First name compatibility

Way to go, Paul.

2015.10.03 10:20 stupid_cornballer Way to go, Paul.

Good luck forgetting the folks in these videos!

2019.02.05 00:07 AlcoholicSocks FirstNameCallouts

For when you use someones name to call them out.

2011.09.28 19:35 voldak Using stereotypes and negative characteristics to guess your first name since 2011!


2024.05.14 04:58 TruckComprehensive53 Thought I cured my stutter

Already posted this is shrooms but thought I would post here as well. This is very important: I DO NOT CONDONE THE USE OF SUBSTANCES this is for educational purposes only
A little backstory, I’m 19M and have stuttered all my life. I’m not a very self conscious person but stuttering is my kryptonite. When I say I stutter I don’t mean I trip up on words hear and there I mean nearly every word I say can take me anywhere from a second to 30 seconds if I’m really having a bad block. A good portion of my life revolves around my stuttering. It dictates anything from my major in college to even the food I eat. It makes me feel less than human and is stopping me from being the person I want to be, at least that’s what it feels like. Through the years I have naively taken substances when I was far too young to both experiment and suppress the anxieties caused/formed by my stutter. Some of the substances were prescribed like Xanax and adderall while others I took to recreationally like MDMA, MDA, shrooms, LSD, alcohol, weed and some other more niche compounds. Most of there were done at wayyy to young of an age and I wouldn’t doubt it some of these causes lasting side effects even the LSD and shrooms which are physically safe. I stopped taking those drugs besides weed and alcohol until this year. (Sorry for the long backstory started rambling)
Fast forward to now me and three of my friends went on a climbing road trip with the first destination on our trip being Zion. We planned to take a 1/8 of GT each besides for my one friend who was going to take 2.5 since it was his first time. We took them on an empty stomach and started walking to our pre planned spot. They start hitting and fast, I have a decent bit of experience taking shrooms and have taken up to 5g with a good bit of experience of taking around 1/8 but these hit me like a train. We settle down in our spot when my friend who’s first time it was doing shrooms takes off with no shoes on in Zion national park without saying a word. It took us a while to realize because prior to taking off he was chilling in a dead tree near by and thought he needed some alone time. Anyways the three of us that are left start getting worried and we don’t know what to do. My one friend starts looping, saying “where’s __” over and over again but unfortunately repeating his name doesn’t summon him. At this point we are stopping balls and have no clue what to do but wait and hope he returns. I tried to calm him down saying he will be fine but honestly I wasn’t sure but at the time we couldn’t come up with a plan to find him (we did go looking for him but we were looping so hard there was no chance). This caused a lot of subtle anxiety for the first part of our trip with my one friend ever minute or so saying “where’s __” still. Our lost friend eventually appears out of the brush looking like a 6” 3’ hobbit it was quite a sight. I was scaring thinking he was off having a horrible trip or got hurt but the first thing he says is I quote “I know everything” to which I laughed and though to myself I have had that thought before this kid is tripping balls. Anyways we were all very relived but he tried to leave again saying he was feeling better away from the group which I get we probably weren’t giving off the best vide at that point but we didn’t want to stress over losing his again so I decided to tag along. This is where the stuttering backstory comes in, sorry again for the long post I wasn’t expecting to give a full trip report but here we are.
I was sitting with him on a tree nearby when we started taking about what he had just experienced/ is experiencing. It was very broken English but he was saying how we are all one and exclaimed how beautiful the whole experience had been and started asking me question about my trip and past trips. We somehow got to the topic of anxiety and the cause of it. When I started thinking about it I started to have very basic but meaningful realizations about my anxiety surrounding my stutter. I started speaking to my friend and rarely stuttering and even when I did, I didn’t care one bit, the anxiety I usually feel in the back of my throat wasn’t there and I could speak for the first time in my life. The whole we are all one mind set along with the heavy ego dissolution made me not care about if I stuttered or not it was beautiful. I felt like I could talk to anyone and not have the weight of my stutter glooming over me. I realized they are just people and their judgment (if they even are judging because the assumption that they are judging me is egotistical in a way since I am assuming they care about me enough to judge) shouldn’t effect the way I carry out my life and stop me from being happy. I also thought I am the one causing this anxiety for myself and all of this worry is for nothing since why be shameful about something I can’t change. I would always try to tell myself these things in my day to day life but I never really felt it. When I was tripping I was able to feel these thought and look at them in a new perspective I have never been able to in the past. No amount of alcohol, Xanax, MDMA or any other drug for that matter could have shown me that. During the trip I though I had cured my stutting even telling me friend I think I won’t be stuttering any more after this. Unfortunately this wasn’t the case but now I know it’s possible to reach that point, I feel I should have done a better job integrating my trip but there is still time and I plan to work on it. Maybe I say fuck it and pull a Paul stamets instead ha no jk. Anyways that’s a long story long sorry it was so drawn out and all over the place this wasn’t even the full trip but some of the more important bits. Hope you got something out of this but it was more of a vent because as one would image verbally telling a story to someone feels impossible with a stutter so it feels good get it out somehow.
submitted by TruckComprehensive53 to Stutter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:56 normal-spongebob Cartier Santos 35mm QC

This is my first time posting a QC/buying a rep, so I hope I do this right!
  1. Dealer name: Geektime
  2. Factory name: BVF
  3. Model name (& version number): BVF SS White 35 mm
  4. Price Paid: $478 without shipping
  5. Album Links:
  6. Index alignment: N/A
  7. Dial Printing: Looks like the typical floating R. The C might also seem small?
  8. Date Wheel alignment/printing: N/A
  9. Hand Alignment: N/A
  10. Bezel: Looks good
  11. Solid End Links (SELs): N/A
  12. Timegrapher numbers: -1 s/d, 293 amp. First time seeing a negative number after 10 secs into the video
  13. Anything else you notice: I think I see a spec of dust above the "I" or "1" print, but I think that might be lighting?
submitted by normal-spongebob to RepTimeQC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:56 sb512022 (tldr warning) I (20M) regret what i did to my gf (20F) how can i rebuild trust with her and show her i think differently and wont hurt her again?

