Sub saharan africa map


2021.06.13 12:33 cagonima69 Africa_digitalization

Across sub-Saharan Africa, digital technologies are driving change—from kids learning to code outside Niger’s capital, to drones delivering medicines to remote communities in Sierra Leone. This is all helping to build resilience.

2019.03.07 14:11 afristeading

The American word 'homesteading' became synonymous with people leaving the rat-race, going off-grid and taking on the self-reliant life. The rest of the world realises the same phenomenon. It has always been a thing, but life now, is accelerating the scale of this move. Down in South-Africa, it is starting to dawn on a lot of city people, and probably in different ways in the rest of Sub-saharan Africa. This sub is open to all walks of life, to discuss everything about this life in Africa.

2011.05.21 19:28 Petrarch1603 Map Porn, for interesting maps

High quality images of maps.

2024.05.14 14:48 imbetweeneverything Africa first timer: 2 weeks in Kenya - Mombasa or Zanzibar?

Hi all! Need some tips and advices here as it’s our first time in Africa. My partner and I will be visiting Kenya this October for two weeks. Aside from Masai Mara, we don’t really have places that we are set on going yet (flying into Nairobi so will definitely stay a day or two there if needed). It’d be nice to end the trip at a beach so we are looking at Mombasa.
We are avid divers so looking for an opportunity to squeeze in diving in this trip. And I’ve read online that Zanzibar has more superior diving (and overall) experience than Mombasa. Zanzibar looks nice but it’s in Tanzania.
So my question now is: should we squeeze in a little bit of Tanzania? Looking at the map it seems like we could enter Masai Mara and come out via Serengeti to Arusha, then fly to Zanzibar where we will also fly home to (Southeast Asia). Only that entering both Masai and Serengeti seems like a very expensive option.
Alternatively, after Masai, we will head back to Nairobi, then fly to Zanzibar. Or lastly, go to Mombasa and stay in Kenya. What would you recommend?
submitted by imbetweeneverything to travel [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:24 impracticaldogg Lactose-free "custard" bake topping?

Traditional recipe from South Africa has a thin custard (3 eggs beaten with just over a cup of milk and turmeric) spread over the top of cooked, spiced mince. The dish is then baked and served with this golden topping.We have a lactose intolerant guest arriving tonight and I need to improvise. Can I just sub water for milk and cross my fingers, or do I need to make a thin roux, dilute with water and add the eggs to that?
submitted by impracticaldogg to Cooking [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:17 Amazingnewthings Best guesses on black triangle UFO’s

I posted this on one of the UFO subs and immediately got downvoted so will try here.
Many accounts claim large black triangles have been seen floating/drifting slowly above rooftops.
Chris Mellon once claimed his best guess as to why triangles are seen so low to the ground is because he thinks they are “mapping” the landscape.
This supposed guess from Mellon is clearly nonsense. So I don't know if he was feeding disinformation or being serious?
Because there is no reason an areal platform, even a human one, would need to come within feet of a rooftop to “map” the environment AND there is no good reason that supposed mapping would need to be done in such a slow fashion.
Meaning there is some other reason flying triangles and maybe other UFOs (I have heard at least one other claim of a saucer doing this) are floating close VERY close to rooftops at night.
This behaviour IMV absolutely has to do with whats inside houses at night and whats asleep at night being HUMANS.
Obviously an intelligently operated areal platform can’t conduct surveillance in the day time at such low altitudes AND during the day time people are AWAKE.
There is a connection between being asleep and the close proximity of UFOs, particularly triangles.
It has also occurred where one family member will be aware of this low frequency humming, sometimes woken up by it, where as other family members in the same house are oblivious to it and continue sleeping.
This suggests its targeted and whatever the purpose for this is, its directed at specific people.
Meaning IMO the reason some of these UFOs get so close to houses is because there is something being accessed or delivered to individual human-beings, that can only be accessed or delivery when unaware and asleep.
This could include a heavy dose of targeted radiation for all anyone knows because we don't know why they need to get that close when someone is asleep.
It could also potentially be some people are attracting these objects during sleep. There is no way of knowing at the moment.
The bottom line is that, im not buying “mapping the landscape”.
Again, Mellon suggested the lights located at each of the 3 points on the triangle's are designed for mapping. I guess “triangulation”.
Again, this does not explain the excessive brightness of those lights or the close proximity to rooftops.
So there seems to be a paradox here as to why these UFOs have very bright lights yet behave covertly. Except not so much of a paradox really.
Because a car has full beam headlights but doesn't have them on at all times. Meaning just because triangles have been seen lit up, they have also been seen with no lighting. So their behaviour is clearly dependent of their activities and motives.
Well, they behave in ways that could mean they are.
Would highly advanced NHI need to get within feet of individuals its interested in? At night? When people are sleeping?
Would NHI want to advertise itself with huge lights yet never reveal itself?
Do low, slow flying triangles operate everywhere on the planet or do they only operate in countries that are allied to the USA? Because it if turns out all accounts of low, slow triangles are only seen in the US and its allies it would HIGHLY suggest these platforms cannot be risked being used in the same fashion in any hostile nation that might shoot them down.
Why Belgium? The claim I heard on a UFO TV Show, was because its very well lit up and can be seen from space.. lol.
The actual most probable reason is that Brussels is headquarters of NATO.
The Belgium wave therefore was almost certainly a test of NATO response times, when faced with US top secret technology.
It also means that if NATO even had orders to shoot down one of these triangles (I bet they didn't have) that any possible crash would be scooped up by the USA anyhow. So a test on NATO with US black technology is a no risk test as far as the US is concerned.
Shits and giggles is one potential reason. They can do it so they are doing it. Another reason is to bolster the alien mythology to distract from what it actually is.
Of corse a more concerning reason is the targeting of individuals for unknown reasons.
Friends do not hover about your rooftop at 3am without giving a plausible reason for doing it.
The behaviour 100% sounds like something the US would be responsible for IMHO
submitted by Amazingnewthings to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:14 CaucasianBoer South African Canadian just visited Cape Town and I am disturbed how unequal it is.

Hello everyone. I recently visited Cape Town. Last time I was in Cape Town, I was a young boy. I was born in South Africa by the way, however my family and I moved to Canada when I was 7 years old.
I recently went for holiday in Cape Town and I must say it is a beautiful place, however that is where it stops. Living in Canada I have come very used to living in a society that is diverse , not just physically but also in mindset. During my time in Cape Town I noticed just how segregated everyone is. I also noticed that the poor is predominately the natives and the rich are the whites. I find it alarming how the minority has so much wealth even post Apartheid and the majority natives are suffering. I hung out with some friends in a place called Stellenbosch and I must say I have never met anyone as ignorant as the people I was hanging out with. I noticed the manner in which caucasian South Africans talk to poc South Africans is not with the same respect as when the talk with their white counterparts.
I noticed there is a sort of superiority complex caucasians living in Cape Town have towards the natives. Why is that? I would also appreciate a response from poc living in South Africa.
I decided to start a reddit account soley to find information on this.
Edit: So we can stay on topic I have changed the word brown(black) to poc as it seems members on this sub want to divert to nonsensical topics instead of discuss the main subject here.
Edit: It seems like a lot of caucasians residing in South Africa don't like it when a foreigner points out how unequal South Africa is. My advice to my fellow caucasian South Africans is that you acknowledge the wrong doings of Apartheid and to actually listen to poc South Africans and work with them. The attitude in subreddit is more or less the attitude I saw in Stellanbosch when the caucasians were talking to the poc. Do better.
submitted by CaucasianBoer to DownSouth [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 13:09 Teaside Some (...maybe lots of..) gentle hints please! :') Endgame spoilers!

