Where to get a used dryer in northwest indiana

lol sorry

2016.06.14 07:20 lol sorry

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2024.05.14 02:38 Strangerfun78 War unknown enemy

Was in a an aircraft bunker. Was used as a sanctuary. The bunker was full of people. Everyone drew a ticket and when your number is called up you had to leave the bunker to fight. My number was called and I had to gather whatever supplies I needed before I departed. There was plenty on guns and very low on ammo. Just whatever that have the most ammo I grabbed . Which was a shotgun. Don’t know specific what kind. I stood by the bunkers gate and waited for the gate to be lifted. As soon the gate was going up I started to hear gun fire from all directions. I ran for cover behind a rock. Look behind me noticing the door started to close as soon as I exited. I notice gun fire up in trees and hill tops, but only see shadow silhouettes of the people firing upon me. I start to run out in the open field. I meet up with my parents. Feeling like we’ve been reunited again ever since this war has started. I notice an object from a far distant falling vertically hitting the ground behind a mountain. As soon the impact hits a shockwave explosion. Seeing huge mushroom cloud from afar where I notice the object was falling. The thought enters my mind this was an nuclear explosion. Even though this explosion came from hundred miles away. There was no was of surviving this explosion. I look left and right side of me at my parents. Holding my moms and dads hands tight saying, “this is it”. We all just stand there looking at the direction of the explosion. As a huge wall of fire going towards us. Destroying everything in its path. As soon as the huge wall of fire gets close to incinerate me I wake up.
submitted by Strangerfun78 to Weird_dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:38 c137_whirly Need some advice on how I can play with my kids without anyone getting hurt

Hey dads I could use some additional perspective here. I have two boys 2 and 4 and the best part of my day is playing and rough housing with them but it's getting to the point where I can't be involved with the play because they hurt themselves.
They do great playing together they will roll around and wrestle and rough house like boys do and the second I go to join to just have some fun they get so hyped up they immediately go crazy. 9 out of 10 times it ends with one of them getting hurt in some way.
Just the other day we were playing on the couch they were falling across my lap but I'd catch them and toss them backwards onto the couch. Well of course after about 10 minutes of this basically one kid zigged the other zagged and banged their heads together giving my 2 year old a small black eye and my 4 year old a nice lump on his forehead.
Tonight, happened about an hour ago, we were in the basement, we have a small bounce house down there for them to play on. Well they we doing great on their own and I was sitting on the couch. Well I wanted to join so any time they came to the couch I'd tickle them. Well my 2 year old was leaning on the couch after I tickled him and my 4 year old spun to escape the tickles and accidentally caught the 2 year old with his foot and left him with a good bloody lip. Both kids are okay from the event.
What am I supposed to do here? I have the best time playing with them, I always try to play safe with them to make sure they don't get hurt and when it's one on one, no one gets hurts. They just get so excited when I join to play and everything goes right out the window and the only way to settle them down is for me to remove myself from the play. I don't want my kids to see me as the dad that just puts them in front of the TV or sits there on his phone and we have so much fun rough housing together I just don't know what to do.
I appreciate any advice and perspectives on this dads.
submitted by c137_whirly to daddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:38 Savings_Ad_2297 39/M I am the droid you’re looking for if you’re looking for an awesome new best friend!

Hey all! This is a bit weird for me being almost 40 and looking for friends. But here I am anyways lol. Mainly looking for someone to message throughout the day and get to know. Maybe game with if we have that in common. I do work from home so there’s no one to really talk to during the day.
I’m married and have 2 kids, a 6 month old son and a 9 year old daughter. I’m into basic nerdy things. Gaming, star wars, super heroes, DnD, etc. Also trading card games like Disney Lorcana and Star Wars Unlimited.
I watch a ton of Critical Role stuff especially Campaign 3! Currently on episode 74, so if you watch too, let me know! Also like to watch Battle of the Brands on YouTube.
I’m also into movies and tv, some sports, pro wrestling. Collecting action figures and retro games is one of hobbies as well. Anything 80s/90s nostalgia i absolutely love so if you want to talk childhood and growing up back then, i’m down! I miss the good old days where we went to arcades and italian sunday dinners at the grandparents and where the world just wasn’t as nutso as it is today lol.
My kids are everything to me and I do love talking about them. Love being silly with them and spending time with them (when they aren’t driving me crazy 🤪 lol)..I would prefer you be around my age and have kids as well just so we have that stuff in common off the bat! I’m socially awkward most times but very easy to get along with. I’m definitely considered an introvert. But once you get to know me I break out of that awkward shell. I do like to use sarcasm, and mostly like to try and make people laugh because a world without laughter would just be horrible.
Alright i’ll shut up now but I’d like to think i’m an awesome person to get to know and hopefully there’s more you’d like to know so feel free to DM me! (I looove using GIFs so if you message me, open up with a funny one! Especially since then i’ll know you actually read this 😂)
submitted by Savings_Ad_2297 to InternetFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:37 3corneredtreehopp3r Fallow ground moisture conservation

We have a substantial amount of ground that we fallow each year due to arid conditions.
I’m interested in trying to retain as much moisture as possible, with the goal to plant a crop of wheat on the ground every other year, or maybe even every third year. We can supplement with irrigation, but water is terribly expensive here, so I need to stretch it as much as possible and apply it selectively.
I’ve heard that this is done in some dry parts of Oklahoma, where they use sweep plows to keep the ground free of vegetation. My question is.. does anybody have experience with this? And is it possible to hold moisture in soil over the course of a long, dry summer? We receive about 7 inches of rain from fall to early spring, and get nothing in the summer. The soil is a clay loam.
Also, is there a substantial practical difference between a sweep plow and a field cultivator with sweeps? We have a spring tooth cultivator already, but the closest used sweep plows I can find for sale are in Kansas, which isn’t very convenient.
submitted by 3corneredtreehopp3r to farming [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:37 Savings_Ad_2297 39/M I am the droid you’re looking for if you’re looking for an awesome new best friend!

