Best way to tell your crush goodnight

I only created my own subreddit, no big deal.

2011.07.22 01:20 keechie I only created my own subreddit, no big deal.

What is a humblebrag? Making a seemingly modest, self-critical, or casual statement or reference that is meant to draw attention to one’s admirable or impressive qualities. Many are uncomfortable sharing their successes, and use humble bragging as a way to still show off their accomplishments without feeling the same shame as they would for explicitly stating what occurred. Do you have something you're proud of, but don't want to look like a show-off? Layer it in with a not-so-good statement.

2021.02.27 19:40 Shrake1 NFTsMarketplace

A place where you can buy, sell, promote, and learn more about NFTs! Share your work, tell your story, but most importantly, interact with others, it's the only way to find people that truly connect with your work.

2009.01.10 06:20 Lets talk about life!

Inspire us. Tell a story. Tell us about your life. How's it going? Good? Great? OK? Not so great? Either way, we want to hear it.

2024.05.15 16:05 gizzlyxbear The Fourth Kind (2009)

The Fourth Kind (2009)
I read once online on some horror forum that the first horror movie to really scare you as a kid will forever give you, at a minimum, the creeps when you rewatch it as an adult. I can now attest to that fact after rewatching The Fourth Kind 13 years removed from my initial viewing.
I have a distinct memory of my best friend at the time sleeping over on a Friday night and us watching this in my room. It would have been around midnight, for sure. I couldn’t tell you at exactly which point it happened, but at some point we paused the movie and mutually agreed to finish it in the morning because it was scaring us way too much. We knew it was fake, but somehow got sucked in anyways. I’m not even sure what aspect did it, if I’m honest. But, I do know that that owl still gives me the heebie-jeebies.
As much horror nostalgia as I have for this one, though, it’s really kind of a stinker. Imagine my initial shock when I looked this movie up the other day and saw how terribly it was received! I had a fuzzy recollection of the “real” footage looking obviously fake, but that was about it.
I have to say, I totally understand why this movie was so poorly received. The Fourth Kind contains some of the most questionable cinematography I’ve ever seen. I wouldn’t call it outright bad, per se—amateurish, yes—but it’s certainly not the right type of camerawork and lighting for this film. So, in that regard, it’s terrible. There’s just a plethora of shakycam footage here that has no business being part of a “dramatization of real events”. It’s as if the filmmakers had seen a couple of DTV found footage films and came to the conclusion that all mockumentary/found footage films had to look like that.
Cinematography aside, the editing isn’t doing the movie any favors either. Jumpy, weird cuts make it look more like someone editing out a mistake in their YouTube vlog than a documentary. It doesn’t happen too frequently, but it’s jarring when it does. The split-screen stuff is fun, if dated; I especially take issue with the shot of a generic sunrise split-screened into three. Truly a shot that served zero purpose to the film, as is the case with a number of other shots as well. I get that a 97-minute runtime isn’t all that much, but maybe shaving an extra 2-4 minutes would have helped immensely.
Storywise, I still found this pretty gripping. I mean, as gripping as a late-aughts mockumentary about alien abductions can be, which isn’t a whole lot, but it’s enough. I found the writing to be mostly fine, aside from a handful of awkward lines here or there. The shakiest segments are those involving one of the patients, Scott, played by Enzo Cilenti. I don’t think this is necessarily an issue with Cilenti so much as the material, but not having seen any of his other work, I can’t say for sure. The rest of the actors were fine. I did find Will Patton’s Sheriff August to also be poorly written from a dialogue perspective, but otherwise well-done for the type of movie this is. Admittedly, the movie does do a nosedive for its “epilogue”, so to speak. The film never fully commits to its ending, leaving a sense of being unfinished.
After my rewatch, I do still think a lot of the hate for The Fourth Kind is unwarranted, but it isn’t completely without merit either. That said, it’s still a very solid entry in the alien abduction subgenre and one I’d be happy to rewatch with a good group of friends. I’m going to recommend this just because I really like it, not because I think it’s required viewing.
review on letterboxd
submitted by gizzlyxbear to iwatchedanoldmovie [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:04 readitsfun_damental As Good As Dead : A good guide on how to end a trilogy disappointingly.

Another AGAD rant/review, sorry.
I absolutely loved the first book, hooked me right in. The sequel, Good Girl, Bad Blood, was also quite good with a mystery that didn't feel redundant and characters growths.
But As Good As Dead was such a frustrating read.
The DT killer's identity was quite obvious, but I don't mind that part. The kidnapping part was hands down the best part of the book. The suspense had me on the edge of my seat.
Sidenote: I've seen people on TT say they only understood the cover after part II, which is funny, because to me it was clear she would get kidnapped as soon as I picked up the book and saw the duct tape. My Criminal Minds rotten brain is showing I guess.
Everything up until she decides to cover the murder was good. I was screaming at her to just run when she turned back to kill Jason, but even that could be excused and explained away and justified to an extent. It would've been considered self defense. She would've been fine.
Everything Pip does after was so stupid and frustrating I had to put the book down and I almost DNF it until I came here and people said the end was worth it. I'm kinda blaming y'all /s.
The ending felt so rushed and illogical.
The way she escaped is described to the millimeter. Covering the murder and framing Max is explained in great details.
And then...nothing? What?
Billy Karras was released so quickly with no more explanation for us.
One sentence on the verdict of the trial that changed her whole life.
What exactly did she say in the 3rd season of the podcast besides the first episode?
It's funny the way she talked about cutting her family and friends off because from what I understood Fairview is commuting distance from NYC. Doesn't her dad work in the city? Trying to go no contact when everyone is only a 45 min train ride away just seems silly. As if her mom wouldn't just have shown up at her dorm? (And also, why pay for dorms when you're commuting distance?)
Furthermore, cutting everyone from your life after implicated them in different crimes is certainly a choice.
I would've love a scene with Becca. And another with detective Hawkins, who knows it's her but will never be able to prove it or even willingly deciding to turn a blind eye, even more after discovering that his murdered friend was actually a serial killer.
The ending also somehow lacked closure on Pip's internal issues. No mention of Charlie or Stanley or the pills. I know she technically "saves herself to save herself" but it's kinda glossed over, glaringly so since it was such an important point in the first half of the story.
And then, after all of this and rooting for Pip & Ravi, we only get a text? Don't even get me started on that.
I honestly wouldn't have mind her getting caught, it would've been more interesting.
I don't necessarily regret finishing the book, but I hate that it's the last taste I'll have of this otherwise great series.
submitted by readitsfun_damental to YAlit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:03 blazejester Therapist thinks it’s “sad” and “lonely” that I don’t have friendships that span multiple life phases

Note: therapist uses they/them pronouns.
TL/DR: I’m feeling friction with my therapist’s opinion that most ND people have one or two friends they keep up with over long periods of time, who have known them through various phases of their life. Looking for lived experience of others.
Long form:
My therapist expressed yesterday that they think it’s sad and lonely (could be them trying to see if I identify with those terms around my friendships/lack of, but I don’t and they persisted with this language) that I don’t have that. I’ve never seen it modeled, never had a friend try on their end to keep the relationship going once the convenience factor has passed, and I think it’s counterproductive and possibly harmful for my therapist to be telling me I’m experiencing a lonely, sad life because of the way I don’t connect to people.
My dad is diagnosed ADHD and does not have any friends at all, and probably has never had any in his adult life. He has work “friends” who he keeps up because he has high social motivation, but he is very transactional. As in he’ll talk about achievement and job/school/kids, but not passion and emotion.
My mom is undiagnosed autistic and her friendships have been ones of convenience/proximity or people who had the same hyperfixation. I’m not aware of my mom keeping up with anyone particularly well who is not actively in her life.
What I’m here to ask for is the gut check against my reaction to my therapist - do you have someone you are not related to who has persisted through several life stages (teens/20s/kids/etc)? Or are your experiences more like mine where most friends are situational and do not continue long term? If you don’t have persisting relationships, do you feel your life is less fulfilling because of that factor?
Thanks for your help on this one.
submitted by blazejester to AutismInWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:03 folinasahlos I [22F] don't know how much more I can take of my boyfriend's [22M] extreme codependency. How can I move on from this in the safest way possible?

