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2011.11.11 18:42 Zlor For gamers behind the times

A gaming sub free from the news, hype and drama that surround current releases, catering instead to gamers who wait at least 12 months after release to play a game. Whether it's price, waiting for bugs/issues to be patched, DLC to be released, don't meet the system requirements, or just haven't had the time to keep up with the latest releases.

2009.06.15 01:12 buu700 Relationship Advice

Need help with your relationship? Whether it's romance, friendship, family, co-workers, or basic human interaction: we're here to help!

2024.05.21 23:28 Longshlongsilver007 TIFU: Getting 3 MRIs when I thought I was covered by Health Insurance

So I have chronic pain in my shoulder in arm that I have been getting physiotherapy on. After two sessions my physio basically said that my arm is so messed up that he doesn't know what the issue is and said he'd refer me for 3 MRIs. He asked where I was covered with my Health Insurance and having checked it recently, I listed out the places I remembered.
I get the MRIs done and on the call they asked if I was covered. I said yes and was told that my insurance doesn't do direct settlement with the clinic so I would need to claim it later but that the cost would be €810 for the 3 scans. It's a lot of money but I think to myself that this is the first clinic to get back to me and I'll be able to get this sorted quickly and get the money back. Although it pains me to spend it, I'm lucky enough that I'll be able to get by until the money gets back into my account.
Anyway, today I went to put the claim in and I discovered that I must have misread the eligible clinics list because the clinic is not listed. So it looks like I just spent €810 on 3 mri scans when there were 3 other clinics within a 20minute drive where I could have gotten it done for free. Thankfully, this won't break me financially but I will feel it with my wedding fast approaching and I'm currently trying to save for a house.
TL;DR: Misread my insurance policy and thought I was covered for scans at a clinic. Instead spent over €800 when it would have been free at 3 other clinics near to me.
submitted by Longshlongsilver007 to tifu [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:27 bittermillenniallady 6 Month Update - improvement for PTSD, depression, and anxiety.

I was inspired by another user on this sub who made a similar post a few weeks ago, I hope that my experience might encourage others.
I started taking 10mg escitaloprám (lexapro) in November 2023. The worst side effect I had was hightened anxiety, for which I had to quit drinking coffee entirely. This made for a tough first week as I dealt with Caffeine withdrawal. Prior to this, I was a religious coffee drinker and could easily drink four cups per day and sometimes more.
I also found that might libido and energy was slightly affected negatively. My doctor sent me for blood work to rule out some issues and turns out I had low iron. I have been taking iron supplements and found improvements in these areas, but it's definitely a work in progress.
My general outlook on life has improved drastically, I've started attending the gym and taking care of my life. I feel excited for the future for the first time in my life. I have been able to make leaps and bounds in trauma therapy
I have concrete examples of how taking this medication has improved my diagnoses. In June 2023 (before escitaloprám) I scored 27 (severe) on the BAI (anxiety), 63 on the PCL-5 (PTSD) and 37 (severe) on the BDI-2 (depression). I recently re-did these assessments and my results came back SIGNIFICANTLY improved, to the point where the scores are clinically insignificant. On paper, I no longer suffer from these afflictions. I don't have the exact scores available to me right now as my provider has not posted them to my online profile, but I can share them in an update later if anyone is interested.
This is your sign to give the medication a chance.
submitted by bittermillenniallady to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:27 _calmii [F20] Glow up advice??

[F20] Glow up advice??
Hi! I'm 20 years old, and I'm looking for glow up advice. Ever since I was 12-13, I've been struggling with self-confidence issues. I'm tired of feeling this way about myself and would like genuine advice on how to improve my appearance. The self confidence issues I've had about myself are so bad that it lead me to develop depression and anxiety and have been struggling with that for 7-8 years now. Because of that, I often have trouble taking care of myself. I'm also 80% sure I have ARFID but haven't been able to get a diagnosis for it yet.
I won't post pictures of my body because that makes me uncomfortable. However, I'm mainly looking for weight loss advice, skin care advice, and makeup advice. Hair advice would be fine too. Though I can't do much with my hair as I just got it cut. I'm also looking for ways I can take better care of myself while struggling with depression + anxiety.
I want to lose weight but I have trouble sticking to a diet and excerising so any tips are appreciated :) I really want to try and better myself. I'm not 100% sure about my height but I'm around 5'4" to 5'6" and I'm 150 lb.
I provided pictures of myself with and without makeup above. I don't know how long I'll keep this post up since I don't usually post myself online but thank you to anyone who answers this :)
Have a good day!
submitted by _calmii to TheGlowUp [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:26 KBBQO3O 32[M4A] #Netherlands/#Online - looking for gym rats :)

Hi, I'm a 32 year old guy from the Netherlands. I'm laid-back and easygoing and I prefer living a life as stress-free as possible. Of course that's not always how life goes. So I have a very "whatever happens, happens" attitude when things go wonky.
I like to fill my free time with things that give me energy. I'll play my games, binge my shows, cook good food, and go on random grocery runs, but by far my favorite way to spend my time and feel amazing in return is going to the gym.
I've been going to the gym for 6 years now, of which 5 years were spent not knowing what I was doing. So it's no surprise I also didn't see results. I did make a friend at the gym last year who really helped me get into it more seriously and lift with intention. He left my gym, but he also left me with knowledge and a new drive to aim for higher.
By now you probably have an image in mind. No! Despite how I describe myself, I am not ripped/shredded/huge. It's also not my goal to be that. Right now I'm just your average cuddly bear-like nerd on a mission to get stronger.
I've never been very comfortable approaching strangers irl and just striking up a conversation with them, let alone at the gym where almost everyone is there to focus and get their workout in. So I decided to post here hoping to find some online friends instead.
So, if you love lifting weights or are interested in trying it out, leave me a message and hopefully we can be friends. I'll virtually hype you up for your next PR.
And of course we can be friends in general too. I'd describe myself as a nerd, a geek, a goofball. Through and through. And of course I have typical hobbies that come with that kind of description.
Have a great day!
submitted by KBBQO3O to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:26 SierraBrelsford Any idea on what could be wrong with me? Tired of being dismissed by doctors.

Over the last two years, I've been on a mission to get to the bottom of what's wrong with me. I feel like my doctors are either dismissive right away, or excited to try to figure it out, but quickly give up when no one test isn't off the charts bad. I'm seeing a neurologist in July. Wondering what other specialists I should ask for. I've already been to an allergist, a pulmonologist, a cardiologist who specs in electrophysiology and has referred me for a tilt table test, an orthopedist as a teen, and a gastroenterologist.
About Me:
Almost 30 years old, female. Married, no children, full time self employed business ownehairstylist. Of English and Mediterranean descent. No significant history of alcohol use. Have not drank since 2020. I don't use Marijuana or other drugs. No significant nicotene use, but smoked 1 to 3 cigarettes per day until 2021, switched to vaping the lowest concentration, quit nicotene in 2023. Generally healthy and balanced diet. 5'5", currently about 145lbs. 105/65 is normal resting BP, heart is high 50s to low 60s. No significant personal medical history aside from benign ovarian tumor resulting in emergency surgery due to torsion in 2017. Have had pelvic ultrasound within last 6 months, no findings. Normal abdominal CT. Have had two colonoscopies and an endoscopy due to GI issues, detailed below. PFT suggested mild asthma. GI Scopes found mild cell changes in lower esophagus, rectum, and chronic gastritis in stomach. Had MRI of brain which showed two small white matter hyperintensities. Normal echocardiogram, cardiac stress test showed elevated ejection fraction which may have been due to dehydration. Normal cardiac event monitor. I have some degenerative disc disease in my cervical and thoracic spine.
Blood panels usually show: - low- to low end of normal hemoglobin, potassium, sodium. - high end of normal levels of CO2 -high but not alarmingly high wbc (very high neutrophils but low lymphocytes) -thyroid (free t3 and t4) levels tend to swing from the 1.0's to almost 3.0 -estradiol low end of normal Have a normal ESR blood test, have not been given an ANA.
Symptoms include:
-Sudden, crushing fatigue (have almost fallen asleep while standing and walking) -Heart palpitations (both fast and slow, pounding ones) I do take propranolol 10mg as needed and it always helps within an hour. -Sudden feelings of impending doom/death/panic -Sudden lightheadedness and nausea -Sudden bloating and diarrhea 5+ times a day -Cystic acne, currently controlled with tretinoin -Migraines with aura, with or without headache (visual and sound distortions, cannot look at certain patterns (especially small stripes) or hear certain noises without feeling "out of sorts" -Vertigo (feels like I'm falling or about to fall over) -Extreme acid reflux that is never fully controlled even with Pantoprazole (burning is gone, regurgitation still a thing) -Dysphagia -Unexplainable weight fluctuations of up to 25 pounds within a couple months, both gain and loss. This has happened since age 12/13. My mom took me to the doctor for this when I was 95lbs at 13, size 000 and couldn't put on weight no matter what I ate after suddenly losing 15lbs for no reason, doctor accused me of bulimia and dismissed us. -Random episodes of shortness of breath, rescue inhaler works typically. Sharp, stabbing pains and dull aches in rib cage, back, neck, and chest Sudden aching pains in arms and legs or skin will feel like patches of it are burning for a few minutes Unable to vigorously exercise or I will have what feels like an adrenaline dump and have a panic attack. Usually walking up to 3mph is fine but sometimes it isn't. Hypermobile joints which have resulted in many partial and full knee, shoulder, and finger dislocations, especially in teens and early 20s. I've always been very flexible. I do have TMJ as well.
***Also worth noting: Throughout 2018 and 2019, I'd have random days here and there where I would spike a fever and be in bed all day with flu like symptoms, if I went to the doctor my WBC count would be quite high, but either the next day or by the end of the day I'd be fine. This went on for about a year and a half. Then in late 2020, I got COVID and everything started or severely intensified about 6 months later. Continued to worsen until early 2022, then again in early 2023 after a series of very stressful events, and has stayed the same since. Most of my above symptoms have been with me to some degree since childhood or teens, but greatly intensified post-COVID.
Family history of:
Mitral valve defects DVT Heart attack Unstable angina Atrial fibrillation Renal failure Heart failure Type 2 diabetes Hypertension High cholesterol Colon cancer Hypothyroidism and Hyperthyroidism Reproductive cancers in men and women Anxiety Depression Bipolar disorder Substance use disorder Fibromyalgia Chronic fatigue syndrome Ulcerative colitis GERD Lupus PMDD
Honestly at this point I don't believe I will ever get a diagnosis. I'm leaning toward some type of dysautonomia like POTS, an autoimmune or thyroid disorder, or even EDS.
submitted by SierraBrelsford to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:26 Abucketofmug My very big issues with Link vs Tarnished (Giant ass rant incoming)

