Runny nose fatigue sore throat stuffy nose tired symptoms

Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

2014.09.19 01:24 healthyalmonds Staphylococcus aureus bacteria colonizing the body: the unifying agent of acute and chronic disease

Staphylococcus aureus is a bacteria that can live in the nostrils, ears, mouth, tonsils, and skin. It may cause or be associated with your congestion, swollen lymph nodes, sinus problems, sore throat, eczema, rosacea, acne, cystic pimples, folliculitis, bowel disease, chronic fatigue, diabetes, lupus, weight gain, hair loss, and other diseases. Chlorhexidine, iodine, or Triple Antibiotic Ointment (Neosporin) may stop the Staph infection. See inside for more information.

2024.05.14 18:20 Misfitmask Is it a viral infection?

I (32M) have been getting severely dry nose overnight and then highlighter green mucus and snot during the day, this has been going on for over a week. Also full body aches and brain fog. Not sure what's up with me, apart from those symptoms I don't feel like I normally do when I get sick.
submitted by Misfitmask to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:12 DakuraScarlet Swinging from Hypo to Hyper?

I’m so confused. I’m diagnosed with Hashimoto (by 3 doctors at this point) through ultrasounds and blood tests, but I somehow keep switching between having hyperthyroidism symptoms to hypothyroidism ones. In March was when this all started, I suddenly lost weight, had diarrhea, couldn’t stop shaking, could only sleep for like 3 hours every night and my heart was racing. Then during the end of March and for all of April I had very clear Hypo symptoms. I was cold all the time, I stopped losing weight, I slept 12 hours every night and was still tired, felt fatigued all day and just wanted to lay down and was constipated. Now suddenly for the past week in May I’m getting hyper symptoms again, like hot flashes and heart racing plus losing weight again. I’m so confused, I went from laying down all day and having no energy to feeling the urge to constantly move around because when I rest I start feeling really unwell…
submitted by DakuraScarlet to Hashimotos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:09 total_normie I have been nauseous and fatigued for a month at 20, getting really worried!

To preface, I am 20M, 1.8m and 83kg. No significant existing conditions, currently taking prochlorperazine between 15 to 25mg a day. UK student but live in Romania.
Primary complaint: Nausea and fatigue for a month. Right under ribs abdominal pain for a week. General GI issues (diarrhoea, bloating, gas etc.). Face feels very hot - temperature on the higher end of normal (gets up to 37.5 C in the afternoon).
Hi everyone, please read if you can, worrying myself sick and would love someone to tell me I'm not going insane.
4 weeks ago I had orchiepididymitis which was treated with 5 days of Gentamicin IM and 7 days of levofloxacin (Romanian medical system... my GP did not believe me that they gave me such strong stuff). Since the day I went to the ER and started treatment for this, I haven't felt normal.
During the week I ended up in the ER again with what turned out to be a panic attack. I spent the whole week with horrendous anxiety, depression, paranoia and generally felt horrible (GI issues including yellow/pale stool, nausea, and this horrid 'hot' feeling), among other things which I cannot really remember since I was so out of it. My family doctor said (helpfully enough, after the fact) that I was having some pretty serious side effects from the medication but that they should go away.
Well, I'm posting here because they haven't. After the week of treatment I was given another 24 days of antibiotic but I only took one of the courses given because I felt so awful while on the first one (Cefixime). Nauseous all day, really bad tiredness that wouldn't go away even with proper sleep (although I could not sleep through the night properly). My GP have me the prochlorperazine to curb this, worked for a while while on the Cefixime, stopped it 3-4 days before finishing the antibiotics but it came back with a vengeance this week.
Now I am 1 week+ off that antibiotic and I still feel awful. The hot feeling is back but feels worse than it did in that first week, I've been having diarrhoea (possibly related to new magnesium supplements) but the most worrying symptoms are definitely the nausea and fatigue which are not going away, even though my sleep has been great.
I'm so tired of feeling like this, if anyone has any idea what's going on please help! I've worried myself sick googling and my GP is unconcerned but ordered blood tests to be cautious (next Monday).
Is it possible that the symptoms are unrelated to the antibiotics? Obviously, everything online tells me I have cancer so I can't figure out what it could actually be.
I should add - my blood tests from a week before the infection were (almost) perfect, apart from a barely low neutrophil count (1.97, limit 2), slightly high cholesterol and low vit. D which I have since taken supplements for. During that week I had two CBC, one when I went to the ER with the infection which showed high WBC, protein C etc. indicating infection, and the latter CBC showed perfect values (everything in optimal range).
submitted by total_normie to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:03 andisgruntledpelican Wondering if any of you have had a similar experience?

