Happy 3 months anniversary poem

Tippy taps by excited people

2018.03.21 04:16 ashmoreinc Tippy taps by excited people

This is a subreddit for happy and excited people who can no longer contain their excitement and let it out in the form of tapping their feet.. a lot.

2015.08.19 05:39 Vmoney1337 You see, comrade

You see comrade/You see Ivan images.

2018.05.12 01:36 LoafsWords Blessed + Cursed = Blursed


2024.05.14 09:02 HFromm1 AIW for being upset about carrots

This happened in the morning and I still can't stop thinking about it.
So to clarify I can't eat boiled / cooked carrots, I don't know why but the texture makes me vomit, just having them in mu mouth makes me nauseous. My mom and my sister know this, they have for years.
Today I arrived at work as usual, packed away my lunch and waited until mid-day to sit down and eat: chicken on a creamy sauce and white rice, but the rice had carrots, cooked carrots. This big chunks mixed in with it. I sat there for a good ten minutes just looking at the thing because I can't physically eat it, in the end I just ate the chicken but I was honestly so upset I had to force it down.
When I arrived home both my mom and my sister asked me if I had liked lunch as it was a new recipe but the only thing I could picture was the carrots, I told them, asked them why were there carrots on the rice and they told me they had forgotten. My mom even seemed upset I hadn't eaten the whole dish but I can't! I can't eat it! They shrugged it off and I guess I was supposed to shrug it off too, I mean it's just rice but its the middle of the night now and I can't sleep thinking on it. The whole day I have been asking myself how could they forget I can't eat carrots.
After thinking about it I'm upset for a few reasons:
1) It's not the first time this has happened, earlier this year it was the same thing with a salad. Huge chunks of carrots I just can't eat.
2) Earlier on the day my sister warned she had bought some lettuce I didn't like in case I wanted a sandwich, this was because her boyfriend preferred that one, but that she would buy the other kind later in the week. This was fine at the time but now I just keep thinking, how is it that she goes out of her way to buy a crappy sort of lettuce for a guy she has known for 5 years but remembering your brother physically can't eat carrots twice in 5 months is just too much work?
3) Neither of them were even remotely apologetic, they just shrugged me off and got offended that I didn't eat the fucking rice.
I honestly think I'm overthinking but I can't stop thinking about it, I haven't eaten anything since and I am too upset to notice if I'm hungry. I have to get up at five and I am tired of being upset, I just downed a double hoping it would silence my brain but nothing, I still can't sleep.
submitted by HFromm1 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:02 ByrCol Anyone else experiencing radio silence from ADHD Clinic (Dr.Clear)?

Response times for my prescription to be issued have varied hugely over the last 9 months.
2024 had shown massive improvements with responses to my script requests being received within 2/3 days in Jan, Feb, Mar.
I'm now waiting 3 full weeks and have not even received an email stating that my request has been received.
Just wondering is anyone else experiencing the same or perhaps something has changed that I'm not aware of?
submitted by ByrCol to ADHDIreland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 themarketingchad Freedom Breakthrough 3.0 by Jonathan Montoya (Formally Freedom Accelerator)

Freedom Breakthrough 3.0 by Jonathan Montoya (Formally Freedom Accelerator)

Freedom Breakthrough 3.0 (Formally Freedom Acclerator) Review 2024

Freedom Breakthrough 3.0 Jonathan Montoya 2024
If you're looking for a review of Freedom Breakthrough 3.0 (formally known as Freedom Accelerator) by Jonathan Montoya, you're in the right place.
Personally, I've enrolled in this program and found it to be one of the best experiences, having built my business entirely through it.
Rather than detailing everything here, I've created a video below that covers everything you need to know about Freedom Breakthrough 3.0.
Freedom Breakthrough 3.0 Review YouTube
Before diving in, let me explain what Freedom Breakthrough 3.0 is and how it can help you.
This course aims to help novices or individuals in the 9-to-5 routine who want to achieve financial freedom. The program will help you create an automated business that makes money even when you are not working full-time.
Let me tell you how Freedom Breakthrough 3.0 works.
It works on a four-phase system, whose only goal is to take you from zero to six-figure monthly incomes.
Jonathan Montoya, who has successfully gone through all of these phases in his own business, has now built a successful million-dollar business through affiliate marketing.
Freedom Breakthrough is completely different from other affiliate marketing courses because it focuses on building long-term, sustainable businesses.
I highly recommend watching this video for a detailed review of the program.
submitted by themarketingchad to u/themarketingchad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 Ok-Contribution804 Am I capable of love?

