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Circuit Diagrams of Effect Pedals

2014.04.24 03:06 broovs Circuit Diagrams of Effect Pedals

Hello DIY guitar (and bass) effect pedal makers, and welcome to pedalcircuits, your home for everything pedal circuit diagrams.

2011.10.05 03:19 asgard88 Cross section pictures (and videos) of everything!


2022.01.26 06:57 FBI_VAN_1 KME_Sharpeners

We are now more active on precisionsharpening which is just this subreddit but focused on all types of precision sharpening systems. Welcome current and future KME users! This subreddit exists for the sharing of pictures, videos, and knowledge related to the KME Sharpener and related products. FAQs and other helpful information and videos are available in the "Community Info" section (top right three dots on mobile and sidebar on desktop). All levels of experience are accepted here.

2024.05.07 11:25 lampasoftware Approaches to creating line graphs for iOS apps in the SwiftUI framework

Approaches to creating line graphs for iOS apps in the SwiftUI framework
Hi, iOS devs! We are Lampa Software, and we want to share another article made by our iOS developer Oleh Didushok. Please let us know in the comments if this article was useful, we'd also be glad to know what article you'd like to read đŸ«¶đŸ» (P.S. The github link will be down below đŸ‘‡đŸ»)
Approaches to creating line graphs for iOS apps in the SwiftUI framework

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash
An important component of mobile app development is the creation of informative graphs and charts. Visual representation of data is crucial for conveying complex information to users simply and concisely.
Although SwiftUI provides a powerful set of tools for creating screens and user interfaces, until iOS 16, there was no native framework from Apple for working with graphs. Of course, this didn’t mean that there was no way to create apps with graphs and charts. There were two ways to create graphs natively (using struct Shapes) or use third-party frameworks.
Here are some ways to implement charts before iOS 16:
  1. Developing graphics natively using struct Shapes, or rather struct Path, allows you to create your shapes and objects with any geometric properties, customize the animation of your graphic objects, and divide your UI into many small components. But this option has the following disadvantages: сreating complex forms can be cumbersome and require a significant amount of code, potentially making development complex; Path and Shapes may not have all the functionality of standard graphic frameworks, so you’ll need to implement some features separately.
  2. Using third-party frameworks saves development time and provides a relatively secure and proven code base (since the code has been used many times in other projects). However, even here there are drawbacks: dependence on a third-party framework and its subsequent update after critical bugs are found or with the release of new versions of iOS; dependence of some frameworks on others and their mutual compatibility; a significant increase in the size of the program.
Let’s look at different options for creating linear graphs. For example, let’s take the format of a regular line chart. The image below shows a broken-line graph with round points of current values, where the days of the week are marked horizontally, and the mood options (Excellent, Good, Usual, Terrible) are marked vertically by day.
We need to develop a line graph using the SwiftUI framework with support starting from iOS 15. Also, we need to minimize the use of third-party frameworks. Given that the specialized Swift Charts framework is only available since iOS 16, we start with the native way via struct Path.

Method №1: Shapes

SwiftUI provides many powerful tools out of the box, with Shapes being one of them, and Apple’s tools include Capsule, Circle, Ellipse, Rectangle, and RoundedRectangle. The Shape protocol conforms to the Animatable and View protocols, which means we can customize their appearance and behavior. But we can also create our shape using the Path structure (the outline of a two-dimensional shape we draw ourselves). The Shape protocol contains an important method func path(in: CGRect) -> Path: after implementing it, we must return a Path describing the structure of the newly created Shape.
Let’s start by creating a struct LineView that accepts an array of optional values of type Double? and uses Path to draw a graph from each previous array value to the next.
To determine the boundary dimensions of the graph and calculate ratios, we use the GeometryReader, which will allow us to get the height and width values for superview. These values, along with the func ratio(for index: Int) -> Double method, calculate the location of each point on the line by multiplying the height by the ratio of the individual data point to the highest point (func ratio(for index: Int)).
To emulate the input data, we will create an enum MoodCondition that will describe different possible states.
Similar to the struct LineView, we will create a separate struct LineChartCircleView. The specified structure also accepts an array of optional values (let dataPoints), and an additional value let radius. The structure draws separate round points with a radius of radius also through Path.
We overlay struct LineChartCircleView on struct LineView and get a broken-line graph with points for each value.
It is important to display the X and Y coordinate axes along with the curves, so let’s start with the implementation of the Y axis, namely, by creating a struct YAxisView.
The value for the variable scaleFactor will be passed from the parent struct LineChartView, and the offset modifier will list all possible MoodCondition depending on the value of each value and the height of the chart.
To construct the coordinate X, create a struct XAxisView. Create an enum WeekDay to display all days of the week on the XaxisView axis.
To make the graph easier to use, let’s add horizontal dashed grid lines for the Y-axis, which will correspond to each MoodCondition. To do this, create a separate struct LinesForYLabel.
It is important to combine all the Views into one single struct LineChartView, where they will be contained simultaneously:
  • X and Y axes;
  • broken-line graph;
  • intersection points;
  • horizontal dashed lines for the Y-axis.
Using init(), we initialize the struct LineChartView with the input data for the dataPoints property through MoodCondition for all days of the week. The calculation of axisWidth and scaleFactor values is based on the ratio of values along the Y-axis and the size of the chart and may vary depending on the design. The structures LinesForYLabel(), LineView(dataPoints: dataPoints), LineChartCircleView(dataPoints: dataPoints, radius: 4.0) are superimposed on each other and placed in the ZStack. Then they are combined with YAxisView(scaleFactor: Double(scaleFactor)) and XAxisView() in HStack/VStack, respectively.
This way, you can develop any variants and combinations of charts. However, there is an interdependence of each component of the View, for example, the amount of code and the complexity of maintaining and expanding the existing functionality.

Method №2: SwiftUICharts

Another option for building a similar chart is to use a third-party framework, such as SwiftUICharts. It’s what they do:
  • Pie charts, line charts, bar charts, and histograms.
  • Various coordinate grids.
  • Interactive labels to show the current value of the chart, etc.
The library is available with iOS 13 and Xcode 11 and can be installed via Swift Package Manager or CocoaPods. After adding SwiftUICharts to your project, you need to import the framework using import SwiftUICharts.
First, we initialize the let dataSet model with input data based on values from enum MoodCondition and enum WeekDay. Immediately, we configure the point markers with pointStyle and the model to control the style of the lines with style. We use GridStyle to configure the grid view for the chart and LineChartStyle to add the main chart settings.

Method №3: Swift Charts

The last option for building a chart is the Swift Charts framework.
It creates various types of charts, including line, dot, and bar charts. Scales and axes that correspond to the input data are automatically generated for them.
We import the framework using import Charts, then create a struct Day function that will correspond to a specific day WeekDay and MoodCondition.
Based on the struct Day, we will create a let currentWeeks variable that will correspond to the given week with the corresponding Day.
To build the required graph, we use structures:
  • LineMark, which visualizes data using a sequence of connected segments.
  • PointMark, which displays data using dots.
Using ForEach, we run through all the input data currentWeeks and set x, y values to LineMark and PointMark, respectively.
In the .chartXAxis modifier, set up the axis:
  • Positioning;
  • Color;
  • Scale for the X-axis.
The same applies to chartYAxis, but we also configure the Y-axis grid.
The peculiarity of using Swift Charts is that, with the help of various modifiers, we can quickly create many different types of charts without much effort. The framework is easy to use, supports animation, has a wide range of functions for creating and editing charts/diagrams, and also contains a lot of material on how to work with it.
Let’s compare the options for building charts using Shapes, SwiftUIChartsLIbrary, and Swift Charts for a comparative analysis.
The result was as follows:
So, we have tested 3 different options for building diagrams in the SwiftUI environment and such a simple task as building a graph in SwiftUI requires a thorough analysis:
  • The minimum version of iOS;
  • Design complexity;
  • The number of graphs.;
  • Time allocated for development;
  • The possibility of frequent design changes in the future, etc.
We have created a primitive chart, but even such a simple design allows you to understand all the difficulties that may arise in the future for iOS developers when building charts using the SwiftUI framework.
Here you can find this project:
submitted by lampasoftware to swift [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 02:35 Professional_Salt301 How does tele 4-way wiring work?

How does tele 4-way wiring work?
I have this diagram of a 4- way tele, and I want to understand how it works. The switching is:
Position 1: Bridge Position 2: Bridge & Neck Parallel Position 3: Neck Position 4: bridge & Neck Series
I have labelled each lug for reference.
I think I understand positions 1 & 2, but 3 & 4 are beyond me. I understand how a 4-way switch itself works, I just don't understand the wiring. I know it's hard to explain this stuff over text but if anyone could it would be much appreciated. Cheers.
submitted by Professional_Salt301 to Luthier [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 21:50 LaserGuyVII Are these threads real? or fake? Thanks in advance!!!

Are these threads real? or fake? Thanks in advance!!!
Thank goodness we allow these posts or people wouldn't be able to feel welcome or get their questions answered...
Surely there must be a way to stop this from happening. Every time I visit this sub I am amazed that it's the same thing over and over. At this point I'm just shocked that there's this many people on the planet who all want to not only play the PS3, but also obtain new controllers. The venn diagram between people who want to know if their controller is fake and the people who can't google something to save their lives is simply a circle.
submitted by LaserGuyVII to PS3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 17:28 Jackiewilsondesign 2024 Roo Genre Venn Diagram Is Here!

2024 Roo Genre Venn Diagram Is Here!
Someone posted last night that no one had done a Venn diagram this year, and I’ve seen multiple ask about it, so I signed up to give the people what they want!
The person who originally did this was not lying
 it took HOURS to do this. Thanks for the OG diagram again, I used some of the base layout for organizing the genres.
It was hard finding an accurate genre to represent people in that also gets the multiple genre artists in their respective genres and fits in the allotted space.
Please don’t hate me if your favorite artist isn’t labeled correctly. I literally did not sleep last night so I could get this done 🙃 and some are really hard to label. (How does one label Four Tet without making a genre space just for him 😂?)
Let me know if it’s helpful, and if it is, buy me a beer, give me a free hug, or make me some sick Kandi bracelets for the farm ❀
submitted by Jackiewilsondesign to bonnaroo [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 16:37 WhatCanIMakeToday Definitely DIFFERENT "DRS Counts" [WalkThrough] (2/n)

Definitely DIFFERENT
GameStop has been changing the language used to describe their share counts in the SEC 10-K and 10-Q filings. In order to understand the differences, please first read the prerequisite DD DSPP is technically different from DRS [WalkThrough] (1/n) defining what it means to have shares Directly Registered, which has the following TADR:
Since Oct 2021, GameStop has used three (3) different phrases in their SEC filings for counting “[directly] registered shares” (be sure to read the prerequisite DD defining terms), as follows [1]:
  1. directly registered with our transfer agent [2021-10-30 to 2022-10-29]
  2. held by record holders [2023-03-22]
  3. held by registered holders with our transfer agent [2023-06-01 to 2024-03-20]
GameStop and the SEC must be on the same page for GameStop’s SEC filings so we can use the table from the prerequisite DD made from the SEC’s definitions of terms. We can slice and dice that table to highlight what these three terms mean.
  1. (Purple box outline) The term “directly registered” must be equivalent to the SEC’s interpretation, so only Pure DRS is known to definitely qualify and meet all the characteristics. (Only in an atypical and unlikely event where there are no DSPP shares held in DTC for operational efficiency could the “pot” of DSPP shares be considered as directly registered.)
  2. (Light blue fill) The term “held by record holders” is equivalent to “registered” (i.e., “held of record” aka “shareholders of record” aka “registered shareholders” are equivalent) so we can see that all shares registered on ComputerShare’s books are counted as “held by record holders”. The shares “held by record holders” includes DRS shares plus all DSPP shares (regardless of where those shares are held, i.e., DSPP@CS and DSPP@DTC).
  3. (Dashed purple outline) The term “held by registered holders with our transfer agent” modifies the set of “registered holders” (which is DRS+DSPP) with a limit to count only to shares held with our transfer agent. Thus, DRS and DSPP@CS shares qualify for this count, but not DSPP@DTC because shares at DTC are not with the transfer agent.
Now we have drawn boxes with to be determined values for variables DRS, DSPP@CS, DSPP@DTC, and DSPP=DSPP@CS+DSPP@DTC. These variables are purely conceptual for now.

