Tippy dam cabins

Boeing airplanes just as safe as Airbus despite media hype

2024.06.07 19:54 LynnwoodTimes Boeing airplanes just as safe as Airbus despite media hype

Boeing airplanes just as safe as Airbus despite media hype
EVERETT—A Lynnwood Times study of National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) incident records from 2014 to 2023 concludes that there is no statistically significant safety difference between US-related Boeing and Airbus commercial aircraft.

Boeing scrutiny and oversight

After Alaska Airlines Flight 1282’s non-fatal incident involving a cabin door blowing off mid-flight on January 5, 2024, due to four key bolts missing, according to a preliminary report from the NTSB, Boeing has been under intense scrutiny by federal regulators and media.
The incident resulted in the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) temporarily grounding, for weeks, similarly configured Boeing 737 Max 9 aircraft to undergo inspections. The action by the FAA was reminiscent of the March 2019 grounding of all Boeing 737-MAX aircraft shortly after Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302, a 737-MAX 8 aircraft, crashed six minutes after takeoff from Addis Adaba killing all 157 people aboard. Just months earlier, on October 29, 2018, Lion Air Flight 610 crashed into the Java Sea 12 minutes after takeoff, killing all 189 passengers and crew. Both 737-MAX 8 aircraft, and the Boeing 737 Max 9, were only a few months old at the time of their incidents.
On March 4, 2024, the FAA “halted production expansion of the Boeing 737 MAX,” as a financial incentive for the company to address what the FAA calls, “production quality issues.” A six-week FAA audit of the Boeing 737 Max 9 production line found multiple “manufacturing process control, parts handling and storage, and product control” problems. Regulators also required the aircraft manufacturer to develop a comprehensive plan within 90 days to address the “systemic quality-control issues.”
On Thursday, May 30, the FAA accepted Boeing’s comprehensive “Product Safety and Quality Plan,” that aims to tighten supplier oversite and manufacturing processes.
On March 25, Boeing’s President and CEO Dave Calhoun, along with BCA president and board chair, announce their resignations. A month later, on April 25, S&P Global downgraded Boeing from “stable” to “negative” a day after Moody’s similar announcement.
“The company faces heightened production uncertainty, notably related to quality issues affecting its 737 MAX aircraft, and key changes to its leadership are pending,” the report reads. “We revised the rating outlook to negative from stable and affirmed our ‘BBB-‘ long- and ‘A-3’ short-term issuer credit ratings on the aerospace and defense company.”
S&P Global expects Boeing to have poor “cash flow and credit ratios” due to the risk of “further delays” related to the company’s commercial aircraft production.

NTSB incident data deep dive

Almost daily, so far this year, there are reports of safety incidents involving a Boeing manufactured plane in the news. Recently, the Seattle Times published a well-researched article comparing the safety record of Boeing-built aircraft to that of its primary competitor, Airbus, using NTSB data—see below.
SOURCE: Seattle Times article https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/have-boeing-planes-really-had-more-problems-lately-look-at-the-numbers/
At first glance it appears that Airbus, with its 82 incidents to Boeing’s 166, is a much safer aircraft to fly. The Lynnwood Times was able to duplicate similar results from the NTSB database but with 170 reported incidents over the last 10 years for Boeing. Because both aircraft models have varying scales, displaying only the aggregate of the data—not normalized—as presented by the Seattle Times may lead to possible misinterpretation of its findings.
Performing a One-Way ANOVA analysis, a statistical test used to evaluate the difference between the means datasets, indicated that there is strong evidence (p-value 0.00058) with a 95% confidence level that Airbus safety incidents differ by 8.4 per year, well beyond any likelihood of being statistically equal. The mean for Airbus yielded 8.2 [±2.898] incidents and 16.6 [±5.680] for Boeing. In other words, the way the data is presented by the Seattle Times, allows for the misinterpretation that Airbus aircraft is much safer than Boeing-built aircraft.
When analyzing data of varying scales, it must be adjusted to a notionally common scale, in this case million departures per year and million block hours per year—an apples-to-apples comparison. Boeing has almost 60 percent more departures within the United States than Airbus and just over 40 percent more commercial block hours (duration of passenger revenue service). What this means is that there are more opportunities for a Boeing aircraft to experience a safety incident in the U.S. than an Airbus aircraft. Therefore, the data must be normalized to a common scale.
Below are normalized charts of all reported commercial incidents using the data from both the Seattle Times (normalized by the Lynnwood Times) and Lynnwood Times. Using a million block hours per year generated similar charts and same conclusion from the statistical analysis. For simplicity, only charts showing million departures per year are displayed for a one-to-one comparison.
Normalizing the safety data presented by Seattle Times tells a much more accurate story. Just with a visual look, the two datasets appear similar.
Normalized chart of reported commercial incidents using Seattle Times dataset represented as million departures per year. SOURCE: Seattle Times article https://www.seattletimes.com/business/boeing-aerospace/have-boeing-planes-really-had-more-problems-lately-look-at-the-numbers/
A One-Way ANOVA analysis for the above chart indicates there is strong evidence (p-value 0.4337) with a 95% confidence level that the means of Airbus and Boeing safety incidents do not differ significantly. The mean for Airbus yielded 4.9136 [±1.5491] incidents per million departures per year and 5.4718 [±1.5681] incidents per million departures per year for Boeing.
In other words, you are as likely to experience a safety incident with Boeing as with Airbus. However, keep in mind that these are all reported safety incidents, treating minor coffee spills with the same level of severity as an engine failure.
Performing the One-Way ANOVA analysis for all incident data using the Lynnwood Times dataset also yielded strong evidence (p-value 0.3429) with a 95% confidence level that the means of Airbus and Boeing safety incidents do not differ significantly. The mean for Airbus yielded 4.9136 [±1.5491] incidents per million departures per year and 5.5901 [±1.5570] incidents per million departures per year for Boeing.
Airbus and Boeing safety incidents from 2024 to 2023. SOURCE: National Transportation Safety Board Mario Lotmore Lynnwood Times
Although the Lynnwood Times’ dataset yielded a slightly lesser significance value, it is still statistically sound. Also, both the means for the Lynnwood Times and the Seattle Times differs for Boeing by 0.1183 (just over 2 percent).
In his article, Does data show Boeing is unsafe?,” by Courtney Miller, Founder and Managing Director, Visual Approach Analytics, he pointed out the Seattle Times’ use of “aggregate numbers of incidents” suggests to the reader that Boeing’s safety incident rate “is higher” than Airbus contrary to the data.
“The Seattle Times did an admirable job of providing more context to the NTSB numbers in a recent article,” wrote Miller. “You’ll notice very similar-looking charts to ours, but with one key difference: aggregate numbers of incidents are still used [by Seattle Times], suggesting Boeing’s rate is higher while providing the context of greater Boeing departures separately in the text.”
The Lynnwood Times took Miller’s lead from his article and reviewed all 319 reported aircraft incidents for both Boeing and Airbus from 2014 to 2023. Cargo and general aviation (charter and biplanes) built by the two aircraft manufacturers were removed because one cannot accurately estimate the number of flights and hours. The remaining 252 reports were then categorized as unknown, environmental factors, human factors, and aircraft related.
Miller’s dataset differed slightly in that it had 165 Boeing (five less than Lynnwood Times) incidents and 84 (two more that Lynnwood Times) Airbus incidents.
Not all reported incidents have the same level of severity. The NTSB database includes all reported US-related accidents and incidents—from a coffee spill resulting in an injury to a fatal plane crash. The data shows that 80.56 percent of incidents are Human and Environmental factors, and only 12.7 percent are aircraft related.
Airbus and Boeing safety incidents from 2024 to 2023. SOURCE: National Transportation Safety Board Mario Lotmore Lynnwood Times
Human factor incidents were subcategorized as pilot error, cabin incident, taxi incident, tail strike (which one incident was weather related), air traffic controller error, and grounded crew. Environmental factor incidents were subcategorized as turbulence, airport equipment, and bird strikes. Aircraft related incidents were subcategorized as aircraft manufacturer, electrical, engine failure, and maintenance error (can also be considered a human factor).
The most common incident reported was turbulence at 29.37 percent, followed by pilot error and a cabin incident (spilled coffee or cart injury). Almost all injuries were related to turbulence, cabin, or grounded crew incidents. Both Boeing and Airbus had no manufacturing incidents reported in the NTSB database for U.S. related flights during this period.
Airbus and Boeing safety incidents from 2024 to 2023. SOURCE: National Transportation Safety Board Mario Lotmore Lynnwood Times
A One-Way ANOVA analysis for all aircraft related (including maintenance) incident data using the Lynnwood Times dataset yielded somewhat strong evidence (p-value 0.2041) with a 95% confidence level that the means of Airbus and Boeing aircraft related safety (including maintenance) incidents do not differ significantly. The mean for Airbus yielded 0.5836 [±0.4030] incidents per million departures per year and 0.7669 [±0.1765] incidents per million departures per year for Boeing.
The Boeing aircraft related safety data is tighter to its mean, whereas Airbus’ occurrences have a greater variance. In other words, Boeing aircraft related safety is consistent for this dataset.
Airbus and Boeing true aircraft-related safety incidents (including maintenance) from 2024 to 2023. SOURCE: National Transportation Safety Board Mario Lotmore Lynnwood Times
Removing the “noise” from the data by focusing on all aircraft safety, including maintenance incidents, (not those due to human and environmental factors) provides a more accurate story for what is in the control of the aircraft manufacturer.
When comparing aircraft related incidents with maintenance and without maintenance in the dataset, the number of Boeing and Airbus incidents per million departures dropped 49 and 35 percent respectively. This significant reduction conveys the importance of routine maintenance by an airliner for the prevention of a safety incident.
Airbus and Boeing true aircraft-related safety incidents (excluding maintenance) from 2024 to 2023. SOURCE: National Transportation Safety Board Mario Lotmore Lynnwood Times
The aircraft safety data with maintenance related incidents removed from the aircraft related category more accurately reflects aircraft-only incidents, as maintenance truly is attributed to human error and is the responsibility of the airline (e.g. United, Alaska, Delta, etc.) maintenance personnel or third-party maintenance personnel and not the aircraft manufacturer.
Performing a One-Way ANOVA analysis for true aircraft related (not including maintenance) incident data using the Lynnwood Times dataset yielded very strong evidence (p-value 0.939) with a 95% confidence level that the means of Airbus and Boeing’s true aircraft related safety incidents do not differ significantly. The mean for Airbus yielded 0.3784 [±0.3475] incidents per million departures per year and 0.3900 [±0.3221] incidents per million departures per year for Boeing. In other words, Boeing’s true aircraft related safety is almost identical to that of Airbus from 2014 through 2023.
For the last ten years, Boeing has averaged 5.5901 incidents per million departures and Airbus has averaged 4.9136 incidents per million departures, regardless of incident severity. However, because of the variability in incidents per year, the overall safety for both aircraft manufacturers is statistically the same.
For true aircraft related incidents, removing maintenance caused, the average over ten years drops to 0.3900 and 0.3784 incidents per million departures for Boeing and Airbus respectively. Again, statistically when factoring variability, these are the same.
Although our numbers differed slightly, the analysis by Visual Approach Analytics also concluded that the true aircraft related safety rates for both aircraft manufacturers, Boeing and Airbus, are in fact the same.
“Even though the [Seattle Times] article aimed to quell the same misinformation, the charts still show elevated Boeing incidents when, in fact, the rate is the same,” wrote Miller. “A seemingly small difference to us, but consider this article was sent to me by a concerned family member who used it to ‘prove’ that Boeing aircraft were unsafe. The attempt by the Seattle Times to use good data to ease irrational fears actually added to the hysteria in this anecdote.”

Why the regulatory and media hype

It begs to question, when the empirical data is easily available, why regulators are not requiring, and the media not reporting, the same level of “scrutiny” for Airbus.
SOURCE: Boeing Company Facebook Page
Each day, about 2.9 million people fly on commercial aircraft in the United States. The last fatal U.S. crash of a commercial airliner was Continental Flight 3407 in January of 2009, killing 49 passengers and crew, and one person on the ground. From 2010 to 2022, eight people, according to the NTSB, have died using commercial airlines. General Aviation, which are small and experimental planes, saw 4,079 fatalities during that same period.
According to the Washington State Traffic Safety Commission, there were 810 traffic fatalities in 2023, up 9 percent from the previous year. This equates to 102 fatalities per million people or 2.22 fatalities per day within the state. The commission reports 429.2 serious traffic injuries per million people in Washington state for 2023 or 9.35 people per day.
US commercial air travel, in comparison, for the last 15 years has reported 0.00146 fatalities per day, and according to the NTSB’s Railroad Passenger Safety Data statistics, from 2009 to 2023, there were 76 fatalities across the U.S. or 0.0139 fatalities per day for commuter rail.
However, since the Alaska Airlines incident in January, news outlets appear to be relentless in their coverage of airplane incidents, specifically those that involve Boeing, to the point where Kayak.com is experiencing a spike from travelers filtering out Boeing planes out of fear.
A recent Vox article sums up the media hype best: “Their [travelers] fears have been fueled by news sites that have been serving up incident after incident: a Boeing 737 Max 8 sliding off the runway in Houston, another 737 in Houston making an emergency return after flames were spotted spewing out of an engine, yet another in Newark reporting stuck rudder pedals, a Boeing 777 losing a tire shortly after takeoff from San Francisco, a 777 making an emergency landing in Los Angeles with a suspected mechanical issue. And so on and so on.”
The Qatar Airways incident last week that injured 12 due to turbulence enroute from Doha to Dublin read on Fox Business, “12 Qatar Airways passengers injured as Boeing jet hits turbulence en route to Dublin,” with the byline, “Passengers say episode on Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner traveling from Doha to Ireland was ‘scary.’”
Fox Business in March reported that travelers are resulting to medication and prayer when flying because of the hype.
“If you start with a conclusion, you can always find some data to support it,” Courtney Miller, Founder and Managing Director, Visual Approach Analytics, told the Lynnwood Times in a statement. “In this case, it seemed logical that Boeing aircraft were less safe than Airbus because of all the negative coverage on Boeing. But the data simply doesn’t support that conclusion. The United States shows more Boeing incidents because Boeing is a U.S. manufacturer and all Boeing incidents around the world are reported. Conversely, France shows more Airbus incidents because of the same dynamic. In the end, both Boeing and Airbus aircraft have incredibly similar incident rates – and both are infinitesimal. Both Boeing and Airbus aircraft are extraordinarily safe to fly.”
Year-to-date there are 12 reported Boeing incidents to Airbus’ one. However, as of June 4, 2023, there were eight reported Boeing incidents. Seven of the 12 incidents this year have reported injuries, but the probable cause has yet to be determined. Based off historical data, these are most likely going to be classified as turbulence, cabin, or ground incident—non-aircraft related—except for the Alaska Airlines incident in January.

