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ClimbingPorn; SFW images of the vertical world

2011.07.25 20:22 soupyhands ClimbingPorn; SFW images of the vertical world

[This subreddit is now private. Click here to find out why we have gone dark](https://www.theverge.com/2023/6/5/23749188/reddit-subreddit-private-protest-api-changes-apollo-charges). Don't bother asking to join. ~~The best images of rock climbing on reddit.~~

2008.01.25 07:23 Japan

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2016.09.29 22:26 impracticable Google Workspace (G Suite)

To discuss mostly Google Workspace (G Suite) administration related topics, but also from the end user perspective.

2023.06.01 05:21 Johnny-Galt-Jr Beginner's Guide to Growing Marijuana

Beginner's Guide

So you want to start growing cannabis, but have no idea where to start?

Items you will need

We also have starter shopping lists put together here that can help you pick a light & tent appropriate for your grow area & # of plants.

Grow Area

Next, you need to determine where your grow will take place. Will it be your closet, attic, basement, custom grow box, etc.? The ideal place needs to be well ventilated and large enough to grow plants to your desired height and width whilst having lighting, fans, and other equipment in there as well. Also, keep in mind that you don't want any light leaks, this is important for stealth and flowering reasons.
Once you have chosen your designated grow area, make sure you have thoroughly cleaned it, painted the walls white or hang reflective material. You do not want a dirty grow room.
Once you have prepared the room, you can now begin to install your lights and ventilation. Be sure that everything is sturdy and done properly. If you half ass this, it's possible that later on in your grow something could fall and destroy your crop. Take your time and do it right.
Keep your lights close as you can. A simple test to see if they are too close is to place your hand at the top of your plant and hold it there for 30 seconds. If your hand does not burn from the heat, neither will the plant
Types of lighting to be used and how much to use:

Planting your first seeds

This is usually where a lot of mistakes take place, so please read this carefully.
There are several ways to germinate your seeds. Placing them inside or on top of a damp paper towel in a dark place), drop them in a shot glass. Or just simply planting them in dirt. Put them in a soaked rockwool cube.
To germinate in dirt you want to start off in a small growing container. Wet the soil first, stick your pinky about half way down then drop 1 seed in. Cover the hole lightly, don't compact the dirt too much. Now, place it under your lighting for 24 hours a day. It may take up to 10 days before it sprouts, so be patient. Seeds don't always sprout, if it's been 15 days and still no show you can probably call it quits and plant a new seed.
Once you have a sprouted seed, water as needed.

Vegetation Period

Soon, your plant will out root the small container it's in You will need to transplant it into a much larger container. Prepare your new, large, drain-able pot. Take the container your plant is in, and gently bend the sides. What this does is break off any dirt or roots that are touching the inside walls. Now that you have done this, you can carefully and slowly turn the cup upside down and the contents of the cup will slide right out. You can break off some of the dirt, but do not let any of the roots be exposed to light. They will dry out and die. Quickly, place your plant into the new pot. Give it a nice watering and place it back into the grow room under 24-on/0-off hours of lighting (or 18/6). Your plant will probably not grow for a day or so, this is normal after transplanting.
It is important that you keep your plants under a strict 24/0 or 18/6 lighting schedule during the vegetation period. If they get too long a dark period they will begin to flower.

Watering and Nutrients and pH, oh my

Water your plant when the soil is dry. This is the #1 mistake new growers make - they water too often. Overwatering is not "giving the plant too much water" it is "giving the plant water too often." There are two simple steps to watering cannabis:
  1. Wait until the soil is dry a knuckle or so deep (use your finger, poke a hole, feel the dirt).
  2. Add water until you see some drain out the bottom of your pot. Go to step 1.
Nutrients should be used carefully and correctly. Follow the dosing schedule provided by your nutrient line, but ramp up the amount slowly. It is not suggested you start with the full dosage right away, but something like 1/4, then 1/2, and so on. Furthermore, it is also not recommended to use nutrients with every watering. Most alternate or put two plain-water feedings in between a nutrient-water feeding.
pH testing is important as all the nutrients you are feeding your plant will only be absorbed by the roots under the proper conditions, and those proper conditions are dictated by the pH of the nutrient mix and the soil. Test your water before adding nutrients, test your nutrient mix, and test your run-off. You want the nutrient+soil mixture to be in the 6.3-6.8 range for soil. You want the nutrient mix to be in the 5.5-6.1 range for a hydroponic set up. Consult these charts for more information. You may need to obtain pH up or pH down products to regulate the water and/or nutrient mix to achieve the correct pH balance.


There are many ways to train your plant to increase the yield. Use one or multiple of these techniques to create more tops/colas (budsites) or to promote stronger stalks and more vigorous nutrient uptake.
It is very important that you do this during vegetation and not in flowering. Abuse them in veg, treat them like princesses in flowering.
You can keep your plant in vegetation as long as you wish. However, most people have space limitations. The key is, grow your plants to about half of your space limits (remember to add space for your light and space for cool air beneath the light). The plants tend to double (or sometimes triple) in height in the early flowering stage. After 2-3weeks of flowering most will have hit their maximum height.


Cloning is a rather easy and faster alternative compared to planting seeds every cycle. Typically, you should cut your clones a couple weeks prior to flowering to give the mother plant a chance to heal and regrow. Here is a thorough guide on cloning.

Flowering Period

In order to activate flowering, you will need to switch your lighting schedule to a strict 12/12 schedule. This means 12 hours of light and 12 hours of pure darkness Any light leaks can cause damage, please be sure it's dark.
You will also want to start adding your blooming/flowering nutrients of your choice. Again, it might be a safe idea to start off small and work your way up to the suggested amount.
After about a week or two, you will also be able to determines its sex. It is a very easy thing to do. If you are not sure on the sex, post pictures and ask the community.
If you get any males, you will need to chop them down and get rid of it. The reason for this is, if those pollen sacks pop, the pollen will spread and the females will become covered with his pollen. To simplify this, she will then produce seeds within her bud and the bud will be less potent. Ideally, you want a non pollinated female, she will produce the strongest and best weed.
As flowering proceeds, you will notice translucent trichomes appear. This is how you will judge when your grow is ready to be harvested. This is ultimately up you depending on what type of high you are looking for. You can expect these to appear around 6-8 weeks or even 10-12 weeks on some strains. Patience is virtue.


Chop and then cure the buds.

Closing Remarks

Growing marijuana is a fun hobby and the outcome is very rewarding. However, it is hard and you need to be dedicated before getting started.

This guide was originally put together by Up_High, with updates/reworking by hsi__. Many thanks the original author and everyone who contributed.
submitted by Johnny-Galt-Jr to MississippiMarijuana [link] [comments]

2021.02.06 03:26 Kjohnstonuscg A little due diligence saves face

I know everyone here is pretty low on the brain power spectrum but that being said I think we all know how google works if not I'll link it. Just type whatever your heart desires in the little box and hit search!
That being said spend 5-10 minutes at least if you are going to make a post or send a reply know what the heck it is you are talking about. I've seen a ton of posts and even been replied to with blatantly ill informed people. If I can find a rebuttal in less then 5 minutes your comment was a waste of my time and everyone else's. Stay well informed and provide actual content here were trolls yeah but there is a little more to WSB than strictly trolling bring something to the table thanks guys and girls.
submitted by Kjohnstonuscg to wallstreetbets [link] [comments]

2020.11.13 06:51 LastDisciple MK-ULTRA Hoax for dummies -or- YOU have been programmed. Find out how: QUINTESSENTIAL MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING - exposed first - ATTENTION - NOT a joke


After reading this you will NEVER EVER click again "CIA can make mind controlled robots" type of illuminati propaganda ... ... unless you were already reduced to a specimen of human cattle.

MK-ULTRA Hoax exposed: Why does the CIA try to convince you so hard that mind control works?

The murder of Robert Kennedy (1) was one of the most successful cases in propagating the "CIA is able to do mind control" hoax, propagated officially by the CIA Web of Disinformation and unofficially by "serious" illuminati media outlets, beginning with Wikipedia. (2) But what is the main reason why the illuminati try to convince you so hard that mind control works? Answer: to divert you from one of the basic facts about God. (3) Because once that has been done, you will no more be able to understand the HORRIBLE TRUTH about YOURSELF: YOU have been programmed. Find out how:


The Truth You will not hear the Truth in the illuminati printed and broadcasted media, aka main stream media. In the Web, the English Wikipedia is also totally controlled, which leaves two possibilities to get the Truth:
What was the reaction to the Truth? Just a few Google users will click it each day, after reading the three lines displayed in the results page. The same situation at the last forums: 99.9 pct of the audience will refuse to believe it, despite the facts.
Why? Because of the ONLY mind control programming that does work. (6) Below the PROGRAM SOURCE, where the variables are: [X] = Where the Truth could be seen; [**A**] = LIES; [**B**] = TRUTH.
==== PROGRAM SOURCE for QUINTESSENTIAL MIND CONTROL Why it is *** QUINTESSENTIAL *** for me to keep believing this: [**A**] Because of FIVE essential reasons:
1. I have been believing this for too many years.
2. I have clicked too many articles on that subject.
3. I have stated it too many times.
4. I don't want to be the first to become part of the Lunatic Fringe.
5. I would otherwise have to believe the only other possible alternative. And that one is TOO HORRIBLE to be true.
So like the others in the same situation as I am, which I believe to be 99.9 pct of the [X] community, I will continue to ignore this: [**B**].
==== Example of using the PROGRAM Virginia Tech, a "recursive" example for a start: [**A**] = CIA can use mind control to program human like robots like Cho; [**B**] = Virginia Tech = 9/11 upscaled. (7)
Notes (All in reddit)
submitted by LastDisciple to conspiracyNOPOL [link] [comments]

2020.06.06 01:57 iminterestingplease Part 3.(Reposted and edited.)

