Adderall xr and prilosec

Question regarding drugs and serotonin syndrome, I’m kinda scared

2024.05.23 23:08 reddit-user1357 Question regarding drugs and serotonin syndrome, I’m kinda scared

Hey, so I’m not formally diagnosed right now because previous specialists didn’t take my case seriously. The first time I tried to get tested they said it was anxiety, the second time they administered a 3-minute long orthostatic blood pressure test (poor man’s tilt table) and told me there was nothing wrong with me. I’ve been dealing with daily symptoms for almost 3 years now: HR increase of 30-80bpm upon standing, headaches, blurred vision, and feeling weak when standing, general sleep issues, digestive issues, flip flopping all day between sweating and freezing, I’ve collapsed a few times after standing (never passed out), frequent brain fog, chronic fatigue, exhaustion after caffeine consumption and alcohol and more. I just started seeing a new psychiatrist and have been wanting to try a different adhd medication because concerta made me disgustingly nauseous. She wants to put me on 10mg of adderall, and I’m currently on 112.5mg of Venlafaxine XR (Effexor) for anxiety, and 15mg of Mirtazapine (Remeron) for insomnia. She wants me to decrease from 15mg to 7.5mg of the Mirtazapine (which I’m perfectly fine with, I think the lower dose has been more helpful anyway) to minimize the risk of serotonin syndrome, since all 3 medications contain it. She sent me a pamphlet on serotonin syndrome for me to see the symptoms: dilated pupils, sweating, chills, diarrhoea, tachycardia, muscle jerks/spasms, and more. The problem is, I deal with a lot of those daily lol, so I’m not super sure how to tell the difference between my normal and the syndrome. Has anyone on more than one or on high doses of drugs containing serotonin experienced this? I guess I’m looking to find how common it is, and what it feels like.
submitted by reddit-user1357 to POTS [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:14 marzmrazbarz Pharmacies in FC Filling Adderall (generic or regular)

I’ll be relocating to Fort Collins later this summer and recently started taking adderall again (10 mg XR) as I took a break while pregnant and breastfeeding. I have not run into issues finding it in my current area (Houston) but know in the last few years there have been shortages.
Are there any pharmacies that regularly have this prescription in stock and have been reliable?
I’m also taking PCP recommendations too for the same reason.
submitted by marzmrazbarz to FortCollins [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:31 Mediocre-Dance-513 Weed and Adderall?

So I found an old thread for this, but was hoping a new thread for it would invite new information!
I was recently prescribed 10mg(take as needed) of regular(not XR) adderall, but I smoke daily for my anxiety and sensitive stomach. I did talk to my doctor already about it, but I’m asking for other’s experiences with combining as well. Any feedback is welcome☺️
submitted by Mediocre-Dance-513 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 19:23 readstoomuchtoo 35/F with Low Testosterone-- are pellets the best/only treatment? Does underlying cause matter?

35y/o white female, 5'3, 140-145lbs.
Never smokes/d, rarely drink (holiday glass of wine). 2-3c coffee/day. I don't "exercise," though I do actively play with my kids several days/week (chase, tag, swim, etc.). Works too much.
Currently taking adderall xr 20mg (have been for ~2 years at the same dose), no side effects.
My blood test results for the past 2 years (April 2023 and May 2024) have shown consistent Low Testosterone. Exact same range for both tests. Last year, this OBGYN suggested I go on pellets -- no other options discussed.