Title & Possession

The prerequisite DD introduced the legal concepts of title and possession which can be used to describe GameStop’s various DRS share counts. (If you haven’t read it by now, you really should because there will be references to content which may not make sense without the prerequisite context.) Registering shares with the transfer agent, ComputerShare, establishes direct title for record holders.
Registered & Record holders have Direct TITLE. No mention of possession.
Direct title is very good, but if you recall from the prerequisite DD, “Title is distinct from possession)” where “possession and title may each be transferred independently of the other.” [Wikipedia: Title (property))]
  1. When counting shares “directly registered”, GameStop counted shares where record holders (aka registered owners) have both title and possession because the shares are directly registered to your name (title) and held by the transfer agent (possession).
  2. When counting shares “held by record holders”, GameStop counted shares based on their title meaning shares that have your name on it (instead of DTCC/DTC/Cede & Co’s name). Possession was not a factor in this count meaning where shares are held was irrelevant.
  3. When counting shares “held by registered holders with our transfer agent”, GameStop counted shares based on title and possession again, but this time counting only those DRS and DSPP shares that reside with the transfer agent (i.e., with possession). Notably, any registered shares held in DTC for operational efficiency (i.e., DSPP@DTC) would be excluded from this count as the title holder (the registered shareholder) doesn’t have direct possession of shares at the Transfer Agent because some shares are held in DTC.
There’s an expression about possession: Possession is nine-tenths of the law. Basically the idea is whoever has possession of property is generally presumed to be the owner unless it can be proven that it’s owned by someone else, usually by proving title. Good thing DSPP and DRS shareholders have direct title.
As for possession
 well, what will you do if your wife and her boyfriend drive away in your car during a zombie apocalypse? (I said there’d be references to content from the prerequisite DD.)

DSPP, Possessed?

According to the DSPP Plan Brochure, while ComputerShare has a book-entry for registering DSPP Plan Participants as owners of shares (green which represents your title to shares), the actual shares are held either by ComputerShare or in the name of ComputerShare’s nominee (e.g., possession by the transfer agent or not); probably still Dingo & Co (as of last year).
Shares held by ComputerShare are at the transfer agent which would qualify those shares as “pure DRS”, if there isn’t any allocated for operational efficiency. However, typically 10-20% of the aggregate DSPP shares are held by DTC (via the nominee) which is not at the transfer agent. (The term “aggregate” here indicates that all DSPP shares are bundled together into a “pot”; of which some may be ladled out to be held by DTC. The aggregation, putting all the shares together into a pot, means there's no assignment of whose DSPP shares get ladled out.)
As registered shareholders, DSPP Plan Participants have direct title to DSPP shares. With respect to possession, DSPP shares are held either by ComputerShare (possessed) or by its nominee; with DirectStock account records at ComputerShare indicating Plan Participants interest in those shares establishing the chain of title. Leveraging the analogy, your car is either in your driveway (possessed) or on your wife’s boyfriend’s driveway (not in your possession) where its registration card issued by the DMV indicates you have title to the car while your wife says it’s OK for her boyfriend to be driving it (chain of title).
In order to make sure shares are properly accounted for, ComputerShare says they use double-entry accounting systems [Wikipedia].
The idea of a double-entry accounting system is simple and very much similar to filling out forms in duplicate (e.g., with a carbon copy) or more: one copy for you and one copy for the other party. This way both sides have a copy and are on the same page. If someone tries to lie, cheat, or steal, the other party can bring their copy to prove wrongdoing. Consider then that DSPP shares, particularly those held in DTC, must be accounted for on both sides. DSPP shares must be accounted for between DSPP and Plan Participants and DSPP shares held in DTC must be accounted for between the DTC and Plan Participants. ComputerShare can’t simply hand registered shares to the DTC as then ComputerShare would be short on those shares for Plan Participants. In order to keep the books balanced, when ComputerShare “gives” DSPP shares to DTC for operational efficiency, ComputerShare also needs the DTC to “give back” the same number of shares for Plan Participants.
I’ve previously dissected ComputerShare’s disclosures to annotate ComputerShare’s diagram to more accurately depict the share holding structure for DSPP shares in the following illustration which shows how ComputerShare “gives” DSPP shares to DTC for operational efficiency and the corresponding “giving back” those shares to shareholders:
  • Divided the "Outstanding shares" with annotations for shares either "Held by the Transfer Agent" or "Held by DTC/DTCC/Cede & Co". (These are the only two places to look for shares and GameStop’s SEC filings are consistent with this.)
  • Extended the box for Registered-ownership DSPP shares (purple outline of light orange box) to illustrate how registered-ownership DSPP shares can be held by either the Transfer Agent or DTC.
  • As some of the DSPP Shares (i.e., those held by the DTC) are maintained by ComputerShare's broker, I've added ComputerShare as having a line under Banks/Brokers for the DSPP shares that are held in DTC maintained by a broker "for the benefit of Computershare, and in turn, for the benefit of plan participants".
  • As ComputerShare's DSPP shares in DTC are beneficially owned "for the benefit of plan participants", there's an orange line to the Registered-ownership Shareholders for ComputerShare's beneficially owned shares at the broker held by DTC/DTCC/Cede & Co that are for the registered ownership DSPP shares.
When ComputerShare “gives” the DTC possession of some DSPP shares to hold on to (thus crossing the line from “Held by Transfer Agent” over to “Held by DTC/DTCC/Cede & Co), those shares are “maintained by the broker” (ComputerShare’s broker) for the benefit of ComputerShare who, in turn, holds those shares for the benefit of Plan Participants. This roundabout passing of DSPP shares through the DTC to ComputerShare’s broker back to DSPP Plan Participants allows ComputerShare to have the right number of shares for DSPP Plan Participants. And now, the double-entry accounting system is balanced with ComputerShare holding enough shares for DSPP Plan Participants.
After DSPP shares go around the DTC roundabout, registered DSPP Plan Participants have direct title to beneficially owned shares in the DTC’s possession via ComputerShare and ComputerShare’s broker. Keep in mind that all shares are essentially treated as fungible in the financial system. While we use convenience terms like “real shares” vs “fake shares” and “registered shares” vs “beneficially owned shares”, these are all just simply shares in the system. Shares don’t have serial numbers (unless certificated, but that’s just the certificate having a serial number so that they can be connected back to shares) or any other identifying information. Every share (beneficial or registered, real or “fake”) is completely interchangeable for another share (of the same class and type from the same issuer, obviously).
As far as ComputerShare’s books are concerned, DSPP Plan Participants have direct title to the proper number of shares, whether the shares are at the transfer agent or the DTC. And while apes may not be a fan of the DTC’s beneficial ownership system, Paul Conn and ComputerShare don’t share our concern so direct title to shares held in the DTC doesn’t bother them

there is a concern among some investors that if any shares are held in DTC, that that must be a bad thing. I'm not sure we subscribe to that point of view,... [YouTube around 38s mark]
By contrast to the registered DSPP shares where Plan Participants only have direct title to shares potentially with indirect possession of shares through the DTC’s beneficial ownership system, holders of pure DRS shares have both direct title and direct possession of shares.

Clearing Confusion

The concept of separating title from possession for property may not be well known or familiar to everyone and, I suspect, is a huge fundamental source of confusion that has (until now) been unaddressed and unidentified. Here are a couple (hopefully) relatable examples to illustrate this concept to help clear up confusion:
Example 1: Your Wife’s Boyfriend Driving Your Car
Imagine your wife and her boyfriend are speeding down Lover’s Lane when they’re pulled over by a cop. The cop will ask for license and registration because those two documents identify who is in possession of the car (i.e. your wife’s boyfriend as the driver) and who is the registered owner with title to the car (i.e., you), respectively.
Example 2: Your Home
Imagine you are renting your home. As a renter, you probably tell people the place is “yours” because you have possession by renting even though your landlord is the owner with title to “your” home. This is an example where we use the term “your” to refer to having possession without title.
At the same time, if someone were to ask your landlord if the place you rent is theirs, your landlord would also say yes.
Me to Your Landlord: Is that your place where the ape lives?
Landlord: Yep! I got some really regarded apes renting from me.
In this case, the same term “your” refers to having title without possession.
Which means that two different parties, you and your landlord, can simultaneously claim ownership of your home depending solely on having either title or possession; without needing both.
Applying this to our GameStop stocks, we can see how various statements people thought were conflicting can all be simultaneously true depending on how ownership is viewed: by title and/or possession. Our DSPP shares at ComputerShare aren’t lent out, per ComputerShare. This is true. Our DSPP shares are in the name of ComputerShare or their nominee with a book entry for Plan Participants giving direct title to shares which are in the possession of (i.e., held by) ComputerShare or their nominee. And, ComputerShare isn’t lending our DSPP shares because (a) the shares are in the name of ComputerShare or their nominee and (b) lending is different from holding shares in the DTC “for operational efficiency”. As soon as the DTC has possession of DSPP shares (i.e., “held [] in DTC” per ComputerShare), the DTC can do whatever they want with “their” shares by possession which might also be “your” shares by title. Compounded by the fact that shares are fungible, nobody has any f\ing clue who owns what in this system.*
Fun Fact: After financial markets nearly collapsed in 1970 after billions in securities Failed To Deliver, SIPC was created to restore trust by providing insurance to
investors whose "securities may have been lost, improperly hypothecated, misappropriated, never purchased, or even stolen" [Wikipedia]
because nobody trusted Wall St so insurance was created to engender trust without fixing the problems. [DD] Sound familiar? Anyway

In order to keep ComputerShare’s books balanced, the DSPP shares held in DTC (i.e., DTC’s possession) must make their way back to ComputerShare’s broker to hold for the benefit of ComputerShare who holds shares for the benefit of Plan Participants (i.e., to match title).
Question: What “operational efficiency” benefit is gained by ComputerShare giving possession of registered DSPP shares to the DTC to hold which just ultimately end back at ComputerShare’s broker (who isn’t lending out shares) for the benefit of ComputerShare for the benefit of Plan Participants? Why are X number of registered DSPP@DTC shares going into this DTC black box just so that X number of beneficially owned shares end up at ComputerShare’s broker FBO ComputerShare FBO Plan Participants? đŸ€” This roundabout “operational efficiency” exists for a reason, why? How? (Best leave these topics for another DD post
 feel free to comment!)

