Want to buy street racing car online ava


2014.10.01 16:51 nugohs Zwift

The place to tell us how you and your bike are stuck in mid-air or that you saw a bear fall out of a tree. It’s Zwift! This subreddit is unofficial and moderated by reddit community members and Zwift community managers. Say Hi if you see us, we don’t bite. (Scotty may bite.)

2012.04.27 20:56 iPodAddict181 Volkswagen GTI

GolfGTI is a place for enthusiasts to discuss, ask questions, and share information about the best car that can be had for less than $40K. We entertain beauty shots and thrive on discussing mods whether they're cosmetic, functional, or both. We welcome discussion of all things about the VW GTI as well as other VW hot hatchbacks. GolfGTI is best viewed with dark/night mode.

2008.08.26 20:25 /r/Rowing

A place to discuss all things rowing!

2024.05.14 19:11 catthewasian Just need to vent.

Hi guys.
I don’t really have anyone to vent to, so here goes.
My dad is 62, my mom is 57 years old, and my sister, 26, has ADHD, emotionally labile, codependent, and SEVERE learning disabilities (performs within 1% of her age group). She basically, and literally cannot do anything right. Her mind just doesn’t comprehend things, and my parents taught her how to give up when things get difficult. When things are hard, she reacts in a fit; mentally, it’s like she’s still 15. On top of that, she’s married to this guy she met online (been married for maybe 5 years now). He doesn’t work, doesn’t want to work, and when he does work (like 3-month employment being the longest), he gets fired and pretends he’s still employed. They got married when my mom went to her home country, and against her wishes, my dad paid for their marriage license. This guy did not pay his plane ticket here, he doesn’t pay rent, he doesn’t pay for his phone, he pays NOTHING. Literally a parasite. They “dated” meaning, he lived in the house for like 1-2 years, my sister kept begging my dad to get them married although my mom was against it as she believed this man had not proven himself as a husband or even just being a responsible human-being, and the second my dad had an opportunity to blindside my mom, he did so. My sister’s husband would drive out, drink, hang out with friends, during his “shift” then come home when his “shift” is done. Honestly, I despise him.
Anyways… they live together: mom, dad, sister and her husband. Sister and her husband do not work. My mom works at a flea market and hoards everything she has; she gets like an adrenaline high when she buys something for $1 and makes 5x the profit. My dad is the breadwinner; has had steady, gainful employment, but his health is now declining. He can now hardly walk without falling. He’s constantly in pain; he can’t even sleep at night. On top of this, their house is disgusting; they have roaches crawling on the walls, the pantry, on plates, in food. They have bed bugs again. My dad has two old dogs that shit and piss everywhere. My sister hoards 4 cats and 3 dogs within two rooms. When I visited, my eyes would become itchy and red, and I couldn’t stop sneezing. I’d get a headache, and I couldn’t sleep. It stinks like hell. It makes me feel horrible about my family living here. This is their home. This is their “escape.” My parents hate each other, my sister is spoiled and throws giant, violent fits when she’s told anything she doesn’t want to hear, and her husband just sits there, no goals, no need to be better, no place to go. Just settled. My dad gives him the money he wants because he respects another white man. He bought this man a car (not just one, but TWO), paid for their marriage, paid for his phone, paid for his plane ticket to get here. In exchange, my dad uses him as a paid of legs: drive to get him lunch, mow the lawn, fix the car, take the trash out. The house is cluttered with garbage picked up from the dumpster, side of the roads, and from others selling at the flea market. They even have rats.
And they’ll just call me a b*tch whenever I bring up concerns. “Just stop nagging, you’re stressing us out.” Sometimes, I can’t even sleep because I’m worried about them. I can’t sleep knowing my sister and her deadbeat husband might have to live with me one day and ruin everything I’ve worked for; the walls of the house, bringing in animals, my own family’s peace. Having to provide for them. He’s scary too; I’m honestly afraid he’s going to seriously injure people; he’s already done it to himself. He’s gone to the hospital multiple times. He doesn’t care. And honestly, I don’t care about him. He’s slapped my sister across the face. He gets drunk and does drugs and gets her sucked in too. I hate that for my sister. I hate that she doesn’t know any better. I hate that she has no confidence in herself. I hate that my parents didn’t know how to help her, and now she’s just a burden. She’s spoiled and violent; she can’t control her emotions. She doesn’t know how to fact-check. She doesn’t know how to think for herself, so she’s easy to take advantage of.
Ugh. Just what a f*cking life. How can I live without guilt; I live in a clean environment, and my life isn’t perfect, but I am grateful for what I do have. They don’t deserve to rot in that environment. I don’t want them to. I want them to have peace. Once I know my family isn’t struggling, then I won’t struggle.
submitted by catthewasian to Vent [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:10 ajeebperson Dear Delhi Metro, thank you for making me independent (to some extent)

I come from a very conservative and protective family.
Travelling long distances by cabs and buses was something that was either very expensive or something my parents disapproved of.
Wasn't able to buy a scooty as a teenager as well. didn't have the means to learn the car.
All this aside, I was still able to get the education I wanted to get far away from because of the metro. My parents deemed it safe enough (ofc there are disturbing things happening to woman all around delhi metro, I do acknowledge that fact)
As someone with no friends, traveling in metro is my comfort. That's my solo date. That's my with people date. Have you ever eaten in a moving metro when you're famished? Trust me, it's the best for people like me.
Thank you, ABV for taking that initiative. Of course, It is still far from perfect and unfortunately my 21 year old self doesn't know how to drive a car or doesn't have good scooter skills because of it or because of my laziness.
But I still want to acknowledge the metro for giving me the opportunity to go out and do something, at the very least.
If not for metro, I probably wouldn't have had the access to the opportunities I did.
This is my love letter and a rant. Thank you for reading this, if you did.
submitted by ajeebperson to delhi [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:09 Street_Research_1682 My Spiritual Journey

I’d like to tell you about my spiritual journey and see what Christians have to think about it. When I was around 12 years old I went to Egypt on a holiday with it’s family. During this holiday I went to a shop that sold witchcraft items and decided I liked the look of ornament which I now know to be a Bastet statue. A few years pass on by and I decide to meditate (I’m not a Christian or anything btw) it was just regular meditation. My eyes are closed and I see something known as the Eye of Ra appear. When this happened I was very confused because at the time I had no idea what the Bastet statue even was, I just liked the look of it. After doing research online I was able to figure out that this was an Egyptian god but I still didn’t know why this was happening to me. I decided to contact a witch who was my friend from school to see if she could figure out what was happening to me and why this god was interested in me. She told me to write my name down on a piece of paper which i did, she also told me to close my eyes. Then she burned some sort of herb and all I saw was satan. I had no idea what was going on but I later realised my third eyes (spiritual eyes) had been opened. I later found out that this particular witch I decided to ask for help was actually a practising satanist. Honestly what I saw you wouldn’t believe. I began to astral project without any control whatsoever. I saw many things but mostly aliens. These aliens didn’t just appear out of nowhere. I was moving very fast and many portals were opened. Eventually I stopped moving and realised what was going on. I saw two entities that had a hold of me. One being Satan and the other being Bastet who I then realised was an alien. The problem I had to figure out was whether it was Satan or Bastet who took me through all them portals. I may not be Christian but I know Satan is evil and from my understanding he’s a demon not an alien. The fact I was seeing so many different extraterrestrial beings suggested to me that it was Bastet who took me through all them portals because I don’t think Satan is necessarily partnered with any alien races (just demons and fallen angels). I did eventually stop moving and regained control of my spiritual body. I realised I had many spiritual powers but I also realised I was in what I can only describe as a deep hole. The reason I’m posting this here is because Christianity has caused me an incredible amount of stress. The constant realisation of being a sinner and feeling terrible for it. The reason I feel bad is because I use spiritual powers in the hopes of getting out of this dark and dangerous hole. Im very aware that you can use the bible to fight the devil, however, it’s not going to move you spiritually it’s just going act as a shield of protection from evil spirits (which is good I know). It’s very hard to explain what the spiritual realms look like but try to understand that when you’re spiritually awake you have to move (walk the path) and then you’re left with a choice, fight or run. Honestly I haven’t got the heart to confront Satan so I just choose to run but I will defend myself if necessary. As you know there is a spiritual war in the spirit realm between Satan and God and I seem to have found my self in the middle of it. I feel like Im disappointing God but I honestly feel like I don’t have any other choice but to continue moving. Satan is absolutely terrifying and the thought of being stuck with him isn’t a nice feeling. I’d also like to mention that it’s not quite as easy as performing an exorcism as we are stuck in the hole together along with many other entities which were also dragged down with me into this hole by Satan. I don’t want to go to church as I feel I will be judged or they just won’t understand. I do care about Christ I just don’t see how His teachings are compatible with my current situation. Another thing I’d like to mention is that I’ve been going through this for 4 years this is not new to me.
Sorry this is super long but I’d like to get your thoughts and know if you think a relationship with Christ is still an option for someone like me so I feel it’s important you know the full extent of my situation.
submitted by Street_Research_1682 to Christianity [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:08 Apart_Secretary_2447 Is it right that my payments were stopped due to £0 universal credit last month