My very big issues with Link vs Tarnished (Giant ass rant incoming)
My issues with Link vs Tarnished
By Abucketofmug
Note to keep in mind:
This is not a debunk, nor is it meant to say “I hate this matchup and you should too!”. I know this community has had an issue with debunks and I unfortunately decided to make this at a time where people are getting sick of debunks. So let me just say this is all my opinion, and that what I say is not meant to kill this matchup or debunk it. If you want to enjoy it despite what I say, all power to you. I am entitled to my opinion as much as anyone else is to theirs.
And now onto the main event and I will be talking about this with one part at a time. With the first being connections/thematics.
Part 1: The flimsy connections
Here are the most up to date and recent connections I could find. If there are better ones that I should use instead of this then feel free to tell me.
  • Heroic medieval silent fantasy protagonists of critically acclaimed massive open-world action RPG video games.
  • Both have very little memory of their pasts because of their amnesia, making their pasts all the more mysterious.
  • Guided by a maiden to help them save a decaying world (Zelda and Ranni The Witch)
  • Masterfully skilled at horse riding and mounted combat.
  • Mainly known for being master swordsman despite having a massive arsenal of both melee weapons and ranged weapons
  • Possessed a set of unique supernatural abilities (Link's Sheikah Slate/Champion Powers, and The Tarnished's Sorceries and Incantations)
  • Both heroes would use their gifts and talents to heroically help a woman with divine powers usurp control from the previous rulers who ruined said world into their hands and start a new age (Link helping Zelda stop Calamity Ganon and if you count the Age of Stars ending as the canon ending, Tarnished helps free Ranni The Witch and able to end age of evil in the Lands Between)
Now let me just say first I don’t think these are inherently wrong. This isn’t meant to be a debunk but I am going to talk about my issues with these connections as well as other aspects of this mu.
And I think from this some of you might start to see the issue. The connections have a case of being either generic as hell or interesting but still iffy. I feel this matchup tries to take a quality over quantity approach and fails at that as these connections while they do work do not go into either character at all. It doesn’t cover any of Link’s character and his struggles, drawing him to be some blank slate of a character which could not be further from the truth. And it doesn't cover any aspect of Elden Ring’s frankly amazing story. The connections you can call solid come off as stretches once you know the series and the main issue is that this doesn't at all cover Tears of the Kingdom, this matchup mainly only goes into Botw and doesn't go deeper into either of their respective characters or worlds.
It really just feels like “Oh they sure do be amnesiac swordsmen in open world fantasy games” and while this works decently as a main theme it fails to add anything of quality onto it which just leaves the connections feeling dry, even ignoring the fact that it doesn't cover Totk. And I’ve heard people say shit like “it’ll get better once Shadow of the Erdtree comes out!” but that is a huge maybe at best. And if your argument is that the connections might get better once Shadow of the Erdtree comes out then that’s not so much an argument as it is praying the DLC adds to the connections.
Part 2: The fight potential doing too much or not enough
Now I know this’ll piss some people off but I see absolutely nothing special about this fight potential. Don’t get me wrong it’s not bad so much as it’s just painfully mediocre. There are admittedly some interesting things one could do with this, and they both have 3D models that can work kinda well even if they clash a bit in art style and quality. And this can be a decent clash of weapons with some variety in it. But it really starts to fall flat once you consider their greater abilities, how these two fight, and the very existence of Totk.
These two at a base level can fight in some similar ways, but the pace of which is vastly different. A lot of the stuff that happens in botw and totk can be described as fast paced with you constantly running around and traversing the battlefield in many unique ways. Elden Ring is a fucking soulslike game and as such does not match that same level of pace you see Link at.
There can be work arounds but it usually boils down to making Link fight at a slower pace or Tarnished at a faster pace. So it’s either making Link a lot less interesting or straight up misrepresenting Tarnished. Which leads me into my next point which is that I see no way you can make this fight fluid while including everything Link gains in totk. The constructs just simply cannot play well off of anything Tarnished has and it leaves so much to be desired. Tarnished is just not that mobile, at least not enough to create a fluid animation between these two.
There are a few ways I can see this matchup working and they all has issues of its own. Here are the most notable.
  1. I’ve heard people mention you just use botw. But not only is that effectively cucking Link of a lot of his arsenal as well as half of his fucking story. But it only also leads back into my point that all this can really accomplish is some decent sword fighting with occasional weapon switches. Not bad but insanely lacking as well as failing to do Link justice.
  2. If you do use totk however then this entire matchup just turns into “Link’s matchup and also Tarnished is there I guess” and that just completely kills this matchup for me as these two are very interesting and I love both their games but they just can’t play off each other that well at all. With constructs, fuse, and the sage abilities this just makes it seem like Tarnished doesn't matter here which kills the whole point of all these matchups.
  3. “Comp them!” No… why would anyone do that? That ruins the connections and while it does help fight wise, it also shares the same issues to #2 in that it’s just Link stealing the show with Tarnished not getting much. As apart from his original game what does Tarnished have that will help with animation?
Part 3: Lack of anything meaningful character wise
Now I know this may fall into interaction and story potential in which case I know what you're thinking “Mug they're silent protagonists, that's the whole point” in which case I just ask you all to hear me out. While yes neither really talk for their own respective reasons there are still interactions one can have with silent protagonists. And I think the best example of this is any version of Link. Link the majority of the time is a bit mischievous and playful despite being a hero with nearly every iteration of him. And this Link is honestly such a great character in my eyes. But this matchup throws that out the window by having the currently best written version of Link have nothing to bounce off of character wise. But I suppose that's not an issue with the matchups quality. Just extreme missed potential.
Along with that this might just be me but I see no interesting way a fight between the two could start. To have in character reasons to want to fight does help a matchup, especially if you want to make a script or if someone animates it. But with how this matchup is I just can't see any way this can start without it just being a misunderstanding or pulling what Weiss vs Mistsuru did and have it start mid fight. And this shares the same issue I have with the rest of the mu, yeah it can technically work, but if this isn't the most boring and uninspired shit then I don’t know what is.
Part 4: The conclusion to this shit. AKA This matchup isn’t bad but man it needs work.
Let me just quickly recap my overall points. This'll be a tldr for those who don't feel like reading allat.
  1. This matchups, connections while not wrong are so uninspired and feel dry as hell. They don’t take Tears of the Kingdom into account and the connections that are of quality can even be considered stretches.
  2. The fight doesn't do what I’d like for either and to create a fluid fight you’re effectively forced to only use botw which sucks as you not only are removing Link’s most interesting arsenal and gear but it just draws this up to be a sword fight just with some more weapons added in.
  3. The lack of interactions in one of the most interesting, and entertaining versions of Link there is.
Do I think this is a bad matchup? No I don't. But I can't pretend like this isn't an incredibly mediocre matchup that does nothing interesting with either characters. If you want a good Hero of the Wild matchup then Aang is right there. And if you want a good Tarnished matchup… Well unfortunately I have yet to find a Tarnished matchup that has good connections. But Dark Urge is there if you want some good fight potential that portrays Tarnished in a better light. Truthfully I don't think I'll ever truly like this but if the connections got a solid revamp that'd greatly help this matchup.
I don't really know how to end this as I don't usually write this kinda stuff. So just have a good day I guess.
submitted by Abucketofmug to DeathBattleMatchups [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:25 ThatOrange_ Jewel of the Big Muddy: Louisiana Election of 1850

