Short class of 2012 quotes

When a passage in a book is so good you just have to share it

2012.01.03 08:33 Delica When a passage in a book is so good you just have to share it

When you read a quote so good you just have to share it.

2010.12.14 15:32 TheTame London Social Club

Drink, Eat, Dance, Connect, Be Merry! Or Don't, Just Come And Stand Around, That's Cool Too!

2011.09.19 22:58 PotatoMusicBinge disprove that Reddit's New Look causes skin cancer

We are a motherfucking profanity sub now.

2024.05.14 09:48 Financial-Half-757 My experience as the dumper (ex cheated)

Random post but I had noticed how most posts are in the perspective of the dumpee. I had wanted to make this to share my experienxe and to see if anyone was in similae shoes.
Longstory short, Ex cheats (emotionally but blatantly) and I make the decision to leave as tough as it was at the time. Anyways, fast forward two months it feels I havent made too much progress which got me thinking. I had noticed in general people say them cheating on you makes it easier to get over it. Regardless, it feels just as bad being the one to pick up the pieces after the emotional abuse of her monkey branching towards me and eventually cheating. I dont know how much longer it will take but all I do know is that it will happen.
However, I am worried if I have the same class as my ex next year as we are in the same program. I really wanna avoid this but I dont wanna scramble and stress myself out too much about it. Long story short, while being the dumper may feel better and having good reason doing so, it still sucks being victim of monkey branching, cheating, whatever you wanna label it. To anyone reading this reagardless if you were the dumper or dumpee, everything god awful isnt always forever.
submitted by Financial-Half-757 to ExNoContact [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:46 dragoninhomeland How do I[22M] best break up with my gf[25F] who is suffering from depression and anxiety, and is way too dependent on me?

Ive been dating her for about 6 months.
Gotta straight out say it, I'm the grade A douchebag in this situation, so let's get this out of the way. We met on hinge, I wasn't attracted to her in the slightest, let's be real, appearance wise I'm way above her league. but I've been on hinge for two years without even a second date at the time, I just want a gf so bad so I went out with her.
After 2 months or so she ask me to go exclusive with her, during that entire two months Ive gotten zero matches, like I sent out all the likes everyday and zero matches. I didn't know what to say so I was like, ok you are my exclusive gf now. She dreamed about me taking her to her favorite park, bought her her favorite dessert, and asking her to be her official boyfriend, and wouldn't' let the dream go. Well, I feel bad for her so I did exactly just that, the way she smiled almost made me convinced that I actually like her. But umm I still have hinge on my tablet (hidden at home) rn, but can't cheat when there's no matches. You can bad name me in the comments or whatever. But this is the context.
So, obviously she deserves someone who's actually attracted to her and can make her happy for the rest of her life. I'm not that guy, my preferences aside, I don't want children like ever they are disgusting, but she wants children and gets baby fever all the time. She's religious, I think religion is just crazy people preaching about a fictional character and it makes no sense. She wants to get married before 30, I don't feel like marrying anytime soon. She wants to move to the other side of the country, I want stay here. She's a cat person, I like dogs. My asian parents would never accept me dating a black girl so I've been hiding her from them and social media. And my friends keep teasing me nonstop about dating an ugly girl. This is a dead end relationship, I don't do short term relationships so I cannot remain in a relationship that I know is not gonna work long term.
But, she's super into me, and is extremely dependent on me. She's working two jobs and studying, and is nearly broke, can hardly make ends meet. She cry herself to bed like every week, and always vent to me about how she feel so inadequate, other girls look so pretty in their summer dresses with nice skin and skinny body makes her so jealous, her parents abusing her and bodyshame her (tbh her parents kinda have a point), not having a single friend, both her ex cheated on her and SAed her, she's so worried that she will fail out of school, working both jobs is so physically and mentally draining, and all that. She attempted suicide 5 months before meeting me, so there's that too.
On top of that, she told me over and over, that meeting me is the absolute best thing that has ever happened to her in her entire life. That I'm 100% her type, I'm the k-drama male lead in the k-drama that is her life, end quote. That since I agree to be her bf, she's been feeling motivated in life for the first time. That I'm the only person in her life that she can talk to, because she has no friends and her parents despite her. That I am 100% the man of her dreams, and everyday she feel so blessed having me in her life. If I don't text her every hour she gets anxious and starts to panic, she can only sleep when I do a video call and put the camera towards me the entire night so she knows that I'm "beside" her as she sleep.
Well, when being told all that, I can't exactly just break up with her. I just....feel so bad? I've been brainstorming nonstop for the past month on how exactly I can break up with her while keeping the devastation to her at a minimum. I would feel guilty for life if she just offed herself after I break up with her. She has no friends, and her parents despite her, so I can't text anyone to take care of her after I break up with her. We go to the same school too and she knows my workplace, so I'll 100% bump into her multiple times post break up.
Bro someone plz help me out, im trapped.
submitted by dragoninhomeland to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:36 doglover2254 Effective Techniques for Academic Success

Effective Techniques for Academic Success
Juggling classes, assignments, and exams can feel overwhelming. Here are some key techniques to manage your academic tasks effectively and achieve your learning goals:
Planning and Prioritization:
  • Master Schedule: Create a weekly or monthly schedule that includes class times, study sessions, assignment deadlines, and personal commitments. Block out dedicated time slots for each task.
  • Prioritization: Identify the most urgent and important tasks first. Use tools like the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks by urgency and importance, focusing on high-priority items first.
Time Management and Organization:
  • Time Tracking: Use a time tracker app or log to identify areas where you spend the most time. This helps identify time-wasters and allows you to adjust your schedule for better efficiency.
  • The Pomodoro Technique: Work in focused 25-minute intervals with short breaks in between. This technique can boost concentration and prevent burnout.
  • Organize Your Materials: Develop a system for organizing your notes, textbooks, and digital files. This saves you time searching for information when you need it most.
Active Learning and Focus:
  • Active Reading: Don't just passively read – annotate your texts, summarize key points, and create mind maps to solidify understanding.
  • Minimize Distractions: Silence notifications on your phone and computer while studying. Find a quiet space conducive to focused work.
  • Utilize Online Resources: Take advantage of online lectures, tutorials, and practice exams offered by your professors or educational platforms. These resources can clarify concepts and offer additional learning opportunities.
Collaboration and Support:
  • Form Study Groups: Studying with classmates can enhance understanding through discussions and shared perspectives.
  • Seek Help: [Don't hesitate to ask for help from reputable online services](, teaching assistants, or tutors if you encounter difficulties.

  • Maintain a Support System: Confide in friends, family, or academic advisors. Having a support network can help you manage stress and stay motivated.
By implementing these techniques, you can transform your academic journey from a struggle to a path of success. Remember, consistency is key! Develop a routine that works for you and adjust it as needed. Most importantly, prioritize your well-being by taking breaks, getting enough sleep, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
submitted by doglover2254 to Perfectcustompapers1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:36 honeydragonNOTbee This week marks the end of my second year of community college, and I feel like I’m failing at life.

(Apologies for poor formatting, I’m on mobile.)
My actual grades are fine; I have high marks in my class, but that’s the problem: it’s only the one class. I know there’s technically no set schedule for these things, but I can’t help but be incredibly disappointed in myself. By this point, I thought I would be transferring to university and moving out of my parent’s house, but I can’t; I’ve only completed 13 credits of the 60 I need to transfer.
It’s like somehow I lost the ability to function academically after I graduated high school. I leave class and homework gets forgotten, even when I set multiple alarms. I’ll go to the library to study and work and end up just staring at the books for hours, getting nothing done and feeling terrible about it. My first year of community college ended up being a pseudo-gap-year with the amount of classes I had to withdraw from, and then last semester I took the “standard” class load and failed about every class. How did I lose the ability to focus on more than one subject at a time?
I want to get a degree, and get a job in my field! Maybe I wouldn’t care as much if I had other interests, but I’m an anthropology major, and that’s not something I can go into without professional credentials, and I want to learn it. Anthropology and ancient human history has been my special interest since before I learned there was even a word for it. I’ve looked, and the types of jobs that are related to the work all require degrees. The closest I could get otherwise would probably be museum tour guide, which wouldn’t be fulfilling.
At the rate I’m going, it’ll be years before I’m even able to transfer to university, and that means years of living at home feeling shitty because I can’t meet my own expectations, and especially not my parent’s expectations. I don’t want to be stuck here forever.
I know that everyone takes life at a different pace and that it’s theoretically fine that I’m going slower than others, and that I’m young (21 next month), and I don’t have to have everything figured out. I still hate it. I still feel like I’m wasting everyone’s time and money by sitting around, barely managing to complete the few assignments I have. I’m trying to be kind to myself, but it’s so hard when I’m always falling short.
What do I even do? I want to be better, I want to eventually graduate with a degree and get a job in the field that I love, I want to be proud of myself! I just feel like maybe I should just give up and find some full time job and forget all about it.
submitted by honeydragonNOTbee to AutisticAdults [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:27 Terrible-Laugh9983 How do I stop seeing women as sex objects

