Ck jitu kim mlm tgl 18 03 2011

Name It to Claim It

2024.05.13 22:25 Beadsidhe Name It to Claim It

Name It to Claim It
*Offer is also posted to sub Discord.
submitted by Beadsidhe to Pocketfrogs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:57 CokeRapThisGlamorous Most Points in WNBA Debut:

How some of the greats came out the gate
submitted by CokeRapThisGlamorous to wnba [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 21:50 gasallbrakesno SCHG

I posted this in another sub but posting this here too because I'm super curious, and also deciding which growth fund to commit to.
On Morningstar, it shows that SCHG didn't own some of the highest growth stocks til only recently. Is this an error or is this true? SCHG was incepted in 2009 so not sure if thats a factor. I looked at QQQ and VUG and they both first bought the same stocks in the mid 2000s. If this is accurate, I'm questioning if SCHG is a good choice, as they would be way late in picking up these stocks, and the algorithm they use could allow future high performers to be overlooked as well??
Is there a way to look at a funds holdings during a certain year? I.e., any way to see what SCHGs holdings were when it was incepted?
submitted by gasallbrakesno to Schwab [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:52 Jolly-Special5237 Rahu Mahadasha destroyed and nearly killed me.

Hello, I've been exploring astrology for several years, especially as a means of navigating extremely challenging life experiences. I'm feeling lost and confused, and my life journey has been hellish. If anyone here would be willing to take a look at my chart and offer guidance or insights, particularly regarding the challenges I've faced and how to move forward, I would be incredibly grateful. Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide.
submitted by Jolly-Special5237 to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:49 The-BeetRoot 30M, would like to get some overall remedies to improve my life experiences be it Health, Personality, Relationships, Career, Wealth, etc.

submitted by The-BeetRoot to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:48 Weak-Vanilla2540 回顾六四系列[0]:为啥要写这个话题?


文章目录★为什么要关心政治? ★作为一个屁民,能起啥作用? ★为啥要关心“六四事件”? ★结尾 昨天有网友留言,建议写一个5月35日的专题。俺突然意识到,开博以来,还从未聊过“六四”这个话题。而且,今天是“六四大屠杀”的22周年纪念日,正好可以借题发挥一下,写点东西给党国抹黑。反正俺博客在墙外,朝廷的爪牙也奈何不得 :) 说实话,政治话题并非俺的主要兴趣。2009年初开这个博客,是为了聊 IT 技术话题。怎奈这1-2年来,朝廷干的事情是越来越让人恶心。所以,俺写的政治帖,也越来越多。实属无奈 :(


经常听到周围的人说:对政治不感兴趣。 俺觉得: 【在中国,你可以不关心政治,但是政治会来关心你】。在天朝这样一个高度腐败的极权国家,政治每时每刻都在影响你的日常生活。为啥房价会居高不下?为啥工资不涨而物价老涨?为啥食品安全问题越来越严重?......所有这些问题,都跟屁民的切身利益息息相关,其背后都有政治的影子。


经常听到有屁民说:自己只是一个小老百姓,即使关心了政治,也起不了啥作用。 俺觉得: 在当今这个信息发达的社会,互联网给大伙儿提供了一个很好的信息平台。每个普通人,只要你有心想做点事,都可以起到不小的作用。网上很多有影响力的网友,其实在现实生活中,也和大家一样的,都很普通的老百姓。 再比如俺,当初开博的时候,没想到这个博客会吸引到几万网友来订阅,更没想到能帮助这么多的网友成功翻墙。 在天朝,只要有万分之一的屁民,能够经常向周围的人宣传民主思想,揭露党国的阴暗面,就会形成巨大的民间舆论压力,会令党国有所顾忌,不敢把某些事情做得太过分。


经常听到有人说:“六四”已经过去很久了,没必要再翻旧帐。 俺觉得: “六四事件”是文革之后,中国最重要的一个历史转折点。通过对“六四”的了解,大伙儿可以更清楚地认识朝廷的真面目,知道它有多么残忍、阴险、狡诈。 如今的天朝,实行的是一套【防民之口甚于防川】的高压政策(想想近年来党国对网络的封锁、对维权人士的迫害)。熟悉历史的网友应该知道,历朝历代,凡是搞这种高压政策的,维持得了一时,维持不了一世。压力达到一定程度,终究会爆发。 有句老话叫:前事不忘,后事之师。希望推动天朝政治变革的网友,可以吸取“六四”的经验教训,掌握对党斗争的技巧,争取早日推翻独裁统治。


俺的读者,很多都是80后、90后。这个年龄段的网友,大都不太了解“六四事件”。建议不太了解的同学,可以先看看中文维基百科上的相关词条(请翻墙看“这里”)。毕竟维基百科的词条,相对于朝廷的媒体,还是比较客观、中立的。 考虑到维基百科的词条,篇幅有限,不可能面面俱到。因此,俺会在这个系列介绍一些维基百科没有覆盖到的内容。
顺便声明一下: 为了加深列位看官的印象,俺会在本系列的博文中插入一些照片——这些照片都是这几年在网上搜罗的。对于能找到出处的照片,俺会注明来源的网站。如果哪位觉得博文中引用的照片有侵权问题,可以到本博客留言。
为了方便阅读,把本系列帖子的目录整理如下(需翻墙):[]() 1. 八十年代的朝廷 2. 太上皇邓小平的阴暗面 3. 太上皇邓小平的政治路线 4. 废帝胡耀邦其人 5. 胡废帝是如何失宠的? 6. “八六学潮”始末 7. 胡耀邦被废的经过 8. “十三大”重新排座次 9. 山雨欲来的1989年 10. 4月15日,胡废帝驾崩 11. 4月15日至18日,悼念活动迅速升温 12. 4月18日,从悼念到请愿 13. 4月19日、20日,新华门事件 14. 4月22日,胡耀邦的两场追悼会 15. 《世界经济导报》事件 16. “四·二六社论”的民间背景 17. “四·二六社论”出笼的经过 18. 各界人士对“四·二六社论”的反应 19. 四·二七大游行 20. “袁木求愚”的四·二九对话 21. 反思学运初期暴露出的问题 22. 废帝赵紫阳其人 23. 赵紫阳在五四期间的两次讲话 24. 各方对赵紫阳讲话的反应 25. 赵紫阳的策略为何失败? 26. 成立对话代表团 27. 五·四大游行 28. 五·四之后,学运的低潮 29. 五·四之后,朝廷高层的动态 30. 发起绝食的过程 31. 5月13日,开始绝食抗议 32. 5月13、14日,短暂的斡旋无果而终 33. 5月15、16日,中苏峰会,邓赵决裂 34. 5月17日,“戒严令”出笼的经过 35.(未完待续)
版权声明 本博客所有的原创文章,作者皆保留版权。转载必须包含本声明,保持本文完整,并以超链接形式注明作者[编程随想](和本文原始地址:回顾六四系列[0]:为啥要写这个话题?
submitted by Weak-Vanilla2540 to China_irl [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:54 9x4x1 Perspective: 1929 stock market bubble. No worries: there's always a silver lining (ba-dum-tss!). How's "let's grant a monopoly on legal tender (to avoid conflict with lawful money) to a private corporation (a civilly dead entity, hence with no rights) called the Federal Reserve" working out for ya?

