Cyclobenzaprine and weed


2008.03.31 01:41 r/weed

The subreddit for all things weed! Talk strains, first times, declarations to quit or take a 'T-break' and positive/negative experiences. Share your photos and videos of sexy buds, plants, or cherished pieces. Please read the rules, as we are very clear on what is and isn't allowed. Common sense and basic human decency are mandatory here.

2009.12.27 04:58 daevud Weed Porn - A place to view any and everything about weed!

A place to share anything and everything about weed!

2013.01.04 22:41 Tuesday_D Weed and Nails.

How did I get here I'm not good with the internet. Put your nails here. Make everyone happy. Don't be a dick.

2024.05.06 18:53 SteveLangford1966 Jackie Jimson Martling

Jackie Jimson Martling submitted by SteveLangford1966 to howardstern [link] [comments]

2024.04.23 01:22 throwouttrustissuez I saved enough pills

I’ve been suicidal for 8 months now since I miscarried and held my dead baby and my fiancé left me. I have been taking Prozac for 3 months but it’s still not working. I’ve tried amitryptiline, Effexor, and even weed. Nothing works. Every day is so painful and I have nightmares of my dead baby. Remembering I didn’t make him pajamas when I buried him.
I have pain medicine and sleeping pills saved up that I saved incase of an emergency, not intention for suicide but I had prexsisting ptsd from childhood neglect and abuse and rape. I feel as though no one should have as painful a life as me. I have my dad but he was In prison until I was 15 so although he supported me emotionally he could t protect me from my step dad and mom. I know he loves me, but I feel like a burden when I call him and complain about my stupid life. My therapist thinks I’m fine. I told her I can manage the suicide and I can. But the thing is I don’t want to anymore. I want to die.
I am looking at the 100 pills I could combine with alcohol and know it would 100% kill me. I have them counted up and lined up. Clonazepam, tramadol, naproxen, and cyclobenzaprine. I overdosed on cough meds accidentally as a kid and was in a coma for like 2 days so I already know what it feels like and I’m fine with going out this way. I also like that I can throw up and call 911 if I want to change my mind. Where as if I jump off a bridge or shoot myself I don’t have any time to second guess.
I want to be with my dead child and leave this cruel world. I am ready. I am done trying to heal.
submitted by throwouttrustissuez to SuicideWatch [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 22:50 FroyoInternal558 Are there any effective medications for tardive dyskinesia that are not anticholinergic?

I'm new here so I'll give my info for context just in case. But my question is motivated by my desire to not have anticholinergic effects. I value my cognitive abilities and carefully research what I take. I am starting to have lip pursing no matter what antipsychotic I take anymore, so I wanted to look into options that won't mess up my focus/memory or sedate me (I'm a low energy person usually).
Age 26, gender ftm (on testosterone, no surgeries), height 5'5", weight 188 lbs, race white.
Diagnoses: schizoaffective disorder bipolar type, ocd (moral scrupulosity and "just right"/tourettic types), adhd either inattentive or combined type, gad, social anxiety disorder, gender dysphoria, fibromyalgia
Medications including physical: intuniv 2 mg, prozac 40 mg, wellbutrin xl 150 mg, lamictal 150 mg, abilify 15 mg, latuda 80 mg, klonopin 0.5 mg prn, lyrica 150 mg 2x/day, cyclobenzaprine 5 mg prn, the "heather" minipill, testosterone cypionate IM injection 200 mg/mL at 0.2 mL weekly (so 40 mg). God I think that's everything
Drugs: nicotine (gum, patch, vape, or zyn, not tobacco), caffeine, cannabis
I think the latuda + abilify is a good combo, but I might need a higher dose of the latuda because I keep getting more paranoid and having some voices and the abilify only helps my mood anymore, not psychosis. Invega was good but caused lip pursing and stutter, and vraylar was good but the lip pursing was so bad it hurt. And now latuda is causing consistent lip pursing that gets worse with caffeine and weed (I know it's not the abilify, the abilify only causes hand tremors for me and it's tolerable). So no matter what I do, I will probably need an anti-TD medication, and google disappoints me. Any info or suggestions?
submitted by FroyoInternal558 to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.04.12 12:51 Rygarrrrr Crippling chronic pain at 23, no hope for future.