Counting By Title and/or Possession

Now that we have a better understanding of title and possession, we can apply those concepts to our table of definitions from the prerequisite DD, DSPP is technically different from DRS [WalkThrough] (1/n), to label the 3 characteristics of directly registered shares as relating to title or possession:
  • Title is established by registering your name into a book. If your name is registered on the books with the transfer agent, then you have direct title. If your name is on the books of an intermediary (e.g., a broker), then you have indirect title to shares in “street name”.
  • Registered shareholders (aka shareholders of record) have direct title as your name is registered on the issuer’s books (at ComputerShare, the transfer agent for GameStop).
  • Possession of shares depends on where your shares are held. You don’t have possession of shares held in “street name”.
  • DSPP shares are registered to you (direct title) but may or may not be at the transfer agent (i.e., possibly without direct possession) depending on operational efficiency.
  • Directly Registered shares are registered to you (direct title) and at the transfer agent (in your possession).
We can add back in the layer for GameStop’s 3 different DRS counts to visualize the DRS counts by title and/or possession to circle back with where we started.
  1. When counting shares “directly registered” (“DRS”), GameStop counted shares where record holders (aka registered owners) have both title and possession.
  2. When counting shares “held by record holders” (“DRS+DSPP” or “DRS+DSPP@CS+DSPP@DTC”), GameStop counted shares based on their title meaning shares that have your name on it; instead of DTCC/DTC/Cede & Co’s name. Possession (i.e., where shares are held) was not a factor in this count.
  3. When counting shares “held by registered holders with our transfer agent” (“DRS+DSPP@CS”), GameStop counted shares based on title and possession again, but this time counting only those DRS and DSPP shares that reside with the transfer agent (i.e., with possession). Notably, some registered shares held in DTC for operational efficiency (i.e., DSPP@DTC) would be excluded from this count as the title holder (the registered shareholder) doesn’t have direct possession of shares at the Transfer Agent.
This information allows us to consider the DRS counts over time and extrapolate some numbers, but that’ll be for another DD post.
NOTICE: If there’s no operational efficiency with zero DSPP shares at DTC, then DSPP@DTC=0. Without operational efficiency, DRS+DSPP@CS+DSPP@DTC(0) is the exact same as DRS+DSPP@CS so the phrases “held by record holders” and “held by registered holders with our transfer agent” would result in the exact same count; if there’s no operational efficiency. The only reason to differentiate the two counts with two different descriptions [2] is because there is operational efficiency so DSPP@DTC must be non-zero resulting in two different counts. (Otherwise, GameStop would’ve just kept with the same “held by record holders” wording.) We will delve more into the importance of this in another DD post.


As title and possession are separate and may each be transferred independently of the other, we can distinguish between “street name”, “registered”, and “directly registered” shares by how the holder has title and/or possession of their shares. Registering shares establishes title, which does not necessarily imply possession. Registering shares with the transfer agent establishes direct title. Directly registered shareholders have both direct title and direct possession.
We can visualize those different share holding methods with GameStop’s 3 different “DRS Count” descriptions:
GameStop has used 3 different phrases in their SEC filings for counting shares which can be described in terms of title and/or possession as follows:
  1. “directly registered” with our transfer agent [2021-10-30 to 2022-10-29] (i.e., =DRS) counts shares having all 3 characteristics of directly registered shares such that holders have both direct title and direct possession of the shares at the transfer agent. (Purple box)
  2. held by “record holders” [2023-03-22] (i.e., =DRS+DSPP which can be expanded as =DRS+DSPP@CS+DSPP@DTC) counts shares registered to your name (instead of Cede & Co/DTC/DTCC) such that record holders have direct title to shares regardless of where the shares are held (e.g., possession is not a factor for this count). (Light blue fill)
  3. held by “registered holders with our transfer agent” [2023-06-01 to 2024-03-20] (i.e., =DRS+DSPP@CS) counts shares registered to your name (instead of Cede & Co/DTC/DTCC) such that registered holders have direct title to shares and direct possession of the shares at the transfer agent. This count excludes registered shares not at the transfer agent (i.e., held in DTC) where the registered holder does not have direct possession of the shares at the transfer agent. (Dashed purple outline)
As possession is nine-tenths of the law, there’s good reason to hold directly registered shares because, in the event of shit happening (e.g., zombie apocalypse or MOASS), having possession means you won’t need to repo your shares by asserting title. (Having possession is good because, with respect to the analogy, do you think Rick Grimes in the Walking Dead) would care about your title to your car that your wife and her boyfriend drove off in during a zombie apocalypse?)
And, as a result of the language in GameStop’s SEC filings changing over time, we can determine that DSPP@DTC is non-zero (i.e., DSPP@DTC > 0) meaning operational efficiency is occurring; even though we don’t have any idea (except for Paul Conn’s “typically 10-20%” statement) how many shares are used for operational efficiency for GameStop

Other Posts In This WalkThrough Series

  1. DSPP is technically different from DRS [WalkThrough] (1/n)

[1] For reference, here are the "DRS Count" statements from the 10-K/Q filings available from EDGAR:
  • As of October 30, 2021, 5.2 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent, ComputerShare.
  • As of January 29, 2022, 8.9 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent, ComputerShare.
  • As of July 30, 2022, 71.3 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent.
  • As of October 29, 2022, 71.8 million shares of our Class A common stock were directly registered with our transfer agent.
  • As of March 22, 2023, there were 197,058 record holders of our Class A Common Stock. Excluding the approximately 228.7 million shares of our Class A Common Stock held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares), approximately 76.0 million shares of our Class A Common Stock were held by record holders as of March 22, 2023 (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares.
  • As of June 1, 2023, there were approximately 304,751,243 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 228.1 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 76.6 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares) as of June 1, 2023.
  • As of August 31, 2023, there were approximately 305,241,294 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 229.8 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 75.4 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares) as of August 31, 2023.
  • As of November 30, 2023, there were approximately 305,514,315 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 230.1 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 75.4 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares) as of November 30, 2023.
  • Our Class A Common Stock is traded on the New York Stock Exchange (“NYSE”) under the symbol “GME”. As of March 20, 2024, there were 305,873,200 shares of our Class A common stock outstanding. Of those outstanding shares, approximately 230.6 million were held by Cede & Co on behalf of the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (or approximately 75% of our outstanding shares) and approximately 75.3 million shares of our Class A common stock were held by registered holders with our transfer agent (or approximately 25% of our outstanding shares).
As summarized by this table:
[2] There is a “Presumption of Consistent Usage (and Meaningful Variation)“ which is a relevant “Canon of Construction” here in understanding terms, especially in law. The presumption is simple: legalese is confusing so it helps to understand a word salad of legal jargon if the same words are presumed to have the same meaning throughout and using a different term (i.e., a variation) suggests a different meaning is intended.
The presumption of meaningful variation says “directly registered with our transfer agent”, “held by record holders”, and “held by registered holders with our transfer agent” each have a different meaning.
submitted by WhatCanIMakeToday to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 14:18 Popoma183 [Grade 12 Maths: Arrangement] i feel like i did it correctly but my answer(26) is different from the model answer(28)

[Grade 12 Maths: Arrangement] i feel like i did it correctly but my answer(26) is different from the model answer(28) submitted by Popoma183 to HomeworkHelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 10:22 gtfomf_ guys p6 bio help drawing

guys p6 bio help drawing
am i suppose to shade in those cells, can someone pls give full details on the drawing
submitted by gtfomf_ to igcsenotes [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 05:16 constanning [AP Physics 1] Atticus(?) Machines

[AP Physics 1] Atticus(?) Machines
I'm getting different answers than the textbook solution and my textbook didnt provide an explanation for this question.
Heres the problem:
You are supposed to find the tension of rope(s) and the acceleration of the system:
You are given that M=1.0kg and the friction coefficient is 0.2
you are supposed to use g=10m/s^2
The textbook answers are:
a= 0.22m/s^2
(T1 and T2 might be swapped, the textbook didnt label anything lmao)
The textbook is a little sloppy with sig figs and rounding
however, i got a=~2.4m/s^2 and I can't figure out where I'm going wrong
i noticed that if I plug in their value of a into my equations, i get the right tensions
heres my work for reference-sorry if its a little messy (i stopped solving for tension after noticing my a is wrong) (sorry reddit wont host the image for some reason)
random sidenote: are my diagrams/work okay for the Ap exam? or will i got docked points for drawing it wrong or something?
thank you all so much!
submitted by constanning to PhysicsStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 14:56 itsbernie81 Future Greater Sydney Rail Network Diagram

Future Greater Sydney Rail Network Diagram
With the soon-to-open Metro extension to Sydenham via the City, there's been a bit of chatter about the new diagram. Since we're in a future looking state in mind, I wanted to share my take of other extensions that I consider will complete the network, and how I would represent the network in a diagram format.
Higher resolution version (and more details of the project) here:
Approach to the diagram
  • TransportNSW separates the Sydney diagram from the Intercity & Regional Diagram, which is a reasonable compromise on space and legibility, but showing the two networks separately means users often do not realise there may be additional coexisting travel options. This diagram puts both networks side-by-side.
  • Metro, heavy rail and light rail services are shown, although some details for light rail routes have been omitted due to space constraints. I have sought to clearly differentiate between the different rail modes through choice of lines and colour. (Heavy rail are bright, solid and darker colours. Metro has a futuristic neon and grey combination. Light rail is pastel.) While Metro retains the "M" roundel, individual lines are labelled "R" to avoid confusion with the Motorway network.
  • Heavy rail services are shown with more granularity (inclding some guidance on stopping patterns), and different types of services are given their own route number identifier. This results in more numbers, and I have gone with a double-digit approach, where the first number gives a sense of where the service goes (1 = north, 2 = west, 3 / 4 = south west, 5 = south) and the second number differentiates between services going in the same general direction. For example, T40 = Macarthur to City via East Hills and Sydnenham (Express), T42 = Revesby to City via East Hills and Sydenham (Local), T45 = Western Sydney Airport to City via East Hills and Sydney Airport.
Services, stopping patterns and symbols
  • Line names have been retained but I have sought to avoid overly long ones. Metro lines have been broken up based on direction of travel from city, even if they effectively operate as through services. This makes it easier to identify the line based on direction of travel from the city, which remains the focal point of most trips. On this basis, the TransportNSW "M1 North West & Bankstown Metro" becomes "R1 Northwest Metro" and "R3 Southwest Metro".
New lines and extensions
A closeup of the Sydney diagram
  • Extend the R1 Northwest Metro to St Marys, to complete the outer loop
  • Extend the R2 West Metro to Western Sydney Airport, to provide coverage to the underserved south west region, and to provide a one-seat ride from WSI to Parramatta and Sydney CBD
  • Extend the R3 Southwest Metro from Bankstown to Liverpool via Milperra
  • Build the R4 Southeast Metro to La Perouse via Oxford Street, Bondi Junction, Randwick and Maroubra
  • Build the R5 Inner Ring Metro, R6 Middle Ring Metro and R7 Outer Ring Metro - a series of concentric semicircular routes connecting multiple regional population and job centres and greatly improving cross-city travel options. (Very ambitious I know, although many of the components are part of the 2056 vision published by the Government a while back.)
  • T45 - Extend Leppington Rail Link to Western Sydney Airport, allowing one-seat ride between Sydney's two airports
  • T35 - transform Cumberland Line into a north-south spine by incorporating the former Carlingford Line (yes, I know in reality it will shortly become part of the Parramatta Light Rail), enabling services running from Epping to Parramatta to Glenfield via Fairfield and Liverpool
  • New fasttrack sections to bypass the most winding / slow sections of intercity rail to Gosford / Newcastle and Wollongong
Light Rail
  • Split L1 into two halves, with each terminating at the new Bays Precinct
  • Extend L3 to Maroubra Beach
  • Build new L4 to serve the busy Green Square / Botany Road corridor
  • Build new L5 to serve the busy Parramatta Road corridor
  • Redesign and expand Parramatta Light Rail network, including extensions to Macquarie Park via land reserved for Cumberland County Road corridor, and converting North West T-Way to light rail
  • Expand the Newcastle Light Rail network
Intercity & Regional network. See more here:
submitted by itsbernie81 to SydneyTrains [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 13:58 troppytumb Anatomy of America-Style Axe Head

