Weekly lesson plan template for kindergarten

Buy low, sell high

2013.08.21 16:37 TheJoePilato Buy low, sell high

A place to discuss tactics and success stories of buying things for a low price and selling them for a higher one.

2010.07.18 18:28 obschart /r/SoloTravel: Where traveling solo is traveling social!

A place for all of those interested in solo travel to share their experiences and stories!

2013.04.25 03:59 danger_boogie Weekly Meal Plans

This is a subreddit to create and share your weekly meal plans.

2024.05.15 09:20 Shuajogatosama My girlfriend (F23) broke up with me (M22) but we booked holidays for this summer, what would you do in this case ??

Hi everyone,
My girlfriend broke up with me a few days ago while I'm on the other side of the world on an exchange. She came 3 weeks ago in Korea to see me and everything was good when she came, was a really good moment, but then a few days ago she told me that she is bored and doesn’t love me so she left me.
The problem is that we planned a vacation to Morocco this summer and we booked it like 4 days before she left me..
we are supposed to go to a surf house for 1 week all inclusive and we already payed half of the trip plus the plane tickets. So the problem is that we can’t get are plane tickets refunded and if we cancel are reservation we still need to pay 25% of the total cost so basically 260 euros plus 300 euros of plane tickets.
She told me that she didn’t want to lose the money so she wants to go anyway, I told her that I can leave her my place like that she can go with a friend but she told me that none of her friends are available and that she doesn’t mind going with me because we will be with other people.
But for me it’s not the same, the last time I’ve seen her we had great time together and the next time I will see her it would be in Morocco and we are not event together anymore and until then we will not even speak anymore.
She ended up the relationship without even seeing me in physical, I am coming back home in one month and the idea that seing her back in July and that she probably went out with other guys, I just can’t imagine that..
So what would you do in my place, would you still go to the holidays or you would just cancel even If you loose money ??
Thanks for reading !
submitted by Shuajogatosama to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:18 Traditional_Let_8748 Would “giving up” work?

28/m - fat but physically active and working on it
I left my “stats” up above. Long story short is that I’m struggling with dating. I am on 4 dating apps: Hinge, Bumble, Eharmony, and tinder. I also will use Facebook dating here and there. I don’t get anything from those. I have had one date off hinge in the 6 years since my breakup with my long term college gf. If you subtract the “covid years” it is more like 4.
I have a lot of friends. We go clubbing, to breweries and wineries, we are even doing a lake trip this month. My therapist helped a lot by helping me realize that successful friendships mean that people do want my company, and like me. That same mentality can apply to dating too. However, it hasn’t really happened for me.
I have a “meh” job which I just started but it is government and has great benefits and lots of promotion potential. I also just graduated grad school with a 4.0 from a top 5 American University. That did dump my with debt though so I have been living at home to pay that off while I work. I do have a plan in place to get my own place soon but financially it made sense to not burden myself with rent or housing payment at this time.
I am also overweight. I don’t think I am morbidly obese but I am not skinny or fit by any means. That being said I have a job that requires me to be physically active (not manual labor though) and I play soccer once a week on top of that.
Dating has made me discouraged of late. Especially when comparing myself to those around me. I have asked if big guys have a chance (my college ex preferred bigger guys and she was a fitness girl who lived in the gym) and I know I am overthinking it but I do feel like until I fix it I won’t.
I also think about giving up the apps and purposefully seeking dating and trying to let it happen naturally. However, I am not sure that woukdw amount to much. Can anyone give me some insight or just general advice/encouragement, etc… just feeling kinda lost.
submitted by Traditional_Let_8748 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:18 AssistanceSlight3024 Planning Panorama template

Hi all, I’m planning for 50 devices templates, it’s regional based template, different models, My question is, shall add all firewalls into single template and use variables? Or import each firewall into its own template and add to stack? stack only support 8 template.
How about HA ? Interface configuration? What If some devices have different vlan ?
If I add two different firewalls into single template, does panorama merge the interfaces ips ? (Different model)
submitted by AssistanceSlight3024 to paloaltonetworks [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:18 Longjumping_Web_7496 ADHD SO forgot my graduation

So I'm normally more of a reader than a writer, but I need to get this off my chest. Trying to not ramble and keep it short and sweet.
I'm AuDHD, my SO is ADHD. Both unmedicated as of yet but I'm having appointments set up for meds. I manage life pretty well; finished my masters degree last year and have a full time job pertaining to my special interest. I do most of the chores as well. He however can't get a hold of his studies, does very little work around the house and only manages to work 1 day/week. I have tried implementing several accommodations for him, nothing seems to stick. This regularly leads to arguments.
The tip of the iceberg for me yesterday was the fact that he forgot my graduation ceremony. It's in June and we knew the date well beforehand. Since my uni is in another country I wanted to plan a whole trip around it. Well.. he failed to ask for time off at his 1 day/week job and had another trip lined up at the time as well. So now it's just gonna be my grandparents & I, which will be fun as well but still.
All this sums up in my head to not wanting to be around him anymore and thinking about a breakup. I also don't want him to be left alone with his struggles. I know it is not my responsibility, I still feel bad.
TLDR: SO is a terrible planner and forgot my graduation, among other things. Feel bad for wanting to break up.
submitted by Longjumping_Web_7496 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:18 RandomBanana007 Please help, I'm really struggling