Hi fellow Sjoggies! I was diagnosed with Sjogren's about 5 years ago and am seronegative (resulting in extensive testing). Although I met the diagnostic criteria for a Sjogren's Dx, I have never presented as a "classic Sjogren's patient". Although I have dry eyes and dry mouth, the symptoms I complain most about are more in line with lupus: arthralgia/arthritis/inflammatory tendonitis, fatigue, low grade fever, rashes (holy balls, soooo many rashes), mouth sores, hair loss, photosensitivity, brain fog, and cutaneous vasculitis.
(I know many Sjogren's patients experience some of these symptoms, but for myself, I'm speaking more about the totality of my symptoms/complaints)
Even my rheumy has started to refer to my case as 'overlap syndrome', and agrees that many of symptoms are more in line with lupus.
My bloodwork has always been resoundingly negative, with the exception of high CRP levels at times (and I had the lowest level of Vit D he'd ever seen in the beginning).
Can anyone out there relate to this?
submitted by andisgruntledpelican to Sjogrens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:01 AcrobaticPickle7 Pretty sure Ive contracted

Throway acct. I (40m) had an encounter with someone on 4/30, kiss and oral sex. 2-3 days ago I started feeling tingling to my lips. It felt pronounced and tender, as well as a bit of a sore throat. I started researching and symptoms match up...started freaking out a but. Still am, anxiety is through the roof. As I looked up treatment I also reached out to Dr to make appt. Soonest is a week out. They also seem lacking knowledge on contraction as what I was advised doesn't line up with most of what I've read. Primarily that you cant contract unless the person had an active OB. They did not. I have access to Famciclovir and dosed 750mg twice that first day and now 500mg twice a day. I'm on day two. The tingling has subsided but I'm pretty sure I see small pimples coming on both sides of my lips although very small. Honestly hard to notice unless you close up and point them out. Hell, I sometimes have a hard time seeing and it only gives me hope.
Ive also been feeling the tingling in the genital/scrotum to anus area. Nothing noted on there but I cant deny that feeling comes and goes. I cant get confirmation for at least another week if not longer. The antivirals surpress possible results and this is fairly early to test no? and this is the first OB I've ever experienced (although pending confirm but symptoms match up). I'm avoiding kissing/sex with my partner and am holding onto dear life that I'm wrong but its seems fairly evident I'm not. I guess Im just waiting for confirmation to break the news? Once I do I know I lose them. No question. my partner and I had sex/oral on 5/2. I don't know what Id do with myself if I passed this on to them, and If I didn't it seems now its inevitable if they were to stay. Besides the extreme level of constant stress, Im scheduled for a surgery tomorrow, minor but involves general anesthesia. I read that triggers and I guess im just waiting to see if that flares and fully confirms for me? Im a mess internally right now. This was the best person to ever happen to me. I know what Im about to lose. Im so ashamed and dissapointed.

submitted by AcrobaticPickle7 to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:01 Jealous-Read-3422 AITA for beating the shit out of my friends cousin for getting my 1000$+ ROBLOX account deleted?

