Wezzy s sayings

Quotes and sayings

2011.11.16 21:51 Ame_Rican Quotes and sayings


2017.05.29 04:17 _TheSkuxxDeluxe_ Your sligtly incorrect sayings

Your slightly incorrect sayings

2015.06.26 01:24 scrapmetal134 JustMinionThings

A place to post those stupid minion pictures that flood Facebook but with any sort of offensive text you desire.

2024.06.07 21:00 Froggirliepop Flight that I was watching to book went away on the travel portal?

New card member here. I’ve been watching a frontier flight on the travel portal and it’s been telling me to wait to book for the best price. Well now a few days ago it told me I can book, but when I go to the page it says the flight isn’t available. I can still book through frontier, but I wanted the 5x points…does this happen often? I don’t see any frontier flights listed now for the days I was planning to travel. I’m confused as to what happened.
submitted by Froggirliepop to Venturex [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:59 SomeCruzDude [Watkins] Red Stars spokesperson says there’s been a surge in tickets sold, they are nearing the NWSL attendance record, but they’re keeping the current number under wraps for now

[Watkins] Red Stars spokesperson says there’s been a surge in tickets sold, they are nearing the NWSL attendance record, but they’re keeping the current number under wraps for now submitted by SomeCruzDude to BayFC [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:58 Ambeef Nebraska, US

My two dogs are registered ESA. Apartments wants pets dna (in email it says to bring pets)
I guess dog poop has been an issue at my complex. I clean up after my dog(s) any time I see them go, but I can’t lie if there was a time or two I may have not noticed at night since there a no leash fenced area. They are now requiring everyone to bring their dogs to the office to be dna tested to test any poop found and if it matches your pet you will be fined 200$ per poop. Is this even legal? I’ve never lived anywhere where they did this. Why not just add cameras? Better lighting? It’s a bit far fetched to me. Also wouldn’t dna be mixed easily since there’s many dogs? Should they clean the area before enforcing this. I’m just confused. lol There is also nothing in my lease about this. It’s not that I don’t clean up after my pets, it’s that I’m afraid of my complex scamming people since there was a sketchy towing company towing peoples vehicles for “cash only” for no reason (parking too close in a space or a touching the line. Silly things like that) and the complex knew about it
submitted by Ambeef to esa [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:58 Choice-Kale-6818 UPDATE: Took forever but i found a server that gives out fanduel picks for free and they all hit for me😂🙏

Wanted to put everyone on to this before it blows up. They have NBA MLB NHL NFL WNBA Soccer and College. Owner says it’s gonna be free all summer. I’m gonna leave link in comments.
submitted by Choice-Kale-6818 to fanduel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:58 Ukulele-Jay Pip Boy Backpack

Pip Boy Backpack
Does anyone else use this backpack.. it says it’s reactive but it doesn’t seem to react at all? At the end of the video you can see it says 7 kills.. not sure from when it’s counting? Perhaps there’s a different style that’s reactive 😳
submitted by Ukulele-Jay to Fortnite_Over40 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:57 planetpropolis “We just want you to be happy”, then tell you how to be happy

I struggle with dissonance where my parents tell me the “right”way to do things and justify it by saying they just want me to be happy. In some areas we just don’t share the same values, but I feel like I can’t fight back because they claim to be on my side.
Example: I feel like it’s best when romantic relationships start from a place of common hobbies/interests. They say that is naive and I need to start from someone’s schooling and job, because stable income means ability to support a family. I get it, but could honestly care less where someone went to school as long as they’re a decent and interesting person. My parents and I continue to be at a stalemate, where they will disapprove of anyone I might like, and I don’t want to meet anyone they try to introduce, because we’re coming from completely different angles.
If you’ve had this type of dissonance on what is supposed to make you “happy”, I would love to hear about examples, and how you handled it/what the outcome was. Thank you!
submitted by planetpropolis to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:57 Apprehensive_Pie_786 AITAH for feeling not thought of due to not receiving a gift?

