Would i overdose on 10 5mg of oxycodone

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2013.05.01 09:33 DoctorWedgeworth Gain pounds with friends!

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2012.11.01 23:04 Azuaron Petty Revenge

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2009.06.24 06:34 hax0r Opiates

Discussion of all things related to the narcotics known as opiates, from harm-reduction to pharmacology. WE ARE PARTICIPATING IN THE BLACKOUT! We will NOT be adding approved users to the community as we will return to normal functions tomorrow

2024.05.15 04:27 Inevitable-Growth145 Any ideas what to do?

Any ideas what to do?
First off I’m less than half a year into the hobby so I’m still very fresh with the information. Here’s all i know atm.
The last 2weeks the tank slowly got more cloudy and only over the last 3 days it got kinda green.A week ago I tested and did a water change on the tank to see if it would help but it clouded back up.I tested the water today and it came back
Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 Ammonia 0
This tank is 3 months old and has been cycled since a month and a half in.theres no filter. There’s a heater tho and I try to have the lights on this tank for 8 hours some days it goes an hour or two over. I have some mopani wood that makes the water brown because I like how it looks.but I can’t figure out why it’s cloudy and green.
I’ve asked around and I think I may be overdosing the fertilizer which I’ve found out I don’t need so I might stop completely. And I’ve been letting it get too much light I think,but something someone pointed out was my duck weed on top is turning white and they said this means the nitrates are being used by algae?
I was told a water change would help or doing a blackout.so I’m going to cut my light time on this tank in half for a couple days and do a water change. But my question is how often should I do the water change? And how much should I change at a time?The last time I did one was exactly a week ago and I took out about 4 gallons of the 10 gallon tank should I continue with this amount?
submitted by Inevitable-Growth145 to Aquariums [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:41 josiemorehouse Well, I think I just got screwed by Walgreens 😔

I just took my last 5mg shot today. I had 5mg x 3 refills: meaning I filled a box of 4 injections once, I should have 2 boxes left. I requested a refill 10 days ago. Early this morning, my refill was “canceled” due to it being “out of stock”. So I pull up the Walgreens app and I saw that I could have a pick-up in my area by 5pm today. As any NORMAL person would, I clicked “transfer my prescription”. After all, this Walgreens is only about 1/2 mile farther away than my current Walgreens, they’re all Walgreens and connected. It should be easy-peasy.
30 minutes later, I receive an alert that my prescription is “on hold pending refill request to my prescriber”. Um, what?!? Excuse me?!? Beg pardon?!?
So I call the Walgreens and they say that the previous pharmacy “canceled” my prescription when I requested to change locations so now they have to request a new prescription from my doctor?!? What in the actual fuuuu—???
So my prescription shows “partial refill remaining” yet “refill requested”?!? WHYYYYY WALGREENS… FUKKING WHYYYYYYYYY?!?
I’m so over it. I am seriously in the middle of buying a house and a big go live at work, I seriously don’t have the time nor patience to deal with the stupidity that is pharmacology. I’m thinking about contacting the first Plan C option I can find tomorrow. I want to move up anyway, because I’m stalling at 5mg, but this is beyond infuriating at this point.
I apologize to anyone where I questioned availability before. This is ridiculous.
submitted by josiemorehouse to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:35 thatonetumblr Scared

Hi! I’m a college student who has been on Zoloft (25 mg) for over a year now for GAD and depression. When I first started medication I was not in a relationship and when the doc warned me of sexual disfunction I wasn’t worried about it. Well a few months into Zoloft I felt amazing, it was like the edge was taken off. I got into a long term relationship soon after and couldn’t orgasm and didn’t have much of a sex drive. I thought that I was still adjusting and maybe I’ll be fine. But still, at the one year mark, nothing changed. On top of that, these past few months Zoloft made me super sleepy. Like I would get 10 hours of sleep and still need to take an afternoon nap. So I had my check in with my doc and she decided to ween me off to 12.5 mg. I’ve been on 12.5 for a month now and still nothing changed. So as of yesterday she put me on 5mg of lexapro while weening off the 12.5 mg of Zoloft until the end of the week. To be honest, I am super scared. I know it’s only been the first day but I got this huge headache and took a Tylenol, and the drowsiness is still here. I am wondering if I should even continue medication at all. I won’t go cold turkey, but I just feel like super nervous about starting a new medication, the journey that comes with it, and being scared at the idea of what if it doesn’t work at all? Plus I’ve been on this subreddit and seeing the claims of rapid weight gain and frequent headaches is not helping lol. Any advice or reassurances are welcomed.
submitted by thatonetumblr to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:44 Easy_Salamander6546 Do you use protection when you're just at home for the day?

Do you guys ever try to go without protection if you're just staying home for the day? I (23F) tried to do that yesterday because money is tight. I'm inbetween jobs right now because of summer break from college, so I am trying to make my supply last as long as possible until I need to buy more.
I had successfully made it a few times when I got the signal from my body at first, so I felt like I could do it. But I was wrong. I had to change my clothes 3 times and also wipe the bathroom floor each time because they were almost full voids. I figure if I don't try to hold it, then I'm not using those muscles and it will be even harder to control it. I am grateful for my in-unit washer and dryer, though. I cannot imagine how mortified I would feel if I shared a laundry room with other people in my building.
I feel so defeated. I live in a two-bedroom apartment but it's not super big. It's just a short walk down the hallway to the bathroom, but my body cannot hold it for longer than 30 seconds sometimes. I feel like I failed. There are times when I can hold it for longer, like even 10-20 mins sometimes so I try to hold it to like, train my bladder in a way. I feel proud when I'm able to make it on time. I have been trying to stay neutral because I know I can't help this, so I shouldn't reinforce the "good vs. bad" idea on myself.
I feel like I'm doing what I can to get better. I will see a urologist in July. I have been to the gynecologist several times & even urgent care once. I am not able to access pelvic floor therapy because my insurance doesn't cover it. I drink a normal amount of water a day and don't drink much soda, alcohol, or coffee because of money reasons (the health reasons are just a bonus I guess lol). I also just started taking oxybutinyn (5mg), so I'm hoping that will help. I am so nervous because it seems like I will have easier days/weeks with only 1-3 accidents a day, and then I have days where I go through 3-4 pull-ups. I hate that it is so inconsistent and gets worse right when I think I might be starting to get better.
I am starting to gaslight myself into not caring whether I get better or not, so that way if the doctor tries treatments that don't work and can't figure out what's wrong, then I won't be disappointed. I usually feel neutral about it these days, but yesterday was kind of humbling for me. Now I know that I do need to wear protection if I don't want to do extra laundry, clean-up, and feel angry and embarrassed — even just by myself!
I don't know whether I should continue to just wear regular underwear at home & deal with these embarrassing things on my own (and ration my supplies) OR just use my supplies to get through the day & potentially figure out how to get more when I need them.
I just wanted to get this off my chest because it's too embarrassing to talk about with anyone except my therapist. Any advice or kind words are appreciated. Thank you for reading.
submitted by Easy_Salamander6546 to Incontinence [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:58 Pussybones420 Is my doctor right that I need a catheter? Is not urinating for twelve hours truly an emergency?

UPDATE I’m on morphine so I messed up my update. I had concerns but before discharge I asked for another quick chat with doc and he assured the hell out of me that it’s not Cuada Equina which gives me hope that my cystoscopy and physical therapy for my back will have me good as new. I am SO relieved. The staff were INCREDIBLY nice, the nicest I’ve met so far. I want to give them all the props in the world - they were so nice I didn’t have to ask for benzos or anything on top of the morphine, thank god. My spine CT showed “Slight disk bulges throughout the lumbar region without significant spinal canal or foraminal stenosis” Which had me panicking but after some research and assurance from the Dr, I feel much better. They gave me rocephin and 5 days of antibiotics to take, pretty sure I have a UTI because my nitrites are active, but no bacteria. Not sure if I fully believe it cause my PCP and urologist have been denying UTI possibilities for 6 months but I’m desperate for relief so I’m trying it. Thank you everyone who tuned in. If you read this and have your own health issues, please advocate for yourself!
TL;DR** normally pee 20-40 times a day, can barely get anything out now. Have bladder wall thickening and bladder cyst consistent with urachal remnant.
25F 130lbs 5’10” no tobacco, MMJ user, Dx bladder partially cystic mural nodularity on the anterior midline, Dx 3mm kidney stone, history of cervical precancer (CIN 3), Rx’d cyclonenzaprine, oxycodone as needed, and protonix.
A few days ago I urinated between 30 and 40 times. This is pretty normal for me. I normally have trouble urinating for about 5-10 minutes and then a normal length (but weak) stream comes out, and I spend a while getting the last drops out. Maybe a 25 minute total bathroom visit at most. I spend a lot of time on the toilet.
Yesterday morning around 9am until noon I sat on the toilet without getting a single drop out, then managed to get out a small stream and took a nap because I’d been up all night feeling like my bladder is gonna burst. Throughout the day I had a few very short streams, and was drinking water (at least half a gallon, maybe more). I stopped peeing around 10 and laid flat in bed trying to take shallow breaths to not put pressure on my bladder and had a few more unsuccessful or two-drop visits to the toilet. Fell asleep around 5am and woke up at 7, continued to really struggle with pain and finally gave into a hydrocodone I had from a while back and that didn’t work. I had already tried pyridium at this point and given it a while, but it didn’t help. I gave the hydro two hours, still no relief and no urine. Finally caved to 5mg of oxycodone because I’m broke and can’t afford copays and desperate to get to work. That didn’t work either. Still only a couple drops or complete inability to urinate. It’s like my brain stopped talking to my bladder.
So I finally called my urologist office saying this isn’t normal for me to have this happen for this long and they were shocked as to why I wasn’t at the hospital with a catheter already. I feel fine other than my insane bladder pressure and sharp pain. My urologist is out of the office but previously told me only to present to the hospital if I test positive on a drugstore UTI test strip. I don’t have money for that so I can’t check. I have $0 to my name and I’m thousands in debt from only being able to work less than 50 days this year due to my bladder. Is the urology office right that this is an emergency and I need a catheter? Or could this just be from the bladder wall thickening?
Every time I go to the hospital they tell me they have no idea how to help me and have never seen bladder wall thickening like this before and the last doc who was the top ER doctor there literally said he’s never seen what I show on CT and I’m discharged within an hour and referred back to my urologist, so I have little hope of anything going right.
I have a cystoscopy scheduled next week. I really can’t wait it out with a higher dose of pain meds? I’m constantly treated like I’m overreacting when I go to the ER and I will be humiliated if it happens again.
Thank you soooo much if you read this far. Any advice appreciated.
submitted by Pussybones420 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:10 EmilioExpresso My Experience for those Anxious - Australian Procedure