I (21F) feel like I’m unable to be in a loving, healthy relationship. I’ve been in 4 serious relationships, longest 3 years and shortest 8 months. I feel like I just settle and am always bored and want to search for something new and get impulsive. I act out then come back to my partner better than ever, then do the same again eventually. I jump from relationship to relationship no matter how many times i try to stay single there’s always somebody I somehow occupy myself with and start dating until I get bored again. No matter how great the guy is, how great he treats me, I still am lacking. there’s always SOMETHING that’s wrong with them even if they’re next to perfect. I’ve never had somebody i’ve ever wanted to marry, I’m not even sure about any guy I date no matter how much I have liked them. I feel “meh” about everybody. I don’t feel like I have loved anybody. I want to find somebody I can settle down with and just KNOW I want to be with them. I don’t think it’s the guys that’s the issue, I think there is something seriously wrong with me.
This takes a toll on me mentally and makes me feel awful. How do people know they want to be with somebody? How do you know you love somebody? These seem like silly questions but ultimately I am constantly feeling empty and feeling like I am searching for something I am incapable of feeling. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.
submitted by Ok-Contribution804 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 Shybella_1114 Looking for a server to host your favorite game?

Looking for a server to host your favorite game?
https://bananaservers.ca Hey fellow gamers on Reddit! Are you in search of a reliable and high-performance server for your favorite games? Look no further than BananaServers.ca! Here's why they might just be the best choice for hosting your game server.
Why Choose BananaServers?
1. Wide Range of Supported Games BananaServers offers server support for a plethora of popular games including Minecraft, Rust, ARK: Survival Evolved, and many more. Whether you’re into survival games, creative sandbox experiences, or intense strategy games, they have you covered.
2. Rapid Server Setup One of the standout features of BananaServers is their quick setup process. You can have your server up and running in less than 10 minutes! This is perfect for gamers who want to dive right into the action without lengthy setups.
3. 24-Hour Free Trials Not sure if BananaServers is right for you? They offer a 24-hour trial period for all their servers—absolutely free and no credit card required. This allows you to test the server with your specific game and see if it meets your needs before committing.
4. User-Friendly Management Panel BananaServers uses the Peel panel, a user-friendly server management interface that makes it easy for both beginners and experienced server admins to manage their game servers. Whether you need to install mods, adjust server settings, or manage backups, it’s all streamlined through their intuitive panel.
5. Competitive Pricing With plans starting as low as $1.00 per month, BananaServers provides affordable options without compromising on quality or performance. They also offer scalable options to grow with your gaming needs, ensuring you always have the right amount of resources.
6. Robust Security Online security is a major concern for many gamers, especially when running popular servers. BananaServers provides advanced security features, including DDoS protection, to keep your server safe from attacks and ensure stable gameplay.
7. Stellar Customer Support BananaServers boasts a dedicated support team that’s available 24/7 to help with any issues you might encounter. Whether it's a technical glitch or a billing question, their knowledgeable staff is there to assist you promptly.
Website: https://bananaservers.ca Discord: https://discord.gg/6ePuuP5cRr

submitted by Shybella_1114 to Bananaservers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 Legal_Storm721 My relationship is a LIE