Hey all! This is a bit weird for me being almost 40 and looking for friends. But here I am anyways lol. Mainly looking for someone to message throughout the day and get to know. Maybe game with if we have that in common. I do work from home so there’s no one to really talk to during the day.
I’m married and have 2 kids, a 6 month old son and a 9 year old daughter. I’m into basic nerdy things. Gaming, star wars, super heroes, DnD, etc. Also trading card games like Disney Lorcana and Star Wars Unlimited.
I watch a ton of Critical Role stuff especially Campaign 3! Currently on episode 74, so if you watch too, let me know! Also like to watch Battle of the Brands on YouTube.
I’m also into movies and tv, some sports, pro wrestling. Collecting action figures and retro games is one of hobbies as well. Anything 80s/90s nostalgia i absolutely love so if you want to talk childhood and growing up back then, i’m down! I miss the good old days where we went to arcades and italian sunday dinners at the grandparents and where the world just wasn’t as nutso as it is today lol.
My kids are everything to me and I do love talking about them. Love being silly with them and spending time with them (when they aren’t driving me crazy 🤪 lol)..I would prefer you be around my age and have kids as well just so we have that stuff in common off the bat! I’m socially awkward most times but very easy to get along with. I’m definitely considered an introvert. But once you get to know me I break out of that awkward shell. I do like to use sarcasm, and mostly like to try and make people laugh because a world without laughter would just be horrible.
Alright i’ll shut up now but I’d like to think i’m an awesome person to get to know and hopefully there’s more you’d like to know so feel free to DM me! (I looove using GIFs so if you message me, open up with a funny one! Especially since then i’ll know you actually read this 😂)
submitted by Savings_Ad_2297 to makingfriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:36 Savings_Ad_2297 39/M I am the droid you’re looking for if you are looking for a new best friend!

Hey all! This is a bit weird for me being almost 40 and looking for friends. But here I am anyways lol. Mainly looking for someone to message throughout the day and get to know. Maybe game with if we have that in common. I do work from home so there’s no one to really talk to during the day.
I’m married and have 2 kids, a 6 month old son and a 9 year old daughter. I’m into basic nerdy things. Gaming, star wars, super heroes, DnD, etc. Also trading card games like Disney Lorcana and Star Wars Unlimited.
I watch a ton of Critical Role stuff especially Campaign 3! Currently on episode 74, so if you watch too, let me know! Also like to watch Battle of the Brands on YouTube.
I’m also into movies and tv, some sports, pro wrestling. Collecting action figures and retro games is one of hobbies as well. Anything 80s/90s nostalgia i absolutely love so if you want to talk childhood and growing up back then, i’m down! I miss the good old days where we went to arcades and italian sunday dinners at the grandparents and where the world just wasn’t as nutso as it is today lol.
My kids are everything to me and I do love talking about them. Love being silly with them and spending time with them (when they aren’t driving me crazy 🤪 lol)..I would prefer you be around my age and have kids as well just so we have that stuff in common off the bat! I’m socially awkward most times but very easy to get along with. I’m definitely considered an introvert. But once you get to know me I break out of that awkward shell. I do like to use sarcasm, and mostly like to try and make people laugh because a world without laughter would just be horrible.
Alright i’ll shut up now but I’d like to think i’m an awesome person to get to know and hopefully there’s more you’d like to know so feel free to DM me! (I looove using GIFs so if you message me, open up with a funny one! Especially since then i’ll know you actually read this 😂)
submitted by Savings_Ad_2297 to MakeFriendsOver30 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:36 fischbobber What is happening? The banned post. It is still relevant.

The County budget. What's going on here?

I'm finding out something about writing about budgets. Having eyesight good enough to pour through these figures is vital. Sadly, my eye surgery won't be until July so a real time budget analysis will simply prove too big a task for me to do well. I can cover some highlights and ask a few pertinent questions though.
For starters is every Knox County employee outside of the schools really happy about taking a pay cut? This is six straight years they've gone backwards under Glenn Jacobs. While I understand that my platform which emphasized across the board raises until we got County employees up to a competitive pay level with living wages was soundly rejected, but are County employees really happy with getting screwed every single year? You have to wonder.
Second, what kind of feedback is the Sheriff's office giving about the Mayor taking back the raise that didn't even get the deputies up to professional standard? After this year, our deputies will once again be among the lowest paid officers with some of the worst benefits in the nation. I understand many of the culture problems and quality control issues in the Sheriff's department, but it's time we recognized that we get what we pay for in law enforcement. We won't provide full health insurance and we no longer have a pension for our deputies, at least not in any meaningful sense. We are just going to have to live with the quality level the Mayor is willing to fund. If all the Mayor is willing to shell out for is a group of jack-booted gestapo who depend on graft to make ends meet, then that's what we're going to get. This is still a market economy. Pay rates still determine the quality of our employees.
Third, are the teachers really going to fall for the same scam the Mayor pulled on said deputies last year? Their raise is only significant when viewed through a lens comparing it to the way Jacobs has been bending them over and screwing them for the past six years. The School Board is not only showing support for the local Nazis attempting to ban books, but now they've given the nod nod wink wink to allowing guns in schools. What kind of irresponsible self serving totalitarians can completely ignore the real long term needs and goals of our school system and just discount the need to recruit and retain teachers as superfluous. The leadership of this School Board acts completely in the interests of pursuing partisan political goals. That is the very definition of terrorism. We need dedicated public servants in the role of School Board chair, not terrorists. Unless we demand a change in philosophy, that change won't come. Partisan political goals have no place in our school system and allowing the local crypto-nazis to determine the path our schools take is definitely the wrong way to go.
When is the Mayor going to come clean on the Choto/Northshore improvements? We have not completed the projects Ragsdale started and frankly, what the County is in charge of, with the possible exception of some of the greenway work Larsen Jay has championed, that stretch of road looks like shit and is less than functional depending on the time of day.
Fourth, where is the covid response money at in this budget? Last week we averaged ten patients a day in the hospital with covid at an uninsured rate of somewhere north of 15%. That works out to 15,000 a day or over five million a year in indigent covid costs. This is a week when covid is under control. We currently are looking at less than eight weeks a year at this rate. We have roughly the same number of weeks at ten times that amount, so we are looking at about 35-50 million a year in uninsured covid costs and the fed has cut the money off to cover them. Our response to covid thus far has been about 20-100% worse than comparable cities who had a real covid response meaning the direct costs of Jacobs irresponsible incompetence in this area alone will cost the county between 10-20 million. You folks want to know where your raises went? Jacobs took them when he refused to mitigate covid and entrenched us at a disease rate that has kept us at pandemic levels longer than any other like sized city in America. I use Madison Wi. as the city I compare to. Compare for yourself.
What I am struggling with though, is where is Jacobs hiding this expenditure. We know he's paying for his covid policy rather than give the raises these loyal employees are earning, but where is he hiding it in the budget? That is the question. The figure I found for indigent care came to less than 250,000 a year. Where is the rest of these tens of millions? Is he just forgoing the County's fiduciary responsibilities and dumping these costs on us as consumers with higher charges for medical care and health insurance? It's time to pay the piper. We knew there would be long term implications to our covid response, and there are. The issue is that by not being upfront about these costs the Mayor Jacobs is doing nothing more than perpetrating a fraud against the citizens of Knox County and just stealing money outright from every single one of us.
submitted by fischbobber to KnoxvilleCovid19news [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:36 catanalogy Two questions: Next-Gen Upload & Cable Burial Update