I 28F and my husband 28m just welcomed our baby boy into the world last week. But backtracking to Mother’s Day:
My husband got me two breastfeeding dresses. Neither were really my “style” but one was cute to wear around the house and the other I couldn’t wear. I have a condition where under my arms sweat a lot, and he got me a dress that is tight around my arms and light colored. He knows about this condition, I’ve tried surgery and expensive products but nothing works. It is something I have always been extremely self conscious about. At the time of receiving the dress, I thanked him but told him he would have to return it because of my sweating problem. He tried to argue it doesn’t matter, but it matters to me. I felt so embarrassed I started to cry because it was obviously upsetting him that I didn’t like it and he said “well that was fun” meaning the whole opening of the dresses for Mother’s Day. Mind you, I was nine months pregnant and really emotional so his reaction just hurt a little more and I tried to explain to him that it’s just embarrassing not being able to appreciate his gift because of my condition. He said he understood and would return it and pick out something else for me.
After this, we talked about having the baby and how I wanted sushi afterwards since I didn’t get any during pregnancy. We laughed about a “push present” and he said he would love to get me something. When the time came, he never got me anything as a gift. I was totally okay with this because a “push present” is such a trend and not really a necessary thing.
A few weeks have gone by and he never returned the dress. I reminded him a few times but he just didn’t do it, so I asked for the order number and did it myself. I asked if he would want to pick something else out for me and he said sure.
After we had the baby, I was looking at cute birth stone bracelets and birth flower jewelry that I was thinking about getting to have something with our baby’s birth month. My husband told me he was still planning on getting me a gift. It felt like he was just saying that because I was looking at jewelry for myself. It was an afterthought sort of comment, and if he was going to get me something he would have. I don’t mind getting jewelry for myself, especially since I’d rather do that than have to ask for it. But I just said okay and stopped looking for something for myself.
His Father’s Day gift came early, and he accidentally picked it up at the post office so he knows what it is. It’s a small black stone grill for our porch. He was so happy about it and really grateful. But now he is filling our Amazon cart with accessories for it and building a stand for it.
I guess I feel a little sad. It has nothing to do with actually receiving the gifts but rather just being thought about. I feel like an after thought. I still haven’t received anything to replace the dress from Mother’s Day and haven’t gotten a “push present”. I feel so silly being a little offended by it, but I can’t help it. We had a bit of a traumatic birth story with our son and I went through a lot. He mentions he is planning on getting me something after the fact, but I don’t think he really will. I’m not going to bring it up again because it’s like asking for a gift. It feels like he doesn’t think of me and just says what I want to hear at the time.
AITAH? It feels so superficial to be upset about gift giving, but when I see him spending so much time and money picking out supplies for his grill, it makes me sad about my Mother’s Day gift and promised “push present.” I don’t even want the gift, I just want to be appreciated and thought about.
submitted by Apprehensive_Pie_786 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:57 soggyt0asters tldr: I think my friend is having auditory hallucinations

I’m worried about my friend and not sure what to do
I F23 went to see my friend F24 the other night after she texted me wanting to catch up; we’ve known each other since high school. I hadn’t seen her in a while, but she has dealt with substance abuse and talked about her depression with me before. Our relationship hasn’t been romantic/committed for about 2 years, but when she does reach out to me, part of me is worried that she could be in trouble/a bad spot mentally (based off what she texts me), and so I agree to meet up with her to check in and make sure she’s okay. This has happened probably 4 times this year so far, and after this last time, it’s been making me feel anxious. When I walked in, immediately I was hit with the strong smell of cat pee. She opens the door and there’s random clutter sparsely on the living room floor. Not to be impolite or judgmental, this is just to paint the picture. Then when we walk toward the stairs, she points to two piles of salt on the steps and tells me her two pets threw up, and since she doesn’t t have cleaning supplies, she just put rubbing alcohol and salt on it to clean it up. Then we walk upstairs and it still smells like piss everywhere, and she shows me her oom & bathroom. Her toilet had poop and yellow gunk all over the backside of the seat, on the bowl/rim, and the walls surrounding. I’m guessing that she’s not in a good mental position and am trying to get some conversation going to check in and have a good talk. We hit some mj and started talking, but since I rarely do, it hit me pretty hard and I let her have most of it (it was also hers so). Anyways— I got nonverbal at this point and I’m just trying to think of how to make sense of what I’m seeing. All the sudden she starts saying “yeah like you said with the sword!” and i’m like “what??” she then proceeds to tell me she was responding to what I was talking about, when I didn’t say anything. This happens probably 8 more times, where she’ll randomly start talking about something very specific and it sounds like a snippet of conversation, but when I’d ask her “what are you talking about?” she’d say it again or say that she was just responding to what I said (even though I hadn’t said anything). I said “I think you’re having a conversation in your head and then forgetting you’re having it in your head cause I’m not saying anything out here”. She then told me that a voice in her head that says “bad things” was getting loud, and that she was going to lay down. She also got up 2x because she thought she heard someone jiggle her door knob in her house?? I’m not sure what this means and I’m really afraid for her. What should i do?
submitted by soggyt0asters to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:57 Fozzy777777 Trying to say John was having a seizure she’s dangerous her with her lies

Trying to say John was having a seizure she’s dangerous her with her lies submitted by Fozzy777777 to GeordieJulieAskew [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:56 pisscorn-boy Infuriated at how differently my parents treat me and my partners depending on their gender