Jewel of the Big Muddy: Louisiana Election of 1850
New Orleans, pearl of the great river itself.
Times are good for Louisiana, a beacon of calm in a region increasingly chaotic. With the victory of the Progress Party in 1845, a third term for Archon Longchambon began, made even sweeter by the continued decline of the Natural Conservatives and United Democrats at the ballot box. Something of a partnership emerged in the weeks following the election, as the tenuous understanding between PP interests and those of the National League held firm. With the economy deemed sufficiently robust after the tapering of a long malaise, the National Bank proceeded to fully end its policy of austerity, and as promised, Longchambon eventually cut most of the new taxes, or eliminated them. The old Franc, largely decried, was successfully replaced over the next few years with the Fleurin.
More confident than ever, the Archon's senatorial coalition successfully pushed forth the full repeal of the Prosperity and Truth Act, after much debate in that body. The press, and public speech, for the first time in many years was truly free, although whether this would prove to be a mixed blessing remained to be seen. Further successes followed. With the power of the planter class as an institution in politics slowly declining, the Archon, working with Senator Augustin Robillard of the National League, and Ex-Archon Oscar Bernadotte, would see the passage of the Slave Transport and Territorial Act of 1847, which banned new immigrants from bringing their slaves with them into Louisiana, and also heavily regulating, to the extent of effectively crippling, the bringing of slaves into future territories where the institution did not already exist. The controversial "12%" tax was also raised to 18%. Further, Robillard's dream of a New Orleans to St. Louis Railroad would finally break ground, albeit in an altered form. A largely private initiative with a small degree of federal oversight, it nevertheless promises to be a proud idea. The republic is a huge country, and while river travel is enormously popular, it can truly be said that we are now in an age of steam and rail industry, at last.
Another major domestic pledge by the PP was a renewed attempt to reign in the military, and slowly, at a snail's pace, this would eventually be accomplished. Bereft of support after three consecutive PP wins, further attempts at mutiny were stillborn. After much negotiation, military procurements were sliced by almost half, over the objections of numerous defense hawks and old military hands. Critics charge this has left Louisiana vulnerable to attack.
However, not everyone is so happy with this era of good feelings. Events overseas have resulted in the spread of new ideas to Louisiana, and old forces hope for a comeback as well.

Centralist troops on the march in Mexico
After years of savage, internecine conflict, the Great Centralist War has seemingly come to an end, leaving a land in ruin. It has had mixed results for all involved. While Santa Anna, in a display of his old military skill would go on to crush the Anti-Centralist rebels decisively, the lack of priority given to the Rio Grande theater would prove ill advised. There, the anti-government forces would prevail. The Rio Grande Republic, an entity compromising Nuevo Leon, Coahuila, Tamaulipas, and most of Tejas, would be de facto recognized. Attitudes toward this new neighbor are mixed, as it is has been criticized as little more than an alliance of angry warlords, despite their professed values of "freedom." Many have their doubts that this is a lasting peace however, and with Comanche raids an ever present threat, the new government has been unable to effectively respond to squatters from Louisiana, known as Filibusterers. A brief attempt was even made to proclaim California an independent state, in 1848, but this attempt quickly fell apart. With the conflict in Yucatan also seemingly coming to an end, it does appear that Santa Anna has managed to salvage most of Mexico for himself, and no doubt plans revenge against the Riograndese.

British forces on the outskirts of Boston, in 1848.
1848 would prove to be a year of titanic proportions. The old order was challenged in Europe, as across the continent, liberal and nationalist revolutions swept the land. Slowly, eventually, it became clear that many of these daring ventures would fail, either petering out on their own being appeased by half-hearted promises, or crushed with brute force.
But The Year of Revolutions was not merely confined to Europe.
The Federal Republic of New England was often regarded as one of the most stable and steady of the Successor States, having emerged from the collapse of the United States of America to throw itself under the comforting gaze of the British Empire. The partnership was natural, many merchants and upper class figures felt a natural bond with the Mother Country regardless of the events of the Revolutionary War. New England would ossify into increasingly oligarchical rule, however, its government being seen as increasingly lofty and out of touch. Opponents of the "Grandee Rule" failed to gain much power despite occasional flare ups. In 1828, Vermont had even revolted, seeking to regain old freedom, only to be defeated. Then from 1841-1842, a radical liberal insurrection had rocked Rhode Island and Connecticut, only to be suppressed with British aid. The stage was set. Following the failure of a series of reform bills, and a violent riot in Boston, President King called out the militia, who instead joined the riot, which soon became a revolt. The government fled Boston, as a coalition of radical leaders proclaimed the New England Union, lifting a tricolor inspired by their ideological brothers from across the sea. Within weeks, the chaos had spread, and all order had broken down. Fighting was general across New England. Seeing this void, and perhaps anticipating the other, both the Atlantic Republic and Britain soon intervened. Atlantic troops soon occupied part of Connecticut and Vermont, while the British, in a two pronged assault, began a campaign to reclaim the rest. With aid from local anti-rebel elements, the British fought their way into Boston. By late 1849, it was clear that the end was near. The Providence Accord, a rough truce outlining certain terms, was soon in place. Britain would occupy the lion's share of New England, but the Atlantics would receive all Connecticut land west of the Housatonic River, as well as 2/3rds of Vermont.
It remains unclear what exactly long term British policy in the region even is, although some suspect they may plan to roll New England into Canada. This remains speculation.
With the 1850 election coming up, everyone is curious as to how Louisiana will handle matters, although some surprises certainly promise to emerge. Recent events have shown that the old political forces must find new tactics, and a younger party also makes its cause known, hoping to rise to power. In response to the shocking unification of the opposition, several blocs have emerged.
La Ligue du Progrès National:
(The League of National Progress)
Senator Augustin Robillard
Chosen after much debate, can he unite the common ticket?
It was originally thought that there would be, yet again, a spirited contest between the League and Progress Party in this election. However, a number of factors have complicated this. The three term tenure of the PP, the solidification of the opposition, and a factional rebellion from the left has made a pact necessary. Agreeing to stand as a united front for the purposes of the election, the Ligue du Progrès National has been formed. Longchambon, citing declining health, played little part in proceedings except to sign his name, and thus Robillard was able to acquire the candidacy. Not everyone is happy with this, but certainly he is an able figure. There is some lingering anger that Bassot, the Foreign Minister, was overlooked, but this is surely just noise? The LPN has pledged a continuation of the railroad program, a "judicious" tariff, and "betterment" for society. Internal factional lines are rather clear, so perhaps this vagueness was warranted. Some serious disagreements remain within the alliance, on matters such as military spending, size of government etc, but they will certainly enter the ace with a strong apparatus.
Les Républicains Alliés
(The Allied Republicans)
Governor Robert Marais

Summoned from relative obscurity, to bear the flag of Alliance
It might seem thoroughly and completely bizarre for the spiritual heirs of the Green and Blue movements to find themselves in commo cause, but this indeed is what has happened. Having faired badly, the United Democrats and Natural Conservatives have struck a bargain. Calling upon an obscure Governor of the northwestern marches, Robert Marais, they throw dice with fate. Marais himself is an effective administrator, having overseen what limited infrastructure and white settlement exist in that distant region, along the border with British Canada. Marais owns no slaves and has no philosophical love of the institution, but he also believes that the PP have overstepped their bounds repeatedly in terms of government power, and favors a more classical conservative-liberal view of the state. A moderate with moderate to conservative views on many issues, he is a known Anglophile, favoring closer relations with London. The RA is being mocked by some as a quixotic venture, and its true there are contradictions in their platform. On tariffs for instance, the party iss eemingly being pulled in two directions, with some adherents arguing for high tariffs and others for low, often based on region and locale. While the bank issue is widely regarded as dead at this point, they still call for some revisions, in addition to reigning in state spending. The question of slavery of course looms large, and the party has taken a stance of "no further restriction", though it has pledged to honor current laws, despite a push from some ultra-conservatives. The classical Blue quest for a two-term limit has also been put forth, as well as a firm stance on further opening the far north for settlement.
Le Parti Radical Libre
(The Free Radical Party)
Colonel Francois Dupoy