I (15M) went to my friend, David's birthday party at his house. He told me that I was allowed to use his computer to watch a live event in a ROBLOX game I play. (I only wanted to see the live event so it would give me the free item) Around 2 hours into the party his cousin, Vladimir comes in and doesn't do anything except watch YouTube shorts on his phone. He didn't say a word to any of us and when we all got tired of staying inside, we decided we wanted to go out to David's neighbours forest. The only problem we had was that I wanted to see the event but we wouldn't have time to go to the forest if we waited for me so I decided to just leave an autoclicker on while we went to the forest. I asked Vladimir if he wanted to come with us and he just ignored me. We left for the forest for about 45 minutes until David's Mom called him telling him to come back for dinner. Everyone else went into the kitchen while I decided to go see if I got the free item. I come back to see Vladimir still there on his phone while my ROBLOX window says ''Error code 267,''If anyone here plays ROBLOX then you might now that error code means you got suspended/banned.
I closed out of the ROBLOX window and refreshed the page to see that my account had been terminated for ''child endangerment.'' I turned to Vlad and asked him if he went on my account, He ignored me so I grabbed his phone and threw it to the wall and asked him again, He pushed me and went over to see his phone. I grabbed him and started hitting him. He had a bloody nose and a few cuts from my nails digging into his back. David walked up and saw me beating the shit out of Vladimir and he separated us. Vladimir admitted to David that he had went on my ROBLOX account and said extremely NSFW things that I wont even repeat inside the chat. I cant appeal because ROBLOX wont believe me if I tell them that it wasn't me. I've had that account since 2016 and was worth around 1000$ of items. I know beating up the guy was a bit much but I was pretty mad that he got rid of 8 years of progress.
submitted by Jealous-Read-3422 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:52 Key-Cauliflower-8843 I KNEW IT! Moderate OSA

So, I've been struggling. And I'm so grateful I found this sub. My doctor home study came back that I didn't have sleep apnea- but nothing felt right about that study. Nothing was on my chest, etc. it was just a head thing that had a couple sensors, and an a nose tube thing. I had it on too tight and loosened it during the night and I was SURE I did it wrong. I also didn't sleep well at all for there to be much data- but the doctor said there was and I did the appointment with him-- just for him to say I don't have it, but if I wanted I could do a lab study, but I'm still waiting for that to go through insurance and I started this process in February.
Thanks to this sub I "just knew" SA explains a lot of my health concerns and symptoms, etc. and I'm LITERALLY sick and tired of waiting for the medical and insurance systems here... so I researched and bit the bullet and did the payment option for a Lofta test. Results in- and YEP... Moderate sleep apnea with 20.5 hourly events and 139 total events for the night.
I have my follow up appointment next Monday as this is a super busy time of year (I'm a high school counselor). I'm going to call my insurance and see if they'll still cover a CPAP, etc. with a prescription from Lofta. I honestly feel a sense of relief at the diagnosis and having that "officially". I know some feel negatively about the diagnosis and CPAP- and that's valid. BUT, I've been suffering for SO LONG- having it all make sense is a relief. At least knowing what I need to "figure out" is a start. I understand starting CPAP may come with its own challenges, but I'm prepared.
submitted by Key-Cauliflower-8843 to SleepApnea [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:48 Oh_boy_Dinobonoids Possible infection from spit talker?

A friend of mine had a mostly healed cold sore under his lower lip and spit a little bit on my face while talking to me. It hit between my nose and upper lip. I put some hand sanitizer on the area about a minute afterward. Could I have contracted the virus?
submitted by Oh_boy_Dinobonoids to Herpes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:25 canttakethshyfrom_me OTC treatment for mucus blockage in inner ear from upper respiratory infection?

42M, 5'9", 240lb, non-smoker, some history of sinus congestion but no previous eustachian tube issues. Got exposed Thursday at a concert (only time it could have happened), by Saturday night my throat was sore. Only mild sinus issues and not much of a cough, but last night my middle ear filled with mucus and won't drain. Took pseudoephedrine, diphenhydramine, acetaminophen and ibuprofen along with lisinopril, and pain subsided. This morning, naproxen, pseudoephedrine and acetaminophen plus adderall, vilazodone and gabapentin.
No pain to speak of now, and breathing clear through my nose with little pressure in other sinus areas. But pressure in the ear remains and hearing is greatly reduced, no high frequencies. Can hear it sloshing in there when I move my head. Have had hope a couple times that it was about to drain, but still stuck. Been running the humidifier since last night, several times have just stood around breathing in steam from the shower. Treatment recommendations at this point? And what duration or signs would send me to a urgent care or an ENT (I'm American so it'd be a considerable expense).
submitted by canttakethshyfrom_me to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:24 Cautious-Adagio6072 Pressure in eyes causing dizziness