Hey guys,
Many Reddit posts really helped me in the run up to my exam, so I want to tell you my story to ease anyone else's anxiety for their screening.
This is gonna be a long read so only read along if you're wanting every detail of this journey.
A few months ago I admitted myself to ED as I was having blood clots coming out in my stool. I have had many years of bleeding stool and hemorrhoid issues but this was the first time it had happened with blood clotting.
I was asked to stay overnight but before I left I asked for a referral for a colonoscopy so at least I went home with something moving forward.
It was in the public system so it was a few months until I could get an appointment but the run up to it I was frightened about mostly the results and the sedation.
This was in Australia so the sedation option is Midazolam and Fentanyl. It's a twilight sedation and something I've never experienced before.
In the two weeks running up to it, I expressed to my psychologist of my fears and she suggested asking my GP for quick action anxiety medication.
My GP prescribed me Diazapam and suggested I take it before I leave the house.
Fast forward to the day before. I stopped eating at 2pm and started my first PLENVU dose at 7pm. Initial bowel movements weren't so bad. Maybe went 6 times over the course of the night and it slowed down by midnight and I was able to get about 6 hours sleep.
I drank lemonade, apple juice, bone broth, sucked on Werther's originals and basically tried to keep belly full of sugar and liquids to stave off hunger.
Next morning I woke up at 7am, time for dose two. This one was much more intense when it came to bowel movements. I must have gone about over 10 times in the morning and twice more at the hospital. PLENVU isn't horrendous tasting. It's very salty and viscous but drunken cold with a straw and chasing it with lemonade, it was fine. I drank as much fluid as I could before I stopped all fluid intake at 10am. I think the worst part of the prep is not the hunger but the hours after 10am and before the procedure is the intensity of the thirst. I took my 5mg of Diazapam at 10am and this helped a lot with fighting back the anxiety and nerves.
I got to the hospital, checked in easily enough and was lucky they had a good system. I arrived at 12pm for a 1:30pm procedure.
Nurses were lovely and cannulated me with ease. I expressed my nerves and one of the assistant nurses explained I would be in a Twilight sleep on Midazolam and Fentanyl and depending on how my body reacts I could be aware of what's going on, could talk to them the whole time or go straight to sleep.
Turns out, I didn't go under basically at all. I was talking to them the whole time and they were holding my hand. I may have conked out for a second here or there with no memory but I basically watched the entire footage of the scope and at one point asked for more Midazolam as it hit a bit of a sore spot.
What a was 20-30 mins felt like 5 minutes. They then banded my hemorrhoids in the same procedure.
I didn't feel it initially but as soon as I got to recovery the pain of my bands set in but the nurse was so quick to check on my pain levels and what she initially gave as Panadol turned into Oxycodone and that helped a lot.
I'm back home now and my butt still hurts through the painkillers a bit but a banding isn't a part of every procedure but something that was given as an option to me during and I was more than happy to accept.
Turns out bleeding seems to be hemorrhoid related and that shouldn't be as big of an issue once I heal from the banding.
But yeah, I found the prep way more of a breeze than I thought and all I can say is if given the option of unsedated or sedated, choose sedation cos at least you have the option to ask for more pain relief if you remain conscious. Or if you're knocked out and propofol is your option, that would probably be even more pain free than my experience.
There really isn't much to fear and now my fear of going back to get another one is basically nil. Especially since the staff were so patient and friendly to me. They really made it everything so much smoother and calming.
I know this is a long read but I hope it helps someone heading into their upcoming procedure.
submitted by EmilioExpresso to colonoscopy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:42 Pussybones420 When to go to the hospital for bladder pain?

25F, 130lbs, 5’10”, no tobacco, MMJ user, hydrocodone and oxyxodone as needed, cyclobenzaprine, protonix
If you read this thank you so much because I’m absolutely desperate and my doctors are tired of me and I think they think I only want pain meds. I don’t, I just want to feel better. I have a huge stash of emergency oxycodone anyway so I barely even need them for that.
On 12/15 I fell down the stairs and hit the lower of my middle back quite hard. 12/19 I had a LEEP done, 01/06 I came down with extreme urinary issues and between then and now have been back 6 times, seen 4 specialists and have seen my PCP at least ten times for urine samples. I’ve also only been able to attend my full time job for 43 days so far this year and have no more money for copays and if it weren’t for my ADA paperwork, I’d have been fired a long time ago
Over the last two weeks, it’s been taking me up to two hours to produce urine while having a full (and very sore - mostly left side) bladder. This is infuriating. When I do end up finally feeling the need to release, I have less than 3 minutes to get to a restroom before my vision starts going spotty from the bladder pressure pain.
My urologist ordered a cystoscopy, but has been blaming my 3mm kidney stone until I begged for an ultrasound last month of my bladder. Found bladder wall thickening and bladder cyst / possible urachal remnant.
I found out what Cuada equina is today. I learned that it is very very commonly missed. I can barely walk, and at the music festival I went to over the weekend I had to use ADA for just about everything. I look completely normal so I got judged pretty hard, but I do have paperwork. I have been losing weight without much diet change and my back has been killing me as well. I feel so weak. My urine flow is so small compared to what it used to be. I had a period of time where the pain was so bad, I couldn’t feel my clitoris or labia at all so sex was pointless as well, and I thought I’d lose my relationship and be alone forever. They send me to an OB-Oncologist who said not to come back, which is why my urologist finally agreed to check my bladder.
Is it possible that all my issues are related to the cyst and thickening, or could this be cuada equina that was missed on multiple CT’s? I can’t find info on bladder cysts. using retention. When is the appropriate time to go to the hospital? I can barely walk without pain meds. I urinated about 40 times on Saturday, with my usual being 10-20 times, and some days there’s very little pain or urgency at all, but the retention is almost always there to some extent.
It almost feels like the part of my brain that controls my bladder doesn’t work anymore because no matter how hard I tell my bladder to release, it just doesn’t happen sometimes and I can’t get comfortable after that. I’ve slept a total of 4 hours since Saturday morning and I only have one hydrocodone left. Pyridium does NOTHING except for when burning pain presents, and I can’t take NSAIDS until my GI clears me due to extreme gas, constipation and bloating / belching thought to be caused by peptic ulcers. I can’t walk at this point without pain meds, but the ER always releases me with the same DX of cyst and bladder wall thickening and tells me they have no clue what that means. But I’m in so much pain I feel like there has to be something they can do other than give me fluids and monitor me for an hour or two until I can get to my cystoscopy next week.
If you have any advice for me I really appreciate it. I don’t want to die but I feel the only way out of lifelong urinary pain after 6 months now is suicide. The only time suicide doesn’t cross my mind a couple times is when I do end up having to take a pain pill. In March, I had to take oxy every day. I only take them now when I can’t walk because the effects are too strong for me to keep my life in order while taking them every day. But this weekend I have had the most trouble walking, and using the restroom, since all of these issues began.
I can’t afford any more specialists visits after my procedure, so I really wish the ER could do something for me as they’re the only ones who won’t turn me away for not having money at this point. My GI doc actually canceled my appointment because I don’t have $20 and I’ve been putting off another ultrasound because it’s $200 up front. IDK what to do but I’m pretty sure this is how a lot of people end up on fent and heroin - if I had been denied pain meds this far I would have turned to the streets, and that’s coming from someone who has chosen - on their own - to quit most drug related and extracurricular activities to better their life at a young age and is much happier for it.
I can’t even get the ER to catheterize me when I can’t urinate for 6+ hours at a time. What gives? Why won’t they run a different imaging test? They wouldn’t even give me a breath test for h pylori recently and now I’m waiting a month for an appointment I can’t even afford.
TL;DR extreme bladder pain, nobody understands why, extreme difficulty urinating, ER can’t do anything for me and awaiting surgery. Is there anything I can say or do to get proper medical attention or can the ER really not touch your bladder like they say? Is there a way I can convince them to admit me so I could see a urologist before my procedure? My urologist is unavailable until my follow-up and I don’t think the company they work for allows them to Rx narcotics and I’m against taking more than 1 oxycodone a week at this point but so far have been unsuccessful in getting something weaker like hydro or tramadol.
submitted by Pussybones420 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:41 smeztron What is the process for Ketamine infusion in Australia?