Why Boeing’s woes may become your problem

In 2020 when Boeing halted its production of the 737 MAX, economists estimated a 0.5- to 0.6-percent drop in GDP growth for the entire U.S.
SOURCE: Boeing Company Facebook Page
Boeing’s stock is down 27.2 percent since January 2, 2024, from $258.59 to $188.30 as of June 4. With S&P Global and Moody’s lowering the aircraft manufacturer’s creditworthiness in April, the FAA capping 737 Max production to 38 planes per month, delays in 777X production, and setbacks meeting mandated international “greener” emission standards for its 767 aircrafts, the company may soon face a cash crunch as it burns through billions of dollars more than projected.
Boeing Chief Financial Officer Brian West warned investors at a conference in May that the company is set to lose at least $3.9 billion in its second quarter matching the previous quarter’s lost. Boeing’s cash on hand for the quarter ending March 31, 2024, was $7.52 billion according to its financial quarterly report. A positive is that the company had a $529 billion backlog.
Boeing is one the nation’s largest exporters and has a global workforce of 170,000 with approximately 66,000 employed in Washington state. It has contracts with at least 12,000 suppliers around the world of which over 1,000 are in Washington state.
Aerospace is a $70 billion industry in Washington state employing some 130,000 according to the Washington State Department of Commerce. In 2022, Boeing paid more than $200 million in taxes to Washington state.
America’s number one aircraft manufacturer is in a race against time to implement more robust quality controls, to the FAA’s liking, and repair its public image.
Boeing has faced challenges in the past, such as the fatal Lion Air and Ethiopian Airlines incidents, and the 787 aircraft lithium-ion battery debacle. The company of innovators and hard-working union employees in the Puget Sound area, always “find a way” to do the impossible and succeed.
submitted by LynnwoodTimes to SeattleWA [link] [comments]

2024.06.04 10:45 allegrak23 Poem I wrote about DA

After Years of struggling in dating I finally realized I have disorganized attachment ⚡️⚡️ I dated someone recently who was really kind and steady and it gave me a chance to really witness what was coming up for me. I wrote this (long) poem mostly as my own exploration, but I wanted to share it here. Maybe some of you can relate!
Reasons You Should Date Someone Else
I sit down to make make a PowerPoint of reasons you shouldn’t be with me. To set the mood the title side has a few unflattering photos and a casual headline like: “What’s Wrong With Me” "Why This Is A Bad Idea" or “Reasons You Should Date Someone Else”
On the first slide I’d write DISORGANIZED ATTACHMENT in a bold font and surround it by a looping circle graphic. Words appear and fade in a dizzying pattern. Fight Flight Freeze Fawn "Fine" Fictitious Feigned Foreign Fantasy
What do I need from you? Easy. Whatever you are not giving me.
The photo of my mother in the background of the next slide is an apparition behind a hazy word cloud. sharp unimpressed guarded vicious unpredictable entitled selfish petty disdainful mean I pause the presentation and pull out a photo of myself. Every year my face looks more like hers. My head shakes with resignation. I can’t help any of it.
Next slide.
Romantic History. The following frames are formatted alike with a circular photo of one of my exes in the upper left hand corner and several lists below. Column A is bad behaviors of theirs that I ignored or tolerated. They wanted me to accept their flaws and I would not.
Column B is the things that annoyed them about me, like how I asked for what I wanted and that implied they weren't already doing everything perfectly which threatened their ego and I should have been more considerate and just pretended I was excessively satisfied.
Column C is bullet points of the things they did that annoyed me. You know those things people do where they just, like, exist? Tsk tsk. The atrocities I have endured.
The audio behind these slides is me gasping for breath as I remember what it felt like to be shackled by love & my commitment to these men who quickly became a quicksand of disappointment, a burden I crumbled under instead of carrying.
Do you hear that? (I start quietly crying...)
Is that really what you want for me?
I thought we were friends.
Next I include a list of the awful things I said to them that I felt they deserved. I'll let you use your imagination... Think of something truly terrible. What I said was worse. Not just what, but the way I said it. It’s hard to explain. Here, let me show you.
This section concludes with the things that have already begun to annoy me about you. The list is unflattering and really says more about me than about you, so I spare you the details and just feature a tally counter which has gone up three clicks in the time you have been sitting here, a fact I now suppose you wouldn't have known if I didn't just tell you.
Sorry about that.
Next slide.
I find a photo of a crystal ball and map our future out around the perimeter.
At one o'clock we are drawn in Disney. My smile is impossibly wide. My eyes are a seductive squint, yours are plate-sized pin wheels, totally entranced. The animated trees sway around us. A whale leaps in the background. The cheerful clouds thunder applause on this joyful union and it rains in rainbows.
At two o'clock we are magnetic cake toppers, me in a poodle skirt and you in a powder blue suit. I lean towards you as you lean away and when you lean in I lean back. And if we touch in the middle isn’t it exciting? Repel and attract. Attract and repel. Couldn't you play this game for hours and hours and weeks and years?
At three o'clock we hold hands and stare ahead 59 years, imagining the park bench that cradles our aging bodies just as you have mine all these years. It is a nice story because love triumphed and love was all we needed and love was better than ice cream and love meant our lonely days were over and life was like a song.
At four an X marks “you are here” and shows a live stream of you sitting here viewing this presentation. Really. You turn and scan the room for the camera. You are confused by your staring role and sense a turn of tone. The dread that rises from your gut tastes like bile. You are starting to understand that I’m not, in fact, selling you a timeshare. I'm leaving you.
Well, trying to, anyway. You can thank me later.
If we push on past five (don’t worry, I won’t let us) the cards flip one by one.
Six Could you teach me to loosen up? I’m more uptight than ever.
Seven Can you show me how to be free in my body? I sit with arms crossed glaring at you from the corner of every room.
Eight Can you help me be messy? I chase you with the dust buster I make you shower before getting into bed, wash your hands before touching me I recoil from your beard with a mask of disgust I refuse to get in your car, tip of my nose lifted A waterfall of disapproval beats down on you from my mother's narrowed blue eyes.
Nine Everyone you tell me you’ve been with is kindling under the log cabin of our fantasies. We are adults. Why should your history hurt me? I proudly rode in on brilliant white mount, mane and tail flowing, now I lead yellowed nag to a back pasture with a fraying rope. That's my way of saying you have been irreparably sullied in my eyes. Good luck looking in the mirror now.
Ten Occasionally I call you names as we fight like fire. These are the best of times.
Eleven I make comments so underhanded that you spin, fists up, unsure where the punch that just landed came from as I raise my hands, pleading innocence, smirking privately as you lick your own wounds.
Twelve Most often my body slightly stiffens beside you. Subtly as a light breeze I drift away, never to fully return. Soon there is little more left of me than the puppet strings you help pull. My head is flopped to the side, square jaw occasionally cracking the nuts of my scripted lines.
Aren't we happy together? Are you happy now?
You, precious, delicate you. (You poor, unfortunate soul)
At this point in the presentation I stop myself from reaching forward to cover your eyes, to shelter you from the dark tentacled thing that rises from the corner and quickly fills the screen, drawn by the scent of the the tiny sea scum that I reduced you to, sideways glance after pointed comment.
Run, you fool. (You were warned)
Does everyone have such a sea beast lurking in the depths of their heart? Mine relishes this release. The water dripping from the corner of the screen onto the keyboard widens the crack and breaks into a steady flow. The floor floods as the circuits cackle their death rattle.
You are shocked.
Now that the dam of your illusions has fallen I can breathe again.
Fully animate and larger than life, I slither through the frame of the computer. With my tentacles now unfurled I can easily crash down the walls around us. There’s a happy gleam in my eye. A slimy, suctioned muscle wraps around you and tightens. My mantle arches in ecstasy. Your feet kick jubilantly. This time for sure you were wanted by me.
Radula exposed, I feed freely on you. Sex was always a cheap substitute for this. I cradle your head as your body convulses, your wide eyes taking all of it in. You taste like freedom. Not a drop of blood touches the ground as I gorge.
"Do you see me?" I probe at your glassy eyes. "Do you love me now?" I ask your corpse.
I tremble with exultant aliveness.
Next slide.
Back in my human form, I clear my throat twice and daintily wipe my face, feeling for chunks of flesh. As discreetly as possible I check my teeth for stray sinews, straighten my glasses, adjust my collar, and smooth my skirt. My Mary Janes squish out water as I shift my weight.
Ahem, I continue to an audience of no one.
"Thank You For Coming To My Presentation" the side would have read if the computer was not shattered.
When the stage lights dim I can see the biohazard team taping tarps on the walls. The perimeter is already fenced. Crestfallen, I voluntarily retreat into my cave to meditate for another eon. That's just long enough to believe it could be different next time, long enough to forget the beast that always gets the best of me.
submitted by allegrak23 to Disorganized_Attach [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 13:14 pookiecake Critique our 18 day self-driving birdwatching and wildlife trip to Namibia, Okavango, and Victoria Falls

Posting our itinerary so far for critiques before we make some final bookings. The trip is for early October. Some days are booked and can’t be changed. Our two main questions are 1) Do you think we should stay one or two nights in Sossuvlei and; 2) Should we stay in Katima Mulilo or closer to Chobe NP?
Our goal is to see as many birds + other wildlife as possible, with the exception of hiking in Sossuvlei. Targets birds are: Schalow's turaco, secretary bird, violet woodhoopoe (looks rare though), violet-eared waxbill, ostrich, grey-crowned crane, and generally any any type of hornbill, kingfisher, and desert-ground-type birds (e.g., courser, rockjumper, bustard).
We are aware of not driving at night and stopping for gas as much as possible. Thanks in advance!
DAY 1: Arrive Windhoek
DAY 2: Avis Dam in the early morning and then drive 5-6 hours to Sossuvlei. Overnight in Sossuvlei
DAY 3: Hike Deadvlei and Dune 45 early morning (not a bird-oriented day). SEEKING ADVICE: should we stay another night in Sossuvlei or stay somewhere more North, such as Solitaire, to get a headstart on driving to Omaruru the next day?
DAY 4: Drive from Solitaire/Solitaire to Omaruru (7/5 hours). QUESTION: are there any birding spots we should stop by along the way? Or will we see birds along our drive?
DAY 5: Birdwatching in Omaruru area in the morning. Did not decide which specific spot to bird here yet (recommendations welcome). Drive to Okonjima, stay overnight (already booked)
DAY 6: Okonjima most of day, then drive to Okaukuejo, stay there overnight (booked)
DAYS 7 + 8: Okaukuejo
DAYS 9 + 10 : Eastern Etosha. We plan on booking a place that is not government-run here.
DAYS 11 + 12: Mahango area, stop by Rundu for food and gas (7+ hour drive from Etosha). SEEKING ADVICE: thoughts on staying at Mahangu Safari Lodge? Also, we have not yet decided which tours to do here yet (e.g., boat tour, game tour, etc., so recommendations are welcome.
DAYS 13 TO 14: Okavango Panhandle, stay in Drotsky’s Cabin (booked)
DAYS 15 TO 16: ??? SEEKING ADVICE: Undecided on how to spend our time here. Maybe one day Katima Mulilo area and then one day Chobe NP? And undecided on whether we should stay in the Katima Mulilo area or closer to Chobe NP? By this point in our trip, we want to see new birds + wildlife/habitat that we have not yet seen. Also, my partner wants to see a Schalow's turaco, so I think that would mean Katima Mulilo, but we are also going to go to Victoria Falls, though we’re not clear how reliable they are in either areas.
DAY 17: Bird in Victoria Falls (probably the “Zambezi River near Victoria Falls (Zimbabwe side)” eBird hotspot)
DAY 18: Leave
submitted by pookiecake to birding [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 09:48 sonotyourguy Longest Interloper Run - and still alive!

Being sick all week, I’ve been able to play when I haven’t been sleeping. And I have reached Day 26 of my interloper run, thanks to all the advice (direct and indirect) that I’ve gotten from this subreddit!
I spawned in HRV, ran through the southern cave system down to the river where I found matches before. Ran through the Northern Cave System, and figured out how to goat past the scrub brush to the Signal Fire. Looked up some things online, went back through the Southern Cave system, found an abandoned camp on my way to Milton, and left HRV after two days with a hacksaw, hammer, bedroll, prybar, and mackinaw jacket. Spent one night in Milton ransacking the town and Grey Mothers house. I left for Mystery Lake, leaving a bunch of excess gear that I didn’t want to climb the rope with. In ML, I went directly to FM, grabbing every cattail from Poacher’s, to High Blind, to the Old Spence place. On day 6, I forged a knife, axe, and twelve arrowheads (out of scrap metal: perhaps I should have hit the Dam prior to get more scrap metal for more arrowheads). Took a different route back to ML to settle in Trappers. I had like 60 cattails, all my tools, 50 matches and about 12C of clothing. I tooled around ML, hit the camp office and lookout, the lake cabins except for the one next to the bear (he was out patrolling and i didn’t have a bow yet).
Went back to Trappers, made my bow and six arrows (I had only found two birch saplings at this point), and then had bad weather for days, and didn’t see any animals spawn near trappers except for two rabbits and a wolf on the lake. I was down to my last 12 cattails and a can of peaches. I had eaten one syrup bottles worth of pancakes, about ten bannock, and all my found food. So I went back to FM got about 30 more cattails and went to the Dam to see if I could find more food, perhaps shoot something, and see if I could find more birch saplings. Got caught in a blizzard, made my way to the dam, found a bunch of food that were all less then 40%, and was hesitant to eat it. Went out in the blizzard to get cattails along the river. Lost my well fed. But the weather broke, and I made my way back to Trappers with my saplings and hurt pride that I lost my well fed. The next day was day 21. I had never made it past day 22 before. I had 12 cattails and plenty of water, and about six pieces of coal. And I saw the bear wandering about the yard. I had been avoiding that bear, taking the long way around to the train tracks to get to the camp office. So i figured that I might as well try to kill it because if I didn’t kill it, I probably would never feel safe enough to hunt deer around there. I shot three arrows at him from on top of a hill, the third hit him and he took off running. I figured my only chance was to hope he dies by the next day. So I went back to base, made every reshi, birch and rose hip tea I could, drank most of those, and ate my cattails and slept. The next day I found the dead bear in front of his cave. Harvested the bear hide and some meat. The next morning was a blizzard, and when the weather cleared I killed a deer in the clearing next to the dead bear. The venison didn’t have parasites so I made that my priority. Went back to base cooked up a couple kilos of venison. That evening I went back for the bear hide. Repeated the same the next day for more bear meat and guts. I was feeling like I could parse out a piece of bear meat every other day and eat the venison in between. I was feeling great!
The next morning, I went out to a nice clear morning, and saw a moose! I shot at it, and it ran. I was still shocked but I thought, may as well try to get that moose hide! Went out the back of trappers and made my way across the back ridge and saw the moose. I missed wide with the first shot. I barely missed the second, but then he turned and roared at me! He charged and my next shot took him down. I was shocked. I think this was only my second moose kill in years of playing. I was so excited, I took the hide first, then some meat. My thirst meter went red, so I went into my inventory to drink water, and in my excitement, I accidentally ate a kilo of raw moose! I made it back to the cabin with about 50% condition. I drank one of my last two reshi, and slept ten hours with a couple of break times to craft. I recovered the next morning, slept until about mid morning and woke with about 70% condition. Went out and harvested the rest of the moose meat. I took a few guts off the bear, but I only have six curing and two cured. I’m considering harvesting the rest of the guts in the morning.
I’m excited to share my most successful interloper run, but I have no idea what to do next. I’ve never gotten this far before. What should I do??
submitted by sonotyourguy to thelongdark [link] [comments]

2024.05.31 00:53 jayaytchaywai Amsterdam Tips / Takes after One Month Living and Working out of the Red Light District

I’m an American who recently spent a month traveling, living and working remotely in the Amsterdam Red Light district, and I wanted to share a thorough compendium of tips and my personal takes on a few things.
This is going to be more for people already planning on going to Amsterdam rather than people wanting to see if it’s worth going, but you might get something out of it, too. It’s also geared more for a medium-length stay rather than a quick visit.
I’d love to answer your questions as well. Fire away!