We met online through social media and admittedly at the time l ignored any red flags. He lives around 4 hours away from me and we have visited each other 3 times for extended periods (4-5 days) in our now 3 month relationship.
We are in a LDR but he expects me to have access to my phone to be able to text 24/7. I recently started up a new medication that is causing me to feel fatigued and I tried to explain to him that I wouldn't be up for constant communication when I'm struggling to barely be awake.
He told me, "It KILLS ME because I don't know when you're going to get better." feel like I can't ever express that I am feeling depressed, because it's like he feeds off my energy and ends up depressed himself, then I feel obligated to tend to him. You can see how exhausting this has gotten. On top of the new medication, my mom had recently broken a bone and was left bedridden and I had to tend to her. My mom and her health are more important to me than keeping my phone glued to my hand.
He doesn't have a life of his own. He's told me this. He has no guy friends to hang out with, and all his other friends are online. He has no hobbies besides watching sports so he just rots in his house. He told me his world revolves around me and I saved him and without me, he'd probably wouldn't be alive.
I think that's what's keeping me here. I feel stuck. I feel responsible. I am exhausted and I know it's not right but in the back of my mind, I remember him telling me that if I were to leave, he'd have no purpose in life anymore, nothing to look forward to, and would end his life. He always mentions how he was planning to before he met me, but I convinced him not to by just coming into his life. That feels terrifying for me and I don't know what to do.
What set everything off at this point was I fell asleep one night last week without texting goodnight or being on the phone with him. He expects us to fall asleep together on the phone every. single. night. I was exhausted and unintentionally fell asleep. This lead to him blowing up my texts, calling me nonstop, messaging me on social media saying, "Seriously, no communication? Nothing?" He had acted like this another time too when I had unintentionally fallen asleep, but this time I found out he was complaining about how I was mad at him in a group chat and sulking.
After this I asked him for space and he has not respected it. I told him we could do check-ins like 3 times a day to keep up with each other, but he still finds any reason to send random texts. Now every time that he texts me, I feel resentful. I have a job. I have a life outside of him. He doesn't have a life outside of me.
I feel like this has spun out of control way too fast and I feel stuck because he makes me feel like I am responsible for him being alive. If I leave, he says he won't have a reason to live anymore. And it feels paralyzing. I am exhausted, physically and mentally, and burnt out from this relationship. I don't know how much more I can take of this. I don't know what to do. I feel hopeless and scared. What do you feel would be the best course of action moving forward?
Tidr; my Idr boyfriend is co-dependent on me and expects my world to revolve around him when I have multiple responsibilities that don't allow me to constantly be on my phone. He makes comments referencing ending his life if I were to not be around anymore and I am scared to leave because of it.
submitted by folinasahlos to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:03 Then_Advertising6254 Generational Molester (dream #3)

I was working at Target, the night shift, during a time span of two days or two weeks. One day during work I was pulled aside to work on my school work because one of our team leaders also worked at my school.
It was a normal night, some weird things or people were there but that was all. I was working on a paper when I saw this tall man standing near a bunch of balloons and not moving so as a customer service representative, I went over and asked if he was looking for anything in particular. When he saw me his face turned ugly, almost deformed and he wound his fist up to punch me but I ducked and ran. The balloons were in front of a register so a couple of my co-workers saw me and screamed. As I was running out of the store, it turned into some kind of house and everyone was on the floor or in a (wheel)chair so I had no protection.
He followed me to the room where he hid a knife and he wound up again but I jumped when I saw him aiming for my legs and I kicked him over. Some of my co-workers came to help and demanded that he leave, which he did.
I was in my mother's bed shaking from fear and anxiety. She walked in and I burst out in tears telling her about my day at work. She didn't seem to care much and I left the room extremely upset to a sun room and immediately felt very scared and anxious again as if he was stalking me.. and saw me. I panicked and ran back into my mother's room and slammed the door shut. She took my sudden actions as a cue that he was here and freaked out.
"You're on your own" she told me and locked herself in her closet with a one-sided mirror.
I started crying and banging on the closet door because of how easily she left me but I told her I wasn't sure if he was here but that I was still scared from work. She came out and I felt my anger build up towards her again so I left and tried to stay in my own room but I couldn't stand the feeling of being alone.
I'm in the passenger seat getting driven to work when my mother gets a call from her best friend saying the man who was harassing me wasn't someone random. That he was the same man who tried to rape her as a child and I saw her body freeze. I felt so bad for her because I remembered hearing that story. I remembered hearing how her mother, my grandmother was abusive enough and actually hit her a bunch when her husband's friend, the man, left the house really upset.
"He just wanted to play, you should have done anything and everything for him. You embarrassed me. He's your father's friend and now that you've upset his friend, you've upset your father."
She blamed my mother for not making him "happy".
We're driving again on a wide road with a few other people like in a scene from The Walking Dead. Some girl in the middle seat said we weren't leaving until we gave her money but I was still traumatized so I didn't trust anything but my mom and I got out anyways to give it to her and then we left.
We kept parking places like a giant, almost empty lot and my mother kept putting the windows down even though I kept asking her to stop. We were suddenly in the Target parking lot so I got scared and thought the man was here and that he was going to grab us when my mother kept putting the window down.
submitted by Then_Advertising6254 to scarystories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:02 deme3243 Car Guru Class Action Law Suit

Hi everyone.
Has anyone else been impacted by Car Guru's negligence and if so, I urge you to come forward and contact me so that we can get a large group of victims together and start a class action law suit against this company that continues to damage client's vehicles and cheat people out of their hard earned money.
So, like many of you, my car was a casualty of the flooding last month. At the time, my car, a Jaguar XF 2012 @190k km's, was at the Car Guru garage for a AED 7,500 Service, and they did not tell me that my car was impacted and held it for a further 8 days claiming they were waiting for the parts to come in as the floods led to the delays. On the 8th day following the flood, and 2 weeks after having my car, they informed me the work was done but the car would not start due to water damage! They advised that I should contact my insurance and the only way I could get a police report is after pleading with them to send me quotations of the water damage to be fixed! They refused to send me photos of my car. After further groveling and diligent following up with them and my insurance, my insurance Dubai National Insurance, DNI, has rejected my claim after advising a total loss of my vehicle, since the car was in the care of Car Guru at the time of the storm. Car Guru has stated they have no insurance and have no interest in reimbursing me for any damages or refunding me for the bogus service which should NOT have been carried out after my car was damaged by the rain - it was obviously unnecessary! Does anyone have any advice, besides reporting both my insurance and CG to the DED?
I hope to hear from many of you and I hope you can spread the word to other victims of CG's negligence to step forward.
Thanks so much for your time and support!
submitted by deme3243 to DubaiPetrolHeads [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:02 gimmethelootexe Is traveling for love worth it?

Hello, I want to hear people’s thoughts after explaining my situation and experiences as a way of seeking advice. I’ll list things in a random order.
The first time I traveled across the pond was to Europe, specifically to London, Amsterdam, and Kraków. I practically worshipped Europe at the time and thought of it as a wonderland. I don’t want to say specifically, but I experienced romance for the first time since high school. However, things didn't go too well in the end when we messaged each other after parting ways. When I finished my trip, I yearned to come back and stay longer than a week. This was two years ago.
Last year, I visited my ex-girlfriend from Poland for a month and I had the best time of my life. It was really nice spending time with someone the whole time while abroad, seeing her for the first time during our long-distance relationship. However, things changed, and it feels like I don’t have that similar, personal obligation to travel anymore. She was my first girlfriend. I don’t know if I’ve spoiled myself by always wanting to be with someone to travel and stay with, especially someone who I know and love.
Last autumn, I was in the Netherlands, and I got a really cute Indo-Dutch waitress’s number at a restaurant. I remember my aunt telling me how much she looked at me during our conversation with her. I wanted to see her again, but I was only there for a week and she said she was too busy with university and work. I’ve thought about her ever since.
From last December to mid-January, I was at the Philippines seeing family for the first time with my mom and had a good experience celebrating New Years there. I met a Russian girl at Boracay, and I thought she was the one, but she led me on and was interested in her ex from Moscow.
I’ll admit, I’m a hopeless romantic and simple-minded, and I don’t know if I travel for the right reasons. I don’t often experience romance in the States, and it can feel emptying, lonely, or indifferent at times. Girls always say they’re too busy with their schedules, but when I travel, most girls abroad are willing to spend time with me. I prefer traveling to see someone, but I’m not sure if I have that anymore.
I’m not having the happiest time in my life, given my health condition — chronic fatigue, loss of coordination, muscle weakness, but slowly recovering — and recently quitting university. I’m not sure what to travel for anymore. I have connections that I can meet and spend time with in Europe, but I feel anchored to stay home in California for some reason. I think it’s fear of going, having heartbreak again, experiencing bad anxiety, or just doing something that I’lll regret. I don’t have anybody in my life that feels close. I’m 23, and at the same time, I don’t know whether to sit and act grateful now or still do things that make me feel young again in my 20s.
Now, I have been watching Jacob Koopman’s busking videos of him singing romantic songs in the streets of Dublin, and I’m having THAT feeling again — Europe and love.
I’m hesitant to plan and buy plane tickets for this summer.
Should I visit a girl who I met briefly during one of my travels?
What should I do if I really think having love and a relationship leads to happiness?
Should I continue to do the things that evidently benefit me outside my home country?
submitted by gimmethelootexe to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:02 ResponsibleTooth8291 Is my SSD Bad? How can I tell?

