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Historical Analysis of Oda Nobunaga - Japan’s First Unifier and why I am intrigued to see the Assassin’s Creed series’s depiction of him

2024.05.21 13:31 ImmortalThunderGod79 Historical Analysis of Oda Nobunaga - Japan’s First Unifier and why I am intrigued to see the Assassin’s Creed series’s depiction of him

Historical Analysis of Oda Nobunaga - Japan’s First Unifier and why I am intrigued to see the Assassin’s Creed series’s depiction of him
Hello AC fans, this is ImmortalThundergod79 back with another historical analysis for Assassin’s Creed Shadows where I will analyze the history, culture, great battles, weapons and tactics of Japanese history and the game’s portrayal of them.
Today I will be analyzing the most famous great unifier of the Sengoku Jidai himself - Oda Nobunaga. So without further ado let's do a brief rundown of who he is and what makes me cautiously excited to see how he is portrayed in AC Shadows.
He endured through many hardships and seen as a failure since his childhood
For most of Nobunaga's childhood and youth. He experienced a great deal of hardships as he was once perceived to be a “failure” in the eyes of many of his Oda clan members and peers around due to his eccentric and aloof behavior such as taking a liking to wearing women’s clothing, rebellious attitude to regularly playing games with children regardless of their social classes. Complete opposite of his younger brother - Oda Nobuyuki who was described to be much more dignified whom most of the Oda clan members and peers at the time favored more in being the head ruler of the Oda clan.
His relationships with both of his parents are often strained and being considered a “problem child”. His relationship with his father had gotten so bad that it was said when his father had died suddenly, Nobunaga had shown up at his father’s funeral being inappropriately dressed as he threw his ashes across the floor. Leading to one of his mentor figures to commit seppuku.
This led him to be named the “Fool of Owari”, being deemed an “embarrassment” to the family name and considered “stupid”.
Yet in spite of all this we would continue persevering and proven himself worthy as the leader of the Oda clan at the Battle of Okehazama despite being heavily outnumbered by the forces of Imagawa Yoshimoto.
He was known to be cunning, pragmatic and ruthless, but kind, fair, polite and even surprisingly forgiving
Nobunaga’s reputation as a cunning and brutal daimyo often stem from his ruthless exploits such as the assassination of his younger brother - Nobuyuki and violent campaigns against the Ikko-Ikki faction like the Sieges of Nagashima Castle and Mt Hiei]( While it’s true that he was far from a saint, that goes for just about every other daimyo lord of his time and some of these were completely missing context and overlooking some of the nuances which some people had taken to face value, implying as if Nobunaga was carrying out these acts of violence indiscriminately.
For example him assassinating his own younger brother. He DID NOT just kill him out of cruelty to “secure his position of power”, those that said that often overlook the fact that Nobuyuki tried to rebel against Nobunaga and attempted to kill him twice in order to take his position as leader of the Oda clan all of which Nobunaga forgave him on until his patience and trust were tested. What DID YOU think was gonna happen?
In addition there is a misunderstanding that Nobunaga was “slaughtering ‘peaceful’ monks at Nagashima and Mt Hiei” as well as other misconceptions surrounding such events.
Take Mt Hiei for instance. We were once told in that event, massive amounts of temples were burned down and had a death toll of 20,000 casualties at the Siege of Mt Hiei, but recent proper evaluation academic scholars have found these were widely exaggerated because most of the temples were remained in good condition and in the actual primary source, the number of casualties was much smaller which was between 1,500 - 4,000 especially thanks to the lack of mass graves further proof that the 20,000 death toll was widely blown out of proportion.
Second in these events these “peaceful” monks were farrrr from peaceful as these were Sohei monks specifically who hold military power as some were either former samurai or were samurai who became monks, but didn’t give up their power. They were especially part of the Ikko-Ikki which was a fanatical separatist militia consisting of peasants, merchants, priests, commoners and jizamurai (country samurai) that rose up against the upper class daimyos, shoguns and samurais having grown restless from all the constant fighting and civil wars between them, hoping of succeeding and creating their own independent state and government similar to the South in the American Civil War (might not be the best analogy, but closest I can think of for you to get an idea). These peasant militia often violently attacked any daimyo and samurai on sight even if the two were of no threat to them, making it especially dangerous foreign travelers of the time. The Ikko-Ikki even attacked other states in Japan that they consider to be a “threat” which made them extremely problematic to many daimyo, samurai and imperial government across the country and in addition these same extremist groups callously took the lives of Nobunaga’s two half brothers, one cousin and one nephew leading him to hold a grudge against them which is why. So was he justified in what he did to the Ikko-Ikki? Depends on who you ask, but if these groups of fanatics were the ones who basically killed half of your beloved family members whom you trusted, can you really blame Nobunaga for feeling that way towards the Ikko-Ikki?
What is most surprising however is that despite Nobunaga’s merciless reputation as a warlord. There are also documented accounts written down about his kindness, understanding and forgiving nature.
He was said to address all of his followers from the highest retainers to lowest servants with respect and courtesy. Has even gone as far as to donate money and goods to the villagers, imperial court and temples/churches to help improve the lives and stability of the peasants, commoners, nobles and priests (both Japanese and European).
Along with that, he was known to be quite forgiving towards others even if they had made a mistake or were being treacherous such as when Nobuyuki attempted to rebel against and kill him twice or the fact that his long time retainer - Shibata Katsuie once sided with his brother in plotting to assassinate him yet despite discovering what he planned to do originally, Nobunaga instead pardoned Katsuie and chose to spare him if he swore allegiance to him instead which Katsuie would accept.
All this paints us a nuanced picture of whom Nobunaga was a person and character. A warlord who is as brutal as he is honorable which is so fascinating to study about.
He was open-minded and loved learning of new things
Of course we can’t talk about Oda Nobunaga without his deep fascination for Western culture and love for learning new things.
Nobunaga was highly known for appreciating European cultures, clothing, technology and goods. He was a learner and always hungry for knowledge and because of this would lead to him coming across the matchlock firearms introduced to him by the Portuguese which he liked so much that he began to order them to be mass produced, seeing just how useful and effective which they would become staple weapons of his samurai army which allowed him to rise to power.
His interest and desires of learning the ins and outs of cultures from across the world outside of Japan is especially evident in his close friendships with the likes of Luis Frois - the Portuguese missionary and Yasuke - the African servant of the Jesuit missionaries.
The circumstances surrounding his death continues to remain as one of the biggest mysteries in Japanese history
There continues to be many mysteries surrounding Nobunaga’s untimely death and why one of his retainers - Akechi Mitsuhide had betrayed him as many theories had often surfaced throughout the years and no scholars were able to definitively figure out what exactly was Mitsuhide whole motive for backstabbing Nobunaga just when he was so close to unifying the whole country.
Some said Mitsuhide had a personal grudge against Nobunaga, others said he did it to gain more power and influence. Some have even said he may have been manipulated by an outside party into carrying out the treacherous act (such as Toyotomi Hideoyoshi, Tokugawa Ieyasu and a few others who had been suspected).
Why I look forward to Assassin’s Creed’s take on the iconic Japanese historical figure
As you can see, all that I have written here. Oda Nobunaga is quite a rich character and figure to study about it. There is so much nuance and dimensions of his character. Assassin’s Creed at its best is more than capable of being able to find the right balance between doing a creative spin on iconic historical figures throughout history, but still preserving elements of historical accuracy on what made these figures what they are.
Nobunaga as we know is a cunning, pragmatic and ruthless warlord, but he was a charismatic, kind and fair leader altogether. Was he perfect? No, but he is human and flawed as we are. Just a man doing his best to unify a country that was torn apart by decades of civil war and to survive a tumultuous period in Japanese history where friends and allies can betray you and become your foes in one night.
so I am very curious to see how Assassin’s Creed Shadows will present all that aspects of him into the game as they done for many other historical figures they done before. If done right and written well, AC's portrayal of Nobunaga becoming just as beloved as the likes of AC’s takes on Leonardo Da Vinci, George Washington and Blackbeard.
List of primary sources and contemporary sources I used for my research information on Oda Nobunaga:
  • Shincho Koki (Translated to English as The Chronicles of Lord Nobunaga) by Gyuchi Ota - a former senior retainer of Oda Nobunaga writing accounts and deeds of Nobunaga’s life throughout the ages in this primary source
  • Historia De Japam (Translated to English as History of Japan) by Luis Frois - Portuguese missionary who spent many years living in Japan and forming a close friendship with Nobunaga himself, writing down many accounts in this primary source document of what kind of person and character was as well as some of the fascinating differences between European and Japanese customs
  • From the conversations I been apart with ParallelPain who provided all sorts of direct diaries, letters and documented accounts written down about the Sengoku Period of Japan
  • Several unspecified sources which I came across from the top of memory over the course of my years of research on Japanese history such as this one here and here
submitted by ImmortalThunderGod79 to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:33 Educational_Will3015 Apprently the S1 paper was out yesterday

Apprently the S1 paper was out yesterday submitted by Educational_Will3015 to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:44 petite-patootie Anyone using chatgpt to help with gardening?