I live in Australia and am asking about the specific process in a clinical setting in Australia. I've had severe chronic pain for 31 years now. I've also been diagnosed with major depressive disorder. I also have anxiety. I've been through a lot of different medications over the years. I was put on Targin 10/5 twice a day, so I could go one something for the depression before attending an amazing pain management clinic twice (5 years apart due to the change in my physical condition) and got a lot out of it both times. I went from a walking frame to only needing crutches when leaving the house. I was on that for 8 years, then started the weaning process as my pain reduced thanks to more effective management. It took me about 3 years to go completely off the Targin. I didn't think that last 2.5mg dose was doing much for me, but I was so wrong. I am just not coping with the pain and my depression has taken a major downturn because I'm cutting things out of my life again to try and cope with it, so all I'm doing is working and sleeping. It feels like I'm going backwards and I don't want to go back on Targin because it took me so long to get off it.
My psychiatrist has just referred me back to my pain management specialist (from the clinics) saying they recommend ketamine infusion. It's been mentioned in the past that this was the next step for me if things didn't stabilise. I haven't seen the pain specialist yet, but I want to know more about the process in Australia. All of my reading has been about the US and more about the mental therapy side of it, not the pain side of it.
Is there anyone who has undergone ketamin treatment in AU who can let me know what to expect? -Psych said it was a 5 day inpatient process. Is that 5 days in hospital, or visiting daily for 5 days for the infusion? -Would I be able to work while undergoing it? (I'm in IT) -Was it helpful for you? (I have nerve pain and inflammation) -How long does it last? Is it something that has to be repeated every year or something? -Do you really "trip"? A lot of people say it, but I don't know what to expect there and it makes me a bit anxious tbh. -Can you claim it on Medicare or private health or do you have to pay the full cost of the drug and anaesthetist? -Any advice on what questions I should ask the pain specialist about during my appointment?
I'd appreciate any advice <3
submitted by smeztron to PainManagement [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:39 Adept_Material3891 My (26m) girlfriend(26f) seems to be checking out, I’m trying to salvage things because I love her and we have kids. Advice?

We’ve been together for 4 and a half years basically. We’ve know each other for 10. Liked each other in high school, life happened, I moved away, she had a kid, found our way back to each other, and ended up having a child of our own 2 years ago. To try and summarize, she feels once our daughter was born, that I got too comfortable and acted as though I knew she wasn’t going anywhere. I worked overnight construction for years, even before we got together, made it to a superintendent position, with a job where I averaged anywhere from 65-80+ hours a week. She was home with the kids, I didn’t make enough to put the kids in daycare, and couldn’t commit to any kind of permanent arrangement to assist her with taking care of the kids so she could work. The goal, since before we got together, was for me to leave my trade, but I made more money doing that, than we would have if we both started entry level jobs, not to mention then having to pay for daycares. I was offered help by my mother who lived out of state to bring me family over there with promises of help so we could make the changes necessary to restructure our life and improve our situation. I got here, worked in my same trade for a few months until the rain season began, and she immediately began her course to become a CNA, then started work as one, and makes decent money. Well she made a friend there, who I honestly can’t stand. I have NEVER told her who she can and can’t see, hang out with, talk to, nothing like that, she’s never given me a reason to doubt her, she has always been a loyal person and very honest. This friend of hers, without spending time on all the details and making this post even longer, tries encouraging my girlfriend to do things or think certain ways that I feel are detrimental to our relationship. Telling her she should start an OF, is one example, and when my girlfriend vented to her about an issue we had, told her that I am a narcissist like every guy she’s been with and to just leave me.
For some context, I forgot our anniversary. I think I’ve forgotten it almost every year, because it wasn’t really a special occasion, we talked about it a few months into our relationship basically saying “hey we’re dating right? Like this is official? What do we tell people if they ask what our anniversary is? Okay cool, sounds good, moving on.” I get it, that mindset was wrong of me. I also procrastinate on things like holidays, birthdays, whatever, and have had some instances where I really should have tried harder to make her feel special and appreciated. I used to do the hallmark movie corny stuff, I used to have a notebook I’d write in when I got home in the mornings while she was asleep about how I loved her, she’s beautiful, I appreciate her, blah blah. One time I set a path from the front door to the upstairs bath with candles, flower petals, where a bath was drawn, with red lights for ambiance and a bath bomb for her. It fell off because the honey moon phase ended, although I feel it lasted a long time, and life events happened that lead to some emotional dry spells on her part where she wasn’t ready to receive affection, her grandmother passing, having a miscarriage far along in our first pregnancy together, her step father dying, and then also the stresses of my job wearing me out, and getting comfortable subconsciously telling myself that even though I don’t always do those same things anymore, she knows I think she’s the greatest and I love her.
I have a bad habit that I’ve been working on for a few months now, where if she’d bring up things that made me nervous to think about or stress me out to plan, I would play too much and not take the situations seriously, and make her not feel heard as a result. I always teased that I don’t believe in legally getting married, that I’d take her to the courthouse and let her change her last name to mine and then we can have a ceremony after. 2 years ago I told her that wasn’t the case, and we finally talked about it where I told her that once our situation is right, in marrying her. I know in hindsight that I should have still placed it as a higher priority, but we never really talked about it further, and she clung to what I’d said before that about us never getting married. When our fighting started getting bad about 2 months ago, and we finally communicated what the underlying root of her unhappiness was, I had a huge perspective change. Some other big events happened, my step father who we lived with overdosed from fentanyl in our basement, and really changed my perspective on life and how quickly things can end and change and blah blah, to where I told her that I don’t want to fight, she is my one, and I want to marry her. She basically took it as me saying it out of fear to get her to stay. I’ve been trying to show her that I want to make the effort she is asking for. That she is as special to me as I say, but now in her mind she is taking an approach of “why did it take 4 years to get to this point.”
I never try to deny responsibility for my actions, I always try to be quick to reflect and acknowledge where I may have been wrong. But now I almost feel like my readiness to say okay I messed up by getting comfortable and not making you feel heard in these situations and everything else I’ve talked about, kind of seems like I’ve only made her feel completely validated in her idea that I have messed up for 4 years and just not appreciated her. I almost want to tell her that yes, I have slowed down and gotten comfortable, but no, there’s are so many examples of times I’ve still shown you how much I cared. I fear doing so will come off argumentative, and give her more fuel to the fire of her friend calling me a narcissist. Side note: she has since stopped getting advice from that friend, because she did come to the conclusion that her friend does not have her best interest, and has seen an uglier side to her as time has gone on, but I feel the seeds of discord have been sown.
I’m so sorry, I hope some of you with good intentions stick through all of this, and I know there’s other context that could help, but I guess I just need some ideas on what to do. 7 weeks ago we started fighting over petty day to day things, 5 weeks ago we finally established her root of unhappiness, 4 weeks ago she said she needed space, 2-3 weeks ago we said we were taking a break, and I feel her feelings of negativity have only grown. I’ve sucked at giving space admittedly, as time goes on I’ve gotten better though I fear damage has been further done by not doing great about accepting her request for space. Idk, we have a child together, I love both of the children like they’re my own blood, I’ve never felt this happy in a relationship (I know I’m young, still) and now that we’re finally hitting our goals with our lifestyle changes and career changes, now she’s finally gotten to this point of giving up.
Do I try giving her space, doing my own thing and seeing if that separation and seeing my positive activities draws her back in? Or has it gone on so long that that’s not going to work? Do I try saying finally “hey I acknowledge my mistakes, but in your attempts to focus on my wrong doings I feel like you’re ignoring all the good things I did and I’d like you to try remembering those? I don’t hit her, cuss at her, our heated fights can probably be counted on 1, maybe 2 hands, I don’t cheat, I provide, I’ve taken care of the kids just about by myself for the past 5 months to give her room to get her new profession down, I cook and clean every night, not to be crass but our intimate life is very good, I know I deliver for her on that account, and I’m someone who is always willing to apologize and adapt and adjust. Any advice that isn’t slanderous to either of us would be awesome, I get at this point that if it’s too late then I need to just start preparing for that eventuality and working on myself, but for the sake of keeping my family together, I want to exhaust all of my options to make this work.
submitted by Adept_Material3891 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:22 PinkAlienGamer Pay attention to what you eat with your medication! [TW: eating disorders]