Appreciate in advance any help this community can offer!
I bought a new Samsung 870 EVO 2.5" form factor SSD. I bought this to be able to upgrade a laptop to run a node validator. Have had it for more than 1 year and in all other manners it operates perfectly fine (OS install and normal operations etc), BUT, this thing cannot reliably synchronize and validate a blockchain. It spits out a fatal error either during the initial download/sync (blockchain is currently about 650GB and takes around 2 days to DL), or if it manages to pull the initial sync down, it will then run the node validating software in a stable way for anywhere from a few days to a week, and then it will randomly give me the same fatal error.
The debug log pasted below shows the failure and hints at a hardware failure. This problem occurs regardless of which version of node validating software I'm running. It also happens regardless of which OS I run. I get the same problem when I run it on Linux or windows. I've also tried it with node software packages like Umbrel and Start9, and it's the same problem - the OS (windows, linux, umbrel, Start9) will install just fine, but the failure happens during the sync of the initial blockchain download, or at some point after the full blockchain has completed its initial DL/sync and while syncing and validating blocks during normal operations. Each time, I've taken out the SSD and run all disktools and done full formats of the drive to try to find any corrupt blocks - but it never has any issues.
I'm pretty sure this is isolated to a bad drive, but how can I tell?
*** Corrupt block found indicating potential hardware failure; shutting down
Error: A fatal internal error occurred, see debug.log for details
ERROR: ConnectTip: ConnectBlock 00000000000000000155c45fb19c96993855e929ad6b0d0cb29bdf549e05fd54 failed, bad-txnmrklroot, hashMerkleRoot mismatch
ERROR: ProcessNewBlock: ActivateBestChain failed (bad-txnmrklroot, hashMerkleRoot mismatch)
tor: Thread interrupt
opencon thread exit
addcon thread exit
Shutdown: In progress...
torcontrol thread exit
net thread exit
msghand thread exit
DumpAnchors: Flush 0 outbound block-relay-only peer addresses to anchors.dat started
DumpAnchors: Flush 0 outbound block-relay-only peer addresses to anchors.dat completed (0.00s)
scheduler thread exit
Writing 0 unbroadcast transactions to disk.
Dumped mempool: 0.000s to copy, 0.003s to dump
Flushed fee estimates to fee_estimates.dat.
Shutdown: done
submitted by ResponsibleTooth8291 to computers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:01 metanoiia2 Wednesday May 15, 2024 Non-Real-Time Meeting of OA

Welcome to this non-real time meeting of Overeaters Anonymous! I’m metanoiia. I’m a compulsive eater and your leader for this meeting. Will those who wish, please join me in the Serenity Prayer: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
Overeaters Anonymous is a Fellowship of individuals who, through shared experience, strength, and hope, are recovering from compulsive overeating. We welcome everyone who wants to stop eating compulsively. There are no dues or fees for members; we are self-supporting through our own contributions, neither soliciting nor accepting outside donations. OA is not affiliated with any public or private organization, political movement, ideology, or religious doctrine; we take no position on outside issues. Our primary purpose is to abstain from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors and to carry the message of recovery through the Twelve Steps of OA to those who still suffer.
Our Invitation to You
The Twelve Traditions of Overeaters Anonymous
Abstinence in Overeaters Anonymous is the action of refraining from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviors while working towards or maintaining a healthy body weight. Spiritual, emotional, and physical recovery is the result of living the Overeaters Anonymous Twelve Step program.
The OA tools of recovery help us work the Steps and refrain from compulsive overeating. The nine tools are: a plan of eating, sponsorship, meetings, telephone, writing, literature, an action plan, anonymity, and service. For more information, read The Tools of Recovery OA page.
Sponsorship is one of our keys to success. Sponsors are OA members committed to abstinence and to living the Twelve Steps and Twelve Traditions to the best of their ability. Sponsors share their program up to the level of their experience and strengthen their recovery through this service to others. To find a sponsor, look for someone who has what you want and ask how he or she is achieving it. Will all abstinent sponsors please identify themselves in their post?
According to our Seventh Tradition, we are self-supporting through our own contributions. Our group number is 99038. Please use the group number when making your contribution. As our virtual group currently has no expenses please consider donating directly through this link to the OA World Service Office, who provides resources for OA groups all around the world to carry the message to other compulsive overeaters.
Suggested guidelines for sharing: As you share your experience and strength in OA, please also share your hope. Please confine your sharing to your experience with the disease of compulsive eating, the solution offered by OA, and your own recovery from the disease, rather than just the events of the day or week. When responding to other member’s posts, please focus on your personal experience rather than advice giving. If you are having difficulties, share how you use the program to deal with them. If you need to talk more about your difficulties and seek solutions, we suggest you speak to your sponsor and other members after the meeting.
*This is a literature meeting. Today we are studying the Big Book of Alcohol Anonymous page 15* Bill’s Story
“We commenced to make many fast friends and a fellowship has grown up among us of which it is a wonderful thing to feel a part. The joy of living we really have, even under pressure and difficulty. I have seen hundreds of families set their feet in the path that really goes somewhere; have seen the most impossible domestic situations righted; feuds and bitterness of all sorts wiped out. I have seen men come out of asylums and resume a vital place in the lives of their families and communities. Business and professional men have regained their standing. There is scarcely any form of trouble and misery which has not been overcome among us. In one western city and its environs there are one thousand of us and our families. We meet frequently so that newcomers may find the fellowship they seek. At these informal gatherings one may often see from 50 to 200 persons. We are growing in numbers and power.”
Closing By following the Twelve Steps, attending meetings regularly, and using the OA Tools, we are changing our lives. You will find hope and encouragement in Overeaters Anonymous. To the newcomer, we suggest attending at least six different meetings to learn the many ways OA can help you. The opinions expressed here today are those of individual OA members and do not represent OA as a whole. Let us all reach out by private message to newcomers, returning members, and each other. Together we get better.
submitted by metanoiia2 to OvereatersAnonymous [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:01 SharkEva The age gap is most definitely not the issue /s - AITAH to leave my ex best friend during her pregnancy

I am not the OOP. The OOP is u/hey_itsawonderfulday posting in AITAH
Concluded as per OOP
1 update - Medium
Original - 22nd January 2024
Update - 6th May 2024

AITAH to leave my ex best friend during her pregnancy

I (25F) had been with my best friend Jessica (24F) for over 5 years, we met while we were both working at McDonald’s when we were both 18, started the same day and became best friends ever since. Even though our lives turned out quite differently, as I ended up finishing my degree and became an account, and Jess became a janitor at the university, I still loved her very very much and we maintained to be our original self as when we were 18.
All this until a year and a half ago, while she’s working at the university, she met this fella “Funnel” who’s 69 years old two years ago and starting to see him romantically. At first I wasn’t a fan of the relationship, as there’s such an age difference. But Jess moved in with him and I started to accept their “relationship” and got to know this Funnel guy….
Funnel has two daughters in their late 40’s and a son in his early 30’s, has grandkids in their late teens and early 20’s. Overall, this guy makes me so uncomfortable as he is quite creepy(?) but hey as long as Jess is happy, I’m happy. About half a year ago, I recognize that Jess’s body changed and asked if had her period, she answered no, so we went and got some pregnancy test. Of course, it came back all positive (all three of them).
She stated that she hasn’t had her period for over two months. When we found out, I offered anything I could possibly think of, driving her as she does not have a car or license, offered her financial assistance as I make significantly more then she does and shelter as I own my house and has spare rooms, as she never paid rent in her life (she lived with her mother before she moved in with the old fella).
I basically told her that whatever she needs I will be there, but first thing first we need to go see a OBGYN. She said yes and I drove her home, two days later I asked if she want to book an appointment and when should I take some time off work to take her to these appointments. She basically told me she had her period and she doesn’t think she is pregnant.
I stated ok we still need to go see a doctor and get you check since it may be a miscarriage, she then basically ghosted me. I tried reaching out multiple times and got 0 answers or reply, her mother even reached out to me to see if I have been in contact with her as she had not been in contact with her for awhile, which is super unusual for her as we are constantly in contact.
I was super worried about her well being as the old fella might be controlling and telling her that she can’t share her pregnancy with anyone, as we live in a small town. After three weeks of trying to contacting her, I gave up and told her that if she doesn’t want my help or want me in her life anymore I will be happy to cut contact with her. No reply. So I blocked her number, her social media.
Now half a year later, I found out she is very pregnant, still living with the old fella that’s probably gonna die sooner than later due to him being an alcoholic and have history of cancer, leaving her with nothing as he does not own anything and lives paycheck to paycheck. AITAH to just leave her knowing that her and the baby will struggle?