Hello! I feel like I might be reaching my limits with this game - would really appreciate some gentle hints! I want to keep trying but I'm just completely stuck now..! 😭
I've just finished collecting all the eggs without hints today, proud of that :D But the rest escapes me... I've had just a glance at the posts here and HELLO? There's so much more I'm still missing - like what on earth is that neon paint (Edit: got it.... ohh my god I'm gonna have to walk around the whole map again lol) I've seen in some posts... This is why I'm here, I don't wanna spoil too much for myself by just browsing so I'd rather ask..!
PLEASE don't give me direct answers, hints are so much better! :')
Endgame spoilers below! I kept any pictures further down in the thread but beware - couldn't figure out how to spoilertag pictures.
I have: Beat the boss manticore, got the multi-bubble wand, got the remote, hamster wheel, bouncy ball, (among all the easy to find things like frisbee, slinky etc.) and found 2 secret rabbits - the one disguised as a duck with the flute code, and the one at the beginning of the map, on the ledge. I've also check-marked every single room in the map that I could access, after trying my best to thoroughly check if there's anything at all that stands out to me..! These are the things I've found but can't understand:
  1. I've put the 65th egg in the incubator - needless to say the manticore respawning is not the reward I wanted or expected, not the horrors again!! 😭 I can't save with phones while it's following me, so it must be that I have to take it somewhere... But I can't figure out where. I tried the big 3d ring thing behind my house. I've tried the dog/wolf spirit to see if they'll fight each other. Tried the cave bear, tried the big bat (later realised I can scare it off with multiple firecrackers, that took me way too long lol), I've also noticed the manticore-coded chained boxes (like the dog and mouse ones) in that final stretch of the map, the hidden ones behind some breakable tiles? But the hamster wheel platform next to them let me move them, so I assumed it's a metaphor that I'm the manticore..? Idk. (I've seen the me/seedling-coded boxes too, I think that's where one of the secret rabbits was, which is why the manticore-coded boxes are throwing me off...) Couldn't do anything there with the manticore though... I've also taken it to the flower I/my little guy/the seedling (idk what it is tbh) was born from, the lynx/cat mama, the eggs bird... No clue what else to try 😭
  2. There's a circular recess I couldn't figure out - I understood the kangaroo one, it has firecracker flowers growing next to it, but what do I do with the fish one? All I can see is fish pointing up with sparkly eyes. I've tried giving the bubble fish the ball to play with, I've tried figuring out if that dolphin(?) is giving me some sort of flute code but it didn't look like it, didn't seem like I could use anything for the seahorse either, really no clue where to get the key for the fish circular recess. Yep, needed the last match stick to get to this one...! On my way to slot it in now 👀
  3. I was given a stopwatch after the first manticore, but I can't see it in my inventory and have no idea what it's for... Is this something I shouldn't worry about for now? Got an answer that this just shows the time in the pause menu!
  4. I've noticed the stone pillars? Runestones? Those little stone thingies in the backgrounds all over the map that have a symbol from the map-markers at the top, and 1-5 dots at the bottom. I've been noting them down, but please tell me if I'm on the right track - does the game expect me to use the correct map-marker icons for each stone I found and mark them on the map with that specific symbol, 5 of each? I've only used flame icons to mark them initially cause I was using other symbols for other things, but now with most of the map filled out I could make do without them. But I don't want to walk around the whole map again marking them off if I'm completely off-base here. Not a clue what they're for.
  5. Is there a point to putting the M. disc back down below? I'm surprised I can take it out of the shrine and re-summon the dog/wolf spirit, that's sus. Can it be taken anywhere else? I thought this would have been the circular recess thing but nope :/ Now it's just sitting in the bottom shrine.
  6. Is the monkey with baby monkey throwing rocks at me just a decoration/flavour? Suspicious!
  7. That bear that retreats to the cave - decoration, or something? I've tried using everything in my inventory on it... Suspicious!
  8. WHERE IS THE LAST MATCH STICK!!! I get a feeling that I should be able to finally get through glass if I light the last candle, but I haven't been able to find the last match stick! 😭 I have some areas with no other access than through glass marked off to visit, I just know it'll let me go through glass at some point and I'm heavily leaning towards candle completion... But WHERE IS THAT DAMN MATCH STICK 😭 It was the near starting area one, my gamer pride is sooo hurt by this lol :'D
  9. Giraffe statue right before the room with a couple of guards... Is it anything? Seems like a big and significant statue for just flavour, but I haven't even seen giraffes in the game... Suspicious!
  10. Statue of three green penguins just before the water domain - anything there? Suspicious!
  11. ~~Another thing I saw in someone else's post was warp codes...plural?? I immediately got the home warp code which takes you where all the teleports are, from the fish "singing" below, that felt great and reminded me of my fav game, Tunic! ;W; 💖 But where on earth are people getting the other ones from?? ~~(< I keep trying to strike this out but reddit's flipping out on me) Aha, now that I got my last match stick, and in turn, the new light, I've found another warp immediately... So I guess the rest can be found with the UV light, too... Also I can see why it would have been so much easier to find all the eggs with the light, fml, that was so much trial and error without it :'D
  12. There's a room full of crows not far from where the duck-secret-rabbit faces flute code is. Initially I actually thought the code was for them because of the bird in the picture next to the face codes... What do I do with those crows, if anything? There's a lot of them sitting on 4 separate branches/shelves - I've tried playing multiple versions of flute notes, like how many crows are on each branch, didn't get anywhere.
  13. There's a tiny grid hidden under the LED bunny neon sign area... A 4x4 grid with 1-4 dots on each side. Absolutely not a clue what this is, man, not even a single thought. Been told this needed a whole bunch of players to solve, gonna leave it for when I'm at my complete limit and start looking things up!
  14. Is this anything? I noticed the other savegame icons have slightly different seeds, like these, but... surely I'm not expected to make more savegames?
  1. The skull pile blocking a chest, where the faces flute code is explained. Threw everything I had at it. Tried playing flute notes depending on which way the skulls are facing. Nada. That chest is taunting me. I'M SO GLAD I ASKED, this would have driven me nuts, been told this needs a deathless run to open!
  2. There are two remote-controllable walls in this spot, but no remote control tower... It's in the other room, but that's not helpful. I can't access it from that room on the right either cause it's just a wall. How do I get in there??
no remote tower in this room (left)
wall in this one, but has remote tower (right)
  1. Two questions about the below: is the big garden pot just a decoration? Okay would have never figured it out on my own lol, but has anyone found where to use the directions the barcode gives? Not sure how to "scan" it myself.
And what I've circled in particular - I noticed the exact same thing next to the duck-secret-rabbit... Am I looking into it too much? It feels like nothing in this game is accidental, so I'm always sus... :')
  1. Are the pillars here a flute code? Same for the ones in the turtle room - initially I started playing the flute to play numbers corresponding to how tall each pillar is, but the turtles just came out as soon as I started playing, and didn't seem to react to me playing anything specific. What about here? Do I need to write down a sequence of them from the leftmost shore and play the full thing?
  1. I have some sort of a key in my bag. Can't remember where I got it... No clue what it's for, or if I've used it before..!
  1. I'm sure the huge clock behind my house is meant to do something, it has doors and all... But no clue. I was there on the hour and just saw the little bird come out, (feels like there's some sort of purpose to time, but I haven't picked up on anything yet, initially thought that's when the kangaroo switches areas...) and I can see there's a few "000"s above the doors... That's about it... The only thought so far is that maybe characters from other savegames can come through here, but that seems VERY far-fetched, and not sure what purpose that would have... I also feel like I'm too early to figure out the clock, and the big 3d ring, before figuring out the rest. Should I not worry about it for now? Been told clock is for speedrunner rewards!
I... think that's it??? Sorry for the wall of text, if I can get some gentle hints on any of these I'd be grateful - I'll come back and edit the post to strike out what I've figured out, if anything. I know people on the Tunic sub like helping each other out with hints, feels like this game should have a very similar crowd, by the looks of it :D
submitted by Teaside to animalWell [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 11:05 someuser3092 I need a sub full of people that can identify a google maps location

submitted by someuser3092 to findareddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:51 mtufekyapan Marketing Guide For Shopify

Marketing is one of the most crucial operation for a Shopify store. There are lot’s of tactics Marketing is one of the most crucial operation for a Shopify store. There are lot’s of tactics to grow quickly and none of them not working. Well, if you looking for a way to create solid marketing plan, then this guide is for you. In this guide you’ll learn

Definition of Marketing

American Marketing Association defines marketing as activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Source
What do you see here?
  1. Marketing is not about activities, it contains activities, set of institutions and process.
  2. Function of marketing is not generating sales. It’s creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that has value.
  3. In this post we’ll focus on Shopify stores marketing. However in the big picture marketing has not limited with companies. Marketing can be done within organization or society.
Let’s summarize what marketing definition for a Shopify store. Marketing will create, communicate, deliver and exchange offers that have value for customers. As you can see main subject in here is customers. Because of this, I’ll put customers as the center of this guide. Everything we’ll do has to something with them.

Market Research, Competitor Analysis and Defining Your Target Market

This is a practical guide for marketing so I want to continue with a hypothetical Shopify stores for each steps.
Let’s say we have a Shopify store that has some high-end, organic baby clothes targeting new parents.

Market Research

How can we do the market research?
Let’s say you have a new Shopify store that has less than 500 order per month. You can hire expensive agencies, expensive experts to research the market, create market reports for you, etc. Even if you do that, I highly suspicious if it helps you.
However you can talk with your new-parent friends. Ask them about how do they decide to buy baby clothes? What they are looking for before completing their purchases? Do they get any expert opinion before making buying decision? How do they search online and what they want to see? Is there any great YouTube channels about this.
Don’t have any friends? Checkout your friends not a new-parents but parents and ask similar questions to them. If you also don’t have them, try to make new born friends. I know how hard it is but let’s be honest here. If you don’t know anybody in your target audience, how do you manage to get know them? All of the successful stores I saw they have direct relationship with their target audience.
When you make your research with real people, then you can extend your project to online. Try to search as they do. What do you find? Deep in dive and take your notes.

Competitor Analysis

When you done this market research, you’ll also see there are some other brands. This is a huge subject but let’s call these brands as competitor for now.
Now it’s time to analyze them.
  1. Checkout their branding strategy.
  2. What are their value propositions?
  3. What is hot about them? Return guarantee, free shipping etc.
  4. What is not hot about them? Poor product or store design, low UX on the website, etc.
  5. What people think about them? Google reviews, Trust pilot reviews, product reviews on the store.
  6. Are there any partnership or influencer program they’re running?
  7. What is their Google/YouTube campaign strategy? Check it here.
  8. What is their Facebook/Instagram campaign strategy? Check it here.
Create a spreadsheet with all of this information. We’ll use this when working on positioning and marketing strategy.

Define Your Target Market

What do you say about our target market? Can all of new parents be our target market?
Nope, it can’t. You need to deep dive into your market and find a sub-segment, a niche that will need your products much better than anybody else and afford it easily.
This is what I called ideal customer profile (ICP). Check out what is ideal customer profile and how to create your ideal customer profile posts to learn more about the concept.
For our hypothetical store, ICP can be something like this;
Pain Points
Buying Behaviors
After creating ICP, it’s important to spend some time on empathy map. Don’t forget to check it, too.
Now we know our baby clothes Shopify store market, customer’s buying process and our ideal customer profile.

Brand Identity and How to Create Your Branding

I’ll follow the American Marketing Association (AMA) in here too.
First look at brand definition. AMA defines brand as “any distinctive feature like a name, term, design, or symbol that identifies goods or services”.
Branding is for creating and managing your brand’s identity. It involves your mission, values, culture and public image.
I’m not an expert on brand, but I know how branding can be effective for your conversions and performance. Here are some checklist for you.
  1. Design consistency is the key. Your visual identity should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  2. Copy consistency is the key. Your communication style should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  3. Experience consistency is the key. Let’s say your brand looks like a high-end brand and when a new visitor visit your store first they see is an annoying popup saying want to get 10% OFF. This is simply how to destroy your brand.
  4. Craft a story and stick to it. What makes you create this brand? Faces behind the brand. This is a huge leverage for creating trust and building bonds.

Go-to-Market Strategy and Defining Your Marketing Strategy

So far we identified our target market and ideal customer profile. Check out competitors and creates the branding for our store.
Now it’s time to work on go-to-market strategy and crafting our marketing strategy.

Go-to-Market Strategy

Let’s say you recently launched your Shopify store or add a new line of products.
You need a plan to introduce your store or new products to the market. This is what we called go-to-market(GTM) strategy.
Main goal of the GTM is letting people know that there is a new brand or product line. It’s similar to launch marketing. Key message here is there is a new products/brand launched and it offer the best for you. Give it a try, you’ll love it.
All of your messages and communication should be parallel to this process.
Our focus is convincing people to try our products/brand. So I always offer a special campaign just for the launch to give people to a reason to try your products/brand.
For our hypothetical Shopify store we can run a special campaign for launch like;

Marketing Strategy

This is your plan of actions to sell or advertise your products. Now we can talk about selling part of the marketing.
Let’s say you have GREAT advertising creatives and a huge budget and just spending it. Don’t wait to crack the code and having lot’s of sales.
Your marketing strategy should be follow sales funnel. If you don’t have a high-converting sales funnel, you can’t expect people to buy from you. Check out How to Build High Converting Sales Funnel For Shopify post.
AIDA Sales Funnel Framework
Now we can continue with our hypothetical store example. We’re selling high-end, organic baby clothes on our store. We crafted our ICP, empathy map, work on branding and created our story.