I have two questions today:
  1. Xfinity has been busy in my neighborhood and I've received a couple emails so far about upgrades to enable next-gen upload speeds. Hooray! Today I happened to log in to my account for an unrelated reason and it now says my speed tier is "800/100" where it formerly said "800/20" Except... Using the speed test on Xfinity.com, I still only get about 25 upload, same as always. I tried power cycling my modem (Hitron Coda56, which is among the Xfinity-approved modems for next gen speeds) but no difference. Is there's anything else I need to do to enable the upgraded upload speed?
  2. About 6 weeks ago, I had a tech on-site due to connectivity issues. As part of the solution, they ran a new cable across my yard, replacing the buried one. I was informed that a separate crew would come to bury this cable within 14 days. The local folks who mark utility lines have come out twice so far to paint my yard, but no further communication from Xfinity about when I can expect this to be finished. I'm ok with "it's been delayed," for whatever reason (permitting, whatever) I just would like an update if one exists.
Thank you!
submitted by catanalogy to Comcast_Xfinity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:35 hopsizzle Looking for a bit of advice on purchase

So I currently own an electric car that I still owe 38k on. Partner has a Subaru crosstrek.
I'm looking at getting a truck to do just small home owner stuff. We've been doing a bit of yard work with plants, pavers, sand, dirt and just light-ish duty lawn work. It's a pain to load up the Subaru with stuff and it's not really made for it though whatever we've put in there it's taken like a champ.
However, I'm half tempted to trade in my car for a Ford Lightning because of the current price OR get a third vehicle that would be the Maverick Hybrid.
I was thinking if anything I could lease the Mav and take it back in 2-3 years and maybe by then we have an electric Ranger or even Maverick. I work from home so gas would only ever be used on the weekends or for trips where I dont want to take the electric car and want some better mileage than the subaru.
Not having to worry about gas is amazing after owning a mustang for 10 years so it would be hard to go back to an ICE vehicle after not having to worry about gas for the last 2 years.
Lightning is just too big for me and I wouldn't want to get rid of my car but the price would necessitate a trade in. I do have a charger in my garage and I'd have at best like 7-8 inches of clearance to fit it in there to charge.
Anyway, maybe y'all have some thoughts. Should I just hold out for both the '25 F150 refresh or even the 25 Mav? I dont need this immediately as my needs are mostly covered. I can be picky with these types of decisions.
submitted by hopsizzle to FordMaverickTruck [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:35 jjbisman Teach, Pluton, Imu, Devil Fruit Theory! SPOILERS!

