Bactrim price en wallgrees

How to relate the keys extracted from the API into and index.html

2024.05.21 12:46 DigitalSplendid How to relate the keys extracted from the API into and index.html

The output on the terminal as part of print statement shows:
{'ticker': 'MARA', 'price': '22.32', 'change_amount': '2.87', 'change_percentage': '14.7558%', 'volume': '65114509'}
So ticker, price, change_amount, change_percentage are keys.
Now, this is the current
from flask import Flask, render_template, request import requests from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, Float from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker # Configure Flask app app = Flask(__name__) # Configure database connection details (replace with your credentials) SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///mydatabase.db' engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI) Base = declarative_base() # Define database model for storing stock data (optional) class StockPrice(Base): __tablename__ = "stock_prices" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) symbol = Column(String(10), nullable=False) price = Column(Float, nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return f"Stock(symbol='{self.symbol}', price={self.price})" # Create all tables (if they don't exist) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) # Create a database session for interacting with the database SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine) def get_top_movers(): """Fetches top gainers, losers, and most active tickers from Alpha Vantage API.""" api_key = 'V08DMK7LDDV3I7TO' # Replace with your actual Alpha Vantage API key url = f'{api_key}' try: response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() # Log the response data for debugging purposes print("API Response:", data) return data except requests.RequestException as e: print(f"Error retrieving top movers data: {e}") return None @app.route("/") def index(): top_movers = get_top_movers() gainers, losers, active = None, None, None if top_movers: gainers = top_movers.get("top_gainers", []) losers = top_movers.get("top_losers", []) active = top_movers.get("most_actively_traded", []) return render_template("index.html", gainers=gainers, losers=losers) if __name__ == "__main__": 
And this is index.html:
     Stock Price Checker    {% if gainers %} 

Top Gainers

    {% for gainer in gainers %}
  • {{ gainer['Symbol'] }} ({{ gainer['Change Percent'] }})
  • {% endfor %}
{% elif losers %}

Top Losers

    {% for loser in losers %}
  • {{ loser['Symbol'] }} ({{ loser['Change Percent'] }})
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %}

Error retrieving top movers data.

{% endif %}
It is not clear how the four keys (ticker, price, change_amount, change_percentage ) retrieved from the API find their expression in and index.html. Definitely the current code is incorrect with current output:
An explanation of how to relate the keys extracted from the API into and index.html would be helpful.
submitted by DigitalSplendid to flask [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:42 Adept_Living_209 Look and Feel Your Best: The Benefits of Hairline Restoration Surgery

Look and Feel Your Best: The Benefits of Hairline Restoration Surgery
In the pursuit of youthful vitality and confidence, Hairline Transplant In Dubai surgery has emerged as a groundbreaking solution. This innovative procedure not only restores your natural hairline but also revitalizes your overall appearance, enhancing both your looks and self-esteem. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the myriad benefits of hairline restoration surgery, providing a detailed overview that highlights its transformative potential.

Understanding Hairline Restoration Surgery

Hairline Transplant surgery, often referred to as hair transplant surgery, is a minimally invasive procedure designed to address hair loss and receding hairlines. It involves the transplantation of hair follicles from a donor area (typically the back or sides of the scalp) to the balding or thinning areas. The most common techniques include Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Each method has its unique advantages, tailored to meet the specific needs and preferences of patients.

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

FUT involves removing a strip of scalp from the donor area, dissecting it into individual follicular units, and implanting them into the recipient site. This technique is ideal for those requiring a larger number of grafts and offers a higher yield of transplanted hair.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

FUE in Dubai, on the other hand, involves extracting individual hair follicles directly from the donor area and implanting them into the recipient site. This method is less invasive, leaves minimal scarring, and allows for quicker recovery.

The Benefits of Hairline Restoration Surgery

1. Enhanced Aesthetic Appearance

One of the most significant benefits of hairline restoration surgery is the dramatic improvement in your aesthetic appearance. A fuller hairline frames your face better, making you look younger and more vibrant. This enhancement in your physical appearance can positively impact various aspects of your life, from personal relationships to professional opportunities.

2. Boosted Self-Confidence

Hair loss can severely affect self-esteem and confidence. By restoring your hairline, this surgery can rejuvenate your self-confidence, allowing you to engage in social and professional interactions without the anxiety associated with hair loss. Feeling good about your appearance can translate into a more positive outlook on life.

3. Natural-Looking Results

Modern hairline restoration techniques are designed to produce natural-looking results. The transplanted hair grows naturally and blends seamlessly with your existing hair, making it virtually undetectable. Advanced surgical methods ensure that the direction, angle, and distribution of hair follicles mimic natural hair growth patterns.

