Serial antivirus trend micro

[1127] Moving Right Along

2024.05.13 23:55 sadallthetimeagain [1127] Moving Right Along

I felt myself getting a little heated in today's CASA group discussions about "trauma." For every 10 times you'll hear that word, "resilience" will come up maybe once. I think most of us are aware of how arm-chairy and buzzworthy trauma and therapy have become. It's one of the latest cultural trends that facilitate a fluidity to presumed-more-informed conversation, without the practice of developing finer lines of understanding and distinction.
On the basis of your invocation of "trauma" you can rush to provide "help" and "services" and begin blaming an incredible amount of "mental health issues" or "unresolved childhoods." It's literally the cliche of a freshman's behavior after enrolling in their first college psychology course on blast. They've already invoked unsubstantiated pseudo-science and pop-culture explicitly not psychology as tools to provide frameworks for understanding your families. When someone infers substance abuse from a story just because the accusation was levied or any kind of drug was referenced at any level, their conclusions or assumptions go unchecked. It's predictably baking a recipe for an unnecessary mess on top of whatever the family is going through.
You can feel the tension every time you speak in "checking" ways. This happens to me routinely. One of the presenters spoke to the biased and incomplete ways that foster parents or aggravated family members might speak to the nature of the case or anyone's character. I pointed out that case managers can leave out details and massage stories to fit their ends as well. That got ignored and we moved right along. It's a real concern, and you need to know how to protect your relationship with someone who might be specifically directed to undermine your effort to advocate with the evidence.
But it doesn't feel "pleasant" or "decent" when you "want to believe the best" about your colleagues. Is it less true? Absolutely not. I was literally forced into that position from predatory supervisors and watched dipshit coworkers skip along those disingenuous lines without hesitation. Anecdotes fawning over better-inclined and capable FCMs do nothing to erase that.
So I started thinking about "discomfort" broadly. Another concept that's been wholesale abused. We needed to be way too on guard for what or whether we said might be a "micro aggression" or would cause someone to feel "unsafe" or "uncomfortable." Again, our pop psychology and propensity to overstate the noisiest out-ragers, made it so critical thinking and doubt became sinful in and of themselves. Facts don't matter in that space. "Being heard" is afforded only if you're claiming victimhood, but then, only victimhood of a certain type. The own-goal that is reactionary politics when you forgo any genuine attempt at taking someone's, almost certainly mostly irrational but nonetheless real, concern seriously is the ongoing consequence we get to suffer.
I think the more you practice observing conversational patterns, word choices, and trends, you can start to see previously "abstract" things considerably more acutely. One thing I notice is a propensity for "moving right along." I don't care what the topic is, there's a "normal" pace and pater that is preferred. Violate that, and it's time to move on. Point out the failings of the people you're supposed to trust most or even ingratiate yourself to? Let's move right along into the next module, as we all know there's nothing much more to say about that.
Another pattern I notice is the "taken aback pause." It's not precisely a reaction to being "offended," but it's a stark enough detail or way of relaying information that who you're speaking with was not prepared to engage that intensely. If they're quick, it'll be a brink-of-condescending acknowledgement before moving-right-along, or if they're not quick, it'll be a placating obfuscating of what you said to "even things out."Again, these are imprecise norms of conversational behavior around the particulars of one culture at one point in time, but they're real and of consequence whether or not you can see them.
When we use the word "bias," we let ourselves off the hook on the myriad ways it manifests. We let "bias" obscure in the opposite way that we let "trauma" obscure. Trauma is abused to over-explain what should be considered a necessary series of responses or consequences. Bias is abused to overlook how deeply it colors your propensity to engage that over-explaining behavior. You are biased, first and foremost, to your subjective experience of reality. In my experience, almost no one is that clued into their own flow of experience. Even the ones that are, or are showing the most growth and evidence, struggle, and will struggle indefinitely. This includes myself.
That's the point, though. You need the struggle to keep your wits about you. You need appropriate stressors against the things that will help you grow and incorporate. By definition, norms put that insistence to the side so we can all find a baseline mutual understanding to move right along down. The more cliched you sound, if you don't have a reflex to pause and pull back, the more you're training yourself to believe and act on "just whatever it is you say." You're a circular and totalitarian monster by default.
Add to that, you may not have any real ability or willingness to recognize how many cliches you truly are under the spell of. This is what the unironic attempts around discussions of "privilege" do a generally miserable job of explaining. We all have privileges up and down hierarchies and competencies and dozens of other metrics we fluidly transition through all day. None are necessarily going to jar you awake or indicate there's anything worth examining on their own. Your cohort speaks your language. Your education taught you the "right" things. Your hobbies and interests conform to a person of your state and stature. "It's just how things are done."
This provokes people's insecurity as a standing state of a lack of readiness. When you poke people, you'll find they don't have "real" reasons for their behavior, beliefs, or words. It's all been handed to them. They're a series of unconscious forces they're more or less molding to because that's how our brains work. Your brain doesn't care what it forms a pattern around, just that it can do so. There's survival reasons for this, as well as a story of basic capacities to function regardless of the nature of the environment that's all-but certain to otherwise kill you if you can't figure it out.
I, routinely, provoke that insecurity. I've learned to show considerably less ambivalence about the person after they've been provoked, but it happens just as an ongoing and predictable course of my practice. This is my practice. I analyze. I pull back. I try to identify and speak to patterns, even if they're abstract, but certainly concrete enough for me to anticipate them and work with or around them. I know what kind of response I need built into what I can reliably anticipate is going to be yours. I know how to piss off and get ignored by "the internet," and I know how to illicit a thousand likes. What's important to me is that I'm speaking as closely to my real perspective or agenda as possible, and not being driven by an elusive brain chemical game subject to the mercy of algorithms or inarticulate desires to unhealthily fit in.
I want to fit in, but with an ever-winnowing type of person. I want to be less-wrong in the information I share, but not at the expense of someone's capacity to hear it or learn from it if I can't be bothered to temper how I say it. I want to grow in my capacity to accept people, but not at the expense of their obligation to better account for and relay their own experience. I've been told my whole life that I'm not allowed to expect the same things from other people as I might of myself. I think this is fundamentally wrong and condescending. I think I should maintain the expectation while doing everything in my power to reduce the barriers to any one person getting to whatever heights you think I've managed or been born with.
Here again, we stay lost. How do you remove barriers you can't see or might even be dispositionally against even acknowledging can exist altogether? How many "boot straps" types can even be bothered to acknowledge the impact of the villages they're living in? How many "deeply empathic" people would entertain pairing their sensibilities to the word "toxic" under any circumstance? It's pretty easy, now, for me to see when my forthright manner acts as too blunt an instrument. Can you see where your baseline disposition and sympathies cloud your judgment and capacity to act more accountably?
I feel like "accountable" itself is poorly understood. Just count! Count the disquieting contradictory thought. Count the intensity, frequency, and severity of the feelings. Count the attempts to mitigate or times you recognized forgoing to do so. Accountability doesn't mean wildly wielding an axe to bring down dramatic consequences upon everything and everyone that wasn't noticed until now. It's just asking yourself, over and over again, what can I control about this situation? What can I act on that speaks to my values and perception?
Let's take the real world example of me and Byron. I can't control his perception of what he thought he was doing in service to the kid. I can't control his awareness of any creeping mental health issues that might have arisen. I can't control whether or not he responds affirmatively to my new boundaries. I could control telling him what those boundaries were altogether, so I did. I can affirm that I'm only going to communicate along the lines that hopefully help the boundary conditions get met before I'm willing to get more colloquial or back to friendly. I can respect that he told me our friendship is "invaluable." I can't truthfully say I think we'd be using that word in a mutually understood way until I see practical, tangible effects upon my life that counteract where I feel I am as a direct result of my expression of friendship getting grossly taken advantage of.
Until then, I'll treat him like I would any client. Show me. I'll patiently-enough nod along, provide whatever perspective or reframe that I can, and remain open to demonstrated behavior changes. I don't have to throw myself back into his fire. If I'm going to claim a desire to protect and maintain genuine friendships or care for those in my life, I'm not going to treat myself with the ambivalence I see others suffer from themselves every day.
I choose that level of discomfort. I only mildly complain today, as it's gotten dramatically better, about doing things alone and never having anyone to hang out with. Byron was my go-to spot for killing time or hanging out. Not once in my free time have I said, "You know, fuck my boundary, let's hang out there!" How could I look myself in the mirror? How could I advocate for you establishing better boundaries with people in your life? How could I ignore what I would characterize as gleeful and willful defiance of doing "better" than playing out battered-wife excuse making? I will not play-act friendship with someone who can't be bothered to work as hard on themselves or in service to me as I've been for them. That's not the kind of friend I am, so it's not the one I'll let back in lightly.
What's normal, though? No matter how bad someone fucks you, forgive and pretend to forget, right? They're "family." Life's too short. It is what it is. They didn't mean to or weren't aware. That's not who they were in the past. Holding grudges is unhealthy. Your insecurities around being isolated or alone betray you. Your obligation to play along and appease your mutual network takes over. Whether any real healing or mutual understanding comes into the equation is perfectly mute because we need to just move right along and "love each other."
I watch that dance justify literally every conceivable level of atrocity. It is the exact same self-servicing motivatedly ignorant pattern. From your god's behavior right on down through your secret satisfaction and smirk at punishing your pet a little too aggressively just that one time. What you don't account for counts on you to carry out its consequences. And you are, every day, in big and small ways, and it's predictable and fixable, but only with stuff like this. You have to own it. You have to "yes, and" like it's an improv class. You have to perpetually entertain the thought that you are a misguided monster, but that fact doesn't have to dictate your behavior going forward nor need to illicit some special amount of stress or talking in circles.
Then you might have a prayer of genuinely helping anything, because you see how you're otherwise fucking it up within yourself. You can resist the insistence to move past meaningful details. You can point to specific repeatable demonstrations of your values. You can see other people responding to your confidence of relatable recognizable capacity, and not the shadow game of peacocking virtue signaling and mantra echoing.
I will spend thousands of dollars, use all my tools, and spend every waking hour I have trying to help. I think most people I've met would say the same thing. Who is actually doing so? And in service to whom? Do you trust what drives them? Do you see equitable put in get out dynamics? Or is it codepedence? Or insecurity? Or some noble story of infinite sacrifice and unconditional love?
I'm willing to set the conditions because I expect better than what's normal of and for myself. Were circumstances reversed, I wouldn't treat you as I've been treated, and most importantly, have the demonstrated behavior from myself to trust. I've spent the time and money. I've opened the conversations. I've challenged the mismanaged powers and privileges. I've risen to the challenge of creating circumstances that inch me closer to what I actually want or think is better versus what's expected of me. It never ends. Every second you pretend otherwise, you disappear, and I have to fit your abstract abdication into my specific constructs.
submitted by sadallthetimeagain to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:49 paula_nichols How to unarchive old Stuffit Deluxe 16 archives