I’m a 15 year old male. And I can’t help to think that I cannot see women as normal people. I only think about fucking them. When I’m in school, I see girls with good body’s and all I can fantasize is about how much I would want to fuck them so bad. I get so hard during class staring at a random girl thinking about how I would fuck them. Iam a virgin incel porn addict. I’ve never had a relationship. And I have not spoke to a girl in years. I watch porn everyday and I jerk off about 3 times a day. I see girls as only fuck toys because of my loneliness. Girls these days dress up as prostitutes everyday for school. They show everything. And I mean EVERYTHING. Even there ass cheeks with there super short shorts and all I can dream about is fucking them like In the porn videos I watch. If I see a girl showing her bare stomach I get so hard quickly and I stare at there ass and fantasize about the things I would do to them. I’m so horny. but iam depressed because I cannot fulfill my very horny desires. Which makes me more and more thirsty everyday for a girl just to even talk to me. Which gives me a fucked view on girls. I do not know if my desires are normal. Id honestly fuck anything. ANYTHING. Except for like yk. The tortas. (Fat girls). But I’d honestly fuck anything that has a decent body. And honestly I’d fuck a 8th grader. Idk if that’s bad I’m in 10 grade. I fear that if keep being a incel virgin which I probably im, that when I get older I’m gonna start to having feelings for younger girls. Like when I’m 20 I’m probably gonna start being thirsty for 15 year old girls because some of them are innocent and cute and virgins. At 20, most girls will not be Virgins unfortunately. Which makes me believe that I do not have a lot of time to find true love because no girl will be a virgin after high school. I need to know if I need to do something about this mentality or if this is normal. I don’t really know. I’m so scared and I want to view girls as normal people but I can’t because they don’t even talk to me. There like mythical creatures to me. I have not spoke to one in years and iam scared that my desires and mentality will get worse. Im so scared what do I do?
submitted by Terrible-Laugh9983 to selfimprovement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:22 Electrical-Ad1820 Skin stereotypes Andro(1)-Betty(5)

A conversation with a few friends of mine some skins have certain audiences to them and certain people will pick them more than others that's just the nature of people, and sometimes these people can be fit into certain groups, and certain stereotypes which is also nature of people. So I will be talking about these stereotypes, with 4-8 champs at a time depending on how many skins they have, starting with- Not androxus- but some general skin types etc.
Let me start off by saying that stereotypes are broad, and over generalized by nature, and not everyone is the same we're not Buzz Lightyear here, at the very least these are meant for fun.

Basic Recolours

The recolours you can buy for gold often attract semi-new players those that got the champions they like and often will spend "extra" gold on recolours.
They're most likely new at the game, or at the very least their champion.
Certain recolours will be brought up again per champion if they add anything different or have a different stereotype.

System Recolours/Promotional Recolours

So these guys probably are more likely to be even newer than the basic recolours since they got them from linking accounts or following/subscribing to different social media and all that.

Mastery/Gold Skins

Assuming it's gold they're probably confident in their skill with a champion and want to display that, but with the obsidian and cosmic ones they tend to be the same as basic and promotional recolours.

Invitational/Event Recolours

Okay so we're done with recolours after this I promise but often these are old school players, often ignoring the actual quality of skins to more say that's when they were around.


Hats are kinda the same as the event/invitation recolours but they can also be found on new players who got the hat from a chest, in general if they have a proper skin they'll dump these for the skin so at the very least that leaves semi experienced players who finds the frog hat more funny than they do the cowboy cool.


It's fair to say that Android is the poster boy of paladins and since he's relatively old he's got a lot of skins over the years and he's got quite the audience, I mean really he's the guy they show on the splash art of the game like imagine little Timmy seeing his older brother playing Androgenous "Who's the cool guy with the revolver and horns?" And his brother is like "That's my main Abolitionist" and then next game Timmy is playing Angrosist.
And they're very against nerfs every time pretending it'll kill Ambrosia and every time he's just fine maybe the fact he's got a solid baseline kit means he's not struggling when nerfs come knocking. Either way it doesn't stop the complaints.
Often Anglo (Okay the bits running thin) players take themselves seriously, whether you should depends, and depends alot. But he does inevitably attract edgelords, assholes, and blowhards.


Exalted Andros tend to hold themselves in high regard but at the same time tend to suck, they bought this skin since it was cheap and with it are often not that great.


So imperator is basically the same as exalted in looks but it does have the caveat that it's actually not as readily available which means someone has to make a active choice to run this, these guys are pretty much more for simplicity and class over complexity and fancy stuff, this means you'll see them play pretty good Andro where they'll stick to the stuff that works rather than flashy montage worthy stuff, they can do these but they more prefer understated competency over flashy nonsense.


This is a hat that actually has a stereotype since it's not apart of a chest it's from the deal of the day that makes a difference to who is using it. These guys are mostly raging blowhards, they think they're gods at the game but they're not as good as they believe, like antlers they say crap but not enough to get banned. This changes to just normal tryhards when they get their hands on shattermaw, almost every Andro with this skin and shattermaw are more interested in shitting on you and moving on to the next, they really only do really good in casuals without comms, but they can get work done in ranked.


Okay so this guy either uses the Shatter Maw and same deal as Screech Andro's or they run they Huntsman's gun and if you get to talk to them in a party or something they'll cry about how the pirate skins in Paladins Strike aren't ported over to paladins. It's weird and it's specific. They do tend to be nicer and less serious than Screech Andros.


These are the most average Andro's in existence, they certainly exist but they're not too interesting all considering. They're not bad or good, or particularly toxic or nice or anything like that, they just exist.

Steam Demon

I mean there's a Young Frankenstein joke to be made here. But Andro's running the steam demon skin tend to be uptight and expect people to carry their own weight... Of course the chance they tend to mess up they go silent, they're not rude perse but they sure do expect a lot.


These are the guys who listened to Nightcore- Angel with a shotgun too much and will be very melodramatic, and tend to be almost always a downer for the team, they do clutch up though so something to be said.

Battlesuit Godslayer

No one really uses this skin if they have others, really this skin doesn't sell the gundam vibes the others do maybe it's because of his waistcost flowing back there but really he just looks like a guy in a robot suit


These Andros are just as dramatic as Fallen Andros but they seem to be in on the joke and often will more be self aware, they will be playing like some viking bagpipe metal music so it's not all good with them.


These guys probably blame their support and will unironically quots the skin, not realizing it's making fun of them. They also probably are tickled by the fact it looks likr a Xbox 360


Now often with battlepass skins their recolours are basically the same stereotype normally but for Modded these guys have basically brain rotten themselves down to the same level with their obsession with RGB lights.


Yeah another skin no one uses really, unless they're really interested in the cat in his backpack otherwise it's just not really a great skin since it's just a guy in a dragon ball z kai uniform without the cool ass powers and literal royalty free music.

Grave Danger

This is Kinda like omen it's not as self aware but it's hard to take this skin more seriously than default and these guys tend to be chill but it's a newer skin so it's not exactly like there's room to have a stereotype yet, which is fair but still other skins still have stereotypes that formed same day as their release.


Now it's rare that a gold skin that doesn't change something about a character shows up but this is widespread since every Andro on earth who runs this will almost always have a bloated ego, whether it's 50 or 550 these guys are super quick to be offended and will tunnel the shit out of you for just about anything.


Ash is weirdly uncommon despite being free, probably because everyone is running at point with her and she basically loses that engagement to every proper point tank, she is a offtank first and foremost after all.
As for stereotypes there is a few thing that I've noticed with Ash's (Ashes? Ashs? Ash players) First is if they're running the default voice pack even with other skins they're definitely offtanking.
And another oddity is the Ash mains that have more than one skin tend to never properly match their weapons and skins up, it's weird but every other Ash main I see runs a different weapon and skin.

