Dr excuse for pet in apartment

Aww, they're so stupid

2013.05.22 18:51 leftabitcharlie Aww, they're so stupid

Pictures, gifs and videos of animals being derps

2012.09.05 15:51 djork No pets for me, thanks!

Are you frustrated and annoyed by people who push their pets onto others? Do you find it exhausting to live in a society where pets are constantly being promoted and normalized? Welcome! We provide a safe space for individuals who share reservations about pets and society's attitude towards them. Here, you're welcome to express yourself freely without judgement or criticism. And if you love pets, you're also welcome to learn about pet-free perspectives and engage in respectful dialogue.

2017.01.10 04:22 gmantsang Youtuber Extraodinaire Still. The Ladd of oh he didn't do what I wanted him to.

The former official subreddit of everything to do with the youtuber Craig Thompson, more commonly known as Mini Ladd. Don’t bother joining the official discord server of Mini Ladd, it’s gone. This subreddit will now function as a museum of Mini Ladd related content.

2024.05.14 17:48 Upper_Entrepreneur70 looking for a roommate

Heya folks! I am 21 in october, NB. I’m looking to connect with a possible roommate, F or NB only! I would like to move into a 2 bedroom 2 bathroom apartment sometime before August. I am adamant on staying in the League City or Webster area, as I work full-time in League City.
I am diagnosed AUDHD, so I cannot live with anyone who leaves messes and doesn’t clean up after themselves! I also prefer to have no pets, though I would not mind a single cat. I enjoy quiet evenings after getting off of work. I like to game and watch anime/movies, and I am a maximalist when it comes to decorating! I will be bringing a nintendo switch and xbox with me 🤗 + bookshelves filled with manga/books/figures.
One thing is that I rely heavily on communication, so if you don’t mind letting me know or asking me about people coming over, that would be perfect! And I will be sure to do the same.
I like to cook, and I will often be cooking for the both of us, you are welcome to anything I buy or make! I also have family close that likes to make big dinners, so we will often have leftovers in the refrigerator.
I’d like to chat and meet up somewhere before going to tour apartments together! I have a list of apartments I can share once we start chatting, and we can also look for more together. We can talk about budget and income then. :) I live in the friendswood area currently.
submitted by Upper_Entrepreneur70 to HoustonClassifieds [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:48 water_elaborate 23M Bulgaria, looking for a weird one