Hi, my hard drive died recently. I’ve purchased a new Mac. I am in the process of restoring everything. I bought Stuffit Deluxe many years ago. Years of design work are archived in the Stuffit Archive Manager.
Unfortunately, all my serials and license keys for the purchased software were stored in my email, and I can’t restore it.
I’ve downloaded Stuffit Deluxe but cannot use it because I cannot access my old license key, and the new one I purchased doesn’t work. The current version of Stuffit Expander does not open the Stuffit Archive Manager files. SmithMicro no longer supports Stuffit Archive Manager and will not provide a valid license key.
Can anyone provide me with a valid access key or know of any other solutions so I can retrieve my archives?
I would greatly appreciate your help.
Thank you!
submitted by paula_nichols to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:30 champagnepapi111 Chance Me: LOW GPA ASIAN

Chance Me: Low GPA ASIAN

Demographics: Male, mid-income, Asian, in Michigan
First gen & immigrant parents
Major: Biology
Academics: GPA (3.6) - upward trend (3.0, 3.0, 4.1, will have 4.7 snr yr first semester), school doesn’t rank
Courseload: 7 APs (Micro, Macro, Bio, Stats, Psych, APES, Lang), 3 Dual enrollments, 3 Honors, Participated in 4-year long school STEM Medical program
Scores: 1520 SAT & All 5s and 4s
Extracurriculars (not in order)
International Qualifier HOSA
International Top 3 Placement HOSA
States 1st Place out of 40 HOSA
AP Scholar w/Distinction
National Merit Semifinalist
LOR: APES + Medicine Research Teachers
Medicine Research: (9/10): close with her + made reviews for struggling students
APES: (6/10): showed initiative, highest score on final exam project, asked and answered questions
Counselor (6/10): Pretty close with me and I went for help a lot during the year, and knows how I pulled my GPA up from the depths of earth
Essays: Not sure yet, but I am a pretty good writer as well as will get good audits
Schools (Safety to Reach): Purdue, OSU, MSU, UMich, UChicago, NYU, UCLA, Brown, Columbia
submitted by champagnepapi111 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:59 No_Yogurt_7667 Public record searches - need help finding truth about a pathological liar

Hello all! I’ll try to make this short - I’m on the hunt for any kind of evidence to back up or refute some wild ass claims my stepdad has made. One example is: as a police officer in the 80s, he shot and killed a kid who was carrying a fake gun. There are plenty of other stories I’d like to dig into.
All of the stories took place in Florida, and I have done as much internet searching as I know how - I’ve checked multiple county clerk websites for any public records and have looked for news articles, but I either don’t have enough specifics or I’m not looking in the right place.
Tbh, I’m not sure he was even a police officer; he’s a serial liar and very prone to exaggeration.
Do y’all have any tips for looking stuff like this up? I no longer live in FL, so I can’t really go look through micro fiche or anything like that. I’m very open to doing FOIA requests if necessary, I’m just not sure where to begin or where I’d send the request. TIA!
submitted by No_Yogurt_7667 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:56 No_Yogurt_7667 My stepdad is a pathological liar and I want to search for the truth - not sure where to turn. Need help with public record searches

Hello all! I’ll try to make this short - I’m on the hunt for any kind of evidence to back up or refute some wild ass claims my stepdad has made. One example is: as a police officer in the 80s, he shot and killed a kid who was carrying a fake gun. There are plenty of other stories I’d like to dig into.
I’m from Florida originally (Orange County), and have done as much internet searching as I know how - I’ve checked multiple county clerk websites for any public records and have looked for news articles, but I either don’t have enough specifics or I’m not looking in the right place.
Tbh, I’m not sure he was even a police officer; he’s a serial liar and very prone to exaggeration.
Do y’all have any tips for looking stuff like this up? I live out of state now, so I can’t really go look through micro fiche or anything like that. I’m very open to doing FOIA requests if necessary, I’m just not sure where to begin or where I’d send the request. TIA!
submitted by No_Yogurt_7667 to florida [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:23 OldBayJ [OT] Micro Monday: Exploration!

Welcome to Micro Monday

Hello writers and welcome to Micro Monday! It’s time to sharpen those micro-fic skills. What is micro-fic, you ask? Micro-fiction is generally defined as a complete story (hook, plot, conflict, and some type of resolution) written in 300 words or less. For this exercise, it needs to be at least 100 words (no poetry).
However, less words doesn’t mean less of a story. The key to micro-fic is to make careful word and phrase choices so that you can paint a vivid picture for your reader. Less words means each word does more! You’re free to interpret the weekly constraints how you like as long as you follow the post and subreddit rules. Please read the entire post before submitting.

Weekly Challenge

Writers, please keep in mind that feedback is a requirement for all submitters. You must leave at least 1 feedback comment on the thread by the deadline!
Theme: Exploration
Bonus Constraint (15 pts): A character questions their reality. (You must include if/how you used it at the end of your story.
This week’s challenge is to write a story inspired by the theme ‘exploration’. You’re welcome to interpret the theme any way you like as long as the connection is clear and you follow all post and subreddit rules. The bonus constraint is encouraged but not required, feel free to skip it if it doesn’t suit your story. You do not have to use the included IP.