I am 23 years old, and have spent hundreds if not thousands of hours in hospitals and nobody has been able to figure me out. My mental state is deteriorating rapidly and I am being plagued with suicidal ideation. In a last ditch effort to find help I am exhausting every potential avenue. Despite that I am constantly hearing from my medical teams(yes I have switched doctors many times) that I’m to young to be having all these issues and I am often treated as a liar.
I am 100% VA disabled and got medically retired while I was in the army for these issues. The money is nice, but isn’t enough for me to save and I am constantly in threat of a major financial crisis causing my life to fall apart. I live in Georgia and was denied state disability.
List of issues: (thanks mindfulness)
Head: chronic headaches/migraines likely caused by tension in neck/jaw
Jaw: After getting my wisdom teeth removed in the Army my jaw never recovered and now I have crippling TMJ, to the point that if I touch my jaw joint I’ll get 9/10 shooting pain. It sounds like a bone breaking if I release the pressure in my jaw.
Neck: MRI’s show nothing, but I can barely move my neck. I am incapable of looking behind me and have constant 4/10 pain that can escalate to 9/10 if I crack it, or irritate it somehow. EVERY SINGLE TIME I sneeze nerve pain will shoot down my neck through both arms with what I can only describe as 10/10 lay on the floor puke and cry pain. (It’s been over a year since I have laid down without neck pain)
Shoulders: I have a torn labrum in both shoulders, as well as tendinitis both shown on MRI. If I lift my arms up at a 90* angle and rotate outwards my shoulders will give a gnarly pop and seemingly dislocate. Got surgery on my left shoulder in 2020, was hopeful for improvement but the labrum re tore. (My labrum looks like cotton candy)
Elbows: severe nerve pain in both elbows as well as tendinitis. I have gotten 5 or so cortisone shots and glucose shots for treatment for no success. I got carpal and cupital tunnel release surgery on my right arm 2 months ago. And while initially the nerve pain went away it is seeming to come back, and I have an inkling it’s not healing right.
Wrists: constant painful cracking at the wrist As well as shooting nerve pain. As said before just got the carpal and cupital release surgery in both elbow and wrist on right side . Surgeon told me that my nerves were as compressed as they could physically be. Still skeptical on results .
Upper back: usually doesn’t hurt but every once in a while a very specific part of my spine will radiate insane pain through my body. MRIs show nothing.
Lower back: constant aching pain, have thrown it out to the point of being physically incapable of moving twice in my life. MRI’s show nothing . Sciatica down left leg
Hips: Labrum in both hips is torn as confirmed by an MRI I got 3 years ago as well as damage to the joint itself.
Knees: hilariously work great
Ankles: have sprained both of my ankles dozens of times in my life. Doc says I have the most flexible ankles they’ve ever seen. It hurts but it’s a very mild aching pain.
I also have severe GERD and narcolepsy.
Treatments/attempts at diagnosis: 2 years of physical therapy, 3 years of occupational therapy •acupuncture •massage therapy •electro therapy (shock the muscles and exercise) •cortisone shots •glucose shots •dozens upon dozens of different medicines for nerve/muscle/head pain. •music therapy (lol) •pain management counseling/therapy •2 separate rheumatologists told me they don’t think they can help me •have been tested for rheumatoid arthritis and I (probably) don’t have it
What helps: •Cyclobenzaprine(muscle relaxer) for when neck is getting super bad. •heat (bought a hot tub I couldn’t afford) •fish oil/turmeric noticeably lowers pain floor •weed, although it can also tense my muscles and make my neck worse.
Important notes: •when these pains began I was in borderline Olympic level shape, I am not anymore and it has certainly made it worse. But I feel as if I am no longer physically capable of any meaningful exercise.
•I have tried opioids and while they take the pain away it makes me feel sick.
•I am treated like a nuisance by my doctors, and they can’t think of anything else to try/test for
•this would need its whole own post, but I cope with the constant pain in my whole body with severe dissociation. I find myself feeling as if I time skipped often just because of how out of it all this pain can make me feel.
I am constantly reading in this community and it is the only thing that has helped me maintain my sanity thus far.
If anybody has any thoughts, anecdotes, opinions, or advice I would absolutely love to hear it.
submitted by Rygarrrrr to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.03.31 03:52 maladicta228 Finally got diagnosed. Feeling both relieved and I guess disappointed.

I’ve been dealing with progressively worse pain and limited mobility for about 2014. I’ve struggled with doctors not helping me, just shoving me out the door with negative diagnoses and the advice to exercise. Finally I found someone who diagnosed me with a hypermobility spectrum disorder a couple weeks ago. But while I feel so much relief for having a diagnosis, I’m also so sad and mad that it took this long. And now all I have to show for it is a physical therapy appointment coming up. No medication to help with the pain I have to live with every day. All I’ve ever been prescribed is gabapentin and cyclobenzaprine. The gaba leaves me dazed and so foggy I’m useless, and the cyclo knocks me out and leaves me so dizzy the next day I can’t function. The only thing that gives me any relief is weed, and I can’t always function on that either (it’s better than the others but barely). I just want something to help me hurt less so that I can do the movement and activity they want me to do.
submitted by maladicta228 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.03.23 17:07 PukePrince1987 Sumatriptan making it worse

