Allergy nutrition strategic plan example


2016.02.13 23:03 TacticalWombat PsychedSubstance

Trip reports, harm reduction guides, or just comments about Adam's videos - they're all welcome here!

2012.12.27 01:26 PabstyLoudmouth Eating healthy on a cheap budget

Eating healthy on a cheap budget

2019.09.25 21:05 tiltedsun Prepared Meal Services

Ready Meals: Prepared Meal Delivery Services. Healthy prepared meals and diet delivery programs for busy consumers who don't have time to cook.

2024.05.21 21:17 Particular-Tone-5999 [NC] Salary Employee paid hourly

I've been working for a company in North Carolina for 13 months now. My letter of intent stated that I would receive a monthly salary of $6,250. This is my first salaried position.
Inl work remote and my first month, April of 2023, I had some family medical issues going on. My mother had just been admitted to an ICU and these were things I had discussed during my interview process (3 interviews, 2 with hiring manager and operation manager and 1 with CEO). The family stuff was no issue; when filling out my first timesheet for the week the operations manager instructed me to to fill out time sheets with Loss of Pay for the days in which I had hours cut short.. be it to go pick up my mom, or if I was sick, etc (example, work 6 hours and then pick up and sit with my mom for 2 hours would be 6 hours of work and 2 hours of "Loss of Pay".
However, in October of 2023, I had a vacation I was planning. The company had offered me 3 weeks of PTO and 1 week of sick leave. These benefits were not listed on my account through our 3rd party payroll provider. I reached out to our operations manager (we don't, or didn't, have an official HR person. The operations manager said he would get my PTO and sick leave time put into then system and told me to have a nice vacation.
The time off benefits were finally added to my account in March of this year (2024). I also noticed on this month's (march) paycheck that my pay was finally at the offered amount of $6250.00. It stood out to me as it was for 173.33 hours (which I didn't understand what the significance was at the time) because I usually notice my hours marked at about 160-165 hours a month - they don't like giving out overtime hours. Then I noticed that my paystubs, even since my first one in April of 2023, say my rate is $6250, and that my "Basis of Pay" is salary.
Now that my April paycheck has come in, I notice it is exactly as my March paystub: 173.33 hours, $6,250.
However, my paychecks prior would range show my hours as the time actually put in (ie, 128 for April of 2023) and the dollar amount would be prorated from my salary to what seemed like an hourly amount ($4,641 in the case of April 2023).
Or, as another example, Jan 2024 has me at 162.83 hours, Pay $5,871.
Anytime I missed a single day, or a partial day, due to sickness (or anything else for that matter) I was instructed to use "Loss of Pay" on my timesheets. Also, I recall that my start date was April 3rd of 2023. My computer (a desktop) was mailed to me from the company and was suppose to arrive the Saturday prior. The mailing company lost the package and it was delayed. The monitors came in April 4th and the tower came in April 5th. I was ready and willing to work those days and it was out of my control that the company equipment necessary for my job had been delayed in post. Though.. I was also instructed to mark those first 2 days (April 3rd, 4th) as well has half of the 3rd day (April 5th, because the tower arrived at around noon) as "Loss of Pay".
Does this seem right? To me it almost seems like when I first started someone did not set up my payroll information correctly (PTO and Benefits not in system, appeared to be getting hourly pay instead of salary).. and then when someone went to correct and enter in my PTO benefits, the noticed I was being paid hourly and quietly corrected it to salary.
Here are some paystubs used in examples, personal information and company information removed:
April 2023: Jan 2024: March 2024:
submitted by Particular-Tone-5999 to AskHR [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:12 Key_Artichoke99 People who like to report every little thing people do at work

Almost every job I’ve had there’s always that one person that will jump at any opportunity to report their coworkers for every perceived infraction. These people get a sick pleasure out of putting other peoples employment in danger.
I work at a nursing home and I’ve recently discovered we have another one of those people in the staff. Examples:
There is a large bird cage with many colorful birds that fly around and is very nice to look at. Some of the residents like to sit and watch the birds for a while, this is very common. I was told by Betty that she wanted to watch the birds after lunch so I wheeled her over to the cage and planned to check up on her in about 20 mins. Well come to find out this staff member reported me for “neglecting the residents”. I explained to my boss and she knew it was a bullshit report. But WTF?!?!
Same person reported my coworker for “yelling at the residents”. Most of these people have hearing loss and not everyone can afford hearing aids so we have to speak loudly, not yell. My coworker is the most gentle guy I’ve met, he would never yell at them.
The same person reported another coworker for “putting inappropriate TV channels on”. There is a common area with a big TV that we usually put the news on or some PG sitcom for them to watch. Turns out the “inappropriate” channel was an ad for the real housewives that came on during commercial break.
I’ve learned to stay tf away from this person and only communicate when absolutely necessary. But wtf is wrong with these types of people? Are you so sad and bored in your life that you have to threaten peoples employment to feel better about yourself?
TLDR: people at work who report anything and everything to get people in trouble
submitted by Key_Artichoke99 to PetPeeves [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:08 starlightsparkss Is music haram? (Answer)

I decided to make a short post about how music IS haram, as someone who’s believed it’s halal my entire life until recently.
The Hadith
The main Hadith used to source that music is haram is the following;
“Among my ummah there will certainly be people who permit zina, silk, alcohol and musical instruments…” (Narrated by al-Bukhari ta’liqan, no. 5590; narrated as mawsul by al-Tabarani and al-Bayhaqi. See al-Silsilah al-Sahihah by al-Albani, 91)
How come now in today’s world there *are* people who permit musical instruments nowadays? Just like what prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said? Indeed there are no coincidences in the Quran. One argument against this Hadith is that the prophet (peace be upon him) is referring to musical instruments accompanied by zina, silk, oand alcohol, but that’s just not true because that’s not what he said. Another argument is that it’s okay to listen to musical instruments but not playing them cause of how for example you can’t drink alcohol but you can watch someone else drink alcohol. While this argument does have merit, this next Hadith kind of disproves it:
“And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music) to mislead (men) from the path of Allah…” [Luqman 31:6]
It disproves the argument because it says purchasing music, not playing musical instruments.