I (W21) and my boyfriend (M22) have been dating for 3 years now, and everything has been fine until now. We have known each other since high school, and we were friends for 3 years before dating each other. Not that long ago, I was asking my boyfriend about his previous relationships, I was curious because he is my first boyfriend, but he had been in multiple relationships before dating me. When we first became friends, he quickly developed feelings for me, but I rejected him because I knew that nothing would have worked out back then, so he ended up dating different people while we were friends. I was there for most of his relationships as a friend (I haven't developed any feelings, and everything between us was platonic). Every once in a while, he would confess his feelings to me, and I would turn him down. I have seen what he was like during every breakup. After a year or two of us just being friends (he would still confess to me that he liked me), he started dating this girl. When he first started dating her (and when we first started dating), he would compare things about us, such as our hobbies, characteristics, personalities, work ethic, the sport that we played, and many other things like that. He would tell me how much she and I had in common, but at that time, I didn't think much about anything, solely because it wasn't any of my business. When they broke up, I had never seen him so heartbroken. One of the biggest reasons I thought maybe I should give him a chance was because of how long he has liked me. So recently, I brought her up because I was curious to see what type of relationship they had, and I slowly started to understand that I was being lied to. I started to realize that I was her replacement. I confronted him about the situation. I asked him who he liked first, her or me. In my mind, I always thought that he had always liked me first. The answer he gave me was her. So I asked him when he started liking me. He told me that it was a couple of months before we started dating. So that means that for three years, him telling me that he liked me was a lie. He told me that he didn't like me the times he told me he did, he claimed that he had a "thing" for me the whole time when we were friends but didn't truly develop feelings until we actually started dating, he has told me multiple times that I'm not her replacement, but the whole timeline and information just doesn't seem right. So now I just feel like his ex's rebound. What do I do? Do you guys believe him? Am I a replacement???
submitted by Legal_Storm721 to u/Legal_Storm721 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 AutoModerator May 14, 2024 Daily Training Log & Simple Questions

Please use this post to discuss your training for the day or any simple questions you have! Talk about how lifts went, your workouts PRs achieved, goals set, whatever!




submitted by AutoModerator to 531Discussion [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 Lemino_o I (M20) feel like I won’t ever have love

I’m a incoming senior in college and I feel like the ship has sailed on me having a real relationship.
Before I get into it, I really don’t want to hear any “oh you’re so young, don’t give up so soon,” or anything like that. Please just listen to what I have to say.
I’ve always been introverted and quiet. I was diagnosed with autism at a very young age, and this really changed how I viewed myself compared to my peers. None of the other kids had to go to therapy every day after school, none of the other kids were pulled out of class for special treatment. I wasn’t behind, in fact I was quite smart, but I was different. In a way I could perceive and in a way they could perceive as well. Because of this, I always felt isolated and alone from the other kids. I was never popular, and frequently bullied well into high school.
Dating was always a mystery. Once high school hit it seemed like everyone was dating, except me and the various other “weird” kids at school. But I could never get it right. I had crushes, frequently, but they were never reciprocated. I had asked a few of them out only to be rejected. Looking back there were definitely girls that had liked me, but I never caught the hint (this is a problem I still face today). I went through high school bitter and upset that I couldn’t get right what it seemed everyone else was able to do effortlessly. This attitude probably didn’t help much, but it’s hard to approach something like love rationally as a teenager.
I’ve had relationships, however. In my senior year of high school a girl who I had not previously considered perused me rather vigorously. Despite warnings from some mutual friends who told me she suffered from bipolar disorder and was prone to mania and deep depression, I decided to go for it as it was my first real relationship. The entire 5 months we dated, however, I was miserable. I won’t go into details, but family troubles mixed with a nasty drug habit on her end and very high emotions made it so I was never able to feel stable or secure in my relationship. This was right as Covid was happening as well, which didn’t help in any case. I ended up breaking up with her as I was suffering from severe dissociation and mental problems from the relationship. It was probably for the best, but I was left guilt ridden and depressed from not being able to handle the situation better. It’s still one of my biggest regrets.
Going into college, I thought I would have a fresh start. But the same problems followed me even to a new environment. I still have trouble making friends, and talking to anyone new is a struggle, let alone girls. Since college started, I’ve had 2 “relationships” each with similar stories. A girl has a crush on me, I try and initiate, we go on a couple dates and after a few weeks they decide I’m not worth seeing anymore. Both ended after about 3 weeks. What’s wrong with me? What is so repulsive about my personality, or body, or mannerisms that repulse these girls after such little time?
This is why I think the ship has sailed for me. Most people don’t have this sporadic and dismal dating history. Most people have at least one relationship that gives them satisfaction, that makes them feel secure, that gives them the feeling that someone really loves them. I haven’t had that. There’s something broken about me that I can’t identify that others can that warns them to stay away. Since college started I’ve been flirted with by 2 women (see above) and that’s it. I’ve made friends with plenty of women, but beyond that I’m much less successful. I don’t think whatever’s wrong with me is so blatant and abhorrent that women won’t be friends with me, quite the contrary they seem to love friendzoning me. Two of my best friends are women and I love them dearly as friends. I don’t hate women, I wouldn’t call myself an incel, but I guess I’m just incompatible with love.
I plan on going into medical school after undergrad, which further complicates my situation. It’s hard enough to find time to eat or sleep in med school, how the fuck am I supposed to fix myself and find a girl to date as well? If it was going to happen, I would’ve by now. And it hasn’t.
I’m sorry this ended up being so long, I just don’t have anyone I can talk to about this.
submitted by Lemino_o to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 ghosty88 Sudden resource guarding/ warning snaps advice