I had a girlfriend for a few years (I’m nonbinary but my family doesn’t know, they see me as a woman) and my parents were less than enthused about it. They were never hostile or anything, just neutral. Not unsupportive but not supportive either. I’d never had a boyfriend before so I kind of just assumed they didn’t like me dating in general. They have never been explicitly homophobic and even voiced support for the LGBT community. I never really came out to them, just told them I was dating a girl, so they might’ve assumed I was a lesbian.
I broke up with my girlfriend last year and recently started dating a guy. My parents are over the moon about it. Saying they’re so happy for me, encouraging me to invite him to family events, generally being super supportive and enthusiastic. Of course I’m happy that my parents like my partner, but now I resent them for not treating my ex girlfriend the same.
Granted, my relationship with my ex wasn’t very healthy and it’s possible my parents noticed that and that’s the reason they weren’t excited. My new partner treats me much better than my ex did. Still, part of me knows it’s not just that, and they’re happier with me dating a guy than a girl. I don’t know how to reconcile with this. Because it’s so nice to have my parents be so supportive, but at the same time I’m angry. I don’t know if I should bring it up to them, it might not be worth the conflict. I’m just so disappointed all their reassurance that they were totally fine with gay people turned out to be superficial. Has this happened to anyone else? How did you handle it?
submitted by pisscorn-boy to bisexual [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:56 myhairdontcaree Sometimes the words I (21F) hear come out of my bfs (23M) mouth are just so rude. Like I don’t know how relationships work really but I just don’t know if this is the way I should be talked to even when he is angry at me. Is it?

Sometimes the things I (21F) my bf (23M) says is just so rude. I don’t know how relationships work bc it’s my first one but I just don’t know if this is the way I should be talked to even when he is angry at me. Is there a way to work this out?
I (21F) am in a pretty committed relationship with my bf (23M). Our relationship is healthy in all other aspects in terms of respecting boundaries, upholding loyalty, caring for one another in times of emotional distress, etc. We love each other dearly and we are doing tangible things to make sure our buturre is ensured and bright, ex working together to save money, and even doing individual + couples therapy to better our communication and how we can be better partners. He’s also the sweetest person ever and has showed love and consideration towards me in ways that you’d dream of. We have our small differences from time to time and those get resolved well/healthily, but the one thing that has been kinda affecting it is the way we argue when it comes to repeated things that I mess up on. I can admit that I do fuck up, much more than a couple of times, especially because this is my first relationship ever while he has been in multiple ones before. I’m learning things about myself that I have never seen, and adjusting to battling the insecurities that I stored deep down inside that are becoming cleaapparent in our relationship. I also don’t want to come across as someone who doesn’t fuck up often, I’m a quite stubborn girl who is trying to unlearn the stubbornness and get rid of my ego, but I still have many moments where I slip up and it gets the best of me. I know my bf is tired of me being the cause of so many petty issues, my reluctance to taking accountability or overall just creating petty arguments over assumptions that have no basis. However I just feel like the way he speaks to me when he’s angry or upset is absurd. Some quotes from todays convo “stop assuming; you’re not mature enough; not smart enough; don’t got the skills to problem solve; to think shit out; the emotional intelligence to; FUCKING ASSUME; We have been fucking over this time and time and time again, STOP THINKING U KNOW SHIT WHEN U DONT KNOW SHIT” (semi colons are to show they are in separate message bubbles). Now I understand the frustration bc really I don’t ever have issues with him. I never get to a point where I’d be this angry bc he doesn’t fuck up the way I do, but I just feel like even with the immense frustration the words are a lot. Any advice on this situation? I can give more context where needed.
submitted by myhairdontcaree to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:56 Choice-Kale-6818 UPDATE: Took forever but i found a server that gives out all their picks for free and they all hit for me😂🙏

Wanted to put everyone on to this before it blows up. They have NBA MLB NHL NFL WNBA Soccer and College. Owner says it’s gonna be free all summer. Ill leave link in comments.
submitted by Choice-Kale-6818 to BettingPicks [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:56 Internal-Shock-616 What could Cole do that is so bad this year?

There’s the leak about him and Alicent, Fabian says he really goes nuts, and many of the reviewers HATE him even more this year.
What could he possibly do that’s worse than the stuff last year?
He will do a lot of beheadings and probably be really brutal at Duskendale and Rooks Rest, but Fabian told the reviewer who saw episodes 1-2, to watch the next 3, so what could he possibly do around episode 5, the one after Rook’s Rest?
submitted by Internal-Shock-616 to HOTDGreens [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:56 Marshatucker300 I’ve created my own fnaf lost media ice berg of everything I’m looking for that’s lost. I’ve spent all morning creating it. Info is down below