Just got moved from tax credits to universal credit and immediately, after receiving nothing from either tax credits or UC for 1 assessment period, got paid twice in once month by my work. As a result, I got a £0 award and my Scottish child payment was stopped for one month. Now, each year when I am paid twice in a month I use that money to repair the car or anything else that I couldn’t afford during the year. So I was anticipating having a little extra cash to use on essentials, instead, I got a month with no benefits at all, followed by a month on £0 award, and then a month with no Scottish child payment. I have three kids so that is a substantial amount. Unfortunately I was already granted an advance. I decided to use that to pay off my credit card (used to get by in hard times, not on frivolous things) as I knew UC could be bad and I didn’t want to start off in debt. Now I am just stumped. My tiny amount of savings are gone. i keep getting money taken off me. I can’t seem to rely on my income anymore, and my car needs more repairs I can’t afford. My work coach, who I messaged through the online journal, cant seem to understand my questions or offer advice on this.
is it correct that Scottish child payment just cuts off like that? Don’t they taper it? Maybe it doesn’t affect some people so much but having three kids it’s a big chunk of my income
submitted by Apart_Secretary_2447 to DWPhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:08 rookieslayer KL Flyzone @ ex-TUDM base

Dear Redditors,
Below is some of the basic info about the current site i am helping to manage, and if you have any questions do DM me or leave ur questions here.
Will do my best to answer your queries.
About the site :
sg Besi Old Airport @ Ex-TUDM/ex-RMAF base @ Bandar Malaysia @ KL Base
That is what this development site is known as currently.
MRT Bandar Malaysia Utara (PY25) and MRT Bandar Malaysia Selatan (PY26) is located here, built and ready to be opened once they have enough development (need more footfalls/crowd basically)
The proposed MyHSR Bandar Malaysia station is actually located nearby as well. You guys can imagine how valuable this land will be in the upcoming few years.
KL Flyzone site consists roughly more than 90 acres, which have the following :
A) Vast expanse of grassy flat lands (from 1 acres up to 5 acres suitable to host open air event spaces) Do contact me if you want to view the events space for ur projects.
B) Runway for car showz/drag race (We can help facilitate runway rental and providing as well hot air balloon shows, air domes, marquee tents, events, foodtrucks, stage set up etc)
C) FoodGarage (in the midst of setup) - Vendors providing f&b products
D) Hangars of different sizez - i am renting these out for photoshoots, filming and also events hall.
E) Derelict Buildings - Currently i am renting some of them for drama shoots, and filming. - We already rented out a derelict Petrol Station, refurbishing it into a Cafe. renovating starts this week - So yes, we are also looking for interested parties to invest in these buildings, and refurbish it into their own business models e.g. f&b establishments, hotel, office lots, clubhouses etc.
F) Further plans to build up remaining unused acres has been mapped out actually, for example - automobile zone - f&b zone - events zone - glamping zone - sports/fitness zone
G) if you have certain ideas or plans, do reach out to me as well.
Thank You
submitted by rookieslayer to KL_Flyzone [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:08 Tallandlanky69 Good minox product to buy in Australia?

G’day gentlemen, looking for a good minox product to buy online in Australia, don’t want to buy the wrong one as it seems pretty expensive. Any help is majorly appreciated thanks guys!!!!
submitted by Tallandlanky69 to Minoxbeards [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:06 Motokowarframe What IS the comedy show?

I am not sure. I made the group but I don’t know the answer.
What do I know?
I only know that I believe my life is being observed and manipulated for either punishment and/or entertainment.
So it is all guess work as there is no way of me knowing what is going on.
I assume this to be a simulation set to do annoying stuff all the time.
As for the reason? I don’t know, I call it the comedy show because I think all the annoying stuff comes from endless little jokes that something finds funny to watch. I guess it could be some punishment or sadistic torment thing too.
Anyway, I am pretty bored of it. Most of the time the shit that happens is just incredibly subtle and constant.
If I sit down for 2 minutes of peace to say make a sub, I get dogs barking, sirens blaring, cars revving, it might start to rain, some sales idiot might arrive and ring the door, it might suddenly get cold or I might get bitten by an insect. My child may arrive and want to buy an app.
I might say yes no problem and then find the payment info is expired and there is a nasty error that makes the new card not add in as an option, the child’s iPad might demand I enter the password 10 times. Eventually I will get the app purchased and the new card entered and then go to reddit to make the new sub and find endless bad spellings.
Eventually I will complete the task I set out to do but the point is it WILL be a pain in the ass, whatever it is has to annoy me. That is the absolute rule.
I have typed all this and I am about to press POST, I always copy the message to clipboard now because I EXPECT it to screw up somehow
submitted by Motokowarframe to thecomedyshow [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:05 Outrageous-Rub-3889 Tesla lawsuit for items listed on Etsy (but never sold)

I'm hoping the Reddit community can help me with something...
Back at the very beginning of the Covid Pandemic here in the UK, I started creating digital illustrations of cars. One of the first I did was of a Tesla Cybertruck which I added to an online Etsy store along with illustrations of other cars (not Teslas).
The Tesla Cybertruck illustration interested no one and I received zero orders for it so made no money from sales. However, a few weeks ago I received a very official-looking email from a legal firm based in Miami, Florida detailing a lawsuit that had been brought against my Etsy store on behalf of Tesla Inc. for copyright infringement.
I used no Tesla logos, fonts etc, just the words 'Tesla' & 'Cybertruck'.
I live in the UK, the lawsuit is filed in Florida so I don't know if judgements can be enforced anyway? Also, in terms of my Etsy store, I couldn't care less about it. In truth, I'd love to delete it and I'm happy to never sell a print again.
I've spoken with several lawyers here in the UK, none of which can help. I've since spoken with a USA-based attorney who is happy to take on my case but wants an upfront retainer of $7,500 and can't be sure if that will be enough to cover the time it may take to get this case dismissed. Seems outrageous when you consider I've made NO money from sales of this particular illustration!
submitted by Outrageous-Rub-3889 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:03 Timmy-terrific Power is too inconsistent & can be very unrealistic sometimes…

