Long lost friend letters


2021.01.16 01:43 yoiytgy companyballs

polandballs long lost friend

2019.11.11 23:57 Thelonglostfriend LettersForLostFriends

This is a virtual bulletin board where you can leave a note for a long lost friend. If you have searched everywhere but failed to find your friend, leave a note here, and maybe they will see it and come find YOU! All posts will appear as "Spam" at first so that I can review them to make sure they have no overly identifying information. It may take a few days for your note to be approved and posted, but I'm on it! Comments are disabled. You can DM authors if you want to respond. Good luck!

2014.06.10 17:14 Lagz Summoners War: Sky Arena

Community-run subreddit for the Com2uS game **Summoners War: Sky Arena**. Discuss the game with fellow summoners around the globe!

2024.05.14 18:23 Ok-Vanilla9124 AITA for not giving my brother his dead cat back

Background: My brother and I have a very strained relationship dating back to childhood and a traumatic upbringing. Our mom died back in 2015, she had 2 cats - I took the boy and he took the girl (my brother hated the boy). In 2/2023, I went on a cruise with his wife/my SIL and found out just how much of a toxic and abusive person he is. He’s also a functioning alcoholic/drug addict. Anyway, after a particularly loud fight they had in front of me, I lost my shit on him and told him he was a narcissist and undeserving of his wife and he needed therapy. He basically told me to F off and die. Her and I remain close and they are currently separated pending divorce. Him and I gradually started communicating again over the last year.
Situation: FF to 12/2023, he asked if I could take the cat for now since his lease was up and his new place didn’t allow pets. I was ok with that. When she came, she had a few masses and a very bad case of ear mites so I took her to the vet 1/2024. Breast cancer and at 12, she had never been to a vet and was never spayed (which caused her cancer, common in cats if not spayed). I told him, he told me to just put her down, but they told me they could remove the masses so I said I would rather try surgery. He said he wasn’t paying, I told him I would. A month later as they were preparing for surgery, it was noted she had progressed rapidly (more visible masses) and she was deemed terminal but luckily asymptomatic so I took her home on palliative care/hospice. During this entire time, he never came to visit, never brought food or litter, never offered money to care for her, nothing - not even a text. I didn’t consider her a burden though and I had 3 other cats. Last week she started showing symptoms and I told him it was time. I scheduled it for 5/10 and he said he’d be there. He texted me an hour before and told me he couldn’t make it, “sorry, just put her on ice and I’ll get her later”. So, I went. Alone. And I loved her very much despite only have her a short time, she followed me everywhere, slept with me or on me, and just made this place her home. My eldest helped me bury her in our garden. Yesterday, he lost his shit on me and said “it’s not your fcking cat, you fcked up, you’re unhinged, you can’t make the decisions, if you needed supplies then you should’ve asked, I wanted to bury her and you fcked that up…” it went on and on like that until I blocked him. My SIL said she could see both sides but several of my friends told me she became my cat when he showed numerous times he couldn’t be bothered with her. Now I’m feeling so guilty wondering if I should’ve just let him have her; however, I feel like he was fine with me doing the dirty work and now wants to be the martyr so I don’t know.
submitted by Ok-Vanilla9124 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 Bluecity3456 A genuine conversation

Codepency is a huge factor, but a lot of us saw something good, something beautiful in our pwbds. She always used to say she had "potential". And I believe it. When faced with the possibility of the disorder, they revert to object permanence. Good object bad object. So if I were to even have this or that, or any imperfections I'm a bad object. And inherently unlovable.
Okay then call it Purple dinosaur disorder. You could have autism, ADHD, AIDS whatever and have BPD. It's a collection of behaviors. Even with the false accusations and having to claw my way to get joint custody of my son. I still would consider dating again, if she would go on medication and get DBT and CBT therapy. Not just therapy for validation. I think of the good times occasionally, the road trips and listening to music. Being best friends and lovers
She always said she didn't want to be like her Mother. I just wish she could/would have an honest conversation. Does she want to end up like her Mother, to be her Mother? Was her Mother a good parent/ an enviable person to be? Her Mother was diagnosed BPD herself and denies the legitimacy (I was told anyway). Still self harming and having episodes probably.
I'm split black so there is no chance of an honest conversation. I definitely neglected our relationship and her when my son was born, and my patience was all but gone. I'm in therapy, worked on my own stuff. Still doing so
But that honest conversation...never going to happen. I am glad I still hold memories of our trip to Pennsylvania, the chemistry we had. The songs. That never really goes away. I moved on awhile ago. And as I open myself up to new relationships and advances by the opposite sex, I'll still hope she finds happiness. But I don't think it will every be long lasting, without self reflection. That's the hard thing, knowing there's a person in there who's loving and childlike. And that no one can change another person, or make them see your perspective. One thing is for sure, I'm not going to live a lie
After the anger fades and you've just disconnected from the person, you're just left with "wtf?" There's no closure, because to you that first person you knew- is dead
submitted by Bluecity3456 to BPDlovedones [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 Legal-You6698 I [33M] have been with my finance [29F] for 1 year, 7 months- working on quitting porn and backslid. Am I even able to ask her to bear with me? --- TLDR: I backslid in my quitting of porn and my fiancé may leave me. Do I get to ask her to stay?