I'm reposting this as a 2020 edition of this part to my list because the original was removed and less organized. You'll notice a difference in the format cause I used to type more randomly.
459.(Cereal Company name change.)Kelloggs/Kellogg's
460.(Company name change.)Bosche/Bosch
461.(Chip name change.)Cheetoes/Cheetos
462.(Chip name change.)Doritoes/Doritos
463.(Movie name change.)Dr.Doolittle/Dr.Dolittle
464.(Company Package change.)Visine products now have lower right cut off.
465.(Fictional Character name change.)Brer Rabbit/Br'er Rabbit
466.(Cosmetics name change.)Wet 'N' Wild/Wet N Wild
467.(Perfume Logo change.)Chanel and No.5 have switched places on the bottle.
468.(Band name change.)Motley Crue now has accents above the u.
469.(Can't think of a title.)John Hancock's signature on the DOI went from the bottom right to the top center.
470.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Mighty Mouse now has a darker fur tint, sounds different to some, and now has ties with Superman.
471.(Candy name change.)Raisinettes/Raisinets
472.(Geography change.)Pelican Island in Galveston TX is now bigger, has a bridge, and Texas A&M University moved from it's original position to there.
473.(Famous Actor name change.)Sean William Scott/Seann William Scott
474.(Store name change.)The Macy's apostrophe has changed from a normal apostrophe to a star.
475.(Store name change.)Krogers/Kroger
476.(Real Life Quote change.)"No, I will not yield!"/"No, I won't yield!"(1991 Speech from Bernie Sanders.)
477.(Fictional Character appearance change.)Super Saiyan 1 Goku orange hair, red eyes./Blonde hair, green eyes.
478.(Mayo name change.)Hellman's/Hellmann's
479.(Spelling change.)Ettiquette/Etiquette
480.(Painting change.)Starry Night's moon has gotten bigger, the town has more lights, there's less dark blue, and there used to be more swirls in the painting and less stars
481.(Painting change.)Puberty has changed with the center of lighting and the huge shadow.
482.(Painting change.)Creation Of Adam has changed as well with what God is floating in.
483.(Painting change.)Persistence Of Memory changing as well.
Add-On: Ford logo changed again with the O being open at the top and the R and D are now connected weirdly.
484.(Reversed Reality.)Pepsi logo blue on top, red on bottom/red on top, blue on bottom
485.(Reversed Reality.)Grateful Dead logo blue on left, red on right/red on left, blue on right
486.(Can't think of a title.)Primary colors red, yellow, green/red, blue, green
487.(Candy name change.)Menthos/Mentos
488.(Candy name change.)Reeses/Reese's
489.(Ice Cream name change.)Breyer's/Breyers
490.(Ice Cream Logo change.)The Baskin Robbins logo changed from simply Baskin Robbins to Baskin Robbins with 31 flavors hidden in the initials B and R.
491.(Ice Cream name change.)Soy Delicious/So Delicious
492.(World change.)The sky looks different in terms of the shade of blue it shows.
493.(World change.)Sunsets seem to have become more rare in certain areas and they seem to vary in color now.
494.(World change.)Backyards now get lots of Sun in certain areas where they rarely got Sun at all.
495.(Geography change.)Iceland is now bigger and is more populated.
496.(Geography change.)Area 51 has moved location from where it originally was.
497.(Textbook name change.)Karma Sutra/Kama Sutra
498.(Spelling change.)Surveillence/Surveillance
499.(Spelling change.)CheddeCheddar
500.(Spelling change.)Bananna/Banana
501.(Spelling change.)Preist/Priest
502.(Spelling change.)Armagedon/Armageddon
503.(World change.)Clouds no longer look puffy and fluffy, but more flat and swirly.(I don't know how to word it better.)
504.(Space change.)Mars is now smaller when it used to be about the size of Earth.
505.(Logo change.)The E and D in the FedEx logo are now dipping a little bit lower than the rest of the letters now.
Add-On:The Chevron logo now isn't solid red or blue and certain areas are darker giving it a ribbon like appearance.
506.(Movie Prop change.)The terrorist van in Back To The Future is now a Volkswagen van instead of a Toyota van and may have also changed color.
507.(Car Logo change.)The Toyota logo oval going up and down is now thinner instead of the same length as the oval going left and right.
508.(New or altered scene.)Scarecrow in The Wizard Of Oz now has a gun.
509.(Music Lyrics change.)"You say tomato, I say tomahto."/"You like tomato, I like tomahto."
510.(Music Lyrics change.)"I began to pray."/"I pretend to pray."
511.(Movie ending change.)Bumble in Rudolph gets all his teeth pulled out now so he can't bite instead of getting one pulled out for a toothache.
512.(Restaurant name change.)McDonalds/McDonald's
Add-On Chevron is now spelled in blue letters instead of red.
513.(Snack name change.)Twinkys/Twinkies
514.(Ice Cream name change.)Haggen Das/Haagen Dasz/Haagen Dazs
515.(New T.V. Show.)The Golden Girls now also has a newer show that comes after it known as The Golden Palace.
516.(Musical Group name change.)Prodigy/The Prodigy
517.(Can't think of a title.)Animals such as buffalo, polar bears, etc are extinct, endangered, or fine in different realities.
518.(History change.)Einstein doesn't help develop the nuclear bomb anymore and now just lets FDR know the Nazis were involved in working on a nuclear bomb.
519.(Music Lyrics change.)"Five golden rings."/"Five gold rings."
520.(Music Album change.)License to Ill/Licensed to Ill
521.(History change.)We have now landed on the moon more than once.
522.(Music Lyrics change.)"Chasing the clouds away."/"Sweeping the clouds away."
523.(Famous Actress name change.)Kate Beckinsdale/Kate Beckinsale
524.(Natural Formation name change.)Marianas Trench/Mariana Trench
525.(History change.)Siegfried and Roy tiger attack of 2003 happened differently in many peoples' reality.
526.(Music Lyrics change.)"Wasting away in Margaritaville."/"Wasted away in Margaritaville."
Add-On: In The Wizard Of Oz, along with Scarecrow's gun, the lion also now has a mallet, butterfly net, and tin man is thrown in the air which is not in all our realities.
527.(Book Title change.)The Diary Of Anne Frank/Anne Frank:The Diary Of A Young Girl
528.(Album Cover Art change.)Frank Ocean's 2012 album Channel Orange now has a blue splatter on it.
529.(Lunch Meat name change.)Budding/Buddig
530.(Grammar change.)You leave only one space between sentences now instead of two.
531.(Geography change.)The Statue Of Liberty is now no longer located on Ellis Island and is now on Liberty Island
532.(Fictional Character name change.)Stay Puff Marshmallow Man/Stay Puft Marshmallow Man
Add-On:The Tinman now has a wrench in The Wizard Of Oz.
533.(Famous Actress name change.)Faye Wray/Fay Wray
534.(Car Logo change.)The Nissan logo circle no longer surrounds the line with the word Nissan on it and now only most of it.
535.(Car name change.)Volkswagon/Volkswagen
536.(Famous Actress name change.)Lisa Welchel/Lisa Whelchel
537.(Car Logo change.)The Lexus logo E now has a sharp look to it.
538.(Famous Actor name change.)Mark Hamil/Mark Hamill
539.(Different Dates of death.)John Candy's death at the age of 35 is now him dying at the age of 43.
ArtsyOwl said:"John Candy-I could have sworn he died when he was 35, but now it's stated that he was 43 when he died?"(Look him/her up on Reddit.)
540.(Music Lyrics.)"In the most delightful way."/"In a most delightful way."
LakeRat said:"Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down, in THE most delightful way."(Look him/her up on Reddit.)
541.(Different Causes of death.)Jayne Mansfield now dies in a car crash instead of being murdered.
542.(Zodiac Sign change.)Capricorn sign looks like a sea goat instead of a goat in a shell.
543.(Zodiac Glyph change.)Virgo glyph sign is now an angel holding wheat instead of a maiden holding a harp.
544.(Zodiac Sign change.)The Virgo and Scorpio signs combined look like what the Virgo sign used to look like according to some realities.
545.(Spelling change.)Philphrum/Philprum
546.(History change.)The Titanic is now documented to include life vests being given to people who still ended up dying who were unable to be fully rescued as well as tons of dead bodies now documented.
547.(Celebrity death that never happened.)Artie Lange is now alive instead of dying of a suicide induced drug overdose.
548.(Fruit name change.)Pimentos/Pimientos(Both spellings exist, but pimientos is not remembered by many.)
548.(Famous Actor name change.)Claude Raines/Claude Rains
549.(Sign change.)Signs now have the slash go from the upper left to the lower right instead of the upper right to the lower left.
550.(T.V Show name change.)H.R. Puff 'n' Stuff/H.R. Pufnstuf(Numerous other spellings.)
551.(Urban Legend change.)In The Wizard Of Oz, not everybody remembers a bird replacing the "dead munchkin" in the movie, they remember nothing.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7YhDQnaGIY (Between 20 and 30 minutes.)
552.(Famous Sports Star name change.)Charles Barkeley/Charles Barkley(Numerous other spellings.)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k7YhDQnaGIY (At the beginning of the video.)
553.(Hardware Store name change.)Menard's/Menards
554.(Famous Singer name change.)Eddie Rabbit/Eddie Rabbitt
555.(Movie Quote change.)"Release the Kraken."/"Let loose the Kraken."
556.(Movie Quote change.)"Paint me like one of your French girls."/"Draw me like one of your French girls."
557.(Cable Company name change.)Direct TV/DirecTV
558.(Myth.)Bats are not blind and actually some have good sight.
559.(Singer name change.)Pink/P!nk
560.(Beer name change.)Michelobe/Michelob
561.(Cereal Logo change.)Lucky Charms design on box is shown to have changed a lot less than it actually has.
562.(Logo change.)FOX now has a slanted F and is now narrower.
563.(Logo change.)MTV now has a sloppily written TV.
564.(Logo change.)The United Airlines logos look more detailed.
565.(Logo change.)Do any of the VH1 logos look right to you?
566.(Logo change.)The E and T in the BET logo are now connected.
567.(Logo change.)Was pharmacy next to CVS or below it on the store?
568.(Logo change.)KIA logo letters now all have parts that extend to the left.
569.(Logo change.)Does the Yamaha logo look off to you?
570.(Logo change.)New logo on Burger King is slanted and old has a different color scheme.
571.(Logo change.)Eyes of Wendy's girl look off in the old and new logos.
572.(Logo change.)Does the Superman logo look off to you?
573.(Logo change.)Does the Nintendo logo look off to you?
574.(Logo change.)The G and A in the SEGA logo are now connected.
575.(Logo change.)The old ShopRite logo is now more slanted and now there are 5 circles above the cart.
576.(Logo change.)Bravo logo is now Bravo inside a quote bubble.
577.(Car change.)Did the front of all Jeep vehicles look like this?
578.(Logo change.)The font is now different on the Guitar Center logo.
579.(Logo change.)The W has gotten shorter on the left in the Warner Bros. logo.
580.(Logo change.)RCA records logo now has lightning part sticking off of A.
581.(Logo change.)The B in Blimpie.
582.(Logo change.)Stone Brewery logo now has devil holding up glass.
583.(Logo change.)Does the E look off in the Tier in Southern Tier Brewing?
584.(Logo change.)Does the I in Skittles look off or does anything else look off in the Skittles logo to you?
585.(Logo change.)Does the font of Starburst look off?
586.(Candy name change.)Starbursts/Starburst
587.(Descritpion change.)Baphomet now has a crown in images that he shows up in.
588.(Logo change.)The White Castle logo font is now different.
589.(Logo change.)The O in Coffee-Mate now has a swirl.
590.(Coffee name change.)Coffee Mate/Coffee-Mate
591.(Logo change.)The N looks off in the Pilon logo.
592.(Logo change.)Cafe Bustelo now has an upright black triangle in the logo.
593.(Logo change.)The Y looks different in the Yankees logo.
594.(Logo change.)The Chicago Bulls bull looks angrier now.
595.(Logo change.)Always five streaks of each color in the Portland Trailblazers logo?
596.(Logo change.)Bridge looks more oblique and curved in the Golden State Warriors logo.
597.(Logo change.)The star at the bottom of the San Antonio Spurs logo is now bigger and is radiating more.
598.(Logo change.)The Boston Celtics logo now has a different design on the shirt and a stick.
599.(Logo change.)Does the NBA logo look different?
600.(Logo change.)Do you remember an NFL logo with a curved L?
601.(Multiple designs.)Do you remember the Masonic Square And Compass having this many designs?
602.(Logo change.)The Minnesota Timberwolves logo now has a wolf with fangs.
603.(Logo change.)The Sun in the Dole logo is huge now.
604.(Logo change.)Girl in the Sun Maid logo looks different and has a huge bonnet.
605.(Logo change.)Have the boy and dog in the Cracker Jack logo changed to you?
606.(Logo change.) The Universal logo has a planet in it. All that needs to be said.
607.(Logo change.) The Discovery channel logo has a planet in it. All that needs to be said.
608.(Movie Ending change.)There is now a ghost at the end of The Elephant Man.
609.(Flag change.) The Coat Of Arms flag from Spain no longer has a red triangle pointing from the center.
610.(Movie Quote change.) "That's not a knife, this is a knife."/"That's not a knife, that's a knife."
submitted by iminterestingplease to Retconned [link] [comments]

2019.10.06 10:21 rafay55 The (Inner Chest) Or How To Develop The Sternal Groove?

The (Inner Chest) Or How To Develop The Sternal Groove?
Would you like to know how to develop the internal sternal or pectoral groove? As you know, developing the internal part of the chest is an important step to reach the great achievement that is to have well-defined pecs. Let’s see how to achieve it.
Let’s be honest to see that separation in the “internal pectoral” provides a robust and defined aspect. But what is the most effective way to focus training specifically on this area? Is this really possible?
What are the best exercises, workouts and tips to mark the inner groove of the chest and with maximum efficiency?
Well then I answer these and more questions to make the topic as clear as possible, and you know, if you still have doubts you can leave a comment at the end of the article.


You can search on Google and you will find a host of different articles and videos showing how the inner Chest Press and its variants supposedly “isolate” the internal fibers of the pectorals …
However, if you take a look at the anatomy of the pectoral muscle and the way the fibers develop, you will see that it is NOT really possible to specifically isolate what is known as the inner chest or sternal groove, without intervening in the middle and outer fibers at the same time.
Reviewing the anatomy of the pectorals a little, we can know that the pectoralis is basically made up of 2 sets of fibers: the “upper” clavicular fibers and the “lower” sternocostal fibers
5 Exercise Routines For Biceps And Back
Clavicular fibers originate in the clavicle and are inserted into the humerus (this portion is generally called “the upper pectoral”), while sternocostal fibers originate in the sternum and are inserted into the humerus (this portion is called commonly as the “bottom of the pectoral”).



Because each of the fiber assemblies we saw above has its own origin and unique insertion points, it is possible to specifically target the upper or lower chest by using different Press and Opening exercises at different angles.
Tilt movements will shift the emphasis towards the upper clavicular fibers, while flat and declined movements will specifically affect the lower sternocostal fibers.
In terms of training specific areas of the chest to increase muscle size, this is all we can do, basically it is to train the lower and upper chest, to put it in a way that is understood.
That is why I repeat it again, in case there are still doubts … The effort cannot be isolated or directed to the “internal pectoral” for the simple reason that there really is no such muscle or muscle group.
So, except for the openings in flat bank or in a declined bank that if they can offer you a bonus, no matter what “other specific exercises” to develop the internal pectoral copies of the internet to add to your routine, you will not get the results you expect when focusing in this way.
But be careful with the interpretation of the article, this does not mean that this area cannot be developed, it only means that training cannot be directed specifically to this area.
So, if what you are looking for is to stimulate what many know as “internal pectorals,” then the “middle” and “external” portion of these fibers should be stimulated.
That is, you must develop your pectoral muscles, using the enormous variety of exercises for pectorals, and as you do, you will see that your sternal groove will naturally be marked.
Is it an easy road? no! But it is the only possible way to achieve it, if you do not strive to develop muscle mass in the area, you will not get the results you want.


In short, in order to develop the inner groove of the pectorals, you simply have to focus on developing the chest as a whole.
As I told you before, and I repeat again, as your pecs become bigger and stronger, over time, that “internal pectoral” will become increasingly noticeable.
Using different “magic” techniques or routines is only a waste of time and effort.
The only possible factor to consider here is that: since the lower fibers of the sternocostal adhere to the sternum, the development of these fibers will probably have a more noticeable impact on your goal.
For this reason, it is that the best exercises for the internal pectoral are (technically) any type of Press or Opening performed at a flat or declined angle.
In conclusion! Stop worrying about the “inner chest” or “sternal groove” and just focus on maximizing the development of the pectorals as a whole, using the correct concept of muscle hypertrophy. You will see that over time you will be closer and closer to your goal.
submitted by rafay55 to u/rafay55 [link] [comments]

2018.01.11 07:00 LastDisciple The REAL Truman Show: 1.8 Million on World's Largest Stage; Audience NOT Aware That It's a Reality Show

World's largest stage: audience not aware it's a SHOW

Introduction To get Hezbollah's victories against Israel while the same gang in Syria, despite with US and Russia air force, is defeated by freedom fighters armed with captured and self-made weapons. Gaza bombed other than for the camera is a HOAX.
Reality shows of the real Truman show, the world as the human cattle knows it From BIG BROTHER to the stars of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?": all actors, including Hollywood's Gene Hackman as Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson. In other words it's the reverse of the 1998 Hollywood film, with the audience, not aware of it, now as "Truman Burbank".
Nearly all parliaments around the world are in fact reality shows The world's largest stage of this type, as far as the number of participants, is located in New Delhi, India: 790 MPs. Strasbourg's European Parliament, although now reduced to 751 MP's (previously 766), still claims the second place. It's paradoxically located in the only country in the world which has no official capital, the European Union. The audience is more or less aware that a particular parliament is in fact a theater, depending on the stage.
The REAL Truman Show: 1.8 million on World's largest stage; audience not aware that it's a REALITY SHOW End Times Paradoxes: virtually nobody in the audience is aware of what is by far the World's largest REALITY SHOW, both in terms of participants (1.8 million) and stage (360 km²).
The stage reduced to its name: [ _ _ Z _ ] No wonder that the role of its leader is played by an actor suggesting "Hollywood star George Clooney". The [ _ _ Z _ ] "leader" is probably also a Lebanese, same as "clown Clooney", to perfectly fulfill the commandment of mocking the human cattle. Added 2015: If you're still unable to solve the riddle, Google this in quotes: "insert several zeros". Two of first three results ever since Aug 2014 are legit and bring the the classic rabbit out of the hat, but this time packaged as out of the rabbit hole at the end of the show.
CONTEXT Two of first three results for "insert several zeros" are legit: Captured israeli soldier classic rabbit out of the hat but this time ... https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&gws_rd=cr#hl=en&q=%22insert+several+zeros%22
Hamas "leader Khaled Meshaal" played by actor suggesting the Lebanese actor playing "Hollywood star George Clooney". George Clooney is Hamas Gaza leader Khaled Meshaal On the other camp: Illuminati actors casted to look like PIGS, fattened on purpose or NOT. Contrast "Netanyahu's wife" Sara with the impostor impersonating Ariel Sharon from 1975 to 2006 and "film director" Michael Moore. Illuminati actors fattened to look like PIGS: from Ariel Sharon impersonator 1975-2006 to film director Michael Moore
"Pro-Israel conservative Trump", including also an act marketing "nationalist Netanyahu": US sent $221 million to Palestinians in Obama's last hours - for dummies Real acts and illuminati theater part of the agenda "Destruction of Israel": How the perfect timing for a major act in the agenda "Evict Jews from the West Bank" was set. Timing: Obama's last hours: US sent $221 million to Palestinians - for dummies
BASICS BIG BROTHER type of shows are the reverse of the 1998 film "TRUMAN SHOW". Not only BIG BROTHER but ALL TV reality shows = SIMULATED REALITY. BIG BROTHER TV shows = SIMULATED REALITY = world as we know it
TRAITOR Netanyahu "bombing" Gaza same as US and Russia/Assad "bombing" ISIS or Saudi Arabia "bombing" Houthi forces Yemen "proxy war" hoax: if it will apparently become a half truth it will still remain a "black is white" BIG LIE
submitted by LastDisciple to ConspiracyThought [link] [comments]

2018.01.11 07:00 LastDisciple The REAL Truman Show: 1.8 Million on World's Largest Stage; Audience NOT Aware That It's a Reality Show

World's largest stage: audience not aware it's a SHOW

Introduction To get Hezbollah's victories against Israel while the same gang in Syria, despite with US and Russia air force, is defeated by freedom fighters armed with captured and self-made weapons. Gaza bombed other than for the camera is a HOAX.
Reality shows of the real Truman show, the world as the human cattle knows it From BIG BROTHER to the stars of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?": all actors, including Hollywood's Gene Hackman as Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson. In other words it's the reverse of the 1998 Hollywood film, with the audience, not aware of it, now as "Truman Burbank".
Nearly all parliaments around the world are in fact reality shows The world's largest stage of this type, as far as the number of participants, is located in New Delhi, India: 790 MPs. Strasbourg's European Parliament, although now reduced to 751 MP's (previously 766), still claims the second place. It's paradoxically located in the only country in the world which has no official capital, the European Union. The audience is more or less aware that a particular parliament is in fact a theater, depending on the stage.
The REAL Truman Show: 1.8 million on World's largest stage; audience not aware that it's a REALITY SHOW End Times Paradoxes: virtually nobody in the audience is aware of what is by far the World's largest REALITY SHOW, both in terms of participants (1.8 million) and stage (360 km²).
The stage reduced to its name: [ _ _ Z _ ] No wonder that the role of its leader is played by an actor suggesting "Hollywood star George Clooney". The [ _ _ Z _ ] "leader" is probably also a Lebanese, same as "clown Clooney", to perfectly fulfill the commandment of mocking the human cattle. Added 2015: If you're still unable to solve the riddle, Google this in quotes: "insert several zeros". Two of first three results ever since Aug 2014 are legit and bring the the classic rabbit out of the hat, but this time packaged as out of the rabbit hole at the end of the show.
CONTEXT Two of first three results for "insert several zeros" are legit: Captured israeli soldier classic rabbit out of the hat but this time ... https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en&gws_rd=cr#hl=en&q=%22insert+several+zeros%22
Hamas "leader Khaled Meshaal" played by actor suggesting the Lebanese actor playing "Hollywood star George Clooney". George Clooney is Hamas Gaza leader Khaled Meshaal On the other camp: Illuminati actors casted to look like PIGS, fattened on purpose or NOT. Contrast "Netanyahu's wife" Sara with the impostor impersonating Ariel Sharon from 1975 to 2006 and "film director" Michael Moore. Illuminati actors fattened to look like PIGS: from Ariel Sharon impersonator 1975-2006 to film director Michael Moore
"Pro-Israel conservative Trump", including also an act marketing "nationalist Netanyahu": US sent $221 million to Palestinians in Obama's last hours - for dummies Real acts and illuminati theater part of the agenda "Destruction of Israel": How the perfect timing for a major act in the agenda "Evict Jews from the West Bank" was set. Timing: Obama's last hours: US sent $221 million to Palestinians - for dummies
BASICS BIG BROTHER type of shows are the reverse of the 1998 film "TRUMAN SHOW". Not only BIG BROTHER but ALL TV reality shows = SIMULATED REALITY. BIG BROTHER TV shows = SIMULATED REALITY = world as we know it
TRAITOR Netanyahu "bombing" Gaza same as US and Russia/Assad "bombing" ISIS or Saudi Arabia "bombing" Houthi forces Yemen "proxy war" hoax: if it will apparently become a half truth it will still remain a "black is white" BIG LIE
submitted by LastDisciple to conspiracyundone [link] [comments]