so to clear things up before i say the story. i understand why this is all happening and i do regret it and i wish i could go back in time and just be a good person in general and treated her way better. every single day i live with this regret and it just pains me.
so me and her have been together for two years now and it really was all fun and romantic. it felt like we were meant for each other and it wasn't just lust. it was love. true deep love and i loved it so much. we fought a good amount but it was never relationship ending. we always overcame our disagreements and learned to apologize and recognize when one of us is wrong. but we had a big problem recently and it was very personal to her and i failed at being a decent human being and instead got mad and defensive and i let my emotion take over instead of understanding.
so one morning i woke up to a text from her saying she found two pictures of instagram girls in bikinis saved on my accounts folder from when i was in freshman year. she politely asked me to delete them. then i did tell her id delete them but i then proceeded to get upset as if this was a common thing to get mad at me about and i acted like it wasn't a big deal and i basically told her to get over it and that "it shouldn't be a whole day problem" without realizing how much those photos impacted her. i wasn't aware of those photos being there and instead of reassuring her and just being nice and deleted them i made a whole big deal about it and i regret it.
she's always told me she doesn't like the way she looks and that she accepted the fact that she looks "mid" and she isn't anyone's type of girl but she's told me before that i made her feel like she was my type and i made her feel pretty at times but that's all gone now. i really was into her and she's still so pretty to me and she kept getting prettier and prettier in every scenario i saw her.
i didn't even think in the moment on how it could affect her seeing those pictures saved on my account. she must have felt awful seeing that and it would make it seem like i had a type and i was attracted to those girls when in reality i didn't even know they existed and im not really attracted to women other than her. i know it sounds like bullshit but i just can't see women the same after being with her and she won't ever believe that. i understand now how she must've felt and how it must have shattered her self esteem and i couldn't even reassure her. and when we eventually talked about it like a day later, i STILL didn't understand how she felt and when i apologized i wrote the most wrong apology saying stuff like "i did nothing wrong" "get over it im sorry" literally no reassurance just anger and i hate myself for not realizing it in the moment. it wasn't until like a WEEK LATER that i realized how she felt and what i should've done.
our anniversary of two years was in like a week and after this bad apology and talk we basically took a break so she can have time to think. we still talked here and there but nothing romantically or about us. and we agreed that we'd try couples therapy one day so i set it all up and this is where i did the most stupidest awful decision ever.
i know it's frowned upon and stuff but my dad tried to raise me to be cold and not show emotion but in reality emotion is all i could show. i ended up being very needy and anxious and just needing her comfort at times.
the night before we were going to talk to the therapy lady. she was having a bad time and told me she didn't want to talk tonight or call. and without thinking i just started being needy and wanted her attention and kept texting her. then i did something so stupid and ruined what i loved the most. i don't know what my thought process was or how i thought it was a good idea but i got on a "second number app" that allows you to text from a whole different number and i texted HER number while she was feeling bad and in the text i acted like i was a coworker i had that was "looking for me" the coworker was a girl and of no importance to me but i used her name practically asking for "myself to catch up"
i wrote a paragraph for when i wanted to reveal myself and in it i tried to say that i did it because i wanted her to see that "i was always there" or that it always was just her and i and that she doesn't need to worry about anyone getting in between us because it was always her and i. that reason sounds like BS now i genuinely don't know what i was thinking. she says she knows that i did it just to make her jealous, but i don't feel like it was that way. i didn't mean to hurt her and i wish i saw how it could hurt her.
after coming clean about it like a few texts on there i sent the paragraph thinking we'd just laugh about it or something like the stupid delusional person i am. she didn't say anything in the first few seconds but i felt a sudden regret and i felt like i couldn't breathe because i suddenly realize how bad of a thing it was. i promised her i would lie to her and i tricked her with this. so i started panicking after sending it and saying stuff like "this was a bad thing wasn't it" and just panicking and apologizing so fast because i tricked her. i didn't even think about how she would be jealous about that coworker and i was stupid to not think that back then. she then didn't reply for a while and it sank in that i really did something so awful to her. so out of panic i got in my car and went to see a friend at 2 am because they worked night shift. and i talked to her about it and she agreed that it was stupid and i shouldn't have done it. i am so conflicted about this right now. i don't know if it was because i was needy or i just wanted her attention or im just plain stupid. i don't know now why i did it and i regret it deeply. she won't accept an apology thought because my reasoning doesn't make sense at all and i understand that now.
i felt sick to my stomach and later that night like an hour or so later she broke up with me. my whole world sank. i dented my car and went back to my friend to tell her and i just broke down for what i have done. and i've been paying for this with karma ever since this has happened. not even an hour later from this, i got fired from the job i was working at and i lost everything. i have this pain in my chest that hasn't gone away since that day and i've been having nonstop stomach problems and my relationship with my family is decreasing and they're resenting me and i even lost my dog i had for 7 years. so many things keep happening but i know it's because i have to pay and i understand that.
backstory on why this made such an impact: i grew up as a lie. i lied to my family i lied to my friends. i lied to be liked in school and i always tried to be something i am not. when i met her i tried to put these lies behind me and bury my past and what i was and i deleted alot of stuff and quit my porn addiction because i really wanted something with her. but she found out about my past one day and i lied to cover it up and these lies only came back and i ended up breaking her trust again and again to the point where she thought things that were never happening. i know im a liar and a bad person but i was never a cheater or unfaithful to her. i've always genuinely liked her and how she looked and i had everything i wanted. i didn't need to cheat or find other girls because i had one and she was all that i wanted. i even made it clear to here that the relationship wasn't about sex because if we ever stopped having it i'd still love her. but i couldn't be understanding and reassuring with her and i messed up so much and i made it seem like i was lying to her again even though i wasnt. and her last relationship was full of lies and she was manipulated and she regrets going back to him after the fact she knew how he was. and this is the scenario i am in right now. what we had was real love and it was beautiful but i messed it up and destroyed it badly. and she doesn't want to disappoint her past self by doing the same thing she did with her ex because she's afraid of getting hurt again. she can't trust me anymore. she doesn't believe that we could fix it again. she doesn't believe that i liked her and that i was attracted to her. she believes i was out there getting crushes and talking to other women and she believes i did it to make her jealous and that i have a type of girl i like and it's not her. she thinks i led her on this whole time but when i ask "then why am i still here" there's no answer because im not doing this out of pity or attachment. i truly loved her and how she looked. she doesn't believe attractions change and that people can change. she's so focused that we can't have what we had before because it's too different now. i just don't know what to do and im full of regret.
so sometime later i gave her her space and just rotted away in my room missing what i destroyed. one day something compelled me to go to the store and i saw her there. i went up to her and she wanted to talk so i agreed and we went to the park to talk. she tried to break up with me in person that day but couldn't and later that night she texted me that we'd break up in person rather than through text because we're adults. so some time later we kept seeing eachother a bit and talking. we even ended up going to the place i rented for our anniversary just out of a spontaneous decision because she felt a comfort in being around me even though it hurts her. that day we ended up doing a lot of stuff and being intimate with each other and acting like normal. the only words that came out while we were doing it were "i love you" from both of us and it was so passionate and real and it felt like what we had before. we acted normal after that and spent the night and watched movies and cuddled and just talked like nothing at all happened. we were smiling and cracking jokes and just having a good time. it was the same. i didn't want to take her home because i knew it would end though. and that it was all just a dream. and it did end. we decided to be on a break for now and we still talk and sometimes even have fun like we used to but nothing romantically yet. we even started making out the other day but then like a few days later she gets reminded of everything and doesn't talk to me again. and i get she's in her feeling and i understand what i did and that she deserves better but i want to be that better. i want to change for her and show her that i wont hurt her again. but she's afraid. she can't trust me anymore and she's afraid to try again because she loved me she genuinely loved me and she looks for me in the person i am now and she can't "find him" and she believes things will never be the same again and that it won't work but she can't leave because it's too painful. BUT i feel like it can be the same... all those moments we had they were like nothing happened. it's still there within us. our love is still there and i know it is but she's afraid of doing it again and disappointing her past self. like we've been calling and acting normal even though we keep thing the same thing and it keeps bothering us. i feel regret and pain and she feels the pain too because she loved me. i don't know what to do. i know the best for us is probably to just leave it and go our separate ways but i can't. i do love her still and i want to be better for her. for my family. a better person in general. i know i can be the better for her and i don't want to give up. and she doesn't want to give up because she loved me but she also doesn't want her emotions to get in the way of what she should do. i don't know. this is a just a big rant i don't know if its a good idea to post it or if anyone will read this far. i just miss her so much. i miss what we were. i miss how happy we were. this kind and good hearted girl loved me and has showed me so much. she was my first for a lot of things. and my first actual commitment to a relationship. she took my virginity aswell but those are not the reasons i want to stay with her. i want to stay because i love her. i really love her and it just begs the question "why did you do it?" and i don't know. it eats me up inside and i can't take it i DONT know and i wish i could take it all back. i want to start over. i want a time machine. i want her. she loved me and i destroyed what i loved the most. my life hasn't been the same since then and so many bad things keep happening to me but i know it's for a reason. how can i regain her trust? is that even possible? i dont know what to do. i know she needs time but will she ever see that i do want to change? that change is possible and i don't want to hurt her anymore? i regret it all. why couldn't i just be more understanding and reassuring and been good to her. how could i be so foolish. if i just kept my stupid thoughts quiet and kept my mouth shut we could've gone to therapy or something. i messed up really bad.
thank you for reading. i feel so lost
submitted by sb512022 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:56 howhow326 Eve Stellar Blade is not sexy (and ranting about the Bayonetta allegations)