A lot has happened very quickly in my life, a lot of which has seriously affectedy eating habits, and I think I've made 2 meals (outside of major holidays) in the past couple years.
I had gastric sleeve surgery 2 years ago, and that's when cooking essentially stopped. My husband would help when he could but It was so hard to make something that would be gold for for the both of us. Before we could fix the issue my mom has gotten very sick and everything has devolved rapidly. We don't cook unless someone else might eat it. Seriously, its so overwhelming to plan,and think,and prep, and cook
So we've essentially devolved We have devolved into people Into people who now eat multiples of frozen meals a week, few box dinners, cereal for dinner, all the protein bars. It was alright for a while. But as my mom gets worse, finding even any motivation to do anything ESPECIALLY cooking just... Is not there.
What I am looking for are podcasts that can get me INTERESTED and EXCITED enough to want to get off my ass and cook a sing damn thing. I would prefer food related pods but I would also be open to solid/non lame motivational pod that may be particularly helpful.
I know this is a huge info dump but I was having a hard time searching myself. I just left my job and I really need to do this for everyone's benefit right now. Thank you friends! ❤️
I would also be interested in any books with these themes! Thankkszssss
submitted by RandomBanana007 to podcast [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:17 Effective-League6810 I don’t understand why im so obsessive or was i just hardcore manipulated?

(this is a long post but the details matter bc im not sure if im being manipulated or not. So I was talking to this guy for like 3 weeks. we’ve hooked up a few months before that, we talked in between the few months and the beginning of that 3 weeks but didn’t hook up again until the beginning of the 3 weeks. anyways, beginning of this 3 weeks, i hit him up just bc i was bored and wanted someone to talk to and then we ended up talking all day and we hooked up again. we were being like super cute, all cuddlely (im not normally like this with people. like im super closed off) and like we hit it off right and we talk all day for the next few days and he says he kinda likes me and was like “is that ok?” and so im like dang this seems genuine then we hook up again and it went great. we hugged and kissed before he left and everything. then suddenly he ghosts me. i literally blew up his phone. just asking like why did he ghost me, like acting pathetic. im aware of this, this whole time. like the night before we held hands, sung lil peep and like it was a vibe and like….. me? i don’t vibe with everyone or open up so i was like super excited ab this little connection. but i couldn’t stop texting him and like i literally just sound insane atp ok well he ghosts me for a day and then messages me and is like sorry. it was just a lot and basically saying it scared him how much he liked me. and i’m like ok cool we can keep it casual and yk still hook up and he’s like ok cool. so we’re seeing each other pretty often for like a week and a half or so and like we’re still kinda acting all cute and stuff and we talk about how we’re not going to have sex with other people and im a one man kind of gal and im like yeah totally fine w me. anyways, a little over a week ago he cancels our plans and and i kind of get triggered and im like well if you don’t like me just say that and was like yk you don’t have to beat around the bush. he was also just acting weird all day that day just slow replies and stuff. and so then im kind of going off on him because he’s not giving me a yes or no. and then he cuts me off and said i was acting crazy. so then he unfriended me on snap and i tell him that i hope the next girl gives him teethy head and he’s basically like yo girl i don’t wanna block you and like said he’s been super depressed and i sympathized and stuff and then we hooked up again and agreed there would be no strings attached. and then a few days later i ask if we could go back to being cute and he said yeah i said cool and that’s the last i heard from him. and like i kept blowing up his phone. i’ve sent him so many texts in the past 3 days. no matter how hard i try to not text him i end up doing it and i just don’t understand what’s wrong with me. why do i obsess
submitted by Effective-League6810 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:16 Exact-Anybody1734 My brother has turned into a pretentious jerk