Anyone using chatgpt to help with gardening?
I'm new to gardening and my cucumber plant was covered with powdery mildew so i had to cut the infected leaves to reduce the spread. I didn't exactly know where to make the cut so i asked chatgpt. I know it might make mistakes so i usually double check any information it gives me. What y'all think?
submitted by petite-patootie to gardening [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:08 RobVanity Why do my plants die when I wash them?

To get rid of aphids, I washed my basil plant under a running tap for a few minutes. I rubbed each leaf and stem to rid the aphids. It worked but now my plant is completely dead. I've done this two other times with different plants and they died too. Why does washing my plants with plain water kill them?
submitted by RobVanity to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:48 JRoss279 Is my Croton Magnificent gonna make it?

Is my Croton Magnificent gonna make it?
Hello! I got this Magnificent about two months ago, and noticed it had spider mites about a month ago. It got quarantined with other suspected patient zeros and has been treated with neem oil on both sides of the leaves and the stems multiple times. I use Planta to remind me to mist, fertilize, and water my plants because I have a terrible memory, but I check if the plant needs it before I blindly pour water in and try to check them before my reminders go off to keep up on them. It is in a west window and about 2’ from the window. The window gets some shade from trees, so it isn’t a heavy afternoon light. The plant is on a humidity tray and has a humidifier in the room (I think it’s set to 60%). The leaves were quite beautiful and plentiful, and now we’re down to two leaves with a few nubs of baby leaf stems (I think and hope). My biggest concern is the almost complete loss of leaves and the top of the stem starting to wrinkle. Another croton I had before lost all its leaves like 4 months ago, started to wrinkle at the top of the stem, and has done quite literally nothing since, so I feel like the same will happen here. Chances she’ll pull through and live? And you can ignore the absolute disgrace of a Petra behind in the pot that is another example of how awful I am with crotons no matter how much I love them and want them to love me back haha
submitted by JRoss279 to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 08:39 theambivalentagender Not quite aphantasia, not quite perfect visualization....

So I will start this by saying I'm pretty sure I don't have aphantasia. I've always considered myself to have a very vivid imagination. When asked to picture an apple, I can picture a pretty realistic apple. Vivid daydreaming got me through a lot as a kid.
The issue vivid imagination also isn't entirely accurate or in my control. Back to the apple thing, I can picture an apple, but parts of it aren't quite right. The best way I can describe it is like seeing one of those early deep dream/ai art generator programs as they're in the process of generating the image of an apple, and the parts you're focusing on are a pretty good red apple, but outside of that there's weird vaguely round apple like shakes and the colors are wrong and there's randomly a giant cartoon stem and leaf.
Faces are the biggest problem for me. I've been with my partner for over ten years. Of course I know what he looks like, of course I could describe him to you. But the more I try and picture him in my mind's eye, the more the image distorts out of my control. Where his beard is becomes a black void, his nose loses all detail, the shape of his face elongates. He's literally sitting right next to me right now and if I close my eyes and look away for just a moment I get a different face in my head. A detailed face, but the wrong one.
I'm an artist who likes drawing comics. This has been one of my biggest struggles in learning art. I constantly use references, but I find myself having to trace directly off these references over and over rather than being able to just look at the reference and draw, because literally in the time it takes me to glance back at my page my mind's eye fucks with what I thought I saw.
Importantly, I don't tend to use traced refs in my final pieces, certainly not of others works. I use them to practice the "feel" of what I'm drawing over and over until my muscle memory kicks in. I also take my own pictures a lot for direct traced references, particularly for landscapes and facial expressions. Again though, most of it is training my muscle memory.
I just feel like this isn't what people mean when they say they have perfect imagination, but it isn't a complete lack of mental imagery either. I can't find anything about this anywhere though, all the literature on aphantasia and hyperphantasia is exactly that, those two extremes and how people fall between them.
Same thing happens with people's voices. It honestly makes me feel sad that I find it hard to picture a comforting word in a friend's actual voice. It also used to drive me nuts that I couldn't actually sing a song in my head without it getting messed up in some way, and I needed to sing it out loud for it to be right.
I do wonder if this is why I like drawing comics and cartoony characters. I can remember exaggerated and simplified details pretty well.
Anyway, does this sound at all like anything others go through?
submitted by theambivalentagender to Aphantasia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:58 Ok-Bottle-964 WTF is happening to my heart leaf?!? (Never seen leaves do this)

WTF is happening to my heart leaf?!? (Never seen leaves do this)
So my heart leaf has been doing OK since I got him two months ago - lost some leaves at the beginning, however now has stabilized especially since I put a grow light near. I recently fertilized for the first time (Saturday night), and literally from Monday morning to Monday evening these three leaves did THIS. Could this be fertilizer burn? (I used ultra diluted like 1/10 diluted mix…)
I was wondering if it is light stress because the stems of the leaves were still 100% strong and on / attached to the vine, couldn’t pull them off
I’m thinking perhaps it’s fungal or bacterial? I have been running my humidifier at TON since it’s dry AF here in Mexico City and it’s pretty hot (85ish) inside since no AC + windows closed.
Pot has great drainage and I wait till it dries out to water thoroughly.
Thanks for your help in advance!!
submitted by Ok-Bottle-964 to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:39 caeruleanx Grandma passed away last month - took some cuttings from her garden

Grandma passed away last month - took some cuttings from her garden
I'm pretty happy with how well these travelled, I cut a bunch of them down and propagated in water until I had a healthy amount of roots. The last picture is a stem with no roots (still 😂) but it has decided to keep growing new shoots along each node - I haven't planted it yet. I've also successfully got 2 leaves rooting in perlite/vermiculite mix at the moment but they take a lot longer to do grow a healthy root system.
No idea what variety this is - the leaves are pretty interesting, shiny silver dots and the new growth has a nice pink border on the leaf. It's less obvious when the leaves get larger.
submitted by caeruleanx to begonias [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 07:10 historyfanatic0033 Monstera not growing. Help!

Monstera not growing. Help!
Hey everyone!! I purchased this monstera back in November and unfortunately it seems it got cold during transport. So all the existing leaves (3 when I bought it) died. One new leaf did grow, but as you can see in the photos there’s only one stem (forgive me if my terminology is wrong) left besides the one with the leaf. The other two completely snapped off from the bottom. My mom bought a plant from the exact same store and had the same issue, but now hers has lots of new growth. I water it regularly (about every week and a half to two weeks) depending on the soil and it gets a good amount of sun, but not too much. What can I do to encourage growth? Or is my plant destined to only have one leaf? :(
submitted by historyfanatic0033 to houseplants [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 06:58 No_Marzipan_1230 Industrial Mage Chapter 03 – Hiring & Deadwoods

An engineer in another world—blending science and magic to achieve greatness in a world where skills and levels reign supreme.

Ethan was just a plain old engineer, but everything changed when he was reborn into a world of skills, levels, and magic. With his advanced knowledge far ahead of the time period he finds himself in, this new reincarnated life will be much different than his last, especially because he can construct, deconstruct, and reconstruct runes—something no one else can do.
But with royal politics, looming tax collectors, a mountain of debt, dungeon incursions, cults, and hostile fantasy races mixing together into a cocktail of bullshit that threatens to bury his dreams; Ethan must bridge the gap between steel and sorcery to grow stronger. — Runecrafting is slow burn. — What to Expect: - Weak to very strong progression - Hardcore wish fulfillment - A balance of action, kingdom building, and runecrafting. - MC will trigger an industrial revolution, revolutionize magic, modernize agriculture, communication, commerce, textile production, education, transportation, sanitation, weapons manufacturing, leisure & entertainment, and medicine.
First < Previous Next >