Looking for a (weird?) wife, and I’m not sure if I’m supposed to have multiple wives or not I am saying this for your due consideration.
I have dark hair white skin, am underweight 5’6 with acne scars
NSFW questions in DMs bc Idk if its allowed to talk about on this sub. details in DMs for this reason unless i get confirmation that it's ok.
I have autism, OCD, ADHD, synesthesia and others (all self diganosed but i have obvious things idk if i should get into that)
I don’t mind piercings, I enjoy them, but someone is not more or less attractive for not having them. I don’t like gauges and some of those extreme circles and cuts. I don’t have any body modifications nor had planned to make any.
I don’t mind tattoos at any place either besides health concerns n I doint have any either.
I don’t like when ppl have big round lumps of flesh that stick out, I do mean big, small/medium maybe ok or even attractive
Need to find her attractive without make up – yes I do mean without make up and there are women who I find attractive without and I do mean without make up of any age. I don’t think I care if she wears make up or not, but I have concerns it’s toxic and the other one if I turn out to be hypersensitive or irritated by it because I am autistic.
I don’t care about race or ethnicity or nationality or anything or location.
I don’t mind how she decides to cut or dye her hair, besides that im concerned about toxins and damage, but I am not imposing on her.
I like appreciate and enjoy alternative fashion (and before it was cool), ive also liked fashion that some alt people have called “too basic" (which may partially be their own insecurity), i just like what looks good. There is fashion I find too basic and kind of anti fashion in that sense too maybe bc I feel like is what people who don’t want to be judged for being anything thats not basic would wear. I don’t like it when people are mean to others based on what they wear or other pointless hierarchical stuff like that.
I don’t recall ever saying “cover up” (regarding clothing), especially wouldnt say it in an imposing way I don’t like to talk in impositions that kill a person’s invidivuality or there’s smth like you know that feels like it kills you when someone commands you. I don’t like to impose on people in that way.
If she cheats, Im not gonna attack, physically emeotionally or otherwise abuse , im not looking to hurt someone I love (besides BDSM and that stuff you know). Men have been allowed to have many wives but wives only 1 husband. I didn’t become christian bc I wanted to opress or restrict women but I believe bad things happen when you sin.
Is reflective and tries to not mistreat others
body count? Isn’t it irrelevant if she’s the right one, I never cared if she’d be a virgin until I understood more about christianity and the spirit world.
I need to be properly emotionally supported, and I want and hope to be good in her life too. I can also have irrational emotions where ik now something is not so but I am procsesing those emotions a certain way you know.
I am interested in very dark and mature topics and things, even if there are times where I may not be able to handle them properly.
Ive been interested in esoterics, occult and c0n5p1r4c135 and I do believe the c0n5p1r4c135 are real and this is important to me.
I don’t care if she talks to others to men or has male friends, idk if I even carei if she’s flirting, there’s no intention to cheat so why would I care??
I can flirt with others too but I haven’t done it much out of concern of leading them on + it doesn’t by itself have any intentions to do anything further. i can be possessive but it will be in the cute way and it can be fun to tease or be teased like that maybe idk but i dont want ot be abusive posessive.
i have female friends she can have male friends that doesn't mean anything and i find the discussions regarding that ridiculous, maybe very low vibrational or of low conscience. i havent done anything with any of them ever except with 1 who is kinda like a relationship but there's painful and difficult topic and even then not physically tho we never met physically.
If its God’s will for her to be with me and she messes up then I will just forgive her. I don’t care to check her phone besides out of curiosity, I think all those games are very below me and maybe obviously should be below anyone who claims to be in a christian marriage, granted im careful regarding eating my words.
I have to eat mostly carnivore diet with vegetables, some fruits and carbs sometimes for my health, but I have nothing against vegans if they are actaully healthy, also I know a lot of ppl can not be healthy on a vegan diet based on long story also some even on the carnivore maybe, im open to sharing details at some point but maybe not worth it here.
ethically wild, I can handle dark humor, I have enjoyed it and used it a lot myself, im not legalistic christian (if you know what that is) but im still trying to be right than wrong so I want discernment on the issue and how to handle it, if smth is actually wrong then I will try to just not do it.
I don’t care if she shaves or not.
I don’t like it when ppl make the same kind of jokes or have the same locked in interests that don’t evolve or aren’t inherently somehow stimulating and genuine. For example ofc I understand enjoying the same food or listening to the same music (except ofc that can get old at some point). I understand what feels samey to a person can vary between people and across time, but I don’t think I mean that. If a bunch of ppl make the same kind of jokes and turn it into something hierarchical and baisc, like they think everything else is dumb cuz theyh aren’t open to perspectives, ideas, growth and improvement hence they fixate on doing the same thing thats too bland over and over.
A lot of ppl have very juvenile if thats even the right word mentality to look down on others for vapid reasons including interests, when you don’t even understand them. while ive had those intrusions I figured its wrong and foolish to just give into such a lowly hostile urge, whilst I understand being overwhelmed and misreacting/just getting mad at smth for no raeson but u can figure out u shouldn’t be mad or its not that deep.
Ive looked donw on ppl for thing I saw as them being lowly about it like getting high off of the same joke instead of improving ur brain cuz I think u can even feel like when u are stupidifying urself and ingoring improvements just to do the same thing over and over again, like u can prolly feel like smth inside telling u maybe u should look elsewhere now or this could be betteur losing cognition bc ur stupidifying urself. I understand again being overwhelmed and looking for some stability but I don’t think that susually it. Al ot of those ppl may be doing the same stupid things to be liked by others and t hus disingenuous to their real self, bc as soon as u start growing improving going in different directions ppl start getting weirded out and ostracizing u. I look down on that.
I don’t need her to shave. Idk if I wont find some body hair too extreme, but so far I haven’t
! respect boundaries. If one of us doesn’t want something or anyhthing at all be it months or years even that should be respected. This is for love first not exploitation. Not any exploitation from either side and look for each other’s well being.
I want to have her walk around the place flashing me, trying to tease me and show off her body in various and subtle ways. She can be naked too if she wants or wear anything she wants
I think how someone moves can be very attractive and also developed, this goes for me too
I want to learn to dance so we can have fun and I can arouse her
I think women have qualities and do things in a way I value, enjoy and admire
I think men and women have different patterns in positive and negative ways (with individual differences of course too) and analysing them and acknowledging them with honest attempt to understand is not wrong, while exploitation abuse and denial is wrong.
if im smarter than her I recognize she can have important and valuable things to say, similarly if she’s smarter than me she also doesn’t know everything and isn’t abusive about it
about money, I have wanted money to help myself and others, not out of greed I think.
I have thought of if I need or have to or if its better to to live in the right kind of community. Takes a village to raise a child but maybe even to function, maybe the people who function not in it are the abnormal ones. I don’t think of a cold community or one that forces warmth and makes you sick, there’s a kind of higher understanding or spirituality.
I don’t mind if she’s richer smarter or more competent than me. I however want to be richer smarter and more competent regarding improving myself and growing, not to feel less insecure than her, and of course I want those things so ican be able to support her and others too anyway.
I don’t mind if she’s a girlboss or not or whatever I think its irrelevant and If she has gifts and drive and doing God’s will why would that be bad? Of course I don’t want her to be stressed out
I don’t wear deodorant or fake odors, maybe if they were natural or non toxic. I also don’t like perfume and would prolly prefer if she doesn’t use it but idk.
I think children are a very serious matter, over time in my life I was thinking about how I’d do things differently and how I’d treat children and communicate and teach them, and I’d feel like I’d see how other ppl are failing children and also children are not attempting to learn how to treat their future children or other children or ppl better like it’s weird but I think someone is going to get what I mean. Bc of my physical and mental issues I am concerned how well I wil lbe able to take care of children of course I hope to improve and God to heal me.
I don’t want my weird movements adjustments or whatever to be judged.
I don’t mind pets or maybe even can enjoy them but again am a bit concerned about my health issues. I don’t have allergies to animals that I know of. I don’t like making their health worse I don’t like selective breeding for that reason unless you’re selecting for improving health maybe.
I am usually not afraid of bugs but I don’t like killing them. If its pests like bed bugs or some kind of infestation it can make sense, but I don’t like killing random harmless spiders or others. Maybe if harmful even I’d prefer to take them away. No im not afraid of bees or wasps esp if they are alone or very small numbers, tho I may prefer to not be around a hive.
emotionally sophisticated and doesn’t criticize my whining, while my whining isn’t attempting to get her attention, pull or control her. If I need some sort of emotional support I can ask and if she is able to provide it then she is, and if she has to prioritize something else I understand and I mean I genuinely understand. Emotional support should be mutual and not leeching. I understand it may not be completely equal or if its not possible to be, but we should both care as much as we can in our respective situations.
needs to care about her health, I don’t mean exercise and exercises can be damaging and forced too, thus again neesd to care to even know of that/unless she’s managing to be really fine anyway. I am not against smokers or alcoholics, but I’d prefer it if she stops. I want her to be happy and healthy.
If she’s over or underweight bc of health issues I understand
I don’t drive part related to health issues and concern it may be too dangerous for me to drive.
God first. I don’t believe anything works without him.
I won’t k1ll her if she cheats nor 4bus3 her. I am saying bc I thought some men hide things and reveal them after they are deep. I don’t want ot be like that.
Ive had emotional and rage issues about perceived injustices (towards me and others, even when im not lcose to them or don’t know them. I have thought and speculated maybe I care more with strong emotions about ppl that I’ve never met or are very far away than most people directly that I have observed and felt out of place for it.) and I know sometimes I wasn’t actually right other times I wanted to know what is the right thing to do say and experss cuz I had thoughts like if I hurt them they wont get better, they may even get worse, I don’t even enjoy hurting ppl especially in the brain or if its smth permanent (even if I believe God can heal, ive even had angry thoughts ofc like if He can heal why don’t I beat these wrong doers up cuz they have no qualms about doing it to others unfairly He can just heal them, I also thought if I had the right words and perception I could lead them away from their wicked ways) , and sometimes I wasn’t able to, ive physically hurt people out of being pushed too much and rage and with that I think I have let people off and not confronted them a lot in part bc I wasnt sure if I was even right to confront them other parts bc ofc of fear they will mistreat me if I reveal I think what they did or said was wrong instead of discussing it and thinking about it/ they already expressed they didn’t care or justified it in twisted ways that im not sure I could argue with or if thats even human.
I have to live and I think everyone in a spacious place. Too narrow will cause muscle issues and variety of issues that will worsen over time you are not sick becaues you are old you are sick because you ignroe and distort your body. I didn’t last long at all, some ppl last longer than me just to make excuses that im lazy + their brain melts and they don’t use it much anyway so superficially they last.
Im anti v4xx I think a lot of health info is a scam and ive experienced it and saw others experience it, I think some things can be true or not have better ways at a moment to deal with some issues but it doesn’t mean its not inherently flawed or manipulated information to make u a lil bit less sick or make u sick in a different veiled way even if it makes it “better” in some kind of way, I don’t mean its ok to let someone die or suffer more bc of too much skepticism, my point is I believe in honesty and integirty cuz u cant heal soemone with lies,
and medicine like other sciences is corrupted . be careful and discerning unfortunately u cant leave ur health in the hands of conventional doctors u have to research and fight for urself.
I have experienced various synchonicities. I think God has helped me and guided me.
Throw things away and tidy when we’re ready to. Tired or health issues is not the same as lazy. No tartorship or tyranny about it. Im not growing black mold either ofc
if a woman gets SA’d, and she doesn’t want to tell exactly what happenned, but she wants help, is it right for her to be upset at you and hide information, provided you live in the 20th century without internet and much media information, and if you don’t have personal experiences with SA or almost anyone has ever talked about it to you in your life, and you are just confused at why this person is refusing to communicate, and u have to take care of this and that issue, yet u don’t know if they are mad at u even for something that’s not even your fault or related to you if that happens a lot, then then u pressure her too much and now she’s hurt, you didn’t even think to make the situation accessible bc u’ve never even heard about that. If someone has an issue and they don’t tell your previous experiences and imagination so far suggest that they have stolen smth or messed up smth and don’t want to talk out of selfishness, not even bc they are scared of you.
I think I have went through humiliation, and doing things I didn’t want to, and failure to do what I wanted and weakness, to the point of not being able to process things and I think losing braincells and personality bc of it, trying to recover it and my functioning and health. I think most ppl are too fake and superficial, not learning anything maybe. Not reflecting, not trying, if they have gone throuhg something like that I think some people amy be just letting themselves go insane and hurt others while in denial instead of processing it, while I understad how difficult is to process it especially when people around you shame you and oppress you for it. I think I need someone who has at least the cognitive understanding for that. I don’t want to put others down for enjoying things.
Ive liked variety of media and art over time, vareity of criticising it and ideas of improving it too, and lately after understanding more about the world and Jesus Christ some of it was interestingly seen in different light. Also over the years I may have seen media nad the world in different light. I have synesthesia autism, adhd and maybe some form of OCD, besides maybe others. I’ve beebn able to induce things in my mind and some information that seemed so obvious to me others had said they realized from psychedelics, you have probably already heard some people’s minds can work like that too. Well some of the media is ofc immature since it doesn’t align with christian principels that seem true after trying to understand more and and a lot of the media is for brainwashing
ive wanted to do art music dancing and others but have struggled with health issues that I hope to resolve. If she wants to do any I am generally worried about toxicity from paint so I wouldn’t use it and wouldn’t recommend using it.
Semi ex astrologer. Bc im not sure if its all considered divination since I’ve had synchonicities related to it that I’ve felt like or wondered if God sent them to me. I do think He communicates with us somehow in various ways.
I think its importan tto be able to explain to a child why something is or isnt a certain way, bc I felt alienated from a lot of christians who just seemed to “know” things and judge things as evil or whatever with no explanation and cringe when I ask for one. I als orealize it can be hard to talk about, both bc of the content, how traumatising can be to think about again and again from an adult’s perspective + being too busy or struggle too much, not able to expalin anyinthg and everything one thinks.
I have health issues that can make it hard to think or process emotions bc of maladjustment in my cranial bones related to the whole body and pinched nerves and wiring issues, that I hope to resolve , and may need miracle healing for some of the damage, this is also why i write this way in the state i am its difficult and straining to write and use the exact corrects words and format everything in perfect order
I don’t want to hold her back from God in any way.
I sought for spiritual answers if spirituality was real until I started figuring out more and then about witchcraft, but I observed patterns in my life regarding a sin I was commiting and other reasons that made me think that it can’t be a coincidence any more + someone claiming he stopped m4g1c p0rt4l by saying “Christ is King” (but I will say Jesus Christ) and that the bible was telling the truth. The bible had upset me before in part due to things taken out of context and difficulty understanding, and of course Jesus does things a bit differently than the old testament, even if the law is still important, He teaches forgiveness.
I care a lot about the gifts of the spirit and the presence of God in my life but also in everyone else’s.
I think awareness or pcoessing of emotional nuance and self control are attractive as well as being free spirited but not exploitative
I don’t smoke or drink or do drugs I don’t even take medicine nor intend to for the most part, I don’t judge anyone who does but I’d discourage them. If my wife does I’d discourage her, I wont pester her about it unless I get discernment that I should and that it will be helpful, but I won’t judge her and I never judged anyone who did, except when they were hypocrites. I have never ingested more than a small cup iirc, if even that from alcohol and only on occassions, and then barely on any occassions. I have never smoked a cig or a joint or anything besides 2nd hand air. I stopped taking medication for illnesses years ago and I only took sweet drugs as a child bc they were sweet after being told not to.
I have however engaged in various parts and ways of PMO for various reasons
I think everything we have is given to us by God, or if we eorked for it opportunities or what was needed to achieve it was also given, so no one can be proud.
I have done weird things for health, personal amusement and other reasons includingi finding people who may relate and enjoy them but have been accused of attention seeking and I find that deeply repulsive because im sorry for trying to find people to connect with? I didn’t push things that others arent intersted in on them, I was jst trying to exist, some ppl don’t make the difference bc they have a really small world and don’t even think about others much and why they do what they do thus make the wrong assumtpions and attempt to harass and antagonize you. I find that very repulsive simultaneously ive known what other people’s intentions and results of actions and thoughts would be, and they would be confused and hostile towards me for acting like I know them, but I DID. And what I thought would happen happenned so I was just used and hurt and bc they are soo deep in to their own mess they don’t realize what they are doing wrong and a lot of the time don’t even remember that I said what would happen. Ive spent too much time and effort on ppl hoping they would change. I am not looking to be used up by a partner nonetheless. I don’t pretend to know everyhting or be perfecct but I think some ppl are so lost, esp after ive been also judged for my mistakes and not explained like I deserve respect so many times.
Narcissist abuse mention below line warning. Hoenstly you shouldn’te ven read it because I am concerned it may just upset you. I am posting it because I think its important to show that I am aware. Specifiaclly mentions narcissistic “whatever” podcast men who project it on the women.
Ive had a habit over the years of engaging with media that infuriates me bc I overthink how to react in those situations bc I don’t understand how that in front of me can be a human being with a brain who cares about others and if I showed distress or anger I’d be judged and harassed for it again, despite them being harassers and controllers I nthe first place, and I am afraid of forgetting about it and walking into such situation and being unable to control it. For example the “whatever” podcast the narcissist men were saying in an imposing way how a woman only thinks for herslf bc she wanted to be aborted bc her mother didn’t have neough money to raise her. Obviously u need money to raise someone properly for various reasons, and if he himself odenst understand that a lot of ppl like that are controlling demanding and imposing, while bitter about the sacrifices their toxic environmetns forced them to make (or they made out of their own inferiority hopelessness and lack of faith) or weere actually spoiled, but bc of that they imposed themselves on other people bc I know such ppl and how they grow up and how they treat other children, and are “thankful for being alive”, but obviously don’t have enough empathy for someone who is emotionally intelligent and has struggled to not be exactly like them, bnc those ppl also harass and abuse minorities and vulnerable groups and I have storie about that dotn wanna get into, and they pretend they don’t know what im saying when I do. No I shouldn’t have to remember everything u did and ddi wrong with ur life to expali nto you how you are mistreating me and beg for you to stop. This is a narcissist. I don’t like abortion after understanding that it’s actually alive very early own and has a soul already I think or smth, but before I didn’t know that when I was more justifying it, but I can explain to someone, instead of abusing them into making them lose any ounce of respect for themselves, bc growing up in harsh environment can also often invite other people to mistreat you, even if not always the case.
Bc of ppl like that cotnrolling my own life Ive also had a lot of bitterness and thoughts of revenge and this is part realted to my health issues, and there’s evil that I don’t know if ppl do it just bc they don’t understand genuinely, bc its demons or bc they have to be done something actually important for. I knew better as a child than 30 something year old men, and I have all these issues and I am still better, how can they justify it now? So I have wanted discernment regarding what should be done about various issues. No I will not talk to you or bother you with the dark stuff over and over again I even try to avoid it or build self control bc it can make you go insane im just putting it here to show that I am at least aware and thoughtful of that.
submitted by water_elaborate to ChristianDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:48 OhanaSlime Cost Vent/Rant