\"I have been called a Jacobin, I wear this name with pride\"
A veteran of the Army, the son of a cobbler, Francois Dupoy stands as the newly infamous voice of the Free Radical Party. Having served in the military first as a drummer boy and working his way up to Colonel, Dupoy was exposed to the poor treatment of black enlistees, and the lower classes in general. Combined with a talent for speaking and a fiery demeanor, and it made for an explosive mix once he left the service to pursue politics. Following the Boston Revolution in 1848, Dupoy's neo-jacobin newspaper, the New Orleans Sun, began selling like hotcakes, with acidic and damning articles blasting "British hypocrisy" and praising the rebels as true republicans. Viewing Longchambon as an appeaser, Dupoy declared a "revolt by ballot box", forming a new party. Outraged, PP outlets heaped attacks upon him, which he responded to in with scorn. Dupoy is an open and radical abolitionist, proclaiming slavery incompatible with human liberty, and has called also for free trade, black suffrage, and for church-owned land to be turned over to the state. To say the least, these are explosive demands, and alongside charges by the League/PP forces that he is staging a "childish mutiny", promises to make the campaign an unexpectedly sharp one.
who shall be the next Archon?
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submitted by ThatOrange_ to imaginaryelections [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:24 MaiSakura234 EasyJet and RyanAir missing middle names

I've booked a package holiday with my friends for this summer, and the airlines are EasyJet and RyanAir. I haven't put my 'middle names' down for the boarding pass, just my first and last names - my middle names are in the 'given names' line on my UK passport (after my first name of course).
My mum is telling me I won't be able to board without my middle name being on my plane tickets, is this true? I haven't really seen people online with any issues with this though. RyanAir says that they don't require middle names, but does this include names that are in the 'given names' section on my UK passport? (My mum says because it's in given names, it must be on the boarding pass as the passport should match the boarding pass). EasyJet says that it's necessary to have the middle names on the boarding pass. Flight is from UK to Europe as well, if that even matters.
submitted by MaiSakura234 to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:24 Haydensmith877 25 [F4R] WI Is friendship really mission impossible?

Hello Agent
There isn’t much time for me to give you this mission so you must listen carefully. There is someone that we need you to befriend to get more information on. Down below is what we know about her so far.
Name: Gillian Gender: Female Age: 25 From: Wisconsin Hobbies: writing, baking, and drawing abstract Music: 80's, classical, 2000's and jazz Favorite color: doesn’t have one. Favorite food: tacos Favorite drink: Regular coca cola. 
One random fact about the agent: They have a unique self-published book. Rumor has it that the pages are filled with the emotions the agent normally keeps hidden.
To establish contact with the agent you must provide the details below to her. It is a first step in the right direction of gaining trust.
Name: Age: Where you are from: Tell her something you think is interesting about you: 
We know that she is a night owl by choice based on the report from the last agent. She has a list of health issues but continues to push on even with them. Doing such shows the determination and hard-headedness that she has. Although this has helped her through life it means that it is going to be another obstacle for you, take note of that.
She is anti-drug and anti-alcohol by choice. One thing that is a must if you choose to continue is she is quiet and shy. You might ask how I can get the information quicker, you can’t, it will take time and patience. If you do not have that turn around right now because you will just frustrate yourself while she sits there calm and composed.
You get to ask the agent one free question. Meaning no matter what you will get an honest answer.
Follow these instructions carefully. If you don't there is no guarantee that you will get a response. The agency wishes you the best of luck on what is going to be a tough mission.
Transmission terminated.
submitted by Haydensmith877 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:24 kiriot Help needed with item construction

Help needed with item construction
Hello, I hope this post doesn't break any rules, not sure this is the right place to ask this kind of stuff but I'm here out of desperation haha.
Long story short, there's this little snow globe by the Mugler brand, only 100 were produced and sold back in 2012, absolutely no one seems to have one, let alone is selling one, but I desperately need it for my collection. I've given up looking for one and decided the only option left is creating a replica...but I have absolutely zero clue how to do it, or even if it can be done at all. The glass part is easy, a clear Christmas ball filled with blue liquid and glitter will do the job, the metal parts/body is my issue. If anyone here thinks they would be able to do it, I'd love to know, any help or recommendations are more than welcome!
The few photos of this globe that exist online are sadly not the highest resolution.
submitted by kiriot to metalworking [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:23 its_me_JT_ Endings all showing up as the same

Whenever i beat the game, and even when i go to look in the endings viewer in stats, all endings i have are just the "Isaac and his mother" intro to the game. i cant find anyone with a similar issue online
submitted by its_me_JT_ to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:22 PWOFalcon As Astra Volume 0, Prolog, Chapter 1, part 1

Hello, everyone; I have created two donation sites for people who wish to support Ad Astra. Chapters will be released one week before donors are made public on them and here. If you want to support us, please come here
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1/22/2048 (military calendar)
Campsite, the former Confederacy of Daru'uie
Nevali Region, Aldrida, Alagore