Heirloom Crest

So I bring this hat up because unlike anyone else with a hat skin no one wears this, honestly it should just come with a different version of Ronin but really this is the exception to the hatskin rule, these guys are just new players who got it from a chest and felt justified in using it because they spent crystals on a chest.


Ronin Ash players kinda just suck, it can be a matter of many different things as to why these guys struggle, they could suck at shooting people, they could be bad at positioning, trying to point tank, they're using their abilities at shit times, they could be great with all of that and still they'll have a terrible deck and talents.
These guys just suck


Xenobuster Ash players tend to run into fights they shouldn't and lose, this more or less comes from the overuse of shoulder bash, otherwise they're probably running knock back spam, they're most likely to be found on TDM Throne or Abyss trying to wait around corners to throw you off. They will go spastic if you buy sentinel.

Street Style

These guys are meatheats, they're less interested in actually capturing the point and more just want teamfights, the objective and space are biproducts, as such you'll see these guys with really selfish buys, and decks, and they'll steal kills with slugshot, they're not doing it intentionally but they are rude.


Ska'Drin Ash players often properly play Ash as offtank and for the most part are good sports, it's nice enough at least when these guys are working with you, they will probably ask for someone to point tank while they do their thing.


Another recolour with a different stereotype, these guys are also playing Ash as offtanks but their also raging assholes, and will bitch and moan from just about anything, whether it's their fault or not they'll yell at their team, though at the same time they are probably making space, and do their job well enough

Draconian Huntress

As mentioned earlier Ash mains tend to be rather rare, and the amount of people who'd go out of their way for this skin is rarer, these guys pretty much are guaranteed to be Ash mains or at the very least skin collectors. As for gameplay it's hard to say since I've seen like 4 people use this skin


Atlas mains are pretty much obsessed with telling you they're Atlas mains it's like telling people you don't play fortnite or something. Like good on you mate, but I and I'm pretty sure most of the world don't really care. Skill ranges wildly and skins for the most part don't really change that.


So uh this skin no one uses, you'll more likely find a Atlas running default with this Skin's gun, it's weird it's specific and I have no idea why it's like this... Oh yeah because Atlas looks awful without a beard.


So Legionnaire Atlas is kinda a situation like Grave Danger Andro mostly because the skin again looks kind of goofy, though for the effort put into it, it's at least nice. Still these guys take themselves just as seriously as the skin does.


Most of these guys just suck like sure there's bound to be a good Corrupt or Vile Atlas out there but every one I've seen just sucks. It's a bloody shame since they're nice skins.


Azaan doesn't really have too many skins to talk about but at the same time most people aren't exactly Azaan mains he's kind of a back pocket kind of champion.


These guys actually main Azaan, and they're quick to get defensive on why they pick the shirtless Azaan skin

Dark Drake

I don't get how anyone understands this skin, it's so garbled and just nonsense, there's no real stereotype but I did find out that this skin has the same voice actor as Freddy Fazbear...


Again Barik mains are a rarity and, nost of the time I only really see last/bottom picks grabbing Barik and doing really nothing all game but cry about their team not carrying them.


If a champion has access to their pre-reworks skins and in general just older skins they're often on the cheaper side and really are just bought by newbies due to this, that's really it outside of the odd end nastolgia tripper.

Team Fortress 2

So you get this skin in a way that's similar to promotional recolours, and it's more or less exclusive to steam, it's a safe bet that a TF2 Barik is new at the game and on steam, that's it.


Pirate skins often invite people into running teams of pirates skins, outside of that Swashbuckler Bariks tend to more or less the point jockey they live on the point they die on the point.

Steel/Dragon Forged Barik

This guy listens to diggy diggy hole and probably runs some stupid deck that relies on a gimmick these guys are here for fun and will probably do something cool, maybe?


Betty is new-ish and so she only has the one skin, Betty kinda is the easy version of both Willo and Dredge without the impact of either, this means Betty attracts bad players.


Bowsette meme aside this is Betty's only real skin and so it's kinda broad to say anything but I assume once she gets something else it'll attract... A certain audience.
So yeah 5 champs, feel free to suggest anything for future champions I'll probably see or agree with them.
submitted by Electrical-Ad1820 to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:22 SweetShare2679 AITA For breaking away from my friends

Recently my friend group which consist of nine girls and I have been having issues with this one girl who I will call Claire. Claire act's like a pick me non stop and then she gets surprised when people get annoyed with her. Not only that but every day in school during lunch time she's always asking me and my friends for food because she's "too lazy" to pack her own food or get the school lunch. Not only that but shes been hogging one of my best friends who we will call Diana. Ever since 4 months ago its like I can never talk to Diana alone, Claires ALWAYS with her. Sometimes I'll try talk to both of them so that we can have peace but it never works out because Claire is like, "This is a private conversation go away." and then whenever I'm with Diana and I say the same exact thing to her she gets pissy.
So then on Friday me and 2 other girls in my friend group got really fed up with the way Claires been acting so we confronted her and we tried our best to do it in a nice way, however she rubbed it the wrong way and thought we were straight up calling her annoying even though we didn't. Claire got really defensive the whole time. We started by talking about how we just wanted to talk to Diana alone for 5 minutes without Claire getting mad at us but then she pulled "Diana has the right to hangout with whoever she wants" in a really sassy tone. Then after that we proceeded to talk about how sometimes Claire gets sexualized in our class because she wears literal thong like shorts to class and her tank tops don't even cover her boobs. She said it wasn't her fault that her style was like that and she kept rolling her eyes at us and then we completely gave up on even trying. Things got really chaotic after that but I wont go into detail.
Then on Monday (5-13-24), Claire and Diana ignored the WHOLE friend group as if we were their extra side pieces. It hurt really bad to see our friend group fall apart like this but I knew it was bound to happen eventually. So out of my friend group of 10 people, three left. (Diana, Claire, and a girl who sided with them.) That only left 7 of us but then everyone started to feel uncomfortable and didn't want to have to pick sides and now none of us are friends anymore.
Am I the asshole for this? I know I typed it confusingly but that's how it truly is without the specific details.
submitted by SweetShare2679 to u/SweetShare2679 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:08 avomecado21 I really hate my job and too afraid to leave.

I really hate my job and too afraid to leave.
I (30M)'ve been working as a purchasing/procurement officer for this hospital for 5 years. I was the most ambitious during my second year in with overtime, helping colleagues, giving feedback and presenting ideas on how to improve our department's workflow, to resupply for our departments, etc. but my manager(F) rejected all of them. Ok, fine. When someone(let's call her Am, F) transferred to our department, our manager listens to her so well. Am asked me beforehand if there are any feedbacks and ideas, so I shared with her and she to our manager and she listens. I felt like I'm being treated very unfairly.
Other than that, my department consists of only 7 people; 1 manager(F) + 6 employees (4F, 2M - I'm one of the M). I'm just sitting here and hear this huge sexist bias conversation mostly on the other guy and "men are supposed to do this or that", or that I'm supposed to be loud, etc. I just want to do my work and begone. Plus, I got racial slur once a twice, and a few racist comments but I only just reported one of the slur. Manager had a talk with him and he said he was sorry but he never apologize to me. I'm guessing he was sorry he got reported.
After that I thought just focusing on CrossFit could help me cope with my work and I happen to spent a lot without any savings on accessories, equipments, shoes, clothing, etc. Obviously, it didn't help at all. I burnt out on my third year, feeling stuck and lost so I started saving my money starting december 2022 and stopped going for CrossFit classes, to save more. I managed to save 50% of my salary every month and most of the time I didn't even finish the other 50% that I was supposed to spend after I finish buying a pc.
The plan was to actually quit my current job in February 2024 and take a few online courses I've been eyeing on but here I am, still working. "Why didn't you do the online class after work?" The plan was to focus entirely on the course. Right now, I go home, I workout, I shower, eat, I'm already tired. I passed out while lazy gaming and watching movie sometimes.
I'm afraid to quit because I don't know how I'll end up. As far as I know, my current workplace pays me well and there's additional 2 bonuses every year. At the same time, I know if I stay any longer, I won't have any fulfillment and career growth.
I asked my cousin, he's sort of an entrepreneur and have a few successes. I told him about my situation and he told me I'm burnt out and better to find another job or quit if you saved enough. I said to him, I really want a fucking 6 months break, at least. He said "oh shit, that's quite bad burnt out".
I just feel so worthless and still lost. I calculated if I'm only getting groceries and fuel, it can last me at least 2 years and that's excluding car services, eating out, entertainments, short travel trips, etc.
submitted by avomecado21 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:03 lucillemcgillicudy How Crystal REALLY earned her money!