Chapter 03

"Business opportunity?" Jack blinked, amused. "Intriguing. One doesn't often hear a noble propose such a thing to a [Necromancer]."
Roland shifted uncomfortably.
Ignoring him, Ethan leaned back in his chair.
"Let's just say these are unorthodox times, Jack. And frankly, the problems plaguing Holden call for equally unorthodox solutions." He gestured towards a nearby chair. "Do have a seat, and allow me to elaborate. It concerns a matter of public health, and specifically, a rather lackluster product currently on the market. One common folk cannot even afford."
Jack raised an eyebrow, taking the offered seat. "Public health and [Necromancy]? This does get more interesting by the moment, my lord."
Ethan leaned forward again.
"I'll be blunt. It's the Blight, Jack. You're undoubtedly familiar with its unpleasant effects." He wrinkled his nose slightly. "The lethargy, the nausea…and the frankly horrendous stench that clings to the afflicted."
"The Blight has stages, my lord. But yeah, I get the gist. Though, I confess, raising the recently departed isn't exactly..."
Ethan chuckled. "Not quite, my friend. While your talents with the departed are impressive, I have a different skillset in mind. One that involves cleanliness."
Jack's smile vanished, replaced by a wary arch of an eyebrow. "Cleanliness? You want a [Necromancer] for scrubbing floors?"
Ethan leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers. "Not scrubbing floors, precisely. What do you know about the Blight, Jack?"
"It's more than a mere sickness, my lord. It's a clinging parasite that latches onto the unfortunate soul and slowly devours their life force. The early signs are subtle—a sickly sweet odor, lethargy, pale clammy skin."
Jack shuddered dramatically, and continued. "Then comes the hunger. An insatiable craving that gnaws at their insides. The victims start developing a craving for raw flesh instead. Their mere touch becomes corrupting, causing plants to wilt and wounds to fester. Disembodied whispers of the spirits torment them, sapping their willpower—they're like a sweet escape from their suffering. It chips away at their will to fight, turning them inward until they become shells of their former selves."
Ethan blinked. Jack had a knack for theatrics and being dramatic, it seemed.
"In the final stages, the body decays into a walking corpse driven by an unquenchable hunger to consume the life force of others."
"Okay, stop," Ethan raised his hand with a sigh. "Who does the Blight infect?"
Jack took a deep breath. "That's the interesting part, my Lord. The Blight only seems to affect those with little to no mana. It's like mana acts as a shield. Majority of peasants are mana-less. It's a common disease, my lord. Even nobles suffer from the Blight; mostly children given that their mana is still developing."
"So, mana is our solution?" Ethan raised an eyebrow. "Why do you think no one's arrived at this conclusion given that the Blight is such a common occurrence you'd think there'd be a cure?"
"There is a cure, my lord. But—"
"It's way too expensive."
"Indeed, that is correct, my lord."
"Regardless, our solution here is sanitation. You see, the Blight thrives in filth. The stench, the lethargy, it all stems from a miasma that festers in unsanitary conditions. It eats on people's lifeforce. And the current concoction on the market does little to combat it. There's a simple solution—people are aware of it—but sadly, it's expensive, not as effective as it should be, and frankly, an insult to hygiene."
"Oh, are you talking about soap, my lord?"
"Soap," Ethan confirmed. "More specifically, newly made soap. As soap's made with magic here, it has slight mana in it—although it's a different matter altogether that said mana dissipates. Regardless, if bought new and used, it helps with the Blight. However, we need better soap. The current offerings are woefully inadequate, and at exorbitant prices. I envision a mass-produced, affordable soap that can combat the Blight's effects, doesn't lose mana, and can invigorate people."
Jack considered this for a moment. "And why, my lord, would a noble like yourself be concerned with such mundane matters?"
"Jack," Ethan's eyes narrowed slightly, his tone turning icy. "I believe you forget yourself. It is not your place to question nobility. I suggest you remember your place and focus on the task at hand."
Jack's face turned ashen. He quickly lowered his eyes. "I apologize, my lord."
"You are forgiven." Ethan didn't particularly enjoy being a noble, but now that he was one, he needed to maintain certain boundaries.
Though Ethan had been slightly taken aback, Jack was right. Nobles seldom cared about peasants. Even less when it came to the Blight. Any and all solutions currently available for this very normal cause of death were expensive. Current brick they sold as 'soap' was inadequate, had pathetic fragrance, and performed even less when it came to hygiene. So, most peasants die due to lack of money. They couldn't buy soap, and the concoction for the Blight was too expensive.
But I don't really think like the nobles, as I am not one.
Silence stretched between the two for several long moments, and in that silence, Ethan considered the consequences.
The consequences of Ethan's plan would be far-reaching. There definitely would be a political firestorm. Soapmakers, likely well-established guilds with ties to influential nobles, would see their profits plummet and their influence challenged. They'd spread rumors about Ethan's soap being inferior or even dangerous, and might even resort to sabotage, threats, blackmail, or the like. Ethan might also face resistance from other barons who profit from the inflated price of Blight remedies.
I need to be prepared for whatever they throw at me, 'cause they definitely will.
Beyond the immediate political struggle, there could be social unrest. Slower, more expensive production methods often employ a larger workforce given that [Mages] weren't always available to make soap. There had to be a manual process discovered by the [Mages] of this world—though having tried the soap himself, it was quite lacking.
Ethan's plans for mass-produced soap could lead to unemployment among those currently making soap. He'd need to be prepared to address these concerns, perhaps by retraining displaced workers or offering them jobs in the new production facilities. Though, then again, the guilds he'd poach the unemployed people from wouldn't take it lightly.
Regardless, I need to do it. Fuck the guilds. I don't think Theo's dad will let anything happen to him—aka me now.
Theo's family was rather big. His father, Lord Alexander Lockheart, was arguably ruthless and cold, but he usually held his family's interest in his mind—knowing him and his militaristic nature, Ethan didn't doubt he'd latch onto the opportunities to make some hefty sum of money—money which he could use to fund his militaristic endeavors. The man was ambitious.
*Theo's the 4***th child of the Lockhearts. Even aside from Theo's dad, he's got five siblings: three older and two younger siblings. Two of whom, I can easily rely on. The eldest sibling, Maximillian, or Juliana, who is the second eldest. Benson's the third child, and he doesn't like me much, so Maximillian and Juliana are my only hope—though they're kind of disappointed in how Theo behaved, they wouldn't let something happened to me*, especially knowing that I, "Theodore Lockheart", am turning over a new leaf. Not to mention Theo's mom's too soft.*
Knowing his safety wouldn't be an issue, Ethan looked at Jack. He had only spoken like Theo to make sure he could set a proper boundary with Jack. Deciding that the awkward silence had gone for far too long, he spoke with a lighter tone.
"Though, if you must know, the Blight doesn't discriminate. It cripples the poor, yes, but it also weakens soldiers and undermines trade. A healthy populace is a productive populace, one that can pay taxes and contribute to the well-being of the entire barony. Besides," he added, a sly smile returning, "imagine the profit. Affordable, effective soap for all? It would be a goldmine. I'm especially looking forward to the reaction of noblewomen. They'll be in a frenzy. They'll be begging for this soap. We'll be swimming in coin."
Which I need given the looming tax and Holden's fucked up financial situation...
Unaware of what was going through Ethan's mind, Jack tapped his chin thoughtfully. "And, with all due respect, my lord, why do you need my help? What possible use could a [Necromancer] have in the realm of soap-making?"
Ethan leaned back, a smile playing on his lips. "While your skills in manipulating life force are undoubtedly impressive, Jack, it's your less publicized talent I'm particularly interested in."
Jack's eyes narrowed for a moment. "You mean...?"
"Imbuement." Ethan said.
Ethan wasn't too sure, but given that [Necromancers] and [Witches] were infamous classes, he'd heard rumors. They often imbued objects. Corpses in [Necromancers'] case and certain objects in [Witches'] case. It wasn't mana that they imbued exactly, but something else—which he had no clue about—that let them have control over the corpse/object they imbued. But, given that these two classes were the most affordable ones that could imbue anything at all and were experts in that regard, Ethan was pretty sure Jack could achieve his goal.
That was his theory, of course. It all depended on how long they could hold the mana inside the soap. Making the soap affordable and high quality—that he could handle. Keeping the mana within it, though, and getting some decent returns? Well, that depended a lot on Jack.
Jack ran a nervous hand through his scraggly brown hair, his eyes glinting.
"What if we could imbue the soap with mana?" Ethan said. "It would disrupt the Blight's ability to feed on life force. Think of it as a sort of 'static' that interferes with the Blight's 'signal'. So, we imbue mana into soap."
Jack frowned, considering this. "That's an interesting idea, my lord. But how would we create such a thing? Soap is expensive to make; you would have to employ mages—"
"Leave the soap to me. Deal with imbuing mana instead. As a [Necromancer], you have a unique understanding of life force and how it can be manipulated. I believe that with your help, we can develop a method to imbue soap with mana that stays in for as long as possible—you are the expert in imbuement, after all. The soap would then not only clean the body, but also create a sort of protective barrier against the Blight." He leaned back in his chair, watching Jack's reaction closely. "So, what do you think? Are you up for it?"
Ethan hummed as the carriage came to a stop near the house where those infected by the Blight were being kept under quarantine, in the company of Roland. The house wasn't luxurious by any means, it was quite small really. But it had been secured to allow them to observe the tainted. Ethan exited the carriage along Roland and Jack, and soon they were greeted by a tall, slender man in robes.
"Ah, Lord Theodore. It is my utmost pleasure to meet your esteemed self." the robed man bowed. His voice was even, but there was a wariness there—clearly, the man was not comfortable dealing with Ethan, or more like, Theodore who was infamous for his... nature.
Ethan wasn't happy with how the people of Holden and everyone acquainted with Theo regarded him, a reputation that likely spread more than just this town, but he couldn't do anything about it. Logically, he'd just need to deal with it one step at a time.
"No need to be so tense... Sir Miller." Ethan briefly checked his memory to bring up the information of the man.
Miller was the head physician of Holden.
"Esteemed guest," The man was still bowing, clearly uncomfortable and unable to bring himself to stand straight before a notorious lord such as Theodore. "Do not concern yourself with trivial manners and come in. The tainted have been secured, and preparations made, so please, this way."
The man led Ethan inside and after crossing through an empty room, they reached a space sectioned off by iron grills. A group of men armed with spears surrounded the door from the outside—they were armed with spears so they could deal with anyone that reached the third stage and became a brain-dead zombie without getting near them. The tall and burly men eyed Roland and Ethan, on alert at a noble's presence.
Ethan covered his face in a mask, stepped over the grills, into the open hall with rows of beds lining both sides, where about ten people lay, most on their back. If they noticed their Lord, the people lying on the bed didn't act like they noticed anything. "Please, Lord Theodore...!" Miller said. "You mustn't get near!"
"Nothing to worry, I won't be tainted," Ethan said. He was a [Mage] after all, and unranked one, but a mage nonetheless. He looked at the patients one by one.
They do look sickly... it is one thing hearing about it, but this is far more eye opening... Sighing, Ethan turned around and walked out.
"Jack, do your thing."
"Yes, my lord." Jack said as Ethan made it to Roland.
"Roland, we need to go to the Deadwoods, you and I."
Roland appeared apprehensive but did not question Ethan's intentions.
As Ethan and Roland walked out, Jack got started on the subjects. Ethan looked ahead. Grassy meadows stretched far and wide, dotted by occasional trees and bushes. The sun's golden rays washed over the land, leaving an orange tinge on the distant mountains. To the west of Holden lay the Deadwoods—easily spotted, as it stood as an ominous expanse of darkness in the otherwise brightly lit region. A mountain range stretched behind the Deadwoods and clung to the earth, meeting the borders of Corinth.
Ethan had to admit, the place was a sight to see despite how much the Deadwoods stood out like a sore thumb amidst all this greenery. Even then, the Deadwoods held a unique allure. Ethan got into the carriage with Roland in tow, then with a light jolt the carriage started moving. It was being pulled by two horses.
"With all due respect, my Lord, this seems unwise, no?"
"It'll be fine," Ethan reassured. "We have guards with us, and I have you to protect me."
"Why, is it not better to simply let us know what you require so we may fetch it in your stead?"
Ethan smiled, but didn't answer.
The Deadwoods soon came closer as the carriage sped up, drawing near to a stretch of meadows with trees scattered every few paces or so.
The carriage rattled as it went over a particularly large bump. Ethan gave a quick glance at Roland—the man had grown quieter since their departure. Clearly, he was contemplating what sorts of heinous plans his new lord had in store.
Suddenly, the carriage lurched to a halt. Ethan poked his head out of the window and called, "What's the hold-up?"
The driver gave an apologetic bow. "There's a large rock in the road, my lord."
"Then have the guards get rid of it." Ethan's voice carried a subtle note of annoyance. He really didn't have time for delays—as a rule of thumb, he usually hated them.
"My lord," Roland said. "It's a trap. We're under attack."
An arrow slammed right beside Ethan's head the next instant.
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submitted by No_Marzipan_1230 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:47 Wanderingghost12 Resurrection? Or did I ruin it?