2017.12.29 02:09 LastDisciple Quintessential Mind Control Programming - Exposed First - Attention: Not a Joke


Introduction After reading this article you'll know the *** HORRIBLE TRUTH *** about YOU! You have been programmed. Find out how:
The TRUTH You will not hear the TRUTH in the illuminati printed and broadcasted media, aka main stream media. In the Web, the English Wikipedia is also totally controlled (1), which leaves two possibilities to get the TRUTH: - with Google, the only mass media not controlled by the illuminati, at least at some entry points (2). - at the extremely few "alternative" forums in the web that did not completely censor it (3).
What was the reaction to the TRUTH? Just a few Google users will click it each day, after reading the three lines displayed in the results page. The same situation at the last forums: 99.9 pct of the audience will refuse to believe it, despite the facts.
Why? Because of the ONLY mind control programming that does work (4). Below the PROGRAM SOURCE, where the variables are: [X] = where the Truth could be seen; [**A**] = LIES; [**B**] = TRUTH.
==== PROGRAM SOURCE for QUINTESSENTIAL MIND CONTROL Why it is *** QUINTESSENTIAL *** for me to keep believing this: [**A**] Because of FIVE essential reasons:
1. I have been believing this for too many years. 2. I have clicked too many articles on that subject. 3. I have stated it too many times. 4. I don't want to be the first to become part of the Lunatic Fringe. 5. I would otherwise have to believe the only other possible alternative. And that one is TOO HORRIBLE to be true.
So like the others in the same situation as I am, which I believe to be 99.9 pct of the [X] community, I will continue to ignore this: [**B**].
==== Example of using the PROGRAM Virginia Tech, a "recursive" example for a start: [**A**] = CIA can use mind control to program human like robots like Cho; [**B**] = Virginia Tech = 9/11 upscaled.
Notes (1) How Wikipedia handles the TWO basic layers of illuminati core lies, from Nicolaus Copernicus to 9/11
(2) Example of how easy it is to Google the 9/11 Truth / Basic Facts: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q="9%2F11+for+dummies"+"The+Five+Basic+Facts" The Truth reads "9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt Marriott" and it appears on top ever since 2005.
(3) Parallel information societies in end times - since 1998, when the last trumpets echoed https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/comments/77bs8a/traffic_jam_in_the_lane_to_hell_parallel/
(4) Illuminati End Times: finally a mind control program that proves to work for all of the population... is in fact nothing but BIG LIE Framework increased to maximum level. Laws of End Times Reductionism again and again.
CONTEXT MK-ULTRA Hoax exposed or the real CIA "mind control" to murder Robert F. Kennedy https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/comments/7a7xxd/mkultra_hoax_exposed_or_the_real_cia_mind_control/
Brainwashing as synonym of (fake) mind control: Illuminati propaganda for dummies https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/comments/56iouo/fake_mind_control_real_deal_as_false_synonym/
BASICS Talk of the real "mind control" and what the illuminati web of disinfo propagates: REMINDER of Last Prophet's from 2008, illustrated with recent examples. Subliminal images: REALITY is the OPPOSITE of what illuminati disinfo propagates https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/duplicates/4tt2mo/typology_subliminal_images_reality_is_opposite_of/
submitted by LastDisciple to ConspiracyII [link] [comments]

2017.12.29 02:01 LastDisciple QUINTESSENTIAL MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMING - exposed first - ATTENTION - NOT a joke


Introduction After reading this article you'll know the *** HORRIBLE TRUTH *** about YOU! You have been programmed. Find out how:
The TRUTH You will not hear the TRUTH in the illuminati printed and broadcasted media, aka main stream media. In the Web, the English Wikipedia is also totally controlled (1), which leaves two possibilities to get the TRUTH: - with Google, the only mass media not controlled by the illuminati, at least at some entry points (2). - at the extremely few "alternative" forums in the web that did not completely censor it (3).
What was the reaction to the TRUTH? Just a few Google users will click it each day, after reading the three lines displayed in the results page. The same situation at the last forums: 99.9 pct of the audience will refuse to believe it, despite the facts.
Why? Because of the ONLY mind control programming that does work (4). Below the PROGRAM SOURCE, where the variables are: [X] = where the Truth could be seen; [**A**] = LIES; [**B**] = TRUTH.
==== PROGRAM SOURCE for QUINTESSENTIAL MIND CONTROL Why it is *** QUINTESSENTIAL *** for me to keep believing this: [**A**] Because of FIVE essential reasons:
1. I have been believing this for too many years. 2. I have clicked too many articles on that subject. 3. I have stated it too many times. 4. I don't want to be the first to become part of the Lunatic Fringe. 5. I would otherwise have to believe the only other possible alternative. And that one is TOO HORRIBLE to be true.
So like the others in the same situation as I am, which I believe to be 99.9 pct of the [X] community, I will continue to ignore this: [**B**].
==== Example of using the PROGRAM Virginia Tech, a "recursive" example for a start: [**A**] = CIA can use mind control to program human like robots like Cho; [**B**] = Virginia Tech = 9/11 upscaled.
Notes (1) How Wikipedia handles the TWO basic layers of illuminati core lies, from Nicolaus Copernicus to 9/11
(2) Example of how easy it is to Google the 9/11 Truth / Basic Facts: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q="9%2F11+for+dummies"+"The+Five+Basic+Facts" The Truth reads "9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt Marriott" and it appears on top ever since 2005.
(3) Parallel information societies in end times - since 1998, when the last trumpets echoed https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/comments/77bs8a/traffic_jam_in_the_lane_to_hell_parallel/
(4) Illuminati End Times: finally a mind control program that proves to work for all of the population... is in fact nothing but BIG LIE Framework increased to maximum level. Laws of End Times Reductionism again and again.
CONTEXT MK-ULTRA Hoax exposed or the real CIA "mind control" to murder Robert F. Kennedy https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/comments/7a7xxd/mkultra_hoax_exposed_or_the_real_cia_mind_control/
Brainwashing as synonym of (fake) mind control: Illuminati propaganda for dummies https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/comments/56iouo/fake_mind_control_real_deal_as_false_synonym/
BASICS Talk of the real "mind control" and what the illuminati web of disinfo propagates: REMINDER of Last Prophet's from 2008, illustrated with recent examples. Subliminal images: REALITY is the OPPOSITE of what illuminati disinfo propagates https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/duplicates/4tt2mo/typology_subliminal_images_reality_is_opposite_of/
submitted by LastDisciple to conspiracyundone [link] [comments]

2017.11.04 03:52 Young-Kyoon Illuminati origins, early History exposed worldwide first - Novus ordo seclorum: real meaning

Illuminati origins, early History exposed worldwide first - Novus ordo seclorum: real meaning

Fake identity Harry Truman and the origins of the Illuminati Last Prophet just revealed how REVENGE is part of the real meaning of Truman's most important quote: https://ukgovernmentwatch.files.wordpress.com/2014/01/harry-truman-quotes.png
The III Reich surrendered to the Red Army just days after "Harry S. Truman" became the 33th president of one of the "allies", the US. "Harry S. Truman" was NOT a TRUE MAN. It was a fake identity, same as "Barry" "Hussein Obama II". Truman was in fact Robert Ritter von Greim. The illuminati reacted to the imminent surrender of the III Reich to the Red Army, that would take place days later, by empowering the last commander of Hitler's airforce as the 33th president of one of the "allies", the US.
Of all Germans, "Truman" was: - last German officer to achieve the rank of Generalfeldmarschall (Field Marshal); - last commander of the Luftwaffe, Hitler's airforce. - last to the knighted (Ritter or Sir) before the scripted end of the First World War, the German surrender 11:11 of 11/11/18, with nothing but illuminati members at the at the Versailles table. - penultimate to be awarded the German Kingdom of Prussia's highest order. And that's what last but not the least calls for a reminder about the role of Prussia in the REAL History of the illuminati.
Two misconceptions about the illuminati are: 1. Illuminati roots are in Bavaria, Germany. 2. Secret society was created 1776.
Reality: the illuminati were originally created under another name, masked as "Christian" crusaders. In other words: unlike the Templars, the illuminati didn't get control of the order using their most important weapon, traitors. The order was satanic from the beginning. The illuminati as secret society only began denying their own existence centuries later.
PRUSSIA was the first illuminati state in History. PRUSSIA stands also for the first illuminati attempt to conquer Russia.
Reminder of what was revealed first worldwide by Last Prophet Matt. It includes an obvious riddle:
Illuminati origins, early History exposed worldwide first - Novus ordo seclorum: real meaning Almost *** ALL *** world "govs" are DELIBERATELY working overtime to DESTROY their own people. Contrast the situation now, at the End of the Age, with all the failed illuminati attempts centuries earlier.
The Key to why the illuminati selected "Novus ORDO seclorum" in the XVIII century as designation for GLOBAL SLAVERY: their religion's commandment of REVENGE, the opposite of the Christian commandment of PARDON. In this case the revenge for defeats they suffered in the XIII and XIV centuries, long before May 1, 1776, the fake date that they market as their birth.
Novus ordo seclorum means GLOBAL SLAVERY Although the illuminati were not the majority of the Founding Fathers they still managed to include Novus ordo seclorum in the seal of the United States, first designed in 1782.
Illuminati religion fourth commandment: openly tell the truth to the human cattle and still make sure that the cattle doesn't get it. Ideal is to have it perceived as black is white.
Openly telling it to the cattle included: - printing the Mark of Global Slavery on the back of the United States one-dollar bill since 1935. - having illuminati members all around the world repeat the need for a New World Order since 1992, from Bush Sr to fake identity Bergoglio playing fake Last Pope Francis, "Peter the Roman".
Novus ordo seclorum - how illuminati controlled Wikipedia fulfills the fourth commandment Wikipedia itself illustrates the fourth commandment brought to perfection: having the cattle not only NOT get it but actually repeat that black is white. In other words: Wikipedia provides the "View History" option to let anyone check that the TRUTH is immediately censored by comparing versions. Yet the human cattle sees Wikipedia as symbol for free speech, an encyclopedia to which everyone can contribute to. This is how Wikipedia sells the Novus ordo seclorum message: "The phrase is also mistranslated as "New World Order" by many people who believe in a conspiracy behind the design; however, it does directly translate to "New Order of the Ages" (1).
Illuminati secret society describing itself - how illuminati controlled Wikipedia fulfills some of Illuminati religion's commandments Another commandment of the Illuminati religion demands TOTAL DECEPTION. Only exceptions are: - fulfilling the fourth commandment, openly telling it to the cattle. - using the half-truths technique, telling some truth to have the cattle swallow the core lie. TOTAL DECEPTION starts with the basic information supplied about themselves, as illustrated by Wikipedia: - founded on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt, the son of a Jewish Rabbi (2). - and above all that the secret society NOW in control of almost all the "governments" of the world ... NO LONGER exists.
TOTAL DECEPTION: Nothing is more important than traitors Syria, the preview of the REAL world war III, illuminati bombing 99% of the population, is the ultimate example. Illuminati puppet Assad ordered by the illuminati to bomb 99% of the population using airforce pilots, mercenaries and now chemical weapons. Black is white is fulfilled by having the human cattle perceive it as "US Obama, UK Cameron and France's Hollande want to bomb Assad".
TOTAL DECEPTION and illuminati agents disguised as religious fundamentalists Syria illustrates to what lengths this tactic goes: illuminati are now paying thousands of Turkish, Saudi, Iraqi and Iranian mercenaries disguised as jihadist rebels. The mission of these FAKE rebels: pretend to fight Assad while their target is in fact the REAL rebels of the Free Syrian Army, who were about to defeat Assad despite having no airforce, tanks or chemical weapons. To fulfill the fourh commandment the illuminati go as far as to show in their media footage of these fake rebels crossing the Turkish-Syrian border on heavily armed vehicles.
Novus ordo seclorum - WHY illuminati used it to name GLOBAL SLAVERY The obvious reason seems to be illuminati religion's commandment of ORDER from Chaos (in latin ORDO ab chao). But there's another reason. The illuminati started using agents disguised as religious fundamentalists as early as the XII century, more precisely 1190, as now revealed worldwide first by the Last Prophet. At that time these agents were not playing Muslims but Christians. The previously referred Wikipedia page serves not only endless deception but also some fulfillment of the fourth commandment: - the illuminati were supposedly created in Bavaria, Germany. Indeed the illuminati were created in what is now Germany and been ever since controlled by Germans. - "founder" Adam Weishaupt was supposedly Jesuit-taught. The Jesuits were originally NOT created by the illuminati. But the illuminati DID manage to later take control of the Jesuits, using infiltrators. That's why Pope Clement XIV in 1773 suppressed the Order.
The REAL reasons for the name Novus ordo seclorum: - the commandment of REVENGE for the defeats of another ORDER. Not the Templars, who like the Jesuits got under illuminati control after being infiltrated but were originally NOT created by the illuminati.
Novus ordo seclorum: The REVENGE for the defeats of the ORDER centuries earlier The ORDER was created disguised as Christian fundamentalists, BEFORE the illuminati took control of the Templars. In fact The ORDER was the first recorded illuminati controlled organization in History (3).
As previously implied the ORDER was founded by Germans. In fact, unlike the illuminati now, the ORDER had only GERMAN members. Not only bloodline but also nobility had to be proved up to four generations for admission.
Fulfilling "Black is White", after History was rewritten, the ORDER supposedly: - was created at the Holy Land. - created the first Christian fundamentalist state ever, in fact the first prototype of the nazi state. Illuminati rewriting History includes the joke "a state where the only registered crime was committed by cooks who tried to dig a hole to steal the Order's safe".
The ORDER also stands for the first illuminati attempt to militarily occupy Russia, almost six centuries before the second attempt, using illuminati agent Napoleon Bonaparte. As implied before: both the first and the last (Adolf Hitler) military attempts were officially led by a German. In fact there's only one exception, 1812: French or Corsican agent Bonaparte was used to cover-up the German illuminati behind the plan, the same who years earlier ran the French Revolution by the guillotine.
Termination The ORDER survived more than two centuries after the destruction of the infiltrators at the Templars, 1307, ending with the execution of illuminati agent Jacques de Molay. In fact it was never clearly recognized by the leaders of Christianity as a nest of infiltrators, although the ORDER's plots at the Vatican failed several times. "Coincidentally" one of these failures, in the early XV century, was nearly identical to the theater staged to start World War II with the aggression to Poland. That's why, unlike the Jesuits or the Templars, the ORDER was not terminated by the pope but by the illuminati themselves. The termination was staged as joining another illuminati creation, Martin Luther. As correctly stated in the Wikipedia page about the last Grand Master of the ORDER: [in 1525 he] "converted to Lutheranism".
The name of the ORDER At this point all has been said. Adding 1+1 returns only ONE result. To confirm it, the name of the ORDER in LATIN:
ORDO [T _ _ _ _ _ ICUS]
Notes (1) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Novus_ordo_seclorum
(2) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Illuminati To better sell the illuminati classic that "Jews are in control", Wikipedia omits the "evil Jew" part, to let the illuminati web of disinfo focus on that script's chapter. A list of sites of this web is retrieved by simply searching for Adam Weishaupt Jew: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q=Adam+Weishaupt+jew
(3) Difference between the Illuminati and Illuminati controlled secret societies (Freemasonry, Skull & Bones, Bohemian Grove, etc) for DUMMIES
BASICS The UNDENIABLE fact that these 10 BASIC questions were ** NEVER ** MENTIONED in EU/US media IMMEDIATELY reveals illuminati TOTAL control: But it also reveals this ...
... almost ALL world "govs" are DELIBERATELY working overtime to DESTROY their own people. End Times Reductionism also from no need to explain what the piece completing this picture is, to the missing piece itself: all these traitors rule a population that in the EU and USA was reduced to human beasts. 10 Basic Facts about the Mark of the Beast
Global Slavery, Global Genocide Consequences of becoming a beast includes: 1. Pretending to ignore the largest genocide in the History of Mankind, more than 30 million non-productive eliminated in the hospitals and homes for elderly in the US and EU in this millennium alone. 2. Failing to grasp that what's coming next to the US and the EU. More precisely what's happening now: - from China to Bangladesh: billions of slaves; - in Syria: UN government recognized by the UN (Assad) officially airbombing 90% (at this point) of the population, backed by an army with 70% (at this point) of foreign mercenaries (Iran, Lebanon, Blackwater, etc).
submitted by Young-Kyoon to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2017.11.02 01:55 Young-Kyoon Mind Control Techniques: Quintessential Mind Control Programming - exposed first - Attention - Not a joke