Last Week: Zoos, Aquariums, & Animal Sanctuaries

You can check out previous Micro Mondays here.

How To Participate

  • Submit a story between 100-300 words in the comments below (no poetry) inspired by the prompt. You have until Sunday at 11:59pm EST. Use to check your wordcount.
  • Leave feedback on at least one other story by 3pm EST next Monday. Only actionable feedback will be awarded points. See the ranking scale below for a breakdown on points.
  • Nominate your favorite stories at the end of the week using this form. You have until 3pm EST next Monday. (Note: The form doesn’t open until Monday morning.)

Additional Rules

  • No pre-written content or content written or altered by AI. Submitted stories must be written by you and for this post. Micro serials are acceptable, but please keep in mind that each installment should be able to stand on its own and be understood without leaning on previous installments.
  • Please follow all subreddit rules and be respectful and civil in all feedback and discussion. We welcome writers of all skill levels and experience here; we’re all here to improve and sharpen our skills. You can find a list of all sub rules here.
  • And most of all, be creative and have fun! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them on the stickied comment on this thread or through modmail.


  • Campfire is currently on hiatus. Check back soon!

How Rankings are Tallied

Note: There has been a change to the crit caps and points!
Use of the Main Prompt/Constraint up to 50 pts Requirements always provided with the weekly challenge
Use of Bonus Constraint 10 - 15 pts (unless otherwise noted)
Actionable Feedback (one crit required) up to 10 pts each (30 pt. max) You’re always welcome to provide more crit, but points are capped at 30
Nominations your story receives 20 pts each No cap
Voting for others 10 pts Don’t forget to vote before 2pm EST every week!
Note: Interacting with a story is not the same as feedback.  

Subreddit News

  • Join our Discord to chat with authors, prompters, and readers! We hold several weekly Campfires, monthly Worldbuilding interviews, and other fun events!
  • Explore your self-established world every week on Serial Sunday!
  • You can also post serials to Shortstories, outside of Serial Sunday. Check out this post to learn more!
  • Interested in being part of our team? Apply to mod!
submitted by OldBayJ to shortstories [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:27 Tight-Supermarket277 Toddler overhydrating?

2M born 1 month early, uncomplicated NICU stay and not affected by being premature. History of benign elevation in alkaline phosphatase. Blood sugar taken last night 30 mins after a snack of 92. Highest non fasting glucose 121 back in September of last year (had serial CMPs to watch alk phos trend). Only drinks water, doesn’t like milk. Usually drinks between 24-36oz a day. Last 2 days, drinking closer to 50oz per day. Wet diapers normal, increased obviously but doesn’t appear excessive. Is the increase in fluid intake cause for concern?
submitted by Tight-Supermarket277 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:47 bernarbernuli [TOOL] All-in-One tool for Windows. Android TV Tools v3

[TOOL] All-in-One tool for Windows. Android TV Tools v3
It's a tool for use with any Android TV device (Google TV, Nvidia Shield TV, Google Chromecast...). I have improved it keeping in mind the suggestions for new features and the bugs reported in the previous version,
The post I have uploaded it days before in Chromecast because in this subreddit the post was automatically rejected (although I'm not encouraging piracy or anything like that) and recently they have given me a solution to upload it here, so excuse the duplicity of the post for those who are members of both subreddit.

What does it do?

It is an All-in-One tool for Windows that makes it easy to do certain things with the TV device, such as:
  • Send files to the TV device, such as MP3, images, PDF, or download to PC files hosted on the TV device.
  • Send texts from PC to TV device. [New]
  • Install applications (Sideload).
  • Install applications in bulk.
  • Uninstall applications from the TV device.
  • Enable/disable applications on the TV device.
  • Package name and version recognition
  • Remove bloatware with Universal Android Debloater.
  • Help generate shortcuts (icons) for installed apps that do not appear in the launcher with this website
  • Install Play Store shortcut to display in your launcher
  • Extract all apps you have installed on the TV device and restore them in bulk when needed (Backup/Restore).
  • List user apps that were installed only from Play Store (and also only outside play store). [New]
  • Manage device permissions
  • Grant write permissions on external USB
  • List packages that have a certain permission available
  • Repair NTP server to synchronize date and time correctly. [New]
  • Apply Custom Settings on the TV device:
    • Hide/Show developer options menu.
    • Enable/disable GPS location
    • Adjust screen timeout
    • Remove advertisements
    • Install alternative ad blocker (AdGuard for Android TV) [New]
    • Rotate TV screen
    • Enable/disable Ambient display
    • Set the timeout to activate the Ambient Screen
    • Set the timeout time to turn off the TV when idle
  • Replace official Google launcher with an alternative launcher (Projectivy Launcher, FLauncher...)
  • Install Google TV launcher for devices that don't have it
  • Replace official YouTube with alternative ad-free YouTube (Stable or Beta) (SmartTube)
  • Method to set any launcher as default
  • Replace default screen saver (Aerial Views screensaver)
  • Help customize remote control buttons (with Button Mapper)
  • Install IP TV apps (Tivimate, kodi, TDTChannels...) [New]
  • Add m3u lists with a URL or with a file in IP TV apps. [New]
  • Automatically start any app (with Launch on Boot). [New]
  • Install Google Play Store on devices that do not have it, e.g. devices of Chinese origin
  • Install alternative shops such as Aurora Store and Aptoide TV
  • Change screen density
  • Change font size.
  • Enter ADB commands via command line.
  • Advanced reboot (Enter Recovery mode and developer mode).
  • View and control the TV device from PC with ScrCpy.
  • Take screenshots and send them directly to the PC.
  • Record the TV device screen and send the video directly to the PC in MP4 format.
  • Optimize the TV device:
    • Increase the speed of animations.
    • Improve performance.
    • Enable the processing speed management system.
    • Delete cache memory.
    • Optimize performance.
    • Close background apps
    • Delete data and cache memory of apps
  • Send from PC predefined or custom voice commands
  • Shortcuts Settings screens
  • Launch installed user applications
  • Wake up the TV device
  • Put the TV device to sleep (stand-by)
  • Check for TV device updates
  • Launch notification curtain
  • View TV device information, such as serial number, build version, Android version, resolution, battery status...
  • History of connected TV devices.
  • Suggest the IP of the TV device if you don't know what it is


  • v3.0 (May 09, 2024) -
    • Added alternative ad blocker (AdGuard for Android TV)
    • Added option to install IP TV apps (Tivimate, kodi, TDTChannels...)
    • Added option to add m3u lists with a URL or with a file in IP TV apps.
    • Added option to repair NTP server (solution to sync date and time correctly)
    • Added option to automatically launch any app.
    • Added option to list uninstalled or hidden apps.
    • Added option to list user apps that were installed only from Play Store (and also only outside play store).
    • Added option to send texts from PC to TV device.
    • Improved option to backup and restore apps (now allows to make several backups and restore the one you want).
    • More improvements in the tool to backup and restore apps (now restores first the apps that were installed from play store)
    • Improved information when connecting (now accurately informs the reason for not connecting)
    • Improved and extended information in case of error installing or uninstalling apps on the device.
    • Improved the option to block advertising.
    • Improved SmartTube installation method.
    • Improved Help option (when typing "help" when connecting) to fix various types of errors.
    • Fixed error when recording screen.
    • Fixed bug when downloading AptoideTV.
    • Fixed "Findstr" bug in some users when connecting.
    • Lots of aesthetic improvements.


  • Windows O.S.
  • Have the ADB drivers installed. Here is the link to download them. During installation, make sure to enable the "Add to System Path Environment" option. Here you have more information about ADB drivers. If you don't have ADB drivers installed, they are automatically downloaded and installed as soon as you open Android TV Tools.
  • Connect the TV device to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • On the TV device, go to Settings > system > About and tap "Build Number" several times until you see a message that says "you are now a developer". Then go to Settings > system > developer options and enable "USB debugging".