Hello everybody!
This is my cautionary tale and potential advice!
As you are probably aware, women on the spectrum are more likely to have eating disorders. Moreover we are more likely to not get sufficient or direct instructions from our doctors regarding our medical care. Below is my story on how that hurt my health and wellbeing.
Since I was a child I was a picky eater, with limited food I would accept and not a big apetite. I was also a very thin person, could not put on any weight no matter what I tried. I remember first learning what anemia is when I was 9 or 10. I struggled with my blood for years after that, despite diets and supplements. At some point I accepted that this is just what my body is like and I will be forever underweight and anemic.
Suddenly in high school I learned I developed lactose intolerance. I was devastated because diary was one of my go-to foods and a main breakfast food (either cereal or cheese sandwitch/toast). It was near impossible at that time to find any lactose-free products where I live and so my diet had to drastically change. Overnight I stopped my usual breakfast and went lactose free. That alone was a big issue but then suddenly I developped unusual headaches, dizzyness and chills.
My parents (with a history of dismissal of my health concerns) thought I am pretending to skip school. Luckily I was over 16 and scheduled my own doctor visit behind their back. Before the visit [warning: gross] I had an unexpected toilet visit with green feces. I was surprised but put it down to eating something green and not noticing. Doctor sent me for blood tests and included iron levels knowing my anemia history and worrying I have dangerously low iron levels again. Surprise surprise, my iron levels were through the roof. Turns out you can poison yourself with iron supplements. Doctor was surprised, ordered me off of any iron supplements I was taking.
I only learned years later (in university course on farmacotherapy) that drinking milk with iron pills significantly decreses their effectivness. Suddenly it all made sense. It even explained why I got worse again once lactose-free products became available (but not as bad as before).
Since then I learned that there is a lot of different interactions with medication and food you consume around the time of taking your drugs. Make sure to check grapefruit interactions if you're on antyhistamines, xanax or others, and check for St. John's Wort if you're on antidepressants.
TL:DR I overdosed on iron supplements because I stopped drinking milk everyday.
submitted by PinkAlienGamer to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:11 YahYeeta Almost 2 years- No recovery?!

Right, good day everyone,
Edit: no need to rip me in the comments. I got big. I got lean. I got strong. The drugs did what they were supposed to do. I used all pharma ancillaries (besides enclo) did 100's of hours of research, months of prep, and over a year of bloodwork before touching anything. Also had a few years of training- but not enough for AAS. Just a young, insecure and down on himself dude who took some gear- we all make mistakes, no matter how well informed we think we are.
So long story short- have ran 3 steroid cycle. First was 2 years ago, last one ended 6 months ago. Not above a gram. No 19nors. Just test + DHTs. Longest cycle 16 weeks, using HCG @1500iu weekly each time.
Edit: LH is always between 2-4. Was 2-4 range when at 400, only time it's been 5 was when at 800ng/dL. It's at 3 as of last test (Test was 7nmol, LH 3, FSH 2)
Pre cycle bloods had me at around 400ng/dL/14-16nmol.
After first cycle (Test @ 350, tapered up 500mg) I pct'd to 800ng/dL (28nmol?). Used Nolvadex @ 40/20/20/20. Also Clomid @ 12.5/12.5/12.5/0.0
Bloods taken 6 weeks after stopping PCT- doubled my Test levels (increased muscle, better diet + sleep) which was awesome! Should have stopped here. Didn't.
After the second cycle, came back at 200ng/dL (7nmol) used same PCT protocol. I was training very hard so I expected this- I actually got way leaner and kept 90% of the strength- despite having this low level (was obviously in a calorie defecit) doing MMA + gym.
PCT'd 3 more times after this:
Nolva only. 20mg/4 weeks. 2 months break- still 7nmol. Still kept same bodyweight so maintenance calories (4.5k)
Clomid only. 25mg/4 weeks. 2 months break- still 7nmol.
Jumped back on Test for 4 months after this.
Then PCT'd again. Enclomiphene only. 12.5mg/4 weeks, followed by a 2 weeks break, then 10mg of Nolva for 4 weeks.
That was the last PCT i've done- still 7nmol following this.
I assumed I was underfuelling- so since then i've gained ~8kg+. My appetite is also insane right now- I never feel full.
Almost entirely fat. No strength increase.
My physique looks like shit, I feel like shit. Have gone so far backwards.
So, I took 3 whole weeks off training pretty much. Did 3 weight sessions, 45 mins each. Nothing else.
Stopped tracking food, but was consuming well over 5000+ calories of almost entirely meat, eggs, cheeses, saturated fats and oils. Yes I know it's hard to say 5000+ calories but remember i've tracked food for 2 years +, I know it was at LEAST 5000 calories.
My appetite is insane.
It's was quite an extreme diet, very high fat, high protein, low carb.
Just re-tested at 4.5nmol-100ng/dL after this rest and refeed and gaining 3kg+ alone during this period. Obviously all fat. No muscle, wasn't training.
I was overtraining and underfuelling for quite some time but i've gained significant weight over the past 4-5 months, but look and feel like shit.
Had abs, veins, strength for 2 years- no matter my test levels, but now it's caught up and it's all gone. Literally back to square 1.
I'm probably going to pin some test P @140mg per week (within the next week), as well as some Tirzepatide @ 2.5mg to shed the shit weight.
Does anyone have any other suggestions before I jump back on TRT+GLP?
Am I stuffed?
I generally kept between 8-10% bodyfat the whole time I was cycling on/off. Few times got closer to 12 when heaviest (88-89kg) but mostly 8-10% range.
Did lots of MMA, lots of running, lots of weights. Was eating 4000+ calories the whole time, but lost/gained randomly.
Usually weight was between 73-77kg- this is when OFF anabolics I should mention. Doing lots of fight training+sparring.
On cycle I would blow up past this with almost no bodyfat gains.
I wasn't massive, but strong and lean the whole time. Got heaviest at 88kg on cycle (1st) and peaked at 80kg last cycle, 8-9% bodyfat.
Lost a few KG during PCT down to 73-74kg- but now back into 81-82kg range.
Now i'm likely 20%+ bodyfat at lower strength and i'm suffering a lot.
What's the smart/logical next step to take here? I have got a script for TRT now. But i'm not sure what to do. I'm 23!
Cheers all
submitted by YahYeeta to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:52 ricotito23 [USA-PR] [H] Switch,PS4,PS5,Vita,3DS Games [W] PayPal

Selling my personal collection. Over 800 Games. Sorry my bad english. Paypal ff. Free Shipping over $100. Sorry i know this list will hurt eyes. I don't have a computer to edit it well. More photos at request. Offers are welcome. Most of these Prices are based on Pricharting (sorry im lazy to put my prices for these 800 games) i would like to sell this has a lot but im from Puerto Rico so thats likely impossible.
Nintendo Switch
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim CIB+ 32.92 1971 Project Helios New 15.41 Boy and His Blob New 50.49 Little Golf Journey New 29.62 Robot Named Fight [Premium Edition] New 50.5 Adventure Time: Pirates of the Enchiridion New 25.68 AeternoBlade II New 35.5 Afterparty New 38 Aggelos New 38.22 AI: The Somnium Files CIB+ 60.5 AI: The Somnium Files CIB+ 60.5 AI: The Somnium Files - nirvanA Initiative CIB+ 40 Alex Kidd in Miracle World DX New 18.98 Alwa's Collection New 25.62 American Hero New 40.49 Ancestors Legacy New 24.07 Annapurna Interactive [Deluxe Limited Edition Collection] New 372.64 ANNO: Mutationem [Limited Run] New 69.5 Ape Out [Special Reserve] New 49.13 Ara Fell & Rise of the Third Power New 57.24 Arcade Spirits New 20 Archvale New 51.25 ARMS CIB+ 30.5 Ary and the Secret of Seasons New 12.52 Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore New 74.23 Assassin's Creed: The Rebel Collection CIB+ 17.48 Astalon: Tears of the Earth New 50.63 Astral Chain New 48.99 Astronite New 19.48 Atelier Ryza 2: Lost Legends & the Secret Fairy New 86.98 Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout CIB+ 49.5 Atelier Ryza: Ever Darkness and the Secret Hideout New 60.1 Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle New 74.23 Axiom Verge 1 & 2 Double Pack New 74.5 Azure Striker Gunvolt 3 New 48.5 Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack CIB+ 25.79 Balan Wonderworld New 11.77 Baldur's Gate and Baldur's Gate II: Enhanced Editions New 140.05 Battle Chef Brigade Deluxe CIB+ 32.61 Battle Princess Madelyn: Royal Edition New 52.88 Bayonetta New 40.76 Bayonetta 2 CIB+ 35.5 Bayonetta 3 New 34.67 Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon New 32.5 Black Bird New 55.5 Blade Runner: Enhanced Edition New 48.72 Blasphemous CIB+ 108.49 Blaster Master Zero New 44.14 Blaster Master Zero II New 40.49 Blaster Master Zero III New 34.5 Blazing Beaks New 30.02 Blazing Chrome CIB+ 65.92 Bloodrayne 1 & 2: Revamped Dual Pack w/ Slipcover New 100.47 BloodRayne Betrayal: Fresh Bites New 40.49 Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon 2 New 28.49 Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night New 21.23 Blossom Tales II: The Minotaur Prince New 46.48 Blossom Tales: The Sleeping King CIB+ 150.47 Blue Fire CIB+ 28.49 Blue Reflection: Second Light New 59.83 Bomb Chicken CIB+ 38.14 Bravely Default II New 29.4 BROFORCE [SWITCH RESERVE] New 53.82 Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling New 55.93 Bugsnax CIB+ 30.77 Burnout Paradise Remastered CIB+ 14.98 BUTCHER New 36.9 Cannon Dancer: Osman New 54 Captain Toad: Treasure Tracker CIB+ 30.49 Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions New 26.09 Card Shark Collector's Edition New 47.5 Carrion: Special Reserve Edition New 50.6 Castlevania Anniversary Collection New 50.49 Cat Girl Without Salad: Amuse-Bouche New 40.97 Cat Quest + Cat Quest II: Pawsome Pack New 49.5 Cathedral New 66.91 Cave Story+ CIB+ 34.49 Celeste New 62.39 Chicken Police - Paint it RED! CIB+ 13.25 Children of Morta CIB+ 22.09 Children of Zodiarcs New 44.77 Citizens Unite! 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Aliens: Infestation Loose 59.32 Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition New 34.72 New Nintendo 2DS XL White & Orange Loose 206.5 Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson (Double D Edition) New 70.5 Senran Kagura 2: Deep Crimson (Double D Edition) New 70.5 Shantae and the Pirate's Curse [Collector's Edition] New 89.39 Shantae and the Pirate's Curse [Collector's Edition] New 89.39
submitted by ricotito23 to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:37 ducksworthhh Prescribed Valium to help with Lexapro side-effects while starting. Thoughts?