She has what she looked for, she also stopped talking to you, she abandoned you and preferred to stay with an old man twice her age. She stopped talking to you, why should you be the one to come back?
OOP: I guess I just want to get through her what she’s signing up for if she does not have any support, she hates her mother and has no other friends.
old man almost 3 times her age with grandchildren her age.

**Judgement - NTA*\*

Update - 4 months later

Jess(24) had the baby, and after 10 months of no contact, she reached out.
We went for coffee, and she updated me what happened in those 10 months, and admitted she cut me off on purpose, as she is jealous of my accomplishments. The 70 year old baby daddy is now 71 and he asked not to be on the birth certificate and he’s not, he hid the baby from his family (3 adult kids in their 40s). He was not there during the delivery and didn’t even bother going to the hospital.
She got kicked out of his apartment and living with her abusive mother, where she desperately wanna move out. The reason why she reached out is due to she ran out of money due to her shopping addiction and she now needs support. She asked if she could stay at one of my rental properties for free or if she can borrow some money from me.
It was a pretty easy decision for me, as I told her straight up that I’m not a ATM machine and if she would’ve kept me as a friend 10 months ago I would’ve consider to help her. However, I am still willing to be friends and work on our friendship. She was pretty upset about it and said that since I am so well off I should help her. I told her no again and said we will revisit this conversation again if we maintain friends.
Well, since that conversation I invited her to have lunch and coffee a few times. And stop paying for things and driving her around like I did before.
She pretty much stopped communicating with me immediately.
I guess my question is AITAH to put her out on the streets?


NTA, its called child support for a reason she needs to get it
OOP: Can she get child support if he’s not on the birth certificate?
the court can compel a DNA test especially if its evident they have been in a relationship

NTA, she has made her choices, just cause she let the babies father off the hook( for truly no good reason) it's not anyone else's job to step up and support her child. She has options. She could've put him on the birth certificate She could file for child support through the courts.
OOP: I feel bad for the baby as he would be high risk for health problems in the future due to the father’s old age.

Imagine Fing an old dude and not securing money. Your friend is a few crayons short and all that. She can get a job like everyone else
OOP: She had a job as a janitor, but now on EI (employment Insurance) due to maternity leave.

Oh, I take it you’re in Canada? At his age, he’d be receiving Canadian pension. Are there survivorship benefits with Canadian Pension plan like there is with US social security? As an aside, though, if she’s low income with no father on record, her Child Tax Benefit will be minimum $600-700/month. So she should be somewhat okay between EI, CTB, and the Baby Bonus. Not rolling in it, but if her mother isn’t making her pay rent/utilities, she should be okay. She just has to not be an idiot.
OOP: Yes, I am in Canada. He has pension, old age pension, Canadian pension plan AND income from working. She has Child Benefits which is $660 per month. EI which is $800 something bi-weekly (or weekly). But she has shopping addiction, each time we go out she spends $200 on random stuff like new clothes or jewelries. No child support from baby daddy so far tho.

So NTA. I can't recall a post on Reddit where one person could make. so. many. stupid. choices.
OOP: I think she made these decisions due to no life experience, she’s 24 turning 25 now. But never paid rent or have a drivers license.

She’s a fool if she’s doesn’t file for child support and establishes paternity through the courts. If the man dies while her child is a minor, I would think the child would receive SS benefits. That being said, she does not sound trustworthy or prudent with money.
OOP: She said the guy “promised” to leave some money in his will. Nothing is written down obviously.
Uh huh. My first comment stands. And what money? He lives paycheck to paycheck.
OOP: I’m just waiting to see when she would realize that he’s not paying.

I am not the OOP. Please do not harass the OOP.
Please remember the No Brigading Rule and to be civil in the comments
submitted by SharkEva to BORUpdates [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:01 ManawarGames Destiny 2 Caln Recruitment

submitted by ManawarGames to ManawarGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 Ok-Pianist1211 S2E8: "The Viscount Who Loved Me"

I am gobsmacked that season 3 comes out tomorrow. I have had such a blast writing up these rewatch recaps. For anyone that's curious, I'm watching all four episodes when I wake up tomorrow morning (probably around 7AM EST), then heading to lunch to debrief with my cousin before we rewatch a second time.
This is my absolute favorite episode of the series. I've watched it so many times, it's just such a great finale. So, I say this begrudgingly, thank you to Jess Brownell for writing such an excellent episode. If you keep up this energy in seasons three and four, I will gladly eat my words.
"The Viscount Who Loved Me" finds the Bridgerton family recovering from the fallout of Eloise's scandal, Kate recovering from her injury, and the final ball of the season, hosted by the Featheringtons.
Benedict appears for the first time in this episode when he arrives at the Danbury House, his valet having noticed Anthony carrying Kate inside. He asks Anthony if he's alright, and you can really see his concern for his brother. When Anthony says everything is his fault, you can clearly see the look on Ben's face change, and I just love Luke T in this scene.
We see Benedict again in the Bridgerton drawing room, a week having gone by, strewn over his favorite chair, next to Eloise as he sketches away. When Anthony enters, making demands, Ben looks a bit irritated with his brother, especially as he begins to berate Colin, declaring "he is one and twenty, Brother." Anthony dismisses him, saying, "Keep to your doodling," clearly offending Ben, before he leaves along with the rest of the siblings.
Also, non-Benedict related comment, but I never noticed that in the scene where Footman John drops off the parcel with the hidden message inside from Theo, Eloise's dress has a distinct floral pattern on. So I apologize to Theloise truthers, but even in a scene involving Theo, there are obvious signs pointing to Sir Phillip.
We don't see Ben again until about twenty-two minutes, where Ben is happily painting Tessa when Rupert walks in, calling Ben's work "remarkable" and his best yet, before saying that the people at the Academy assumed he'd be "all drink and no paint." Suddenly Ben's confidence washes away, as he asks Rupert to clarify what he means. Rupert admits to Benedict that Anthony has made a large donation to the school, which ultimately secured him a place. He says he thought Benedict knew, but we all know he did not, and you can just see the pain in his face as he realizes he did not in fact get into the Academy based on his skill, but rather based on his last name and the financial support Anthony gave. This would have taken place right after Benedict rattled off his "what is it truly to admire a woman," poem, Anthony having responded, "you should apply yourself more often, Benedict." I often wonder if Anthony had wanted Ben to do exactly that, and apply himself, recognizing his brother's potential, and made the donation so Ben would have the opportunity. But, regardless, this absolutely shatters Benedict's confidence in himself as an artist, and is likely the catalyst for his journey in season three.
Also, more floral patterns on Eloise's dress during the "break up" with Theo.
And we have the swing scene, Benedict approaching his sister looking rather worried for her, obviously knowing of her scandal. He says, "you seem to have the melancholy of heartbreak about you," and Eloise fires back "what would you know of heartbreak?" Benedict kind of scoffs, replying, "I would not, really." We all know what this is: Benedict is probably just eight-ish episodes away from having his heart shattered in a million pieces if I had to guess. This conversation is just so great, both siblings feeling like imposters, both wanting something more out of life and feeling like it's been taken away from them. Benedict tells Eloise that when looking at a Bridgerton painting, one feels "disappointment" and "lack of inspiration." He is, of course, describing how he currently feels about himself. He's disappointed in the fact that his art skills did not get him admitted to the Academy, and is no longer feeling inspired because of that. Perhaps he just needs a muse? I think it's likely he will find that muse very soon, and his underlying story next season will probably revolve around that "lack of inspiration." But, aside from all this, we do have a really lovely moment between these two siblings. I wonder if they will be more at odds next season because of Eloise's friendship with Cressida, or if we will be blessed with more swing set scenes.
Benedict is next seen arriving at the Featherington Ball with Anthony, Violet, and Eloise, looking like he really does not want to be there as he bites his lip and walks off. He then returns, nudging Eloise in the arm, saying, "Steady." Eloise looks to Violet, replying, "And ready," the two walk off, Benedict smiling as they go.
Benedict appears again after Penelope runs off, having heard Colin's words for her, encountering Anthony. Benedict tells him he's leaving the Academy because of his donation. Benedict admits to Anthony that he knows he was trying to help in his own "misguided way," before telling him that he believes Anthony did it because he recognized that Benedict just wasn't good enough. Anthony tells him, "If you want to paint, paint. It is one of your many talents, chief among them your natural girl for seeing what others need, even when they cannot see it themselves." He admits it has taken him too long to realize it, and Benedict brushes off the compliment, his confidence lost entirely, and tells Anthony to enjoy the rest of his evening. This is how the season is wrapping up the kind of back and forth between the brothers, where Benedict is constantly reaching out to Anthony, and Anthony is dismissing him. Finally it's Anthony who is reaching out, telling Benedict he is essentially sorry for not realizing sooner that Benedict was always seeing in him what Anthony himself didn't even realize. But now Benedict is shutting his brother out, in a switch that may give Anthony room to help his brother through this dark period next season.
Finally we see Benedict in his studio, closing his box of art supplies (with four fingers, leading to the season four theory), effectively closing this chapter of his life.
Benedict appears in the epilogue, playing pall mall with the family and Kate after they return from their honeymoon. Six months have gone by. He looks distinctly less happy than he did for most of the second half of this season, part of him missing, but he does smile at Newton running off with Anthony's ball. He grins at Daphne as they watch Anthony so in love, laughing a bit when she declares it means they are cutting out. Benedict makes his last appearance this season, walking off as Anthony and Kate hold up the pall mall game, pleased that his brother has finally found true happiness.
And thus concludes our Benedict-centric rewatch of seasons one and two. His ending is rather sad here, having given up the Academy, which made him so happy throughout this season, but we have a rather good idea where we'll find him in season three. Hopefully he will find his muse when he is least expecting it, but we know he's feeling unconfident and beaten down by the fact that his admission to the art academy was not based on his talent. Colin's travels and Anthony's marriage will likely leave Benedict feeling like he has nothing at all. As Bridgerton likes to beat down their leads before their season begins (Penelope got a one-two punch in the finale, as her friendship with Eloise ends and then she overhears Colin saying he would never court her), so I expect Benedict to be kicked down rather effectively in the season three finale. It will be sad to watch, but worth it knowing what's coming.
I'll probably be muting both this sub and the main one tonight so I don't see any spoilers before I finish season 3 tomorrow morning, but I hope you have all enjoyed going on this ride with me. I'll see everyone tomorrow, when we have more Benedict to analyze!
Best Benedict quote from this episode: "Imposter party of two?"
submitted by Ok-Pianist1211 to Benophie [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 16:00 DexDud Overworked & Abused