Hi Reddit, so I’ll try to keep this as concise as possible while still giving you all the facts. Let us start from the beginning, my at the time 21 y.o. step-brother, was going through his first big break up. Instead of confiding in others or taking time to understand his emotions he instead picked up a book about the stages of love. Let me also explain that my brother has never been the smartest guy and mainly gets by on his good looks and charm in his life. Anyway this book gave the usual “love requires fighting to work it shows that you care about the other” you know stuff everyone already knows. I’m guessing because it came from a book ,or because it was plainly saying what he was too naive to understand about what he was feeling, he became infatuated with every line. Anytime I would have relationship problems he would quote the self help books he had read since and recommend me ones to read. This went on for while but eventually I finished nursing school and moved out of my family’s house (which is my mother’s house, this is important for later) to start working.
Now fast forward to four years later. I’m living on my own with my the love of my life, working the night shift in the hospital like I’ve always wanted. On my way home on night I called my mom to catch up on my drive home. We started talking and eventually I asked about my step-brother. She explained that he was still living at home and had no plans on getting a job or moving out (for context my brother graduated with a master’s degree a year ago). I found that odd and asked what he is doing now. My mom explained that he just makes music and does podcasts with his friends. He apparently says he wants to be an entrepreneur. Which is fine everyone wants to make it big doing what they love doing however. My mother also explained that he constantly invites people she doesn’t know to her house to hangout and when she gets off of work she comes home to strangers that expect her to cook for them. My mother then started tearing up saying “I don’t feel like it’s my house anymore”. That’s when I got upset. I asked her why doesn’t she kick him out or at least start asking for rent so he has to get a job. She explained that she wanted to do that but my step father wouldn’t allow it. My mother and step father have a wonderful marriage and never fight, but because my stepbrother is his son he has attachment to him. My mom recently had to kick her daughter (my blood related sister) into the camper as well since my step sister (19 y.o.) lets her boyfriend stay on weekends in what used to be the girls room. My mother keeps explaining that all of these situations are putting stress on their marriage and by kicking out her daughter she feels like she betrayed her just so my stepfather’s kids can get their way in her house.
After this phone call I was livid so I called my step brother to confront him. After asking the normal “hi how are you” I asked if he has started looking for a job and he said “why would I?”. I responded “so you can work and move out”. Then he said “im in my 20s this is the time you are supposed to chase your dreams” he then pointed out that I always wanted to be a YouTuber or streamer and I should go for it. I then said you know I have a job now and I have to give that job a lot of my time in order to afford the life I live. He basically laughed and explained that there is always enough time. Not much important was said after that.
Now fast forward a few weeks later I see posts from his Instagram talking about how “social media is poison, take back your life, put down your phone, etc.” (Crazy to post that on social media btw). I have also come across his podcast which are just him and his friend who both have the combined IQ of a beheaded chicken explain that the universe is big and has like billions of stars and stuff. 0.0 his entire personality now is saying basic facts at the surface level and then acting like it’s deep as fuck. Furthermore the constant insistence on following your passion mixed with the complete ineptitude of being able to comprehend how smug and pretentious he is during any interaction has breed some real distain from anyone who can see through his act.
All of these posts about self help combined with the complete ignorance of how his actions putting a negative effect on our family has really put a barrier between us. I really don’t think I can take it anymore and I want to either try to explain that he has become a pretentious douche who only keeps around yes men who all think a fact for 5th graders they learn at the zoo makes them better than everyone else, but I honestly think he will just say I don’t understand or maybe I should read this book about stress. I’ve went over the situation with friends of mine and they all laugh when they see his posts and hear him talk now. For God sake he held his 25th birthday party recently and said for everyone to bring a book to exchange knowledge to one another and wear business casual.
I just want my mom to feel like the home she worked tirelessly as a single mother all those years to afford for our family is hers. I have always been so close to my brother and I want him back as a friend. I want my sister to be able to live in the house she was raised in instead of in a camper.
Well that’s everything as of now left out a lot of stories about him being directly wrong about facts he tells us or times he got called out and embarrassed about shit but I think I’ll just leave it here. I plan on confronting him soon I just don’t know what to say. Thank you for your time.
submitted by Exact-Anybody1734 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:13 Beautiful_Location76 How do you interpret these bars from Kendrick's America Has a Problem verse?