this is me rambling a lot so super sorry its kinda stupid
this is my first medication for my migraines (or what we assume are..) as they randomly flare up and then sometimes dont?.. but lately its been everyday nonstop. typical light makes it worse, always in the dark to make the pain not as bad. INSANE nausea. everyday nonstop unless i smoke weed (i get too nauseous to even eat so its quite literally the only way i can eat) saw doctor yesterday, was prescribed Sumatriptan ! my cousin who has migraines also since middle school (mine randomly appeared when i turned 21) and its the only med that works for his. so i had hopes, but i took it yesterday when i felt one coming on and it was the worst mistake. i was quite literally writhing in bed from the pain. the migraine got 1000x worse, and typically when i have one the sides of my head , shoulders and the base of my skull/end of neck starts to ache and i massage it with pressure (hard pressure) and it helps but never goes away.. but when i took this, the pain in both the areas was horrible. i couldnt sleep from how pain, i overall just felt FUCKED up.
its 50 g, and says to not cut it, but i feel a lower dose would help this problem? i just dont know what to do. i also was prescribed cyclobenzaprine as my doctor thought it could help muscle pain i have (shoulders, neck and head) but i havent taken it yet as im nervous.. it says to not use longer then 2 -3 weeks, and my job is really just On PC always so my pain is never gone.
i dont know, sorry for rambling! i see my doctor next week thankfully but in the meantime im just anxious. entirely unrelated but also, my glasses dont help either.. they press on the sides of my head and make my migraine worse.. i know answer is get new glasses but is there ANY ways i can stretch them or something lmao?
edit;; forgot to mention. i dont know why, but chewing on hard objects help release some pressure i feel (my bf got me chew toys as im autistic and chewing tf out of them honestly feels so good, is that a bad sign?)

submitted by PukePrince1987 to migraine [link] [comments]

2024.03.21 17:56 amIokayisthisokay Belly Button Bleeding for 5 Days Straight

I am female, 27 years old, 5’7, 160lbs. I take Wellbutrin, valtrex, montelukast, hydroxizine, cyclobenzaprine, Allegra, and non prescription supplements. I smoke weed and am a medical marijuana patient. I just need to know how concerned I should be. I have lots of health problems (too many to list) so I try to go to the doctor as little as possible or I’d be bankrupt living in the US. A bit over a week ago I started to get pain in my belly button and the surrounding area a couple inches around. When I’d push on my stomach it hurt more. I tried to ignore it and hope it would go away. The pain kept getting worse until this last Sunday. Sunday the pain was a bit less, but when I woke up I had dried blood all over the outside of my belly button. I looked up how to properly clean it, cleaned it with water and q tips first, then used rubbing alcohol on the Q tip just in case it is an infection. That hurt, but I figured it would be helpful. Later that day I had a syncope episode where I blacked out and my husband took me to urgent care. Not sure if that is relevant. My husband brought up the bleeding belly button and they felt my stomach a bit but didn’t seem to be concerned with it as they were more concerned why I blacked out. I had hoped it would stop bleeding, but I am 5 days in now and it is continuing to bleed. I still clean it every day like I did the first time, but it won’t stop. It isn’t a heavy bleed, but it is constant. Should I be more concerned? I hoped to just ignore it until it went away, but after so many days I am starting to worry. Thank you for any advice.
submitted by amIokayisthisokay to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 19:46 Mother-Pen Not sure if this is a rant or asking for help- my hips hurt soooooo baddddd

UPDATE: And less than 24 hrs later my hips feel fine… oh fibro 😂😩
Thanks for advice on things to look into especially Bursitis.
My right hip hurting is what actually landed me with a Fibro diagnosis last year. It was the start of a chain of events that got me tested for things, tracking symptoms, etc but not the main indicator of fibro.
Right now my right and left hips from lower back to mid thigh just hurt. It's like a band of pain in that area. I dont exactly know how to explain it. Almost like after you've been sitting on your foot for a while and it feels hollow. Slight tingling all over. Very very distracting. Sore- like ive done 1000 hip thrusts.
Its been rainy and the weather is warming up, but life is not stressful right now. I did go on nexplanon (birth control implant in arm) this week so maybe putting the implant in, or going back on BC (ive had this one bf) is triggering something even though this pain is not new? I don't even want to walk downstairs to get pain meds. This is probably one of my worse fibro pain days but fortunatly very little fatigue other than it feels like im walking through molasses.
The things I have available to me: aleve, cyclobenzaprine, weed, shokti mat, hot tub, tens machine. Already done the hot tub which always helps in the moment and have been doing the tens machine all morning. Do I really just keep going on all day in pain. This is our life huh?
submitted by Mother-Pen to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2024.03.10 22:33 MusicianCharacter Look into this it may help?