4. Permanent Solution

Unlike temporary solutions such as wigs or hairpieces, hairline restoration surgery offers a permanent solution to hair loss. The transplanted hair is typically resistant to the hormone responsible for hair loss (DHT), ensuring that the results are long-lasting.

5. Minimal Downtime

One of the appealing aspects of hairline restoration surgery is the minimal downtime associated with the procedure. Most patients can return to their daily activities within a few days. The FUE method, in particular, is known for its quick recovery period and minimal post-operative discomfort.

6. Customizable and Personalized Treatment

Hairline restoration surgery is highly customizable. Surgeons can tailor the procedure to match the specific needs and preferences of each patient. Whether you desire a subtle enhancement or a dramatic transformation, the surgery can be adjusted to achieve your desired outcome.

The Procedure: What to Expect

Consultation and Assessment

The journey to hairline restoration begins with a thorough consultation and assessment by a qualified surgeon. During this phase, your hair loss pattern, scalp condition, and overall health are evaluated to determine the most suitable treatment plan.

Pre-Surgery Preparation

Prior to the surgery, patients may need to follow specific pre-surgery instructions. This could include avoiding certain medications, refraining from smoking, and ensuring the scalp is in optimal condition for the procedure.

The Surgical Process

On the day of the surgery, local anesthesia is administered to ensure comfort during the procedure. Depending on the chosen technique (FUT or FUE), the surgeon will extract hair follicles from the donor area and meticulously implant them into the recipient site. The entire process can take several hours, depending on the number of grafts required.

Post-Surgery Care

Post-surgery care is crucial for optimal results. Patients are provided with detailed aftercare instructions, which may include guidelines on washing their hair, avoiding strenuous activities, and taking prescribed medications to manage any discomfort or prevent infection.

Potential Risks and Considerations

As with any surgical procedure, hairline restoration surgery carries potential risks and considerations. It is essential to discuss these with your surgeon to make an informed decision. Common risks may include infection, scarring, and temporary shedding of transplanted hair (shock loss). However, these risks are generally minimal and can be effectively managed with proper care and guidance from your medical team.

Choosing the Right Surgeon

Selecting a qualified and experienced surgeon is critical to achieving successful results. Look for a surgeon with a proven track record in hair restoration, positive patient reviews, and membership in reputable medical associations. A skilled surgeon will not only ensure the best possible outcome but also provide comprehensive support throughout your hair restoration journey.


Hairline Transplant Cost pre-and offers a transformative solution for individuals experiencing hair loss and receding hairlines. With its myriad benefits, including enhanced appearance, boosted self-confidence, natural-looking results, and minimal downtime, this procedure has become a preferred choice for many seeking to reclaim their youthful look and confidence. By choosing a skilled surgeon and following appropriate pre-andtheir post-surgery care, you can achieve remarkable, long-lasting results that will make you look and feel your best.
submitted by Adept_Living_209 to u/Adept_Living_209 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:42 NeedleworkerLazy5801 I am stuck between this 3 options

I was looking to buy my first reflector dobsonian telescope (upgrade from a 70/700 refractor) and I was thinking between this 3 options:
Bresser Messier 5" Dobson for 260€:
Bresser Messier 6" Dobson (750mm F.L) for 370€:
Bresser Messier 6" Dobson (1200 F.L) for 400€:
I would like to watch the moon, planets and dpo. I live in Greece and my place has low light pollution.
My main concern is that, while the first two come with two eyepieces (25mm and 9mm) the Messier 150/1200 comes only with the 25mm. Would I be ok for planets or I would need to buy more eyepieces?So which one should I get?
The prices on the post may differ from the prices in the links but for my country the prices are as stated (260€,370€,400€)
submitted by NeedleworkerLazy5801 to telescopes [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 12:01 AutoModerator IMPORTANT - PETITION e-4974 IS LIVE

To our community members,
We are excited to announce our e-petition has been supported by MP Matthew Green of Hamilton Centre. We are thankful for behind-the-scenes support from MP Adam Van Koverden and MP Bardish Chagger.
While we remain non-partisan in our work, despite what our biggest fan might say, we welcome all political backgrounds and affiliations. Our group represents many people, many stories, and with that comes many political ideas and approaches.
We are here together as one group. We simply want decreased grocery prices with increased food security for ALL Canadians, full stop.
Thank you for your continued support - loblawsisoutofcontrol Mods
À nos membres de la communauté,
Nous sommes ravis d'annoncer que notre pétition électronique a été soutenue par le député Matthew Green du centre de Hamilton. Nous sommes reconnaissants du soutien en coulisses du député Adam Van Koverden et de la députée Bardish Chagger.
Bien que nous restions non partisans dans notre travail, malgré ce que notre plus grand fan pourrait dire, nous accueillons tous les horizons politiques et affiliations. Notre groupe représente de nombreuses personnes, de nombreuses histoires et, avec cela, viennent de nombreuses idées et approches politiques.
Nous sommes ici ensemble en tant qu'un groupe uni. Nous voulons simplement des prix d'épicerie réduits avec une sécurité alimentaire accrue pour TOUS les Canadiens, point final.
Merci pour votre soutien continu - Les modérateurs de loblawsisoutofcontrol
submitted by AutoModerator to loblawsisoutofcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:39 bojinov1994 National Express Vs Mega early train?