I’ve created my own fnaf lost media ice berg of everything I’m looking for that’s lost. I’ve spent all morning creating it. Info is down below
Lost fake fnaf 3 Drawkill trailers back in the day when the drawkills were popular. There was two that was of a fake Five Nights at Freddy’s 3 with the drawkill animatronics. The first trailer was a lot of Batman stuff in the trailer. It felt like an apocalypse type of trailer. With human drawkill characters like Drawkill purple guy, Mike, fnaf 3 guard hunting the animatronic drawkills down. The only screenshot of the now lost fnaf 3 drawkill trailer was the screenshot I saved from the lost trailer. In the end shows what’s supposed to be the face of drawkill purple guy/william afton which obviously looks like he’s been through an apocalypse. With the hood over his head. The first of the now lost trailer had this song playing in the background. https://youtu.be/Vz06J3oOTOU?si=GOoBc0CfWQE3Bl7Y while the second missing trailer had some transformers last knight dialogue of two species at war one flesh the other metal and it ended with a joke saying it was coming out April 1st.
Lost Drawkill purple guy/william afton image There was a lost Drawkill purple guy/william afton image which went to details about him having electric clubs how his badge was a lantern and I think it stated he had night vision. For several years, there was a blurry image since the version was gone, but now even the blurry image is gone and impossible to find.
Lost Drawkill creator deviant art page This refers to the creators lost deviant old page, which went into details about the drawkills such as drawkill purple guy’s information on one of his images post description. His account along with his YouTube channel is gone and it’s very hard to find any information on what he left behind.
Pete the hamsters lost creepypasta series This refers to a very old and missing creepypasta series. Where Charles cooper ( the creepypasta version of purple guy, William Afton before he was known as William. ) killed kids went to jail and ended up possessing golden Freddy. He gets foxy to help him after Mike gets stuffed into a pirate mouse because foxy love the mermaid and he promised he would help foxy by repairing her if he helps possess the unborn son of Mike. Foxy betrays him and Charles gets defeated. Then the creepy pasta goes to many years later and the unborn child is now a full grown adult and is making Fazbear fright to honor his dad. Charles has a daughter named Cassie and her goal was to bring her dad back by using parts of the animatronics to build him a new body aka springtrap and get the rights to fazbear entertainment. The creepy pasta has two endings a good ending with Cassie and Charles gets defeated by the classic animatronics for good then the bad ending where Charles possesses the protagonist it skips to 2 weeks later where Charles is human once again with his daughter Cassie talking to Scott, who is planning on making a game franchise based off of fazbear entertainment saying he replaced the mermaid and the pirate mouse with the puppet and was planning on making fnaf world saying chibby stuff was popular with the anime craze and how he had their complete trust.
Lost springtrap suit creepypasta It’s been a very long time since I seen this creepypasta and my memory isn’t the best however, I will tell you what I remember. The person took springtrap home ( most likely the creepypasta took place after the attraction burned. ) and he was after and tormenting the protagonist. I remember one part of the creepy pasta where springtrap was at the TV staring at static and crawling around and the creepy pasta had this video in the background and is the only Piece of the creepypasta that still exist. https://youtu.be/_z5JiFORhts?si=D4kfGWukFVXjLFgs
Lost nightcovefox’s 3 fan film trilogy videos This refers to three videos that is considered lost. One was titled the imposter which this video was about the fourth closet after John finds Charlie and took his baby shows up and searches to John’s apartment goes on that date, and it ends with Jessica hiding in the trunk. The second one was titled the encounter, which was when Carlton went to Jessica‘s apartment to do the rewiring to make themselves invisible to William’s funtime animatronics and it ends with him surviving circus, baby. The last one was called the date from the twisted ones. it was about how Charlie felt incomplete and how the events really changed everyone John asked Charlie for a date they go to the theater in the video end with Charlie leaving.
Lost mangle animation This refers to a very old and now lost animation video. it wasn’t from those source maker videos I’m talking about actual animation. It showed a fixed mangle being friendly to kids a kid ripped off his tail mangle being scared, then it showed the aftermath of what happened and him being sad with sad music being played in the background the entire time.
Dark box’s lost adventure, purple guy, and drawkill spring trap voice This refers to two videos by the voice actor on YouTube dark box. Long time ago, I asked him to do a purple guy voice for his adventure version because Fnaf world was getting an update at the time and he did Eddie also did a voice for drawkill springtrap but they’re gone now and the two voices is lost.
Lost springtrap voice video This refers to a video that was around the five minute mark I encountered a few times, which was someone doing a voice for fnaf 3 springtrap which the dialogue consisted of him talking about how much he was in pain stating something along the lines of they think hell is full of fire and demons they’re wrong. Hell is feeling your body breaking down, I pray for death but nobody is listening. I don’t know if there’s a god but I know there’s a hell because i’m living it every day. It was something along those lines.
Lost Drawkill scott cawthon image This refers to an image I seen a few times, but can’t find it anywhere so it’s considered in my opinion lost. Pretty much drawkill scott was very similar to Drawkill purple guy the image up there I used. Of him holding the ax and knife, however Drawkill Scott has no badge and has the Scott blue on him.
Lost when can I see you again fnaf image music video This refers to a tribute with the song. When can I see you again from Wreck-It Ralph with Fnaf characters. This video was removed then uploaded before it was lost again. During the video I noticed the images being used was covering up another video. I guess a video on top of a video it’s hard to explain but the lyric video the FNAF video was covering. Seems to be also lost.
Lost anti-Nightcore fetch video This refers to now lost anti-Nightcore fetch video by cursed bonbons from what I understand, someone was jealous copyrighted the person’s videos and their anti-Nightcore fetch video was lost and the only thing from the channel that survived was the anti-Nightcore count the ways.
Fnaf lost nightcore video This refers to a very old video from 2014 of the original Five Nights at Freddy’s song by the tombstone and it being Nightcore and it had a bunch of old Fnaf images on it such as foxy looking sad at his out of order sign and old images like that.
Lost fnaf movie ytp video This refers to a now blocked Five Nights at Freddy’s movie YouTube poop from December I love this video to pieces especially the hilarious William Afton in the video. The only thing that survives from this video is the link because I shared it with my friends. https://youtu.be/eGkevRJwXXM?si=j5VH0v7NjgP7OWcC
Partially lost nightmare springtrap voice This refers to a not completely lost voice on YouTube, but the port is completely lost. Here is most of it. https://youtu.be/4CMcVmP3VYU?si=_jjcOwKTyGPDw0GF there was a little bit more to the actual voice, but the original video containing this voice is lost. The part that’s missing is nightmare springtrap whispering a little bit more saying something like sweet dreams.
Lost draw, kill purple guy, sings monster from skillet This may be referring to a video that may or may not have existed, but I’m pretty sure it did. The video had a fanart image of Drawkill purple guy with an edited version of the song skillet. However, the video seems lost and the only thing close to it is of him with the FNAF one song.
Lost five Nights at Freddy’s thriller tribute This refers to a lost video using gameplay of the actual Five Nights at Freddy’s games with the song thriller. Seen it a few times it’s gone now considered lost.
Lost five nights at Freddy’s trilogy video This refers to a video tribute with the original 3 fnaf games with the song bring me to life. I believe it began with the wizard animatronics from the second trailer breathe into me to make me real shows the gift cake, mini game, and William killing Henry’s daughter and the video ends with William getting spring locked in the third Five Nights at Freddy’s mini game.
Fnaf lost fan made movie This refers to a fan made movie where the protagonist is female. She was put into a springlock suit some way or another character named Dave Miller saves her and she goes with him. Well he was building I think a house in the woods of something or something like that and he ends up going on a rant about leave hurricane Utah, and she can’t trust him. I don’t remember much about it since I think I only seen it one time and can’t find it anymore so it’s most likely lost.
No, this is usually when I would end it because that’s everything in the iceberg but when I was riding everything down, I think I remember one so this is a bonus though I could be adding this for nothing because maybe it’s not lost and it’s just something that clicked into But I’m not 100% sure if it’s there so I’d say 50-50 chance. So I’m going to check if it is after this. However, this is another creepy pasta if it is lost.
I don’t remember what the creepypasta was called however, I do remember details. Basically purple guy was the victim of the bite of 87 foxy bitten before he turned himself in and because of this he never did. Mike befriended the animatronics after he cleaned them up and complemented chica pizza. At some point foxy went outside in the dead of winter and they had to get him back or else he would freeze and die. The story ends with the purple guy of the story getting springlocked ranting how he was their killer and creator. That and I think the story the purple guy has a flashback after seeing a parent with their child and his backstory was tragic like I think he could’ve been abused or something. Like I said, I remember certain things of the creepypasta series like that, but that’s really it.
However, that’s my iceberg hopefully, you enjoyed it.
submitted by Marshatucker300 to fivenightsatfreddys [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 almo_nah Is it okay that my Final Payment is a bit higher than my deposit?