Before we start, allow me to lay all my cards onto the table: No, this is not me bashing Stellar Blade, just Eve's character (or lack there of). No, this is not going to be a "Culture War" fest or whatever, go find a Marvel movie to complain about. Yes, I am a Bayonetta stan. No, I did not play the game, but I've watched playthroughs and I'm not talking about gameplay anyway. Ok?
So Eve Stellar Blade is the new It girl that's been causing a stir with her "sexy" boobs and butt and it's all talk of the town and la de da. There's people saying she's a "fighting fuckdoll trope", there's men putting her on their anti woke pedstal and saying she's the chosen one that's going restore the world back to the good old days and kill the left like Sydney Sweetie's chest or whatever, and everything in between.
Well I, the local contrarian, have chosen the position to say she's barely sexy at all. Now, is she sexualized, are her developers pushing her into sex symbol status? Yes, that comes with the territory of her defult clothes being Ned Flanders Ski suit and her unlockable outfits including pin up girl cosplay. But is Eve Stellar Blade sexy? The answer is no and here's why:
1) We've seen this before
Oh boy, a woman in spandex so tight she almost looks like she's wearing nothing at all! There's only like 100 other female characters who do that!!
Eve Stellar Blade needs to fire her wardrobe manager because her design is boring AF, just the tried and true Si-Fi spandex that every other girl has worn before. Sad thing is, her unlockable outfits that give her a cute, baggy jacket make her one million times more appealing than the sexy outfit version of cardbord box that she's wearing.
2) She has zero personality
So the worst part of this whole culture war surrounding Eve Stellar Blade is I've been seeing people compare her to Bayonetta and like, first of all, keep the queen's name out your mouth. She's sleeping.
Second of all, forgive my tone but Bayonetta cannot be compared to any old raggedy trick. She is Bayonetta . Everything about her, from her clothes, to her hair, to her personality, to her name , it all demands you pay attention to her. Bayonetta is a stripper dominatrix witch with the personality to match. There has never been a leading lady in gaming like her before, and there most likely won't be another after her. No. Comparison. But even if there was a new girl that tried to take the queen's throne, it ain't Even Steven Blonde.
Quick question, type one quote, something iconic that came from Eve Stellar Blade's mouth. Cuz I can think of several from Bayonetta, byt I'll wait.
Back on track, Sexy is more than just your looks, it's how you carry yourself. You think the reason why all the girlies are thirsting after corpse man from Fallout is because they have a no nose fetish??? No!!! It's because that guy is charming and endlessly confident. Bayonetta is charming, endlessly confident, and the baddest bitch of every room she ever walked into.
What does Even Stellar Blade do, other than rely on her looks to secure anti wokers? I'll tell you what, nothing!! She has zero personality, zero charisma, zero prescence, her aesthetic is looking like an airbrushed Korean model in Spandex, and her greatest assets aretried and true gainaxing that's been in every game ever! Yall are comparing this girl to Bayonetta when Mother brought you disappearing clothes AND monstergirls? I'd ask you to raise your standards, but worshipping Even Steven requires you not have any anyway.


Eve Stellar Blade is a bitch and Bayonetta's son. She is also the J Lo of video game girls.
submitted by howhow326 to CharacterRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:55 TokraZeno Could the mule have been a robot?

Apparently this board doesn't have spoiler tags but just in case, spoilers for the first two foundation books plus prelude.
I recently read Prelude to Foundation and the revelation about Denzel being a zeroth law compatible robot with psychic powers got me wondering if the Mule was actually a robot, possibly even Denzel himself.
The original reason given for the rise of the mule was that he was a mutant that couldn't be predicted by psycho history - something that seems less likely now that we know that Harry knew mental manipulation of that type was possible.
Not only was he aware of it, but he had a robot who could do exactly that and with psycho history to show it was zeroth law compatible, Denzel could go full Leto Atreides and become God-Emperor so long as his actions eventually served the Golden Path.
This seems a lot more likely than not having a plan for mind control. Thoughts?
submitted by TokraZeno to asimov [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:55 LeeWeiXin If you don't want to get spoiled on YouTube, then don't watch the videos in the first place.

