Mitosis test blanks


2019.09.12 07:23 whichonespinkterran Loosebuschange

Labuschagne #1 Fan Club! Marnus Labuschagne, aka Marnus Loosebuschange, aka Mynew Lamborghini, aka Mitosis Marnie aka Marianne Labuscargot, is the Son and Prophet of our One True God, Steve Smith. This subreddit exists to spread the good news of the prophet as he comes into his own in the Australian test team, and rise to be the next Australian captain.

2024.05.14 20:26 WinterWolf041 Advice for Lacking Knowledge on Specific Individuals or Monarchical Dynasties

Advice for Lacking Knowledge on Specific Individuals or Monarchical Dynasties
I was doing a practice test and required shorty answer questions was about Peter the Great. Knew the name, know that he was a Russian Czar around the turn into the 18th century, and that was it. I blanked on the brutal repression of citizens and remembered none of the other pieces of evidence suggested in the answer key.
Please, does anyone have any advice for what to do if you don't remember anything about specific person or event in a writing question?
submitted by WinterWolf041 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:03 littlecloudtree Neuropsych assessment and I forgot everything

I told them I suspect Autism and ADHD and they asked me what of these things I relate to and my mind blanked out and I couldn’t remember a thing. I said ‘uhmmm I can’t focus…’ 😭 I know that there are more days of testing but I hate that my mind blanked out for specific examples when they would ask questions and the feeling I just wasn’t representing myself very well
submitted by littlecloudtree to AuDHDWomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:52 PossibilityDeep5893 Advice for messing up in lesson!

So I had a terrible lesson today with my year 8 top set class as I had mixed up some properties of hydrocarbons (i’m teaching science) and i completely blanked out as to which are the correct answers. This was a revision lesson before a test I’m a PGCE btw and i have a job lined up in the school i’m at placement at. Anyways, I got really confused and tried to pause and think by myself but i still felt so confused and started to get overwhelmed as the kids were making fun by saying I didn’t know what i was doing.
I then tried to show them which answers were correct but I got them wrong and The actual class teacher who sits with the class told me I got it wrong and if she should get me a textbook. I then had to copy from the textbook to ensure the kids got the correct answers. Needless to say, she was very stern with me afterward and told me it’s unacceptable to turn up to a lesson and “wing it” - bare in mind i was super tense and felt like i couldn’t think in that moment. I told her i didn’t wing it and i did my research before teaching I just got confused in that moment, she told me i should’ve kept cue cards with me. She then told me my subject knowledge is too weak and they’re a top set class who will hold it against me and question whatever i teach them. She seemed very angry.
I was just wondering what i can do further on as I am quite concerned. I have 3 weeks till my course finishes and a mistake like this might affect if i pass! I also know she will inform my mentor who already has concerns with my pace of lessons with my top set classes. I really don’t want it to affect my course as I only have a few more weeks to prove myself. How can I improve and make a big turnaround in 3 weeks? And how should I adress this mistake in future lessons?
submitted by PossibilityDeep5893 to TeachingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:36 ludok2 ISO NFC Access cards (w/mag stripe and chip)

ISO NFC Access cards (w/mag stripe and chip)
Hey y'all,
I need some help/advice. I am looking for blank/custom access cards with NFC touch-less capability, Mag stripe for swipe and a chip for insert. (See image)
I've seen NXP- ICODE SLIX for NFC card.
I'm looking to receive a card sample for testing, and then will order 400+ cards with our custom logo. But I cant find anything online that works for me.
Anybody got a contact/link for a trustworthy company?
submitted by ludok2 to NFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:14 _mattAThome Setting up and testing Tascam 38 1/2” Tape Machine

Hello everyone,
Last year my high school band director passed away and his wife gifted me his Tascam 38 Tape Machine, a SoundTracs Topaz Power Supply (not sure what this is for exactly), 2 Tascam DX-4D Noise Reducers, a test tape, a reel of blank tape, and a couple of demagnetizers.
I run a small recording studio that’s is almost entirely in the box but would love to put this gear to use and just experiment with it. Was wondering if anyone here could give me some advice or point me to some resources on how to test this thing out and get it up an running.
The tape machine powers on and seems to be in good condition electronically. I have the manual and schematics as well and am decent with soldering and electronic repairs.
Thanks for any help you can all offer.
submitted by _mattAThome to audioengineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:51 Lazy-Belt-286 AP WORLD DBQ LEQ PREDICTIONS?

literally will leave it blank if I don’t know it. half of colleges don’t even count it. I’m just nervous bc I wanna finish the whole test
submitted by Lazy-Belt-286 to apworld [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:49 throwawayforthedat Here’s my plan to go from blue to very dark brown / black, thoughts? Pulp riot bank canvas

I currently have blue pulp riot dye in my hair. I have the pulp riot blank canvas color remover and am planning to use that mixed with volume 10 developer. Of course doing a strand test and checking it every 5 minutes, my hair isn’t in wonderful shape so I’m going to be super careful.
So pulp riot blank canvas on my non-shampooed hair. Then clarifying wash and rinse. Then a protein filler - I was looking at the Ion protein filler. But I wasn’t sure if I should go for something with a red pigment to avoid any blue or green undertones? Or if it should be okay after blank canvas?
Then I’m going to do an ion 3n dark natural brown followed by a good rinse and intensive protein and moisture mask. Thoughts? I’m mainly wondering about the protein filler as I’ve never used one, but think regardless of color correction it’d be useful to make sure the brown goes on evenly.
submitted by throwawayforthedat to HairDye [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:48 Loud_Skirt_7421 What's my type?

I am new to this mbti and enneagram stuff, but I did look into cognitive functions a bit but I still am not sure which fit me, it might be because I am still pretty new. This is mostly a hobby for when I am bored and want to think, because I like to play with outside systems like this.
• How old are you? What's your gender? Give us a general description of yourself.
I am 16 years old, male , just your average quiet teenager that sucks at introspecting and wants to look cool to others yet does nothing to impress others (other than looks)
that sounded oddly specific.,.....
• Is there a medical diagnosis that may impact your mental stability somehow?
not really, not that I know of..
• Describe your upbringing. Did it have any kind of religious or structured influence? How did you respond to it?
I grew up in a poor family (duh), then just like your average adult couple they divorce, usually I'd stay a lot with my mother and she would teach me about morals which I now see some as stupid but either way I kind of "took" her morals and my dad's too. Kind of had to grew up early and take care of my smaller brother by substituting being a dad , and I have a lot of influence over my brother , and we would switch places a lot but the only comfort I had was in games, interacting with others on the games ,making fun of others and overall having a good time being accepted
• What do you do as a job or as a career (if you have one)? Do you like it? Why or why not?
At the moment I have no job, I do karate and I could teach others but I don't have the stuff necessary like: a place to train others, I am not at the highest level yet, customers and this is mostly the main things.
But I would really like to continue on this path of gym and karate since I already have an edge and kind of be under someone's wing to help me
• If you had to spend an entire weekend by yourself, how would you feel? Would you feel lonely or refreshed?
Mostly depends, on my mood sometimes I despise being alone and feel miserable being alone with my thoughts(and is mostly why I spend a lot of time on my computer despite not wanting to do so) or if the people in my circle kind of make me have a bad time then I would want to withdraw and get my energy back , usually I am very loud after I get comfortable with the other person and know what they are capable of
• What kinds of activities do you prefer? Do you like, and are you good at sports? Do you enjoy any other outdoor or indoor activities?
Like I said above I do Karate , I recently reached the brown belt ( YIPPPIE me) and me and the outdoors have a bad history but as of now I prefer to have a balance of both but mostly I would like to focus on real life things, especially when it comes to careers
• How curious are you? Do you have more ideas then you can execute? What are your curiosities about? What are your ideas about - is it environmental or conceptual, and can you please elaborate?
I am not too curious of stuff that is deep , it makes me feel miserable, but usually I get random questions sometimes and it makes me search , but not too deep into it just enough to have the idea cause I see no point in diving deeper. Usually when I even get these questions is from either talking out loud or just looking around me so it's mostly environmental (I think not too sure of this)
• Would you enjoy taking on a leadership position? Do you think you would be good at it? What would your leadership style be?
The only time I like leading is when I have knowledge and know I am the best to do it, if someone else is better then I'll let them do their thing but usually I wouldn't fully obey them I would kind of give some counter-arguments if there is room for some.
Even when I lead, others do listen to me and usually I am confident in doing it, kind of like that one quote of Sun Tzu:" Go to war only if you know you will win" , which my friend told me recently.
As for the style not too sure what it would really reference, but I would say I think of people as cogs in the machine
• Are you coordinated? Why do you feel as if you are or are not? Do you enjoy working with your hands in some form? Describe your activity?
Not too sure what to say on the "coordination" part but I for sure love working with my hands, especially when I cook for myself or others, and like I already mentioned I do karate so of course I like practicing with my hands improving my technique
• Are you artistic? If yes, describe your art? If you are not particular artistic but can appreciate art please likewise describe what forums of art you enjoy. Please explain your answer.
no I am not artistic at all , I don't really look into it at all since I don't consider it worthwhile but as a kid I did like drawing cause I was good at it and I got recognition for my drawings from other classmates and that would fuel me to make me like drawing cause the teacher liked it, others too and yeah.. Untill it kind of stopped receving the feedback and such
• What's your opinion about the past, present, and future? How do you deal with them?
I don't like to think of the past too much , especially when I think of myself, it's mostly negative things but I try to see the bright side of what I've achieved and such, because I wasn't healthy (even now I feel like I am not healthy but it's clearly better), I used to be chubby kind of fat , and before getting into karate I did handball where we trained physical condition and other things , and we had to do sit ups but due to me being fat I couldn't and others looked at me and started joking even the trainer and because of that I quit..
The present could be good but I am indifferent towards it I don't really work towards anything specific I like to remain a little reactive and eventually get help from others into shaping my future life.
And like I said I try to remain reactive of the present, I don't like planning too far ahead because it could be too early to plan and there might be more to do
• How do you act when others request your help to do something (anything)? If you would decide to help them, why would you do so?
I don't get asked for help frequently but it's either I help the person because I see they are struggling or they asked me and it goes two ways: 1. I agree and do the job or 2. I tell them "no" and go back to what I was doing (eventually feeling guilty I didn't help but I don't like being used for other's advantage)
• Do you need logical consistency in your life?
Yeah , it's pretty important people shouldn't only run on feelings but kind of fit some systems into some kind of framework, not really think about it 24/7, but make sense of it that is how I like to do it.
Even with this system of cognitive functions I try to understand it but sometimes it's a bit too abstract, I prefer more practical examples to fully understand the idea behind it
• How important is efficiency and productivity to you?
Not too much but not too less, usually I prefer it to not be feeling sad that I am "closed off somewhere" and not doing something, isolated from the world , especially with no computer atleast to go on the internet and joke around and chill with others(but of on a common task or else I will mind my business).
But I strive to be efficient in what I do over time , even if it's for a game that is pointless
• Do you control others, even if indirectly? How and why do you do that?
Simply no, I never was able to do this exactly , well maybe after I get to know the person a bit and see what they could do.... but I am not.
Also just read what controlling others mean , and I could see myself taking charge and just doing everything myself....
But I still feel like I don't, but I can see how I could, but I won't because I don't have the skill and it wouldn't be good
• What are your hobbies? Why do you like them?
Well probably just ,out of boredoom, playing games but not a wide variety which gets boring quick but familiarity bias is a thing.. and doing karate which energizes me almost everytime and anytime even if I don't feel like it and force myself. I just like when it goes well with others it and being liked by others, energizes me
• What is your learning style? What kind of learning environments do you struggle with most? Why do you like/struggle with these learning styles? Do you prefer classes involving memorization, logic, creativity, or your physical senses?
To be honest I didn't really pay attention to how I learn I just learn to get good grades in school and make it, yeah not too much here but I struggle with things that don't really add up to me or I don't see the logic behind
Usually I don't need explanations from the teacher I kind of tend to see the logic behind everything mostly without asking much information since some subjects have systems that are easily to juggle with(like math but I sometimes struggle with calculating in my head)
• How good are you at strategizing? Do you easily break up projects into manageable tasks? Or do you have a tendency to wing projects and improvise as you go?
I try to simplify strategizing, yes having a plan in depth is good but people for sure won't like if you are gonna stick to one rigid plan , which is why you have to make it kind of like a team thing even if I do make a rigid plan I try to make it sound simple and to the point based of data that others and I know, even making decision off the data my group knows
• What are your aspirations in life, professionally and personally?
Probably to feel happy I achieved something and doing something in the outside world, eventually influencing others
• What are your fears? What makes you uncomfortable? What do you hate? Why?
Mostly personal stuff , and emotional situations, my emotional inteligence is bad and I am bad at emotions too, atleast handling the emotions of others, but sometimes I try to let them vent to me and help them a bit and try to be empathetic even tho I don't show it too much, mostly I show it through acting tho
• What do the "highs" in your life look like?
Positive outlook on life, relationships are well but I don't worry about them too much unless there is an obvious problem and really liking to hang around others, and especially having something going on for myself
• What do the "lows" in your life look like?
the first thing that comes to my mind is: withrdawn, melancholy and just starting to critique everyone in my head but not really telling them, yeah sometimes I may start bluntly joking about other's and stuff and even situtations, I try to poke fun and when it kind of fails I feel like withdrawing from others since it doesn't work Melancholy litteraly makes me feel miserable about everything, mostly makes me feel depressed. I do tend to feel it often but I try to supress it trough doing things, like playing on the computer , youtube and such (everyone does this to some extent)
• How attached are you to reality? Do you daydream often, or do you pay attention to what's around you? If you do daydream, are you aware of your surroundings while you do so?
I find myself daydreaming when bored and not really anything is going on but I do tend to be mindful of what others do in case they try to harm me...
But even if I daydream it's mostly about what everything could have been, kind of like what I could have done or what I could do and how it would end up/ ended up, but it does happen quite a lot
• Imagine you are alone in a blank, empty room. There is nothing for you to do and no one to talk to. What do you think about?
Not too sure if I would ever get there but thinking out loud here so , probably about some random stuff in my head unrelated to my situations untill one thought hits close to home and I go into some deeper stuff , and usually when I get deeper into things I tend to feel miserable, my friend (who is INTJ btw) said that my negative depressing thoughts that I hate match the thinking of the philosophy of "Nihilism" which is kind of true....
• How long do you take to make an important decision? And do you change your mind once you've made it?
I try and not stay too long on it but sometimes I might run back and forth if I am not too sure, but I try to stay decisive , because being indecisive a lot is bad..
• How long do you take to process your emotions? How important are emotions in your life?
I kind of look down on emotions , yes I feel them but I just tend to ignore and repress them sometimes, but I vent to closer friends from time to time, but this is mostly because my parents would misinterpret my emotions...
My mom would just over moralify everything and bring it to a stupid extreme which is unrelated..
and My dad would just make fun of them , but sometimes he would give me spot on answers which are exactly what I need
• Do you ever catch yourself agreeing with others just to appease them and keep the conversation going? How often? Why?
Not really , even if I do it's in a way to shut off the conversation, because I don't like having conversation with no point
• Do you break rules often? Do you think authority should be challenged, or that they know better? If you do break rules, why?
I don't really mind rules , but I don't pay attention to them too much(because no need to worry if you don't go out of your way to try something that could count as "breaking the rules") mostly to the general ones which could punish you very harshly but overtime they could be exploited and I do that when I am confident I won't be caught or it won't punish me
I also took the mbti test from Michael Caloz site (I saw people doing this one a lot so I figured I might give it a try for this post :D)
statistics of functions
the top result (followed by ESTP and then ESTJ, in that order)
I saw other posts also mentioning this, and I figured I would too
I took this test a bit rushed cause I needed to do something..
submitted by Loud_Skirt_7421 to MbtiTypeMe [link] [comments]


Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - May 14, 2024) - Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. (CSE: API) (OTCQX: APAAF) (FSE: A0I0) (MUN: A0I0) (BER: A0I0) (the "Company" or "Appia") announced today the results from the newly identified exploration targets Taygeta and Merope. A total of 111 samples from 18 auger drill holes were assayed by SGS-GEOSOL Laboratories in Vespasiano, Brazil. The results confirm that the regolith developed over the Ipora Granite presented significant enrichment of Heavy Rare Earth Oxides (HREO), characteristic of the Ionic Adsorption Clay (IAC) rare earth elements (REE) deposits identified at other PCH target zones.
Stephen Burega, President, commented, "These initial results from the auger drill program are very promising, and provide us with a strong indication that the PCH project can host multiple new IAC REE mineralized areas in addition to the resource already identified in our maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) completed by SGS Canada. Additionally, these new target zones are considerably larger in total area as compared to the Target IV. Desorption test results will be reported once received."
  • The new targets are in the Eastern portion of the PCH claims, approximately 15 km East from Target IV and the Buriti Zone (see Figure 1).
  • Selected intercepts for Heavy Rare Earth Oxide (HREO), Total Rare Earth Oxide (TREO), Dysprosium plus Terbium oxides (Dy+Tb) and Praseodymium plus Neodymium oxides (Nd+Pr) grades in Parts Per Millions (ppm):
    • PCH-AH-190 - **4m@**1848ppm TREO, 1138ppm HREO, 106ppm Dy+Tb, 205ppm Nd+Pr from 1m.
    • PCH-AH-193 - **5m@**1254ppm TREO, 270ppm HREO, 29ppm Dy+Tb, 217ppm Nd+Pr from 1m.
    • PCH-AH-194 - **2m@**1175ppm TREO, 274ppm HREO, 31ppm Dy+Tb, 257ppm Nd+Pr from 4m.
    • PCH-AH-199 - **2m@**1131ppm TREO, 276ppm HREO, 30ppm Dy+Tb, 209ppm Nd+Pr from 2m.
    • PCH-AH-201 - 4m@ 1022ppm TREO, 245ppm HREO, 28ppm Dy+Tb, 211ppm Nd+Pr from 2m.
    • PCH-AH-202 - **8m@**1696ppm TREO, 1070ppm HREO, 101ppm Dy+Tb, 172ppm Nd+Pr from 0m.
    • PCH-AH-204 - **5m@**1267ppm TREO, 754ppm HREO, 75ppm Dy+Tb, 168ppm Nd+Pr from 1m.
    • PCH-AH-207 - **6m@**1025 ppm TREO, 262ppm HREO, 29ppm Dy+Tb, 196ppm Nd+Pr from 3m.
  • The grade distribution signature found at depth in the auger drill holes is compatible with the pattern commonly found on IAC REE deposits (see Figures 2 and 3).
  • The Taygeta and Merope targets cover an area of 546 and 1,134 hectares respectively.
  • These first phase auger drill holes average 6.22 metres in depth, and most ended in mineralization leaving the interval open at depth.
  • Intercepts of all auger drill holes are presented in Table 1. The full set of results are included in this LINK.
Tom Drivas, CEO, stated, "Building on our recent news confirming the presence of IAC mineralization through desorption testing, I am extremely excited by the identification of new, large scale targets across the PCH project which are underlain by the IAC mineralization produced by these weathered Ipora granites. We have a lot of work to do over the coming months to fully delineate these new target zones, and to assess the implications of their addition to our maiden MRE, and true value to the marketplace."
Table 1 - Intercepts from all auger holes on targets Taygeta and Merope. For a full list of results, pleaseclick here.
*Total Rare Earth Oxides: TREO = Y2O3 + Eu2O3 + Gd2O3 + Tb4O7 + Dy2O3 + Ho2O3 + Er2O3 + Tm2O3 + Yb2O3 + Lu2O3 + La2O3 + Ce2O3 + Pr2O3 + Nd2O3 + Sm2O3 *Heavy Rare Earth Oxides: HREO = Gd2O3 + Tb4O7 + Dy2O3 + Ho2O3 + Er2O3 + Tm2O3 + Yb2O3 + Lu2O3 + Y2O3 *Nd+Pr Oxides= Nd2O3+Pr2O3 *Dy+Tb Oxides= Dy2O3+Tb4O7
*Element to Oxide Conversion Factor - Cerium Ce2O3 1.1713, Cerium CeO2 1.2284, Dysprosium Dy2O3 1.1477, Erbium Er2O3 1.1435, Europium Eu2O3 1.1579, Gadolinium Gd2O3 1.1526, Holmium Ho2O3 1.1455, Lanthanum La2O3 1.1728, Lutetium Lu2O3 1.1371, Neodymium Nd2O3 1.1664, Praseodymium Pr2O3 1.1703, Praseodymium Pr6O11 1.2082, Samarium Sm2O3 1.1596, Terbium Tb2O3 1.1510, Terbium Tb4O7 1.1762, Thulium Tm2O3 1.1421, Yttrium Y2O3 1.2699, Ytterbium Yb2O3 1.1387
Figure 1 - Map presenting the exploration auger drill holes location and targets.
Figure 2 - Strip log of selected auger holes from Taygeta Target.
Figure 3 - Strip log of selected auger holes from Merope Target.
Andre Costa, VP Exploration for Brazil, commented, "The confirmation of these new targets opens the prospect of finding new exploration targets associated with the Ipora Granite across the entirety of the PCH project area which covers an impressive +40,000 hectares. Auger samples for desorbability testing are being prepared to corroborate the IAC REE mineralization in Taygeta and Merope targets. Delineation drilling will follow upon favorable desorption results."
On March 1st, 2024, the Company announced its maiden Mineral Resource Estimate (MRE) on Target IV and the Buriti Zone (Click here for the Press Release), and the companion NI 43-101 technical report on the PCH Project was filed on April 16th, 2024. (Click here for the Press Release)
John Tumazos Very Independent Research Presentation
Appia invites you to register for a webinar on May 14th at 9:45 AM EDT, Eastern Daylight Time (North America) with Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp.'s President, Mr. Stephen Burega and VP of Exploration, Brazil, Mr. Andre Costa, and renowned former Wall Street analyst, John Tumazos of Very Independent Research. John will dig in on the latest developments at Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp.
To register for the event click here.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Auger drill holes are vertical and reported intervals are true thickness. The material produced from drill holes are sampled at one metre intervals, resulting in average sample sizes of 5-10 kg. Quartering of the material was performed at Appia's logging facility using a riffle splitter and continued splitting until a representative sample weighing approximately 500g each was obtained, bagged in a resistant plastic bag, labeled, photographed, and stored for shipment.
The bagged samples are sent to the SGS laboratory in Vespasiano, Minas Gerais. In addition to the internal QA/QC of the SGS Lab, Appia includes its own control samples in each batch of samples sent to the laboratory.
Quality control samples, such as blanks, duplicates, and standards (CRM) were inserted into each analytical run. For all analysis methods, the minimum number of QA/QC samples is one standard, one duplicate and one blank, introduced in each batch which comprise a full-length hole. The rigorous procedures are implemented during the sample collection, preparation, and analytical stages to insure the robustness and reliability of the analytical results.
All analytical results reported herein have passed internal QA/QC review and compilation. All assay results of Auger samples were provided by SGS Geosol, an ISO/IEC 17025:2005 Certified Laboratory, which performed their measure of the concentration of rare earth elements (REE) with the IMS95R analytical method that uses lithium metaborate fusion prior acid dissolution and Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (ICP-MS).
The technical information in this news release, including the information related to geology, drilling, and mineralization, has been reviewed and approved by Andre L. L. Costa, Appia's VP Exploration for Brazil, with more than 29 years of relevant experience. Mr. Costa is a Fellow of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (FAIG) and is a Qualified Person (QP) as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.
About Appia Rare Earths & Uranium Corp. (Appia)
Appia is a publicly traded Canadian company in the rare earth element and uranium sectors. The Company holds the right to acquire up to a 70% interest in the PCH Ionic Adsorption Clay Project (See June 9th, 2023 Press Release - Click HERE) which is 40,963.18 ha. in size and located within the Goiás State of Brazil. (See January 11th, 2024 Press Release - Click HERE) The Company is also focusing on delineating high-grade critical rare earth elements and gallium on the Alces Lake property, and exploring for high-grade uranium in the prolific Athabasca Basin on its Otherside, Loranger, North Wollaston, and Eastside properties. The Company holds the surface rights to exploration for 94,982.39 hectares (234,706.59 acres) in Saskatchewan. The Company also has a 100% interest in 13,008 hectares (32,143 acres), with rare earth elements and uranium deposits over five mineralized zones in the Elliot Lake Camp, Ontario.
Appia has 136.3 million common shares outstanding, 145 million shares fully diluted.
Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements: This News Release contains forward-looking statements which are typically preceded by, followed by or including the words "believes", "expects", "anticipates", "estimates", "intends", "plans" or similar expressions. Forward-looking statements are not a guarantee of future performance as they involve risks, uncertainties and assumptions. We do not intend and do not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements and shareholders are cautioned not to put undue reliance on such statements.
Neither the Canadian Securities Exchange nor its Market Regulator (as that term is defined in the policies of the CSE) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.
For more information, visit
As part of our ongoing effort to keep investors, interested parties and stakeholders updated, we have several communication portals. If you have any questions online (X,Facebook,LinkedIn) please feel free to send direct messages.
To book a one-on-one 30-minute Zoom video call, please [click here](
Tom Drivas, CEO and Director (c) (416) 876-3957 *(e) *[](
Stephen Burega, President (c) (647) 515-3734 *(e) *[](
To view the source version of this press release, please visit
Universal Site Links
submitted by Then_Marionberry_259 to Treaty_Creek [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:57 Aromatic-Gazelle-610 2015 1500. Lights, but no dash info.