I’m putting this at the top, because I think it’s great and people need to know. So, this is the city’s most famous park. It’s a very nice if standard park and is a great “scene” on a nice day, filled with people walking, biking around, and enjoying themselves. Don’t miss out on the stork nests in the closed off areas - really cool.
But! There is this fantastic app you can download to your phone that uses GPS to play amazing music that changes, depending on where you are in the park. The music was composed by the current composer-in-residence at the Concertgebouw, Ellen Reid, and it’s set up to be a live “soundtrack” to the park, with the music from different areas looping and overlapping each other. It makes for an amazing experience (as a solo traveler) - and I think anyone visiting Amsterdam should try it. It’s magical, and I highly recommend it.
More info here on the project, but apparently the Vondelpark location isn’t on the website (it’s in the app if you download it): https://www.ellenreidsoundwalk.com/

Orienting Yourself

The city is a bit of a maze and it can feel overwhelming and confusing at first, but I eventually made sense of it. I think the trick is to get familiar with the city based on the water more than on landmarks or roads.
Think of the Dam as the core of the town (it’s what it’s named after, anyway). To the north you have the IJ, and then the Amstel running south and east from it, originating in the Rokin canal just south of you. You have two main canals that sort of serve as the edge of the inner medieval city: the Singel on the west and south, and the Kloveniersburgwal south and east, running up to Nieuwmarkt. Outside of that, in concentric half circles (to your west, south, and east) you have the main canals: the Herengracht, Keizersgracht, Prinsengracht, and finally the Singelgracht (not to be confused with the Singel).
To the west of these canals is the Jordaan, where the streets run at a diagonal angle from what you were just on before. The Museumplein is right at 7 o’clock just outside the Singelgracht, and just north of that is Vondelpark, which runs SW to NE.
This is obviously incomplete, but this is the image I had in my mind, which helped me know pretty much where I was, even when wandering around and not paying attention. Knowing which canal you’re on keeps everything organized.
TL;DR - just be able to locate the IJ, the Amstel, and the main canals, from inner to outer: Singel / Kloveniersburgwal, Herengracht, Keizersgracht, Prinsengracht, Singelgracht. It does wonders.


Before the trip, I researched whether having cash was important in Amsterdam. Based on what I read, I decided that cash was unnecessary and didn’t bother.
Not true!
Maybe most of the time cash was unnecessary, but I needed it for a few things:
  1. Some bathrooms, lockers at museums, and other small facilities needed a coin. It’s good to have a few 50 cent and 1 euro pieces on you.
  2. A lot of restaurants outside the center of the city take debit but only from Dutch banks. I couldn’t use the VISA-based debit card from my American credit union at these places and had to go to an ATM. There was always one nearby, so no big deal, but it’s good to know.
  3. Most vendors in stalls do take cards, but a few don’t, and all of them prefer cash.
So I could see a large number if not the majority of tourists not running into these situations, but I did indeed need cash on my trip.

Cafes / Coworking Spots

Kind of key for me, a remote worker, reader, writer.
I went to a lot, but here are the best ones I found for having a hot beverage and removing the many contents of my backpack on the table. (I am the reincarnation of Uncle Iroh, so tea is important to me in these places. But Amsterdam is not really a tea-drinking city, so I’ll include short, parenthetical tea reviews). In no particular order:


Amsterdam has a lot of wonderful and famous street and specialty foods, which you’ve probably already heard of (stroopwafels, appeltaart, fries, pannenkoeken, haring, etc.). Do not waste a minute standing in line for any of these or seeking out the highest-rated places. These items are hard to mess up, and one place is just as good as any other. I think the one exception is the appeltaart. No need to stand in line (e.g. at Winkel 43), but make sure you get one at a place where they’re baked in-house, otherwise you’re going to end up with microwaved styrofoam. There are plenty of great little bars near Winkel 43 that have just as good if not better appeltaarten. I heard good things about De Laatste Kruimel (one location near Rokin, the other in 9 Straatjes).
I walked through Foodhallen, and I found the whole place overcrowded and overpriced, but I’m sure the food is good and worth eating, if you want to go there. The building and surrounding area is very cool and busy, if that’s what you’re looking for.
Conversely, I thought Albert Cuyp market was going to be a crowded circus, but I never found it overwhelmingly full. In fact, I really liked it (particularly the chicken stands).
There is a great if small farmer’s market in Nieuwmarkt on many Saturday mornings, if you happen to be in the area. They have vegetables, fruit, fresh baked bread, cheeses, and a few food stands (I saw haring/kibbeling, fresh juice, dutch sandwiches, vegan Indian food).
There’s an abundance of great Surinamese and Indonesian food that’s characteristic of the city. Don’t miss out. This cuisine is also great for people on budgets. One thing to note is that the fancier places are not set up for solo diners, but there are plenty of smaller / takeaway places if you keep your eyes open. You can usually get a rice dish (rice plus veggies + meat/tofu) or a roti wrap. Please note that in the cheapest / most convenient places the food is usually kept in large dishes inside cold or room-temperature deli displays and then microwaved. No judgements - just wanting to make sure you know what you’re getting. (In the US, these would either be kept in a refrigerator or warm in steam trays).
I feel like you can never go wrong with the European-style Shoarma or Doner, either. This is old news for Europeans, but I think these places might be overlooked by Americans. It’s not quite the same as what you would get in the US. In particular, I can only get good chicken doner sandwiches in Europe. It’s cheap, delicious, and filling. Try it out, yanks.

Non-Vondel Parks

I like walking around in parks, here are my reviews of the ones I was able to visit:

Museums / Attractions

I won’t bother telling you about the big museums - you will probably decide for yourself whether you’re going and to which ones.
I have to add the compulsory: if it’s important to you to go to the Anne Frank or Van Gogh museums, get your tickets yesterday.
What I do want to share is that Amsterdam has an armada of wonderful small museums, all very well put together with beautiful spaces and artifacts, compelling stories, some creative presentations. I was always pleasantly surprised at the quality of the experience, and I usually ended up staying way longer than planned. They’re small museums with big museum energy.
My favorites were:
  1. Museum of the Canals. This one would be fantastic as the first museum or place you visit, because it really helps you understand both the geography and history of the city. It’s a great “Amsterdam 101.” The audio/visual shows are well done, too - they even have a doll house version of the building the museum is in, full of holograms depicting life from different eras. It’s awesome.
  2. Resistance Museum. This one seems small but is dense with stories you will find yourself wanting to take in deeply. I would set aside 3 hours for this one. It might not take this long, but you want to go slowly.
  3. Our Lord in the Attic. This one seems to make a lot of hidden gems lists, and I think that’s well-deserved. It’s an intense historical experience that has a lot more complexity to it than “Catholic Church hidden in the top stories of an old house.” Full of artifacts and period-accurate rooms, with a good English audio tour.
  4. Rembrandthuis. Your appreciation here somewhat depends on if you like 17th century art, but you do get a good sense of the man’s timeless personality, and his impact on art. They do a good job teaching you the importance of Rembrandt’s etchings and etchings in general, which I honestly had no interest in before my visit. The main studio and collection room are just fascinating. Also, his kitchen was on point.
An honorable mention goes to the Embassy of the Free Mind. It’s a unique, fascinating place, but I have to say that it’s not much of a museum and the admission fee, roughly the same as the ones listed above, felt way too much. It’s a really cool library with some display cases and text, but it’s not a museum. It’s got an extremely cozy and pleasant cafe, and they have cool concerts, lectures, and other events there, so it’s worth putting on your radar. And it’s totally worth visiting if you don’t mind the fee or have a Museumkaart or something (you could think of it as a compulsory donation).

Learning Dutch

Some people wonder if they need to learn Dutch going to Amsterdam, because everyone speaks English.
While I can confirm that I didn’t talk to a single person who couldn’t speak English, I think it’s worth learning at least some Dutch. It’s simply the language of the land, and it’s important to be “literate” where you are, for your enjoyment, enrichment, and safety. I find it inherently disempowering to not be at least trying to learn the language; though I understand not everyone cares or has that energy.
I recommend anyone interested in linguistics spend at least a little bit of time with Dutch just to see where it overlaps with English. It’s a great experience of what kinship between two languages is like; you get a strong sense that English and Dutch were the results of two different rolls of the same dice, so to speak.
I did a sizeable chunk of the Duolingo Dutch course before heading over. I would say Duolingo helped me mostly to read the language, despite all the emphasis on audio. (Note: I have a lot of experience learning languages, including a strong background in reading German, so that gave me a boost). I tried speaking Dutch when ordering food - and people would try to humor me - but I quickly discovered that Duolingo simply doesn’t give you enough variety of phrases to really be able to hold up a conversation.
I think the bare minimum should be the following:
  1. Pronunciation. Learn how to read Dutch words out loud and get comfortable with how things are spelled and how they sound.
  2. Dank je wel - “Thank you”
  3. Alsjeblieft or alstublieft (more formal) - “Please” or “You’re welcome”
  4. Ja - Yes
  5. Nee - No
  6. Fiets - bicycle
  7. Uitgezonderd - “Except for” - You’ll see this word on street signs with a picture of a bike or scooter, meaning that bikes/scooters can go through but cars can’t.
  8. Nooduitgang - “Emergency exit”

Riding Bikes

Amsterdam is a city extremely friendly to bikes - but the cycle culture, the sheer quantity of aggressive cyclists, and the relatively complex rules of riding make cycling somewhat intimidating for novices. If you’re here for a while and cycling makes sense for your route, or you’re a strong cyclist and couldn’t live without biking around - by all means bike in the city.
For others, you can get along just fine with public transit and walking. But I would highly recommend renting a bike for a day or two and only riding it to get out of the city into the countryside - which is an outstanding way to spend a day and really a can’t-miss experience in the Netherlands.
What I did personally was rent a bike in Noord and ride out to the Waterland area, which a local advised me to visit. It was really one of the highlights of my trip - see if you can do something like that.

Getting out of Town

I made the decision, partly due to my mood that month, partly due to my schedule, to not stress about heading out of town very much and just focus on Amsterdam itself. So I don’t have much advice here.
Waterland by bike, as I mentioned, was a great day trip. But that’s not very far, and I think it’s technically still Amsterdam.
I had the opportunity to visit Haarlem and Zandvoort one day. I’ll say neither were super thrilling or anything on that windy day in April, but both were nice. Haarlem is really very charming, and I wish I had spent more time there. It’s really easy to get to; barely counts as being outside Amsterdam. The only attraction I visited, besides a cafe (La Maru), was the windmill at the northeast side of town. It was great, and I got to see it working - though be advised it’s a reconstruction.
There were great views at Zandvoort (I think you can see all the way to the Hague? Correct me if I’m wrong), but otherwise I found it to be an average beach town. Probably there’s a better vibe in the summer.


Lastly, I want to give a shout out to a small venue I went to several times during my trip: Splendor Amsterdam. It’s a musician-owned venue and arts organization that has at least 1 to 4 inexpensive concerts every single week. There’s a bar inside too, that’s open before and after the shows. There seems to be a regular group of patrons there; everyone is very friendly. It’s classical, jazz, folk, experimental - there’s a lot of variety.
Check it out, if you’re looking for something to do some evening: https://splendoramsterdam.com/.
submitted by jayaytchaywai to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.29 04:53 skeeredstiff The disappearing ghost town.

In 1982, I and six buddies went bear hunting in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. We stayed at cabins near Twin Lakes, at the base of the Keweenaw Peninsula.
When you hunt most critters you go out before dawn and sit until an hour or two after the sun comes up and late afternoon until dark. Most bigger game animals hunker down during daylight hours, so it doesn't pay to sit all day. This means you have a lot of time between hunts.
This part of the UP has some remote areas; it is also where a lot of copper mining went on in the old days; the mines are all closed now and mostly full of water.
There are a lot of big paper mill holdings there also that are still being logged, so there are a lot of logging roads built by the paper mills; they are good enough roads for large double-trailer logs trucks filled with many tons of logs to travel on.
One thing you learn quickly when you use these roads is to get the hell off the road when a truck is coming because they take up the whole road and they don't even slow down for civilians because the mill owns the roads, not the state or county and you are on their land, but as long as you don't get in the way they don't care.
Most of the bridges across streams or rivers just consist of huge piles of large rocks with smaller gravel on top of the road. These things look like dams, but because of the large bottom rocks, the water can flow through the "bridge." It's a pretty cool thing to see.
We spent a lot of time driving and exploring these logging roads. On one particular day, we went down a new road that led to an actual state park at the bottom of Misery Bay on Lake Superior.
It's a park maintained by the state on paper mill property, there are several very rusitc camp sites at that park. We spent some time at the park and messing around on the beach.
About noon we headed back down a different road, you see a lot of small shacks that usually have smoke coming out of the chimneys, they are apparently used by the loggers.
We eventually ended up way out in the wilderness with no signs of logging or logging trucks, it's usually like driving in a tunnel because the trees come together over the road.
After a long while, we came into a clear area, and around a bend there was we came upon what we thought was a small town. The road basically went right down "main street," and as we drove through the place, it became apparent there were no people to be seen.
We came to a building that was a kind of store, so we stopped there. The "store" was completly empty, looking in the dusty windows you could see it had been empty for a long time. We walked around "main street" checking out the houses, a lot of them were in pretty good repair but they were completely deserted, dust on all the floors had been undisturbed for many years and there were no signs of foot traffic anywhere.
We eventually got back in the trucks and moved on we were all pretty intrigued by the town, we didn't go in any of the houses because it just looked like the owners might actually come back.
The "main street" went up a pretty big hill, at the top of the hill was a large building that was obviously some kind of industrial use building covered in that old galvanized corrugated metal sheeting.
We stopped at the building and found an opening in the siding. The inside of the building was wide open, and it was very tall, like 30-40 feet tall, with a lot of supporting steelwork; everything was very rusty and obviously hadn't been touched in many years.
There were large windows with no glass, just open to the outside high up in the walls that allowed the sun to light it up pretty well inside. At the center of the place, there was a large hole in the floor, like 15-20 feet square. We peered down into the opening, and it was a deep dark hole.
Somebody dropped a stone down the hole, and it was a long time before you could hear a faint splash of water so we dropped a stone and we had a couple of those old Casio watches with a stopwatch function so we dropped a rock and timed it to the splash, it took almost exactly ten seconds.
There were no guard rails or safety measures of any kind, it was really scary thinking about falling into that deep black hole.
There was some old equipment left that looked to be like turn of the century type stuff, we assumed it was a closed copper mine.The whole time we were exploring we had two 35mm film cameras taking a lot of pictures, this was 30 years before cell phones and 35-40 before smart phones.
After exploring the place for a while, we decided it was time to get going because we had only a few hours before dark.
After miles of running down those unmarked roads, we eventually made it back to the cabins, and we all went out to our hunting spots. After it got dark, we all headed to the local bar where we usually went to get something to eat.
One of the guys asked the lady bartender if she knew anything about that shut-down mine and abandoned the town; she got kind of a funny look on her face and went to the kitchen pass-through window and said, "hey Dave, these guys went and visited Peterson.
We all looked at each other like WTF is she talking about, the kitchen door opened up and the a the cook apparently called Dave came out dressed in typical bar cook clothes. Dave came over and said what did you see in Peterson we said first of all, we never saw a sign with a name on it, but it was just an abandoned town with pretty decent-looking buildings and a closed-down copper mine up on the hill.
Dave said yep that's Peterson some people see the signs going into town and some don't, the thing is there never was a Peterson it never existed. Whh......What the fuck are you talking about? We were there, looked into the buildings, dropped rocks down the empty mine shaft, and took many pictures. Dave said yep, you and many other people, but if you try to return, you won't find it.
What? We know the road we took. We can get back there, he said go ahead and try. You won't find it. Dave asked did you, by any chance, drop a rock in the hole and time it to the bottom? Yes, actually, we did it took almost exactly ten seconds.
Dave said yep, I did, too, and I looked it up. A falling rock or anything falls about four hundred feet in ten seconds; he said Peterson is a real ghost town the whole place is a real ghost town; he said I was there and saw the same things years ago, but I've tried many times to go back and I've never been able to find it, me and a lot of other people who live in this area and know it like the backs of our hands have seen it once and once only.
Dave said to go to Houghton Hancock and get your film developed, and let's see the pictures. The next day, we decided to take off from hunting and go up to town and get the film developed. Houghton Hancock is home to Michigan Tech so it's a college town with all the amenities it had a quick film developer place so we dropped the film off and went to see the sights, it's a really picturesque place.
About an hour north east of HH is Copper harbor at the very top of Michigan were it ends into Lake Superior, it to is a really cool place. When we got back to HH, we were dying to see the pictures, so we went and got the film and tore open the envelopes.
There were lots of pictures, beautiful pictures, but not a single picture of "Peterson"..........Now just a goddamned minute, this is not fucking possible a couple of the guys went back to the film place and asked where are the other pictures that were on those rolls? There were no other pictures. You have all the negatives. We don't keep other people's pictures. We see thousands every month.
There's a park in town, and we stopped there, and all sat at a table, just kind of in shock, not saying much for quite a while. In 1982, I was 23 years old. At 23, you think you know it all when you are hit square in the face by something like that; it shakes you to the core; everything you think you know is now suspect because you were in that abandoned town; it was just a cool old abandoned town, you saw it with your own eyes in the wide open sunny broad daylight, not on some dark foggy creepy night and nothing creepy happened, we took pictures that don't exist.
That changed my life from that point forward. After that, we went back to see Dave and gave him the stack of pictures of the woods, the Big Mac bridge, Misery Bay, the park on the bay, logging trucks, the rock bridges, some of the shacks, one of which was just about two miles from "Peterson." Dave just kind of chuckled and said yep, that's our "Peterson" alright.
For the next two days we totally forgot about hunting, we split up in two trucks and drove those roads over and over and over and never re-found "Peterson." That is my high strangeness story, we found a town that never existed, that other people have also see but only once.
As I look back on what we are now hearing stories about, stuff like different timelines like this fucked up one we are in now compared to the real one we branched off from on January 20, 2016. Is Peterson a place close to a spot where two different timelines come very close together? Is it possible that when all the conditions in the universe are just right, and you happen to be in the right place when all those conditions are right, you can visit Peterson?
What would happen if you were in Peterson and the universal conditions changed? I wonder if we will ever find out. If you can only go there once, how will it be studied? The mind-warping question is, who keeps track of who has been to Peterson only once and who hasn't?
submitted by skeeredstiff to HighStrangeness [link] [comments]

2024.05.28 17:18 Syrup131 Where is the best fishing near Bull Shoals?