Hello, I been suffering ibs since 2017 out of no where after being completely normal. I stayed up day and night not believing I just have some unknown problem they just came to the assumption it’s ibs. I could barely walk, I had this extreme right flank pain all the time, I laid in bed nearly 2 years straight because it’s the only thing that stopped the pain. I started researching so many things and started requesting from my doctors dozens of tests for everything known to man. So many doctors gave me bs and wouldn’t run tests. They told me they didn’t know what was wrong with me or it was the weed I was smoking and so much bs I couldn’t believe it! I changed general & GI doctors at least 6 times until I ran into the ones who would do as i requested. I first got diagnosed with H. Pylori and cured that which stopped some issues I was having like the acid reflux. I still wasn’t ok so after I healed the H Pylori I switched GI doctors again and he tested me for c diff which came back positive and we cured that. I was much better about 60% better after healing those issues but still sick. I ended up finding out about SIBO small intestinal bacteria overgrowth so I asked my doctor to test that he did which came back positive. Let me backtrack I had this Sibo test done at two different facilities one said I didn’t have it but sent me a mail in test which is the wrong one. I had to get the test done at an actual facility which came back positive. We have been treating with rifimaxin for a couple years now and I am 90% better. I am back walking not in bed everyday and have most of my life back. I can tolerate eating most foods again as well but I still get a little bit of right flank pain which my doctors have given me cyclobenzaprine 5 mg tablets & hyoscyamine 0.125 mg SL tablets which stop my pain and I take them as needed. When I start feeling the pain coming on I also take milk of magnesium laxative which helps flush my system out faster combined with the pills have me feeling all the way normal. I still want my 10% back so after talking with some sufferers in the Sibo group they said I still have to find the underlining issue and to look into candida. I had my doctor tests candida last week and it came back positive! In the past years I ask another doctor to test candida and they said I don’t have it and would not test it!! This is why you need to change doctors until you find a good one! So hopefully after we treat the candida I will get to 100%. Now remember it takes years to get your gut health back right balanced so I still will have to implement probiotics which I have been prescribed a medical level probiotic from my GI to take. I should also tell you I do practice intermittent fasting sometimes for days, which helps the body heal itself. Also, lately I have been following a strict IBS FODMAP diet, which has been helping significantly to & including back working out in the gym.
So this information might not help everyone, but hopefully it’ll help some people or give you a good start which I wish I had years ago all in one post. I’m a true believer that this can be fixed and they’re just labeling us with IBS because they can’t figure out what’s wrong with us nor want to test different things so we have to be our own doctors. Hope this helps!! God bless!
In conclusion look into : H Pylori C Diff Candida Sibo Intermittent Fasting
submitted by MusicianCharacter to ibs [link] [comments]

2024.02.05 07:25 Yassferatu First appointment After diagnosis

Hi everybody! Brief background information: I have been having back pain for over a year now. I will occasionally get really bad flareups that make it very difficult for me to lift my upper body while walking. A month or so ago I very suddenly had a lot of pain/heaviness when walking upstairs (which I now know is neurogenic claudication. ) that prompted me to make an appointment with my doctor.
He sent me for x-rays with a suspicion of spinal stenosis and the x-ray confirmed. L-5-s1 disc degeneration and bilateral facet arthrosis.
I don’t actually know what that even means since I did not have a follow up appointment after the x-ray because unfortunately, my insurance feels an MRI is “not medically necessary“ so the PCP referred me to an orthopedic doctor for the next step.
***My question to all of you is what should I be asking the doctor? Or are there things that I should make a point to remember to say? Are there things you wish you had known when you first started on this journey? **
Since I am seeing a “specialist” the office visit costs quite a bit more than a regular PCP, and I want to get as much out of this appointment as I can. Not just because of the money, but because I’m desperately wanting to not feel like this anymore.
It’s probably fair to say I have a bit of anxiety about not being believed. I’ve had a handful of doctors and appointments over the last year, and more often than not I leave feeling like they don’t believe me or they think I am exaggerating or that I am drug seeking. So to combat this anxiety, I’m attempting to be prepared.😅
I currently take Tizanadine (which I have been prescribed for 5 years to combat tension headache/migraines) And the PCP gave me 10 cyclobenzaprine and a weeks worth of prednisone.which are both gone now. I wear a ton of lidocaine patches, CBD creams and Salonpas. I take Ibuprofen, Tylenol and I also smoke weed/Kief before bed every night in hopes that I’ll be able to be comfortable enough to fall asleep. None of this stops the pain but on a good day it makes it easier to ignore.
Thank you for reading this. I really appreciate any advice or suggestions that you may have!!
TLDR; what questions should I be asking the doctor?
submitted by Yassferatu to SpinalStenosis [link] [comments]

2023.12.12 20:48 GaydriNGaysey Shrooms and autism??

I am currently tripping on 4g lemontek PE and I feel so social, comfortable with looking people in the eye, I want to go outside, I'm doing so very much personal hygiene right now just jamming out with my kitten and music.
Please tell me your anecdote if you have one!
UPDATE: Very important to note that I am on an SSRI. My antidepressant Prozac/fluoxetine stops serotonin from being reuptaken. This is crucial to note on a more serious and clinical side of things. For those academically interested, I am also taking cyclobenzaprine, lamotrigine, and oxcarbazepine
I have smoked about 1/2oz of weed also
submitted by GaydriNGaysey to autism [link] [comments]

2023.11.27 18:03 Amazing_Ad6368 Cyclobenzaprin in Germany?