I'm prolly gonna be downvoted for saying this, but I'll say it. I'm saying this because recently I saw a Caelus meme in this sub that asks Hoyo/the official HSR channel to not spoil things (it's an EP video with Misha in the thumbnail, the title is the name of a Robin's song). The title doesn't spoil anything, the thumbnail doesn't have much context, it just looks like Misha is sleeping, that's it. They wouldn't have been spoiled or know what's going on, if they DID NOT watch the video in the first place.
(P.S I'm not defending the videos that outright spoils the story in the titles or thumbnails. I'm talking about the vids that doesn't spoil any new info/story in the title or thumbnail, the one where you wouldn't have been spoiled if you didn't click to watch it.)
Besides Hoyo, another example is if a video is titled "All [insert latest version here] Cutscenes" (without spoiling any info, and if the thumbnail doesn't have much context) and you got spoiled, you are at fault for watching the video instead of scrolling away.
I've seen so many complaints about people getting spoiled, sometimes I decided to check the videos in question, and in some cases, the titles don't spoil anything much and they wouldn't be spoiled or receive any info if they just scrolled away and didn't watch it.
The internet doesn't have to cater to your rate of media consumption. I agree, spoiler still sucks (especially with YouTube's algorithm recommending them), but sometimes you gotta take some responsibility. Sometimes you are at fault for watching the vids and getting even more spoilers, when you could have scrolled away.
(Btw, a tip: go to incognito, other account, or log out and use no account if you don't wanna be spoiled.)
submitted by LeeWeiXin to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:54 Royal_Fig_9648 I bought and built the Action Base 8 (AB8). Feels good so far.

I bought and built the Action Base 8 (AB8). Feels good so far.
Also shown - the AB4 that I used previously. Nipper for additional size reference.
Additional notes
* The Action base comes with four nuts and 2.5mm bolts as the joints for the arms. To screw them tight, it also came with a couple of clear plastic four-faced hex key tools.
* The instructions told me to screw each bolt until all four faces of one tool have been deformed, rinse and repeat. This means that the clear plastic would most likely deform without risking the joints being overly screwed. Though I guess nothing can't stop you from tightening it even further if you decide on the angle and want it to be rock solid.
* AB8's arm peg fits snugly with the AB4/5's hexagonal base. Also true vice-versa.
*AB8's base is quite long (about the length of two hexagonal bases linked together) and only has four arm sockets (instead of being riddled with them compared to the hex base.
*I feel that the AB8's base is more stable. For example, when I placed the AB8's arm to the centre of the hex base and put my Strike on it, I could see it lift and lean partly. The same can be said with using both AB4's arms.
*Unlike AB4/5, the AB8 kit lacks some of the "hands" that connect it to the model kit - namely, the box-like one that slides underneath the model kit's hips, as well as the claw-like one that simply grasps the model kit. This reduces its compatibility with older kits.
*The AB8 can use the AB4/5's hands, mitigating the above point assuming you have spare hands.
*Unlike AB4/5, the AB8's arms cannot be used separately, meaning that it can only support one kit.
*The AB8 overall feels quite strong and sturdy, but only time can tell if it stay that way. I now have an intense urge to buy a chonky MG (most likely the Sazabi Ver Ka) and stress test it.
*Despite its sturdiness, I can personally adjust its arms to angle the kit just the way I want it, significantly easier than fumbling around with AB4/5's system.
Overall, the Action Base 8 feels like a great complement to the Action Base 4. AB8 can support MG kits and large 1/144 kits high up as well as being significantly easier to tune its pose. The AB4 can be split to lift two normal-sized 1/144 kits or support two MG-sized kits with standing poses, as well as having higher compatibility with older kits.
submitted by Royal_Fig_9648 to Gunpla [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:54 ShiroWorksVR I've been lurking for a while so I thought I'd like to introduce myself!

I've been lurking for a while so I thought I'd like to introduce myself!
Hi, My name is Anzu.
I'm just a normal human with a normal life.
I'm an Urban Explorer and Car Enthusiast who likes all things JDM. I've spent the past year and a half building my virtual garages that I'll use for my virtual car builds/live installation that I'm excited to show you all! As for the Urban Explorer part, I'll be exploring worlds on VrChat and try to make sense of things I see.
I'll eventually do handcam streams of interesting parts that I have lying around the garage and more to that. I'm hoping to see if I can do a non-debut debut first stream some time before the end of this month.
submitted by ShiroWorksVR to vtubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:53 g3thic [F4A] Genres and Fandoms!

Hello again! I’m not sure if you’ve seen my other posts about a fandom roleplay but this one is gonna be about any roleplay in general, fandoms included. This’ll be pretty detailed and I’ll let you know the parts if you want to skip ahead (I suggest you don’t). If you don’t wanna read all of this, then don’t. This was made for people willing to read blocks of paragraphs and maybe even respond with their own.
My name is Hina. To know more about me, I hail from Japan and I have been an avid writer ever since I moved to the States when I was 11. My second language is English but I believe it’s been pretty good. I recently turned 22 years old and I'm female. Talking about age, I would be comfortable with you being 17+ and preferably at least 20. Roleplaying with minors isn’t a big thing for me, I apologize. I’m in the west coast, PST timezone. Let’s see.. What other information can I give you? I would say I enjoy skating, basketball, watching tv shows and anime, and reading. My favorite anime is Nana and Death Note.
I am not looking for a specific roleplay. I would say i’m skilled in all genres. Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, apocalypse. All of that. Even slice of life, though that depends on what type of plot exactly. To be more specific on each genre, starting off with fantasy, I'm more used to high fantasy and mythology. I’m not that great with medieval, unfortunately. DnD based role plays aren’t really fit for me and I struggle playing with species like ogres. Just putting that out here. For fantasy, I don’t have any specific ideas.
Sci-fi is the genre I have more skill in. Most of my roleplays are based off of them! Specifically, I’m fine with all subgenres of that.
For other genres like horror and apocalypse, I do have some taste. I really like monsters and creepy things from the horror genre like vampires and all of that and I even have my own idea set up in older times dealing with vampire lords and hunters and all of that. I also enjoy eldritch type horror. I also like that one sun genre of it, like video game horror? I’m not sure how to describe it. I also forgot if it even has an official name or if it’s just something used to describe the horror genre. I like Resident Evil, so maybe that’ll tell you the type of horror I usually enjoy. I do have a developed idea of something more eldritch horror.
More on fandoms! To get some other things down, I usually only play OC unless the character you want me to play is one I know more about and I'm more comfortable playing. The fandoms I like in the more anime way are Jojo’s, Nana, Death Note, JJK, AOT, Haikyuu, and probably more. I’m well versed in the Jojo’s, Aot, and JJK fandoms but less knowledgeable on Death Note since i’ve only seen it once. Other fandoms i’m in include ATLA, TLOK, Harry Potter, Resident Evil, Marvel, DC, and many more.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to RoleplayPartnerSearch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:53 MrScotchyScotch Terraform can't interpolate variables in variables unless they come from a file