Introduction After reading this article you'll know the *** HORRIBLE TRUTH *** about YOU! You have been programmed. Find out how:
The TRUTH You will not hear the TRUTH in the illuminati printed and broadcasted media, aka main stream media. In the Web, the English Wikipedia is also totally controlled (1), which leaves two possibilities to get the TRUTH: - with Google, the only mass media not controlled by the illuminati, at least at some entry points (2). - at the extremely few "alternative" forums in the web that did not completely censor it (3).
What was the reaction to the TRUTH? Just a few Google users will click it each day, after reading the three lines displayed in the results page. The same situation at the last forums: 99.9 pct of the audience will refuse to believe it, despite the facts.
Why? Because of the ONLY mind control programming that does work (4). Below the PROGRAM SOURCE, where the variables are: [X] = where the Truth could be seen; [**A**] = LIES; [**B**] = TRUTH.
==== PROGRAM SOURCE for QUINTESSENTIAL MIND CONTROL Why it is *** QUINTESSENTIAL *** for me to keep believing this: [**A**] Because of FIVE essential reasons:
1. I have been believing this for too many years. 2. I have clicked too many articles on that subject. 3. I have stated it too many times. 4. I don't want to be the first to become part of the Lunatic Fringe. 5. I would otherwise have to believe the only other possible alternative. And that one is TOO HORRIBLE to be true.
So like the others in the same situation as I am, which I believe to be 99.9 pct of the [X] community, I will continue to ignore this: [**B**].
==== Example of using the PROGRAM Virginia Tech, a "recursive" example for a start: [**A**] = CIA can use mind control to program human like robots like Cho; [**B**] = Virginia Tech = 9/11 upscaled.
Notes (1) How Wikipedia handles the TWO basic layers of illuminati core lies, from Nicolaus Copernicus to 9/11
(2) Example of how easy it is to Google the 9/11 Truth / Basic Facts: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q="9%2F11+for+dummies"+"The+Five+Basic+Facts" The Truth reads "9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt Marriott" and it appears on top ever since 2005.
(3) Parallel information societies in end times - since 1998, when the last trumpets echoed https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/comments/77bs8a/traffic_jam_in_the_lane_to_hell_parallel/
(4) Illuminati End Times: finally a mind control program that proves to work for all of the population... is in fact nothing but BIG LIE Framework increased to maximum level. Laws of End Times Reductionism again and again.
CONTEXT MK-ULTRA Hoax exposed or the real CIA "mind control" to murder Robert F. Kennedy https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/comments/7a7xxd/mkultra_hoax_exposed_or_the_real_cia_mind_control/
Brainwashing as synonym of (fake) mind control: Illuminati propaganda for dummies https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/comments/56iouo/fake_mind_control_real_deal_as_false_synonym/
BASICS Talk of the real "mind control" and what the illuminati web of disinfo propagates: REMINDER of Last Prophet's from 2008, illustrated with recent examples. Subliminal images: REALITY is the OPPOSITE of what illuminati disinfo propagates https://www.reddit.com/conspiracy/duplicates/4tt2mo/typology_subliminal_images_reality_is_opposite_of/
submitted by Young-Kyoon to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2017.07.07 23:20 BrapAllgood [Exposition] A Clockwork Orange Is The New Black

Have you ever seen the classic 1971 Kubrick film A Clockwork Orange? Guy in a Future Gang commits atrocities, then on the wrong person. They catch him, throw him in prison, then offer him this Experimental Program he can opt into where they can cure him of his violent tendencies. They give him drugs, strap him down, fix his eyes open mechanically, and force him to watch films of horrific things, to which the drugs give him a very adverse reaction, such that he can no longer commit violence of any kind.
Feel familiar?
They start by showing him films of things similar to what he had done himself, but over time this grows to-- well, to Hitler, where else? They amplify the violence and hatred and fear and he begs them to stop it, STOP IT-- even though he did opt into it. Important to remember this detail.
Way back when, there used to be some really good regulation of media in this country. There were limits that kept the market VERY competitive, prevented anyone from owning too large a share of any area, or across the country itself. They actually built it very well.
There were rules about what you could and couldn't show on TV-- like blood. You ever notice how fake it looks in old Technicolor movies and TV shows? That's because it would get rejected if it looked too realistic. Over time it relaxed in movies faster, but look where we are with the rest of media now.
Oh jeez...are they using CGI magic to change the color of blood to be closer to 'normal' now? Will they at some point? Anyway, beside the point here. Sorta.
There used to be strict limits to what could be shown on television, as well as much healthier archetypes to adopt and follow, as people have proven they will (yourself incluuuuded, myself toooo). Broadcast television was chock full of rules and regulations, and the people knew it, and they demanded punishment if these rules were not followed specifically-- the old fuddy-duddies, I know, right?
The advent of movies and television was powerful and people demanded proper control set into this structure before they would allow it into their homes. I guarantee you that people used to be far more skeptical, in far healthier ways. Look, starving people on trains looking for work/food should be a huge clue to what the world looked like when filmed media was yet very new. These people didn't fuck around like you and I get to. They didn't jump on down to buy a new teebee set, they were broken in slowly-- supposedly the rich first (think about it), then everyone else that could afford it, as they could afford it-- trickle, trickle, it's so cool, we want it too!
BOOM, The Beast is in your home. And your home. And yours.
"I don't watch TV, I just stream."
It's exactly the same thing, so do not fool yourself. In fact, it's TV on crack now-- and you can hold it in your hand, carry it with you to the shitter, never let go, if you so desire-- and who needs sleep anyway, morrrre screeeeens.
I got excited, sorry. Let's back up. When I was a child, living in a town near Silicon Valley, BEFORE they called it that on teebee, we had these crazy cable boxes, were among the first markets plopping them on top of the sets. They had a knob on the front you rotated to change channels, and not really a whole lot of them. I took the front off of ours to look inside, as I often did with electronics as a boy, being ever-curious about technology, as it was really bloomin', maaaan. There were these little rings you could rotate and I discovered you could stick a phillips screwdriver in them, rotate the rings, and tune in whatever channels you wanted, paid for or not. We paid for HoBO and Skinemax, but we also got Slowtime and TMC for free. I showed two friends, and they showed two friends...and yeah, soon we were given a new box, one which technicians didn't come out to rotate rings on. o_o
And we all quietly gave back our 'we can't reset these to not look guilty' boxes, and they let us. Cuz they fucked up, not us. We just did what we discovered we could-- and busting us would be loss of revenue, as well as fucking this sweet deal up as they were rolling it out. (For them, not us.)
Cable was not regulated by the broadcast rules, which were very specific. In this way, they could pipe stuff into your home that was breaking the established rules. Progress, right!? Not only did we opt into it, we paid them, and too much. To not have to go to theaters to see movies was a very powerful lure. We were all over that shit-- as what ruled even before TV? Movies. Beautiful theaters and fun drive-ins, all over. You shoulda seen the lines for Star Wars, dude. Madness. I shit you not, we tried to see it 7 times before we got in-- I got to see Sinbad and The Eye of the tiger (or was it Jason and the Argonauts? Hard to tell em apart now) 4 times in a row because that line was empty and my stepdad made that call. But hey, the gas lines had prepared us for it. o_o
With this new avenue, unregulated-- and them saying "let's see how it plays out for awhile before we try and REGULATE it"...sound familiar? Anyone? o_o With this new avenue, they could suddenly pump WAY more violence into a home, to people on their couches and in a trance. WAY more sex. Way more whatever they wanted to-- and we slurped it up. I used to call it The Media Trough (which looks like a couch in my mind), but now it's a fucking IV, have you noticed? You don't even need to get up and go to the couch anymore, it's hanging off the end of your arm. PROGRESS!
(Just keep Liking things, it'll keep dripping. You'll be fine as mor-phine in No Time.)
As time went, more channels were added to the new no-screw-with-by-you boxes (well, every step has been fucked with, but it got a lot harder to get cheater boxes once you had to get cheater boxes, duh), even moving up to The Playboy Channel. I had TPC when I was 14, with permission, because I had a moron for a mother. I paid for it, worked all through my teens, often at multiple jobs-- and other boys sure liked hanging out in my room when allowed. :) Just looking, no touching, get over that.
Then came The Eighties, where the general attitude was Relax, maaan. We got this now. Those last 4 decad-- uh...5, 6-- it has sucked for a long time, but now we got this, bro. Check out Molly Ringwald and chillll.
In the '80s, they started pushing the boundaries, very slowly and with full pressure applied, all the way through. We got things like eMpTeeVee, which had many of us glued to the screens every day, some of the night, for years. Flickering images and colorful clothing and dancing and trancing us away. And it was free-- if you bought a package, yo. Video Killed The Radio Star. INDEED. They needed new kinds of stars. o_o
For awhile, new channels started popping up regularly-- the new boxes could support far more of them. Then came FOX, as said here:
Launched on October 9, 1986 as a competitor to the Big Three television networks (ABC, NBC and CBS), Fox went on to become the most successful attempt at a fourth television network. It was the highest-rated broadcast network in the 18–49 demographic from 2004 to 2012, and earned the position as the most-watched American television network in total viewership during the 2007–08 season.
'Most watched American television network' 20 years later. Well.
In 1986, this new sort of creature appears, and it doesn't just test the boundaries, it starts using a bullhorn on them, building barricades around itself, then moving them outward to make 'more room'. What did they give us, anyway?
How about 21 Jump Street? A show for teens about cops busting teens in school. o_o If people emulate their favorite arechetypes in a series-- the ones they most relate to...then what the hell is this again, Mr. Depp?
How about Married With Children? I swear, the first time I saw that show, I nearly shat myself, it was so wrong. And yes, over time...it got funnier, as I acclimated to the 'mode of life' presented. I resisted liking it and then it was just too clever. Oh, those sick laughs.
Then we got The Simpsons. Man, I sure loved The Simpsons. I taped the first 5 seasons-- and on good tape, SP and everything-- because I couldn't imagine they would not cancel it. And here we are. Now I see it as one of the most successful propaganda devices (MACHINES) in the history of the stuff. I haven't even watched it since the '90s, but I know I don't need to.
When that show came out, they were clear about it not being for children, even though it was a cartoon...and yet, suddenly, every parent was buying the clothing for their kids, self included, cuz even though my mom didn't watch the show, she thought it was a cute shirt.
Think about that! It wove itself into our culture, like a snake. And the kids? They ate it up, cuz they were told it wasn't for them-- but who wears a shirt and refuses to know what it is in this country? Pssh, as if. Everyone watched it, below a certain age. Very, very powerful machine indeed.
And what did it do? It made children far more rebellious than they were before. While M w/ C segmented the family unit itself-- and parents mocked their own children far more freely than ever programmed to before-- all of the quiet understanding and reasoning with children that used to be common on teebee was just...GONE. Now you should mock them, said the teebee-- if you fell for the archetypical crap that most did. Like a foot in the ass of the family unit-- and simply one element of all that, but let's keep some focus here.
I was in Big Sur last couple of days, where I hear a lot of conversations walk by. One was two brothers (clearly) just repeating the same two lines from some media something, back and forth at each other like it was tennis and the lines were their rackets. They went in doing it, walking slowly, so I heard the interchange I don't recall (didn't try) several times. They were gone for awhile, then they came OUT doing the same basic game with a further 4 lines (ooo) now. They will never, ever get that time back...and though they were clearly healthy, normal boys-- one much older than the other, btw, they sounded like...I can't say it, it's a word that people trigger on, even though I don't. Try and guess it, maybe.
In fact, almost every conversation was like this in some way-- I didn't hear anything important all day-- and yes, important to me, duh. I shared some words with the dude I met that is 7 days younger than me...but even that was mild for the day because he didn't touch any of the deep subjects that trigger the piles of words inside me. Vapid people doing fun things-- can't call people vapid for visiting a majestic forest, right? But I can say 'ew' about how much media they tugged along with them. EW.
(I enjoy watching people have little signal there, I admit it. There's a particular face they make while being oblivious to the rest of the world...like traffic approaching.)
By the time we got to The Nineties, television had entirely changed shape. We didn't get it from the same source, so the DIVERSITY was high-- and how high is it on the screens NOW, I ask you? (To think about.) They successfully eroded the family unit further, lowered the moral bar of society, and allowed children access to all of it-- never doubt it unless you lock yours in a closet. And stop that, if you do.
(Like Camel ads by schools! They 'had to legislate' to stop that practice. Dude, it was a very different world-- now with the internet, it's just all in front of them as soon as they get smarter at using it than you are. Think about THAT. Some days I am happy I don't have children...where usually I'm meh. This subject makes the former easy. I don't envy you parents, but I do applaud you for trying.)
Then came 'reality TV', cuz the standard archetypes being pushed just weren't tough enough for where we were heading. They needed 'real people' to emulate-- and gawdawful stupid people, at that. Can't work the right propaganda into a script? SOLVED. It's just 'real people' talking, yo. Calm down. If you don't like it, don't watch it. o_o
And where did reality TV start again? Hmmmm? Yep.
Let's not forget the channels with the 'history' lessons, either-- there is no more powerful propaganda than that which is branded with the Science approval. 'Discovery', The History Channel-- on into ones I never saw and don't even know the names of, probably. 24 hours a day now, you could find a fix for your infosponge...but at what cost? More importantly, at what gain, and for whom? Your masters. That you submit to by opting in....
Ever see Orange Is The New Black? Bunch of women in prison, doing shit and learning and growing and stuff. Wow, they sure have some DEEP talk for people dumb enough to make it to prison. No, it isn't all Piper, either. It's a downright propaganda parade-- and with such powerful acting, you can expect every actor in it to be seen for the rest of youtheir lives. They do reward the 'worthy' well, after all. And punish the unworthy....
Ever notice how many book titles you can pause and read in this show? Ever look those books up to see what they are about? o_O I often do this, just to see...and it's very illuminating, sometimes. Try it. Makes me wonder at the sales jump certain authors get to enjoy. Ah, just another product placement, totally harmless, dude.
Maybe try and notice how many lines in that show have nothing to do with progressing the plot-- you can do this in any series, but this show is an excellent example of what I'm saying. Maybe talking about abortion, or gun laws, or politics, or JEWISH CULTURE, or vaccines, or Medical Conditions-- on and on, you have a 'progressive' agenda laid out clearly-- if you look and notice it. Probably many here already have or didn't watch it to begin with...but it's all there for the seeing.
When I watch something and it starts pitching propaganda at me, I turn it off. I have been struggling to not do this lately just so I can see what's being pitched at people this year-- and wow, do I see a lot. The original version of this writing had a tirade of stream of consciousness in this area that I just can't repeat, so I won't even try...but EVERY show (almost) has propaganda now. Violence and sex to desensitize you, then downright programming thrust in there past your guard. Intense characters to say things just right...and get you repeating them to others.
If you really pay attention, you will see that The Media Trough drives society, doesn't just reflect it. It pushes people where they end-up going, doesn't just tell the story of it spontaneously happening. This has been used to shape society to where we're at-- and that's not a healthy place, at all. Art reflects life or life reflects art? BOTH, depends on what we're talking about specifically in that 'art'.
Watch something 2 years old and you should clearly see propaganda that had an effect. Watch something 5 years old and enjoy those laughs-- if you've been awake longer, it should be clear as day how they were navigating via archetypes and the agendas should be clear as neon blinking.
Watch anything released during your lifetime and you will see the stepping stones from a healthy society to a very, very sick one-- in many senses. You know it. Like, say, Fonzie. Wow, Fonzie was so fucking cool, amiright? Leather jacket, loud motorbike, alllll the chicks, on demand, at the snap of some fingers. Rebellion was suddenly cool. Imagine that. I recall being a little boy and going "Ayyyyy" at people, having them go "Ayyyyy" back, thumbs up, rock on dude. What kind of archetype(s) are we looking at here? Short guy with narcissism complex that everyone else panders to? Da fuq?
Shit, then let's take Laverne and Shirley, spun off from Happy Days...what did that show provide? A HELLUVA LOT MORE BEER SALES, for starters. Helps that trance just perfectly-- liquor will make you ignore the tv too well, better not show ads for it. But beer? Sweet, slurpy, fluoridated foam. Mmmmm. Have some.
Jane Roberts used to drink a single beer to get in the space to channel Seth. I wonder what 3 beers could do? Well, they sell them as 6, so I guess maybe we should ask what THAT many will do for the trance? What about 12? Aw, 12 covers trance states for 2-4 people, EASY. Or 12 Jane Robertses. o_o
(Alcohol is another post entirely, for another day, but I do NOT recommend using it in your life except for cleaning and shit.)
Then there's the crime shows. Do you even realize how far they go back? Pulp Fiction. Not the movie-- but now I see clearly how the search results are owned by Tarantino, not the wave of madness people paid for.
Look, people are not criminal by nature. It just doesn't happen, in a healthy society. You have to show them how to be criminal first...and then some will emulate. Think about it...how far back does The Prison Industry go, I wonder? Basically, 1924-- just before what happened? o_O Right when what else happened? O_o
The first feature film originally presented as a talkie was The Jazz Singer, released in October 1927.
Yep. And I just looked up to see when they took the cocaine out of that Cola-- and it says 1903. BULL SHIT. Look at The Twenties! Oh jeez...and we're about to have our own Twenties. o_o
Anyway, back to the pulp:
Term originated from the magazines of the first half of the 20th century which were printed on cheap "pulp" paper and published fantastic, escapist fiction for the general entertainment of the mass audiences. The pulp fiction era provided a breeding ground for creative talent which would influence all forms of entertainment for decades to come.
Hello. They used media to generate crime, working off of simple human psychology-- to begin with. I am here to make a case for the word 'pulp' being used VERY differently than history wants to tell: It pulped the minds of Americans, made them ready for juicing. o_o
Imagine watching people walk out of movies for their very first time ever-- and understand it looked just like leaving a movie today, with everyone parroting stuff and enjoying themselves...after having opted-in to a mind-blowing experience. o_o Imagine all the crap eaten in there to help the trance, as most theaters don't serve beer. Same same, though. (DON'T EAT THE BUTTER. IT'S NOT BUTTER. IT'S BUTTER FLAVORING. Clue.) But imagine, as if you were The Producer of that film, just how powerful an effect you'd be seeing on people from Your Masterpiece. Doesn't matter what movie people go to, doesn't matter if they liked it or hated it, they will be carrying it away with them again afterwards.
If you pay attention, you can see a clear line in the early days of television/movies, going from crime and criminal behaviors (not even being attributed to the right people, btw), to shows about LAW. This is THE LAW, dude. If you BREAK THE LAW, you get to go HERE and do THAT STUFF. Watch, it's crazy. Be sure to pay attention to how it goes, so we can expect you to participate willingly. Be sure to take your programming, like a good little criminal.
Oh, but then there's the shows with a Master Criminal-- Super Villians, if you will. They don't get caught, they just get thwarted. Maybe if your crime game is good (BAD) enough, you can be one of those and beat the system entirely. Never know if you don't try, but Perry Mason would fuck up Lex Luthor-- if they could catch him and try him properly, anyway.
Imagine ALL of the crime and law shows being removed from screens, entirely, just gone. What does that world look like even a short year later? o_O The prison-industrial complex would plummet! No more criminal archetypes to train new ones? Fuck. Sounds awesome, to me. Fewer 'cases' to write courtroom 'dramas' over? SWEET.
But no, we get the opposite of healthy television. We get women in prison showing it's not all bad-- hey, we can even sneak off to fuck and stuff in prison, it's so easy. We get cops and robbers, day and night, week-round. We get lawyers Being Smart. We get-- ready?-- MEDICAL DRAMAS TO TRAIN SICK PEOPLE. We get news that isn't news at all. We get violence, and torture, and BEHEADINGS (never watched one, myself-- on the modern internet, anyway, never mind), and WAR, and sick families, and disrespectful children-with-disrespectful parents, and POISONOUS FOODS, and alcohol/partying/no cares, mate! We get the world we have...shoved in our faces.
Well, shoved meaning "we opt into it". o_o
Media is there to make bad things happen, not prevent them-- the same as education is there to make stupid people now-- the same as the medical industry is fucking BOOMING with sick people-- the same as showing people how easy it is to cook meth on tv. And on. And on.
And on.
If people emulate what they see by default, all you need to do is show them what to emulate. They've done that longer than you reading this have been alive. They will be doing it tomorrow when I wake again. There's only one way to stop this madness, best I can tell: opt out. Lead by example, and opt out of the programming entirely.
This doesn't mean you have to ignore it, just tear it apart when you see it. To yourself, to others, show your disgust, explain why...and lead by example. Do your part in helping others see how unhealthy the programming offered is.
You ever hear of voting with your dollars? Well, your attention is even more valuable to spend. Spend it wisely. Show it's possible. Be the example of something else possible than where we were cattle-called to.
We can't change this world by keeping it the same. Hop off the narrative and see what else life has to offer without it.
Jeez, talk about good timing!
-=-=-=-=- Buy me lunch or a new tire? Give me more time to focus on such writing to begin with? -=-=-=-=- The Reading Trail
submitted by BrapAllgood to C_S_T [link] [comments]