  • The tool is available in English (EN) and Spanish (ES).
  • Tested on Google TV with Chromecast, please give feedback on other TV devices.
  • With Windows 10 and Windows 11 it is fully compatible and functional. Running the tool on Windows 7 or lower is partially functional, as there are some instructions that it does not interpret on older Windows.
  • To find out the IP address of the TV device, just go to Settings > Networks and Internet > "Your Wi-Fi network". Under that option, you will see the IP. It is also in Settings > System > Status.
  • You can use the tool in multitasking mode, i.e. you can for example backup TV device apps while you are applying custom configurations.

Use of Android TV Tools in offline environment

If you are going to run the tool without an internet connection, download Aux Files for Android TV Tools.rar and unzip the file in the same folder as Android TV Tools vXX.exe, as the tool makes use of several auxiliary files such as:
  • cmdmax.exe (for resizing the tool's windows).
  • ScrCpy (for viewing and controlling your TV device from your PC)
  • Universal Android Debloater (to remove bloatware)
In addition, ADB drivers are included, so there is no need to install them to use Antroid TV Tools.
Folder with Android TV Tools.exe + Aux Files

Does Android TV Tools contain Malware?

The tool is 100% clean and safe, of course it does not send any personal information to any remote server, however Antivirus software in recent times has become much more sensitive especially in the engines used in so some Anti-Virus engines detect Android TV Tools as some kind of Malware I guess because it matches a certain pattern, logically to users of the tool this creates concern especially if it is detected by 39 of 72 engines as happened when launching Android TV Tools v2. The only solution is to contact each of the anti-virus companies via questionnaire or email so that they can reanalyze the file and normally in less than 48 hours you receive a response from the companies informing you that it is indeed a false positive and that they will update the engine. In the case of those 39 engines detecting some type of malware, and after countless emails they were reduced to 4 engines, I must say that these 4 Anti-Virus companies neither answer (neither for good nor for bad) nor update their engines correcting the false positive, these are DeepInstinct, Rising, SkyHigh and TrapMine. It's like hitting a wall, it's very frustrating.
Please, if Android TV Tools is detected as malware/virus by your Anti-virus software or detected by engines inform me as soon as possible, I for my part commit myself to be aware of the analysis in to avoid alerts in Anti-virus engines. Here is a link to a contact directory of antivirus engines if anyone wants to collaborate and send emails to reanalyze the tool, I would appreciate it because this issue of false positives takes a lot of my time.
  • File : Android TV Tools V3_EN.exe
  • Algorithm : MD5
  • Hash : 1884D18FA16AB3DC46EB33599D76F2B7
  • Web

Where to download?

- Android TV Tools v3
- Aux Files for Android TV Tools (See "Use Android TV Tools in offline environment")


  1. Download and unzip in a folder the file from the "Where to download" section.
  2. Make sure you meet all the points in the "requirements" section.
  3. Locate the IP address of the TV device, as explained in the "considerations" section.
  4. Run Android TV Tools and enter the IP address.
  5. A notification will probably appear on the TV device asking "Allow USB debugging?", select "Always allow from this computer" and re-enter the IP address in the tool.
  6. In the tool, choose a function to run and follow the instructions on the screen.


  • Improve optimization tool with more optimization tasks (any suggestions from this thread for Samsung Galaxy devices or this thread for Pixel devices?).
  • Porting code to Linux and Mac via Java or Python.
Android TV Tools
Main menu
Voice commands and more
Replace launcher, youtube and more
I share this tool for free, to code the tool as it is now having taken me quite some time, I just ask for some feedback for the one who download it and try it.
If you are going to use it, please comment what you think or what bugs you see or what new features you suggest. Any opinion is interesting.
submitted by bernarbernuli to AndroidTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:17 aishwarya00 Graphics Processing Unit Market: Insights into Top Key Players and Competitive Strategies

Graphics Processing Unit Market: Insights into Top Key Players and Competitive Strategies
Insights into Top Key Players and Competitive Strategies
The GPU market is characterized by intense competition among key players vying for market share and technological leadership. NVIDIA, AMD, and Intel are the dominant players, leveraging their R&D capabilities, product portfolios, and strategic alliances to gain a competitive edge. NVIDIA, for instance, has been proactive in expanding its presence across diverse industries through partnerships with leading technology companies and acquisitions of key players in adjacent markets.
The graphics processing unit (GPU) market is experiencing robust growth, driven by the increasing demand for high-performance computing, artificial intelligence (AI), gaming, and cryptocurrency mining applications. GPUs play a critical role in accelerating complex computational tasks, including graphics rendering, data analytics, scientific simulations, and deep learning algorithms. The global graphics processing unit market is forecast to expand at a CAGR of 21.3% and thereby increase from a projected value of US$52.34 Bn in 2024, to US$202.2 Bn by the end of 2031.
Market Drivers:
  • Rapid Technological Advancements: Ongoing technological advancements in GPU architecture, semiconductor manufacturing processes, and memory technologies drive the development of more powerful, energy-efficient GPUs. Innovations such as ray tracing, tensor cores, and HBM (High Bandwidth Memory) facilitate real-time rendering, AI inferencing, and high-speed data processing, fueling market demand across diverse industry verticals.
  • Growth of Gaming and eSports: The burgeoning gaming industry, fueled by the popularity of eSports, immersive gaming experiences, and the proliferation of gaming content platforms, drives the demand for high-performance GPUs. Gamers seek cutting-edge graphics, fluid gameplay, and immersive virtual environments, spurring investments in gaming hardware, including GPUs, gaming consoles, and gaming PCs.
  • AI and Machine Learning Applications: The exponential growth of AI, machine learning, and deep learning applications across industries such as healthcare, finance, automotive, and retail necessitates powerful computational resources for training and inference tasks. GPUs offer parallel processing capabilities ideally suited for accelerating neural network training, image recognition, natural language processing, and autonomous driving algorithms, driving adoption across AI-driven enterprises.
Market Restraints:
  • Supply Chain Disruptions: Disruptions in the global semiconductor supply chain, exacerbated by geopolitical tensions, trade tariffs, and the COVID-19 pandemic, pose challenges for GPU manufacturers in meeting market demand, fulfilling orders, and maintaining production continuity. Supply chain constraints, including semiconductor shortages and component shortages, impact production volumes, lead times, and product availability, affecting market dynamics and pricing.
  • Price Volatility and Scalability: The volatile nature of cryptocurrency markets, coupled with regulatory uncertainties and environmental concerns surrounding crypto mining, introduces volatility and unpredictability in GPU demand and pricing. Fluctuations in cryptocurrency prices, mining profitability, and regulatory interventions influence GPU purchase decisions, particularly among crypto miners, impacting market stability and scalability.
  • Competition from Integrated Graphics: The integration of graphics processing capabilities into central processing units (CPUs) and system-on-chip (SoC) designs poses a competitive threat to standalone GPUs, especially in the entry-level and mid-range segments. Integrated graphics solutions offer cost-effective alternatives for basic gaming, multimedia, and productivity tasks, challenging the market positioning of discrete GPUs in mainstream consumer segments.
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Market Opportunities:
  • Edge Computing and IoT Applications: The proliferation of edge computing, Internet of Things (IoT) devices, and connected sensors generates demand for low-power, high-performance GPUs capable of processing real-time data streams, supporting edge AI inference, and enabling autonomous decision-making at the network edge. GPU-accelerated edge computing solutions find applications in smart cities, industrial automation, remote monitoring, and autonomous vehicles.
  • Cloud Gaming and Streaming Services: The rise of cloud gaming platforms, streaming services, and subscription-based gaming models drives demand for cloud-based GPU infrastructure, virtualization technologies, and remote rendering solutions. Cloud gaming services leverage GPU clusters, server farms, and content delivery networks to deliver high-fidelity gaming experiences to diverse devices, enabling seamless access to gaming content without the need for dedicated gaming hardware.
  • High-Performance Computing (HPC): The growing adoption of GPU-accelerated supercomputing, scientific simulations, and research applications in fields such as physics, chemistry, weather forecasting, and genomics presents opportunities for GPU vendors to supply specialized hardware, parallel computing solutions, and optimized software frameworks tailored for HPC workloads. GPUs enable researchers, scientists, and engineers to achieve breakthroughs in computational science, modeling complex phenomena, and accelerating scientific discovery.
Market Segmentations:
  • Tablet
  • Television
  • Computer
  • Gaming Console
  • Smartphone
  • Others
  • Integrated
  • Dedicated
  • Hybrid
End Use Industry
  • IT & Telecommunication
  • Electronics
  • Media & Entertainment
  • Defense & Intelligence
  • Others
  • North America
  • Europe
  • East Asia
  • South Asia & Oceania
  • Latin America
  • Middle East & Africa
Regional Market Dynamics:
North America: North America dominates the GPU market, driven by the presence of leading GPU manufacturers, technology innovators, and key market players. The region witnesses significant investments in gaming hardware, AI research, data center infrastructure, and automotive technologies, fostering innovation, collaboration, and market growth.
Europe: Europe showcases a mature GPU market characterized by strong demand for gaming PCs, workstations, and professional visualization solutions. Market players focus on product differentiation, channel partnerships, and vertical market expansion to address diverse consumer preferences, regulatory requirements, and industry-specific applications across European markets.
Asia-Pacific: Asia-Pacific emerges as a high-growth region for GPUs, driven by rapid industrialization, technological innovation, and the growing adoption of digital technologies across sectors. The region witnesses increasing investments in gaming, eSports, AI research, and semiconductor manufacturing, positioning Asia-Pacific as a key growth engine for the global GPU market.
Key Players:
The GPU market features a competitive landscape with a mix of established players, semiconductor giants, and emerging startups. Some prominent players include:
  • Intel Corporation
  • IBM Corporation
  • Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
  • NVIDIA Corporation
  • Siemens AG
  • Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
  • Qualcomm Incorporated
  • Google, Inc
  • Dassault Systems, Inc.
  • Sony Corporation
Market Trends & Latest Developments:
  • Ray Tracing and Real-Time Rendering: Market trends favor GPU architectures optimized for ray tracing, real-time rendering, and advanced visual effects, enabling lifelike graphics, cinematic experiences, and immersive virtual environments in gaming, entertainment, and design applications.
  • GPU Accelerated AI Inference: The integration of AI inference capabilities into GPU architectures enables efficient, low-latency processing of neural networks for edge AI applications, robotics, autonomous vehicles, and smart devices, driving demand for AI-accelerated GPUs across industries.
  • Energy-Efficient Computing: Market focus on energy-efficient computing, sustainable technologies, and green computing solutions drives the development of energy-efficient GPU architectures, power management features, and thermal designs aimed at reducing environmental impact and operating costs.
Future Trends and Outlook:
  • AI-Driven Workloads: Future GPU architectures will prioritize AI acceleration, tensor processing units (TPUs), and hardware acceleration for AI-driven workloads, enabling breakthroughs in deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision applications across industries.
  • Quantum Computing Integration: Integration of GPUs with quantum computing technologies, quantum annealing processors, and hybrid computing architectures facilitates quantum-assisted computing, quantum machine learning, and quantum simulation, unlocking new frontiers in computational science and problem-solving.
  • Immersive Computing Experiences: Advancements in augmented reality (AR), virtual reality (VR), and mixed reality (MR) technologies leverage GPU acceleration for immersive computing experiences, interactive storytelling, and spatial computing applications, reshaping the future of entertainment, education, and enterprise collaboration.
In conclusion, the GPU market presents lucrative opportunities for innovation, collaboration, and market expansion, driven by rapid technological advancements, diverse applications, and evolving consumer preferences. Market players must navigate competitive pressures, address emerging trends, and leverage strategic partnerships to capitalize on growth prospects and maintain leadership in the dynamic global GPU market landscape.
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2024.05.13 14:57 ismaruizdesign UX Designer needed