I made a post a month ago talking about Tariq wearing an expensive watch even though he needed money to pay Davis, Monet & 2-Bit. S03E03 {{GHOST}} he got a suit & said he needs an expensive watch 🤦🏻‍♂️ this guy was wearing a $150k watch 5 episodes ago.
Another thing is that, in season 5 of OG Power, Brayden said that his parents aren’t that rich they make $200k/year but how they live on GHOST that’s not a $200K/year life, they have multiple cars, a big house & on top of that they have to pay taxes plus Trace said he has a rolex, you aren’t buying your kids a $30K watch when you make $200K/year doesn’t make any sense.
One last thing is , remember S01E01 of GHOST when they didn’t want to take Tariq into canonical studies because the course is “rigorous” , fast forward 2 seasons later Diana, Effie & Rebecca are in Tariq’s class after a semester has passed 💀
Ngl it’s a good show but the writers are constantly forgetting what they did a few episodes before, doesn’t look professional at all.
submitted by Timmy-terrific to PowerTV [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:01 ZealousidealText72 What does IMB mean for desert eagle

I'm currently trying to buy a desert eagle 44mag since the 50ae isn't legal here. I'm looking online for conversion kits and there are two options, IMB and regular. I have no clue what IMB means and I don't want to buy the wrong one. (I'm new to the gun scene so please don't shit on me if this is general knowledge lol. And i know that buying a deagle for a beginer is stupid but ive always wanted one since i was a kid.
submitted by ZealousidealText72 to CAguns [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:01 sily_py Paying someone to help me configure AC + ACC VR settings.

I got a quest 3 and cannot get nice quality on AC and ACC, ACC looks even worse than AC which I was surprised at. The interior of the cars looks decent, sometimes the Wheel is a bit blurry, i guess beacuse im to close to it ingame which is also kinda annoying. but the track (street cars trees etc) look so bad and nothing like the YouTube video I've seen on YouTube. I can't be asked to scroll threw Reddit threads and YouTube anymore, if someone wants to add me on discord and help me figure out settings for quest 3 and in game settings etc. ill PayPal you 15$ or more depending on how long it takes, the less it takes the better ill paypal you the money even if it only takes 10 seconds I don't even care anymore I can't figure it out myself. I have a 4090 with i9 14 gen btw, so hardware is not the issue. Discord: 1amber1
submitted by sily_py to assettocorsa [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:00 Mth281 The changes I’d like to see.

As someone new to the game(first wipe). Seems many arguments here are between hardcore and casual players. Fir is the current argument. Pay to win was last weeks.
I get both sides. Hardcore people like grinding. Casuals don’t.
I personally don’t want to spend 10hrs trying to find a single item for my hideout. So i just buy it on flea. Meanwhile others straight up hate the flea, because it “ruins” the way the game is meant to be.
What I’d love to see is two modes. Hardcore mode, and casual mode. Have casual locked to x amount of hours a week. Hardcore, unlimited. After your hours are up, you can play hardcore mode. Or just skip casual and play hardcore all the time.
Let be honest, this whole game is pay to win. Either with real money with things like eod and unheard. Or by in in game time. Someone with 20 hr a week will exponentially outpace someone with 5-10 hrs a week. The game is a race, those in the lead will benefit the most.
Causal could have no fir. While hardcore would. Items locked behind traders are time locked also in casual. So by the end of wipe, all weapons and ammo are unlocked regardless of level or trader standing. Would help with retention of players. Casuals see no point in playing when level 50s are out buying top tier ammo for 300 rubles and they can only get mid tier ammo on the flea for 700. Or 200$ ammo that is useless against most armor. And we wonder why selling in game items is so popular and give cheaters a reason to cheat. Many love the game even when at a complete disadvantage. And some resort to cheating to keep up.
I get some love the hardcore aspect of the game. I also get why casuals love the pvp of the game. But it pretty obvious that many of us have different viewpoints on where the game should go. We should just push to get separate modes. One that pleases both sides. I think most of us could be put into one of these two categories.
submitted by Mth281 to EscapefromTarkov [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:59 ruimikemau Police denied protest for refusing to take responsibility for "fragile" bicycles in Porto

On Saturday, a demonstration scheduled for Porto to demand the right to public space, attended by around 50 children, young people and adults, was banned because the PSP alleged conflicts with “freedom of movement with other citizens”
The PSP issued a negative opinion to the protest in defense of the Kidical Mass public space, in Porto, on Saturday, as it did not want to take responsibility for the "most fragile" bicycles and their users, including children, according to a response to questions from Lusa.
On Saturday, a demonstration scheduled for Porto to demand the right to public space, attended by around 50 children, young people and adults, was banned because the PSP alleged conflicts with "freedom of movement with other citizens".
In response to Lusa about the reasons for issuing a negative opinion, an official PSP source spoke of a "normal conflict" in the circulation of bicycles with other vehicles, "in which bicycles will, of course, be considerably more fragile", and also took into account "the fact that the participation of children, minors, in this same parade is considered".
"The PSP understood that it was not at all appropriate to issue a positive opinion, because if there was an accident, this PSP would be assuming civil and criminal liability that could not be assumed in circumstances such as the one presented", says an official source in the response to Lusa .
According to a statement from the Porto Municipal Police that Lusa had access to on Saturday, which cites the PSP's negative opinion, the presence of bicycles "conflicts with the freedom of movement of other citizens", could "cause constraints on circulation in the surrounding area and access to hospital units close to the parade route" and "endangering the safety of participants and other public road users".
Lusa questioned to what extent bicycles "conflict with the freedom of movement of other citizens", since they are a means that can circulate on public roads just like any other, in which case their circulation is a different situation from daily traffic which also causes "constraints on circulation" in access to hospitals, including ambulances, and how the demonstration could "endanger the safety of participants and other users of public roads".
In its response, the PSP began by stating that "for technical and security reasons, it never issues a positive opinion on demonstrations with parades with vehicles of any type, only in very exceptional circumstances, such as the presence of a support car".
"If the demonstration was intended only to ensure concentration in a certain place, without a parade, or if the parade did not involve the circulation of bicycles, but only people, the opinion would be positive", he says.
The PSP also claimed that there could be "high circulation" in the city, associated with the Final 4 of the Champions League in roller hockey, at the Pavilhão Rosa Mota. On Saturday, he also mentioned that human resources were deployed to Queima das Fitas and the Rally de Portugal.
Thus, he understood that his procedure "was correct and appropriate for the circumstances presented by the prosecutor".
On Saturday, Duarte Brandão, from MUBi - Associação pela Mobilidade Urbana em Bicicleta, told Lusa that the PSP's opinion "only reinforces the reason" why the demonstration should have been held.
The flags placed behind the bicycle seats and which read "The Street is also ours. Create space for the next generation", were collected and the demonstration was canceled so that families would not incur the crime of disobedience, explained Duarte Brandão.
Some of the participants in the demonstration chose to take a family bike ride through the city of Porto, to Parque da Cidade, but without police security.
The city of Porto was thus partially left out of Kidical Mass, a global movement in defense of the need and desire of children and adults to use active modes in their daily travel (bicycle, walking, rollerblading, skateboarding, etc.), demanding the improvement of cycling infrastructure and the pacification of streets, especially in school areas.
submitted by ruimikemau to fuckcars [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:59 horniboi_jonas 4 NAKED! Clerics makes honor mode pray to the Gods for MERCY!🙏😭 give act 3 a beatdown 🤕with JUST SUMMONS!?!? ZERO equipment.