I (33M) am in a year and a half relationship with my best friend (29F)We recently got engaged but there is a lingering problem that is at the moment my biggest shame and regret so why not ask strangers on the internet for advice or judgement?
When we starting dating, she made a couple uneasy jokes about “leaving the lotion by the bed” when she came over, in reference to watching porn and masturbation. It happened a couple times and then I lied about doing so to try and avoid discussing about it but it course she knew. She was mad about me lying and then I tried to hide it again a few months later and caught once again ( I can’t lie for shit). That last time was a real fall out and I took it as a pivotal moment for change. I started therapy, and looked to not engage with porn or masturbation after that. Well, five months go by and things are going great and I’m doing as I said I would. And then of course, I messed up. I didn’t even watch a video but just browsed the homepage of porn hub. Which as soon as I stopped I knew it was weird but it also felt like a way to scratch the itch without going all the way. No real excuse. But I go about my day and mostly forget about it.
Another day goes by. She periodically asks to see my phone and I give it to her everytime. This is how she’s found out everytime. She asked me if I had anything to tell her, and I instantly remembered and knew I had to tell her. So I did and now it’s all fucked. She thinks I haven’t made any progress, even after I told her generally what I was talking about at therapy and I also feel like she could be right and I haven’t made any progress. Is there any hope after this backslide or is her trust lost to me forever?
TLDR: I backslid in my quitting of porn and my fiancé may leave me. Do I get to ask her to stay?
submitted by Legal-You6698 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 dlschindler Human - Warbringer

"The gift of war." the alien attorney for the humans said through a translator, in English.
"Well, that is what I thought you had meant." the other alien considered: "that humans offer the singular gift of warfare, but then you mentioned the cataclysmic attack on your home world and colonies, the eradication of your people."
"No, that isn't what I was referring to, at least not directly. I meant it should be obvious that humans alone are capable of engaging this enemy unknown. We should be grateful, for without their sacrifice, enduring a history of warfare, there would be no hope."
"I will not agree with you. We Sunder could find a way to deal with the Dark Beings. We've done such a thing before."
"To the Skiesene?" Osowl Fitten, the alien attorney who looked like an armored sea otter to the humans asked.
"Yes. Ages ago we put an orbital shoal around their planet. They cannot leave, there will be no ascent for them."
"Yes, and for that there are no Skiesene flying around the Milky Way. So you did what was best for all others, beside the Skiesene. Quite clever."
"What would you have said, to overturn such a case? You could have stopped me."
"I'd have told the judges we cannot fathom how Skiesene will treat others. The violence among them is entirely ritualized. We cannot be certain such a drastic measure is necessary." Osowl said after her companion waited patiently for the attorney to think of what she wanted to say.
"That's it?" Eshka gestured dissatisfaction with the rebuttal.
"Do you think the judges wouldn't overturn your recommendation with such an argument?" Osowl asked coyly.
"Well, I don't think that. I know better. It just lacks flair, there's no compelling idiom to go with it. Perhaps by asking a question?" Eshka hissed quietly in Sunderian, the main language of the Sunder, while using universal gestures with her hands and dancing moodily with her long serpentine coils.
"Then I would say it better, your way, like: 'how can we be sure this is the correct measure of action, when we have only seen Skiesene use violence in rituals that have complex rules they strictly follow? and allow the judges to reconsider the Sunder recommendation."
"But not the verdict? You never go for the prize, you are so modest - so moderate. Why is that?" Eshka complained.
"It is my way." Osowl said simply, twitching her whiskers against the boney part of her jaw, in her own language. The Sunder needed this repeated several times to decipher it, but the human got it and said:
"It is how she does it. She does it how she prefers." Jinar translated into English.
"I see. You do not think my suggestions are an improvement. That is okay. I am with you from now on, and when my way does not prevail, we have yours, which always does, in the end." Eshka said.
"We talk about everything except where we are going. Do you not worry about preparing yourselves to produce a war? We have no funding, among the Combine, they will not give us a defense budget that is not merely a fraction of their minimal planetary defenses. I've got my best lieutenants trying to figure out how we can talk them into bringing back the Combine Unified Forces. When I return they will report to me and we shall make our move on the Combine. Before that happens, we will tour the galaxy and see what help we can get from these new friends of humanity. Humans are the last aliens standing between all you stuffed animals and those giant plasma shooting bug demons. We got to make believers out of everyone, convince them they should do their part in the war effort."
"Your plan is admirable. We go to three worlds that will let us come to them for trade. The first will be the Sunder colony of Basilik, those are the ones you asked for who craft artifice for our purposes. After that, we have Tarnac where the Riftin are weaving baskets. Last on our tour we'll head for Arienta and visit the Blue Light Watchers to see what alchemical wonders they will make glow for us if we ask them to show off their chemistry." Eshka said with some kind of pseudo-approval.
"Admiral, I don't get it. We visit some snakemen and then on to the basket weaving monkeys and then we turn around where the punk rock tarantulas are brewing pharmaceuticals. What's our mission?" Skipper McCain asked.
"That's enough of that. We need the Sunder creativity in weapon design, I wanna have surprises for the Unknown, like Christmas morning. The Riftin are an ascended species, I'm sure they can do more than weave baskets, so we'll go find out. Those drugs you mentioned, they could induce Star Sleep in humans if we asked them nicely. You wanna live forever, Skipper?"
"No Admiral, I just didn't realize what the plan could be. I'm not even at half your IQ, I just see monkeys weaving baskets, I don't see what you see." Skipper McCain said.
"Honey, just fly the ship. I didn't bring you to question me."
"The ship flies itself, and I am sure that is what you brought me for."
"They are just monkeys weaving baskets. Where are those Skiesene you mentioned?" Admiral Jinar asked Eshka.
"They live on the moons of Kriesene, each of their clans on a different moon. There is no way to easily get to them, for their world is surrounded by shoals." Eshka sounded oddly worried.
"And they can fight? They aren't pacifists?" Admiral Jinar asked.
"Well, they are capable of a highly ritualized form of violence. It is quite horrifying, I think even you humans would be appalled by their massacres." Eshka said. "I argued they should be contained and I won. Now it is so. I have a regret, for I have reconsidered what the right course would be. If you wish to risk our lives to visit them, hoping for warriors, then I will come, for I feel responsible for their fate, as I have spoken against them." Eshka said solemnly.
"This visit will be added to our itinerary." Admiral Jinar said, "But we are going to make our appointments. There is no war machine, we have to build it."
submitted by dlschindler to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 SnooRegrets4878 Multiversal Family