Listening to today’s podcast, Holly, Bridget, and Marston all seemed to cast doubt on how Crystal earned enough money to purchase 8 Los Angeles properties while living at the mansion.
They criticized her presenting herself as a “girl boss” and “building an empire” and seemed to imply that the money came straight from Hef.
I don’t like Crystal at all, but I had an issue with this. I don’t think it’s all that mysterious how Crystal built her property portfolio or earned money.
To me, it seemed like all 3 of them- Holly, Bridget, and Marston, were just jealous of Crystal possibly making wise financial investments that grew her portfolio, and maybe bitter about their own perceived lack of financial success.
When Crystal was on the Bethenny Frankel podcast, Bethenny was astounded that Crystal managed to become a millionaire while living with Hef. Bethenny said something like “I need you to explain exactly how you did that, step by step!”
So Crystal explained. She seemed very uncomfortable but she explained, and gave numbers.
She said that she got a job DJ’ing once per week in Vegas and that she was paid $7,500 per gig. She said that she promoted detox teas on Instagram, once or twice a week. She said she was paid thousands per post, and quoted the $7,500 figure again. She said Hef had no idea she was making money from Instagram and she hid it from him.
She said before on a couple different podcasts that the allowance was originally $1k per week but that it was raised to $2k per week and then raised again. I don’t remember her giving a number for what it was raised to at its highest, she seemed evasive about that.
I believe that unlike Holly and Bridget, but similar to Kendra, Crystal was in fact allowed to do club appearances for money. I don’t know how much she made from those so I’m not even going to include that in the calculations.
But even just with those 3 income streams- $2k per week allowance, $7.5k per week DJ’ing, $7.5k per week Instagram sponsorships- that is $17k per week!!! This is $884,000 per year, and presumably she would have been earning this for at least several years. She was at the mansion for a long time. She wouldn’t have been earning this much every year, but she could have for a few years.
This is absolutely enough money to purchase multiple LA homes, one at a time, over several years! Furthermore, I believe Crystal’s mother was a real estate agent long before the mansion. I remember seeing on a website Crystal said that she also got her real estate license. I don’t know if this is true but this is what she claims. I don’t think Crystal was selling homes to clients or anything but I can believe she had some knowledge of real estate.
Holly said in the episode “I took a class in real estate investment at UCLA, and I know she wouldn’t have been able to buy those properties herself, blah blah blah.” I know Holly brings up this online class constantly and fancies herself a real estate expert, but she is not the only person who knows about real estate! If both Crystal and her mom had real estate licenses, presumably they also knew a thing or two.
Holly purchased her first investment property after a few years of living at the mansion. She bought a property in her hometown in small town Oregon. Crystal’s first property was in Los Angeles. Obviously a Los Angeles property is going to appreciate much faster than a property in a small town in Oregon. Presumably the house could have increased in value by several hundred thousand dollars in just a few years.
I’m just saying- it’s not that far fetched that Crystal could have built a property empire through her own good decisions. I agree with a LOT of the criticisms of Crystal, but not this one.
By the way, Bridget bought a Los Angeles house after moving out of the mansion, lived there for many years, and eventually sold it at a loss. This was surprising to me. You’d think after that 10+ years it would have gone up in value, especially in a city like Los Angeles, but apparently she bought high and sold low. I don’t think Bridget has real estate savvy, so it’s obviously easy for her to criticize Crystal and downplay her achievement.
submitted by lucillemcgillicudy to TheGirlsNextLevelPod [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:02 avomecado21 I really hate my job and too afraid to leave.

I (30M)'ve been working as a purchasing/procurement officer for this hospital for 5 years. I was the most ambitious during my second year in with overtime, helping colleagues, giving feedback and presenting ideas on how to improve our department's workflow, to resupply for our departments, etc. but my manager(F) rejected all of them. Ok, fine. When someone(let's call her Am, F) transferred to our department, our manager listens to her so well. Am asked me beforehand if there are any feedbacks and ideas, so I shared with her and she to our manager and she listens. I felt like I'm being treated very unfairly.
Other than that, my department consists of only 7 people; 1 manager(F) + 6 employees (4F, 2M - I'm one of the M). I'm just sitting here and hear this huge sexist bias conversation mostly on the other guy and "men are supposed to do this or that", or that I'm supposed to be loud, etc. I just want to do my work and begone. Plus, I got racial slur once a twice, and a few racist comments but I only just reported one of the slur. Manager had a talk with him and he said he was sorry but he never apologize to me. I'm guessing he was sorry he got reported.
After that I thought just focusing on CrossFit could help me cope with my work and I happen to spent a lot without any savings on accessories, equipments, shoes, clothing, etc. Obviously, it didn't help at all. I burnt out on my third year, feeling stuck and lost so I started saving my money starting december 2022 and stopped going for CrossFit classes, to save more. I managed to save 50% of my salary every month and most of the time I didn't even finish the other 50% that I was supposed to spend after I finish buying a pc.
The plan was to actually quit my current job in February 2024 and take a few online courses I've been eyeing on but here I am, still working. "Why didn't you do the online class after work?" The plan was to focus entirely on the course. Right now, I go home, I workout, I shower, eat, I'm already tired. I passed out while lazy gaming and watching movie sometimes.
I'm afraid to quit because I don't know how I'll end up. As far as I know, my current workplace pays me well and there's additional 2 bonuses every year. At the same time, I know if I stay any longer, I won't have any fulfillment and career growth.
I asked my cousin, he's sort of an entrepreneur and have a few successes. I told him about my situation and he told me I'm burnt out and better to find another job or quit if you saved enough. I said to him, I really want a fucking 6 months break, at least. He said "oh shit, that's quite bad burnt out".
I just feel so worthless and still lost. I calculated if I'm only getting groceries and fuel, it can last me at least 2 years and that's excluding car services, eating out, entertainments, short travel trips, etc.
Just trying rant this out hoping I could come to a conclusion.
submitted by avomecado21 to rant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:59 Iceicedaddy [WTS] Platinum, Gold, Palladium Big & Small

Album / Proof
For your consideration an assortment of premium wares. Only the finest metals on the market. There's gold & silver big and small, even one with all of the above! Shiny things in exchange for coin of the realm, or crypto #debanked.
Details: Located in Socal area, feedback available on other seller platforms; will verify IRL ID. Like something; PM me. Prices in USD accurate for 48 hrs. Item available until [SOLD]. May meet in person. Ask for photos/information. Prices compared to sold listings, do let me know if you have better information.
Shipping: Shipping and insurance at buyers cost, I will will get you a quote for UPS or USPS through Pirateship. First class mail and padded flat rate envelope would be most inexpensive $5-$10. One business day for shipping, I will get your package out as soon as possible contingent on payment method used. I assume responsibility for item until handed to shipper. Shipping options arrangements dependent on feedback. Tracking only provided for conflict resolution or at delivery; do message me if you'd like a shipping update.
Payment: (No notes / or comments) Zelle, Paypal FF, Wire, ACH, Check, Money Order, Cashiers Check, Crypto from CEX. Open to using middleman at buyers expense.
submitted by Iceicedaddy to Pmsforsale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:41 SundayJan2017 Sunifiram Benefits