Perspective: 1929 stock market bubble. No worries: there's always a silver lining (ba-dum-tss!). How's submitted by 9x4x1 to Wallstreetsilver [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:05 Piedie00 Setting i don’t want

Setting i don’t want
I accidently put this setting on in my performance mode, but i don’t want it. Does anyone know where it’s for, and how i get rid of it?
submitted by Piedie00 to Rekordbox [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:15 gasallbrakesno SCHG

On Morningstar, it shows that SCHG didn't own some of the highest growth stocks til only recently. Is this an error or is this true? SCHG was incepted in 2009 so not sure if thats a factor. I looked at QQQ and VUG and they both first bought the same stocks in the mid 2000s. If this is accurate, I'm questioning if SCHG is a good choice, as they would be way late in picking up these stocks??
Is there a way to look at a funds holdings during a certain year? I.e., any way to see what SCHGs holdings were when it was incepted?
submitted by gasallbrakesno to ETFs [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:47 enfiniti27 XRT - Short Interest - 21.82M shares (290.92%) - Changed By -0.02M Shares for 05/10/24 - Ortex

XRT - Short Interest - 21.82M shares (290.92%) - Changed By -0.02M Shares for 05/10/24 - Ortex submitted by enfiniti27 to Superstonk [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:16 kayadruid Briefzentrum dauert Ewigkeit

Briefzentrum dauert Ewigkeit
Moin Moin zusammen, warte auf ein Brief. Nun tut sich seit Tagen nix mehr an meiner Zustellung. Habt ihr Erfahrungen bezüglich der Zeit der Bearbeitung im Briefzentrum ?
submitted by kayadruid to dhl_deutsche_post [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 07:30 Admirable-Smoke3031 Boston Tea Party in Atlanta Tin Foil. Licked the Frog.