I hate Megabus and Flixbus but also can't justify forking out a lot for trains.
Would you rather:
A 23.55-10.45 National Express bus. Here's the exact journey
5.35am train arriving at London Victoria at 9.36am, to then get a National Express bus at 10am arriving at my destination at 11.30am.
Since I live quite far from Newcastle train station, I'd have to get up at 4am at latest. I'm not a morning person. I can also sleep pretty well in most places so I'd be able to sleep on the night bus (would be broken sleep though). The biggest issue is leg room during the bus as I'm 6'1.
Price wise they work out about the same.
submitted by bojinov1994 to NewcastleUponTyne [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:32 amd206 $Devin AI Memecoin makes itself using Cognition Labs Devin AI Software Engineer at Stanford University

Hey guys,
This is perhaps the most bullish of all finds I’ve ever seen in my life
This is Shiba Inu material when it was EARLY
Every shitter says they’re looking a 1000x gain
But this coin, is unironically looking at a 1000x gain to be a reasonable 350m cap
And even at 350m it’s still CHEAP! Today, it’s only 350k MC.
I’m literally all in on this coin and will continue to buy with each paycheck I have
The story requires some context:
Devin, is the latest AI Software engineer in the world
If you don’t already know, Devin, can code programs all on its own, and even make websites and read GitHub all on its own
It’s expected to take over software engineers and even take down ChatGPT
So Cognition Labs, the owners of Devin, hosted a hackathon at Stanford University, where they let the uni kids have a sneak peak of Devin
Mind you, no one has access to Devin yet in public right now.
One of the teams asked Devin, to make a memecoin
And it could do so entirely, from start to end, without human help!
It even made the socials, Twitter , website and was able to tweet autonomously on its own as an AI agent
Devin deployed the smart contracts and the coin went live, thus giving birth to an AI memecoin which lets you long both AI and the Memecoin sector 🔥🔥🔥
It also lets you basically long Cognition Labs with each news they release
Cognition labs will one day be 2T on the NYSE no doubt about that
It’s inevitable that Cognition labs will IPO at 2T someday
2T is 2000 billion
So a 1% of 2T means $devin will someday be worth 20 billion MC
Relative to competition, $Turbo and $Grok ran to 100m - 200m with an objectively weaker narrative as they were basically copying and pasting from ChatGPT- the ai didn’t actually make the coin
$devin, however, ai made the coin fully from start to finish as Devin was the dev.
Thus in the short term, $devin will be priced at least 500m to exceed the highs set by $turbo and $grok given its objectively superior narrative.
Infinitely insanely bullish. Despite having big bags, I still feel underexposed to $devin.
Remember, $turbo and $grok went to 200m copying and pasting ChatGPT, and heck even someone had to code the contracts. What should the first AI memecoin that truly made itself without human help be worth?
The ticker is $devin on Solana
CA: 7gbEP2TAy5wM3TmMp5utCrRvdJ3FFqYjgN5KDpXiWPmo
Twitter: @1stsolanaaicoin
Telegram: @devinonsol
submitted by amd206 to AllCryptoBets [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:24 amd206 $Devin AI Memecoin makes itself from start to end using Devin at Stanford Uni without the help of humans