Is it okay that my Final Payment is a bit higher than my deposit?
My first time ordering through an agent, wondering if it’s okay that my final payment’s a bit bigger than what I’ve paid for shipping. It doesn’t say anywhere that I need to pay the difference and I do have a tracking number (has no updates so far). Any thoughts?
submitted by almo_nah to fashionreps2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 IntelligentPublic347 AITAH for never telling my spouse HFD?

About 7 years ago my spouse stepped out and had a child. After much counseling we stayed together and moved on with life but every year around FD he just looks down. I’ve never told him HFD although his family and friends do I’ve never felt the need to. Recently he mentioned we should tell ppl “yes” we do have kids when they ask us. I always say no and he says yes. It’s hard for me to say yes when I have no relationship with his child (his mother’s selfish choice).
submitted by IntelligentPublic347 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 Talkinguitar Can someone identify this watch?

Can someone identify this watch?
I was given this watch by my grandpa. It might be from the 80s/90s
On the dial, below the “XII” it’s written “must de Cartier”, above the “VI” it’s written “swiss” and there’s a small logo above it. On the back the writing says “Cartier / Paris / VERMEIL / Quartz / ARGENT 925 / PLAQUE ORG 20M / SWISS MADE / 114669 / 17
There’s a bunch of logos engraved here and there.
I know nothing about watches and know nothing about what any oh these means.
submitted by Talkinguitar to Watches [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 xp116 We have a date!