Testosterone <3 ng/dL,

Free testosterone being <0.2 pg/mL

During my 2nd appointment with her, in which I also found out I had a thickened endometrium & polyps (I had an ablation shortly after. Those are amazing! Period is gone! 10/10).
I elected to put off doing the pellets because I wanted further testing to figure out the cause of the low T & have been on waitlists for 3 different endocrinologists ever since-- with no end in sight.
I requested another blood test this week to confirm that's still the issue (my symptoms remain ... not great) , and the results are the same.
But I'm at my wit's end with the 3+ years of symptoms I've been dealing with, which are:
PMDD Emotional swings - I thought it was PPA at first, but it's 100% cyclical. Right after ovulation, the frustration starts. Then anger and intense self-criticism. I'm snappy with my family. (note: I formerly had extremely heavy periods. Bleeding through 2 super+ tampons within an hour, passing large clots the size of my thumb-tip, etc.), but I had an ablation last year due to having a thickened endometrium (they found polyps in the curettage) , so I'm now only dealing with the mental issues of it (thankfully). Rage. Mood swings, Anxiety. Bouts of self loathing. These are directly times with my cycle. I've tracked 3-month intervals with and without taking the adderall, and the adderall (I feel), makes these symptoms more bearable/less intense.
Chronic yeast infections- OBGYN just started me on a 6-month treatment of Diflucan for this-- starting today. I'm not sure if it mattets, but it seems like the yeast infections directly correlate with hormones mid-cycle and/or when I have sex (which also hits around mid cycle. ha)
Lichen Sclerosus (genital and perenial) Given clobetasol to use as-needed.
Hair thinning on my scalp (due to dandruff, maybe? Ketoconizole keeps the flakes at bay, but my crown is thinner).
Low/non-existant libido. I don't even think about sex-- despite enjoying it every time. My husband and I have a rgeat sex life... when I set an alarm and remember to do it. Only the best romantic intentions for the man I love. lol.
Exhaustion/fatigue I've been blaming this on the fact that I cofounded a startup 4 years ago (of which I am the ceo), and I work ... a lot. I'm always in "work" or "mom" mode.
In case it matters, I have Von Willebrands (discovered after a severe hemorhage and pre-e & hellp with my firstborn).
I'm not opposed to the pellets, but it seemed a little... bandaid-y? Like... what's causing this-- or does that even matter? I get the impresison she just wants to do pellets and call it good... which would be great if they weren't expensive as hell. They aren't covered by insurance. She explained that there is no Testosterone treatment for women my age that would be-- that seems wild?
The price point of the pellets is SO beyond my budget, it's literally making me verklempt just thinking about it. I simply can't afford them.
Can I ask the OBGYN to order more tests, or should I ask my regular doctor? Would having a Comprehensive Hormonal Profile or some sort of shine light on anything? Is it out of pocket for me to ask a Family Practice physician or an OBGYN to call in tests for autoimmune/endocrine disorders, since that's not their specialty?
More importantly: would the treatment change if something else was discovered causing the low T, or is it just... what it is. You can either cough up $2k/year for pellets or deal with it?
Is there anything I can do so insurance will kick in and cover something??
Is this just my life for the next 50 years?
I'm struggling.
submitted by readstoomuchtoo to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 18:43 BigCharacter466 Pls convince me I’m not pregnant

Hi- I recently had a family friend with a cryptic pregnancy (she didn’t pick up on any signs and never tested, so not necessarily a crazy story). And I think that's freaking me out. I had sex about a month ago. He pulled out, but it was a close call. I also have a Kyleena IUD and I recently checked the strings. I can feel them and I'm assuming it's in place. I also had my period for about 8 days, finished a week ago. Last week, I was very moody, which I can attribute to a few things. I recently started taking adderall, and the instant release made me irritable when the crash occurred. I was switched to XR two days ago, and today is my second day taking it. I know what you're thinking— you're literally not pregnant? However I'm so anxious especially hearing about the cryptic pregnancy. This morning I woke up with vertigo, not even being able to walk around without laying down. I got myself to eat, which helped. However, I started thinking about my moodiness as well and ultimately got anxious and decided to take a test. The test read negative, HOWEVER it was one of the ones that come in a back of 50 that require you to dip it, and I didn't have a big enough sample. Please someone talk me out of these anxious thoughts. Does adderall cause vertigo? Or am I possibly preg help
submitted by BigCharacter466 to amipregnant [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 18:28 Apart-Weekend-6459 Is it right for me?