Say Bey, yes, America got a problem Geeked up, choosy love, well, they chose violence Universal, please don't play possum I'm a businеssman doin' as follows
I noticed at least six or seven bars in Kendrick's recent diss tracks opposing the music industry, from very simple bars like "I'll crash out like fuck rap," "fuck you n***** and fuck the industry too," and "the industry can hate me, fuck em all and they mama," to what feels like a foreboding line in "the industry's cooked as I pick the carcass apart," and then obviously the more detailed demonization that makes up a lot of the second verse of Meet the Grahams. I've honestly really been wondering if these could be hints that his upcoming project will further explore corruption and depravity in the music industry and if his criticism of Drake was just a precursor, but that question could have a whole thread to itself.
With these themes in mind though, these bars stuck out to me when I listened to America Has a Problem again recently, but I'm honestly not sure what to make of them.
The most obvious line to consider is "Universal, please don't play possum." Were there any specific events going on at the time of this track's release that he might be referring to? Do you think he was already planning to go against Drake or the music industry at the time of writing this, and this will be one of those bars that is a lot more interesting down the line than it was initially? Anything else I or other fans might not be aware of here?
He sets interesting context for this line by referencing the title of the track and declaring that America indeed has a problem, and then elaborating that an ambiguous "they" have chosen violence. (Who is they? America as a whole? Pop culture? The music industry again? Universal specifically?) Then he follows up with the businessman line, which I also don't really know what to make of. Maybe the "doing as follows" bit is meant to be read as him having issues with the industry, but also recognizing the need for him to play the game (do as follows) to a certain extent in order to maintain his influence.
Who knows, maybe a few of these lines just weren't meant to be looked into that deeply, and he was just flowing, but Kendrick has conditioned me to really investigate what he might have in mind when he writes, and given the context of his recent songs and his attitude about the music industry, I'd be really curious to see if anyone has any extra thoughts about these lines that might give them more context or fill us in on what Kendrick is getting at here.
Do you think his next project will expand further on his issues with the music industry? I think that could be a fascinating angle to hear Kendrick's perspective on, especially considering again that there seems to be a lot of behavior going on behind the scenes that he takes issue with.
Edit: Right as I posted this, I considered that "doing as follows" may actually reference his next few lines:
Truthfully, I be lyin' in my rap song 'Cause I always fail to mention I'd slap homiе His career didn't come with no life insurance Hope his day one fans got some facts on him
Maybe this was also a hint that he was going to go at Drake and potentially others soon. He's acknowledging that he has built a very peaceful persona, but wants to remind us that he'll still slap homie if necessary, as he has clearly proven in the past couple of weeks. Those last two bars could even be taken as directly talking about Drake, saying that his career isn't big enough to protect his life itself (either from literal death or from fucking his life up by messing with minors and/or sex traffickers), and that he hopes Drake's biggest fans come to realize what he's actually been doing. Those same bars don't just have to reference Drake though, the same could be said for any big artists who Kendrick is anticipating being convicted of awful stuff down the line. So perhaps "doing as follows" was meant to prepare us for this brief exploration of how/why he'll slap homie.
submitted by Beautiful_Location76 to KendrickLamar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:11 Zealousideal_Long253 My narcissistic dad bashed me for buying new sun glasses 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫

My narcissistic dad bashed me yesterday for buying new sunglasses. “Omg! They are way too expensive!”. Well it’s my money, thank you very much.
A couple of weeks ago you told me I have too much money, and need to spend it way more. Now I did, and now you’re like “You’re doing wrong things”.
And then I walk away, and then I overhear him go on a lecture about how ungrateful I am, and how I should Honor Thy Parents, and how I am just like his abusive dad, and how I shouldn’t expect any help with moving out from him, and painting my new future apartment (which is funny, as I already have a full going no-contact plan in my head).
As if I want their help! I never said I want their help!
submitted by Zealousideal_Long253 to narcissisticparents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:10 MrOlda New player advice

New player advice
hello there
my policy is to play a game casually for around a week, and if still like it, i have a lot of resources an i'll try to get competitive. i have the following monster, plus octavia dullhahan and dracula, and all the lower rarity ones
on who shuld i focus levelling up? who shiuld i try to get?
actually i use loki(shiny), roosterai, octavia(shiny), coronis and arachne i'm planning to drop arachne and rooster for dracula and avanzo(when i'll get him). i'ts a good idea to switch loki for sarcophagurl? should i focus on full darkness team (with dullhaan, lilith and ??) or full beast(both werewolf frontline, sharks/arachne/coronis backrow)? or a mixed one is better?
actually i'm around 900K power
thanks in advance
submitted by MrOlda to MonsterNeverCry [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:10 koriander11 Student Visa Timelines

Hi guys, I am applying for a UK student visa from India. I have gotten into the university of Nottingham and the course starts on 23rd Sept.
Problem: I am also visiting the UK in July with a visit visa. My visa consultant told me that if I apply for my uk student visa before the trip that my visit visa will be cancelled.
Current situation: So because of this problem we are continuing the trip plans and coming back in August to apply on a priority visa
Timeline questions: If I come back on 26th August we will need about 3 days to collect the bank statements So we can submit the online application only on let’s say Sept 1st What is the situation with visa appointment availability for student visas? My consultant said I will easily get a visa appointment slot within a week of submitting (so maybe Sept 5th) Is this right? Cause I also hear about visa slot availability lilty being the main issue generally And if I choose priority visa, does this help me get a slot sooner?
I am aware that priority visa will help me get my visa within a week after doing the visa appointment but my main question is will I get a visa appointment easily?
SORRY FOR THE RANT. but please let me know if this situation sounds too risky, else I’ll have to give up going on the trip 😭😭😭
submitted by koriander11 to ukvisa [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:10 thinkingtitan Tips for parking bikes in the City