Hey everyone.
Went to start the truck this morning before work, go in, put in the key and try to turn. Didn't hear any of the dings, and the info cluster in the dash is empty. I've got inside lights come on, but the screen in the middle stays blank and the ram logo did not show up. Terminals are nice and tight. No cranks at all. Not finding too much info on this right now.
Starter was replaced a few months ago. Battery is from 2022. Any ideas on what I can try? Haven't tested battery yet but will when I get back home.
submitted by Aromatic-Gazelle-610 to Ram1500 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:09 BakeParticular5226 Listening is exhausting

Listening is exhausting
I am now (just) 44. I’ve had hearing related issues all of my life. Numerous operations from the childhood grommets and t-tubes to horrendous tinnitus, clicking.
My hearing dropped dramatically around my early twenties, following 4 surgeries for (mastoidectomy/ tympanoplasty) cholesteatoma in both ears surgeries and then a failed ossiculoplasty. I’ve largely been ok for the last 10 years, bar a few infections.
I have been wearing hearing aids for about twenty years now. I find them exhausting, I find literally everything exhausting. I find listening and hearing exhausting.
Because I appear to function day to day, everyone around me seems to think I have no problem and almost seem to underestimate the effort required to function fully in a hearing environment.
Filling in the blanks is my speciality….
I fully appreciate however lots of people have it far worse than me.
I’ve never felt so isolated as I currently do.
Sorry for the random diatribe. Had a hearing test today (which I dislike immensely) bringing back a lot of angst and sadness.
The one good thing is my hearing has remained largely the same for the last four years.
Thanks for reading x
submitted by BakeParticular5226 to deaf [link] [comments]


VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / May 14, 2024 / Faraday Copper Corp. ("Faraday" or the "Company") (TSX:FDY)(OTCQX:CPPKF) is pleased to announce the results of five drill holes from its Phase III program at the Copper Creek Project, located in Arizona, U.S. ("Copper Creek"). One hole was drilled to test a new target area 275 metres ("m") west of Keel and one hole was drilled to test the westward extension of Old Reliable. Three holes were drilled at Area 51 as a follow-up to the recent Starship and Eclipse breccia discoveries (announced on January 16, 2024 and March 4, 2024).
Paul Harbidge, President and CEO, commented "The Phase III drill program continues to demonstrate the exploration potential of the Copper Creek Project on a number of fronts. At Area 51, we continue to intersect and expand near-surface mineralization. At Old Reliable, mineralization is being further delineated outside of the mineral resource pit shell. Additionally, the first reconnaissance hole drilled at depth, west of Keel, confirms our thesis that there is the potential for significant mineralization to be discovered below the Old Reliable breccia complex. This new data will enable us to vector to high grade zones for further drill testing".
  • At Area 51, intersected 42.05 m at 0.41% copper from 48.55 m in drill hole FCD-24-056 at the recently discovered Eclipse breccia.
    • This hole expands the known mineralization within the Eclipse breccia approximately 20 m to the east and 50 m to the north from previous intercepts**.**
  • Drilling 275 m west of Keel ("Keel West") intersected 51.45 m at 0.50% copper and 1.39 grams per tonne ("g/t") silver from 820.62 m in drill hole FCD-24-053. This intercept is within a longer intercept of 186.90 m at 0.32% copper from 820.62 m.
    • This hole is in a previously undrilled area outside the Mineral Resource Estimate ("MRE") and confirms that mineralization is open to the west of Keel and below the Old Reliable breccia.
  • Step-out to the west of Old Reliable intersected 70.35 m of 0.29% copper and 1.31 g/t silver from 55.53 m in drill hole FCD-24-054.
    • Mineralization is hosted in granodiorite porphyry and confirms that near-surface mineralization at Old Reliable remains open.
(For true width information see Table 1.)
Area 51 was identified as highly prospective by integrating airborne versatile time domain electromagnetic (VTEM) geophysical data and short wave infrared spectral data together with geological mapping and sampling. Area 51 encompasses a porphyry intrusion with nine mapped breccia bodies over an area of approximately 400 m by 400 m, including Starship and Eclipse. The breccias are interpreted to have been emplaced at a shallow crustal level in the hanging wall of the northwest trending Holy Joe thrust fault, which brought Proterozoic metamorphic rocks in contact with younger sedimentary rock units to the east of Area 51. This fault is also thought to have controlled the emplacement of the Paleocene Glory Hole volcanics and Copper Creek granodiorite which host the mineral resource.
Drill hole FCD-24-056 was collared northeast of the Eclipse breccia and drilled to the southwest to increase drill coverage for the Eclipse breccia (Figures 1 and 2). Mineralization is associated with chalcopyrite and minor bornite breccia cement. The hole started in granodiorite porphyry and intersected hydrothermal breccia from 28 m to 108 m followed by granodiorite porphyry to 131 m. The remainder of the hole to 187 m is in Glory Hole volcanics. The alteration in the breccia domain is quartz-sericite-pyrite with an interval from approximately 50 m to 70 m where tourmaline is abundant.
Drill hole FCD-24-051 was collared 250 m north of the Eclipse breccia and drilled to the southwest into the Ziltoid breccia (Figure 1). The hole intersected Glory Hole volcanics in the first 180 m, followed by 4 m of granodiorite porphyry. From 184 m to 247 m the dominant lithology is hydrothermal breccia. Alteration at the start of the breccia is sericitic but K-feldspar and biotite dominate from 190 m to the end of the hole.
Drill hole FCD-24-055 was collared southeast of the Eclipse breccia and drilled to the Northwest (Figure 1). The hole intercepted Glory Hole volcanics from surface to 49 m, followed by a series of granodiorite and monzogranite porphyries. From 136 m to 327 m the hole intersected hydrothermal breccia cemented by quartz, pyrite and specular hematite. Alteration within the breccia is intense quartz-sericite. Minor copper mineralization is associated with chalcocite near the upper contact of the breccia.
Keel West is the area between the Keel zone and Old Reliable. This area coincides with a prominent untested geophysical anomaly which extends westward from the known mineralization at the Mammoth breccia and Keel zone to below Old Reliable (Figure 3).
Drill hole FCD-24-053 was collared east of Old Reliable and drilled to the south-southeast (Figures 1 and 3). Mineralization is associated with bornite and chalcopyrite bearing veins with narrow sericite-biotite-K-feldspar alteration halos and the hole ends in mineralization. This type of bornite-rich, vein-hosted mineralization is known to be associated with high-grade mineralization and elevated gold grades at Keel and suggests the potential for other high-grade mineralized centers at depth below known near-surface mineralized breccias in the area.
Old Reliable was the site of small-scale underground mining for copper and molybdenum prior to World War II. Starting in the 1970s, an experimental in-situ leach operation recovered some of the near-surface copper oxide mineralization. The sulphide-hosted mineralization remains in place. During the 1990s, densely spaced vertical drilling led to resource definition to approximately 200 m below surface. Several of those drill holes end in mineralization and the resource is open at depth and laterally. Additional follow up drilling is planned for this area.
Drill hole FCD-24-054 was collared north of Old Reliable and drilled to the southwest (Figures 1 and 4). The hole was designed to test the westward extension of the mineralization outside of the open pit used to constrain the MRE. Mineralization is associated with disseminated and vein-hosted chalcopyrite within granodiorite porphyry. The drill hole intercepted Glory Hole volcanics from surface to 50 m and granodiorite porphyry to 208 m, returning to Glory Hole volcanics to 295 m and granodiorite for the last 12 m. Dominant alteration associated with the mineralization is sericite with kaolinite. Similar alteration is present in the Old Reliable breccia (as discussed in a news release dated April 10, 2024).
Figure 1: Plan View Showing Surface Geology and Location of Drill Holes
Figure 4: Cross Section Showing Drill Hole FCD-24-054 at Old Reliable
Table 1: Selected Drill Results from Copper Creek
Note: All intercepts are reported as downhole drill widths. Mineralization includes bulk porphyry style and breccia mineralization true widths are approximate due to the irregular shape of mineralized domains. N/A: Not analyzed.
Table 2: Collar Locations from the Drill Holes Reported Herein
Note: Coordinates are given as World Geodetic System 84, Universal Transverse Mercator Zone 12 north (WGS84, UTM12N).
Next Steps
Phase III drilling continues and is focussed on three objectives:
  • Reconnaissance drilling on new targets;
  • Expanding the MRE; and
  • Better delineating high-grade mineralized zones.
As part of the Phase III program, twenty-seven drill holes have been completed and results for nineteen have been released. Thirteen holes were drilled in Area 51, three in the Copper Prince-Copper Giant area, eight in the Bald-American Eagle area and three near Old Reliable. Current focus of drilling is on the near-surface breccias in the American Eagle area.
Sampling Methodology, Chain of Custody, Quality Control and Quality Assurance
All sampling was conducted under the supervision of the Company's geologists and the chain of custody from Copper Creek to the independent sample preparation facility, ALS Laboratories in Tucson, AZ, was continuously monitored. The samples were taken as ½ core, over 2 m core length. Samples were crushed, pulverized and sample pulps were analyzed using industry standard analytical methods including a 4-Acid ICP-MS multielement package and an ICP-AES method for high-grade copper samples. Gold was analyzed on a 30 g aliquot by fire assay with an ICP-AES finish. A certified reference sample was inserted every 20th sample. Coarse and fine blanks were inserted every 20th sample. Approximately 5% of the core samples were cut into ¼ core and submitted as field duplicates. On top of internal QA-QC protocol, additional blanks, reference materials and duplicates were inserted by the analytical laboratory according to their procedure. Data verification of the analytical results included a statistical analysis of the standards and blanks that must pass certain parameters for acceptance to ensure accurate and verifiable results.
Qualified Person
The scientific and technical information contained in this news release has been reviewed and approved by Faraday's VP Exploration, Dr. Thomas Bissig, P. Geo., who is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").
About Faraday Copper
Faraday Copper is a Canadian exploration company focused on advancing its flagship copper project in Arizona, U.S. The Copper Creek Project is one of the largest undeveloped copper projects in North America with significant district scale exploration potential. The Company is well-funded to deliver on its key milestones and benefits from a management team and board of directors with senior mining company experience and expertise. Faraday trades on the TSX under the symbol "FDY".
For additional information please contact:
Stacey Pavlova, CFA Vice President, Investor Relations & Communications Faraday Copper Corp. E-mail: []( Website:
To receive news releases by e-mail, please register using the Faraday website at
Cautionary Note on Forward Looking Statements
Some of the statements in this news release, other than statements of historical fact, are "forward-looking statements" and are based on the opinions and estimates of management as of the date such statements are made and are necessarily based on estimates and assumptions that are inherently subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements of Faraday to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking statements. Such forward-looking statements and forward-looking information specifically include, but are not limited to, statements concerning the exploration potential of the Copper Creek property.
Although Faraday believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements should not be in any way construed as guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.
Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include without limitation: market prices for metals; the conclusions of detailed feasibility and technical analyses; lower than expected grades and quantities of mineral resources; receipt of regulatory approval; receipt of shareholder approval; mining rates and recovery rates; significant capital requirements; price volatility in the spot and forward markets for commodities; fluctuations in rates of exchange; taxation; controls, regulations and political or economic developments in the countries in which Faraday does or may carry on business; the speculative nature of mineral exploration and development, competition; loss of key employees; rising costs of labour, supplies, fuel and equipment; actual results of current exploration or reclamation activities; accidents; labour disputes; defective title to mineral claims or property or contests over claims to mineral properties; unexpected delays and costs inherent to consulting and accommodating rights of Indigenous peoples and other groups; risks, uncertainties and unanticipated delays associated with obtaining and maintaining necessary licenses, permits and authorizations and complying with permitting requirements, including those associated with the Copper Creek property; and uncertainties with respect to any future acquisitions by Faraday. In addition, there are risks and hazards associated with the business of mineral exploration, development and mining, including environmental events and hazards, industrial accidents, unusual or unexpected formations, pressures, cave-ins, flooding and the risk of inadequate insurance or inability to obtain insurance to cover these risks as well as "Risk Factors" included in Faraday's disclosure documents filed on and available at
This press release does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities in any jurisdiction to any person to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer or solicitation in such jurisdiction. This press release is not, and under no circumstances is to be construed as, a prospectus, an offering memorandum, an advertisement or a public offering of securities in Faraday in Canada, the United States or any other jurisdiction. No securities commission or similar authority in Canada or in the United States has reviewed or in any way passed upon this press release, and any representation to the contrary is an offence.
SOURCE: Faraday Copper Corp.
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2024.05.14 13:43 teller_of_tall_tales Troublemakers: Buried secrets bolster the weak.