Looking past the dark horizon of the valley below, all that was seen were the crisp peaks and ridges of the Torness mighty mountains. Above the heights was the final shine of the father of all light, the yellow sun god known as Dorash. It almost seemed like his gaze was taking one last peek at the skirt of Alagore mountain peaks before finally fading to rest.
As the sun fell below the distant mountain peaks, a robust and crisp breeze swept through the valley below, bringing a sudden chill. As expected, the darkness came and got the freezing mountain cold. Everything became pitched black as the only light source came from the starlight flickering high above the dark void. That was until a new light from the campfires illuminated the camp, only so slightly not to be discovered.
The half-elf girl Fraeya Holiadon was not used to this type of cold. Being a forest noble elf who grew up in the warmth of cities, she quickly grabbed her black-white pattern cloak and pulled tightly to remain as warm as possible.
She took a long breath from the thin, chilly air and stared into the massive valley below—forests, lakes, and, in the distance, a glimpse of lights from a nearby town. Everything looked natural and wild, where civilization had struggled to conquer. A sight she rarely saw outside the city walls. She found the scenery incredible. Worth the hellish adventurer across the Torness Mountain Range.
"Stay away from the edge," a Lat said. "We don't want to be spotted."
"Alright," Fraeya replied. She looked at the Lat, surprised at how he stood, defiant of the thin air and freezing temperature. "Are you not cold?"
"Of course, I am," the last warrior said as he returned to the camp. "Living away from civilization, you grow used to such conditions."
As the soldier left, she looked at the valley one last time before heading back toward the camp.
Fraeya saw nearly a hundred soldiers huddling their campfires for warmth, gathering supplies, or standing watch within the camp. They are known as the Palatini of Orias, one of the many Republic elite units within the legionary. They were hand-picked by the Legate for this mission.
As the young girl walked past the palatini, she could see the exhaustion from their mannerisms. Many looked hungry; others tired with dark, deep black bags under their eyes. Others shaking as their bodies adjusted to the night. To her confusion, she also could see the determination within their eyes as the environment was just an annoyance toward their objective.
She wouldn't blame them for their exhaustion as she could feel most of her body sore from the non-stop marching and climbing, she had to endure to get to this point. Something that her professors left out of their classes. A part of her couldn't help but chuckle from how she once thought after graduation from the academy that she was ready to face the challenges of their world. Only now did she understand how little schooling prepared her for the real world.
"What is so funny?" Another Lat said as she passed.
When she turned to the man, she felt a slim nerve of fear that ran through her body, believing that she might have insulted them. While most of them accepted her within the platini, she could tell they saw her as a weakling over a comrade. "I am sorry. I meant no insult. I was remembering my time at the academy."
The man turned back to his friend, commenting on her inexperience.
Fraeya felt sad as this was not her first failed interaction. For the better part of a week, Orias had escorted her and her father across some of the roughest terrains on Aldrida, taking great lengths to avoid enemy forces as their orders were to keep the two elves protected at all cost. As many men had stated, it was a near miracle that they made it this far without being noticed.
From what she understood, the commanding centurion hoped to reach the base of the mountain they were on by tonight. Such delays had become the norm; they had to delay their travels because of enemy patrols. They were hiding for hours because of J'avias' patrols from one of the nearby City-States. As they adventured deeper behind enemy-occupied territory, she expected this problem to worsen.
While the Hispana Republic's detachment for the expedition could have defeated them, the legionnaire leader, Centurion Fionntan Henness, did not want to risk exposing their unit to the enemy. He feared that if the J'avias or one of their puppet races could pass a message to the Unity's regional vassal, the Verliance Aristocracy, their mission would fail, and their last hope for victory would vanish. His superiors had invested in this last-ditch effort to turn the tide of the war to risk it on a small skirmisher with fewer soldiers.
Between the dozen campfires and the dark but illuminated sky lit by their mother Tekali, this side of the mountain range had perfectly trapped the cold air, something that Fraeya Holiadon was struggling to adapt to. As a Noble Elf, she was used to the warmth of the forest and the benefits of civilization from the continent's western side. Not the chill of the alpine.
Hearing a loud howl that echoed through the mountains, clearing coming from another party elsewhere within the area, Fraeya noticed her ride panicking. She quickly rushed over and slowly approached the beast once she got close.
"There, there," Fraeya whispered to her Deerip, a four-legged beast with three horns, light brown long hair fur, and red hoofs.
Noticing that these lands unsettled the beast, a feeling she could relate to, she rubbed the side of the Derrip's neck. Slowly and calmly whispering a song to it as the beast to calm down.
Once the beast was calm, Fraeya reached into her backpack and pulled out a bundle of grass to feed it. "I understand how you feel. This place leaves an unsettling chill down my spine, too. But you need to stay calm."
"If your beast is going to cause trouble, it will be wise to let it free," Henness said as he approached.
Looking at the centurion, Fraeya replied, "he is just startled. Deerips do not usually travel these lands. He needs to get used to being here."
Henness reached into his bag, pulling out a dark red amulet. He then tossed it into a fire pit. One of the other soldiers, a pyromancy battle mage, approached the hole and ignited it with a low-level fire spell. Unlike most red and orange flames, this fire was blackish purple, a type of flame known as dark fire by the commoners.
"Half-Elf, it took us over a week to get here through this dangerous path. These mountains are very unforgiving to wandering passengers, even to the Legion. We are deep behind enemy lines with no support. If Kallam vassals discover us, we will be slaughtered without mercy."
"That is if we are lucky," a Lat said as he sat beside the Dark Fire. "I heard stories of what happens to the prisoners that are handed over to them. I wouldn't subject my worst enemy to such a fate. Especially if a little girl got us caught."
Feeling frustrated and hearing the disrespect from the man's tone, she wanted to march over and warn Henness. While Lats could be civil and possess a strong warrior spirit, she is always surprised by how stubborn they could be.
"What is your issue, Lat? Fraeya asked. "I understand the risks. My father has been studying for this mission longer than you have been alive. I know what is at stake. This legend is our only hope in stopping them."
"Hope?" Henness asked while being unfazed by the young elf's aggressiveness. "The only reason the Legate sponsored this insane mission was that your father already got funds from a Kitsune archivist guild with a questionable reputation. They wanted to eliminate your father to focus on winning the war. They cannot afford to chase fairytales from time immemorial."
"Insane mission?" Fraeya boldly stated. "This quest is not insane, you…, damn Lat! It is the answer! We all know we cannot win the war. They are just too strong. I cannot believe how you, of all people, your kind, should believe in this."
"It is a fool's quest, Fraeya," Henness replied calmly, showing his military discipline. "Look at what we are doing." Allowing himself to collect his thoughts, he sat by the Dark Fire. "We are looking for an ancient relic, a Lat-Orc folktale that allows you to travel to another world. Hundreds of sages like your father have looked for this and other relics over the centuries. Even your father was proven wrong on this subject. There is a reason why the Guilds and his own people disowned his research."
The legend of an ancient relic from a lost age was an everyday fairytale throughout the continent of Aldrida. A Bridge that connected Alagore to the world known as Altaerrie. Her father discovered that each species and civilization had their own version of the legend over the millenniums. While the tales had many different versions, they all had the core idea - that all life was brought here by the Goddess Tekali.
In this quest to validate the legend, her father, Raegel Holiadon, dedicated his life to validating the myth and the truth of their people's past. While she did not know why her father was so passionate about searching for this truth, she knew that he believed it was the most crucial mystery of Alagore.
Considered a joke from the magical and sage guilds, Fraeya's father, Raegel Holiadon, was forced to conduct his research in isolation. Dozens of sages before him have searched for the truth and failed, falling into the same ousted fake from civilization. No one believed that this time would be any different. Because of his tenacity, he was banished to the fringes of the world to prove his theories. It was not until the Unity invaded Aldrida that he brought renewed interest to his work, not because of recent discoveries or because they suddenly believed in the legend but out of desperation to survive.
"It is different this time," Fraeya said. "If we could tale the sphere and-."
Henness cut Fraeya off, saying, "I am too tired to debate this right now. All that matters is that my Palatini was ordered to escort your party through these lands. I and the rest of my people will follow those orders to the end; I guarantee that. You shall not have to worry about our duty. I just hope this fool quest does not result in the death of my men."
Fraeya felt a deep urge to defend her father's work. As she approached, a Noble Elf stopped her, her father.
"Do not let your emotions get out of control," Raegel said.
"He called me a Half-Elf," Fraeya frustratedly replied. "And he insults my Deerip and questions your life's work."
"I know, I know, now let it go," Raegel said as he calmed his daughter. "It has been a long journey for all of us. Everyone is tired and is on nerve. Do not let an off comment grow into a wild vine."
She was hearing the wisdom from her father; she took a deep breath to calm her nerves, placing her hands together to relieve stress. The journey was long after leaving the great Hispana fortress of Nervia Glevensium. Unable to take the main highway between regions, crossing the Alps was the only way. Bypassing many Unity air patrols, Cities that pledge loyalty toward Kallem, and rouge monster hordes, she realized that her father was correct. "Okay, Father."
Seeing the warm smile from Fraeya's father, she followed him to their tent. Once settled, she wrapped herself in a blanket and sat by the fire.
She watched her father place one of those dark red amulets into a fire pit; that same battle mage shortly approached and activated it with the same low-level spell, igniting the amulet into Dark Fire. Unlike the natural red fire or the other magical types like green and blue, dark fire is used by soldiers and travelers to provide a heat source at night without attracting unwelcome guests. According to the sages, Dark Fire does not illuminate as brightly, so heat-seeking creatures and constructs cannot see the flames from distances. Perfect for behind-enemy-lines missions like this. However, it provided some warmth but could never match the red flame's natural heat.
Finally feeling some warmth, or at least as Fraeya's body wanted to believe, she turned to her father and asked, "Do you think this time it will work? Can we find this Bridge?"
"I know we will," Raegel replied as he checked their supplies. "I know that Lats can be a handful, trust me. I have been around them since my exile, but Henness is correct to be skeptical. You must understand normally that only a fool would undertake such a mission. A fool that I proved to be once or twice in my lifetime." He said with some laughter. Seeing a smile from his daughter, he continued, "But this time, it will be different."
Holding the blanket tight, Fraeya shook her head. "I don't understand, though. It is their people's legend, their story. Why wouldn't they be supportive of our mission? Especially if it is our last hope to stop the Unity."
"I am not a military man," Raegel said. "I never learned the art of war but put yourself in his boots. While you were at the academy and I conducted my research, these men have been fighting this war. Imagine all the battles, all the deaths of fallen brothers that they have witnessed time and time again. Last hopes are poison for soldiers, who have lost no matter what they do. It is their fault that the war has gone this badly, or at least I assume that is how they feel."
"But the legends," Fraeya stated again.
"Soldiers do not wage war based on legends," Raegel said. "While we believe in the legend, that does not mean they do. Thousands of years have passed and that is why they call them legends in the first place, my dear. Think about all our fellow elves' tales we have, and how many of our kind believe in them?"
Reflecting on what her father had said, she knew her people had many stories. Being one of the oldest civilizations on Aldrida, they have stories relating to dozens of topics, returning to orlilla. One of her favorite legends was how her kind were once flowers that sprouted legs. Some say that this was why the Noble race was so beautiful.
"You think that orb you found is the key to everything?" Fraeya said.
"I do," Raegel said. "Everything I have invested in up to this point has pointed to this moment. Whoever hid the Bridge did so to never be discovered by anyone. They hide it with magic beyond our means. That is why no one has ever found any trace of it. They were missing one piece of the puzzle, that orb."
Thrilled to see her father excited again, Fraeya cannot wait to see his dream finally coming to life. After all these decades of researching and traveling across the world to search for any clue, he eventually will be able to prove his life work was correct. He had toured Alagore for centuries, looking for clues, relics, ruins, and anything from the old era. A life work proved worthwhile.
As Fraeya stared at the Dark Fire, she asked, "What do you think this other world will be like?"
“I have no idea,” Raegel said. "I believe that this other world will be like ours. If the historical archives at Allsari and stories of old are true, then it is the world of the Lats…, Altaerrie."
submitted by PWOFalcon to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:22 Alone_Oil6471 Questions about getting into the game

So ive been playing yugioh on and off for about 7 years and folliwing the meta for around 4-5 of those. A while ago i stopped playing because the power level just got too silly for me so i also looked into MTG and tried a few things online (some pauper decks as i dont have that much money to spend on a tcg and i would love to be able to build the decks in real life that i play online if i like them and some cheap modern decks like abzan rites which felt pretty unique to me) but i never felt like my decks did enough or that the effects themselves were really different from each other. I felt like most cards just influenced the battles by giving attack and some were removal. I did not feel like there was as much variety in strategies as in yugioh, which would be understandable because in yugioh there are countless archetypes which are all legal to play in a single format. Did i just try the wrong decks?
I would really love to get reaaally deep into a tcg again so i am looking for one to fill the void that yugioh has left inside of me. I played force of will for some time a few years ago and that was really fun as it was also pretty fast but the community is just too small i feel and the game also seems to often have balancing issues as well. When it comes to Magic i know that it can be really expensive to get into because there are not many reprints of old cards to keep the value and also duo coulor lands which are really expensive but often needed for the deck to work properly. Are they many different interesting mechanics that different decks use?
Im not just interested in effects that influence the battles but also other unique mechanics that influence how a deck or strategy is played. If so do you have suggestions what decks to look into? I would like to use the whole cardpool (modern is it, right?) or if the standard format is good then also the standard format.
I would love to not have to spend many hundred dollars and still get a deck that can at least work and not die to itself if that is possible. I have very little knowledge of the game and i am once again wondering wether to really get into MTG. Maybe this community has a few thoughts about the things i mentioned above. I am grateful for everyone who takes the time to comment on this. :)
Alternatively if somebody in here also plays other TCG‘s and has a suggestion, please let me know!
submitted by Alone_Oil6471 to mtg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:22 John_Smith_4724 Pay someone to take my nursing assignment online Reddit

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2024.05.21 23:21 Jcb112 Humans Don't Hibernate [Part 96/?]