Hi all,
I am writing to seek tips to park my bike as I am planning to attend Swedish classes twice a week near Rådmansgatan. I have seen people lock their bikes in the street while going to a cafe or shop something quick but I plan to be away for over 2 hours, so I am not sure how safe it is to park in the street.
I know Odenplan has a cycle garage but is it only available for the whole month or is it possible to park my bike there for a couple of hours?
If there are any other options for parking safely, I will be grateful to know.
ps - my bike is basic, not expensive but it will break my heart if it is stolen.
submitted by thinkingtitan to TillSverige [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:09 mamainprogress Not really the sub for it but I need to vent

My sweetest baby girl is 10 months old this Friday and she has been an absolute dream baby for the most part. She’s not really a big milk drinker and that has been a struggle for awhile. She prefers food and only drinks maybe 12-16 oz a day of milk on a good day. I’m having to pump to try and keep my supply up and even that’s a struggle but I’m just trying to get through the next two weeks until I get out of school for the summer. (I’m a teacher) I plan on EBF until her first birthday and then go from there. Anyways. Today was my absolute last straw with our babysittein home daycare provider. She has caused me so much unnecessary stress about my child and I don’t need this with my already dwindling milk supply. She has diagnosed my baby with hand, foot and mouth based off of tiny little dots she has on her cheek and the “notorious thumb blister” that’s really just a little slice from her teeth because she ducks her thumb and it has now caused a little cut on her thumb. She has told me that she can’t return to daycare for 10 days, which puts us to the last day of school. If my child were sick I would 100% take off work and stay home with her but she wants me to keep home a healthy child AND PAY HER while also having to find and pay for additional care. This evening after I had to pick her up from daycare for her “rash” she sends me a picture of her hand telling me that she has had a sickly headache for the past several hours. She says she never gets headaches unless she is sick and now her hand is breaking out and that she is SICK and that my child is sick. My baby is not sick. This woman is a hypochondriac and she is causing me problems and unnecessary stress. Ugh. 😫
submitted by mamainprogress to breastfeeding [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:08 rickypark Can unpaid medical bills cause me a lot of issues in the future?

For context:
In fall of 2021, I was admitted to a mental health facility. I stayed for a week, and had a pending charge of around $1000. I had undiagnosed ADHD at the time, and was majoring in architecture, so I never got around to paying. In spring 2022, I tried paying my bills online, but was unable to pay because the website didn't have a record of my stay. Pushing it off again, I never called my insurance provider or the hospital regarding this.
Currently, I'm staying in my home country until around 2027, where I will study in the U.S. for a year. Towards 2029, I plan on either starting a masters program, or applying for an internship/entry level position (likely with a J-1 visa).
My questions:
  1. Will the unpaid medical fees pose issues when applying for my J-1 visa?
  2. Will my future credit score be affected, even after the 7 years?
  3. Could I face legal action? Both before and after the 4 year stature of limitations in PA
  4. How do I know if my debt has been sent to collections?
  5. Will this affect my insurance rates and eligibility in the future?
I'm young, and still figuring out how debt and finances work. Also, I want to know if I should pay this or sweep it under the rug. Let me know if there's anything else I will need to know. Thank you.
submitted by rickypark to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:08 RaisinRoyale Ukrainian stamps in passport, visiting China

Hello, dumb question. I have a European passport with visa free access to China, and I’m planning to go in the summer for two weeks for the first time.
I visited Ukraine this year via land crossing, and have Ukrainian stamps in my passport (I am neither Russian or Ukrainian, for what it’s worth). I know that China supports Russia in the conflict, so I’m wondering if the presence of these Ukrainian stamps might cause an issue. I went for tourism purposes and only stuck to the west (Western Ukrainian is relatively safe, I like Ukrainian culture and had Ukrainian friends growing up).
Don’t want to get political here, just a logistics questions. Thank you for your help, sorry if this is an overly paranoid question lol
submitted by RaisinRoyale to China [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:07 astroidtardis Weird Mindfuck of a DM experience