Anatomy of America-Style Axe Head submitted by troppytumb to OffGridLiving [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 03:24 gamma647 Help with Technic Plug & Play amp Harness

Help with Technic Plug & Play amp Harness
2010 bmw 328i Base stereo; no tweeters, no amp
I have recently received the Technic 2/4 stereo harness and an alpine Mx-f30 4 channel amp with speaker level input harness (harness with white connector). I also have bimmertech PnP fronts and subs coming but will change those out with stock speakers once they arrive. I am trying to plan this out before going and taking out all the seats and panels.
Here is my Alpine speaker level input harness:
![img](688ngrrzbiyc1 "White = left front + white/black = left front - grey = right front + grey/black = right front - Green = right rear + Green/black = right rear - violet = left rear + violet/black = left rear -")
Here is what I can gather from reading the labels on the wires of the Technic cables/wires:
L4WF#1 - Long 4 Wire Female #1 (red,black,white,white/black)
![img](rf8l24qfciyc1 "White = Left Front+ White/black = Left Front- Red = 12v Black = ground")

L4WF#2 - Long 4 Wire Female #2 (blue,blue/black,grey,grey/black)
![img](hugvt9h5diyc1 "Grey = Right Front+ Grey/black = Right Front- Blue = antenna Blue/black = not labeled")
L2WM#1 - Long 2 Wire Male #1 (red,black)
![img](e9b9nya9diyc1 "Red = not labeled Black = not labeled")
L2WM#2 - Long 2 Wire Male #2 (white,black)
![img](gkq9928cdiyc1 "White = not labeled Black = not labeled")
S2WF#1 - Short 2 Wire Female #1 (white,black) White = not labeled Black = not labeled
S2WF#2 - Short 2 Wire Female #2 (black,red) Red = not labeled Black = not labeled

S2WF #1 & 2
I can only assume it would hook up as follows:
Unplug 4 wire males from both subs. Attach Technic Long 4 wire Females to the BMW 4 wire males and run both Long 4 wire cables (L4WF) to the trunk hooking them up to the alpine harness as such:
L4WF#1: TH white Front Left+ > Alpine white Front Left+ TH white/black Front Left- > Alpine white/black Front Left- TH Red 12v > alpine power??? TH black ground > alpine ground???
L4WF#2: TH grey Front Right+ > alpine grey Front Right+ TH grey/black Front Right- > alpine grey/black Front Right- TH blue antenna > ??? TH blue/black > ???
Then plug in the Long 2 wire males into each sub and run to the trunk and attach to the alpine speaker harness as such:
L2WM#1: TH red > alpine green Rear Right+ TH black > alpine green/black Rear Right-
L2WM#2: TH white > alpine violet Rear Left+ TH black > alpine violet Rear Left -

This would give me the 2 front mids and 2 under seat subs going to my speaker level input harness but leaves the Short 2 wire females and the blue & blue/black wires that I’m unsure of what they are used for.
If you've ever installed the 2/4 harness any info would be greatly appreciated as there is no documentation/wire diagram written for this harness.
submitted by gamma647 to E90 [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 03:04 Traditional_Sir_6800 Newbie cashier

How do yall mainers sort the custys cart when ringing them out? Or do yall just throw shit in the cart? I find myself constantly taking the time to organize their carts like boxes in one corner colds in one meat in the other. Am I crazy and OCD for doing this? In training they kinda touched on the subject but I clearly wasn’t paying attention lol. And how do I just become faster in general? Edit: if anyone feels like it could they plz draw a diagram on a cart labeling where they put everything lol Edit: so gathering from all your answers it seems like I’m on the right track. My store is in an area where ebt dominates, (which I’m not hating on it just causes some different types of situations) so ppl come in on the first and spend every penny of their $500 so they’ll load the belt and it can be kind of difficult to keep shit organized lol. But I guess at that point it doesn’t really matter. AND quick rant I can’t stand when customers have one-two full carts and tell me “I don’t wanna go over $450 or whatever amt is on their card. Like how could you just grab shit and not keep track even a little bit? Bc now I have a cart of go backs and half are frozen
submitted by Traditional_Sir_6800 to Aldi_employees [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 01:26 dcmetro7 I am slightly skeptical of Kennedy's new poll

I am slightly skeptical of Kennedy's new poll
hello $2.90 stock image from
Robert Kennedy Jr. is running for president as an independent candidate. He wants you to know he's serious, and that's he's not a spoiler. You know, that thing he called Ralph Nader in 2000? He's not that. He's going to win. And he's got the numbers to back it up, with a sleek new video to explain it all. He's got a gambit planned, to take Biden off the board with the cold and unfeeling hand of hard facts.
Disclaimer: I know that it is the job of Kennedy's campaign to make the optimistic pitch for Kennedy's chances. But since the optimistic pitch for Kennedy's chances is misleading and wrong, we should hold accountable the people who say misleading and wrong things.

Um, Nerd Alert!!!1

Kennedy's campaign recently released this video to explain the Big News, starring 'Director of Content' Jonathan Hiller. Hiller wants you to know that he's a bit of a nerd. A numbers guru. A đŸ€“, hold the ☝. He just loves diving into the data and seeing where it leads, in a fair, even-handed manner. Let's explore the numbers with our new friend Jon.
i can assert with 95% confidence that this man still says 'amazeballs'
  • 0:47 'we conducted a nationwide poll of over 25,000 respondents, and our margin of error was 0.6%. That makes it, by far, THE most accurate predictor of the 2024 election that we have thus far.
I could not tell you with much confidence what a 'Director of Content' actually does. But from the way he talks about statistics, I'm guessing that working with statistics is not a big part of the job description.
First of all, he tries to dazzle the audience with numbers. It is true that most polls have sample sizes between 1,000 and 5,000 people, and it is indeed true that 25,000 is a larger number than either of those numbers. But sample sizes of around 1,000 have become the standard for offering a reasonable degree of precision -- a sample of 1,000 people from America's population of ~330,000,000 results in a margin of error of +/- 3%; this means, in simplified terms, that there's a 95% chance the real value is within 3 points of the poll's result. Why not use larger samples for issues of national importance, and have lower margins of error? In the words of Columbia stats professor Andrew Gelman, 'such larger samples generally a waste of time because public opinion varies enough from day to day that it is meaningless to attempt too precise an estimate. Indeed, to do so would be like getting on a scale in the morning and measuring your weight as 173.26 pounds.' To assert that level of precision six months out from an election is even less meaningful. For this reason, high-quality pollsters tend to focus on high-quality random samples to reduce bias, and thoughtful weighting techniques to make that sample as representative of the general population as possible. In short, quality trumps quantity; a well-designed study of 1,000 participants is superior to a shoddily-designed poll of 25,000. Put a pin in this.
Second of all, and more importantly, this is not how polls work, and this is not what the word 'accurate' means. In statistics, the words 'accurate' and 'precise' have distinct definitions, and statisticians are generally extremely careful to distinguish between the two.
if you know a Director of Content, please show them this diagram before it's too late
Accuracy is 'a measure of trueness or bias, how close the average value of your results is to the true value.' while
Precision is 'measure of variability or repeatability, or, how close your results are to each other.'
A low margin of error suggests high precision, as you'd expect future surveys conducted with different samples to give very similar results. But you cannot call this, or any other poll today, 'accurate,' because accuracy depends on one thing -- the closeness of your result to the true result. You know, the election that hasn't happened yet. Maybe they should have had their Director of Statistics make this video instead.
  • 1:04 'this is the head-to-head matchup between Biden and Trump. Trump with 294 and Biden with 244. Trump wins by 50 electoral votes, and if you're a political nerd like myself, you know that that is not very close.'
At this point, I"m starting to doubt not only that Mr. Hiller knows anything about statistics, but also that he's a 'political nerd' as he claims. Just as a statistician would not call a poll of an event that will only resolve in six months 'accurate,' a political nerd would not have such a boneheaded understanding of the Electoral College.
First of all, winning with 294 of the Electoral College votes would indeed be a historically close election. Winning 54.65% of the EC would result in the 9th-closest presidential election, in terms of percentage of the EC as a whole, in American history, sandwiched between Grover Cleveland's 1884 victory (which turned on just over a thousand votes in New York) and Jimmy Carter's win in 1976 (less than a two-point shift in just Ohio and Wisconsin would have flipped it to Ford).
Second of all, the EC margin does not accurately reflect the closeness of the election. You don't need to be a 'political nerd' to know this -- both 2016 and 2020 saw the victors winning 306 EVs (or 'not very close,' as Hiller calls it), but the elections came down to tiny margins in a few swing states. Trump swept the decisive states of WI, MI, and PA by less than a point each to win, while Biden's victory hinged on a 1.2-point victory in Pennsylvania.
  • 1:27 'in a head-to-head matchup, Robert F Kennedy Jr. wins 367 electoral votes versus Joe Biden's 171. Now that is what we call...a landslide' (landslide video)
Why was this even polled? Issues with the methodology aside. Kennedy's campaign is using this video to tell Biden that he should drop out. Trump dropping out is extremely unlikely and Kennedy doesn't seem to be pushing for this to happen.
  • 2:01 'so, to recap, Biden cannot beat Trump in a head-to-head race, and it is not close. Biden cannot beat Trump in a three-way race, and it's still not very close. Bobby wins in a landslide against Biden head-to-head. And Bobby beats Trump head-to-head. So wait, who's actually the spoiler here?
A compelling argument. I guess we're going to have to take a look at this poll.

the Oogie Boogie poll

At the bottom of that spoiler page from earlier, Kennedy provides three documents for us to peruse; two related to the poll by John Zogby Strategies, conducted between 4.13.24 and 4.21.24, and a powerpoint expounding on the poll. Let's take a look at this vaunted pinnacle of human forecasting achievement, also known as 'THE most accurate predictor of the 2024 election that we have thus far.'
I'm just going to give you a list of some of the more interesting state predictions this poll makes of a 2024 head-to-head between Trump and Biden, compared with how those states voted in 2020.
State 2024 Zogby prediction 2020 result projected swing
Utah R+2.7 R+20.5 D+17.8
Rhode Island D+4.6 D+20.28 R+16.2
Maine R+1.7 D+9.1 R+10.8
North Dakota R+18.8 R+33.4 D+14.6
Vermont D+21 D+35.4 R+14.4
Arizona R+11.6 D+0.31 R+11.9
Oregon D+3.9 D+16.1 R+12.2
Arkansas R+6.6 R+27.6 D+21
Oklahoma R+13.1 R+33.1 D+20
New York D+5.8 D+23.1 R+17.3
Virginia R+0.5 D+10.1 R+10.6
Missouri R+5.5 R+15.4 D+9.9
Indiana R+4.1 R+16.1 D+12
Now, maybe these are actually the leaked 2024 results. Maybe this is 'THE most accurate predictor of the 2024 election that we have thus far.' Maybe Traditional Democrats will power Biden to a twenty-point swing in Arkansas. But I am slightly skeptical that over a dozen states will swing by double digits in what appear to be entirely random directions. Reasonable people may ask what the hell happened here.
When you actually look at the poll itself, in the other document, an issue becomes clear from the very first page. Remember that '25,000 respondents' thing? Here's how they did it.
This was not a poll of 23,683 people, as the title suggests (which is less than 25,000 -- I guess counting isn't a skill expected from a Director of Content either); it's 50 polls, each with a sample size of around five hundred people. Remember when the campaign was dunking on those inferior polls that only had a thousand participants? Those unacceptable 3% margins of error in most regular polls? Every single mini-poll in this set falls below that mark. The lowest margin of error in this whole set comes for New York, with its n=740 for a population of 19.7 million clocking in at around 4%. This poll reminds me of the villainous Oogie Boogie from The Nightmare Before Christmas, in that it appears to be a unified and formidable presence, but when its seams are pulled, it is quickly revealed to be a sham composed of many tiny, pathetic components.
But that still doesn't explain how these numbers are so off. Look at some of these numbers -- Utah and Virginia as swing states. Missouri, Arkansas, and Oregon all close. You thought Democrats sweeping Arizona in the midterms would prevent them from a double-digit crash in the general?
This is normally where I'd look into the methodology, to see if there are any glaring errors that could result in these mistakes. But that turned out to be hard to do, as the poll only has the results. The only hint at the methodology comes from the title -- 'Interactive Survey of US Voters.' Interactive surveys usually use gamified elements ot hold the attention of the participants and convey the questions in a novel and easy-to-understand way. But obviously, when getting creative with your survey questions, you need to be extremely careful not to make design choices that will push users towards one option. And it seems like we'll never know what choices Zogby and co made.
When reading about Zogby, I quickly found that they're not the most reputable name in polling. Zogby is an old poll -- so old that Nate Silver called them the 'worst pollster in the world' in 2009, in which he criticizes their shoddy metholodogy for their online-based polls. Silver points out that, in 2008, Zogby had Obama favored in Arkansas, which other pollsters did not even consider possible (Obama lost AR in 2008 by twenty points) and had Obama close to victory in Oklahoma (he would lose it by over thirty.) Add on several misses in 2006, and it seems like Zogby's record of huge misses and secretive methods goes back a long way. If I worked for Kennedy's campaign, I might have commissioned them for this poll on their shoddiness alone, in the hopes of producing such an inexplicable poll to justify an unjustifiable campaign.

