Las vaginas m s belllas

Reddit Argentina - El Sub del Campeón Mundial 🇦🇷🏆

2008.08.26 03:58 Reddit Argentina - El Sub del Campeón Mundial 🇦🇷🏆

Bienvenido al sub de Argentina en reddit! En este sub posteamos todo lo relacionado a nuestro hermoso país, noticias, imágenes, información y todo lo que tenga que ver con lo que nos pasa día a día. English speakers are more than welcome!

2011.05.08 21:14 axl456 Reddit Bolivariano de Venezuela

Llevo tu luz y tu aroma en mi piel

2010.10.14 02:27 chadobryhim Arizona Cardinals Reddit

Welcome to the Reddit Home of the Arizona Cardinals.

2024.05.14 16:49 beanybum My Mil told my husband to give our baby to them or he’s no longer her son.

I have had issue after issue with my in-laws since my baby was born she is now 18 months. They wanted alone time with baby, sleepovers when she was a newborn, they wanted unlimited access, visits when they wanted them, take her when they wanted to take her, control of how we parented they wanted to monopolize our holidays, they wanted to be apart of all of babies firsts, and would get upset and offended if we lay down any boundaries. And basically just act like toddlers throwing a tantrum if we didn’t give them what they wanted. We have a long and complicated history since baby was born. But essentially they have a lot of unresolved issues and unmet expectations and (despite all of Reddit warning me to cut contact) I didn’t. They have acted needy and possessive of my daughter but I continued visiting for the sake of the relationship. And trying to maintain peace while also keeping myself and baby at a safe enough distance. But none of it was good enough every single visit they pressured me to take her. I made it clear I wasn’t comfortable everytime but they won’t take a hint.
it finally came to a grande finale after I broke and said enough is enough. I told them in a text that no they wouldn’t be taking her and I wasn’t comfortable with it so to stop asking. I said let’s just enjoy our visits and holidays together and put our energy towards better things.
An hour later they called my husband. My Fil spoke first and started off put together and nice but then got creepy and weird and demanded to know who our daughter visited with and who gets to see her and wanted to know who gets to take her to the park. My Mil then came on screaming, she Doesn’t once call me by name just keeps saying:
“your wife hates me, she doesn’t care about my feelings.” “Your wife is trying to destroy our family just like she did with her parents” “If you don’t see it son you’re blind!!” “She doesn’t talk to her parents or her grandparents.” (I have a wonderful relationship with my grandparents) “She’s unhealthy!! What you guys are doing is unhealthy.” “Everyone thinks you are CRAZY” “I’m gonna send your wife’s texts to everyone” “You’re selfish”
“All of you are selfish, all 3 of you.”
“You just want to keep her (our baby)all to yourselves. You don’t want to share her with anyone.”
“You aren’t the son I raised.” “I don’t even know who you are anymore son” “I know her and I know she will NEVER let us. She won’t budge. She won’t let us take her no matter how old she is.” (Speaking about me not letting them take my baby) “What your wife is doing to us is BAD!!!”
“you aren’t a family. We are your family,”
“If you chose your wife and daughter over your mom’s feelings you are gone to me. Done.”
“You guys put your daughter’s feelings over that of your mom and dad!!!”
“That’s my grandchild you have!!!” “She’s mine and you are keeping her from me.” “I want 5 minutes alone with her and you won’t give me that.” “You gotta give a little.” “It’s give and take and you need to give.”
We raised you and loved you unconditionally and now you owe this to us!!!”
My husband ended up hanging He was very upset and felt absolutely defeated. They didn’t get what they wanted so threw a tantrum and basically told my husband he has to choose between me and his baby or giving them what they want which is alone time with her.
After that I told him I would never again have myself or my child around his parents. He agreed. His mom then started texting our family and friends trying to get them on her side. She texted MY aunt who is basically my mother. It’s like she was trying to build a case against me being crazy and hoped everyone would agree with her. (Including my own aunt, who she also insulted numerous time during the phone call) She then texted my husbands cousin (who is his bestfriend and we are very close with) and she told him she is now mourning the loss of her son. She told them not to talk to us or tell us anything and then also asked them to please take my husbands old trainset from when he was young and give it to their child and make sure their child passes it along to his kids… My husband sent a long text to his dad explaining how hurt he was by everything and basically his dad sarcastically replied “guess we are the worst parents.” Then he told my husband we hurt them and that my husbands mom hasn’t stopped crying(knowing full well my husband has a soft spot for her)….they are so self involved and They have such huge insecurities about how they parented my husband and it constantly comes out here. I think they are so desperate for a redo with our child that they have become delusional thinking they have a right to her.
Then forward a few days later and my mil is texting my husband like nothing happened? She said her and my fil talked and they realized they may have missed the mark on boundaries then went on to invite my husband to golf and send him pictures of a coaster he made as a kid with a passive aggressive comment about “mom and grandmas name being on it and equal.” Then his dad texts him ignoring everything and asking us if we need boxes for our move.
They do this to my husband constantly. They act out and then brush it under the rug and act like nothing is wrong. My husband is always confused by it and lets it happen. But I don’t want to do that here!! They can’t just act like this and then expect everything to be fine after….Right??? Like am I crazy?
submitted by beanybum to JUSTNOMIL [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:48 stubs1101 Work - mental health balance and talking to your boss