I would like to start this off by saying I'm sorry; this is a long one, and I appreciate any advice or help I can get. Also, to anyone willing to read this, thank you so much! I'm currently looking for a new job but having no luck, so I'm trying to also improve my current situation as much as I can.
I’m 28 and work in California for a school district in IT, and I love IT. The only problem is my boss. I've worked this job for almost 5 years now, and he has been the boss at this school district for almost 10 years. He's really good at the IT side of his job, but as a manager, not so much. He likes to call his employees morons, yell at and reprimand employees in front of coworkers. He's now caused several employees to quit or seek therapy (including myself). One time, I was sitting in my office working on a project, and he yelled across the office, "Gojo, get your ass in here," for the whole office to hear, and then proceeded to chew me out with the office door open and the entire office listening. He believes fear is a good management tool, which isn't really my style. His current thing to do is trying to pit us against each other and talk trash about other employees when they aren’t around. He micro manages everything you do and calls you stupid if you aren’t doing something exactly the way he wants you to. If there is a way you can save literally TWO seconds on a task and you aren’t doing it that way, he gets upset. After he does all of that, then he tries to be nice and talk about video games with you or buy the office food or let people go home 20 minutes early, but then it’s right back to the usual harassment.
Almost a year ago, I interviewed for and got the open Tech II position, promoted from Tech I. At the time, I was interested because I would learn a lot of things that would help me get different jobs, and it was a little more money. I regretted this promotion really early on. I dread coming to work and several times almost quit on the spot with no job lined up. Therapy has helped a lot with these emotions.
Outside of my boss being terrible, he also piles on work and gives the line, "You’re a Tech II now; you should be able to do all of this," or "You’re a Tech II; you have to figure out how to balance all the work." Currently, I’m balancing 12 projects, providing tech support for our district office, working as an escalation point for our Tech I’s(we have 4 soon to be 6 and they support 15 schools), and assisting our network admin with his projects. While I’m trying to do all that, my boss is also yelling from across the hall, adding more tasks that he needs me to work on and needs to be done that day. As a Tech I, your main task was working on help tickets for about 3 schools, and then during the summer, you helped with some projects. This promotion got me a whole $2 an hour increase in pay.
I am currently working on getting a new job. I’m applying for city, county, and state IT positions, but they take months before they even start interviewing for those positions, and the entire process is taking a long time. In the meantime, I’m reaching out to my union to see if I’m able to demote back down to Tech I. That doesn’t help with the boss situation, but it does help with the lack of compensation for all the extra work.
As far as my boss goes, I want to report him to HR, but I have no physical evidence, and most of my coworkers are afraid. I’m starting to document in my notes every time he is inappropriate, the date and time of that incident, and who was a witness. He’s pretty smart about how he does everything, nothing in writing, no emails, or texts. If I do report him, it has to be enough to actually get him fired. I’ve been told teachers have reported him to HR in the past, then HR has told his boss, and then his boss tells him about who reported him, and nothing has ever come out of it. He likes to hire people new to the industry or really young people so they are less likely to push back at him or are too intimidated to report him. He has bragged to us several times about how if he ever did get fired he’s taking people down with him because he knows all the districts dirty secrets.
How can I legally obtain evidence of his abuse? What should I know about reporting bosses to HR? I don’t know what to do anymore. I really appreciate anyone who took the time to read through this. I have plenty more examples of his abuse if anyone needs more, this was already a really long post so I didn't want to add more.
TL:DR My boss is abusive and has made several people quiet. I’m being overworked and not being equally compensated. How do I Get him fired?
submitted by DexDud to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:59 Easy_Warning6167 Disgusting

This video showed so many more things that they do that normal parents who care about their kid would never.
Bella at the pack and play “oh I love when the hotel gives the tiny pillows for story” It’s not recommended to use a pillow for a baby until they are two according to the sleep experts.
Then In the gift shop when story is coughing and it sounds croupy, they are laughing and saying aww her little raspy voice. Like no you idiots it’s not cute, the baby has a cough now because of your negligence. Plus they let her cough all over those toys, and it didn’t look like they purchased them, so now some other kid will be exposed to the germs as well.
I feel like the worst part is all the weird positive comments on the video, I think they must be paying bots, as so many of the comments are similar; and the actual unhinged fans who see nothing wrong make me even more angry!
They definitely read here, they put sunscreen on once in this video and Bella said she was being gentle but it still looked so rough to me! then they show her for 2 seconds with a hat on. But majority of the time she’s just out there without the hat.
Then the last part with the trying to wake their sleeping baby instead of changing her while she’s asleep was so awful.
So much of what we see here is so telling of the way they neglect this child and her needs.
submitted by Easy_Warning6167 to dellavlogssnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:59 Gaussgoat Are runs of bad form inevitable?

Hi all,
Playing a save with West Brom Albion, (1st season) currently sitting around 3rd or 4th in the Champions League table.
Had a great run at the beginning of season, and now the inevitable slide has started. Drew 4 out of 5 matches, 3 of them by way of blown 2-0 leads where the team concedes and the offense does nothing no matter what I try.
Have now lost 2 straight. Benched the keeper and put him in the transfer list after a grotesque 5.9 performance.
Despite the total cluster f%#$, still in playoff contention. Do other people experience this? What is thr best way to stop a bad run?
I've tried: -The team meeting, players responded well and morale is up. -benched the keeper -tried rotating tactics mid match. -tried changing mentality and roles when ahead to maintain lead (didn't work) -tried telling the players they completely suck in the post game. -tried both encouraging and demanding more from sideline with positive reactions to both.
submitted by Gaussgoat to footballmanagergames [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:59 MountainDawg1998 What’s the best way to cope with getting fired from your job?

submitted by MountainDawg1998 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:58 OceanusDracul Best Metagame Day 15: Wigglytuff

YOOM-TAH! Alright, it's time for a Pokemon that's been famous for a bunch of reasons, absolutely none of which have to do with battling - well, not Pokemon battling, anyway. Jigglypuff being a character in Smash Bros with a rather infamous attribute is a fun thing for the little pink puffball, but sadly, we are talking about competitive singles and not Super Smash Bros.
Ninetales, the previous day, had a very clear winner - Gen 7 RU was just so clearly the best Ninetales tier of all time that it wasn't even a close match. This may have been because I excluded gen 5 OU...but Ninetales isn't even good there anymore, so it's for the best.