I’m sorry if this doesn’t belong here, but I’m feeling hopeless and confused at this point.
In America, I participated in a medical study for fibromyalgia, taking cyclobenzaprin to see if it helps with that. Not only did it help treat my fibromyalgia, but I also have severe sleep problems where even sleeping pills can’t make me sleepy, but this medication made me fall asleep so naturally and wake up feeling actually rested for once.
Then I moved to Germany. My new doctor told me about a year ago that it’s not available in Germany at all, but as I google it there’s kind of conflicting stories about whether Europe/Germany can prescribe it or not. My doctor said not at all, I saw online occasionally it can be prescribed, and I already felt that my Hausarzt doesn’t really take my many health issues seriously, things that have previously been absolutely diagnosed. I know this is probably very specific for this sub, but does anyone know if it’s possible to receive cyclobenzaprin in Germany, as long as you have info from your previous doctor saying you should be taking it?
I would really like to not have to take 4 other pills and smoke weed just to sleep when there is literally one medication that helps with almost everything. If anyone can help, I thank you so much in advance 💖
submitted by Amazing_Ad6368 to AskAGerman [link] [comments]

2023.10.29 21:48 Flaky_Working904 Recurring shoulder pain?

I’m 28 AFAB, 5’5 148. I have been dealing with shoulder pain for I would say a few years now. I did go to physical therapy once for it a few years back but it didn’t really seem to help for more than a week. For more details about the pain: It comes back every few weeks, there doesn’t seem to be any trigger for it (i’m a back sleeper and when I do sleep on my side I purposely sleep on the other shoulder) and as far as I know there was no major trauma that onset it. The pain radiates from under my right shoulder blade and sometimes sparks down to my hand. I do have minor arthritis in my finger joints but I don’t think that’s the cause for the shoulder pain because it’s completely different and the arthritis medication and muscle relaxers I take for that do not have any effect on the shoulder pain. (indomethacin and Cyclobenzaprine) The pain is accompanied by limited mobility (moving my arm forwards and up or across my body) and a deep clicking sound in my shoulder like the joints are rubbing together. I’ve been self medicating for it with ibuprofen and weed and the occasional opioid prescribed by my doctor when the pain is too much to manage with OTC stuff. I don’t know if I should go to a doctor and get x-rays or I’m being hysterical and this is something I can fix with at home strengthening exercises. (I do go to the gym 3x a week when I’m not having flair ups as per recommendation of my old PT but that also doesn’t really seem to be helping quell the pain)
ETA: the pain also resonates in my shoulder joint i should’ve added that but it effects the whole shoulder from my back, sometimes around to my ribs even
submitted by Flaky_Working904 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.08.17 05:24 TeHNyboR (M40) has been throwing up multiple times almost every day for over a year, doctors are stumped

40M, 5'10", 192lbs, non-smoker, non-drinker, does not do any drugs or smoke weed
Current Diagnoses: Depression, Anxiety, non-alcoholic fatty liver diseases, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, history of pancreatitis and history of migraines where one pupil will dilate during an attack (he had this checked out by a doctor and they said it was a rare migraine symptom)
Current Medications: - 12.5mg Meclizine - 5mg Cyclobenzaprine - 150 mg Bupropion HCL XL - 10mg Dicyclomine - 10mg Lisinopril - 500mg Metformin HCL - 2mg Glimepride - 6.25mg Carvedilol - 1.5mg Trlicity - 10mg Prochlorperazine - 2mg Imodium AD1 - 20mg Famtidine
Was previously on 200mg Fenofibrate, 40mg Atorvastatin & 40mg Citalopram, stopped taking these under doctor's orders last week.
I'm writing this on behalf of my friend. He has always had pretty bad health issues (scraped the bottom of the barrel in the genetics lottery) but this issue is really starting to worry me. About a year or so ago he would get these episodes where he would just suddenly throw up. He'd be at work or walking his dog or going about life and out of nowhere he says he will be struck with a sharp pain in his stomach or really bad cramping, then his throat will pulse and he will have to vomit. It started out every other month or so he'd have these "attacks" (which would occasionally include diarrhea as well), then maybe every few weeks, and just recently it's almost every day.
He had his gallbladder removed a few months ago and his doctor told him it was so packed with gallstones that they didn't bother cutting it open when they removed it as they thought it would explode everywhere (again, REALLY bad genetics in his family) and he was good for about a month afterwards, then the vomiting started again (though I don't believe he's had issues with diarrhea since having it removed). He also had a colonoscopy and endoscopy a few weeks ago and other than a small patch of inflammation in his stomach, everything was normal as was his bloodwork. He had an ultrasound that turned out normal as well and is going in for a CT scan on Friday.
So basically as of right now, he says his day starts with him waking up with a headache that will go away as the day goes on, but then the stomach cramps start up. Again he's said it's either a sharp pain in his stomach or an onset of extremely painful cramping which will cause him to vomit multiple times, he says between 5 and 20 times during attacks and never in huge amounts. Like he'll throw up bits at a time, which has his doctor pretty confused. He's been referred to an endocrinologist and is going in for a CT scan at the end of the week, and I'm very worried about him. He has a history of picking really shoddy medical practitioners and despite dealing with this for a year, we have no answers at all so I figured I'd give Reddit a try. He's one of my oldest and dearest friends and I'm desperate to see what the medical community has to say about his issues. Thank you!
submitted by TeHNyboR to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.05.23 08:43 reverse__centaur Chest pain advice (22 Female)