Hey guys,
This is perhaps the most bullish of all finds I’ve ever seen in my life
This is Shiba Inu material when it was EARLY
Every shitter says they’re looking a 1000x gain
But this coin, is unironically looking at a 1000x gain to be a reasonable 350m cap
And even at 350m it’s still CHEAP! Today, it’s only 350k MC.
The story requires some context:
Devin, is the latest AI Software engineer in the world
If you don’t already know, Devin, can code programs all on its own, and even make websites and read GitHub all on its own
It’s expected to take over software engineers and even take down ChatGPT
So Cognition Labs, the owners of Devin, hosted a hackathon at Stanford University, where they let the uni kids have a sneak peak of Devin
One of the teams asked Devin, to make a memecoin
And it could do so entirely, from start to end, without human help!
It even made the socials, Twitter , website and was able to tweet autonomously on its own as an AI agent
Devin deployed the smart contracts and the coin went live, thus giving birth to an AI memecoin which lets you long both AI and the Memecoin sector 🔥🔥🔥
It also lets you basically long Cognition Labs with each news they release
Cognition labs will one day be 2T on the NYSE no doubt about that
It’s inevitable that Cognition labs will IPO at 2T someday
2T is 2000 billion
So a 1% of 2T means $devin will someday be worth 20 billion MC
Relative to competition, $Turbo and $Grok ran to 100m - 200m with an objectively weaker narrative as they were basically copying and pasting from ChatGPT- the ai didn’t actually make the coin
$devin, however, ai made the coin fully from start to finish as Devin was the dev.
Thus in the short term, $devin will be priced at least 500m to exceed the highs set by $turbo and $grok given its objectively superior narrative.
Infinitely insanely bullish. Despite having big bags, I still feel underexposed to $devin.
Remember, $turbo and $grok went to 200m copying and pasting ChatGPT, and heck even someone had to code the contracts. What should the first AI memecoin that truly made itself without human help be worth?
The ticker is $devin on Solana
CA: 7gbEP2TAy5wM3TmMp5utCrRvdJ3FFqYjgN5KDpXiWPmo
Twitter: @1stsolanaaicoin
Telegram: @devinonsol
submitted by amd206 to memecoinmoonshots [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:09 jayfle Painting my wheels

Painting my wheels
I want to paint my rims, want something that pops a bit more than the black but still suits the car! What are some good options?! Please add en example colour (photo) if possible too! Any ideas appreciated.
Maybe a darker gold colour but haven’t found anything that I can just buy in a can for a half decent price. Would love to see some options, cheers
submitted by jayfle to WRX [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 11:05 DarthReddit667712 New pickup

New pickup
Picked this up this week 😍
submitted by DarthReddit667712 to comicbookcollecting [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:50 DigitalSplendid Index.html template apparently not correctly integrated with Flask application

Here is
from flask import Flask, render_template, request import requests from sqlalchemy import create_engine, Column, Integer, String, Float from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base from sqlalchemy.orm import sessionmaker # Configure Flask app app = Flask(__name__) # Configure database connection details (replace with your credentials) SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite:///mydatabase.db' engine = create_engine(SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI) Base = declarative_base() # Define database model for storing stock data (optional) class StockPrice(Base): __tablename__ = "stock_prices" id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) symbol = Column(String(10), nullable=False) price = Column(Float, nullable=False) def __repr__(self): return f"Stock(symbol='{self.symbol}', price={self.price})" # Create all tables (if they don't exist) Base.metadata.create_all(engine) # Create a database session for interacting with the database SessionLocal = sessionmaker(autocommit=False, autoflush=False, bind=engine) def get_top_movers(): """Fetches top gainers, losers, and most active tickers from Alpha Vantage API.""" api_key = 'V08DMK7LDDV3I7TO' # Replace with your actual Alpha Vantage API key url = f'{api_key}' try: response = requests.get(url) response.raise_for_status() data = response.json() # Log the response data for debugging purposes print("API Response:", data) return data except requests.RequestException as e: print(f"Error retrieving top movers data: {e}") return None @app.route("/") def index(): top_movers = get_top_movers() gainers, losers, active = None, None, None if top_movers: gainers = top_movers.get("top_gainers", []) losers = top_movers.get("top_losers", []) active = top_movers.get("most_actively_traded", []) return render_template("index.html", gainers=gainers, losers=losers, active=active) if __name__ == "__main__": 
     Stock Price Checker    {% if top_gainers %} 

Top Gainers

    {% for gainer in top_gainers %}
  • {{ gainer['Symbol'] }} ({{ gainer['Change Percent'] }})
  • {% endfor %}
{% elif top_losers %}

Top Losers

    {% for loser in top_losers %}
  • {{ loser['Symbol'] }} ({{ loser['Change Percent'] }})
  • {% endfor %}
{% else %}

Error retrieving top movers data.

{% endif %}
The output on terminal confirms that data is retrieved from API:
...... 'change_amount': '2.87', 'change_percentage': '14.7558%', 'volume': '65114509'}, {'ticker': 'GTBP', 'price': '7.8', 'change_amount': '4.68', 'change_percentage': '150.0%', 'volume': '64541722'}, {'ticker': 'TANH', 'price': '0.97', 'change_amount': '0.313', 'change_percentage': '47.6408%', 'volume': '63775266'}, {'ticker': 'JAGX', 'price': '0.1686', 'change_amount': '-0.0899', 'change_percentage': '-34.7776%', 'volume': '62268819'}]} - - [21/May/2024 14:09:01] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 - 
On / route, getting this error message: Error retrieving top movers data.
Help appreciated.
submitted by DigitalSplendid to webdev [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:47 Baby_Bigf00t The guy saying the special skills guy only wishes, only wishes

Yes Andy, I give you permission to use this as your phone screensaver.
submitted by Baby_Bigf00t to hamishandandy [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:30 Maikrobi Prague concert May 28th 2024 - Metro? Car? P+R Parking?