2017.07.07 05:03 MrMinger What's the math behind "One in a Million"?

Now, obviously, our girls are truly one in a million like the photobook suggests. The talent and charisma they exude breathes life into all that follow, and I'm beyond happy I found them.
But I'm a giant math nerd, and I wasn't content with the blatant number applied. Surely, they are more special and rare than that. So I decided to take the results of "Sixteen" and boil down some numbers and see just how special our girls really are.
This presentation assumes several things; 1) JYP and the rest of the selection process are perfectly random; 2) There were no other trainees in the running for Twice or Sixteen; and 3) Twice was always planned to be a 9 member group. Lets get started:
First, lets boil down the basics: what are the odds that out of 16 trainees, our girls would be in the final 9 people selected. To do this, we can use the mathematical concept known as Combinations, using division and factorials to see the options we have. As it turns out, Twice had a 1 in 11440 chance of being that lineup we see today. Now don't be all disappointed, because I'm not done.
The above results assume that the order of the results didn't matter, which I personally believe is not the case. If Dahyun had stayed a major the entire show, or if Sana had been the one eliminated only to be brought back instead of Momo; these things might have led to a very different Twice. Consequently, the math is also much easier, relying on permutation rather than combination. Assuming the order of winners mattered, our girls have a 1 in 4,151,347,200 (That's one in over Four Billion) chance of existing. Now that sounds a lot better. But still, I haven't finished.
Taking it one step further, we can assume even a slight change in the way Sixteen played out would have changed our line up. Removing the constrains on the Permutation to give us a plain factorial, Twice had a 1 in 20,922,789,888,000 chance of existing. That's a chance of One in Twenty Trillion. Now we're talking.
And that's excluding the chance that a person exists (about 1 in 400 Quadrillion excluding lineage) or the individual talents each member had to get during their life. All of which add incalculable variables into my very simplified equations.
TL;DR Multiplying the numbers together gives a 1 in 8369115955200000000000000000000 chance of existing, or a one in Eight Nonillion chance, and that's a low low estimate. So be grateful that we exist at the same time and in the same timeline as these fantastic girls. The odds that it would ever happen again are insanely low.
submitted by MrMinger to twice [link] [comments]

2017.06.20 22:14 BrapAllgood [Exercise] The Truth About Heaven's Gate

This is not going to be a complicated post, as I am wanting you to write it for me, in a way. I had an idea last night (WHILE POOPIN'!) that struck me kinda sideways and out of the blue.
Many of you know of Heaven's Gate, many of you won't-- too young to care, right? I mean, everyone that saw it on the news was talking about it for ages after-- black nikes. Black nikes. Crazy kooks in their black nikes.
Heaven's Gate on we-key-ped-ya). Google image search Curious that the website is still there, innit?
Now, here's my game. We know they lie on duh teebee all the time, in countless ways, right? Well, I like just treating it all as lies and making stuff rise above the sewage to matter...so I am already prone to playing this sort of game...but what if this was entirely a cover story for something? o_O
Like, something else happened completely and they dressed it up 'for TV' to hide what actually happened. You have a bunch of dead people (assuming not mannequins for this particular fun with dead people, please), but no faces-- well, just the one crazy face, really, right?
Can you paint a picture of 'the truth' for this one, for me, oh please? I'm going to sit this one out and let you make my point for me. To be clear-- I want you to fabricate something with your imagination, not try to prove what really went down. You don't need to prove shit, but that you have an imagination.
What really happened at Heaven's Gate? Why did they need to lie about it? What were They hiding? o_O
I don't know why, but this is in my head: Dessiducate me.
submitted by BrapAllgood to C_S_T [link] [comments]

2017.05.09 18:37 BrapAllgood [Exercise] Thought Forms

For some reason, I think of it as one word-- thoughtforms. Mandela apparently fucked with it, though. o_o
In any case, this is a concept that's important to have. There's this thing I keep dancing around just saying outright, as it's most powerful when one reaches the understanding on their own. If you'd rather, maybe skip this post.
What is a thought form?
A combination of presuppositions, imagery, and vocabulary current at a particular time or place and forming the context for thinking on a subject.
Interesting. Well, that's what Oxford says it is, anyway. It actually goes deeper. Let's see what else I can find in the googles.
It's interesting how Google itself defines it on the results page:
(especially in Christian theology) a combination of presuppositions, imagery, and vocabulary current at a particular time or place and forming the context for thinking on a subject.
Note it's the same as Oxford, but slanted. It's a good note to note, that.... (GET ALONG, LITTLE DOGGIE! NOTHING TO SEE HERE!)
A little further down the results, we have some better diving:
A thought form is a structured interdimensional energy form intentionally created to carry out a specific task for which it has been programmed. It is created by you with the co-operative efforts of the universe.
Ah, now we are getting closer to something useful.
A TF is different than the random thoughts we have every day which also create, positively or negatively, but are chaotic and without structure. Common thoughts, as I call them, take on a life of their own, seek out areas of like energy to combine with and become even more powerful. Most of humanity is totally unaware of the destructive forces it creates moment by moment with negative thoughts.
Yeah, this guy gets it-- but he's also reinforcing the status quo by saying most people. Irony is delicious, but still, I bet that dude has a good read waiting for you. I'm gonna go a bit deeper.
What does Biblioblahblahtreaides say? Ah, now we have The Occult dropped in. Hmm.
Let's take an apple. Hold it in your mental hand and turn it around. What kind is it? How do you think it would taste? How perfect is the shape? So richly full of Nutrition(TM) and Juices(TM). Can you imagine biting into it? How is the texture? How is the taste? Too sweet? Too sour? Not sweet enough or sour enough? Hey, it's your apple, don't blame me.
In the previous exercise, you created and played with a thoughtform-- may as well do it my way to differentiate from the other ways. You know me. :D
In your 'third eye', you saw and played with an apple. It had no actual reality in this existence, right? It was imaginary only. And yet...you experienced imagined sense data to go with it. Isn't that a curious thing? Of course, the weight and measure of that sense data was entirely up to you. Was your thoughtform lazy? :( Well, you can have as many do-overs as you feel you need, but we're moving on.
Do you ever sit around and replay conversations in your head? I mean, you that aren't Virgo. :D Cuz duh. Do you ever act out forthcoming conversations in your head, not-Virgo? o_O You use as much 'reality' as necessary to paint the scene, right? I mean, the flowers that might be behind someone is way too much effort, right? Pfft. Who has time for superfluous details? The point is, you will imagine just as much as you need to get where your mind is going, right? "AND THEN I'LL SAY THIS and put that DICKHEAD in his PLACE, harrumph."
I want you to think of the saddest memory you have. If you were an actor, you'd use this for your trade when necessary. You aren't 'an actor', tho, right? You're a Bonafide Human. No matter, the memory is just as powerful. You touch the memory, you touch the associated emotion, amiright? Sorry, but it is worth it this one time, I hope.
Drink in the experience. Maybe you missed something about it that you can see now in going there-- you aren't the same person, after all-- especially not if you are reading my words here. It's okay to feel 'that' again. In fact, feel free to use this exercise to free yourself from it some more, as it obviously still impacts you. Drink yourself in. I don't mean get a 12-pack and watch Netflix...I mean it's okay to feel yourself as deeply as you are willing right now.
That Memory...well, it likely has quite a lot of detail, still. The details might be painful...but you really are safe in this moment, it's all just thinking...and feeling...and maybe, just maybe, some new insight. Thing is, none of that is really my point in asking you to go there within. Again.
If I could, I would clap my hands very suddenly in front of your face now. Do it for me, wouldya? SMACK.
Wake up. You are Now, not Then. But for a moment, you were entirely Then, huh. You were swimming in your own Thought Forms Of The Paaaaast.
I just had a random memory of two goth friends in the 80s playing Marco Polo, but with Pabst and SMEAR. Ahem, anyway, it's funny.
For a moment, your memories were as real as if you were there, were they not? You swam in them and surfaced again. You revitalized them with your attention. And no, it doesn't quite work the same for example if we use your happiest memory.
How do you feel right now, back in 'the present'? Odds are good that the feelings you generally avoided still linger, even as you read this. Perhaps you blame me for the memory you chose. Well, get it out of your system, then. I just told you what you could do and then you chose to do it. This is important to understand.
For that moment, your reality was comprised of thought forms (and thoughtforms, even). You could not touch it, yet somehow you did...in your own way. Something long happened and past...somehow had reality again, for you. This is the power of thought forms. I want you to let that sink in.
Now, what is a thoughtform? It's what you make of it...but it's as real as anything you perceive even in your Now. It's as real as anything you perceive in life. In fact...everything you perceive in life is a thoughtform-- for how could you perceive it without it first being translated into one?
The apple? If you had no inkling of what a fucking apple was, you'd have been unable to do my exercise with it. The apple has a physical reality perceived, even when only spoken of-- because you have a thoughtform for it. You have the concept of an apple. You have the framework of a concept, gathered through direct experience of apples. RIGHT?
Dude, it's just an apple. Pfft.
Thought forms vary from person to person-- even among apples-- but they are like personal blueprints of concepts. Without the framework of what constitutes an apple, you have no concept of what an apple might even be. Odds are good that everyone here knows what apples are. We have a shared (if very general) concept of apples.
But what kind of apple did you picture? Fuji, here. I used to love Fuji apples. Before that, I loved Granny Smith-- but they fucked with those, I think. The Fujis were so good when I could eat them. I pictured a specific picture of an apple that I took myself every time I said 'apple' above, too. (Anyone want to guess what the other features of that pic were, for fun? Not necessarily to me, but later I'll post the pic and you can see for yourself how you did.)
"So why make me think of that shitty time that shitty thing happened? I WAS ENJOYING MY APPLE, dude."
Thoughts not only have a reality to them, it can be revisited. (THAT is your real time travel, btw.)
But here's the thing...does reality have reality before you have thoughts of it? o_O How about after?
If you had never experienced fruit, then what would an apple be? A weird, soft rock? You hit 'em with a stick and they ASSPLODE! What a crappy rock, but fun!
Every thought has a reality...a form. Electromagnetically, every thought is a thing. It's real enough for your emotions to be stirred? It's real enough for reality. Again, let that sink in.
Every experience has a bevy of thoughtforms involved. So many, in fact, it could be said that it's all in your head. You perceive this and react to that and are moved by those others and and and...it's all in your head. You experience shit, then your mind breaks it into usable chunks-- into usable forms. In a very real sense, you could say that is the actual point of creation-- for what is there to perceive without concepts to break it down, without the ability of perception itself? Nothing.
That dude way up there tried to split thought into two kinds of form-- on purpose and oopsied. Um, they both have the same substance to them, in reality. Every thought you convey has a form to it, a reality to it. Your perception has all these rules about what is real and what isn't-- but you can still think of something that brings tears. That's because it has a form and it is real. Yes, I'm being intentionally redundant. The nail is still sticking out.
When I asked you to think of Something Sad, I also tried to do this myself. Do you know what? I couldn't. Everything that made me sad has apparently been dealt with, as my mind couldn't find a Resting Spot that suited. Heck, even thinking of Happy Times is a weird idea to me now-- because I am happy now. That's what all the dealing with stuff created! Worth it.
Every thought has a reality, and all thoughts fall into a pool of collective consciousness. Some people can read from that pool like a book-- or nearly so. Many people still have no idea it even exists (I didn't say most, as I don't want that reality anymore...). Many people still think of thought as something preciously guarded, all their own-- "I can act like I don't, but I hate that dude." Well, that dude knows you hate him-- on some level-- because your thoughts have form. Just because you can't give it a label and put it on a shelf to dust off every two weeks does not mean it does not exist.
If you think about it, there's nothing you can prove does not exist-- because you just thought about it! HAHAHAHA. You fell for it.
I have explained in some detail that thoughts form reality. You will never read those words quite the same again. In reality, all is thought-- or it's nothing. There is no zero, just a bunch of numbers being counted. What color is the absence of color? o_O
When you think, does it happen in sound? Do you 'hear yourself' inside? Sound needs something to bounce off of. What is that sound within bouncing off of? o_O What does it mean 'to reflect within'? O_o
You might want to go read this again now.
If even one more of you clicked on what I am trying to convey, I am thrilled.
-+-+-+-+- Survival tip jar (I could really use help with bills right now, eh. Tourist season is late and broken, so is my current income. This is why I have 6 more titles saved to write for you yet. We'll see what I can get to this week, if I can get a little help.) My Patreon -+-+-+-+- The Reading Trail
submitted by BrapAllgood to C_S_T [link] [comments]