Therefore, music is haram.
Now, how to quit music? Here’s a guide I wrote on another site.
ᯓ★ (step 1 - acceptance) ᯓᡣ? ! ༘⋆
first of all, you’ll need to accept that it’s haram. for so long I would specifically search for sources that say it’s halal instead of accepting the facts I naturally found. the hadiths clearly state it is and yes there is a chance it’s not, but it most likely is. you as a Muslim should take what it most likely is as your belief. this life is temporary but the afterlife will be permanent, do your best to go to jannah. take this: how come the hadith which says it’s haram was saying that there will be people who will consider musical instruments as permissible and there will be punishment for them, and musical instruments is what some people now consider as permissible? Indeed there are no coincidences in the Quran.
ᯓ★ (step 2 - stopping) ᯓᡣ? ! ༘⋆
well, yeah, step 2 is where it begins. just.. stopping. at the beginning, just.. stop. don’t listen to music. you’ll find it easy at the beginning but then the silence might start to break you because you’re so used to having music in the background 24/7. when you’re at that point, don’t give in. just don’t. try listening to some nasheeds, nasheeds work great as a substitute atleast for me, and they are a great way I’m getting through this stage of quitting. and no, you don’t have to leave your favorite music artists, you can search for acapella versions of their songs and your likely to find some. while you won’t find every song, you can possibly upload some yourself using AI tools to extract vocals and uploading as podcasts however you may wanna look into copyright issues with that !!. acapella songs will inevitably not feel the same. you might find yourself craving the normal versions of those very songs but remember: all of this is for a reason, Allah knows best and you’re doing this for jannah. the songs that you’ll avoid in this world are the ones you can listen to in the next. though, here’s a tip, nasheeds fill in the gap of music better then acapella cause of the way vocals are placed in the background, so try to listen to them more -`♡´-
ᯓ★ (step 2-2 - stopping for musicians) ᯓᡣ? ! ༘⋆
you can skip this part if you aren’t a music producer or musician or someone who wanted to learn instruments.
I recommend that you watch other videos and stuff for help on this as I’m really not the best person to give advice on how to quit music for musicians, but I’m putting this here anyways. this might be incredibly painful for you and I assume you tried to convince yourself it’s halal more then anyone else. if you’ve been learning instruments for years it might be really difficult to accept this but just put the instruments away and think. try to remember that this world is just a test. you’ll be able to play these instruments in the next world, and it may feel like all this effort in learning has been wasted but it’s not, you can use that effort in jannah inshallah. I personally have a guitar that I planned on learning but it has sat in my closet for a while, and now I know it’s gone to waste hurts me alot I won’t lie, I cried last night because of it. but I came to terms when I remembered what this is for, what IM for. life is a test and never forget that. it may be incredibly painful to quit, leave, and forget music especially for you as a music producer or musician, but it’s all worth it I promise you.
ᯓ★ (step 3 - removing music from your ugc) ᯓᡣ? ! ༘⋆
ugc stands for user generated content. now you’ll need to remove the music from the content you have posted on sites such as youtube, etc. for youtube, look for tutorials on how to replace audios from already posted youtube videos, I can’t explain it in text lol. it’s really easy to remove audios from yt videos luckily. some other sites come to mind but I don’t have time to mention all of them, so just look for tutorials and stuff. the reason you need to remove the music from all ur ugc is because correct me if I’m wrong, the bad deeds of those who listen to the music from ur ugc will be on you.
ᯓ★ (step 4 - avoiding music) ᯓᡣ? ! ༘⋆
now for avoiding music. music is EVERYWHERE and it’s incredibly difficult to avoid it. try to not go to restaurants and places that play music but if you can’t then just cover your ears, if you can’t do that then try to ignore it, and if you can’t do that then just try to not care about it and pretend it doesn’t exist even if it’s hard to ignore. when watching stuff like YouTube shorts, mute ur audio, check the video/sound if you’re pretty sure it doesn’t have music, unmute, then repeat.
So uh yeah that’s it bye! Also feel free to argue against my points or correct any mistake I made. This is just my observation of music and Islam as someone who has had an obsession with music and as someone has believed it’s halal for a long portion of my life.
submitted by starlightsparkss to progressive_islam [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:07 TheGDC33 The case for $KENDU Info Journal #2

The case for $KENDU Info Journal #2
The case for $KENDU Info Journal #1. <--(first post linked on the original subreddit I posted to)
Here is the second installment of data/information on $KENDU (CAVEAT: this is day two and post NOT expect a "Journal a Day to keep the jeets away"), a memecoin built with a plan around a strong dev with experience and vision. THIS IS NFA, but merely sharing of my perspective on this coin. I have been in the crypto space since 2017 and as of about six weeks ago I had avoided touching memecoins altogether. I had a plan, but it all got derailed when I kept digging and reading and looking at KENDU. Yes, I have a bag, but that doesn't mean I am trying to tell you to buy. I merely want to provide an avenue for you to see the facts and come to your own financial choice.
I am fairly experienced, but I suffer the doubts and nerves of many humans as I still question my own choices and timing. The idea that we did dip to my target market cap entry point and yet I did not wait shows I have room to grow, but as of writing KENDU has recovered some already and this is still a great time to enter. Timing the market vs. time in the market...this is still a long play. Let's get into it!!
Point #2: This coin is backed by a super strong community who create an infectious culture built around work and acceptance. Those who have more experience with memecoins: I WOULD LOVE to hear from you (not just the KENDU army...we are strong and we roll deep, BUT we are NOT bots) to see if I am on the right track here with the importance of this Point #2. Take a look at the data below:
Overall Holders since March 1st
Anyone can see that the holders are growing sometimes exponentially...I bet that exponential thrust correlates with the pump that happened around that time. Again, I judge and doubt myself harshly, but I feel another huge surge will happen again and I was tired of waiting on the sidelines.
I also do not want to hide things. Sometimes, like a chart, the 4H vs. the 1D tells a different story. Here is the 1 Day chart (pretty sure it does NOT correspond with my timezone)
This is what today looked like from some time zone (Aussie?) thus far. Growing, but still peaks and valleys
I want to share some information about the community in the form of some examples/stories to give outsiders the facts and I guess to encourage you to DYOR and at least come into the Telegram (5057 members strong). Remember that coming into the TG is like a free test drive, but it is a free test drive with no strings attached of your favorite uber expensive sports car like a Lamborghini, or Buggati. That is a huge opportunity.
I lurked in the community for about a week or two before buying in and was posting a bit here and there with questions from time to time. One night I decided to take it to the next level of participation and hop into the voice chat to ask a question. I have no problem admitting that my question felt a bit silly and random, especially considering that I wasn't sure if the VC was for planning next moves, hanging out, high level business like meetings for those on the inside, etc. My innocuous question was met with kindness and actual answers. NOTE: I was curious about the KENDU INU bike helmet ( Hey, chill I need a new bike helmet so my kids don't call me out on my clear hypocrisy. Why not support my most important investment).
IF you are still reading this, that might be a miracle, but I have to share how welcome I felt. The fact that one of these Chads knew the answer about the specific item speaks volumes about the work ethic and care for this project and I ended up chatting a bit with the crew on VC. We talked about a couple things even meandering in to the culture and community building that I believe has been built in KENDU's chat and community. When I had to go I was actually encouraged to come back some time and not be a stranger. Every time a new member comes into the community at least one or two people welcome them and address them in the TG. EVERYTIME, I have been watching and picking up on these little things. IT IS AN AMAZING THING YET....maybe not so amazing.
I believe the people on the ground floor understand exactly what they are doing on so many levels, one of which being how to build community and a positive one at that. I did some research and found out that every measure is done to protect the community. I have seen a couple moments where someone has been banned in chat. I don't see the spammed messages or any divisive commentary make it far at all and apparently some of this is done in real time manually. This is hugely important to keep the community laser focused over our shared goal of making a fat pile of mone, but also to help us grow connected as humans that might just trust one another to do their part hold the line until the goal is reached. Trust is important and maybe that is why my first foray into the VC was so enjoyable and natural.
DISCLAIMER: I am a real person and I tried to go back into the VC last night or the night before, but I think something was bugged on my end and I got a hello in and some quick words until I lost sound and my audio.
The "Kendu Loyalist" crew leads from the top answering all questions and welcoming new people in a really genuine way. It is exceptional.
This culture resonates in the top wallets not selling (See video from Journal #1) to the culture created in chat. This culture also is apparent on the approach to raiding posts or live streams. Look for yourself, do you see KENDU members coming into the comments like aggressive troglodytes or do they 'come in peace'? Alright last thing to mention is that the culture also is about organic unpaid growth:
This was a response from a member (didn't really see who) to someone trying to get paid
Notice the kindness and honesty from one of our Chad or Chadettes. Look how far KENDU has already risen with no paid nothing! This is the ethos and approach that is all over the chat and I believe it will stick no matter when we swell to 10K TG members. The point is that something big is growing here and it is beautiful and it makes me believe even more. Not to mention people are working constantly.
I am not in the know, but I am confident big things are planned (Huge nightclub event happened in Australia this past weekend, a CEX or two are probably in the works, etc.), but at the right time because no one wants to sacrifice the ethics of KENDU.
To wrap things up with Point #2: I came back after about a day outside of chat to 7900 messages one day. Another day after sleeping cause everyone has to do it: 1433 messages. It is unreal the culture that has been built, so come check us out or at least understand you are NOT interacting with bots. You are witnessing a real deal project that you owe it to yourself to check out. You have been informed!
Happy to answer any questions from real people not ready to jump into TG.
Next Episode = Point #3 ??? (IDEAS share them)
submitted by TheGDC33 to WallStreetBetsCrypto [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:06 Asianati Hoping to Answer Common OCS Questions (Requirements, Advice, Additional Items to Get, What to Expect)