Example Marketing Strategy

First step we’ll work on attention step. Our focus is getting attention of our target market attention.
We can create a educative e-book like “7 Harmful Chemicals Commonly Used in Baby Clothes and How to Avoid Them” and run some campaigns targeted new parents on social network (Facebook, Instagram or YouTube)
This ads will land on a landing page that gives brief information about why we should pay attention to chemicals in baby clothes for our little ones and make a promise like “I spend my last 5 years about researching chemicals on baby clothes and prepare this book for you and your little one”. Also there can be a quick video about our story explaining our expertise in this field and why we’re building this brand.
We can ask for their email address to share the book with them. When they enter their email address, we’ll send them this ebook.
After first email with the ebook, we can send a few more emails with easy to digest information about chemicals.
This will create an expertise image on our target customers and start to create a bond with them. Not a bad start, right?
At the same time we can use this content on our social media, right? Quick videos, infographics and posts about the chemicals in the baby clothes.
After getting a few thousands subscribers we can organize a webinar to answer questions. This will also a great content for re-used social media content and creating trust and expert image.
Then we can share a time-limited promotion with this people for a bundle. Like we’re running a campaign and these 5 chemical free baby clothes bundles 10% discounted until next week!
We can send emails about it and use this campaign for remarketing for only people who show interest in our e-book and webinar.
This is a very brief template of marketing plan.
Now let’s take a look at more common one.
It’s time for you. Which one do you want to choose? All of the experts recommending this without even asking who are your customers. Can you believe it?
Don’t forget that marketing strategy is not a hope. It’s a well documented plan of actions designed for turning strangers into customers.

Inbound and Outbound Marketing Channels

Inside the marketing strategy, channels plays a vital role. There are lot’s of ways to group channels. I’ll use most basic one.
Inbound Marketing Channels: With the inbound marketing your customers will find you and start the interaction. Most common channel for inbound marketing is organic search engine optimization.
After creating high quality content, when customers search something online, they can see your articles and first interaction happens.
Outbound Marketing Channels: With the outbound marketing you reach out to customers. Facebook/Instagram/YouTube ads, influencer marketing, display ads, podcast ads can be count in this category.
As you can imagine inbound marketing channels takes lot’s of efforts and time however over the time you’ll have organic marketing channel and it brings you customer without needing any budget.
Outbound marketing channels generally works with advertisement models and you need budgets to run these channels.
Most of time I recommend to start with outbound marketing channels and then invest inbound marketing channels overtime. Don’t forget to check Mastering Paid Ads For Shopify post.
Succesful marketing plans should be supported by high converting growth and conversion plans. Don’t forget to check Growth Guide For Shopify and Conversion Optimization Guide For Shopify too.
to grow quickly and none of them not working. Well, if you looking for a way to create solid marketing plan, then this guide is for you. In this guide you’ll learn

Definition of Marketing

American Marketing Association defines marketing as activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large. Source
What do you see here?
  1. Marketing is not about activities, it contains activities, set of institutions and process.
  2. Function of marketing is not generating sales. It’s creating, communicating, delivering and exchanging offerings that has value.
  3. In this post we’ll focus on Shopify stores marketing. However in the big picture marketing has not limited with companies. Marketing can be done within organization or society.
Let’s summarize what marketing definition for a Shopify store. Marketing will create, communicate, deliver and exchange offers that have value for customers. As you can see main subject in here is customers. Because of this, I’ll put customers as the center of this guide. Everything we’ll do has to something with them.

Market Research, Competitor Analysis and Defining Your Target Market

This is a practical guide for marketing so I want to continue with a hypothetical Shopify stores for each steps.
Let’s say we have a Shopify store that has some high-end, organic baby clothes targeting new parents.

Market Research

How can we do the market research?
Let’s say you have a new Shopify store that has less than 500 order per month. You can hire expensive agencies, expensive experts to research the market, create market reports for you, etc. Even if you do that, I highly suspicious if it helps you.
However you can talk with your new-parent friends. Ask them about how do they decide to buy baby clothes? What they are looking for before completing their purchases? Do they get any expert opinion before making buying decision? How do they search online and what they want to see? Is there any great YouTube channels about this.
Don’t have any friends? Checkout your friends not a new-parents but parents and ask similar questions to them. If you also don’t have them, try to make new born friends. I know how hard it is but let’s be honest here. If you don’t know anybody in your target audience, how do you manage to get know them? All of the successful stores I saw they have direct relationship with their target audience.
When you make your research with real people, then you can extend your project to online. Try to search as they do. What do you find? Deep in dive and take your notes.

Competitor Analysis

When you done this market research, you’ll also see there are some other brands. This is a huge subject but let’s call these brands as competitor for now.
Now it’s time to analyze them.
  1. Checkout their branding strategy.
  2. What are their value propositions?
  3. What is hot about them? Return guarantee, free shipping etc.
  4. What is not hot about them? Poor product or store design, low UX on the website, etc.
  5. What people think about them? Google reviews, Trust pilot reviews, product reviews on the store.
  6. Are there any partnership or influencer program they’re running?
  7. What is their Google/YouTube campaign strategy? Check it here.
  8. What is their Facebook/Instagram campaign strategy? Check it here.
Create a spreadsheet with all of this information. We’ll use this when working on positioning and marketing strategy.

Define Your Target Market

What do you say about our target market? Can all of new parents be our target market?
Nope, it can’t. You need to deep dive into your market and find a sub-segment, a niche that will need your products much better than anybody else and afford it easily.
This is what I called ideal customer profile (ICP). Check out what is ideal customer profile and how to create your ideal customer profile posts to learn more about the concept.
For our hypothetical store, ICP can be something like this;
Pain Points
Buying Behaviors
After creating ICP, it’s important to spend some time on empathy map. Don’t forget to check it, too.
Now we know our baby clothes Shopify store market, customer’s buying process and our ideal customer profile.

Brand Identity and How to Create Your Branding

I’ll follow the American Marketing Association (AMA) in here too.
First look at brand definition. AMA defines brand as “any distinctive feature like a name, term, design, or symbol that identifies goods or services”.
Branding is for creating and managing your brand’s identity. It involves your mission, values, culture and public image.
I’m not an expert on brand, but I know how branding can be effective for your conversions and performance. Here are some checklist for you.
  1. Design consistency is the key. Your visual identity should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  2. Copy consistency is the key. Your communication style should be consistent across social media, Shopify store, emails, product detail pages, etc.
  3. Experience consistency is the key. Let’s say your brand looks like a high-end brand and when a new visitor visit your store first they see is an annoying popup saying want to get 10% OFF. This is simply how to destroy your brand.
  4. Craft a story and stick to it. What makes you create this brand? Faces behind the brand. This is a huge leverage for creating trust and building bonds.

Go-to-Market Strategy and Defining Your Marketing Strategy

So far we identified our target market and ideal customer profile. Check out competitors and creates the branding for our store.
Now it’s time to work on go-to-market strategy and crafting our marketing strategy.

Go-to-Market Strategy

Let’s say you recently launched your Shopify store or add a new line of products.
You need a plan to introduce your store or new products to the market. This is what we called go-to-market(GTM) strategy.
Main goal of the GTM is letting people know that there is a new brand or product line. It’s similar to launch marketing. Key message here is there is a new products/brand launched and it offer the best for you. Give it a try, you’ll love it.
All of your messages and communication should be parallel to this process.
Our focus is convincing people to try our products/brand. So I always offer a special campaign just for the launch to give people to a reason to try your products/brand.
For our hypothetical Shopify store we can run a special campaign for launch like;

Marketing Strategy

This is your plan of actions to sell or advertise your products. Now we can talk about selling part of the marketing.
Let’s say you have GREAT advertising creatives and a huge budget and just spending it. Don’t wait to crack the code and having lot’s of sales.
Your marketing strategy should be follow sales funnel. If you don’t have a high-converting sales funnel, you can’t expect people to buy from you. Check out How to Build High Converting Sales Funnel For Shopify post.
This article first published at MarketingLib.
Don't forget to check Growth Suite on Shopify App Store.
submitted by mtufekyapan to GrowthSuite [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:33 QueenieMcGee Welp... a dasher just drove off with my groceries.

I honestly never thought I'd have anything to post here, this feels weird 😐
My husband and I don't have a car, plus various disabilities, so we order our weekly groceries to be delivered from the local Woolworths (Aussie supermarket chain/goliath) and they use DoorDash for their deliveries.
When the order was due to arrive I fired up the live tracker and waited for the driver to arrive. The usual routine in our house is that I'll wait with our two dogs in another room and once the tracker shows that the driver has left my husband takes the bags in without the dogs underfoot.
Driver comes, drivers map marker sits outside our house for a minute or two, driver leaves and I give the all clear to my husband to get the groceries.
No groceries.
I go back to the tracker and see the order is marked as 'arrived' but not 'delivered', which I didn't even realise was a thing until now. I can also still see where our driver (Ranvir S) is wandering off to.
I gave Ranvir the benefit of the doubt for a bit, because I have no idea how the delivery system works between Woolies/DD, but after 20 minutes of watching his map marker sit in an area far away from the store I texted, then called, to ask what was happening...
"This number cannot be used anymore. Please contact DoorDash support for assistance"
Yeah, nah... if theres one thing this sub has taught me it's that DD support is less than useless.
I contacted Woolies instead. The customer service rep was able to tell me that the driver has likely very recently been booted from DoorDash and their system probably hasn't caught up yet. They were very apologetic and gave me a full refund for the order, including delivery fee.
So I'm guessing Ranvir was sacked today and decided to take a severance package in the form of my weekly shopping? 🤷‍♀️ Enjoy the paper towels, dude.
submitted by QueenieMcGee to doordash [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:18 jdv12 Update: We fixed the property app that this sub has been asking for

A few weeks ago I shared the homebuying app that we've built. There was lots of love, and also three very clear bits of feedback:
We've taken this on board, and fixed all those things. No account is needed, no app must be downloaded, and we have a lovely new desktop view.
I can't thank you all enough for the feedback. It's tough to hear when you get it wrong, but its steered us in the right direction. I'm all ears for other feedback.
As a reminder, with Jitty you can:
I probably shouldn't share our future plans too much, but we're currently working on a map view, push notifications, launching Greater London, then the rest of the country. Sorry team if you're reading this!
You can check out Jitty here.
Thanks /HousingUK - you've been an enormous inspiration for us and if there's any way we can repay the favour please let me know.
submitted by jdv12 to HousingUK [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 10:10 Diotoiren [MODPOST] [CRISIS] Witch Fall / / Rest Now