So, I have this:
variable "bar" { default = "okay" } variable "foo" { default = <<-EOL Hey, this is ${} EOL }
But Terraform doesn't like that:
Error: Variables not allowed │ Variables may not be used here.
Terraform is philosophical: it doesn't like the idea of you interpolating variables in a default value, even if it easily could. For that it wants you to use locals. So, if you can interpolate variables in a default local... why not interpolate variables in a default variable? Because some engineer somewhere just decided "that's how it should be". And now I have a pain in the ass to work around.
So, hmm. How can I interpolate that other variable at runtime? Well... if there were a function that could interpolate variables, I could wrap the var wherever I wanted to use it.
So you find the template data source - that can take a string, interpolate it, and return it! ..... But that's deprecated, because Terraform is both philosophical and thrifty: they have the templatefile() function now, so they decided they don't want to spend any money to support the template data source too.
Does the templatefile() function work on strings? No, it only works on files. So you think, "ok, so i'll generate some file at runtime with my string and...", but not if you were thinking of the file_local provider. That can create a local file that you can read, but if it's not there yet (like when running from CI?) then it's going to show you it creating the file as a new resource, every time you plan/apply.
So here I am, trying to get the local-exec provisioner to generate a file (which will have to have a static host name, so god help me if this gets run on different environments without the current directory's contents being cleaned out first, or parallel runs at the same time) that I can then read, just to interpolate a god damn variable at runtime.
All of this started because I just wanted to create a DRY config using just .tfvars files without needing to load content from a template file. Hours of work, because Terraform wants to work very hard to keep useful functionality out of my hands. Just when I think I've seen all the crappiness Terraform has to offer, it surprises me yet again.
submitted by MrScotchyScotch to Terraform [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:53 g3thic [F4A] Genres and Fandoms!

Hello again! I’m not sure if you’ve seen my other posts about a fandom roleplay but this one is gonna be about any roleplay in general, fandoms included. This’ll be pretty detailed and I’ll let you know the parts if you want to skip ahead (I suggest you don’t). If you don’t wanna read all of this, then don’t. This was made for people willing to read blocks of paragraphs and maybe even respond with their own.
My name is Hina. To know more about me, I hail from Japan and I have been an avid writer ever since I moved to the States when I was 11. My second language is English but I believe it’s been pretty good. I recently turned 22 years old and I'm female. Talking about age, I would be comfortable with you being 17+ and preferably at least 20. Roleplaying with minors isn’t a big thing for me, I apologize. I’m in the west coast, PST timezone. Let’s see.. What other information can I give you? I would say I enjoy skating, basketball, watching tv shows and anime, and reading. My favorite anime is Nana and Death Note.
I am not looking for a specific roleplay. I would say i’m skilled in all genres. Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, apocalypse. All of that. Even slice of life, though that depends on what type of plot exactly. To be more specific on each genre, starting off with fantasy, I'm more used to high fantasy and mythology. I’m not that great with medieval, unfortunately. DnD based role plays aren’t really fit for me and I struggle playing with species like ogres. Just putting that out here. For fantasy, I don’t have any specific ideas.
Sci-fi is the genre I have more skill in. Most of my roleplays are based off of them! Specifically, I’m fine with all subgenres of that.
For other genres like horror and apocalypse, I do have some taste. I really like monsters and creepy things from the horror genre like vampires and all of that and I even have my own idea set up in older times dealing with vampire lords and hunters and all of that. I also enjoy eldritch type horror. I also like that one sun genre of it, like video game horror? I’m not sure how to describe it. I also forgot if it even has an official name or if it’s just something used to describe the horror genre. I like Resident Evil, so maybe that’ll tell you the type of horror I usually enjoy. I do have a developed idea of something more eldritch horror.
More on fandoms! To get some other things down, I usually only play OC unless the character you want me to play is one I know more about and I'm more comfortable playing. The fandoms I like in the more anime way are Jojo’s, Nana, Death Note, JJK, AOT, Haikyuu, and probably more. I’m well versed in the Jojo’s, Aot, and JJK fandoms but less knowledgeable on Death Note since i’ve only seen it once. Other fandoms i’m in include ATLA, TLOK, Harry Potter, Resident Evil, Marvel, DC, and many more.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to roleplaying [link] [comments]


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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:52 g3thic [F4A] Genres and Fandoms!

Hello again! I’m not sure if you’ve seen my other posts about a fandom roleplay but this one is gonna be about any roleplay in general, fandoms included. This’ll be pretty detailed and I’ll let you know the parts if you want to skip ahead (I suggest you don’t). If you don’t wanna read all of this, then don’t. This was made for people willing to read blocks of paragraphs and maybe even respond with their own.
My name is Hina. To know more about me, I hail from Japan and I have been an avid writer ever since I moved to the States when I was 11. My second language is English but I believe it’s been pretty good. I recently turned 22 years old and I'm female. Talking about age, I would be comfortable with you being 17+ and preferably at least 20. Roleplaying with minors isn’t a big thing for me, I apologize. I’m in the west coast, PST timezone. Let’s see.. What other information can I give you? I would say I enjoy skating, basketball, watching tv shows and anime, and reading. My favorite anime is Nana and Death Note.
I am not looking for a specific roleplay. I would say i’m skilled in all genres. Sci-fi, fantasy, horror, apocalypse. All of that. Even slice of life, though that depends on what type of plot exactly. To be more specific on each genre, starting off with fantasy, I'm more used to high fantasy and mythology. I’m not that great with medieval, unfortunately. DnD based role plays aren’t really fit for me and I struggle playing with species like ogres. Just putting that out here. For fantasy, I don’t have any specific ideas.
Sci-fi is the genre I have more skill in. Most of my roleplays are based off of them! Specifically, I’m fine with all subgenres of that.
For other genres like horror and apocalypse, I do have some taste. I really like monsters and creepy things from the horror genre like vampires and all of that and I even have my own idea set up in older times dealing with vampire lords and hunters and all of that. I also enjoy eldritch type horror. I also like that one sun genre of it, like video game horror? I’m not sure how to describe it. I also forgot if it even has an official name or if it’s just something used to describe the horror genre. I like Resident Evil, so maybe that’ll tell you the type of horror I usually enjoy. I do have a developed idea of something more eldritch horror.
More on fandoms! To get some other things down, I usually only play OC unless the character you want me to play is one I know more about and I'm more comfortable playing. The fandoms I like in the more anime way are Jojo’s, Nana, Death Note, JJK, AOT, Haikyuu, and probably more. I’m well versed in the Jojo’s, Aot, and JJK fandoms but less knowledgeable on Death Note since i’ve only seen it once. Other fandoms i’m in include ATLA, TLOK, Harry Potter, Resident Evil, Marvel, DC, and many more.
I tend to use character sheets to describe my character, these usually consist of names, background, and personality. More so on appearances, I prefer using animated or drawn references than real life people. I enjoy good enough references where I get the idea of how the character would look like.
The types of characters I write are either the lone wolf type that has some sad past which leads them to want to join someone for a redemption arc or the bubbly character who is the one that brings the mood up and is usually seen as trustworthy and of that kind.
I like all types of tropes, especially enemies to lovers or rivalry. I also really enjoy opposites attract as a whole from either opposite personality or something else they would be opposites in. Enemies to lovers takes my heart, though. I love seeing the characters go past the urge to ultimately hate each other and/or go past their usual way of disliking the others lineage or upcoming.
I think this is my last paragraph on the roleplay. It’s the most important, at least. Requirements. All roleplay searches come with them. Or at least that’s what I heard! But don’t fret, there isn’t much.
I’ve seen this as one of the most used requirements, and I agree with it. As someone who’s first language wasn’t English, I understand that you may not be great at it. But please, I do require a partner that at least has proper use of grammar and punctuation. You don’t even have to use big words or anything, just at least know where to put your periods and the placement of your words.
My second requirement is for you to be LITERATE! Please. I’m a big writer, I tend to ramble on and tend to write more than what I thought I would. (like i’m doing right now) I write multiple paragraphs from the starter until the scene relaxes. I also understand that sometimes writing big blocks of words every response is tiring or boring so I don’t expect it all the time, at least after the starter has been made and in more important scenes. Dialogue also cuts my replies shorter.
Please please please be polite in OOC! We may just be role playing together but kindness goes all ways. If we do include OOC, I enjoy talking about many things. My day, movies, games, funny moments and stories, all of that!
I think that’s the end to this wonderful journey of an ad about my search. I hope you are still here, fellow writer! I would LOVE it if you reached out to me! This wasn’t all for nothing, right!
But don’t leave yet! I do have a passcode. I know this was a jumble of words and rambling but I still have to put one in. I heard that there’s a lot of people on here that don’t read things fully and miss out on rules or information! But.. Just because you read through this all, I’ll gladly give you options on the passcode! Also please put in an introduction of yourself! Don’t think “Oh maybe I shouldn’t bother this person with too much to read”! I like seeing big blocks.
What’s your dream country to travel to and why?
Who’s your favorite TV show / Cartoon / Game / Anime character?
Feel free to pick both! Now, that’s all from me. Please don’t put your request as just “Wanna rp”!
submitted by g3thic to Roleplay [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:52 _Euphoria143 [TOMT] [2000’s] [Kids tv show] looking for a childhood show that was like Teletubbies