The powerpoint of desperation

In case that Hard Evidence didn't convince you, Kennedy's got one more arrow in his quiver: a good, old-fashioned slide deck laying out the case for Junior. And this thing is the cherry on the sundae. This is the document that convinced me that there is not a single person at the Junior Table who cares about the responsible use of statistics or avoiding misleading narratives. We have...
a PragerU graph -- that is, a visual that appears to convey quantitative data but, upon further inspection, contains no labeling or metrics that would allow a viewer to understand the numbers themselves. The only real takeaways are that RFK is in the Good Corner and Joe Biden is in the Bad Corner.
Junior pulls the old Truncated Axis trick, starting the Y-axis at a very high value to make the increase in this value look more pronounced than it is. Also, the year labels should be on the graph itself, rather than having to assume anything from the sources.
A table implying that Kennedy is more popular based on his website user data. This is misleading because voters know what Biden's policies are because he's been the president for the last four years. Voters don't know what Junior's policies are because few people knew who he was until recently.
When I saw this last image, I was a little confused. A 28-point gap in the popular vote is absolutely unheard of. It would outstrip Harding's 26-point margin over Cox in 1920, the biggest popular vote landslide in a contested election ever. And a sample size of 56,000? Apparently replicated by two separate pollsters, with the same results? I was unaware that TMZ had decided to dive into the polling space. The only polls I was ever aware TMZ did were those little web polls beneath their articles. Surely he's not talking about that.
It's an opt-in website poll, the example every high school statistics teacher uses on the first day to demonstrate how meaningless data can be used to mislead people. And perhaps Junior's campaign should have checked the polls again, because their guy is apparently losing to Joe.
by the transitive property Biden will win a 49-state landslide
As for the supposed corroboration on the 64-36 number on Zogby, I have no idea what they're talking about. It asserts the presence of an n=56,000 poll from Zogby conducted in May 2023, but was apparently only reported on by TMZ in 2024. I can find no evidence of this n=56,000 poll anywhere, and TMZ has a grand total of 1 article even mentioning the term 'zogby' on their site, and it's from 2006. And furthermore, if they had a huge-sample Zogby poll showing Kennedy winning in a landslide, why wouldn't they show that one off instead of the n=25,000 one they're bringing up now?
Genuinely, the most likely outcome seems to be that they just duplicated the poll because the people who made this slide deck either have no inclination or no ability to actually fact-check anything they publish.

Who cares?

I know what you're thinking. Who cares? Biden isn't going to drop out and endorse Kennedy, and this is the kind of insane moonshot thinking you expect from longshot third-party candidates. And furthermore, most of his base are the kind of disaffected voters who wouldn't necessarily vote if he weren't on the ballot. And he might take more from Trump than Biden anyway. And that's all true, but I still think it's important to point this out.
Kennedy is a scammer. He's raising the hopes of people who will inevitably be let down. He's using slickly-edited videos and official-looking documents to scam voters who don't know a lot about politics into giving him their money, their time, and their support, all to support a vengeance-driven campaign sprouted from the rotting ego of a blue-blood who has accomplished nothing of value in his seventy years on this planet and yet demands that tens of millions of people roll out the red carpet for him and acclamate him, in reverance of the one thing of note he has: his name. And I hate scammers. That's all.
submitted by dcmetro7 to AngryObservation [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 21:57 TheSmogmonsterZX Black Sheep Family - Interlude 9 - Date Night: Valentines