Hey all,
I've been prescribed 10 x 5mg tablets of Diazepam (Valium) to help alleviate side effects & provide relief during a panic attack if experienced (as I have been having many lately) and wanted to better understand dependency.
So far I've taken a quarter tablet (1.25mg) for 3 days in a row now. I'm planning to stop taking it on a daily basis after today and rather whenever I really really need it.
My question is, with a dose this low, is physical/mental dependency possible? If so, when would that start to be a realistic proposition?
Also, if you have any thoughts on the effectiveness & potential long-term side effects of Lexapro, feel free to share your thoughts below! :)
submitted by ducksworthhh to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:18 SickOfItAll2024 Pain Management or Recovery Therapy?

I’m going to do a short/long story about my recent experiences. I’m 6’4 286 pounds, and have been injured since January of 1998. I’ve had more than 14 surgeries in a little over 3 years, and I’m scheduled for another one on June 2nd. We live in the mountains over 170+ miles away from where most of my doctors are located. I have a basic PCP here, and the city I go for my doctors is suffering a huge shortage in care. I just had a shoulder and neck surgery at the start of the year, both on the right side. I’ve had no problems in regards of care, until recently when I was transferred from my surgical team to pain management. I was taking 10mg of OxyCodine 4 times a day or as needed. I have some days where I need 5-6, and others where I might take 2-3 max. I’m very honest with my doctors, and I’m willing to try anything new or old. I’ve lost around 200 pounds over the last 5 years, and finally got out of my wheelchair last year. Anyway I went to the pain doctor, and she said that I she would continue the meds for the next 3-6 months. However wanted to try some other options after that, and I said sure no problem. I’m always willing to try or take anything, and I’m a huge health person now. I said heck why wait, I’d be willing to try anything now. However I wanted to be able to get my regular pain meds if needed for an emergency or other reasons. She said no problem and agreed with that, and wrote me a script for Buprenotphine 2mg twice daily. She also added that to not take for 12 hours after any OxyCodine, and I agreed. I had less than 10 pain meds left, so I figured I would be ok for now. However 29 days ago I had a fall, which I messed up my lower left back. And the pain was radiating from my right neck to my lower back. I contacted the pain doctor, and she said she would send in a script. However I needed to be seen, so that she could have an idea of what is going on. My wife and I went to the hospital ER, where they did X-rays of my back. The er doctor was going to write me a prescription, but I told her I had a pain doctor. After the hospital we went to get the prescription, and she had wrote 6 5mg pills for 3 days ? I was like wth is this supposed to do, I’m a bigger person obviously this was not going to help? The hospital referee me is the spinal doctors, with notes stating I needed immediate care. The next morning I called the pain doctor, and she said that I would need to drive 170 miles to get another prescription. Im in severe pain and asked her if it’s possible to get 5-6 pills for the long drive there? She declined to do it, and said she had to see me before she could give me anything more? She wanted me to come the next day, but I had another appointment scheduled with my internal doctor over the multiple hernias in my stomach groin. I’ve had surgery for them prior but they broke down. The pain doctor said if I don’t come tomorrow it’s going to be 10+ days before she could see me? However she was willing to increase the dosage of the Buprenorphine to 3 a day. And would have her assistance call to schedule an appointment. I asked if there’s a problem with what we discussed prior, and she didn’t respond. She say there a minute and said that she isn’t even comfortable increasing the new ones. I said again what about our prior plans, and I was the one who requested the new ones sooner, and she said that I needed to try heat and cold compress. So being the honest straight forward person I am, I asked if there was a problem, and again what’s going on ? She said she doesn’t remember anything about that, and that she wants to stick to what I have? I then said are you a Pain Doctor or a person who should be working as a Recovery Doctor? This happened about 16 days ago, she’s since excused herself from being my doctor. In now back in my wheelchair full time and looking at another doctor in another state. In the meantime it’s sat 29 and I’m in some serious pain right now, and not sure how much longer I can take it?
submitted by SickOfItAll2024 to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:58 Chemical_Ease9157 Diet slip NSV? I think?????

I'm through week 10 of 2.5mg, tomorrow is injection day (going up to 5mg, wish me luck!) and I woke up *starving*. Like hungry in a way I haven't been since before starting MJ, "ending-my-fast-2-hours-early" hungry, "getting reflux" hungry, "desperately craving pizza" hungry. I decided to give myself some grace and just eat intuitively for once. Where I normally would fast for 16 hours, I fasted for 14 then had a veg and protein smoothie, a small salad for lunch and decided to have dinner an hour earlier than usual, hell I even ordered myself a pizza! I ended up 100-300 kcals over goal for today (I usually aim for 1200-1400) at 1556. Somehow though that's still a 450 kcal deficit and by some absolute miracle within carb goal (by a whisper but still, I'll take it lol). The hunger pangs are gone, I'm feeling full and satisfied but not bloated and I really enjoyed my dinner! A few months ago I wouldn't have batted an eyelid at ordering in a pizza, after having had a full sized lunch and then possibly having something sweet later in the evening. Thanks to MJ, even on the day before my injection, even after 10 weeks of the lowest dose my "bad diet days" are almost 1000 kcals better than my "once-a-week-can't-be-bothered-to-cook" days, it's an absolute miracle and it's making me feel like I can finally be "normal" about food for probably the first time in my life.
(Obligatory notes: 1) I'm in the UK where Zep isn't marketed and MJ is prescribed for both weightloss and T2D. 2) Today is not representative of my normal diet, I'm usually a lot more careful, please don't @ me)
submitted by Chemical_Ease9157 to Mounjaro [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 18:54 ThrowRAGolfballs Partner (29M) recently aggressively got into stand-up comedy and I (28F) think it's taking priority over our relationship?

We have been together for over 10 years. My partner has had stints before where he gets extremely interested in pursuing a hobby and wants it to become a paying career and loses interest after a few months. He has attempted to begin playing instruments, making music, and even begin a rapping career. I have been open to it because he's never had a long term hobby he's enjoyed and does not have many friends at the moment. in the last 6 months his recent extreme interest has become stand-up comedy and it has become his entire life. It is overwhelming and I'm not sure what to do as I feel it is taking priority over our relationship and taking over his life.
He has watched every podcast about comedy, every stand-up comedian, and any bit of media there is regarding the subject of stand-up comedy. When he wakes up, comedy podcasts turn on and he works remotely listening to them all day.
He has developed an interest in books (has never liked books) that stand-ups have written. He has purchased dozens of notebooks and will write his jokes over and over until he has a perfect set for his open mic that night. He takes things that I say and turns them into jokes. I think it's great that he is developing this passion and is so into it. Until I listened to one of his sets.
He jokes only about his life trauma. He goes up on stage with his eyes closed "to remember his set better" and will make jokes about his father dying of cancer and his mother dying of an overdose. His father did pass from cancer but his mother is still very much alive and has gotten greatly upset over these comments. When I try to talk to him about it, he tells me he's "taking on a character" on stage and that it isn't him. He has told me before that his mother dying would "be easier for him and for his set."
90% of his content is about his real life and 10% of it is overexaggerated or fabricated. He does not differentiate between what is real and what is "his character". He has made jokes about family members r*ping him in his sets as well and thinks it's funny. I am pained by how much none of this makes me laugh because I just don't believe trauma dumping to an audience with your eyes closed is funny at all. I want to support him having a hobby he's so into but he's so dead set on getting paid and "making it big", he doesn't realize that in the process of all of this he is slowly losing me and my interest because this has quickly and aggressively become his ENTIRE life.
I would be fully supportive if it didn't go to such extremes. He is seeking a psychiatrist and has told me repeatedly he wants to be put on XYZ medications to "help with his comedy". He has repeatedly said to me (and to his employer) that he wants to quit his full time job to pursue comedy. He goes to open mics 2-3X a week and does not get paid. He's been into this for roughly 6 months.
I have lost friends due to the nature of the jokes he tells, and many people thinking it is inappropriate and not funny. He has gotten into trouble at his job due to making jokes and mentioning his content in ab office setting. They did not condone discussion of these topics in an office space and he almost got fired for it.
We have tried to have conversations about this before and it ends in frustration because he thinks I do not support it because I don't find it funny. I am not really on board because I feel like stand-up comedy is totally consuming him and the nature of his jokes are not good and not something I can see him being successful at. Whenever we are out or with friends, he says he is wasting time because "he could be using this time to write".
What do I do? I've never seen him be so into any hobby or activity. But I just don't understand any of it and believe all of this is starting to take over our relationship.
submitted by ThrowRAGolfballs to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:33 katwastaken Am I expecting too much too fast?