I am kind of working on this idea of a team, made up of a multiversal family.
All three endured the same strategy and had the same man to lean on for this tragedy.
In the case of one universe, the dad would have lost both wife and son to murder, and with the help of his best friend, becoming a vigilante to revenge them.
In another universe, it would have been the wife who lost her husband and son to murder, had her husband's best friend to help her become a vigilante, and possibly eventually marrying said best friend.
In the third universe, it would have been the son who lost his parents to murder, after which he was taken in, raised and trained by his father's best friend and became a vigilante himself.
The idea would be that something happens, possibly to each version of the man that the three came to rely on, and the three begin their journey through the multiverse and eventually meet up and begin teaming up. I have even considered including a fourth universe and having a daughter with the same tragedy.
submitted by SnooRegrets4878 to Superhero_Ideas [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 ChocolateIcecreamYum Let people live their life how they do.

It is quite literally laughable.
I have a cellphone. Sure. But I am an only own, touch, pick up and use when going about without isn’t an option.
I don’t have friends because I don’t need or want any.
I don’t have relationships; dating because I don’t need and want to.
I don’t drive or my own money myself; my brother does that because disability and also I never wanted to even before it became a no fault of own disability reason.
I only own one pair of shoes and they are black and whit Asics that look like original black and white low top converse and that works for all.
I only own like ten long sleeves and seven short sleeves; five blue jeans and two black suit looking belt and silver buckle for getting dressed.
I only own like twelve baggie oversized band t shirts and four leggings cut to look like cargo shorts for bed.
I only wear underwear when on my Mother Nature.
I only wear a bra when a a long sleeve can see nipples and with all my short sleeves.
I’m waiting on SSI so I can get a state ID so I can finally try again with a job of some sort (thirty-one).
I don’t want and need sex, pets and kids, friends and a relationship.
I actually do quite better without.
Like once there is quite enough people in this world to go on; stop it; let those who don’t need and; or want; live their life.
We don’t all require the same or same version and we cant all go about it all; ya know?…
submitted by ChocolateIcecreamYum to venting [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:21 ShadowFleetRPG1 [Star Trek] [PbP] [40+ new posts daily] Shadow Fleet