Company: Amply Freelance / 100% Remote How to apply: ........... We are seeking a highly skilled and creative Web Designer. As a Web Designer, you will be responsible for creating visually stunning and user-friendly websites that effectively communicate our clients' brands and drive user engagement. Responsibilities: Design and create visually appealing and intuitive website layouts, user interfaces, and graphical assets. Creating additional branding assets that are applicable to creating an immersive site experience. This includes custom patterns, iconography, bordering, conceptual visuals, marketable UI of their products. Prioritize the presentation of your designs with organization, labeling, previewing interactions, and outlining your thought process for our clients. Displaying and thinking through the interactions, animations, and micro-interactions of the site. Ensure websites are optimized for responsiveness, performance, and compatibility across different browsers and devices. Create and maintain design guidelines, style guides, and design documentation. A strong focus of accessibility Collaborate with developers to translate design concepts into functional websites, ensuring seamless integration of design and development. This includes being open to developer feedback and creating strong rapport with the team. Stay up-to-date with industry trends, emerging technologies, and design tools, and share knowledge and insights with the team. Provide design support and guidance throughout the project lifecycle, ensuring design consistency and quality. Conduct regular design reviews and gather feedback from stakeholders to refine and improve designs. How to apply:
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2024.05.13 14:52 ismaruizdesign UX Designer needed

Company: Amply Freelance / 100% Remote How to apply: ........... We are seeking a highly skilled and creative Web Designer. As a Web Designer, you will be responsible for creating visually stunning and user-friendly websites that effectively communicate our clients' brands and drive user engagement. Responsibilities: Design and create visually appealing and intuitive website layouts, user interfaces, and graphical assets. Creating additional branding assets that are applicable to creating an immersive site experience. This includes custom patterns, iconography, bordering, conceptual visuals, marketable UI of their products. Prioritize the presentation of your designs with organization, labeling, previewing interactions, and outlining your thought process for our clients. Displaying and thinking through the interactions, animations, and micro-interactions of the site. Ensure websites are optimized for responsiveness, performance, and compatibility across different browsers and devices. Create and maintain design guidelines, style guides, and design documentation. A strong focus of accessibility Collaborate with developers to translate design concepts into functional websites, ensuring seamless integration of design and development. This includes being open to developer feedback and creating strong rapport with the team. Stay up-to-date with industry trends, emerging technologies, and design tools, and share knowledge and insights with the team. Provide design support and guidance throughout the project lifecycle, ensuring design consistency and quality. Conduct regular design reviews and gather feedback from stakeholders to refine and improve designs. How to apply:
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2024.05.13 13:13 ReportsStack Variable Frequency Drives Market Size, Key Trends & Projected Growth Report from 2024 to 2030