If you read my last post, then you already know I'm new to knowing I have hypertension and have only begun medication April 29th when my BP was 177/100 at the doctor's office. I'm also aware that it will be more difficult to lower it because I am on Vyvanse for ADHD and it raises it. I'm currently a stay-at-home mom but you can barely even call it that lol I'm more of a housewife since my kids are all grown up except for one who is 15 and practically an angel. Of course I'm still busy and I always have lots to do, but my point is comparatively speaking to when I was working and housewifing I have nowhere near a high level of stress. This also may come across like I'm anxious or stressed out about my BP, but I assure you.. it's more of a wtf feeling than anxiety. What I am is confused. It was overwhelming at first but I did some research and talked to people here and elsewhere and thought I understood it better. Now I just feel like I'm either doing something wrong or my expectations are too high. Hence, asking other people to weigh in with their experiences.
It has been 13 days now since this began. I started at 5mg Amlopidine, went to 10mg. I went from drinking pots of coffee to drinking 2 cups maximum but usually only 1 and even further to getting decaf to try to lower my caffeine intake as much as possible. I'm watching my salt intake, and only allowing myself to indulge my raging sweet tooth on Saturdays. Of course it takes time for medication to really take effect but I assumed with the lifestyle changes there would be at least minor improvement. I assumed incorrectly lol. At my follow up on May 10th my doctor said it's still too high and switched me from 10mg amlopidine to Twynsta 80/10 and booked another follow up for Wednesday. He clearly thought it should have been lower than it was not only in his office but also on average at home. I have to go back again in 2 days and unless it suddenly drops right now it's safe to say it's still going to be high when I have my second follow up.
In monitoring my BP at home I see it's often just high for no good reason that I can tell. For example: I woke up today with the pulsing in my ear and I could feel my heartbeat across my whole chest. After going to the bathroom and drinking water, I got back into bed and read for a while before I checked my BP and it was 162/93. I could understand if I was doing things or felt anxious or whatever but I was sleeping and then reading a book! I also know that other people are getting way higher numbers than that and it could definitely be worse so I'm not panicking but it just seems like it shouldn't be popping off like that when I'm at rest. Its done this multiple times now and it lasts a long time. I have been awake for 5 hours now and I tell it's still high right now.
I had blood work, I saw the reports.. my MCH was low and my platelets were high but ferritin was normal. I also have thyroid antibodies but the other thyroid indicators were normal. Everything else was normal other than vitamin d which was extremely deficient, so I'm taking supplements for that. My doctor was totally unconcerned about the MCH, platelets and antibodies claiming it's all good.
I added that part about the blood work because my kidney function is apparently normal and according to my doctor I'm healthy. I'm not stressed out beyond the normal level of chaos that exists in a person with ADHD. So it sounds logical to me that cutting out/down coffee, lowering salt intake, drinking more water, doing all the things I thought I was supposed to do would at least be lowering my averages but it's not. I don't have the temporary spikes due to these changes but the sudden jumps that last still happen. This is why I feel like I'm either doing something wrong or I'm just expecting too much too fast.
How long does it normally take for people to see improvement that a doctor can see? Is there something you discovered was actually making your recovery more difficult that you didn't expect? Instead of trying to sit down and relax when I can feel it going up should I do the opposite and push through it?
submitted by katwastaken to hypertension [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:32 IntuitiveWhit Concerta + Ritalin Booster? (Headaches & Sleep Questions)

If this is your current set up, I am curious what time you take your Ritalin?
I’ve been on Concerta 27 mg for nearly a year. About 1-2 times a week I get the crazy headache starting at 2-3. (Doesn’t matter how much water I drank or food I ate, nothing makes a difference). I tried taking 36mg to see if it would fix it and it just made me a straight zombie. So my doctor added a 5mg Ritalin booster to take no later than 3.
The first day I took it, I had it a little after 3 on a weekend to see what would happen. Felt a little weird but otherwise fine and no headache, extended focus. Slept like a baby, maybe better than usual.
Day 2, took it right at 3, felt great, no headache or weirdness. Extended focus and went on a 10 mile bike ride around 5. Exhausted by 9:30. Went to bed and felt tired but woke up at 12 super hot. Which I’ve noticed that if I have sleeping problems, it’s usually because I’m hot (increased temp from Concerta + hormones throughout month? = happens 1-3 times a month). Took a 2.5mg Xanax to fall asleep (what I normally do and doctor ok’d).
Anyway, I woke up exhausted and have a long work day + flight. And another long work day tomorrow. I don’t want a bad headache (or shit sleep) so I’m going to try to take it at… 1:30? And hope for the best. Curious if this sounds familiar to anyone’s experience in terms of booster situation and/or sleep problems with being hot.
Thank you 🙏
submitted by IntuitiveWhit to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:19 tempblah58tjjt Testicular pain

This may be a long one but here we go. I am based in Australia and in my early 30s to give some additional context.
About 6 weeks ago after returning from a Japan holiday, I started developing intermittent pain around my right testicle (also a mild productive cough that lasted about 3 weeks in parallel). It would come and go, maybe 2-3 times a day at first, only for a few seconds. Thought nothing of it and moved on with life.
A week later the pain become a constant, dull ache, in the same place as before. Paracetamol (acetaminophen for my USA friends) and ibuprofen (or other stronger anti inflammatories) didn't help and the only relief I found was through paracetamol and codine which I had lying around.
Saw my doctor who examined me and sent me off for an ultrasound. What came back was insignificant - some thickening of the scrotal wall and an indication of increased blood supply to the area. I also have two small epididymal cysts and a 2mm scrotoleith (stone) in the head of the epididymitis. Urine came back clear for STIs.
Since, the pain has continued to intensify, at some points making me nauseous. I have been back to my doctor, been to the emergency department twice and no one has any indication on what exactly may be causing this pain. I am now on regular oxycodone to manage the pain, and am almost unable to work my desk job.
Through the various doctors visits I was put on augmentin, cefalexin and cefuroxime to no avail.
I finally managed to get into a urologist after lots of desperate phone calls - and all he said is that it is likely some type of infection and to try a new antibiotic - ciprofloxacin. It has now been a week of that and at best I have improved 10% (if at all - each day is hard to tell).
At one stage I thought I'd found a tiny hard lump (half a grain of rice) where the pain seemed to be, but I haven't had any luck finding it for over a week since then so I have no idea if I'm gaslighting myself or not over it! (The urologist couldnt find it either).
I'm stuck for ideas - obviously I will keep following up with my urologist but feel like there is no respite from the pain. Its worse with movement and I can barely walk 5 minutes without being in agony.
Anyone got any suggestions/experiences similar to this?
submitted by tempblah58tjjt to chronicepididymitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:19 Alaxknits 5mg expiry

Just taken 4 shots of 2.5mg. After 2nd shot I ordered 5mg, and then after 3rd shot was regretting it as 2.5mg was so effective and read lots of guidance on here it’s best to stay on a lower dose if effective. Spoke to medexpress and explained and they allowed me to purchase another 2.5mg with the intention of using the 5mg once the second 2.5 pen had run out. I was really happy with this plan!
However, I just realised my 5mg pen expires end of June. Based on the plan agreed with medexpress, I wouldn’t be commencing the 5mg until 3rd week of June. I wouldn’t have purchased the 2nd 2.5mg and would have just gone ahead with the 5mg straight after the 2.5mg if I’d known.
I’ve asked medexpress to clarify re the expiry date of 06/24 for the 5mg, as I understand the 2.5mg batches expiring 04/24 have been extended to 10/24 but it doesn’t appear the same applies for the 5mg currently.
Not sure what my question is really 😂 just frustrated that my plan has been foiled and I was feeling really good about it and now feeling a bit nervous at the prospect of going up to 5 before I feel ready to! And of course now have a whole 2.5mg pen that will go to waste!
Any advice/ideas/help would be really welcome
submitted by Alaxknits to mounjarouk [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:02 FelicitySmoak_ Monday, May 13, 2013 - Jackson v. AEG Live Day 10