Witch Fall / / Rest Now

January 8th, 2072.
The Midnight Court - Wewelsburg, Álfheimr
"I had no expectation of being crowned." Princess Kyōko looked towards the crowd of Alfr nobility which had amassed itself in the great hall of the Midnight Court. Excluding the Princess, who stood just in front of the Night King's Throne, the nobility made up of nearly all conquered people remained quiet as the Princess continued to speak - the shock of recent events emanating throughout the room. "And yet death of my uncle...has come as a shock."
The court was somber, the lights dim - only a few skylights pointed towards the Princess whose Golden crown had only just been placed on her head by the same woman who had coronated her Uncle all those years ago. The flags which had once flown as a symbol of the Aesir, now remained furled, awaiting to be revealed as the once Japanese Princess, continued to speak.
"In the years since my Uncle's coronation, our Aesir, has led you all to the well of prosperity, happiness, and security. Under his auspices rule, under the Night King's watchful gaze, you all...have been so very lucky. So very lucky to have survived this long." Gasps from the crowd where audible as members of the Valkyrie of the 1st Sturmtruppen marched into the Great Hall, those members of the Elite Imperial Guard whose loyalty lay only with the Aesir. "Under the former Aesir, you have been...blinded by a shroud of darkness from true enlightenment. The failures of this Imperial Might, whose forces once so easily marched West across France and conquered Western Europe, come from your blind faith in my Uncle. You have been bested in a Gothic War which saw the needless deaths of so many of the Aesir's Chosen. And yet you cry out for more conflict?"
The new Aesir could see the daggers as she looked out at the crowd, as her words struck the very heart of the Alfheim's Imperial Center. From the corner of her eye, she could barely make out one figure leaving the Hall, shooting an icy yet aware glance towards the Throne, however, now was no time to stop, she had a mission here.
"At every step, your former ruler...has ensured that the entire weight of the world would come crashing down on his Empire. Even now, you face a rebellion in Italy, and the possibility of war in the outer colonies of Svartálfar and Mexico. And if not for the idleness of the great Goliath of Eastern Europe your very homeland would have most assuredly been lost by now."
By now, only the Æsir's Chosen had remained without reaction. The nobility long in uproar, confusion, and fear as the former second-rate Princess from Japan gave lecture on the future of the Empire.
"You all...I...have never seen throughout history, an Empire so reviled that even my own Father's machinations have gone unheeded by the world." The newly crowned Aesir cared little for choosing her words, knowing that ultimately, they'd have to all bend the knee either way. "Your world has failed, and I am here to save you."
The murmuring of the crowd would have become overwhelming if it was not for the clerics who raised and slammed the ends of their banners on the ground, unfurling the new flag of the Imperial Álfheimr while sending the crowds into a fervor of chanting.
“Long live Æsir!”
“Long live Æsir!”
“Long live Æsir!”
As the Midnight Sun rose over the old world, those nobility knew a new era had begun.
Mombasa, The Union of African Socialist Republics 

"The Malagasy Terror returns to South Africa, Mexico falls into the grips of Japanese Empire"

Bandung Daily Issued January 31st, 2072 - 12:00 Mombasa, The Union of African Socialist Republics
MOMBASA - As the world continues to feel the shockwaves from the death of former imperialist dictator Dederick Lohengrin, it has been confirmed that the Malagasy Terror otherwise known as Japanese Rear Admiral Sentaro Omori has been confirmed as the new Imperial Governor of Marley. According to reports from the Japanese Minister of Foreign Affairs Kamisato Ayaka, the handover of South Africa represents the 16th Imperial Administrative Zone of the ever growing Japanese Empire. Likewise, according to reports coming out of the JIIA - Rear Admiral Takagi Daisuke has been named Imperial Governor of Azteca (known globally as Mexico), as the newest and 17th Imperial Colony. The news has forced the resurfacing of existing fears within the UASR, and by extension broader Bandung Pact as to ongoing colonialism by the Japanese Empire which has despite its claim to "isolation", come to control vast swathes of the globe.
The annexation of South Africa, or rather, the repeated annexation of South Africa by Japan showcases the ongoing Imperial ambitions of a Japan which has frequently been known to break the conventions on human rights with its rumors of prison camps and genocide. Now following the death of the former Aesir of Alfheim who himself was a scourge on the continent of Africa, Japan has only further pushed the boundaries of its Imperial borders, using the second born Princess Kyōko as a way of wrestling control over the once antagonistic German Empire. While the hand-over of the Alfr's two most valued colonies was ostensibly done under the pretense of the possibility of outright war from a Bandung Pact led liberation of either South Africa or Mexico, experts across the Globe have come to other theories.
Specifically, experts within the UASR have begun theorizing that the recent withdrawal of the Alfheim from its Imperial ambitions, is largely, due to the possibility of an ongoing internal conflict between various factions within the Alfheimr Empire - namely, it is believed that there are several dissenting factions attempting to wrestle control out of Japanese hands. While outright war seems unlikely, the possibility of conflict cannot be understated as [Kyrr Von Lohengrin](), the Æsir's Chosen, and Danubian Habsburgs have been seen far more frequently in official affairs - while Alfheimr military assets appear to be on the constant move. While it is believed that much of the Aesir's non-Human population has as dictated by central processing units in both Wewelsburg, Berlin, and Paris been accepting of the new Æsir, more complex androids like the Æsir's Chosen and the vast majority of the religiously indoctrinated human population is rumored to be far less tolerant of both the official explanation of the Æsir's death and of the new ruling Æsir. Ultimately, while most experts believe outright conflict to be unlikely, some like those within the INC (GIGAS), have begun to whisper about the possibility of coming conflict.

For the Republic, Part Five: Born is the Fourth

Rare are the times that Kyrr von Lohengrin, former Imperial Vizikong of North Amerika and Minister of Foreign Affairs had found himself in this office. Its white walls, mirroring those of the exterior, was one of the few buildings permitted to be rebuilt in the wake of the Third Republic's destruction. And yet here he was all the same, the slow ticking of a grandfather clock in the corner the only audible noise that could be heard even with his enhanced hearing. Not even the breathing of the man sitting at the restored Resolute Desk was enough to break Kyrr out of his state of shock. It was only when the man and his hulking frame spoke, that Kyrr's attention drifted back to the present.
"I once sat where you are now." President Armstrong who had once betrayed the Third Republic mused as he stared down the nimble looking Alfr. "I offered your King a Kingdom, and look at him now...laying in dirt.
If not for the desperation of Kyrr's current situation, he would have ordered this so-called President's execution for disrespecting the Aesir.
"And for that matter, look at you, you proud Alfr who once strode in here so high and mighty declaring a new world order. You know? Katherine might have been right...hahaha." Armstrong spat out his tobacco as he leaned back in his chair, resting his legs on the desk. "Your worse than us now, at least we never lost our homes."
The disdain in Armstrong's voice was palpable, as his baritone voice echoed throughout the office. Kyrr could barely hide his own contempt, and disgust at what was nothing more than a sub-human caveman lecturing to one of the Aesir's closest confidants.
"And now, as those Jap fucks stretch their god damn Midnight Sun across come to me, Papa Armstrong for help." Armstrong's face broke into a wicked smile; violence, rage, and hatred spewing from his eyes. "Well your in luck, kid. Because you've come to a land where the people are free, there is no slate to wipe because I've already burned the fucking thing to the ground."
"Look, I'm not here for a monologue. We both have things we can off-...."
"Shut the fuck up and sit there, quietly. You came here for whatever I can offer, not the other way around." Armstrong's smile only continued to widen as it reached comedically lengths. "And as I said, your in luck, because I can offer you a place in my new America. People will die, and kill, and you can be one of the killers."
Kyrr continued to stare at the American whose smile literally reached from ear to ear.
"So...whaddya think?"
Warsaw, The Commonwealth 

"Fall Dämmerung and the Álfheimr Civil War"

CNN (Commonwealth) Issued October 16th, 2072 - 12:00 Warsaw, The Commonwealth
PARIS - As the Black Fleet lay smoldering at the bottom of the Atlantic, the Global Interoperable Guarantee for Allied Support has announced the end of the Álfheimr Civil War which had started in the late Spring of 2072. While the ACW had begun largely due to factional disputes on an internal level within Imperial Álfheimr government following the coronation of the new Æsir, too most experts, it didn't officially begin until the secession of what is now informally known as the "Republic of New Álfheimr". The New Republic which exists in an unrecognized status (by Imperial Japan, the INC, and GIGAS at large), is now formally made up of the "Imperial Dominion of Amerika" which was the former Third American Republic before its conquest by the late Greater Aryan Empire (GAE). The secession of America was allegedly brought about by an alliance between certain Dederick Lohengrin loyalists including Kyrr von Lohengrin, alongside Steven Armstrong the titular "Governor" of the American colony. While the Civil War had originally been fought solely between the Imperial Álfheimr under the recently crowned Æsir Kyōko and Kyrr's New Republic, the follow-up secession of Danubia from the Imperial Álfheimr quickly brought new levels of severity - forcing GIGAS's hand and involvement.
The secession of Danubia under the command of Ferdinand Habsburg, as advised by Gloria von Habsburg led to the creation of "The Grand Imperium of Europa", a new so-called Empire claiming to be the true successors of the Greater Aryan Empire. To even greater surprise however, it would appear that the Danubian secession was supported by the O-5 Council and broader Æsir Chosen including "The Advisor, Commander, and Mother" among others. This was a major blow to Æsir Kyōko's legitimacy, and additionally led to a significant loss of human manpower within the Imperial Álfheimr which coupled with the creation of Kyrr's Republic - undoubtedly forced Álfheimr's call for aide.
These events ultimately led to a "forced peace" between the Imperial Álfheimr which is ostensibly still "independent" from the Empire of Japan, the Republic of New Álfheimr, and Grand Imperium of Europa by GIGAS through the destruction of the feuding Black Fleet in the Atlantic operated by the Republic of New Álfheimr. At the same time however, efforts by the Bandung Pact and Eastern Union to capitalize on these events have largely fallen flat - as crises in Israel, Kaabu, and even Eastern Siberia have led to a new level of unprecedented global tension. Nevertheless, while a tacit "white peace" currently exists between the three "Álfheimr successor states", none are certain that such a peace will hold even under GIGAS oversight.