Anyone who is on kit 1 and has similar experience as me, let me know if this is right for me. I am 20F and 155 pounds, 5’5”. I gained a lot of this weight in the last semester of college and have been struggling to get it off. I want to be at 130-135. I struggle with binge eating a lot and have been for a while. I have ADHD and currently take adderall XR everyday. Would I be able to purchase the 3 month of kit 1 and lose this weight? Let me know.
submitted by Apart-Weekend-6459 to HersWeightloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 18:24 Appropriate_Oven5784 feeling anxious about feeling this way forever..

Hi all, this was my 3rd EDC but for some reason my comedown this time just feels different. i rolled Friday and Sat night (Sun night did some shrooms. i also took a friends 30mg XR adderall sunday during the day which i regret). Over the past couple of days I just feel like I'm in this massive fog and nothing feels real? idk how to explain it. i also feel like my eyes can't focus properly on the computer screen and other things. everything just seems out of focus. has anyone ever experienced this before? i'm anxious I'm going to feel this way forever and will never feel normal again :( i know this probably isn't the case but my anxiety is getting the best of me. appreciate any words of reassurance <3
submitted by Appropriate_Oven5784 to electricdaisycarnival [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 17:31 mememem098 Experience with Zoloft over the past 4 years

Hi all,
I’ve been on zoloft (technically Sertraline) for about 4 years now. Started on 50mg, then after a year went to 75mg, then after a year went to 100mg. My depression was virtually nonexistent and my anxiety and overthinking improved a lot. Seeing as a I felt like I was stable and doing well mentally, I wanted to see what it was like to get off Zoloft.
I was off for 3 months and will probably never do it again. It wasn’t the bad side effects of coming off the meds. It just allowed me to realize that the Zoloft was actually working for me. I’m now back on at 150mg and incredibly happy.
Ask me anything, happy to share my experience.
**side note, I’m also on 150mg ER Bupropion/wellbutrin and 30mg XR adderall
submitted by mememem098 to zoloft [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 17:09 Dinkinflicka1994 Am I In A Slump or Is This My New Normal?

For context, I'm 29 and have recently started medications for my mental illness, ADHD being the main one. March I started 50 mg of zoloft for the depression mainly and in April I started 15 mg of Adderall XR. I noticed a slow change with the zoloft, but things really kicked up when the adderall was added. I felt alive, like life was worth something, optimistic - I had never felt these things. I was productive, established new routines and stuck with them! It was great for maybe 2 and a half weeks.
Now, I feel myself on the decline again, almost as if the zoloft has stopped working and like the adderall barely works as well. It's hard to get out of bed again, the routines I established are slipping.
I know that with adderall many say the first few weeks are almost a "honeymoon" period as in it will never feel that great again, and I am thinking that this is what's going on. I have never been on meds before, so quite frankly I have no idea what to expect from them, and how they "Feel" when they are "working". My hormones also play a big role in my mental health - I get terrible periods and I always feel more depressed and "off" during my menstruation. (I suspect I have PMDD). I recently had my period last week so i'm also wondering if that has something to do with all this as well.
All of this has put me in a terrible headspace. I'm trying to remain optimistic - that this entire process is just a bunch of trial and error and that my therapist and psychiatrist will help me find the right mix. But, its disheartening to have a taste of what a content, productive life could be only for me to slip back into my old ways again.
This is more of a vent post but also I'm curious if anyone here has experienced a similar process. I just want to get better, I know that I cannot fully make the mental illnesses and ADHD go away but I would like to be able to enjoy life!
submitted by Dinkinflicka1994 to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 16:51 BigCharacter466 Please convince me I’m not pregnant