Sunifiram Benefits

Sunifiram Benefits

Sunifiram, a potent research chemical belonging to the ampakine class, has gained attention for its purported cognitive-enhancing effects. Developed as a derivative of piracetam, sunifiram exhibits remarkable potential in augmenting memory, learning, and overall cognitive function. Here are some key features and benefits of sunifiram:
  1. Enhanced Cognitive Performance: Sunifiram is renowned for its ability to boost cognitive abilities, including memory formation, retention, and recall. By targeting the AMPA receptors in the brain, it facilitates synaptic plasticity, which is essential for learning and memory processes.
  2. Increased Mental Energy and Alertness: Users of sunifiram often report heightened levels of mental energy and alertness, leading to improved focus, concentration, and mental clarity. This aspect can be particularly beneficial for individuals seeking to enhance their productivity and performance in demanding cognitive tasks.
  3. Rapid Onset of Action: Sunifiram is noted for its fast-acting nature, with effects typically manifesting within a short timeframe after administration. This rapid onset makes it suitable for situations requiring immediate cognitive enhancement, such as studying for exams or preparing for presentations.
  4. Neuroprotective Properties: Studies suggest that sunifiram may possess neuroprotective properties, safeguarding neurons from damage caused by oxidative stress and neurotoxicity. This neuroprotective aspect could potentially mitigate age-related cognitive decline and protect against neurodegenerative disorders.
  5. Potential Mood Enhancement: Some research indicates that sunifiram may have mood-enhancing effects, leading to feelings of well-being and euphoria in some users. This dual action of cognitive enhancement and mood elevation could be advantageous for individuals seeking to improve both their cognitive performance and emotional state.
  6. Limited Side Effects: Sunifiram is reported to have a favorable side effect profile, with minimal adverse effects observed in preclinical and anecdotal reports. Its selective targeting of AMPA receptors and lack of significant impact on other neurotransmitter systems contribute to its relatively low incidence of side effects.
In summary, sunifiram emerges as a promising research chemical with significant potential for enhancing cognitive function and promoting mental well-being. Its rapid onset of action, neuroprotective properties, and minimal side effects make it an intriguing subject for further exploration in the realm of cognitive enhancement and neuropharmacology. Disclaimer: Not For Human Consumption.
Visit Swiss Chems Full Product List and Latest Coupon Code Here.
Swiss Chems Sunifiram, 10 grams. $34.99
Visit Swiss Chems Full Product List and Latest Coupon Code Here.
submitted by SundayJan2017 to swisschemsreviews [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:37 Alexiscpearson Everything will follow my life in my dr

Like the tittle say, my better cr is finna follow my life. Expect few things is changing. I’ll be more active and doing some sports I’ve been wanting to do everything. Hanging out with friends and more. All of my middle school teachers will be the same. My friends are the same as well. My parents are different people expect I have no siblings. I know I said this many times. I’ll be living my childhood home Ik the whole layout of my childhood home. I act the same way I act in school & in classes. I can’t wait to go back 2012 and have fun. I will bonding close with my parents especially my dr mom. Both my parents will be married in my dr. I fixed up my slowly I’m so excited to shift there. I’ll be having the same class there like I did there. I’m in some clubs in middle school. My middle school was kinda fun. Especially like spirit week or whatever. I loved my teachers I had in my middle school. Once I shift it’ll be couple days before the first day of school. Then I got my first phone before middle school. Also be meeting my first best friend in my middle school. But we didn’t start getting long wanna say first few week of school. Then the next day we got long. It happen in my cr but somehow we got super close. I can’t wait go back 2012 because I can see all of my friends. Almost every night I think about my better cr. If you want know about my dr let me know I’m down talk to anyone about my better cr.
submitted by Alexiscpearson to realityshifting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:35 Mission-Ad-2042 How do I (20F) go about determining where to go with my relationship with my friend (20F) who might be toxic?

I will refer to “friend group” as FG.
So, I (20F) have This friend (20F), let’s call her A. We’ve known each other since middle school, but tbh we haven’t been the closest of friends.
For context, we’ve been in the same friend group throughout all of middle and high school, which fizzled out after graduating. I’m not super heartbroken about the friend group falling apart because I’ve never really hung out with anyone outside of group meetups aside from my best friend (who was in the same group). None of them ever asked me to hang out, and me, being the person I am, assumed it was cause they didn’t want to, so I didn’t initiate to hang with them either.
After the FG graduated high school, we decided to go on a fun trip during spring break, where we’d stay 2 nights in an AirBnB. 6 ppl out of the FG decided to go. Me, my bff, A, two other friends, and a guy we’ll call B, who was the only male on the trip. I wasn’t really close with him but he was in the friend group and I thought he was okay.
Anyway, in prep. for the trip, I decided to pay for the BnB and have everyone pay me pack on their own time (they all did). I also offered to drive since my dad allowed us to use his truck for the trip (it fit 6 ppl and we wanted to save on gas). Everyone contributed to the food and such (my bff bought a large dish that we would bring to avoid making dinner the 1st night), but the main person cooking meals was A. I thought the trip went really well, until I dropped everyone off when the trip was over.
Basically, A confided in me something that happened between her and B and we talked for a little while, with me trying my best to give advice or an opinion. (Keep in mind I’m not really qualified cause I’m basically celibate lmao). This was the first time in our years of friendship that she confided in me something super emotional for her. I felt that by trusting in me, I was shown that she actually cared about our friendship, and I was willing to put more effort into our communication. I wanted her to be okay, and naturally hung out with her whenever she wanted or when our schedules aligned.
Onto the advice part. After a few weeks (or perhaps closer to a month), A had a noticeable decline in her mental health, which I think I tried my best in helping with, meeting up and talking and such. But then she suddenly left the FG’s group chat, and then I sent her a text asking what was wrong, I got messages by another friend in the FG saying that A was leaving the friend group and that I was a main reason as to why. I can’t remember the exact circumstances as to her reasoning since it was a year ago, but I do remember that I didn’t respond to a text she sent earlier in the morning (I was going to class and forgot to respond, by the time I remembered it was deleted), and that was her “last straw.” I was devastated by this. I thought “wtf did I do I’m an awful friend I have to try and make this right.” So I tried sending A a message in hopes she would grant me a response. I sent and unsent messages, trying to find the right message before just deciding to ask for a talk. I would’ve preferred face to face, but she called me, and I picked up. My emotions were high, and I was vulnerable, and scared, cause I was finally close to her as a friend and I was about to loose her over something as silly and forgetting to respond to a text. While on the call, she ranted that she was putting so much effort into all her friendships, only to not get anything in return. “I would give so much and for what? I’d ask you how you’re doing, every time there’s a thunderstorm, but when I need you you don’t respond.” (I’m pretty scared of thunder. Ik it’s irrational and some call it childish but i can’t really help it. I’m thinking it anxiety???) I tried to not cry while talking to her but I ending up breaking, telling her the truth that I’m scared of not being a good friend, that I don’t know shit about anyone and that “ill be better and I’m sorry.” Stuff like that. Not my best moment :/
A few days after, we met in person, she forgave me, and I swore I’d make sure to communicate with her more.
But that’s the thing. I tried, but I didn’t get much of a response back. I’d send memes, start convos, ask to hang out, and most of the time the texts would go unread. I knew she was busy with work and such, and then me living 30 minutes away makes it harder to hang out, but I couldn’t help but feel it might’ve been some sort of revenge? It just felt shitty, and I couldn’t help but think that she’s giving me a taste of my own medicine.
Then she responded and we hung out, and we didn’t really talk about anything emotional. Just basic stuff.
Then she started school again, and suddenly it was like she didn’t exist. I NEVER got a response to anything, even when her status said she was active on insta (main form of communication). She’s in a STEM major, which ik can be super demanding but, not even time to like a reel or send a quick message?? Our dm’s became a graveyard for unseen reels and lost messages from me about meaningless things. Eventually I stopped sending anything, thinking she just didn’t wanna hang out with me anymore.
Then I got a response saying she was on break, and because I’m me, I was happy and didn’t mention the months of ghosting.
Then she started school again, and it was the same process.
She finally ended her semester along with everyone else, and she’s finally connected me again to hang out. I said yes because I wanna give her a chance, even though I’ve talked with my BFF and she told be things she found sketch about A. (Short of it is: a had a similar convo with BFF that she did with me, but BFF said she actually did contribute the the friendship and that the same stuff could be said for A, which I didn’t even think about till BFF and I talked about it).
I really want to continue this friendship, but there are red flags that I’m seeing. How to I go about talking to her and mending the rocky relationship we have?
TLDR: I have an inkling my friend might be a little manipulative/toxic, but I don’t wanna loose the friendship. How do I fix this???
I try answering any questions on context to the best of my abilities. This is my first post on the subreddit.
submitted by Mission-Ad-2042 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:30 Budget-Caregiver5496 Ideas for a new planet/environments + some of my own thoughts to help balancing