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Patreon Official Subreddit Royal Road
92 Hours After the First Round of Interloper Interrogations. UNAFS Perseverance (HSR) - Shuttlecraft - 01. En Route to the New Lorisa Forests LZ.
“Touching down in ten seconds.” I announced, my voice emanating from the encounter suit’s speakers in a language that, until just days ago, was an enigma.
Yet in a matter of days, this deceptively simple translation suite, a triumph of xenolinguistics, was now able to match my tone perhaps better than ever before.
Which explained exactly why Evina had responded in the way that she did. “Nervous, Lysara?” She offered in a snide, yet well-meaning jab.
I didn’t respond, not yet at least, as the last five minutes on approach were more often than not the most dangerous aspects of aeronautics; that much I learned from the pilots and armed service members I worked with over the years.
It was only after we’d touched down, and the final safety checks were complete, that I finally turned towards Evina. “I would be lying if I didn’t say I wasn’t at least a little bit unnerved about this whole situation.” I offered, gesturing towards the back of the shuttle, as the both of us unbuckled and left our seats. The whole mission was already memorized in our minds as we’d already run through every plan and backup plan we had over the entirety of the flight time down here. “And to be quite frank, I’m surprised you’re taking this whole thing so incredibly well.” I continued, going through the final checklists on the deployment of this platoon’s worth of combat drones as I did so.
“I think we’ve long since sailed past the point of no return the moment you told me that there was an intergalactic, eons-long war going on, Lysara.” The felinor offered with a shrug. “A bunker with potential ties with that aforementioned malevolent cosmic entity is nothing compared to that bombshell.”
“I’d have assumed that the nature of the bunker, and this mission being issued by said interloper, would’ve been the sticking point here.” I offered, genuinely curious as to the nonchalant attitude projected by the felinor.
“Eh. When you’ve lived in the wastes for this long, you’re bound to have heard the whole ‘the aliens did it’ conspiracy more often than you’d like. Now I’m not saying I believe every wastelander with a conspiracy theory… but I can’t admit the fact that the bunker has always been something that radiates a really weird aura about it. I mean, compared to literally everything else out there in the wastes? It exists in almost this time capsule of complete isolation. The beasts that roam the area, preying on anyone that gets close, don’t really help out much in that whole weird vibe either. So yeah, ever since my first iteration tried to drill her way into it, Far-Reach Point has been a point of great mystery amongst the survivors of the waste. Which lends itself really well to the possibility that your alien enemies could actually be behind it.” Evina shrugged once more, before adding a cheeky self deprecating comment. “The fact that it’s been broadcasting all this time should also be a dead giveaway to be honest. Because you definitely won’t see anything felinor-made still functional without constant maintenance after a few years into its lifespan.”
I chuckled at that statement, if only because it seemed to be made in genuine jest. “Well, we can’t say for certain that interloper tech is involved in its construction. What we do know is that the interloper has some vested interest in the facility.” I shot back, attempting to temper the felinor’s expectations and keeping everything to the limited facts we had on hand. “Or more specifically, the individual living within it.”
“And you got all of that just by putting two and two together huh? Your mission to find this person-of-interest, and the weird anomaly that is this signal station.” The felinor shot back with a disquietingly critical stare.
“It’s our one and only lead.” I shrugged. “It’s either that, or we comb through every living felinor on this planet. So in light of this massive lead, my hypothesis is that our person-of-interest, is in fact, somewhere within that facility.”
“Eh.” Evina once more shrugged. “A better conspiracy theory than the nutjobs. Or rather, good enough that I’d buy it.” She grinned, baring her teeth in the process which, at this point, I’d become accustomed to. If anything, it was after hours of ‘cat videos’, as Vir called them; that I finally started to become accustomed to these fangy grins. Moreover, it was becoming a point of endearment more than anything.
“In any case, drones are online and ready to go.” I continued, moving the conversation out of speculation and back into action, as the rear of the shuttle opened to a charred and lifeless forest floor.
“Man, Vir really did a number to this place, didn't he?” Evina whistled out.
“I… do apologize for all of the collateral damage we’ve incurred on your world-”
“Are you kidding me?!” The felinor interjected with a devious grin. “I hate forests! Heck, maybe it’s a carry-over from my perpetually-indoors first iteration, but forests have always been a place of danger and death lurking over every corner! So yeah, nah, don’t worry about it. If anything, Vir did us a favor by doing this; so be sure to like… let’s make sure to grab him a souvenir or something when we come back.”
The felinor’s frankly erratic behavior worried me sometimes.
But then again, this was to be expected given the nature of cultural barriers. As such, I simply ‘smiled’ back a smile of my own, bearing my blunt teeth as best as I could. “Noted, Evina.”
It was around that point where Evina finally donned her helmet, clasping it into place as she began testing the communications suite with surprisingly little difficult.
“Alright. Can you still hear me through this thing?”
“Loud and clear, Evina.” I nodded.
“Right, let’s get this party started.”

92 Hours After the First Round of Interloper Interrogations. New Lorisa Forests LZ, En Route to the Signal Station (Far-Reach Point).
We were parked approximately seven hundred or so meters from the signal station.
Though that distance was measured from point to point, and definitely didn’t account for the obstacles and terrain that stretched from here to the station.
Despite that, and what my memories had warned me was a treacherous trek through dense and uncompromising foliage, the world outside was now anything but.
However, despite the constant mission briefs and the logical part of my brain telling me that what awaited outside was nothing like my prior iterations recalled… the power of several lifetimes were just too powerful to overcome.
That was, until the exit ramp opened, and I saw the flattened devastation that awaited me. The charred forest, and the open landscape, quickly sent any doubts incurred by my prior iterations back to whence they came from.
So with one of the greatest obstacles out of the way, and the raw and unbridled power of human-driven alien technologies at our disposal, our deployment out of the shuttle and into the forest was a piece of cake.
More than that, I now had front row seats to the shock and uncompromising efficiency of automated combat.
Needless to say, I was more than happy to be on the other side of the barrel when it came to this engagement.
Four distinct squads of robots formed up and ran out of the back of the shuttle, forming into cohesive units comprised of ten or so felinoid bots, accompanied by a whole host of flying, crawling, slithering, and galloping machines that secured the perimeter for us within a matter of seconds.
Upon a single urging from Lysara, we walked out, flanked on all sides by a remaining detachment of bots, consisting of five felinoid units and a flight of five more drones.
For the first time in any of my prior iteration’s lifetimes, I finally felt like I was on the winning side.
It was a good feeling.
And one I hoped continued as we made our leisurely march through the decimated forests and up towards the station.
The whole scene was just so… jarring.
Especially as memory after memory came to the forefront of those trials and tribulations from the lives of my first, second, and third iterations that had all made this trek several times over.
The massive tileroot tree that dominated the area next to the station… was now just gone. The same could be said for the thick pipewood vines that obstructed the path every couple of steps, and even the earltail moss that kept growing thicker and thicker on the front entrance of the bunker.
Most importantly, the air around me was now silent and still, interrupted only by the near-silent whirrs from the robots and the crunching of ashen foliage beneath our boots.
This was perhaps the first time in my life I actually enjoyed the devastation, a thought that was both ironic as it was troubling.
Regardless, we eventually made our way to the front of the facility in a staggering seven minutes; arriving in front of a circular door with gear-like cogs that were sunken into the facility itself.
“So… why didn’t you try blasting through the walls or the other surfaces of the facility?” I inquired bluntly, pointing at parts of the facility that weren't built into the hillside.
“Countermeasures.” Lysara responded, his voice resonating into my ears, a weird and alien sensation that still sent shivers down my spine. “Our scans were incapable of determining the detailed makeup of what was inside. And as a result, we have the be on the lookout for potential countermeasures against unauthorized entry. In addition, given the fact the facility still has enough power to maintain that broadcast, we can be certain that we not only have to worry about passive countermeasures, but active ones as well.”
“Makes sense.” I nodded. “Is this why you wanted my expertise to begin with? In the hopes that I might have some intel on this place?”
“Correct.” Lysara nodded.
“Well thankfully, you’re in luck.” I responded with a cocky grin, pointing towards a not-so-insignificantly sized hole drilled into one of the door’s massive cog-like edges. “Like I told you in the briefing, my first iteration had tried her hand at breaking into this place. It didn’t work out, obviously, but she did have some theories as to how the whole door system works.” I began walking towards the hole, as a flood of memories from my first iteration slammed into me hard. “So, just beyond this hole should be an emergency release mechanism. Apparently most fallout shelter doors have this as a failsafe or something; accessible only from the inside but capable of being accessed from the outside if you're willing to dig through twenty or so meters of solid metal and rock. This is the mechanism I’m talking about here, so not actually the door itself. My memory’s a bit fuzzy on the specifics but… I’m sure that if we drill deeper into that, angling the hole sideways so we don’t actually go through the door itself, we should hit a mechanism that can be manipulated. Now if you have some fiber optic camera wire and a master lockpick or something, I’m sure you can do it in a few days. But considering we have the power of artificial intelligence on our side… I’m sure we can do it in five minutes.”
That vote of confidence for Vir was rewarded with a ping and a notification in front of my visual field. The existence of a HUD was again, just as jarring as literally everything else right now.
With a heavy breath from Lysara, who at this point was scanning the hole with a whole host of scientific instruments, I received my answer as to how it was we were going to proceed. “One of the bots can be repurposed as a multipurpose drone.” He gestured towards a combat bot that was quickly switching from its main weapon, to what looked to be a seriously well-kitted out multitool kit masquerading as a hand. “We should be able to bore through this in about five minutes, from there… I’ll switch things over to Vir, and I’m sure we’ll be inside that bunker in under fifteen.”
The confidence was palpable in Lysara’s voice, giving me hope that today was the day that the burning curiosity in my first iteration’s memories would finally be addressed.
First Previous Next