Hi- I recently had a friend with a cryptic pregnancy (she is dumb and doesn’t ever test). And I think that’s freaking me out. I had sex about a month ago. He pulled out, but it was a close call. I also have a Kyleena IUD and I recently checked the strings. I can feel them and I’m assuming it’s in place. I also had my period for about 8 days, finished a week ago. Last week, I was very moody, which I can attribute to a few things. I recently started taking adderall, and the instant release made me irritable when the crash occurred. I was switched to XR two days ago, and today is my second day taking it. I know what you’re thinking— you’re literally not pregnant ? However I’m so anxious especially hearing about the cryptic pregnancy. This morning I woke up with vertigo, not even being able to walk around without laying down. I got myself to eat, which helped. However, I started thinking about my moodiness as well and ultimately got anxious and decided to take a test. The test read negative, HOWEVER it was one of the ones that come in a back of 50 that require you to dip it, and I didn’t have a big enough sample. Please someone talk me out of these anxious thoughts. Does adderall cause vertigo? Or am I possibly preg help
submitted by BigCharacter466 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 16:42 theambivalentagender Been off my meds for some time, having hypersonic issues

So due to both supply and cost issues, I've been off my meds for about a month. I've been on adderall xr, but was on vyvajse before that, and I'm currently trying to get back on vyvanse again.
I've noticed more and more since being off the meds that all I want to do is sleep. I have to get up at 6 in the morning most weekdays, which already made me kinda tired, but now I find myself just dozing off midday. As soon as I get home I just end of falling asleep, often without trying or really wanting to. I can't stay awake.
And it doesn't seem to matter how long I sleep. I slept over 9 hours last night and still found myself having to struggle to stay alert while going about my morning.
This is becoming more of a problem because there's stuff I need to do when I'm done with work, and I'm just not doing it because I can't stay awake. I'm also worried about it affecting my driving or falling asleep on the job.
Have other people experienced this when going off meds?
submitted by theambivalentagender to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 16:11 Ru1384 Coming off Adderall

I've been on Adderall 30mg XR in the morning and 20mg IR in the afternoon for 6 months. My psychiatrist started weening me off Adderall last week, so she stopped my 20mg IR. Since last week, I've found myself wanting to snack more, and eating out of boredom.
I was on it for my ADHD, but I've noticed it makes my anxiety worse.
Is it normal to have that boredom, random snacking urge? I'm not asking for professional advice, just experiences for those who may have experienced this.
submitted by Ru1384 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 13:12 gettingbybutbarely Resistance to medication

Has anyone had to jump from medication to medication due to resistance? I went from taking 15 mg of Adderrall IR twice a day to 30 mg twice a day in less than a year. I was on that dosage for about 2 1/2 years even though I noticed that last year or so it wasn’t working.
Then for healthcare reasons I abruptly stopped for about a year but was on the verge of losing my job due to the mess that I had on my brain so I got an appointment and by that point the Adderall shortage was in its peak. My psychiatrist recommended a couple different stimulants, all had to be changed because of my shitty healthcare and that’s how I ended on Adzenys XR (18 mg). It worked fine but it’s been less than a year and I feel with each passing day it lasts less and less. Has anyone else experienced this? If so what has been an explanation or solution?
submitted by gettingbybutbarely to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 11:15 Old-Teacher-1619 Adderall works well for me, but the comedown is horrific. How have you minimised the impacts of the comedown?

Adderall has always worked well for me; in fact, the first time I took it, I thought, wow, I feel like myself. I'm focused and productive when I take it. However, I have quit taking it several times throughout the years due to the comedowns. Depressed isn't the right term; it's more like becoming a complete shell of oneself after it wears off. I have an appointment with a psychiatrist in a few weeks. I checked with my insurance, and it appears that adderall is the only drug within my budget. Every alternative costs more than $300 or is not covered at all. I'm likely to return to taking Adderall. Thankfully, my insurance covers the XR version, which I have yet to try.
What are some tips for dealing with the comedown?
submitted by Old-Teacher-1619 to ADHDsolved [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 09:33 hachikuchi do you have adhd or take stimulants?