Can’t wait for June 10th. All those who kept saying “it’s never coming out” can finally be quiet and we can all begin enjoying and helping Modus improve the product through community feedback.
To all those who keep talking about “you missed your window” can also kick rocks and move along.
submitted by xp116 to MaximumFootball [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 Extra-Mongoose-4539 I Wish I Was Better For You Back Then

I’m sorry for hurting you, I’m sorry for all the stupidest smallest arguments we had. I’m sorry that I supposedly called you crazy when I never did. I’m sorry I didn’t praise you enough, I’m sorry that I never said these things sooner.
We were young, you knew what a good relationship was like, you knew what you wanted and how you wanted it, I didn’t. I wish I could say that I’m ready now but the damage is done, we’ve both said hurtful things to one another and we’ve both done hurtful things. We were in love with each other for 6 years, maybe more, maybe a bit less. I don’t know what you’re doing as of right now, but I do hope you’re doing well. I do hope that the world is treating you right and I do sincerely hope that despite all we’ve been through and the issues we’ve had as a couple never ruined your perception of people.
I’ve changed too, I’ve gotten better mentally, I’m a bit smarter and stopped doing things just because I wanted to or because I wanted to be better than most. (You’d probably be wanting to chokeslam me for what I’m posting though lol). I found out what a good relationship was and I wish i could’ve given you that, I wish I could’ve just said “hey, you’re the greatest woman I’ve ever met and nobody in the world could compare because I don’t want them to nor do they have to, nobody can beat you at being you.”
I can’t say that so with that, I’m on a Reddit post, just typing this because I’m done with feeling guilty about the things I cannot change or control. We’re no longer in each other’s lives, we’re no longer each other’s obsession, so I just know that I love you and I’m proud of the person I can only imagine you’ve become.
submitted by Extra-Mongoose-4539 to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 caitcatmeow Three years of hell. How do I cut her off nicely?

My husband and I built our home 4 years ago and the worst neighbors possible built across the street a year later and told me it’s their forever home.
They’re a military family with 4 kids. The mom has told me multiple times that she keeps having more because she loves the paycheck she gets for them all. I wish I was kidding. She absolutely hates her husband that fought for our country and gives her all these wonderful benefits. Even said his deployment job was pointless and a toddler could do it. Said she’ll stay with the dad for the sake of the kids til the oldest is 18. Miserable. Husband is a little creepy though, before they had a girl, he would ask if my 8 month old daughter would come over and play. Excuse me?? I don’t allow my kid over there, even for birthday parties anymore.
She refuses to raise her own kids. She’s a stay at home mom but puts every single kid in daycare or summer camps so she doesn’t have to do it herself. Will ask me to watch them constantly. She makes fun of me for being a one and done stay at home mom. Says it’s easy for me. Her dad pays for all the kids private schooling since she doesn’t believe in public schools.
While the husband was deployed she would beg me to watch the kids. I did once and she was an hour late to getting her kids and dropped them off 45 minutes early. She apologized so I watched them again and this time she dropped her infant off with the flu and told me she just had a runny nose from teething. She nonstop shit all over everything I own destroying my pack and play and I asked her to come pick her up and she ghosted me and picked her kids up an hour late AGAIN.
She had a party and invited every mom in the neighborhood and made fun of me the entire time. I walked into the other room with a friend while she talked shit on every person that couldn’t make it.
When her daughter was born she was in “need” so I gave her all my daughters baby clothes, hundreds of dollars worth. Today she’s selling them all at her garage sale. I have a friend in desperate need of clothes for her baby and she told me I couldn’t have them back because she wants to see if she can make some money before she takes them to goodwill. (Edit: keep in mind they built a $450,000 home and have gov benefits and her dad pays for everything. They aren’t in “need”)
We also use the same neighborhood babysitter. I pay her $20 an hour for one child. She pays her $10 an hour for 4 kids because that’s what she feels she’s worth and she brings up all the time. Babysitter is a 19 year old med student and watches her kids 4 days a week.
She lets her almost two year old wander alone outside in the street when cars drive at least 35mph.
I went out with her a few times to get to know her when she moved in and when she tips a server it’s never over 7%. I find that insane so I’ve always compensated and added my own 30% tip to make up for her.
I’ve asked her for parenting advice and her only response is always “let them cry”.
She tries so hard to be my friend. Even copies and buys things that I do. Finds out my kid is taking a class then signs her kids up for it too and plays it off as a coincidence. She always has to one up me.
Her and I are wayyyy too different for me to even want to consider her a friend but she’s obsessed with me. I need the kindest way to cut her off completely or just anyway to do it nicely since we’ll both be here for the rest of our lives. I’m already kind of stand offish but she doesn’t get it. I have told her no to every invite/ play date/ party in the last year and she won’t let up. Whenever I see her name show up on my phone I immediately feel rage. Please help.
submitted by caitcatmeow to neighborsfromhell [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 Cut-Emergency Should I voice my concerns or just cut this guy off?