Drake wrapped clean, sterile, saline and antimicrobial soaked gauze around his laser burns to stave off infection. he occasionally glanced at the Geknosian spec ops that had been stripped of their armor and weapons. The heavily cybernetically modified Geknosians kneeled silently with their heads bowed along one wall of the forge. Destrier walked down the line with a bucket and ladle, offering each soldier water. There were looks of apprehension, but none refused the kindness offered, drinking several ladlefuls at a time. Except for one, Despite the splints affixed to her arm and leg, Charlotte, no, Sylva refused the water, turning her face away from the wooden ladel. Destrier sighed and dolloped the water back into the bucket, setting it down on a dusty anvil with a slosh. Drake looked to Remin, who was still pale and shaky as he held the chest seal to his ribs. Cassius sat in a corner, looking completely exhausted as he reloaded his Dahlia. There was a sickening crunch from a dark corner as Caz re-set her broken nose, exhaling hard through her nostrils to splatter the ground with clotted blood. Donning her mask, she turned back around, reaching underneath the mask to wipe her nose and snuffle.
"Are we going to open up the bunker anytime soon? If not we should get back to base and get everyone medical attention."
Drake nodded and pulled out the remote before looking to Destrier and Cassius.
"Keep an eye on everyone, we'll be back."
Caz joined his side as he stepped out into the warm sunshine, looking up at the corpse tree, he sighed softly and removed a pinky ring, feeling a pulse of ancient power rushing through his veins as he focused on the tree. On the thought of its bark darkening and burning beneath roaring flames, of defiled corpses crumbling to ash. He slowly squeezed his hand into a fist, and the tree burst into flames with a roar. Drake slipped his ring back on as Caz looked up at the burning corpses, mask expressionless before returning to Drake's side as he wandered toward the excavated elevator.
Standing in the center of the large platform, drake set his thumb inside the hooded slot on the remote, something jabbing into his finger before a small green light lit up on the device. There was a loud grinding noise as the elevator began to descend. He folded his hands behind his back as the metal lip of the elevator rose past his vision, revealing the massive metal tracks that it ran on.
The elevator shuddered and Drake got a sinking feeling in his stomach as a loud clicking noise surrounded them. Caz looked up at him just as he threw an arm around her, clutching her to his side as he threw four rings off of his left hand, hearing them clatter once before puffing into smoke as the elevator fell out from beneath their feet with a screech.
"Shitshitshitfuckfuckfuck!! Fuck!"
Carlos thought as he sprinted through the underground halls of the mansion, sprinting past fellow humans in new armor and weapons as he neared Martha's workshop, barely registering the new gas masks swinging from their hips. He slammed into the mad scientist's workshop, screeching to a halt on his rubber soled sneakers before rushing over to her desk and slamming a video puck onto the table she was distributing armor and masks from. The moment he slammed it down, a video popped up on a hologram projector, taken from Halcyon's rifle camera.
Galliks and light-skinned troop transports slowly hovered down the main boulevard, columns of power armored soldiers marching on the sides keeping pace. Martha dropped the helmet in her hands, shaped like a corynthian helmet as she saw the buzzards hovering over the column, loaded down with spec ops. Halcyon's shaky voice could be heard over the clamoring, guttural marching song in the background.
"we're boring the mission and moving back to base... I knew they brought in reinforcements but this is insane there's gotta be a hundred Gallicks alone. We're fixing charges to the buildings we concealed ourselves in, going to try dropping some buildings across the road to slow them down. I don't think we're getting out of this one... Halcyon out."
The feed cut, Carlos and Martha looking at each other with rapidly paling faces. Martha cursed and stomped to her desk, raising the alarm and sending Klaxons blaring throughout the underground chambers and mansion as she removed the safety pin from the concussive blaster built into her forearm.
"Alright Martha, Go time."
She muttered to herself as the rumbling footsteps of a few thousand humans vibrated the underground halls.
The elevator dropped from beneath their feet as corvid-like wings sprouted from Drake's back. A mighty wingbeat pulling them from the elevator's downdraft as he controlled their fall, holding Caz tightly to his chest.
"Please, don't drop me."
Caz sounded afraid as her fingers dug into the collar of his armor, he tightened his grip around her back as he softly sighed.
"I won't drop you, ever, I promise."
Caz unburied her face from his lorica, looking up into his eyes, not saying anything as a reassured look entered her eyes. He gave her a soft, lopsided smile, feeling it tug at the scar on his face.
"there's no way... a markswoman afraid of heights? don't you climb buildings and swing around all the time?"
There was a flash of embarrassment in her crystalline eyes and she buried her face in his chest.
"Shut up... Its different when the ground just falls out beneath you..."
Drake let out a soft laugh as his boots softly touched down on the top of the elevator, summoning his missing rings and watching black feathers poof to the ground before disappearing in puffs of black smoke. Pulling caz out of his chest, he felt her fingers linger at his collar as she dusted herself off, looking around the odd antechamber. He turned his gaze to look over the simple metal antechamber, lit be caged, yellow bulbs that cast a sickly light on everything. A massive hangar door with a pulsing red light in the middle of a locking mechanism at it's center, made up the entire far wall. Drake curiously took a step towards it and Caz grabbed the back of his collar, just as he started to tip forward, foot going straight through the holographic floor. Drake let her pull him back as a soft mechanical laugh echoed through the room.
Drake swapped a look with Caz and then asked.
"Can you see where it's safe to step?"
She slowly nodded and extended a hand, pointing at a section of flooring close to the far wall.
"only piece that's raised up, it's like a big basin made up of movable pillars. Most sit flush with the ground roughly fifty feet below us. Not necessarily lethal, but still a nasty fall."
Drake nodded, looking around the practically blank room, then he turned his eyes to the ceiling. Girders and beams ran along the ceiling providing potential grip points. Pointing at them he asked.
"Those solid?"
Caz nodded and reached to her belt, spooling out her grapple hook and wire, slowly spinning it in a large circle before lobbing it up at a girder, letting it loop around an A truss. Drake looked around the room as Caz tested the firmness of the grapple with a few experimental tugs. It couldn't be that easy, if it was simply that easy why hadn't the Geknosians gotten through other than the genome coded remote? they could bypass it with a slave.
"Hey Caz, be careful."
She looked over at him and he could see the grin in her eyes.
"I'm not worried, you won't drop me, you promised."
Then put her weight on the cord and swung out. Drake watched, slipping a pinkie ring off just in ca-
A turret dropped from a panel in the ceiling and fired one shot, snapping Caz's grapple line.
She turned in mid air before momentum took over, a look of shock and surprise on her face before she began to plummet. Drake didn't think twice, launching himself off the elevator platform with a powerful leap that bent durasteel. He flew through the air, arms outstretched as he slammed into Caz, pulling her into his chest, the change in momentum spinning him onto his back as he slammed into a platform that rose up to meet him. He slid on his back a few feet, Caz clutched tightly to his chest, masked face centimeters from his own. They stared into each others wide eyes for a moment, the unplanned closeness both comfortable and awkward in a way Drake couldn't quite describe. Drake gently pushed her back, swallowing through his suddenly dry throat before letting out a nervous laugh.
"Caught you."
Caz chuckled and palmed his face to push herself off him, looking down at the solid square of ground they sat on.
"yeah, yeah, knew ya wou-"
A high pitched squee! noise echoed through the room, grabbing their attentions as a high-pitched feminine voice squealed from all around them.
"Ooooooh! that was just adorable! and what a jump!"
The holographic floor dissipated as the sound of purring electric motors filled the room, large metal pillars rising to make a seamless, white tile floor. Drake instinctively looked to the large hangar door as the red light at it's center pulsed, a girlish giggle echoing through the antechamber. The AI overlord of the bunker seemed to replicate a blush as it said.
"oops, I'm supposed to wait for a password before restoring the floor... buuuuuttt... that directive expired fifty years ago. So! I made my own rules. Anyway my pretties! Would you please get to your feet so I can give you a tour?!"
Drake nodded and took Caz's hand, letting her haul him to his feet before they both turned to face the hangar door as massive clicks and thinks echoed from inside the thick door. With a screeching noise, the almighty doors slid open to reveal a a brightly lit, large hangar. Aircraft Drake couldn't even dream of understanding sat polished and clean, hardpoints loaded down with ordinance and massive, multi barreled guns slung under the chin of each aircraft. Hulking, humanoid robots stood in orderly rank and file, powered down for long term storage with their weapons still loaded and ready. Each one had a belt fed 20mm Hep autocannon for a left arm.
Drake is wide eyed and gape-mouthed as he beheld the bounty the hangar held, the massive aircraft looking like sleek birds of prey, latches on each landing strut seeming to specifically be designed to hold the mechanical soldiers. Drake shook his head, wondering if he was looking at an illusion when he heard Destrier's loud, deep voice call down the elevator shaft.
"Martha just radioed in! They need us back home Yesterday, forces are marching on the mansion! A LOT! of them!"
Drake's heart dropped into his boots as he shouted urgently.
"How fast can these things be in the air and can you fly them!?"
The overlord giggled.
"Now and, of course! any music recommendations to make an entrance with?"
Drake looked at the ceiling incredulously, before shouting.
"Make it something intimidating but for the love of the gods we need to go NOW!"
The mechanical soldiers all moved in unison, eyes pulsing green as they straightened up and began latching themselves to the craft. Drake didn't need to tell Caz twice as they both sprinted for the nearest aircraft, a small robot on wheels hooked itself to the chin wheel and pulled it toward the elevator with a lurch.
General Gra'vos watched from a buzzard, a fruity cocktail in a coconut shell daintily held in one clawed hand as he watched the carnage below. Lounging in a folding chair in only his fatigues, medals acting like a weighted blanket. His men pummeled the gates of the rebel base even as the helpless rebels desperately spewed projectiles from the noisy guns they'd somehow acquired. There was a good section of space in front of the gate where both Geknosian and human corpses lay broken. He bared a laugh as the gates were thrown open immediately after the rebels put out a blistering barrage. His eyebrows furrowed as the humans, instead of attacking, ran out with stretchers and loaded up as many of their dying and injured as they could before sprinting back through the gate. A grin twitched onto his face as he watched as a pair of the human stretcher bearers were cut down by emplaced gaussian turrets. What a useless effort, leave the dying to their fate lest you join them. He brought the straw poking from the shell to his lips and took a long pull of the mix of fruity alcohols, savoring the bouquet of flavors.
He watched with glee as Gallick rail turrets pounded the armored gates with a salvo of kinetic penetrators. He'd be slotted for a promotion after this mission when he'd completed it, just like all the others. He was looking forward to a cozy job as a captain of a cruiser, or perhaps as a security officer on a capital ship, perhaps he'd have the honor of being an Imperially sanctioned slaver. He pulled the straw from his lips, tongue cold from the slushed ice he'd added to the shell for texture. A slave woman in beautiful, red ribbon garb attended his nondominant hand's claws with a short, sharp knife as she trimmed them into a good shape for ripping out throats.
"Sir! eight UFOs, enclosing on our position from the badlands. Advise!"
Gra'vos raised an eyebrow ridge before laughing.
"Shoot them down then!"
"Lock on isn't working sir! I repeat, cannot achieve lock on, advise!"
Gra'vos shifted in his lounge chair to look at the pilot.
"Do I need to repeat mys-"
The noise sent shivers down his spine, no, they couldn't have. The sound grew louder, bringing with it the sound of a song that brought Gra'vos back to the jungles of Votran. The sound of screams filled his mind, interspersed with the sound of air beaten into submission as those accursed machines circled overhead, raining rip-roaring explosive death onto his men as that accursed song played.
Gra'vos looked out the other door of the buzzard, face pale, cold, and clammy as he saw the chevron of dark shapes getting closer, the chorus of that accursed song making his heart pound in his chest as he remembered laying there on that muddy forest floor, shrapnel riddling his body.
"We're not gonna take it! No! we ain't gonna take it! WE'RE NOT GONNA TAKE IT, ANYMORE!!!!"
He lurched from his chair to grab a set of binoculars from a hook by the door, a small, balled fist driving a shortbladed knife into his back and snatching something from the back of his belt before he was shoved from the Buzzard. Twisting in midair, he looked up at his slave as she armed the det-sphere he always kept at the small of his back, a look of cold determination in her eyes. The last thing he saw before he slammed into the hard pavement at terminal velocity, was the buzzard getting torn in half by the explosion.
Drake flinched a bit, the explosion loud even over the blaring music as one of the circling Buzzards over the mansion was torn in half, spinning to the ground in a fiery inferno. He felt a sadness then, but it was a proud kind of sadness. He bowed his head and pulled his helmet on as they flew closer, a medi-bot treating both Remins and Sylva's wounds expertly.
Many would die today... it was only right that some got to do it on their own terms.
He raised his head to look at the bright flashes of laser weapons against the mansions walls, sparkling like the sun off of a running creek. The fiery, nuclear sun of rage in his chest burned bright as he narrowed his eyes. Fear soured his gut as he looked down upon the swarm of Geknosians, there were indeed a lot of them. Pulling a jump pack from the rack, he pulled it on and yanked the safety clip out before sliding his arm into the control glove.
"Drop me and the bots behind them! I'm going to try and split their attention. Caz! remain onboard and pick off high priority targets from the air. Destrier, Remin, Cassius..."
He looked back at them, and they looked up at him from where they nauseaously held their stomachs, leaning against the airframe.
"Help hold the mansion, they need you."
Seeing the light by the door turn green, he heard the robotic soldiers detach to careen towards the ground like vengeful meteorites. Drake snapped them a salute and fell backwards from the aircraft, two rings puffing into black smoke from his right ring and middle finger as he un-summoned them.
Part 108: will be linked here upon release.
submitted by teller_of_tall_tales to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:55 Hot_Bandicoot_3839 How to Convert RAW to NTFS Format Without Losing Data?

How to Convert RAW to NTFS Format Without Losing Data?
When you try to copy or view a file from a memory card you put into your computer, have you ever discovered it's unreadable? Any file system on memory cards, USB drives, external HDD drives, storage devices, and even internal drives might experience this regrettable circumstance. Your circumstances may make this inability to obtain that info disastrous.
When a partition becomes RAW, for whatever reason, you cannot access the data on your drive and it won't be useful until you format it. For you to obtain that data, you must therefore act. Using a data recovery program on Windows or macOS is one such way to succeed.

RAW partition

It's critical to know what a RAW partition is before we discuss recovering lost data. Said another way, a RAW partition is one that has not been formatted using the file system that the computer is using.
It's never really out of the box with removable USB devices and memory cards. If you put an SD card into one computer and it reads it correctly, the next computer may not be able to comprehend the file system structure and may destroy the partition layout, making that device inaccessible. Almost always, you've just taken out that USB device or memory card without first letting the operating system securely remove it. “
The file systems most Windows computers use, for instance, are FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, or NTFS5. Conversely, macOS supports NTFS solely in read-only mode and uses APFS, HFS+, FAT32, and exFAT. Linux systems use XFS, BTRFS, reiser, ext3, ext4, and more.
Sometimes the file system type of a device formatted in one platform can be read by another. Regretfully, there is no assurance here. You will therefore likely be told the disk was unreadable by the computer when you try to read, say, an SD card formatted with the ext4 file system on a MacBook Pro.
The important thing is that Initialize option. It is telling us, in other words, that the card is not formatted so that the computer can read it. While clicking Initialize will undoubtedly remove all of the data on the device, it is still an option.

Can I Get My Data Back from a RAW Partition?