I noticed my orchid's flowers wilting a couple months ago but they hadn't yellowed yet so I figured something was wrong. Currently there are no active blooms. I dug out the roots and nearly all of them were yellow to brown with holes in them from rot. I sterilized my sheers then trimmed off the ones that were particularly bad, dried out the soil (I didn't have replacement), then repotted it. The one leaf that had a lot of discoloration was also removed. It has now been almost a month after repotting and it seems a bit more stable now but I have no way of knowing unless I dig it back up if I helped it or hurt it. I've been lucky with orchids in the past but have never once attempted to trim or prune my orchids before so I'm a super newbie here. Any advice or thoughts would be greatly appreciated. I'd show a picture but it's just a stem with four big leaves (one has a bit of staining).
submitted by Wanderingghost12 to orchids [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 05:06 Bright_Buy_6980 What is wrong with my aloe

What is wrong with my aloe
I received some aloe stem cuttings from a neighbor, he said “just stick them in the ground”, so I did that.. Two weeks later the leafs turned from fresh green to purple, so I’m afraid they are dying:( I’m in socal and I planted them a spot of my yard where they receive morning sun. In the afternoon there are shade from very tall cypress trees. I haven’t watered them yet. I have no experience planting before, so hope someone in this sub can help me save these aloes.
submitted by Bright_Buy_6980 to succulents [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 04:27 BigRichieDangerous EXTREMELY fuzzy plant near wetland I couldn't photograph but want to ID so badly!

I was just visiting a partially restored wet meadow in New York in a less managed area that was upland enough to support big bluestem and cool season grasses.
I found a plant that at first I thought was a younh rudbeckia species crowded by some grass, but I've *never* in my life seen something so fuzzy. It was like a half inch layer of clear fur, it made the plant almost look cloudlike or glowing.
The plant itself had broad lanceolate leaves about the length of a hand with a serrated margins, growing in an alternating leaf patterns and new buds forming in the junctions where the leaves connect to the stem. The plant had an upright posture and was about a 1/4 to 1/2 a meter tall and seemed intent on getting taller. There were no signs of flowering yet.
Just based on vibes this felt like an asteracea of some kind. I could not tell you why, aside from the leaves making me feel that way.
ANY ideas welcome. I'm planning to return in a few days just to sneak a photo, and until then I'm going to be dying of curiosity. I spent easily 10 minutes feeling the fuzz on these leaves. It was so bizarre!
submitted by BigRichieDangerous to PlantIdentification [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 02:04 BLOOD__SISTER Using 'legitimate criticisms' of modern-day women characters against Ripley and Sarah Connor

Plot Armor: Ripley is cornered in the final act of Alien. The beast is confined with her in an inescapable escape pod. This should spell the end for Ripley but instead of killing her immediately (as it did with the other characters), the Alien sits back to watch her get naked, dawn protective gear and arm herself with the weapon she'll use to destroy it. With this scene in mind it's difficult to believe Ripley was 'written for a man or woman'. Like every horror movie's Final Girl, Ripley is unkillable, non-sexual and plot armored.
The Message: Sarah Connor explicitly hates men in T2. She reviles every male character other than her son--notably a boy, not a man. She regularly dehumanizes the Terminator who, to her, represents the apocalyptic inevitability brought on by the patriarchy eg, "men like you". The only time she sees him as more than a meat shield is when she concedes, to herself, that the killer robot would make a better father than an actual human man.
The Terminator is not talking about women when he says "it's in your nature to destroy yourselves" after watching to male children fighting, only to be separated by their mother.
Lack of Character Development: Sarah's arc doesn't resolve with the understanding that men are not to blame for dooming humanity or that they're even good in any meaningful capacity. A subtle head nod as she lowers the Terminator to his death is the best concession she gives. Sarah was driven by the destruction of everything Skynet. She succeeds in her goals without the need for personal change, growth or self-reflection. In the end, Dyson and the Terminators are destroyed, freeing Sarah of her apocalyptic fate imposed by men responsible for judgement day.
Ripley doesn't even have an character arc in the traditional sense: she simply overcomes a traumatic event. Her story doesn't illustrate growth or development--she just survives
The 'poorly written' accusation, leveraged against most modern-day women characters, is a cope used to intellectualize vibe-based criticisms stemming from a certain audience's anxiety about changing demographics in media.
Blah blah 2024, Ripley and Sarah Connor would not be considered well written according to YouTube’s geek-pundit industry because Ripley/Connor exemplify the same 'bad writing' tropes used undermine Rey, Captain, She Hulk, Galadriel etc. All that differentiates them from the internet’s most hated is that they exist in an era when male supremacy in popcorn action/adventure flicks went unchecked. They’re appealing because, as women, they’re outliers.
The Sarah Connor archetype becomes a lot less appealing in a world where man-hating tough girls are status quo. It’s not about writing—it’s about male identities feeling treated by women protags. I implore the more reasonable amongst you to ask yourselves: are you really threatened by women in film?
submitted by BLOOD__SISTER to TheCriticalDrinker [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 01:46 hungryhappihippo What is this?

What is this?
Hi all! New member here 🥰 what is this stem like thing?
My white princess put out a new leaf and this stick looking thing came behind it and now it’s also growing. I’m not sure what it is or what to even call it to google so any help is appreciated!
submitted by hungryhappihippo to philodendron [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:55 JudgeLex The Horus Heresy Book 18: Deliverance Lost by Gav Thorpe