Okay, so this might be a lil long so bear with me….
I 23f met this 25m off hinge and we’ve been talking for two months now. We’ve been on 3 dates so far that were pretty chill. I know thats not many but I’ve been busy lately so I’m not tripping honestly.
So he’s been hinting for a while now that he has financial problems he’s tryna to get out of. Mostly credit card debt. I asked how he got so deep in debt and he tells me it’s from spending irresponsibly, going out, going on trips, taking people out. In my head, I’m like….okay we’ve only been on three pretty affordable dates so you know he’s tryna get his finances together no biggie. Rn his situation is good for him bc he doesn’t have rent to pay. But come mid July he has to move out so he and his cousin are looking for a place.
So he’s telling me that I gotta find another job to afford rent bc he’s SO deep in credit card debt that if he pays $1000+ a month (basically a rent payment) he won’t be outta debt till 2026….
So this is where it gets funny to me. I ask him if could we grab lunch together and he’s like yes but he’s at the end of his pay period so can only pay for himself…..once again I’m understand his financial situation so I said let’s just grab coffee. We’re grabbing coffee and we’re talking more about his debt and he’s showing me his bank account and the charges on them. I already knew he was around 8000 in debt on one card but now hes showing me another that’s like $12000 in the hole. So he’s showing me these charges, right? He’s like “this was a date”…” that was a date”…” oh this was a date too”…..Now I’m getting annoyed bc you couldn’t take me to lunch but I’m seeing all these irresponsible payments you’ve made in the past. But once again I’m like he’s obviously tryna be better so it’s cool.
So then I ask him the obvious question. “Why are you on hinge and dating around”. Bc atp this man has already hinted at and falt out told me that he wants to be in a relationship with me. And he’s even told me that when i think of relationships he starts to picture his life and the moves he makes considering the other person. Like now they move as “one”
He replies “Oh well I’m not really tryna impress people anymore like i used to be so I’ve changed the way I approach date…. so now I just take people to the HIGH museum where tickets cost like $36 dollars”……..yall….IM THE FUCKING ONE HE TOOK TO THAT MUSEUM. Idk if he was tryna be funny but I didn’t find that amusing at all. I was oh okay.
But then it gets better. So even though he’s being forced to move mid-July he decides to buy a cat. I have a cat so I think it’s EXTREMELY inconsiderate for him to do that when the cat has to readjust to somewhere new again. Like why not just wait?
(Some quick background)This guy also doesn’t have a car rn. He’s been using his cousin’s car occasionally bc his main crashed in Jan and rn he’s “building” one…. ig? But since he’s moving it’s lowkey imperative that he get that car together bc he may need to drive to work. So he’s been working on it and he said now it works in the sense that he can get to his destination and back.
So the day is approaching for him to go pick the cat up and he tells me he’d like me to come. I don’t make promises but I end up FaceTiming him telling him yea sure I’ll come. He’s like okay great. At least 90 MINUTES later we’re still on ft he started laughing and I was like what’s so funny and he said “Idt you should come anymore bc I have to take my car and it’s a little embarrassing”. I ask what’s wrong with it he starts with there are cobwebs and no AC. I’m like clean the damn cobwebs tf and the ac is whatever I’m not in there long. Then he says it’s more than just that. In my head, I’m like it can’t be that bad you got it moving….. LMAO I was wrong.
He shows me the car on ft….the car (a coupe) has NO windows except for the left rear. There’s a sunroof opening…no window. The passenger door is zip-tied shut?!! I asked how tf am I supposed to get in and he says “climb through the window?” Then he says the fucking door opens a little when turning bc it’s zip tied. I ask is there a damn seat belt. He says “I have to bolt it on in the morning for you” then proceeds to explain how he would do that….IM SORRY? This man is really on here showing me a diy seatbelt like he can’t be fucking serious. Then he showed me the front and there’s no hood on the car. I ask him….so the hood is going on right? …..nope….THERES NO FUCKING HOOD. …Engine…. just exposed….He said it’s cool the hood just provides some “crash protection” LMAOOO. Then as a joke I asked are the tires even rolling and he said “well they’re not aligned”. Bruh mind you the place we’re going is a good 30 mins drive on highways.
Atp i say to him “irdk what you want me to say”…. This man responds….”well you could say the car is a work in progress but I still wanna come”…… Baffled. Im baffled.
What bothers me the most is that he’s so fucking worried about how “embarrassed” hed be by a car that I’m pretty sure is illegal to ride around in. Rather than realizing that I’m more fucking worried about my safety. Like zip tied shut? Bolted seatbelt? No hood? Now windows? Like I can’t even hide my face in the bitch.. Then he got the nerve to say it’s loud asl. Like he thought he was finna pu to my place in that bitch and I’d be okay with hopping in the window??!! And why’d it take him so long to finally say something? We were on ft for a LONG time before I asked “what’s so funny” and ig the shit was funny to him. Like obviously you dont care about yourself….but you clearly dont care about me or the cat. Like i deadass thought about the cat and wanted to go just to give that poor baby some comfort. The adult thing to do would’ve been to ask them to drop her off, schedule for another day, or just take it as a sign that maybe you dont need the cat rn. but NO he’s so in need of a “companion” that he can’t even consider how this is bad for the cat. Like i know getting a cat is not like having a baby but it’s still another investment.
The icing on the cake is I found out this man paid $700 for that cat….. so you pay $700 for a cat and you don’t even have a way to go get her. Then at one point he’s showing me this pic of a bunch of boxes amazon dropped off at his place. I’m like oh those are car parts right? ….nope! Those are things for the damn cat!! Like this man bought the cat a cat tower, scratching post, toys all that. Im like why tf did you buy all this shit yet when you have other priorities rn? Im all for buying these things but couldn’t it wait till next month when you have a place? Like the lady even said the cat is shy so one cat owner to “another” (ig🙄) that cat is not finna use none of those for a good while and youre gonna be moving by the time she probably will get comfortable. So youre traumatizing that cat for no reason and wasting money rn. Also why not adopt a cat?! There are SO MANY cats looking for homes. I adopted and am proud of that bc i couldnt imagine my baby still out there with no home…..This boy says….. “i WaNtEd ThAT sPECifIC bREed”….. im sorry….. i didn’t know beggars were choosers now. Like you should be shopping for a place to stay not no damn cat.
Dont get me wrong ive had a few good months talking to him and i like him but this whole situation but him in a bad light for me. Im alll for saving money but if YOU said you want a relationship with me. And that a relationship to you entails considering the other person when making other decisions and moving as one.
But you haven’t taken me out for a month now, I ask to grab lunch together but you’re telling me I have to pay then while on the coffee date youre showing me all this money youve spent on past people who are NOT here….. like you sound and look so dumb to me. Like you’re unserious. Go take your cat on lunch dates and have her pay bc you obviously wasnt thinking I want a relationship with ME when buying that cat. It’s giving you want a relationship just to have one and will take it from anyone ….and anything ig.
My friend even said if he’s asking me to settle riding around in that car with him now imagine what he’ll expect me to do when 5 years from now. Like at this stage he SHOULD be tryna get you to like him just like he put himself in $20000+ of credit card debt tryna get other people to like him. Like this is the same guy that told me flew a girl out once.
I havent voice my concerns about this bc rn im more focused on my studies. I have a big test coming up but he’s highkey hinted that hes waiting until im done with the test to ask me to be his gf. And I hoenstly dont know if this is someone I voice my concerns about and we work through it or just cut it now.
submitted by Cut-Emergency to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 20:55 thrwaway229921 Is it my fault (27F) for not blindly trusting what my partner (26M) says, or is he bad at communicating with me?