The Grand Imperium of Europa

  • Head of State: Ferdinand Habsburg
  • Population: 203,994,000
  • Claim Starting Allotments (IE. Special Starting Scenario)
    • Claimant receives special/secret information at the start of the Campaign
Things to Consider
The Grand Imperium of Europa is unique in its existence as a fortress state among fortress states, nestled in the heart of Central Europe and shielded from the broader "Japanese Alfheim" (Berlin/Paris, etcetera), the Grand Imperium claims not only to be the true successor of the GAE - but has in many ways, the military might to back it up. Having retained much of the human-based military, and significant portions of the non-human army as well, its only lack is in naval capability.
The Grand Imperium like the RNA also has the benefit of having total access to the Alfheim technology base (anything Tion, Eagan, 8th, etcetera posted). At the same time however, while starting at "peace" with the other Alfr successors and neighbors, the Grand Imperium must be careful as overt aggression against Imperial Alfheim may incur Japanese intervention - although, this is not assured by any means. However due to the ACW, it will likely take 1-2 years to rebuild the ability to produce more.
The Grand Imperium of Europa represents a strong, mid-level claim in a precarious yet flexible geopolitical starting position.

The Imperial Protectorate of the Italian Social Republic

  • Head of State: Player Choice
    • Other Important Characters (meta control)
    • None - Player freedom available
  • Population: 94,964,006
  • Claim Starting Allotments (IE. Special Starting Scenario)
    • Begins under the protection of the NPC "Imperial Alfheimr"
Things to Consider
The Imperial Protectorate of the Italian Social Republic begins in the unique position of being forgotten in large part by its recent conquerors, and having seen rebuilding investment under the deceased Aesir. The claim ostensibly has multiple factions but players must be cautious as the wrong move to quickly might see the gaze of Imperial Alfheimr or possibly the Grand Imperium of Europa (among other claims) turn towards either putting down a rebellion or imperial conquest.
The Imperial Protectorate of the Italian Social Republic has access to all Alfheim technology, and thanks to the rebuilding investment - has the ability to produce all of it.

The Republic of New Álfheimr

  • Head of State: Steven Armstrong
    • Other Important Characters (meta control)
    • Kyrr von Lohengrin (Former Foreign Affairs Minister under Dederick)
    • Ingel Faedryk (Former Reichsfuhrer-SS under Dederick)
    • Svipul von Lohengrin (Former Imperial Spymaster under Dederick)
  • Population: 143,863,000
  • Claim Starting Allotments (IE. Special Starting Scenario)
    • Has access to large portions of in-production Alfheimr military equipment (refer to Tion's posts) - Continental European in-production units largely destroyed unless in NPC territories.
    • Has a secret alliance with certain NPC claims (informed to the player)
Things to Consider
The Republic of New Álfheimr while a democracy, still considers itself the true successor to Dederick von Lohengrin, and has the geographic, military, and economic position to be immediately independent should its cards be played correctly. They are the strongest military of the three main successors, and similarly have a strong geopolitical starting position, alongside a network of secret diplomatic alliances.
The RNA is in a unique position to quickly assert itself as an independent state, having inherited the same technology base as the Grand Imperium - but in greater existing asset quantities. The RNA also has a large portion of the former GAE's "android" soldiers - making for a lethal and incredibly loyal army right out of the gates.


Questions please send on discord through private messages or comment on this post.
submitted by Diotoiren to worldpowers [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:38 Archyve Question regarding Heat-Map and regions in Power BI Desktop

Hi, I've got a question regarding two vizualisations from two Excel spreadsheets I'm trying to vizualise in Power BI Desktop.
For a management purpose, I want to first represent the number of aircraft engine type by family in service. I have 6 regions to vizualize :
I've got the same problem with the number of aircraft engine type by region on order with the same 6 regions.
Could you please guide me through or indicate how should I proceed to create a heat map with the repartition of each engine type in each region please ?
PS : I hope my query is understandable and apologies for the mistakes I might have done since english isnt my native language.
submitted by Archyve to PowerBI [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:27 Inciter_of_vibe TEMPORARY TEST POST

Hi all, this is a guide on setting up analog walking and driving for Cyberpunk 2077 with the analog capability in a Wooting Keyboard (or other analog-capable keyboard depending on if you can replicate the advanced key setup). As the Wooting Keyboard allows you to "spoof" controller inputs due to the analog nature of its magnetic switches, you can setup many games to allow you to moderate your speed based on how far down you press the key, rather than simply being binary like "walk" or "don't walk".
This guide serves as an update to the original written here, because the original was written 3 years ago and has outdated mappings/keybindings, and the author had since had their account deleted. Additionally, the original sets up the movement for walking and driving both on one joystick, instead of two, and this is an issue as explained below:

Why two joysticks?

It is much easier to setup the movement for walking and driving to only use the left joystick, but there is a downside. If you are driving a vehicle, and you accelerate (Right Trigger via the W key), and try to turn left or right at the same time (left joystick left / right via the A / D key), you will find that you will only be able to make very wide turns, despite pressing the A / D key to the maximum. This is because, due to the setup for walking, the W key not only activates Right Trigger as needed for vehicle acceleration, but also moves the left joystick up so that you can walk forward.
This means that you unintentionally press move the left joystick up as you accelerate, which limits how much the left joystick is able to move left or right, as its range is confined to a circle.
The first pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the W key (aka accelerate)
The second pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you press both the W and D key (aka accelerate + turn right)
The third pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the D key (aka turn right)
The fix for this that I found, as the gamepad tester screenshots imply, is to set the steering control to the right joystick instead of the left joystick, and leave the left joystick solely for walking. This is done specifically by setting the "LeftX_Axis_Vehicle" mapping/keybind to use the "IK_Pad_RightAxisX" controller input instead of "IK_Pad_LeftAxisX".
This setup assumes that you will use the analog controls for walking and driving (+ a few minor things like extra photo-mode control) and regular keyboard input for everything else, preserving the use of the regular WASD keys.


First, in the main Wootility settings, enable the Xbox Controller:
Make a new profile dedicated to this game, then setup the following advanced keys in the "Advanced Keys" section:
Then make sure the settings are set like this in the "Gamepad Mapping" section:
You may change the curve in "Analog Curve" but I cannot recommend a specific curve to follow


This is for Steam, if you are on GOG or another platform you will need to figure these steps out on our own
Right click on the game in your steam library, hover over "Manage" and click on "Browse local files" to open the game's directory folder:
While you're here, also make sure steam input is enabled for Cyberpunk 2077, by instead clicking on "Properties..." and going to the following setting:
Once you're in the "Cyberpunk 2077" folder, open the "r6" folder, then open "config", then either replace the inputUserMappings.xml file with the one provided or open it with a text editor and make the changes listed below.
Here's the file with all of the edits implemented, rename the file to remove the ".Analog.txt" part before replacing it with the one in the game folder:
Otherwise, here are the changes you will need to make in the file. Beware, its a big list...
1. For:
2. For:
4. For:
5. For:
6. For:
7. For:
8. For:
9. For:
10. For:
11. For:
12. For:
13. For:
14. For:
15. For:
16. For:
17. For:
18. For:
19. For:
20. For:
And remove:
21. For:
22. For:
23. For:
24. For:
25. For:
26. For:
27. For:
28. For:
29. For:
30. For:
31. For:
32. For:
33. For:
34. For:
35. For:
36. For:
37. For:
38. For:
39. For:
40. For:
41. For:
42. For:
43. For:
44. For:
45. For:
Here is a backup of the original file if you messed up or wish to undo these changes (or you can delete the file from the game folder and verify integrity of game files thru steam):


That is all that is to it! While the original guide said to change the keybinds for walking / driving to something other than the WASD keys ingame, this seems to be unnecessary as the setup still works despite not changing them.
  1. WASD (aka left joystick) still moves the cursor in the game settings / inventory, I found that none of the mappings control it. Only an issue if for instance you liked to use A and D to navigate submenus, etc.
  2. The game will rapidly switch between displaying keyboard icons and controller icons on your HUD, as of course it is detecting both keyboard and controller inputs at the same time. Wish there was a fix for this but I have not found any
Note: This mappings setup may become invalid (like in the original guide) if an update changes everything again, but I bet that will not be the case since the game has probably already received most of the updates it was going to get
Thanks for reading, let me know of any suggestions or issues
submitted by Inciter_of_vibe to u/Inciter_of_vibe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:30 Michamus Why Synde Could Have Never Won

Within days of the Synde Co. vs Hawks Co. war erupting, I predicted on this subreddit that Hawks was going to demolish Synde. Many folks ridiculed me, as Hawks appeared to be losing. From all outside perspectives, the constant collapse of farms was indicating Hawks was indeed going to lose. However, this was never the case.

1. Zero sum game.

Within the global economy (and competitive video games too), personnel are a zero sum game. There are only so many professionals in our world and corporations compete for them. This oftentimes means highly educated people in developing nations will end up leaving for wealthier developed nations. This is to the detriment of those developing nations.
The same exists in wormholes.
Elite groups oftentimes have their pick of candidates. They can be selective. Once someone meets their criteria, they can allow time to see if they fit the general culture of the group. If they create a little too much friction, they're booted. This leads to a generally cohesive group. So, envision if you will, a giant funnel with the very narrowest of necks. This narrow neck represents the top wormhole groups being fed the best wormholers in the game.
Lazerhawks was established 10 years ago from the merger of several already existing successful wormhole and low sec groups. They have had their pick of the best wormholers for a decade, on top of some of the best wormholers establishing them.

2. Where do the players go?

In wormhole groups, players will oftentimes not even be playing EVE, rather 'other games' together. This is generally due to the variable nature of day-to-day wormhole life. This leads to groups sticking together even during EVE breaks. Also, it creates loyalty beyond the game of EVE Online. When players take long breaks, even from the group, still active group members can still get in contact with them. Oftentimes small sub-groups will have eachother's real phone numbers. This means if a war breaks out, people who have been AFG for years can be quickly re-activated. Many times these players are only active during wartime.
The worst thing a wormhole group could ever do is ban 'other games.'
Lazerhawks has always highly encouraged members playing 'other games' together.

3. The abyss!

People forget how ancient many members of Hawks are. Their CEO has been playing EVE for 20 years. Hawks has quite a few members that have been living in wormholes for as long as wormholes have existed in EVE Online. Hawks has line members that have successfully run independent wormhole groups that subsequently merged with Hawks to form Lazerhawks. Hawks has members that are so old and deep in wormhole space culture, that they've crafted portions of it. People where their entire map of EVE Online is based on wormhole connections.
Each of these sort of members capable of not just operating independently, but with the utmost stealth. I've been told by several Hawks folks that even top Hawks leadership wasn't aware of the independent eviction groups Hawks line members had created for fighting Synde. Imagine, EVE leaders out there, discovering that you're not losing the war nearly as badly as you thought, because several 2-3 person groups had independently started reinforcing and destroying enemy structures? Imagine then also discovering that your enemy is stalling because of these actions?
Ancient players don't need to be told if they can or can't shoot blue targets.
Ancient players don't ask if they can farm while a war is going on.
Ancient players don't ask if the system they found 'is a target.'
Ancient players don't need SRP.
Ancient players won't waste your time with unimportant information.
Ancient players are already on that new incoming signature with a rolling carrier.
Ancient players play EVE by the ancient ways.