So, I went to the doctor today and this was totally skimmed over and ignored, but I’ve been having pretty intense pains in my chest/behind the center of my collarbone area. It’s mainly when I take deep breaths in or out, or when I stand up or sit down. I’ve been on and off sick with what I thought was a cold for about a month now, and have been coughing up terrible tasting phlegm that’s sometimes discolored and dirty looking, and sometimes a bit bloody. I am a tobacco smoker, about 3-5 cigarettes a day, and I smoke weed on a nearly daily basis in small amounts. It seems serious but my doctor blew it off and prescribed me an albuterol inhaler, but the chest pain persists. Any advice or ideas on what might be wrong with me? I should also note the only medication I’ve taken recently was cyclobenzaprine for a stiff neck, last used it about a week ago, used for about two weeks
submitted by reverse__centaur to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.04.11 21:55 VaporeonIsMySpirit No Pain After Intercourse! HOORAY

I just wanted to share this plan that worked for me, because I know there's a lot of us who have no hope that things will ever get better. And I know because I've been dealing with this pain for over a year. But I was able to have sex and enjoy it and there was no burning sensation afterwards! I was able to close my legs, sit, and walk around like a normal person who doesn't feel like she's just been punched in the vagina!
So, I have been doing physical therapy since October. I do two sessions of exercises a day. In addition to the exercises, in the past few months I have added in a pelvic wand. I make sure I run it under cold water before insertion because the cold helps my discomfort. Although I know some women say heat can help with their pain (the wand I have can be run under warm water as well). I have also been applying (in the morning and at night) a compound cream to my vulva (amitriptyline, gabapentin, and cyclobenzaprine.) It can cause some irritation, but I use it generously in conjunction with aquaphor.
Additionally, I got off the birth control pill at the end of February. And the day I had sex I made sure to get in a minor work-out that morning, because I find that my vaginal muscles are less tight if I do some kind of exercise during the day. AND, the piece de restistance, I believe, is my partner and I used Skyn condoms, Excitation. This condom has a lubrication on the outside that causes a cooling sensation. I really think it helped a lot. And before I'm penetrated, I make sure to get myself very wet down there. (I apologize if that's TMI, but I figured in this group you can never overshare). I was able to do missionary and doggy style, with a few minutes of rest in between the positions.
I just wanted to put it out there and say don't give up! There's hope! Keep up your exercises, keep up with your medications - consistency is key! And find what works for you, because there will be something that works for you.
EDIT: Forgot to mention two important things; (1) did my PT exercises right before sex and (2) smoked some weed right before as well. I have had high sex before so it wasn’t just the weed alone.
submitted by VaporeonIsMySpirit to vulvodynia [link] [comments]

2023.01.25 02:20 goaliemagics Cyclobenzaprine and weed interactions ?

Hey everyone, ive just been prescribed cyclobenzaprine (a muscle relaxant for flare ups) and was looking at the drug interactions and saw it interacted majorly with weed, but im unclear on the timing. Obviously smoking a joint and then taking a pill is a bad idea, but does anyone know if it would still cause an interaction to smoke weed, sober up, then take one ? Ive asked my doctor already but she can take like, a month to respond and i dont want to wait that long. I use weed and gabapentin to manage the daily pain and not being able to smoke when i know im gonna need the cyclo later is really fucking me up. Sorry if this is the wrong place to post this, i really have no idea where i ought to put it. Thanks !
submitted by goaliemagics to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2023.01.15 01:41 octo8octo8octo8 Sensitive to Substances/Meds