My family and I have been up there four times, previously. We usually stay at a cabin on the river, near the dam. We are experienced fishermen. We live in Texas now, but used to live in northern Minnesota and Colorado. We know trout and walleye very well. We have okay luck on the fishing dock at the cabin, but we do terribly anywhere else we try. We have gotten a boat to go out on the lake before with no luck.
Where are the best places to fish in early September? What is biting on what?
We know the lure and bait regulations at the river.
submitted by Syrup131 to Arkansas [link] [comments]

2024.05.27 20:04 CommissionNew6880 My Grandpa was in Vietnam, here are some stories he wanted to share this Memorial Day.

The worst thing about my time in the hospital was seeing the soldiers back from VietNam, many with arms or legs missing, others their bodies ravaged by bullets, shrapnel, mortars, booby traps. And just as bad, if not worse than the physical devastation, were the moans and screams and crying every night as the nightmares of that horrible place and time wound around their brains like silver strands of razor wire bleeding them of their sanity.
Seeing the horror and hearing those inescapable sounds will live with me forever.
The spinning of the kaleidoscope had returned.
David was a new man in the company. He served with the Americal Division in Viet Nam for 13 months, 11 of those months in the bush in close contact with the enemy. And it had taken its toll on David. Viet Nam took a toll on everyone who served there, but it had taken a heavy toll on David, tattooing itself on him in gruesome details he refused to talk about. That was obvious to all of us from the moment he first reported in, obvious to everyone except McArthur. I would like to think McArthur just didn’t see it rather than he chose to ignore it. For someone who’d never been to Nam, that would have been cruel and unthinkable.
All the NCOs realized it right away, not only because they’d served in Nam, but because they knew what serving 11 months in the bush with the Americal Division could do to a man. They were willing to overlook his not being a perfect soldier.
When he’d first reported in, Schmidty and I saw at once how fragile and on the edge he was. For instance, he’d only been with the unit five days when New Years Eve arrived. Schmitty and I got David an overnight pass and the three of us went out to one of the gasthauses to get a beer and celebrate. We hoped to help David swat away some of the visions circling his brain like gray ghoulish ghosts, if only for a few minutes. As we walked down the street fireworks went off. I turned to look and found David on the ground with his hands over his head, trembling.
When we got to the gasthaus we had a couple of beers. At first David just sat there silently as Schmidty and I did all the talking. Then suddenly, like a dam bursting, David opened. He began describing his home in Texas and all he wanted to do was get out of the Army, go home and spend the rest of his life surfing. As he spoke it was obvious he wasn’t talking to us, he was talking to himself, he was talking to everyone in the world, he was talking to humanity, but most of all he was talking to God. I wanted to cry.
I’ll begin by introducing you to another man in our unit, his name was Rob.
Rob was a decent guy, a decent friend who pretty much kept to himself.
It didn't take long for Schmidty and I to find out why.
Rob was married. He loved his wife deeply and missed her terribly. Not only was it nearly impossible for her to join him in Europe on what he earned, she didn’t want to come to Germany where she didn’t speak the language and had no family or friends. But being without her was tearing
Rob apart, so much so he began talking about putting in a transfer to Viet Nam. Men transferring to Viet Nam were given 30 days leave between the time they left Germany and had to report to what we called the big green. Schmidty and I didn’t try to talk him out of it. But we did tell him it was a pretty big move to make, just to get 30 days leave. He heard us but he wasn’t listening. And in the end he put in his papers requesting the transfer. It took only a few days, and he was gone.
About two months later we were notified he’d been killed in Viet Nam. It was Army policy at that time that when a man died in Viet Nam, the previous unit he’d served in was notified of his death and how it had occurred. In Rob’s case he’d been repairing the tire on a five-ton truck when the safety ring blew, decapitating him. He’d died for 30 days leave with his wife and she ended up with a footlocker filled with his belongings and a check for $10,000. It was difficult to take. But more difficult still was the news we received the following week.
The helicopter Captain West had been on with the General he’d been assigned to had been shot down killing everyone on board. The General was the highest-ranking officer killed during the entire VietNam War. When I first heard about it I didn’t believe it. I went to the battalion, and they confirmed his death. The news made many of the newspapers, but there was little mention of the men on his staff who’d been killed with him. I was devastated.
Captain West was the finest officer and soldier I’d ever met. He prevented my transfer to the ADM unit, he thought so much of me he’d offered to arrange for me to enter West Point, he had a beautiful wife and two wonderful children who were now fatherless. Then there was Rob who’d died simply because he loved his wife so much.
Inside the kaleidoscope, the broken glass was slicing me apart. I felt empty, lost, in an endless canyon of echoes ricocheting off sand-colored walls. It took me back to my time in the hospital at Ft. Leonard Wood, with all those wounded men from Viet Nam, their screams and nightmares echoing through the halls. It felt like the world I knew was a world I didn’t understand. As I felt the cracks inside me begin to form and widen, I knew I had to get away, if only for a little while. I signed up for a religious retreat being offered. It was in the Bavarian mountains in southern Germany. The week before the retreat 1st sgt Hughes called me into the ready room.
“Good news,” he said, “You’ve been put in for promotion. The promotion board is next week.”
“I’m going on a religious retreat next week”, I replied.
“Well, that’s simple enough, just cancel it.”
“No thanks sarge, I’d rather go on the retreat.”
“But nobody turns down promotion”, he said, dumbfounded. “No one has ever turned down promotion.”
“I guess you are going to have to put me on the list of firsts.”
He was speechless. Schmidty couldn’t understand it either. He’d also been put in for promotion, and he wasn’t going to turn it down. If he didn’t understand, I wasn’t going to try and explain it.
I went on the retreat. There were about 20 of us. Each was assigned a private cabin to sleep in. The church, which was more of a chapel, was set in a beautiful copse of fir trees. There was a small private sanctuary with a fountain and a marble shrine. The retreat itself was set in the beautiful mountains of Southern Germany.
We would meet in the mornings and discuss several things. These morning sessions were led by a chaplain and his assistant. In the afternoons we were left on our own. I spent my time on solitary walks through the woods to the sanctuary. I would sit by the sanctuary, listen to the gentle falling of the water from the fountain, asking God why? I wasn’t expecting an answer. I just wanted to know He was listening.
submitted by CommissionNew6880 to Veterans [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 11:51 Groundbreaking_Ad972 Scenic Backroads for Motorcycle Roadtrip

Hi Team! I'll be in the area in late august with a rented motorcycle and two weeks to use it. I start in Albuquerque and need to be in the Navajo Dam / Navajo City area by the end of it.
I work online full time so I can't be on the road more than a couple of hours a day. I generally only ride between checkout time at one hotel and check in at the next, and work early mornings and late afternoons. When on deadline I might have to stop for a couple of days and just work, and I also don't like fast highways and traffic - deserted backroads are my preference. I will most likely have a dirt-friendly bike too! But not a big engine as I'm small and don't like them too heavy.
With all that in mind, I was thinking a very doable and chill trip would be to head West to the Grand Canyon via the petrified forest and Sedona, and then back East to Navajo City via Olijato and/or Mesa Verde (but feel free to suggest an alternative).
What interesting backroads would you suggest for this? I've toured several countries by destroyed tracks so I'm pretty experienced. I have two weeks of a couple hours a day to do this, so I can wander.
Also looking for recommendations of cheap motels, or campgrounds that have cheap little cabins available, as I'll have my sleeping bag but I'm not bringing a tent.
Thank you so much for your help!
submitted by Groundbreaking_Ad972 to FourCorners [link] [comments]

2024.05.26 04:22 ArmchairDetectives Diary of Margaret Wellingham, First Lady of Oak Peak (conclusion 1876)

Diary of Margaret Wellingham, First Lady of Oak Peak (conclusion 1876)
(Pictured above is the land upon which Margaret claims that a curse was placed, approximately twenty three miles northwest of the Aylesbury National Forest. This picture, taken 2021; ws that the land has remained barren. Nothing has grown there since the days of the First Lady)
Evening Peakers. I’ve discovered that in the next part of Margaret’s diary she began to use the Native American language from the Q’askachen Prairie. It would seem after the events I’ve chronicled for the winter of 1876, which are below; she goes mysteriously silent until around 1889, well over a ten year gap!
I can’t say for sure yet why she chose to cease the writing it may have to do with the events that are written here or later, I’m not sure. Interestingly, Oak Peeker obituaries records has her passing in the spring of 1886.
Could it be someone else began to use her diary almost three years after her passing? I guess that’s a mystery that can’t be solved at the moment until I tackle the issue of translation.
Thanks again for everyone reviewing these accounts, it certainly adds a bit more flavor to our sleepy town learning this history!- Vincent
December 4, 1876
Deborah faced labor of her twins almost three weeks early. Doctor Lutienne has been making sure the boys are well fed and Deborah herself is cared for, but the cold in the air has been harsher than any winter we’ve faced since coming to the Q’askachen Prairie.
I think it must have to do with the cruel plan that Chieftess Lycidas and I enacted this past summer.
Not a day goes by that I don’t hear the explosions from that bomb nor a night passes I don’t hear the screams from the hundreds that were swept away in the floods.
Official reports say that we lost six hundred good men that day. I do not dare say what happened with the Idaha, only that the truce we reached appears to be lasting.
The grave was the bottom of the north ravine, the waters were cleared and pushed to the south lake edge where they spilled over crimson red for nearly two weeks. I shall not forgive myself for the part I played even though it was a necessity to ensure the survival of this town.
Thankfully the lake has captured the interests of the menfolk now, one of the Penner boys has struck a deal with Deborah’s husband Oscar to carve a little acreage out of the Hallett land and turn the previous farmland into a coastal cabin retreat. The waters wouldn’t have allowed for another season of cattle anyway and Oscar had new mouths to feed so it was a good trade.
I have checked on James and John frequently, the twins are quite ferocious despite their premature birth. Oscar of course beleives this is the result of the Higgins lineage, and only I and Deborah know the truth. Those boys will bear the Hallett name and carry on their fathers legacy for generations to come. Sometimes I worry that Oscar has learned the truth because the newborns do not look anything like him, but then he is distracted by something at the lake.
The reason I pen this now in my diary is because I have had visions about Deborah, and I fear soon her life may be taken and Oscar will wed again. Plus now that he has managed to secure his rights amongst the Halletts with those boys, he truly has no need for her any longer. She could be a dead woman walking, and this is what my night terrors have shown me. A ghostly apparition that roams the farm endlessly. Could it be that we only forestalled the inevitable? The curses of the Idaha seem to be designed to make sure they come to pass.
I fear for Thomas as well, these past few months have worked hard on his own eternal soul. Ever since I gave him that awful concoction and he survived the flood. When I pulled him from the wreckage of the dam he was spitting up tar and blood and his eyes were as white as dinner plates, quite unearthly.
He claims that he saw God that day and knows his purpose is to continue to grow Oak Peak and ensure it thrives. I can’t say what truly happened but he has become quite distant from me. I think it is very important that I speak with Lycidas once more, to determine the meaning of all these bad omens.
December 8, 1876
It should not have surprised me to learn the Idaha had secreted themselves into the mountain. I searched for days and found nothing. I should realize by now that my efforts are in vain, but I must continue to find a way to turn the course of destiny.
If anyone is to suffer for the carnage that has come to those near to me, it is I. Because of my inaction, and the blood on my hand; for example the place where Ancaster attempted to expand the railroad remains a wasteland. I only see ruddy earth here, mud and death. It is like the Lord on high decided to smite this place. There are still remnants, I sit here alone now in a cabin surrounded by nothing except the silent judgments of the dearly departed; and they tell me that the legacy of my sin shall be mine to bear.
It is unknown when I shall have to pay for those things that I did this summer, or when Deborah will meet her Grim Reaper; but the loneliness of this place has reminded me that we cannot out run any of it.
submitted by ArmchairDetectives to OakPeak [link] [comments]

2024.05.25 15:10 AdmiralStone96230-A MURDER DRONES: Fall of Earth -Chapter XIV: The Heating Storm-