TLDR: The Atlanta Braves baseball team is the only publicly traded baseball team. DFV just posted a picture that was already tweeted by Gamestop, difference being he drew some Red Socks on the image. The Braves played the Red Sox last Tuesday and Wednesday, which led me down an incredible rabbit hole.
I am not a smart man. Just a man, who thinks too much. Even now, I should be getting my last minute Mother’s day gifts together but this won’t leave my brain. Neil Gaiman’s “American God’s” sits unfinished on my dresser but weighs heavily on my mind. This movement feels like the New God’s fighting the Old Gods. Operating software being forcefully updated to keep up with growing technology. It’s still big business and time is money.
Wednesday, Odin’s day of magic, The Braves played the Boston Red Sox and won 5-0 but there was an ill feeling in the air as the message above was broadcast on all the tv’s in the stadium including the big screen over centerfield and for those of us watching from home. Feels like a message was being sent but something caught my eye in the very first sentence. “Bankruptcy”, Cohencidence #1. I started asking myself questions and the most important was, “Who, own’s Bally network?”. The Sinclair Group and Allen Media Group.
The Sinclair Group wasn’t really eye catching for me until I saw Dr. Ben Carson is on the board of directors. Cohencidence #2 as he’s close to Trump, who’s potentially part of this new entity being created. I could taste the tin foil slowly twisting my brain like a hamster named Algernon running non-stop on a hamster wheel, while high thinking “why am I running?”. I click on the about page and see this:
Our Values
Love What You Do
Be inspirational
Be communicative
Be part of something important
Make a difference
Live What You Do
Be a person of integrity
Be customer focused
Be transparent
Drive results
Embrace What You Do
Be forward thinking
Be adaptive
Be a strategic thinker
Challenge the status quo
This really opened my eyes as it reminded me of GameStop’s motto:
Power to the Players (Love What You Do)
Power to the Creators (Live What You Do)
Power to the Collectors (Embrace What You Do)
I click on Interactivity and see that they have a NFT Marketplace. This message pops up:
“Through Sinclair’s OWNMINE store, NFTs and physical goods can be purchased on Shopify, with no digital currency required.”
Shopify? They work very closely with Flexport, who’s potentially handling the new companies shipping. Shopify also has a commercial that has a neon rocket blasting off on the wall and ice cream. Cohencidences #3.
Allen Media Group is owned by Byron Allen. Yes, the owner of The Weather Channel. Byron, successfully sued AT&T, Comcast and Charter Communications seperately in a Racial Discrimination Lawsuit that went all the way to the Supreme Court for the Comcast case.
I overheard a Braves Fan say “the owner’s of Bally Sports Network don’t like CNN”. Why? Who own’s CNN?
Warner Bros. Discovery and they own all the good entertainment shows. HBO, Cartoon Network, TNT, TBS, etc.
Here’s an article from January 25, 2024 talking about Comcast potentially merging with Warner Brother’s Discovery. The CEO of Comcast denies of course but the owners of Warner have made it known that everything is up for sale. America’s for sale. The way this country has been run economically has got everybody’s money “fucked up” and people are pissed. Which is hard to fathom, when it comes to people who have way more money than the combined generational wealth accumulated by your family.
One such man is Ted Turner. Like Ryan Cohen, he learned lessons from his father, who built a successful billboard company. He started off with CNN before turning into a media mogul and then he bought, The Atlanta Braves. He managed the team for one day May 11, 1977. He owned all of Atlanta’s sports teams at one time. Time Warner would eventually sell off the teams. He’s been through economic downturn before as he watched the company he built be sold off after making decisions to merge with Time Warner in the 90’s and AOL-Time Warner in 2001. It’s estimated the deals cost him 7 Billion dollars. I wonder who advised him.
Ted is a philanthropist. At one time Ted was the largest private landowner in the United States until John C. Malone surpassed him in 2011. Ted brought Buffalo back from dwindling numbers. What once was 30k now boasts numbers well over 400k. He knows how to take things, create something new and make them grow. He’s a 2013 recipient of the Lone Sailor Award, given to Sea Service veterans, who have excelled with distinction in their respective careers during or after their service. Another recipient of this award, President Theodore Roosevelt at the turn of the millennia in 2000. Cohencidence # 4
My acting teacher often said “There are two types of people. Creators and takers.” There has to be balance otherwise there’s not enough to go around.
Still, the question remains, who would buy Warner Bros?
I wonder who would be interested? Jeff Bezos, nope he has a “small” position in Diamond Media Group, a subsidiary of the previously mentioned Sinclair Group, who runs Bally Sports. Is he hedging a Bet on a company going through bankruptcy?
What does Comcast have to do with this? Comcast/NBC Universal has headquarters at The Battery, where the Braves Play. A friend, of my friend, is my friend. Right?
Lets zoom out:
Well, that’s weird. These two neighbors can’t get along. In fact Comcast responded to Bally Sport’s message with their own:
"Bally Sports chose not to exercise a right to extend their contract and they declined multiple offers so now we no longer have the rights to their programming," Comcast said in a statement to the News earlier this week”- Per the Detroit press.
That statement sounds an awful lot like someone chose to turn the buy button off. Like they’re making a point. But why point to Comcast? What do they own?
Comcast owns NewsCorp and so much more.
It doesn’t get interesting until you scroll down to “Former Assets-Divested” under Warner Brothers Discovery.
Five bullet points down you’ll see the Atlanta Braves:
With renewed vigor, I keep going.
Who the hell is Liberty Media? Why were the Braves transferred and not sold?
John C. Malone started Liberty media and he’s been dubbed “Darth Vader” in business dealings, allegedly by Al Gore. Makes that Dumb Storm Troopers line hit differently from RC. Malone and Ted Turner are really good friends with similar ideals. Malone has said “I would never step on his toes” for the sake of business. Both have a contentious relationship with media mogul Rupert Murdoch, founder of News Corp. Ted and Rupert have beef from a boating incident and of course John has his good friends back. So, much so, that he starts buying up shares of News Corp. I keep searching until I find these two paragraphs on Liberty’s Wiki page:
[“In June 2002, Liberty Media acquired Wink Communications, a maker of set-top boxes founded by Brian P. Dougherty (of GEOS) fame), for $100 million.[33] Liberty Media subsequently spent $5 billion on nine German regional cable networks. Apart from television distribution it held major interests in other groups. For example, it was the largest shareholder in News Corporation (though the founding Murdoch family owns more voting shares), and had a 4% stake in Time Warner. In June 2005, Liberty Media International combined with UnitedGlobalCom, creating Liberty Global. In May 2006, Time Warner acquired Liberty Media's 50% stake in Court TV, for $735 million.[34] On May 16, 2006, IDT sold its IDT Entertainment division to Liberty Media "for all of Liberty Media's interests in IDT, $186 million in cash and the assumption of existing indebtedness". IDT Entertainment's assets and Starz Entertainment Group's line of premium television channels combined to produce content for all distribution platforms, and IDT Entertainment was later renamed as Starz Media.[35][36]
Liberty negotiated an asset swap with News Corp. and Time Warner that would give it control of DirecTV and the Atlanta Braves baseball team.[37] On February 12, 2007, the deal was completed with Time Warner wherein Liberty would receive the Atlanta Braves and a group of craft magazines, along with $1 billion in cash in exchange for 60 million shares of Time Warner stock (valued at $1.27 billion as of market close on February 12, 2007).[38] The deal was approved by Major League Baseballand then completed on May 16, 2007.[39] On February 20, 2008, the Federal Communications Commission approved the exchange of 16.3% of News Corp. for 38.4% of DirecTV, an $11 billion deal that also gave Liberty sports networks in Denver, Pittsburgh and Seattle plus $550 million in cash.[40]”]
Did you catch that Honey Nut Cheerio??
February 12, 2007 The deal was done for the Braves but wasn’t completed until May 16, 2007, once approved by the MLB.
This article published April 3, 2007 talks about the asset swap but makes no mention of the Braves as an asset but it does talk about Murdoch:
Why did it take MLB so long to approve the sale?
You know who else has a problem with Comcast other than Allen Media Group?
Thanks to Edwin Barnes it all begins to make sense. He was the first to mention the connection to Trump and $DJT, which allowed me to question everything. He often says MGGA=MAGA, which does nothing to reinforce what I’m trying to drive home until I realize, The Atlanta Braves were once, The Boston Braves.
“The Boston Braves were a Major League Baseball club that originated in Boston, Massachusetts, and played from 1871 to 1952. Afterwards they moved to Milwaukee (and became the Milwaukee Braves). Then in 1966 they were relocated to Atlanta, where they were renamed the Atlanta Braves.\5])
During its 82-year stay in Massachusetts, the franchise was known by various nicknames, including the Red Stockings, Red Caps, Rustlers, Bees, and "Braves”.”
Red Stockings, Red Caps. What about Red Coats? Thus sparking a whole new dig.
“The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest on December 16, 1773, by the Sons of Liberty in Boston in colonial Massachusetts. The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts. The Sons of Liberty strongly opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. In response, the Sons of Liberty, some disguised as Native Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company.
“Foley, sees the Tea Party as a movement of principles over politics. She identifies three “core principles” of American constitutional law that bind the decentralized, wide-ranging movement: limited government, unapologetic U. S. Sovereignty, and constitutional originalism.
Liberty Media Group makes more sense now. But why? What are they up to?
ENGLEWOOD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Liberty Media Corporation (“Liberty Media”) (Nasdaq: LSXMA, LSXMB, LSXMK, FWONA, FWONK) announced that it completed the split-off (the “Split-Off”) of Atlanta Braves Holdings, Inc. (“Atlanta Braves Holdings”) (Nasdaq: BATRA, BATRK) at 5:00 p.m., New York City time, today. As a result, Liberty Media and Atlanta Braves Holdings are now separate publicly traded companies. Atlanta Braves Holdings Series A common stock and Series C common stock will begin trading on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 on the Nasdaq Stock Market, under the symbols “BATRA” and “BATRK”, respectively. Atlanta Braves Holdings Series B common stock will be quoted on the OTC Markets under the symbol “BATRB.”
Liberty Media’s Liberty SiriusXM common stock and Liberty Formula One common stock will continue trading following the Split-Off until the completion of its previously announced reclassification of its existing common stock and the creation of the new Liberty Live common stock on August 3, 2023 after market close (the “Reclassification”). For additional details regarding the Reclassification, please see the press release issued by Liberty Media earlier today, July 18, 2023.
Once you start down this path you can’t unsee it. I feel like Charlie from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia pointing to the map meme. Once again, Why Atlanta? It’s the same thing I thought when the PP seeds show came to town. The same thing I thought when I saw Trump on TV at my local gym while walking thoughtlessly on the treadmill for a nice warmup. The tv next to him is showing an image from the Atlanta Botanical Garden’s, whose theme this year is “Alice In Wonderland”. Follow the white rabbit indeed. The exhibit is from May 11- September 15.
Yes, Atlanta is the busiest airport in the world. Yes, Atlanta Is becoming the Hollywood of the South. But Why Atlanta? The answer comes to me as I turn around:
Remember 84 years ago when GameStop was shipping Diet Coke along with packages. I’m reminded of Quincy, Florida, a small town that at one time had the most millionaires per capita because of Coca-Cola. Whose home is Atlanta, Georgia. Also, founded in Atlanta on May 8, Odin’s Day 1886.
But why did they choose The Braves? I mean I’m sure the Yankees are worth more. I look on Fidelity and I can’t find them. What about the Los Angeles Dodgers? Can’t find them either. I google how many baseball teams are publicly traded? The Braves. Just the Braves. It’s the WuTang Album dividend all over again. We did it!!!!
I truly know what it means to be a “GMErican”. I look forward to doing my part in making this country great again.
Last question: Why the bread crumbs? Because the people are needed. Yes, you and me. Progressive thinkers who can make shit happen and aren’t afraid to take a chance on something new. Whether, your ancestors were born here, immigrated here or forcefully brought here, were all here and have the opportunity to take advantage of this once in a generational opportunity.
The Braves won 5-0. The number 5 represents the center point which unifies these four extremes.
1 - Unity
2 - Dualism and multiplicity
3 - The unity between two extremes
4 - Multiplicity in two directions, like the cardinal directions.
Someone asked “What song would you play when you knew it was done?” Here’s another cohencidence for you, on May 8, Odin’s day, 1970 the Beatles released the album “Let it Be”. From Wiki:
“Concerned about recent friction within the band, Paul McCartney had conceived the project as an attempt to reinvigorate the group by returning to simpler rock ’n’ roll configurations.” Sounds a lot like trying to make something great again.
I think I’ll do the same while vibing to the albums single “Let It Be”.
Happy Mother’s Day!!!!
Updates as I edit:
This was published the morning after the Braves game and you know what they say, once it hits the news it’s already too late.
Allen Media Group has made several bids to purchase Paramount, which means they’re for sale:
Another cohencidence, I stopped counting LOL. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a bunch of companies going through bankruptcy that will soon emerge better for us all.
P.S. - If I made you smile and you want to make a donation to this struggling artist please DM me because rent is past due and if you think I need to pull myself up by the boot straps ill be slanging drinks all day Monday and Tuesday for Burn By Rocky Patel, at the Battery, where the Atlanta Braves play.
P.P.S. I think we go this week. No way I find this without them being ready.
Thank You For Reading.
Thank You to my loved ones, who put up with me wile I worked through this.
Sinclair Group:
Sinclair Group Sale:
Ownmine NFT Marketplace:
Allen Media Group Wiki:
Own Mine
Liberty Wiki:
Liberty asset swap:
Boston Tea Party:
Boston Braves:
Warner Bros:
Hollywood Reporter:
submitted by Admirable-Smoke3031 to edwinbarnesc [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 03:06 lelouce_lamprouge 23M; Love or Arranged marriage and when?