Black Sheep Family
Interlude 9
Date Night: Valentines
The Evening of the 17th of February, 2079
Agatha Quain sat at the back of The Divine Comedy Club , a cheap laugh restaurant that prided itself on having “discovered” a few good comedians. Currently Agatha was debating whether she was gonna toss an illusionary tomato at the racist piece of shit on the stage or at her boyfriend for not checking the schedule. Jack was just staring at the stage like the man had signed his own death warrant, not because of Agatha, but because the man was hellishly ripping into the Rana at the front of the stage. He was about to stand up and go get a manager when a short, wide man stepped on the stage, both teens knew he was Dominic Carcelli, a member of the Carcelli crime family, and a man whose family made heavy donations RHED, or the Rana-Human Education and Defense funds.
Carcelli made a swift grab for the microphone and nodded to a man off to the side. “Hey sorry about that folks, lets say we get some actual fuckin’ talent up here, yeah?” He covered the microphone and shouted off stage, “Who else we got back there that ain’t stupid enough to provoke half the damn city.”
A timid voice called out.
Carcelli rolled his eyes. “On behalf of management, as an apology, I’ll be covering mozz sticks for everyone, sound good?”
Agatha followed the mobster’s gaze to a taller, more severe looking man with salt and pepper hair and a groomed goatee. He also had a top hat at his side and a pocket watch clearly sitting in his breast pocket.
“Thanks for your patience folks.” Carcelli waited for the new comedian to come on stage. “Hey, what’s your name buddy?”
“Tommy Kallewski.” The young man said.
“What’d you think of that palooka before you?” Carcelli asked as he handed the comedian the microphone.
“You mean the guy who couldn’t grow up past the seventh grade?” Tommy snorted. “I’ve never heard worse jokes, and my material is fart jokes mostly.”
Agatha snorted and almost lost her drink through her nose. Jack barked and slapped the table. Most of the audience burst into laughter. The old man in the back grinned and sipped his drink as Carcelli joined him.
“So.” Jack snorted as the comedian’s jokes started to take off. “Sorry I didn’t check the schedule.”
“Anyone with a last name of ‘Dick’ that’s that old shouldn’t be labeled a comedian. Especially with that material.” Agatha rolled her eyes and leaned over and kissed Jack on his forehead. “You’re forgiven.”
“Thank you.” Jack smiled and took her hand.
They watched, laughed and listened for a few minutes. Jack was obviously enjoying the potty humor that Tommy was dolling out faster than most people could process. Then the free mozzarella sticks came and the two teens smiled as they tried to share a single stick between them. They laughed and dropped it as they failed.
“So, does your family need anything done while you’re out?” Jack asked.
Agatha sighed, “Yeah. Saw that coming. I think we’re good. Could use someone to look after the gardens.”
Jack nodded, “Not the cat.” He said.
Agatha snorted, “No gramps has the cat.”
“I can help with the gardens.” Jack nodded, “Dad’s upset he’s being put on a desk.”
“He’s the best leader dad has until we get back.” Agatha shrugged. “Even if he doesn't think so.”
Jack nodded. He smiled at her and held up another mozzarella stick.
“You’re doin’ it wrong.” Carcelli’s slight scarred face stared at them. “You’re breaking it early, you gotta have them in your mouth and then pull.”
“Thanks...” Agatha looked the man over.
“Hey, I know who your pops is and I don’t start shit. I run legit businesses and ain't no law says I have to call the cops on my customers. In fact Dross city has Neutral Ground laws.” Carcellie smiled, “Relax, we ain’t enemies.” He flicked the ashes of a half smoked cigar into his hand.
“Fair.” Agatha nodded, “Dross does have no smoking laws for restaurants though.”
“She’s right,Dominic.” The tall man said as he walked over. “Pleasure to make your acquaintance, I am Dwayne O’Donnelly.” The man’s heavy Irish accent was crisp and reminded both teens of older actors from the past. “Please enjoy the show and the food.”
“You own this place?” Agatha asked as she turned to look at the man as he stood directly behind Jack.
Jack was frozen and locked into place as he scratched his nose.
“I do.” Dwayne smiled, “One of my many investments in the city.” He turned to Carcelli, “I must go, please enjoy your meal as well.”
Dominic nodded and walked back to his table and put his cigar out in a half filled glass of water.
Dwayne smiled, “You’ll have to forgive the young Carcelli, he sometimes forgets I prefer a more laid back setting for my places.”
Agatha stared at the man, trying to see past his form and to something of less physical substance. She hadn’t been training with Illidae as he Master for long, but he had taught her how to activate her Soul Sight. What it showed her shocked her into just nodding silently. The man nodded and smiled before he left.
“That man smelled of danger.” Jack let out a breath. “Like metal and molten glass.” He noticed Agatha staring in shock and reached over to touch her hand.
“We need to follow him!” Agatha shot up to run, but Jack grabbed her, making sure not to tear her lace gothic dress..
“What did you see?” Jack hissed, “We can’t just chase a guy like O’Donnelly.”
“It was darkness, pride, hatred and rage.” Agatha said. “He’s one of them. He’s a Revenant.”
Jack paused then nodded, “Man, we need to plan for date night interruptions.”
Jack quickly got the bill and paid for their meal which they hadn’t even gotten to eat, he did ask for it to be packed as they would return for it. When they got outside they hopped onto Jack’s motorcycle and were off.
Danny sat nervously at the Pizza Hat. He had just finished a movie, The Terrible Trio Strikes Again!!! The third Strike!, with Heith and both were sitting nervously at the both. Both teens were clearly unsure how to behave and both knew Danny likely had other thoughts he was focused on.
“I hope the movie wasn’t a terrible idea.” Heith sighed, “I know the shit with Cassandra is bad, I just know I’d want someone to distract me if Sofie were in a similar situation.”
Danny looked up in worry, “No it was a good movie, and I appreciate the break. I just can’t stop thinking about how I could have stopped him for sure and now...” He put his head in his hands. “I think he’s not dead. I think Salem’s right.”
“The nosferatu guy?” Heith clarified, “The one who fought vamp-bitch?”
Danny chuckled, “Well for once an accurate statement if worded for a poor reason.”
Heith snorted, “I’ve met the woman, that’s personal bias.”
Danny smiled as a pizza and a large shake with two straws was put in front of them.
“Did we order that?” Heith blinked as she looked at the super-tall shake that had a mountain of whipped cream and two cherries on top.
“On the house.” The server winked. “You two have a fun date night!” He rolled backwards on his shoes and danced away.
“Man...” Danny sighed, “Dross City, we got’em all.”
Heith nodded and blinked, “Well it is chocolate.”
Danny nodded, “I’m fine with sharing.”
“Good.” Heith smiled as she put a piece of their pizza on a plate. “I never understood why...” She paused, “Is dad appropriate anymore?”
Danny shrugged, “I mean in some twisted way he cared, right?”
“Not about us.” Heith sighed, “Not how your family cares for each other, it was more possessive.”
Danny nodded, “Well then what is to you?”
“The Lab doctor who grew us.” Heith snorted in a laugh that signaled a sense of relief. “But I never understood why we couldn’t get pizza. This stuff is better especially when it’s not school based.”
“My dad would call that blasphemy.” Danny laughed. “How is Sofie doing?”
“She’s dealing better than I am.” Heith nodded, “I still have nightmares with him ripping off his face and that robot’s face.” Heith sighed, “He did give her an amazingly realistic snobby attitude.”
“I don’t know how people get attracted to that.” Danny sighed, “Has to be purely physical.”
“Or they’re the same.” Heith sighed. “Am I doing better?”
Danny tilted his head a little. “Heith, I’m the son of a rich as shit family. Both of my parents are independently wealthy and the only reason I had my job was boredom.” He laughed, “I’m not sure I can judge spoiled and bratty and stuff like that accurately.”
“Fair, but am I less bitchy?” Heith asked, “I don’t know. Forget I asked.”
“In terms of what I’ve seen, yeah, you’ve improved. You’ve learned and even though you still call me devil-boy, you’re not pissing Agatha off with it so I guess it’s okay?” Danny shrugged.
“Well she calls Jack ‘puppy’.” Heith said flatly.
“She’s called him puppy since we were four.” Danny explained, “She’s the only one he lets call him that.”
Heith paused, “Noted and remembered.”
Danny nodded, “And it’s not like she won’t sometimes get on his nerves with it.”
“Fair.” Heith nodded and sipped on their shake, then made a face. “That’s bad.”
Danny sipped on it as well. “Yeah I don’t think it was mixed right, too much chocolate mixed in.”
“Oh well, it’s free.” Heith smiled, “But don’t worry about Burlin or Gravitas or whoever the fuck he was or is. We won the day, now you focus on your sister.”
Danny nodded and sighed, “Thanks. I don’t know why but I feel like I messed up there.”
“I feel like I messed up my whole life with him.” Heith said with a grimace, “You’d think you’d see something that would scream ‘supervillain’!”
“To be fair, GLOBAL is classified as a villain organization.” Danny said, “We don’t know their endgame so unless it’s global domination, I doubt it’ll be classified as Super.”
Heith blinked. “That’s the difference?”
Danny shrugged. “Classifications are based on motivations and power levels mainly. Criminals want survival and the stuff that helps with that; cash, gear, et cetera.” He pulled out a napkin and drew up a small diagram. “Villains have some ideal or goal, they feel they have a purpose or society is the one in the wrong. Super-Villains want power, to rule and to run things. It’s why guys like the MechAnimals and the psychotic Animals are both considered criminals, but Pharaoh is a Super-Villain despite mostly being a crime boss. We know he wants the world under his control and crime is his means to an end.”
“And The Fog is a criminal because they just sell their services. Man-Tick is a villain because, why?” Heith asked as she took another piece of pizza.
“Fun fact about Man-Tick, he funds his research into breaking his curse via mercenary actions, but his goal isn’t complete reversal, it’s to make more like those animal-hybrid people GLOBAL made.” Danny explained, “My best guess is they stole his work, because that man would not be quiet about being successful.”
“And that makes Jet Fission a Super-Villain.” Heith nodded, “What about the Nazi Zombies?”
“Armageddon Level Threat.” Danny nodded, “Isn’t this first year stuff? Dad taught us this when he came back, Anna already knew it.”
“You’d think, but it’s a Senior class.” Heith gave a huff, “How many Armageddon Level Threats are there?”
“Bleak and his Crew is currently the only one, but Fission can slide into that as well.” Danny took his first piece of pizza. “I keep forgetting how greasy this isn’t.” He sighed.
Heith snorted and shook her head. “Well thank you for the lesson. If you need someone to talk to until then, I’m just a chat or call away.”
Danny nodded, “Thanks.”
“So why’d your dad let you take the van, isn’t it like your only car since that fancy one of his got stolen and wrecked.”
Danny chuckled. “He got it replaced pretty fast. Scared the shit out of those car thieves though. Spent an hour crying about the best metal baby.”
Heith stared at Danny in confusion.
“It was his first car, one of the only things he’s had any material love for. Mom says I’ll understand when I get my first car.” Danny explained with a light sigh of contentment.
“But you can fly.” Heith said.
“I can, but sometimes you gotta move someone else. Also I don’t go that fast, just above the average running speed.” Danny shrugged.
“We need a re-match.” Heith sighed, taking deep of their shared shake.
“Have you suddenly developed the ability to hit incorporeal things?” Danny shot back, “Because I can still do that.”
“I’ll find a way. Found a way to block Guire’s stupid shocks.” Heith said with a slight tinge of annoyance.
“Ah, give Guire a break, kid’s in just as bad a situation as you were, only he can’t run and the best guy to help him is a bit distracted helping my sister right now.” Danny sighed.
“What do you mean?” Heith asked.
“Guire’s dad is a former cop. Currently head of Security at Sun-Tech. Dad got him fired for beating his wife, but he’s got too many friends still on the force. Dad can’t make any moves to help Greg, Bubbles is trying now.” Danny took another slice and a deep sip. “It’s really fucked up.”
“I can break his face.” Heith said, “No one could mad at me after what I’ve been through.”
Danny almost choked, “God, no. Please. Just don’t give him so much shit.”
Heith crossed her arms but nodded in understanding. “I’m kinda full.”
“Me too, too much popcorn.” Danny laughed. “Want to take it home to Sofie?”
Heith nodded and they waved to the server who promptly trolled back over to them.
“Take home for the rest please.” Danny said, “And hey, where’d you get the shoes?”
“Customs on” He smiled, “Used to be popular in the early millennium, called Heelies. I’ll get you a box and cup for the shake.”
“You take the shake.” Heith said as she stood up to pay.
“I got this.” Danny smiled.
“I got it, I kinda put you in the asking position.” Heith smiled.
“Half then.” Danny offered.
“You pay for the shake.” Heith smiled.
Danny nodded, then remembered it had been a free shake. “Hey...”
“Too late you agreed.” Heith smiled and went to the counter to pay.
As the two stepped outside he couldn’t help but notice a motorcycle speeding by with a very elegant gothic dress on the rear end.
“Aggie?” Danny paused and stared.
“She wears dresses?!” Heith’s jaw dropped.
Alan and Endara were at one of the most expensive restaurants in the city, a professed neutral ground where criminals could come to safely dine so long as violence was not reported. It was a Carcelli restaurant, but Alan wasn’t going to hold that against them tonight.
“So...” Endara looked at the menu. “Should we be here?”
Alan looked at her and sighed, “I made the reservations, Cassie told us too.” He threw his arms up in defeat, “I just can’t help but feel like a shit-heel here.”
“Same...” Endara sighed. “Maybe order a dessert and take it home?”
Alan smiled, “Okay, but we have to eat a meal or Anna will get Stephen on both of us.”
“She does do that easily.” Endara smiled, “Her mother’s care in her.”
Alan nodded, “So my lovely fire engine of brute force...”
Endara broke into laughter, then collected herself. “Thank you, you know just what to say. My lovely dumbass.”
“I do try.” Alan smiled, “Oh. Manicotti.”
“You hate anyone else’s manicotti.” Endara gave an accusatory glare.
“That’s not true, just people who don’t know how to make it. This is an Italian place, if they can’t make it I’m going to be upset.” Alan smiled. “You just stay out of their kitchen.”
Endara snorted and looked the menu over. “Oh, they make big meatballs here.”
“Good evening.” A man said as he approached, “My name is Trevor and I will be your server tonight.”
“Well Trevor, ever had the Manicotti?” Alan asked.
“Yes, my favorite short of the chef’s favorite ravioli.” Trevor smiled.
“I’ll take that.” Alan smiled, “House’s best red wine, for the holiday past.”
Trevor nodded, “And you Mrs. Quain.”
“I’ll have the spaghetti and meatballs, can I ask for just three extra large ones?” Endara asked.
Trevor nodded, “We can do that.” He then took their menus and bowed before leaving.
“Well, let’s enjoy the night.” Endara smiled, but paused as she noticed Alan looking up and past her.
Endara turned to see the massive frame of Polar Bear grinning down at her. He raised his hands in a peaceful gesture.
“No harm meant.” He said as Mud Dauber stood by his side.
“I always thought you two made an odd couple.” Alan tried to laugh. “We good?”
“Yes.” Polar Bear nodded, “I wanted to thank you for your kindness last we met.” He bowed his head. “It is rare when we have a hero remember we are human too, mostly.”
Alan did a brief scan of the man’s surface thoughts and nodded to Endara. Endara then relaxed.
“And I have no interest in taking on you and your wife. Even with Freya’s help, we would lose.” Polar Bear laughed.
“You would lose, I would flee.” Freya snorted.
Polar Bear looked slightly wounded as he stared at his partner, then he nodded in the affirmative and agreed with her.
“Well, you’re welcome, but right now we’re on our Valentine’s date.” Alan smiled, hoping to dissuade any further conversation.
“Da? So are we!” Polar Bear laughed, “But we will leave you to yours.”
Freya pulled on his scarf and Polar Bear bent down to listen as she whispered in his ear.
Polar Bear winced, “I know this is probably a bad time, we have heard of the attack on the school and that you have an injured child; but our leader has a proposition.”
Alan felt his jaw drop as he felt the idea pass from Polar Bear’s screaming and nervous mind.
“Too loud Isaak.” Freya hissed, “Remember he is a telepath.”
“Right. Sorry.” He pulled an envelope from his very carefully crafted vest and handed it to Alan. “It isn’t much as of now, but we have hopes.” Polar Bear smiled as he once again bowed and led Freya to their table.
“Well...” Endara watched the two MechAnimals sit at their own table, “At least you can tell they’re in love.”
Alan nodded as he put the envelope away. “We might have to step up Anna’s therapy.”
Endara blinked, “What?” Then she realized the implication. “They’re that desperate?”
“Pharaoh may have cut off other sources.” Alan sighed, “Or the Animals really messed them up.”
Endara nodded, “What about the psycho?”
“Let’s worry about that after we save our daughter.” Alan sighed. “And part of that is eating a meal to bring home a huge chocolate mousse.”
“I was thinking, instead, what about stopping for ice cream?” Endara smiled.
“Anna will want what she always wants.” Alan sighed and telekinetically lifted his phone from his pocket and sent out a message to the family. Then he got a reply that made him pause and stand up.
“Agatha or Danny?” Endara asked with a sigh.
“Take a guess.” Alan sighed as he went to a non-emergency exit. Then he dialed Agatha’s number, when she didn’t answer he sent another text and waited.
The door opened and Mud Dauber came out and lit a cigarette, then noticed Alan. He felt genuine shock from her, but didn’t let her distract him. Finally he got a response and sent a quick demand for her and Jack to get home. Then he leaned against the opposite wall and sighed, partially sinking down.
“Are you all right?” Freya asked, “That’s a stupid question. I’m sorry.” She walked over and offered her hand.
Alan paused and took it, using her to help himself stand.
“Eldest decided to do something ridiculously stupid.” Alan sighed, “Thank you.”
Freya nodded and Alan went to go back in, but paused.
“If he’s serious, tell him to hold out as long as he can. We’ll be out of the country for a bit.” Alan explained.
Freya nodded, “You know I met your newest. She’s a sweet kid, I hope it's not her that’s hurt.”
Alan paused and let a bitter laugh echo in the night. “Hurt is an understatement. That bastard started to tear her apart from the inside, and something else decided to continue it.” He growled.
Freya nodded, and watched the door close, but Alan remained outside.
“You have kids?” He asked.
“I wish I could. Early childhood cancer.” Freya smiled, “And Isaak’s DNA may not carry over.”
Alan nodded, “If you and he are serious and you all really mean this, hold on. Then maybe consider adoption.”
Freya nodded. “We’ll try.”
Alan cleared his throat. “You have a nice Valentine’s dinner.”
“You too.” Freya smiled.
Alan joined his wife once more.
“Was she a problem?” Endara asked.
“Nah, just a smoke break.” Alan nodded.
Endara leaned in, “So what broke you?”
Alan went to argue but smiled, just as he could make her laugh, he could never lie to her.
“Agatha tried to chase a guy she thought was a revenant.” Alan smirked with a slightly mad glare.
“Why is our daughter blessed with both of our impatient and impetuous natures?” Endara laughed and brushed her hair back.
“Luck.” Alan smiled.
Then their meals were brought out and Alan immediately went to dig into his manicotti. He just as quickly frowned.
“Bad?” Endara asked as she cut up her meatballs.
“I think I’ve been ruined.” Alan smiled, “Best damn manicotti I’ve had.” He looked at Trevor. “Compliments to the chef.”
Trevor smiled, “I shall inform him.”
Endara nodded as Trevor poured their wine for the night.
“Trevor, how big is the biggest mousse you’ve got?” Alan asked.
Trevor paused briefly, almost concerning Endara as she watched him quickly stop pouring. “Pretty darn big, but that's for catering. We have a twelve ounce one for take home.”
“Dang that won’t satisfy a house full of teens.” Alan sighed.
“We can put it on a cake or a pie.” Trevor suggested.
“Ohhh.” Endara smiled, “Can we get one to go?”
Trevor nodded and looked at Alan.
“If you would.” Alan said, “And anything else she wants.”
Trevor nodded and stepped away.
Endar smiled at her husband as she remembered a specific order she had put in with a private call. Alan found it moments later as he split open a manicotti to find a jewelry box that he telekinetically plucked out. He stared for a moment then looked at Endara.
“You would.” He sighed and opened it.
Inside was an infinity loop with Endara’s birthstone in the center and the stones of the entire Quain family, including Daniel, Jazz and Alan and Stephen’s original adoptive parents.
Alan smiled and sat it down.
“Surprise.” Endara smiled.
Alan nodded, “They cooked it in the manicotti.”
“What?” Endara blinked.
Alan laughed, “Thankfully it only messed up one.” He scraped the offending manicotti to the side. “Someone’s gonna get in trouble for that.”
“Well, hopefully they can learn.” Endara sighed and slowly laughed at the scenario.
Soon both Quain parents were laughing and making jokes about pasta jewelry.
The First Story
[Previous Interlude]() //// [Next Interlude!]()
Arc 1 - Black Sheep Family - Arc 1, First Chapter
Arc 2 - Paradigm Shift - Arc 2, First Chapter
Arc 3 - Gravitas Rising Arc 3, First Chapter
Arc 4 - The Director’s Chair Arc 4, First Chapter
Arc 5- The School War Arc 5, First Chapter
Credit where Credit is due:
Kyton & Cassandra Adams are © u/TwistedMind596
Obsidian is © u/Ultimalice
Ixton the Blade of the Wielder is © My friend Forged of Souls who does not use reddit
Furnace is © my friend Matt who does not use reddit
Cedric Stein Meissner aka Tesseract is © my friend James, who does not use reddit.
All other characters and Dross City are © u/TheSmogMonsterZX
Perfection: Kinda heavy for an interlude inn’t?
Wraith: Well interludes are the parts that can't fit into the normal stories. He never said they wouldn’t contain any important details.
Smoggy: I believe I said I would try, and honestly I just couldn’t get Alan and Endara’s dinner anywhere at the end of Arc 5 or at the start of Arc 6. So it goes here and if I need to refer back to it, we treat it like a comic book and link to the story at the end.
Deadpool: I’m BACK and I brought boxes for all!
Smoggy: Glad to have you DP.
DM: What?
Smoggy: I’d like to send you some place nice, warm year ‘round and plenty of hot ladies to flirt with.
Deadpool: ...Really.
Wraith: (taps Scythe against the floor) He means hell.
Smoggy: I mean Hell.
DM: Ahhhh...
Deadpool: How about, like some place I can help teen heroes fight bad guys?
Wraith: We’ve already tried that with another version of you.
Smoggy: He still sends them Christmas Cards. So hell, or leave us alone.
Deadpool: You know I think it’s been fun here, but I miss home.
Perfection: (leaning over Deadpool’s shoulders) Smart choice. (vanishes with Deadpool)
Wraith: Why can’t they all be that reasonable.
Smoggy: Luck, insanity? I dunno. Time to focus. I got some SpellJammer stuff to make!
DM: Stinger!
Smoggy: Wha-
The Evening of the 16th of February, 2079
Jazz pulled her motorcycle up to the curb of the well maintained SkyView Apartments. She was almost up to the door when she heard voices out back laughing and shouting, so she went around to see what was going on. She found the person she was looking for with two of his friends, one of which was a personal hero of hers.
“Holy shit!” Jazz quickly saluted Samantha Canning.
“I’m retired and from what I understand, so are you.” Samantha smirked, then gave a quick salute.
“Jazz, what’s up?” Salem asked without looking up from the fire on the grill.
“They’re giving that poor little girl some bad news and I didn’t want to hear it.” Jazz sighed, “Figured I’d make you have some fun.”
“Some fun?” Sawyer looked at his friend, “You got a Super Nintendo?”
“Nah, figured we’d go beat up some thugs or something.” Jazz smiled. “Salem invite only though.”
“That’s fair. He needs more friends.” Samantha smiled.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Salem looked up with a glare.
“That you’re an old curmudgeon with few friends and most are kids.” Sawyer smirked.
“Pot, meet the kettle.” Samantha smirked.
“I got friends.” Sawyer laughed, “Just no one else likes’em.”
Salem rolled his eyes and downed the rest of his whiskey mixed with blood. Then he stood straight and stretched before staring directly at Jazz.
“I got a strict curfew of twenty minutes before dawn.” He set an alarm on his phone. “Won’t crash or anything, just don’t want to dust.”
“Man, have you ever crashed?” Sawyer snorted in annoyance.
“Nah.” Salem nodded, “Can’t let the sun win at everything.” He grinned. “All right Artigan show me what you consider fun!”
“Get your helmet, you ain’t ridin’ with me without one.” Jazz smiled.
“I am not a seat warmer.” Salem glared.
Jazz crossed her arms. “My bike.”
Salem snarled, but stomped off and returned, but with his own bike and a leather helmet.
“You just...” Jazz laughed, “Can that thing keep up?”
Salem’s head tilted.
“Oh, now she’s done it.” Samantha laughed.
“They’re going to be mangled in a mess on the news.” Sawyer laughed, “Anna will kill them both. Then maybe Cassie.”
Samantha laughed and picked up her whiskey.
“Take my couch Canning, cops won’t care who you are if they smell that shit. Doesn’t matter that you’re not drunk.” Salem said as he continued to glare at Jazz.
Jazz continued to smirk, “Well come on old timer. We got some red to paint.”
Salem let a low growl escape his lips.
submitted by TheSmogmonsterZX to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 17:40 michelle0270 Is it data labeling or data mapping?