New Planets/Environments
Hey guys, I've been thinking a lot about the issues surrounding balance and I hope some of my ideas can give the dev team some fresh takes on how to combat this issue. One idea I had was creating a planet with some sort of underground cave system that is very dark so flashlights can finally be of use. I'm sure many of you remember the ewok hunt game mode from Battlefront 2, and I think Helldivers can create a similar sort of atmosphere and feeling by creating a dark environment where you are constantly turning around and checking your 6. Even in a relatively mid game, I remember being scared shitless of those tiny little Ewoks sprinting around in the darkness, but also having the time of life. Obviously Helldivers does not need to create such an extreme environment, there could be sources of light like bioluminescent bugs or water to create some light, but the point is that players would have to rely on their flashlight. Right now, it seems like the dev team increases difficulty by introducing environmental elements and the widely disliked stratagem modifiers which range from relatively tame and boring to just plain frustrating. Not only would environments like the cave be more challenging and unique compared to the current environmental factors (imo), but this could take some pressure off of the balancing issues because there is more incentive to give the player powerful weapons due to the added difficulty. These sort of environments would also provide opportunities to introduce new enemies, since right now new enemy additions are basically thrown into the horde and there's no real conceptual reason why they have appeared now.
For automatons, a new potential planet could be a dystopian city-like environment that is designed similar to the automaton factories, but much more expansive. The automaton's "cities" are probably closer to where they originate, but creating a more structured planet for them would be very interesting. Imagine laying down on a road or sniping from a window, I think that would be more fun than the bland landscapes we have now. This environment probably wouldn't make the game harder in a similar fashion to the cave system since there would be more cover, but automatons are significantly harder than bugs, and I will absolutely die on that hill.
Anyways, the point of these new ideas is to increase the game's difficulty so that the players enjoy a greater variety of gameplay and the devs can rely on changes like this instead of nerfing guns. After all, nerfing in a PvE game is always going to hurt the player's effectiveness no matter the scenario. Also, the Helldivers' enemies have totally lost their aura, at least in my eyes. Part of this is because obviously I'm going to react more strongly to a bile titan the first time rather than the 1000th time, but part of this is also because most planets are basically featureless expanses of plains. A bile titan is not scary or threatening if I can see it walking from a kilometer away, but seeing a stalker running up to you in a dark cave will probably always inject me with adrenaline (let players join a session and play as enemies? haha).
TLDR: Dark cave systems for bugs and a city-like planet for the automatons so that the increased difficulty of the game comes from the game presenting challenges rather than nerfs to weapons.
Some of my own thoughts
I also have some personal thoughts and opinions on the current state of the game, so take them with a grain of salt. I'm also going to make some assumptions, and I'll try to back them up with a little bit of reasoning. To me, it seems as though the Helldivers dev team lacks big data on their own game. I'm not sure if I'm totally correct, but I believe I heard that the balancing team makes changes based on what percentage of the playerbase uses a certain weapon. This is why I believe the eruptor was nerfed, not because it was overpowered but because a comparatively large portion of the playerbase was using it. Naturally, players will use a relatively strong weapon that is new and eventually the usage will drop once the novelty wears off. However, the eruptor was nerfed a week or two after it was released, which I believe is way too short of a time frame to judge properly how much the players like the weapon. And this is not just the eruptor specifically, many weapons seem to get changed very quickly after they have been buffed or added, and I think the dev team might be overreacting to surges in usage from the playerbase. In general, I hope that the dev team takes a little bit more time to consider their decisions, since right now major changes are being made basically weekly. Already the game is a totally different beast compared to launch, imagine what it would look like in a year.
Another reason why I believe dev team lacks proper analytical data is their inability to track basically any statistic within the game, or at least that's what it looks like to me. The most prevalent example is the 2 billion bug counter which was counted very incorrectly. I know very little about coding, only took one class in college, but creating a simple kill counter like this should be well within any game dev's abilities. They have also failed to track accuracy, kill count, damage, and basically every other statistic you can think of at some point in the game's lifetime. They claim to have fixed some of these issues, but I still have doubts. If they are unable to do create these basic data-tracking tools, then there is no wonder the playerbase reacts so strongly to the balancing changes, and in turn why some certain high-ups have in turn responded critically to the public response because in their eyes they are making the correct decision based on the data presented to them.
To summarize my thoughts, in my eyes the dev team is rushing changes before they have the proper analytical data, which might be corrupted in the first place anyways. They definitely do not properly test the higher difficulties, otherwise they would have known the patrol rate change is absolutely ludicrous. However, I want the dev team to have faith in the quality of their game and know that even if they do not touch the game at all, most of the playerbase will have a fun time. This only emphasizes the importance of changes; positive changes have a greater impact on a good game than a bad game, but the vice versa is also true. I know that Arrowhead was completely crushed last week because of Sony, and I can literally see the palpable stress in some of the higher-ups' messages. Please, take your time, and do not feel forced to make a change unless somehow a game-breaking feature was introduced.
TLDR: The dev team seems to be inundated probably do not have experience trying to manage such a large population, and because they are constantly being hammered by thousands of people and outside factors (Sony), they feel a sort of obligation to make the "perfect" changes which end up being too hasty. It seems to me they make these changes based on the limited data they can scrap during a week timeframe, which might be incorrect in the first place anyways (again I may be totally wrong on this take).
submitted by Budget-Caregiver5496 to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:14 keijikage Short Exempt - Why Volume churns endlessly - CFR 242.200 to CFR 242.204

Short Exempt - Why Volume churns endlessly - CFR 242.200 to CFR 242.204
Hey folks,
I've been kicking the tires on this idea for a while, but the latest pop on GME has made it pretty apparent that this is what's going on.
Within Regulation SHO, the closeout periods for long and short sales are defined, as well some fancy language for cases where the participant is 'deemed to own'. This is where we get the often mentioned T+2 trading days for long sales, and T+5 trading and T+35 calendar day 'buy in' periods.
I'm going to focus on CFR 242.204 - market maker closeouts.
If a participant of a registered clearing agency has a fail to deliver position at a registered clearing agency in any equity security that is attributable to bona fide market making activities by a registered market maker, options market maker, or other market maker obligated to quote in the over-the-counter market, the participant shall by no later than the beginning of regular trading hours on the third consecutive settlement day following the settlement date, immediately close out the fail to deliver position by purchasing or borrowing securities of like kind and quantity.
Note here that the close out can be either purchasing OR borrowing a security. I've always wondered why the securities lending data has a persistent quantity well in excess of the reported short interest. Right now there's an extra 30 million shares on loan, and even accommodating for the lag in reported short interest, there was an extra 10 million shares on loan.
Shares on loan is persistent and elevated - Ultimately these are functionally short positions
Regulation is pretty dry, but the SEC has issued a few 'no action letters' with interpretive guidance. This one for Goldman makes it explicate that Continuous Net Settlement (CNS) delivery obligations are net positions for the participant, as opposed to a true first in first out 'netting'.
Ignore the time period, this letter is old
The take away here is that volume in and of itself does not satisfy obligations.
The rest of the letter is going over the prime broker indicating that this is too hard to do for their own position since some of the trades happen away from their visibility. They propose to allocate trading activity to the individual clients and the SEC agrees.
Linking this with another No-action letter, we see that "no later than the beginning of regular trading hours" can actually mean that an irrevocable order targeted at the volume weighted average price (VWAP) received before market open actually satisfies this requirement. This means the buy in can trail into market hours of the 3rd or 5th trading day (or even more if there is not enough volume).
Why does VWAP matter? If it's sticky, somebody is getting bought in.
This is where things get a little interesting - Short exempts have typically been considered related to the up-tick rule (short sale restriction), but short exempt shares show up in the data on regular trading days. So what are these? They can only be marked under certain conditions:
So if you buy a share from a market maker and they don't have any inventory, they're supposed to buy inventory in 60 seconds if they use the short exempt clause.
Tying that back to the no action letter, what if an irrevocable order targeted at vwap came in the morning and there weren't any shares to borrow? Well, the market maker can short these too if they're targeted at VWAP, subject to certain volume requirements. Combined these two exemptions churn volume.
Incidentally, the average daily volume on 5/13/2024 was 10,092,639, and the number of short exempt shares was 1,161,062. Pretty close.
So what does that look like in the data? Well if there aren't enough "organic" (read - Real) sellers, then well these short exempt shares either wind up in the borrows, or they get bought in. If there aren't enough shares to borrow, it seems like they churn volume in order to create enough short exempt shares to satisfy the buy in, passing the buck from one market maker to another. In the end, these are all (naked) short for up to 5 days before they hit the lending pool or get bought in.
It looks something like this. Some of the on-loan is probably used to satisfy the hedging leg of various options, so the correlation isn't 1:1.
Going back to 2021, it looks something like this
I'll let you imagine where I think this is going.
When things start getting serious
submitted by keijikage to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:51 StatisticianGreat514 CMV: Now that Conservatives are trashing MLK after many years of supporting him, I think it's time for them to admit that they never really liked him the first place.