We’ve been together for 5 years. I feel like our communication and teamwork skills are very much lacking and I don’t know if I’m valid in my concerns or I’m just being crazy.
I feel like I am very clear with my communication, I’m always letting him know what I’m thinking so that we can be on the same page. But I don’t feel like he reciprocates that, and then the dynamic kinds of shifts to me taking control of the situation rather then both of us equally working on it.
For example, we were out working on opening our pool together. I get pretty stressed because I don’t want to mess things up. I’m constantly letting him know what I’m thinking/ guessing, so that we can be on the same page.
He’s pretty quiet during the whole thing, which can be annoying but I use that non verbal information as he agrees with what I’m saying. He’s quiet up until the last moment. I tell him “hey the water line looks pretty low so I’m concerned it’s going to run dry”. He doesn’t say anything, so I think he agrees with me. I quickly try to clean what I can and then I tell him in a hurry “ok turn it off!”
He says, “just do that one spot. Trust me, just do that one spot”.
So this upsets me and I want to know if my feelings are valid.
Am I crazy in thinking that he could have communicated his thoughts on the situation when I told him my point of view? I feel like I communicated exactly why I’m feeling like I have to turn off the pump, and he didn’t say anything, so I think ok we’re on the same page. But then last minute he just tells me to blindly trust him and to do that last part which stresses me out because my belief is the pool can run dry.
Am I crazy for just needing a bit of explanation and understanding of what he’s thinking rather than blindly trusting him? I feel like if he communicated more during the process then I could trust him, but I can’t trust him because I’m the one taking control of the situation. I feel like he withholds information until the very last minute which just stresses me out even more.
So anyways, he tells me that it’s disrespectful that I don’t blindly trust what he says, and I believe that I do everything I can to communicate to him about what I’m thinking so we’re on the same page, for it to just be meaningless because we’re not on the same page.
So am I crazy that he is not communicating well, or is it my fault for not blindly trusting him?
submitted by thrwaway229921 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]