I pick Data labeling because data labeling and data classification come together. Data mapping is to find the corresponding data fields which constains the similar data.
submitted by michelle0270 to CCSP [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 08:18 Commercial_Fly_379 PLS HELP, 9701 chem p4 question

PLS HELP, 9701 chem p4 question submitted by Commercial_Fly_379 to alevel [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 04:11 kdg4 Ice-Air RSU PTAC installation

Hi all - I thought I'd document my installation experience in the hope that it assists others. I live in NYC, and like many, have a PTAC unit installed in my apartment. The unit is a water source heat pump - it uses hot water from the building to provide heating in the winter, but uses an internal fan coil to provide cooling in summer.
What made my installation difficult is the unit did not have different coloured wiring, and the stock thermostat had Ice-Air specific labelling.
Thank you to jwayers for working out the correct wiring for these units here:
However, before I could start my installation, I needed to find the correct wiring mapping from the non-standard terminals on the stock thermostat. Fortunately, on the Ice-Air website I managed to find an installation manual which contains a mapping to more standardised terms: (PDF page 11 for the diagram)
The stock thermostat made use of the following wires. Here's how I connected them on my ecobee unit:
Ice-Air label Ice-Air description Ecobee terminal
R Red/24VAC Rc
C Black/Common C
COOL Yellow/Y1 Y1
F1 Green-G1/Low-cool G
F2 Blue-G2/Med-cool Y2
F3 Orange-G3/High-cool W2
H1 White/Heat W1
H2 (not in use) - -
P Brown/Pipe sensor -
G Purple/G -
RT Grey/Room temperature -
Hopefully this helps someone else in a similar situation!
submitted by kdg4 to ecobee [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 00:16 John-Sedgewick-Hyde VERY concerning (verified) social media post about Trails Carolina and a labeled map/diagram đŸ—ș of the Lake Toxaway, NC campus (from another verified internal source)

VERY concerning (verified) social media post about Trails Carolina and a labeled map/diagram đŸ—ș of the Lake Toxaway, NC campus (from another verified internal source) submitted by John-Sedgewick-Hyde to troubledteens [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 21:32 ReverendBlind The Best Brown Bomber I Ever Received

"Brown bombers" came up on another thread here, and I wanted to share my favorite that was directed at me.
I helped a clueless guest one day with a telephone jack for their wall. I explained the chart on the back of the packaging, and how to hook it up depending on what wires she had available. Two hours later they were back in the store, this time with a picture of their wires. It was a simple conversion from their wiring to the device, but they weren't getting it, so I drew a neatly labeled diagram.
Skip to the comment card/brown bomber they filled out: "(My name) in the Electrical Department was incredibly helpful, knowledgeable and courteous to us, HOWEVER - Your store security should be fired immediately, they were obnoxious and rude when we called the electrical department for help after close."
My GM read this in the staff meeting, and then just looked at me and said "Store security eh? I guess you get a pen, but I'm also taking one away".
Yes, I answered my phone "Store Security" after hours to avoid two hour long conversations with dipshits when we were trying to wrap up and get out of there. I told them no one was available to help them and to call back in the morning. I wasn't there to troubleshoot people's electrical problems over the phone when the store was open, I sure as shit wasn't going to do it after hours. So the brown bomber was both complimenting me and saying I should be fired immediately. 😂
submitted by ReverendBlind to menards [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 17:50 BeastMaster_101 ESP32 S3 Devkit SPI connection to RX5808

Hi all,
I have this S3 board that I'm trying to connect to an RX5808. The S3's pinout is identical to the official one.
The goal is to create an FPV lap timer that broadcasts a network that I can connect my phone to. The page will display stats etc..
The problem I have is the actual SPI connection to the board and the readout of RSSI. Excuse my lack of experience in ESPs but from what I researched, it seemed that SPI connection were much easier on the original ESP32 with clear labels for VSPIMOSI VSPIMISO VSPICS SPICLK etc..
The diagram at the bottom of this page is basically what I'm trying to replicate.
If anyone has any experience with S3's and RX5808 please let me know. Any other input is much appreciated.
submitted by BeastMaster_101 to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 17:37 BeastMaster_101 S3 Devkit SPI connection to RX5808

Hi all,
I have this S3 board that I'm trying to connect to an RX5808. The S3's pinout is identical to the official one.
The goal is to create an FPV lap timer that broadcasts a network that I can connect my phone to. The page will display stats etc..
The problem I have is the actual SPI connection to the board and the readout of RSSI. Excuse my lack of experience in ESPs but from what I researched, it seemed that SPI connection were much easier on the original ESP32 with clear labels for MOSI MISO CS SPICLK etc..
The diagram at the bottom of this page is basically what I'm trying to replicate.
If anyone has any experience with S3's and RX5808 please let me know. Any other input is much appreciated.
submitted by BeastMaster_101 to esp32 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 23:43 Dizzy-Screen-6618 Investigation Recap!