In 2023, the global variable frequency drives market reached a valuation of approximately USD 26 billion, and it is projected to exhibit a noteworthy Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of around 5.5% from 2024 to 2030. The market's expansion is propelled by several pivotal factors. Firstly, there is a growing emphasis on energy efficiency and sustainability across industries, leading to increased adoption of Variable Frequency Drives (VFDs). These devices enable precise control of motor speed, resulting in reduced energy consumption and operational costs. Secondly, the expanding industrial automation landscape and the ongoing trend towards digitalization are fostering demand for VFDs across diverse sectors such as manufacturing, oil and gas, and HVAC systems.
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Market Trends:
· Integration with Industrial IoT (IIoT) and Industry 4.0: VFDs are increasingly being integrated with Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) technologies and Industry 4.0 principles to enable remote monitoring, predictive maintenance, and data-driven decision-making. This integration enhances operational efficiency, reduces downtime, and optimizes energy consumption in industrial processes.
· Focus on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: With growing concerns about energy consumption and environmental sustainability, there is a heightened focus on energy-efficient solutions like VFDs. These devices enable precise control of motor speed, reducing energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions across various applications, including pumps, fans, and conveyors.
· Demand for Modular and Scalable Solutions: Modular and scalable VFD solutions are gaining traction, allowing users to customize their systems according to specific application requirements and easily scale up or down as needed. This flexibility is particularly valuable in industries with evolving needs or fluctuating production demands.
· Rise of Edge Computing and Edge Control: Edge computing and edge control technologies are becoming increasingly prevalent in industrial automation. VFDs equipped with edge computing capabilities can perform local data processing and control tasks, reducing latency and enhancing system responsiveness in distributed control architectures.
· Adoption of Wireless Communication Protocols: The adoption of wireless communication protocols such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth in VFDs is simplifying installation and commissioning processes, reducing cabling requirements, and enabling remote monitoring and control of motor drives in industrial environments.
Market Opportunities:
The variable frequency drives (VFD) market presents several promising opportunities for growth and innovation. One significant opportunity lies in the increasing demand for energy-efficient solutions across various industries, driven by stringent regulations and growing environmental concerns. VFDs play a crucial role in optimizing energy usage by enabling precise control of motor speed, resulting in significant energy savings and reduced operational costs. Additionally, the ongoing trend towards industrial automation and digitalization opens up opportunities for VFDs in sectors such as manufacturing, oil and gas, and HVAC systems, where there is a growing need for advanced control and monitoring capabilities. Moreover, the expansion of application areas for VFDs, including renewable energy, electric vehicle charging, and water treatment, presents new avenues for market penetration and product development.
According to the recent report published by RC Market Analytics, the Global Variable Frequency Drives Market is expected to provide sustainable growth opportunities during the forecast period from 2024 to 2030. This latest industry research study analyzes the variable frequency drives market by various product segments, applications, regions and countries while assessing regional performances of numerous leading market participants. The report offers a holistic view of the variable frequency drives industry encompassing numerous stakeholders including raw material suppliers, providers, distributors, consumers and government agencies, among others. Furthermore, the report includes detailed quantitative and qualitative analysis of the global market considering market history, product development, regional dynamics, competitive landscape, and key success factors (KSFs) in the industry.
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Geographically, the variable frequency drives market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The variable frequency drives market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Latin America, and the Middle East & Africa. Variable frequency drives market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2020 to 2023 along with forecast for the period from 2024 - 2030.The report includes a deep-dive analysis of key countries including the U.S., Canada, the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, China, Japan, India, Australia, Mexico, Brazil and South Africa, among others. Thereby, the report identifies unique growth opportunities across the world based on trends occurring in various developed and developing economies.
The Variable Frequency Drives Market Segmentation:

By Product Type:

By Power Range:

By Application:

By End-Use:

By Region:

Key players in the global variable frequency drives market include ABB Ltd., Eaton, General Electric, Hitachi Ltd., and Rockwell Automation Inc. These companies employ strategies such as market expansion, new investments, service innovations, and collaborations to explore new opportunities. Additionally, they are venturing into new geographical territories through expansion and acquisitions, leveraging joint synergies to gain a competitive advantage.
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Key Questions Answered by Variable Frequency Drives Market Report:
About Us:RC Market Analytics is a global market research firm. Our insightful analysis is focused on developed and emerging markets. We identify trends and forecast markets with a view to aid businesses identify market opportunities to optimize strategies. Our expert’s team of analysts’ provides enterprises with strategic insights. RC Market Analytics works to help enterprises grow through strategic insights and actionable solutions. Feel free to contact us for any report customization at
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2024.05.13 12:47 upbstock 🧾🧾📙📙📘📘📗📖📖📖📖📖📖

Traders are still in the dark about when the Federal Reserve might start cutting interest rates. Even two new inflation data points this week may not provide much more clarity. The producer price index is out Tuesday, and the consumer price index is on Wednesday. The CPI in particular has been sticky this year. A large part of that comes down to housing costs, which haven't slowed as much as the Fed might have hoped, but it could also be statistical noise -- and housing counts for a lot less in the Fed's preferred inflation gauge, the personal consumption expenditures index. Also of note is that labor market data have been heavily revised this year, making them a bit harder to decipher. And Morgan Stanley has identified another issue -- the seasonal adjustments to the inflation data could be a bit off, making inflation appear hotter in the first half than it will in the second half of the year. If this all seems confusing, you're not alone. Fed officials are also struggling to get a clear idea of what's happening. There will be plenty of updates on their thinking, though, with almost a dozen speaking events this week. That includes Chair Jerome Powell on Tuesday. Here's the bigger picture. Inflation probably is still slowing, even if the data look bumpy. Consumers' savings piles from the Covid-19 pandemic are gone, making them even more price sensitive than they used to be. Retail sales figures and earnings this week from Walmart and Home Depot will add more color there. Pay particular attention to what executives say about the outlook, they've got their fingers on the pulse. And Fed officials may well indicate they would like to cut rates, even if the data won't allow them to yet. That's a good sign for investors, even if the first reduction isn't imminent. -- Brian Swint *** Join Barron's senior managing editor Lauren R. Rublin and deputy editor Ben Levisohn today at noon when they discuss the outlook for financial markets, industry sectors, and individual stocks with 22V Research's Senior Managing Director, Head of Technical Strategy John Roque . Sign up here.
Retail Earnings to Illustrate Consumer Spending Patterns Retail earnings and sales reports this week will tell economists how consumers are coping with higher prices for groceries and other essentials and overall household spending. The Census Bureau reports April retail sales data on Wednesday, Home Depot reports earnings on Tuesday, and Walmart reports on Thursday. -- On Wednesday, economists expect the Census Bureau to report a 0.4% increase in retail and food-services sales in April, to $712 billion , from March's 0.7% gain and the third monthly gain since January. Without autos and fuel, core retail sales are expected to rise 0.25%.
-- Walmart 's more than 10,600 stores worldwide and its increasing grocery sales helped compensate for declining sales of discretionary items such as clothing and electronics. Analysts expect Walmart to report adjusted earnings of 51 cents a share and revenue of $159.4 billion .
-- Grocery prices have risen more than 25% compared with prepandemic levels, BofA analysts said. said first-quarter visits to Walmart rose 3.9% from a year earlier, with an influx of higher-income shoppers. Walmart last month launched its Bettergoods private-label products to boost profit and compete with national brands.
-- Home Depot 's first-quarter visits slipped 1.1% amid caution about expensive home renovation projects, said. Home Depot has seen lower demand for new projects such as flooring, countertops, and cabinets. CEO Ted Decker told analysts in February that the retailer has a neutral look on housing for 2024. What's Next: Wedbush analysts said Home Depot 's more cautious 2024 forecast was realistic given the "choppy sales trends" due to a delayed spring, still-high mortgage rates, and a slow housing recovery. Analysts expect first-quarter earnings of $3.60 a share on revenue of $36.7 billion . -- Janet H. Cho
Inflation Reading This Week Could Confirm Downward Trend When the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports the April consumer price index on Wednesday, it could potentially confirm that inflation has begun declining after three straight higher-than-expected readings. That could increase optimism that the Federal Reserve might reduce interest rates in September. -- The Federal Reserve Bank of New York today will release its April Survey of Consumer Expectations for inflation, after three straight months of reports that consumers' expectation for year-ahead inflation was 3%. A similar survey from the University of Michigan climbed to 3.5% last week.
-- Expectations for a rate cut increased after the Bureau of Labor Statistics' April jobs report showed that the U.S. added 175,000 jobs, lower than the 235,000 expected, and a huge drop from March's 315,000 gain. Unemployment rose to 3.9% from 3.8% in March.
-- The BLS' April producer price index out Tuesday is expected to show a 2.2% annual increase, down one-tenth of a percentage point from March. Core PPI excluding volatile food and energy prices is forecast to increase 2.3%.
-- Chicago Fed President Austan Goolsbee told The Wall Street Journal that housing hasn't behaved the way economists expected. Market rents aren't slowing as quickly despite the record number of new apartments because demand has risen from higher immigration, more hiring, and rising wages. What's Next: Fed Chair Jerome Powell could update his views on the U.S. economy and rates on Tuesday when he appears on a panel with Klaas Knot , the head of the Dutch central bank, who is also a member of the governing council of the European Central Bank . -- Janet H. Cho and Nicholas Jasinski
Arm to Launch AI Chips Soon, Report Says Arm Holdings , the U.K. -based chip maker best known for its involvement with Apple 's iPhones, has plans to launch its first artificial intelligence semiconductors next year. -- The company, which listed in New York last year but is still controlled by Japan's SoftBank, is setting up an AI division and will have a prototype in the spring of next year, Japan's Nikkei news agency reported.
-- It could be a big step forward for Arm if it can get a foothold in the AI-chip market, which is currency dominated by the likes of Nvidia , Advanced Micro Devices, Qualcomm, and Intel. It's especially important as Apple has yet to unveil much detail about how it will integrate AI into most of its products.
-- Last week, Arm reported earnings that were slightly ahead of estimates and gave guidance roughly in line with expectations. That wasn't good enough for investors. Coming into Monday, the shares were down 1.7% over the past five days and 27% lower than three months ago. Still, the stock is up 45% since Jan. 1 . What's Next: While Arm appears to be arriving late to the hype around AI, there could still be plenty of room for it to benefit. However, the bar for success is getting higher. Big names such as Nvidia have slumped as investors increasingly need earnings and guidance that far exceed expectations to push shares up. -- Brian Swint
Apple Workers at Maryland Store Vote to Authorize Strike About 100 Apple employees at the company's first unionized store in Towson, Md. , have voted to authorize a strike against the tech company after negotiating with Apple management for more than a year over unresolved workplace issues. A date for the potential strike hasn't been announced. -- The Coalition of Organized Retail Employees , part of the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers , became the first of 270 U.S. Apple stores to unionize in June 2022 . Workers cited issues with work-life balance, unpredictable scheduling practices, and inadequate wages for the area's cost of living.
-- Members of the negotiating committee of the Apple union in Maryland , called IAM CORE for short, said they sought to send a clear message to Apple and secure tangible improvements for all employees. An Apple representative could not be reached for comment.
-- An independent survey of Apple employees in response to its Workers Rights Assessments found a "concerning pattern of alleged illegal behavior," including probably unlawful terminations of employment and collective punishment of workers trying to organize industrial action. Another report by Jenner & Block law firm was also critical of workers rights at Apple .
-- The union said it has been negotiating with Apple since January 2023 , but the two sides still disagree over hourly wages, overtime, scheduling, and shift premiums. Apple workers in Oklahoma City, Okla. , separately voted to unionize in October 2022 , joining the Communications Workers of America . What's Next: The vote means the union's bargaining committee can call for a strike at any time, potentially becoming the first U.S. Apple employees to walk off the job. The next round of contract talks between Apple and the IAM CORE is scheduled for May 21 . -- Janet H. Cho
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2024.05.13 08:15 TerribleSell2997 Brazil Airbag Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