Hi Ya'll,
I recently graduated OCS and I have been bombarded myself in real life over what to expect with OCS. For context I went from basic training straight to OCS, and even graduated with honors. From the time of writing this post, it has officially been a month since I graduated. So here is a list of common questions I get and I hope I can settle some anxiety for all of you future 2nd LTs.
Warning: The cadre at OCS do read these reddit posts, so I won't be able to post answers to tests or events.
  1. I haven't received a welcome letter, or a packing list. Where can I find it?
    • Fort Moore Officer Candidate School ( I would download and print the packing list and the ISAP. The ISAP acts more or less like a syllabus from college. It will give a rough understanding of the rules, regulations, and requirements for you to pass.
  2. Is everything on the packing list required?
    • Yes. Try your best to follow the packing list to the letter. It is almost entirely dependent on the cadre and of course weather does play a part in their decision making. Some things you'll find you didn't really need or use throughout your cycle. For example, my cycle didn't use 550 Cord almost at all, but I used it to build a hooch, and secure sensitive items.
  3. What if I don't have of the required equipment on the packing list?
    • When it comes to military equipment, try your best and bring what you can. I was never issued an IFAK before OCS or after. The cadre understand they have some coming from basic and those in-service. So if you have it, bring it. If not, bring it up to your cadre and they'll schedule time to get it issued to you.
  4. Anything not on the packing list you recommend?
    • I would recommend the following: hand soap, bathroom spray, travel vacuum, wet-wipes, clipboard with compartment, pillow, very bright headlamp, multitool, and laminator. Hand soap because for some reason OCS had a hard time procuring it. Travel vacuum because you'll likely have 2 or 3 vacuums available to your platoon and having your own saves time. Wet-wipes to dust everything down. Clipboard with compartment for Land Nav as you'll be running with maps, marker, protractor, and your points so its best to have something safe and secure. Laminator for your papers because its Georgia and your papers can get wet. The pillows at OCS have this weird plastic cover on so if you want a better night sleep, get a better pillow. The headlamp is just in case, some classes inform the lumen limit while others don't, Land Nav is DARK so if you can find a lighthouse out there, do it. The multitool is just useful to have especially if you are out in the field.
  5. Where can I find somethings on the packing list I am missing?
  6. I saw you can bring your laptops? Is it required for classes? Can I opted in for a tablet or iPad?
    • You can bring a personal laptop primarily for recreational use after the duty hours. OCS will provide you with a government laptop that you'll need to use your CAC to access. Tablets and iPads are not considered laptops and will be confiscated like a phone. If the majority of your class as issues with the laptops, then the cadre may allow the use of your personal laptops.
  7. What is your day-to-day look like?
    • Mostly on a non-physical or FTX event coming up you'll follow the following schedule: 0500 - wake up. First formation is at 0600, then you conduct PT until breakfast. After breakfast you will head to the classroom and stay there until lunch, return and stay there until dinner. After dinner, it will be the end of the duty hours and you'll roughly have 2 hours for personal time.
  8. What are the most important categories/test to focus on?
    • Treat everything important. Every test you do not pass can put you at risk of being recycled, and it is up to you to catch up. For example while everyone is studying for tactics, you'll be studying tactics and history if you failed history. So save yourself the hassle and take every test seriously. The big 3 recycle event have been historically, Army History (70% to pass), Land Nav (4 points or more to pass (day and night)), and the 4-mile run (need to run in under 36 minutes regardless of gender).
  9. How many retests or chances do you get?
    • You get 2 tries at everything before recycle. You get 2 tries again at the same test then you can be dismissed. For example: You are part of Alpha company. You failed history twice. You get recycled into Bravo company. You failed history twice again. You can be dismissed.
    • If you happen to pass history but fail Land Nav twice, then you'll be recycled into Charlie. If you fail Land Nav twice then you can be dismissed.
  10. What is a recycle? What does it look like in OCS? Can you get dismissed?
    • A recycle is when you failed something twice and you get "recycled" into the next class. A recycle can occur for other reasons such as illness or injury. You can also be recycled for improper behavior or being "peered out". Every class starts up in a like a month (I heard they are changing that for even further out). So even though the cycle takes about 12 weeks to complete, if you get recycled you can expect more like 16 weeks or more. We had someone at OCS you has been with it for a year. You get recycled for repeat offenses, or do something majorly bad such as breaking the law, then you can be dismissed.
  11. What is being peered out mean?
    • Throughout the cycle you are put into a platoon and then a squad. Your squadmates eventually all sit down and fill out a form to give the cadre who is the weakest link in the squad. Usually squads kick out the person they do not like. We had to kick out one person because they didn't mesh well within the squad and wasn't very kind. He would then get replaced with someone else who got peered out. Luckily after that one person got kicked out, the squad improved and we tried our hardest to keep it together. We still needed to peer someone out, but we kept tabs with them and invited them to a lot of our squad functions nonetheless as my squads grew to love and respect each other as a family.
    • If you do get peered out, unfortunately you get a spot report, moved to a different squad, and are at risk of being recycled if peered out again. Stay humble and help out whenever you can. I got the most respect from my squadmates as I stayed up late with them to help them with their STX lanes.
  12. What is personal time like?
    • You essentially use personal time to workout if the PT wasn't enough, clean yourself, and prepare for bed. Yes if you have time, you can contact family and friends (when you get your phones), and if you have the time, play games. I don't recommend playing games as it distracts you from the mission of graduating.
  13. What are the different phases like?
    • You are separated into 3 phases. Black, Blue, and White. You immediately enter black phase upon arrival with a traditional called "Gold to Black". Which is more or less a physical smoking session. During Black you are expected to run everywhere, not be able to drink coffee, have your phone confiscated (and given back on Sunday), and have less personnel time. Blue you get the ability to drink coffee again, and you have your phones returned and used only during personal time. During blue you get the ability to visit and explore the base (Fort Moore) and shop around. During white phase you get the ability to explore off-base (Columbus) and you get to wear civilian clothes. White phase if you leave off-post, you need to be in uniform, and on-base you can be in civilians.
  14. Can you use your personal vehicle?
    • Yes, but you can only drive it during White Phase
  15. How can I keep in contact with my family during black phase?
    • I recommend that you download WhatsApp or some other social media on your laptop and have your family members on it.
  16. Can I visit the gym on base?
    • Yes during blue phase you can visit the gym. Rule regulates that you leave the footprint in uniform and change into appropriate PT uniform once at the gym and conducting PT.
  17. What is the DFAC like?
    • The DFAC is better than basic training and offers snacks like cookies, granola bars, ice cream, and soda. They have a salad bar and the usual cycle of foods. They do have a "short-order" line which serves fries, burgers, hot dogs, etc. To stay in physical shape, I recommend eating your fruits and a side salad every meal. Drink juice, Gatorade, or water only. I only drank soda and the burger after an intense physical requirement like a long-run or a ruck march to regain my glucose and caloric levels.
  18. Does Amazon deliver there?
    • Yes you can have other things delivered to the footprint. However, the Cadre are going to inspect it for food and other contraband. Just ask the cadre for the delivery address. It may take like 2 weeks for them to deliver it.
  19. Any final advice?
    • Be helpful and noticeable amongst your squad but try not to bring attention to yourself from the cadre. Take everything seriously and give yourself proper rest and proper nutrition. OCS is not hard, but it can be if you let it get to you. OCS is designed to test your competency, commitment, and character. I luckily had an amazing squad, and I had a blast with them.
I want this to be an open forum so don't be afraid to leave anymore questions below. If the answer you are seeking is not above, then write the question in the comments, and I will try my best to answer you before you are sent off. Best of luck, thank you for your service, and be the best leaders your soldier's deserve.
submitted by Asianati to ArmyOCS [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:04 enneafish Seeking advice on making a scale maille pentacle

Hi, I'm totally new to chain maille/scale maille but I'm interested in making a scale maille pentacle and I have some questions. I've linked a couple examples of similar projects below for reference. I was planning to make five triangles, one for each of the arms of the star, with a solid metal ring around the outside, like in the reference projects. Here's my questions:
1) Is this too complex of a project for a total beginner?
2) I think with the standard scale maille weave I've seen (on a couple tutorial videos), the angle of the triangles won't be the correct angle for a pentacle. I was thinking of modifying the weave to elongate the angles, something like the first row having 5 scales, then 4, then 3, then 4, then 3, 2, 1. Could something like that work? This would be a decorative item not something I would wear.
3) How do I figure out how big of an outer ring to get?
submitted by enneafish to maille [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:02 waveportico Google Marketing Live 2024 Recap

Here's my notes throughout the Google Marketing Live. Some stuff may be omitted and I phrased everything how they would have in the presentation (overly positive).