Now then, for Wigglytuff, our metagames:

Gen 1 NU: For a long time, Wigglytuff was considered in the shadow of tier queen Clefable, with similar attributes in the Normal typing and access to Thunder Wave and Sing, while having solidly worse stats in basically everything except HP. It still saw play as a secondary, more limited Clefable, with the old VR placing Wigglytuff at a respectable B-rank. With Clefable's recent rise to RBY UU, there's a solid possibility of Wigglytuff rising to a somewhat worse but still valuable version of its role. We'll have to see, of course, but I'd love to see the pink fluffball succeed.

Gen 2 NU: With the addition of Leftovers making Wigglytuff's bulk and longevity significantly more notable, and Curse giving it the ability to set up and pose an offensive threat, this thing might not be a Snorlax, but there's definitely some comparisons to be made! Curse, Body Slam, RestTalk Wigglytuff is a notable threat if it manages to come in and start to setup once Gastly and possibly Rock-types are removed, and it also can be used as a lead to absorb sleep and start to set up. Some talk has been made of the Wigglytuff mirror being potentially problematic - albeit only a little bit. The VR places our round friend at A tier.

Gen 3 PU: It is kind of difficult to find any information about ADV PU using the Smogon forums, seeing as it's not a particularly popular tier, but as far as I can tell, Wigglytuff is decent there. Wish gives it use as a cleric, and its movepool is Gen 1 level expansive, and by the standards of ADV PU it's decently bulky with its huge HP stat. It does have to compete with Lickitung and Furret as a Normal-type, but with the best Fighting-type in the tier being Combusken, I imagine that Normal-types' defensive advantages are pretty nice. This is, I want to note, speculative - discussion of Wigglytuff's role in ADV PU is scarce, but the VR places Wigglytuff in B rank.

Gen 4 NU: Unfortunately for our friend, Wigglytuff is completely unviable in Gen 4 NU. Her offenses are bad, her Normal typing does her few favors when Tauros exists as one of the best mons in the tier, and Lickilicky exists as a superior bulky option. It's got options, maybe, but it's just not good. Wigglytuff isn't ranked in DPP NU's VR, and arguably should be considered untiered. DPP NU will be excluded from the poll.

Gen 5 PU: And the bad news continues, even with an extra lower tier existing, Wigglytuff still can't carve out enough of a niche. All of the problems with Wigglytuff in DPP NU continue to plague it in BW PU, but even worse - while there are things that distinguish Wigglytuff from Lickilicky that could be argued to create something like a niche, BW PU includes Audino. Audino is, in every regard, Wigglytuff's superior. While its Wishes are a little less meaty, it has MUCH better defensive stats and it has the supportive movepool that Lickilicky lacks. In other words, there is even less reason to use Wigglytuff in BW PU than there is in DPP NU, and Wigglytuff is unranked yet again. BW PU will be excluded from the poll.

Gen 6 ZU: In Generation 6, Wigglytuff was one of a few mons to gain access to the Fairy type - and uniquely, the only evolution line to keep the Normal typing alongside it. The games also buffed Wigglytuff's Special Attack from 70 to 85. They also gave Wigglytuff a powerful new offensive ability in Competitive! All of this was enough to...give it a solid niche in ZU, a tier that has only recently become official. Thankfully, the low power of this tier forces Audino and Lickilicky out of it, and being the sole Fairy-type in the tier gives it actual unique defensive presence, allowing it to function as a cleric, a stealth rock user, or even an offensive threat using Competitive and its new special STAB move in Dazzling Gleam, punishing Defog use the way Bisharp does in higher tiers. Wigglytuff is ranked as B+ on the VR, and after the last two gens, we'll take it.

Gen 7 ZU: I have bad news. Wigglytuff isn't just unranked in PU. Wigglytuff is unranked in ZU. Even in a tier without Audino, Clefairy, and Silvally-Fairy, Wigglytuff just cannot cut it. Lickilicky is back to outclass it as a bulky Normal type, Granbull and Shiinotic are relevant Fairy-types, and Wigglytuff has been left high and dry. Gen 7 ZU will be excluded from the poll.

Gen 8 ZU: And the bad news keeps coming. Not only is Wigglytuff's bulk insufficient for a defensive pokemon, two of the best pokemon in the tier are Miltank and Alcremie, bulky slow pokemon with similar defensive profiles, better defenses and offenses than Wigglytuff, and access to support moves that Wigglytuff formerly jealously hoarded. Wigglytuff is unranked in Gen 8 ZU, and will not be included.
View Poll
submitted by OceanusDracul to stunfisk [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:57 hillje1906 Sue a Lawyer

Is it possible to sue your attorney for losing your case?
I was contacted by a flat fee attorney to "fight the creditors" over some credit card debt.
The guy tells me how he sues these people bc of their tactics etc. I meet him, we discuss formalities and a few strategies then he told me he charges a flat fee of 750 for the work.
I cut the check and he immediately starts talking about how we could settle with them for a reduced amount. His fee plus the reduced amount was the same asking price of the debt....
I told him, no, let's fight it. There's no way they could prove I made the charged. A couple months go by and I've given him all the data he needs to represent me. He calls the night before our court date wanting to meet in the morning (he's been so busy with a big case in another city).
The morning of, I show up at his office at 10:30 as requested and our court appearance is at noon. He stated he didn't want to put me on the stand bc he wasn't sure what I'd say (I thought this was the whole point of the prep work). He also said I don't think you should even come, I'll handle it and let you know the outcome.
Welp...of course I lost that case and a judgement was put against me for 3300. I went to the court to get the transcript and it was very short. Basically it said since neither part showed up to defend themselves (the legal team on both sides were present) the judge awarded the judgement against me.
Reading this pissed me off, it seems I could've/should've showed up and wouldve probably won bc the original party wasnt there to present their case.
This was a old credit card bill sold off by the company and bought by several different debt collectors which eventually hired an attorney to collect on the debt.
What recourse do people have in situations like this. Are there statue of limitations in place on how long to bring this back up?
Hopefully this reads in an understandable way.
submitted by hillje1906 to AskALawyer [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:57 aLedade Activate those glutes boys

Discovered this actually works at the range this weekend.
I pulled my groin mid range session and cracked a joke to my buddy that I need to "activate the glutes" like ole Tiger used to say.
Next swing, I squeezed my Hawaiian Sweet Buns until my toes just started to point out, and held this tension to the top of my backswing. On the downswing I squeezed those cheeks together like an IG model and had no pain, with the best ball flight and strike I've felt in years.
Hit another 10 before I turned to my pal and told him to give it a shot. Mind you he shot 120 the week before.
Let me tell you, he was striping long irons for the first time ever and cackling like he just found a cheat code.
It seems to prevent your body from shifting and forces you to rotate around your core.
Give those buns their chance. They'll do all the work for ya lads.
submitted by aLedade to golf [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:57 junjunjey All the information you need about the future story set 80 years after Mushoku Tensei. Rifujin-sensei's posts and tweets from 2013-2022 (with links)

All the information you need about the future story set 80 years after Mushoku Tensei. Rifujin-sensei's posts and tweets from 2013-2022 (with links)
It's legit. It's not "just a fan-theory".
From as far back as 2013 and as recent as 2022 the author has talked about it. I speed-ran through all of the author's Narou Blog Posts, used the advanced search feature on X, and noted down the links containing useful information that I found. I hope you find this informative.


In this tweet from 2022, he talked about the title of this future story itself being still undecided. Here he casually termed it as "the story of 80 years since Mushoku Tensei", he also called it "the last story in Six-Faced World", but the most often way the author referred to it—and the way the Japanese fanbase mostly called%22%20%E7%84%A1%E8%81%B7&src=typed_query&f=top) it—is "the main story (temporary title)" [本編(仮)] or just "the main story".


This reddit post has excellently talked about Mushoku Tensei being the main story of its own. Even the author himself has tweeted, "The main story of Mushoku Tensei is Mushoku Tensei."
Rifujin-sensei has an aversion of calling it a sequel. Here he elaborated that the story will not be a sequel of Mushoku Tensei. In this tweet he talked about the story not being a continuation of Rudeus' story, although certain characters from Mushoku Tensei will appear since they're directly related to Hitogami's defeat but he insisted it's not the continuation of it. Here he even said he will not write a Mushoku Tensei's sequel.
A fan here compared it to how Fate isn't the sequel of Tsukihime despite being in the same universe, and the author concurred . It's just like how Old Dragon's Tale, Kingdragon King's Subjugation, and Mushoku Tensei are all set in the same universe but aren't prequel/sequel of each other.