Hi guys,
we are happy to see Bruce on May 28th in Prague at Letiste Letnany (yaaay :) )
We are coming from Dresden via car and I got some questions about getting there via car and P+R parking and metro, that may Prague people can answer? :D
The official site says:
The surrounding area will be closed to cars. Please do not drive to the surroundings of the area, but park your car on the outskirts of Prague in the P+R car parks, which are close to the metro stops and take the metro to the area. The metro stop Letňany (line C) is right next to the area, and the line will be reinforced."
there is also a list of P+R parking spots
ok... now my questsions:
1.) There is a P+R Spot directly to Letnany Metro Station. Is this P+R closed on the day of the concert? Because they say "The surrounding area will be closed to cars."?
2.) When we choose a P+R Spot next to a Metrostation travel via metro line C, is the ticket price for the Metro included in the concert ticket or do we have to buy them seperately (I ask this, because in Dresden in 99 % of the concerts, the conert ticket is your bus and tram ticket around the time of the concert)?
3.) When does the last Metro train go on the day of the concert, so that we can return to our parking spot? are they driving longer than usal?
thx guys
submitted by Maikrobi to BruceSpringsteen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:25 WinterShower2996 Royal Ride: Experience Jaipur's Rich Heritage in Our Luxurious Tempo Traveller

Royal Ride: Experience Jaipur's Rich Heritage in Our Luxurious Tempo Traveller
Welcome to Jaipur, Rajasthan’s wonderland. Tempo Traveller in Jaipur will transform your trip. Our large Tempo Travellers are ideal for exploring Jaipur with friends, family, or coworkers. As we drive you to the city’s top attractions, you can enjoy the company of up to 12 passengers. Our skilled drivers will take you from Amer Fort to Hawa Mahal, letting you explore the city’s rich culture and history.
Visiting Jaisalmer or Udaipur for a day? Our Tempo Traveller Service allows you to explore Rajasthan’s stunning sights at your own speed beyond Jaipur. We prioritise safety and client happiness. We guarantee you punctuality, comfort, and ease. Our Tempo Travellers are regularly serviced to ensure a smooth journey.
Our service of Tempo Traveller lets you enjoy Jaipur and beyond. Book your ride now and let us be part of your wonderful Land of Kings vacation memories!

Hire Tempo Traveller in Jaipur

Looking for a reliable and affordable taxi service in Jaipur? Look no further than Hire Tempo Traveller in Jaipur! Our professional drivers will take you to your destination in style and at a fair price, no matter how large or small the trip may be. Tempo Traveller Hire in Jaipur is the perfect option for you. Our drivers are well-trained and experienced, and they will always make sure that your journey is smooth and trouble-free. We also offer a variety of other services, such as airport transfer, car rental, and weekend excursions. Plus, our 24/7 customer support team is available to help you out whenever you need it. We’ll be right there to take care of you!
We have become the most reliable name when it comes to tempo travellers in Jaipur. We offer customers the newest, most reliable fleet in this area. We provide local travel, outstation tempo rental, long term tempo rental and various other tour packages in many cities of Rajasthan. We are here to provide a seamless experience for our passengers, business users and drivers alike by giving them the most reliable, quickest and safest way to get around.
Travel with convenience and comfort
Our tempo traveller services provides you most comfortable seats for your convenience and make sure that you have a pleasant journey and you are satisfied with our services. Our service provides experienced drivers who take you from most taken routes. Ac vents on each seat, mobiles charging slots, luggage section and more.

Why hire a luxury tempo traveller in Jaipur?

Our economical per km pricing for the Tempo Traveller in Jaipur stands as a compelling choice for discerning trave. In comparison to car rentals or taxi services in pink city, Jaipur, opting for a 9-seater Tempo Traveller in Jaipur not only provides additional leg space but also proves to be more cost-effective per person. When traveling with a family exceeding 8 members, prioritizing comfortable seating arrangements becomes crucial for a smooth journey. Our luxurious Tempo Traveller in Jaipur guarantee you a comfortable voyage, whether it's an airport drop, pickup, weekend getaway, or local sightseeing. Whether you're planning a day of exploring the city or a weekend escape with family, attending important functions, or celebrations, Our Tempo Traveller ensures that the joy of traveling together remains uninterrupted.
Beyond the aspects of comfort and affordability, several other reasons make Our luxury Tempo Traveller in Jaipur the ideal choice for groups of 8 or more passengers. Some of the additional advantages include:
  • Sufficient luggage space
  • A dedicated spacious luggage compartment in the boot of the minibus
  • Ample leg space for the young and the elderly
  • Liberty to add more stops and pick up points without extra charges
  • Premium audio systems and Television screens
  • Unmatched variety of Air Conditioning and Non-Air Conditioning vehicles
  • Sufficient aisle space and comfortable seating arrangement
  • 24 hour support service
  • Punctual, courteous and verified drivers also your tour guides
  • Well-maintained vehicles
  • Transparent billing and affordable tempo traveller price in Jaipur
  • Superior engines from Benz, Force, Mahindra that keeps the vehicle steady on difficult terrains