submitted by lelouce_lamprouge to vedicastrology [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 23:29 TrickyWeekend4271 No, the lottery is not rigged.

I don’t know why you guys think the lottery is rigged, there’s no evidence of this.
submitted by TrickyWeekend4271 to DetroitPistons [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:43 rib-gg-bot Team Heretics vs FNATIC / Champions Tour 2024: EMEA - Stage 1 - Playoffs / Post-Match Thread

Team Heretics 2-3 FNATIC
Sunset: 13-7
Bind: 15-13
Lotus: 8-13
Split: 5-13
Breeze: 8-13
Team Heretics Liquipedia Twitter Twitch VLR YouTube
FNATIC Liquipedia Twitter Twitch VLR YouTube
Join the subreddit Discord server by clicking the link in the sidebar!

Overall Scoreboard

Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
RieNs Sova 1.15 194 72 74 46
benjyfishy Cypher 1.10 181 71 74 18
MiniBoo Neon 1.05 207 79 84 22
Wo0t KAY/O 1.05 178 63 81 41
Boo Omen 1.00 149 55 74 43
Leo Breach 1.33 221 85 57 50
Chronicle Omen 1.17 207 77 65 43
Alfajer Deadlock 1.13 217 81 70 21
Boaster Sova 1.10 172 66 71 37
Derke Yoru 1.08 212 78 77 26

Map 1: Sunset

Team ATK DEF Total
Team Heretics 5 8 13
FNATIC 3 4 7
Sunset map stats (past 90 days)
Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Team Heretics 75.0% 52.3% 62.9%
FNATIC 0.0% 33.3% 37.5%
All teams 51.8% 48.2%
Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
benjyfishy Cypher 1.26 220 17 12 2
Boo Omen 1.26 199 15 11 11
Wo0t KAY/O 1.22 202 15 13 11
RieNs Sova 1.21 232 15 13 14
MiniBoo Neon 1.06 189 14 16 7
Leo Breach 1.08 195 13 13 12
Boaster Sova 1.07 166 12 14 2
Alfajer Deadlock 1.07 248 17 16 5
Derke Yoru 0.99 200 14 18 4
Chronicle Omen 0.88 148 9 15 7
Detailed Sunset Statistics

Map 2: Bind

Team DEF ATK OT1 OT2 Total
Team Heretics 6 6 ATK 15
FNATIC 6 6 ATK --- 13
Bind map stats (past 90 days)
Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Team Heretics 80.0% 62.5% 49.2%
FNATIC 66.7% 64.2% 41.7%
All teams 51.4% 48.6%
Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
RieNs Sova 1.34 205 19 13 9
Boo Omen 1.22 215 21 18 10
benjyfishy Viper 1.17 208 21 16 8
Wo0t Skye 0.97 137 13 19 8
MiniBoo Yoru 0.96 193 19 21 5
Chronicle Skye 1.23 216 21 16 12
Alfajer Viper 1.18 186 19 18 9
Leo Gekko 1.16 166 16 16 9
Boaster Brimstone 1.11 158 14 20 10
Derke Raze 1.03 198 17 23 3
Detailed Bind Statistics

Map 3: Lotus

Team ATK DEF Total
Team Heretics 7 1 8
FNATIC 5 8 13
Lotus map stats (past 90 days)
Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Team Heretics 63.6% 62.2% 39.1%
FNATIC 50.0% 55.1% 52.9%
All teams 53.6% 46.4%
Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
MiniBoo Raze 1.42 333 26 15 4
benjyfishy Cypher 1.00 222 16 18 3
Wo0t Fade 0.95 198 14 18 9
RieNs Breach 0.83 118 7 18 17
Boo Omen 0.69 110 6 18 12
Leo Fade 1.52 261 20 11 13
Chronicle Viper 1.26 253 19 15 9
Boaster Omen 1.22 207 16 13 10
Derke Raze 1.09 242 16 17 5
Alfajer Killjoy 1.08 175 16 13 0
Detailed Lotus Statistics

Map 4: Split

Team DEF ATK Total
Team Heretics 5 0 5
FNATIC 7 6 13
Split map stats (past 90 days)
Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Team Heretics 42.9% 38.1% 51.2%
FNATIC 60.0% 50.0% 55.3%
All teams 50.0% 50.0%
Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
Wo0t Viper 1.18 207 12 14 4
RieNs Skye 1.17 186 13 13 4
MiniBoo Raze 0.99 174 9 15 2
Boo Omen 0.89 92 4 14 5
benjyfishy Cypher 0.87 79 5 14 3
Alfajer Raze 1.37 349 21 10 4
Derke Yoru 1.28 237 17 6 11
Chronicle Cypher 1.26 214 13 7 6
Leo Breach 1.17 141 10 8 11
Boaster Omen 0.92 142 9 12 7
Detailed Split Statistics

Map 5: Breeze

Team ATK DEF Total
Team Heretics 4 4 8
FNATIC 8 5 13
Breeze map stats (past 90 days)
Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Team Heretics 50.0% 61.0% 50.0%
FNATIC 71.4% 56.3% 47.9%
All teams 50.6% 49.4%
Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
RieNs Sova 1.21 229 18 17 2
benjyfishy Cypher 1.18 174 12 14 2
Boo Viper 0.96 130 9 13 5
Wo0t KAY/O 0.92 144 9 17 9
MiniBoo Yoru 0.82 148 11 17 4
Leo Sova 1.74 341 26 9 5
Chronicle KAY/O 1.21 203 15 12 9
Boaster Viper 1.20 189 15 12 8
Derke Yoru 1.02 183 14 13 3
Alfajer Cypher 0.94 128 8 13 3
Detailed Breeze Statistics
How ratings are calculated
submitted by rib-gg-bot to ValorantCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:43 rib-gg-bot Team Heretics vs FNATIC / Champions Tour 2024: EMEA - Stage 1 - Playoffs / Post-Match Thread

Team Heretics 2-3 FNATIC
Sunset: 13-7
Bind: 15-13
Lotus: 8-13
Split: 5-13
Breeze: 8-13
Team Heretics Liquipedia Twitter Twitch VLR YouTube
FNATIC Liquipedia Twitter Twitch VLR YouTube
Join the subreddit Discord server by clicking the link in the sidebar!