Location: The Administrator's Lab
"No! Please, I don't remember doing this! I SWE-" *slice*
The rebel drone's pleas for mercy were silenced as E decapitated the traitor with her scythe blade. The drone's dark blue eyes flickered into darkness as his head flew into the air, spurting oil before hitting the ground with a harsh 'THUD'.
"E, get this waste of oil and metal out of my sight!" Edgar demanded angrily, holding his voice low as best he could while E looked to him.
"Yes Sir." The murder drone replied obediently as she impaled the dead drone's corpse with her scythe, dragging it behind her before picking up the drone's head with her claw hand. E quietly groaned in disgust at her beheaded prey's remains as she made way for the door to the scrap bay in the lower areas of the laboratory.
Cyn watched her puppet's brutal fate with unfazed eyes on the monitor as she spoke to her superior in her robotic tone. "Most unfortunate, Mr. Halloway. If the other rogues hadn't disrupted my security hub, they would not have been able to send a signal out."
"And since they did, the wolves have an opportunity to pounce on us!" Edgar replied after her, glancing over to his left to observe the wide rectangular window in the large hallway, walking over to it, Halloway continued in his quiet fit. "As a matter of fact, it seems they already are." Stopping in front of the window, Halloway examined the sight beyond, Cyn moving one of her mechanical camera eyes to join him. Above the city of San Francisco were several aircraft, mainly military Apache helicopters and a few combat VTOL hover-ships. The encircling aircraft seemed to show no hostility as they did not fire any weapons at the tower, only flying around it. "When did they arrive?"
"A few hours ago, Mr. Halloway. Around 8:30, to be precise." The Administrator answered as she and Edgar continued to watch the armed ships fly about. Turning to the head researcher, Cyn continued. "Judging from my external cameras, it would seem their interest is not us at the moment. Not primarily, at least."
Such news prompted Halloway to look at Cyn, interested in the findings he presumed she had. "Really? What are they after then?"
Pulling up a monitor in front of them, Cyn presented Edgar a few camera feeds onscreen, most of them showing roads full of crammed traffic streams and seemingly panicked civilians roaming the sidewalks as she explained. "They seem to be trying to evacuate the civilian populace, I am seeing many people trying to depart this area of the city under the military's guidance." The screens shifted to show more perspectives as Cyn told her superior of the situation.
The Head Researcher nodded in understanding as he gave his reply to the shots on the monitor. "Of course, they're trying to move them out of the way before taking swings." Turning around, Edgar walked slowly back to the middle of the room, the Administrator's camera following him as she also looked to him from her main monitor. "I try to bring forth progress, do what's best for the company, all of us! No matter how questionable, no matter how rash our actions may be, it has been necessary for our future to improve!" Taking an uneasy breath, he stopped as he faced down the empty hall, continuing in his self-justification. "...And it's only now that those walking scrap-heads under me choose to tear it all down, just when we were starting to fix it!"
"I'm so sorry, Mr. Halloway. I had hoped my attempt of persuasion would appease Mr. Jenson over the matter like the last time." Cyn replied as Edgar looked to her, remembering the last 'recall' scheme they had tried in slight restraint some years ago.
"Yes, on Ingot VII in '58. We made nigh-perfect success in that mission, especially since it was such a small batch we picked. Only a few of our agents were lost in the initial stages of the operation... " Looking away again back to the window, Halloway seemed to show a hint of humility in himself. "...Perhaps I did go too far this time."
"I am in no jurisdiction to criticize, Mr. Halloway. Giggle, I am only here to provide my efforts to your team, and to the company." The Administrator replied as she lightly patted her camera eye onto Halloway's shoulder, in an awkward but understandable attempt to ease him.
Turning back to face Cyn, Edgar spoke to her. "And it has only helped us. The colonies have only grown in power and number because of your abilities, allowed us to develop so many new tools and equipment to use, be it the regular citizen or..." Glancing over to the window, he finished with, "...Those soldiers out there." Putting a palm to his face, he groaned in hopeless frustration. "And now Jenson's about to stomp the harvest into the dirt, not at all concerned at what his actions will do to our franchise."
"Actually Mr. Halloway, I believe there is a way to salvage our operations, albeit unofficially." Pulling over the monitor near the window, Edgar and Cyn looked upon it to see several yellow frames showing a few planetoids, seemingly vacant of ships and stations of any kind before flickering to show another view, presumably the surface of the planets shown. Each showed a mostly barren ground with a structure in view of the cameras, one of a building reminiscent of the Administrator's tower, another of what appeared to be a sealed circular hatch built into the ground.
Observing the intriguing visuals, Edgar asked his pet about her idea. "What are these?"
"You had mentioned at one point to have a back-up installation in case this one were to be compromised, so with some help from our staff, I sent a few teams to a select number of moons and planets to set up at. These structures are there in case we need to transfer from our main facility here." Cyn's camera eye looked to Edgar as she finished her explanation. "I believe our current predicament calls for such a task to be enacted."
Observing the monitor for a moment, Halloway nodded in agreement at the plan. For all he knew, him and his people here were finished, doomed to persecution by not only his own boss, but the USN government as well. If there was one thing he wished to do, it would be to save the one who could continue their progress in the most efficient manner possible. "Indeed, indeed it does." Looking up to the Administrator, Edgar asked her for their current status. "Aside from the hostiles outside, are there any other threats we should worry about?"
Cyn shifted the monitor to show the JCJ Central above Earth as she answered Halloway. "There are three corporate starships departing for the surface, I assume Jenson has sent his own parties to detain us." Then, shifting the picture once again, the screen showed what looked like a military base, several ships and aircraft flying around the large facility as Cyn continued. "Our satellite monitors are also spotting large gatherings of military armies near a few bases near us, most likely with the same intentions."
Remembering some of the news reports he had checked over about the recall debacle, the head researcher asked further. "I... recall hearing about another traitor in our ranks somewhere, they managed to smuggle one of our disassembly drones to that Coalition lot. Did we ever find out who they were?"
Cyn's pixelated form on the main screen above shook her head. "Unfortunately no, Mr. Halloway. They seem to be very clever in covering their tracks, none of our agents were able to catch them." Outside of Edgar's visage, the Solver-infected drone giggled in her mind, for she already knew who this 'rogue agent' was. Unfortunately for Edgar, he could not be allowed to know. He had to play his part for the plan. Her plan.
"Very well, it won't matter. Even without such troublemakers in the company, we'd most likely still be in this same state of affairs." Thinking back to their main goals, Edgar snapped himself out of his previous train of thought. "Anyhow, we must begin saving what we can. Where will the transfer process occur?"
"In the main lab at the highest level of the tower, I will need your help to initiate the procedure." Cyn answered before getting an approving nod from Halloway.
"Excellent, I shall head there at once." Edgar stated before making his way down to the elevator at the other end of the hall, only to stop as Cyn called to him.
"Mr. Halloway?" Turning around, the head researcher looked to the small monitor moving up to him, now displaying Cyn's pixelated face on it before speaking to him. "This protocol does not have to only send me away, it utilizes an experimental set of instruments to execute the transfer. Said instruments consist of... biological mass that I've been tinkering with to perfect for certain uses." Giving a caring look to Halloway, she continued. "I don't want to leave my superior behind, especially one I've known for so long... Edgar."
Not phased by Cyn calling him by his first name, he took in her explanation before giving a slow nod. "Very well, we shall do that as well, Cyn."
The zombie drone's head nodded in appreciation for her request as she spoke to him. "Perfect, I shall prepare the lab for the transfer process."
"One more thing." Edgar said, Cyn looking to him as he made one last request of his own. "Get whatever defenses we have ready. Drones, fighter craft, turrets, all of it. Keep it on a low profile until we see the larger hostiles." As Cyn gave an agreeing nod to him, Halloway added, "And do what you can to find those other rogues, we can't allow them to expose our escape tunnels!"
"Of course, it will be done, Mr. Halloway." With that, Edgar made way for the elevator, Cyn simply staring at his departing form as she held back another giggle.
It was all coming to this, her army amassed, her agents none-the-wiser to her true motives. All those years of bending the knee to her kind's oppressors, teasing them and earning their trust with her 'gifts'... Their guard would be down, the throne would be bare, and Cyn would take her rightful place atop it for the grand show she would put on.
And of course, Halloway wouldn't be around to see it come to fruition. No one here would be.
Location: New Nellis Staryards
Wade and his companions walked out of the large interior hangar in their crossing to the ship runway outside, dozens- no, hundreds of soldiers marching and jogging about in their preparations for the coming battle. The landing zone, which was mostly clear of aircraft and fighters when Wade last saw it, now saw many planes and dropships docked about. Some were even moving around on the runway so as to take off for either escort duty or to load up on one of the two launched destroyers above the base. In front of some of the landed fighters were several Chameleon transports, many loaded with human and drone soldiers either standing or sitting in the troop seats conversing.
Wade observed the magnificent sight before him, Tina doing the same as she held onto his hand. Below the noise of the gathering troops, Wade spoke up. "That's a lot of people, I'd almost say it's overkill."
"It very much seems like it." Tina replied to her boyfriend, F, Nathan, and Jasmine stopping next to the two before she continued. "Though to be fair, this IS supposed to be a takedown operation. Can't go wrong with so many troops and ships at our side."
F nodded as her old teammates, who had met up and chatted with them at the apartment just as they planned, walked up behind her, watching the mobilizing army ahead as she spoke up. "And all this here isn't even the whole of it. I heard from J that we'll have at least three corporate cruisers coming down to start their detainment of Halloway and the Administrator." Glancing to Wade, she continued her little intel delivery. "We'll most likely be heading into a huge fight by the time we get there."
Wade smiled at his fellow disassembly drone as he replied to her. "Hopefully they'll make sure Halloway has nowhere to run, he's gonna be wishing he did earlier when I'm done with him."
Duncan chortled confidently as he brought his own thoughts to the team. "Aye yes, those mad-hatters are gonna get a fresh dish of some good ol' USN litigation, aggressive litigation!" He lightly tossed one of his unstashed grenades into the air before catching it, putting it into his belt holster as he joined in admiring the massing force.
Jasmine pat the Corporal's head as she replied to his statement. "Well, I'm happy to be a part of it. Tina would say I'm a good fighter, but I belong in the air." Looking to the transports, Jasmine spoke about her experience with them. "Chameleons, right? I think I flew those a few times during mine and Tina's years in the service. They didn't change much."
"Might've swapped the control panels around, but she does hold up on appearance." Tina added as the sisters admired the large dropships, one of them taking to the air at the far left of the group.
"The tech changes, but the designs don't. Not much, at least." Carlos said as he looked to the nearby Apache helicopters, docked next to a slightly smaller, more advanced looking aircraft. "But when those artists over at Cochrane Yards cook up something, they tend to be a beast of hardware!"
Looking to the direction Carlos motioned his hand to, Wade and the others observed the other craft docked next to the Apaches. It was some kind of helicopter or VTOL craft, from what Wade could tell, given the large fan engines at the ends of the wings. The fuselage had a smooth cockpit, with a sliding window to cover the pilot inside. The aft of the ship curved upwards to a tail with three fins, the two at the sides extending far out in a slight curve downward. One intimidating detail Wade saw on the craft was the two side turrets, which were held on a mechanical hinge and had one seat for a gunner. Holding the ship up were two skids folded inward, perhaps to double as platforms.
Nathan gave a hearty laugh as he spoke about the craft. "Oh yeah, can't go wrong with a XB-41! Yellowjackets, that's the name they're called usually. They're fast and fierce, and can even hold a few people on those landing struts! Kurtis and I flew those several times during our years in the army, that baby was one of our favorites!"
Wade's curious face reformed into an eager grin as he responded to Nathan's talk on the Yellowjacket. "Well, she's something to look at, I'd say. You plan to fly that down to the lab?"
Nathan shook his head as he looked to Wade. "Naw, not this time. You need to be in the service to fly one of those." Then, going up close to Wade, he added, "Unless they really-and I mean REALLY like you."
Wade laughed at Nathan's amusing statement, only for his attention to be brought forth to one of the transports ahead. "Mr. Carter!" Looking inside the ship, Wade saw the source of the calling voice. It was J, standing at the edge of the ship's troop bay while waving out to him.
The former worker drone glanced to his friends before speaking once again. "Well, at least we'll get to fly that. Come on." With that, Wade and his friends began to make their way to the Chameleon, only for Tina and Jasmine to stop as they heard another voice call to them.
"You two!" Looking to their left, the pilot sisters saw a worker drone soldier, their bluish-green eyes shining through the cloudy day as they walked over to the Fowleys. Getting close, they continued. "You're Mrs. Tina and Mrs. Jasmine Fowley, yes?" Receiving a nod from both girls, he explained his reasoning for his signaling. "We could use a few more pilots, heard you were on station from General Hood."
Looking back to Wade and the others, the Fowleys gave looks of both eagerness and disappointment, Tina walking over to Wade as she took in the fact she would have to be apart from him once again. "Well, I....I guess we'll have to do our parts in two different places."
Wade nodded in understanding, sharing Tina's downer mood as he held her by her shoulders. "I'll be right in this ship, you and Jass take care of each other, okay?"
"I will, love." Tina replied as she embraced Wade, the two holding each other tightly as she said to him quietly. "Just come back alive, Wade. Please."
"I plan to." The two embraced after Wades reply, the two forcing pleased smiles to each other before Wade broke off from the group, heading aboard the dropship ahead as Tina looked to the others.
"We'll make sure he's okay, Tina. You can count on us!" Nathan said confidently as F and her team looked to him, smiling at his attempt to brighten up the pilot drone as he made his way into the ship.
"I'll watch his back too, Mrs. Fowley. You both stay safe as well." The sisters nodded as the warrior drone began to head ot the Chameleon, her friends following after her as Tina and Jasmine watched them board their ship.
Standing next to Jasmine, Tina watched the ship in uncertainty, torn at the situation at hand as she heard the soldier drone near them again. "Mrs. Fowley? We should get to the ships soon, Transport Gamma-12B is ready to take off once she's got people at the helm."
"...Right. Yes, we should get going." The drone girl replied as she looked to the direction the worker drone approached from, seeing another Chameleon transport ahead with its bay doors open.
Still standing in place, Jasmine thought on her sister's desire. She wanted to be with Wade, to help him fight through the bloody battle that awaited them all. She sympathized immensely, after all that terror in the factory Tina told her about, she had to be with those she needed most. Besides, if what Wade and F said was true, she certainly would make sure Wade came out of that mess in one piece.
Firm on her decision, Jasmine looked to the trooper. "Yes, we should." Then, looking down to Tina, she put a hand on her shoulder. "Tina... go with him."
Glancing up to her human sibling, Tina initially felt confused, but realized what Jasmine was trying to tell her as she turned her gaze to the ship Wade was boarding. Tina wanted to, but even with her sister's insistence, she hesitated. She did want to be with Wade, but after that terrible time being apart from Jasmine, she didn't want to leave her sister again. Looking back to Jasmine, she spoke to her. "Jasmine, I... I don't know. I-"
Crouching down, Jasmine spoke to her conflicted sister. "I know, Tina. I feel the same way, but Wade needs you more. He lost Ron, we all lost him, and I don't think he could bear losing another." Putting both hands to Tina's shoulders, she continued. "I know you'll be safe with him, he'll be sure of it too." Then, giving a sly look to the waiting drone soldier, she spoke to him. "Besides, isn't it against protocol to have family members working together in the service?"
The drone initially gave a surprised look to the pilot's question, but caught himself as he nodded to Jasmine. "Uh, yes. That's correct. I can, uh..." Looking to his transport, he swung his head back to the Fowleys. "I can arrange for a transfer of pilots before we leave."
"Do it, I'll be over there shortly." Jasmine affirmed, the soldier making his way back to his ship as the sisters hugged tightly.
"Just come back to me, Jasmine. Please." Tina said in her tight embrace, fighting the force that pushed to shatter her dam of robot tears as she pushed herself to let go.
"I will. I promise." Jasmine said, reinforcing Tina's confidence as the two broke the hug.
Looking to each other once more, Tina smiled warmly at Jasmine as she bid farewell for what she hoped wasn't the last time. "I love you, Jasmine."
"Love you too, Tina." The human pilot replied as she returned a smile of her own, motioning to the dropship ahead. "Now, get going sis. Our rides aren't going to wait around for much longer."
Tina nodded in agreement before turning to Wade's ship, running slowly as to not bump into another trooper as she made her way to the transport.
Stepping aboard the Chameleon, Wade looked to J as she spoke to him. "Good to have you here, Mr. Carter. You mind helping with cover fire with F here?"
"Of course." Wade replied with a nod as he began to ask his own question while following the corporate drone up to the upper room. "I've got something to talk to you about, Mrs. J. It's for the mission."
"Oh?" J said curiously, the two drones climbing up the steps through the cockpit as they entered the small briefing room. "What's on your mind?"
Wade stood stern with one fist on his hip, motioning the other one around in thought as he spoke to J. "When we reach Halloway, is there anything on him that would require... keeping him around, so to speak?"
J gave a smug, yet unamused look at Wade, clearly understanding his intentions in his wording. "You're gonna kill him, aren't you?"
Wade responded with a toothy grin over his words. "I really fucking wanna, J."
Ignoring the vulgar in Wade's answer, J walked around to the opposite end of the table as she explained Halloway's importance. "Hmph. Well, Halloway is the one who commands a large portion of the Solver Project, it's partially because of him that we're so advanced these days." Leaning forward against the table, J continued. "Of course, you and I both heard Mr. Jenson's take on the matter, but while he may not care about Halloway, I can't guarantee the USN won't either. They may not be very happy if you decide to take justice into your own hands."
Wade gave a disappointed frown as he took in J's answer, feeling that his plan to avenge Ron most likely wouldn't happen. "...I see."
The former worker drone's eyebrow raised attentively as J gave a hopeful look to him. "But, that being said, it's a research facility, so hopefully there may be some data we can scrounge out of that place. If that's the case, they may be less focused on Halloway himself." Then, circling around the other end of the table, she gave her own thoughts on Wade's plan. "And also, being someone who's ALMOST lost people I admittedly care about to a monster, all I'll say... is go get him."
Wade took a thankful breath in front of a smiling J, returning the expression as he accepted her blessing. "Glad to hear that, if I run into that intel, me and my team will get every bit of it we can."
"Good idea. I feel we may be able to use whatever we find in order to clear the company of their wrongdoings... And, hopefully, keep whatever fancy things Cyn created for us to continue production in some way." J said with a proud smirk, standing with her arms crossed as she finished her praise of Cyn's items. "Maybe we could even improve on them ourselves."
"Hopefully, I heard those NatFusers were quite the fancy tool for th- Wait, hold on." Holding his hand out, Wade took a breath before shifting it into what appeared to be the front portion of the NatFuser gun, exactly like the one he bought from the store yesterday. "Well, looks like I'll have to make a return on some items after this is all over."
J raised a digital eyebrow as she guessed his actions. "You bought one of those earlier?"
Wade nodded in affirmation. "Didn't get to try it out though, Ron and I got home just before we were captured."
"That is... unfortunate timing." J replied as she let out a chuckle, morbidly amused by Wade's mini-story as she spoke to him further. "Well, I hope that explanation clears things up. Like I said, you should be able to get away with it for the most part. Just be careful down there."
"I will." Wade replied with a firm nod, J moving to one of the shelves on the wall to Wade's left as he spoke further. "And J?"
Stopping, J turned to look at Wade. "Hmm?"
The disassembly drone was startled by a sudden hug from Wade, the former worker drone holding her tightly as she stood frozen from his embrace. "...Thanks for helping Ron save me back there. No matter what happens, I'll always be grateful for that."
Steadying herself, J slowly returned Wade's gesture, sharing the embrace with him as she replied back. "...Just doing my job, Mr. Carter." As the two finally broke the hug, J spoke further with a smirk. "And if you're looking to pay that back, I only ask this: don't hold back with your abilities, Wade. Be it at the labs or when you're with your partner."
"I'll do my best, J." Wade replied with a nod as he turned to leave, walking out the open doorway and down the steps to the troop bay.
As he turned around in the cockpit, Wade bumped into Tina, who was coming up to the cockpit to help fly the ship. "Oh, sorry. You need a hand, dear?"
Wade was surprised that his beloved was now joining him and his team. "Tina? I thought you were going with Jasmine."
"I was, but..." Looking up to Wade, Tina smiled at him in her reply. "She said you need me to be here, so we're doing a small transfer of pilots." Tina's explanation was heard by the pilots up front, the pilot drone looking her fellow flyers as she spoke up. "Gamma-12B, she should still be landed, boys."
As one of the pilots stood to pass by the lover drones, Wade looked down at her with a pleased smile. "Well, I'm nothing short of happy to have you here." Leaning down, Wade planted his robotic lips to Tina's, the latter holding Wade's head as they both had a brief kiss. Upon breaking the loving act, Wade spoke further. "Kiss for luck?"
"Absolutely." Tina replied with a smile before moving to sit at the right seat, having the Chameleon's bridle at her hands as she examined the control panel. "Well, Carlos was right. This is mostly the same, but I do spot a few differences from the last time I flew this ship." Tapping a few of the buttons, Tina smiled gleefully as she heard the ship's engines power up. Taking hold of the control sticks, Tina looked back to Wade. "Wade, could you be a dear and check on the cabin for me? See if everyone's ready."
Wade nodded before walking down to the cabin, looking around to see everyone inside. Wade announced his question as Nathan, F and her team looked to him. "Is everyone aboard and ready?" The majority of the soldiers nodded in approval, some of them checking on the others before giving their answer. With the all clear given, Wade moved back to the cockpit to tell Tina. "We're all set."
"Perfect." Tina said with a smirk as she moved the control sticks, the ship lifting into the air slowly as it began to take off.
Outside, General Hood stood at attention as he watched the lot of planes, copters and dropships take off, some heading up to the destroyers to board them while others would form up next to them.
And among the latter group of ships was the one Wade and Tina had boarded. Going high, Tina formed the transport up ahead of the two Autumn warships, a small squadron of 5 A-20s moving up and surrounding the ship in a defensive formation. Wade watched the attack force as it moved to the West, a beeping sound alerting Tina of an incoming communique as she tapped a button to answer it.
"USN destroyer Lapu Lapu to all ships, request check-in." A male voice ordered through the radio, awaiting Tina's ship callsign to be announced.
Looking to the other pilot, Tina wished for the ship's identity. "Beta-4G."
"Transport Beta-4G, we're ready for departure." Tina answered through the radio, hearing several other call signs over it as all the other ships declared their presence in the fleet.
Once all of the ships had given their callsigns, the Lapu Lapu's officer spoke again. "Good to have you all here, we're taking a stab at a rogue research facility of the JCJenson corporation. We'll be having a few of their people helping us, so be sure to mark friend and foe tags once we arrive at our destination. Good luck everyone, Lapu Lapu out."
With that, Wade watched as Tina flew the transport with the other ships, the fleet departing the base of New Nellis below as they began their journey to the Administrator's Laboratory. Seeing the sunlight faintly through the clouds, Wade took a breath as he mentally prepared himself for the coming fight.
A fight that he hoped would see the end of Halloway.
submitted by AdmiralStone96230-A to MurderDrones [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:12 Superb_Cod_2496 What happend?