Safety in traveling with us
We assure you the safety all passengers any age. Our all seats have seatbelts and have Global Positioning System (GPS) tracking system which you can also track with your mobile devices.
For more info :- Hire Tempo Traveller In Jaipur
submitted by WinterShower2996 to u/WinterShower2996 [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:11 Sweet-Count2557 La SICULA Restaurant in Marrakech,Morocco

La SICULA Restaurant in Marrakech,Morocco
La SICULA Restaurant in Marrakech,Morocco
La SICULA: Authentic Italian Cuisine in Marrakech, Morocco
Price Level:
If you're a fan of authentic Italian cuisine, then La SICULA is a must-visit restaurant for you. Located in , this charming eatery specializes in 100% homemade Italian gastronomy, with a particular focus on Sicilian delicacies. From freshly made pasta to mouthwatering seafood dishes, La SICULA offers a true taste of Sicily. Whether you're in the mood for a romantic dinner or a casual lunch, their menu has something for everyone. Additionally, La SICULA also provides catering services, ensuring that you can enjoy their delectable dishes at any event or gathering. So, if you're craving a genuine Italian culinary experience, make sure to add La SICULA to your list of must-try restaurants.
Cuisines of La SICULA in Marrakech,Morocco
When it comes to Italian cuisine, La SICULA Restaurant stands out as a true gem. With a menu that exclusively focuses on the flavors of Italy, this restaurant offers a culinary experience that transports diners straight to the heart of the Mediterranean. From classic pasta dishes like spaghetti carbonara and lasagna to mouthwatering pizzas topped with fresh ingredients, every bite at La SICULA is a celebration of Italian gastronomy. The chefs at this restaurant take pride in using only the finest and authentic ingredients, ensuring that each dish is bursting with flavor and authenticity. Whether you are craving a comforting bowl of risotto or a plate of perfectly cooked gnocchi, La SICULA Restaurant is the place to indulge in the rich and diverse cuisines of Italy.
Contact of La SICULA in Marrakech,Morocco
+212 677-542486
Avenue 4eme D.M.M.Immeuble Othmane, Magasin Ne 3 Guéliz En Face du Lycée Victor Hugo, Marrakech 40000 Morocco
Features of La SICULA in Marrakech,Morocco
Location of La SICULA in Marrakech,Morocco
Reviews of La SICULA in Marrakech,Morocco
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:10 RaysOfSilverAndGold 21-may-2024: COMEX, SHMET and my favorite LCS prices.

21-may-2024: COMEX, SHMET and my favorite LCS prices. submitted by RaysOfSilverAndGold to SilverDegenClub [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:09 Spin180 Worst hand you Euchered with?

This would take the cake for me personally. Passed all the way around, stuck the dealer.
P played Ace of spade boom point,
P played K of diamond. Trumped by 3rd seat.
3rd seat plays Ace of clubs (Why?!?!?) boom I trump it.
I play shitty spade, Dealer plays Qh and partner trumps it with a Kh 3rd had a spade.
Holy shit they had left and right too. Absolutely fumbled that one guys.
submitted by Spin180 to euchre [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:00 saasfin Crypto Markets

Crypto (
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Binance Coin, USD Coin, XRP, Cardano, Dogecoin ....

Crypto market refers to the online network of cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms where digital currencies are bought, sold, and exchanged. The market is decentralized, with no central authority overseeing transactions or setting prices.
submitted by saasfin to stockstobuytoday [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:48 justahoustonpervert Megathread 5: The desolation of power.