Cost Vent/Rant
Ok so I have a feeling this is going to be a bit of an unpopular post, but I'd have to say something. As someone who buys slimes for reviews, and someone who owns a slime shop, I know how much it sucks that prices are going up everywhere. I get how much it sucks that the cost for a premade jar of slime is going up, shipping prices are going up, it sucks. Occasionally, I see pet peeves regarding slime proof labels and borax not being automatically included, dome lids, etc. or just prices of slime going up in general... It's nice to have slime proof labels and dome jars to get that extra ounce or so of space. Believe me, I get it. But those all cost extra! Occasionally I go over the average price of certain items required to run a slime shop as a business or even just as a side hustle. Well my friends, I wanted to show something to back up my words. Parkway Plastics is a jar company used by SEVERAL slime shops of all different sizes. Last time I ordered, shipping was $50 as a "quote" (meaning your shipping price could go up) and that was for a jumbo case for a 6oz cap and lid combo and 50 8oz jar and lid combos. Usually, for that they'd hit me up for an extra $25 for shipping so that ups it to $75ish. This last order was for 1 case of jars only, no lids (typically you have to buy lids separately because they charge different prices for different style of lids). Now shipping is $100?! And I've seen a handful of posts regarding the sudden increase in glue prices, and you'd be shocked if y'all knew how often that BS happens. Now, I'm nowhere close to being a big shop. I don't have daily orders which is fine, totally not my point (just using my shop as an example). In the last year, the profit I made from my shop, was an average of only $667 per month. That doesnt include the cost of hours of labor. Now like I said, I'm just using my shop as an example. My website isn't great, we are nowhere near perfect, in fact we are WAAAAY far from perfect 😅. But y'all, $667 per month. That's not even enough to pay half of the rent for a shabby 2 bedroom apartment.
I guess what I'm trying to say is yes, shops are increasing their prices. But it's not because we want to. Most shops aren't big enough to get glue or jars and those super low wholesale bulk prices. Most of us get glue at Walmart, Michael's, Target, Amazon, etc just like everyone else. I personally have cut back costs by printing out my own labels (even then slime proof labels cost a lot more), borax is not automatically included because 9/10 times, it's just tossed. Please know that I'm not trying to come across as mean or hateful or disrespectful. Remember I also buy slime, and I'm also on disability so besides that measly $667, I only get about $1000 each month for my son and I to live off of. I physically cringe when I buy slime because they are expensive. And shipping costs just make it even worse. Believe me, we hear you. We feel your pain. But just please, keep in mind that we're not some twisted shady gas company or insurance company. We're not upping prices just so we can blow our noses with $100. We have to increase prices to keep our shops going. 98% of us don't have warehouses or staff, and we are not Amazon. Most of us have a kitchen, slime room, occasional help from family (if any at all), and if we're lucky, a nice commercial grade mixer or at least a decent kitchen aid (I'm lucky I have a basic kitchen aid mixer). The majority of shop owners do this while holding a full time job and raising a family (I tip my hat to them I honestly don't know how they do it). I want to say that I'm not speaking for any other shops... everyone has their own opinions. But just seeing posts that complain about the little things (which like I said, I do understand) but also get upset that prices are going up (I'm not singling out any particular post) it's like, what do you expect from us? It can get really discouraging. It can hurt. We are people with feelings just like everyone else. We don't make and sell slime for the money because it's oh so glamorous. We do it because it's what we love, and we love bringing joy and (hopefully) relaxation and smiles to our customers. I guess, in the end, I just humbly request to please keep that in mind.
Now as I've said, I know this post is going to be unpopular. Please please PLEASE know that I in no way mean any disrespect to anyone and I'm definitely not trying to single anyone out nor am I speaking up for any other specific shop. I know I say "we" often, but this is my personal opinion and not necessarily the opinion of any other shop. If someone wants to make their own slime to save money, go for it! If you want to start your own shop, go for it! I honestly mean that and dont mean it in a condescending way. I mainly wrote this in hope that there would be a bit more understanding. That's all. I'm happy to reply to any comments that have sincere questions, but I will not be replying to anyone who wishes to instigate. If I have in any way hurt someone's feelings, or made someone feel disrespected, or hostile in anyway, I'm so sorry. It is not my intention to do that. I hope everyone has a great rest of the day. 🥰
submitted by OhanaSlime to Slime [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:47 VividSpecialist3532 My partner from hell

I’m a 22 year old female he’s a 48 year old male. He’s a horrific driver (tried to fucking kill us), likes to diagnose patients with zero imagining, has no capacity recognize that he might be wrong, and is disrespectful as hell as to anyone and everyone.
When we met, he explained to me that he was working on being less of a perfectionist and less nitpicky to his partners. He told me that he had a lot of issues with partners at a nearby company and eventually left for whatever reason. I took into account that he is a perfectionist, but I didn’t fully grasp the extent of his “perfectionism.” I’m a super open and accepting person. I can work with just about anyone. This guy is insane. He has two DUIs, an open container charge, and a felony. He also has a legal guardian. The reason for his conservatorship isn’t pubic but I’m going to assume it has something to do with the fact that he’s fucking crazy. His ex wife has a restraining order against him.
He’s PHYSICALLY abusive. I asked him (kindly) to stop pushing the gurney into me. He kept running into me with it and it was impacting our ability to cohesively operate the gurney. I was more than willing to work on resolving the issue, but I was met with hostility and aggression. He then intentionally pushed it into me MORE and pushed me into the pole to type the code in outside of the hospital (with both of the patient’s bare feet pressed against my arms and my butt pressed against the gurney). I had already requested if we could switch sides and he states “I guess you’re not even capable of holding a gurney” in a condescending tone. He did not let me switch sides. Another time, instead of asking me to move over or saying “excuse me” while I was in his way, he threw an elbow into me. This was the point where I began to see that he was frustrated with me. The reason he was frustrated is because he asked me to put the patient on the monitor and fire told me to wait until we got her downstairs (she was on fire’s monitor at the time). I listened to fire’s direction since he had exited the room to retrieve something from the truck. I thought that he would understand. He was unable to see that I took direction from the other paramedics on scene and he viewed this as disobedience/disrespect.
His “perfectionism” seems to be rooted within the inability to recognize an alternative perspective. For example, he tells me that he places IVs into the external jugular vein “all the time.” An RN at the hospital tries to call his bluff and he DOUBLES DOWN on his claim. The RN explains how this is incredibly risky and should only be done in dire situations. He argues that it’s not risky and that people even request them. The RN explains to me that he was a paramedic for several years before becoming a nurse, and that my partner should NOT be doing EJs as often as he says he is. He continues to argue and the nurse challenges him on his IV skills. The nurse brings out an ultrasound and asks him to use it to get an IV on a tough stick. He agrees and tries to use the ultrasound machine to get an IV on a random person after we had already been status checked (when we’ve been at the hospital for 30+ minutes and dispatch wants us to go available). He was ultimately unsuccessful.
He thinks that I cannot help lift patients. We had a call where a 255lb woman fell and couldn’t get up. I got into the typical front lifting position, he got behind her, and then he told me to step aside because he’ll be the only one lifting anyway. Another time we were at the hospital doing a sheet transfer with an average weighted male. He got on one side, I got on the other, and he said “I can’t do this by myself, I’m gonna need some actual help.” He did this another time on a call when we were going to move a patient to the gurney. He asked a fireman to grab the left leg, the fireman was on the other side of the room and I was right there, so I took the initiative to grab the leg. He was really irritated about it. Nobody else was. It was an easy lift.
Horrific and dangerous driving: He opposed traffic at a high speed on a one lane airport ramp and narrowly avoided being hit. He told me to go to airport arrivals (after I objected!!). I let him know that the clearance was too low and I no longer feel comfortable navigating the situation. He proceeded to oppose traffic at 30-40mph down the worst possible path. It was a one-way ramp with a very narrow lane along a curve with zero visibility and zero space to pull over. Another vehicle began driving in reverse and the car behind that one had to swerve to avoid rear ending them. I yelled at him to turn around. He yelled back and said “there’s no room.” I told him to “make a 12 point turn if you need to.” He insisted on NOT using sirens to do this and I turned them on anyway. Not a single car on that ramp would be able to see that we were traveling head-on towards them at a high rate of speed due to the curve, but they’d be able to hear us with sirens. He complied and made a multiple-point turn (he fully backed into the curb while doing so), then drove into oversized parking. He proceeded to tell me (at the top of his lungs) to “shut the fuck up,” and yelled “I’m so done with you.” I explained to him that it was reasonable for me to be scared when he put us in a very dangerous situation. He screamed at me some more, we went into the call, got cancelled, then he called the supervisor. I went into the back of the ambulance for a minute to process what just happened, my partner was nowhere to be found, so I got in the driver’s seat and relayed cancel 851 by fire over the radio. He ripped open my door and said “get out. I’m driving.”
He told me I’m “disgusting” when I asked what I did wrong. He told me I was disgusting the day prior as well. I actually recorded the second one (I was recording because I was TERRIFIED and he was angry)
Became wildly offended when I let him know that he left a IM syringe+needle on the back of the gurney and that it fell out on the floor at the hospital. The nurse noticed it and became concerned. I didn’t say this with any sort of intention of offending him, but it did indeed offend him. Not only did he recap the used needle, he threw it on the back of the gurney and forgot about it.
He likes to sit in the EMS room and write his report while getting status checked multiple times as well. A supervisor even called him while we were in the EMS room and he lied to them by saying “we’re just now getting the patient off the gurney, we’ll go available soon.” We had unloaded the patient long before that and were completely ready to go available several minutes prior. This was the first time we worked together. On the 3rd shift we had together, I went into the EMS room and asked him if he knows that we have 30 minutes to go available (we had gotten status checked). I figured that he might just not be aware of the rule since he is still new to the company, but he took great offense to my question and stormed off. I thought that he was storming off to go available, but no, he was storming off to sit in the back of the ambulance and attempting to transmit his vitals. The service is poor at this particular, so vital transmission is slow IF it actually goes through. He somehow blames this on me, even though I’ve explained to him that they’ll transmit in an area with better reception. Obviously I still hit the ‘retry’ button several times to make him happy.
He became frustrated on our first shift when I preferred that we post within 1 mile of our post. He wanted to get food and I explained to him that we have to post within 1 mile of our assigned post. He called me a goody-two-shoes and I explained to him that I don’t want to get in trouble for posting more than a mile away.
He told me that he has been “warned” that I’ve been written up multiple times for behavioral issues as a means to justify him telling me to “shut the fuck up” about him opposing traffic in a very dangerous situation. I have never ONCE been written up for a behavioral issue. I asked if he was mistaking me for someone else or if he had received misinformation, but he continued to stonewall me. All forms of communication where he was not screaming at me, he was stonewalling me.
He never had my back. He waited in the truck while I was in a woman’s second floor apartment ama’ing her by myself. I was up there for a while because she was very talkative, and he never once came back up to check on me. On a different call, an ETOH male patient would not stop hitting on me. He saw that I was very uncomfortable and I motioned to him for help. He walked away without saying a word. This was a very unique experience, as just about every other provider that I’ve worked with had my back (male or female) when situations like this arose.
He accused me of flirting with the fire department instead of paying attention on calls. I don’t even know how to flirt. I just thought it was common courtesy to be friendly & helpful with the people you run calls with. I read the patient’s medications to fire when they asked if I had them which upset my partner as well.
Each time I tried to speak he intentionally raised his voice to talk over me and cut me off. I was not allowed to speak to patients whatsoever. I was to be seen not heard.
A fire crew complained to me about him on a call saying that he wouldn’t even let them finish the assessment they started. I do agree with them fully. Every time they tried to speak he just kept talking very loudly over the top of them.
Issues with a respiratory distress call for a 30/40 year old female: He got upset when he asked me to grab him an end tidal and I handed him a booger. Apparently he wanted the end tidal that connects to CPAP but did not verbalize this. On that same call, he asked fire to give the pt albuterol through the CPAP. The fireman asked for clarification on where the albuterol is supposed to go and he ignored it. The fireman dumped it into straight into the mask instead of the nebulizer and the patient started screaming that they swallowed all of it. He then stated that her lungs were completely full of fluid (to me, fire, and the hospital staff) and had me drive code 3 to the hospital. We got to the hospital and he starts shouting “where’s the bed, where are we taking her?!?” in a frantic tone. He does not wait for a response before we take her into a random room (that they did not agree to) and get her on the bed. Rapid imaging was done on the pt and the doctor said (in front of everyone at the nurses station) that the pt didn’t have any fluid in her lungs & it was an anxiety attack.
He accused me of playing “games” and pulling shenanigans throughout the entirety of our shift. Stonewalled me when I asked him to explain what/why/how I was pulling shenanigans because I was truly unaware of what I was doing that caused him to treat me so horribly. Communication was non-existent
submitted by VividSpecialist3532 to ems [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:42 greyyybean My sister (25F) is letting her unemployed fiance (25M) move in with her