I have a 1.5 year old small poodle mix (19 lb) that is generally very shy and skiddish around even the friendliest dog. I’m usually against dog parks, but I started taking him a little bit to try to socialize him and build his confidence. We’ve gone maybe less than 7 times.
We visited some family and they have a ~3 month super high energy puppy that doesn’t have an off switch. When my dog was getting annoyed of him I would try to separate but my dog gave a warning snap which he has never done before and I was concerned about this and unsure how to proceed.
2nd instance: He was offered a type of food he usually hates and normally doesn’t eat (picky guy refused it all day), and the family dog went up to his bowl to sniff and my dog gave him a warning snap/growl at him & my dog proceeded to devour the bowl he would normally spit out. I didn’t know what to do, so I just let him eat since he hadn’t eaten all day and it was now 11:30 pm.
They have eaten meals together before out of their own bowls, so i’m not sure if that’s what caused it.
I am concerned this will develop into something more and I don’t like that he did that because the family dog is used to even eating out of the same bowl as the other family dog. I also didn’t want to take the food away so that I would be targeted as the new enemy.
Any advice? I think I will not be taking him to the dog park anymore either… lol
submitted by ghosty88 to puppy101 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 CorgiNorth4413 My package came like this

My package came like this
My driver came damaged
So i received my new Driver and 3wood in the mail today from GolfGalaxy, and the package showed up like this. The 3wood was okay, but the Driver had scratched and what not all over the face. The headcovers weren’t on the clubs, nor in a separate bag. The driver wasn’t in any sort of wrapping, it’s like they took the clubs and tossed them into the box, kicked it down a flight of stairs and it landed on my doorstep hahaha. After contacting golf galaxy customer support, I was originally offered a 10% PARTIAL REFUND, then a 15% PARTIAL REFUND, BULLSHIT!! I eventually got them to give me a replacement, but what I thought was weird, was the fact they refunded my account for the original purchase, then had me pay for another driver. For the time being I’m out a few hundred $$$ until the refund gets processed, I’m not in town until the end of the month so my 70 year old dad has to either go find a gold galaxy store to drop it off at, or take it to a fedex/ups and ship it back (and I’d have to cover the cost of shipping). This was definitely an inconvenience, but I’m happy I’m able to at least get a replacement. I’ll continue to be a customer of Dicks/golf galaxy, but as a first time buyer it was NOT a good experience at the end of the day. Maybe I’m just being a baby lol.
submitted by CorgiNorth4413 to golf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:00 TheLotStore Lot 7, Glen Oak Terrace, Ozark Acres, AR 72482

Lot 7, Glen Oak Terrace, Ozark Acres, AR 72482
Lot 7, Glen Oak Terrace, Ozark Acres, AR 72482
Large .27 acre secluded lot close to Spring Lake and Lake Vagabond in Ozark Acres!
Property is located in the Ozark Acres SID. Buyer will need to contact the improvement district at 870-966-4811 to check on any restrictions they may have, if any.
GPS Coordinates are 36.29989390145802, -91.3855472727915.
Plenty of privacy on this lot and when you're ready for nearby some recreation, swing by either Spring Lake or Lake Vagabond!
Priced way below area comparable sales in the area!
Debit/Credit Cards Accepted No Closing Costs Cash Price: $1,100 Finance with $200 Down and 9 Payments of $130 Per Month No Credit Check, No Income Documentation, No Prepayment Penalty 
Property Address: Lot 7, Glen Oak Terrace, Ozark Acres, AR 72482 (Map location is approximate)
County: Sharp
Assessor Parcel Number: 430-00185-000
Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 13, Bald Eagle Addition
Zoning: Residential
Annual Property Taxes: $9.32
About Ozark Acres:
Ozark Acres is one of the prettiest areas of the Natural State! The natural beauty of the region is enhanced by the four seasons that gently change from springtime flowers to summertime greenery to autumnal hues of reds and golds, and occasionally to wintertime and its snow-covered beauty. The mild climate makes it possible to enjoy the outdoors all year long.
Just minutes from Spring Lake and Vagabond Lake, the largest lake within Ozark Acres which allows motor and sailboats. The lake features a boat launch and a lakeside clubhouse for use, and also has a pavilion and play area on the water!
Ozark Acres is surrounded on all sides by thousands of acres of virgin timberland in which wildlife of many kinds can be observed purely for enjoyment or hunting. The most prevalent type of wildlife for hunting are deer, squirrel, rabbit, quail, and doves. Many happy nights may be spent hunting coons, possums, mink, beaver, and foxes. Whether hunting by day or night, you will find some of the best hunting imaginable in this area.
View our amazing property deals at TheLotStore.Com.
Additional Information: https://thelotstore.com/property/lot-7-glen-oak-terrace-ozark-acres-ar-72482/?feed_id=10197
submitted by TheLotStore to u/TheLotStore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:00 yourlocalpzxcv WeLcOMe We sO hApPy Xd