IM BACK! with my second NAKED! party that can destroy honor mode with EASE!
if you just wanna see the videos and not read the guide just scroll down to the boss you wanna see and click the link
you wanna sit back, relax, and let summons do the ass whooping for you? with ZERO equipment?! Then this party composition is for you! this naked build comes online in act 3 and requires learning a few scrolls, but after that, you won't need to use a single potion until the elder brain.
MYRKUL - https://youtu.be/dQoBNGeGxAE
to get to act 3 you gotta beat myrkul, so here is 4 naked tempest clerics making ketheric wonder if he should change gods again. just cast sanctuary, help aylin, then wet and call lightning. feats are alert and tough
alright for the summon build to come online you gotta get to level 12 first, kill and explore for xp
1 wizard, 11 life cleric (any cleric would do) feats alert and tough, stats 12 dex, 14 con, 16 wis, 16 int (you want 16 int so you have four wizard spell slots available)
SCROLLS NEEDED - buy at sorcerer sundries, always available
4x cloud of dagger scrolls, 4x haste scrolls, 4x summon elemental scrolls, 4x summon minor elemental scrolls, learn these scrolls and and prepare them, do long rests to restore stock
sanctuary- very important
aid - more hp for summons
planar ally - djinn, the best summon in the game!
insect plague - situational
heroes feast- A MUST for orin and cazador, fear and naseous. give up one djinn
1 activate turn based mode
2 cast 1 level 5 cloud of daggers near your target, 3 haste to 3 djinns, 4 santuary to party members, START BATTLE!
3 thunderwave, thunderwave, thunderwave pushing enemies to cloud of daggers, and thats pretty much it. you can push them out and then in again to trigger cloud of dagger damage multiple times.
VICONIA - https://youtu.be/w8m-jpc_FpY
big battle field, use insect plague
CAZADOR - https://youtu.be/kn9GjiKzN-g
oh look cazador turned himself into a BALL of mist so your djinns can play with him and pass him around, what a nice vampire, shame if the ball hits something sharp 🗡️🗡️🗡️
RAPHAEL - https://youtu.be/pcTiXNSWkME
unlimited summons thanks to pool, great for destroying pillars, using insect plague on this boss will break his ai, preventing him from doing certain actions like transforming and fireball
TITAN - https://youtu.be/cKx6iPaaDsw
yes, you can push the big boi bot with thunderwave.
GORTASH - https://youtu.be/M_2E6QMtgO4
unique strat! make him have a taste of his own medicine and set your own trap!
ORIN - https://youtu.be/EPMgijR_8UY
unique strat! don't wanna spoil the fun, watch vid instead.
ANSUR - https://youtu.be/jqo7S57WMW8
HILARIOUS! djinn is immune to lightning damage soooo... EZ PZ
ELDER BRAIN (red dragon killed) - https://youtu.be/oOttcbNJa98
i recommend using some potions for this one, its the final fight after all, should still be possible without thanks to divine intervention.
step by step
  1. get 1 invisible potion, 1 flying potion, and a bunch of haste potions
  2. respec 1 follower before riding boat
  3. buy angelic slumber potion from lizard and level up one at a time to restore lizard stock
  4. kill the mini absolute army, then use angelic slumber to replenish spell slots and summons
  5. use fly and invisible potion to skip the stair fight
  6. make djin(deva might be better here cause they have fly) and air myrmidon drink haste potions on their turn by opening group inventory and drinking haste potion, the unit name will show up.
  7. kill dragon and everything
  8. use the BONKERS skill called DIVINE INTERVENTION and full heal and restore all spell slots when needed.
  9. kill elder brain.
gg zero equipment :)
next naked build is probably gonna be sorcerer, i'll probably make use of tadpoles on this one. should be fun.
submitted by horniboi_jonas to BG3Builds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:58 PhilsTriangle [NJ] [H] N64, Nintendo (NES), SNES (Earthbound), Gamecube, GBA, Nintendo DS/3Ds, Wii, Playstation, PS2, PS3, Sega Genesis, Xbox - Games, Accessories, Consoles [W] Venmo, PayPal