My older sister (25F) is going to be proposed to this Thursday by her unemployed boyfriend (25M). This dude (we will call him Frank) is atrocious and I honestly don't think he is good enough for my sister, this seems like a last resort/rebound since it seems like no one wants him. However, my sister has been wanting to be with him for about 3 years and after a lot of rejection she was losing hope until he asked her to be his girlfriend.
They have been dating for around 4-5 months and Frank plans on proposing to her this week, the day before my little sister has her high school graduation, which is just so infuriating because WHY of all weeks would you choose to propose this week?! AND he was thinking to do the proposal THE DAY OF THE GRADUATION but I advised him not to since my older sister would never forgive herself for taking the spotlight away from my little sister on her big day. So he settled to do it the day before which isn't better but I can't make him change the week lol.
And do not get me started on the ring he got my sister, he got it on Amazon as a last minute thing and tried to make an excuse about how hard it was to get something from California so fast so he had to settle for Amazon. Don't get me wrong Amazon has great rings, I have taken a look at some but he could've chose something that at least looks a little real or pretty?
I showed my mom the ring and she was a bit disappointed with how much effort he put into choosing the ring because my sister doesn't like rings that have large jewels on them, she likes simple and small. And this really made me question whether Frank even knows her well enough to be marrying her.
My parents said they are moving him in with my sister at her apartment next week, even though Frank has no job and the job my sister found for him might not work out. So my sister will be the main breadwinner and most likely the cook and clean for the apartment because he doesn't believe in men doing "all of that".
There are some things I am not going to go completely into but Frank has spoken to my mom in the rudest way possible, like he told my mother (the kindest and most hardworking woman I know) that she can't raise her kids right and he has told my little sister that she is insecure and a brat.
Sometimes he would shove my sister off of him with a disgusted look on his face when she is trying to be affectionate with him and my mom's side of the family (my uncles and aunts) thinks he is going to be "tough one" for my sister because:
1.he doesn't interact with ANYONE except my sister
2.always glued to his phone (especially at Christmas and other events with my family)
3.doesn't act like he likes our food lol
Sometimes my uncles and aunts bring up my boyfriend and appreciate how curious he is about our culture and always interacts with them/their kids. However, Frank does the bare minimum and just says "hi" then sits on his phone like a toddler and then makes my sister fetch him food and water.
If my sister and Frank live together, I am scared to get a call from her crying because he isn't helping her or she's too stressed. I feel like living together is a pretty big must before marriage, for instance, my bf and I are living together right now and even though sometimes it can be rough, we work through our arguments together.
I don't see Frank doing that because he has a huge ego and doesn't like to admit when he's in the wrong. He also lovesss to live a high end lifestyle when he can't afford it which is one of the many things I find so crazy. Like he loves eating out at fancy restaurants, especially with my parents because he would order the most expensive steak or meal since he knows he isn't paying for it ... but that seems rude, imo.
Anyways, I hope my older sister knows what she's doing because even though I have politely mentioned some concerns she's too in love with him to care how he treats my mother and other family members.
TL;DR My older sister (25F) is letting her unemployed fiance (25M) move in with her
submitted by greyyybean to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:37 worrisometoes Torn on what to get my partner for his birthday?

So for context my partner and I have been together for 4 years, and living together for 2. Our birthdays are a day apart, and so we celebrate our birthdays together. He has been wanting an electric drum set for the better part of a year, he was involved in a drumline for the majority of his childhood.
I’ve been planning and saving up for months to buy this drum for his birthday coming up, and then to decorate a little around the house and make a cute little cake or something. I know he would be over the moon about it.
My dilemma, though, is that recently these past couple of months he’s been REALLY passionate about photography, he’s always taken really nice pictures and I’d love to see him further pursue this possible passion. So he’s been researching cameras and threw out a name of one he’s been researching, so now I’m torn between which gift to get him lol 😅
TL;DR Torn between getting my partner drum set or camera for his birthday
submitted by worrisometoes to Gifts [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:31 RumpleHelgaskin Never forget that we are in the fight of our lives with extreme Narcissists!

TL;DR Mawage. Mawage is what bwings us togethah today. Mawwiage, that bwessed awwangement, that dweam wifin a dream!
Our Chairman and these Regarded APES have come here to make this tweasured agweement in front of their family and fwiends, pwomising their commitment in this holy and magnificent pwace, today and each day fowawd.
We would not be here today without wuv. Wuv, twoo wuv between these two. Twoo wuv will follow you forevah, so tweasure your wuv, Mr. Chairman with your Highly Regarded Apes, always.
My wife of 21yrs, who is pursuing her doctorate in Psychology to enhance her Marriage and Family counseling practice, has always been a supportive listener, especially throughout this saga. We watched together the events in 2021 unfold in real-time and in a recent discussion concerning market manipulations and the media's role in it all she interjected with unexpected psychological insights. What felt like a gentle change in the subject matter led to an unexpected and insightful conversation about narcissists, divorcing a narcissist, and the tactics of navigating them in your personal and professional lives.
Miracle Max: “'To blave.' And as we all know, 'to blave' means 'to bluff.' So, you're probably playing cards and he cheated…”
Did you know that there are divorce attorneys who specialize in dealing with cases involving narcissistic spouses? These attorneys are typically well-versed in high-conflict divorce scenarios and understand the psychological dynamics that can arise when one party exhibits narcissistic behaviors. They focus on strategies to manage manipulation, gaslighting, and other tactics that a narcissistic spouse might use to control or prolong legal proceedings.
Specialized attorneys in this area offer guidance on how to maintain clear and documented communication, set firm boundaries, and protect oneself legally and emotionally. Their expertise is particularly valuable in helping clients navigate the complexities of custody battles, financial disputes, and other contentious issues where a narcissistic spouse may attempt to use legal strategies to their advantage.
During our conversation my highly regarded ape-ette, outlined a total of 7 “Acts” in the Narcissist’s playbook.”
  1. Denial
  2. Minimization
  3. Deflection
  4. Rationalization
  5. Displacement
  6. Generalization
  7. Victim Blaming
If you have ever had dealings with a Narcissist you know all to well these acts are rarely played in any kind of orderly fashion. Infact, their “playbill” is so well known that a short poem was created by Dyana Craig called “The Narcissist's Prayer”:
  1. That didn't happen.
  2. And if it did, it wasn't that bad.
  3. And if it was, that's not a big deal.
  4. And if it is, that's not my fault.
  5. And if it was, I didn't mean it.
  6. And if I did, you deserved it.
For the purposes of this post and to fully wrap our heads around the manipulative actions by those in the media, the financial system, in government, or our personal lives, we expanded upon the above as follows:
  1. "That did not occur."
  2. "And if it did, it was not that severe."
  3. "And if it was, it is not a significant matter."
  4. "And if it is, it is not my fault."
  5. "And if it was, I did not intend it."
  6. "And if I did, there were extenuating circumstances."
  7. "And if there weren't, you provoked me into it."
  8. "And if you didn't, others would have reacted the same way."
  9. "And if they wouldn’t, the real issue is being blown out of proportion."
  10. "And if it isn't, everyone makes mistakes."
  11. "And if they don’t, I am under a lot of stress."
  12. "And if I did, you deserved it."
These 12 narcissistic acts can be grouped into these stages that reflect a progression in the way responsibility, blame, and reality are manipulated by the media.
Stage 1: Denial
  • "That did not occur." - Absolute refusal to acknowledge the reality of the event.
Stage 2: Minimization
  • "And if it did, it was not that severe."
  • "And if it was, it is not a significant matter." - These steps serve to downplay the severity and importance of the event, suggesting it is unworthy of concern or reaction.
Stage 3: Deflection
  • "And if it is, it is not my fault."
  • "And if it was, I did not intend it." - Shifts focus from the act itself to the intention behind it or external factors, deflecting responsibility away from the self.
Stage 4: Rationalization
  • "And if I did, there were extenuating circumstances."
  • "And if there weren't, you provoked me into it."
  • "And if you didn't, others would have reacted the same way." - Attempts to provide reasons or excuses for the behavior that justify it or align it with normal responses.
Stage 5: Displacement
  • "And if they wouldn’t, the real issue is being blown out of proportion." - This step attempts to shift the discussion from the actions to the reactions of others, suggesting an overreaction.
Stage 6: Generalization
  • "And if it isn't, everyone makes mistakes."
  • "And if they don’t, I am under a lot of stress." - These steps attempt to dilute personal responsibility by invoking common human faults or personal stress, suggesting that any errors are part of broader, understandable human conditions.
Stage 7: Victim Blaming
  • "And if I did, you deserved it." - The final step, which shifts all remaining blame to the victim, positioning them as deserving of the actions or consequences.
These stages reflect a progression from outright denial to subtle and overt forms of manipulation, ending with a complete inversion of blame. Each stage is designed to protect the narcissist’s self-image and deflect any responsibility for their actions onto others or external circumstances.
For those of use that have been around since the beginning and has endured all of the above reminds me of one of my favorite parts in the Princess Bride:
Westley: Aha! Your pig fiance is too late! A few more steps and we'll be safe in the fire swamp. Buttercup: We'll never survive. Westley: Nonsense! You're only saying that because no one ever has. Westley: It's not that bad...Well I'm not saying I'd like to build a summer home here but the trees are actually quite lovely.
We begin unwinding all financial and manipulative aspects of the now very dead relationship that once existed. We document everything and those weary and nervous and we pick back up with…
Buttercup: We'll never succeed. We may as well die here. Westley: No, no. We have already succeeded. I mean, what are the three terrors of the Fire Swamp? One, the flame spurt - no problem. There's a popping sound preceding each; we can avoid that. Two, the lightning sand, which you were clever enough to discover what that looks like, so in the future we can avoid that too…
We navigate the shills, the media pundits, and hedge fund market making Mayo loving thunts, aka the R.O.U.S’s. Through it all, we arrive at the events of the day! Our mascot triumphantly returns and now the Media is pulling a Prince Humperdink as if we are going to fall for it.
Buttercup: We did it! Westley: Now, was that so terrible? Humperdink: Surrender! Westley: You mean you wish to surrender to me? Very well then, I accept. Humperdink: I give you full marks for bravery. Don't make yourself a fool. Westley: Ah, but how will you capture us? We know the secrets of the fire swamp. We can live there happily for some time, so whenever you feel like dying, feel free to visit.
Navigating and enduring the demise of your first narcissist relationship is, in my opinion, the fire swamp. Reading all the DD ( • )( • ) and easily recognizing all of manipulations and cheating tactics being used and not reacting to them is what makes apes say “We can live there happily for some time, so whenever you feel like dying, feel free to visit.”
Last but not least… our current marriage to our chairman, is bliss compared to our prior sham marriage where belief in a free and fair once existed. Remember, narcissists are married to the devil for time and all eternity!
I share this so that further discussion can continue and help everyone understand the kinds of people we are up against. They will never change, they will never care, and if they are fined or even found guilty of a crime, they will always and forever be the victim.
submitted by RumpleHelgaskin to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:25 AdArtistic4910 AITA for lashing out at my aunt over not sending a text?