I got diagnosed bipolar again and been put on lithium. I was on adderall xr before that but she stopped it because of a trial period or something for mania. it was really helpful and has been awful not having it. has anyone else had this happen? are you able to have stimulants for adhd while having bipolar? she has tried to "normalize" my complaints about not having it so I'm worried it's just a matter of time until it's just explicitly off the table.
submitted by hachikuchi to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 08:27 wtfizthiss Help with complex health issues, most recent labs & overall declining health?

Female, 134, 5’5”, 120lbs
I am in desperate need of any kind of help as I’m declining in health, and it took a sharp fall off the cliff 2 years ago. I’ve been in and out of every specialist’s office you can think of, and done so many tests that I feel like a lab rat; no answers, no effective care plans, and some doctors just telling me they don’t know what to do and they can no longer help me. Only thing is do get is new symptoms every couple of months. My most pressing issue is my inability to gain weight/strength - I’m a shell of my former self. Started at 160lbs and dropped to 140lbs in 2 months, then 140 to 130 in 1 month. I hovered between 128-133 for about a year, then dropped to 119-123, and have been there since; all of this has been without trying. Since the first sudden drop, I began tracking caloric intake to try to maintain my weight. Since getting into the 120s, I began, and currently have and have a caloric intake which should have me gaining 2-3lbs/week, given my TDEE, but it’s not working. I’m throwing back around 2,000 (sometimes more) calories/day of all types of food; both healthy and horrible, to the point where I’m grocery shopping 2-3x/wk. The only results I’ve gotten are constipation, pain, and abdominal distention.
I am folate deficient w/macrocytic anemia, have been for years, and my doctors have tried pushing me to eat more folate - spoiler, doesn’t work, as my diet is already high in folate. I also had a severe reaction to taking 1mg of folic acid - I’m talking drug allergy type of reaction. The first time I’d ever had my folate tested, it was at 2.5 mg/dL - and this was while I’d already been taking prenatal vitamins for years, for the biotin, and eating an extremely high-folate diet. I am concerned for my health, given everything I’ve mentioned, and listed below. I’m especially concerned since I now take AEDs, is a contraindication of my MTHFR polymorphism (undermethylation) and can impact my kidneys. Nothing is helping, I’m concerned, and my family and friends are concerned, telling me I need to eat more (how much more can I eat?!), and I just need some input from a broader audience.
I’ve included my current health summary, most recent labs, and relevant test findings. As I am a data analyst, I have all my labs for the last 10 years tracked, and all my H and L values have been creeping more and more out of range every year. Please let me know if there is any additional pertinent data/info you need to give some insight as to what is going on. I’ll try to put my previous bloodwork in the comments, as photos.