4. Kiddie gloves.

Many people aren't aware of this fact; Hawks has been using kiddie gloves for the last couple of years on Synde. After the fall of HK, Hawks stood alone as the supreme masters of wormholes. Synde was starting to become a potential candidate for a new fledgling group, that is until this war started. The issue was, Synde often didn't want to fight Hawks. They would demand handicaps, like being "allowed 30 seconds after jumping into the wormhole" to "get into position." This actually didn't bother Hawks too much, as they simply wanted to fight. The handicaps became more and more extreme, with Synde regularly saying they wouldn't fight unless allowed to set up at (whatever range their comp was ideal at.)
So, all the fights you've seen between Hawks and Synde have effectively been fights where Hawks took major handicaps to make happen.
This created a false sense of strength in Synde. This handicap play actually strengthened Hawks, while weakening Synde. Hawks got to the point where they became more interested in pulling stunts on Synde than actually fighting. One such situation involved a Synde Zirnitra falling for a POS bubble trap and being summararily executed in front of its fleet, which was trying to frantically free itself of warp disruption bubbles.
Once the war started, the kiddie gloves came off. Hawks no longer had to be nice to get fights.

5. Cyrus v. Michael

At the end of the day, failure or success during wartime comes down to how well your organization is prepared. Cyrus thought he was prepared. Honestly, he did a lot of work. He created a narrative, albeit a bit ad hoc when compared to other recorded statements he's made. He created a coalition. He made his best preparations for war, I'm sure. He even had a major null sec group to bat phone, in case of emergency only.
The issue is, Cyrus' relationship with reality is a bit convenient for his personal image. He has been said to have lied to many wormhole leaders in order to start this war, which actually harmed him, quite a bit. I've received many reports on the various lies people have said Cyrus told them to get them to join his Coalition. Trust is a thing that, once broken, is oftentimes impossible to regain.
Michael has the opposite approach of Cyrus. He is sincere and honest to a fault. He's not afraid to express disappointment and praise. You know where you stand with Michael fairly soon after first meeting him. He's a natural delegator and a dedicated farmer. "Why can't you do it?" is his favorite response to anyone complaining about something needing to be done. He's extremely competent, but not smug about it. He's the first to admit when he makes mistakes. He was willing to use some of his credit to barter with his peers to hand over some c6 wormholes Cyrus felt entitled to. C6 holes that Hawks characters likely found, or evicted, themselves.
You see, Michael has created a coalition within Hawks. Hawks has never been a single entity. There are subgroups within Hawks that operate independently. Some of the subgroups are actually more ancient than Hawks. They're more ancient than all but the most ancient null sec alliances. How are you going to kill the morale of members that have been playing together for over 10 years? Those guys aren't going to second-guess who their enemy is for even a second. They've won every war they've been in for 10, 12, 15, or even 20 years!
There's a joke I keep hearing from Hawks Co. members. It's "Synde thought they could take on Lazerhawks, but they couldn't even take on a few of their members."
At the end of the day, this was never going to be a fair fight. Hawks was always going to clobber Synde. While the reasons listed above are major contributing factors to the success of Hawks, it's the basic culture that really makes Hawks so great. Hawks see wormholes as wild. As something you have to earn. Cyrus made it clear he felt entitled to it. He thought it was so obvious that he'd earned a seat at the table, that he was incredulous that he was not offered that seat as a gift.
The moment you demanded systems be given to you as some sort of prize is the moment you stopped being a wormholer.
You're not losing to Hawks Co, rather, in your hubris you've defeated yourself.
May all future wormholes collapse as you land on them.
submitted by Michamus to Eve [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:07 New_Adhesiveness_825 Driving Factors: Key Catalysts Shaping the Solvents Market in 2030

The was valued at US$61.41 billion in 2022 and is expected to reach US$81.91 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 4.2% during the forecast period.

Market Overview

The global solvents market has been analyzed in detail to provide insights into the most recent revenue and market trends. This comprehensive industry report includes a thorough market definition, overview, and structure, compiling primary and secondary data to ensure authenticity and accuracy.
Free sample link:

Market Report Scope and Research Methodology

The report delves into the latest trends within each sub-segment of the Solvents market, examining revenue growth at local, regional, and global levels. It offers a qualitative and quantitative overview of the industry, focusing on global trends and key statistics related to market competitors. Moreover, the report includes a detailed analysis of market dynamics, encompassing drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges, serving as a valuable guide for investors. A SWOT analysis is also incorporated to identify the strengths and weaknesses of key players in the industry.
The report combines primary and secondary data collected through thorough research, investigating factors such as government policies, market environment, historical data, competitive landscape, current market trends, technological advancements, and upcoming technologies. The methodology employed a bottom-up approach to estimate the global market size, while Porter's five forces and PESTLE analyses facilitate an understanding of the market from various perspectives.

Market Regional Insights

The report segments several key countries, including:
For each country, the report provides data on market size, growth rate, importsand exports.

Market Segmentation

by Type
Alcohols Glycol Ethers Aromatic Esters Ketones Aliphatic
by Application
Pharmaceuticals Paints & coatings Adhesives Metal cleaning Personal care Polymer manufacturing Printing inks Agricultural chemicals
by Source
Pharmaceutical Based Bio-Green

Market Key Players

Key questions addressed in the report cover the definition of Solvents , the expected CAGR during the forecast period, anticipated market size by the end of the forecast period, prominent players in the market, emerging trends, factors restraining market growth, and regional markets expected to grow significantly in the forecast period.
  1. Royal Dutch Shell
  2. Eastman Chemical Company
  3. BASF SE
  4. ExxonMobil Corporation
  5. LyondellBasell Industries Holdings B.V
  6. Ashland Global Holdings
  7. Celanese Corporation
  8. Huntsman Corporation
  9. Solvay
  10. Honeywell International
  11. Ineos Group
  12. Sasol Solvents
  13. Dow Chemicals
  14. Chr. Hansen Holding A/S
  15. Ajinomoto
  16. Herza Chocolate GmbH & Co. KG
  17. Indena Spa
  18. Martin Bauer Group
  19. Frutarom Ltd.
For More Details:
Key Offerings
The key offerings of the report include past market size and competitive landscape, past pricing trends, market size, share, forecast by segments, market dynamics, market segmentation, competitive landscape, PESTLE analysis, PORTER’s analysis, value chain analysis, legal aspects by region, lucrative business opportunities with SWOT analysis, and actionable recommendations for market players.
About Maximize Market Research: Maximize Market Research is a reputable market research and consulting company comprised of professionals from diverse industries. Their expertise ranges across various sectors, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, engineering, technology, automotive, and more. They offer a range of services, from market estimations to competition analysis, technical trend monitoring, and strategic advice.
Contact Maximize Market Research:
3rd Floor, Navale IT Park, Phase 2 Pune-Banglore Highway, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra, 411041, India Email: []( Phone: +91 96071 95908, +91 9607365656
submitted by New_Adhesiveness_825 to u/New_Adhesiveness_825 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:54 r3ditr3d3r The Progenitors