I think we can infer about which characters would most likely appear based on the chapter The Final Dream in Mushoku Tensei's final volume (since they're directly related to Hitogami's defeat as the author said). However, he kept it vague about how important they would be to the plot itself.
Here he confirmed that Lara Greyrat will appear, but he doesn't even know the story yet since he hasn't began writing it.
In this blog post from 2015, he talked about how he thought Luicellia might appear again in the story set 80 years into the future. He said as a character she was already created even before Norn and Ruijerd. She was described as a beautiful demon girl who is taciturn and straightforward, quick to kill her opponents, but also hardworking, earnest, and single-minded. Considering it's still a concept, her character traits might change (not to mention the traits themselves included being the last Superd).
How about Nanahoshi then? Is she perhaps the main character of the last story?


I know certain section of fanbase are believers of this theory, but the author has debunked that idea in this blog post from as far back as May 2013. Someone said they heard it from somewhere that Nanahoshi will be the protagonist of "the main story", and Rifujin-sensei answered that it's a hoax—Nanahoshi is not the protagonist.
What about the Akihito guy then? Good-looking sporty teenage, a summoned hero, managed to charm the unique Blessed Child in his short isekai life the first time, and will possibly have his own harem considering he's perhaps also Nanahoshi's love interest. The planned story of him literally screams "I'm the main character of power trip shonen fantasy", but is he? Well...


You read that right. I don't know if a lot of you believe he is, because I most definitely did. I even (guiltily) spread misinformation that I believe he's the protagonist because I genuinely thought he was.
Then... I discovered this blog post.
Someone asked Rifujin-sensei in early 2015, "Could it be that 'Shinohara Akihito' is actually the main protagonist of Mushoku Tensei? I thought Rudeus was the protagonist who changes the future, but if it turns out that Shinohara Akihito is the true protagonist and Rudeus is merely a pawn, then I feel really sorry for Rudeus." To which, the author replied, "The protagonist of the main story (temporary title) is a different person."
The author added that he also had a story concept where Akihito is the protagonist, but he felt that the story ultimately wouldn't differ much from Rudeus' own so he scrapped it.
Now for the million dollar questionL who is the protagonist? Probably an entirely new guy, but I have a theory.
Kuroki Seiji couldn't get over what happened to him ten years ago. On that fateful day, he would have been died if not for a savior pushing him out of the road when a Truck that lost control almost hit him. His savior was tragically died in his stead, but the stranger thing was the fact that his friends, Shinohara Akihito and Nanahoshi Shizuka, vanished out of thin air. That experience led to him being approached by a secretive magical society he didn't know exist wanting to hear about the "unnatural situation". Ten years later having joined the society and gained various magical knowledge, he stared down at the magic circle he drew after countless research, believing it would deliver him to wherever his best friends have been disappearing to. Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, he activated the magic circle.
Alright, sorry please ignore my baseless fanfiction idea.
What I know is that in The Final Dream, there are two "Asian-looking" guys among the party that defeated Hitogami. There is a teenage guy who looked to be good at sport, and there is an older guy in his twenties or thirty who noticed Rudeus first and bowed to him. Is the teenage guy Akihito? Probably, but who is the older guy? Is he perhaps the protagonist? Maybe my fanfiction idea isn't so baseless after all (I'm joking).


It's not like it's definitive that he will definitely write it, but lucky for us at least he confirms the plan to write it is genuine, he just needs to prioritize other things first.
Like in this blog post from 2021, he give a blueprint of his main priorities for the foreseeable future.
  1. Work hard on anime-related projects.
  2. Also work hard on publishing books since they need to be released around the same time.
  3. Progress the Orc story bit by bit in between.
  4. Once 1 and 2 are settled, continue the Orc story to its conclusion.
  5. Heal my shoulders, neck, and eyes.
  6. Write the final story of the Six-Faced World.
However, there could be a change of plan in between. Back in 2016, his preference was said to write "the main story" last, and there are also multiple other posts where he said there are more Mushoku Tensei-related stories he also planned to write.
For instance, in an April 2015 blog post this is the list of the stories he planned to tell each as a standalone:
  • The story of Shinohara Akihito and Kuroki Seiji
  • Young Perugius-sama's wild days (the Laplace War story)
  • The old tales of Kishirika and Badigadi (the Second Human-Demon War)
  • The life of Ancient God
  • Mysteries related to Hitogami and the Dragon Tribe
  • The story of Fangs of the Black Wolf
  • How Lara and Leo become legendary saviors
  • What ultimately happened to Nanahoshi
  • Norn-chan's heartwarming school days
Both the Ancient God one and the Mysteries of Hitogami x Dragon Tribe have since been told in Old Dragon's Tale. In this one post there seems to be a planned 11 chaps story outline about Kishirika with Badigadi but was probably scrapped, however a Badigadi's POV from that era has been told as extra chapter in LN Vol. 23. As for the Akihito x Seiji one, I don't know why the author wants to write specifically about the duo. Akihito is understandable since he will definitely be a in the story, but Seiji is supposedly the unimportant one left behind. Hmm, maybe my fanfic—Sorry!
In different posts he talked about wanting to write the reason why Hitogami became so rotten, or about the rewrite version of the notorious Aisha x Arus arc (the relationship is canon, sorry denials), or about Orsted's POV in his previous loops.
Back to the point.
I can only trace the mention of this future story as far back as May 2013 (the Nanahoshi answer one), but it's obvious he already talked about it even before that (considering that post shows someone was already informed about this "main story"). Maybe he first mentioned it in a domestic socmed he used before migrating to Twitter, or there's information from older posts that I missed.
Rifujin-sensei tweeted this as recently as September 2022, here he confirmed he still sticks to his plan of writing "the story about 80 years after Mushoku Tensei" when the Mushoku Tensei anime and Orc's Hero Story both conclude, with rough time estimation being between 2025-2030.
Finger crossed, let's look forward to this in a few years.
submitted by junjunjey to sixfacedworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 decho Pre-Match Thread: Almeria vs Barcelona [La Liga]

Match Information:

Match: Almeria vs Barcelona
Competition: La Liga
Date: Thursday, 16th of May 2024
Time: 21:30 CEST / 15:30 EDT - Convert to local time
Venue: Estadio de los Juegos Mediterráneos, Almería - 15274 capacity
Referee: Javier Alberola Rojas

Lineups and Squads:

Barcelona - Official squad to be confirmed
GK: Ter Stegen, Iñaki Peña
DEF: João Cancelo, Álex Baldé, Araújo, Íñigo Martínez, Christensen, Alonso, Koundé
MID: Gavi, Pedri, Oriol Romeu, Sergi Roberto, Frenkie, Gündoğan
ATT: Ferran Torres, Lewandowski, Raphinha, João Félix, Vitor Roque
Unavailable: Álex Baldé, Gavi, Frenkie (injured) Gündoğan (suspended)
Not called:
Almeria - Official squad to be confirmed
GK: Diego Mariño, Fernando Martinez, Luis Maximiano
DEF: Edgar González, Aleksandar Radovanović, Alejandro Pozo, Marc Pubill Pagès, Álex Centelles, Chumi, César Montes, Bruno Langa
MID: Iddrisu Baba, Lucas Robertone, Dion Lopy, Jonathan Viera, Melero, Sergio Arribas
ATT: Largie Ramazani, Luis Javier Suárez, Adrián Embarba, Léo Baptistão, Anthony Lozano, Ibrahima Kone, Marko Milovanović, L. Romero Bezzana
Unavailable: Aleksandar Radovanović, Iddrisu Baba (injured) Largie Ramazani (suspended)
Not called:

Form guide:




Comments (Post-match thread):