Shooting into the dark here - TIA.
Current Health Summary
  • Celiac Disease
    • compliant w/GF diet since 2012
  • Macrocytic Anemia
    • consistently low folate
    • consistently High MCH, MCV
    • consistently Low RBC
    • consistently low Immunoglobulin A, qn, serum: 65 mg/dL (most recent)
  • Elevated Homocysteine
    • 48.9 umol/L before starting AEDs
  • hEDS
  • Primary Generalized Myoclonic Epilepsy
    • sudden onset with rapid progression over 4-6 months
    • controlled on meds
    • negative panel for cancerous cause of sudden onset of epilepsy
    • 2 abnormal EEGs
  • Convulsive Pre-Syncope/Syncope
  • Multiple swollen lymph nodes
    • 3 occipital, one behind jaw/under ear, 2 in groin region
    • all present for over 1 year
    • hard, not painful
    • neck/head US: “likely correspond to benign/reactive lymph nodes”; Pending US for others
  • ADHD
  • Generalized Depression
  • Mild Scoliosis
  • Bilateral trochanteric bursitis
  • Sudden-onset vertical diplopia
    • 02/16/2024
  • Migraines with Aura
  • Frequent heart palpitations
Test Findings
  • Genetics
    • Comp-Het. MTHFR variations: C677T/A1298C; clinically significant
    • HCN4 Gene Variation: heterozygous
    • PMS2 Gene Variation: heterozygous
    • KCNH2 Gene Variation: heterozygous
    • HLA Typing, DQA1*05 - Positive
  • Gastroenterology
    • EGD: “Active granulation tissue with exudate, consistent with erosion/ulcer”
    • Colonoscopy: Unremarkable
    • Small Intestine MRI: Unremarkable
  • Rheumatology
    • was told that eventually I’ll almost certainly be dx’d with Sjögren’s, but bloodwork just wasn’t there yet (2020)
    • Anti-la (ss-B) Ab (rdl): Positive 52 units
    • Anti-nuclear Ab by ifa (rdl): Positive
    • ANA Speckled Pattern: 1:320
    • Sjogren’s anti-ss-B High: 1.8 ai
    • Antinuclear antibodies, ifa, serum: Pos.
    • ANA Speckled Pattern, serum: 1:80
  • Neurology
    • Chiari 1 Malformation (05/31/2023)
Current Medications
  • Lacosamide: 100mg BID
  • Clobazam: 10mg BID
  • AdderallXR: 30mg Capsule, daily as needed (taking maybe 2x/wk)
Lab Results
CBC and Differential (5/4/24) - WBC 5.0 - RBC 3.74 - Hgb 12.9 - Hct 36.7 Low - Platelets 251 - MCV 97.9 High - MCH 34.6 High - MCHC 35.3 - RDW 12.1 Low - MPV 7.2 Low - Neutro Auto 47.0 - Lymph Auto 40.0 - Mono Auto 6.9 - Eos, Auto 4.9 - Basophil Auto 1.1 - NRBC Auto 0.1 - Neutro Absolute 2.4 - Lymph Absolute 2.0 - Mono Absolute 0.4 - Eos Absolute 0.2 - Baso Absolute 0.1 - NRBC Absolute 0.01
Coagulation - Prothrombin Time 14.0 - INR 1.1 - Partial Thromboplastin Time 28
Routine Chemistry - Sodium Level 141 - Potassium Level 4.1 - Chloride Level 110 High - CO2 24 - Alk Phos 50 - AST 13.0 - ALT 12 - BUN 7 - Glucose Level 99 - Creatinine Level 0.76 - BUN/Creat Ratio 9 - eGFR AA 105 - eGFR Non-AA 87 - Calcium Level 8.60 - Protein Total 5.9 Low - Albumin Level 3.8 - Globulin 2 - A/G Ratio 2 - Bilirubin Total 0.4 - Anion Gap 7
Thanks again
Edits: formatting and typo (trying to gain 2-3lbs/wk, not day)
submitted by wtfizthiss to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:57 roddybee91 Adderall works great for me, but the comedown is terrible. What are some ways you’ve mitigated the effects of the comedown?

