon Slayer}šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™
āœØKyokoāœØ x Makoto {Danganronpa}šŸ™
āœØAllisonāœØ x Isaac {T33n wolf}
āœØPieckāœØ x Porco {Attack On Titan}šŸ™
āœØShinobuāœØ x Giyuu {Demon Slayer}
āœØ TairaāœØ x Anzai {Devils Line}
āœØJuviaāœØ x Gray {Fairy Tail}
āœØFionaāœØ x Marshallee {Adventure Time}
I have got lots more in mind, but if any of these interest you, even in the slightest, please let me know and Iā€™ll get back to you ASAP.
submitted by D3ST13L to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:53 D3ST13L Rp request

Amino sucks, so here I am
( ) = me āœØ = me
Iā€™m a 22 year old roleplayer who has been doing this for about 7-ish years. I know this is a long stretch, but Iā€™m still gonna keep trying. Iā€™m currently searching for roleplay partners. Please be at least 20 and have discord! These are my current fandoms that Iā€™m interested in rpingā€¦
Demon Slayer - Harry Potter - T33n wolf - The maze runner - Scream - Creepypasta - MLB - AOT - Fairy Tail - Death Note - Danganronpa - Undertale - Sk8 The Infinity - Angels Of Death - Tokyo Ghoul - FNAF - Marvel - Supernatural - Su1c1d3 Squad - Adventure Time - Stranger Things - Sally Face
Searching for; Iā€™m currently on the hunt for a Demon Slayer RP! I wish to rp as Aizetsu, Yoriichi, Rengoku, or Iguro. Looking for Sanemi, Muzan, Uzui, or Giyuu roleplayers.
These are SOME of the characters/ships from some of the fandoms. {NO OCS PLS!}
šŸ™ = Iā€™m dying to try out!!
(M)xM ships;
āœØNagitoāœØ x Hajime {Danganronpa}šŸ™šŸ™
āœØAizetsuāœØ x Sanemi šŸ™
āœØYoriichiāœØ x Muzan
āœØRonāœØ x Draco {Harry Potter}
āœØHarryāœØ x Draco {Harry Potter}
āœØNewtāœØ x Thomas {The maze runner}
āœØRengokuāœØ x Uzui {Demon Slayer} šŸ™
āœØIguroāœØ x Giyuu {Demon Slayer}šŸ™
āœØIguroāœØ x Sanemi {Demon Slayer}šŸ™
āœØIguroāœØ x Rengoku {Demon Slayer}
āœØGiyuuāœØ x Rengoku {Demon Slayer}
āœØVoid Stiles/StilesāœØ x Derek {T33n Wolf}
āœØNearāœØ x Mellow {Death Note}
āœØLevi AckermanāœØ x Erwin Smith {AOT}
āœØCherryāœØ x Joe {Sk8 the infinity}
āœØUtaāœØ x Yomo {Tokyo Ghoul}
āœØJuuzouāœØ x Ken {Tokyo Ghoul}
(F)xM ships;
āœØMitsuriāœØ x Iguro {Demon Slayer}šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™
āœØKyokoāœØ x Makoto {Danganronpa}šŸ™
āœØAllisonāœØ x Isaac {T33n wolf}
āœØPieckāœØ x Porco {Attack On Titan}šŸ™
āœØShinobuāœØ x Giyuu {Demon Slayer}
āœØ TairaāœØ x Anzai {Devils Line}
āœØJuviaāœØ x Gray {Fairy Tail}
āœØFionaāœØ x Marshallee {Adventure Time}
I have got lots more in mind, but if any of these interest you, even in the slightest, please let me know and Iā€™ll get back to you ASAP.
submitted by D3ST13L to amino [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:53 DecaturDad The Night By The Fire