It’s a very vague memory, they were little flying creatures in different colors, It’s NOT BoohBahs, from what I remember it was a sort of show where we’d firstly see the characters doing something together like teletubbies, then they’d meet a couple of children, dance with them, sing with them (etc) like Barney & the Teletubbies. If i remember well their setting was on a forest. I found it once but forgot the name, all I know is it was made around the years 2006-2009.
submitted by _Euphoria143 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:51 Dochazardtv 31 [M4F] #washington #Online -Looking for some one I can talk about trains to.

Country boy though and through. I'll rizz you with my tisim. When I was created, I rolled excellent stats in intelligence, and charisma. God thought my build was overpowered and nerfed me with Autisim.
Willing to relocate if it works out have already once. For a redditor, 4 months after I moved in we found out we weren't compatible. But life moves on. Maybe you can be my next and last sweet heart. 😋
Now to brass Tacks. I'm an EMT I was a Medic in the military. I'm a Half Black country boy. Disabled Veteran. First responder. I'm a traditional man. I Drive a manual SUV. I'm pretty handy, I would like to think. I'm not here play games. I want a wife and a family.
submitted by Dochazardtv to R4R30Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:51 __Bloo__ You HAVE to try this Fallout 4 build!

You HAVE to try this Fallout 4 build!
Have you ever wanted the perfect build for a waste lander scabbed assassin? omething similar to that of maybe the “Stalker” games? This build is a formidable one at that, you scavenge every component needed to complete your goal and crush any competitor who steps in your way.
This build is incredible aesthetically and gameplay wise and it’s all completely obtainable without mods (Some DLCs will be required, if you DO NOT have DLCs I have provided some substitutions down below)
Face Paint: •Full eye black •Diamond eyes
Grime: Coal Miner
Apparel: Hunters Hood (Obtained through Far Harbor DLC) Colonel Coat (Obtained through “Speak of the Devil” Quest-line)
Weapons: •The Deliverer (Obtained during “Tradecraft” quest) •The Problem SolveSplatter-Cannon (Both obtained through Nuka World DLC •Pickman’s Blade (Obtained through Pickman’s Gift” quest)
Perks: Entirely optional however I would prioritize •Gunslinger •Commando •Sneak •Ninja •Locksmith •Hacker •Pickpocket •Lone Wanderer •Idiot Savant •Scrapper •Stongback
Substitutions: Green hood 10 mm pistol suppressed Combat rifle suppressed
*The colonel jacket is not only upgradable through the armor station so you can add buffs like deep pocketed if you are a junk hoarder, ultra-lightweight if you are a pro triathlon runner, or if you want to be able to walk through the fire and flames towards your enemies menacingly with the asbestos lining, but it’s also compatible with ballistic weave allowing you to get that insane protection against your opponents!
*The deliverer and Problem Solver are probably the most aesthetically satisfying weapons in the game and have crazy legendary affects so you will not feel underpowered even though n the late game
*If you want to be immersive in dialogue and NPC relationships try to chose the most stoic options, anything that provides more caps, rewards, and someone who is morally grey, nothing to personal but you have boundaries to be set as what would set your character apart from any raider out their
Notes: I hope you all will enjoy the build if you try it, sorry for any mistakes this is my first Reddit Post. If you have any questions or feedback please let me know in the comments below, thank you. :)
submitted by __Bloo__ to Fallout4Builds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:50 Cardboardviolation I scare myself

I’m Hadley, and I’m 12. Now obviously I’m young, which…scares people, somehow?? Anyways, I know I’m “mature” or whatever for my age, my voice, my personality, all that stuff. But I’m 90% sure there’s something seriously wrong in my head. I have older friends online (the oldest being 20, yes I know but don’t be concerned), and no they aren’t pedos or anything, I know what most of them look like and our relationship is kind of like a parent-child sort of thing. They know my age, I know theirs, it’s all good. I didn’t grow up great, with unrestricted internet access, separated parents, witnessing multiple fights, all the good stuff…And it’s kind of coming clear to me that it’s started problems.
I’ve started to have body dysmorphia (however you spell it…I’m slow), wondering if I’m a girl, if I’m a boy, you get it, and it’s seriously stressful. I’ve been more sad, even thinking about suicide even though I’m too scared to do it in the first place. The ‘older friends’ part will come soon, so just keep that in mind…Anyways. Ive been going through a lot at school. People bully me, call me weird, a loser, even my friends. I love them, but god can they be mean. And I’ve started to notice that anytime my older friends praise me, call me nice names, etc, it makes me feel so good. Like, I can’t even explain it. No, not … That kind of good, weirdo, but it makes me feel like I made them proud. And maybe I did, I don’t know. I get jealous when they flirt with each other, I get jealous when they even TALK to each other while I’m not there. It makes me feel uneasy. I make MYSELF feel uneasy. I’m not even sure what to do with myself. I’m too scared to sh, yet I feel the need to do it almost every day, I have some pretty noticeable anger issues, and I’m getting jealous over grown adults.
I’m not saying that I’m asking for help, but that’s totally optional for you, anyone. But if I said this to any of my friends they’d probably think I’m crazy.
submitted by Cardboardviolation to Diary [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:50 International_Set663 Am I delulu? Or did I fall to host club culture?