I had this dream recently, it was very detailed. Like the plot of a movie. I can't stop thinking about it. I wish I had kept dreaming to learn more... Came here because I had to document it.
My dream;
I was an observer, not a participant. I was transported back to ancient Egypt. There was a confrence of sorts. A large body of people, maybe a governmental body? had gathered to hear a person make the case to the Queen that he knew how to find and access an ancient treasure. From my perspective, I got to see over his shoulder as he showed a map to the Queen. The place in question was a weathered and worn pyramid like structure that was more akin to a massive mound or a small mountain. It was somewhere within the borders of Egypt, in the wilds. But this man knew where it was, he was an engineer or something. Excitedly he explained how they could access the chamber inside the top of this mountain. He showed diagrams of the tunneling they would undertake, to dig up from the base of the mountain and into the chamber from below. He explained that there were already small cave systems with entries at the base of the mountain, which indicated to him that this was indeed the site of ancient activity, and from which he would gain a great advantage in his endeavor.
From my 3rd person perspective, I could see what he was talking about clearly. And indeed, an ancient chamber existed in what appeared to be a mountain that was roughly the shape of a steep pyramid. I was unable to discern what lay inside. As the Queen blessed off on his plans, and the congress of people within the large gathering area began to approach in order to better acquaint themselves with the plan, I was suddenly transported to an even more ancient time.
Now, keep in mind I started this journey in ancient Egypt. So, from this point I transported thousands of years further into the past. I was under the impression that it had been 25,000 years prior to the scene I had just witnessed.
Now I was suddenly observing the ancient civilization that had created the chamber. I sensed I was in the same region that would someday be Egypt. The land was verdant and deep green with long grasses and dotted with trees, not unlike a very lush savannah. The temperature was balmy. Greens with a brilliant blue sky dominated the scene. In the distance dark brown rocky spires rose out of the landscape, dotted on the tops and upon their outcroppings hung trees and grasses.
My focus settled on a cluster of large, pyramid-like structures. I saw these from above as the new scene came into my focus and observation. The structures were, as I said, Pyramid like. But imagine the wire structure of a pyramid. They weren't solid. Vertically, the pyramid was segmented into 2 or 3 tiers of broad walkways. The walkways formed a square. In the middle were the stairways that led up to the various tiers of walkways. All elements of the structures were broad. The beams that made up the four edges were made a very thick, dark gray material. Like a carbon fiber. The walkway floors were like a dark tinted transparent material, with side walls/rails that were made of the same material as the walkways. There were four stairways from the ground that led up to an intermediate platform, where the stairways reversed direction up to the walkways, therefore each ground stairway entry onto the intermediate platform was flanked on either side by a set of stairs leading the opposite way up to the main platforms.
On the broad walkways/platforms, which were open in the middle to look down at the intermediate platform/stairways below, were people. Humans. Working and living on the platforms. It appeared that there were vendors and shops/kiosks. There also appeared to be living accommodations either out in the open or sheltered in smaller sub structures. The pyramid was massive, with ample room for several 100's of people. I never got close enough to see in detail the people themselves, but they wore what appeared to be modern clothing, and in many cases what appeared to be dark gray uniforms. I didn't see the details, but I sensed vehicles at the base of the pyramid, with worn paths through the grasses off to points in the distance and other similar pyramids in the vicninity.
From my perspective, it seemed there were 3 to 4 of these structures in the area. In the back of my head, I was aware that this region contained the only human activity on the surface on the planet.
I was also aware of the presence of a large body of water. An ocean somewhere in the distance.
Without transition I was suddenly looking at the ancient mound that had been in question at the beginning of my dream. Except it wasn't ancient. It was manufactured and sculpted by human hands. It was made as much out of rock as it was the same material I saw at the modern pyramids, I had this awareness that the material was transitioning to rock, as if it adopted the properties of the materials it was attached to. It seemed as if they had somehow shaved down a larger mountain to affect the shape that they had sought. The chamber had large slits around the circumference (the chamber within was round) which let light in and in some cases allowed one to look out at the surrounding landscape.
I was made aware of a family as I took in this scene. The family apparently were the caretakers of this facility. Two adults and two children. They seemed happy. The parents both wore the uniform I had seen earlier. It was sharp, and colored dark grey with light grey accents. They had a living quarter that was affixed to the side of the facility in a way I couldn't quite understand. The structure also seemed metalic but not the same material as I had seen thus far. In this part of the dream I became well acquainted to them, not personally, but in understanding their day to day activities, giving way to my understanding of them as caretakers.
As my perspective moved through the facility I realized there was not yet a treasure, but what appeared to be supplies for a colony. Lots of cans of fuel and food stuffs and other random equipment that I couldn't understand the use of. From my 3rd person perspective I understood that this would be the site that the future Egyptians would eventually access, and indeed there would be some valuable treasure, the contents of which eluded my understanding, held within this very chamber after it had long been sealed.
I got to see the detailed life of this family, and interestingly their living accomodation which as I said was somehow affixed to the side of the chamber in a way that I couldn't discern or undesrtand, which itself was atop the mountain/structure. Beyond, visible through the large windows of their living quarters was the ocean that I had sensed earlier. Their living chamber was large and spacious. The side opposite the chamber was facing a dark greenish/gray roiling ocean, with yet still more spires in the distance sticking out of its waves - except these were dark grey, craggy and devoid of any vegetation. The waves that crashed at their bases seemed angry. I understood immediately that this was an ancient ocean that would not exist during the time of the Egyptians
I was surprised to see a platform outside the large windows which docked vehicles. They appeared to be classic ATVs (like your average four-wheel ATV with handlebars) except these vehicles, despite their four wheels had some apparatus affixed to it, around its entire circumference that I immediately understood allowed this vehicle to fly using some method I could not understand. There was a name brand affixed to what I understood to be the gas tank, a name which I can't recall. But it indicated mass production and greater civilization.
I was suddenly aware of the presence of multiple chamber mountains on either side of the one I was observing, and each had a care-taker family with one or multiple of these vehicles. And still, it felt like there could be more facilities that I was not aware of. For some reason, having observed these vehicles I suddenly came to an understanding that the presence of these people, and the infrastructure they had built, was in support of some sort of mining or extraction. That everything was one collective enterprise. I was not privy to what it was, or how involved it was, how long it would take or had taken to that point. But I did have the sudden understanding that, though these were humans, they were not from earth. That this was a mining colony that had a certain amount of time to accomplish whatever it was they were sent here to extract.
Simultaneously, I was able to understand vaguely a connection between this people, and future humans. Without understanding the details, I discerned that this group would eventually leave, and the landscape would be altered forever. They would leave a presence on earth, whether by accident, or on purpose, it was unclear to me.
That presence would be the progenitors of modern humans and human civilization as we currently know it. It seemed apparent to me that whatever contingent was left behind after this enterprise would have very little in the way of the technology that I was observing.
This gave me the distinct suspicion that the people who were left were done so by some tragic mistake. But their stories, passed down from generation to generation would at the very least influence the ancient Egyptians. So much so that they themselves would try to emulate the pyramids they had come to understand had existed through the tribal knowledge passed down through generations. And that future peoples would understand that untold wealth and knowledge existed deep within the ancient mountains that had been carved out by the progenitors, thus the initial scenes of my dream where one man and his team of engineers had narrowed down their search and had pinpointed such a mountain, and devised a way that would allow them to access said treasure.
What that treasure would be remained unclear to me throughout the entire dream.
My dream slowly decayed into other less interesting and focused things until I woke up. The progenitors stuck with me and I felt compelled to write it out as it was so fascinating. I had to share.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far.
submitted by r3ditr3d3r to Dreams [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:20 No-Cartographer8032 Maps again

Well, if you check this sub's history you know that i asked about the maps having the function to test unit (devourers vs mutas) . Here is that map (microcontrol_mappack_by8882) check it in Open single player file, then choose

ApocalypseUnitTester file.

Anyway, i want to know what maps that artotsis played with Snow that day, i can not work it out myself. ( name of the maps in that video please )
Thank you very much !
submitted by No-Cartographer8032 to broodwar [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:00 New_Adhesiveness_825 Market Outlook for Food Coating: Predicted Market Share and Growth Opportunities by 2030

The food Market is expected to reach US$ 3.10 billion . by 2029, at a CAGR of 5.83% during the forecast period.

Market Overview

The global Food Coating market has been analyzed in detail to provide insights into the most recent revenue and market trends. This comprehensive industry report includes a thorough market definition, overview, and structure, compiling primary and secondary data to ensure authenticity and accuracy.
Free sample link:

Market Report Scope and Research Methodology

The report delves into the latest trends within each sub-segment of the food coating market, examining revenue growth at local, regional, and global levels. It offers a qualitative and quantitative overview of the industry, focusing on global trends and key statistics related to market competitors. Moreover, the report includes a detailed analysis of market dynamics, encompassing drivers, restraints, opportunities, and challenges, serving as a valuable guide for investors. A SWOT analysis is also incorporated to identify the strengths and weaknesses of key players in the industry.
The report combines primary and secondary data collected through thorough research, investigating factors such as government policies, market environment, historical data, competitive landscape, current market trends, technological advancements, and upcoming technologies. The methodology employed a bottom-up approach to estimate the global market size, while Porter's five forces and PESTLE analyses facilitate an understanding of the market from various perspectives.

Market Regional Insights

The report segments several key countries, including:
For each country, the report provides data on market size, growth rate, importsand exports.

Market Segmentation

by Ingredient Type
Cocoa & Chocolate Fats & Oils Flours Breaders Batter Sugars & Syrups Salts, Spices, and Seasonings Others
by Ingredient Form
Dry Liquid
by Equipment Type
Coaters & Applicators Breader Applicators Flour Applicators Batter Applicators Seasoning Applicators Other Coaters & Applicators Enrobers
Mode of Operation
Automatic Semi-Automatic
by Application
Meat & Seafood Products Confectionery Products Bakery Products Bakery Cereals Snacks

Market Key Players

Key questions addressed in the report cover the definition of Food Coating, the expected CAGR during the forecast period, anticipated market size by the end of the forecast period, prominent players in the market, emerging trends, factors restraining market growth, and regional markets expected to grow significantly in the forecast period.
  1. Cargill
  2. Kerry Group
  3. Archer Daniels Midland Company
  4. Ingredion Incorporated
  5. JBT Corporation
  6. Tate & Lyle PLC
  7. PGP International
  8. Newly Wed Foods
  9. Bowmen Ingredients 10.Marel 11.GEA Group 12.Buhler AG 13.Dohler GmbH
  10. Sensory Effects (Balchem Corporation)
  11. DPS/Dutch Protein & Services B.V.
  12. McCormick & Company, Inc.
  13. Continental Mills, Inc. 18.TNA Australia Pty Limited 19.Dumoulin
For More Details: Continental

Key Offerings

The key offerings of the report include past market size and competitive landscape, past pricing trends, market size, share, forecast by segments, market dynamics, market segmentation, competitive landscape, PESTLE analysis, PORTER’s analysis, value chain analysis, legal aspects by region, lucrative business opportunities with SWOT analysis, and actionable recommendations for market players.
About Maximize Market Research: Maximize Market Research is a reputable market research and consulting company comprised of professionals from diverse industries. Their expertise ranges across various sectors, including medical devices, pharmaceuticals, engineering, technology, automotive, and more. They offer a range of services, from market estimations to competition analysis, technical trend monitoring, and strategic advice.
Contact Maximize Market Research:
3rd Floor, Navale IT Park, Phase 2 Pune-Banglore Highway, Narhe, Pune, Maharashtra 411041, India Email: []( Phone: +91 96071 95908, +91 9607365656Maharashtra,
submitted by New_Adhesiveness_825 to u/New_Adhesiveness_825 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 06:43 HungryBar3834 Hey guys if im taking large amount data from a server and it makes the app so slow so what is the best way to take that data