N64 Pictures: https://imgur.com/a/n64-games-n64-console-sCri6E3
Let me know if you need pictures of any of the items listed below. Shipping is $5 flat for anything under one pound. I've got 400+ transactions on this board and accept payment via PayPal (F&F) or Venmo (F&F) only.
GBA Indigo - $80 shipped
GBA SP (Silver CIB) - $120 shipped
Nintendo 2DS w/ charger - $85 shipped
Nintendo 3DS XL Pokemon X & Y Edition Console - $225 shipped
Nintendo 64 Console w/ hookups + OEM Controller - $90 shipped
Nintendo Wii Console (gamecube compatible) w/ hookups + Wii remote & numb chuck - $75 shipped
PS2 w/ hookups, OEM controller, OEM memory card - $100 shipped
Retron 5 Hyperkin (GBA/GBC/SNES/NES/Genesis) unused CIB - $120 shipped
Super Nintendo w/ hookups & OEM controller - $95 shipped
Xbox OG Console w/ hookups & OEM controller + Project Gotham Racing (CIB) - $100 Shipped
Gameboy OEM Clam Shells (lot of 32) - $75 shipped
Gamecube OEM Controller (Indigo) - $30 shipped
Gamecube OEM Wavebird Controller w/ receiver- $95 shipped
NES OEM 10-Cart Storage Case (3x avail) - $20 + shipping each
N64 OEM Expansion Pak - $50 shipped
N64 OEM Green Controller - $30 shipped
N64 Memory Card - $14 shipped
PS2 Logitech Wireless Controller (w/ dongle) - $35 shipped
PS2 OEM Memory Card- $14 shipped
Sega GameGear Super Wide Gear - $20 shipped
Wii U Wireless Controller (WUP-005) & charging cable - $35 shipped (2x avail)
N64 Games
007 GoldenEye - $25
007 World is Not Enough - $14
Army Men Sarge's Heroes - $15
Automobil Lamborghini - $8
Backstage Assault - $12
Banjo Kazooie - $25
Bass Hunter 64 - $8
Beetle Adventure Racing - $17
Charlies Blasts - $40
Diddy Kong Racing - $25
Doom 64 - $30
Extreme G Racing - $10
Forsaken 64 - $10
Gex 64 - $16
Iggy's Reckin' Balls - $20
Killer Instinct Gold - $30
Knockout Kings 2000 - $6
Magical Tetris Challenge - $20
Mario Kart - $40
Monster Truck Madness - $15
MRC Multi Championship Racing - $10
Namco Museum 64 - $12
Nascar 99 - $7
Nascar 2000 - $7
NBA In the Zone 98 - $5
NBA Live 99 (CIB) - $20
NBA Showtime - $12
Polaris Sno-Cross -$30
Pokemon Snap - $20
Quest 64 - $25
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - $12
Ridge Racer 64 - $15
San Francisco Rush - $15
Starfox 64 - $25
Star Wars Episode 1 Racer - $10
South Park Chef's Luv Shack - $25
Supercross 2000 - $7
Super Mario 64 - $35
Super Smash Bros. - $40
Tetrisphere - $12
Top Gear Rally - $10
Turok Dinosaur Hunter - $12
Turok 2 Seeds of Evil - $12
Vigilante 8 - $21
Virtual Pool - $13
Waialae Country Club - $6
War Gods - $10
Wave Race (Player's Choice) - $15
WCW Backstage Assault - $11
WCW NWO Revenge - $11
Wheel of Fortune - $11
Zelda Ocarina of Time (label wear) - $30
N64 Manuals
1080 Snowboarding - $7
Duke Nukem Manual - $10
Flying Dragon Manual - $40
Rush Extreme Racing - $8
Silicon Valley Space Station Manual - $40
Supercross 2000 - $6
Tony Hawk Pro Skater - $6
Nintendo Gamecube Games (CIB unless noted)
ATV Quad Power Racing 2 - $10
The Hobbit - $24
Enter the Matrix - $13
Eternal Darkness - $90
Fifa 2003 - $6
Fifa Street 2 - $25
Finding Nemo - $8
F-Zero GX - $90
Gun (missing manual) - $10
Harry Potter Chambers of Secret - $12
Killer 7 - $65
Luigi's Mansion - $60
Madden 2003 - $5
Madden 2007 - $8
Mario Golf Toadstool Tour - $27
Mario Kart Double Dash - $75
Monopoly Party - $10
Monsters, Inc. Scream Arena - $7
Nascar Thunder 2003 - $7
Pikmin - $50
Power Rangers Dino Thunder - $8
Resident Evil - $25
Resident Evil 2 - $100
Resident Evil 4 - $30
Resident Evil Zero - $18
The Sims Bustin Out - $12
Smuggler's Run (missing manual) - $12
Sonic Adventure Battle 2 (missing manual) - $45
Spiderman 2 - $15
Spyro A Hero's Tail (missing manual) - $15
SSX Tricky - $28
Starfox Assault - $45 (CIB; some wear to cover art)
Super Mario Sunshine (missing manual) -$35
Super Smash Brothers Melee - $60
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger (missing manual) - $12
WWE Crush Hour - $27
WWE Day of Reckoning 2 (missing manual) - $25
Nintendo DS Games (cart only unless CIB noted)
Avatar The Game - $6
Bionicle Matoran Adventures - $6
Build-A-Bear Workshop (CIB) - $6
Carnival (CIB) - $6
Deal or No Deal - $5
Guitar Hero On Tour Bundle (CIB) - $25
Happy Feet - $4
Horsez (CIB) - $6
Hot Wheels Beat That - $6
Kung Fu Panda (CIB) - $6
Mario Party DS - $13
Mario Kart DS (loose) - $15
Mario Kart DS (CIB) - $18
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games (CIB) - $10
Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Winter Games (CIB) - $10
Megaman Starforce Dragon - $85 shipped
Metroid Hunters First Hunt - $6
Nacho Libre - $15
Namco Museum DS - $8
Naruto Ninja Council 3 - $6
New Super Mario Bros. (CIB) -$22
Nickelodeon Team Umizoomi - $6
Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney - $20
Picross 3D - $9
Ping Pals - $3
Planet Puzzle League - $10
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky (case & manual only, no game) - $55
Pokemon Ranger Shadows of Almia (cart only) - $30
Ratatouille - $5
Rayman DS - $10
Ridge Racer DS - $8
Shrek Superslam - $5
Spiderman 3 - $8
Star Wars II The Original Trilogy (LEGO) - $6
Super Money Ball Touch & Roll - $6
Transformers Animated - $11
Tron Evolution - $4
Zhu Zhu Pets - $3
Nintendo 3DS (cart only unless noted)
Animal Crossing: New Leaf (CIB) - $20
Lego Marvel Superheroes: Universe in Peril - $5
Mario Kart 7 - $12
Minecraft New Nintendo 3DS Edition - $18
Pilotwings Resort - $10
Pokemon X (CIB) - $30
Skylander Giants - $6
Skylander Swap Force - $16
Skylander Trap Team - $12
Super Mario Maker - $10
Super Smash Bros (CIB) - $15
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - $9
Wipeout: Create & Cash - $5
Wreck-it Ralph - $6
Yo-Kai Watch - $15
NES Games (cart only; unless noted)
8 Eyes - $11
A Boy and His Blob (cart, box, manual) - $40
Blades of Steel - $8
Bubble Bobble - $16
Burgertime - $15
Castlevania II Simon's Quest - $15
Castlevania III Dracula's Curse - $45
Chip & Dale Rescue Rangers (CIB) - $125
Contra - $40
Dick Tracy - $7
Double Dragon - $13
Donkey Kong 3 - $20
Dr. Mario - $10
Duck Tales - (cart & box) - $100
Excite Bike - $11
Faxanadu - $11
GI Joe: A Real American Hero - $75
Golf - $3
Legend of Zelda - $30
Mickey Mousecapade - $7
Mike Tyson's Punch-out - $40
Paperboy - $16
Punch-Out - $20
Rad Racer - $6
RBI Baseball 3 (cart & box) - $25
Robocop - $10
Rollerball - $8
Skate or Die 2 (cart & box) - $65
Spy Hunter - $5
Street Fighter 2010 - $15
Super Glove Ball - $7
Super Mario Bros. 2 - $20
Super Off-Road - $12
Super Team Games - $7
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles II - The Arcade Game (cart & box) - $80
Tiger Heli - $8
Wall Street Kid (cart, box, registration card, poster) - $45
WWF Wrestlemania - $6
SNES Games (cart only)
Aladdin - $15
Castlevania IV - $45
Clue - $5
Earthbound - $350
F-Zero (Player's Choice) - $20
Jungle Strike - $9
Ken Griffey Jr Major League Baseball - $11
Kirby's Avalanche - $15
Lion King - $11
Mario Paint - $6
Mega Man X - $32
Mickey Mania - $13
Mortal Kombat - $13
Ms. Pacman - $9
NBA All-Star Challenge - $5
Pilot Wings - $10
Scooby Doo Mystery - $11
Starfox - $15
Super Adventure Island - $16
Super Baseball 2020 - $13
Super Ghouls N Ghosts - $23
Super Mario All-Stars - $25
Super Mario Kart - $40
Super Mario World - $20
Super Punch Out - $28
Top Player Tennis - $8
WWF Raw - $13
Zombies Ate My Neighbors - $30
GBA (cart only unless noted)
Aggravation/Sorry/Scrabble - $5
Barnyard - $8
Bratz - $4
Care Bears Care Quest (CIB) - $28
Cars - $5
Cars (CIB) - $16
Castlevania Double Pack - $85
Cho Makaimura R Super Ghouls N Ghost ( Japanese Import) - $95 Shipped
Crash Bandicoot 2 N-tranced - $10
Crash Huge Adventure - $11
Curious George (CIB) - $28
Dave Mirra Freestyle BMX 2 - $4
Disney Party - $10
Disney Princess (CIB) - $12
Donkey Kong Country (GBC/CIB) - $56
Dora Explorer's Pirate Pig's Treasure - $4
Dragon Ball Z Supersonic Warriors - $20
Elf - $10
ESPN Great Outdoor Games Bass 2002 - $5
F-14 Tomcat - $7
Finding Nemo - $5
Green Eggs & Ham (CIB) - $20
Incredibles (CIB) - $14
Kong 8th Wonder of the World - $5
Lost Vikings - $25
Madden 2005 - $5
Mario Kart Super Circuit (torn label) - $20
Metroid Zero Mission - $60
Monsters Inc - $4
Monster Jam Maximum Destruction - $6
Namco Museum - $6
Oddworld Munch's Oddysee - $12
Pirates of the Caribbean - The Curse of the Black Pearl - $5
Pong Asterios Yar's Revenge - $4
Sonic Advance 3 - $25
Quad Desert Furty - $3
Shaun Palmers Pro Snowboarding (GBC/CIB) - $10
Shrek Swamp Kart Speedway - $5
Spirit Stallion of the Cimarron - $5
SpongeBob Battle for Bikini Bottom - $7
Spongebob Squarepants Super Sponge - $6
SSX 3 - $7
The Incredibles - $3
Thunder Alley - $5
Top Gear GT Championship - $10
Sony PSP (all CIB)