Google Marketing Live 2024

~Philipp Schindler – Introduction~
New era of AI
-A few years ago the conversation was: What is AI?
-Now the question is: What can AI do for me and how can I implement it as fast as possible?

15% of searches are new on Google every day
-This number has held steady for more than a decade
“The perfect search engine should understand exactly what you mean and give you back exactly what you need.”

AI Overviews

Trend 1 – The “Exactly-What-I-Want” search
The volume of searches with 5 or more words grew 1.5x as fast

Trend 2 – Complex Search Made Easy
“What are good options for aa day out in dallas for kids? What are some options with ice cream shops nearby?”

Trend 3 – Search Beyond Words
Circle to Search
Search anything on your screen with just a circle, highlight, or tap.

Trend 4 – Beyond Answers
Some people are not looking for answer, they are looking to explore, or be inspired.
Rather than just getting a simple AI response, they will be getting a catered ai page specifically created for their request.

Small YouTube Blurb

Gen AI x Creativity
~Vidhya Srinivasan~
People have limitless options to browse across devices

“This is where Gen AI will unlock enormous opportunities”

AI will influence the entire marketing cycle

"AI doesn’t have taste, it doesn’t have ingenuity, creativity, and strategic insights"

Google Search – Generative AI

~Sylvanus Bent~
AI Applications in Search Ads

Conversational Experience in Google Ads

Power Pair

Profit Optimization

~Tim Frank – Asset Generation~
Advertisers who improve their PMAX ad strength to Excellent see 6% more conversions on average.

Creative Controls & Customization

Additional Reporting & Controls

~Nicky Rettke – YouTube~
AI-Powered Video Campaigns

~Matt Madrigal – Shopping~
Product Studio

Shopping Ads

~Gaurav Bhaya – The Data Guy~
Good AI requires good data


Marketing Mix Models
Meridian is Google’s Open Source MMM and will be available later this year.
tl;dr - very tasty nothing burger.
submitted by waveportico to PPC [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:01 OnlyCrypticBull Flight Aerobull

Our Mission:
Aerobull is the first humanitarian project on the Base network. Our project is a community-driven token that is aiming to bridge the gap between third-world countries to Defi. We are relentlessly aiming to collectively shape the direction and development of the crypto space through Aerobull’s humanitarian utility.
Our humanitarian project is pioneering a new path in DeFi by using blockchain technology to provide financial solutions that truly make a difference. We are bringing millions of people from traditional, off-chain systems into the world of decentralized finance, giving them access to services they never had before.
This isn't just about technology; it's about empowering communities, fostering inclusion, and creating opportunities for those who need them the most. By bridging the gap between old and new financial systems, we're showing how DeFi can be a powerful tool for positive change, helping to build stronger, more resilient communities around the world.
How We Got Started:
Aerobull was born from a previous humanitarian endeavor our Founder led in 2021. During the Covid-19 era, he and a group of college students started a non-profit charity named Kabataan Project in translation “Youth Project”, with which he shared the same vision of giving a hand to those that were severely financially impacted by the pandemic in the Philippines. During the span of several weeks, and keeping in mind that the team was unbacked by any organization, they raised $2,500 from self-funding and community fundraising events. All the proceeds of that fundraising event directly went to a great cause impacting hundreds of families and children that were struggling to provide food on the table. Furthermore, they supported the local authorities by hosting several Feeding Program events. Not only that, considering the budget restraint, their team was able to build a tiny shelter for an elderly homeless man.
Our Fundamentals:
We are excited to pioneer the first humanitarian project on the Base network, leveraging its innovative blockchain technology to deliver impactful solutions on a global scale. By utilizing the Base network, we can ensure secure, transparent, and efficient transactions that directly benefit those in need. Our mission is to bridge the gap between advanced financial technology and humanitarian aid, providing essential services to underserved communities worldwide. With Base, we can reach a larger audience, scale our operations, and create a sustainable, inclusive financial ecosystem that empowers people everywhere.
Board With Us
Why Your Contribution Matters:
Through your support, Aerobull can spread its wings and take flight to provide humanitarian utilities around the world. Each and every person who supports, understands the narrative, and has full conviction on our endeavors, is how Aerobull can get off the ground and take flight to these communities.
Short Term Goals:
Organically grow the Aerobull community
Onboard thousands of investors to see our vision and narrative
Lay out the plans and foundation of the project’s humanitarian utility.
Develop and grow our core team.
Network with Base projects. Deliver.
Long Term Goals:
Visit third-world countries and scout the best place for Aerobull to reach.
Build Aerobull Foundation Centers, a sustainable center providing relief to communities.
Scale the project’s outreach by strategic partnerships.
Onboard the off-chain retail to on-chain.
Provide access to Defi to unexplored communities. Deliver.
submitted by OnlyCrypticBull to Aerobull [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:01 Ellinov [MAJOR BUG] Latest patch disabled the inactivity kick.

[MAJOR BUG] Latest patch disabled the inactivity kick.
Salty players slow playing when they’re going to lose is already enough of a problem in this game, however I’ve now had close to a half dozen games where my opponent was apparently just able to up and leave their PC running and be inactive for upwards of 10 minutes without the match ending. This should be TOP priority for fixing. In this example, my opponent bossed up a Pokemon that I could not attack with or retreat and planned to stall out the rest of the game but as soon as they realized I could out stall them by dudunsparce looping they started slow playing and then eventually just went AFK.
submitted by Ellinov to PTCGL [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:00 EmbarrassedLecture16 Need help with figuring out the finances (as someone who is planning for a transition from a High-Paying Software Developer Job to a Career in Fitness)

I am a 25-year-old male working as a Software Developer at an MNC, earning 18 LPA. While I enjoy coding, I find the lifestyle challenging due to late-night calls, enormous work pressure , workplace politics, and job security concerns. I know if I had no other option then I could have accepted the job as my fate but I am very much interested in fitness (yoga, calisthenics, nutrition and overall fitness). I am eager to transition into the fitness industry as soon as possible but am uncertain about the best approach. Financially, I live simply and have saved a significant portion of my income. I own a 3000 sq. ft. plot in a tier-2 city, and my parents have a nearby plot valued at 15 lakhs. My plan is to sell the smaller plot and use my savings, along with a loan, to build 4-5 flats on my land. The rental income from these flats would provide a financial cushion, allowing me to pursue a career in fitness without immediate financial pressure. To achieve this, I may need to continue in my current job for another 1-2 years. Do you have any suggestions on how to best navigate this transition and ensure a smooth shift into the fitness industry?
submitted by EmbarrassedLecture16 to personalfinanceindia [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 21:00 Mr_Hooly How do you deal with being in leadership positions as an INTP?