Caution: Long Post
The Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is without doubt and still is to this day one of the most influential, powerful, and iconic figures in American history due to his steadfast and nonviolent commitment in the fight for Civil Rights, Equality, and Justice during Jim Crow Segregation in the United States. The highlight of his career as an activist came in 1963 in which he delivered his famous "I Have a Dream" speech in front of Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. in which he envisioned a nation in which his children will be judged not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. This resulted in the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to be passed. Even after his assassination in 1968, his legacy inspired many similar Civil Rights Movements around the world.
Today, Martin Luther King, Jr. is hailed by both sides of the American political sphere as a beacon of hope on how to fight for justice and equality for all during turbulent times. But it's the Conservatives who constantly claim that they truly support him and follow his dream, especially in modern times and they've expressed it in a rather whitewashed and partisan fashion. The most obvious being their use of his "I Have a Dream" speech by quoting the one line that has often been cherry-picked and misinterpreted quite a lot in which they judge people not by skin but by their character. The main reason they do this is to give them the appearance that they are colorblind as their way of opposing racism. And in doing so, they consistently criticize Liberals of trying to divide the country into special interest groups and promote favoritism. As a result, they always claim that Dr. King is a Republican, let alone would've been one in this era given his views, along with the fact that he was a Christian. His niece, Alveda King even emphasized it herself.
Some of the ways that Conservatives try to supposedly live up to Dr. King's "colorblind" dream is by opposing supposed "Wokeness", Critical Race Theory, and the practice of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion everywhere. They also express it by opposing Affirmative Action and the use of racial quotas when it comes to applying for schools, universities, and jobs because they believe it causes Reverse Discrimination. In terms of nonviolence, Conservatives express their disapproval of the Black Lives Matter movement. On the basis of Christianity, Conservatives believe that Dr. King supported a fixed moral code as indicated in his Letters from Birmingham Jail since he led with love and not racial hatred by changing the lives of people and not the laws itself, along with the notion of self-sufficiency. Seeing all this, it seems like Conservatives are really desperate to prove how much America has progressed in this post-racial world in order to debunk accusations that it isn't a racist country and that's why they always prop up Dr. King by claiming that they follow his dream and will continue to do so. Well.....up until now.
During this year's Martin Luther King Day, a string of prominent Conservative activists and organizations suddenly turned on him. Starting off with Charlie Kirk of the youth Conservative movement Turning Point USA, who launched a blistering anti-MLK campaign in which he supposedly dispelled the alleged myths surrounding his popularity. He accused Dr. King of being a "bad person" and that his "sainthood will cause Black voters to realize it's being used against them to suppress the individual." He even went further by stating that "we made a huge mistake when we passed the Civil Rights Act in the 1960s" accusing it as "a way to get rid of the First Amendment". A while ago, the organization marketed the Conservative image of Dr. King when they sold $55 T-Shirts with his name as well as stickers of him with the words "Let Freedom Ring". Kirk was later joined by the Daily Wire's Matt Walsh who accused him of being a "communist". In fact, he railed against Dr. King a few years ago by accusing him of being a Womanizer, Adulterer, Plagiarizer, etc. Coming after Walsh was Human Events editor, conspiracy theorist, and fellow Turning Point USA alumna Jack Posobiec, who labeled Dr. King "a God of the Left" and stating that "the real legacy of the 1960s was enshrining Racial Discrimination and Race Consciousness into the Federal Bureaucracy." And finally, a popular Conservative Twitter account called "EndWokeness" called Dr. King "a Racial Marxist" because he "did not support a Colorblind Meritocracy" after it cited his quote on Wealth Distribution. What's even worse is that even non-White Conservatives hate him. Two examples include a commentator named Vince Everett Ellison and former football player and sports columnist, Jason Whitlock. The latest editions to the lineup of Black Guilt Conservatives, they railed against Dr. King and the passing of the Civil Rights by stating that they worsened the Black community by drifting them away from God into "Democratic Dependency". They even accused him of the same crimes as Walsh did.
With the sudden change in tone and emphasis from the Right against Dr. King, you have to ask yourself why they're doing this and what caused them to believe this way. And this is not an extremist fringe of the Right that some would expect to hear from. All of these are Mainstream Right-Wing Figures who have direct lineage to the GOP, including the current presidential nominee, Donald Trump. That's as Establishment you can get. Their remarks have been criticized by a lot of people from both sides and surprisingly by some Black Conservatives. One of them was Pastor Darrell Scott, a former faith advisor of Trump, who these days, is one of a few Black Conservatives who has been calling out other Black Conservatives for tearing down their own race in order to elevate their status among others, a very notorious habit of them. He criticized Kirk for inspiring a Hitler Youth. Another was Kimberly Klacik, who in 2020, gained viral for her campaign video stating that Black Lives don't matter to Democrats when she was running for Maryland's 7th Congressional District following the death of civil rights leader, Elijah Cummings, who was the incumbent. She criticized Kirk for his remarks stating that his rhetoric will prevent Blacks from voting Republican. Even with that said, there have been instances in which Conservatives themselves have questioned the Civil Rights Act and many of them have been pretty negative. If you check out other Conservative websites and especially here on Reddit, many of their criticisms echo the same sentiments as those Pundits stating that it was unconstitutional and that in infringed on the First Amendment, particularly the Notion of Freedom of Association.
That being said, there is some silver lining to this. Now, that they exposed themselves for what they really of think Dr. King, I think it's time for them to admit that they never really liked him in the first place, let alone understood who he really was and what he really stood for. In fact, they never really liked him at all. All they did was whitewash him and cherry-pick his ideas and speech for own Partisan Agenda. Dr. King constantly talked about the notion of Black Pride and campaigned about the need for Reparations. He also supported Affirmative Action stating in 1965 that "a Society that has done something special against the Negro for hundreds of years must now do something special for the Negro. Dr. King realized that our society was created in a way that managed to disadvantage the many for the benefit the few, and that America's Racial Hierarchy was connected to its Class Hierarchy. He also had political beliefs that manifested through both Racial Reconciliation and Concrete Policy Changes that could help restructure and benefit a divided and unequal nation. This is the reason why he referred to himself as a Democratic Socialist as he wanted a "Radical Redistribution of Economic and Political Power". In fact, he argued that true Equality can only be achieved, not just through legal rights, but through an equal distribution of resources. This is evident when he said “Call it democracy, or call it democratic socialism, but there must be a better distribution of wealth within this country for all God’s children.” This is the exact vision that Vermont Independent Senator Bernie Sanders believed in. After all, he did participate in the March on Washington in 1963. In regards to Police Brutality, while Dr. King opposed violent protest, he did acknowledge that a riot is the language of the Unheard and that it came from a place of Desperation. In fact, in his "I Have a Dream" Speech, he stated that Blacks could "never be satisfied as long as the Negro is the Victim of the Unspeakable Horrors of Police Brutality." After all, he was hounded by the FBI, was called a Communist, broke the law in protest of race-based Segregation and Violence, was thrown in jail, advocated Protests and Sit-Ins, opposed White Rule of Society, and was assassinated for his Race and his views on Race. Regarding the quote about the Content of Character from said speech, Dr. King's daughter, Bernice King stated that using solely that quote diminishes the purpose of the entire speech because her father's dream and work included "eradicating Racism, not ignoring it."
If anything, this goes to show that is Dr. King were around today, he would be heavily criticized for being Woke, politically correct, a Communist, a Race Hustler, and a member of the Radical Left. And we all know that the Right hates those ideologies passionately. But here's the thing, he never considered himself a Democrat, let alone a Republican. He was an Independent as he felt that both parties are the same. And reducing his legacy to a single quote diminishes the gains that he fought for and believed in. This especially goes to a lot of Conservatives out there who claim to follow his lead using that quote because they interpret them in a way that benefits them today than how he meant them back then. For you to claim that he didn't care about Skin Color is like saying Susan B. Anthony didn't care about Gender. And to those Conservatives who now hate him, including Black, I hope you're OK with people getting treated unfairly, including your own. Who knew being seen as an Equal is a Negative in your eyes.
submitted by StatisticianGreat514 to changemyview [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:37 Latrodectus1000 Any advice or help in what to do if you were in my place?