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII - $15
Gurumin A Monstrous Adventure - $42
LocoRoco - $10
Mega Man Powered Up - $38
Parappa the Rapper - $27
Sega Genesis Collection - $17
PS1 Games (CIB unless noted)
007 Tomorrow Never Dies - $7
Action Bass - $6
Andretti Racing (GH) - $5
Ball Breakers (sealed) - $10
Bass Championship - $7
Battle Arena Toshinden (GH) - $14
Bust A-Move 4 - $17
Driver 2 (GH) - $10
Fighting Force - $20
IHRA Drag Racing - $5
Missile Command - $6
MLB 2001 - $9
MLB 2003 - $9
Nascar Heat (CIB) - $7
NBA Live 2000 - $8
NBA Shootout 98 - $9
NHL 98 - $8
NHL Faceoff 97 (GH) - $5
PlayStation Underground Jampack Fall 2001 - $9
Resident Evil 2 (DualShock Edition) - $65
Rocket Power Team Rocket Rescue - $7
Rugrats in Paris: The Movie - $12
Spongebob SquarePants Super Pants - $7
Syphon Filter 2 (GH) - $10
Tecmo Super Bowl - $20
Tiger Woods 99 - $8
Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 - $12
Twisted Metal 2 (Greatest Hits) - $32
Toy Story 2 - $22
Walt Disney World Quest: Magical Racing Tour - $20
World Cup 98 - $12
PS2 Games (CIB unless noted)
All-Star Baseball 2005 - $5
Ape Escape 2 - $48
Ape Escape 3 - $43
ATV Offroad Fury 2 - $6
Avatar the Last Airbender - $8
Batman Begins - $13
Batman Vengeance - $19
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Chaos Bleeds - $28
Burnout Revenge - $11
Burnout 3 Takedown - $13
Buzz the Mega Quiz - $12
Capcom Classics Collection Volume 2 - $13
Castlevania Lament of Innocence -$25
Corvette - $5
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of the Cortex - $12
Crash Nitro Kart (GH) - $9
Crazy Taxi - $10
Dance Dance Revolution Extreme 2 - $7
Dead to Rights - $6
Devil May Cry (GH) - $7
Enter the Matrix - $10
Eragon - $6
Family Feud - $5
Finding Nemo - $6
Fire Pro Wrestling Returns - $10
Ford Racing 3 - $5
Frogger the Great Quest - $7
Golden Compass - $5
GTA 3- $10
Gran Turismo 3 - $5
Godfather the Game - $14
Guitar Hero - $10
Guitar Hero Aerosmith - $7
Guitar Hero II - $7
Guitar Hero III Legends of Rock - $9
High Heat Major League Baseball 2004 - $5
Hot Wheels Velocity - $10
Hot Wheels World Race (missing manual) - $12
Hobbit - $10
Ice Age 2 The Meltdown - $7
Ironman - $6
Karaoke Revolution Party - $8
Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol - $5
Legends of Wrestling II - $12
Lego Star Wars The Original Trilogy - $6
Lego Star Wars The Video Game - $7
Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring - $10
Madden 2003 - $5
Madden 2004 - $5
Madden 2005 -$5
Madden 2007 - $5
Matt Hoffman's Pro BMX 2 - $10
Max Payne - $10
Metal Arms Glitch in the System - $16
Midway Arcade Treasures (1) - $12
Midway Arcade Treasures (2) - $12
MLB 07 the Show - $5
MLB Slugfest 2003 - $10
MLB Slugfest 2004 - $13
Namco Museum (GH) - $8
Nascar 2001 - $5
Nascar Thunder 2003 - $7
NBA Street - $12
Need for Speed Underground 2 (missing manual) - $20
NFL Blitz Pro - $10
NFL Street - $17
NFL Street 3 (missing manual) - $20
Onimusha 3 Demon Siege - $21
Pinball Hall of Fame - $5
Pirates - The Legend of Black Kat - $12
Power Rangers: Dino Thunder - $8
Reel Fishing III - $7
Resident Evil Code Veronica X - $13
Rise of Kasai - $8
Rocky - $11
Scarface the World is Yours - $45
Scooby Doo First Frights - $13
Sega Superstars - $10
Sega Superstar Tennis - $10
Shrek Superslam - $8
Simpson's Hit & Run (Greatest Hits) -$50
Spiderman - $10
Sprint Cars Road to Knoxville - $6
Spy Hunter - $7
Spy Hunter 2 (missing manual) - $7
Starsky & Hutch - $7
SSX - $7
SSX 3 - $9
SSX On Tour - $8
Superman Shadow of Apokolips - $14
Super Monkey Ball Adventure - $10
Summoner - $10
Taito Legends - $15
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2: Battlenexus (missing manual) - $17
Teen Titans - $22
Theme Park Roller Coaster - $8
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004 - $6
Thrillville - $6
Thrillville Off the Rails - $10
Time Crisis 3 - $23
Ty the Tasmanian Tiger - $11
Wheel of Fortune - $6
Virtua Fighter 4 (missing manual) - $6
Warriors of Might & Magic - $10
WWE Smackdown vs Raw - $11
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 (Sealed) - $45
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2007 - $17
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 - $10
WWE Smackdown Shut Your Mouth - $15
Band Hero - $6
Batman Arkham Asylum - $7
Battlefield 3 - $6
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare - $6
Call of Duty Ghosts - $6
Call of Duty Mordern Warfare 3 - $6
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare - $7
Call of Juarez Bound in Blood - $9
Crysis 2 - $7
Dirt 2 - $12
Dirt 3 - $10
Driver San Francisco - $25
Enemy Territory Quake Wars - $9
Fifa Soccer 11 - $5
Fight Night Champion - $13
GTA IV Complete Edition - $25
Gran Turismo 5 Prologue - $8
Gran Turismo XL Edition - $11
Gran Turismo 6 - $19
Heavy Fire: Afghanistan - $10
Infamous - $6
Infamous 2 - $8
Killzone 2- $7
Killzone 3 - $7
Lego 3: Beyond Batman - $8
Lego Harry Potter Years 5-7 - $7
Lego The Hobbit - $9
LittleBigPlanet - $9
Madden 2011 - $5
Metro: Last Night - $8
Mortal Kombat Komplete Edition - $12
MLB the Show 10 - $4
MLB the Show 11 - $4
Monster Jam Path of Destruction - $20
NCAA Football 11 - $9
Sports Champions - $5
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 14 [Masters Historic Edition] - $23
Transformers Fall of Cybertron - $35
Transformers Rise of the Dark Spark - $13
Virtua Tennis 3 - $6
WWE 2K16 - $12
PS Vita
Lumines Electronic Symphony - $16
Need for Speed Most Wanted - $20
Sly Cooper Collection - $50
Sega 32X (all cart only)
Primal Rage - $50
Virtua Fighter - $24
Virtua Racing - $20
Sega Dreamcast Games (disc & manual only***; do not have original cases unless noted CIB)
Centipede - $7
Plasma Sword Night of Bilstein - $50
Psychic Force 2012 - $25
Ready 2 Rumble Boxing - $12
Resident Evil Code Veronica (CIB) - $40
Rippin Riders - $5
Sega Bass Fishing - $8
Sega Rally 2 Championship - $12
Speed Devils - $15
Sword of Berserk: Gut's Rage (game only) - $65
Trick Style - $7
Zombie Revenge - $30
Sega Genesis (**CIB unless noted)
Aladdin (cart + manual) - $10
Double Dragon (cart & box) - $45
Game Genie (loose + booklet) - $20
Hard Drivin' (Missing Manual) - $15
John Madden Football (cart + manual) - $20
Lemmings (CIB) - $30
MERCS (cart & box) - $35
NBA Jam T.E. (CIB) - $20
Prime Time NFL Football starring Deon Sanders (cart +manual) - $9
Ren & Stimpy Show: Stimpy's Intervention (CIB) - $20
Road Rash II (CIB) - $22
Robocop 3 (CIB) - $40
Streets of Rage (cart only) - $22
Super Off-Road (CIB) - $30
WWF Super Wrestlemania (CIB) - $20
X-Men (cart + manual) - $15
Zero Tolerance (CIB) - $35
Sega Master System (CIB unless noted)
Alex Kidd: The Lost Stars - $28
California Games (missing manual) - $20
Choplifter - $18
Ghostbusters - $25
Great Baseball - $10
Monopoly - $10
Parlour Games - $10
Pro Wrestling - $14
Rocky - $17
Space Harrier (missing manual) - $18
Shinobi (includes map; missing manual) - $30
Xbox (all CIB)
MechAssault 2 Lone Wolf (Limited Edition) - $8
Project Gotham Racing - $6
Xbox 360 (CIB)
Assassin's Creed - $6
Assasin's Creed II - $6
Asssasin's Creed III - $6
Battlefield Hardline Deluxe Edition - $10
Battlefield 3 Limited Edition - $6
Bioshock - $7
Bioshock Infinite - $5
Call of Duty World at War - $9
Call of Juarez: Blood Bound - $10
Civilization Revolution - $6
CSI Hard Evidence - $9
Fifa Soccer 10 - $5
Fifa Work Cup South Africa 2010 - $5
Game of Thrones - $11
Gears of War - $9
Halo 4 - $5
Injustice Gods Among Us - $5
L.A. Noire - $7
Mass Effect - $5
Mass Effect 2 - $5
N3 Ninety-Nine Nights - $20
NBA 2K12 - $5
NHL 10 - $3
NHL 14 - $6
Saints Row 2 - $10
Saints Row The Third - $5
Skate 3 - $6
Star Trek Legacy - $18
Star Wars Kinect - $7
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007 - $5
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2008 - $5
Top Spin 3 - $6
Walking Dead Survival Instinct - $8
Wheel of Fortune - $14
Who Wants to Be a Millionaire -$5
Nintendo Wii (all CIB unless noted)
Animal Crossing City Folk - $20 (includes inserts but missing manual)
Celebrity Sports Showdown - $6
Guitar Hero World Tour - $18
Little League World Series Baseball 2008 - $10
Madden 2013 - $14
Mario Kart Wii - $35
Mario Super Sluggers (disc only) - $25
Mario Strikers Charged (disc only) - $10
NBA Live 09 All-Play - $5
New Super Mario Bros - $25
Super Monkey Ball Banana Blitz - $6
Super Smash Bros. Brawl - $20
Tony Hawk Downhill Jam - $5
Tony Hawk Shred Big Air - $5
Warioware Smooth Moves - $22
Wii Sports - $22
Wii Sports Resort - $30
Wheel of Fortune - $6
WWE Smackdown vs Raw 2009 - $7
submitted by PhilsTriangle to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:56 Advanced-Astronaut58 What should I buy for my (31M) boyfriend for his birthday?