In my first job and my early 20s I always was very introverted and had trouble handling people. I had trouble expressing my thoughts, criticisms and potential. Being held back by annoying bosses and corporate routines used to make me burn out and I would lose enthusiasm quickly and lead me to hopping over to completely new industries where it would repeat again. Through life events, relationships and experiences gained over time, I had a sudden epiphany (though I couldn’t pinpoint where exactly this change happened). I began to follow my gut more and made decisions more assertively and stopped trying to fit in socially. Ironically I got better at building relationships with other people and actually began to relax in social situations. I am still very quirky and a bit eccentric by nature but this honest side of me also tended to bring out potential in my co workers and I built very deep bonds and trust with the people around me. While I never planned for it, I eventually achieved a management position and I realised that I actually enjoy being a leader. (For the most part). I work with a lot of new employees including immigrants and people starting their first job. I always enjoyed training and trying to make them feel confident in their roles I have an unconventional way of leading that people seem to like. I like to lead by example and try to be the boss I wish I had and it has worked for the most part. Problems have been I tend to be too independent and I tend to avoid or dismiss routines or orders I deem unnecessary in favor to sticking to principles and values I hold. I butt heads with other managers and my big bosses, never in a hostile way, but more because I avoid them and like to be independent. I still get the job done even when I do get ridiculous deadlines and workloads. I will openly criticise things and I know i can frustrate management but I am comfortable with how I run my department and they do accept this is my style for the most part.
I am interested to see how fellow INTP’s deal with similar positions?
submitted by Mr_Hooly to INTP [link] [comments]


Crown Electrum Location Map
Ken Konkin, P.Geo. President & CEO of Goldstorm Metals comments: "Field crews have been mobilized to the area in preparation for the 2024 Exploration Program. The focus will be to follow up on last year's extremely positive precious and base metal results from the reconnaissance sampling and drilling programs. Our crews will begin with the Electrum project, then move on to the larger Crown property later in the summer. The drilling plan at Electrum will attempt to expand the known gold-silver hydrothermal stockwork breccia system laterally and at depth. Reconnaissance crews will also further evaluate and trace the numerous newly discovered zones throughout both claim groups. In the southern portion of the Electrum Property, we will focus on expanding areas with high-grade gold and silver intercepts within a sheeted vein complex, peripheral to a dome-shaped hydrothermal stockwork gold and silver breccia system. From the 11 drill holes that tested Electrum targets last year, nine holes targeted the high-grade gold and silver parallel sheeted vein complex with coarse-grained native gold occurring in drill hole EL-23-08 at 146.5 m depth over 0.5 m that carried 75.30 g/t gold with 19.27 g/t silver yet a much higher grade intercept was encounter near surface in the same hole at 12.0-12.5 m depth that yielded 233.50 g/t gold with 756.0 g/t silver over 0.50 m. The goal is to continue the discovery and development of high-grade precious and base metal targets, in addition to expanding large intrusive related bulk-tonnage disseminated/veinlet and porphyry type targets, similar to nearby discoveries along trend to the north including Treaty Creek-KSM as well as the Valley of the Kings and West Zone Deposits of the Brucejack system."
Electrum 2023 Drilling Program Summary
During the 2023 exploration season, Goldstorm Metals completed an 11-hole drill program totaling 2,581 meters at Electrum. This program was successful in intercepting both high-grade vein-type and porphyry style gold-silver mineralization (see press releases dated October 4th, 2023, and November 14, 2023). Building on these results, future drilling is expected to target the expansive bulk-tonnage gold-silver hydrothermal breccia stockwork system encountered in holes EZ-23-01 and EZ-23-02, and the high-grade gold-silver intercepts observed in holes EZ-23-08 and EZ-23-11.
View drill highlights, maps and sections of the project at the end of this release or click the following link: drill plan and cross sections.
Table 1: Electrum 2023 Drilling Highlights

  • All assay values are uncut and intervals reflect drilled intercept lengths.
  • HQ diameter core samples were sawn in half and typically sampled at standard 1.5 m intervals.
  • True widths have not been determined as the mineralized body remains open in all directions. Further drilling is required to determine the mineralized body orientation and true widths.
Crown 2023 Program Summary
In 2023, field crews conducted exploration activities on the Crown Property, including an extensive reconnaissance sampling effort that led to the discovery of four new mineralized zones. These zones, located on the Orion Concession (the Copernicus Zone) and the Fairweather Concession (the Launch, Galileo, and Triton Zones), produced very positive sampling results.
The findings from these zones are as follows:
  • The Copernicus Zone: a continuous channel sample line comprised of six samples (OR-23-02), that averaged 0.14 g/t gold, 57.0 g/t silver, 1.71% copper, 0.015% cobalt, and 0.15% zinc over 5.15 meters (m), (see Company press release dated November 27, 2023);
  • The Launch Zone: representative chip sampling within this area returned 1.95 g/t gold, 15.09 g/t silver, 0.12% copper over 3.0 m and 4.6 g/t gold, 118.5 g/t silver, 0.83% copper over 2.0 m;
  • The Galileo Zone: a grab sample returned 1.18 g/t gold, 2,656 g/t silver, 0.55% copper, 7.65% lead, and 5.03% zinc;
  • The Triton Zone: a grab sample returned 8.3 g/t gold and 48.8 g/t silver, (see Company press release dated January 24, 2024).
During the upcoming 2024 field season, Goldstorm Metals will continue to focus on developing high-grade precious and base-metal targets and plan for the potential start-up of the first ever drill program on the Copernicus Zone. Details of this program will be finalized ahead of the 2024 drilling season.
Qualified Person
The Qualified Person for this news release for the purposes of National Instrument 43-101 is the Company's President and CEO, Ken Konkin, P.Geo. He has read and approved the scientific and technical information that forms the basis for the disclosure contained in this news release.
All samples were prepared at MSA Labs' Preparation Laboratory in Terrace, BC and assayed at MSA Labs' Geochemical Laboratory in Langley, BC. Gold was assayed using a fire assay with atomic absorption (AA) spectrometry finish. Samples over 10 ppm gold were fire assayed with gravimetric finish. All samples were analyzed by four acid digestion with multi-element ICP-MS, with silver and base metal over-limits being reanalyzed by emission spectrometry. MSA Laboratories quality system complies with the requirements for the International Standards ISO 17025 and ISO 9001. MSA Labs is independent of the Company.
About Goldstorm Metals
Goldstorm Metals Corp. is a precious and base metals exploration company with a large strategic land position in the Golden Triangle of British Columbia, an area that hosts some of the largest and highest-grade gold deposits in the world. Goldstorm's flagship projects, Crown and Electrum, cover an area that totals approximately 16,469 hectares over six concessions, of which five are contiguous. The Crown Project is situated directly south of Seabridge Gold's KSM gold-copper deposits and Newmont's Brucejack/Valley of the Kings gold mine. Electrum, also located in the Golden Triangle of BC, is situated directly between the Brucejack Mine, approximately 20 kilometers to the north, and the past producing Silbak Premier mine, 20 kilometers to the south.
"Ken Konkin"
Ken Konkin President and Chief Executive Officer
For further information, please visit the Company's website at or contact:
Chris Curran Head of Corporate Development and Communications Phone: (604) 559 8092 E-Mail: [](
Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward Looking Statements
This release includes certain statements and information that may constitute forward-looking information within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws. All statements in this news release, other than statements of historical facts, including statements regarding future estimates, plans, objectives, timing, assumptions or expectations of future performance, including without limitation, the statement regarding the expectation that geologists are expected to complete a compilation study this winter once all assay results are received. Such a statement is a forward-looking statement and contains forward-looking information.
Generally, forward-looking statements and information can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "intends" or "anticipates", or variations of such words and phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "should", "would" or "occur". Forward-looking statements are based on certain material assumptions and analysis made by Goldstorm and the opinions and estimates of management as of the date of this press release, including that geologists will complete a compilation study this winter once all assay results are received.
These forward-looking statements are subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Goldstorm to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements or forward-looking information. Important factors that may cause actual results to vary, include, without limitation that geologists will not complete a compilation study this winter or at all.
Although management of Goldstorm has attempted to identify important factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in forward-looking statements or forward-looking information, there may be other factors that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. There can be no assurance that such statements will prove to be accurate, as actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such statements. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements and forward-looking information. Readers are cautioned that reliance on such information may not be appropriate for other purposes. Goldstorm does not undertake to update any forward-looking statement, forward-looking information or financial out-look that are incorporated by reference herein, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.
Electrum Project - Plan Map & Section A (Drill holes EL-23-01 and EL-23-02)
Electrum Project - Section B (Drill holes EL-23-08 and EL-23-10)
To view the source version of this press release, please visit
Universal Site Links
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:54 Dabomb6521 Trip Meals Collaboration software