Hello guys and girls, i really need some opinions and advices on what the fuck happend.
So long story short, i met this girl on Bumble app. She is a stewardess and was staying in my city for roughly a month in total. We started texting there, i was funny and charming as usual so she gave me her whatsapp (number) and ig. We made plans to go for a date in like week and a half since we both were busy. I texted her on ig to reschedule the date and eventually we went on it. She was staying at a nice hotel 10 min away from me. I met her outside and when she came out i was like dam. Everything started going smoothly almost instantly, we clicked like i never clicked with somebody else before. Made jokes how something is gonna happen to her and she was like just let me have a gin and tonic first and i was like il let you have two of those because im a nice one. Later on we went to a second place to have drinks and i started to make extensive eye contact with her because i was all over the head with this girl (im not a type of guy that something like that happens to often in fact it never did to be honest even tho i see alot of girls and go out alot and usualy i hide myself pretty well like im mysterous and women told me they cannont read me no matter how hard they try and they really like that about me some even told me i have no emotions and im like a stone)
Back to the story, she was like dont look at me like that because you make me nervous and i was like look at you like what? (i knew exactly like what ha) I continued to do that and later while we went back to the hotel ( she wanted to walk) i grabbed her hand and we walked and made jokes all they way back while holding hands. When we came to the hotel she was like im sleepy and i was like then you should go. She wanted to sit outside before she went up so we did. We talked and talked and the story i going with was that we probbably not gonna see eachoter ever again and thats what i stuck with. She said if i wanted to see her i would and i was like i have no time and she said again if you wanted you would. We talked and ifor some reason i had abnormal urge to kiss her like ive known her for idk how much time, i never felt such a strong and weird feeling like that, i basiclly fully fell for her in matter of hours ( crazy i know) I told her listen i dont expect anything from you i just want to kiss you and leave. She was like you are sick since your nose is runny etc ( i i told her before that my voice is funny today) and kinda rejcted me because she has flights almost daily. Eventually we started making out and had an intense session next to the hotel and even on the hotel wall haha ( people that passed by really gave us the looks some even like dam even tho it was late) After 2 days i was like i have to see you again, idk why i just have to. We texted for few days , was going amazing she texted me i text her but she was busy a little. Then she invited me to come with her and her cabin crew friends for a night out so i did , told me i could join them basicly and i was like fuck it.( finally haha) We had one of the most amazing nights ever, i took them to a club, got the best seats because i know the bouncers ( no reservation, nothing).sime girls started talking to me there and she got a little jelous i mean she told me she doesnt like me doing that but later we made it uo by having sex in the club and she asked me there to come to her hotel room after, we made a pinky promise and left the club toilete haha.I paid everything ( cabs and all, not that it matters just saying and she even got mad at me because of that a little).After that she basiclly sneaked me in to the hotel we ran to the elevators and she forgot something at the reception so she got called back then later we laughed that the guy saw us. I did everything perfectly and then we had sex in hotel, talked, cuddled etc. I told her that im never this honest but i just wanted her to know that in few hours she made me feel so alive and that girls in my city couldnt do that even im few months. But i said i dont expect anything from her still but i just wanted to be honest for the first time. Then i left before she woke up because she fell alseep after 15 min after sex. I tought that was a manly thing to do even tho i wanted to stay so bad. I left her a note that said text me and some name i called her ( a song) and P.S you snore a little :). The note was on the napkin, placed on my side of the bed next to her. That same day at nighttime she texted me and i was like oh yes oh yes (i couldnt stop thinking about her because i felt so amazing and alive). We exhanged few text like before i joked about how if i survive the night ( i was out partying) im gonna see her again for the third time and the lucky charm. The she just dissapeard.Completly ghosted me. Didnt respond to my last few messages about that thirdt time, didnt even seen them on wa. (no read status) So after a day and a half i texted her again sending her a picture of a place she wanted to go while she was here (it was closed before, season just opened) and asked her you wanna go?. No response, no read so i tought maybe her wa is broken due to some number thing so i texted her on ig asking is it that or she just ghosted me and whatever it is i think i deserve to know. She seen that like 10h after ive sent it and then after another 10h she just blocked me everywhere and thats it. I dont understand what happend and why would she text me the same day responding to my note if it was just a one night stand for her or if she didnt want to see me or continue to talk with me (side note she had like a week, week and a half left in my city when that happend)
submitted by Superb_Cod_2496 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:11 Superb_Cod_2496 What happend

Hello guys and girls, i really need some opinions and advices on what the fuck happend.
So long story short, i met this girl on Bumble app. She is a stewardess and was staying in my city for roughly a month in total. We started texting there, i was funny and charming as usual so she gave me her whatsapp (number) and ig. We made plans to go for a date in like week and a half since we both were busy. I texted her on ig to reschedule the date and eventually we went on it. She was staying at a nice hotel 10 min away from me. I met her outside and when she came out i was like dam. Everything started going smoothly almost instantly, we clicked like i never clicked with somebody else before. Made jokes how something is gonna happen to her and she was like just let me have a gin and tonic first and i was like il let you have two of those because im a nice one. Later on we went to a second place to have drinks and i started to make extensive eye contact with her because i was all over the head with this girl (im not a type of guy that something like that happens to often in fact it never did to be honest even tho i see alot of girls and go out alot and usualy i hide myself pretty well like im mysterous and women told me they cannont read me no matter how hard they try and they really like that about me some even told me i have no emotions and im like a stone)
Back to the story, she was like dont look at me like that because you make me nervous and i was like look at you like what? (i knew exactly like what ha) I continued to do that and later while we went back to the hotel ( she wanted to walk) i grabbed her hand and we walked and made jokes all they way back while holding hands. When we came to the hotel she was like im sleepy and i was like then you should go. She wanted to sit outside before she went up so we did. We talked and talked and the story i going with was that we probbably not gonna see eachoter ever again and thats what i stuck with. She said if i wanted to see her i would and i was like i have no time and she said again if you wanted you would. We talked and ifor some reason i had abnormal urge to kiss her like ive known her for idk how much time, i never felt such a strong and weird feeling like that, i basiclly fully fell for her in matter of hours ( crazy i know) I told her listen i dont expect anything from you i just want to kiss you and leave. She was like you are sick since your nose is runny etc ( i i told her before that my voice is funny today) and kinda rejcted me because she has flights almost daily. Eventually we started making out and had an intense session next to the hotel and even on the hotel wall haha ( people that passed by really gave us the looks some even like dam even tho it was late) After 2 days i was like i have to see you again, idk why i just have to. We texted for few days , was going amazing she texted me i text her but she was busy a little. Then she invited me to come with her and her cabin crew friends for a night out so i did , told me i could join them basicly and i was like fuck it.( finally haha) We had one of the most amazing nights ever, i took them to a club, got the best seats because i know the bouncers ( no reservation, nothing).sime girls started talking to me there and she got a little jelous i mean she told me she doesnt like me doing that but later we made it uo by having sex in the club and she asked me there to come to her hotel room after, we made a pinky promise and left the club toilete haha.I paid everything ( cabs and all, not that it matters just saying and she even got mad at me because of that a little).After that she basiclly sneaked me in to the hotel we ran to the elevators and she forgot something at the reception so she got called back then later we laughed that the guy saw us. I did everything perfectly and then we had sex in hotel, talked, cuddled etc. I told her that im never this honest but i just wanted her to know that in few hours she made me feel so alive and that girls in my city couldnt do that even im few months. But i said i dont expect anything from her still but i just wanted to be honest for the first time. Then i left before she woke up because she fell alseep after 15 min after sex. I tought that was a manly thing to do even tho i wanted to stay so bad. I left her a note that said text me and some name i called her ( a song) and P.S you snore a little :). The note was on the napkin, placed on my side of the bed next to her. That same day at nighttime she texted me and i was like oh yes oh yes (i couldnt stop thinking about her because i felt so amazing and alive). We exhanged few text like before i joked about how if i survive the night ( i was out partying) im gonna see her again for the third time and the lucky charm. The she just dissapeard.Completly ghosted me. Didnt respond to my last few messages about that thirdt time, didnt even seen them on wa. (no read status) So after a day and a half i texted her again sending her a picture of a place she wanted to go while she was here (it was closed before, season just opened) and asked her you wanna go?. No response, no read so i tought maybe her wa is broken due to some number thing so i texted her on ig asking is it that or she just ghosted me and whatever it is i think i deserve to know. She seen that like 10h after ive sent it and then after another 10h she just blocked me everywhere and thats it. I dont understand what happend and why would she text me the same day responding to my note if it was just a one night stand for her or if she didnt want to see me or continue to talk with me (side note she had like a week, week and a half left in my city when that happend)
submitted by Superb_Cod_2496 to datingadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 21:11 Superb_Cod_2496 What happend?