(Before I get to the whole situation, I must ask that this post is not shared anywhere)
TW for: Pet loss
Anyways im 19 years old (F) and I only just recently lost my childhood dog of 12 years about a week ago. I loved that dog very much and he saw me through almost every single major part of my life, from elementary school, to middle, high and then to college. Unfortunately due to the type of dog he is, his breed is prone to skin and heart conditions. He had a stage 5 heart murmur and one night, he ended up passing away suddenly on my mom’s bed.
Im very grateful that my little guy got to pass away in a comfortable place with myself and my mom at his side. Even though the grief is eating me up inside, he didn’t suffer and even had a little bit of peanut butter before he went. But here is where the issue starts.
Ive never really been close to many members of my family but my aunt and her family was the exception to this. My aunt treated me well, she always acts kindly around me and is very nice whenever we come over to visit. She’s my godmother too so if something were to (god forbid) happen to my own mom or dad, I could rely on her to help. Well now that its been a week since the passing of my dog, I haven’t even gotten a text from her giving her condolences for my dog’s passing. Ive gotten more empathy from people here on Reddit and Instagram as well as irl and online friends but somehow my family couldn’t spare at least 10 seconds to text a simple “im sorry”?? It was eating me up inside and I got extremely angry. I felt lonely and forgotten about by people I believed I could trust so I went into my texts with my aunt and began typing a message. I wanted to chew her out but instead I wrote as dignified of a message as I possibly could. My aunt took the time to respond to my message to her, wishing her happy mother’s day but she didn’t even pause to acknowledge the pain I was in. My mom even let me know that my aunt knew my dog passed. I wrote that my aunt had broken my trust and that I feel forgotten about and ignored by my mom’s side of the family since my aunt, uncle and grandma didn’t even bother to send a text offering their condolences.
But then my mom ends up discovering that I sent the text. Apparently my aunt chose to send it to her and complain about how ‘strong’ I came off and whine about how she worked 24 hour shifts so she couldn’t text. I get it, work can be hard sometimes but it only takes 10 seconds to send a simple ‘im sorry’. My mom told me about and for some reason another wave of that grief came over me and I broke apart and started crying. My mom does believe that some stuff I should have maybe kept inside but she does agree that my family should have texted me. The people on my mom’s side of the family, especially my aunt and grandma have a history of neglecting the emotional needs of my mom to where she feels left out and now my mom expressed how upset it made her that I was now also being given a taste of that alienation.
But im conflicted. I don’t know whenever or not I should have just sucked it up and kept it in or if me snapping and getting outraged was justified. So, AITA?
submitted by AdArtistic4910 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:23 throwaway64927482 Did not do assignments

Hello folks
As I'm writing this I've already drafted an email to my personal tutor but haven't hit send yet in case there's something else. Essentially, I did not submit 3 assignments for 2 of my 3 modules this year (I'm part time). These assignments make up 20+60% and 66% of my grades respectively. One assignment was due in February, the others exactly a month ago. I have no excuse for why I didn't submit them apart from a huge lack of motivation (was under a lot of stress with my job and just couldn't be bothered to sit down and work on these assignments in the free time I had outside of work). I sincerely regret not doing them now and I'm kicking myself for it, but at this point I just need to know what's next, whether this means I fail this year or if I still have a chance to redo the assignments. This is essentially what I'm telling my tutor as well (that I didn't have the motivation).
Does anyone know what might happen next? Or is there something else I could be telling my tutor to maybe avoid ending up in the worst case scenario?
submitted by throwaway64927482 to UniUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:23 ToyotaCorollaFail WIBTA if I changed my mind and didn't split the cost of movers with my roommate?

I lived with my current roommate for two years. Since she hasn't had much experience living on her own I made a comment to keep in mind when getting furniture that everything that is brought in will eventually come out. We live in densely populated city where rent increases often make people move after a few years. We were fortunate enough to have family close to help move our stuff in. She had a uhaul for her stuff and family to physically move stuff in. I had family members with a large enough car to tie a mattress to. Along with a couple chairs and a small dining table, my roommates family brought a very heavy sofa for the living room, that cannot be dismantled. I'm actually surprised they managed it on their own as I can't even lift it myself. However this time around, both of us were likely be on our own when moving. I'm planning on renting a uhaul as my car cannot fit everything.
She has not outright said that she expects us to split the cost of the mover but she has implied it since we both benefited from the sofa it makes sense. But I also brought my TV that we both use and I don't expect her to be responsible for it. But that is an unfair comparison as the tv while large is very light (I can move it myself). So i agreed to split the cost of the mover. We ended up not moving so it never became an issue. However now she is moving to a different apartment about 30 min over when our lease is over in 6 months (she has changed jobs so she wants to be closer to it and I'm going to a different apartment building in the same city). We will be moving out the same day. If I was on my own, I wouldn't hire a mover, just get a uhaul and some moving materials as the furniture I personally own is very light.
While yes, I benefit from the furniture (also a dining table), it doesn't make financial sense to hire the same mover. The fact that we will no longer be roommates make me think it would be unreasonable for her to expect me to split. We would be paying for the mover to put her stuff in a uhaul, drive to the other town, unload, come back, get my stuff and drive to another apartment. When we were thinking about not renewing our lease and moving together to another apartment due to a rent increase, I had estimates for movers over $1000, and that was for a few miles. For the amount we would save on rent, it wasn't worth it so we stayed. I can't imagine how much it'll be with two destinations.
Also, my roommate has a disability that makes it impossible for her to move most furniture by herself. She has no choice but to have help, while I just need a uhaul. So I feel like I'm going back on my word that yes we benefit from the sofa so it makes sense for us to share the financial burden.
So TL;DR AITA for changing my mind about splitting the cost of a mover, which means she will hire her own mover and I'll be responsible only for my stuff?
submitted by ToyotaCorollaFail to AmItheAsshole [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:23 Acatl2013 Great Progress toward a resolution: A Timeline

59 Year Old, Male, 275 lbs, 5'11"
  1. 2018 Summer - Experienced an injury to my scalp that did not heal quickly.
  2. 2018 Fall - Itching dandruff spot on head appear in same area, similar to what I was experiencing on my chins since 2008.
  3. 2019 Fall - The problem covered all of my scalp. A California Dermatologist (SD) me with Seborrheic Dermatitis and gave me steroid cremes, these made my skin thin. Now looked like serious burn. Leg and Head. SD starting to affect me psychologically and professionally.
  4. COVID - Visited 2nd dermatologist in Maryland and they gave me liquid Betmethazone Dipropionate. Lotion. Was a liquid in a super small bottle. Got some relief but would run out in less than two weeks. Had to apply multiple times per day and still was terrible shedding. Using this was not sustainable.
  5. 2023 Fall - September: Saw third dermatologist asking for anti-fungal medication. I had heard that Malassezia yeast was a trigger. The Dr. refused and I did not want to use immune suppressant he recommended and prescribed. I figured I need my immune system and looked for the trigger. Also suffer from joint pain, stiffness, lethargy, etc. etc. Suspect I may have general arthritis and getting old very quick.
  6. December 2023 - Very depressed and frustrated with SD. I was told if I shaved my head this might resolve the problem. Cutting my hair very close to scalp, #0 ManScaping, did not resolve the problem... If I shaved I would have cut into my skin. However, I was better able to debris the dry skin and apply medicine. I began trimming hair to #0 every other day.
  7. January 2024 - Thinking the problem was still a fungal trigger I purchased two products from Amazon: Pet Honesty Chlorhexidine Cat & Dog Anti-Itch Shampoo. It contains, 2% Chlorhexidine and 1% Ketoconazole. After washing my skin, I also used Alpha Paw - Antibacterial & Antifungal Wipes. The higher concentrations of medicine is important. Health insurance did not pay. I used these over the counter items in isolation, no oils or lotion. I would cover my head with a beanie and leave my leg open to the air. I did this after shower before bed and upon rising each morning. For the first time in 4 years I began to see some relief. I was able to reduce the amount of irritation and large areas of swelling and scaling reduced. This occurred almost immediately. Yes, using this product burns somewhat but is bearable as compared to chronic itching.
  8. March 2024 - Area on my leg is getting back to normal on the edges and my scalp is now only dandruff, not huge flakes. No more open sores on head, and sores on legs reducing.
  9. May 2024 - I decided to take on the issue of inflammation in my entire body head on. I started fasting. I drank only 2 liters of Emergen-C per day, iced coffee with cream for a period one week. I went on a daily hour long walk and normal routine. By day 5 of my fast the change to the SD was pretty incredible. The skin swelling on my head is greatly reduced and the dandruff is minimal as compared to weeks prior. Joint pain is gone, feel much better. I broke my fast on Day 7 with a salad and hard boiled eggs.
  10. Going Forward: I will be continuing to cut hair, apply anti-fungal and fast several day on and off until I reach desired weight and skin clear completely. Currently 240 lbs, goal of 180 lbs. I am currently consulting a fasting expert and adjusting accordingly. Goal is to stay in ketosis as much as possible. Repair biome with probiotics and continue to treat skin to ward off overgrowth yeast or fungus. I am moving back west and will be doing Hot Yoga in AZ. I plan to diet, sweat, and get this cleared up for good. I will post more in a few weeks.
submitted by Acatl2013 to seborrheicdermatitis [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 abcdefghijkistan 5000ppm Home Air Quality

I had a tech out yesterday to perform a cleaning of my A/C unit and take measurements and give me a quote for a duct cleaning, but it was raining so he didn’t get to service the rooftop A/C unit. He offered instead to do a free indoor air quality test and checked 3 spots with his monitor and told me that the ranges were between 4400-5000ppm.
That seems shockingly high. Is there any way that’s legit? For reference we’re in the 3rd floor of a 4-story apartment building (10 total units) in an urban setting. Two young kids, no pets and no smokers.
I guess two questions are: 1) is that a legit reading or are they trying to scam me into purchasing additional services and 2) if that is truly our indoor air quality what can we do about it to make it healthier for our kids?
submitted by abcdefghijkistan to hvacadvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:19 Designer_Band_1052 Having a hard time between letting go and facing me fear of rejection and trying again with her

This might be long, but i dont have anyone to talk to so if even one person reads this and helps i'll be super grateful!
Basically, had this “situationship” last November. Me and her were best friends in high school and were in like a 1.5 year talking stage lol, we never confessed feelings and eventually I told myself I had to move on from her bc I didn’t think it was ever gonna go anywhere. Fast forward to my junior year of college and her sophomore year, she had broken up with her bf (late October, a couple weeks before we started talking talking) and we had been in some contact the past few months. She drunk texted me the night she broke up with him and confessed how much she liked me in high school and it just sucked we never confessed feelings bc we would’ve been perfect together.
A couple weeks after all that, we’re on thanksgiving break and we hang out. We then talk about that in person, about how we would’ve been perfect for each other and we should’ve just confessed feelings, etc. Our next hangout, I decided that we shouldn’t talk right now. She had just gotten out of a really bad relationship and I had to study for my dental school admissions test. We would also be long distance, and I could sense how insecure she was in herself due to her past relationship, and she def needed time to be alone. I told her that, and she agreed. We agreed to try again after my Test, which would’ve been 3 months from then. Butttt then we eventually we kissed lol…
That led to us still talking and this was a topic of conversation like every couple of days. We would agree to not talk anymore and try again after my test, but then we would both fold and still talk. Winter break came around, and we said we’ll continue to talk and hang out until winter break ends. We’re with each other every night, she’s telling her friends about me and all her friends love me too. They all made an effort to meet me and they say I’m perfect for her. However, her ex would still hit her up, but she would show me everytime she rejected him so. Although, there was this one night they saw each other to talk and she said "i dont make any promises nothing wont happen btwn us" and that made me so scared, but nothing happened so ig its okay...??? Anyways, My hope was that by the time winter break ends, she’ll see we're good for each other and we can give it a chance, but she was still set on wanting to be single and heal from her last relationship, which I understand.
The night before winter break ended, I went over to her apartment. We basically did everything but have sex. She wanted to but I didn’t want her to get attached, and I didn’t wanna get attached myself so I told her we shouldn’t bc we were gonna be in no contact after this. She understood, but it was still one of the greatest nights of my life. I was finally with the girl I wanted to be with, and it just sucked we had to stop talking after this.
2 days after we're both back in school, she drunk texted me saying how much she missed me. So ofc we talked again that day. Next night, she drunk called me this time...She was talking about how i am her person, she sees herself falling in love with me and marrying me, and all this sorta stuff. She then told me "i dont think im good enough for you" this completely shattered my heart, no matter how much i told her thats not true and that shes perfect for me, she wouldnt agree. this confirmed that shes too insecure in herself to be in a relationship. After this, i wanted to talk to her sober about what she said, but she didnt want to. then she said we shouldnt wait for each other to try again after my test because she said she felt pressured to wait for me to be done...this made me so frustrated bc we agreed to try again every time we talked about this. Anyways, her bday was coming up, so i texted her friend to get her flowers on her actual bday and not tell her its from me (i had already gotten her flowers and a buncha gifts the night i went to her apartment) and she said she would. On her bday, i texted her and she just said "thanks" The combination of this and her bailing on the plan to try again after my test made me super frustrated. So that friend had asked me what happened btwn us and i kinda was in a rough place, so i told her that i dont think anything is ever gonna happen btwn us bc of the way things ended and all this tainted my image of her. I regret this so much. A couple weeks later, her friend texts me again to check in and i apologize to her friend about all the things i said, and i told the friend to tell her i am so sorry about it and i didnt mean any of it.
Okay, so throughout this semester, she texted me every now and then, wishing me happy bday and sometimes just asking me random stuff about school. After my test was done, which i did well on thankfully lol, she asked me how it went and i told her and stuff, but the convo never advanced. Now, I am stuck btwn wanting to ask her to hang out to try again or letting go of her and let fate bring us back together. Idk if she wants to hang out with me or not and its killing me. I feel like i completely ruined my chance with her bc of what i told her friend and its created a pit in my stomach. She def seems more confident and secure in herself bc shes finally posting on social media and stuff like that, which makes me so happy for her. Idk im just stuck. My fear is that she'll say no to hanging out, but i feel like if i never ask her then i'll never know. Like what if i ask her and shes willing to give it another chance, i wouldnt know if i didnt ask her ya know.
Tl; dr My overall question is: Do i let go of her and improve myself as much as possible and let destiny bring us back to each other like it did the first time, or make an effort to try again with her, with the fear of being rejected from the girl i've always wanted to be with?
submitted by Designer_Band_1052 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:18 TheBestLotad Am I just anxious, or was I a fool to begin with?