TW // Grooming?
Back when I was thirteen I made a post asking people if they thought I was ugly because my step-sister and I thought it would be interesting and funny to see what people would say.
Shortly after making that post I got a DM from a guy on a throwaway account who acted concerned about a post I had made a few months earlier (the post was a vent and nothing short of worrying). I started chatting with him and he asked me a bunch of questions--things like whether or not I had people to confide in, what my home life was like, etc. It was during the pandemic and I didn't really have anyone to talk to so it made me happy to chat with him so our conversations continued.
After some talking, he started pressuring me to send him nudes. I kept trying to tell him I didn't want to but he would tell me that he would stop chatting with me if I didn't send him any. This back and forth went on for a bit before I almost gave in. He then messaged me saying that he was actually doing all this to teach me what grooming was and how to protect myself from it.
After that we chatted a bit more before a day later he did the same song and dance that he did the day before, complete with the stopping just before I broke and pulling the same "I was just pretending to teach you" line. It was confusing and it made me feel sick to my stomach so I blocked him for a bit.
Him being blocked didn't last long because I missed how nice he could be, so I unblocked him a few days later. I told him how it made me feel and he told me that he'd done this "pretending to ask for nudes to teach you to protect yourself from grooming" thing to other people before and that a few of them even view him as father-figure. He told me that if I did truly want it he'd be in a relationship with me, but not if I was only doing it to make him keep talking to me. I found this a bit weird but I brushed it off because, again, he was nice sometimes. We messaged back and forth for a few weeks after that before I just stopped talking with him.
When I look back on it in hindsight, I have a few theories on why this whole thing happened.
  1. The one that I believe the most is that he was an FBI agent. Out of context this sounds unlikely but let me explain. A month earlier, I had been chatting with a grown man on twitter. The exchanges between us were inappropriate and eventually my parents found out and they made me stop using twitter. A bit after my parents found out they told me that apparently the FBI was investigating this guy and asked me if I wanted to testify against him. I chose not to. However, I think that it could be possibly be someone trying to teach me a lesson? (Though I could also be reading too much into it but I think the coincidence of it all is kinda weird.)
  2. For a bit I wondered if it could be one of my parents--mainly my dad--who was trying to teach me a lesson. But I'm pretty sure that was mostly just me being paranoid because I doubt my dad even knows what the concept of a throwaway account is.
  3. It could just be a really weird guy who was doing this to actually teach me a lesson or doing this for some weird kind of fetish.
None of these I'm completely set on because the whole thing was just really weird and confusing.
Most of the time when I explain this situation to people they make fun of me for not just blocking him permanently. But the thing is when this happened I had literally no one who was my friend, no one to confide in. Because it had been during the pandemic I barely texted the friends I had had before the pandemic started and they barely texted me either. My parents aren't great people and my step-siblings hated me and made me hate myself. And it wasn't like I could go out and meet people either. So when someone gave me the slightest bit of attention and didn't hate me for being too talkative, too loud, too energetic, too cringey, too annoying it made me feel like I was on top of the world. He would say the nicest things that anyone had ever said to me. He would tell me things like how if he could meet me in person and I thought I was being too annoying that he would just hug me and tell me that it's okay. And I fell hook line and sinker for it.
submitted by astroidtardis to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:05 majorfrankies I have been changed to a new project, and my laptop can barely handle it. What should I even do...

I have been working in this company for around 3 years, and I already had a good grasp of the project I worked with, to the point I pretty much became the tech lead, it was a comfortable job and I had time to improve the project technically as it grew up, planning was easy, and it was pretty much dream job.
I ended up alone in the team since people were fired or left, and my project eventually got merged with another small team, that means now I have to handle 2 projects. Ok whatever no big deal.
The problem? This project is an extremely ancient web project, and my machine can barely handle it. Hot reload takes 5 real minutes, type checking takes 5 real minutes. I see random type errors that make no sense that all the other coworkers dont get, etc... Its an insane mess in which fixing any tiny bug will take me a week because of the issues above. To the point that I now refuse to fix comments in my PRs because it will take way too long to change a simple variable.
I have dedicated time to try and fix it, but I have not managed so, the tech lead of this project is useless and has brought me 0 help, its amazing how little help im getting despite raising it in the dailies/retros w/e , the default answer is always "I dont know we inherited this". The manager doesn't want to give me more allocated time to try and make this project work properly for my dev env (and tbh at this point ive run out of ideas), so at this point im quiet quitting, and looking for another job , but the market as most of you know is fucked, and I haven't been able to find anything for a long time, and summer is a really slow time for hiring anyway.

So I am at this point were I keep getting assigned tickets of this project that I can barely load, and with some lucks i can blindly code 1 ticket per week and then fix it like a tard in some remote sandbox env. I basically hate this job after having worked for 3 years in a project that I tailored to myself and worked perfectly.

Has anyone faced this situation? Any advice? I dont know what the fuck to do, and ive the feeling ill eventually get fired, but I dont even care at this point since I would get a severance package, but looking for a job after will be fucked due the state of the market.
submitted by majorfrankies to ExperiencedDevs [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:05 hannah0banana terrible tooth pain, need advice