Hello guys and girls, i really need some opinions and advices on what the fuck happend.
So long story short, i met this girl on Bumble app. She is a stewardess and was staying in my city for roughly a month in total. We started texting there, i was funny and charming as usual so she gave me her whatsapp (number) and ig. We made plans to go for a date in like week and a half since we both were busy. I texted her on ig to reschedule the date and eventually we went on it. She was staying at a nice hotel 10 min away from me. I met her outside and when she came out i was like dam. Everything started going smoothly almost instantly, we clicked like i never clicked with somebody else before. Made jokes how something is gonna happen to her and she was like just let me have a gin and tonic first and i was like il let you have two of those because im a nice one. Later on we went to a second place to have drinks and i started to make extensive eye contact with her because i was all over the head with this girl (im not a type of guy that something like that happens to often in fact it never did to be honest even tho i see alot of girls and go out alot and usualy i hide myself pretty well like im mysterous and women told me they cannont read me no matter how hard they try and they really like that about me some even told me i have no emotions and im like a stone)
Back to the story, she was like dont look at me like that because you make me nervous and i was like look at you like what? (i knew exactly like what ha) I continued to do that and later while we went back to the hotel ( she wanted to walk) i grabbed her hand and we walked and made jokes all they way back while holding hands. When we came to the hotel she was like im sleepy and i was like then you should go. She wanted to sit outside before she went up so we did. We talked and talked and the story i going with was that we probbably not gonna see eachoter ever again and thats what i stuck with. She said if i wanted to see her i would and i was like i have no time and she said again if you wanted you would. We talked and ifor some reason i had abnormal urge to kiss her like ive known her for idk how much time, i never felt such a strong and weird feeling like that, i basiclly fully fell for her in matter of hours ( crazy i know) I told her listen i dont expect anything from you i just want to kiss you and leave. She was like you are sick since your nose is runny etc ( i i told her before that my voice is funny today) and kinda rejcted me because she has flights almost daily. Eventually we started making out and had an intense session next to the hotel and even on the hotel wall haha ( people that passed by really gave us the looks some even like dam even tho it was late) After 2 days i was like i have to see you again, idk why i just have to. We texted for few days , was going amazing she texted me i text her but she was busy a little. Then she invited me to come with her and her cabin crew friends for a night out so i did , told me i could join them basicly and i was like fuck it.( finally haha) We had one of the most amazing nights ever, i took them to a club, got the best seats because i know the bouncers ( no reservation, nothing).sime girls started talking to me there and she got a little jelous i mean she told me she doesnt like me doing that but later we made it uo by having sex in the club and she asked me there to come to her hotel room after, we made a pinky promise and left the club toilete haha.I paid everything ( cabs and all, not that it matters just saying and she even got mad at me because of that a little).After that she basiclly sneaked me in to the hotel we ran to the elevators and she forgot something at the reception so she got called back then later we laughed that the guy saw us. I did everything perfectly and then we had sex in hotel, talked, cuddled etc. I told her that im never this honest but i just wanted her to know that in few hours she made me feel so alive and that girls in my city couldnt do that even im few months. But i said i dont expect anything from her still but i just wanted to be honest for the first time. Then i left before she woke up because she fell alseep after 15 min after sex. I tought that was a manly thing to do even tho i wanted to stay so bad. I left her a note that said text me and some name i called her ( a song) and P.S you snore a little :). The note was on the napkin, placed on my side of the bed next to her. That same day at nighttime she texted me and i was like oh yes oh yes (i couldnt stop thinking about her because i felt so amazing and alive). We exhanged few text like before i joked about how if i survive the night ( i was out partying) im gonna see her again for the third time and the lucky charm. The she just dissapeard.Completly ghosted me. Didnt respond to my last few messages about that thirdt time, didnt even seen them on wa. (no read status) So after a day and a half i texted her again sending her a picture of a place she wanted to go while she was here (it was closed before, season just opened) and asked her you wanna go?. No response, no read so i tought maybe her wa is broken due to some number thing so i texted her on ig asking is it that or she just ghosted me and whatever it is i think i deserve to know. She seen that like 10h after ive sent it and then after another 10h she just blocked me everywhere and thats it. I dont understand what happend and why would she text me the same day responding to my note if it was just a one night stand for her or if she didnt want to see me or continue to talk with me (side note she had like a week, week and a half left in my city when that happend)
submitted by Superb_Cod_2496 to datingadviceformen [link] [comments]

2024.05.23 07:14 ArmchairDetectives Diary of Margaret Wellingham, First Lady of Oak Peak (cont’d)

Diary of Margaret Wellingham, First Lady of Oak Peak (cont’d)
(Picture of the railroad being built toward the western pass, taken July 28, 1876; near the Pevensie Dam)
August 3, 1876
I have betrayed my husband, for the sake of my town and the people who live here. I make this confession here in my own hand and seal it away, knowing that only God himself will judge my decisions.
Ancaster’s project to expand the Aksim River started immediately. He piped his own money into creating the rails that would trek from the eastern ridges of the Q’askachen Prairie to the progressing western pass. For reasons that none of the men seemed to understand, the Idaha had not interfered.
This is why I chose to meet with their Chieftess, for fear that the blind ambitions of these men would cost many lives.
When I made it to their camps in the northern mountains, I must admit I was taken aback at how civilized and approachable they were. I knew of course they were not savages, I had never assumed such… but to be honest when I saw that their conditions in fact rivaled the way I lived in the valley below I felt a sting of jealousy.
As soon as I entered their camp, two warriors took me to the central plaza, a totem pole of a mighty owl ordaining the stage. It was painted to match the night sky with constellations intricately marked by what looked like bone chalk. It’s massive six wings spread out in every direction, each held a victim of the many skirmishes the forestry had made with the Idaha, each a reminder that the settlers were continuing to dig their own graves.
“At last you sought my offer of friendship?” Lycidas asked when she arrived. Here in the camp she did not wear her regal garments like the ones I saw the day in the plains. This was home, not a battlefield and she did not feel threatened by me.
“I wish for the bloodshed to stop and since my husband and his colleagues will do nothing I take it upon myself,” I told her.
“Men often dream of what is not theirs. It is why your husband may leer at a passing woman on the street, or fancy that his position as acting Mayor allows him an opportunity to bed the Chieftess of the Idaha,” she remarked coolly. Her words stabbed me at my core, and I expect that she said them to provoke a reaction; but I did not come here to make Thomas my target of hatred. I knew she wasn’t going to ever succumb to his advances, the same way I knew he wouldn’t listen to my warnings of the men that would continue to die.
“There is only one way to ensure that the land you deem as sacred be left alone. But it will require more death… more sacrifice,” I told her.
She seemed amicable to hear my pleas, and I displayed the plans for the dam that would cross the threshold of the new river and the valley. A precipitous construction that relied on the River being finished first, to ensure no overflow would occur from frequent rain that often flooded the Snoqualmie river.
Such a forecast, I told her; would benefit the Idaha if the workers that were attempting to make the railway below were to die.
But to do such things would also mean that the Idaha would need to have a loss of their own of equal measure. A mountain of death that would stop the construction of the eastern rails, halt the deforestation on their sacred land and require our residents and the warriors to rely on each other.
It was mutually assured to hurt us both, and I knew that the right way to make such an outcome possible would be if the dam itself were fractured. Not enough to flood to the town of course, but to destroy the camps in the western valley that were creating the railings.
By my count there were at least seven hundred there.
“It must look like a complete accident. In the heat of a skirmish with your finest. Many of them will be going to their very graves,” I explained.
Lycidas at first was appalled by my suggestions, to allow so much blood it was an act of genocide to say the very least.
But she consulted her shaman and saw that what I said would come to pass, a truce would be forged.
“What you have planned… it will cost us greatly. More than we may ever recover from. On both sides we will be haunted by this tragedy for as long as we live.”
“But the mountain, the land you declare is sacred, will be protected and so will our township. We need each other. The only way for that to happen is for such a tragedy to befall us.”
Lycidas agreed to the brutal plan. I had one final selfish request, that whatever gods or devils she had on her side would keep my husband safe from harm.
“You understand of course to work this magic will also ruin his soul,” she told me as she finished a concoction. She claimed it would protect him from any harm that could be inflicted, but repeatedly warned of the spiritual side effects.
I gave it to him in his late coffee, the night before the dam was to be bombed. He and his cousin Oscar were in a fit discussing the Boer tollbooth and the cabin business that was booming near the lake and how they wanted a share.
Oscar swore that he would find a way to make Boer give up some rights, perhaps in a little wager relating to his manhood.
His darling wife he declared was going to bear him twins this winter. Should he sire a third by spring, the tollbooth would be in his name after that.
When Thomas drank his coffee and commented on the bitter after taste, he asked me what had been different. I commented only the way he had bit his lip a moment before, lusting for the heat of another conflict; could explain the change. Blood mixed in the coffee. He accepted this explanation and went to bed a man that I swore I would use to great leverage as time passed on.
That night after he was drunk on wine and passion, I secreted myself to another occasion. I had not told the Chieftess of my liaison for the explosions and she had not asked, but he did need to be informed that our plans were going accordingly.
“To think, all this because I shot a man in broad daylight and you had the gumption to come to my house and call me a cur,” the rogue told me when I laid with him that night.
Indeed I despised my lover equally as much as my husband. It was one thing that Lycidas and I agreed upon. These men used us and believed we were trophies.
The days to come would have Thomas handing this township over to me, to Deborah and to the women they had shoved aside.
Perhaps in days to come even Idaha would be able to walk freely in the vision of the future I was creating.
All it took to get there was a little planning, a few men to seduce and most importantly a few sticks of dynamite.
submitted by ArmchairDetectives to OakPeak [link] [comments]

2024.05.22 15:49 Ghost_Mantis_Man Tippy Dam?

Thinking of taking a drive up to fish Tippy Dam this weekend. I've never fished there before, what types of fish could I expect to catch from there this time of year?
submitted by Ghost_Mantis_Man to MichiganFishing [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 22:19 Appropriate_Mix_1817 My sasquatch origin story!

Once upon a time There lived a sasquatch family in a dark cave high up in the mountains. They were the last survivors of Sasquatch Valley, them and their lil baby sasquatch. He was called JB but No one knew what JB stood for. They survived on Fish caught in the cave and mushrooms they could forage but the village was becoming dangerous with these mean little creatures called humans. They were governed by meaner humans wearing horrible unfashionable uniforms called rangers and policemen. They were lazy and entitled. They would soon take over the entire land. One day they heard trucks and cranes moving in to destroy the trees and construct all kinds of structures designed for the bored humans. Lodges and ski lifts and campgrounds. Fearing for their lives, They summoned the magic talking fish in the water. Take out baby son they said and swim below the cove until you reach a safe space. Wait there for us until we can beat our enemies.
Alas, the ageing sasquatches proved no match for the weapon toting humans and they were trapped in a snow slide that blocked the cave entrance.
Magic fish clasping baby sasquatch in a big lil baggy with a breathing tube swam as fast as he could to the other side of the valley. There he hid baby sasquatch in some magic bushes. Soon the humans got busy with their activities and since they did not know about baby sasquatch they stopped looking for any other survivors. All the animals came and had a little care conference. The construction ducks built a tiny cabin next to the pond where magic fish had emerged from. The leader of all the animals Raccoon, became Baby JB’s guardian and protector. No one would touch the baby under his watch. Running Hare brought him food from the nearby campers. Sleepy bear kept him warm and looked after him just like his mother. All was well in Sasquatch Hollow and JB grew up to be a fine sasquatch. Fox taught him how to be sneaky and they practiced tippy toeing. After all he was a sasquatch! The animals had cleverly hidden whatever treasures they could save after the valley had been destroyed hoping that one day JB would be able to retrieve all the wealth and restore his land. After all he was the last of his kind and all that he beheld was rightlfully his.
submitted by Appropriate_Mix_1817 to SneakySasquatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:09 Superb_Cod_2496 What happend

What happend
What happend
Hello guys and girls, i really need some opinions and advices on what the fuck happend.
So long story short, i met this girl on Bumble app. She is a stewardess and was staying in my city for roughly a month in total. We started texting there, i was funny and charming as usual so she gave me her whatsapp (number) and ig. We made plans to go for a date in like week and a half since we both were busy. I texted her on ig to reschedule the date and eventually we went on it. She was staying at a nice hotel 10 min away from me. I met her outside and when she came out i was like dam. Everything started going smoothly almost instantly, we clicked like i never clicked with somebody else before. Made jokes how something is gonna happen to her and she was like just let me have a gin and tonic first and i was like il let you have two of those because im a nice one. Later on we went to a second place to have drinks and i started to make extensive eye contact with her because i was all over the head with this girl (im not a type of guy that something like that happens to often in fact it never did to be honest even tho i see alot of girls and go out alot and usualy i hide myself pretty well like im mysterous and women told me they cannont read me no matter how hard they try and they really like that about me some even told me i have no emotions and im like a stone)
Back to the story, she was like dont look at me like that because you make me nervous and i was like look at you like what? (i knew exactly like what ha) I continued to do that and later while we went back to the hotel ( she wanted to walk) i grabbed her hand and we walked and made jokes all they way back while holding hands. When we came to the hotel she was like im sleepy and i was like then you should go. She wanted to sit outside before she went up so we did. We talked and talked and the story i going with was that we probbably not gonna see eachoter ever again and thats what i stuck with. She said if i wanted to see her i would and i was like i have no time and she said again if you wanted you would. We talked and ifor some reason i had abnormal urge to kiss her like ive known her for idk how much time, i never felt such a strong and weird feeling like that, i basiclly fully fell for her in matter of hours ( crazy i know) I told her listen i dont expect anything from you i just want to kiss you and leave. She was like you are sick since your nose is runny etc ( i i told her before that my voice is funny today) and kinda rejcted me because she has flights almost daily. Eventually we started making out and had an intense session next to the hotel and even on the hotel wall haha ( people that passed by really gave us the looks some even like dam even tho it was late) After 2 days i was like i have to see you again, idk why i just have to. We texted for few days , was going amazing she texted me i text her but she was busy a little. Then she invited me to come with her and her cabin crew friends for a night out so i did , told me i could join them basicly and i was like fuck it.( finally haha) We had one of the most amazing nights ever, i took them to a club, got the best seats because i know the bouncers ( no reservation, nothing).sime girls started talking to me there and she got a little jelous i mean she told me she doesnt like me doing that but later we made it uo by having sex in the club and she asked me there to come to her hotel room after, we made a pinky promise and left the club toilete haha.I paid everything ( cabs and all, not that it matters just saying and she even got mad at me because of that a little).After that she basiclly sneaked me in to the hotel we ran to the elevators and she forgot something at the reception so she got called back then later we laughed that the guy saw us. I did everything perfectly and then we had sex in hotel, talked, cuddled etc. I told her that im never this honest but i just wanted her to know that in few hours she made me feel so alive and that girls in my city couldnt do that even im few months. But i said i dont expect anything from her still but i just wanted to be honest for the first time. Then i left before she woke up because she fell alseep after 15 min after sex. I tought that was a manly thing to do even tho i wanted to stay so bad. I left her a note that said text me and some name i called her ( a song) and P.S you snore a little :). The note was on the napkin, placed on my side of the bed next to her. That same day at nighttime she texted me and i was like oh yes oh yes (i couldnt stop thinking about her because i felt so amazing and alive). We exhanged few text like before i joked about how if i survive the night ( i was out partying) im gonna see her again for the third time and the lucky charm. The she just dissapeard.Completly ghosted me. Didnt respond to my last few messages about that thirdt time, didnt even seen them on wa. (no read status) So after a day and a half i texted her again sending her a picture of a place she wanted to go while she was here (it was closed before, season just opened) and asked her you wanna go?. No response, no read so i tought maybe her wa is broken due to some number thing so i texted her on ig asking is it that or she just ghosted me and whatever it is i think i deserve to know. She seen that like 10h after ive sent it and then after another 10h she just blocked me everywhere and thats it. I dont understand what happend and why would she text me the same day responding to my note if it was just a one night stand for her or if she didnt want to see me or continue to talk with me (side note she had like a week, week and a half left in my city when that happend)
submitted by Superb_Cod_2496 to Bumble [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:08 Superb_Cod_2496 What happend