Author: dwilliam24 Score: 369 pts Source
Araujo with a mask is basically Lenglet
Author: tbrakef Score: 316 pts Source
Sergi Roberto! Our captain and most composed player in front of goal in 2023...
Author: -The-Term- Score: 289 pts Source
We barely managed to scrape a win at home against the team that has not won a single game this season lmao
Author: SirCraigie Score: 244 pts Source
Wembley Stadium filled with all players better than Sergi Goatberto:
Author: EditTheVideo Score: 153 pts Source
Roberto scoring twice proves that we are indeed creating chances enough for even a midfielder to score. Just apparently not enough for our front 3 to score in a sufficient manner.
Other than that, our pressing is still not as good as it used to be last season. The same can be said about our defense.
Author: itsvoogle Score: 144 pts Source
Game was exciting in all the worst ways possible…. Lol
Author: decho Score: 129 pts Source
Sergi Roberto Ballon d'Or when.
Author: kezzinchh Score: 105 pts Source
Wins a win, but this ain’t it.
Author: ParsaAtashani Score: 101 pts Source
We tried so hard to bottle this
Author: atn420 Score: 89 pts Source
It's a W, but to give 2 scores to the lowest team in La Liga, doesn't feel as good as it should, honestly.
Author: Working_Aioli8417 Score: 88 pts Source
Sergi Roberto saved Xavi's job today
Also Sergi should clearly be a higher choice than Romeu
Author: TrueCooler Score: 85 pts Source
Al-Sad watching this performance
Author: Jelboo Score: 75 pts Source
I'm all here for the Roberto renaissance. Always been a classy, hardworking, intelligent player who has played all over the pitch and put in a shift. Many fans don't respect him but he is more Barça than any of us here on the internet can claim.
Author: HyggeAroma Score: 74 pts Source
BS that Roberto didn't get the MVP!
Author: Loose-Examination-39 Score: 74 pts Source
Who is Sergi Roberto? For the blind, he is light. For the hungry, he is bread. For the sick, he is the cure. For the sad, he is joy. For the poor, he is the treasure; for the debtor, he is forgiveness. For me,he is everything
Author: Kkasher22 Score: 72 pts Source
We struggled against a 20th place team…
Author: Professional_Code372 Score: 66 pts Source
We shouldn’t pay a dime for Felix
Author: atn420 Score: 49 pts Source
Who had Roberto scoring a brace on their card, I sure as hell didn't.
Author: Loose-Examination-39 Score: 47 pts Source
If Roberto has 10000 fans I am one of them
If Roberto has 1000 fans I am one of them
If Roberto has 100 fans I am one of them
If Roberto has 10 fans I am one of them
If Roberto has 1 fan I am the only one
If Roberto has no fans it means I am no longer on this earth
Author: tekkers_for_debrz Score: 45 pts Source
Our captain doing captain things. The best finisher in the club.
Author: Smooth_Profit_595 Score: 45 pts Source
what does it take for xavi to sub off lewy?
injury only?
dude missed half of the chances team created
Author: SteveTheNoobIsBack Score: 44 pts Source
Author: Iyfebe Score: 40 pts Source
I like that the fans were giving confidence to the struggling players like Raphinha and Romeu. To Inaki as well after the mistake.
Author: SauceCarlicio Score: 32 pts Source
Xavi if Sergi Roberto didn't score a brace today
Author: TuffyTenToes Score: 28 pts Source
Imagine if the rest of the players cared for the crest as much as Sergi or Gavi do...
Author: guapetonydroga Score: 26 pts Source
Most of this subreddit has been trashing Sergi Roberto for years and look at him now. Take a bow at our current most composed player in front of goal.
Author: PLEASEDONTBANMEOK Score: 22 pts Source
Roberto im sorry, I wasnt familiar with your game
Author: tbrakef Score: 19 pts Source
What an absolute howler from Aruajo once again... Literally everyone has taken about 5 steps back from last season in terms on intelligence on the pitch..
Author: MrVaporDK Score: 19 pts Source
Roberto was massive! Torres and Raphinha were good.
Lewy played well and deserved to score.
Author: Numerous-Knowledge-3 Score: 14 pts Source
We make every team look like prime Ac Milan
Author: Forgemarine Score: 11 pts Source
Of course it is not Xavi's fault for the individual mistakes of players, but come on. This is dead-last Almeria, and we showed no real system and again with the 90 mins Lewy and no chance for Guiu.
Xavi needs to quit being stubborn in his substitutions, and his supportive staff for game plans should be improved. If not Barca should look for someone else


Latest News:

[Article] - Xavi: 'It's up to us' -
[Article] - When and where to watch Almería v FC Barcelona -


Livesoccertv Liveonsat
submitted by decho to Barca [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 15:56 VillainDay Lord Ryam Reyne - The Fiery Lion

Reddit Account: u/VillainDay
Discord Tag: mevilmevil
Name and House: Ryam Reyne
Age: 45
Cultural Group: Westerman
Trait: Strong
Skill(s): First Man Warrior (e) Swords (e), Shields
Talent(s): Military Strategy, Running, Looksmaxxing
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Lord of Castamere, The Fiery Lion, Ser
Starting Location: Opening event
Alternate Characters: N/A
Family Tree
The story of Ryam Reyne is one that young squires know by heart and repeat like a sacred melody every night before going to sleep.
Growing up in the gloomy, dark caves of Castamere, young Ryam showed such impressive prowess from an early age that rumours spread that he was actually the son of the Warrior himself, who had come to incarnate himself as a man to defend the Kingdom of the West from a titanic foe.
After eight years of life he was already fighting opponents twice as tall and heavy, and at 14 he defeated his master-at-arms with disarming ease.
This event triggered within him the realisation that no man had anything to teach him, and driven by a mystical mania he decided to flee into the woods to live as a hermit, hoping that nature could strengthen him in a way that training could no longer.
He took only one treasure with him, the most important, his father's Valyrian steel sword.
Lord, enraged, sent an expedition of Castamere's ten best hunters to find it.
Only one of them returned, with a message.
"Do not look for me, I will return."
And when the dragons came west, when suggestion and need knocked at the door, Ryam returned.
At last the time had come for which he was fighting and strengthening himself, and it was with the spirit of a hero come down from the mountain to save the world that Ryam faced the dragons with courage and determination.
It was not enough.
Legends tell that Ryam killed three times a hundred men that day, turning his blade into a scythe of blood, but despite his efforts and the prophecy he felt he was fulfilling, the battle was lost.
Roger died during that tragic day, as a result Ryam had to face not only the desolation of failure but also the burden of having to become the new Lord of Castamere.
He began drinking and seeking pleasure to distract himself from his failure, but this did not stop him from continuing to train and improve.
Thus his life continued for twenty years, until he had the opportunity to use a dormant force again.
During the Lodos Rebellion he fought on the front line, heedless of danger, and his legendary skill was instrumental in enabling Ser Gregor to win victory.
Every wound, every scratch on his skin was nothing compared to the glory and the knowledge that those years of training had not been in vain.
Later, during the Strawberry Tourney, Ryam decided to take part in the melee to test the youth's skills.
He was disappointed to see that the new generation was so weak and from that day on, he decided to devote himself completely to training a new generation of men of the West.
A generation of tough and powerful men, to save the region from depravity.
20 BC: Ryam is born, first son of Lord Roger Reyne
17 BC: Norwin is born, second son of Lord Roger Reyne
15 BC: Teora is born, first daughter of Lord Roger Reyne
6 BC: Ryam defeats his master at arms and goes into a mystic mania that leads him to steal Red Rain and disappear in the woods
1 BC: Ryam returns from the woods to participate in the battle against Targaryen's forces
Lord Roger dies and Ryam becomes the new Lord of Castamere
3 AC: Raynald is born, first son of Lord Ryam Reyne
5 AC: Cersei is born, first daughter of Norwin Reyne
6 AC: Rohanne is born, first daughter of Lord Ryam Reyne
7 AC: Amerei is born, second daughter of Norwin Reyne
20 AC: The Songbird strikes against House Reyne, claiming that Norwin's wife has a secret affair with Ryam
21 AC: Ryam and Raynald participate in the Strawberry Tourney
Name and House: Raynald Reyne
Age: 22
Cultural Group: Westerman
Trait: Strong
Skill(s): Thw (e), First Man Warrior
Talent(s): Rizzing, Listening, Being there when you need someone to complain to
Negative Trait(s): N/A
Starting Title(s): Heir to Castamere, The Second Rain, Ser
Starting Location: Opening Event
Alternate Characters:N/A
Raynald is the eldest son and heir to the seat of Castamere.
He was schooled, educated and raised as a warrior, but despite this he does not possess his father's manic obsession with fighting.
Frequent partying and excesses have led him to embrace a more libertine lifestyle, in spite of Lord Ryam's wishes.
The young man possesses a passion for wine and women that is balanced by a strict and formal upbringing, and an innate tendency to quell situations before they become open confrontations.
Name: Norwin Reyne
Archetype: General
(Ryam's younger brother, all his life he felt inferior to him and lived in his shadow.
Despite this, he made up for his lack of talent with intelligence and application, which led him to become a reliable and solid general)
Name: Cersei Reyne
Archetype: Magnate
(Norwin's eldest daughter is famous for her beauty and intelligence.
Her studies in mathematics and finance have made her the mastermind behind the development of Castamere, and the proud Lord Ryam has rewarded this talent with a major role within the castle)
submitted by VillainDay to ITRPCommunity [link] [comments]