Overall Scoreboard

Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
RieNs Sova 1.15 194 72 74 46
benjyfishy Cypher 1.10 181 71 74 18
MiniBoo Neon 1.05 207 79 84 22
Wo0t KAY/O 1.05 178 63 81 41
Boo Omen 1.00 149 55 74 43
Leo Breach 1.33 221 85 57 50
Chronicle Omen 1.17 207 77 65 43
Alfajer Deadlock 1.13 217 81 70 21
Boaster Sova 1.10 172 66 71 37
Derke Yoru 1.08 212 78 77 26

Map 1: Sunset

Team ATK DEF Total
Team Heretics 5 8 13
FNATIC 3 4 7
Sunset map stats (past 90 days)
Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Team Heretics 75.0% 52.3% 62.9%
FNATIC 0.0% 33.3% 37.5%
All teams 51.8% 48.2%
Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
benjyfishy Cypher 1.26 220 17 12 2
Boo Omen 1.26 199 15 11 11
Wo0t KAY/O 1.22 202 15 13 11
RieNs Sova 1.21 232 15 13 14
MiniBoo Neon 1.06 189 14 16 7
Leo Breach 1.08 195 13 13 12
Boaster Sova 1.07 166 12 14 2
Alfajer Deadlock 1.07 248 17 16 5
Derke Yoru 0.99 200 14 18 4
Chronicle Omen 0.88 148 9 15 7
Detailed Sunset Statistics

Map 2: Bind

Team DEF ATK OT1 OT2 Total
Team Heretics 6 6 ATK 15
FNATIC 6 6 ATK --- 13
Bind map stats (past 90 days)
Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Team Heretics 80.0% 62.5% 49.2%
FNATIC 66.7% 64.2% 41.7%
All teams 51.4% 48.6%
Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
RieNs Sova 1.34 205 19 13 9
Boo Omen 1.22 215 21 18 10
benjyfishy Viper 1.17 208 21 16 8
Wo0t Skye 0.97 137 13 19 8
MiniBoo Yoru 0.96 193 19 21 5
Chronicle Skye 1.23 216 21 16 12
Alfajer Viper 1.18 186 19 18 9
Leo Gekko 1.16 166 16 16 9
Boaster Brimstone 1.11 158 14 20 10
Derke Raze 1.03 198 17 23 3
Detailed Bind Statistics

Map 3: Lotus

Team ATK DEF Total
Team Heretics 7 1 8
FNATIC 5 8 13
Lotus map stats (past 90 days)
Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Team Heretics 63.6% 62.2% 39.1%
FNATIC 50.0% 55.1% 52.9%
All teams 53.6% 46.4%
Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
MiniBoo Raze 1.42 333 26 15 4
benjyfishy Cypher 1.00 222 16 18 3
Wo0t Fade 0.95 198 14 18 9
RieNs Breach 0.83 118 7 18 17
Boo Omen 0.69 110 6 18 12
Leo Fade 1.52 261 20 11 13
Chronicle Viper 1.26 253 19 15 9
Boaster Omen 1.22 207 16 13 10
Derke Raze 1.09 242 16 17 5
Alfajer Killjoy 1.08 175 16 13 0
Detailed Lotus Statistics

Map 4: Split

Team DEF ATK Total
Team Heretics 5 0 5
FNATIC 7 6 13
Split map stats (past 90 days)
Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Team Heretics 42.9% 38.1% 51.2%
FNATIC 60.0% 50.0% 55.3%
All teams 50.0% 50.0%
Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
Wo0t Viper 1.18 207 12 14 4
RieNs Skye 1.17 186 13 13 4
MiniBoo Raze 0.99 174 9 15 2
Boo Omen 0.89 92 4 14 5
benjyfishy Cypher 0.87 79 5 14 3
Alfajer Raze 1.37 349 21 10 4
Derke Yoru 1.28 237 17 6 11
Chronicle Cypher 1.26 214 13 7 6
Leo Breach 1.17 141 10 8 11
Boaster Omen 0.92 142 9 12 7
Detailed Split Statistics

Map 5: Breeze

Team ATK DEF Total
Team Heretics 4 4 8
FNATIC 8 5 13
Breeze map stats (past 90 days)
Team Win % ATK Win % DEF Win %
Team Heretics 50.0% 61.0% 50.0%
FNATIC 71.4% 56.3% 47.9%
All teams 50.6% 49.4%
Team Heretics RATING ACS K D A
RieNs Sova 1.21 229 18 17 2
benjyfishy Cypher 1.18 174 12 14 2
Boo Viper 0.96 130 9 13 5
Wo0t KAY/O 0.92 144 9 17 9
MiniBoo Yoru 0.82 148 11 17 4
Leo Sova 1.74 341 26 9 5
Chronicle KAY/O 1.21 203 15 12 9
Boaster Viper 1.20 189 15 12 8
Derke Yoru 1.02 183 14 13 3
Alfajer Cypher 0.94 128 8 13 3
Detailed Breeze Statistics
How ratings are calculated
submitted by rib-gg-bot to VALORANT [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 22:42 Admirable-Smoke3031 Boston Tea Party in Atlanta Tin Foil. Licked the frog.