There’s not a really good place I feel for this discussion so I figured I would start it here.
A coworker quit about a month ago and my workload (feels like) tripped overnight. I have actual diagnosed mental health issues. This increase in work is taking its toll on me badly. I’ve been calling in sick and WFH bc somedays I just can’t get myself in the shower and out of the house but at the same time have so much to do I can’t take a full day off.
I want to talk to my boss, they have always been very kind and approachable. But I feel like saying I can’t handle all the work I’ve got is a failure. And the worse part is one of my old items I have I have lots of issues I’ve been ignoring bc I didn’t know how to do them. So it’s double trouble bc I have to admit not only can I not handle my workload but the one before was above me and I didn’t ask for help.
I feel like I’m setting myself up for a PIP - and we all know those are just an excuse to fire someone.
Any advise to how to do this so I don’t get burned to badly? I really like my job and want to stay.
submitted by stubs1101 to Accounting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:48 Ok_Mouse_6038 Without spoilers, Are the last few season on XFiles good? Especially 2016-18?

I’m on season 2 right now and I’m really enjoying it so far! Like maybe a new favorite show! but as I continue, I watch videos for it on YT and I google stuff. I’ve read some stuff like Mulder disappearing for a whole season or something and it’s making me think that after s6 or something idk 🤷‍♀️ it’s goes downhill. I would just like to know peoples opinions on then newer season especially the 2016 seasons without spoilers. 😭
submitted by Ok_Mouse_6038 to XFiles [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:48 saleh_03 Why doesn’t Kia staff cleanse tier 4 ploy?

Why doesn’t Kia staff cleanse tier 4 ploy?
So I was tryna do a limited hero battle and the blue mages tier 4 ploy keeps inflicting exposure on my Larcei. However, Sara’s prf is supposed to cleanse the lowest hp target with a penalty (which is larcei) at the start of turn.
How come I’m still getting exposure penalty. Larcei has the ark/spd buff from Sara’s prf but the penalties aren’t being negated?
Does exposure not count as a penalty???
submitted by saleh_03 to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:48 DearEnergy4697 Piggybacking off of a previous post regarding star trek visiting locations… I’m very interested in the “Star Trek experience” in Las Vegas. Obviously, it closed wondering if it would be a money maker today.

In a previous post many have stated they visited the Star Trek experience in Las Vegas and had a wonderful time. Obviously, it closed 😞 but just wondered if it would be a money maker in 2024 and, therefore, if anything, similar May be constructed in the future? Your thoughts?
P.S. ’m so bummed I never got to experience the “Experience”.
submitted by DearEnergy4697 to startrek [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:48 Glittering_Sky2210 Drinking water

Why can’t I drink without going to the toilet every 5 mins I’m not sure if there’s something wrong with my kidneys?…
submitted by Glittering_Sky2210 to kidney [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:48 Cultural_Month7969 How do cancellations work?

Hi, long time lurker, first time posting! I’m looking at booking my practical test in wales, I’m from the south of England because it’s the only place I can get a test. If I book can I then get on the cancellation lists for the south of England and change my booking or do I have to re-pay for the cancellation test? If this makes sense?
submitted by Cultural_Month7969 to LearnerDriverUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:48 Clear-Position8701 Day after first shot

Not too bad. But I’m to the point where it’s hard to even drink water. Is this common with you all? Had no idea appetite would go away like this! (Also I guess my first day without an appetite)
submitted by Clear-Position8701 to MenOnTirz [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 Alive_Ad_5329 BMW M440 Lease

Hello, so I’m looking to sell my current car and pay off the loan that I currently have on it. I’m looking to go into a M440 or M340 by the end of the year but decided to go to the dealership recently as my car is in the shop again. They told me without any incentives or any money down the lease rate was 2.9% or 3.9% depending on the car and about $1400/month. Now from my quick search and looking at different forums I’ve discovered this is a rip off? Obviously I should go in and get more details about everything in the lease but what’s some information I should know before going back in.
submitted by Alive_Ad_5329 to leasehackr [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 NefariousnessIcy4842 How did you land first job as self-taught developer?