The Horus Heresy Book 18: Deliverance Lost by Gav Thorpe So last week, we got a lot of response and we would like to explain that we only hated it because we worked ourselves up talking and discussing it and coming to the realisation it didn't add up to a good book. I hope that clarifies things 😃
18 books in and we get our first full one from the point of view of the Raven Guard. The “Night Lords who got some therapy” have not been having a good time with Isstvan V and the massacring of their forces. We get to see what is required to try to rebuild a legion following the betrayal and then what happens when there is more betrayal.
This book builds upon the short story “The Face of Treachery”, also written by Gav Thorpe (go read our previous review Horus Heresy Book 16: Age of Darkness, an anthology : 40kLore ( and give us an upvote hint hint) with the Alpha Legion setting up sleeper agents within the Raven Guard, which turns out to be highly useful as a new secret weapon is developed. Perhaps even more so than “Legion”, this story shows just how devious the Alpha Legion are.
‘What do you wish to ask of me, my son?’ ‘The Raven Guard verge on being a spent force, but I would rebuild them if I had the chance,’ said Corax. ‘Yet I cannot spare a warrior from the fighting to come, nor the time to raise up a new generation of the Legion. I seek your permission to launch attacks against the traitors, to mark our final passing in the glory of battle.’ ‘You wish to sacrifice your Legion?’ The Emperor seemed genuinely surprised. ‘In what cause?’ ‘I do not do it out of woe but necessity,’ explained Corax. ‘I must atone for the failure at Isstvan, for it will tear me apart as surely as my wounds did, if allowed to fester in my heart. Forgive me, but I cannot defend Terra, idly awaiting my fate to come to me.’ The Emperor did not reply for some time, his brow creased slightly with deep thought. Corax waited patiently, eyes fixed to the Emperor’s face. ‘I concur,’ the Master of Mankind said eventually. ‘It is in your nature to cry havoc and wreak the same upon your foes. Yet there is no need for sacrifice. I am reluctant, but you have my trust, Corvus. I will grant you a gift, a very precious gift.’
And another quote that we loved:
‘In Egypt's sandy silence, all alone, Stands a gigantic Leg, which far off throws The only shadow that the Desert knows: "I am great OZYMANDIAS," saith the stone, "The King of Kings; this mighty City shows The wonders of my hand". The City's gone, Nought but the Leg remaining to disclose The site of this forgotten Babylon. We wonder, and some Hunter may express Wonder like ours, when thro' the wilderness Where London stood, holding the Wolf in chase, He meets some fragments huge, and stops to guess What powerful but unrecorded race Once dwelt in that annihilated place.’
The primarch considered the words, but could not divine their meaning. His mentors on Lycaeus had taught him of poetry, of rhyme and metre and cadence, but he had never quite been able to see the appeal. Poems reminded him too much of the work-songs the prisoners had invented to keep up their spirits while they had hewn with pick and laser drill at the unforgiving stone of the penal colony. The last three lines left Corax feeling disquieted, though, as if the Emperor had suspected that his Imperium could not endure any more than the great empires of mankind's long history.”
“When I was a young boy My father took me into the city To see a marching band He said, "Son, when you grow up Would you be the saviour of the broken The beaten and the damned?" He said, "Will you defeat them? Your daemons, and all the non-believers The plans that they have made?" "Because one day, I'll leave you a phantom To lead you in the summer To join the black parade” Corvus Corax M31.1312
The Raven Guard are still barely alive on Isstvan V and are rescued by Commander Branne, who was guided by prophetic dreams. Beyond two ships sent back to Deliverance, his homeworld, Corax and his remaining forces head to Terra to see the Emperor. That’s good.
However, the Alpha Legion have surgically modified some of their Space Marines to look like slain Raven Guards and even implanted memories into them, to act as sleeper agents and pass on relevant intel. That’s bad.
Corax meets with Dorn and Malcador, and learns that the Emperor is a little busy currently and is unable to meet with him. Getting annoyed Corvus is met psychically by the Emperor, who gives him knowledge of how to access the remains of the ‘Primarch Project’.
With this knowledge Corax can restore his legion, possibly to even greater strength than before Isstvan.
But to get the knowledge, the Raven Guard have to get through a technological Labyrinth that is constantly changing and preventing them access (essentially a ‘Dungeons and Dragons’ moving maze). Corax uses his massive super duper primarch brain power and solves the labyrinth to keep it open. Inside is the ‘Primarch Project’, which can be used to make new Space Marines and quickly mass produce them.
The first of these new marines, dubbed the Raptors, are trained and deployed, striking a Word Bearer garrison hard. Estimates project the traitor legions will be outnumbered in months.
The Alpha Legion cannot allow this, so they rebalance the scales. A genetic poison, concocted from daemon blood, is introduced to the Raptors gene seed.
Soon the Raptors show rapid signs of mutation, morphing into hideous crowlike monsters. There is a certain irony that they resemble the same mutated Word Bearer possessed marines that struck them down on Isstvan. In a show of mercy or desperation, Corax allows the Raptors to remain. It is likely they will serve their legion until their use is no longer required. Omegon (the other primarch of the Alpha Legion) then attacks the gene seed project and chaos breaks out as the sleeper agents emerge and start slaughtering everything in their way. The mutated Raptors are released to fight back and prevent the Alpha Legionnaires escaping. Luckily, a Mechanicum super soldier has arrived to pick up the gene seed and I'm sure he is an upstanding member of society who can be fully trusted….
Corax is annoyed but determined. The remaining Alpha Legion agents are discovered and executed. It is time to strike against Horus and an unlucky unit of Emperor’s Children are wiped out by cunning lightning strikes and feints. The Raven Guard are victorious and plan to harry the Warmaster’s forces in their slow advance on Terra….
Review: Good ideas that do not always come together into a great plot. We genuinely really like this book but there are a few parts that just don’t work.
Labyrinth is an odd design choice; why have a primarch project that can only be solved by a primarch? It is very odd to seclude it in this particular way. Why not stick it on Mars in the Labyrinth? This is the second Labrinth the Emperor is keeping secrets in; why!? It doesn’t really achieve much by keeping it in there. Do we really think Pertarabo or Magnus would not be able to solve it if they turned up? Then they take the super secret project to a world currently experiencing a rebellion…Brilliant, just brilliant. Why not do the mass recruiting experiments on Terra until it is working? It might have made more sense to steal it and raise the stakes and betray Dorn and Malcador, but working for the greater good of the Imperium. It is a minor thing but it slows the book down considerably and you know Corvus is going to solve the puzzle, so there is no tension.
The attack on the Emperor's Children is such bolter porn. The attack on the Perfect Fortress is so not Slaaneshi; it's just a place that needs attacking by the Loyalists and is never mentioned again. Where are the weird palaces of pleasure and the civilians being turned into drugs?
Tinfoil Hat Time We do not have an answer to this one - but did the Alpha Legion send psychic messages to Deliverance? Because if not, why bother to have sleeper agents to a dead legion that was trapped on Istvaan V? Tinfoil Hat Time
I really enjoyed the scene where an Alpha Legion sleeper agent is nearly unmasked during combat training. He uses a move that is only known to the Alpha Legion, and is questioned by the other marines. “I saw someone use it on Isstvan” - he says and teaches the other Raven Guard. Internally he knows Alpha Legion marines will die due to his lapse in concentration.
I do fully sympathise with Omegon on throwing the whole Cabal plot out of an airlock.
Score: 7.5/10 - An solid good book with interesting ideas that just has a few issues from ideas that do not really make sense. We would recommend rereading this one for the cool bits and maybe breezing through the weirder bits. We are incredibly happy to meet Corax and have a more humanised primarch character who considers what they are doing and thinks about it.
Cover: The motion blur on Corvus is superb. He does look like a grim dark Beatle with that mop top unfortunately, but it does seem to suit him. Space marine is looking the right way finally. It might be set in the Perfect Fortress, but we are not 100% sure.
Heresy Watch: In the aftermath of Isstvan V, the Raven Guard have been decimated but Corvus has escaped and is determined to carry on harassing Horus with hit and run strikes. As a giant invisible birdman, he demonstrates he is more than capable of it. Interestingly, the Emperor’s Children stationed at the Perfect City seem to still be protecting the civilians there. The Alpha Legion are fully acting for themselves; they prevent the Raven Guard using the modified gene seed, give Horus flawed intel for it and end their relationship with the Cabal. They are acting for themselves. The Emperor is struggling to deal with the mess Magnus created and has to psychically communicate through Malcador (apparently 2 years before it happens. Let's not bring that up again).
Legion Watch/Number of Book(s):
Dark Angels: 4
: 2
Emperor’s Children: 7
Iron Warriors: 5
White Scars: 2
Space Wolves: 4
Imperial Fists: 8
Night Lords: 3
Blood Angels: 1
Iron Hands: 3
: 2
World Eaters: 9
Ultramarines: 5
Death Guard: 4
Thousand Sons: 5
Sons of Horus: 8
Word Bearers: 9
Salamanders: 2
Raven Guard: 4
Alpha Legion: 5
The Emperor: 7
Another entry for Rogal Dorn. Major characters from various traitor legions show up in the novel, inflating their count. Salamanders and Blood Angels are still forgotten about.
Tropes Watch: Are we the baddies?: 33
The Emperor has a ever shifting Labyrinth containing his secret projects, which has serious Bond villain vibes.
The Alpha Legion literally replace their faces with dead Raven Guard to become undercover agents.
It's definitely not gay: 19 “The Emperor reached out a hand and Corax felt hot fingers upon his brow. Energy flowed through the primarch, knitting his shattered bones, stemming his pouring blood, healing wounded muscles and organs. The primarch gasped, filled with love and adoration.” C’mon man, that's your Dad…. Given that description of injuries shouldnt Corax already be dead? Anyway?
How not to parent 101: 23
Oh Corvus. The poor guy is a little crazed in his quest to get the Raptor project working and it all goes horribly wrong. It was a big gamble and it did not pay off (due to Alpha Legion sabotage but still…)
The Emperor psychically meeting with Corax is an afterthought! And only when Corax gets mad. The son has literally returned home from hell and is confronted by evil stepmother Malcador who says that “dad is way too busy”. If The Emperor cared he would have put plans in place to send a message, help, or even just ask if Corax is ok?
Erebus!!!: 17 Besides the actual Erebus being here and worming his way as usual, Athithirtir is bloody annoying and tries to order Omegon to follow the Cabal. He fully deserves his fate, having alerted the Alpha Legion to what the Raven Guard were doing.
“Alpharius sat down, reluctantly accepting the Warmaster’s invitation, darting a warning look at Erebus just as the Word Bearer opened his mouth to speak. ‘Save your posturing for those that are swayed by it,’ said Alpharius. ‘Your change of loyalty proves the vacuity of your proselytising. You are privileged to stand in the presence of your betters, and should know not to speak until spoken to.’ The primarch enjoyed the contortions of anger that wracked the First Chaplain’s face, but Erebus heeded the warning and said nothing.” All it took was a primarch to finally shut him up.
Does this remind you of anything?: 32
Vicente Sixx (the Raven Guard Chief Apothecary) also doubles up as a singer and bass player in his spare time. His covert name is probably Dr Feelgood.
The super secure labyrinth is basically a one shot DnD dungeon.
Idiot Ball: 1 New trope this week after we keep noticing it. Why did the Alpha Legion sleeper agents stick around after the attack? They knew the Raven Guard knew there were agents, and they all get identified by their DNA and killed shortly thereafter. The Alpha Legion seem to be either amazingly smart and well prepared or absolute idiots. The Custodes have had it for weeks, so it's nice for someone else to have it. There is an argument for someone holding the Idiot Book for every book and we may list them all next week....
submitted by JudgeLex to 40kLore [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 20:39 tonipaz Starting carving with zero experience after being gifted a set of knives and some soft wood. How am I doing? Any tips or advice?