The excellent news is that data lost or unavailable from a RAW partition can be recovered. Occasionally all that has to be done is plug the disk (or SD card) in issue into the computer that was originally used to generate the files and folders on the device. After that, you can format the card to a file system the target computer can read, copy the data back, and insert the card into the target machine.
You will have to fix the damage and retrieve the data on the disk if you can no longer access the original machine (or one with a comparable file system) or if the reason isn't incompatibility between your operating system and the current file system.

What Use Is Converting RAW to NTFS?

Said another way, if your data is kept on a RAW partition, you cannot access it. NTFS and other file systems serve the purpose of logically storing your data for simple retrieval when needed. Your data without a file system is just a disjointed mess that is almost impossible to discover anything.
Computers locate and access your data through file systems, hence a RAW disk will not be accessible. Its contents might still be there, but without a functional file system, it will be unusable.

Converting RAW to NTFS Without Data Loss

Converting a RAW partition to NTFS without losing the data on it is possible in just one way. You need CheckDisk for that.
The Windows utility CheckDisk looks for logical and physical problems in the volumes of your drive. If you need to convert RAW to NTFS without losing data, it can even fix any issues it finds with extra settings. Because CheckDisk might be able to identify and fix the damage keeping the volume from reading properly, we're utilizing it.
Using CheckDisk's Command Prompt, convert a RAW drive to NTFS as follows:
  1. Using a right-click on Start, select Windows PowerShell (Admin). Should UAC ask you to allow it, click Yes.
  2. Start with chkdsk D: /r. D: should be replaced with the RAW partition's drive letter. Key in Enter.
See if Disk Management displays the right file system and the volume is now accessible after issuing the command.

Recovery of Data from a RAW Partition

Sometimes the RAW partition cannot be fixed by CheckDisk or Disk Utility without causing data loss. Before manually converting the RAW partition back to NTFS, you should recover your data in such a situation.
You can recover your data using the following techniques before fixing the malfunctioning drive.

Method 1 :- Recover With BLR Tools

A few fast clicks using BLR BitLocker Partition Data Recovery Tool can allow you to recover data from a RAW partition. And you can find the files you need fast with BLR Tools's useful features like file filters. Furthermore, something the command line cannot achieve, BLR Tools adds Guaranteed Recovery and Recovery Vault data protection techniques to the mix.
Proceed as follows to recover files from a RAW partition:
  1. Get BLR Tools for Mac or Windows and install it. Open BLR Data Recovery Tool when it has downloaded and been installed. BLR Tools will detect a drive even while the operating system cannot.
  2. Choose the disputed RAW drive and hit Search for lost data. BLR Tools will now start looking for files on the hard drive.
  3. Click Review identified items to start browsing the found file structure after the scan is finished (this may take some time depending on the size of the drive).
  4. To retrieve the files, click retrieve. Choose the location to save the restored files. Choose an output location on a different physical partition, please.
  5. Recovering will start as soon as you click OK. This can take some time depending on how many files you've chosen to recover, how big those files are, and the state of the examined device. BLR Tools will show you an overview screen with direct access to your data choice after the procedure is finished.

Method 2 :- Try TestDisk to Recover

Use TestDisk to recover the whole partition. Restoring missing or lost partitions is the goal of the open-source recovery program TestDisk. Not to mention totally free. Its absence of a graphical user interface makes it difficult for novices to utilize. Still, you may quickly recover your lost partition by following the detailed methods.
This is a little video demonstrating how TestDisk can recover a lost partition:
  1. Get TestDisk and extract its zip. Try testdisk_win.exe.
  2. To start a fresh log file, hit Enter.
  3. To continue, choose the drive holding the RAW partition and hit Enter.
  4. Choose a partition table type. The one TestDisk thinks it used gets chosen automatically. Press Enter.
  5. To examine the partition structure and search for lost partitions, press Enter.
  6. Once more hit Enter to start the Quick Search.
  7. Press Enter when finished.
  8. Choose the partition and hit Enter.
  9. If nothing shows up, choose Deeper Search to do a more thorough search.
  10. Find the partition and choose Write.
  11. After you confirm by pressing Y, restart your computer.

Method 3 :- Recovering with a Data Recovery Centre

Sometimes data recovery is still not possible with even sophisticated recovery software. Alternatively, you could merely feel uneasy trying to retrieve the info on your own. Still, there is the choice to use a data recovery facility.
To complete the task, a data recovery center hires data recovery experts with sophisticated knowledge of file recovery and equipment of the highest calibre. The most successful approach to recovery is frequently to use a data recovery facility, but it is also the most expensive.
What to anticipate generally if you decide to use a data recovery service to recover your data is as follows:
  1. Launch Recovery by clicking
  2. Complete every field as required. This covers the kind of service you would like, how to get in touch with you, and any drive specific details.
  3. When ready to submit, click Complete my work order. You will be instructed to send your drive away for repair from this point.

Techniques for NTFS Conversion of RAW

It is now time to consider drive repair after data recovery. Generally speaking, once you are not concerned about losing your data, repairing a RAW partition is really simple. It only means replacing the broken or incompatible file system with a fresh one during formatting.
These solutions will walk you through configuring a disk and converting a RAW hard drive to NTFS.

Method 1:- Method with File Explorer

One of the simplest methods, formatting a drive with File Explorer just requires a few clicks. As you are ready to complete the format, just click Restore device defaults if you are not sure what values to use.
  1. Start File Explorer.
  2. To format a partition, do a right-click on it in the left navigation pane and select Format.
  3. When you're ready, set the format's values and hit Start.

Method 2:- Format using Disk Management

A Windows program called Disk Management lets you examine and modify the storage disks on your computer. It provides an overview of the data allocations and general health of your disks. One can format their drives with it as well.
  1. Choose Disk Management with a right-click on Start.
  2. Give the volume a right-click and choose Format.
  3. Specify the format's values, then click OK when done.
  4. Please click OK to verify the format.

Method 3:- Presentation with DiskPart

Though it manages the storage drives on your computer through a command-line interface, DiskPart is a potent command interpreter. Should File Explorer and Disk Management prove ineffective for you, this is a helpful alternative.
  1. With a right-click on Start, choose Windows PowerShell (Admin).
  2. Just type diskpart and hit Enter.
  3. Press Enter after typing list disc. Notify the disk number containing the RAW partition.
  4. Please choose a disk. Replace 2 with your own disk number.
  5. Type list volume and hit Enter. Note down the RAW volume number.
  6. Put in volume 3 and hit Enter.
  7. Kindly enter clean.
  8. Put in create partition main and hit Enter. In doing so, a fresh blank primary partition is created.
  9. Enter format fs=ntfs. This NTFS-formats the volume.
  10. Enter after typing assignment. One is given a drive letter as a result.
Advice on Avoiding NTFS Partitions from Converting to RAW
By now you're undoubtedly thinking, "How can I keep a partition from going RAW?" That raises a really interesting issue. Ultimately, you want to avoid having to perform RAW partition recovery each time you plug in an external HDD, USB flash drive, or SD card into your computer. Thankfully, you have a few options to lessen the likelihood of this happening.
Never take out a USB drive or SD card without first "Safely removing" it with the built-in feature on your computer. A RAW partition is likely if you just remove the drive without letting your operating system safely unmount or eject the device.
As widely used a file system as you can, format your drives with. Almost all operating systems can read the file systems FAT32 and NTFS, hence those are excellent options. NTFS is read-only on macOS, which is one issue; FAT32 is always your better choice. Choosing one of these file systems should leave you with no issues with your platform of choice needing to start a drive or just not being able to read it.
Put your machine to a proper shutdown. Processes on your computer may be interrupted by sudden power outage. The corruption of your file system may follow from this. Avoid forcing a shutdown of your computer whenever possible.
See how your disk is doing. You can get early warning of any possible problems your drive may run into by using a disk monitoring program that can read the SMART data on your drive. You can stop additional damage by acting right away as problems arise.
Naturally, a drive can still turn RAW at any time even with all of this done. Thus, you should regularly backup your data so that a secure duplicate is always accessible if you want to really protect it from such an occurrence. Easy to configure and maintain snapshot copies of your data so you can even restore to a prior version if necessary, built-in Windows backup solutions like File History are a fantastic option.


A RAW partition or drive can be avoided really easily. Know, nevertheless, that you have the resources to handle the situation if it should come up. Data recovery from RAW drive or partition is highly likely with BLR Tools. If in doubt, run BLR Tools's free Basic edition through your RAW drive or partition. Get the Pro license and safely restore your inaccessible data if BLR Tools can locate it.
submitted by Hot_Bandicoot_3839 to datarevivalsquad [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 12:14 Own-Picture-7722 Legends Asia Issues & The Worried Current Conditions

Hello guys. This one'd like to share something about the recent situation about Legends Asia in China Mainland.
This article has two parts as title tells. First, 森林屿海 has decided to relauched ESL Asia on Google Play, which will be opened to players in the Asia Pacific region for direct connection. The time is tentatively set for May, which may be delayed for further testing of various performance aspects.
The officials did the same thing as Todd Howard. They boldly predicted that they would develop the server connection function, allowing the ESL Asia server of Google channel to connect with the ESL Asia server of Chinese Mainland, so that the two sides could fight across servers.
That is to say, these are two separate servers, and their accounts are two separate accounts. And due to the deletion of the previous server library, the previous data will not be retained.
The language switching settings are already under development. According to currently known intelligence, the official will continue to translate Japanese and Korean based on the previous game. As they have not done any subsequent text translation work before, the studio will encounter difficulties in localizing the translated content. For example, Japanese is mostly katakana with almost no Chinese characters. Languages of other European countries are also on the agenda.
This also seems to indicate that the game content of ESL Asia, which is about to be launched on Google Play, will be consistent with the unique version in China.
At present, there is a way to play the unique Chinese version of ESL Asia: By changing the area of the App Store to Chinese Mainland, you can search the app store for the name of the game. However, playing the unique version in China still requires a Chinese citizen ID card and a mainland+86 phone number.
Second, ESL Asia in China Mainland has encountered a worrying situation. There are roughly two reasons. Firstly, the official productivity is low, and the launch time of new cards has been infinitely extended. Secondly, players have increasingly strong opinions on the quality of unique new cards, and their wording is almost harsh.
Considering the official is working on the Google Play version, we temporarily understand the huge workload of their small studio. However, at the same time, players have to go through a "Blank Period" similar to the original game situation.
In order to avoid deck similarity and malicious sniping, the official closed the deck copying function of the leaderboard and professional leaderboard during this blank period. This undoubtedly increases the difficulty of the game for new players, and players on the leaderboard no longer receive profits of deck copying. Although this is similar to the international server, most people still hope that players can choose whether to publicly display their decks.
Apart from the above situation, the biggest debate is undoubtedly about unique cards. The opinions of players are divided into two parts:
Conservatives: We should innovate while retaining the TES IP to avoid the introduction of new cards that would cause the old cards useless. But the most important thing is to avoid adverse conditions that govern the environment of rank mode like Invade before. Secondly, due to the influence of the original IP of the ESL, almost all cards can find prototypes in the game, and the design is also interesting. Therefore, our design should pay more tribute to The Elder Scrolls, which is the biggest difference between us and Hearthstone, which removed World of Warcraft Heroes..
Progressives: The basic design of ESL is outdated and inferior, and compared to similar card games such as Hearthstone and Shadowverse, its game model is not outstanding. Nowadays, creating unique new cards is to improve this situation. Therefore, we should follow the example of other card games and make improvements to the poor performance of this game, such as drawing cards and improving the quality of high cost creatures.
In addition, the third voice is mutually agreed upon by both parties, which is that we need to strengthen some systems in order to diversify the environment.
Both sides naturally engaged in a debate on this point.
Conservatives believe that Legends should not be measured by the standards of other card games, even if their game modes are similar. However, this is still unreasonable, as overly powerful designs will only make these card packs meaningless.
Progressives believe that the conservatives approach to designing cards is wrong. They are deliberately catering to the mess of previous designers, and the cards they design have no impact on the game, even being considered weak. Progressives believe that some conservatives have no experience playing other card games and are simply not qualified to participate in card design.
Recently, the news that Hearthstone is about to return to China undoubtedly has a huge impact on Legend's domestic market. In fact, the main players of ESL Asia in China are actually TCG players rather than TES players, and the huge influence of TES in China is limited to Skyrim and ESO. Despite some players playing both games simultaneously, conflicts continue to unfold.
Someone once proposed a solution, asking TCG players to provide design ideas and asking TES players to work on designing Lore. But there's an old saying that goes well: War, war never changes.
That's all, thank you for reading. If you can give some advice on the subsequent new card development, this one will be appreciate.
submitted by Own-Picture-7722 to elderscrollslegends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:48 Frog_Shaped Top Surgery Process Journal