welcome to our communtiy we are so happy to have you with us!!! partys with mods lol 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻 anyways thanks for joining please post anything on your mind BUT read the rules 1st <3 2nd of all post like anything on your mind ut should be related to royale high if there is a problem feel free to text the mods if they dont answer text de supreme >:D thats me!! I am often online anyways have fun <3
submitted by yourlocalpzxcv to RoyaleHighNews2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:00 kalahari__ Vegetarian restaurant recommendations

Visiting from interstate in a month's time & would like to take my hosts out to some good vegetarian friendly places to eat. Happy with cheap & cheerful all the way up to fine dining suggestions. Thanks in advance!
submitted by kalahari__ to hobart [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:00 jobautomator Discussion Thread

The discussion thread is for casual and off-topic conversation that doesn't merit its own submission. If you've got a good meme, article, or question, please post it outside the DT. Meta discussion is allowed, but if you want to get the attention of the mods, make a post in /metaNL


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submitted by jobautomator to neoliberal [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:00 l3erny Blatant Self-Promotion Thread: May 14, 2024

Monthly Blatant Self-Promotion Thread (Within Reason)

Welcome to this monthly series. This post will repeat monthly, on the 14th of every month.
This is your opportunity to promote a blog you run, a YouTube Channel, real estate related business, or additional content that otherwise may be removed from the sub. This thread will be lightly moderated and the Mods do not endorse or condone any information found on content linked within this thread. Perform your due diligence. Caveat emptor!


  1. No coaching and mentoring
  2. Must be real estate related
  3. Pass the 'within reason' test
submitted by l3erny to realestateinvesting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:00 SkeletonQuiche Still passing stool 14 months post loop ileostomy

Hi there! I got an emergent reversible ileostomy done in March 2023 because I stopped being able to pass anything at all. Before surgery they had me downing laxatives trying to pass anything I could, with no luck. I ended up passing stool at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months post-op. I thought I was done until about a month ago, when I started to feel the urge again.
My surgeon told me to do 2 enemas a day for 5 days to pass any mucus buildup, but it turns out there's still stool in there. The first enema was excruciating and barely passed anything.
Have any of you dealt with a similar situation? And how did you deal with it? The advice I'm getting now is to keep slamming enemas but there has to be a better way because I can't handle it mentally any more. At this point I'm ready to say "fuck it" and get my barbie butthole.
Additional info:
My anatomy doesn't allow for manual disimpaction (stricture).
I have defecography and anorectal manometry appointments scheduled, but I'm not sure how accurate those would be if I'm still impacted?
submitted by SkeletonQuiche to ostomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:00 Bot-ta_The_Beast Happy 28th Anniversary to Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War

Happy 28th Anniversary to Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War submitted by Bot-ta_The_Beast to fireemblem [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:59 throwra-5-2-1 AITAH for wanting to drive instead of getting public transport?