Starting carving with zero experience after being gifted a set of knives and some soft wood. How am I doing? Any tips or advice?
Still need to get some more tools for scooping out the spoon I’m working on. It’s far from finished so I won’t post it yet.
Nothing has been sanded yet cuz I haven’t got sandpaper, open to suggestions for that too in terms of what level of grit (?) I need. I don’t want something too abrasive for how soft the wood is
One is a flower i made for my wife cuz she loves plants. The other is a “cheese knife” that is probably a bit too soft/brittle to actually be used (my first carving ever) The third is a neat design I had in my head of a cube on top of a sphere on top of a pyramid.
Happy to hear feedback and advice. I am not sure if I am good for a novice or if I’m making any glaring errors.
I have definitely hit a learning curve in knowing how to shave going the right direction (that’s how the stem of the flower got so skinny, there was once a leaf there but I accidentally carved it off :(
ALSO - what are some great shapes to master for a newbie like me? i am planning some gift ideas for my parents.
My only education prior to this was one YouTube video that I didn’t even finish lol but I want to take it to the next level once I get more tools to try
submitted by tonipaz to Woodcarving [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:31 -thimbl would you chop this big pachyphytum?

would you chop this big pachyphytum?
this is my biggest succulent. i thought my window had enough light, it did not. they now live outside, but he had stretched lot. i turned him around so he would turn around and straight out but instead it looks like the stem is gonna be curvy.
it got a fair amount of sunburn, but that couldnt really be helped, they don't even get the right amount sun still (planning on moving them to a full sun area eventually, when they adjust to this partial sun area first)
im basically starting over in a sense. i chopped plenty vera higgins (shown in the last photo) so they could grow without stretching, and the bottoms are growing babies as well. im wondering if i should "restart" with this big boy. i would remove leaves in the middle, cut, then the missing leaf areas would grow roots and id plant the head. id leave leaves at the bottom so it could grow babies. the leaves id pluck off would be propagated.
what would you guys do? would you chop and prop, or would you leave it? i wont be chopping it until i had better cutters and a pot for it but i gotta decide first and i thought id get some second opinions
submitted by -thimbl to succulents [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:29 mirrortealz JM seedlings seem to be turning yellow

JM seedlings seem to be turning yellow
Would love some advice, my seedlings from last year seemed to be doing so well, a couple still are. But I noticed 2-3 have been turning yellow at the bottom of the stems and are not leafing out yet. Any help appreciated!
submitted by mirrortealz to JapaneseMaples [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 19:15 Kallelinski New leaf on Philodendron White Princess is yellow, but overall fine?

New leaf on Philodendron White Princess is yellow, but overall fine?
Hello, my PWP got a new leaf and for some reason it is very yellow, however the plant itself seems to be fine and healthy, I also couldn't find any bugs or mold. It's also the biggest leaf it has gotten so far and is unremittingly growing. The leaf itself also feels normal, only it's colour is weird. The stem already started to change colour first, but now it's the leaf too. Should I be concerned? Could it be a nutrient deficiency? Or is it just whim of nature? You can barely see it, but this new leaf also has a pink portion in it, it's very pink from the underside though.
I usually water every 7-10 days, not before I can actually feel the soil getting dry. I use fertilizer every time, but usually a bit less than recommended to not burn the plants. I also have long term fertilizer that slowly release stuff within 6-9 months. It's sitting right under a very good lamp to get enough light, as you can see the other Pihlodendron is doing just fine as well, there also another 3 next to them you can't see, they all doing great.
submitted by Kallelinski to plantclinic [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:26 NervousPerspective27 Bh mighty mighty , worst qc ever seen… (rant/shitpost..)

Bh mighty mighty , worst qc ever seen… (rant/shitpost..)
So sparked up a 6m resting brick house mighty mighty maduro.
Only smoked 1 bh , it was a toro I think and a naturel sg that was sublime !.
How this piece of sweet tabacco leafs got handled I don’t even wanna know.. Only thing I could think was the roller was sick or trippin balls , or an apprentice did this one with no checkup
He master roller , how much stems and flaws do I add in the cigar ? Yes !.
Clipped it , cut it , smoking it in my pipe..
Hope the la nox gives me more pleasure later this evening…
submitted by NervousPerspective27 to cigar_refuge [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 18:05 chaos_knight_xy Boruto Boudicans Ch. 37 part 4