TLDR: The Atlanta Braves baseball team is the only publicly traded baseball team.
I am not a smart man. Just a man, who thinks too much. Even now, I should be getting my last minute Mother’s day gifts together but this won’t leave my brain. Neil Gaiman’s “American God’s” sits unfinished on my dresser but weighs heavily on my mind. This movement feels like the New God’s fighting the Old Gods. Operating software being forcefully updated to keep up with growing technology. It’s still big business and time is money.
Wednesday, Odin’s day of magic, The Braves played the Boston Red Sox and won 5-0 but there was an ill feeling in the air as this message was broadcast on all the tv’s in the stadium including the big screen over centerfield and for those of us watching from home:
" Bally Sport is no longer available. The owner of Bally Sports is in bankruptcy proceedings and we have offered them multiple options to continue carrying their networks. They have declined each one and we no longer have the rights to continue carrying their content. As a result, we'll be issuing proactive monthly credits to customers for the loss of this network."
That statement sounds an awful lot like someone chose to turn the buy button off. Feels like a message was being sent but something caught my eye in the very first sentence. “Bankruptcy”, Cohencidence #1. I started asking myself questions and the most important was, “Who, own’s Bally network?”. The Sinclair Group and Allen Media Group.
The Sinclair Group wasn’t really eye catching for me until I saw Dr. Ben Carson is on the board of directors. Cohencidence #2 as he’s close to Trump, who’s potentially part of this new entity being created. I could taste the tin foil slowly twisting my brain like a hamster named Algernon running non-stop on a hamster wheel, while high thinking “why am I running?”. I click on the about page and see this:
Our Values
Love What You Do
Be inspirational
Be communicative
Be part of something important
Make a difference
Live What You Do
Be a person of integrity
Be customer focused
Be transparent
Drive results
Embrace What You Do
Be forward thinking
Be adaptive
Be a strategic thinker
Challenge the status quo
This really opened my eyes as it reminded me of GameStop’s motto:
Power to the Players (Love What You Do)
Power to the Creators (Live What You Do)
Power to the Collectors (Embrace What You Do)
I click on Interactivity and see that they have a NFT Marketplace. This message pops up:
“Through Sinclair’s OWNMINE store, NFTs and physical goods can be purchased on Shopify, with no digital currency required.”
Shopify? They work very closely with Flexport, who’s potentially handling the new companies shipping (Teddy). Shopify also has a commercial that has a neon rocket blasting off on the wall and ice cream. Cohencidences #3.
Allen Media Group is owned by Byron Allen. Yes, the owner of The Weather Channel. Byron, successfully sued AT&T, Comcast and Charter Communications seperately in a Racial Discrimination Lawsuit that went all the way to the Supreme Court for the Comcast case.
I overheard a Braves Fan say “the owner’s of Bally Sports Network don’t like CNN”. Why? Who own’s CNN?
Warner Bros. Discovery and they own all the good entertainment shows. HBO, Cartoon Network, TNT, TBS, etc.
Here’s an article from January 25, 2024 talking about Comcast potentially merging with Warner Brother’s Discovery. The CEO of Comcast denies of course but the owners of Warner have made it known that everything is up for sale. America’s for sale. The way this country has been run economically has got everybody’s money “fucked up” and people are pissed. Which is hard to fathom, when it comes to people who have way more money than the combined generational wealth accumulated by your entire family.
One such man is Ted Turner. Like Ryan Cohen, he learned lessons from his father, who built a successful billboard company. He started off with CNN before turning into a media mogul and then he bought, The Atlanta Braves. He managed the team for one day, May 11, 1977. He owned all of Atlanta’s sports teams at one time. Time Warner would eventually sell off the teams. He’s been through economic downturn before as he watched the company he built be sold off after making decisions to merge with Time Warner in the 90’s and AOL-Time Warner in 2001, which resulted in him losing the majority vote to the board. It’s estimated the deals cost him 7 Billion dollars. I wonder who advised him.
Ted is a philanthropist. At one time Ted was the largest private landowner in the United States until John C. Malone surpassed him in 2011. Ted brought Buffalo back from dwindling numbers. What once was 30k now boasts numbers well over 400k. He knows how to take things, create something new and make them grow. He’s a 2013 recipient of the Lone Sailor Award, given to Sea Service veterans, who have excelled with distinction in their respective careers during or after their service. Another recipient of this award, President Theodore Roosevelt at the turn of the millennia in 2000. Cohencidence # 4
My acting teacher often said “There are two types of people. Creators and takers.” There has to be balance otherwise there’s not enough to go around.
Still, the question remains, who would buy Warner Bros?
I wonder who would be interested? Jeff Bezos, nope he has a “small” position in Diamond Media Group, a subsidiary of the previously mentioned Sinclair Group, who runs Bally Sports. Is he hedging a Bet on a company going through bankruptcy?
What does Comcast have to do with this? Comcast/NBC Universal/xfinity has headquarters at The Battery, where the Braves Play. A friend, of my friend, is my friend. Right? Well, that’s weird because these friends can’t get along.
But why point to Comcast? What do they own?
Comcast owns NewsCorp and so much more.
I started looking through the investments of Warner Bros and Comcast. It doesn’t get interesting until you scroll down to “Former Assets-Divested” under Warner Brothers Discovery.
Five bullet points down you’ll see the Atlanta Braves.
With renewed vigor, I keep going. Who the hell is Liberty Media? Why were the Braves transferred and not sold?
John C. Malone started Liberty media and he’s been dubbed “Darth Vader” in business dealings, allegedly by Al Gore. Makes that Dumb Storm Troopers line hit differently from RC. Malone and Ted Turner are really good friends with similar ideals. Malone has said “I would never step on his toes” for the sake of business. Both have a contentious relationship with media mogul Rupert Murdoch, founder of News Corp. Ted and Rupert have beef from a boating incident and of course John has his good friends back. So, much so, that he starts buying up shares of News Corp. I keep searching until I find these two paragraphs on Liberty’s Wiki page:
[“In June 2002, Liberty Media acquired Wink Communications, a maker of set-top boxes founded by Brian P. Dougherty (of GEOS) fame), for $100 million.[33] Liberty Media subsequently spent $5 billion on nine German regional cable networks. Apart from television distribution it held major interests in other groups. For example, it was the largest shareholder in News Corporation (though the founding Murdoch family owns more voting shares), and had a 4% stake in Time Warner. In June 2005, Liberty Media International combined with UnitedGlobalCom, creating Liberty Global. In May 2006, Time Warner acquired Liberty Media's 50% stake in Court TV, for $735 million.[34] On May 16, 2006, IDT sold its IDT Entertainment division to Liberty Media "for all of Liberty Media's interests in IDT, $186 million in cash and the assumption of existing indebtedness". IDT Entertainment's assets and Starz Entertainment Group's line of premium television channels combined to produce content for all distribution platforms, and IDT Entertainment was later renamed as Starz Media.[35][36]
Liberty negotiated an asset swap with News Corp. and Time Warner that would give it control of DirecTV and the Atlanta Braves baseball team.[37] On February 12, 2007, the deal was completed with Time Warner wherein Liberty would receive the Atlanta Braves and a group of craft magazines, along with $1 billion in cash in exchange for 60 million shares of Time Warner stock (valued at $1.27 billion as of market close on February 12, 2007).[38] The deal was approved by Major League Baseball and then completed on May 16, 2007.[39] On February 20, 2008, the Federal Communications Commission approved the exchange of 16.3% of News Corp. for 38.4% of DirecTV, an $11 billion deal that also gave Liberty sports networks in Denver, Pittsburgh and Seattle plus $550 million in cash.[40]”]
Did you catch that Honey Nut Cheerio??
February 12, 2007 The deal was done for the Braves but wasn’t completed until May 16, 2007, once approved by the MLB.
This article published April 3, 2007 talks about the asset swap but makes no mention of the Braves as an asset but it does talk about Murdoch:
Why did it take MLB so long to approve the sale?
You know who else has a problem with Comcast other than Allen Media Group?
Thanks to Edwin Barnes it all begins to make sense. He was the first to mention the connection to Trump and $DJT, which allowed me to question everything. He often says MGGA=MAGA, which does nothing to reinforce what I’m trying to drive home until I realize, The Atlanta Braves were once, The Boston Braves.
“The Boston Braves were a Major League Baseball club that originated in Boston, Massachusetts, and played from 1871 to 1952. Afterwards they moved to Milwaukee (and became the Milwaukee Braves). Then in 1966 they were relocated to Atlanta, where they were renamed the Atlanta Braves.\5])
During its 82-year stay in Massachusetts, the franchise was known by various nicknames, including the Red Stockings, Red Caps, Rustlers, Bees, and "Braves”.”
Red Stockings, Red Caps. What about Red Coats? Thus sparking a whole new dig.
“The Boston Tea Party was an American political and mercantile protest on December 16, 1773, by the Sons of Liberty in Boston in colonial Massachusetts. The target was the Tea Act of May 10, 1773, which allowed the British East India Company to sell tea from China in American colonies without paying taxes apart from those imposed by the Townshend Acts. The Sons of Liberty strongly opposed the taxes in the Townshend Act as a violation of their rights. In response, the Sons of Liberty, some disguised as Native Americans, destroyed an entire shipment of tea sent by the East India Company.
“Foley, sees the Tea Party as a movement of principles over politics. She identifies three “core principles” of American constitutional law that bind the decentralized, wide-ranging movement: limited government, unapologetic U. S. Sovereignty, and constitutional originalism.
Liberty Media Group makes more sense now. But why? What are they up to?
ENGLEWOOD, Colo.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Liberty Media Corporation (“Liberty Media”) (Nasdaq: LSXMA, LSXMB, LSXMK, FWONA, FWONK) announced that it completed the split-off (the “Split-Off”) of Atlanta Braves Holdings, Inc. (“Atlanta Braves Holdings”) (Nasdaq: BATRA, BATRK) at 5:00 p.m., New York City time, today. As a result, Liberty Media and Atlanta Braves Holdings are now separate publicly traded companies. Atlanta Braves Holdings Series A common stock and Series C common stock will begin trading on Wednesday, July 19, 2023 on the Nasdaq Stock Market, under the symbols “BATRA” and “BATRK”, respectively. Atlanta Braves Holdings Series B common stock will be quoted on the OTC Markets under the symbol “BATRB.”
Liberty Media’s Liberty SiriusXM common stock and Liberty Formula One common stock will continue trading following the Split-Off until the completion of its previously announced reclassification of its existing common stock and the creation of the new Liberty Live common stock on August 3, 2023 after market close (the “Reclassification”). For additional details regarding the Reclassification, please see the press release issued by Liberty Media earlier today, July 18, 2023.
Once you start down this path you can’t unsee it. I feel like Charlie from It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia pointing to the map meme. Once again, Why Atlanta? It’s the same thing I thought when the PP seeds show came to town. The same thing I thought when I saw Trump on TV at my local gym while walking thoughtlessly on the treadmill for a nice warmup. The tv next to him is showing an image from the Atlanta Botanical Garden’s, whose theme this year is “Alice In Wonderland”. Follow the white rabbit indeed. The exhibit is from May 11- September 15.
Yes, Atlanta is the busiest airport in the world. Yes, Atlanta Is becoming the Hollywood of the South. But Why Atlanta? The answer comes to me as I turn around:
Remember 84 years ago when GameStop was shipping Diet Coke along with packages. I’m reminded of Quincy, Florida, a small town that at one time had the most millionaires per capita because of Coca-Cola. Whose home is Atlanta, Georgia. Also, founded in Atlanta on May 8, Odin’s Day 1886.
But why did they choose The Braves? I mean I’m sure the Yankees are worth more. I look on Fidelity and I can’t find them. What about the Los Angeles Dodgers? Can’t find them either. I google how many baseball teams are publicly traded? The Braves. Just the Braves. It’s the WuTang Album dividend all over again. We did it!!!!
I truly know what it means to be a “GMErican”. I look forward to doing my part in making this country great again.
Last question: Why the bread crumbs? Because the people are needed. Yes, you and me. Progressive thinkers who can make shit happen and aren’t afraid to take a chance on something new. Whether, your ancestors were born here, immigrated here or forcefully brought here, were all here and have the opportunity to take advantage of this once in a generational opportunity.
The Braves won 5-0. The number 5 represents the center point which unifies these four extremes.
1 - Unity
2 - Dualism and multiplicity
3 - The unity between two extremes
4 - Multiplicity in two directions, like the cardinal directions.
Someone asked “What song would you play when you knew it was done?” Here’s another cohencidence for you, on May 8, Odin’s day, 1970 the Beatles released the album “Let it Be”. From Wiki:
“Concerned about recent friction within the band, Paul McCartney had conceived the project as an attempt to reinvigorate the group by returning to simpler rock ’n’ roll configurations.” Sounds a lot like trying to make something great again.
I think I’ll do the same while vibing to the albums single “Let It Be”.
Happy Mother’s Day!!!!
Updates as I edit:
This was published the morning after the Braves game and you know what they say, once it hits the news it’s already too late.
Allen Media Group has made several bids to purchase Paramount, which means they’re for sale:
Another cohencidence, I stopped counting LOL. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are a bunch of companies going through bankruptcy that will soon emerge better for us all.
P.P.S. I think we go this week. No way I find this without them being ready.
Thank You For Reading.
Thank You to my loved ones, who put up with me wile I worked through this.
Sinclair Group:
Sinclair Group Sale:
Ownmine NFT Marketplace:
Allen Media Group Wiki:
Own Mine
Liberty Wiki:
Liberty asset swap:
Boston Tea Party:
Boston Braves:
Warner Bros:
Hollywood Reporter:
submitted by Admirable-Smoke3031 to Teddy [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:33 _umut3 Unternehmenstreuer Schwiegervater. Ein Hoch auf die Gastwirtschaft! Unternehmenstreue spiegelt sich hier nicht wieder im Gehaltsverlauf.