I’m currently working in IT since last 8 years. I’m jack of all trades. And that’s a negative point for me.
I’m stuck with low to medium range salary jobs. Due to that i decided to learn programming. Its been 1 year rigorously learning frontend and i m pretty confident that i can say i know frontend (HTML + CSS + JavaScript + React) + dozens of libraries and frameworks.
But when i sit to fit it in my resume, I feel lost. I have no idea how a self taught developer would be finding his first job.
Any advice would be appreciated.
submitted by NefariousnessIcy4842 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 jpasuncowboy Found a dog

Found a dog
Hey y’all, I found this beautiful boy wandering the construction area around the dorms on Baxter. No collar. He’s super friendly and got right in my car when I opened the door for him. I’d honestly love to just keep him myself, but I can’t have any animals in my place, so I’m taking him to the animal shelter. Just wanted to throw this out here in case!
submitted by jpasuncowboy to Athens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 FemAndFit Can I move back in my SF rental?

I’ve owned my SF condo for 15 years that’s almost paid off. I have been renting it out for 6 years to a good tenant who’s rent covers all my costs including prop taxes, HOA, mortgage. I just got divorced and got laid off and pretty much have nothing and have to start over. Can I ask my tenant to move out so I can move in? I know S.F. favors tenants so I’m not sure what is possible. Thank u
submitted by FemAndFit to BayAreaRealEstate [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 Plastic-Pollution454 Tip plasty recs in the US?

I’m decided on getting a nasal tip plasty rather than a full rhinoplasty but am so overwhelmed by the amount of doctors. I considered going to MX but am thinking with the lower cost I may be able to find a doctor here in the US.
Can someone here who’s gotten a nasal tip plasty drop their recommendation of their doctor and the overall cost? I’m compiling a massive spreadsheet list and think firsthand recommendations would be much more helpful than my endless google searches.
submitted by Plastic-Pollution454 to PlasticSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 BodybuilderCreepy738 Leaving a company 2 months in…

Hi! I’m F23, I am fairly early in my career( digital marketing), and I just recently left my first company ( was there almost 3 years) for this new company. Been here only 2 months. I recently got messaged on LinkedIn for this AMAZING company that is a dream to work for and I have a connection that already works there. Should I jump on this opportunity? It’s not a total yes but the odds are looking pretty good.
Any advice would be appreciated! I’m so new in my career and don’t know what to do.
submitted by BodybuilderCreepy738 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 Independent-Maize422 Sharing a bed and poor sleep

I’m in a new relationship, been about 5 months now. I am 30 and have been single for a long time and used to sleeping in a double on my own in peace. I really struggle sleeping in the same bed as my partner and it’s really affecting my day to day life. He is a quiet sleeper but I am a very light sleeper and struggle to nod off with any slight sound or movements. The lack of sleep is making me tired and effecting my mood and work. And I am worried this will affect my relationship now too. Any advice ?
submitted by Independent-Maize422 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 asurezz Guelph CS/ SENG vs Queen’s CS

Ive been accepted to both of these unis and was wondering about you guys’ opinion.
ive been accepted to: Guelph CS (co-op) (7k entrance scholarship) Guelph SENG (co-op) (7k entrance scholarship) Queens CS (QUIP) (10k/year for 4 years scholarship)
To be honest, I’m really leaning toward queen’s due to the community, social life, and reputation (im planning on going back to the EU or the US for work) (meaning i’m an intl student)
Im 80% sure i would be going to queen’s but wanna hear your guy’s opinion. What would you do?
Finding an internship during the summer cant be THAT impossible… right?
submitted by asurezz to OntarioUniversities [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 AbroadAggressive394 How do you fix your sleeping habit

Like geez… I may have 8h sleep, feel good all day, fall at 10 pm and bam! It’s 4am and I feel great. Then at 3pm i wanna sleep, literally falling apart. Sometimes I can sleep over 12h and feel tired still but can’t fall at night 💀 da fuck shall I do? I’m not even sure if there a special doc for such things or whatever.
submitted by AbroadAggressive394 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 sumerigusa A very INFJ thing to do: make a dating app and be too scared to open it 😂