Monday, May 13, 2013 - Jackson v. AEG Live Day 10
Trial Day 10
Katherine and Rebbie Jackson are in the courtroom.
Stacy Walker and Travis Payne, witnesses for AEG are testifying out of order as they will be leaving for Japan for work.
Stacy Walker Testimony
AEG direct
AEG attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina is doing the direct examination.
Stacy Walker was the Associate Choreographer for the This Is It tour. She's a choreographer & director, has worked with MJ, Gaga, Britney Spears, Usher & others. Stacy Walker said she 1st worked w/ MJ in 96 on his movie, Ghosts, a job that she said was the break of her career.
"He never made a music video, only made movies," Walker said
On the "History" tour, Walker worked about 6 months. She was one of the two girl dancer in "The Way You Make Me Feel" :
"I feel it's my song"
History tour: dancers rehearsed by themselves in LA then went to France, rehearsed in a studio at Disneyland. MJ showed up one or two times. Walker didn't remember if MJ had a doctor on staff while on the History tour. She never saw any signs of drug abuse, saw MJ on stage -amazing!
Walker told the jury Travis Payne was the main choreographer for This Is It. She thinks she was an independent contractor hired by AEG. Walker said the casting of dancers began in April 2009. She was the associated choreographer, got direction from Payne/Ortega and Michael
Walker said for the This is It tour a lot of choreography was done many years ago. The only new one was "Drill" and everyone worked together. "Drill" was like a soldier marching dancing, Walker said.
"MJ said we can't use guns, since it was not good for the kids," Walker recalled
Walker said during rehearsals for This Is It in April/May 09, MJ was there occasionally, but they were teaching dancers the choreography
During rehearsals at the Forum, MJ was supposed to be there more often, Walker said. Payne worked w/ MJ, she was in charge of the dancers
Walker: "I can remember being frustrated at times, he (MJ) wasn't coming when we were hoping he would."
"I wasn't shocked he wasn't coming, I was irritated, but I wasn't shocked," Walker said, noting that maybe MJ wanted to stay with his kids
Walker said she never saw MJ sick. She said he seemed normal to her, he was much thinner, but she never felt he was acting intoxicated
"He looked much thinner to me than in 97"
She said, but she doesn't remember noticing a dramatic difference between April and June of 09.
Walker: "I remember 1 night he excused himself to his room, wasn't feeling well. He didn't say anything, it was a general understanding"
Walker remembered MJ wearing jackets/layers but didn't think of him being insanely cold:
"Different artists like different temperatures. He wore a lot of jackets, I assumed he was cold but he never said anything. I never saw him shivering. He just wore a lot of jackets"
She said she recalled one incident in which Jackson may have appeared groggy or drugged, but she said she couldn't remember whether she witnessed or heard about it from others on the show
Jessica Bina: "Did you ever see Michael Jackson drink any alcohol?" Walker: "No"
"My only concern was that he was really thin and I wish he ate more," Walker recalled
Walker got emotional when she said she wasn't looking for things that could be wrong w/ him at the time. "I wish I was," she said.
When she talked about his last two rehearsals, Walker cried saying he was great.
"He was great, I finally saw what I wanted to see. He was great, very bratty and sassy as he was. He was just a funny guy at times," Walker said
Walker said she called her mom after the rehearsal and asked her to buy a ticket for the opening and she did. "It was great." Walker said she was so encouraged she called her mother and asked her to buy a ticket for opening night in London and she did.
"It was great. I was very excited and relieved and hopeful", she testified

Bina:"Any doubts he could perform the tour?"
Walker: "Not after those two nights" (June 23 and 24)
She said despite Jackson missing multiple rehearsals, she was convinced based on his performances the last two days of his life that he was ready for the series of shows.
On June 25, Walker was rehearsing Michael's disappearing act. She said Payne called saying he heard on the radio MJ was in the hospital. Walker:
"I remember telling them don't worry, everything will be fine. I didn't believe, I thought that everything was going to be ok"

Bina: "When you heard Michael passed away, were you surprised?" Walker: "Yes, it was shocking, 12 hours ago he did "Beat It" and "Thriller" "
When asked if Walker was familiar with the name Dr. Conrad Murray, she said yes, but she never met him or knew who he was prior to June 25
Travis Payne had a loving, trusting relationship with MJ, Walker testified. Payne would go over to MJ's house around 1PM to work. Choreographer Travis Payne, she said, would often rehearse with Jackson in another room or at his rented mansion
Walker said she felt MJ was more open this time around. In Ghosts she said they didn't talk at all, but that he was so nice to everybody. Walker said she remembers telling MJ about McDonald's - he had never been and she told him he had to go
Regarding the This Is It tour, Walker doesn't know if MJ was excited.
"He always seemed happy, he liked to watch the dancers dance"
Walker said though MJ was the nicest person ever, they were not friends.
"Guarded is a strong word, he let people see Michael Jackson, not Michael"

"I just never in a million years thought he'd leave us or pass away. It just never crossed my mind", Walker said crying, "I was frustrated but never thought that would happen"
Walker didn't remember MJ having cold/stomach flu.
"I've seen people that were drunk or high and he didn't appear to be that way"
Jackson cross
Planitff's attorney Kevin Boyle did the cross examination. Boyle asked Walker if her job was to focus on dancers and not MJ. She said "Yes"
Boyle: "And it wasn't your job to look if he was sick?" Walker: "It was not"
She also agreed that it wasn't her job to supervise Dr. Murray or observe MJ's health. Walker didn't have info if Dr. Murray gave him Propofol
Walker: "I was relieved because he was there, he was going full out. Last 2 rehearsals it was the first time we saw everything come together"
Boyle plays clip of film Ghosts. Walker said MJ was pretty impressive, played 5 different roles.
"Probably one of the hardest jobs I had. He was a huge risk taker, was very innovative as a dancer and choreographer," Walker opined, saying he was an excellent dancer, confident
Walker said MJ and her were not friends, they had a work relationship. Walker never went to his house, had dinner or social interaction. MJ never told Walker about his health, never discussed Propofol use since they didn't talk about that stuff
Boyle: "Did you ever see Michael covered in blankets watching rehearsal with heaters?" Walker: "I never saw heaters or blankets"
Walker heard MJ had problems with prescription drugs from the press. She also heard about the sleeping problems. Walker said she knew Ortega kept on Michael about eating and thinks they had a massage therapist come in for him
"I've seen other artists bring chefs, masseuses, trainers sometimes," Walker said. The idea of bringing a doctor on tour didn't surprise her

Walker:"Michael didn't want to change the choreography, it wasn't broken, so why change it?" She thought it was going to be a great show
"Did Mr. Phillips ever tell you he instructed Mr. Gongaware in writing to take out footage that (made Jackson) look like a skeleton?", Boyle asked
"He didn't tell me that", Walker replied.
Christopher Rogers Testimony
Jackson direct
Dr. Christopher Rogers, a deputy medical examiner, began testifying last week, but was interrupted to take other witnesses
Rogers testifies that he found no conditions during Michael Jackson's autopsy that would affect his long-term survival. Death was not due to trauma and was not caused by natural disease.
"He died of acute Propofol toxicity," Dr. Rogers said

Koskoff: "Did you find any factors that could impact his long-term survival?"
Dr. Rogers: "From the autopsy, no I did not"
AEG cross
AEG lawyer Kathryn Cahan did the bulk of the afternoon questioning of Rogers. She focused on the prescription drug aspect of Jackson's death. In response to a Cahan question, Rogers says Jackson's death was considered a 'polypharmacy death'. That means it involved multiple drugs. Rogers noted that propofol was the main drug that killed Jackson, but told jury that other drugs (benzodiazepines) were present.
Dr. Rogers said Michael's doctor, Dr. Murray, made a statement to the police saying he wasn't breathing but he felt a faint pulse
Cahan also asked Dr. Rogers whether he knew about other doctors treating Jackson before his death. Rogers says "Yes". Rogers says he became aware that dermatologist Arnold Klein was treating Jackson. Dr. Rogers said he was uncertain who MJ's primary physician was, he understood he was seeing several doctors
Cahan also asked whether he ever concluded that any other doctors contributed to Jackson's death.
"I don't believe so", Rogers said.
Cahan also asks about Jackson's weight at the time of his death. He weighed 136 pounds & was 5'9 with a Body Mass Index of 20.1, Rogers tells jury. Rogers testified that Michael Jackson's Body Mass Index was within the normal range. A BMI figure below 18.5 would be underweight.
"He looked thin in comparison to most people", Rogers said.
He says Jackson did not appear emaciated. Dr. Rogers said Jackson's body didn't have characteristics of someone who starved to death or had anorexia. Rogers said
"Jackson's health appeared excellent"