Shadow Fleet is the internet's premier Star Trek roleplay set in the year 2402. We've been in operation since 2007 and have gained popularity year on year. Our community is like a family, we welcome roleplayers of all experience levels. Come say hello on our Discord to find out more. We offer our players:
- An Active and Large Community from across the world - High activity, with 40+ new posts daily - Adherence to canon and the prime Star Trek Universe (currently at Picard season 3) - Authentic Chain of Command, with progression milestones for commissioned and non-commissioned routes - The chance to earn 'IC' and 'OOC' awards and merits - Experienced and talented Game Masters - A Friendly and Welcoming community
We look forward to roleplaying with you. Live long and prosper!
submitted by ShadowFleetRPG1 to forumrpgs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:21 zapenjamin I need guidance

I'm worried about my future, im in a existential crisis, basically i met this girl some months ago and we got to know each other we took some time as friends and then we ended up dating, the truth about is that now i feel like a regret this decision, she a wonderful girl, she's pretty, she's loyal, smart, she is perfect. along our relationship we had issues, breakups but we got to keep pushing together, now i feel like a roach, i feel lost, im still discovering what the world has to offer, I dont want to date, i feel like my future decisions meaning my career might affect my relationship with her, she doesnt get to understand it in my point of view, but i want to be alone i dont want to affect her in the future and im really thinking on breaking up with her but i dont know how to do it, i dont feel like i can afford a relationship right now, i feel like a bug, i just dont know what to do.
I regret being with her now i feel like im gonna damage somebody, im gonna hurt her and i dont want that to happen, i seriously just can with it, i want to be alone my future plans are probably going to the military and become a contractor or something like that, i've told her that im gonna risk my life and i might die and besides if that doesnt happen im still gonna be in service and that come with complications as a soldier it might affect a lot in my relationship, she is really attached to me and she loves me a ton but i want to be alone i just want to do my shit show alone i dont want her to be involved neither suffer because of me. I dont know what to do. Should i break up with her?.
submitted by zapenjamin to u/zapenjamin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:21 PotentialCalm I-80 or I-40? Missouri to California

Helping my family move back to California and we’re trying to decide whether to take I-80 back, or I-40/44, planning on taking 3-4 days. I was excited about taking the northern route, but when I started looking into it it actually looks pretty desolate. No state parks or really anything to do besides stop at roadside art (not my thing). We’re also going to have animals in the car and my family doesn’t want to make long stops until we get to our hotel for the night.
The southern route looks like there’s a bit more to do, including Route 66 and more pet friendly hotel options. Does anyone have any suggestions for stops on either route? I love beautiful views, good food, and cool towns :)
submitted by PotentialCalm to roadtrip [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:21 Quackers_2 Dad keeps talking about buying his own house, four hours away in another state.

I have been trying to talk to my dad about assisted living facilities where you give an initial deposit and they use your Medicare+pension towards monthly expenses. He gets Big Sad about it and shuts down. I get aging is hard to talk about. But he wants to put me on the deed because he thinks it will help me out. He’s 70. Won’t see a therapist and won’t tell his doctor he’s having memory issues or trouble with his anger, etc.
He has no life insurance, no will, no trust. About 80k in retirement. Only has a DNR. I am partially disabled and will be looking after a developmentally-disabled sibling once our parents are gone. My mom currently does all her care taking.
My eldest sibling is off the map and police are considering listing him a missing person if they can’t locate him.
I am broke and skilled but not well-educated enough to be a top earner. I have no idea what I am going to do with my dad if he buys a house in another state, especially if he keeps insisting on adding me to the deed. He says he wants to be closer to his friends, which is fine, but I’m not going to be able to visit him once he ends up in a nursing home four hours away and I won’t be able to afford moving him to this state once long term care is required.
I’m so exhausted doing all of this on my own lol
submitted by Quackers_2 to dementia [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:21 ShadowFleetRPG1 [Star Trek] [PbP] [40+ new posts daily] Shadow Fleet

Shadow Fleet is the internet's premier Star Trek roleplay set in the year 2402. We've been in operation since 2007 and have gained popularity year on year. Our community is like a family, we welcome roleplayers of all experience levels. Come say hello on our Discord to find out more. We offer our players:
- An Active and Large Community from across the world - High activity, with 40+ new posts daily - Adherence to canon and the prime Star Trek Universe (currently at Picard season 3) - Authentic Chain of Command, with progression milestones for commissioned and non-commissioned routes - The chance to earn 'IC' and 'OOC' awards and merits - Experienced and talented Game Masters - A Friendly and Welcoming community
We look forward to roleplaying with you. Live long and prosper!
submitted by ShadowFleetRPG1 to RoleplayingServers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:21 babeliest Worried that my sister might find messages where I talked about her negatively to our dad who passed a few years ago