So, I just got through watching One Piece and I have a few theories. To be honest, I haven’t looked to deep into what's already out there, besides just clarifying some facts for myself online so feel free to show me some things that I have missed. It’s possible some of this is already circulating around. I really just want to try and put my ramblings into one place. Spoilers for One Piece!
Ok, so there's a few separate theories to this but most of it has to do with Blackbeard and his motivations. One thing I find interesting is that Blackbeard, even since he was a part of Whitebeards crew, has been looking for very strong devil fruits and seems to have intimate knowledge of the ones he is seeking. The first one he sought out was the Dark-Dark fruit which among other things seems to be capable of stopping, and possibly stealing other devil fruit powers. One of his crew members, Shiryu, was seen to have the Clear-Clear fruit ability which already belonged to another character. I have to assume he knew about this before he found and acquired this fruit. Which begs the question, why does he know so much about this fruit? He is now able to use that power to steal powers for himself and his crew. We haven't gotten confirmation that the Dark-Dark fruit can do this, but just like a lot of things about this post, I’m going to be assuming that this is the case. In stealing these devil fruit abilities, he has to be very aware of not only what these fruits can do but who is currently using them. Law, in a recent episode, even alludes to the fact that he is hunting down devil fruit users. Now Burgess has the Strong-Strong fruit. Again, where is he getting this information? He obviously knew what Whitebeards devil fruit was capable of from the time he spent with him, and decided that of all the devil fruits he could have, he wanted that ability. Granted, it is an incredibly strong fruit, one worthy of an emperor of the sea, but with his intimate knowledge of devil fruits there had to be a reason Teach went after that one for himself. I think I have a possible answer.
Now this next part, I think is a common theory floating around out there but it is necessary for the rest of what is to come. Teach is one of the only people we have seen have multiple devil fruit abilities. This is crazy enough in itself, but if you notice, he stopped at just the two. Why not just take many devil fruit powers for himself and become the strongest out there? I think it's because he has the Zoan type Cerberus fruit. I mean, his jolly rodger is a Cerberus head. This could possibly make him three beings in one, allowing him to have three devil fruits. A Zoan type Cerberus fruit, a Paramecia fruit in the Quake-Quake fruit, and a Logia in the Dark-Dark fruit. Teach is smart. I think a big part of his motivations led him to intimately knowing about the powers of these three fruits. He knew if he acquired the Cerberus fruit then he could hold three devil fruit abilities and somehow figured out where that fruit was. Then I think he knew that if he joined Whitebeard for long enough he would eventually be led to the Dark-Dark fruit and be able to steal other abilities which were already taken. Then, once he had the opportunity he stole the most important fruit for his purposes, the quake-quake fruit.
Making even more assumptions, we need to look at the ancient weapon Pluton. What we know now is that Pluton is a world ending weapon, specifically a ship that was built a long time ago in Water 7, and that those blueprints were passed down until they reached Franky. We also just found out that it is sunken beneath Wano. Wano is a country that has massive walls built around it. The ancient settlement far below what is now Wano is where the ship actually resides, and those walls would need to be broken to retrieve the ship.
Now we're gonna talk a bit about the World Government. Specifically in regard to the Five Elders. Each one is named in some way after a planet in our solar system. St. Topman Warcury (Mercury), St. Ethan Baron V. Nusjuro (assuming the V. is for Venus), St. Marcus Mars (Mars), St. Shepard Ju Peter (Jupiter), and St. Jaygarcia Saturn (Saturn). The three ancient weapons are the rest of the planets. Uranus, Poseidon (Which the roman name would be Neptune), and Pluton (or Pluto). Poseidon, we know is also a person, Shirahoshi. It would make sense that Uranus and Pluton were also actual, physical people. But Pluton is a ship. However, we have seen before that ships in the One Piece world can have their own spirits, or personas. This has been shown with the Going Merry and the Sunny. The exact lore behind how this happens isnt totally clarified and so I think there are things about it we haven’t been told yet. It's possible that Pluton is not just a magnificent war ship but also holds the spirit of what may have been one of these Elders of the World government. Some kind of all encompassing power that has had major effects on the world in the past.
Now, going back to Blackbeard for a sec, if he does have a Cerberus devil fruit that has more interesting implications. Cerberus is the hound of Hades, the three headed dog that guards the entrance to the underworld. Another name for Hades is Pluto. It is very possible that Blackbeard works for this ancient weapon and that with the powers he has acquired, specifically with the quake-quake fruit, he intends to break the walls of Wano and finally release Pluton. He is, afterall, not too far from Wano at this very moment. It is possible that Pluton has been behind all of Blackbeards motives and actions.
Not only that, but Hades, the guardian of the underworld, is in a way the devil himself. I also think that not only is Pluton a person as well as a ship, but he is the original creator of the devil fruits. This might be one way to explain Blackbeards intimate knowledge of so many devil fruits including where to find them. Now, among the celestial bodies of our solar system that I listed, two were not accounted for. That was Earth and the Sun. I think the Sun is obvious to find. Joyboy. Nika the sun god. But then we have Imu, this new character who seems to be the head of it all. Umi, or Imu backwards, in Japanese means “the sea”. The whole world of One Piece is covered in the sea. So Imu could perhaps be our very own home planet, or at least some kind of embodiment of it. Now, if all of these Elder, these god like beings have some kind of dominion over different aspects of the world, then here is the conclusion to my theory.
Pluton and Imu at some point got into a big fight, likely over the creation of devil fruits. Imu took Plutons spirit and sealed him away in this world ending ship and then sunk him to the bottom of the sea, beneath Wano, putting up those walls to keep him there, and then declaring that all devil fruit users would be cursed by the sea, which he rules over.
Anyway, that's just some thoughts I had, but please help me fill in any things I might be missing and let me hear your ideas on all of this!
submitted by jjbisman to OnePiece [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:35 BlackWPantha When/If Will Hair Grow Back? (After Off and Back On Minoxidil)