Hi all, 25F with GAD and a bit of Pure OCD here, started when I was 8 years old (I'm also 105 pounds, I mention this because I know weight and tolerance level of some substances can correlate). I'm wondering if anyone else is super sensitive to nearly every "substance" like I am?
Let me define what I mean by substance. I'm extremely sensitive to caffeine, alcohol, weed (even CBD makes me feel weird sometimes), antihistamines, anxiety meds (I've tried sertraline, hydroxyzine, xanax, and propranolol) cold meds like dextromethorphan and pseudoephedrine, steroids like prednisone, melatonin... the list goes on. All of these substances have triggered anxiety, and many just make me feel weird and groggy, brain foggy, tired, low mood, amongst other side effects. I have to take the lowest lowest doses of the above medications/substances if I really need to take them, and even then I'll have terrible side effects.
I'm pretty sure the only drugs I haven't had a negative reaction to are ibuprofen, acetaminophen, and cyclobenzaprine, and I also take some adaptogen and magnesium supplements.
It didn't used to be this way at all... but I've noticed it happening more and more as I've gotten older. It's like the list of meds/substances I can take for any ailment is shrinking. It makes me feel really trapped because my anxiety has been absolutely terrible lately, and it feels like I have no treatment options. It also makes me feel really alone because 1) I see people consuming substances constantly, even ones that are higher in potency like some recreational drugs and I simply don't understand how they can do it, and 2) I hear of people finding so much success and zero side effects on their mental health with many of the above substances I've mentioned.
The only things that have consistently helped my GAD and OCD are psychotherapy, exercise, lifestyle, etc.
Does anyone else have a body like this? I fucking feel like there's something wrong with me, like my brain and body just actively resists any sort of ingestible treatment.
submitted by octo8octo8octo8 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2022.12.11 05:23 Hiker206 Stopping the talk track planted by my family

I'm 30 now. I moved out a week after I graduated high school. I've recently gone full nc with my family, and I've been nc with my brother, the worst culprit, since 2017.
I still struggle to end the talk track I've developed from my family toxicity.
I'm the youngest of 5, and only girl. My brothers never wanted their tag along sister. I couldn't even watch them play video games because they would lose because obviously in a jinx. I'm a complete burden, no one wants around. At 10 I had a crush and I asked my dad how to get a boy to like me, my dad told me to act like I put out.
At 12 my brother told my parents I was giving blowjobs on the bus (obvi not true). My parents never defended me. As my mom mourned the loss of my grandmother, I was the one that took care of my literal piss ass drunk mom. Changing her underwear and bedsheets. By 16 my mom turned her entire side of the family against me. That I was mean to her, and that I talked back too much. I was constantly ambushed my aunts, cousins, and my oldest brother to be nice to her. By 20 i got comments from my mom of being a whore.
22 I started smoking weed to cope with my growing depression, which helped as I held a bottle of pills in my hand tempted to take pills mg of xanax. I got pretty good at playing how much cyclobenzaprine and xanax can I take and still wake up. I stopped after I reached 7 of each.
When my brother learned I smoked weed, he asked me for help getting some (illegal at the time). So I played middle man for him. So then he started telling my family that I'm a drug dealer.
Years of being told that I start drama, I'm not wanted, I'm a whore, I'm a loser, I'm stupid, I'm so gap toothed I could pick my teeth with a 2x4, I'm ugly, I'm fat, no one would ever love me, I'm selfish, I use my parents for money.
My edad never stood up for me during any of this. His way of coping was making jokes. My brothers all had various levels of bullying me, except I did have one brother that I've gotten support from more recently. He moved out when he was 16, so he became the first family black sheep. Now I'm the bigger black sheep because he still appeases my my mom with holiday visits.
I can't stop the talk tracks. 7 years of therapy 3 years of medication, 6 years of living across the country. I'm still drowning in depression and helplessness. And at some point, I don't know that I'll win the fight against my head.
submitted by Hiker206 to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2022.10.09 23:07 kfcheifmaster hand tremor after injury as a CNA

I am a 27 year old female, height is 5'4, i weight 165lbs (at the time of injury I was 135lbs). I don't smoke tobacco or weed or use recreational drugs. I drink wine though. 2-3 times a week or so. I do not drink caffeine. Meds: adderall 15mg XR once daily for adhd Atomoxetine 60mg once daily for adhd Clonazepam 1mg prn for anxiety Hyrdroxezine 75mg for sleep Montelukast for asthma 1x daily 500/50mg advair for asthma 2x daily. Albuterol prn Buspar 10mg in the morning and 15mg at night for anxiety. Cyclobenzaprine 5mg prn for muscle spasm (from injury, dont use it anymore)
Medical dx: generalized anxiety disorder Muscle spasms in right shoulder, neck, low back. Asthma ADHD
Last year I was injured from a patient trying to sit (this was older and confused) where there wasn't a seat and they were not verbal. I was using a gait belt and all their 200lbs went on my shoulder, wrist/hand, low back, and glutes/leg on the right side. It took a year for me to even be able to lift weights without any pain for days after. L&I wouldn't pay for any of my other injuries besides my back and shoulder. My hand was significantly impacted. My right hand tires easily and has a small tremor in the index/thumb wrist area. I can barely put on mascara, work on fine details on my art or other fine motor skills. Right now as I'm typing this my thumb has a small tremor. I was diagnosed after my injury with mild carpal tunnel but my doctor (l&i doc) said that's not likely the cause. I don't have family with any genetic tremors and it only effects my right hand. Is there absolutely nothing I can do to get this tremor to go away or make it better? I'm in nursing school and it's incredibly discouraging and people comment on it sometimes and it's embarrassing. I'm right hand dominant. It has been getting worse for about 4 months now. Any advice helps.
submitted by kfcheifmaster to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2022.09.29 18:53 CosmicSmackdown New GP, changes to meds. Good thoughts appreciated!