2017.05.08 23:02 greasy_balls Would my hair look better buzzed? I'm afraid my hair might be too thin and my forehead too big for it to work well.

From a different subreddit about appearance, it was largely suggested for my own sake that I loose my hair style. I don't know if it would work for me aesthetically though.
I have a little bald spot going on right now. The hair on the very top is much longer to hide it with the rest of the hair, so I'm nervous about doing this. If I hate it, then it will take forever to not look like George Castanza and back to this stage. I figured coming to a hair subreddit would be helpful for this part. You people know a lot more about hair than I do. Would I be able to pull of a buzzed hair style? My front hair has gotten thinner and my forehead hair has receded back much more since I was a kid and had it buzzed to a short length. Is there a style that any of you think I could pull off well given what you see here?
One of these?
https://www.pinterest.com/pin/536209899365768674/ https://www.google.com/search?q=buzzed+length+blonde&hl=en&site=webhp&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiqrc6Xw9_TAhXH7oMKHR7hAOsQ_AUIBigB&biw=1440&bih=686
I recorded a rotating video of my head.
submitted by greasy_balls to malehairadvice [link] [comments]

2017.04.29 23:43 Occult101 The Most Real Truth You Will Ever Find - The Occult Rabbit Hole

Jesus Christ of the Holy Bible is Lord. This Game of Thrones has already been fought for, and the Victory is in Christ Alone. Religious Dogma - Metatron shouldn't keep you from Knowing the Holy Bible is the Truth. In the Beginning there was Jack but not really because the Cake is a Lie. Ogres have Layers.
Hermetics? Hermes'/Mercury's/Thoth's False Illuminating Promethean Wisdom from the Emerald Tablets doesn't give us the 'holy' Grail/Philosopher's Stone in the Castle of Aughhhh (Oz[Iris]/Orion/Sirius), because Jesus Christ already achieved enlightenment. With him you can escape Pan's Labyrinth Pale Man's" death grip with (3C) locks cLock stop. You can Pass the Test, Chemical Brothers - The Test. Dog, everything is upside down, the occult mocks Jesus.
Saturn is the god of the Matrix/Womb, the Belly of the Beast. The Time lord, Ring Leader who eats his children. Jack is in this Box with us (In Utero) and I think people don't see that Rose is part of the same Beast System. Eleanor, Greek for Bright Shining One, same as Lucas in Latin. Her fight at the end of The Haunting, in Big Brother Cain's (BBC) Haunted House (H8) is a false hegelian dialectic battle. It's a fight against Satan and his androgynous Son/Daughter, "The True Lucifer is Sophia" the "Divine Feminine" or "Divine Androgyne"
Don't listen to Lucifer's -SatanicLight+. I know the False illuminating Light they seek after won't Save them. I know -Satan Lucas+ (Santa Claus) is part of Ishtar's (Venus) Babylonian Religion of worshiping Nimrod/Tammuz (Mini Me). I am fully aware of the magic in the Kabbalistic Tree, and I'm fully aware of the Luciferian New Age Agenda to rebirth the Sun god as Aten, Two Fives, the Sun Tarot card XIX 1+9 AI, Zathura Part 8, Prince of Egypt - Playing With The Big Boys, Planet Earth About to be Recycled, Transcendence Trailer, Bumblebee Saves Sam.
You think I'm blinded by religion? No, I think you have an inability to see that the Truth of Jesus Christ has nothing to do with religion. I think you can't see Babylon's Black Sun Empire on the Thirteenth Floor Elevator. You're simply stuck in between the Red and Blue Pillars of Solomon's Temple, Boaz and Jachin. IXXI. Pillars of Hercules
Room -101+ It works like a Battery. Toy Story 2 Opening Scene. Black and White, Yin and Yang, Negative and Positive, Black and Red, Jack and Rose, Red and Blue, Sun and Moon, 6 and 9. It's an Infinite Ouroboros Time Loop, spinning right round like a record at 33.33 6/9 RPM, and the Only Way Out is through Jesus Christ, not Jupiter's Moon/Son IO, (Orbital period: 42 hours, Gravity: (8)96 m/s²) Sun Ra - The Second Stop Is Jupiter. Samael's/Lilith's (Baphomet's) Son Samsung WolfMother doesn't stand a chance to Jesus Christ. You can take Atreyu's Quest (Hero's Journey) Korean Air It's All About You but it's pointless, because Jesus Christ already Won this War. Mars is the god of War (Order out of Chaos, The Perfect Storm) Your Favorite Martian - Jupiter.
What are you gonna do, open the Third Eye? The Third Eye Lies It's a Radio to Saturn Just ask Google. Horus isn't Jesus, Zeitgeist lies. Christ the Redeemer is a False Jesus. He's the Androgynous Phoenix, Aten, Apollo, Alexander the Great, the Sun god reborn, Man of Steel Trailer seed of Apollo 11, birthed Through the Moon-Gate Door, the 9th gate, Secret Chambers, Tomb/Womb, Princess Diana from Whales/Wales (13th Pillar, Funeral Date), Wonder Women. Turning Saturn's Lead Zeppelin - Mothership into Gold, through the Moon Base Space Station, Titan Enterprise Rising Up, Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss, Bright Crystal Versace, Metamorphosis, Alchemy, Sorcery (Return to Source, Eden). The Singularity on The Big Bang Theory, It is near.
It's used to escape the Womb, Avicii. It's a SuperLove Party in the Lowest Level of Buddhist Hell. It's always tea time, Follow the White Rabbit. There are 7 Levels (Jacob's Ladder Kabbalah) the Black Audi [car must go through to] 'Birth' the Red Bull, Escape the Time Womb, Birthing the Mayan Children of the Korn - Coming Undone/Never Never The Last Stand Cornfield Chase. Fire and WateIce are used to Break the Veil and Escape City of Ember The Signal Ending Birthing the Fifth Age Fifth Wave Fifth Element Channel V 'For The Love of Music AdNews' Apollo is the god of Music.
Taylor Swift - Out of the Woods, Prison Break, Woodcutting Etherwood.
Aether (classical element)
According to ancient and medieval science, aether, is the material that fills the region of the universe above the terrestrial sphere."
Sublunary Sphere.
The sublunary sphere is a concept in Aristotelian physics derived from Greek astronomy. It is the region of the geocentric cosmos below the Moon, consisting of the four classical elements: earth, water, air, and fire."
You want Facts? CERN, the company who made the World Wide Web (EtherNet), has a machine called the Large Hardon Collider which is colliding light particles together (RGB RYB >> CMY) Neptune's Trident. They also have a statue of Shiva the Destroyer outside of their facilities, in a town that used to be called Appolliacum. I wonder what they're gonna do?
I've got some British Intel [from] Jaguar saying that the collideoscope (Ramses, Begotten by Ra) is the right tool for the job, and an unfortunate side effect is World Domination. It's almost time for the Red Bull to collide into the Sun, the White Horse, and Droid charge from verizon launch commercial Twilight Sparkle Stop Time, Stop Sign, Jack Black Octagon Wheel of Dharma Lost Frozen Wheel GameStop, Roses are Red - The Economist. But before that can happen Green Man Osiris Loki [has to] fall into the Abyss to make a sacrifice so the Norse sun god Thor [can complete the] Rainbow Bridge, Leo the Lion's Gate, and live Kingdom Life in Color Rainbow Rising Bad Brains - Into the Future Aslan's Resurrection Wings of Apollo.
Brace Yourself Ice is (Isis, High Priestess Tarot Card) coming, SKYY vodka passion for perfection the goddess of the Throne. I know the Androgynous He Man She Ra - Secret of the Sword Veil of Isis - The Sword The Sword in the Stone - King Arthur Sea Percy Jack's Son? He killed Kronos with The Sword of Gryffendoor. Beefeater XO A Sacrifice of Space and Time. Donnie Darko knows the secrets of Time Travel, 4+4=8. Crossing River Styx - Pieces of Eight/The Grand Illusion/Return to Paradise/Man of Miracles/Cornerstone Balmain X H&M Trains and Planes of Existence The Discovery Trailer. How's this for Donald Duck Esoteric Pentagrams?
I have seen Katy Perry - Wide Awake, and I know the Moon Landing Dates (7/8+8-24's/69). Do you need a Bedtime Story from Madonna? I know who [The Galactic Federation of Light] are, and I'm not trusting Sananda or anyone else at the Ashtar Command or the Council of Nine with my decisions over Eternal Salvation. I know Tesla's Key to the Universe, and I know there are 88 of them on a Piano. I know how many constellations are in the sky, and I've already been Back To The Future. I know the DeLorean ran on Plutonium (Pluto) and I know the Time Bomb drops on 8/6/9. I know that Number 2 works for the Throat Dr. X Who is Strangely an Evil Octopus, and that's not a cup I'm willing to drink from. Just connect the dots on the Hermetic Kabbalah.
"Explaining the Workings of the Universe without recognizing the existence of the ether is futile.” – Nikola Tesla
Jesus Christ is the Only One who has Authority over Demons. He Cast them into Pigs. Poor Porky, Charlotte's Web got him and Daffy Duck took him Back In Time. That's All Folks. Don't let the Rain Man get you. Best Emmy Moment Ever.
More information: http://bit.ly/2myQlEy
submitted by Occult101 to DebateReligion [link] [comments]