It was in a little ski town in the North Carolina mountains, five hours north from our home in Atlanta. The treeless scar on the face of the biggest hill was slick with ice and artificial snow. Southern skiers in rentals tumbled their way down to the rickety chair lifts. A pink sunset lit the still green hills.
The kids were exhausted, pulling themselves out of their snow pants in the backseat while we were parked at the pizza place at the foot of the mountain.
H, our oldest, saw the piano first. Immediately, he started to tremble. He knew what was coming.
You were on your fourth glass of wine when you approached the young guy hired to play pop songs for ski families on the baby grand. You sat our middle boy, G, about 8 years old then, down beside him on the piano bench and sang loudly along while our son played a few bars of whatever he could remember. "I Will Survive." G has always liked performing for you. Henry waited outside by the salt stained car, hyperventilating.
H feels these moments as a repeated trauma, a sort of emotional concussion that always leaves him physically shaking. You told him he had no right to get anxious about something his brother was doing. You didn't understand what he was feeling. Maybe you thought you were toughening him up somehow.
For him, it was about all the times you'd made him play for strangers. He was afraid.
I stood by the car with him while he shook, not knowing what to say that wouldn't betray you and would somehow keep our fragile peace. I'd spent months sleeping on the couch while you churned. When you were done performing, you pulled a band sticker you'd made for the boys from your purse and stuck it to the wall by the door. You can find those same stickers in the women's room of every bar and restaurant you'd ever been to in Atlanta. You were building something, turning them into the stars you never got to be.
We piled back in the car and snaked up through the dark hills towards the A-frame rental. The boys were quiet in the dark of the backseats. You had brought a plastic cup of wine for the ride back, cheap pinot grigio sloshing with the turns. You were singing along to the spotify streamā€” a song called Judy.
"Oh, where are you Judy? Where are you Judy? Where are you Judy...." you sang, so excited to hear your special personā€™s name leave your own mouth. You called out for her then: "Oh Judy!"
For months I'd tried to embrace your relationship with her. I'd seen the texts where she had sent you the names of divorce lawyers. On the surface it looked almost like an affair. But I knew you well enough to know it wasn't sexual. It was just that she had become your sun and moon.
In our marriage, you had always had a female friend that meant everything to you. Like Judy, they were usually a little older than you, usually with dark hair. Someone that could be mistaken for a big sister. Without fail, the relationships would end in an eruption. Infatuation turning on a dime into disgust.
The affection for Judy was deeper, though, than any of your other "favorite persons," and I was worried about what it would mean for you when the split inevitably came.
Once the kids were down in their bunk beds, I started a fire in the stone circle beside the A-frame, the smoke haunting the evergreens and rhododendrons in the darkness. You sat down beside me with more wine.
It was in your eyes then, that black place you go to, a pained tremble echoing in the dark brown pupils. It was never really about the alcohol. It was something deeper and more searing. You were inflamed.
ā€œSo," you asked me, "do you still want to be with someone like me?ā€ You spat the words, staring into the fire. You were angry and righteous but fearful too, like Iā€™d already gone.
A quiet part of you knew what was wrong. Everything else in you blamed me.
ā€œOf course I do,ā€ I said. I knew what it was by then, but I was still looking for answers. Some solution to lift your pain and bring you back. I thought of the children in their beds. I hadnā€™t told you yet what the therapist had shared with me. I had swallowed it, a secret I thought I could protect you from long enough to find a way to fix it. Some brilliant therapist or miracle drug that would plaster over the cracks. I didnā€™t understand why our marriage counselor wouldn't tell a client what they were going through. "She will never accept it," was her justification. "Prepare for divorce."
But the same sickness swimming in your eyes had infected me, too. It had brought out the worst in me, and I would match your anger. Our fights had become nuclear, scorched earth shouting.
Not this night, though.
This night, I was quiet while you smoldered.
We sat together, a foot of old picnic table bench between us, a wide smile on your face that I didnā€™t understand.
Silence, as the smoke curled up around us.
And when the fire was out, we went to our separate beds.
submitted by DecaturDad to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:52 wallyboiiii Card jitsu pop-up cards

Card jitsu pop-up cards submitted by wallyboiiii to ClubPenguin [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 19:51 Useful_Growth5112 Iā€™ve made this piece of mumble. What you think?

Iā€™ve made this piece of mumble. What you think?
Iā€™ve got way too much time on my hands Iā€™ve made this piece of mumble. Iā€™d love your feedback on it . Itā€™s my first so if you wanna absolutely grill me for it/ critic it from start to finish Iā€™m all for it .
You know what i just realised šŸ˜‚? Iā€™ve watched ā€˜ā€™last call for istanbulā€™ā€™ like two days ago and now as i read through the lyric that itā€™s completely inspired by it. That stunned me like freaked me out a bit iā€™m not gonna lie. Cause here i thought i was just jamming on the guitar . Itā€™s an eye opener for sure of how the mind gets rapped up and influenced by what it consumes.
Here we are letā€™s call it
Once again -lyrics- Once again
In a world of laughter, where troubles seem to fade, I'd take on any challenge, for our love won't fade. Even if you're feisty, ready for a brawl, I'd still chase after you, for you're my all in all. (Chorus) I'd give it all, my joy, my song, my glee, Just to see your face light up, you mean the world to me. Even if we playfully argue now and then, I'd dance through the chaos, to hold you once again. (Verse 2) When the sun sets low and the stars start to shine, I'll be there by your side, your hand in mine. For in your laughter, I find my guiding light, And in your embrace, everything feels right. (Chorus) I'd give it all, my joy, my song, my glee, Just to see your face light up, you mean the world to me. Even if we playfully argue now and then, I'd dance through the chaos, to hold you once again. (Bridge) Life's a merry-go-round, with ups and downs we sway, But with you by my side, every moment's like a holiday. So let's laugh away the worries, let's dance in the sun, For with you, my love, every battle's won. (Chorus) I'd give it all, my joy, my song, my glee, Just to see your face light up, you mean the world to me. Even if we playfully argue now and then, I'd dance through the chaos, to hold you once again. (Outro) So let's skip through the meadows, let's sing under the sky, With you, my love, every moment's flying high. I'd give it all, my laughter, my cheers, my trend, Just to see you again, and love you to no end.
submitted by Useful_Growth5112 to KeepWriting [link] [comments]