So i have hayfever and normally it’s just a head pain and watery eyes but today i’ve been getting pressure in my eyes and bridge of nose and it’s making me little dizzy, my eyes just feel very congested and pressured but because of my health anxiety i’m thinking the worse, are these symptoms normal with hayfever
submitted by Cautious-Adagio6072 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:20 FoxyRecovery0001 Drug induced rhinitis

Anyone has drug induced rhinitis and recovered from it? Runny nose and/or teary eyes? I need hope. Please let me know.
submitted by FoxyRecovery0001 to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 Naylamrini Mold - should i move out??

Hi everyone, i moved to my house around 4 years ago. Ever since ive experienced brain fog, dissociation, anxiety, sore throat in the morning, chronic yeast infection, chronic fatigue (exhaustion), chronic sinus infection. My sister who lives with has severe eye allergy. I have a 9 months old baby and 5 years old son.
I found some mold in my house and not sure if i should move out or not. I live in a 30 floor building so even if i fix my walls (which is soo difficult to do and also i dont trust people who are going to “fix” it) i cannot control the mold in all the building.
At the same time i moved here, i did the Covid vaccine and got corona, so not sure if its that but i doubt.
I shared some pictures and hope u can give me ur opinion. I love my house but not willing to put my kids and my self at risk.
Please check the pictures
P.S: someone came to my house an cleaned it all with All purpose cleaner which i know is the worst and im so upset
Thanks everyone :)
submitted by Naylamrini to Mold [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 Inevitable_Drive_729 Red face rash in family

Female. 35 years old. Non-smoker. Otherwise healthy. Started 1 month ago.
3 of our 5 family members in our household have a red face rash. We get red cheeks and chins. It comes & goes. It doesn't itch. It feels mildly burny. It looks like a sunburn or like we got too hot. No other symptoms, but it did start when we had a cold that's sense resolved. It's not on any other part of our body. Just cheeks, chin, sometimes nose, forehead, and front of neck. It'll be gone for days then boom randomly happens. I cannot figure out what would cause myself & my children to all get the same rash but not the other 2 family members.
submitted by Inevitable_Drive_729 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:14 HadiKhan3103 singing with allergies

can someone help me? i dont sing or practice singing in my room because the walls are very thin and my parents will hear me. So i sing in the cellar. The thing is that i have a dust and pollen allergy and dust is basically everywhere. Rn my throat feels ok but my nose is running like a waterfall. I sound very nasal and i cannot concentrate or shift my voice to my desired tone when i have that annoying nasal quality in my voice.
Any tips or tricks on to get back to my normal voice?
submitted by HadiKhan3103 to singing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:13 Alive-Sea-7078 Ovulation symptoms

So I only get symptoms right around ovulation which I heard is common. Birth control did a number on me and was causing brain fog and crohns. After getting off I felt a million times better, but I still have flair ups of severe brain fog, body aches, exhaustion, ADHD, diarrhea, stuffy nose, anxiety, depression, etc around ovulation. It feels like my brain is inflamed. Do you think DAO, quercetin, and low histamine probiotics would do the trick? Obviously I’ll incorporate a diet change as well. I’m a single mom in nursing school and at this rate I’m not going to graduate and I’m afraid I’m going to have permanent dementia.
submitted by Alive-Sea-7078 to HistamineIntolerance [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:12 AcanthisittaLow5337 cerebrospinal fluid leak CSF ?