2017.04.18 02:19 BrapAllgood [Exercise] The Thought That Precedes Thinking

AKA The Little Voice
I just got some wonderful mail from someone in this community with a variety of questions asked. One of them (at least) triggered this post. Here's the question:
How can you interpret or differentiate your intuition from your imagination?
Wow, great question. They also bet I'd say 'practice' for an answer, but practice how? Practice what? I'll try and give an idea of that in this post.
My actual answer:
Your intuition and your imagination are the same thing, it's a matter of recognizing who started the line of thought. I call intuition "The Little Voice", as well as "the thought that precedes thinking".
A very simple example, easy to practice for many-- say you get in your vehicle to drive home from work and there's more than one route you can and even might normally take. You have your usual, but then there's this other way that has features you like when the weather is right for it. You go to get in your car, mind full of dinner and family, still shedding work-- and this other route pops in your mind. "Hey, I exist, too! Take me!"
Now, you have two basic choices here:
  1. Argue with the thought, tell it how your normal way is quicker, how you choose it normally for that very reason, hellO. You can deny the thought, go about your way as normal.
  2. You can recognize that the thought came unbidden and pursue the why of it.
Most of the time, the average person will shine over the thought and just take the normal way home. But let's say they then get in a fender bender-- and are of the mindful type-- and now get to wonder why they didn't just go the other way? o_o Would've actually saved time and money and whatnot (I've never had a collision in 33 years of driving, all hypothetical here). Because they didn't listen to The Little Voice, they got an outcome they wouldn't normally desire.
Now, this is a very, very powerful example, as simple as it might look. I have many times sat behind the wheel and asked 'Now which route am I taking?' I always just go with what comes to mind-- if it didn't before the asking, as I have had a lot of practice at this.
Another example...you are shopping and pick up a food item, but there's this urge to put it down and grab the one underneath or behind it-- thinking cuts of meat here, but that's not the important part. Again, you have a choice...just pick it up, they are all the same after all...or grab another and see if it 'weighs' differently. And again, let's say you go home, make soup, and feed the family...only to find everyone has the shits all weekend afterwards. Again, you have to wonder-- if you are mindful enough to track The Little Voice. And if you are a self-reflector of this magnitude, next time you will damn well get a different [food item] when that feeling returns. And guess what? If you pay attention and cultivate this, you can just pick foods up and put them down until something says NOW, STOP, THIS ONE. Go a little further, you can just aim right for the perfect example of what you wish to purchase, without this whole process involved-- but that's another post, surely.
Every day, you have thoughts 'from nowhere'. Do you recognize them when they happen? Do you argue with them or follow them with a little glee? I challenge you to stop arguing with yourSelf in this way. What will happen will show you WHY, I promise. This is a rabbit hole all in itself, this intuition thing.
Let's skew sideways a bit, for a moment...I heard someone I like to listen to say something I really liked recently and it totally applies here. Someone asked her what the third eye is? She said it's your imagination. This is such a key to understand-- in a sense, you have no imagination, just this circuit within that runs between yourself and yourSELF, the 'higher' one. In another sense, all you have is imagination.
The key is understanding that you have to trust yourself on this level to make use of yourSelf on this level. If you are going to argue with the thoughts you have in this way, you will close off your experience in huge ways. If you learn to allow it and follow it, you open your experience up in even bigger ways-- but you have to trust your own instincts, your gut...and the words they produce for you inside. The more you do this, the more you will experience why you want to.
Now, this post on Grace apparently isn't one of my more popular ones, and yet it's one of the most important I've written here in my many. You will not likely hear the kind of thoughts I'm speaking to in this if you are out of Grace, but you are fully living in them if you find that center and exist in it with Grace. This is very important, as it all flows together.
Ever think of someone and then they call you? Did you get them to call you by thinking of them...or did they think about calling you and you just heard it? o_O Doesn't matter, it's the kind of thought I mean exactly. I have one buddy I've done this with half a million times. Or so. Maybe less, but it's a lot. If more people called me, I'd do it with more people...cuz I can hear my Little Voice very well-- I started this understanding in about 1999 or 2000. Years of practice (YES) turned into a way of being.
NOW? Sometimes I'll argue with the little voice...and then I get to find out why I should not have, still. So I don't, much. I'm not perfect, I still need to remind myself these things when necessary-- and there's another key: practice means re-centering and continuing on. Remember that. It doesn't mean berating yourself and maybe giving up-- it means NOT doing that. Always. We all start as poseurs, in everything. That's the human way.
I highly recommend you get some basics down, too...like the breathing thing. If you are focused on your breathing, you are in a great space for The Little Voice to speak up and to hear it do so. You need that Centered Grace to be quiet enough to not trample over your own Little Voice.
It's going to take you years to get all I'm saying here-- and not idle years. It is so worth it, though. Beyond worth it.
Look, you ever try the pendulum thing? Pendulum divination seems to bring the appropriate materials. Crazy, huh? You hold a pendulum over a little chart you make (or just imagine...), it tells you things in response to stuff asked, basically. Some people swear by this...and most will likely think it sounds like batshit slurpees. I was one of those people...but then I adopted the Question Everything perspective and loosened up. I got a badass pendulum (I'll sell it now if anyone wants it!) at an event I went to in Monterey, did my own experiments. It freaked me out a little, truth be told. I have had the privilege of watching others get freaked out their first tries, too-- it's a weird feeling, lemmetellya. Go try yourself, you'll see. And if you think it's hogwash, then don't bother trying, you will just confirm your beliefs, likely.
I'll let the links teach you more of pendulum magic, I just wanted to bring it up so I can point to it as UNNECESSARY...in the end. It's a great place to start, though. Think like this...you want to strengthen your connection to your 'higher Self', right? That pendulum can be your intro to doing so. Again, it's about trusting yourSelf (the two of you in concert, get me now?). The pendulum is a little icebreaker, but once you get to know your Self better, you can just ask stuff and listen for the answer.
Some people do this other thing...the stress test, I think they call it? Nope. I can't find it in googling...someone here knows what I mean, surely: you take one hand and make a circle of the thumb and forefinger. You then curl your other thumb and forefinger in there and lock them like a chain. Now tug three times. If you say "the chain will break for a no answer', then ask yourself a question and do this weird thing, the fingers will hold or separate to give you the answer.
Okay, personally, I get nothing from this, but I've known the weirdos that do. :D It's a built-in pendulum, that's all. And there's other sorts of things people do like this 'to tap their higher Selves for contact directly'.
Well, you don't need all this over time. You just need the skill of recognizing your own thoughts for what they are.
You ever look into remote viewing? I was reading those books in the upper '90s, found them fascinating...and then got pissed when it always turned to DISCLOSURE IMMINENT! WAR! FAMINE! Blah, fucking blah. It's been awhile since I had need to say how little I respect 'predictions' on the whole here, but I have said it in various ways many times-- it's not how 'time' and probability work. Nostradamus was a con artist, at best. But there's something to this remote viewing thing. If you really want some help calming your mind, look into how they do remote viewing.
Is remote viewing intuition or imagination? o_O Yes. Absolutely. I concur.
You have this powerhouse of potential within you, just waiting to be tapped and served. I can't express just how powerful, as it will vary by person-- but for ME? Holy shit, you would not believe all the people I met thanks to The Little Voice, all the things I achieved doing this, all the growing I got for it.
Well, YOU might, as you know what I'm talking about...but you also know the others have some real fun ahead of them. HUH. :D
There's a 'bigger version of you' that can be 'used'. It's 'using' you either way, so why not get what you can in return? o_O It is you, but on another level that isn't cemented into this plane of existence like you are.
"Aw, this is a bunch of newage bullshit."
This attitude leaves you without the benefit of being your whole self. Good luck, but that ain't godspeed. Believe what you like, what I am speaking of takes real effort and has even realer payoffs. This is the route to being a more complete human, having a MUCH rounder experience in life.
Humans are so much more than they get told from birth...well, most of them, anyway. Some of them get an early education of the subtler mysteries found in the human experience...and then lord over the rest because they see the flow of the world in ways that the uninitiated can't.
Some people talk to God, or Jesus, or Buddha...not realizing these are chosen archetypes to speak with themselves on the level I am talking. It's no different, whatsoever. Because My Little Voice sounds just the fuck like me, I don't put a painted face on it and call it Sally. It's just me, but having an experience from another level of THE BIG ME. The OVERME. The All That Is. The World's Biggest Fucking Dot Evar.
If a prophet came out and said "I totally imagined this thing here in a very complete form, just had to do the work to make it real first" instead of "God said this", you'd call them a loon and we'd have no prophets. Well, back then. Now they'd get called loony either way, cuz our world ROCKS like that. Ahem.
These are the best kinds of mind games to play. :) Where they lead is up to you to figure out, as your Path is Your Path. There's a freedom waiting for you on the other end of this particular portion of the journey, too.
Rather than try to think of more stuff to say, I open this one to (RESPECTFUL) questions. Or please do share your own understanding here, as I know there's quite a few 'advanced humans' here-- and there's really no getting around the language needed, but there are levels and degrees to existing as a human was born to, but had hidden from them.
For those that get this already, please will you tell even one story of this level of synchronicity experienced? You have many, but just give us one. Me? Oh...so many...one of my favorites was The Little Voice saying 'ASK THIS CHICK FOR TRIM' because I was running out of meds.
She gave me pounds of trim and many, many ounces of bud. Because I asked. She was a perfect stranger. Now she's a friend. :) A GREAT FRIEND. Ahemhemhem.
The Reading Trail
submitted by BrapAllgood to C_S_T [link] [comments]

2017.04.12 15:06 bandholz Here's a Guide for Hair Loss, Male Pattern Balding and Hair Style Options

Ok guys, I've seen a lot of posts recently with guys having thinning hair and what to do with it. So I figured I'd address a bit of the process and what you can do about it. If you want the photos inline, I also cross-posted this article on our blog.
What Causes Hair Loss?
Now, here's the thing, male pattern baldness (MPB) is caused by your sensitivity to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and it's totally determined by your genetics. A boost in DHT will help with the growth of your beard, but it'll also hinder your ability to keep your hair. That's why you see a lot of guys who are losing hair have great beards.
So, almost every man goes through hair loss or male pattern baldness. Off the top of my head, I think 50% of men will see MPB by their 40's and 67% of men will see it by their 60's. When and how bad it affects you is up to your genetics. While your mother's father will play a role into your hair loss, it's not a 100% indicator. Ultimately, if a bunch of people in your family are bald, chances are it'll happen to you.
I'd like for you to think of your hair loss like any other genetic factor - such as your height, eye colors, or skin color. There are things you can do to work with it, but at the root of the issue you'll have to love the person looking back at you in the mirror. IE, you're going to have to be cool with balding because that's part of what makes you, you!
Maturing Hairline
Now if you are still young (16 to 21) you need to understand the difference between MPB and a maturing hairline. The majority of guys will see receding of their temples and slight thinning of their hair as they wrap up puberty. The way I like to look at it is that you're going to experience hair loss in some form or you're going to die young. I'd rather live until I'm 100 and be bald, then die at 18 before my hair goes out. Very few men in retirement homes have a full head of hair.
Here is me when I was about 18 years old:
Here is me not too long ago at age 35:
Here is my thinning crown at 33 years old (looks worse because of greasy hair):
Now my crown has been thinner for a while and it appears that my genetics are for a slow approaching MPB. There is no normal ways to experience hair loss and some guys recede early at the temples and then it just seems to stop. Some guys start at the crown and grows from there, and some guys are thinning across the top.
Slowing down hair loss
Unfortunately in 2017, there aren't any cures for MPB, but there are some things that have been scientifically proven to slow down hair loss. The best solution is the "triple crown" of hair loss management.
Now these are all drugs and have side effects. The percentage of guys who have side effects is small, but there are also a portion who may have placebo effects of the side effects. IE, they think they are going to have erectile issues, then end up having it even though the drug didn't cause it. Every individual is different when it comes to tolerance to side effects and their desire to slow down hair loss.
You can get minoxidil & ketoconazole over the counter but will need a prescription for finasteride or dutasteride. When it comes to slowing down or stopping your hair loss, it's best to start early. With this option, I strongly recommend you reach out to your trusted dermatologist to fully comprehend the expectations for the products and the side effects.
Cosmetic & Surgery Alternatives
If those drugs don't help you still have some alternatives. There are powders/concealers you can spread into your hair and they give the appearance of thicker hair. There are downsides to that application as it can be messy.
There are toupees, which have really come a long way. Pretty much it'll be integrated into getting your haircut and Karl Pilkington did a segment on it for his show Moaning of Life.
Another alternative could be to tattoo on "stubble" for your scalp to give the appearance of stubble. It's called scalp micropigmentation and can work if you rock the bald look.
The most serious solution is a hair transplant, which essentially relocates hairs from the back and side of your head to the crown and top of your head. If you do this too early, you could end up with a weird hairline as your MPB progresses and will need to continue to get surgeries to fix the issue. It's also pretty damn expensive. TV announcer Joe Buck has dealt with an addiction to hair surgeries and it nearly cost him his career.
With any of these treatments, I say own it and be proud of the decisions you've made. There are tools available to fight hair loss and there is no shame in using them. In my opinion it's no different than choosing certain clothes to look a way, or getting tattoos, or getting braces for your teeth.
Hairstyle Options
Ok, now that we've established ways to deal with hair loss, let's talk about the hair style options you have. Many guys are quick to rush to the "shave it off" option when they start losing their hair. The thing is you don't have to do that.
Because thinning hair is so common, there are a lot of hair styles that work for balding hair and a good barber will work with your hair to get you a style that works. Find other guys who are having a similar balding style as you and use that as inspiration. Here's a short list of famous guys to get you started:
Keep in mind that these people make money with their image, so it's likely they've treated their hair loss with one of the solutions above. The biggest thing with thinning hair is to own it and not hide it. There's a difference between getting a hairstyle that looks good with MPB and one that is trying to cover up the baldness. Basically, at all costs avoid comb overs! That being said, I've seen some guys with thick curly hair and thinning temples cover up those areas naturally without it looking wild.
Now, like a patchy beard a bald hairstyle will look better shorter. Some guys choose to completely bald on the entire head and that can require a little more maintenance than a stubble style. The other advantage of the stubble bald look is if you wear a hat other won't be able to tell you are thin up top. Other considerations of balding will be to grow a beard out and to accessorize with sunglasses or hats which we talked about in this video.
With that, hopefully you are well prepared to tackle your hair loss journey. Don't worry about it as most guys will deal with it in some shape. It sucks because it's out of our control, but that's how a lot of things in life are. Hair or no hair, you'll still be able to find a soulmate, find friends, get a job, and live a long and healthy life.
Hair loss happens to most guys and there are tons of options out there for you!
submitted by bandholz to malehairadvice [link] [comments]