I saw my new GP for the second time today. At the end of August he took me off cyclobenzaprine and gabapentin because I didn’t think either were doing much of anything. Well, it turns out one or both of them were apparently helping me sleep because since I went off them I’m right back to my old habit of being lucky to get four hours of sleep in a three day span.
He put me back on Cyclobenzaprine today and added Amitriptyline. Maybe between the two of those I’ll get a little bit of pain relief and sleep again.
LDN doesn’t help. Gabapentin doesn’t seem to help. The only things that do seem to help are weed, Delta 8, and Epsom salts baths and the help those give is short-lived and very mild. I’ve been pretty content with the baths and D8 but not so much the weed because I don’t like the other effects and the fact that it’s illegal where I live.
Anyway, here’s to hoping the new combination helps.
I hope y’all are all doing okay!
submitted by CosmicSmackdown to Fibromyalgia [link] [comments]

2022.08.24 01:11 FastAssSister I don’t know how to help my mom

My mom has always struggled with depression and anxiety. Over the past couple years it’s gotten progressively and then exponentially worse. It’s now reached a stage of paranoia and delusions and repetitive behaviors and comments. It’s almost like she has dementia except we think she might be misusing if not abusing her medication.
To prelude this, she’s been prescribed a host of heavy meds for a long time, most of them to sleep. At night she takes Xanax, Cyclobenzaprine, trazadone, and some other stuff. Both of my parents are deaf. My dad is very successful, outgoing, and happy. My mom is kind of the opposite. She wouldn’t be able to survive without my dad. Which is fine, because she doesn’t have to. None of this has to do with their deafness. It’s just who they are. But it’s getting to the point where my mom can barely function let alone be normal.
So about a year and a half ago she stopped smoking weed, which helped with her pain. She didn’t like some of the side effects it gave her. That’s when she started going downhill. At first she thought she was withdrawing from weed. Then she started having neck pain. Over time the neck pain spread to her back, which then became pelvic pain. All the while her depression and anxiety get worse and worse. She tried different antidepressants and couldn’t stick to any of them. We think she’s stopped taking her meds as prescribed, both on purpose and because she’s lost the ability to keep track. One time she told me she took four Xanax because she couldn’t sleep.
She’s always had chronic pain, and I’ve always chalked it up to her depression and anxiety, and it turns out I was right. But now it’s gotten so bad that she’s not even talking about her different maladies. She’s gone crazy. She says her and my dad are broke, when they’re absolutely not broke. I know for a fact that my dad has a seven figure net worth at least because I’ve seen some of his finances personally. Also, I run his business now. She also says me and my fiancé are broke. She says my dad is going senile. She says she has an infection because there’s poop in her blood. I mistakenly told her that this would be sepsis and she would be dying, and then she said she was going to look up sepsis. She claims she’s been pooping her pants, and maybe she has, but she refuses to go anywhere out of embarrassment.
I’ve always known that to some degree she’s been hooked on her prescriptions. Naturally she’s physically dependent on them. But I didn’t really think she was this attached, to the point where she’d completely fuck her mind up to continue using them. It’s not until relatively recently, after I went to rehab and stopped abusing drugs, that I realized she’s probably been deteriorating for a long time. I used to be so angry at her as a kid because she couldn’t process things on the same level as me or other people. I thought she was just an idiot. Now I look back and realize I was getting angry at someone who needed help. My dad probably should’ve realized this too, but he’s like a golden retriever. He’s just happy and as long as things are relatively okay around him he doesn’t ask many questions.
Anyway, my mom has been in therapy and seen psychiatrists. We have taken my mom to the ER to try and get her help. They just processed her, asked her if she was going to hurt herself, whether she wanted to stay, and let her go. After getting rejected from the Mayo Clinic, I’ve gotten her appointments at the Cleveland Clinic. But they’re not until November 17. That seems like way too much time. It took forever for me to get her psychiatrist to fill out the intake referral form for Johns Hopkins. That has another long waiting list anyway.
The Cleveland Clinic will provide a holistic diagnosis, which is what I think she needs. She needs a doctor to look at her head to toe and begin working at the root causes, which probably involves getting her off a lot of the junk she’s on and seeing what’s really plaguing her.
But until then, I have absolutely no idea what to do. There’s no program or doctor or anything for this. None of the doctors she’s seen have really cared or tried to help her beyond the obviously bunk complaints she brings to them. She’s clearly a psychiatric patient and yet no one has been able to help. Her psychs just keep writing scripts, her therapists don’t help even though they’ve tried, no one provides any sort of relief. It’s hard to imagine just sitting around and waiting for almost three months. I’ve talked to so many people to try and figure out someplace for her. No one knows anything. I’m getting so pissed off that no one can help her.
submitted by FastAssSister to mentalhealth [link] [comments]