So, every year I (31F) try to get him a pretty decent birthday gift/Christmas gift but I'm running out of ideas and need options 😂
Some things about him: -He has a pure bred mainecoon -Hes a weldefabricator - definitely a car guy, he has 6 cars. - no kids, his baby is his Buick Skylark -we've been dating for 3 years -we're 420 friendly -lately (when he has time) he plays a lot of starfield and helldiver's -Mad Max fan -loves guns -does not drink alcohol or smoke cigarettes
My last gift, which was definitely my best. One, was a pair of his first ever doc Martin boots that were based off the latest mad Max movie.
Willing to spend around $200-$250
Also, The part that makes this really hard to shop for him is he has quite a bit of car memorabilia and anything that he wants he generally just buys. I'm also planning on making some kind of blueberry and lemon type of dessert as that is his favorite. Any ideas you guys have, I'll take it!
submitted by Advanced-Astronaut58 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:54 AndreH77 A huge achievement for me (managed to change a tire) 😂

I grew up "knowing" that I couldn't change a bike tire. The first time I was shown, I was probably too young, and later in life, I lacked confidence, the right tools, or both.
This year, I participated in a Gran Fondo and got a puncture. I tried my best to take the tire off with my tools, but both cheap plastic leavers broke. Ultimately, I managed, and to get the tire back on, I got some help. It all took 30 minutes and left me hugely frustrated. Then, 9 minutes later, I had my next flat.
One of the event's Main Sponsors was Shimano, and they said there was Route Assistance. However, even though I was in the first 1/3 of the race during my first flat, I never saw assistance, and after my second flat, neither. I didn't have a spare tube and didn't want to repeat the 30-minute struggle to try and change it, so I got to ride in the Sweeper car at the end of the slowest cyclist.
Back home, I bought myself proper Levers and 2 new tires but was too scared to change them. Finally, this Sunday, I decided to give it a go, and it went a lot better than I feared. When I was finished, I noticed that I put the back tire on in the opposite direction, and I had enough motivation to turn it around and do it again.
I know changing a tire is easy for most cyclists, but it wasn't for me. If you are in my camp, I recommend getting good levers, watching a few YouTube videos, and trying it.
submitted by AndreH77 to cycling [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:54 tiredofthus I feel chained

For starters I just turned 22F and I live with my parents. When I was 18 I wanted to take a gap year to save money for college but it wasn’t an option because my dad kicked me out. It wasn’t even get a job or leave it was you’re 18 you’re old I’m going to call the cops because you’re not my responsibility type of leave.
So that resulted in choosing to go to uni to which I dropped after a semester because with covid it wasn’t worth it. I jumped for a while and then transferred to a different uni because it offered housing and food at a lower price. I then ended up dropping again (Ik I’m a failure) the thing is while I was uni I was just going to warm up a seat I didn’t have a passion for anything and I didn’t want to waste money for nothing. It also happened that my grandma moved back in and it’s her house (not my dad’s although he acts like it’s his) so she said I could come back, which I did.
Throughout my entire childhood growing up my dad was abusive both mentally (he would call me stupid, his servant, etc) and physically (he would pull my hair, squeeze my leg to the point where it would leave a bruise, lift me by the neck, etc). So when I left it was nice because I didn’t have to worry about that part just adult things.
I’ve been back for a year and it’s exhausting because if I buy myself food he gets pissed (he lost his job currently declared bankruptcy). So it’s gotten to the point where I have to hide stuff in my car and sometimes go somewhere else like the gym to shower bc according to him I can only shower once a week. Oh I forgot to mention I’m currently in cc behind my parents back because if they knew they would get pissed (they’re the type of parents that say they want what’s best for you but if they see you happy they get mad and make my life even harder).
I just can’t do this anymore. What would you do?
submitted by tiredofthus to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:52 CandidateFlashy5384 Audiobook autoplays when I get in?

Asking for my mum who is loosing her mind! She drives a bmw 3 series (x3?)
When she gets in her car autoplays her audio books. The only suggestions online are to block your phone from connecting but she doesn’t want that as she still wants satnav directions to come through and will SOMETIMES want her audio book to play but not EVERYTIME she starts or approaches the car.
Not sure what setting this is or if there is a way to stop this? Any suggestions?
submitted by CandidateFlashy5384 to BmwTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:49 deceptiveuser1 Replacing Xbox Controller Joystick Experience

Hi Everyone Wanted to share my experience dealing with joystick drift on my xbox controller.
So my original controller which came with the Series S started showing signs of joystick drift around 1 year after the purchase. Initially I bared it, but it became a pain when playing games such as overcooked 2.
Spending 5k more on buying a controller didn't seem to make a lot of sense since I had one more controller, the only issue was with couch co-op games.
So I first tried to call up local repair shops and they quoted me insanely high numbers to replace the joystick - roughly 2k. I live in Hyd, these prices might be lower in places such as Delhi.
Then the engineer in me got an itch, and I thought why not replace it myself. Searching on amazon I found this - TCOS TECH Xbox Series X/S Analog 3D Analog Joystick Replacement for Xbox Series S Xbox Series X Wireless Controller : Amazon.in: Video Games (not sponsored or affiliated in any way)
I thought it should just be a simple soldering job and I ordered a soldering kit with this.
Then I started, and oh my, it was a really scary experience.
So the difference between soldering normally, and removing solders made by hand is generally very easy. But in things such as the controller, the soldering is done using automated machines on the PCB.
Removing these solders is not possible using normal soldering guns you might have for hobbies etc. They require significantly more heat to remove.
So yeah, I spent a long time trying to heat and remove the solder to no avail, the PCB almost changed a bit of it's colour, and I was like I have anyways messed this up.
Then I started exploring more on youtube to see more simpler techniques, there were techniques around just breaking the potentiometers/joystick instead of the solder, and then just move it back and forth to break the solder.
I thought I'll do this on the whole joystick, but just doing it on one of the potentiometers was too much effort and scary. Scary in terms of breaking the whole thing up.
Then I ended up only breaking 1 potentiometer (the front-back one which had the drift) and then replacing it with a potentiometer from the one I had purchased. After much more effort and abusing the PVC very badly with heat, solder and the hole from where I removed the older potentiometer, it looked like a complete mess. I was worried if it would even turn on.
Luckily after few minor adjustments, the joystick was working perfectly. I can honestly say, I felt super happy!
Fast forward to 2months since this, now the joystick has a different kind of problem, where it randomly gets stuck in top direction, hopefully might be fixable with minor tweaks.
All in all it was a very scary experience (of destroying my whole controller), and I won't recommend it to anyone if you don't have advanced soldering skills and equipment.
Better approach would be to buy a stick like this online and then maybe go to a mobile repair shop and pay them some money to help with soldering.
submitted by deceptiveuser1 to XboxIndia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:48 Spirited-Train2319 The irony of putting BLM on Tinder