~Brazil airbag market~ is forecast to augment at a CAGR of nearly 7% during the forecast period. Brazil Airbag Market research report refers to gathering and analyzing significant market data serve as best medium for various industry players to launch novel product or service. It is vital for key firms to have constant observation of latest market trends which keep on changing. Constants shifts in the trends and key advancements are observed in the market through this Brazil Airbag Market report and inform key firms about them. By knowing this, business owners can take effective actions before actually developing any product or service. It also aims at offering thorough knowledge regarding competitors to assist them in taking strategic decision making.
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Major companies which are contributing significantly in the market include Autoliv Inc., Continental AG, DENSO Corp., Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd., Key Safety Systems, Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH, Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd., TRW Automotive Holdings Corp., and others. The market players are considerably contributing to the market growth by the adoption of various growth strategies including new product launch, merger, and acquisition, collaborations with government, and technological advancements to stay competitive in the market.
full report of Brazil Airbag Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Brazil Airbag Market by Type
o Front Airbag
o Side Airbag
o Curtain Airbag
o Knee Airbag
Brazil Airbag Market by Vehicle Type
o Passenger Cars
o Hatchback
o Sedan
o Commercial Vehicle
Company Profiles
o Autoliv Inc.
o Continental AG
o DENSO Corp.
o Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.
o Key Safety Systems, Inc.
o Robert Bosch GmbH
o Toyoda Gosei Co., Ltd.
o TRW Automotive Holdings Corp.
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
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2024.05.13 08:13 TerribleSell2997 Australia Passenger Car Airbag Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

Australia is forecast to show modest growth in the ~passenger car airbag market.~ Australia Passenger Car Airbag Market report provides us with a complete outlook on thorough assessment of thorough data about vital feature of the global industry related to market size, revenue, development and market sales. This study report captures regulatory concerns and entry barriers that greatly affect the market growth. This report emphasizes on how industries get benefit from strategies offered here and achieve ample revenue other than also flashes light on constraints which can become great obstruction. It further helps to predict revenue increasing opportunities available in the marketplace. In addition, it then goes on to talk about volume trends, values and historical pricing structure. This Australia Passenger Car Airbag Market study report also helps to predict growth and opportunities in the market. Furthermore, it also guides on how to increase product demand, growth rate and gain huge profits through changing consumption technologies.
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The Australian passenger car airbag market is segmented on the basis of type and vehicle type. By type, the market is further divided into front airbag, side airbag, curtain airbag, and knee airbag. By vehicle type, the market is segmented into Hatchback, Sedan, and SUV. Major companies contributing to the Australian passenger car airbag market include Autoliv Inc., Continental AG, DENSO Corp., Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd., Key Safety Systems, Inc., Robert Bosch GmbH, TRW Automotive Holdings Corp. and so on. The market players are considerably contributing to the market growth by the adoption of various strategies including new product launch, merger, and acquisition, collaborations with government, and technological advancements to stay competitive in the market.
full report of Australia Passenger Car Airbag Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Australia Passenger Car Airbag Market by Type
o Front Airbag
o Side Airbag
o Curtain Airbag
o Knee Airbag
Australia Passenger Car Airbag Market by Vehicle Type
o Hatchback
o Sedan
Company Profiles
o Autoliv Inc.
o Continental AG
o DENSO Corp.
o Hyundai Mobis Co., Ltd.
o Key Safety Systems, Inc.
o Robert Bosch GmbH
o TRW Automotive Holdings Corp.
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:06 TerribleSell2997 China ASRS Market Increasing Demand, Growth Analysis and Future Outlook by 2031