31yr old (m)
Will my hair still improve or at least get back to what it was after stopping Minoxidil for 3-4 months? How long will it take?
Is the Minoxidil causing more shedding to replace weaker hairs? Or did I really mess up by stopping in the first place?
I have been using Dutasteride once a week, derma roll once a week, Biotin daily, and used a compound spray daily (Finasteride, Minoxidil, Melatonin, Vitamin D) for over 2 years. In January one night I used the derma roll too deep and it resulted in excessive shedding the following days.
I told my family doctor what happened, but also expressed the frustration of the spray, making the scalp sticky, routinely only being able to use once a day instead of twice, I didn’t like that it had cost $120 CAD a month, I felt my hair gradually got worst bit by bit the past year and I wanted a hair transplant soon. My doctor recommended that I should stop taking the spray and just take Finasteride (1.25mg daily, split 5mg into 4s) daily and Dutasteride once a week to see what happens. Due to panic and uncertainty I agreed.
In March is when the shedding started to get worse again but I didn’t know if it’s still due to the derma roll mistake from a couple months earlier. I decided to see HairClub and had a consultation appointment with the manager of the building location. I explained the situation leading up to that point and she said that I should continue using the spray and the only other option is hair transplant but she didn’t recommend it yet due to my hair still in a good state at the time and my age. To be fair I always had my hair in a way that made it near impossible to notice hair loss unless it’s unkept or wet, but she was nice and helpful.
Unfortunately as April started the hair loss worsened again, I was forced to recede my hairline back as I am no longer able to make my hair loss unnoticeable. I hoped it wouldn't get worse but it has, and not only is the crown thinning but between the crown and the hairline is becoming a problem, neither areas were problematic before. What makes the situation more difficult is that due to another situation that financially got in the way, I am no longer able to afford the hair transplant until much later than preferred.
I started to take Minoxidil again a week into April but in tablet form (5mg), still taking Finasteride (1.25 mg) daily, added New Nordic Hair Gro vitamin twice daily (contains biotin and more), Vitamin D daily, Dutasteride weekly, Derma weekly, and 2% ketoconazole shampoo (though I’m scared to shampoo my hair). I haven’t used hair thickening fibers for my hair for years until these past 2 weeks. It’s getting to the point where I should start wearing hats.
I overtyped but I felt like venting. What’s most frustrating is that I had a plan for multiple things in my life only for things to fall out of control. I had saved and reserved money anticipating a hair transplant with only the hairline to worry about, then potentially years/decade down the road another transplant if necessary, now it’s inevitable that there’s more to be done. I gave up waiting years for a dermatologist and I tried reaching Hair Club a week ago but was unable to reach them and they still haven’t called back. I'm wondering if HC only does first-time-only consultations and follow up appointments isn’t what they do.
It’s now objectively clear that the Minoxidil in the spray was 100% working (or at least slowed down hair loss), I should have never stopped. I messed up consecutively with back to back mistakes, nothing is working, my worst fear of this type of hair loss came true after years of avoiding it, and now feel completely helpless not knowing what’s next…
submitted by BlackWPantha to Hairloss [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:34 GotNoKeys What is the best $1700 (CAD) budget for a gaming/workstation pc?

I have very limited knowledge on pcs and I’m looking for something to get back into gaming. Looking to run 1440p and 120-140 fps while playing video games (for most games). Also planning on using the pc for school/career (running multiple excel spreadsheets and having multiple tabs open simultaneously). I don’t imagine I will be using the pc to game and do assignments simultaneously.
In addition, I’m looking for a monitor with a budget of ~$240 (CAD).
Additional questions: Where is the best place to buy parts in Canada?
Best monitors to run the desired specs?
Any help is greatly appreciated and feel free to ask additional questions.
submitted by GotNoKeys to buildapcforme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:33 TheTurboLizard A little help? (I’m new!)

So I watched the TV show and decided to dip my toes into Fallout 76, I love it! Really enjoying it so far, but I’m struggling with the crafting side, I’ve never been good with crafting mechanics in any game really and I’m now getting to a point where I’m struggling.
So I have a western revolver that I got when I started (I did the start at level 20 thing, sorry if that’s frowned upon) and it’s been great up until level 28 where I am now, but now I can see it’s starting to falter with the damage it does compared to its fire rate. I’ve tried looking for plans to improve it but can’t seem to find anything relevant to the western revolver.
If there’s anyone here that knows where I can find plans or components that can be used to improve the western revolver I’d really appreciate it.
Really enjoying the community within the game so far so hope you guys and gals can point me in the right direction!
submitted by TheTurboLizard to fo76 [link] [comments]

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submitted by shaneka69 to mytarotreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:31 Merryklumklum I’m the problem

What the fuck is actually wrong with me?
So over the weekend I had my niece and cousin at my house while my uncle was visiting. Niece was telling our uncle “Yeah I don’t care when my mom gets mad and yells. I think it’s funny. I use my phone while she’s not looking and she doesn’t think I know where it is but I do. She put it in water and she doesn’t know my phone is waterproof and still works.” This girl got her phone taken away for good after cat fishing a little girl, letting that girl tell all her deep dark secrets and vent about her moms suicide all for my cousin to make fun of this girl and spread all the info around school.”
So I told my mom. My mom’s raising her and I think it was a disrespectful thing to say so I let my mom know. Turned into a huge fight. I have posts in the past about my mom being unstable and a drunk but she’s been “better” (hiding it better) since January. My mom told me to tell my dad what niece said because usually when niece gets in trouble, my dad babies her and offers no support to my mom (so I thought) so I called my dad and I told him that and he already starts defending niece.
Then my dad drops the bombshell. He said if I told my mom any of this, he would know I’m the one that told. He said he’s not defending her when she gets in trouble, he said it’s the way she gets in trouble. He said my mom pulls my nieces hair and was pushing her into the wall. WHAT THE FUCK.
So I went off on my dad. I told him if that shit is going on over there he needs to leave. He tells me “where do you want me to go?” I told him I didn’t care he can blame my moms drinking all he wants, he can blame her for what’s going on with him and niece but if he’s allowing that behavior and keeping it a secret it’s not just my mom it’s him and he hung up.
It’s me too though. I’ve posted about this happening to myself countless times. I happened to niece once, it was a a huge ordeal niece came to stay with me but hated my house and went back after 3 days.
I keep on forgiving her because I want a mom. Why the fuck do I want a mom so bad at 30? Why am I allowing my daughter to go there every weekend not knowing what goes on?
I’m so pissed off at myself
submitted by Merryklumklum to breakingmom [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:31 MisdiagnosedGlee Can anyone help me translate English to Latin?