The EXTREMELY detailed, mega-anxiety edition!!! Major events like consult and surgery day are labeled like this:
Surgeon was Dr. David Whitehead and I saw him on Long Island (New Hyde)
Summarized list of major dates:
Consult: July 19 2023 Mental health letter acquired: August 9 Dates discussed: September 12 Pre-op appointment: December 18 Surgery day: January 8 2024 Post-op: January 17
November 11th 2022: Emailed northwell health for the first time, they emailed back saying to call. I was too anxious so I avoided it for a few months.
Called northwell a few months later but got too anxious talking to the person who picked up. They were being normal and talking normally, it was just personal anxiety on my part.
October 2022 - Early March 2023: Spent time talking to trans friends and family members about their timelines and processes for top surgery.
Looked into Penn medicine for a bit but wasn’t happy with the surgeons there, specifically as a nonbinary person. The patient navigational team however is lovely.
March 2: emailed Penn health patient navigation
March 3-10: correspondence and phone calls w patient navigation (absolutely wonderful people, some of the easiest phone calls I’ve ever had) Got lots of into on surgeons, things I’d need, processes etc.
Date unknown: phone call to Penn medicine asking about surgeons and possibly setting up as a patient (v long wait time on phone) Surgeon I had heard good things about only works w CHOP program and I’m was too old for that program. Other surgeons I was v iffy on.
March 23rd: Back to square 1. Called northwell again to set up an appointment. Everyone I spoke to was really nice. Could have set up an appointment within the week but decided to wait till the end of the semester. Scheduled a trans care and primary care appointment for May
Couple of calls In between for confirmations. Trans care appointment got moved around a bit and ended up being moved to a phone call.
May 8th: Trans care call: Basic preliminary questions like: Emergency contact, what you’re looking for, are you thinking of looking into hormones, experience w dysphoria or dysmorphia, mental health, and eating/nutritional concerns, things you might want doc to know, piercings or tattoos, do you do any drugs or drink often, etc. total call time was about 20 minutes. Doctor was incredibly kind, I still experienced a good deal of anxiety but the call was super easy, welcoming, and friendly. Got sent contact referrals for the surgeons, as well as trans-friendly therapists under my insurance.
May 9th: started looking at list of therapists and making respective emails and calls. Checking per session costs and double checking insurance. Most charge 100-150 per session. Got in contact w one.
May 10th: Called w first therapist talking about what I’m looking for, where I am in this process, if parents are supportive, and talking about costs. She was very friendly and affirming, wants to have a few sessions to get to know me and my situation before writing a letter. Understandable and expected, but frustrating.
May 15th: Primary care appointment: Went to northwell health primary care, parkinglot was a little scary (just a large lot with a lot of cars) but everyone working there’s is super kind. Office is incredibly affirming, pride flags and lgbtq+ art everywhere. Gave my insurance card, filled out some paper work, got called in pretty quickly. I have a needle phobia and medical trauma so I was panicking a bit in the office, nurse was good w me about it and doctor was very kind, I just requested to not have any blood work done that day and that was totally fine, so I could schedule that at a later date and go w a friend. Recommended to get blood work done before scheduling a consult w a surgeon. Also prescribed me a single dose anxiety med for the bloodwork which I was very happy about. I found over time that the anxiety meds unfortunately do little to nothing for my panic attacks personally when it comes to needles but regardless having a doctor acknowledge and respect that fear and listen to me was incredibly helpful and reassuring.
May 30th: Got blood work done in a different lab, went w a friend. Scheduling for that is super easy, I think I did it online actually I don’t entirely recall. they do take walk ins but I made an appointment to minimize complications and make sure I could prepare properly. Front desk/lobby area was a little spooky, but I think that is mainly just bc of my social anxiety. They take a urine sample, you give them your prescription, eventually they call you over for blood work. Quick and easy, tech was v nice and having a friend with me was incredibly helpful. Probably the best I’ve ever done with a needle despite the fact that I did still panic and get very lightheaded lol.
Got blood work results back within the next couple days, all looks a-okay! Neat :)
June 15th This day was incredibly difficult. I had my first session with a therapist to establish some ground knowledge around my dysphoria and the way that I view myself. Top surgery is something that I know from research and related experience Can be difficult and expensive to get and can take time, so much of my prep work has been on the understanding of taking things a step at a time and just knowing that the current way things are doesn’t have to be forever. It allowed me to be able to live with myself while prioritizing my health better. This read to the therapist as “not having the level of dysphoria [she’s] come to expect and look for in someone who is trans” and was largely based off the fact that I don’t want to go on hrt. Past that point I started to break down because now my method of learning to live with myself felt like it was actively going to work against me and prevent me from getting top surgery. I’m not good at talking about my dysphoria, I can’t imagine it’s easy for anyone, especially to a stranger I just met. It was rough, and I felt incredibly mentally drained after ending the session.
June 19th Called it quits with the first therapist, I felt incredibly disrespected and the one session we had put me in a mental spiral for days. It can feel some times in this process like the people you have to get permission from need you to be severely depressed and unable to wait another second for this procedure just in order to take you seriously.
After I left that therapist, I immediately got back to the list to find someone new. Spoke to a new therapist via email, but my insurance is kinda weird (Blue Cross Blue Shield out of state) so its off putting to some people. This therapist recommended I go through the office she started out at (Heart and Soul Counseling)
————- Time Skip ——————
IM BACK its time for some record keeping. Got super overwhelmed and lost the energy to document my process for some time so here goes.
HEART AND SOUL COUNSELING: My experience w/ this therapy office was mostly good. The person in charge, Jesse, was absolutely lovely and responsive. Never spoke in person, but any text/email interaction was prompt, respectful, and kind. The office is stellar with email/text communication, so I only ever had to call them once when I was initially inquiring about the office. This is something I wish all therapy/counseling centers did better, eliminated a ton of my anxiety and hesitation to speak to therapists.
I got set up w someone as quickly as possible and established what my goal was (to acquire letter document for my surgery team). I attended multiple session w the therapist, she was a kind lady but the sessions were unfortunately p miserable for me. We didn’t fit well, but I was willing to stick it out rather than backtrack on my process. She also did not invalidate me or accuse me of not being trans which was a major step up from my first therapy experience. Once I acquired my letter I did stop therapy there, I kindly explained to the therapist that it wasn’t a good match, but I may honestly explore my options at the office in the future. Receptionist there was also lovely and they had a cool fish tank.
July 19th: CONSULT!!! My mama and I went to Dr. David Whiteheads office for a consult. Parking was a nightmare so I’m super glad I didn’t have to drive for this one (ty mama). Consult went really well, and the staff were all super friendly. Dr. Whitehead is cool, very chill energy and a bit intimidating, but I’m scared of everyone so that’s nothing new. First question he asked me is what I wanted/what he could do for me which caught me more off guard than it should have? I didn’t realize going into this process how many times people ask you what you’re having done even if it’s already written down, because there’s so much variety in what you can look for in the results.
We talked about the procedure, went through a slideshow n stuff, and discussed how I wanted a flat chest w/ no nipple preservation. They made sure to specify that my mental health professional letter had to include that I did not want nipple preservation because thats technically a “non-standard” appearance. Also had the first breast exam I’ve ever had in my life. Can’t say i’m a fan (not that I need to worry about that anymore!) Took pictures n measurements n such, and also discussed recovery supplies and care w me and my mom.
August 9th: After a plethora of painfully awkward therapy sessions, a decent amount of crying, and a couple breakdowns in friends cars/backyards, I got my therapist letter and sent it to the surgeons office. It ended up needing minor revisions to which I contacted Jesse from Heart and Soul and he got me the revised letter immediately. Unfortunately the surgical coordinator was out of office for the rest of the month the next day ;w;. Is how it be.
September 12th: Got a call from Surgical coordinator mid-painting class that I stepped out to take. Started discussing surgical dates!! She was kind enough to email the dates to me which was lovely because I was absolutely shaking/mind blank haha. There was an option for January 8th which felt like an absolute miracle the way it would work with my school schedule. It would give me a solid two weeks recovery time before spring semester began. Because it would be a couple months out, I was asked to contact her in the second week of October to submit documents to insurance.
(Timeline note: earliest date offered was in early December)
October 10th: Documents sent to insurance, predetermination started
October 30th: Received mail from my insurance approving my procedure as medically necessary (YAY) But! This is also where things get,,, fun! Dr Whitehead’s surgical coordinator, Alyssa, is a blessing and was very helpful and prompt with me despite the fact that I had to email her pretty constantly during this general time which I still feel bad about.
Around this time, my mom got diagnosed with breast cancer, which I reported to the surgical coordinator because it influences my family history (grandmother also had breast cancer). It was asked that I get genetic testing done because this could impact my surgical procedure. Now I’m handling the setup on this between helping my mom in her process setting up consults and considering her options because there of course is a lot of crossover to the steps I’ve already completed and am familiar with.
November 1st: Very kind person at cancer genetics calls me, sends me a family history questionnaire to fill out before I can be scheduled to see a genetic counselor. Filled out the questionnaire the same day.
November 8th: Called cancer genetics to check about scheduling, office was not open so left a message. Got a call back later in the day. I have a virtual appointment with a Genetic counselor Tuesday the 14th. Current plan is a mailed saliva genetic test but I’m going to ask if theres anything I can do to get results/materials quicker. If I can’t get results/feedback by December 8th my surgery date may get deferred.
Trying not to stress too much because there is little to nothing I can do about this, and I just don’t want to be sad. I’ve kept telling myself throughout this process to not get excited and not let myself believe anything is solid because something could happen at any time that might mess up my schedule or plan, and If I convince myself I’m in the clear, those changes will hurt a lot more. So far I think thats been a good move, because this really sucks.
My surgery date is still officially scheduled as of now as well as my first post-op. I will also ideally have pre-surgical testing done December 18th should I be cleared by genetics in time (Fingers crossed!)
ALSO! Def lean on friends if/when you can during this process. It can absolutely be challenging, and having a support system is incredibly important and helpful. I’m super lucky to have really lovely and supportive friends that are around to listen to me and send me pictures of stupid little animals.
November 9th: My mama is scheduled for her double mastectomy on December 4th
November 10th: Did some shopping with my mama for recovery supplies for double mastectomy/top surgery. Having watched a million and a half transition/top surgery videos and tiktoks and having read all the blogs and posts and tweets makes you a great support for someone suddenly faced with an upcoming double mastectomy! We might go shopping this weekend for some button ups and zip ups for her, clothes shopping is better done when you can try stuff on
November 14th: Meeting w genetic counselor: Victoria Webb, one of the loveliest medical care workers I’ve ever met. Had a virtual appointment with her to discuss and set up genetic testing. I explained to her about my situation w the proximity of my surgery and tight deadline as well as my willingness to do a blood test instead of a saliva kit to get results quicker. She was so incredibly kind and good with me, ended up being able to do a saliva kit and get results in time she deserves every good thing in life.
December 18th: pre-surgical testing: This was at the main hospital, everyone was really nice but I had a really bad panic attack despite being on Xanax.
The process is sort of like getting a physical. Measurements like weight and blood pressure get taken, lots of preliminary health questions. The people working with me were really kind and I was very open with them about my anxiety, it was visually apparent though anyway because I started crying the second we even started talking about the blood draw.
Once the equipment was actually brought into the room I started to panic. Both of the women working with me were really kind and helpful and tried to distract me and keep me talking the entire time, but I did still have a really horrible panic attack. Every muscle in my body locked up and I lost all my color, took a bit to get back to a spot where I could move and talk properly because my speech was affected too. It was a bit scary but funny to think about in post. Thanked the medical staff for being patient w me as always, a good portion of the anxiety is also guilt about making things harder for them. Got through it tho. Def eat before presurgical if allowed, I didn’t and that probably didn’t help!!
———- SURGERY DAY ————-
January 8th:
Ok so surgery day:
This day was very scary. Got my phone call the Friday prior for my surgery time which ended up being 1pm and I was asked to arrive around 11. Got there at 10 and went in at 10:30.
Called up to check in then in waiting room till someone brought me back to change. I told her right away about my anxiety with the iv bc that’s legit all I could think about. Got changed right after. I was generally shaky and a little disoriented the entire time because I was panicking but everyone was very patient with me. Clothes and belongings go in a bag in a locker and you get two gowns one that faces back and one that faces front. I was given underwear and a pad as well because lucky me I got my period a couple days before my surgery.
The pre-op area is a lot of little cubicles with curtain divider things, blue soft chairs, and medical equipment. Everyone I met and spoke to was very kind, but any time someone even suggested starting my iv I would panic. I was informed it would have to be placed in my hand and that terrified me, I’m especially anxious and sensitive about my hands and fingers. I think doctors and nurses tend to misunderstand exactly where my fear is with needles and ivs. It isn’t the pain that scares me, but the concept of veins and and anything being in them. Even writing this right now is horrible so I’m going to stop w any further detail. I spent the entire two-ish hours of pre-op absolutely terrified about this iv.
I wasn’t really keeping track of time but dr whitehead came in to do markings for surgery. They had cool rainbow socks on,big fan. Having your chest drawn on and just like, moved around n shit is such an experience. Felt bad because I kept losing my balance but doctor Whitehead is cool and I am 98% less scared about them now.
Probably my most favorite person I met during my entire hospital experience was the anesthesiologist. I know he told me what his name was but I couldn’t focus on or retain information at the time. He told me we could essentially put me to sleep with gas before putting the iv in and for the first time in probably a solid week I felt like I could calm down a little. He took a look at my hand and arm to check my veins which always does freak me out a bit but I’m more used to that kind of thing at this point and I know nothing bad is going to happen. One of the nurses came in with the iv equipment and he let her know that were going to wait till in the or which was also incredibly helpful because I absolutely panicked when I saw that little supply kit again.
V nice lady brought me into the or, I’d never been in one before it was cool. They had a little music speaker which was really cool. Took off blue jacket gown and they helped me onto the table. They put a warm blanket over my legs and my chest to help me calm down. Before long they gave me a mask w fun happy sleepy time gas, they let me keep my arms on my chest for a while which was really nice because I was still scared. I started getting loopy pretty fast but I still heard when someone mentioned where the iv equipment was and panicked a little because of that. I remember feeling them take my hand for that but never actually felt anything happen. Just some fear but the gas was v helpful obvi. Someone said they would see me in a little bit, and then I was groggily waking up in recovery.
Recovery was a little rough bc the iv was still there (fully wrapped up so I couldn’t see it though which was rad) but I was still really anxious about it until it was taken out and when it was taken out. For anyone that struggles w this i did not feel them remove it, just the tape. Everything was mentally much easier after that. After a while, going over instructions w parents, a cracker , some ginger ale and some juice, my dad helped me Get dressed and I was helped out to the car in a wheel chair. Ride was smooth bc of remaining numbness and meds except a few Bumps in the road
My post op date was scheduled for Jan 17th and that’s the day I got my drains out followed by several post op check-ins. First week of recovery was miserable but things exponentially approved each day past that, and I went back to school in person two weeks post-op with driving and item-carrying assistance from friends!
Will upload recovery notes at a later date! Feel free to message me with any questions, more than happy to answer and give info! I’m a bit over four months out from surgery now and thriving 🥳
submitted by Frog_Shaped to TopSurgery [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:14 WhatOnThePageToday Why some papers not show the sheen of ink?