So I made a Hinge, which btw I will say is more chill and appealing compared to other dating apps! Lots of prompts, photos… it feels more creative and less “hook-up” I guess.
Anyway I woke up today and thought 😩 what have I done!??? I don’t want any attention! Lol
(Pls don’t tell me to “just join a club”… of course I’m going to in-person things as well).
I just know there’s a small chance my life could change dramatically thanks to making a Hinge. Well, good luck to me I guess… 😭 lol
I’ll face my fear and check it at LEAST once a day! 😜
submitted by sumerigusa to infj [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 Mickeydobbsy Anyone tired of trying to manage the ups and downs?

I’m exhausted, mentally and physically. The highs are intense and overstimulating, uncomfortable even. The lows are dark and scary. Every day I battle thoughts of every single person around me being against me, fighting the thought that those who love me or barely know me are out to get me, want me out of their lives. Then I remind myself how self centered this is and get down on myself for that. I have periods of motivation. Keeping track of a list of skills that I diligently use. I feel proud of myself. Maybe I can be stable I think. Then I feel it. The pressure of it all. The weight of everything I pushed down and worked to hard to manage comes crashing down. It’s almost a relief in a way. I can finally rest the part of me that works so hard to keep the symptoms at bay and let them loose. Free to exist and I can rest but at the cost of a terrible destruction behind me. It then feels as if everything I was was doing to work towards normalcy never was helpful in the first place. I was just turning my wheels. I’m just tired. Hope this makes sense.
submitted by Mickeydobbsy to BPD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 Cold-Attention-901 Im scared to see the gynaecologist I was referred to

I was referred to a gynaecologist about a month ago, after waiting for 2 months (my dr forgot to send my referral the first time). I called my drs office to get the name and number of the gynaecologist who I’ve been referred to. I searched her name and came across a website that reviews MDs, and her reviews are bad! Her rating is 2.3/5, and all the reviews say she is really impatient, and abrasive. A lot of them say shes rude and tries to push you out of the office. I really want to push for a laparoscopy to help see if I have endometriosis, but I’m scared she won’t listen to me. I will probably have to go through multiple gynaecologists before I find one that will listen to me. I have to get a Pap smear and a biopsy done. I also read that shes rough when doing a pap smear or a biopsy, shes really rough. I have multiple concerns, but everyone is telling me to give her a chance because it’s so hard to get in to see a gynaecologist! Its very conflicting, but I need to do something about the pain.
submitted by Cold-Attention-901 to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 tweeicle My old lil’ man hasn’t been acting like himself lately… I changed his wet food today, and this is the first day he’s perked up in awhile.

My old lil’ man hasn’t been acting like himself lately… I changed his wet food today, and this is the first day he’s perked up in awhile.
We have a vet appointment scheduled, and I bumped it up to be sooner than before since I was concerned about my old lil man (he’s about 10-11yrs old, and lived outside for the first few years of his life). He’s been sleeping more often, been sleeping in my room later than usual, not finishing all of his wet food in one sitting, and I’ve noticed a gradual reduction in the amount of waste litter he’s been producing. All of this over the past 6 or so months… on top of him yelling at me more often, and trying to sit on me all the time. I’m kinda dense, and this is my first cat, so it took me awhile to pick out the subtle signs.
We are scheduled for a physical, shots, and bloodwork. I’ve felt horrible for him now that I realize he’s felt unwell, so I was at the store yesterday and thought, “maybe I should try a different kind of wet food for him. One that’s formulated for seniors. I forgot he’s old now.” And he ate it right up in one sitting. He’s been birdwatching for a couple hours since, and looks a little more like his lively self.
Maybe it’s placebo, or maybe his body likes this change in food. I dunno… but I like to see him curious and happy again. :)
submitted by tweeicle to blackcats [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:47 Strelok_1991 Te regalo 6 copias de S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SORTEO 🎁

Te regalo 6 copias de S.T.A.L.K.E.R. SORTEO 🎁
▶️ Bienvenidos a un nuevo video en el que tengo el honor de sortear con ustedes 6 copias de la trilogia de S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Por supuesto la comunidad de Reddit esta invitada a participar si asi lo desean.
Las claves corresponden 3 para PC (Steam) y 3 para Xbox y solo tienen que completar un formulatio para participar.
Buena suerte camarada stalker!
Video en Youtube
submitted by Strelok_1991 to Argaming [link] [comments]