Just to preface, this is no place for woman bashing I’m a feminist and it’s multi faceted concern regarding something more systemic.
As someone who has rarely used the dating app Tinder, I have just found it ironic how many women will put BLM on their tinder page, when the very crux of the app is at the exclusion of most black men at least when it comes down to actual numbers and standards for success of the app.
It gives me that feeling of when I worked at Starbucks, and a customer is chastising me for their “non fat laté” in an organic cup because they want to save the planet. This irony makes me wonder if they care about the underpaid baristas and the ethics of Starbucks as a corporation.
I would much rather my oppression be overt than patronizing. For the many times I have seen BLM on tinder, the very selection criteria prioritizes the esthetic which of course benefits white European standards of beauty.
And this isn’t remotely the fault of individuals, but Black Lives Matter applied a normie slogan often becomes the CocaCola of “I’m virtuous, now give me by burger” and it encourages people to do little examining about the ethics of online dating and it’s affect on race, or how a system may impact their personal biases, and how writing something like BLM is only a slap in the face for for the many black men swiping, as African beauty standards are some of the most neglected by the dating apps. Never have I had a swipe back from someone who had BLM in their profile.
I would much rather live in a world where we call dating apps what they are.
submitted by Spirited-Train2319 to dating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:47 Kazokav Dump of Danish idioms!

Hi friends, We recently started writing about Danish idioms on our newsletter the Simple Danish Newsletter - I also started posting them here on Reddit, but I have not been great at keeping up, and so now I am 12 weeks behind here on Reddit, and rather than space out 12 different posts, I thought I would do one big post and hopefully get back on track with the postings 😅 So here’s a bunch of Danish idioms for you!
At have det som blommen i et æg
Litterally; to feel like the yolk in an egg. I like this idiom a lot because of how visual it is. It means that you feel good, you feel comfortable, protected, and in the right place.
For example:
A: Se de søde killinger der sover.
B: Åårh, de har sikkert som blommen i et æg.
En heldig kartoffel
Literally, a lucky potato. If someone is especially lucky, in Danish ,you can call them a lucky potato. As far as I can read, the expression comes from an old sailors game, where you would pass a potato around in a circle, and a person in the middle would try to catch it. If the person in the middle could not catch the potato, it was said to be a lucky potato.
For example: A: Jeg har fri på fredag, så jeg kan nyde det gode vejr.
B: Din heldige kartoffel.
A: Har du hørt at Jonas har vundet i lotto? B: Sikke en heldig kartoffel!
En varm kartoffel
Something can also be a hot potato. It is the same expression as in english, where an issue can be a hot potato. Something so hot that it is painful to touch, and so something you would want to avoid. This expression is less used in Denmark, and mostly by newspapers or the older generations.
Lokummet brænder
Litterally: The toilet is on fire.
Either you are in big trouble or you are about to be in big trouble when your toilet is on fire.
Lokum in Danish used to refer to the old shed behind the house, where hole-in-the-ground-with-seat type toilets with no running water were found. Nowadays the word can also refer, with some disgust, to normal toilets.
For example:
Så er den ged barberet
Litterally translating to; then the goat is shaved. Means that something is done or solved. You can use it if you got an annoying task out of the way, either by avoiding the task entirely (and then ironically using så er den ged barberet to humorously say that it was easy), or by actually finishing it.
Example 1: Jeg skal lige færdiggøre den sidste del af præsentationen, og så er den ged barberet.
Example 2: FCK scorede et hurtigt mål mod Brøndby, og så var den ged barberet.
Hvor kragerne vender
Where the crows turn around is used to to mean the same as in the middle of nowhere, although I like the illustrativeness of the Danish phrase much more than in the middle of nowhere. It means somewhere so far away, that even the crows don’t dare go there. You can for example say; Rasmus er vokset op på landet. Der hvor kragerne vender. Or if someone asks you what you did this weekend, you can say: jeg var ude at gå en tur, helt derude hvor kragerne vender. Or if people ask you where you are from: jeg er fra en lille by ude hvor kragerne vender.
Den der kommer først til mølle, får først malet
Litterally; The one who arrives first at the mill will get milled first. This is pretty much the the Danish equivalent of first come, first serve, mixed with a bit of the early bird gets the worm. However in everyday life, you pretty much only hear the first part; først til mølle or you might see something like; “efter først til mølle princip” which was recently added to the Danish dictionary. You might see the phrase if you are looking at items being given away for free or being sold online. I can definitely see how the isolated phrase can confuse new learners though: “Selling sneakers. First to the mill.”
So now you know 😊
at spille kong gulerod
At spille kong gulerod, to play king-carrot. You can use this expression if someone is acting arrogant, cocky, or superior in a pretentious way. You can for example say du skal ikke komme her og spille kong gulerod if someone is being pompous around you. The phrase apparently comes from an old french, satirical opera from 1872, where vegetables from the garden take control over France. Or so I’ve heard. Don’t cite me on that.
At købe katten i sækken
Literally meaning to buy the cat in the sack. To buy the cat in the sack, means you got cheated in a trade, or that you were not diligent enough when checking what you were buying and got something not worth a lot. You can change the person or the idiom in the idiom as in jeg har købt katten i sækken meaning you already made the bad deal, or you can say hun køber katten i sækken in the 3rd person future tense if someone is going to make a bad decision. You can use it as a warning to someone Pas på du ikke køber katten i sækken if you think there’s a risk they will not make a good choice later.
At gå som katten om den varme grød
Litterally; to walk like the cat around the hot porridge. We use this idiom when someone hesitates to speak directly about a sensitive subject, when they skirt around the issue. I imagine a cat, interested in eating a nice bowl of hot porridge, but the cat is hesitant because it is afraid of burning its tongue.
Example: I forbindelse med spørgsmålet om klimaforandringer, gik politikerne som katten om den varme grød.
at skyde papegøjen
To shoot the parrot, or to have shot the parrot, means to be very lucky. It can also mean to have gotten hold of a very valuable object or person. It is in a sensee the opposite of having bought the cat in the sack. Here’s a few examples:
Rasmus har skudt papegøjen med hende Antonina. Hun er godt nok sød. Jeg har skudt papegøjen her I weekenden på loppemarkedet.
Det med småt
“that with small/little” or more legibly: the fine print.
Har du læst det med småt? Did you read the fine print? You will often see this when websites are trying to be transparent or quirky about their terms and conditions. So you might encounter a link or a website titled “det med småt” if you are trying to buy something.
That was all for now 😅 I apologize in advance for formatting problems, as I am writing this on mobile as apparently this is the only way Reddit will allow me to post multiple images.
submitted by Kazokav to LearnDanish [link] [comments]