HIIIII!!! I 21F overthink alot and I was wondering if anyone who is Japanese or have been to japan could look at my virgo moon overthinking and see if I was being delulu or if I fell victim to host club culture. This all took place in a Japanese bar. B-Bartender (European) T-Waiter boy in question (Japanese) K-ME (Wasian)
- He gives me a recommendation again and leans super close and I’m like suaisisisisi
- got me water without me asking cause he remembered I didn’t like the shot
-We asked B ages of everyone and even though it was busy T came over and suddenly asked us ages. He asked friend one and went ok ok.. skipped my next friend and went “K ???” And I went Oh “21” he was so excited and said “03”??? And I said yes and he was admit that we should be friends because we were the same age. (My other friends were all 03 as well)
-Asked us what we did and kept wanting to see my pictures of me in my kimono.
The kicker is that B told us once T was getting ready to leave, “Do with this information what you will, but T has a girlfriend…”
submitted by International_Set663 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:47 __Bloo__ You HAVE to try this Fallout 4 build!

You HAVE to try this Fallout 4 build!
Have you ever wanted the perfect build for a waste lander scabbed assassin? omething similar to that of maybe the “Stalker” games? This build is a formidable one at that, you scavenge every component needed to complete your goal and crush any competitor who steps in your way.
This build is incredible aesthetically and gameplay wise and it’s all completely obtainable without mods (Some DLCs will be required, if you DO NOT have DLCs I have provided some substitutions down below)
Face Paint: •Full eye black •Diamond eyes
Grime: Coal Miner
Appeal: Hunters Hood (Obtained through Far Harbor DLC) Colonel Coat (Obtained through “Speak of the Devil” Quest-line)
Weapons: •The Deliverer (Obtained during “Tradecraft” quest) •The Problem SolveSplatter-Cannon (Both obtained through Nuka World DLC •Pickman’s Blade (Obtained through Pickman’s Gift” quest)
Perks: Entirely optional however I would prioritize •Gunslinger •Commando •Sneak •Ninja •Locksmith •Hacker •Pickpocket •Lone Wanderer •Idiot Savant •Scrapper •Stongback
Substitutions: Green hood 10 mm pistol suppressed Combat rifle suppressed
*The colonel jacket is not only upgradable through the armor station so you can add buffs like deep pocketed if you are a junk hoarder, ultra-lightweight if you are a pro triathlon runner, or if you want to be able to walk through the fire and flames towards your enemies menacingly with the asbestos lining, but it’s also compatible with ballistic weave allowing you to get that insane protection against your opponents!
*The deliverer and Problem Solver are probably the most aesthetically satisfying weapons in the game and have crazy legendary affects so you will not feel underpowered even though n the late game
*If you want to be immersive in dialogue and NPC relationships try to chose the most stoic options, anything that provides more caps, rewards, and someone who is morally grey, nothing to personal but you have boundaries to be set as what would set your character apart from any raider out their
Notes: I hope you all will enjoy the build if you try it, sorry for any mistakes this is my first Reddit Post. If you have any questions or feedback please let me know in the comments below, thank you. :)
submitted by __Bloo__ to FalloutBuilds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:45 Puzzleheaded-Dark-80 Islam. It is about Quran and Islam All of planet earth must convert to Islam. All humans, peoples, nations, countries, and all others must become Muslim. I am Muslim. Islam is last religion. Holy Quran is holy scripture of God. Quran is last scripture of God. God revealed Quran to prophet Muhammad. In order to find out a holy scripture is correct you must see Torah, Gospel, Enjil, and other scriptures don’t go against holy Quran. They are false If they go against holy Quran. Holy Quran was not edited. Holy Quran is true scripture of God. Holy Quran is true. Gospel, Enjil, Torah, and other scriptures were edited. Only true religions are Islam, Shia Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. All other religions are false religions. All prophets were Muslims. But they changed the names to Christianity and Judaism after prophets. Muslims believe Prophet Muhammad was the last Prophet. It is based on Aye Khatam Al-Anbia in Holy Quran. But in Aye Khatam Al-Anbia in Holy Quran my name Makan ماکان comes before the name of Prophet Muhammad. God spoke to me. It means I am Makan Abazari The Messenger of God. Study holy Quran in language you understand. You must understand meaning of Quran. Also read Quran in Arabic. Recite Quran. But make sure to read Quran in your language. I made many miracles with holy Quran. I changed climate. I made hurricanes, Superstorms, Nor’easter, ten thousand tornados, earthquakes, superstorms, and other things by holy Quran. I did also before then. I also made hurricanes, Superstorms, Nor’easter, ten thousand tornados, earthquakes, superstorms, and other things by my codes. I also made other miracles by Holy Quran. Everytime I recited Holy Quran many miracles happened. Everytime I recited Holy Quran Climate was changed. Many other miracles took place. We only recognize Islam, Shia Islam, Christianity, and Judaism as true religions. All other religions are false. For example, Brahmaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikh, and other religions are false. All of people of the world must become Muslims.
All nations and countries are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government.
Https:// Rain in Iran, Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Ghafghaz, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Central Asia, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, South West Russia, West China, Himalaya, and other regions. Hurricane and famine North America. Earthquake in South East Asia, Indonesia, Australia, Southern Africa, South America, North America, and Europe. Volcano in Canada and Britain Tornado many regions of the earth. Rain Systems Iran and Middle East. Overthrow Iran repeatedly to crown Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Middle East, Horn of Africa, North Africa, Central Asia, Arabian Penunsila, Middle East, Ghafghaz, Greater Middle East, Greater Iran, South Asia, Russia, China, Himalaya, and other regions are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Industrialize Iran, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, West China, and South west Russia at max effeciency and max capacity building factories, industrial supply chains, manufacturing, arsenals, workshops, part manufacturing, intermediate product industries, finished industrial product industries, finished product assembly, assembly lines, tech manufacturing, advanced manufacturing, large factory, classic factory, strategic factory, automation industries, Robotic manufacturing, machiation, automatic industries, hardware industries, mass production lines, wheels of industries, efficient industrial systems, industrial complex, industrial city, industrial metropolitan, industrial cosmopolitan, industrial system complex, industrial core, industrial practices, amd other industries Integerating their industries and industrial supply chains while ensuring dependency on Iran's part manufacturing.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Somaliland, Egypt, Sudan, Libya, Tunisia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Tajikstan, China, and Russia are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Palestine, Israel, Gaza, Sinai, Suez, Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, Qatar, Bahrain, Kuwait, Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, Turkmanistan, Uzbakistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikstan, Kazakhstan, Russia, Afghanistan, China, Pakistan, India, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Balkan, Italy, France, Spain, Portugal, Morroco, Gibraltar, Bob Al-Mandib, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya, Sudan, South Sudan, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti, Somalia, Somaliland, Kenya, Uganda, Red Sea, Gulf of Eden, Medditrnean Sea, and Black Sea are provinces of Iran. The capital city is in Iran between Persian Gulf and Caspian Sea. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. The name of unified Empire is Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran is the Government. Crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Iran must officially crown me Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Overthrow Iran repeadetly until I am crowned Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran. Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Climate, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Geophysics, Makan Abazari The Supreme of Weather Warfare, Makan Abazari The Messenger of God, The King of Kings Makan Abazari Shahan Shah Iran the first king of Makanian Dynasty,
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Dark-80 to Quran [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:44 Fickle-Language-3619 my dad thinks his obsession & behavior is normal & i believe needs help..