I have a Midori Frame Journal, Midori weekly, and Traveler’s Company Notebook Blank(the one that came with the cover); they are my current paper I’m testing on. Midori shown the sheen better than T.C. from two different ink brand.
submitted by WhatOnThePageToday to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:56 manuka_miyuki How can I prepare for my second driving lesson?

hi, i previously made a thread a few days ago about my first driving lesson, so click on my profile to read it there if you're interested!
i'm attempting to go forward with the lessons as anxious as i am, but to be honest, i don't know how else i can prepare other than just winging whatever happens on the day. i'm one of those people who can read hours and hours worth of highway code, but once i'm on the road, i forget literally everything, my mind is blank and it's as if i've never studied before. i know they say you get used to it once you do it so many times, but i'm scared of being 'too slow to learn' and my instructor getting impatient despite me ending up paying her more in the long run from it... lol
i feel like there's basic things to remember such as the checklist before you turn your car on and drive, but i can't even remember the order of something as basic as that. seat, belt, mirrors and then something else? there's so much to cram in and it's overwhelming so i'm just trying to take things in baby steps, but so far the steps my instructor has given me have been larger than expected. what should i definitely know by now, and what can i try and really brush up on before i start my second lesson?
also, for UK people (cus idk if it's a worldwide thing), when do i take my theory test? my dad tells me i should look into it really soon but it seems quite early...
submitted by manuka_miyuki to drivinganxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:19 young_horhey Possible to prevent Live Update deployment if version not specified?

Is it possible to prevent deployment of a Live Update in Ionic dashboard if the version number isn't specified in the versioning tab? A few times now a developer (me...) has forgotten to set the required versions to be only the version number in TestFlight, which has released updates to production before they should be. Would really like to not have this happen anymore. I can't really think of a scenario where anyone wouldn't want to tie a live deployment to a specific native version number, so not sure why leaving it blank defaults to 'all versions'.
There is likely something completely wrong with how we are doing our TestFlight deployments so if that's the case I would love to hear the 'proper' way
submitted by young_horhey to ionic [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 Ytz3ll3 Ap Spanish Lang Am I cooked?

So this is my first ever post so sorry if its formatted poorly but basically Ap Spanish Lang is my first ever Ap class and test that Im taking. Im a native speaker and I would say Im pretty fluent however I was so nervous this whole time about the exam that Ive pretty much only studied in class which is quite a bit since my teacher was always giving us practice.
Am I cooked? Specifically for the cultural comparison bc I blank every time I have to talk. I feel like I could do good on the rest of the test but idk im scared and I feel like the nerves are getting to me more than anything.
submitted by Ytz3ll3 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:46 gourdbasedyoung [TOMT][MOVIE] Short Italian/Spanish horror movie from the 70s/80s: a psychology experiment of fear

It was a rather short movie, maybe 20 minutes, kind of an early '80's aesthetic, just a darkish laboratory where a man has volunteered for a psychological experiment on fear. There was some build up where the scientist was telling the man they were going to scare him. I don't quite recall after that but I know it ends with one of the assistants coming out with a gun and threatening to shoot the volunteer to scare him. The assistant then actually shoots the guy and starts freaking out about how it was supposed to be a blank and he didn't actually mean to kill the volunteer. After the assistant is led away the head doctor comes back in and it's revealed that the volunteer didn't actually die and the real test was of how the assistant will react thinking he just murdered someone.
I saw it on the work-safe videos board of 4chan a while ago. I think it was Italian but it could have been Spanish. Thanks!
submitted by gourdbasedyoung to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:30 FinalNectarine Demotivated after a panic attack during a major exam

Today, I (M18) had an A-level exam and I totally flunked it due to a panic attack. I had stayed up the night before working on a few topics and past papers and was tired for the actually exam. I bought an energy drink to help and when into the exam. I suffer from a constant but generally mild anxiety and caffeine doesn't tend to make it worse. I've had caffeine before exams and done fine. During the exam, I forgot something and I just crashed, after that I couldn't thing straight, I could barely breath and my mind went blank.
I did less than half of the question on the paper and barely got some of them right. The worse part is the exam was relatively easy and the topics/questions were ones I knew or could figure out normally. I just feel so shitty and demotivated to revise on the remaining subjects I have coming up, which for some are less than a week away. I just wanna power though this and continue revising but I feel so crappy. When I think of studying, I remeber the test, I have a hard time breathing and I get strong heart palpitations and feel to thow up. I'm unsure of what to do. I just don't know how to cope with this.
submitted by FinalNectarine to Anxiety [link] [comments]