The China automated storage and retrieval system ~(ASRS) market~ is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 11.3% during the forecast period. China ASRS Market research report refers to gathering and analyzing significant market data serve as best medium for various industry players to launch novel product or service. It is vital for key firms to have constant observation of latest market trends which keep on changing. Constants shifts in the trends and key advancements are observed in the market through this China ASRS Market report and inform key firms about them. By knowing this, business owners can take effective actions before actually developing any product or service. It also aims at offering thorough knowledge regarding competitors to assist them in taking strategic decision making.
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China ASRS market is segmented on the basis of type and industry. On the basis of type, the market is segmented into the unit load, mini load, vertical lift module (VLM), carousel, and auto store. Mini load ASRS handles totes, trays, and cartons rather than full pallets. Mini load ASRS is used considerably in retail, e-commerce and 3PL providers. Based on the industry, the market is automotive; chemical, metals & heavy machinery; food & beverages; healthcare; retail, third-party logistics (3PL), and e-commerce; and others such as aviation and manufacturing. Innovative product launches, huge investment in R&D, mergers and acquisition, and partnerships among companies are the key growth strategies that are actively adopted by the companies to remain competitive in the market.
full report of China ASRS Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
China ASRS Market by Type
o Unit Load
o Mini Load
o Vertical Lift Module
o Carousel
o Auto Store
China ASRS Market Industry
o Automobile
o Chemical, Metals & Heavy Machinery
o Food & Beverages
o Healthcare
o Retail, Third-Party Logistics, and E-Commerce
o Others (Aviation, Manufacturing Industry)
Company Profiles
o BEUMER Group
o Daifuku Co., Ltd.
o Honeywell International, Inc.
o IHI Corp.
o Kardex Group
o KION Group AG
o Murata Machinery Ltd.
o Nanjing Huade Storage Equipment Co. Ltd.
o Qingdao Huichen Storage Equipment Co. Ltd.
o TGW Logistics Group
o Toyota Industries Corp.
The Report Covers
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About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 08:04 TerribleSell2997 Indian ASRS Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The Indian automated storage and retrieval system ~(ASRS) market~ is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 12.7% during the forecast period. Indian ASRS Market report provides us with a complete outlook on thorough assessment of thorough data about vital feature of the global industry related to market size, revenue, development and market sales. This study report captures regulatory concerns and entry barriers that greatly affect the market growth. This report emphasizes on how industries get benefit from strategies offered here and achieve ample revenue other than also flashes light on constraints which can become great obstruction. It further helps to predict revenue increasing opportunities available in the marketplace. In addition, it then goes on to talk about volume trends, values and historical pricing structure. This Indian ASRS Market study report also helps to predict growth and opportunities in the market. Furthermore, it also guides on how to increase product demand, growth rate and gain huge profits through changing consumption technologies.
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Indian ASRS market is segmented on the basis of type and industry. On the basis of type, the market is segmented into the unit load, mini load, vertical lift module (VLM), carousel, and auto store. Mini load ASRS handles totes, trays, and cartons rather than full pallets. Mini load ASRS is used considerably in retail, e-commerce and 3PL providers. Based on the industry, the market is automotive; chemical, metals & heavy machinery; food & beverages; healthcare; retail, third-party logistics (3PL), and e-commerce; and others such as aviation and manufacturing. Innovative product launches, huge investment in R&D, mergers and acquisition, and partnerships among companies are the key growth strategies that are actively adopted by the companies to remain competitive in the market.
full report of Indian ASRS Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Indian ASRS Market by Type
o Unit Load
o Mini Load
o Vertical Lift Module
o Carousel
o Auto Store
Indian ASRS Market Industry
o Automobile
o Chemical, Metals & Heavy Machinery
o Food & Beverages
o Healthcare
o Retail, Third-Party Logistics, and E-Commerce
o Others (Aviation, Manufacturing Industry)
Company Profiles
o Bastian Solutions, LLC
o Daifuku Co., Ltd.
o Godrej Consoveyo Logistics Automation Ltd.
o Kardex Group
o KION Group AG
o Murata Machinery Ltd.
o Pennar Industries Ltd.
o Toyota Industries Corp.
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:55 TerribleSell2997 German Urban Air Mobility Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~German urban air mobility market~ is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 13.6% during the forecast period. German Urban Air Mobility Market research report refers to gathering and analyzing significant market data serve as best medium for various industry players to launch novel product or service. It is vital for key firms to have constant observation of latest market trends which keep on changing. Constants shifts in the trends and key advancements are observed in the market through this German Urban Air Mobility Market report and inform key firms about them. By knowing this, business owners can take effective actions before actually developing any product or service. It also aims at offering thorough knowledge regarding competitors to assist them in taking strategic decision making.
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Moreover, there are other players in the market that are focusing on builing urban air mobility ecosystem in Germany. For instance, in October 2019, EHang, and autonomous aerial vehicle (AAV) technology platform company established a partnership with Vodafone for building out an urban air mobility ecosystem first in Germany and then Europe-wide. Under the agreement, Vodafone would be the exclusive partner of EHang for providing connectivity to all EHang AAVs operating in Europe by equipping them with Vodafone SIM cards.
full report of German Urban Air Mobility Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
Germany Urban Air Mobility Market by Component
o Infrastructure
o Platform
Germany Urban Air Mobility Market by Operation
o Piloted
o Autonomous
Company Profiles
o Airbus SE
o Bell Textron, Inc.
o EHang
o Embraer SA
o Honeywell International, Inc.
o Neva Aerospace, Ltd.
o Safran S.A.
o Lilium GmbH
o Thales Group
o Volocopter GmbH
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:53 TerribleSell2997 North American Urban Air Mobility Market is Dazzling Worldwide and Forecast to 2030

The ~North American urban air mobility market~ is estimated to generate a significant market value in 2018 and is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 13.0% during the forecast period. North American Urban Air Mobility Market report provides us with a complete outlook on thorough assessment of thorough data about vital feature of the global industry related to market size, revenue, development and market sales. This study report captures regulatory concerns and entry barriers that greatly affect the market growth. This report emphasizes on how industries get benefit from strategies offered here and achieve ample revenue other than also flashes light on constraints which can become great obstruction. It further helps to predict revenue increasing opportunities available in the marketplace. In addition, it then goes on to talk about volume trends, values and historical pricing structure. This North American Urban Air Mobility Market study report also helps to predict growth and opportunities in the market. Furthermore, it also guides on how to increase product demand, growth rate and gain huge profits through changing consumption technologies.
Get Free Sample link @
A number of companies are planning to introduce air mobility vehicles in the country including Uber Inc.,, Honeywell International, Joby Aviation, Kitty Hawk, Hoversurf, DeLorean Aerospace, LLC, Verdego aero Inc., Workhorse Group and so on. is working towards the drone delivery service in North America, to reduce delivery time and to roll-out one-day shipping to its Prime members. The company has announced its plan for Prime Air Delivery in 2013 and continuous working on R&D of the products. In June 2019, the company introduced an electric version of its package delivery drone which the company is expected to introduce in 2020. The drones can deliver packages under 2.25 kg and can fly up to 24 km. The aim of the introduction of the new drones is to deliver the products in less than half an hour.
full report of North American Urban Air Mobility Market available @
· Market Coverage
· Market number available for – 2024-2031
· Base year- 2024
· Forecast period- 2024-2031
· Segment Covered- By Source, By Product Type, By Applications
· Competitive Landscape- Archer Daniels Midland Co., Ingredion Inc., Kerry Group Plc, Cargill
· Inc., and others
Market Segmentation
North American Urban Air Mobility Market by Component
o Infrastructure
o Platform
North American Urban Air Mobility Market by Operation
o Piloted
o Autonomous
Regional Analysis
o United States
o Canada
Company Profiles
o Airspace Experience Technologies, Inc.
o Aurora Flight Sciences Corp.
o Bell Textron, Inc.
o DeLorean Aerospace, LLC
o Honeywell International, Inc.
o Hoversurf
o Kitty Hawk Corp.
o Opener, Inc.
o Verdego Aero Inc.
o Workhorse Group, Inc.
o XTI Aircraft Co.
The Report Covers
For More Customized Data, Request for Report Customization @
About Orion Market Research Orion Market Research (OMR) is a market research and consulting company known for its crisp and concise reports. The company is equipped with an experienced team of analysts and consultants. OMR offers quality syndicated research reports, customized research reports, consulting and other research-based services. The company also offer Digital Marketing services through its subsidiary OMR Digital and Software development and Consulting Services through another subsidiary Encanto Technologies.
Media Contact:
Company Name: Orion Market Research
Contact Person: Mr. Anurag Tiwari
Email: [](
Contact no: +91 780-304-0404
submitted by TerribleSell2997 to Nim2908 [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:36 TwoSocksTwoGlocks [WTS] Trijicon MRO, P&S stubby mlok

Catch and release MRO, PD trade in so it’s marked with a big DPS # on the side. Post 89K serial. Used but good shape, glass is pristine , comes with absolute height mount. Asking $300 shipped or trade for a black Unity Micro FAST + cash
P&S stubby Mlok VFG. Modified to fit URX4 rails perfectly, will fit most mlok rails (I tried it on Geissele, KAC, BCM, and MWI). Asking $55 shipped.
Comment then PM please. Thanks.
submitted by TwoSocksTwoGlocks to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 02:47 OzoneHelix_ Random restarts with GPU pass through on Windows 11 VM KVM/QEMU

I am having a problem where when I use my windows 11 vm my host system will instantly restart I can't figure out why its happening but any help would be appreciated thanks Ozzy
edit: sometimes its random and won't crash it at
VM XML: Hardware Probe
submitted by OzoneHelix_ to VFIO [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 01:07 tinybilbo How can I tell what processor my Ender 3 s1 has? I want to flash Klipper...

How can I tell what processor my Ender 3 s1 has? I want to flash Klipper...
I have an Ender 3 s1 (not pro or plus).
I have setup a raspberry pi 2 with MainsailOS and have ssh'd into it to setup/flash Klipper.
Before I do that I would like to confirm that I have the right settings for my processor (which I do not know). When I go into the info on the printers screen it says I am on fw3.03 which I believe is an STM32F401 processor. How can I verify that this is the right processor?
Also can someone please confirm that these are the right settings to build the Klipper firmware (assuming I have the chosen the correct processor). thx :-)
submitted by tinybilbo to Ender3S1 [link] [comments]