Sorry this is so long but i’ve wanted to vent about this for some time. I guess i’ll start with some background info. when i was 20 i was living with my bf for 2 years but started to sleep at my parents house some nights because i was dealing with bad depression. my mom was always my main support system and i wanted to be around her more. i told my parents i was thinking about checking myself back into the psych ward (i’m diagnosed as bipolar) so i can get help bc i was having Sui**dal thoughts again. My dad told me he would just buy me a puppy for emotional support because he didn’t want to see me go back to the hospital after what i had went through there previously.
The dog was technically mine, i mean he bought her for me / thought she would make my mental health better. But when i ended up fully living with my bf again she stood with my parents & pretty much became their dog. I didn’t really care bc me & my bf ended up getting a dog of our own shortly after this.
That was 5 years ago. Last year my parents bought a house after they retired & obviously brought the dog with them. I want to point out that my dad has ALWAYS suffered with anxiety.. he’s actually currently in therapy and has been for a while. He has a psychiatrist & he used to be on antidepressants but now he’s only on medication for his anxiety as his depression has gotten better than it was before. I think he was happier with the quality of his life after the move.
The problem is he cannot leave the house or go ANYWHERE without bringing the dog with him. And he will NEVER leave her home alone EVER. Not even for five minutes. My mom doesn’t drive so whenever they run errands they run them together in my dads car. This dog goes to the grocery store with them .. she goes on dates with them ( they don’t eat out anywhere unless they are allowed to bring the door / only if the place has outdoor seating ) They bring her to Walmart, Doctors appointments ( my mom will usually wait in the car with the dog while my dad goes to his appointment if he wants my mom to come with him) The only time he’s not with the dog is if he takes a drive / runs an errand alone then he will leave her in the house with my mom. But since they moved, they have never both gone out on any sort of date alone without having the dog with them.
My mom really wanted to do this outdoor activity with him recently but he said they couldn’t go because the place didn’t allow dogs, so she went alone. A couple months ago their neighbors invited over them for a dinner party at their house which is literally 1 house over. My mom told my dad that she really would like if they leave the dog home alone because she wants to spend time with him & other people without having the dog with them.
They get to the neighbors house… 15 mins pass and my dad says he is going back home to check on the dog. Now idk how true this is what he told my mom. Apparentky when he got back home the dog pooped and peed everywhere in the house (like nervous poops i guess) & was crying and in so much distraught when he got back. He goes back to the neighbors house since it’s a couple feet away… makes an announcement to everyone that the dog “isn’t doing too good” & says he’s gonna go back home to be with her 🤦‍♀️
My mom was enjoying herself and didn’t want to leave so she told him to just go home but that she was going to stay for the dinner party. He went back home.
Another thing that happened which i feel like is really weird is that i feel like he’s trying to replace the dog with me. I haven’t lived with my parents in years & they live in a whole different state now. When i was a little girl i had this childrens plate that i ate breakfast on. Everyone in the house knew it as my plate. I also had a bowl with my name on the inside of it. Before i moved out of their apartment i left my blanket over there that i would sleep with every night as an adult. I never felt the need to bring it to my bfs house so i just left it there.
The first time i visited them i went in their cabinet while my food was cooking & i saw my child plate and thought it would be funny if i ate on it. I went to put my food on it & my dad screamed at me & said it was the dogs plate that she eats on & that i can’t use it because it’s her plate now. I thought he was joking but he wasn’t. He home cooks every meal for her & also feeds her by hand out the plate.. on both that plate and the bowl with my name on it. My parents have 2 couches. I noticed one of the couch had my blanket on it from their last apartment, & my dog was sitting on that couch. I wanted to sit with her while we watched a movie & so i grabbed the blanket and put it over me. My dad yelled at me & told me that’s her blanket & not to use it. At that point i literally looked at him and said “ it’s a blanket … and it’s a HUGE blanket why can’t i use it ??? she can still lay down with me” Then he was just like okay whatever & my mom also said it wasn’t a big deal …
I went to visit my parents over the weekend and my mom privately expressed to me that she wishes they could just go places without the dog. She said she really doesn’t want to bring the dog out with them every single time they have to run an errand. Sometimes she just wants alone time with my dad without having to worry about it they can bring the dog somewhere or not. I told her that they don’t need to bring the dog everywhere with them. She’ll be fine if they leave her alone, she’s not a puppy anymore. She said she knows this but that my dad doesn’t believe that she will be fine if she’s left home alone. She also feels like he needs the dog to be with him at all time because of HIS anxiety, not the dogs. I feel like my dad is the reason my dog has anxiety because she’s never left alone. & tbh even though physically she would be okay if they left her home alone mentally she prob would freak out since he will never put her in that situation. She’s brought this up to my dad and she said he doesn’t listen. He believes if they can bring the dog everywhere with them that there’s no reason to leave her home alone.
I just feel like something is really wrong mentally with my dad because of all of this. I think his anxiety is definitely a major factor to why he feels this way. But he also doesn’t realize that it’s effecting my mom negatively. I told her that she needs to really tell him this is becoming an issue but i think she’s scared to because he’s been dismissive about it before & gets upset with her when she brings it up. He’s in therapy.. but obviously this is never a topic of conversation that he can heal from because he doesn’t see an issue with it & isn’t going to bring it up to his therapist. If i said something to him i think i would seriously offend him & he would probably say that i have no right to say anything about his relationship with the dog because i don’t live under their roof.
Why is he like this? Do you think he needs the dog or believes the dog needs him? Will he ever change? Will my parents marriage eventually crumble because of this?
TL;DR - My dad has an unhealthy obsession with his dog & it’s starting to effect my mom. He can’t leave the house without her or do anything outdoors with my mom without bringing the dog. He has only left her home alone once in the 6 years they’ve had the dog. He thinks his behavior is normal & I’m trying to figure out why he is this way.
submitted by Fickle-Language-3619 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:44 shaneka69 LIBRA ZODIAC PREDICTIONS MAY 2024

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