Hi Reddit, I'm new, and my best friend uses Reddit so I hope they don't come to this sub. I only know about it because I listen to RSlash.
I (NB 25) love my best friend (NB 29) in a "more than friends" way.
I'll be honest, I'm terrible when it comes to relationships. I get clingy, lose myself in the relationship, always feel the need to "prove" my love; essentially I am an easy target for bad people. Because of this I haven't been in a relationship for 6 years, it helps that I'm asexual (sex repulsed), but I still have the desire for romantic love.
Me and my friend met online about 2 years ago and we instantly clicked. At the time I was still weary about getting into a relationship, as I wasn't confident that I wouldn't slip into those unhealthy habits. Funny enough, that was also around the time my therapist cancelled my therapy appointment without telling me and ghosted me. I'm guessing I didn't appear mentally ill enough? I don't know. And no she was fine, she just went on a vacation.
Anyways, me and my friend talked a lot, and clearly our talks were more than platonic. But hey maybe I'm wrong and it's normal for people to call their best friends by pet names, say I love you over and over again, and send love letters in the mail about how much you love them and want them in your life. They used to be so loving, and I felt so secure in what we were.
Then Christmas happened, and it hasn't been the same since. They got asked out on a date by a work colleague and accepted it, which shattered my heart. I told them that if they pursued the relationship, that I wouldn't feel comfortable being as loving as we were and that we would have to talk as regular friends do. I asked them what we were and if they loved me the way I love them. It hurt when they said that they weren't sure.
They cancelled the date with the other person, but I don't think I've recovered from that day. Even though from it we decided that we would plan on living together once we were at stable places in our careers (we were both having issues with our jobs).
One time I got super drunk with their friend, and the friend said my best friend loved me and wanted to kiss me but just would never admit it, which felt good to hear. I've heard from their friends that they know they love me and that I've been a force of good in their life, one asked me to please stay because I make them happy. Essentially all their friends have been saying that my friend loves me but just doesn't know it.
Meanwhile my friends, who aren't online all that much so haven't seen how me and my friend interact, have been wanting to set me up. One was trying to set up a double date between her bf, and then me and her friend. When I told my friend about it, they were obviously hurt and got quiet for the night, being sheepish to tell me that I should do what I want to do.
I didn't want to, I still wanted to be with my friend, even though we weren't "together" together. That was a few months, and the last time it's happened.
So why am I here? Shouldn't it be obvious that we have feelings for each other?
These past few months they've slowly been showing their affection less and it's been bothering me.
They get off work and I ask them how their day went, and they'll say they're tired and going to bed, then do exactly that. They won't ask about my day, and that will be our only interaction for the day. At one point this was happening every single day.
They no longer say all those kind words that made me fall for them in the beginning, about how I make their life worth living. They've stopped calling me all those pet names that made me feel special, they rarely even say "I love you" first.
I spoke with them, about how I miss these pet names, that I miss being told that I matter to them. I tell them that these are my love language and that I don't feel loved, and all they say is that they're sorry and they don't know how to make me feel loved. I JUST TOLD YOU HOW!
They used to plan on coming to visit me once they get the money, but when they do get the money they visit family instead. I understand that family comes first, but it still hurts to know that they basically lied to me.
I'm reaching my breaking point, I'm tired of playing this game of "will we, won't we". But at the same time I'm afraid that I might be over reacting, and I don't want to leave them alone if they do really want something. Plus it's really hard finding a partner when you're sex repulsed.
So should I just move on? I haven't told them that I'm ready to break off what little we have, but other than that I have been VERY up front with my emotions as I have them.
TL;DR: I'm anxious and tired after playing around with someone with commitment issues after 2 years.
submitted by TheBestLotad to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:14 thinkchicken Should I (32 M) pay for my girlfriend's (26 F) cat's surgery and biopsy (~$3800) after being in a 1-year relationship?

Hi all, kind of in a conundrum. Been in a relationship with this girl for ~1 year and she has 2 dogs, 2 cats. One of her cats is older (~10 years old) and had a badly swollen, glaucoma eye that needed to be removed. He also has a bunch of bumps that needed to be biopsied. The total bill is ~$3800. About ~$1300 of that will be covered from insurance--so the total is ~$2500.
She makes ~$160K, but has to work multiple jobs to make this much and is also currently studying for nursing. She's got ~$25-30K in student loans from undergrad and ~$15K in additional expenses coming up for tuition. On top of that she has a ~$2500/month apartment.
I make ~$120 K (from one job), but I am under the threat of being laid off (been put on a PIP a few days ago), with $0 in student loans. I pay ~$1550/month for my apartment.
We've been talking about moving in and I really do like her--she's kind and attentive. There are things I wish she would do better, but overall she is very sweet and nice.
Ever since I started going through some work stresses and anxiety issues a few months ago-- I've basically been living with her for the past ~1.5 months. I help out by doing the dishes, walking her dogs, and paying for groceries and takeout.
I really do like all 4 of her pets also. But I also get mildly annoyed at how she kind of "hoards" or "collects" animals? Like they're impulsive decisions and she doesn't think about the financial ramifications later on. Anyways, this cat's got surgery and biopsy scheduled for today.
Should I help pay for this? I feel like it's her responsibility, but I was thinking of chipping in ~$300 for this. Would I be an AH if I didn't pay at all? Or only this amount?
She hasn't asked me, but I can tell she's kind of hinting at it from the way she talks about the mounting bill.
submitted by thinkchicken to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:14 ZealousidealSource12 An adaptive behavior made me lose faith in myself

Hey all! I've(30m) been watching Dr. K for a few years now, and have made some really good progress. There was a realization I had recently that helped me better understand the lack of follow through I experience.
Doing some reflection after watching the C-PTSD livestream, I remembered that growing up, there was no option to say "no" to things, without punishment(physical and emotional). What I wanted didn't matter, I was to do what I was told, period.
This reminded of a pattern, where I would say I would do something like studying, to get my mom to leave me be, only to not do it (even though I really wanted to do better). I was taught that your word is everything, and every time I didn't follow through, I would feel immense shame. This felt like a violation of myself every time, since the value of honoring your word was one I agreed with.
I also noticed that outside of situations where I felt like I didn't have any choice, like with family, I would put heavy emphasis on honoring my word(compensating for the shame surely). This pattern of betraying my values consistently, while at the same time emphasizing their importance when it was voluntary, only made the insecurity grow.
At some point, the habit of saying I would do things I knew I couldn't, to cope with tyrannical parents, evolved into identifying as "a person that didn't honor his promises/word". My faith in my ability to follow through became nonexistent, and it started affecting the promises I made to myself (such as eating healthieworking out/studying/etc..). It almost feels like my brain's ability to excuse behavior now is super charged.
What helped was noticing that at the time, I didn't have the option of saying "no", and that the behavior was adaptive to my situation. Also, noticing that there was no help or instruction on how to do better provided when I was struggling. Instead, I would be berated and only told to "do better". It does feel like an "excuse" but I'm also aware that "everything is an excuse" is also a feeling that was conditioned into me, and may not be fair.
I'm uncertain on the appropriate way to work through this, although I assume it involves slowly building faith in myself. Something like setting small goals that will build self-confidence, while also taking care to set goals with care, rather than impulsively based on a momentary emotion is what I've got so far.
I'm also reminded of something Dr. K. said around self-pity, and how you can validate the behavior and its usefulness to you, but you no longer need to engage with it most of the time. I'm thinking that this approach might also be useful for the "reflexive goal setting" in response to shame.
Thank you for reading. I would love any input your own experiences with similar situations.
submitted by ZealousidealSource12 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:14 omgloliwasjoking Looking for a roommate

I am an undergraduate student living in Tiger Pointe apartments and my roommate is moving out in July. I am looking for someone to take over his room by then. The lease for 2bd 2bth apartment is $610 per person per month, ultility and electricity bills are evenly split.
I have no pets and I always keep the apartment clean.
Please lmk in the dms if anyone wants to talk to me about the apartment.
Thank you
submitted by omgloliwasjoking to LSU [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:01 DizzyAd4200 no pets allowed have pet

throwaway account
I lived in same apartment for 5 years. lease says no pets and strata says no pets. I brought in a found cat and the guy that works with strata company told me to remove the cat or they will start an eviction. Can they do that or just take my deposit?
submitted by DizzyAd4200 to vancouverhousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:59 Legitimate_Court_370 *Lark Townhome West Lafayette 1bedroom in 4b 4.5b tounhouse for Summer*

I am looking for a person (female) to transfer my lease for 1b1b room in a 4b4.5bath Townhomes.
Townhome has total 3 floors, every floor has 2 rooms and attached 2 bathrooms and 1 complete floor for kitchen common area and a 0.5 bathroom.
Apartment is Fully Furnished
Photo tour: https://larkwestlafayette.com/photo-tou
🚌 There is free shuttle to Purdue WL campus (10mins it takes). Please dm fast, place is fast filling.
You will get your own bedroom and bathroom.
Lease period : 1st June 2024 - Aug 2024 Rent : $575 + Utilities
Dm me if you are interested.
Community Features
1.Clubhouse, lounges and game rooms 2.Business center 3.Creative collaboration spaces 4.Indoor basketball court 5.Pool and hot tub 6.Pet friendly 7.Free parking 8.On-site management 9.Social events for residents and friends 10. Direct bus to campus
submitted by Legitimate_Court_370 to PurdueHousing [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:58 SystemSpark [USA] [H] Pixel Pals, FF7 Rebirth DE; Car Battler Joe, Haunting Grounds, Chrono Trigger Maps, Cubivore, Turbo, Project Justice, Xenogears, Power Stone 2, Faria, Izuna 2, amiibo, Switch/Wii/WiiU/PSP/PS1/PS2/PS3/PS4/PS5/DS/3DS/GBA/GB/NES/SNES/NGC/Genesis/Saturn Games, Controllers, Swag [W] Lists,Wants