Hey all I'm looking for something a little bit unique and I am not sure a solution exists out there, so I wanted to see I anyone here knew of something.
So, a little backstory, my family goes on a vacation every year where we invite multiple other families. Generally, to make the trip easier we try to collaborate on meals/snacks with everyone and split the cost of whatever is being shared amongst all the families coming. For example, one family would plan a meal to feed everyone Monday and Wednesday, then another family would feed everyone Tuesday and Thursday, we get treats or snacks to share and then we all buy what is needed for the trip. We then turn in receipts and split the cost at the end of the trip. Generally, this has resulted pretty successful but what we get caught up on a lot is sometimes families will buy and bring 2 or 3 of the same condiments or everyone brings a bag of licorice to share but then that results in the shared stuff only being one type of item or the meals are close enough in ingredients that we could have saved by sharing ingredients instead of each buying independently. Those few issues tend to drive the cost up on the trips, sometimes by not a lot of other times its pretty significant.
I am looking for an app/software that preferably could be self-hosted/opensource (Heck I would even take a well-designed Excel/Google spreadsheet) that would help with planning meals for a trip that you are doing with other people. Something that could be collaborative saying that these are the meals we are providing and here is what we are buying that could be utilized by someone else.
I think a meal planning app might work but it seems excessive for something like this. I guess after thinking about it a little bit I'm basically looking for a glorified Potluck planner lol.
Anyone know of a solution that you are willing to share? What we do works ok but I feel like there is a better way of doing it and haven't been able to find something to satisfy my need.
submitted by Dabomb6521 to selfhosted [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:50 brassjammer Extend the life of your electronics: look for the points of failure

I've had a bunch of chinese made electronics fail over the years, some cheap, some expensive. I'm very careful with my electronics, and the amount of life you can extend with some basic habit changes is astounding. The most common parts I see failing are charging ports, charging bricks/cables, and batteries.
The fraying iPod cable of yesteryear was a great example of having plenty of backup cables. Buy quality (Anker), made for lots of bends and pulls. Also: DON'T WRAP CABLES. The amount of video game controllers I've had to rewire is astounding, all because people wrap up controller cables just as tightly as possible for storage. Congratulations, you just ruined it (unless it's N64).Teach your kids (or spouse) not to yank by the cable, but gently by the end. That's great until the charging port wears out. Being able to solder and replace a port is a massively useful skill, but there's a neat hack that will save the life of your ports:
Magnetic usb cables. If you have kids, get these. They stay in the port 24/7, snap to the cable so you don't wiggle and miss every time you plug in, and if you tear it away, the magnet breaks off before the cable gets tugged. this saves the port and original cables of your device for backups. It also means that devices that have different ports can all charge on one cable, which is really nice as we transition to USB C and it's getting harder to find old Micro cables laying around.
Also, look into what devices have replaceable batteries. I switched to a business model of Samsung phone that still has replaceable batteries, and using the cables on top of replaceable batteries will extend the life of my phone at least 2 times over.
What's your plan to keep your gadgets in good working order?
submitted by brassjammer to preppers [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:50 SconeOfDoom [PF2e] [Online] [Mondays 7:30-11pm EST] Looking for a crewmate to join us in a nautical campaign with homebrew ship combat rules!

Ahoy there! We're on the lookout for one more to join our crew on a Pathfinder 2e nautical campaign. One of our crewmates is currently sailing (studying) abroad for a semester, and we are planning to add a 4th to a group that will become 5 total upon his return.
About the Campaign: We are journeyman pirates, each of us apprenticing under some significantly more experienced officers while dreaming of riches and adventure. As the campaign unfolds, we’ll acquire our very own ship, ready to raid and conquer the vast oceans in our GM’s homebrew campaign setting. But beware, the seas are treacherous, and only the most cunning and courageous will carve their names into the annals of maritime legend. This campaign is aiming to focus on light-hearted shenanigans in a hard-hearted world on the open ocean.
We are currently set to prepare on a months-long voyage to an isle of (potentially) undead in search of a specific person our captain is looking for. Plenty of adventure and exploration awaits!
The party just hit level 3, so that will be the starting level of our new crewmate. The party consists of a Laughing Shadow Magus, an Angel Eidolon Summoner, a Mentalist Familiar Wizard, and an Animal Companion Precision Ranger (on hiatus).
If you are curious as to what style of world we will be playing in, our GM has given us a short summary of what to expect. Feel free to read it!
The World
Ship Encounters: Our DM has created bespoke Pathfinder-friendly rules for ship encounters, adding an extra layer of sea travel and combat. These rules are very granular, so being interested in engaging with this system is a must. This is a new system that we'll navigate together and if playtesting shows things need to be changed, they will be changed (we have already adjusted the system once, and we'll surely do so again if needed). Brace yourselves for naval battles, daring escapes, and unforeseen challenges on the open waters.
Each player will have an assigned role as part of the ship's crew, and these roles are what we will use for ship-to-ship encounters. There are more roles than there will be players, and each role is unique- no double dipping! Also, they are flexible enough to fit multiple attributes, so as long as you can come up with an appropriate reason for it, you can select most stats for the role's key ability score. Roles already taken: Captain, Master, Man-at-Arms. Our Quartermaster is on hiatus.
Roles Aboard The Ship:
Taken- Captain: The leader of the crew, making crucial decisions in the heat of battle and steering the ship to victory. The captain is not the king of the ship, majority rule has powerful sway and the captain’s decision may not always be a final one.
Taken- Master: The navigator and cartographer, guiding the ship through waters, setting course to engage and fleeing combat when in rough waters.
Available- Ship's Mate: The right-hand to the Captain, managing the crew’s morale and assisting in various other ship functions.
Available- Gunner: Mastering the ship's cannons, turning the tide of battle with precise and devastating firepower.
Available- Surgeon: Healing wounds and curing ailments, ensuring the crew is always ready for the next adventure.
Taken- Quartermaster: Managing supplies, overseeing critical repairs, negotiating with ports, and keeping the ship's stores in check.
Taken- Man-at-Arms: Leader of the marines on board, skilled in combat for boarding and plundering.
Other Optional Rules: We are also using the popular Ancestral Paragon and Free Archetype rules, with FAs pending DM approval. We also use incremental level up rules, where you gain one attribute point at each at levels 2-5, rather than getting all 4 at level 5.
Other than these three rules, we plan to run the game entirely RAW. We will also be running everything per the remaster.
About the group: Our group has been playing together for the past 4 years. Although most of our experience is in 5e, we have recently switched to pathfinder. One of the players is very experienced in pathfinder, while the other three have about a year's worth, the rest of their TTRPG experience notwithstanding. There will be a learning curve, especially post-remaster, as we still get our spell names mixed up on occasion.
Additionally, our GM has double-digit years of tabletop experience, including multiple in Pathfinder.
We use voice chat on discord for sessions and foundry for our virtual tabletop.
This will be a strategic and lighthearted pirate themed Pathfinder 2e experience. If you're interested in joining us, please fill out the form below!
The Fooooooooorm!
submitted by SconeOfDoom to lfg [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:47 the-A-team1 5/21/24 - Working on my triggers...

5/21/24 - Working on my triggers...
I get triggered often and it always shows me where I still need to heal. Before my healing journey I used to engage in negative coping mechanisms. Working on your coping mechanisms is key to recovery.
submitted by the-A-team1 to TheBigGirlDiary [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:43 JYA_Painter Homebrew Lore!