Cahan: "Did you rule out starvation as a possible cause of death?"
Dr. Rogers: "Yes"
Cahan: "Was his general health excellent?"
Dr. Rogers: "As far as the autopsy goes, yes"
There was more testimony about the condition of Jackson's lungs, which were damaged in a way that might lead to pneumonia or other problems.
Autopsy report:
  • MJ had lung damage, which wasn't cause of death but made this individual especially susceptible to adverse health effects
Dr. Rogers said Michael had a bit of degeneration of the lower thoracic spine, degenerative osteoarthritis of lower lumbar. Not sure how painful it was
Rogers testified he was interested in role of prescription drugs in Jackson's death based on finding propofol and other meds at the scene. Dr. Rogers said he had some concerns about drug abuse due to the investigator's report listing all the medications found at the house. He said he didn't find any opiates, opioids or Demerol in MJ's body. He had 1 other case of Propofol overdose, a person in the medical field. Dr. Rogers testified that propofol shouldn't be given in a home setting & when someone is sedated they need to be continuously monitored. Propofol, he said
"caused his death by sedation. Essentially, he was so sedated his vital functions stopped."
Jackson re-direct
Plaintiff's attorney Michael Koskoff asks Rogers about whether hospital treatments might have added weight to Jackson's body. Koskoff doesn't state how much weight might have been added to Jackson based on IV treatments by paramedics and hospital staff. Under questioning by Koskoff, Rogers said that by the time the Michael was weighed, intravenous fluids had been administered to him in the ambulance and at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, which could have increased his weight
Rogers did say that Jackson's body had some fat, but that most of his weight appeared to be in his muscles. Rogers testified that Jackson didn't have much fat on him
"I don't know what his normal weight would be," Dr. Rogers expressed.
Rogers testified that Jackson's organs didn't show any sign of lasting damage. With that, he was done testifying
Travis Payne Testimony
AEG direct
Travis Payne took the witness stand and began explaining his experience. Payne worked with Paula Abdul, Brandy, Diana Ross, Mick Jagger, Marilyn Manson & MJ among others.
He tells the jury about working on tours, music videos & video games.Payne worked on the Michael Jackson Experience video game. In the game, he taught players Jackson's dance moves. Payne first worked with Jackson on the "Remember the Time" film/music video. He was a dancer in the film. He then worked as a dancer and choreographer on Jackson's Dangerous tour. By that point, he'd developed a rapport with Jackson. He helped choreograph moves for the songs 'Dangerous" and "Jam" on the tour, Payne testified. He says it was a goal since being a child to be a dancer and work with Michael Jackson. The Dangerous tour was a realization of that dream.
"On the Dangerous tour, I was really very ecstatic. I was working with my idol",choreographer Travis Payne said.
During Dangerous his relationship with MJ grew. Payne said all he knew was that pain was an ongoing issue for MJ since the Pepsi commercial accident
Payne worked with MJ in Ghosts in 1995/96, then History tour, other tv shows & commercials and culminated with This Is It
On the HIStory tour, Payne said Jackson rehearsed both with and without his backup dancers.Rehearsals for the History tour was very extensive, Payne said. He was involved with selecting dancers, ideas for costumes and whatever was needed. Dancers would get up to speed in the beginning, MJ was good at giving space to learn
Travis Payne also worked with Jackson on One Night Only show that was canceled after incident in which Jackson fainted on stage.
Payne: "Michael had an incident, appeared to faint, we were asked to leave the theater and were told later the show was not going to happen"
Payne worked privately with Jackson on This Is It rehearsals. He says he didn't see any signs of drug abuse at this time. The choreographer also testifies that he never saw Jackson drink alcohol or take any medications. He says he saw no signs of addiction. Payne said he never saw MJ take drugs, medication or alcohol
Payne said he knew there were physicians tending to MJ but dermatologist Dr. Arnold Klein and nurse Debbie Rowe were the only medical professionals of Jackson's that he met
Payne said he worked with Kenny Ortega for many years. Payne and Ortega were in Vegas when Michael called Ortega asking to work on a new project. Payne didn't personally meet with MJ until after the press conference announcement. He said he was excited to work with him again
After mid-afternoon break, Payne resumed testifying about how he came to work on This Is It.
"I believe he missed performing. I believe he missed direct contact with his fans", Travis Payne says about why Jackson wanted to tour
Payne said he knew Michael was excited about the tour and his children, to share this experience with them. Payne first met with MJ in late March/2009
"He looked fine to me health wise, I thought he was thinner from what I have seen him in the past, but nothing alarming," Payne recalled
Payne said he found out that his role would not include dancing, he would choreograph and would be the associate director in This Is It. Payne testified This Is It would be different from Jackson's previous tours. AEG would be a partner, not a sponsor. The choreographer said Jackson explained to him that having AEG would be a good thing. Payne said this new way of doing business would revolutionize the way tours were done
Payne attended an April meeting at Michael's home. Said he saw no signs of impairment, drug abuse by the singer
Payne also testified that Jackson was involved in almost every detail of his scheduled shows, such as costume, wardrobe and set design, choosing the dancers and the bandleader.
Payne: "Everything started with Mr. Jackson, always. As his support team, we would contribute with ideas. MJ had the final word"
They auditioned 5,000 dancers, Michael chose the final ones & the band director also
Payne spent several minutes describing details of the This Is It show, including a torch and costume that would light up. Jackson wanted a torch in the Italian Baroque design. Actually, he wanted two, in case one broke, Payne tells jury. Payne also showed an email in which he described a costume for "Billie Jean", in which the clothing material would light up. When Payne was describing the illuminated "Billie Jean" costume, he looked out into the audience and nodded at Katherine Jackson. Bina shows an email Payne wrote. It said MJ was very persistent about having a torch, a concept that meant a lot to Michael.
Payne was then asked about his one-on-one rehearsals with Jackson at the singer's home. These were scheduled for 5 days a week.Payne said they started rehearsing after the press conference & stopped the day before Michael died. He spoke with him every day. MJ told Payne he expected him to be in every show. He wanted Payne to take notes to make sure the show was as perfect as possible.
"Customarily, we would see each other every day," Payne said
Payne worked with Jackson individually almost every day for the last three months of the singer's life. He ate lunches with Jackson, saying Michael's appetite varied daily. The choreographer said that as show time approached, MJ missed some rehearsals with the full crews, causing production to worry whether he would be ready
Payne said MJ's dancing seemed fine to him. He said they were working on things created decades before to make them age appropriate & dynamic. MJ was able to perform many of his familiar dance moves, although they had to be modified because the singer was 50 years old and not as limber as he had been decades earlier. He said Jackson was tired for some of the sessions and that
"some days would be better than others"
Payne and associate choreographer Stacy Walker said they were working to modify Jackson's dance routine to his age.
"I was realizing that's Michael Jackson, but he's not 20 or 30 any more. He's 50 and how is that going to be? We have to figure it out", Payne testified
"Drill" was the last thing they worked on together, Payne said. Michael had a great love for military precision
"He seemed very tired, we all were," Payne said
Payne testified that production wanted Michael to be more in attendance with all the cast, rather than just rehearsing by himself at his house.
Payne: "because there was inconsistency with MJ appearing at the rehearsal, production was concerned they would not meet their goals"
AEG attorney Bina asked Payne whether he thought Jackson could have finished the This Is It show. Payne said "Yes"
Payne said Jackson's goal was to sing every song live for This Is It, which he had not done in the past on every tour. This was a goal he set for himself. Michael had used vocal-assist tracks on previous shows, he said. By June 25, Payne said MJ had not developed the goal of singing and dancing at the same time but the choreographer thought he could have pulled it off.
After jurors left, Judge Palazuelos said she sustained plaintiff's objection and will not allow defense to use Dr. Murray's interview w/ LAPD. In it, Dr. Murray said he was hired by Michael to be paid by AEG. Plaintiffs said it's hearsay and judge agreed.
Court Transcript - Stacy Walker
Court Transcript - Christopher Rogers
Court Transcript - Travis Payne
submitted by FelicitySmoak_ to WhereWasMJToday [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:53 caparious AITAH for refusing to deliver concealed pain meds?

For context my friend lives with me and her brother lives in the town I work in. I was asked by my friend if I could get him a pack of cigarettes. I was annoyed because I wasn’t informed in time to do it before I left for work so would have to be on my lunch hour. Then I’m asked if I can also get him sodas as well a couple hours after I had been at work. I wasted half of my lunch hour completing these tasks.
Now this is the part that pissed me off. My friend makes me out to be the AH every time something doesn’t go her way. The next day I’m woke up and was asked if I can take her brother some Ibuprofen. I said yes just sat on the kitchen counter. I thought it was kind of an odd request so I opened the bottle to look inside. On top of the ibuprofen was a little baggie of 10-12 what appeared to be 7.5mg Percocets. She was giving her brother some of her pain pills. What pissed me off was the fact that she didn’t tell me about the pain pills and was about to send me to deliver this bottle. I said absolutely not!! No way in hell am I traveling with someone’s concealed pain pills. She’s either stupid or didn’t care about the potential repercussions should I get pulled over and a cop found those. I think she knew considering she didn’t disclose the contents of the bottle. I told her that if I were pulled over that could potentially be a felony because it could be seen as intent to distribute considering the amount, not having a valid prescription, and the prescription not being in the original container. I probably pissed her off, but I’m not going to jail for her. I really know I’m not the AH, but I needed to vent about this. Arrrrgh!!
submitted by caparious to AITAH [link] [comments]