submitted by _umut3 to Finanzen [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 19:03 Weak-Vanilla2540 編程隨想 回顾六四系列[0]:为啥要写这个话题?


文章目录★为什么要关心政治? ★作为一个屁民,能起啥作用? ★为啥要关心“六四事件”? ★结尾
昨天有网友留言,建议写一个5月35日的专题。俺突然意识到,开博以来,还从未聊过“六四”这个话题。而且,今天是“六四大屠杀”的22周年纪念日,正好可以借题发挥一下,写点东西给党国抹黑。反正俺博客在墙外,朝廷的爪牙也奈何不得 :) 说实话,政治话题并非俺的主要兴趣。2009年初开这个博客,是为了聊 IT 技术话题。怎奈这1-2年来,朝廷干的事情是越来越让人恶心。所以,俺写的政治帖,也越来越多。实属无奈 :(


经常听到周围的人说:对政治不感兴趣。 俺觉得: 【在中国,你可以不关心政治,但是政治会来关心你】。在天朝这样一个高度腐败的极权国家,政治每时每刻都在影响你的日常生活。为啥房价会居高不下?为啥工资不涨而物价老涨?为啥食品安全问题越来越严重?......所有这些问题,都跟屁民的切身利益息息相关,其背后都有政治的影子。


经常听到有屁民说:自己只是一个小老百姓,即使关心了政治,也起不了啥作用。 俺觉得: 在当今这个信息发达的社会,互联网给大伙儿提供了一个很好的信息平台。每个普通人,只要你有心想做点事,都可以起到不小的作用。网上很多有影响力的网友,其实在现实生活中,也和大家一样的,都很普通的老百姓。 再比如俺,当初开博的时候,没想到这个博客会吸引到几万网友来订阅,更没想到能帮助这么多的网友成功翻墙。 在天朝,只要有万分之一的屁民,能够经常向周围的人宣传民主思想,揭露党国的阴暗面,就会形成巨大的民间舆论压力,会令党国有所顾忌,不敢把某些事情做得太过分。