2017.03.08 03:09 BrapAllgood [Exercise] Tripping A Switch

Before reading this, please go read this, again, if need be. It's not long and worth considering. What follows is going to bounce off of that and up into something else, for many of you-- I'm sure aiming for it, anyway.
There's this one thing I often wish I could just say to people, but saying it never works-- the words make sense to people, but not the right kind of sense-- and I am left understanding something I apparently couldn't say.
It's a thing that each of us seems to come to understand and carry the concept of forever once we do, but pushing someone into understanding it is really impossible. Basically. Will you let me try and pull you? o_O
What are your senses?
Right? Yes, I've seen the argument that touch is not a sense, in this sense. But it is for the purposes of this writing, 'k? Let'sh not be shilly.
You were (probably) born with these 5 senses, the majority of you. You have always taken them rather for granted, largely-- stuff is there to taste, touch, smell, see, and hear, right?
Let's take Hearing first. Can you touch, see, smell, or taste sound? Not without MDMA or something. It's fucking invisible, tasteless, odorless, and immaterial (for the most part...depends on your boombox, yo). If you can't hear, it's virtually nonexistent, right?
What about Sight? It's got to be the most used of all the senses, The One We Can Count On, The One That Shows What's Real. I mean, what you see, you can go touch, generally speaking. We all know that what you touch is Super Real, right? Of course. Why even ask such a silly thing?
So what is Touch? Your nerves do these nifty dances of electricity, send information back to 'the brain' for sorting and decoding. Ooooo, smooooth. OH! SQUISHY! Mmmmmmm, sofffftt. Maybe it is realer than sight, but what if you only had touch, not sight? o_O
What if you only had hearing, not the others? O_o
What if you had none of the five? Would your experience still be real?
If you associate what is real by any of those five senses, then lose any number of them, has your reality diminished? Has it just changed?
When you dream, how many of the five stated senses come with you? Of course, dreams aren't real...when you leave them behind.
Try to imagine Touch being your only sense. Close your eyes, in quiet preferably, with no other input...and imagine it. You would live in a world of shapes that only your imagination can define for you-- no other senses to round it out. Seriously, what would that world be like? How long would it take you before you decided that was all reality could be? o_O As long as necessary, that's how long.
What if you had no nerve impulses to translate as touch? You could see, hear, smell, taste just fine-- but no feedback to use when you strike an object or fall on your ass, or hug someone, or or or.... Would you be less of a human?
When I was a child, I had fantasies of a sort about losing my senses in various ways-- talk about being meaningful later, talk about being a Violet in waiting. I would cover my eyes and spend hours trying to relate to blind people. Plug my ears and go interact with people, all kinds of silly things.
I knew a blind lady (that I later learned was fucking FAMOUS in that town I was in) that ran the local museum, all one room of it. I found it one day near the library and was fascinated more by her than the museum itself, and how. I'd go down there and visit with her for hours-- adults I wasn't related to usually loved me as a child. I was fascinated how well she got by with Sight not even available. She was almost like a sighted person in how well she managed, truly.
Another time, we had a 'class visitor' that was a blind lady. She talked about how she could snap her fingers and see the room. OMG, this fascinated me endlessly, and still does. She said she could not only see the sound in her mind, she could feel it. And she didn't even have a boombox! I know, right? Magic.
Both these women impacted me forever because they lived in their own world. Their world was not even close to mine...and yet there they were, overlapping anyway. In a sense, the museum lady lived in a completely different place than I did-- but it sounded and felt the same. Sorta. Not really. Maybe. Kinda. Totally. Not.
It also made me realize how I live in MY own world. And please note how this is usually said in a derogatory fashion-- "Oh, you just live in your OWN WORLD, don't you?!?!"
Matter of fact, yes. Yes, I do. No matter how many people I meet, none of them will have ever existed the same way I have. None of them will have touched the same things, in the same order. None of them will have seen things the same way. Nobody else can smell what I smell-- just relate 'good' or 'bad' in the moment. Touch? I use my fingers quite a lot, to do a great deal of different things in life-- but nobody else has felt what I have. What's 'smooth' to me is just 'cold' to someone else. Get me?
On and on, no matter how you break it down, my senses are all my own. Yours are all your own. My blue could be your red. How would we ever know? All the words in the world can't describe blue or red to someone who's blind. Try it. I mean, to a pretend blind person, don't be an asshole. (And I tease, because I've never known a blind asshole, so I bet they'd handle you just fine in this, maybe even appreciate your interest, as some blind people have appreciated mine own....)
In a very big way, you are your senses. Agreed? The sum total of your experience in life will entirely revolve around them.
But what is it about you that is interpreting them? Your brain? Um, they proved some pretty crazy things about brains quite a few years ago now. For instance, do you know that your brain is holographic? What this means is that the patterns your brain holds are not dependent upon the actual physical parts of the brain. If you lose a chunk, it's possible to recover what was in that chunk with only the other chunks left intact. Look into it on your time, I'm just sayin'...you are not your brain.
Further, we have multiple brains, not just the one in our head...but this is not that post.
The part of you that is the You of you is not locked in your brain, rather the brain is an organ to connect to your mind-- to all the patterns that comprise you, said 'simply'. Heh. Stop thinking of yourself as a brain in a body. Let your consciousness be its own thing, simply driving the body-- I call it the vessel-- around. And it is a vessel, since you aren't actually contained in it-- again, go do your own research, but people DO leave their bodies. Maybe start with Robert Monroe's stuff.
Your consciousness is actually the realest part of you. The pattern collection that can interpret and integrate other patterns...yep, that's the bit that matters most. Without your consciousness, you'd have no senses to interpret. o_o
Let's go back to the vessel idea...your body is a vessel. It needs maintenance or it'll break down-- and the sense data with it. YOU are The Pilot of your vessel. Your ego is the autopilot of your vessel. Your decisions (choices...) determine the course as you sail through your life- -which we can also call Reality. You encounter encounters (heh) and the pattern that is a sum of all patterns you have engaged with evolves accordingly. Soooo much sense data to parse, amiright? Been a long road for everyone here reading this-- to them.
I mean, it is all aspect dependent.
As are your senses.
As is your interpretation of events and experiences.
As is your very world of existence.
What if you were actually just in a simulation that properly gave 5 sense data? What if you were actually just a brain in a jar, interpreting code from, say, an OCCULUS TERMINAL 6000SX? How would you know?
Well, if it was a coded thing, there'd be limitations, as there are in all coded things. You could test these limitations, you'd think, right? What if you did test the limitations and became certain you were in a simulation? Would you still be real? Would the simulation still be real?
What if...instead of a headset and whatever to simulate your experiences, you were actually a creature that knew how to send part of itself off into an organic simulation of its own design? What if you are actually just a corner of someone else's mind? Would you know? How would you know? Could you once again test for limitations? It's organic, dude. Might be difficult.
In either case, let's say you ARE in a simulation. Let's say you are as real as you believe, but being essentially code running. This would mean that everyone you meet in life is actually not real-- not as real as you, anyway. It would all be there for your benefit, every thing and every one. It would mean they are all part of you, just aspects twisted to be different. Let's say this might be a good way to grow or something...especially if 'death' was not actually real-- can you kill code? Run it again. Is it dead? Run it again. How about now?
Or maybe you are in a simulation where many others are also jacked-in. Matrix is perfectly fine for analogies here...anyone here ever hear of that movie? It's super obscure, from years ago.... Anyone? SOME people would be 'real', some would be NPC-- but you'd ALL be in a sim.
No matter what you decide is your Origin Story, no matter what Path you walk, your sense data is at the core of it and can be said to be summed up as You. But how do you know it's real?
How do you know I exist?
How do you know YOU exist?
How do you know that you aren't the only 'conscious' lines of code running? How do you know you are?
Heck, how do you know anything at all?
Because you were told stuff by other lines of code-- I mean, people. Other people told you stuff, starting from your first experiences. You are HERE. We do THAT here. It's like THIS here. Over and over, until you were one of the repeaters of things repeated to you.
What if the rules of the code actually were much more flexible than you were told? Who would tell you? o_O What if you actually had the power to shape your experience beyond sense data? What if they didn't tell you because they really don't want you to change the code on your own, even though it's perfectly possible?
What if the only way out of this is to do just that?
What if when you die, you just come right back to repeat the code again? What if you have a revision number? Can you even read your own revision notes, bro?
What if this is all just to teach you to live in harmony with yourself 'and others'? How you doin' so far?
What if you are just a cell, among many? What if you are also the many? Just depends on where you stand to take the measurement.
How real are you?
How real am I? Nobody here has ever touched me. Some have seen me, though not in person. Some have heard me, though not in person. NOBODY here has smelled me. Good thing, I'm on a late shower schedule today. :) Heh...you are welcome to lick me, though. I choose where. I'll even shower first.
Pfft, forget about me, whether I'm real-- are YOU? Yeah? Prove it.
No, not to me-- you missed the whole point and should maybe read it all again, from the beginning.
To you. How do you prove you are real to yourself? Your world can't be real until you do. Have you? o_O Until you prove to yourself that you are REAL, your reality is entirely just sense data being parsed.
Godspeed on that.
Now, maybe go read the link at the top again...and then hit the research you put off halfway through. Or don't. Life is all about choices.
Survival tip jar -+- My Patreon
The Reading Trail.
submitted by BrapAllgood to C_S_T [link] [comments]

2017.02.11 19:34 BrapAllgood How Not To Get Sick - Part 8: Unseen Influences II: Electric Boogaloo

Part 1: It Starts With Your Thinking Part 2: How Emotions Affect Your Health Part 3: Discarding Your Victim Mentality Part 4: GIGO Part 5: The Badge of Diagnosis Part 6: What Is Wrong With Me? Part 7: Unseen Influences
Some of you have surely noticed something missing from this exchange so far...something very important. Some of you may have seen me make reference to certain things in comments, though-- it's not like I missed it. I was on Digg when Digg was a thing. A lot of early research showed up there, from all over the world.
How often do you stop and think about where we are technologically? I do this daily, have for years and years. How many of you stop and play Contrast Games with it? Where were we 20 years ago? 40? If you are 30 or fewer years old, you don't really understand how fast this world changed-- and you can't. 40? You can have some childhood memories that stand out. I'm pushing 50 and feel like I have a pretty good view of the most recent MAJOR changes-- but there's a lot.
Let's start with one huge, sore, MMMMMMMMing thumb: The Microwave Oven.
Odds are good that most of those reading this used one within the last 8 hours. It's completely normal behavior, right? On TV, in every house, in every workplace, in every hospital, every convenience store (except THE SHITTIEST, amiright)-- no matter where you go, there's a little magic oven to heat your foods and beverages. If you are under 40, you've likely never known life without one. Absolutely normalized.
Have you ever in life looked into the history of microwave ovens? o_O Have you ever tried life without them? Never mind that most of what gets shoved in them is made for them, is completely 'processed' food to begin with. Let's say you cook your own food, use healthy ingredients, the works-- but then stick the leftovers in the microwave. Maybe you think leftovers are supposed to taste worse? (Also, they taste like plastic because you are heating them in plastic. Fact.)
Have you ever in your life looked into microwaves the same way you looked into, say, @sp@rt@me? Hopefully, most here realize Rumsfeld's involvement with getting @sp@rt@me pushed through and approved for use without proper trials, all that nonsense. But what else was 'approved for human [public] use' without seeming to have the slightest trial period? The list goes on and on, but microwaves are among them.
What does a microwave oven do, anyway? In layman's terms, it apparently shakes the molecules in the food, making them rub about with each other and generate heat. In other words, it knocks the molecules against each other and makes them angry. This knocking about also causes them to break, losing their nutritional value. If you 'NUKE IT ON HIGH', you are literally eating a waste product afterwards-- often comprised of waste products to begin with.
The cat is leaping through the air over and over past the doorway to my peripheral left, singing some song. She must like the music I chose for this writing. (Application - System Fork) It's distracting. I gave her catnip to amplify it just now. :)
Those of you reading this that already took the step of eliminating microwave oven use in your lives, please speak up about what a difference it made. I know I'm not alone in this, but I gave mine up in about 2008, entirely. I have maybe twice had microwaved food since. I cut the tail off of mine, then spray-painted the entire thing blue and made it a breadbox. It's a pretty shitty breadbox, so I got rid of it (actually, it's in my storage space outside still). Wasn't even old, but I could not in good faith give it to someone else to use. Because it's terribly unhealthy.
If you don't go research for yourself how bad they are (hint: try non-US studies, always), stay with your denial and refuse CHANGE...then please at least start cooking things long and low, not NUKA FOODA. Please. I said please, now it's all on you what happens in your age for ignoring these words.
"Food poisoning". You ever had that? You ever had that from microwaved food? o_O Think about it. I don't get food poisoning anymore, myself. I don't take it, either. Or give it-- in fact, what few people I've fed in the past 6 years all got bright-eyed and bushy-tailed eating what I cooked. It's real food. I guarantee you that those doctors that don't care what you eat anyway will also not ever once ask you how you cooked it. Never. Of course, they eat at restaurants most days-- and not fast food ones, if worth their weight in pharmaceuticals....
WHAT ELSE? Oh, a big one. Huge. The biggest. And it's so invisible, it's staggering what a monster we've allowed to be built among us. Granted, you can hear it often, but you aren't likely to ever see it manifest as anything but...sickness. Will you even connect the sickness to the source with something supremely invisible?
This is radiation. Oh my, and what did we just find?
Meaning "divergence from a center" is 1650s.
Whoah. Good find. (There's something huge hidden in public above, too....)
Why is some radiation BAD for you, but some is apparently no big deal? o_O Where was the trial period to be sure it was safe? Oh...we're still in it? Oh. That makes sense. Maybe not Safe Sense, but sense. o_o
Are you aware that things are very different regarding wifi in different countries? I'd love to see a solid study of WHAT sicknesses prevail in countries with the best wifi access.
And don't get me wrong, I'm saying 'wifi' to cover ALL of the emitted radiations that we have normalized-- not just what your modem/router kicks out. All without asking the public first...though I guess dollars are a way of saying Aye. :/ But it's not a scientifically sound way to gauge stuff. We are surrounded by towers emitting all sorts of waveforms, all of which collide and combine in ways you just aren't gonna figure out (or even notice) on your own.
Earmuffs cure dubstep just fine. Just sayin'...you can't shield yourself from what's coming at you night and day now-- not in the US of A, anyway. I'm sure most places are similar by now, right?
But wait...back to those 'studies from another mother(land)'. Did you know some countries have strict limits on the amount of 'wifi' radiation their 'subjects' are subjected to? In some countries, it's not just about 'encouraging competition in wireless networks'. It sure was here, though. We had that shit FIRST, bitches! And now we're so much sicker as a society. It's no coincidence.
I am not qualified to tell you how it's hurting you, nor will I even try. I will just say I have no wifi in my home...because I can tell when it's on. The only wireless bits of my life are the keyboard I'm typing on and the mouse I'll be submitting it with. Sure, I've had cell phones, but I used to be able to tell when my neighbor got a call by feeling alone-- I'd say "she's about to go out" and out she'd go. Couldn't hear her phone with my ears per se-- and it did not make a noise in my studio speakers, as that stuff is carefully grounded for sanity's sake-- long stories, no need to tell them, but trust me, I've been in some weird places with sound and wireless interacting.
You are an emitter of radiation. Do you realize this? You have an energy body that is every bit as real as your toes. You conduct, transform, and emit energy your very self. Sometimes you meet someone and that person just puts you off on a level other than the words and obvious interaction? It's like magnets jumping to or from each other, said simply. It's very real, very testable...and honestly, for you to argue with it would show me some pretty strong fear of it.
ALL is energy, dancing and colliding and singing and spraying and collecting and diverging and on and on and on. Like Halcyon.
Ever heard of entrainment? (Google knows it, but Firefox has no clue.) When waveforms dance around and smash against each other, the strongest one wins. For instance...do you know about clock shops? o_O In a room full of clocks, the one that ticks strongest will eventually override the ticks of all the others. The little soundwaves bouncing back and forth will eventually fall in line with the strongest ticker. Personally, it was a huge lesson when I first learned it.
This works for everything and everyone, sight unseen even. You will radiate just as you absorb. What is created in the middle of this bidirectional flow is 'interference'. Interference resolves according to rules (which we can call physics...). If what is pounding on your 'energetic shell' is more powerful than what you can emit, you will eventually entrain to it. GET ME? You must tick louder than your world...or you get tocked. I can't stress this enough.
This is precisely what all my talk about 'ego' over so many months is about...ticking strong enough to affect the clocks around you. Ticking so precisely in your movements through this world, it causes reverberation and helps keep time. Are you moving as random noise? Or are you trying to harmonize with your world? First step is harmonizing with it, which means harmonizing with the closest bit of it to you-- your very Self.
If we took you and recorded your personal sound-- that collection of all things you exhibit as frequency-- then pitched it down countless octaves? We'd hear you. Same for every other person here. Ears have limits, but energy apparently doesn't. Together we make one helluva cacophony. But what happens when more and more people learn to not only hear their own song, but to hear that of others...and play along without the dissonance inherent in random tonalities? Magic, that's what.
Heck, we could pitch it down a bit less and see you in ways, too.
I say very clearly that we need to take steps to minimize the unnecessary radiation in our lives, but we also need to STOMP IT TO THE GROUND with our own cultured energies. If you transmit stronger than others can, you become a beacon. If you are on the path to healing this world, you become a beacon of change. This is an huge responsibility, too.
Cuz see, the thing is...if you don't become a beacon, you succumb to someone else's signal...and like those clocks in the shop, you won't even notice it happening.
To bring this to a close, I'd like to ask simply what kind of radiation does your cell phone use? How powerful are the towers supporting the use? Should you have that next to your head? o_O Should you be holding it?
Do you understand that generally the left hand is receiving and the right hand is transmitting in humans? Which hand do you hold it in?
This goes so much deeper than my scratchings.
Part 9: Enter Fears To Interfere
Survival tip jar -+- My Patreon
The Reading Trail
submitted by BrapAllgood to C_S_T [link] [comments]

2017.01.17 22:18 Young-Kyoon Attention: Quintessential Mind Control Programming - exposed first - NOT a joke


The Truth You will not hear the Truth in the illuminati printed and broadcasted media, aka main stream media. In the Web, the english Wikipedia is also totally controlled (1), which leaves two possibilities to get the Truth: - with Google, the only mass media not controlled by the illuminati, at least at some entry points (2); - at the extremely few "alternative" forums in the web that did not completely censor it (3).
What was the reaction to the Truth? Just a few Google users will click it each day, after reading the three lines displayed in the results page. The same situation at the last forums: 99.9 pct of the audience will refuse to believe it, despite the facts.
Why? Because of the ONLY mind control programming that does work (4). Below the PROGRAM SOURCE, where the variables are: [X] = where the truth could be seen; [**A**] = LIES; [**B**] = TRUTH.
==== PROGRAM SOURCE for QUINTESSENTIAL MIND CONTROL Why it is *** QUINTESSENTIAL *** for me to keep believing this: [**A**] Because of FIVE essential reasons:
So like the others in the same situation as I am, which I believe to be 99.9 pct of the [X] community, I will continue to ignore this: [**B**].
==== Example of using the PROGRAM Virginia Tech, a "recursive" example for a start: [**A**] = CIA can use mind control to program human like robots like Cho; [**B**] = http://us-state-terror.blogspot.com/2007/04/virgina-tech-911-upscaled-state-terror.html
Notes (1) How Wikipedia handles the TWO basic layers of illuminati core lies, from Nicolaus Copernicus to 9/11 http://end-times-information.blogspot.com/2006/05/how-wikipedia-handles-two-basic-layers.html
(2) Example of how easy it is to google the 9/11 Truth / Basic Facts: https://www.google.com/webhp?hl=en#hl=en&q=9%2F11+hoax+Basic+Facts The Truth reads "9/11 for dummies - The Five Basic Facts, by Matt M" and it appears on top ever since 2005
(3) Parallel information societies in end times - since 1998, when the last trumpets echoed http://end-times-information.blogspot.com/2005/04/parallel-information-societies-in-end.html
(4) Illuminati End Times: finally a mind control program that proves to work for all of the population... is in fact nothing but BIG LIE Framework increased to maximum level. Laws of End Times Reductionism again and again.
submitted by Young-Kyoon to conspiracy [link] [comments]