Report your zip and general location at the beginning of your comments.
If you have a resource you want me to tack on to this post, tag me or send it through chat request.
Additionally, if your church or organization is offering help to the public, I'll post it on this thread, but let's follow the zip code rule.
Also, remember you're not the only one going through this and be thoughtful and empathetic to those around you and the resources you're obtaining.
Don't be a Karen.
Here's the centerpoint outage tracker.
Centerpoint's power alert center.
311 is a resource you can call if you need a question that can't easily be found on reddit or Googled.
988 for stress and suicide prevention if you simply need someone to talk to. Reach out to someone if you're feeling overwhelmed.
For domestic issues, the website is below. Please reach out.
The Houston food bank, if you need a bit of help, or if you're fortunate enough to share, please do so. Cash helps.
Cooling centers
Updated cooling centers:
The Red Cross has resources to help you or provide direction of where to get help.
For scams and price gouging:
FEMA once the area is declared a disaster by the government.
Those that are running generators:
Please check your manuals as to when and how you need to change your oil.
In another thread, it was suggested that a change for every 24 hr run is needed.
Various pet shelters are overwhelmed and can use volunteers and funds. Please help your local one in any way possible.
If you see a pet, especially one with a collar, please take into account it escaped during the storm and their parents are looking for it and see if you can help it get back to its home.
If you need to evacuate your home due to damage, please tack into this thread or start a new one to help others go through the same process.
This should help our collective knowledge of others in the future need to do so.
I'd like more input on your personal lessons learned from this experience in how to improve your preparations for storms or similar situations.
That's all for now.
submitted by justahoustonpervert to houston [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:42 SirLadthe1st Volleyball Nations League 2024 - Men's Week 1: Antalya TUR & Rio De Janeiro BRA - 21 to 26 may 2024 - r/volleyball discussion thread

After the excitement of the women's tournament starting last week, men's VNL is officially kicking off today! We will be weekly discussion threads, like past few couple of years.
This year the VNL will be way more importan than in the previous years, as each match counts towards the world ranking - and at the end of the competition top 5 highest ranked, not yet qualified teams will qualify to the Olympic Games!
Also, a slight change to the format of the competition is coming: no team will be relegated this season as, starting next year, 18 teams per gender wlll participate in the VNL (as opposed to just 16 now).
The competition rules of Men's Volleyball Nations League are identical to the rules of women's VNL.
Each week, the 16 teams participating in the competition get split into two pools of eight teams - and both pools are hosted by different countries. Each team has four matches to play per week,. Despite the tournament being held in two locations at the same time, all the points the team get and all the sets they win will be counted towards a joint league table for all 16 teams.
Top 8 teams after 12 matches will qualify to the final play off round to be held in Bangkok, Thailand. There is and exception to this rule: Poland, as hosts, are already pre-qualified to the play offs. That means that if they finish the regular round placed 9th on below, only top 7 teams will qualify and the 8th spot will be assigned to Poland.
The Pools this week are:
A variety of national broadcasters will show certain games of the VNL either on TV or through online streaming. These include (among others) Polsat Sport for Poland, RAI Sport for Italy, L'Equipe for France and CBC Sports for Canada.
If you have no access to any of the channels broadcasting the VNL, you could subscribe to Volleyball World TV - its a paid subscrpition service launched by the FIVB and Volleyball World, which will broadcast all games of the competition. There is a 7-day free trial available, and prices start at 1.65eur (ca 2$/ month) if you purchase the yearly plan (19.99 EU12 months)
In the previous years, select VNL games were also broadcasted for free on FIVB's Youtube channel. I am not sure if this will be the case this year, but I will update the post with links to the free matches if there are any planned for this year.
VNL Schedule & Live Score -
Team rosters
Live competition table
FIVB's Youtube channel (we can expect free highlists and potentially full matches)
Volleyball World TV (paid streaming service)
Volleyball World Rankings(updated after every match, important for Olympic qualification)
submitted by SirLadthe1st to volleyball [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:38 writerofjots Run, Lola, Run & The Bet on 20

If you have not yet watched the movie, at least read about the plot of the film here:
Quick summary is that Lola’s boyfriend is delivering a huge amount of cash made illegally but he accidentally leaves it in the subway after getting spooked. He calls his girlfriend, Lola, explaining that he has 20 minutes to get the money or his boss will kill him.
So proceeds different scenarios seeing Lola fail. Each time she fails, she restarts, much like a video game. On her last, successful attempt, she wanders into a casino and bets a 100-mark chip on 20. She then wins. Odds are 35-1, so she is 3% of the way to her goal of 100,000 marks. She THEN bets everything on 20 again. And wins again. Having achieved her goal, she meets her boyfriend. But as luck would have it, he already found his bag with money. So now they walk away with Lola’s winnings.
Ok, so why do I bring all this up? Well, have you watched DFV’s memes in reverse yet? If you do, look at what would be the last three tweets (or first three depending on how you look at it):
*Thanos says , “Fine, I’ll do it myself.” *Picture of a gamer getting serious
*A like of a tweet about Run, Lola Run
It’s important to note that this tweet happened the week before his meme drops. As in, he liked it, then a weekend passed, then he started dropping tweets.
But remember! We are watching everything in reverse. So, reversing time, we have a week of memes, then a weekend, and after the weekend, we get this like of this tweet about Lola.
Ok, with me?
Now, what happened in the last few minutes of market on Monday? Someone put $5mil into $20 calls expiring Jun21. Remember how Lola bet it all on 20? Remember she then bet again?
My theory is that we will see another huge buy-in of calls with a strike price of 20 today. Just like Lola.
Run. LOL. A run.
submitted by writerofjots to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:35 MomoAurum I did reverse image search and found out that this restaurant stole my picture without crediting me (the lobster dish)

I did reverse image search and found out that this restaurant stole my picture without crediting me (the lobster dish) submitted by MomoAurum to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 09:33 That_Fee_3632 I asked ChatGPT again!!! Here is what it told me!!!!