经常听到有人说:“六四”已经过去很久了,没必要再翻旧帐。 俺觉得: “六四事件”是文革之后,中国最重要的一个历史转折点。通过对“六四”的了解,大伙儿可以更清楚地认识朝廷的真面目,知道它有多么残忍、阴险、狡诈。 如今的天朝,实行的是一套【防民之口甚于防川】的高压政策(想想近年来党国对网络的封锁、对维权人士的迫害)。熟悉历史的网友应该知道,历朝历代,凡是搞这种高压政策的,维持得了一时,维持不了一世。压力达到一定程度,终究会爆发。 有句老话叫:前事不忘,后事之师。希望推动天朝政治变革的网友,可以吸取“六四”的经验教训,掌握对党斗争的技巧,争取早日推翻独裁统治。


俺的读者,很多都是80后、90后。这个年龄段的网友,大都不太了解“六四事件”。建议不太了解的同学,可以先看看中文维基百科上的相关词条(请翻墙看“这里”)。毕竟维基百科的词条,相对于朝廷的媒体,还是比较客观、中立的。 考虑到维基百科的词条,篇幅有限,不可能面面俱到。因此,俺会在这个系列介绍一些维基百科没有覆盖到的内容。
顺便声明一下: 为了加深列位看官的印象,俺会在本系列的博文中插入一些照片——这些照片都是这几年在网上搜罗的。对于能找到出处的照片,俺会注明来源的网站。如果哪位觉得博文中引用的照片有侵权问题,可以到本博客留言。
为了方便阅读,把本系列帖子的目录整理如下(需翻墙):[]() 1. 八十年代的朝廷 2. 太上皇邓小平的阴暗面 3. 太上皇邓小平的政治路线 4. 废帝胡耀邦其人 5. 胡废帝是如何失宠的? 6. “八六学潮”始末 7. 胡耀邦被废的经过 8. “十三大”重新排座次 9. 山雨欲来的1989年 10. 4月15日,胡废帝驾崩 11. 4月15日至18日,悼念活动迅速升温 12. 4月18日,从悼念到请愿 13. 4月19日、20日,新华门事件 14. 4月22日,胡耀邦的两场追悼会 15. 《世界经济导报》事件 16. “四·二六社论”的民间背景 17. “四·二六社论”出笼的经过 18. 各界人士对“四·二六社论”的反应 19. 四·二七大游行 20. “袁木求愚”的四·二九对话 21. 反思学运初期暴露出的问题 22. 废帝赵紫阳其人 23. 赵紫阳在五四期间的两次讲话 24. 各方对赵紫阳讲话的反应 25. 赵紫阳的策略为何失败? 26. 成立对话代表团 27. 五·四大游行 28. 五·四之后,学运的低潮 29. 五·四之后,朝廷高层的动态 30. 发起绝食的过程 31. 5月13日,开始绝食抗议 32. 5月13、14日,短暂的斡旋无果而终 33. 5月15、16日,中苏峰会,邓赵决裂 34. 5月17日,“戒严令”出笼的经过 35.(未完待续)版权声明
submitted by Weak-Vanilla2540 to real_China_irl [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 18:38 justmorenergy What can you tell about me from my chart?

What can you tell about me from my chart?
I've been studying astrology for a couple weeks now and found it fascinating how accurate some of my interpretations are, Therefore I seek insight on other peoples opinions and knowledge of me based off my birth chart.
submitted by justmorenergy to astrologyreadings [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 17:55 EHRocks Explore Past and Present (Full album)

Explore Past and Present is a new full album with ten scorching rockers which includes seven brand new songs and three older songs including alternate versions of Let's Get It Together and Annihilate plus a remaster of Rock On Move on from Rock It released 2011.
Mixed and mastered by Mariano from Sonic Synthesis Studio!
Let's Get It Together mixed by Mr. Jackson Haymond who has credits for Alice Cooper's 2022 Christmas album featuring Mr. Ronnie Romero (vocalist of Rainbow, Elegant Weapons, Lords of Black) Mr. Martin Motnik (bassist of Accept) and Mr. Bodo Schopf (drummer for Michael Schenker) Menacing mixed by Ms. Ankha Nel: Multi Platinum and Gold awards for Audio Engineering over 30 years experience, in many different styles of music. Ankha Nel, Positions held in the audio industry, Chief Engineer E.M.I Studios and Chief Engineer Downtown Studios. Freelance: Bop Studios, KayDee Studios, Delarey Studios (Decibel), S.A.B.C Annihilate features Mr. Scott Foster Harris on vocals former vocalist for LA Guns mixed by Mr. Sam Koop (Sound Designer for Iron Maidens Legacy of the Beast) Rock On Move On goes back to the 2011 release of the album Rock It originally mixed Mr. Ray Tilkens who's worked with many musicians including Wino and The Obsessed plus numerous appearances on other albums. Make a Change features Mr. Rev Jones on bass guitar who's played with Michael Schenker, Mountain, Leslie West and many other musicians.
Reviews from awesome professionals! Mariano: Once again, it was a pleasure to have worked with Eric, always kind, collaborative, and clear in his objectives with his projects. Thank you very much for trusting in my work again. Rev Jones: Great session. Cool tunes. Easy to work with.
Ronnie Romero: Scott Foster Harris: / scottfosterharris Martin Motnik: Bodo Schopf: Rev Jones:
Thanks for watching be sure to subscribe and click the notification bell to stay alerted of new content, track listing is below.
  1. Let's Get It Together (alternate version feat. Ronnie Romero, Martin Motnik, Bodo Schopf): 00:00
  2. Menacing: 02:58
  3. Many More: 07:04
  4. Annihilate (alternate version feat. Scott Foster Harris): 09:13
  5. Fear Not: 14:33
  6. Entranced: 18:23
  7. Explore: 21:00
  8. Make a Change (feat. Rev Jones): 24:48
  9. Rock On Move On (Remaster from the album Rock It): 29:10
  10. Navigate: 34:18
submitted by EHRocks to shareyourmusic [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 16:11 Kaima628 Recommended platform to post legendary Morning Musume concert

Recommended platform to post legendary Morning Musume concert
Hey guys, its been 15 years since i started my wotaku fandom towards Momusu back in 2007. And i guess its been a number of years until recently when i was suddenly so depressed in work and life and i played one of my favourite Momusu song, and all those great songs and memories flowed back to my head, and i been listening to them for the past week.
Really such a nostalgic feeling but it was them who gave me the energy during my uni days.
I searched back my old harddrive and i found some great collection of their concerts from my BDRip, and these i bet is not easily available anymore. Question is where is the best platform to post these videos?
I had the thought of putting it on Youtube to reshare the love because i realize there are bits of old concert clips here and there but not full ones, but i worry about copyrights and chances of getting my Youtube channel banned. Any recommendations?
submitted by Kaima628 to jpop [link] [comments]