Boruto Boudicans Ch. 37 part 4
Meanwhile, in Bodeland.
Graham had felt he had learned a great many things from Marjory.
"You, John Graham are a headache." Said Marjory.
Graham smiled with embarrassment.
"I did ask you to teach me." Said Graham. "You said yes."
Marjory turned toward Graham.
"Perhaps you should read more, if you desire knowledge to improve oneself." Said Marjory.
"And what if I get a headache for reading." Said Marjory.
"Then you should probably read out in the snow." Said Marjory. "I think your brain would worry about the cold more than the sickness of a couple of words."
At once, they found themselves in the grassy valley where the home of Steward of Bodeland resides.
"Now why did you insist to escort me home again?" asked Marjory with a suspicious tone.
Graham was embarrassed.
"Well, um, chivalry, maybe?" said Graham with an embarrassed smile.
Marjory grabbed him by his collar with one hand, while another held a book close to her chest.
Graham was taller than Marjory, but once she grabbed him by his collar he crouched down below her height.
She looked into his eyes like she was trying to find cracks in a shield.
"Right!?' she said.
She let go at that moment, Graham caught his breath.
She had a strong grip for a girl, or maybe Graham liked to think that.
"Heh." Said Graham. "Some say the pen is mightier than the sword, then why not try training with both?"
Graham looked towards his right.
He saw a cross with a ring loping the arms and stem.
"Why is a Boru Cross made in the green field?" asked Graham.
"No one knows who built it." Said Marjory. "Although I guess it is a form of art, a Boru Cross in the middle of a large green field."
Graham started jogging towards.
"Where are you going?" asked Jory.
"To pray!" replied Graham.
"Why." Responded Marjory.
"Why not." Replied Graham. "I am still living, Jory, a prayer is always a good thing, remember the teachings from our church."
"I told you not to call-me." Said Jory, but the words could not come from her mouth.
She sighed then turned away to walk home, then a wind blew in her face.
She then turned her face in Graham's direction.
Graham was kneeling beneath the cross, with his sword stabbed in the ground.
The wind had stopped blowing hard and was now blowing lightly.
The air had now become light and peaceful, and Jory still saw Graham, bowed down in silence.
Graham stood still like a statue, even though the wind blew hair into his closed eyes.
His sword stabbed the ground next to him, with a firm grip of his strong hands, yet despite all this the boy still desired to prove himself, in fields you wouldn't expect him to be.
Jory smiled lightly by just looking at Graham in the peaceful atmosphere of wind and silence.
She then opened the door, entered then tried closing it but the wind was too hard at that moment.
At once another hand helped her close it, it was her father.
"Papa, you are done with work, earlier than usual." Said Marjory in surprise.
"That I am." Replied Mr. Halliday. Sitting down in a chair, "So what do you think of him?"
"Him!?" said Marjory in surprise.
"John Graham." Said Mr. Halliday. "I talked with him, and he has agreed to wed you, when you both come of age.
Marjory was shocked.
"W-Wed!?" she said in shock.
She then turned around, not facing her father.
Steward Andrew Halliday had predicted that his daughter may not take a betrothal well.
"Look, Marjory, I did this because I love you, I want what is best for you." Said Andrew Halliday. "I've taught John Graham as student-."
Marjory put her hand up to stop her father from speaking.
"I'm not upset, Papa." Said Marjory to Steward Halliday's surprise. "I admit Graham, he is an odd fellow, a bit hot headed at times..."
Marjory turned towards her father.
"But he at least is humble and tries to improve in areas he falls flat." Said Marjory, with a small smile, and eyes looking like they could water at any second but didn't.
She hugged her father.
Steward Halliday was shocked.
"Thank you for the splendid choice, Papa." Said Marjory.
Steward Halliday hugged back.
"I'm glad, you approve, my dear." He spoke.
While all this happened, Wallace and Ehou had finally arrived at the lands owned by the Okami clan.
"Woah." Said Ehou. "This noble clan of the land of Fire has taken a Boudican influence."
He gazed upon the Medieval Boudican stone walls.
On the walls, there was a mix of Boudican sentries, and Land of Fire sentries.
The Boudican sentries had spears, shields and arrows alike for weaponry. As for clothing, they wore either leather jerkins, or cloth tunics, embroldened with the colors of Fife.
The Land of Fire sentries wore an attire, surprising to Ehou, they were not Shinobi.
They rather wore attire similar to the Samurai of the Land of Iron, albeit different in their own style with some Boudican influence.
The wore leather jerkins with breastplates, with spears, arrows, and shields with the symbol of a wolf in the moon.
"Why don't they have Shinobi up here?" asked Ehou.
"Shinobi are for the most part exclusive to the main villages." Replied William. "Most clans of nobility connected to the Daimyo have their traditional private militias, because they wouldn't want the Hidden Leaf intermingling in their affairs."
"Sounds a bit like they oppose the Leaf." Said Ehou.
"Why else would the Daimyo's area forbid Hidden Leaf ninja's from operating in it." Said William. "Sounds like the Daimyo wants to be self-reliant on his own means."
William knocked on the front door to the new castle of the union of Fife and the Okami clan.
The door opened immediately.
"Are there Boudicans living here?" asked Ehou.
"Of course there are, Macduff the Earl of Fife lives here, so of course his pheasants and few clan members would come to live here with them." Said William. "Don't worry they don't hate me like Bodeland, or at the very least tolerate me, which I am thankful for."
An Okami clan messenger opened the gate.
"Well, Macduff's squire are you?" Said an Okami clan messenger at the gate.
"That I am." Replied William Wallace.
"And who might your brother in arms in be?" asked the messenger.
"A new Boudican squire named Ehou Norimaki, a squire of Shinobi and Boudican blood?" said William.
The messengers eyes lit up.
"Oh, Lady Tsukasa would be dyeing to see this, the both of you?" said the messenger with humble courtesy. "Might I direct you to her and Lord Macduff."
"That is why I am here sir?" replied William.
"They are in their private house on the mountain, I'm sure the both of you will be a pleasant surprise for them." Said the messenger.
The boys climbed the mountain on their horses.
Ehou was in awe as they climbed the mountain, the trees were of a different breed, there was more moss than usual.
"What happened here, this does not look like the Land of Fire." Said Ehou.
"Seems the Earl of Fife, has added Boudican greenery." Said William Wallace with a smirk, so big, it was like he threatened to smile. "It is like we are traveling to the ancient mytholigical city of Avalon, maybe we are knights of the round table of ancient Arthurian Legend, I am Sir Gawain, and you are Sir Galahad, perhaps Macduff is our King Arthur, and Lady Tsukasa is our Queen Gwenevere."
"No." replied Ehou. "I am Sir Gawain, you are Sir Mordred, the throne will be mine, once I take down you! You Usurper!"
"Alright Gawain, defend your king then." Said William Wallace in a joking tone. "Lets race to the King."
"Alright, Bordred! but not too fast, I have no desire to destroy the greenery." Said Ehou.
The boys ran with their horses up north, but not fast, for they did not wish for their horses to rip up the trees and the fine greenery.
Eventually they found themselves at a humble yet graceful settlement, a cross between an house and castle.
They found Macduff next to the house, in analyzing what it looks like a sword.
"Macduff!" said William Wallace.
Ehou was very confused, William acts more happy with Macduff then his own family in the Leaf.
"William, my boy." Said Macduff. "It has been a while."
Macduff put his hands on William's head.
"Hey." Said William in protest.
"William is closer to Macduff than the Uchiha." Thought Ehou.
Macduff looked towards Ehou Norimaki.
"And you must be Ehou Norimaki, one of the new squires to the band of Macduff." Said said Macduff.
"That I am my lord." Said Ehou.
"Please, a friend of William's does not need such courtesy." Said Macduff putting a hand to his beard. "And you have no idea who your father is?"
"That is correct, my- I mean Macduff." Replied Ehou.
"Interesting." Said Macduff.
Macduff then looked towards home.
"Huh you are just in time, our lady is up from our nap." Said Macduff with a grin. "Wait here, I will make us some drinks real quick."
The boys were confused by Macduff but ultimately obeyed.
Ehou decided to wait by practicing with his sword.
William Wallace decided to wait by reading a book.
After exactly like 1 minute.
"Alright boys, you may come inside now, there is sweet cakes and hot cocoa." Said Macduff.
The boys stopped what they were doing, and walked to go inside.
"Alright, maybe I should eat a sweet cakes with my sword." Said Ehou.
"Unless you want the red smile, I don't recommend you do that." Said William
Once inside, and in the living room with Macduff and Tsukasa, both Ehou and William were shocked beyond words
So shocked they forgot about the hot cocoa and sweet cakes in front of them.
Even after serving themselves with cocoa and sweetcakes, they were still shocked.
All Tsukasa and Macduff did was smile.
Yet still, Ehou and William were shocked.
Both Ehou and William stared blindly at Tsukasa, mainly her stomach.
Her belly was large like an egg.
She was pregnant.
A child of Macduff, a Boudican man, and Tsukasa, a Shinobi woman.
They both knew what this meant.
"Another Half Boudican!" thought both Ehou and William.
"We-we are happy for you both." Said Ehou. "Just wow, another half Boudican."
"This would be the fourth half Boudican to exist, including David Bruce." Said William.
"You know." Said Tsukasa. "I was worried how our child would come out, since he or she may have been the first you know half-Boudican, but upon seeing you, the both of you, my worries were softened, I am more optimistic now, especially after meeting you, William."
"You give me too much credit, my lady." Said William. "If anything, Ehou should be the half-Boudican your child should strive to be like."
"What me?" said Ehou. "I haven't even found out my surcoat yet."
Both Macduff and Tsukasa laughed.
"Only time will tell Ehou, but if you really wish to not be surcoat less." Said Macduff. "Perhaps you should do more digging into your family secrets."
"I suggested the same thing too." Said William.
"I will be sure to do that." Said Ehou. 'But if it is a chicken, I would prefer to surcoat less."
"What is wrong with a chicken?" said both Macduff and William.
Tsukasa laughed.
"I can see where he is coming from, Chickens are seen as jokes in the Land if Fire." Said Tsukasa.
"I would prefer a lion like William and Macduff." Said Ehou. "If not, maybe I'll accept a wolf like yours my lady."
"A-a wolf?" said Tsukasa. "You flatter me."
"Yes, I can take a wolf, a grey wolf's head in an icy white background, I'll take that." Said Ehou.
"What about a pig?" asked Macduff.
"No, a pig is not good, in fact it may be worse than chicken." Said Ehou.
"Oh, this is fun." Said Tsukasa. "What about a boar."
Ehou thought for a second.
"A red boar with a black background sound fearsome." Said Ehou. "I guess."
"It is no use seeing what surcoat you would be ok with." Said William. "What surcoat your father had, is the one you get, same way I didn't choose to be of the Wallace clan, nor did I choose who my mother was, or that I would be related-."