The recent surge in Faraday Future Intelligent Electric Inc. (FFIE) stock, reminiscent of the 2021 meme stock rallies with GameStop and AMC, has drawn significant hedge fund activity. Here’s an in-depth look at what's happening and what might be expected:

Current Hedge Fund Actions

  1. Short Covering and Losses: Many hedge funds that held short positions in FFIE have been forced to cover these positions to avoid further losses, contributing to the stock's price spike. The high short interest, similar to the GameStop saga, has made FFIE a prime target for a short squeeze oai_citation:1, Is a Giant Short Squeeze Brewing in Faraday Future (FFIE) Stock? InvestorPlace oai_citation:2, Why Is Faraday Future (FFIE) Stock Up 380% Today? InvestorPlace .
  2. Buying to Capitalize on the Rally: Some hedge funds have taken advantage of the rising prices by acquiring significant positions in FFIE. For instance, Renaissance Technologies increased their stakes in other meme stocks like GameStop and AMC ahead of their rallies, positioning themselves to benefit from the speculative surge oai_citation:3,Renaissance acquired GameStop and AMC shares ahead of meme stock rally - Hedgeweek.
  3. Event-Driven Strategies: Hedge funds are employing event-driven strategies to capitalize on the extreme volatility. These strategies involve making quick trades to profit from short-term price movements triggered by high trading volumes and retail investor activities oai_citation:4,2024 Hedge Fund Outlook: What Investors Need to Know oai_citation:5,Hedge Funds Are Dumping Tech at the Fastest Pace in Months.

Hedge Fund Strategies and Predictions

Drawing parallels with the 2021 meme stock events, hedge funds are likely to continue adapting their strategies based on the evolving market dynamics:
  1. Increased Volatility Management: Hedge funds will likely enhance their risk management practices to better handle the extreme volatility seen in stocks like FFIE. This includes adjusting their exposure and using hedging techniques to mitigate potential losses oai_citation:6,2024 Outlook: Hedge Funds oai_citation:7,Is The New Meme Stock Rally Led By GME, AMC A Repeat Of 2021? Vanda Research Says No: 'Chances We Reach That Stage Are Low' - GameStop (NYSE:GME) - Benzinga.
  2. Opportunistic Buying and Selling: Some hedge funds might adopt a more opportunistic approach, buying into the stock during dips and selling during peaks to maximize short-term gains. This is evident from the buying patterns observed in Renaissance Technologies and other funds during the GameStop and AMC rallies oai_citation:8,Renaissance acquired GameStop and AMC shares ahead of meme stock rally - Hedgeweek.
  3. Potential for Reduced Shorting: Given the heavy losses incurred by funds like Melvin Capital during the 2021 meme stock frenzy, hedge funds may become more cautious with their short positions in highly speculative stocks. This could lead to a reduction in aggressive shorting activities to avoid similar pitfalls oai_citation:9,Is The New Meme Stock Rally Led By GME, AMC A Repeat Of 2021? Vanda Research Says No: 'Chances We Reach That Stage Are Low' - GameStop (NYSE:GME) - Benzinga.

Historical Context and Future Outlook

The 2021 meme stock rally provides a valuable reference point. During that period, hedge funds that failed to cover their short positions quickly faced significant losses. Conversely, funds that adapted by taking long positions or leveraging the volatility managed to profit from the chaos.
Looking ahead, if retail investors maintain their buying momentum, FFIE could experience continued volatility, making it a challenging environment for hedge funds to navigate. However, the overall impact might be more contained than the 2021 rally, as trading volumes and retail participation have been lower in this instance oai_citation:10,Is The New Meme Stock Rally Led By GME, AMC A Repeat Of 2021? Vanda Research Says No: 'Chances We Reach That Stage Are Low' - GameStop (NYSE:GME) - Benzinga oai_citation:11,Renaissance acquired GameStop and AMC shares ahead of meme stock rally - Hedgeweek.
In summary, hedge funds are employing a mix of defensive strategies to manage risks and opportunistic trades to capitalize on the extreme volatility of FFIE. The lessons from the 2021 meme stock rally are informing their current actions, leading to a more cautious and adaptive approach. (All on OpenAi app)
submitted by That_Fee_3632 to FFIE [link] [comments]