(Author’s Note: We arrive on the planet, and make our way towards the signal station! All the while, we observe the tireless preparations Vir has made in ensuring that the landing zone is cleared of threats! Evina elaborates further on exactly what her first iteration had done in order to try to get in, let's just hope that this time around, they can make more progress than her first iteration! :D The next chapter is already out on Patreon as well if you want to check it out!)
[If you guys want to help support me and these stories, here's my ko-fi ! And my Patreon for early chapter releases (Chapter 97 of this story is already out on there!)]
submitted by Jcb112 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:21 Eastern_Joke_7675 FYI Series: How to have a strong Start in your my faction Journey.

This FYI will focus on giving you a strong start in my faction, Apart from Live events and Towers, your two main issues at the start will be Proving Grounds (PG) and Faction Wars (FW).
I will discuss faction wars later in the article as some of the strongest cards in the game, even at present, are located there. But to have an easier time in faction wars you will need good card to begin with. So hers how to get a head start on some great Sapphire and Ruby Cards.
In regards to your starter pack choose whatever you prefer, you will receive emerald evo cards which, by meeting specific requirements will evolve gem levels eventually reaching Ruby 80 overall. I tend to go for Strikers as they are easier to meet the requirements and MFP match actions for PG, Lives and Towers.
MyRise and Showcase:
Completion of these modes unlock various my faction cards and some of them are very strong.
Cheesing Myrise and Showcase: If you just want to blast through the modes, set it to easy and go to balancing, then turn everything in your favour, reversals, kick outs, health and regarding submission, change it so the AI is punished for wrong button presses, you not so and correct button presses are strong for you and weak for AI, you will be submitting people in seconds unless the match has objectives or stipulations to meet first. Is it scummy? Yes. Does it matter? No.
I would recommend showcase first, this can be laborious as you cant just win it but have to complete all objectives, again the difficultly adjustment will help but the part that rewards you is the end. It involves you taking part as the first entrant in a 30 man battle royale, to meet all objectives to unlock the showcase cards you need to survive and also eliminate 10 individuals during the run. Choose your wrestler wisely! Someone whos strong can reverse but can survive!
For completing Showcase Royale Rumble with 10 eliminations and winning you receive the following my faction cards which in my opinion are the best starting cards in the game prior to the FW bosses:
My Rise is split into two Story's One male (Undisputed), one female (Unleashed), the female is linear and requires only one playthrough as long as you do all optional objectives to get all of the cards. Unleashed provides far more cards and far better cards:
Unleashed will provide the following My Faction Cards:
The Male undisputed story will require completing the story twice and completing all optional objectives also, the main branch is during a choice to stay with Miz or go to NXT. The undisputed cards you unlock are as follows:
Check which locker codes are active and enter them. Some expire, they provide free packs and cards, free agent cards can be scrapped for MFP, DO NOT ASSIGN THEM! Find recent locker code links here, also this is a great resource.
WWE 2K24 Locker Codes List for MyFACTION (May 2024) WWE 2K24 Coverage (
FW Bosses:
This section will be quick as I may do a whole FYI article on Faction wars and the best cards and why but my list in order are as follows:
Best Males:
  1. Stone Cold Steve Austin
  2. Rock (either, same stats and badges if not Cena will suffice the one that matches rocks badges)
After this its your choice, another rock or Cena couldn't hurt, YOKO and Andre were beast but the stamina nerf has affected them. Undertaker has terrible badges for his class but his super finisher is a submission and coupled with his space invader badge he can make submitting foes easy. I am not the biggest fan of Cody card but he's okay,
Your 4th card for the line up should be your showcase Shaun Michaels, TRUST ME!
Honorable Mentions:
The FW Sapphire Roman, Bobby, 78 Cena and Randy can be good.
  1. TRISH STRATUS WITHOUT A DOUBT. OP, still one of the best female cards.
  2. Bailey - Trust me her badges, she stuns easy and her stuns drain enemy special and finisher.
  3. Either Charlotte 84 or the Becky 84 but go for charlotte, quicker limb attacks, on a stun bar can do three leg attacks, Becky does one! Furthermore, she has purple space invader meaning her subs are stronger.
Honorable mentions:
FW Sapphire Trish Stratus, Asuka, Chyna.
My starting line up after a while was this:
Males: Stone Cold, Rock, Rock, Shaun Michaels Showcase
Females: Trish, Bailey, Charlotte 84, Becky (84) (But Bianca, Becky or rhea from showcase are good also!).
I hope this is useful and Sub please chime in with your own advice. The more discourse the better. And again to the new players! Welcome!
PS Apologies for typos. Did this on my android.
submitted by Eastern_Joke_7675 to WWEMyFactionSupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:20 xMysticChimez The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future by Mark Bauerlein

🌿 Detailed Overview:
Critically examines the impact of digital media on the intellectual development of young Americans. Bauerlein argues that the pervasive use of digital technology has led to a decline in literacy, critical thinking, and knowledge among young people, ultimately threatening the future of society.
🔍 Key Themes and Insights:
Decline in Reading and Literacy: Bauerlein highlights the decline in traditional reading habits among young people, noting that the shift towards digital media consumption has resulted in lower levels of literacy and comprehension. He argues that reading books and engaging with long-form texts are crucial for developing critical thinking skills.
Impact of Digital Distractions: Discusses how constant engagement with digital devices, social media, and online entertainment has created a culture of distraction. Bauerlein asserts that this constant stimulation inhibits deep thinking and meaningful learning, leading to a superficial understanding of complex issues.
Erosion of Knowledge: Presents evidence showing that young Americans have less knowledge about history, literature, and general facts than previous generations. He attributes this to the preference for quick, easily digestible information over in-depth study and reflection.
Education and Technology: Critiques the integration of technology in education, arguing that it often fails to enhance learning and may even detract from it. Bauerlein suggests that the reliance on digital tools can undermine traditional educational methods that promote critical thinking and intellectual growth.
Cultural and Social Implications: Explores the broader cultural and social implications of a generation growing up with digital technology. He discusses the potential long-term effects on democracy, civic engagement, and cultural literacy, emphasizing the importance of an informed and thoughtful citizenry.
Generational Divide: Examines the growing generational divide, where older generations perceive younger ones as less knowledgeable and less prepared for the challenges of the future. Bauerlein argues that this divide is exacerbated by differences in media consumption and intellectual habits.
Solutions and Recommendations: While critical of the current trends, Bauerlein also offers recommendations for reversing the decline. He advocates for a renewed emphasis on reading, face-to-face communication, and educational practices that foster deep thinking and intellectual engagement.
Audience Takeaway:
"The Dumbest Generation: How the Digital Age Stupefies Young Americans and Jeopardizes Our Future" serves as a cautionary tale about the impact of digital technology on youth. Mark Bauerlein’s insights challenge readers to consider the long-term consequences of our media habits and the importance of fostering a culture of learning and critical thinking. This book is essential for educators, parents, and anyone concerned about the future of education and intellectual development.
💌 Your Experiences and Reflections:
Have you observed the effects of digital media on the intellectual habits of young people in your own life or community? How has "The Dumbest Generation" influenced your views on the role of technology in education and society? Share your reflections on the significance of promoting literacy, critical thinking, and meaningful learning in the digital age. Let’s discuss the insights and actions needed to address the challenges posed by digital distractions and to cultivate a generation of thoughtful, informed individuals.
submitted by xMysticChimez to MeditationHub [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:20 mikehonchorex MMI App Store no connection

I picked up a 24’ RS6. I activated the Audi connect trial but the App Store states I don’t have an internet connection. The traffic data shows online, I can install themes, and news is loading fine. Just curious if anyone with a 24’ model saw this issue with the App Store. I have a ticket in with Audi support. I saw some brief references to Audi removing the trial and then setting it up again but not sure.
submitted by mikehonchorex to Audi [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:20 daringescape I see quite a few worship leaders struggling here - I want to offer some potential help.