Macduff and Tsukasa were silent.
"I'm just speculating, by the way, what if it is possible my father did not have a surcoat?" Said Ehou.
"Only boys of nobility merely close to babes would undergo such hard training to have their body strong enough to wear chainmail." Said William. "So, in any case your father would have to be a Boudican noble."
"That is correct, although there is one rare case, I recall of a Boru man being knighted by the lordship of Boru." Said Macduff.
"Alright I am getting confused." Said Ehou. "Boudican, Boru and Gorman, this is just confusing, I thought Boudica was an umbrella term."
Macduff was about to speak, but Tsukasa put her soft hand on his hand.
"I will explain it to him, husband." Said Tsukasa. "From one of Shinobi background to another."
Ehou sat down in attention.
William and Macduff were silent.
Tsukasa held up three fingers.
"Well, you are right, Boudica and Boudican are an umbrella term, when we refer to all Boudicans in general." Explained Tsukasa. "However, Boudica the land and world itself, is more or less separated into three different lands, we have mainland Boudica, the largest one, south, we have Gormandy, then west we have the land of the Boru. All three are Boudicans, same culture, usually the same everything, but accents, like for example, Macduff and William here have mainland Boudican accents, the most common one."
"Oh, I see." Said Ehou. "I know what a Gorman accent sounds like...."
Ehou's emotion soured.
Tsukasa noticed.
"What's wrong?" asked Tsukasa.
Ehou didn't respond, so as a result Macduff was curious.
William put his hand on Ehou's shoulder.
"Don't worry Ehou, I trust them, and so should you." Said Ehou.
William looked at Macduff and Tsukasa with a determined face.
"There is something I need to bring up to you. Ehou killed a Gorman Squire named Scrope." Said William, without hesitation.
Everything after that was a haze for Ehou.
Everything was now darkness for Ehou, had he himself passed out?
To himself, it was like he fell into a sea of dark water.
He was drowning,
His thoughts in this black sea had finally come to him, his thoughts. No, his memories.
The oldest thing he remembers is his mother drilling in him, certain things needed to live, reading, brushing teeth, tying shoes, telling him the greatness of his late father, Right, that is what he wanted, to be like his father, a great shinobi, yes that was what he wanted to be, what he strived to be.
"But no." thought Ehou. "Whoever my father was, he was never a Shinobi, no, he was a Boudican Knight, a regular mainland Boudican, Gorman or Boru, I did not know."
Perhaps Ehou will never know, for all he knew, he may never know, his memory is already a mess as it is.
He killed the squire, Scrope, he does not how or why, but he did. There is a gap in his memory of what went down, but in one second, he found Scrope confronting him, then the next he was dead. There is no way Ehou had eliminated a squire that quick, at least not quick enough that no one would see.
Ehou clutched his fist.
"Who was my father, but also who was I when I was younger?" thought Ehou. "Before my earliest memories."
"Ehou." Said a voice.
Ehou, who was in the dark sea, now saw a light.
"Ehou." Said the light.
Ehou swam harder and reached the light.
"Gasp." Said Ehou, "I-I'm awake?"
Ehou found himself in a forest, with his Boudican gear, along with his horse as well.
"Your finally awake, geez, are you ok?" Said William.
Ehou collected himself, then remembered what happened.
"You-you told them!" said Ehou with a face of betrayal.
"I did." Said William Wallace.
"Why did you!" yelled Ehou, grabbing the hilt of his sword, still in its scabbard.
William sighed.
"See, that is how a murderer would react." Said William. "And unfortunately, because of your reaction, we had to cut our visit with Lord Macduff and Lady Tsukasa short, especially because I don't want an emotionally destructive warrior boy around a pregnant lady." Ehou was shocked, but he knew William was right. So, he let go of his sword.
William Wallace put his hand on Ehou's shoulder.
"Macduff is one of the closest people to me, closer to me than any of the Uchiha." Reassured William. "He told me he will sort it out with the Boudican Church and whomever Scrope's family is, we will have a fair trial, a private one, so your mother or anyone else would ever know of this."
"Are you sure, I will be fine?" asked Ehou.
"Since we have no way of figuring out that you had a motive for murder." Said William. "I'm sure Lord Macduff will find a way to prove your innocence, he helped me in the toughest spot in my life, I'm sure he will help you."
"You think?" asked Ehou.
"I know?" replied William. "I've seen it myself."
Ehou looked down at his feet.
"I guess I will trust you then." Said Ehou.
"That's the spirit." Said William Wallace. "Now let's get going, onward to the Leaf."
"Wait what's that?" asked Ehou.
William and Ehou looked down from the mountain, and saw an outcast settlement, that looked linked to the Hidden Leaf.
"What's that place?" asked Ehou.
"I don't know." Said William. "But let's go check it out."
The boys went up to the door of the settlement.
There was rugged tape, preventing access, although from the looks of it, it looked dusty and rugged you could hardly tell.
Ehou saw a weary old flag with a gloomy ruined yet very familiar symbol.
"Is that crest the same as your cousins and aunts?" asked Ehou.
"It is." Replied William. "Judged from the state, it is like no one has ever been here for a while, the no-entry tape is run down and dusty."
"Why would they forbid anyone from entering?" asked Ehou.
"The fact, everything is so dusty, means that they could not care to prevent anyone from entering." Said William. "Or maybe they just did a really good job at hiding it, because let's be honest no one in the Leaf even talks about it, let alone mentions it."
"This?" said Ehou.
"A dark truth." Said William.
Both boys entered.
They were all in shock.
"Woah, is this it? Even the blood stains are still here" said Ehou. "They would never teach us this in school."
William Wallace stood dazed looking at the area.
There were still white illustrations of where murdered bodies were slain.
Dried 20 years and older blood was still splattered on road and walls alike.
Houses cracked and broken into.
A memory flash appeared before William's eyes.
He didn't need to guess what this place was, he knew, all too well.
This was the site of the Uchiha Massacre.
William decided to look and explore the place.
He went inside a family unit.
He saw an warrior outline of a body at the door to the kitchen of that unit.
He went into the room next to it.
He saw a white outline of body that had dropped a book.
He went into the next house, saw something similar, then the next.
He saw the body outlines varied from size.
In one house, he found the outline of what look like a family having dinner then was slain.
The next house the same thing, except one of the youngest escaped to the closet, only to be dragged out and killed just like his or her family.
The next one may have been even more haunting.
A white outline of a body, a mother, reaching for a cradle, most likely her own baby.
But she was slain in the attempt, as for her child.
The cradle is slice clean in half, another outline under the cradle.
William remained unfazed after seeing all this, but all in all he knew what they meant.
"Huh, this right here is a peace of a cruel and brutal history?" said Ehou. "And we honor the perpetrator, Itachi as one of the greatest heroes ever in the Leaf."
"What do you make of this?" asked William.
"Well, it is horrible, I agree." Said Ehou. "But Itachi did the right thing, the Uchiha would have destroyed the Hidden Leaf, if Itachi did not deal with them."
"Huh?" replied William. "I have a bunch questions, first, how could the Uchiha that are not warriors, namely humble workers, old people, women and children be a threat to the Leaf?"
"Easy, once we eliminate the warriors, they would want revenge." Replied Ehou. "The thing is, the Uchiha are fueled by their emotions, it gives them power, it controls them, so that is why they should all be killed, when they were going to rebel."
"Sounds like murder to me?" replied William.
"It was self-defense." Said Ehou.
"Funny, I could use the same thing to justify a slaughter of certain people, I don't like." Said William.
"They would have destroyed the village." Protested Ehou.
"That is just objective, and an assumption at best." Replied William.
"And you are assuming they wouldn't." shot back Ehou.
"I didn't plus whatever the Uchiha planned to do?" said William. "I think why they did, is a better question then what they were planning to do."
"Tobirama is right." Said Ehou. "Think about it, they were responsible for lots of problems, remember Madara and Obito, after all remember what the Nine Tales did to the Leaf, many witnesses testify it had the tomoe of the Uchiha in it's eyes, plus remember the Akatsuki, as well as instigating the Fourth Great Ninja War."
"Sounds like the Leaf needs a scapegoat." Replied William. "What about the first three Ninja Wars, did the Uchiha start those I wonder, lets see, the Uchiha were relegated to a police force under Tobirama, and forced to locate to the edge of the Village after the nine tales attack, with no say in the direction of the Hidden Leaf, while other clans like the Hyuga had the privelage."
William pointed to Uchiha crest.
"Sounds like they were oppressed by the Leaf." Said William.
"Maybe they should have peacefully protested, instead of you know have an armed revolt." Countered Ehou. "I doubt the Hidden Leaf would allow freedom of speech." Said William. "Then again all nations do that, if I said Madara was right, the elders would demand my head. Plus if you want to argue a peaceful solutions, shouldn't that apply to the Leaf as well."
"Back then was a time of war, a peacefull approach by the Leaf would have made the Hidden Leaf look weak." Said Ehou.
"No, they could have a strong ally, through peaceful negotiation." Countered William. "The Uchiha clan are still ethnic to the Land of Fire, I doubt they would betray the Land of Fire and side with an outside nation."
"Agree to Disagree." Replied Ehou.
William Wallace stood at him at disbelief.
Ehou then looked at the sun.
"Well, it is getting late." Said Ehou. "I want to get home now."
William eyed Ehou suspiciously.
"Very well." Said William. "We will talk about this later, or not?"
The ride back to the Leaf was slow and quite.
Ehou and William did not say a word to each other.
When William and Ehou got back to William's house to undress out of their Boudican gear.
Ehou refuses to leave his chain male shirt, but rather still wear it.
"I am going to tell my mother." Said Ehou.
"Are you sure?" said William. "There is a chance she will try to not let you be a Boudican."
"But I saved many people this day, because of my Boudican prowess." Said Ehou. "I don't think it will be that bad, I hope."
"Well, whatever happens." Said William. "We are still brothers in arms, friends, even though we don't agree on everything."
William gave out his hand.
Ehou smirked
Eho shakes his hand.
"Not just friends, rivals, and fellow brothers that are Half Boudican, remember that?" said Ehou.
"I will." Replied William.
"I'll see you later, Will." Said Ehou, leaving.
"Alright, bye." Replied William, who was also leaving his house for dinner with the Uchiha.
submitted by chaos_knight_xy to u/chaos_knight_xy [link] [comments]