I’m 24(M) living iin gurgaon, experiencing yellow-greenish liquid dripping from my left nose canal. It’s watery and dries up flaky. I had this a year ago in UK for a couple of days but didn’t gave any medical attention. Now I’ve started playing cricket again and after 30-40 mins it started dripping again. It leaves a halo on tissue and tastes saline. I’m just worried because I’ve googled it and it showing me CSF (Mostly google shows you cancer for any symptoms).
Should i be worried and panicking? Or just chill out? Should i check up with an ENT specialist or any general physician?
submitted by AcanthisittaLow5337 to indianmedschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:03 Cyanide_Sprite I’m sick cause of work

I’m a guest advocate, 5 days straight I was scheduled to work the positions that require the most talking and running around. Everyone in my store has been well aware that I despise being talkative all day long and tend to not talk at all when I’m drive up unless I’m with a guest or grumbling profanities cause my stuff isn’t done properly or my times have gone down. I go on a lovely week long trip tomorrow and have a concert while I’m on my trip that I’ve been trying to see for over 5 years. Well. Having to be in check out and guest services 4 days straight and in drive up for one 6 hour shift killed my feet and throat. Unfortunately drive up day was rough, I had called my roommates trying to figure out who was going to be taking care of my cats as my hire backed out while I was at work and was fuming and cussing pretty heavily. So last night I felt my throat get sore and my nose all runny. I woke up and to nobody’s surprise my lymph nodes are swollen and I’m in severe pain. I called out last night because I knew this would happen, whenever my throat is sore from talking too much my lymph nodes swell. My TL called me in a panic/fit of rage at 7:30 am- half an hour before my shift was supposed to start. I couldn’t talk so I handed my phone to my wife on speaker and had her explain that talking and swallowing hurt and that I’ve gotten sick and just need to rest. My TL demanded that I have to be the one calling out if I’m sick. I called out through the app and my wife was aware of this, she quickly told TL to check my time for target for my call out and said once again that I’m sick and called out properly.
submitted by Cyanide_Sprite to Target [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:40 DowntownGoose Odd liquid coming out of nose.

40M 6’1” 215lb, caucasian, occasional drinking(twice a week) no smoking/drugs. Was recently oversees on vacation.
So I have had sinus infections and allergies in the past. It gets gross, thick, changes color to yellow. This is very different.
This liquid is not viscous at all, very runny, almost has a copper, tang, orange Gatorade color to it. After I get up and blow it all out, I don’t see it for the rest of the day. No runny nose, no stuffy nose. It has happened for two days now. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Any ideas what this could be?
submitted by DowntownGoose to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:37 Blindmama847536 My long tonsils story, need some opinions

Ok... sorry for the novel, but I really wanted some opinions.
I have enlarged tonsils since I am a little girl. I remember my pediatrician telling my mom something like: "Hmmm in a normal case I would remove them, but this poor girl is always at hospital so let's give her a break if it doesn't cause her problems. Just put a humidifier in her bedroom."
I never really thought my tonsils were bugging me, cause I never made a link til recently between my tonsils and frequent throat infection, soar throats, etc. I only had one real tonsillity in my life.
In December 2022, I caught a cold that never wanted to go away. I got antibiotics near Christmas and they made me bleed like crazy. Sorry for the details, but I was literally spitting some chunks of blood, could play with them like Playdoh. I felt like I was spitting some parts of my body. It lasted like 2 days. I seriously thought I'd have to go to hospital but didn't cause it stopped.
Since then, I didn't stop having problems. I went to em so many times and our ems are just so stupid in Quebec. They were watching me 30 seconds (no joke), saying I had asthma, sinusity, bronchitty, or nothing at all... never the same diagnostic, no scan or real test, and prescribe me antibiotics, pumps and sprays that never worked. And I always followed the treatment correctly like they told me, like a good little soldier. I had a constant headache and couldn't breathe properly.
After almost a year of not feeling good, being depressed and very persistant suicidal thoughts (I even wrote a suidide letter to my kids and boyfriend), I finally decided to go to a private clinic. I had a scan and the lady told me I had a maxillary chronic sunisity. For the first time, I felt like someone was listening to me and wow, that was good. I had a septoplasty, which did help a lot my breathing but didn't solve the entire thing.
Now, the problem seems to really be more in my throat and I really begin to wonder if my tonsils could be the issue... I feel like my tonsils became bigger with all the antibiotics I took in 2022-2023. I still can swallow, but it is not as fluid as before. I really feel like an animal is stuck between my nose and my throat. I can spit some little pieces but the feeling of having somebody living in my throat never disappear. lol Constant post nasal drip, pressure all over the face with variant intensity during the day, throat aches with variant intensity. I really feel like I want to spit something big and thick, but it is too far between my nose and throat to get out. Like a part of me that wasn't there before. Also, it makes me sound more nasal, which I absolutely hate. I am totally blind so my voice is like a reflection in a mirror and now I feel like a part of my face is burnt, if you know what I mean...
I don't think I have real tonsils stones since I heard tonsils stones were hard. But every morning, I spit chunks of thick mucus. I feel like I cannot spit everything cause it is too thicnk and too far from my nose or throat to be spittable!!! I snore a lot when I sleep too.
The funny thing is that some doctors told me my tonsils were realllllllly big and some others just told me: oh they are just a little bigger than normal, nothing to worry about... I know they are also cryptic.
I mean, maybe the problem is not my tonsils... I just want to find what I have exactly.
I know you are not experts, but what do you think of all this? Do some people with tonsils problems experimented the same symptoms?
Thank you to the 2 people who will read all this!!! :)
submitted by Blindmama847536 to Tonsillectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:36 Nagash24 Am I just extremely sensitive to one virus in particular?