Hi, four years ago my dad passed away unexpectedly from a heart attack when I was 20. A month prior to this, my dad had made me his beneficiary on his life insurance. I am the youngest of three daughters. Middle sister just didn’t really have a lot of experience with finances and I guess with my oldest sister they had been just beginning to repair their relationship because they didn’t speak for like 3 years and I forget exactly when they perhaps got back on a better foot but still wasn’t the best at the time of his passing and she wasn’t exactly in a good state at the time. I think he just felt that me being the beneficiary (would still be splitting inheritance evenly with everyone) was the better call for whatever reason, he just texted me out of the blue to let me know one day. I even joked with my ex at the time that he is acting like he’s gonna die sometime soon or something. Well, he did. Anyways, in the months leading up to his death I felt like my sister was borrowing money from me pretty frequently in like $60 increments and also just seemed like she mostly hit me up when she needed something. She also had a history of addiction and I had another friend who was an addict at the time and I compared some behaviors and I was just worried that her reasons for borrowing money were possibly not just her being unemployed at the time and she was having issues at her job with using medical leave frequently? She also had a coworkefriend that messaged me in secret to express his concern for her safety and wellbeing because she had a shitty boyfriend that also worked with them and he just always felt like she was in a bad way and I felt obligated to respond. Sometimes I would express my concerns about my sister to our dad because I think she was also borrowing money from him as well, and my mom was also borrowing money from my dad and I at the time too so I felt like I could express those feelings with my dad and also would kinda let him know that I was worried about my sister for whatever reasons that her coworker was concerned. I wasn’t seeing her in person very frequently so I was going on whatever I was being told at the time. I’m not trying to be vague it’s all just been so long. The last time he saw her was Christmas and I think she may have borrowed money at that time. Flash forward to his passing and when it was revealed I was be beneficiary and not her she was upset because she was the oldest and she confided in me that she felt like he knew something was wrong with her and that’s why. I didn’t know what to say because the only reason he knew anything about her was because of me. I also at the time did not feel comfortable giving all her money to her at once because I was worried she was gonna burn out of it quickly and I guess I also wanted a reason for her to message me and keep her in my life and to know what was going on in her life… she called me a bitch for that and I get that, but I also would only do that because I care and not to punish her… it’s something I feel bad about but it’s also something that everyone in my life agreed with me on at that time. If my dad had died today, I wouldn’t hesitate for a second to give her her money all at once and I don’t even think this would have been an issue because she’s been sober for a few years and we have became much closer. At that time, I only knew what the coworker was telling me, because it’s not like I saw her all the time but I know that this person wouldn’t just reach out on some BS, he saw signs of struggle and felt like someone in her life should know. We never really went through his stuff and it’s all at our grandmas but we have some of his things still. She has our dad’s phone apparently and was able to look at his pictures and stuff from his SD card on a different phone but said she still needs to get an old phone charger to look at his messages. I am worried that messages between my dad and I will be on there and that it will ruin our relationship. It’s not like I ever outright insulted her or was like just “talking shit”, but I genuinely was upset about the money she was borrowing back and forth and the things I was being told and I don’t feel that it was wrong for me to express those thoughts with my dad, but if I knew he was going to die anytime soon I wouldn’t have let those things be the last things he knew of her. Over the years it ate at me and I even deleted select messages between me and my dad about her in my phone because I felt bad, especially because she turned herself around. When she charges this phone and if she goes through these messages, I don’t know what will happen. I don’t know if he was the type to delete messages or not. Has anyone else dealt with anything remotely similar? I don’t want to say, “if you find messages between dad and I don’t read them” because that’s just gonna make her want to read them… idk what to do. This just sucks. I need advice and I don’t even know what I’m asking for.
submitted by babeliest to grief [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:21 -Aone 5th game with cheaters/exploiters and countin

5th game in a row, just today. won't share any proof yet as I don't normally record it. this game is really going to die soon, it's never been this bad
also tag is news, why? same reason why title is 45 letters long - im kind of a d*ck
submitted by -Aone to DMZ [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 LisaBerglund Is it wrong to date someone that you don't wanna commit to or get serious with?