My friend and his adult daughter want to get matching tattoos, and he asked me to design the lettering. They're huge fans of The Crow and they want a phrase from the movie "it can't rain all the time" in Latin as part of the tattoo. I was hoping someone could post a photo or direct me to a website where I could learn this, as I don't speak/write Latin but I want this to be grammatically correct, and possibly using correct Latin lettering to boot. I have not studied Latin nor do I know enough about the base grammar to figure this out myself, so hopefully someone here can help me.
submitted by MisdiagnosedGlee to language [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:31 idkwtdwmylaph Gsave by CIMB Account Restriction

Hi, I donʼt know where else to raise this concern. I opened a Gsave account by CIMB Bank yesterday and deposited money. I received a banner above saying I should upgrade my Gsave account in order for me to use it for more than 12 months. My impulsive self directly filled up the necessary info that was needed without double checking it. Then it lead me to download the CIMB Bank app to connect my Gsave account.
I complied the necessary requirements; valid ID (front & back) & the app scanned my face. But upon checking not long after, I received an email saying, “On your GSave application, we are having trouble authenticating your ID and selfie check. Because of this, we regret to inform you that we won't be able to proceed with your application.”, even though my ID was in fact valid, and my “selfie” was just a mere face scanning procedure. I cannot log in to the CIMB Bank app because it did not accept the requirements that I gave.
When I got back to Gcash to check, my account was restricted saying I do not meet the minimum eligibility requirements and stuff.
I called CIMB customer service 3 times! The 2nd time, they gave me an email asking for additional requirements; valid ID (front and back), selfie and selfie while holding the ID. I provided the requirements and also added the screenshot of what Gsave by CIMB gave me on the Gcash app, which is Gsave is unavailable to you and I cannot click withdraw anymore, which is just unfair because donʼt they have to consider still that I deposited money on the account so if I donʼt meet the “criteria” they should allow me to at least withdraw, Iʼm not entirely sure.
I just want to my account to get unrestricted and withdraw my money back safely as soon as possible, even if they did tell me to wait 7 banking days, because every second I wait for them to email me back I get crippling anxiety thinking about what will happen. I thought I could trust Gsave by CIMB since my friend recommended it to me, but alas.
I also messaged BSP on their Facebook account via Messenger and filed 3 separate complaints because I was so panicked thinking what will happen. I even messaged CIMB Bank Philippines through messenger as well, but I have yet to receive a reply.
I really want it processed right away. I canʼt bear to see my money sitting there on the Gsave by CIMB and fearing they will take it from me.
I am so sorry for the long post. Iʼm just really anxious. I donʼt know what to do.
submitted by idkwtdwmylaph to DigitalbanksPh [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:31 Mundane_Original_748 I want to get out but I don't know how

I (35F) want to leave my abusive husband (32M combat veteran) so badly but I don't know the best way to do it. I'm sorry this is so long but I'm begging for help, insight, any reassurance...
He says he used to have major anger issues but I never thought he would take them out on me. He has PTSD and a traumatic brain injury which makes his moods unpredictable.
I talked to his ex two days ago and she said he shoved her once, put his hands around her neck during a flashback, and also had a gun pointed at her during a flashback. He said they were engaged but she insisted they never were. She also said he was supposed to pick her up from the airport one time but he texted back saying he couldn't, because he wasn't sure if he was going to do something bad to her.
His abuse started when we moved in together while we were still engaged. I found out he had been on Onlyfans at the beginning of our relationship and just shortly before we got married... I was angry but I downplayed it and thought I could get over it. All it did was cause massive trust issues that have never healed and never will. He was subscribed to one of his exes and he also messaged one of the girls asking to meet just shortly after I stayed the week at his place for my birthday.
I spiraled mentally once the anger phase passed (severe depression and anxiety) and told him what I saw. He tried to deny it but when I said I knew his "pictures" he caved and said he wished I never told him and punched the headboard of our bed. He's my only source of comfort so I went to him countless times telling him I was still struggling with my trust issues and worried about whether he was still looking at other women, because he is subscribed to tons of women like that on Instagram and Tiktok. I started snooping looking for any evidence I could get so I could finally convince myself to leave him.
Everytime I confronted him about what I saw he made excuses and flew into a rage at me for snooping, screamed in my face, threw objects and furniture around (including our wedding rings and he broke my engagement ring in the process), punched walls, threatened divorce, demanded me to leave, or walked out without saying where he was going which made me call the police one time to look for him. I blamed myself because I was the one snooping and I told myself how would I feel if my partner constantly snooped on me? I blamed myself for everything and still kind of do. But he says it's his fault I'm like this and he just has to deal with the consequences.
Other times he says he has changed and it's my fault for getting in my head all the time, that my lack of trust is always so hard on him, and that my depression and anxiety are constantly dragging him down even though he says he's doing everything right to make me feel better. When I come to him to talk he usually sighs or treats it like a chore.
He says he beats himself up everyday for what he did and has apologized multiple times. But I never see any true regret. He told me "everybody else gets over their problems, why can't you?" He says he went through so much worse in the military than I have ever gone through and he got over his problems, so why can't I? That I need to "unfuck" myself and "everybody has depression."
One day when he came home I was feeling very low but he was in a bad mood already and he came at me, screaming that he's getting tired of me always being down and threatened divorce. I asked if he hated me and he looked at me and said in a really frightening way "if I hated you you'd be dead." That crushed me. Another time I got mad and said I was this way because of what he did to break my trust and he screamed at me multiple times to STFU, "waaah waaah waaaah you're always a Debbie downer" and threw in my face "you have no friends." He said he was done with the marriage but I talked him into staying because he has me so convinced the problem is me.
Other things... rough/forceful/demeaning sex... always saying "fuck you baby" in a cutesy way as a way to interact when we're doing our own things separately... slamming a controller down on my knee accidentally because he flew into a rage over losing a game... continuing to yell and saying he wasn't allowed to express anger even when I said it was scaring me... telling me once "I don't THINK I'd ever hurt you" (physically)... almost never helping with house chores and shopping... using me for money even though he makes more than I do with his disability payments... insulting my mother who helps us financially... trying to kick my cat one night when he couldn't sleep.
He's always so mean and critical of complete strangers when we go out and he acts like a macho narcissist who has everything figured out and he knows the right way about everything, like someone who is super opinionated to an obnoxious extent.
There's more but this is the worst of it all.
I read Lundy Bancroft's book asking myself if he's really that bad because 90% of the time he's good and loving. I know what I'm involved in and I know how much I've trauma bonded with him. But I've reached the point where I wake up every day in panic and despair knowing I'm still here and I want to get out. I already tried to leave before with a go bag and my cat but he talked me back. Some days I still try to convince myself the good times are worth staying for because I'm exhausted and I just want a good day for once. I've been miserable for months but I'm a pressure cooker now just waiting to blow. I'm falling apart.
I know I'm going to talk to a divorce lawyer and at least see if I have a case to have him evicted through a PFA. In that case he would be moving back in with his dad but he'd be close by. I could get the locks changed but I wouldn't put it past him to stalk me and try to hurt me (PFA or not -- he is suicidal anyway and has a lot of contempt for laws and the police), vandalize my car, or try to break into the apartment to hurt me or my cat. I don't even know if I would still be happy here where all these bad memories happened. And I wouldn't feel safe for myself or my cat everytime if I left the apartment.
The only other option is moving back in with my alcoholic narcissistic mother (my abusive alcoholic scizophrenic brother lives with her too) who doesn't know how to provide emotional support and hasn't been supportive at all throughout this marriage except financially. I would have to live in her garage, trust her not to let my cat loose if I go out, and make multiple trips back to my abusive husband still in the apartment to get all my belongings and furniture. He doesn't work, he's on school break now for summer so he's always here. I know I can get a police escort but they're not going to wait around for me to pack up the entire place. Almost everything is mine.
My husband might even just volunteer to leave and move back in with his dad like he has done before. I might not even need a PFA. I'm more afraid he'll try to hurt me if I actually get one versus if he just left by himself. I also don't know if he would offer to leave then just try to come back and hurt me before I could get the locks changed. The landlords constantly ignore the residents so I'd have to wait days or weeks for a lock change. Our lease ends next March.
I don't know what to do. All I want is to be by myself again with my cat in a safe place and it seems like no place and no escape plan I can come up with is entirely safe or secure. I'm at a loss but I can't keep living like this.
submitted by Mundane_Original_748 to abusiverelationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:31 kmrbtravel What is a feasible car for me to work towards in this market?