I live in the UK and my girlfriend and I have planned a nice weekend away to a city we've both wanted to visit for a long time. The price of train in the UK is very high so I am against using them where possible.
My girlfriend has a car which I am on the insurance for so I can also drive. I enjoy driving more than my gf so I tend to be the one who drives the car most of the time. When looking at how to get to the city I said I'd drive us.
My girlfriend refused and said it's the longest distance I'd have drove. I pointed out there was always going to be a first time for me driving this far. so I don't see the issue. I've never had an accident and I'm not a bad driver.
She just repeated she wants to get the train. I told her I'm not willing to pay over £100 for train tickets when we have a much cheaper option. I asked why she didn't trust me to drive us there and she just said it's a 3 hour drive.
The longest I've currently driven is just over 2 hours so I don't see the difference as than much. She just stated again that we're getting the train. I told her if she insists on the train then she can pay since I shouldn't have to pay for something when I'm happy to drive.
She said I was being unreasonable and should be paying my own ticket.
AITAH for wanting to drive and not get public transport?
submitted by throwra-5-2-1 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:59 Lovebean69 We are finally hanging out!!

Hellooooo I just wanted to share Im finally going to hang out with his cap sun aqua moon, Saturn and Venus
After like 4 months of on and off flirting he asked me if I wanted to go out or something we didn’t even really make plans we just said ok let’s meet here on this day and this time.
Hahahah it’s a museum infront of a very large park so I’m thinking of bringing some bread in case we decide to feed the birds hahaha
I’m so excited and nervous to get to know him holy crap hahaha I wonder if he feels the same.
But anyways just wanted to put this here aaaahhhh im super nervous but so happy and excited :)
submitted by Lovebean69 to capricorns [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:58 IllChampionship1932 How do you deal with an annoying landlord who finds fault in everything you do?

This shit of a landlord and his wive lives in the same house as I do. It's a 4 bedroom house which 3 are rented out. I have private room to my place. The landlord has no understanding of personal space and boundaries. Has not given me a verified contract (I am a female international student ). I was told I would get one and never received one. Also, they have entered my room twice when I have not been at home. Found his phone in my room the other day. Confronted them, and his wife got mad. Its like I am walking on eggshells everyday, can't be myself nor I can live in peace. Despite keeping the place clean and maintaining everything well. The landlord actively tries to find faults in everything I and my other flatmate do. There's a stupid whatsapp group created just to post shit about the maintenance when the landlord himself is the dirtiest. And his wife on the other-hand who claims to have OCD, they both like when the certain areas of the house, is cleaned for the superficial eye. Whenever I am out of the house or he sees me happy, my landlord makes it a point to find some fault even when there isn't any. He and his wife can't seem to find us happy ever. I am so sick of his bullshit, to a point its has been affecting my mental health. I already have a lot going on with uni . Receiving crap messages from my landlord is the last I need. I pay rent on time btw, and keep the space clean. I have been looking for a place to move out, haven't been able to find one yet. Have also reduced conversations with the both of them, and have been ignoring the group chat becuase its honestly senseless at this point, and stupid. Now, he has been texting me personally, which is even more annoying af. I understand if you tell me about something I have not done not when I have done and yet you find a problem with it.
How do I deal with a landlord like this?
submitted by IllChampionship1932 to LandlordLove [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:58 Jaded-Bed1015 Quitting with nicotine pouches today!

5 years that shit haunted me. On and offs and 2 years to realize that im addicted. Bad feelings every time i took them, nights where i threw out my pack and mornings where i went out to pick them up again. Im done with that - no more pouches, no vapes no smoking. I managed for 3 months and then had a rough breakup - this time i want to manage to be free of it forever. Studying medicine and seeing the harms of smoking every day and yet im top stupid to stop it. Will be hard to throw all of the pouches away but i will. Hurts my wallet but benefits my health. Wish me luck everyone :)
submitted by Jaded-Bed1015 to nicotinefree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:58 According_Bat1002 Recommendations for Culinary Arts Course

Hello All! I’ve been slowly getting into cooking over the past 4-5 years. I began by just being able to make rice and (bland) dal, and now able to make decent everyday-meals.
In the past, whenever I’ve learnt a new skill it’s been best for me to approach it like I’m studying a school subject. I want to approach food in the same way.
That brings me to my question, can you recommend a good certificate or diploma or workshop style course for culinary arts? I’m specifically looking to learn about savoury foods, not patisserie. Having the institute in Mumbai will be ideal, but if the course is shorter than 3 months, I can to to another city as well.
submitted by According_Bat1002 to TwoXIndia [link] [comments]