Long story short, a girl who I know from my major who also used to take the bus with me had graduated a year ago, at that time I had went my way and bought her graduation gifts and a congratulations card, a year later she had not even texted me "congratulations" on my graduation last week, although she had went to the graduation party and knows that I've graduated there.
Here is the thing, me, her and her friend who is now my ex-friend used to take the same bus and are in the same major, but since me and my ex-friend and a couple other people had to work in a graduation project she had showed me her true colors, in short she is nothing but a snake, a bully, a backstabber, and I am pretty sure that she had been feeding her lies and other stuff about me. guy to the point where I would be walking through a room's door and she would be opening the door to "us", & when I had said "thank you" to her she ignored me, meanwhile when the guy behind me who is one of the guys who used to work in the graduation project with us had passed by and thanked her, she said "your welcome" to him.
I am hurt, I am broken, the group that I've worked with for the graduation project have hurt me, bullied me, etc I need therapy becuase of them. I could write over 1000 pages about everything they've done to me during the past 9 months, specially this semester, I don't know what to do, I've already graduated, I feel like shit, I keep dissociating, I am afraid of facing real life, I just wish I can go back in time and re-live my last semester in uni, it was the WORST semester ever, the constant bullying, humiliation, and the INFINTE AMOUNT OF RACISMA that I've faced was and still unbearable, I wish I could have the chance to go back and enjoy my last semester in uni, I am stuck in this phase of depression, I can't accept the fact that I am no longer an undergraduate, that time is flying by me, I regret being vulnerable and opening up to my ex-friend, I regret befriending her, I wish when she had approached me in class 2 years ago that I've kept it casual, maybe now she would have just been a "classmate", I hate being in this position.
I am afraid of befriending people now, not a single person from my uni had contacted me after graduating, It was literally me sending a congrats text to 5 people, 3 of them had replied, and the 3ed one keeps dragging replying to me for days, and the other 2 literally ignored the texts. I feel so lonely, so alone, I don't even have high-school friend, childhood friends, etc.
submitted by Latrodectus1000 to Life [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:31 CryaBads Is there a dress code for graduate school classes?

I'm a first-generation college student who will shortly begin graduate school. Since graduate school is a more professional setting, I was wondering if graduate students usually dress decently for class. I'm not really aware of the conventions or anything. Since most people seem to dress professionally, I just want to make sure I'm not showing up underdressed. Thank you.
submitted by CryaBads to EngineeringGradSchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:27 Latrodectus1000 What to do in this case if you were in my place?

Long story short, a girl who I know from my major who also used to take the bus with me had graduated a year ago, at that time I had went my way and bought her graduation gifts and a congratulations card, a year later she had not even texted me "congratulations" on my graduation last week, although she had went to the graduation party and knows that I've graduated there.
Here is the thing, me, her and her friend who is now my ex-friend used to take the same bus and are in the same major, but since me and my ex-friend and a couple other people had to work in a graduation project she had showed me her true colors, in short she is nothing but a snake, a bully, a backstabber, and I am pretty sure that she had been feeding her lies and other stuff about me. guy to the point where I would be walking through a room's door and she would be opening the door to "us", & when I had said "thank you" to her she ignored me, meanwhile when the guy behind me who is one of the guys who used to work in the graduation project with us had passed by and thanked her, she said "your welcome" to him.
I am hurt, I am broken, the group that I've worked with for the graduation project have hurt me, bullied me, etc I need therapy becuase of them. I could write over 1000 pages about everything they've done to me during the past 9 months, specially this semester, I don't know what to do, I've already graduated, I feel like shit, I keep dissociating, I am afraid of facing real life, I just wish I can go back in time and re-live my last semester in uni, it was the WORST semester ever, the constant bullying, humiliation, and the INFINTE AMOUNT OF RACISMA that I've faced was and still unbearable, I wish I could have the chance to go back and enjoy my last semester in uni, I am stuck in this phase of depression, I can't accept the fact that I am no longer an undergraduate, that time is flying by me, I regret being vulnerable and opening up to my ex-friend, I regret befriending her, I wish when she had approached me in class 2 years ago that I've kept it casual, maybe now she would have just been a "classmate", I hate being in this position.
I am afraid of befriending people now, not a single person from my uni had contacted me after graduating, It was literally me sending a congrats text to 5 people, 3 of them had replied, and the 3ed one keeps dragging replying to me for days, and the other 2 literally ignored the texts. I feel so lonely, so alone, I don't even have high-school friend, childhood friends, etc.
submitted by Latrodectus1000 to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:17 Latrodectus1000 Any advice or help in what to do if you were in my place?

Long story short, a girl who I know from my major who also used to take the bus with me had graduated a year ago, at that time I had went my way and bought her graduation gifts and a congratulations card, a year later she had not even texted me "congratulations" on my graduation last week, although she had went to the graduation party and knows that I've graduated there.
Here is the thing, me, her and her friend who is now my ex-friend used to take the same bus and are in the same major, but since me and my ex-friend and a couple other people had to work in a graduation project she had showed me her true colors, in short she is nothing but a snake, a bully, a backstabber, and I am pretty sure that she had been feeding her lies and other stuff about me. guy to the point where I would be walking through a room's door and she would be opening the door to "us", & when I had said "thank you" to her she ignored me, meanwhile when the guy behind me who is one of the guys who used to work in the graduation project with us had passed by and thanked her, she said "your welcome" to him.
I am hurt, I am broken, the group that I've worked with for the graduation project have hurt me, bullied me, etc I need therapy becuase of them. I could write over 1000 pages about everything they've done to me during the past 9 months, specially this semester, I don't know what to do, I've already graduated, I feel like shit, I keep dissociating, I am afraid of facing real life, I just wish I can go back in time and re-live my last semester in uni, it was the WORST semester ever, the constant bullying, humiliation, and the INFINTE AMOUNT OF RACISM that I've faced was and still unbearable, I wish I could have the chance to go back and enjoy my last semester in uni, I am stuck in this phase of depression, I can't accept the fact that I am no longer an undergraduate, that time is flying by me, I regret being vulnerable and opening up to my ex-friend, I regret befriending her, I wish when she had approached me in class 2 years ago that I've kept it casual, maybe now she would have just been a "classmate", I hate being in this position.
I am afraid of befriending people now, not a single person from my uni had contacted me after graduating, It was literally me sending a congrats text to 5 people, 3 of them had replied, and the 3ed one keeps dragging replying to me for days, and the other 2 literally ignored the texts. I feel so lonely, so alone, I don't even have high-school friend, childhood friends, etc.
submitted by Latrodectus1000 to CollegeRant [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:15 Latrodectus1000 Any advice or help in what to do if you were in my place?

Long story short, a girl who I know from my major who also used to take the bus with me had graduated a year ago, at that time I had went my way and bought her graduation gifts and a congratulations card, a year later she had not even texted me "congratulations" on my graduation last week, although she had went to the graduation party and knows that I've graduated there.
Here is the thing, me, her and her friend who is now my ex-friend used to take the same bus and are in the same major, but since me and my ex-friend and a couple other people had to work in a graduation project she had showed me her true colors, in short she is nothing but a snake, a bully, a backstabber, and I am pretty sure that she had been feeding her lies and other stuff about me. guy to the point where I would be walking through a room's door and she would be opening the door to "us", & when I had said "thank you" to her she ignored me, meanwhile when the guy behind me who is one of the guys who used to work in the graduation project with us had passed by and thanked her, she said "your welcome" to him.
I am hurt, I am broken, the group that I've worked with for the graduation project have hurt me, bullied me, etc I need therapy becuase of them. I could write over 1000 pages about everything they've done to me during the past 9 months, specially this semester, I don't know what to do, I've already graduated, I feel like shit, I keep dissociating, I am afraid of facing real life, I just wish I can go back in time and re-live my last semester in uni, it was the WORST semester ever, the constant bullying, humiliation, and the INFINTE AMOUNT OF RACISMA that I've faced was and still unbearable, I wish I could have the chance to go back and enjoy my last semester in uni, I am stuck in this phase of depression, I can't accept the fact that I am no longer an undergraduate, that time is flying by me, I regret being vulnerable and opening up to my ex-friend, I regret befriending her, I wish when she had approached me in class 2 years ago that I've kept it casual, maybe now she would have just been a "classmate", I hate being in this position.
I am afraid of befriending people now, not a single person from my uni had contacted me after graduating, It was literally me sending a congrats text to 5 people, 3 of them had replied, and the 3ed one keeps dragging replying to me for days, and the other 2 literally ignored the texts. I feel so lonely, so alone, I don't even have high-school friend, childhood friends, etc.
submitted by Latrodectus1000 to CasualConversation [link] [comments]