Income: $71k before taxes (I have very little expenses—I pay rent to my family so bills/groceries/rent total less than $1000/mo) Location: Vancouver Job situation: hybrid (part WFH/part office) Driving estimate: 150-200km/week Savings: $10k, but am happy to budget for more—just want to brainstorm what I could work towards :)
Some important notes:
From my memory, I think people recommended the Nissan LEAF. Is this my best option? If so, what are some things I should watch out for if I purchase a used one? What should I check? Should I bring it to someone to check? How long should it last me? (My family purchased 1 car 20 years ago so we are not very knowledgeable on the car market)
submitted by kmrbtravel to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:30 Scudbucketmcphucket I have built a new guitar invention but I need your help!

I have been a guitarist and audio engineer for the better part of 30 years. About 20 years ago I got tired of losing new riffs I came up with, or watching someone pick up their guitar and play something amazing, ask them what that was only for them to tell me they had no idea. So I decided I would invent a new piece of gear. It would bridge the guitar world and the recording world. I call it Axetrax.
It is essentially just a replacement tone pot except inside is an ultra high quality hard disk recording system. In fact it records at the same level as the top audio interfaces used in professional recording studios. So when you play your guitar Axetrax automatically records and archives EVERYTHING you play and saves it to a micro SD card onboard. It has a small control plate that goes around your knob so you can use Axetrax as a live looper as well. It also turns your output jack into a headphone jack so you can plug right in, track a rhythm part, loop it and then hash out that solo as many times as you like. It even has some simple FX as well that only go to the headphone output, not on the recording. All of that and it still acts as a tone knob as well. You don’t have to know it’s there, it will record you just the same. No need to hit any buttons to start or stop it, it has a built in adjustable noise gate to prevent the unit from recording something small like the dog bumping the guitar. All the recorded guitar parts are easy to re-amp in any guitar studio. Just imagine if Jimi Hendrix had one of these in his guitar?
I have been self fundng this but am getting close to the point where I am looking for people who can assist me in licensing this concept to someone who can manufacture it. My intention is for it to retail for around $100 US. It’s feasible I think.
Here’s a photo of the current prototype and a link to more info.
What do you think? I wish I could tell you about the four other guitar inventions that dovetail with this one but they are still in the pre-patent stage.
submitted by Scudbucketmcphucket to Guitar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:30 SloMobiusCheatCode Info for people buying first pit bike/suggestions and considerations