this is kind of a long story, but I’m going to try to make it as quick and simple as I can. about 7 or so years ago, I had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed because they were growing in sideways. fast forward a few years to 2020 when I was seeing a new dentist. the last molar on the top left had been so pushed and twisted by the way my wisdom teeth grew in, that it was almost impossible to reach while brushing my teeth, and it wasn’t even really a functional tooth anymore. they recommended that I have it extracted and were going to keep an eye on the other back teeth. so I had it pulled, everything was fine. after that, I really neglected going to the dentist. I moved to a new state, and just never bothered finding one near me (terrible, I know). now, at the beginning of this year, I started having some tooth pain on the lower right side of my mouth. I finally went to see a dentist, and I was expecting the worse: both because I hadn’t been in so long, but also because dental problems runs in my family. it turns out I had 4 cavities on the right side (the back 2 molars on the top and bottom) and gingivitis. they did a deep cleaning and prescribed me toothpaste and mouthwash for the gingivitis. I decided to have the last tooth on the bottom right extracted, because that had the same problem where it was impossible to reach during brushing and wasn’t a functional tooth. the other cavities were going to be filled after the extraction. I originally made an appointment with an oral surgeon a couple weeks out, but pretty quickly, the pain became so unbearable that I couldn’t take it anymore and had to schedule an emergency appointment. it was weird, because it seems like the pain got so much worse after the dentist appointment. anyway, the tooth was pulled at the end of march. everything healed fine. I go back to the dentist soon after, and the dentist tells me I need a gingivectomy on the top few right teeth. I got that done, and it was fine. I didn’t really have any pain. about a month ago, I had the remaining 3 cavities filled. my mouth had been sore afterward, so I’ve been taking ibuprofen for it. well, the last week or so, the pain has gotten a lot worse. while looking in my mouth, I found a bone spur on the bottom right. the oral surgeon is having me come in this week because they want to check it out. the last few nights, it’s been hard to sleep because the pain has been excruciating. taking a combo of ibuprofen and tylenols helps, but obviously that’s not a long term solution. like I said, I am seeing the oral surgeon this week and I have an an appointment with the normal dentist just to follow up. I plan on bringing this up at my appointment, but i wanted to get some advice from others. I’m really nervous about the pain and the fact that it got significantly worse after going to the dentist. it makes me wish that I hadn’t gone at all, because the mild tooth pain i was experiencing before was at least bearable. sorry for the super long post, but i’m looking for any advice on what to do
submitted by hannah0banana to askdentists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:04 DrCharbelMedawar Rhinoplasty Lebanon By Dr Charbel Medawar Style Beauty Clinic

Rhinoplasty Lebanon By Dr Charbel Medawar Style Beauty Clinic

Rhinoplasty: Unveiling a New You at Style Beauty Clinic, Beirut, Lebanon

Rhinoplasty , sometimes called a “nose job,” is a surgical procedure that reshapes the nose for both cosmetic and functional purposes.
Known as a leading Facial Plastic surgeon in Beirut, Lebanon, and recognized by the American Academy of Facial Plastic Surgery, I utilize advanced techniques like open structure rhinoplasty and endoscopic rhinoplasty to address your unique needs.
But how does Rhinoplasty work? Imagine sculpting clay — I meticulously adjust the bone and cartilage underlying your nose to achieve your desired aesthetic and functional goals. This can involve reducing bumps, refining the tip, narrowing the bridge, or correcting a deviated septum that obstructs breathing.
So, what can you expect? Following a thorough consultation, we’ll collaborate to design a personalized surgical plan. The procedure itself takes 1–2 hours and is performed under general anesthesia. Recovery involves some swelling and bruising, but most patients return to their daily routines within 1–2 weeks.
Make sure to check out my Before After Portfolio, and check my Instagram page for the latest updates!
submitted by DrCharbelMedawar to u/DrCharbelMedawar [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:01 Excellent-Drummer-62 Awarded First Class Medical after history with Depression and Medication