Homebrew Lore!
So my OCD has gotten away with itself a bit and in an effort to decide on a colour scheme for my Tau I’ve had to come up with some lore about where they are and with the help of chat GPT to keep things coherent I’ve accidentally started writing a short book!
Here’s the first chapter for anyone who’s interested, I’d love to hear some feedback
Formation of the Fal’Niaa Dominion
Chapter 1: The Shattered Gulf
Deep within the desolate void of the Damocles Gulf lies the hidden and bountiful world of Dáesos. This world, once a vital stronghold for the Imperium, provided sanctuary and resupply for imperial forces traversing the Gulf. Known in High Gothic as Dáesos, it was a beacon of hope in an otherwise harsh and unyielding region of space. However, by 999.M41, Dáesos had been reclassified as a death world and erased from Imperial maps and records.
The beginning of Dáesos' downfall came with the catastrophic arrival of a rogue space hulk that crashed into the system. From its wreckage emerged a horde of savage greenskins, the Orks, who poured out in an unending wave of violence. The relentless fighting that ensued led to the rapid spread of ork spores across the planet. One by one, the citadels that had stood as bastions of human civilization fell to the green tide. The lush forests that had sustained Dáesos for centuries began to reclaim the fallen citadels, and an eerie silence fell over the once-thriving world, broken only by the sounds of the wild reclaiming its domain.
By the time the first Tau set foot on Dáesos, the Beg’el population had devolved into savage tribes warring for territory whilst the humans fought daily to hold onto the few citadels they had left. It was Shas’O Monat’ai’s fateful descent that marked the beginning of the Fal’nia Dominion, setting the stage for a new era on Dáesos.
Shas’O Monat’ai and his cadre found themselves adrift in the endless void of the Damocles Gulf after their sept world was overrun by the greenskin Be’gel. Their desperate calls for aid were met with hollow reverence, honoring their sacrifice for the Greater Good. The Tau Empire, in its strategic calculus, deemed the entire sector—once a crucial launching point for defectors venturing into the forbidden zone—a liability. As a result, the sector was cut off from all resupply, condemning hundreds of loyal fringe septs to desolation.
The realization of this abandonment struck hard. As Monat’ai’s fleet attempted to return to friendly sept space, they were intercepted by mysterious Tau craft bearing no sept iconography. These enigmatic ships, ruthless and efficient, obliterated the fleeing vessels. Only Monat’ai’s command, aboard an experimental void craft capable of bursts of faster-than-light travel, managed to escape the slaughter.
The escape was bittersweet. Saved from the certain destruction that claimed the rest of his sept, Monat’ai now grappled with the haunting realization that he might have led his people to an even worse fate. The battle had inflicted significant damage on their ship, and the subsequent jump into the void took a heavy toll. Their experimental craft, once a beacon of hope, was now a fragile lifeline drifting through the endless blackness at a snail’s pace, leaving Monat’ai’s cadre at the mercy of fate.
After many tau’cyr drifting through the void, long after the crew of Monat’ai’s ship had gone into stasis to conserve resources, a strange energy signature was picked up by one of the ship’s long-range sensors. The ship’s artificial intelligence, ever vigilant, made the necessary course adjustments and began the journey to the Dáesos system.
As the silent vessel neared the anomaly, a system of dead worlds slowly came into view. In place of a centralized star, these worlds orbited the planet Dáesos itself, which was shrouded in a thick atmosphere of radiated gases. The unique ecosystem of Dáesos was revealed as the ship drew closer. Unlike typical planets, Dáesos lacked a central star to provide heat and light. Instead, the flora and fauna on the surface received energy from a mesmerizing aurora that danced across the sky, generated by the interaction of the planet’s magnetic field with its thick atmosphere.
Cavernous, flooded hollows dotted the surface of Dáesos, emitting radiation in a cyclical pattern. These hollows would heat for approximately six months, creating a prolonged day period, and then cool for an equal period, plunging the planet into an extended night. This extreme day-night cycle had forced the plant life on Dáesos to adapt in remarkable ways. The surface was covered by a creeping moss that spread onto any available surface during the day periods. As its roots took hold, the moss released enzymes that broke down both organic and inorganic matter, creating nutrients stored for the colder night cycle. From this moss sprouted a variety of flowers and large leaves, which performed photosynthesis and provided food for the vast ecosystem that thrived within its domain.
The symbiotic relationship between the plant life and a pervasive fungal root system was particularly intriguing. This fungus covered the entire planet, acting as a vast, interconnected network that distributed nutrients and communicated environmental changes. The creeping moss, during the day, would produce vibrant flowers and large leaves, creating a lush, verdant landscape. As the night cycle approached, these plants would retract, conserving their energy and resources.
As Monat’ai’s ship settled into high orbit above Dáesos, its long-range scanners began mapping the topography of the world below. Awakened from stasis by the ship's artificial intelligence, Monat’ai was greeted with a holographic readout of the planet, revealing its rich deposits of resources and potential dangers lurking on its surface.
Recognizing the threats posed by this alien world, Monat’ai decided to lead a small strike force of Fire Warriors into one of the overgrown, abandoned citadels located in the southern hemisphere. The citadel's structure was formidable, with enormous concentric walls encircling labyrinthine streets, towering habitation blocks, and miles of subterranean tunnels.
Monat’ai surmised that if he and his team could infiltrate the innermost wall of the citadel—an area least reclaimed by nature—they could secure a foothold for the rest of his cadre to arrive from orbit. Moving with precision and stealth, Monat’ai and his Fire Warriors prepared to descend into the depths of the ancient, forgotten stronghold, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them in the shadows of Dáesos.
Though it would have been far simpler to drop directly into the central ring from orbit, Monat’ai’s scanners revealed that many of the anti-air defenses littering the rooftops of the desolate buildings were still active. Realizing that a direct airborne approach was nearly impossible, the cunning commander opted for a different strategy.
He decided to lead his team through a breach in the eastern wall. Utilizing Devilfish transports, they would navigate safely and swiftly through the crumbling, overgrown ruins of the once bustling citadel streets. This approach would allow them to bypass the formidable air defenses and infiltrate the citadel more covertly, ensuring their mission's success.
Once inside the central wall, strike teams swiftly secured the control stations responsible for the defense grid, disabling the air defenses and allowing the rest of the cadre to land uncontested.
Over the following two tau’cyr, Monat’ai and his people worked tirelessly to fortify the central ring. Earth Caste engineers dismantled the voidcraft that had brought them to Dáesos, repurposing the components to construct advanced security systems and camouflaging fields around their new stronghold. As their defenses solidified, scouting parties were dispatched into the wider citadel to secure additional viable land.
Monat’ai felt a glimmer of hope for his people, now hidden from the empire that had treated them with such disregard. However, unknown to the enigmatic commander, danger lurked just beyond the horizon, threatening the fragile sanctuary they had built.
The Mon’La contingent
In the aftermath of the Farsight Rebellion and the formation of the Enclave worlds, the Damocles Gulf was designated a forbidden zone. The sept worlds on the edge of the Gulf, as well as the forces operating within, were deemed expendable and abandoned to stem the tide of defectors using these worlds as a launching point. Left to fend for themselves, these worlds became isolated in the void.
To ensure this region remained benign, a highly secretive contingent was formed on N’dras and deployed into the Gulf with a mission to purge the area of defectors from the Greater Good. This merciless force was led by the lethally skilled yet widely unknown Shas’O Ranerra. Various Imperial records strongly suggest that he is the same commander known throughout the region as "The War Ghost."
The War Ghost earned his ominous title by appearing in the heart of raging conflicts, often turning the tide with a lethal assassination or a devastating blow to enemy supply lines. Though his true agenda remains shrouded in mystery, his presence on the battlefield heralds a storm of carnage and slaughter. His soot-black visage streaks through the skies, while the ash-white armored forces of his contingent attack from unseen angles, striking with deadly precision before vanishing like phantoms.
Traversing the Damocles Gulf in cutting-edge voidcraft outfitted with advanced mirror fields and reconnaissance systems, the Mon’La cadre became the apex predator of the region. When the forbidden zone was first declared, Shas’O Ranerra and his forces were sent into the fringes of the Gulf to seek out any Tau settlements that had chosen to remain.
Utilizing his strategic genius, Ranerra orchestrated cataclysms and rebellions across the sector. He assassinated key commanders and diplomats, collapsing entire civilizations from within and baiting Imperial and Be’gel forces into sector-wide genocides. His cunning tactics and ruthless efficiency left a trail of chaos and destruction, further isolating the Damocles Gulf.
Between conflicts, Ranerra and his cadre employed experimental stasis technology to keep themselves youthful and battle-ready at all times. While they slept, advanced artificial intelligence systems monitored their health and any external threats. Long-range reconnaissance drones continuously fed back vital information on potential targets in the sector.
Ranerra and a few of his most trusted commanders opted for a different kind of stasis—one that slowed their metabolism to a near halt while keeping their minds fully active. This allowed them to remain ever vigilant, honing their tactical doctrines over many lifetimes. In this state, they were able to plan and anticipate every move, ensuring the Mon’La cadre remained an unstoppable force in the shadows of the forbidden zone.
submitted by JYA_Painter to Tau40K [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:42 Ah_a_Bee Investigator: Known Weaknesses