I see posts from worship leaders struggling with various issues here fairly regularly and I think it is sometimes difficult to get good advice/mentorship via an online forum. It can be hard to get specific details/answers waiting for replies online.
I would like to offer to talk with any of you who are struggling with issues from team members, to dealing with leadership, burnout, etc. I can make myself available via phone, zoom, whatever.
I am offering this FREE of charge, nothing expected in return. Its just ministry.
A little about me: I am 47 years old, have been leading worship for over 25 years. I currently lead worship for a smaller church, and have been on staff there for the past 6 years. You can see my name and photo at (Russ).
I have led for small churches, large churches, bible studies, youth, camps, events, etc. I have been involved in church planting as well. I don't claim to have all the answers, nor do I consider myself some great musician or singer. I am just a worship leader with some years of experience under my belt, and I feel like I had some truly great mentors that helped me along the way, and I would like to try and be that for others.
I will try and listen well, give advice where asked for it and hopefully be able to draw on some of my experiences to be able to help some of you!
Send me a DM and we can set something up that works for you. You can email me at Russ AT VCCCHINO dot com as well.
submitted by daringescape to worshipleaders [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:20 drenster1 Bromance

Anyone in England looking for a new mate?
Hi, genuine caring guy in South West England looking for mates for genuine long term bromance! Doing stuff together like pub trips / chatting about anything etc or more online mates at a distance. Would be great to hear from you, feel free to send a DM!
submitted by drenster1 to MakeFriendsUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:18 marthalovesgeorge Feline Non Recognition Aggression - are we doing this right?

Hello, sorry to be another post about this subject! Our girl cat was taken to the vet this morning at around 9am to get her teeth cleaned and some extracted, and we picked her up around 3pm and got home at around 3:30. Our boy cat, who is normally just a big oaf, started hissing at her when we laid her on the towel in the living room as she was still coming out of anesthesia. He hasn't really hissed at hein general since we adopted her 4 years ago and we did the slow introduction method. Immediately after he hissed, I'm a little stressed. I start googling while my partner lays on the floor with girl cat and creates a boundary with his body around her a little bit. He's not really hissing now, just acting a little off. Girl cat is zonked and giving no reaction.
I found out about feline non recognition aggression pretty quickly, I had no idea! The last time they went for vet visits was at a pop up clinic 5 min away from us to get their boosters. We took boy cat first (30 min ordeal) and then dropped him off and picked up girl cat (another 30 min.) There were no issues when we did this and things went right back to normal, but after reading online I'm guessing it's because they were both exposed to those same smells/experience so there wasn't really a staying cat/going cat dynamic. They have been good friends since the introduction 4 years ago, playing often and able to live in peace up to a up to a week while we take trips and have a neighbor check in on them daily in the afternoons for food/wateaffection.
Flash forward to now, as I'm writing this, its been around two hours since we got home. We've placed girl cat on our couch on top of a few layers of towels. After reading more posts on here, I've put a couple dirty socks and a towel I used this morning around her bc boy cat is a little weirdo and loves our used socks/underweatowels (he's an orange.). It's been a few hours, there hasn't been a ton of hissing or trying to initiate fighting on his behalf but the energy is definitely off. He was laying next to me on our other couch (they're still in the same room since she's come home and we haven't separated them) and he gets his claw stuck in the fabric and gets over stressed for a second and mini-hisses at me as I go to help him as I always do. Now, he's gone upstairs to nap on our bed while girl cat is still zonked on the couch. He's basically separated himself from the situation to take a sleep.
The point of this word vomit is essentially to ask you all if you feel this is okay or if I should be doing more. A lot of posts on here on this same subject included comments telling OP to separate them and do a slow scent introduction as if they are meeting for the first time again. I'm anxious because partner and I both work 8-6:30 and aren't able to leave our workplaces long for lunches, and we both work tomorrow. Any advice? Anyone whose cats had some aggression but it ended up not needing to be a full blown intervention? I'm just looking for some confirmation that these situations aren't always horror stories that take weeks to resolve and sometimes it's just weird vibes for a little bit. Thank you for reading, all comments welcome!
submitted by marthalovesgeorge to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 23:17 Aware_Examination264 My nine-month old wasn't introduced to solids at six months

Context, I'm not the actual parent, but I take care of this child majority of the day. Recently, she went to an appointment, and she came back underweight, and I didn't really think anything of it. Not really, because, averages are not specific to every child. That could just be the make-up of her body. Whatever, right?
Until my sister casually said it's probably because she doesn't eat solids, and I did a double take. Because, she's supposed to be eating solids? I knew, of it, I knew babies = messy baby food smeared all over them. My sister had once done it, even. So I knew it was a thing, but I also did not know at all. And I take care of her a majority of the time, I'm the one meant to be doing all this stuff. But I was never told, oh, at six months she should be introduced to food. My sister never said a thing. I'm too afraid to ask to be more doctor-ly involved. And maybe I should have known about it, or been looking into this, but I genuinely only saw my position as a babysitter. Like I couldn't be more involved (she already makes these uncomfortable comments about the baby thinking I'm her mom). But I didn't think, or realize it'd be like this. I may lack foresight.
But truly, I was ignorant. We'd had a baby sister, but, again, it was more like a babysitter position. Especially considering I had three other people forced to help too, along with a parent who actually took over when she was done with work. I just knew bottle feeding and diapers. I don't really recall the stress of feeding my sister solids. I don't remember doing that at all.
So, point is, baby is underweight, and it's probably because she doesn't eat solids. And me hearing this, of course, I panic. Because what do you mean she's supposed to be three months into solids? So I went online. How much is she supposed to eat at nine months? How many calories? How many for food, and how many for formula? What foods can she eat? Eating schedules (alarmingly full of food)? Upon this research, and asking more questions because my sister obviously wasn't going to say anything, I find out baby's eating even less than I thought she'd been (I thought she was having a bottle in the middle of the night). So that means she's eating less calories than I'd calculated, which means my head is on fire and I am unwell.
So I'm entirely too stressed at this point, but I just—start trying to feed her. That's all I can really do at this point. And, it's slow, and I crumble up half a cookie in her slop and she actually eats it all (definitely not a 1/4 cup like all these websites talk about). Yay! But over the next few days there's a regression. Not only in the food department. Her naps are not napping. She's not taking as many bottles. I'm panicking. I'm always in a constant state of stress and I don't want this child to be somehow stunted, or something (i don't know). I just want to put her back on track. So she can be an average little child at all her appointments.
Amidst this freakout, I babysat a little boy, ten months old (he's a screamer, but, you know, you help out when you can). The mom was surprised about the whole thing, but talking to her did help to calm me down. She said I could ask her questions, which I will be.
She'd also talked about some kind of program with the hospital , where a person comes to the house to like, do something, and she really just talked about how valuable the information was. I was like, yes, that sounds so helpful. I actually told my sister about it (I'm very hesitant to, like, involve myself outside of the apartment, but I needed help). She got suspicious and asked if I was talking shit about her to her friend. I don't think I did, but, who cares, actually. I'm struggling and you literally starve yourself to the point you have no energy to help.
But today, I tried to feed her, I have anger issues as much as my sister tbh, and I don't like messes either. I'm not proud of how I acted. It was bad, and I gave up, and I cried because I am so overwhelmed and stressed and her mother refuses to even try to feed her on the weekends, or when she gets back from work. So I feel like any progress I make is just ruined, and the next day, or Monday especially, I'm starting over and am at a loss.
I think it's been two or three weeks since I found out. Baby is now almost ten months. I don't know what to do at this point. Because this baby was supposed to be eating three months ago. I read all this stuff, I have all this information, and it's only made me paranoid and more stressed. Do I "introduce" her to foods like she's six months old? How do I feed her this certain number of calories if she suddenly won't take it? How do I attempt a schedule when her mother will come for lunch and disrupt it? Should I just feed her real people food instead of baby food? Why is she suddenly refusing the food she was OK with four days ago? Should she be finishing a whole baby food container in a day? Half? At all? I just don't know what to do. All I can think to do is try and feed her, again and again and again until three months has passed and hopefully she's eating like she should be for her age.
And we're not even addressing the sippy cup issue...
Has anyone had similar experiences in the feeding department? Or similar experiences in the stress department? I'd love to know.
submitted by Aware_Examination264 to NewParents [link] [comments]