If you would like to buy, please check my thread on /gamesale.
  Photos upon request.
Storage Solutions Condition
Thin Jewel Case for CD/DVD/Blu-Ray New. Clear front, black back
Standard Jewel Case for CD/DVD/Blu-Ray New. Clear front and back
Genesis/Famicom Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
Super Famicom Cartridge Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
SNES Cartridge Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
NES Cartridge Retro Protection New, PET acid-free plastic cartridge protector
amiibo Condition
Tears of the Kingdom Link Loose
Ocarina of Time Link Loose
Majora's Mask Link Loose
Smash Bros. Link Loose
Skyward Sword Link Loose
Zelda & Loftwing Loose
Wind Waker Link Loose
Wind Waker Zelda Loose
Twilight Princess Link Loose
Wolf Link and Midna Loose
Callie Loose
Marie Loose
Inkling Boy [Neon Green] Loose
Inkling Girl [Neon Pink] Loose
Inkling Squid [Neon Purple] Loose
Splatoon 2 Pearl Loose
Splatoon 2 Marina Loose
Splatoon 3 Inkling [Yellow] Loose
Splatoon 3 Octoling [Blue] Loose
Splatoon 3 Small Fry Loose
Zelda Loftwing New In Box
Sanrio amiibo cards Sealed Pack
Mario Cereal Box Cereal Removed/Flattened
Isabelle Summer Outfit Open Box
Cyrus/K.K./Reese New In Box/Damaged box
Tom Nook New In Box
Mabel New In Box
Digital Codes Condition
Figures Condition
Chrono Trigger Chrono (Crono)/Robo/Eira (Ayla) Formation Arts Figure Loose figure, most limbs are detachable by design, no missing parts
Pit Figma Figure First Edition, Open Box, Contains everything but AR cards
Lillie (Pokemon) Nendoroid Sealed. US edition from the Pokemon Center
Pixel Pal Mega Man Sealed, damaged box
Pixel Pal SMB3 Mario Sealed
Pixel Pal SMB3 Luigi Sealed
Tracer Nendoroid (730) Sealed
Tracer (Blizzard Entertainment Cute But Deadly Series 2 Vinyl) Loose figure
Switch Condition
Adventure Acedamia Sealed
Atelier Ryza 3 Complete in Box
Azure Striker Gunvolt Striker Pack Sealed
Bendy and the Ink Machine Complete in Box
Cruel King and the Great Hero Storybook Edition Complete in Box
Ender Lilies Sealed, Japan Import
Grim Fandango Remastered Complete in Box, no slip cover
Labyrinth of Refrain Loose
Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Sealed
Metroid Dread Collector's Edition Sealed, a few dings associated with shipping
Monster Hunter Stories 2 Collector's Edition Sealed
The Mummy Demastered Complete in Box
River City Girls Complete in Box, US Copy, Best Buy Variant
Shadowverse Champion's Battle Loose
Shantae Sealed
Shantae Risky's Revenge Sealed
Shantae Collector's Edition Sealed
Shantae Risky's Revenge Collector's Edition Sealed
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Cowabunga Collection Sealed
Wonder Boy: The Dragon's Trap Complete in Box
Yu-Gi-Oh Legacy of the Duelist: Link Evolution Loose
Wii Condition
Batallion Wars 2 Game and Case
Castle of Shikigami III Complete in Box
Okami Game and Case
WiiU Games Condition
Batman Arkham City Armored Edition Sealed
Disney Infinity 2.0 Sealed
Nintendoland Complete in Box
Star Fox Guard Complete in Box
Turbo Super Stunt Squad Complete in Box, Art/Manual damage
DS Condition
Animal Crossing Wild World Game, Case, and inserts. No Manual
Final Fantasy Fables Chocobo's Dungeon DS+ Complete in Box, Japanese Import
Izuna 2 The Unemployed Ninja Returns Loose
Super Scribblenauts Loose
3DS Condition
Kid Icarus Uprising (Japanese) Game, Manual, and Case (No Big Box)
Kid Icarus Uprising Complete in Box, Includes Big Box, Stand and AR cards
Senran Kagura Deep Crimson Double D Edition Sealed
GBA Condition
Car Battler Joe Loose. Label imperfections
Chocobo Land A Game of Dice Loose
Lady Sia Loose, EU import
Lady Sia Loose. Label imperfections
Super Mario Advance No label
GB Condition
Alleyway Loose
Kid Dracula Loose
NES Condition
Adventure Island II Loose
Faria Game and Box. Box has some wear
Kid Icarus Game, Box, and Manual; Box shows wear; Protective case for box and manual included
Rainbow Islands Loose
Super Mario Bros & Duck Hunt Loose
SNES Condition
Metal Marines Loose
Secret of Mana Loose
Super Punch-Out Loose
Super Scope 6 Loose
Wild Guns Loose, Bad Label Damage
Gamecube Condition
Cubivore Loose disc
Pikmin Player's Choice, Complete In Box
Star Fox Assault Loose disc
Resident Evil 0 Player's Choice, Case and Discs, no manual
Resident Evil Player's Choice, Complete In Box
Resident Evil Complete In Box
Resident Evil 4 Complete In Box, Disc 2 has label wrinkles
Super Mario Sunshine Game and case, no manual
Sega Genesis Condition
Jurrassic Park Loose cartridge, Sharpie on Label
Phantasy Star IV Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Quackshot Complete In Box
Rocket Knight Adventures Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Spider-Man Loose cartridge, Label Damage
Sega Saturn Condition
NiGHTS Into Dreams Complete in Box, Not for Resale Edition
Night Warriors Darkstalkers' Revenge Loose
Sega Dreamcast Condition
Project Justice Complete in Box, page 2 detached from manual.
Power Stone 2 Loose
PSP Condition
Daxter Loose, Greatest Hits, Not For Resale
Power Stone Collection Loose
Silent Hill Origins Game and Case
PS1 Condition
Castlevania Chronicles Complete in Box
Chocobo Racing Loose
Chocobo no Fushigi na Dungeon Complete in Box, Japanese Import
Chocobo's Dungeon 2 Complete in Box, Manual is badly water damaged
Dark Stalkers Loose slim case version
Dark Stalkers 3 Disc and Manual, no back art
Rival Schools Complete in Box
Silent Hill Loose disc, Greatest Hits
Valkyrie Profile Discs and Case, no manual
World of Dragon Warrior Torneko The Last Hope Loose
Xenogears Complete in Box
PS2 Condition
Avatar The Last Airbender Disc and Case
Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance Complete in Box; Greatest Hits
Bully Greatest Hits, game & artwork
Burnout 3 Takedown Complete, Water Damage on back cover art
Burnout Dominator Case and Disc, Disc has superficial scratches but still boots
Castlevania Curse of Darkness Loose, Disc has light scratching
Crash Bandicoot The Wrath of Cortex Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Complete in Box
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Complete in Box; Greatest Hits
Final Fantasy X Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Final Fantasy X-2 Complete; Greatest Hits
Haunting Ground Complete in Box, Water Damage on art and manual
Killzone Complete in Box
Grand Theft Auto Vice City Disc, Case, Poster, No Manual
.Hack Infection Complete in Box, Includes Anime DVD
.Hack Mutation Complete in Box, Includes Anime DVD
.Hack Outbreak Complete in Box, Includes Anime DVD
.Hack Quaratine Discs and Case, no manual
Marvel vs Capcom 2 Cracked Disc, won't boot for me. Comes with case, no manual
Metal Gear Solid 2 Sons of Liberty Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 2 Disc and Case
Need for Speed Underground Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Need for Speed Underground 2 Complete in Box
Need for Speed Hot Pursuit 2 Greatest Hits, Used, Disc and Case
Resident Evil Dead Aim Game and Case, No manual
Scarface Complete; Greatest Hits
Simpsons Road Rage Loose, Greatest Hits
Valkyrie Profile 2 Complete In Box, some wear on the artwork and manual
Tekken Tag Tournament Disc and Case, Greatest Hits, Full side Movie Gallery sticker on DVD face
PS3 Condition
Sports Champions Complete in Box
PS4 Condition
APEX Construct Sealed
Gravity Rush Remastered Loose
J-Stars Victory VS+ Loose
SteamWorld Dig 2 Sealed
PS5 Condition
Battlefield 2042 Complete in Box
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Deluxe Eiditon Sealed
XBOX One Condition
Watchdogs Sealed
Consoles Condition
Monster Hunter Rise Edition Switch New in Box (No game code)
Oculus Quest 1 Complete in Box
Playstation 2 w/FreeMcBoot Original PS2 "Fat" system. Won't read PS1 or blue PS2 discs. Laser could be ready to go bad, or just need re-alignment. Comes with a Yellow PS2 Memory Card that has FreeMcBoot on it. Free McBoot will allow you to to play games off of a hard drive if desired. No cords/controllers included.
Pokemon Scarlet/Violet Edition OLED Switch New In Box
SNES Jr. Includes Deck, RF Coax Cable, Third Party AC Adapter, and Third Party Controller. Small crack on the corner.
Splatoon 3 Edition OLED Switch New In Box
Controllers Condition
FortniteWildcat Joy-Con Set Comes from the Fortnite Edition Console, never used
Joy-Con Grip Bagged/Unused - Came with console
Oculus Quest 1/Rift S Left Controller Used but very good condition. Comes with silicon case
Oculus Quest 1/Rift S Right Controller Used but very good condition. Comes with silicon case
Platinum Gamecube Controller Third Party, no nintendo logo, wired, good condition
Joy-Con (Left/Gray) Good, no drift
Joy-Con (Right/Neon Red) Good, no drift, Factory refurbished
SNES Controller Third Party, no nintendo logo
SPIN Z WiiU Pro Controller Black, Near Mint
Misc. Condition
Chocobo White Mage Plush Good
Chocobo Mystery Dungeon Everybuddy Pin Thief costume
Chocobo's Dungeon Card Game Monsters Expansion Pack Sealed
Black MagicGate 8MB PS2 Memory Card Has Free McBoot loaded onto the card
Yellow Nyko MagicGate 8MB PS2 Memory Card Has Free McBoot loaded onto the card
The Art of Splatoon 2 Sealed
Mario Kart 8 Target Pre-Order Keychain Sealed. Cut in the film.
Nintendo Switch AC Adapter Gently used
Nintendo 64 Memory Jumper Pack OEM/Authentic Regular Pack, not to be confused with the expansion
Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Pre-Order Coin Sealed
Breath of the Wild Sheikah Coin From BotW Special Edition, Good condition
Pokken Art Cel Pre-Order Bonus Sealed
Blastoise New 3DS Plates Plates are mint and unused
Nintendo 3DS Stand OEM, Came with Kid Icarus Uprising
Kid Icarus Uprising Players Guide (Imported from Japan, no AR cards) Shows a little wear
Kid Icarus AR Card Set (205/404) Contains 249/402 different North American (AKDE) cards, no duplicates. An itemized list can be provided upon request.
Kid Icarus AR - Pit Rally Cry Sealed Pack Sealed pack of cards that contains AKDE-403,014,086
Shantae Risky's Revenge 2 LP Soundtrack Vinyl Sealed
Super Mario Wonder Framed Art Print Comes from Best Buy, Sealed
Tears of the Kingdom Pin Set (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Tears of the Kingdom Art Book (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Tears of the Kingdom Poster (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Mint
Portal 2 Wheatley LED Flashlight Sealed
Cases/Boxes/Inserts Condition
Chrono Trigger Manual SNES, Slight Wear
Chrono Trigger Orange Border Map Slight Water Damage, 2 Pin holes in the folds, frame optional
Chrono Trigger Green Border Map Slight Water Damage
Disgaea 1 Rosen Queen Edition Everything but the game
Dragon Ball Z Budokai Tenkaichi Greatest Hits Artwork
Shantae Slip Cover Limited Run Nintendo Switch 5 Game Slip cover with protector
Burnout Revenge PS2 case and manual
Doom Eternal Steelbook PS4 Sealed, no game
Dot Hack (.HACK) Infection PS2 case and manual
Dot Hack (.HACK) Mutation Empty Case only
Dot Hack (.HACK) Outbreak PS2 case and manual
Dragonball Z Budokai Tenkaichi PS2 Greatest Hits Case Only, damaged clips but artwork is in good shape
The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Collector's Edition Includes everything but the game
Metroid Dread Special Edition Box only, damaged from shipping
God of War Chains of Olympus Case and Manual Only
Gran Turismo 3 A-spec PS2 case only, 'Not For Sale' version
Super Smash Bros Ultimate Nintendo Switch ConsoleBox Only Empty Box, good condition
Animal Crossing Nintendo Switch Console Box Only Empty Box, good condition
Pokemon Dialga & Palkia Switch Lite Box Only Empty Box, good condition
Rival Schools Front Artwork Just the front artwork
Fortnite Nintendo Switch Console Box Only Empty Box, good condition
The Witcher III Wild Hunt Empty Case, good condition
Tears of the Kingdom Steelbook (The Legend of Zelda) From the TotK Collector's Edition. Empty Case, Mint
Witch's Wish Box Empty Box, good condition
Freebies Condition
Playstation 2 IDE Connector Upgraded my HD Adapter to SATA, these are the old/leftover connectors.
Nintendo Switch Cart Caddy 3D Printed. Holds 16 carts. Can connect to an OEM dock.
Yoshi Mario Kart Keychain Good
Small Jotaro Kujo Figure 3D Printed. From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle-R
Large Jotaro Kujo Figure 3D Printed. From Jojo's Bizarre Adventure All-Star Battle-R
2 Cartridge DS Travel Case 2 Cartridge DS Travel Case
4 Cartridge DS Travel Case 4 Cartridge DS Travel Case
Wonderswan Display Stand 3D Printed. Does not fit Wonderswan Crystal
Lavos Figure 3D printed in PLA Wood Filament. Not my model, found on thingiverse.
Wants Console
Kid Icarus Uprising AR Cards: AKDE-025 AKDE-039 (Will consider others) None
Asheron's Call Memorabilia PC
Game & Watch Devices (Excluding 35th Mario & Zelda editions) G&W
Trip World GB
Classic NES Series: Excitebike GBA
Classic NES Series: Dr. Mario GBA
Classic NES Series: Pac-Man GBA
Kirby Tilt 'n' Tumble GBA
Pokemon Puzzle Challenge GBC
R.O.B. Accessories NES
Yo Noid NES
Pirates Of Dark Water SNES
Chrono Trigger Box/Inserts SNES
Marvel Super Heroes War of the Gems SNES
Ribbit King NGC
Mario Wonder Cards/Pins Pre-Order Bonuses None
Metal Gear Acid PSP
Racing Lagoon PS1
Parasite Eve 2 PS1
Red Ninja (Art/Manual) PS2
Night Warriors Darkstalkers Revenge (Case & Manual Only) Saturn
Wonderswan Games Wonderswan
DS Download Station 1-8,10,11,12,14,16,17,20 DS
Oni PS2
Sega Master System Games Master System
ROG Ally Extreme PC
submitted by SystemSpark to gameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:57 weeping_samael About Dark Magic and its misconceptions