I've noticed there's been some discussion on this feat in the past so I wont dredge up old discussion, but I also feel that a refresher would be nice for newer players researching Investigator, as the class comes off as opaque in my eyes. I also have a question of my own for later.
I'm making a backup for our level 7 party and Investigator caught my eye for being an unusual template for a hero. The class's key feats are Devise a a Stratagem and On the Case, rewarding players for engaging with the characters and mysteries of their world as well as carefully planned combat strategies. Both are palatable and interesting feats for the class, but aren't the point of this discussion.
The level 1 Class feat Known Weaknesses is a direct buff to Devise a Stratagem. Known Weaknesses allows you to attempt a Recall Knowledge check as part of Devise a Stratagem, with all the benefits of a full Recall Knowledge check. Additionally, if the Recall Knowledge check is a critical success, both you and any allies you relay the information to gain a +1 circumstance bonus to the next attack roll made against the target before the start of your next turn; again, as part of the Devise a Stratagem action.
The main effect of this feat, as pointed out by many others in discussion of it, is the free Recall Knowledge check. Gaining information about the enemy you're currently fighting, be it weakness, resistances, information that would let you track them, or even out-of-combat information, is extremely useful for you and your party mates. The +1 bonus of critical success is just a bonus, what you really want out of this feat is to improve your action economy, avoiding ineffective strategies and employing useful ones, how thematic.
It's important to note: given the Additional Information rules for Recall Knowledge it's debatable what a failure on the roll means for Known Weaknesses. Ultimately it's up to your GM, but I think a fair interpretation would be that no, you can't recall further knowledge, but you can still keep your allies on track with a following critical success.
Let's parallel with some other feats, then I'll wrap up. Fighter's Combat Assessment is an equatable feat with a different cherry and stricter activation requirements. While Combat Assessment wades through a sea of other level 1 combat feats, it still holds its own for players that know when to employ it. Known Weaknesses only bumps shoulders with one other combat feat at the same level, that being Takedown Expert, which makes it much easier to pick for your combat focused, potion chugging Batman build. Takedown Expert itself offers more raw damage output, a greater versatility of available weapons, and giving every weapon you're holding a toggleable Merciful rune. Much like with Fighter's Combat Assessment, Known Weaknesses sacrifices raw numbers for knowledge, knowledge is very good for this class so as not to waste your Strategic Strike. But the whole not-killing-things thing also tracks well with being Batman, so it's up to you.
So that's my discussion on Known Weakness, I'd appreciate any feedback or corrections. I'm still pretty unfamiliar with this class so maybe the feat comparisons and tactics don't track well, but I've nailed the rules as far as my research tell me. This discussion only goes as far as level 1, so anyone who's played Investigator to high levels would be awesome to give us some further combo applications, discussion on scaling, etc.
My question: given the rules for Additional Information, does it become harder and harder to get a crit for the purposes of the +1 effect? Assuming you continuously roll only successes that would track, but it that like an unintended downside to using the feat. It seems like you should be using Known Weaknesses every round, as far as developer intent goes, but that's a miresome assumption.
submitted by Ah_a_Bee to Pathfinder2e [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:42 Haunting_Chipmunk_76 Career Recruiter here

Hey Everybody,
I have been looking over some posts and feel terrible for all of you. Been in this space for 25 years - never seen clients act this way. With the normalization of remote workers - the hiring space is very competitive. I wanted to share something that has worked for many candidates I work with.
When you are between projects - LinkedIn can seem like the best place to get your applications out in a very quick way. I talk to alot of candidates that tell me that they apply to 30-40 jobs a day - with no feedback. There is nothing wrong with that approach - but it will only hit with 1 out of 40 companies to get an interview.
If its ok - I would like to make a suggestion on how to leverage the power of LinkedIn. LinkedIn is a platform for a professional to not only find jobs but also network with other peers and hiring personas. The first step I would suggest is take stock of where your interests are. Pick 10 companies to target for a role. You set your own criteria on why those companies are on your list - could be geography, could be you hear they pay well, or you admire their product or service (maybe they are produce EV's or cure some form of cancer)
Now that you have a list - find out how many 1st, or 2nd degree connections you have. Message your 1st degree connections at that company and ask them to meet for coffee or chat over the phone for a few minutes. Messaging should be shorter in nature - "Hi ____, hoping we can catch up by phone or for coffee. I noticed you are working at ABC company and I was curious to learn more about what its like to work there. Are you available for a quick call later today or tomorrow?" In general, most people are interested in reconnecting or having a quick chat. During this call you should be attempting to ask questions about the culture there, top IT initiatives, and how they hire additional resources to support the ongoing projects. Be transparent about your situation and ask if they could recommend anyone for you to speak with?
What if you don't have any 1st degree connections at the target company on your list? Target individuals at that company that have a similar skill set to you. If you are .NET Developer, connect with other .NET developers, leads, manager, and Directors. Sending an invite is free! (make sure to add a short note - Hi ____, noticed we work in same space and would enjoy connecting) Once someone accepts your invite - message them and try to set up call or meeting to do the same.
How much time should you spend doing this? no more than an hour or two each day. As you start having conversations with contacts at target companies - you will find out critical information about how you may fit into their hiring plan. You should be gathering info on all of these calls but more importantly - potential referrals or introductions. Examples: Who do you think I should be introducing myself to? Is there anyone you recommend I speak with to be considered for a role with your firm?
*** Remember - applying for a role on LinkedIn doesn't set you apart. Having an internal employee (especially a Director) recommend you for a role puts you ahead of everyone else. They would also potentially get a referral bonus!!!
Hope this helps someone. I will try to check back to see if there are questions I can answer.
submitted by Haunting_Chipmunk_76 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:37 Infamous-Neat7583 Is this ADHD?

Hello ladies,
An example which is happening all the time: Today I got up at 2pm, because I didn’t wanna do anything before, and started doing chores. I began with folding my laundry and thought about cooking afterwards. I went to the kitchen and started cooking 4 meals at the same time. At the meantime I rinsed the dishes, fed my cat and stroked my cat. First I wanted to sit down after being done with cooking but then I was like “come on prepare some salad and then go sit”. When I opened the refrigerator to get the lettuce I stopped and swallowed my pill while the refrigerator was still open. First I planned on using only lettuce but I kept and kept adding more and more ingredients. When I was done I didn’t sit down again and went to scoop the litter of my cat, clean the sink and the toilet because I thought I will sit when I am done with doing that. But again I didn’t sit down and went on setting the table. I didn’t sit down for 4-5 hours straight. This is almost always like this. Random things keep popping up in my head and I never get to sit down how I planned. Now my feet hurts like most of the time when I act like this. It is like I am pushing my limits all the time by seeing how much I can do without resting. Does this sound like ADHD?
submitted by Infamous-Neat7583 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:36 tw_bot U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo Releases Strategic Vision on AI Safety, Announces Plan for Global ... - NIST

U.S. Secretary of Commerce Gina Raimondo Releases Strategic Vision on AI Safety, Announces Plan for Global ... - NIST submitted by tw_bot to tomorrowsworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 20:31 Nick_Yee Gamers Have Become Less Interested in Strategic Thinking and Planning

Gamers Have Become Less Interested in Strategic Thinking and Planning submitted by Nick_Yee to gaming [link] [comments]