Adderall has always worked great for me, in fact my first time taking it was like wow, I actually feel like myself. I’m focused and productive when taking it. However, I’ve stopped taking it many times throughout the years because of the comedowns. Depressed isn’t the word, it’s more like becoming a complete shell of a person when it wears off.
I have an appointment scheduled with a psychiatrist in a couple of weeks. I checked with my insurance and it seems adderall is the only medication within my budget. Every alternative is either $300+ or not covered. So I’ll most likely end up back on adderall…thankfully my insurance covers the XR version, which I’ve yet to try.
What are some tips in dealing with the comedown?
submitted by roddybee91 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 05:19 TenslasterGames Any Luck or Tips in Getting Insurance to Approve Brand Adderall XR?

I'm know I'm far from the only person that heavily prefers the brand name of Adderall XR. Nothing compares, but personally Elite/Burel and Teva generics work fine enough. Takeda not sharing the authorized generic with Prasco is seriously a stab in the back.
I tried to get my doctor to fight for brand name coverage when United Healthcare took it off their formulary, but her office just seemed to say they won't cover it no matter what. Has anyone been able to get them to cover it? I've wondered if calling United and getting the right person would work. My girlfriend's dad's work has a patient care assistant that can help advocate insurance to provide proper help. Anything is helpful. I just feel so unmotivated even on Burel and Teva, brand name really is the magic shit. I'd consider Mydayis but generics are out for that too, so who knows how it'd make me feel.
submitted by TenslasterGames to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 03:48 Tough-Scientist6399 Blood Pressure and Adderall

I just got prescribed 10 mg XR of Adderall. I went to my GP and my blood pressure was a bit high. I haven’t taken the Adderall yet because I know it could affect my blood pressure. My blood test came back, fine, no problems with my liver, no problems with my kidneys, or my heart. I also have an anxiety disorder so usually my blood pressure is just a reaction of the anxiety. I started working out and eating better and I felt the difference in my body compared to when I eat bad and stressed. I was wondering if I stop having anxiety from taking Adderall will my blood pressure be normal since I’m no longer stressed?
submitted by Tough-Scientist6399 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 03:14 Ok_Energy3158 Spike in ALT & AST Results

Hi! I was recently diagnosed with Vasculitis on March 18th. During that appointment, I had blood tests run and learned that my ALT (SGPT) result was within the normal range at 14, and my AST (SGOT) range was on the lower end at 11. After that appointment, my doctor prescribed hydroxychloroquine 200 mg twice a day, which has been seeming to help with my symptoms. I just returned for my second set of labs yesterday, and my AST and ALT numbers spiked. My AST was 105, and my ALT was 226. I am really concerned and also confused because I don’t drink alcohol much and the only other medication I take is 30mg of Adderall XR daily for ADHD. I was wondering if anyone else has experienced this or can maybe help me explain the sudden spike in my levels?? I really appreciate help or advice!
submitted by Ok_Energy3158 to IgANephropathy [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 01:56 Fragrant-Tower-7652 Curious about my stack

Hi everyone, I've been a long-time supplement user to improve mood and brain function and to combat side effects from prescription medications that I take. I think I whittled it down to a stack that works well for me, but I'd like some input if anyone has any thoughts.
In the morning, I take:
Morning script meds:
I take another 15mg of Adderall XR in the afternoon, and at night I take:
Night Script meds:
The multivitamin is taken at night to prevent absorption issues with Adderall. I'm not *too* sure about the dose or necessity of pregnenolone, but it does seem to improve my mood. It's the same boat with vitamin E. Mainly, I'm wondering if this seems excessive, and if so, which would you eliminate?
submitted by Fragrant-Tower-7652 to Supplements [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 23:30 Prudent_Desk1559 I am taking 60mg of Adderall, it's a new dosage

I have been prescribed Adderall 40mg IR and it did not work on me, well it wore off to fast so my Dr. added Adderall 40 XR with 40 IR if necessary, didn't like it, tried Vyvanse 30 with 40 IR if necessary (both are dosages of 20 in morning and 20 afternoon if necessary) well I didn't like that either so what I did is take 20mg IR in morning and 20mg IR in afternoon 2 hrs later took 10mg IR and 2 hrs later took another 10mg IR. Which is a total of 60mg for the day. This worked out well I feel fine and it's working on me, I am able to focus and get things done. Do you think my Dr. would go for something like this? Is 60 way to much? I'm 51 and have ADHD my whole life but just got back on the meds like 3 months trying to figure out what works for me. What are ya'lls opinions? I'm not asking for medical advice just curious if you think this kind of dosing is ok and if you have delt with this? Thank You. The only reason I took the 10mg tabs like that is because I did not want to take meds after 4pm, I have to work till 9pm tonight.
submitted by Prudent_Desk1559 to u/Prudent_Desk1559 [link] [comments]