Last friday I swiped on a girl, thinking that if she swipes back we can have some fun over text you know. And she did swipe back, and proved to be really nice and cute, but also very fast forward. She wanted to meet up, right away. And it was in the middle of the night.
I told her that she was a little bit fast, but that we could go out the next day. Spontaneous but not bad right?
I was very nervous, like I took the date serious ofc, and she was still very cute and charming when we met. Like a true lady. She picked me up in her car, paid for the food, and bombed me with compliments, told me how beautiful I was. Like once every minute...
What can I say. I'm a sucker for that kind of attention, but it was almost too much. It felt rude not responding with the same things back. She's cute, that's a fact. But even if I alos can come across as fast forward and very interested I still need time. My biggest red flag is that I'm a people pleaser, I validate and compliment people all the time, that not a bad thing per say. But it can cause a lot of trouble while dating.
Every time she gave me a compliment I responded with the same thing back at her, while also being genuine and open about what I liked about her. If I had felt no attraction what so ever I would have let her know. But their is some attraction there, and it felt nice acting on it.
After the dinner we landed at my place, and we barely made it through the door before we laid cuddling in my bed, kissing and hugging.
She wanted it, I wanted it, like I have been single for over a year. I didn't only want it, I was craving it. But I have a complicated relation with sex, and when I noticed how willing she was I asked if it was ok if we just cuddled, and she was fine with that. But now she didn't tell me how cute I was anymore, but how hot and sexy I was.
She was grinding against me, I could feel how frustrated she was (she even told me) So.. I decided to please her, only with my fingers though.
She asked for more but I calmly told her that I wasn't comfortable with that. Please understand, It wasn't a problem. I didn't give her a clear explonation to why I didn't wanna do it, and when I gave in I get that she thought that I had changed my mind. I was OK with pleasing her, but not the other way around.
I felt that our date was a little bit too intense. Like... All the cute cuddling and affection towards each other. It was nice but if someone would have seen us they would have though that we were romantically in love. And I didn't know how to tone it down without hurting her.
Well, she'll be gone in the morning I thought. But then my friend called me and told me that she's still pissed at me over a thing and didn't want me to stay at her place when I was fixing a thing in her town on the upcoming Monday. My date had heard the conversation, and told me that it was chill cause she could drive me on Monday.
It was really cute of her, and it solved my problems, so I said ok, and we spent all weekend together. Making everything even more intense and complicated. Cause it was nice, she is damn nice. But I don't know, I don't feel that I wanna get serious with her, but now I already am... Like we were like lovers this weekend. Holding hands in public, kissing and giving long hugs all the time, being all cute and dorky with each other. Grabbing... (You know)
And I know that she have STRONG feelings for me. Like she is all over me. Lovebombing me all the time, and now she asked if I wanna hang out the upcoming weekend. And I said yes, cause it would've been nice. But I feel so bad, cause I'm almost certainly sure that I don't wanna get in a relationship with her. Like I'm posetivt. So now it's like I'm just using her and giving her false hope.
I don't wanna hurt her, I don't wanna stop seeing her, but I don't wanna commit. What should I do? She's really vulnerable which makes this so much worse. She's wonderful and deserves the same commitment and affection back. What should I do!?
submitted by LisaBerglund to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 Conscious-Nature-536 I think my friend is lying to me

I don’t know if this is the right place to post. My friend has been telling stories that I have been curious if they’re real. She told me that her father died in the hospital due to medical complications after being on a bender and getting trapped under a motorcycle for 3 days. He went into a coma in the hospital and died not long after. My friend’s step mom left him in the drive way knowingly and that’s how he died but blamed it on her and she had to go into witness protection and moved to a different state to hide from her dad’s family. She then told my friend she started hooking up with that her dad committed suicide. Red flags started going off. Then she told me her grandma passed away two weeks ago (right on the heels of her mother passing away from terminal illness) but grandma’s memorial service is two months away (July) in my city, 2 1/2 hours from where the grandma lived. Things aren’t adding up. Her father’s obituary said he died in his home. I can’t find an obituary for grandma. How can I verify if the grandma actually died? I’m starting to feel like she may be a compulsive liar to gain sympathy.
submitted by Conscious-Nature-536 to DeathCertificates [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 Embire Svalbard's Land Sale: A Step Towards a Sustainable Future

In a bold move aimed at preserving the fragile Arctic environment, Norway is selling a significant portion of state-owned land on the Svalbard archipelago. This unprecedented decision, announced on May 14, 2024, marks a pivotal moment in the region's history, blending conservation efforts with sustainable development.

The Svalbard Archipelago: A Unique Ecosystem

Svalbard, located midway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, is renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and unique biodiversity. Home to polar bears, reindeer, and numerous bird species, the archipelago is a haven for wildlife enthusiasts and scientists alike. However, the region's delicate ecosystem faces increasing threats from climate change and human activities.

The Sale: Objectives and Implications

The Norwegian government aims to ensure that the land sale aligns with the principles of sustainability and environmental protection. Prospective buyers are required to present detailed plans demonstrating their commitment to these values. This approach is intended to attract environmentally conscious investors who can contribute to Svalbard's long-term preservation.