What is Dark Magic?
That's the question, I'm sure, if not every single one, but the majority of readers asked themselves at least once. Dark Magic in general is described as magic malicious in nature, one that's used to cause harm. It doesn't really make sense: a good applied Incendio is just as well to kill you as a swift Killing Curse, even more painfully, in fact. Or why Imperius is Unforgivable, but love potions are totally fine and legal and not considered Dark? And I'm sure people here are painfully familiar with many such arguments.
Did you know that "Petrificus Totalus" spell Hermione used on Neville at the end of the first book is a dark charm? Apparently, according to "The Standard Book of Spells, Grade 1" from Pottermore, jinxes, hexes and curses (though the last one is obvious) are all dark spells. And that includes such things as Ron's Slug-Vomiting Curse, Ginny's signature Bat-Bogey Hex, even Leg-Locking Curse that Draco used to bully Neville in first year. All because their purpose is to cause a negative effect.
So, some Dark Magic is bad, but other is used regularly in schoolyard fights, and no one bats an eye. Where's the line and who sets it?
Alright, Dark Magic in canon doesn't make sense. That means, that a lot of fic writers take it upon themselves to fill the gaps in logic and give their own definitions of what magic constitutes as dark. From the top of my head, I can remember a few, let me know if you recognize them:
I like these theories, I like when people try to come up with their own interpretations or their ways to fill the holes in lore and logic. Not all of them I agree with, but it hardly matters.
What peeves me, however, is when authors use this fact, that there's no clear definition of Dark Magic or Dark Arts, as an excuse to basically do whatever they want. A character (more likely, main one) does or practices something that people don't like, so they just accuse them with an empty argument "it's bad, it's Dark Magic!". And no one can argue, because no one understands what Dark Magic even is! They don't have a box list of criteria to disprove. "I don't know what you're doing, I don't understand it - it's Dark Magic, it's bad."
It's one of the favorite arguments in Hermione or Order bashing stories when MC does something they do not approve of. Dumbledore bashing uses a bit different arguments, but this one can also be included.
It's just such a... I don't want to call it a bashing tool, because I can't say if every such story involves a heavy bashing, but it has potential to be, at least. I'd call it a bludgeoning tool. Just a blunt method to make characters do whatever they want without the need for any finer details: it's so much easier to just use the brand "Dark Magic" and get over it, why give any explanations.
Although, to be completely fair, canon does it as well to some extent.
“Did something happen to it when Flint blocked him?” Seamus whispered.
“Can’t have,” Hagrid said, his voice shaking. “Can’t nothing interfere with a broomstick except powerful Dark magic — no kid could do that to a Nimbus Two Thousand.”
Non-Dark magic can't do something like that? What is Dark about taking control of a broom anyway? Though, admittedly it's Hagrid, no matter his virtues, not the most reliable or knowledgeable of sources on this topic.
“Ask him,” shrieked Filch, turning his blotched and tearstained face to Harry.
“No second year could have done this,” said Dumbledore firmly. “It would take Dark Magic of the most advanced — ”
Again, I don't understand what the heck it is, so it must be Dark Magic. But, it is Dumbledore and highly knowledgeable wizard, plus it's clearly a harmful effect, so it's more assumption based on those, plus experience.
“Nonsense, O’Flaherty,” said Professor Binns in an aggravated tone. “If a long succession of Hogwarts headmasters and headmistresses haven’t found the thing — ”
“But, Professor,” piped up Parvati Patil, “you’d probably have to use Dark Magic to open it — ”
The Chamber of Secrets can't be kept a secret without resorting to Dark Magic? If no one found it, so it must be something truly obscure and terrible, so it's Dark. But, I mean, she's a second year girl...
Black jumped at being addressed like this and stared at Hermione as though he had never seen anything quite like her.
“If you don’t mind me asking, how — how did you get out of Azkaban, if you didn’t use Dark Magic?”
But Hermione surely disappoints here. Apparently, non-Dark countermeasures are all accounted for, so if they failed he must have used some Dark stuff.
It's very sad picture, which says about either ignorance on the matter, which is excusable for children but pity that it's not taught, or arrogance in the assumption that you know every bit of non-Dark magic there is and can be.
Anyway, we came back to the canon and it's understanding of Dark Magic. I spent some time thinking about it, what J.K.Rowling meant by it, without resorting to any headcanons.
No one can argue that Harry Potter series is filled with symbolism as any good fiction tends to be. It's a story for children, at least started as, and young adults, so besides a good adventure it also contains a moral message and more than one. The story of Boy-Who-Lived is about love and redemption, first and foremost. "Love is the most powerful thing in the world" is not just a preaching of a senile old man, but the most central point of the whole book series.
So, based on this, I believe that in canon Dark Magic at its basics is the magic that corrupts the soul. What it means is open to interpretation, as it often is when the topic of a human soul is involved. It's all based on the same moral messages between the lines: when you do bad things to others, it slowly but surely corrupts your soul, and if you fall into temptation, only love and compassion can heal the harm done to yourself. Harry vs Voldemort is basically the fight between Love and Hate, Soul and Soulless. That's why Patronus is basically an epitome of defense. And that's why Horcruxes are considered to be The Darkest of Magic, when it literally tears the soul apart. And that's why the cold blooded murder is even involved in the process of making one - metaphorical tear becomes literal.
To be completely honest, I find myself a bit resentful of the message, no matter how nice and beautiful it sounds. It somehow implies that soul is only about love, compassion, friendship and so on, that any negative feelings do not and must not have a part in it. But, I guess, it's a bit too much of a philosophical, ethical and psychological question to dive into in here.
submitted by weeping_samael to HPfanfiction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:55 ThrowRA_36116 I (22M) was betrayed by my girlfriend (22F). She’s finally in therapy, but is it too late?

Throwaway account because I don’t want this story getting back to me lol.
I've been on/off with a girl I met in college for 2.5 years. Currently a recent college grad and she will finish her undergrad in August. For context, I have generalized anxiety, OCD, and depression while she has borderline personality disorder, generalized anxiety, depression, and ADHD.
Long story short, she emotionally cheated on me, lied to me about another guy and her values, and manipulated me into staying with her for about half a year in late 2021 and early 2022. We were apart for half a year, then one of my friends told me to give her another chance and I did. We were on/off during this whole time and after because of the guy she was emotionally cheating on me with. She’s pretty great most of the time but has recently had random periods of being terrible.
During our time apart, she wasn't with anyone sexually or emotionally. She went on a date or two but that was all. I pursued other girls, but nothing happened.
Fast forward to January of this year, l've endured a lot of disrespect, childishness, and immaturity from her. l've basically had to show her how to be respectful in a relationship and be a decent person (she asked me to, and those are her words) despite the fact that she has been in two relationships before me and I had been in none before her.
She broke up with me in late January because I wasn't being as affectionate with her as I was during our honeymoon phase. She has borderline personality disorder (she was diagnosed in February of this year) and was having an emotional episode where her feelings overwhelmed her. Later she admitted this and said I wasn't actually doing anything worth leaving over, but that she simply wanted me to say I would touch her more rather than accepting her breaking up with me.
The day after we broke up, she began talking to a guy who hit on her last summer (I didn't know about it at the time). At the same time, she was texting me telling me she wanted to take back the breakup. I caved in after a week only to find out she met up with the guy five days after our breakup. I took her back anyway, but said she should think about it first. She said she didn't need to.
A day later, she told me she was excited about the other guy and couldn't stop thinking about him. I told her I didn't want to talk anymore. Two days later, I tried to win her back and she said she felt the same way when I told her I loved her. She said nothing happened with the other guy three times when I asked before eventually admitting that she gave him head.
I agreed to put the past behind us and gave her another chance anyway. However, over the next month, she admitted she couldn't stop thinking about the other guy and said I deserved better. She wanted to break up and while I did fight for her, I eventually just let her go.
We talked about wanting to stay together over the next day, and I eventually called her drunk saying I loved her. She said she felt the same way. I asked her if she had sex with the guy and she said that while she wasn't planning on it at the time, she impulsively decided to that morning after she started talking to him and he asked to come over.
She has reiterated over and over that that she didn't like him anymore when she did it, but that she didn't want to be alone and was being impulsive like she usually is. Also that she was excited about having sex with someone new after 2.5 years. She made him stop halfway through doing the deed and he cut ties with her after that. She said it was because she wasn't over me and started dissociating.
We've been trying to work things out. She's going to therapy for her BPD and trying to fix things with me, but everything she did hurts. She's been showering me with attention and gifts and promises to do better like she normally does after she messes up. She said she would stop the lying and betrayal, but I found out a couple of days ago that she's been lying about when she began texting the guy again after we broke up most recently. Instead of texting him the next day, she texted him less than a couple of hours after the breakup. No telling what else she's lying about.
My question is, how do I leave? She's my first love and I know she isn't a good person, but every time I try to leave, she just worms her way back into my life.
TL;DR: Ex/Situationship cheated emotionally, then a couple of years later left me for another guy twice and came back after having sex with him. She's my first love, first relationship, and many of my firsts. She is a great girlfriend most of the time but when she isn't, she's the worst. How do I leave and stay strong enough not to take her back? Or is there any way this can work out?
submitted by ThrowRA_36116 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]