32M, 176cm, 106kg, white, France.
My entire life, even when I was a baby (my mom says), I've had issues with getting colds all the time. Well I say "cold" but I kind of don't know what infection exactly it is that I'm getting... but I get it at least twice a year, and the symptoms are just those of a common cold. So, yeah, I feel like I catch every single wave of common cold ever. My symptoms are sneezing, congested nose, coughing, sore throat, lungs aching a bit, headaches from the coughing... and I sleep worse because it's harder to breathe well at night in a lying position. I don't have any more serious symptoms that would hint at the flu. It's relatively mild, but I just catch it ALL the time.
I know that several viruses can be responsible for what I experience as a common cold, I know that certain viruses mutate a lot which can make building an immunity problematic. But I basically never catch any other type of illness, either. I think my immune system is fairly good, I've worked in COVID-ridden spaces during the height of the pandemic and never caught that either.
I see other people though who never get colds, so, it IS possible to build an immunity against it even where I live... just not for me. Is this a weird quirk of a specific virus, a weird quirk of my immune system, a combination of many factors? I'm not pathologically clean and tidy, but I do wash my hands when I come home from public places, and I don't really lick door handles or anything.
Thank you for reading.
submitted by Nagash24 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:34 depressedmonkeey Non-sexual transmission

Hey everyone. I’m back to further share my experiences with HSV2. My (25m) girlfriend (23f) have only been dating for a few months. We have not had sex. The other weekend we were making out and touching and then a few days later she had to go to the hospital. I was worried because she had all the symptoms I experienced when I first got diagnosed, sore throat, fever, rashes (not an outbreak but a rash almost like sunburn) even before she told the doctors that I had hsv2 and we’ve been intimate (still, no sex) they told her they were concerned she had hsv2. So she got tested and it came back negative, but to my understanding there’s still a good chance she has it and it will come up positive on her next blood test. (That’s what happened to me. First a negative result then the positive) I’m wondering if anyone else had spread/contacted HSV2 from intimacy, but not sex. (This fucking sucks)
submitted by depressedmonkeey to HSVpositive [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:32 Sleepykitten80 Chronic fatigue & lab work

Hi ladies! I'm 43 and ass-whooped, Constantly tired! I have a virtual apmt Thursday with primary physician to discuss lab work. I have apmt in June to see gyno to discuss perimenopause. Here's my chronic symptoms: Fatigue, vertigo, joint & soft tissue pain, constipation, low mood, zero motivation, GI issues, sensitivity to hormonal changes, brain fog, inattention, bloating... Diagnosed & treated for ADHD (Adderall 20mg), Depression & Anxiety (Prozac 40mg), previously endometriosis (had surgery).
Every aspect of my life is impacted. I've had basic thyroid & hormonal labs (all "normal")
What should I request??
submitted by Sleepykitten80 to AskWomenOver40 [link] [comments]