Balancing Development and Conservation

One of the primary goals of the land sale is to strike a balance between development and conservation. The government hopes to promote responsible tourism and scientific research while minimizing the environmental footprint. This strategy includes encouraging eco-friendly infrastructure projects and supporting initiatives that enhance the local economy without compromising the archipelago's natural beauty.

The Role of Tourism

Tourism plays a crucial role in Svalbard's economy, drawing visitors eager to experience the Arctic wilderness. However, the influx of tourists poses challenges, including potential disturbances to wildlife and increased carbon emissions. By involving stakeholders in the decision-making process, the Norwegian government aims to implement sustainable tourism practices that benefit both the environment and the local community.

Scientific Research and Innovation

Svalbard has long been a hub for scientific research, with institutions studying climate change, glaciology, and Arctic biology. The land sale is expected to bolster research efforts by providing new opportunities for collaboration and innovation. Researchers will have access to new sites for field studies, facilitating a deeper understanding of the Arctic ecosystem and informing global climate policy.


Norway's decision to sell land on Svalbard represents a forward-thinking approach to conservation and sustainable development. By prioritizing environmental protection and responsible investment, the government is setting a precedent for how fragile ecosystems can be preserved while fostering economic growth. As the world grapples with the impacts of climate change, Svalbard's example offers valuable lessons in balancing human activities with nature's needs.
submitted by Embire to DevelopingStory [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 metaphoric_tealover4 Idea to confess: A custom book

There's this guy I like and a book in which I've ranted my feelings to him, letter style. It's been a year since I started it, and now we're going our separate ways (college). I intended to give it when I confess to him, and I am going to confess within a month, but I was wondering if giving a pocket book with like 190 pages is appropriate. I can't keep it, it's torture. But will it be a burden on him. Pretty sure he thinks I'm just a friend to him, and might not appreciate it. But I won't have to see him if he does reject, and the common friends we have that matter won't abandon contact with me. I can elaborate on questions if you guys ask.
submitted by metaphoric_tealover4 to Crushes [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 ShadowFleetRPG1 [Star Trek] [PbP] [40+ new posts daily] Shadow Fleet

Shadow Fleet is the internet's premier Star Trek roleplay set in the year 2402. We've been in operation since 2007 and have gained popularity year on year. Our community is like a family, we welcome roleplayers of all experience levels. Come say hello on our Discord to find out more. We offer our players:
- An Active and Large Community from across the world - High activity, with 40+ new posts daily - Adherence to canon and the prime Star Trek Universe (currently at Picard season 3) - Authentic Chain of Command, with progression milestones for commissioned and non-commissioned routes - The chance to earn 'IC' and 'OOC' awards and merits - Experienced and talented Game Masters - A Friendly and Welcoming community
We look forward to roleplaying with you. Live long and prosper!
submitted by ShadowFleetRPG1 to roleplaying [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 PuzzleheadedBee6 AITAH for just being done with a long-distance friend's behavior?

I (24M) have had a friendship with this person (26F) for quite a few years now. We first met over Discord because she knew one of my other best friends at the time and that was that. Me and her very quickly became great friends. She's always lived in a different country, so hanging out and stuff has always been exclusively on Discord, or on other social media platforms. Over the course of our time knowing each other while I was in college, she sort of broke it off with another friend in our circle. Naturally, it caused some awkwardness and she left the Discord and stuff but me and our other friends still talked and hung out with her. Whatever problems she and our other friend had didn't mean that we all couldn't still be friends and go on like usual, ya know?
Well, cut to post-graduation, and me and her just don't meet up on Discord as much anymore. Sadly, no longer going to school means having a job and other responsibilities I didn't have prior, so things like staying/waking up at awkward hours to try and hang out online is a bit tough and also not very convenient. We talked about hanging out and I'd tell her that I'm really sorry and that it's not that I don't want to but it's not as easy anymore because of reasons stated above. She understood, or at least didn't make it seem otherwise.
She had this really weird habit during this time of blocking, or unfriending, me on social media for a duration of time. I'd chalk it up to her being in her feelings over something, and I'd just leave a friend request and, when she was ready, she could add me back. When this would happen, I'd ask her if I did something that just pissed her off. She'd say no, so whatever. I didn't push, and she typically was pretty straight-up with me so I just let it be.
This other instance, I was talking to her and another friend in a group chat and she just abruptly left and blocked me. I did nothing noteworthy. I was being a snarky asshole to her but we've always both been that way and that's just how we are. We like to get a rise out of each other. What irritates me isn't that she got mad, but the blocking shit is childish and just gives the impression that you don't even want to talk it out. It gives the impression that she has no problem casting me to the side over anything, and I don't think it's right that I should feel that way. But ya know, we moved past that instance and I let bygones be bygones.
Well, after enough times of this behavior and she recently did it again. Unfriended me on Discord and other places. We haven't interacted super heavily so I can't even figure what I could've done to cause it, but frankly I'm just at the point where I'm sort of done with it. I can understand that it may have hurt her a bit that I didn't hang as much and things were a bit different because that college era was over when we hung almost constantly. But such is life. Doesn't mean we can't still be intimate friends. It doesn't make me feel good to just be tired of a pretty long-time friend's bullshit, but it also doesn't feel good to constantly have her do this unfriend/blocking shit and having me feeling really critical of myself.
submitted by PuzzleheadedBee6 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 StrangeFloorCandy Been helping my best friend out with his divorce, and it's sort of retraumatised me.