Introduction // The Message: T
he story of Hugo Booker and the Cataclysm starts with an urgent message to us, his trusty helpers. He believes the current worrying signs appearing in the sky are related to the Cataclysm many years ago. In this message Hugo requests our help and provides us with an old tech computer for the task. The year is currently 2144
I. The Witness // Anomalies:
Hugo talks about the years he has been searching for information on the Cataclysm. He has images from the year 2080 that show anomalies over the skies of Canyon, Dead City and Springfield. He takes a journey to Neo-Tortuga and asks the Broker for the name of the oldest person he knows. Chester Coen was the answer.
Chester was a Gang Leader and has managed to make an enemy of Mega Corp Yan-Di after robbing one of their Council Members and making away with a few mechs. He remains a wanted man even after all these years. After a long-winded conversation with Chester, mainly of the latter bragging of his many adventures, he gets a confirmation from Chester that the current signs over the skies match those that were seen back in 2080. Chester advises Hugo to leave for Mars immediately, but Hugo declines. Instead he asks Chester who he can contact to help him further on his investigation. His answer? Soren de Vos.
II. The Whistleblower // Evo-Life:
Soren de Vos. The Evo-Life executive in charge of the Gene-Mod program was banished for "ethical misconduct". Soren is on camp with Chester's crew as a medic. (His son Cormac de Vos is a well-renowned robot prizefighter. Both deny having any living relatives.) After another long conversation with yet another eccentric, bragging about his many achievements throughout his life, Hugo manages to extract from Soren some classified Evo-Life records.
The first record was an email from the CMO of Evo-Life to the CEO from the year 2071. John urged Marie to join him on a call to discuss the joining of a huge project that the other Mega-Corps were working on, Project [REDACTED]. Evo-Life's role would be FMCG (Gene Supplement) supplier.
The second record was an invoice of a very large amount of Evo-Life products Yan-Di acquired for the Project. in the year 2075.
The third record, from the year 2081 was a transcript of a board meeting. The cataclysm was lurking overhead and urgent measures needed to be taken to save the Evo-Life economy. Issue was that Evo-Life didn't have a space program in order to construct ark ships to travel to Mars. The solution found was to steal the ships from Mid-Gardens, who's entire personnel was wiped out by acid rains. Problem was that their entire colony was under severe contamination from said rains. Solution was to send John to lead the way under the effects of Acid-Awayℱ and other fear-suppressants, since he got them into this mess in the first place.
]III. The Investigator // Yan-Di:
In the year 2142 an arrest warrant was put out in the name of Rico Seleznev (A.K.A. Hugo Booker), he has managed to evoke the ire of Yan-Di with his unwanted investigation work. Hugo contacts Jay K via text message. Initially Jay is hesitant to help Hugo out at all due to the warrant, but eventually warms up to him.
Hugo is looking for a way into the Yan-Di archives, Jay works his magic and gets him a contact, the deal is that Hugo must first steal an Ultimate Destrier for his contact. Apparently this mid-tier merchant wants to join the Golden Robots club desperately. Hugo agrees and the conversation is terminated.
The Yan-Di archives reveal that Mega-Corp Space-Tech approached Yan-Di in the year 2061 with this huge concept, The Project. Risks were sky-high but the possible returns were too high to pass up. Yan-Di agreed to help fund The Project.
Issues with The Project start to arise in the year 2080. Everyone is scrambling for safety asd escape measures following the latest mishap- a supermassive gravitational anomaly- at the site of The Project. Yan-Di analysts advise to invest into similar measures despite the confidence that the issue will be resolved.
It’s now the year 2081, evacuation plans are in full swing. Thanks to a couple on-point acquisitions, Yan-Di now has access to an exclusive space program company. The bad news is that there are limited spaces and only the highest class will be permitted to join.
We uncover a list of members requesting access to the Yan-Di files. All are permitted to join besides for one Kyle Rogers
. This name means something to Hugo apparently because he immediately wants to go meet up with him, he believes that Kyle will have some information on Space-Tech’s part of The Project..
IV. The Veteran // SpaceTech:
Kyle Rogers is a decorated first generation robot pilot. Famous for leading Space-Tech’s famed Eagle Squad until it was destroyed by what is believed to be the first encounter with the Grey Swarm. Harrowed by this loss he is determined to find the source of it at all costs.
Hugo has a conversation with a now retired Kyle. The conversation starts off normally and then takes an unexpected turn. Kyle asks Hugo what he knows about the Grey Swarm. Hugo replies that they are AI autobots who scour the earth and kill everything they touch. He speculates that this is because they are worried that we will interfere with their reproduction algorithm. Finally Kyle gets to the point he was heading. He asks Hugo if he has noticed the evolution of the Grey Swarm’s Bastions over the years, he explains that in the beginning the Bastions couldn’t teleport at all. The Grey Swarm must’ve grafted that technology from somewhere, but where? This seems to be linked to the Cataclysm.
Hugo asks if Kyle still has the Space-Tech records to which he replies that he does indeed and is happy to hand them over. The documents reveal an image of a weird looking structure which we immediately assume to be of The Project. The documents also reveal a message from the Megacorp Icarus. The message contains a hopeful message that seems to imply that The Project’s tech can be applied to living organisms as well. Hugo asks if Kyle knows anyone who can give him Icarus’s perspective on things he replies in the affirmative

V. The Hacker // Icarus:
Tal Mokri is an intriguing fellow, he’s all cryptic and altruistic. This was going to be a tough nut to crack for sure.
Hugo starts off the conversation trying to receive info from Tal but he insists on hearing a few things from Hugo first, he wants to know why Hugo is interested in this whole catastrophe in the first place. Hugo replies to this saying that it began as a personal vendetta but now he believes that Earth is in serious danger. Satisfied, Tal now informs Hugo of another person he must meet as well, Nessa Riggs, the person accused of unleashing the swarm
 Falsely as Tal explains. Nessa was simply unlucky to be the first person to discover a Grey Swarm factory. Tal also gives Hugo access to some Icarus files.
The first Icarus file reveals an email report Icarus sent to the Yan-Di and Space-Tech CEOs, it reports a serious spike in unidentified attacks on many convoys en route to the secret location of The Project. It recommends the inclusion of Mega-Corp DSC for help in security logistics.
The second file is a report from the Icarus research team working on The Project, they reported that the tech that is being developed for The Project seems to require two stable anchor points unless one wishes to risk mass-destruction.
Another document reveals a conversation between two Icarus employees regarding the development of a new robot; the Phantom. In the beginning they are of very different opinions about the idea. One loves it and the other rejects it vehemently, citing the Tharsis protocol which outlaws the use of any teleportation tech, all 5 Megacorps signed on this. The latter eventually gave in and agreed to talk to corporate due to the fact that this robot could give them a huge advantage on the battlefield.
A fourth file is about a security breach in a secret Springfield Icarus facility where the mercenaries responsible stole, out of all things, an old MRI machine alongside a diagram of the new and improved teleportation tech. (See Team B).
Hugo now really suspects that the technology that the Big Five are producing is related to this teleporting tech, he shakes off his bad feelings and gets ready to meet Nessa Riggs.
VI. The Fugitive // DSC:
Nessa Riggs is a pariah in the eyes of all corporations but revolutionary by many pilots. In the corporations’ eyes she stands responsible as the catalyst of the current Grey Swarm situation.
Hugo sits down for a talk with Nessa. All is pleasant but there seems to be a tense air around Nessa, ignoring his feelings Hugo asks Nessa what she was looking for in the DSC files. Information on the Grey Swarm, was the simple reply. When pressed on what she had found she said that most of it is fluff and the rest is encrypted but what she does know is that DSC was the original creator of the AI technology that created the Grey Swarm headache we have today. When asked if she knew who had sent her on that fateful mission to the factory (see the Nessa Riggs and Raven cinematic) she replied that she highly suspects it to have been DSC themselves who sent her there through her contractor so she would take the blame. Just a scapegoat to cover up their misdeeds. Then Nessa suddenly remembers that she, in fact, does have some documents that Hugo may find interesting and she hands them over.
The first document is a record of an internal email suggesting that DSC should take some covert actions against the convoys heading towards the secret location where the other 4 corporations were working, in the case that their information was accurate. This would force the corporations to give DSC a piece of the pie in return for their security operations to secure the convoys and secret location. And they planned to use their latest invention: the Arachne program. The plan was authorized and put into action.
The second document was a signed agreement between the 5 corporations acknowledging DSCs inclusion in The Project for logistics and security.
Two additional documents outline the Arachne program and its functionality is clearly illustrated in a diagram. After reading all the details and connecting the dots, it becomes crystal clear. DSC were in fact responsible for the development of the Grey Swarm. Shocker.
The aim of the Arachne program is to allow human error in sensitive operations to be non-existent. This model involved an evolving AI model which eliminates any need for human interaction.
Hugo is in shock, he fears that his most dire predictions may become true. He fears that now, not only Earth is in danger, but even colonised Mars is under the imminent threat of pulverisation.
VII. The Cataclysm:
Arachne Logs:
Project Arachne initiated. Objective: Defend the research facility from external interference. Coordinates: [REDACTED].
2.12.2085: Conservation mode initiated. Objective: Maintain production facilities in operational status. 2.10.2130: Security threat of extraterrestrial origin detected. Assigning label: ROBOT PILOT. Setting production facilities to maximum output to prevent the security breach. Objective: Enhance the defensive capacity of production facilities.
Intruder detected at SWLP^04/21 facility. Target identified as a ROBOT PILOT. Project "Arachne" data compromised. Defensive measures have proven ineffective in preserving the integrity of production facilities. Initiating attack mode. Objective: Eliminate ROBOT PILOT forces on Earth.
11.10.2143: 5 factories lost. Previous objective deemed insufficient at maintaining integrity of production facilities. Objective update: Neutralize ROBOT PILOT central command on Mars. Utilize the object at [REDACTED] to reach the destination.
Hugo was filled with a sense of foreboding, he was right all along. The grey swarm was about to trigger the second Cataclysm in order to defend themselves from the human invasion. Action must be taken at once. He must alert Nessa as well. Time to move. We need to get to Ground Zero as fast as possible. He connects all the coordination fragments and it reveals Ground Zero to be in a deserted location in Antarctica. Nessa, Theseus and Hugo arrive on the scene to see that the Grey Swarm has already taken complete control of the compound. Options are limited. Nessa is insistent that they prepare for an aerial strike on the compound to prevent the Grey Swarms teleportation to Mars. Hugo doesn’t agree, he says that we must try and protect Earth from a second Cataclysm at all costs. Nessa heavily disagrees. Hugo jumps into action in his Nether, and starts battling the grey swarm while setting up a warp module so support can join. After an intense battle he manages to defend his position and support spawns in (us). We battle the Grey Swarm at Ground Zero and, after a week of intense fighting, manage to liberate the area from the dastardly little spiders. Earth is safe for now. (See Hugo and Nessa Cinematic).
Please do not reproduce in any way, a lot of work went into the creation of this piece.
Hope you enjoyed!
submitted by Dizzy-Screen-6618 to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]