What happend
What happend
Hello guys and girls, i really need some opinions and advices on what the fuck happend.
So long story short, i met this girl on Bumble app. She is a stewardess and was staying in my city for roughly a month in total. We started texting there, i was funny and charming as usual so she gave me her whatsapp (number) and ig. We made plans to go for a date in like week and a half since we both were busy. I texted her on ig to reschedule the date and eventually we went on it. She was staying at a nice hotel 10 min away from me. I met her outside and when she came out i was like dam. Everything started going smoothly almost instantly, we clicked like i never clicked with somebody else before. Made jokes how something is gonna happen to her and she was like just let me have a gin and tonic first and i was like il let you have two of those because im a nice one. Later on we went to a second place to have drinks and i started to make extensive eye contact with her because i was all over the head with this girl (im not a type of guy that something like that happens to often in fact it never did to be honest even tho i see alot of girls and go out alot and usualy i hide myself pretty well like im mysterous and women told me they cannont read me no matter how hard they try and they really like that about me some even told me i have no emotions and im like a stone)
Back to the story, she was like dont look at me like that because you make me nervous and i was like look at you like what? (i knew exactly like what ha) I continued to do that and later while we went back to the hotel ( she wanted to walk) i grabbed her hand and we walked and made jokes all they way back while holding hands. When we came to the hotel she was like im sleepy and i was like then you should go. She wanted to sit outside before she went up so we did. We talked and talked and the story i going with was that we probbably not gonna see eachoter ever again and thats what i stuck with. She said if i wanted to see her i would and i was like i have no time and she said again if you wanted you would. We talked and ifor some reason i had abnormal urge to kiss her like ive known her for idk how much time, i never felt such a strong and weird feeling like that, i basiclly fully fell for her in matter of hours ( crazy i know) I told her listen i dont expect anything from you i just want to kiss you and leave. She was like you are sick since your nose is runny etc ( i i told her before that my voice is funny today) and kinda rejcted me because she has flights almost daily. Eventually we started making out and had an intense session next to the hotel and even on the hotel wall haha ( people that passed by really gave us the looks some even like dam even tho it was late) After 2 days i was like i have to see you again, idk why i just have to. We texted for few days , was going amazing she texted me i text her but she was busy a little. Then she invited me to come with her and her cabin crew friends for a night out so i did , told me i could join them basicly and i was like fuck it.( finally haha) We had one of the most amazing nights ever, i took them to a club, got the best seats because i know the bouncers ( no reservation, nothing).sime girls started talking to me there and she got a little jelous i mean she told me she doesnt like me doing that but later we made it uo by having sex in the club and she asked me there to come to her hotel room after, we made a pinky promise and left the club toilete haha.I paid everything ( cabs and all, not that it matters just saying and she even got mad at me because of that a little).After that she basiclly sneaked me in to the hotel we ran to the elevators and she forgot something at the reception so she got called back then later we laughed that the guy saw us. I did everything perfectly and then we had sex in hotel, talked, cuddled etc. I told her that im never this honest but i just wanted her to know that in few hours she made me feel so alive and that girls in my city couldnt do that even im few months. But i said i dont expect anything from her still but i just wanted to be honest for the first time. Then i left before she woke up because she fell alseep after 15 min after sex. I tought that was a manly thing to do even tho i wanted to stay so bad. I left her a note that said text me and some name i called her ( a song) and P.S you snore a little :). The note was on the napkin, placed on my side of the bed next to her. That same day at nighttime she texted me and i was like oh yes oh yes (i couldnt stop thinking about her because i felt so amazing and alive). We exhanged few text like before i joked about how if i survive the night ( i was out partying) im gonna see her again for the third time and the lucky charm. The she just dissapeard.Completly ghosted me. Didnt respond to my last few messages about that thirdt time, didnt even seen them on wa. (no read status) So after a day and a half i texted her again sending her a picture of a place she wanted to go while she was here (it was closed before, season just opened) and asked her you wanna go?. No response, no read so i tought maybe her wa is broken due to some number thing so i texted her on ig asking is it that or she just ghosted me and whatever it is i think i deserve to know. She seen that like 10h after ive sent it and then after another 10h she just blocked me everywhere and thats it. I dont understand what happend and why would she text me the same day responding to my note if it was just a one night stand for her or if she didnt want to see me or continue to talk with me (side note she had like a week, week and a half left in my city when that happend)
submitted by Superb_Cod_2496 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.21 10:07 Superb_Cod_2496 What happend

What happend
Hello guys and girls, i really need some opinions and advices on what the fuck happend.
So long story short, i met this girl on Bumble app. She is a stewardess and was staying in my city for roughly a month in total. We started texting there, i was funny and charming as usual so she gave me her whatsapp (number) and ig. We made plans to go for a date in like week and a half since we both were busy. I texted her on ig to reschedule the date and eventually we went on it. She was staying at a nice hotel 10 min away from me. I met her outside and when she came out i was like dam. Everything started going smoothly almost instantly, we clicked like i never clicked with somebody else before. Made jokes how something is gonna happen to her and she was like just let me have a gin and tonic first and i was like il let you have two of those because im a nice one. Later on we went to a second place to have drinks and i started to make extensive eye contact with her because i was all over the head with this girl (im not a type of guy that something like that happens to often in fact it never did to be honest even tho i see alot of girls and go out alot and usualy i hide myself pretty well like im mysterous and women told me they cannont read me no matter how hard they try and they really like that about me some even told me i have no emotions and im like a stone)
Back to the story, she was like dont look at me like that because you make me nervous and i was like look at you like what? (i knew exactly like what ha) I continued to do that and later while we went back to the hotel ( she wanted to walk) i grabbed her hand and we walked and made jokes all they way back while holding hands. When we came to the hotel she was like im sleepy and i was like then you should go. She wanted to sit outside before she went up so we did. We talked and talked and the story i going with was that we probbably not gonna see eachoter ever again and thats what i stuck with. She said if i wanted to see her i would and i was like i have no time and she said again if you wanted you would. We talked and ifor some reason i had abnormal urge to kiss her like ive known her for idk how much time, i never felt such a strong and weird feeling like that, i basiclly fully fell for her in matter of hours ( crazy i know) I told her listen i dont expect anything from you i just want to kiss you and leave. She was like you are sick since your nose is runny etc ( i i told her before that my voice is funny today) and kinda rejcted me because she has flights almost daily. Eventually we started making out and had an intense session next to the hotel and even on the hotel wall haha ( people that passed by really gave us the looks some even like dam even tho it was late) After 2 days i was like i have to see you again, idk why i just have to. We texted for few days , was going amazing she texted me i text her but she was busy a little. Then she invited me to come with her and her cabin crew friends for a night out so i did , told me i could join them basicly and i was like fuck it.( finally haha) We had one of the most amazing nights ever, i took them to a club, got the best seats because i know the bouncers ( no reservation, nothing).sime girls started talking to me there and she got a little jelous i mean she told me she doesnt like me doing that but later we made it uo by having sex in the club and she asked me there to come to her hotel room after, we made a pinky promise and left the club toilete haha.I paid everything ( cabs and all, not that it matters just saying and she even got mad at me because of that a little).After that she basiclly sneaked me in to the hotel we ran to the elevators and she forgot something at the reception so she got called back then later we laughed that the guy saw us. I did everything perfectly and then we had sex in hotel, talked, cuddled etc. I told her that im never this honest but i just wanted her to know that in few hours she made me feel so alive and that girls in my city couldnt do that even im few months. But i said i dont expect anything from her still but i just wanted to be honest for the first time. Then i left before she woke up because she fell alseep after 15 min after sex. I tought that was a manly thing to do even tho i wanted to stay so bad. I left her a note that said text me and some name i called her ( a song) and P.S you snore a little :). The note was on the napkin, placed on my side of the bed next to her. That same day at nighttime she texted me and i was like oh yes oh yes (i couldnt stop thinking about her because i felt so amazing and alive). We exhanged few text like before i joked about how if i survive the night ( i was out partying) im gonna see her again for the third time and the lucky charm. The she just dissapeard.Completly ghosted me. Didnt respond to my last few messages about that thirdt time, didnt even seen them on wa. (no read status) So after a day and a half i texted her again sending her a picture of a place she wanted to go while she was here (it was closed before, season just opened) and asked her you wanna go?. No response, no read so i tought maybe her wa is broken due to some number thing so i texted her on ig asking is it that or she just ghosted me and whatever it is i think i deserve to know. She seen that like 10h after ive sent it and then after another 10h she just blocked me everywhere and thats it. I dont understand what happend and why would she text me the same day responding to my note if it was just a one night stand for her or if she didnt want to see me or continue to talk with me (side note she had like a week, week and a half left in my city when that happend)
submitted by Superb_Cod_2496 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.20 06:19 ulrichzhaym Just played through revelations for the first time and wow

Great game but dam they straight up gave parker so much plot armor it was actually funny and felt satirical. I mean i know most protagonists in this game are immortal gods but parker : survived an explosion on the ship cabin he was in after being shot, survived being dropped into a fire and metal pit but jill and chris, survived the entire ship sinking with raymond , showed up on shore somewhere and was good as new a month later. They set up his death on so many cutscenes and it never happened . I'm not even mad but i was funny 😂
submitted by ulrichzhaym to residentevil [link] [comments]

2024.05.19 23:08 KbRqm23 [FO4] Frequent crashing, particularly around Boston

I'm new to modding FO4 - I have modded FNV/TTW and Skyrim before so understand the basics but I'm no expert. I've set up a decent list of mods and had it running fairly well aside from the odd crash which I let slide cos Bethesda... anyway it's now got to the point where the game crashes every 5-10 minutes, particularly when I enter the built up area around Boston - I was hoping someone more experienced than I could take a look at my load order and see if I have any particularly problematic mods that be causing the issue? I also downgraded my game from the new updates before modding as I knew this would break 90% of the mods. TIA
0 0 Fallout4.esm
1 1 DLCRobot.esm
2 2 DLCworkshop01.esm
3 3 DLCCoast.esm
4 4 DLCworkshop02.esm
5 5 DLCworkshop03.esm
6 6 DLCNukaWorld.esm
7 7 Unofficial Fallout 4 Patch.esp
8 8 ArmorKeywords.esm
9 9 HUDFramework.esm
254 FE 0 F4MS.esl
10 a Homemaker.esm
11 b Loads.esm
12 c NewCalibers.esp
13 d SimSettlements.esm
14 e ProjectZeta.esm
254 FE 1 BerettaM9FS.esl
254 FE 2 HellcatPA.esl
15 f EthreonMasterPlan.esm
16 10 CWWorkshopMaster.esm
254 FE 3 HoloDisplay.esl
254 FE 4 Working_Aquariums.esl
254 FE 5 LadderVanilla.esl
17 11 OVT.esp
18 12 NukaWorldReborn.esp
19 13 MojaveImports.esp
20 14 Campsite.esp
21 15 EveryonesBestFriend.esp
22 16 MYLadyKillerBed.esp
23 17 slevins_chemVFX-Light.esp
254 FE 6 PAVertibirdDockFix.esp
24 18 OutcastsAndRemnants.esp
25 19 Nuka-World Fizztop Grille Workshop.esp
26 1a CleanSettlement Greenhouse.esp
27 1b HAIA With Crafting.esp
28 1c QuazDiamondCityApartment.esp
29 1d safeharbor.esp
254 FE 7 OCsNorthpointDam.esp
30 1e GN_Home.esp
31 1f AA FusionCityRising.esp
32 20 QuazHighTechLoftOLD.esp
33 21 RedWaveReloaded.esp
34 22 Homemaker - Unlocked Institute Objects.esp
254 FE 8 Power Armor HUD Switcher.esp
36 24 LooksMirror.esp
37 25 Move (Get Out the Way).esp
38 26 No Aggro Impact Landing.esp
39 27 AES_Renovated Furniture.esp
40 28 Renovated_Furniture_MY_BEDs.esp
41 29 SettlementMenuManager.esp
42 2a VisibleWeapons.esp
43 2b AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches.esp
44 2c AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Ballistic Weave.esp
45 2d WIPAG_Power Armor Overhaul.esp
254 FE 9 WIPAG_Vanilla_AWKCR_PA_Addon.esp
254 FE a WIPAG_Contraptions_DLC_Addon.esp
254 FE b WIPAG_FarHarbor_DLC_Addon.esp
254 FE c WIPAG_NukaWorld_DLC_Addon.esp
46 2e CheatTerminal.esp
47 2f cVc Dead Wasteland 6.esp
48 30 powerarmort49.esp
49 31 ProjectValkyrie.esp
254 FE d WIPAG_Storyteller_Addon.esp
50 32 Eli_Armour_Compendium.esp
254 FE e FPVertibird.esp
254 FE f FPV_Armored.esp
254 FE 10 TrainPowerArmor.esp
51 33 Genesis.esp
52 34 9mmPistol.esp
53 35 USSQuincy.esp
54 36 FO4TribalPowerArmor.esp
55 37 SkyrimInspiredPowerArmor.esp
56 38 AkaWaterWorld.esp
57 39 Kraggles - Structures.esp
58 3a WoodenPrefabsExtended.esp
59 3b Prefabs.esp
254 FE 11 FPVTrackingModule.esp
254 FE 12 FPVPilotCommands.esp
60 3c SSEX.esp
254 FE 13 WIPAG_TES51_Addon.esp
61 3d AnS Wearable Backpacks and Pouches - Power Armor Carry Capacity.esp
254 FE 14 WIPAG_Tribal_Addon.esp
62 3e Quad_Accelerator.esp
63 3f el_AgentOutfit.esp
64 40 AQUILA.esp
65 41 InstitutePowerArmor.esp
254 FE 15 WIPAG_Institute_Addon.esp
66 42 ASVektor.esp
67 43 CBBE.esp
68 44 KSHairdos.esp
69 45 DOOMDesertEagle.esp
70 46 LooksMenu Customization Compendium.esp
71 47 kokok_Piper_Replacer.2F1E.esp
72 48 LooksMenu.esp
73 49 REAPER.esp
74 4a SCAR-L.esp
75 4b Survivalist.esp
76 4c AWKCR - Mod Power Armor Engine Glitch Fix.esp
77 4d FunctionalDisplays.esp
78 4e FunctionalDisplays-AID-VIS-WI.esp
79 4f FunctionalDisplays-AID-VIS.esp
80 50 FunctionalDisplays-AID-WI.esp
81 51 FunctionalDisplays-Collectibles.esp
82 52 FunctionalDisplays-MISC-VIS.esp
83 53 FunctionalDisplays-MISC-Vanilla.esp
84 54 FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL-VIS.esp
85 55 FunctionalDisplays-Patch-DLC-ALL.esp
86 56 CabinInTheWoods.esp
87 57 Boats.esp
88 58 3dscopes.esp
89 59 Better Vendor Stalls.esp
90 5a Lots More Male Hairstyles.esp
91 5b Loads of Ammo - Leveled Lists.esp
92 5c Faster Terminal Displays (20x).esp
93 5d K9TacticalHarness.esp
94 5e LongerPowerLines3x.esp
95 5f BetterGenerators.esp
96 60 BetterSettlersNoLollygagging.esp
97 61 FunctionalDisplays-AID-Vanilla.esp
98 62 AzarPonytailHairstyles.esp
99 63 Canopies.esp
100 64 ShootingTarget.esp
101 65 SettlementPrivacy.esp
102 66 Farming Resources.esp
103 67 BalconySupports.esp
104 68 WeaponDisplays.esp
105 69 Crimsomrider's Unique Furniture.esp
106 6a Thematic and Practical.esp
107 6b SMH.esp
108 6c woodysWastelandStuff.esp
109 6d OCDecorator.esp
110 6e OCDecoratorDLC.esp
111 6f OCDispenser.esp
112 70 RealNameSettlers.esp
254 FE 16 BuildingBudgetExtender.esp
254 FE 17 Scrap Everything - Core.esp
254 FE 18 Scrap Everything - Automatron.esp
254 FE 19 Scrap Everything - Far Harbor.esp
254 FE 1a Scrap Everything - Nuka World.esp
254 FE 1b Scrap Everything - Vault-Tec Workshop.esp
113 71 BetterSettlers.esp
114 72 BetterSettlersCleanFacePack.esp
115 73 BetterSettlersCCAPack2.0.esp
116 74 BetterSettlersMortalPack.esp
submitted by KbRqm23 to FalloutMods [link] [comments]