So... I've been helping one of my best friends through a rather nasty divorce lately. And my god, his ex-wife is a serious piece of work. She's played games with him, taken his friends, hurt him physically and emotionally, used the kids against him, given him things and hope just to be able to take it away again, cheated on him, and broke his heart, then let it partially heal and broken it again.
I've helped open his eyes to the fact that what she's been doing is in fact, abuse. And I helped stop him from retaliating when his anger got the best of him.
But along with all this came a slowly dawning realisation that some of the treatment I was handed out by someone I used to really care for have a lot of parallels.
A couple years ago my former friend twisted a situation we were both confused about and cherry picked what she wanted out of what I said before I even understood what actually happened, and then emotionally beat the shit out of me... I lost it and did the same to her while I was having a full blown breakdown over it. Obviously (suprise!) she didn't like being treated the way she was treating me, and it cost us a 20 year friendship and fucked both of us up really badly.
A small part of me is glad it happened; I stood up for myself, and I'm able to be here for my friend in a way that I never would have been able to before... And I stopped him from making the same mistake I did and hurting someone he loved, even if she does deserve it. And I'll be able to help other people going through similar things in the future.
The other part of me is a little horrified with how much I still care about and love my former friend when she has so much in common with this absolute monster of a person and the things she's said about me. This whole thing has been dragging my mind through the things we both said again... And although there's not as much hurt, anger and embarrasment as there was the first time, I find myself having to forgive both of us all over again. And my dudes, it is hard sometimes... We were both complete assholes, and sometimes I wonder if we really deserve forgiveness.
submitted by StrangeFloorCandy to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:19 ShadowFleetRPG1 [Star Trek] [PbP] [40+ new posts daily] Shadow Fleet

Shadow Fleet is the internet's premier Star Trek roleplay set in the year 2402. We've been in operation since 2007 and have gained popularity year on year. Our community is like a family, we welcome roleplayers of all experience levels. Come say hello on our Discord to find out more. We offer our players:
- An Active and Large Community from across the world - High activity, with 40+ new posts daily - Adherence to canon and the prime Star Trek Universe (currently at Picard season 3) - Authentic Chain of Command, with progression milestones for commissioned and non-commissioned routes - The chance to earn 'IC' and 'OOC' awards and merits - Experienced and talented Game Masters - A Friendly and Welcoming community
We look forward to roleplaying with you. Live long and prosper!
submitted by ShadowFleetRPG1 to pbp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:19 Few_Log8273 How can I get my money back?

I’m hoping I can find some help here. The story goes back to 2016. I dated a guy whom i had family and friends connections with, so he was not a total stranger when I met him. We dated for about a year and a half. He seemed to have a good job, he had a house, he told me he was divorced, and he had a daughter, which I knew was true. He met my family and everything seemed normal. Then he said he lost his job and he was suing the company for discrimination. The money was getting tight and he wanted to start a business (I know!!). He asked me for a loan and I gave him the money. It was a wire transfer. It was supposed to be paid once he won the law suit against his former employer, or once he got paid by his brother who owed him money. I did believe him because I was invested in the relationship. A few months back I really needed my money back (which he knew I have been saving that money for something very specific). He started ignoring be, telling lies about how he was struggling, avoiding my calls and texts, etc.. I got suspicious and I did a background check on him.. turns out he was still married. I confronted him and he became verbally hostile. Obviously we broke up and every er time I asked about my money he kept saying he will pay me, and sometimes says go to court or do whatever you want to do. I know he ended up winning the law suit against his former employer. I moved on and got busy with life but I still wish there was a way to get my money back. The only proof I have is the bank record for the wire transfer, and text messages from him saying he will pay and then threatening me that he will ruin me if kept chasing him. Sorry it’s a long text, but I’m hoping someone can advise me on how to tackle this. It’s a lot of money and I’ll be happy to collect anything at all.
submitted by Few_Log8273 to personalfinance [link] [comments]