Info for people buying first pit bike/suggestions and considerations
Was replying to someone who’s looking for a first bike and my response was getting long so figured I’d post it for all for others looking to get in to pit biking. After almost 20 years and countless pit bikes bough, ridden and sold, here’s some highlights…
If you want a good bike that’s reliable I suggest you buy one of the Japanese trusted brands. These random Chinese bikes break too often and while there’s some that are better than others, it’s still generally not worth it. Especially if you’re not used to working on bikes. You don’t wanna buy one you’re gonna have to be fixing right after getting it.
The bike you get depends on your size but I think the best all around regardless is a 110. There’s CRF, KLX , Ttr, I don’t think they make the DRZ 110 anymore, but if you’re going to buy used that one’s cool too. As long as you get to test the bike/someone trustworthy tests it and takes a good look, there’s no reason not to save some bucks and buy used for a first bike. Unless money is no concern then by all means cop new. I’ve always bought mine used and I’ve had about 10 different pitbikes. I’d say you can probably find a decent functional bike for as low as $1200 then up from there. More likely $1800/2k tho. Used low priced bikes might be some years old and have some dings but if one of the tried and true brands it’ll still be solid enough to ride and not worry about.
Depending on where you are, there are several factors to consider when getting your first bike. The real big consideration is: where could you ride? Do you have land or is there land you’re able to ride close to you? or an OHv area near you? Where I live in the bay area CA and there’s nowhere for many miles from me. You’d have to drive like an hour to get somewhere you can legally ride then another hour or two to the next ohv area, so unless you have land, this is far from the best place to ride / have a dirt bike.
My solution was to get a plate and some lights to get my bike Street Legal, so if you’re in a place that has a lack of places to ride, consider going Street Legal route. People often assume they can just cruise around on pitbikes no problem, but I’ll tell you in my area you just 100% can’t. There’s plenty of rural areas where no one cares at all, but in major cities and suburbs cops will pursue, write you a big ticket, take your bike and impound sometimes and get super pissed. However if you’re in a really big city, there are some with no chase policies in place. If that’s the case, when cops try to stop you, and you run from them, They did not chase you because it would be more dangerous than it’s worth. You don’t really wanna have to do that, but it’s a thing. Some cities seem to have given up on policing dirt bikes, which is a win if you have one. The cops just have bigger problems in some cities, so in my area it seems that the suburbs are the ones that really get screwed and you can get away pretty Scott free if you’re in the city. It complicates the matter because if you are in one of those cities where it’s a gray area, and the cops don’t seem to chase, but you don’t want to run the risk of having to deal with them chasing you for no reason, getting a plate could be a solution, but then if you’re riding around doing wheelies and riding with groups and they do decide to come after you guys, you’re just wearing a name tag (plate) and they can identify you anywhere, so it’s kind of better to keep the anonymity in some scenarios. Then again If you’re in a position to have to flee from the cops While riding dirty and by yourself it can be a sketchy situation situation.
TLDR- avoid the offbrand, Chinese, knock off etc. and go with the namebrand Japanese bike for longevity and reliability. If you’re trying not to break the bank, buying used is fine (craigslist or similar etc.) 110 is a myth suggestion for an all around fun, safe, reliable pit bike. If new to riding, you should put in plenty of thought as to where you will ride and what to be prepared for depending on your area regarding legalities and policy’s.
submitted by SloMobiusCheatCode to Pitbike [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:29 Friendly-Airline2426 Keith Gill, AKA "Roaring Kitty", AKA u/DeepFuckingValue returns. GME trading gets temporarily halted after massive pump. Pepe kills a zero. Wtf is going on?

Keith Gill, AKA
Thumbnail. Original work; watermarked. Took me 1 hour on photoshop
Ok first of all, if you're a $GME veteran, I salute you. \*O7*
Second, it appears that the man, the myth, the legend, m'lord and savior u/DeepFuckingValue came back... randomly (?)
This shit was more random than my 3 am thoughts. I tell you what, ladies and gentlemen, a DFV return was definitely not in my book for this year.
Before we continue, it might be a good idea to do a quick background check.
Story time!
Keith Gill, also known as Roaring Kitty on YouTube and, obviously, u/DeepFuckingValue, got famous for his involvement in the GameStop stock rally, in early 2021. He's a celebrity in WallStreetBets, where he used to share his analysis and bullish outlook on the GameStop stock.
As his posts gained traction on Reddit and YouTube, he started to grow pretty fast, and a lot of investors started backing his thesis. Everybody started buying GameStop shares, which caused the price to inflate to insane levels. Eventually, he got the attention of Wall Street.
GameStop is a video game retailer, and had been struggling because of the new era of digital distribution and online competition. Eventually the stock got so famous that it had a massive short squeeze, planned by retail investors. This included the Reddit "regards", who believed that the stock was undervalued and could be forced higher, if enough investors bought and held shares.
The GME saga got global attention. This thing highlighted the power of retail investors, and the potential for social media to mess with the traditional financial markets. DFV's role in this event earned him both praise and criticism. He became a legend. Got a Netflix documentary.
Recently, DFV tweeted a single image. Not a single word was written. This tweet literally caused massive euphoria. From regarded memers to TradFi bros, everyone jumped on the hype train. As a matter of fact, this is so big that it's currently the number one trending event on Reddit.
That's what he posted btw. My interpretation: \"Time to lock in\"
Yea, it's that big.
After the tweet, as expected, $GME had a pump, going from ~$17.38 to a high of approximately $36.70. It's every GME's bagholder wet dream come true.
After this, brokerage firms paused $GME trading, going full RobinHood mode. \*PTSD from 2021 intensifies*
If you're still reading this, you're probably thinking: "What the fuck does this have to do with crypto? This is a crypto subreddit, not a stonks or finance sub."
Calm down, Lisa Simpson.
After this canon event, some shitcoins began to soar. And I mean soar, SOAR.
Solana shitcoin GME pumped 1875.3%, IN A SINGLE DAY. Yes, you read that right.
This event literally created millionaires overnight. There is no such thing as a normal day in crypto. This is not for those with a weak heart.
Ethereum's memecoin prodigy PEPE went up 12%.
Maybe this isn't connected. But what if it is? Here's where it gets interesting.
There are rumors that DFV might be getting into the crypto world, just like Wall Street already did. The current speculation is ranging from memecoin bets, to more established projects like ETH. OUR ETH!
Someone in this sub (shout-out to u/Gh0sta) shared a similar theory, mentioning the ETH logo in a video that DFV shared on Twitter.
Ladies and gentlemen, this might be it. Say goodbye to your sleep, because we have never been more back.
The TradFi bros might follow Roaring Kitty's footsteps, and get into crypto. This means billions getting injected into the market. This would mean that we'd have the biggest bull run History has ever seen. And it's all based on the power of memes.
I will now conclude this post with: TO THE MOOOOOON!
submitted by Friendly-Airline2426 to ethtrader [link] [comments]