Hi everybody,
disclaimer: Nothing I say in this post is necessarily true, and in NO WAY, do I condone anyone following in my footsteps or referencing anything I say in this post to the FAA/AME... but with that being said:
New to this reddit, but Just wanted to make this post to any future pilots who are going through a similar situation to what I have, about Depression, Anxiety, antidepressants, Therapy Etc.
To start this off... If you are an aspiring pilot, wanting to eventually work in the airlines, corporate, military, or basically anything that makes money, you need an "FAA First Class Medical" This is a non-negotiable aspect of aviation, that any pilot you see had to earn, but also maintain every year.
If you are not aware yet, the FAA takes mental health issues very seriously and almost always tends to disqualify or defer pilots who have had, or continue to have these issues (Bipolar disorder, Depression, ADHD, Anxiety, etc)
My personal story is that I have always wanted to be a pilot, but never really thought to start my training until more recent years, which also happened to coincide with the beginning of my depression/anxiety diagnoses, for which I was medicated on a few different antidepressants (prozac, zoloft, wellbutrin) over the timespan of 1.5 years. During this time I was regularly visiting a psychiatrist for psychotherapy and a regular therapist, along with my pediatrician at the time (I was 16-18).
In regards to my diagnosis: In my own opinion, my depression was a result of my environmental and lifestyle issues, which resulted in my diagnosis later being classified as "adjustment disorder with anxiety." This is a factor that I believe helped me later on in this story.
WIth 100% honesty, I never had any suicidal intentions or any dangerous thoughts that would ever truly make me a liability in the cockpit, as I understand why the FAA is careful around people with this type of history, so I will say that if you are reading this, and you do fall under this category, I would highly recommend doing some introspection about your mental health, and if you deem yourself capable to hold the lives of potentially hundreds of people in your hands, as this can be serious issues down the road.
I would say I am definitely on the safer side of the world of mental health issues, as some of you may have much more serious conditions or history, like suicidal ideas, bipolar disorder, ADHD (depending on if you take medicine/are diagnosed). Unfortunately, The cases mentioned above are much harder to get past to earn your medical, and I would not be able to advise you in those situations, although I believe a "HIMS AME" is the person you would go to for help in that department.
Going back to my story, however...
After learning that being on antidepressants would not allow me to be a pilot, I realized that I had essentially made a grave mistake in getting medicated for a diagnosis that I was not even confident I had, and was extremely upset by this. That was the moment I started going online to find people who had been through similar situations, and the reason why I am now writing this post.
To clarify, I never personally felt as though the medication was doing anything for me, and always wanted to get off, but I was always at the mercy of my pyschiatrist's treatment plan, which basically required me to stay on medication for a certain period of time before getting off.
In NO way did I intend to intentially stop my use of medication, which is VERY dangerous, but I was out of the state for about a month while doing some volunteer work, and unintentionally forgot to take my medication in the morning, which I did not realize for about a week (IT WAS ONLY SAFE BECAUSE MY DOSAGE WAS VERY LOW, OTHERWISE IF YOU STOP USAGE OF MEDICATION SUDDENLY YOU CAN HAVE SERIOUS PERMANENT BODILY DAMAGE).
Because I was doing very good with my life and my mental health, I opted to stay off medication with accordance to my psychiatrist, and from there on out was smooth sailing as far as my mental state. I would see my psychiatrist once a month as a check up, and always reported my positive state of mind. About 7-8 months after that, this month, I decided to start my flight training, but more specifically my AME appointment.
I was already familiar with the process, which begins with you filling an AME form out on medexpress website, where you fill out all medical history. I will specify this one time and one time only:
No matter how desperate you are, lying to the government will always hurt you in the end, and a potential career in aviation is not worth it if it is based on a single or possibly multiple lies.
After filling out the form truthfully, with all my medical history as mentioned in the above texts, I went to my appointment, and talking with the AME, who was quick to start asking me about my mental health history, for which I was ready to explain. I was also able to get a letter from my psychiatrist, mentioning that I was "adherent to my treatment plan"
After telling the AME EVERYTHING about my mental health struggles, history, etc. He decided that I was fit to earn my medical, pending a signature from my psychiatrist ensuring everything I said was truthful, which it was. Finally, after so much struggle, I was able to earn my first-class medical.
The point I want to get across with any of you who still stuck around to read all this, is that if you do disqualify for the medical, there is a reason for that, which you simply must accept in the name of safety of others.
for those of you who are in a similar position to me at any point in my journey, just know that If you stay honest with yourself, your doctor, and eventually the AME, you will definently have a path to earning your certificate, pending some potentiall obstacles.
There is a resource from the faa about medications allowed for pilots, though I never used it as a reference for myself, but definitely check it out if it applies to you in any way. If I missed anything please reply below and I will try my best to answer.
submitted by Excellent-Drummer-62 to flying [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:01 TabexOriginal Celebrating Milestones in Your Quitting Journey

Recognizing and celebrating milestones during your quitting journey is essential for maintaining motivation and reinforcing your commitment to a smoke-free life. Here’s how to mark these important achievements.

Key Milestones and Ways to Celebrate

1. The First 24 Hours

2. One Week Smoke-Free

3. One Month Smoke-Free

4. Three Months Smoke-Free

5. Six Months and One Year Smoke-Free

6. Annual Anniversaries

Role of Tabex in Reaching Milestones

Tabex can play a pivotal role in helping you reach these milestones by effectively reducing your craving for nicotine. As you celebrate these victories, remember the role that Tabex has played in your journey, supporting you in staying committed to your smoke-free goals.

Tips for Effective Milestone Celebrations

Celebrating milestones is not just about rewarding yourself, but also about reinforcing the healthy choice you’ve made to quit smoking. With each celebration, you reinforce your new identity as a non-smoker and inspire continued commitment to your smoke-free journey.
submitted by TabexOriginal to TabexOriginal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 09:00 ExplanationEven7747 Montréal GP Pit Lane Walk - Seeking Ticket Exchange

Hi there,
As other members of this sub have mentioned, it seems as though all of the pit lane walk passes for the Montréal GP have been sent despite GP Canada mentioning earlier that they’d be sent throughout the week. I unfortunately was one of those who didn’t receive a ticket :(
If anyone was selected for the draw but is not planning on going and would be willing to transfer their ticket (or 2 tickets ideally), I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider contacting me! I understand that these tickets are in very high demand; I would be happy to pay as in previous years or, if interested, I also have a grandstand 11 pass for the Friday session that I could offer in exchange!
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read my post☺️
submitted by ExplanationEven7747 to GrandPrixTravel [link] [comments]