import 'dart:convert'; import 'package:fluttematerial.dart'; import 'package:flutter_map/flutter_map.dart'; import 'package:flutter_map_marker_clusteflutter_map_marker_cluster.dart'; import 'package:latlong2/latlong.dart'; import 'dart:ui' as ui; import 'dart:typed_data'; import 'package:http/http.dart' as http;
void main() { runApp(const MyApp()); } class MyApp extends StatelessWidget { const MyApp({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return const MaterialApp( home: MapScreen(), ); } } class MapScreen extends StatefulWidget { const MapScreen({super.key}); @override _MapScreenState createState() => _MapScreenState(); } class _MapScreenState extends State { List shops = []; late Map markerIcons; bool isLoading = false; String error = ''; @override void initState() { super.initState(); markerIcons = {}; fetchShops(); } Future fetchShops() async { setState(() { isLoading = true; error = ''; }); const token = "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6NTQsImlhdCI6MTcxMzIzMjQwOCwiZXhwIjoxNzI2MTkyNDA4fQ.hdJsGEMYRAAEs5y6RERuT2TNJTBUITkWy-7FarMc_C4"; // Replace with your actual token try { final response = await http.get( Uri.parse(''), headers: {'Authorization': 'Bearer $token'}, ); if (response.statusCode == 200) { final jsonData = json.decode(response.body)['data']; if (jsonData != null) { setState(() { shops = => Shop.fromJson(data)).toList(); }); await loadMarkerIcons(); } else { setState(() { shops = []; }); } } else { setState(() { error = 'Failed to load shops (${response.statusCode})'; }); } } catch (e) { setState(() { error = 'Error fetching data: $e'; }); } finally { setState(() { isLoading = false; }); } } Future getMarkerIcon(String imageUrl) async { try { final response = await http.get(Uri.parse(imageUrl)); if (response.statusCode == 200) { return response.bodyBytes; } else { print('Failed to load image: ${response.statusCode}'); return null; } } catch (e) { print('Error loading image: $e'); return null; } } Future loadMarkerIcons() async { for (var shop in shops) { Uint8List? markerIcon = await getMarkerIcon(shop.thumbnail); if (markerIcon != null) { markerIcons[] = markerIcon; } else { markerIcons[] = await MarkerGenerator.defaultMarkerBytes(); } } setState(() {}); } @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { List markers = { return Marker( width: 80, height: 80, point: LatLng(shop.location.latitude, shop.location.longitude), child: Container( child: markerIcons[] != null && markerIcons[]!.isNotEmpty ? Image.memory(markerIcons[]!) : Icon(Icons.location_on, color:, ), ); }).toList(); return Scaffold( appBar: AppBar( title: const Text('Map with Markers'), ), body: isLoading ? Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()) : FlutterMap( options: MapOptions( initialCenter: LatLng(47.9187, 106.917), initialZoom: 10, ), children: [ TileLayer( urlTemplate: '{z}/{x}/{y}.png', userAgentPackageName: '', ), MarkerClusterLayerWidget(options: MarkerClusterLayerOptions( markers: markers, builder: (context, markers) { return Container( width: 80, height: 80, decoration: BoxDecoration( shape:, color:, ), child: Center( child: Text( markers.length.toString(), style: TextStyle(color: Colors.white), ), ), ); }, ), ) ], ), ); } } class Shop { final int id; final String name; final String description; final String phone; final String type; final List additional; final String thumbnail; final List bannerImages; final List branches; final List schedules; final Location location; final List services; Shop({ required, required, required this.description, required, required this.type, required this.additional, required this.thumbnail, required this.bannerImages, required this.branches, required this.schedules, required this.location, required, }); factory Shop.fromJson(Map? json) { return Shop( id: json?['id'] ?? 0, name: json?['name'] ?? '', description: json?['description'] ?? '', phone: json?['phone'] ?? '', type: json?['type'] ?? '', additional: List.from(json?['additional'] ?? []), thumbnail: json?['thumbnail'] ?? '', bannerImages: (json?['bannerImages'] as List?) ?.map((bannerImage) => BannerImage.fromJson(bannerImage)) .toList() ?? [], branches: List.from(json?['branches'] ?? []), schedules: List.from(json?['schedules'] ?? []), location: Location.fromJson(json?['location'] ?? {}), services: List.from(json?['services'] ?? []), ); } } class BannerImage { final int id; final String name; final String path; final String fileMimeType; final int fileSize; final int fileWidth; final int fileHeight; BannerImage({ required, required, required this.path, required this.fileMimeType, required this.fileSize, required this.fileWidth, required this.fileHeight, }); factory BannerImage.fromJson(Map json) { return BannerImage( id: json['id'] ?? 0, name: json['name'] ?? '', path: json['path'] ?? '', fileMimeType: json['fileMimeType'] ?? '', fileSize: json['fileSize'] ?? 0, fileWidth: json['fileWidth'] ?? 0, fileHeight: json['fileHeight'] ?? 0, ); } } class Location { final int id; final double longitude; final double latitude; final String address; final dynamic city; final dynamic country; final dynamic province; final dynamic subProvince; final dynamic street; Location({ required, required this.longitude, required this.latitude, required this.address,,, this.province, this.subProvince, this.street, }); factory Location.fromJson(Map json) { return Location( id: json['id'] ?? 0, longitude: json['longitude'] ?? 0.0, latitude: json['latitude'] ?? 0.0, address: json['address'] ?? '', city: json['city'], country: json['country'], province: json['province'], subProvince: json['subProvince'], street: json['street'], ); } } class MarkerGenerator { static Future defaultMarkerBytes() async { final recorder = ui.PictureRecorder(); final canvas = Canvas(recorder, Rect.fromPoints(Offset(0, 0), Offset(100, 100))); final paint = Paint()..color =; canvas.drawCircle(Offset(50, 50), 50, paint); final picture = recorder.endRecording(); final img = await picture.toImage(100, 100); final byteData = await img.toByteData(format: ui.ImageByteFormat.png); return byteData!.buffer.asUint8List(); } } 
submitted by HungryBar3834 to flutterhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 05:03 TheBrittanionDragon Yes this is a terrible flag and Ideas on how to improve it, context within

Yes this is a terrible flag and Ideas on how to improve it, context within
So this flag is supposed to represent what I'm calling at the moment the Commonwealth of New Africa as part of my alt history series to both summarise and not bore you to death after WW2 a fascist USA which was contained to the east coast was defeated and afterword's Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida and about 1/3 of Georgia was separated into its own autonomous territory within the Imperial Federation think of it as a big Porte Rico, was it created to give the Black-American majority more representation? Or was it just to weaken the USA if it ever regains its independence? That's something modern historians are debating.
Map of Imperial North America 2024
I wanted to something to represent not only African Americans but also the Anglo-American as well as the French/Spanish American culture that exists in the region but my original Idea had either Black panthers flanking the coat of arms to represent Black resistance during WW2 or maybe Broken chains but maybe that would be condescending or possibly offensive especially if done poorly.
I will not deny that my flag is bad an argument could be made maybe it was a occupation flag that just never got changed due to bureaucracy but any ideas on how to improve the flag will be appreciated.
submitted by TheBrittanionDragon to flags [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:56 HS_Seraph 2024 World Coronation Series story hub.

This isn't a single storyline so much as the overarching plot context for several posts involving my characters Chris Anker and Freya, in their many month long trip to Unova to compete in the 2024 season of the World Coronation Series.

Main Tag: World Coronation 2023/24

Flags posts related to the WCS that aren't any specific storyline, may include guest posts by other users.
Ongoing: November 21st 2023 - Present
The Big Event is Back - 21/Nov/2023
Window Seat Benefits - 07/Dec/2023
Question for Unovans - 08/Dec/2023
How do you commute on the Battle Subway? - 14/Dec/2023
Excellent Takedown - 20/Dec/2023 - Video Post
More Suggestions Wanted - 20/Dec/2023 - Part 2 of previous post
A Hidden Friendship - 27/Dec/2023
Sunset Badge Obtained - 10/Jan/2024 - Collaborative post with u/dusk_iron
Gym Leader Question - 22/Jan/2024
Almost Ultra! - 12/Feb/2024
+ULTRARICOSHOT - 14/Feb/2024
A Celebratory Outing - 15/Feb/2024 - Collaborative post with u/Dull-Needleworker162, not tagged as WCS but intended as such
A wild ride - 16/Feb/2024 - Guest post by u/Xero818
I hate the unovan fight club subway - 26/Feb/2024
Logistics of bringing Dynamax to Unova - 4/Ma2024
Are we developing a reputation - 11/Ma2024
Human Psychic Questions - 13/Ma2024 - Not tagged with the storyline but considered part of it, specifically relevant to the Playoffs sub story
Dynatoxing the WCS - 14/Ma2024 - Guest post by u/Dull-Needleworker162
Hitomoshi Clan at the WCS - 19/Ma2024
Update and Goals - 21/Ma2024
Good Developments - 22/Ap2024

Sub Story: How to be the Best

While Chris and Freya go toe to toe with two ultra rank trainers, Pokemon Breeder Charles Chenery and influencer Markus Knox, scandals relating to cheating and criminal activity in the world coronation series are brought to the forefront, how do you become the best, and what means will you resort to to do so. Collaborative Storyline with u/Dull-Needleworker162
Concluded: March 18th 2024 - April 12th 2024
The Calemut Estate at the WCS - 18/Ma2024
Supercharging your training in 12 steps - 19/Ma2024
Words of Wisdom - 20/Ma2024
WCS Wares - 21/Ma2024
You're not Ash Ketchum - 22/Ma2024
Failure Breeds Improvement - 22/Ma2024
Grudge Match - 23/Ma2024
Some people aren't getting the message - 24/Ma2024
Haters gonna hate - 25/Ma2024
I demand a rematch! - 25/Ma2024
This time it's personal - 28/Ma2024
Unfortunate does describe this - 03/Ap2024
You just had to be the man - 05/Ap2024
Completely Unacceptable - 05/Ap2024
World Coronation Woes - 06/Ap2024
Challenge Accepted - 08/Ap2024
We're Done Here - 12/Ap2024

Sub Story: Champion's Paradox

Arlene Sachlett, the champion for the pokemon league of Kamelai, Chris and Freya's home region, arrives in Unova for the WCS and immediately begins clearing house with her absurdly stacked team, including what appears to be the future paradox pokemon Iron Valiant. To an experienced observer however, it's clear that this Iron Valiant is not a typical example of his species. Alas, the rarity of paradoxes means experienced observers are hard to come by in the WCS.
Ongoing: January 5th 2024 - Present
Who is that? - 05/Jan/2024
RULES OF NATURE - 23/Jan/2024
It's like that Tobias guy from 2009 - 18/Feb/2024
Successful Magearna Research - 27/Feb/2024

Sub Story: The Playoffs

Chris and Freya's goal in the WCS was to try and put themselves and the rest of the team on the map by making it to the top 50. They are close to succeeding at this, but when the new fights are scheduled, it becomes clear that they may be able to go even farther, possibly even finally defeating a regional champion, if only they can make their way through several gruelling battles against their very own 'Elite 5'.
Ongoing: May 5th 2024 - Present
A long road ahead - 05/May/2024
Preparing to counter their counter to your counter - 12/May/2024
submitted by HS_Seraph to PokeMediaLore [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:53 akiratto7 help understanding my puntdnal results please?

i'm new to gedmatch so please forgive me if I misunderstand anything: when I use any admixture formula that's not puntdnal (the ancient one) I get things like indian ethnicities (pathan, baloch, sindhi, etc.) which is expected because my family has been in India since the 1800s onwards) and most turkic ethnicities, like uzbekistan, turkmenistan, uyghur, etc. this is also not a surprise because I know I have TURKIC dna. However, I was also told I had TURKISH dna by my family (especially from the Turkish cities near Iran) but it did not show up on any admixture dna test except for puntdnal ancient dna estimate. Can someone help me figure out what this means? I'm still confused on the percentages.
1CHG40.29 2ASI33.06 3ENF10.23 4WHG6.33 5Amerindian2.97 6Siberian2.85 7Oceanian1.74 8Beringian1.07 9Sub-Saharan0.9 10E_Asian0.55
**# Primary Population (source)Secondary Population (source)Distance**
1 87.5%Pathan+12.5%Turkish_Aydin@2.88
2 61.9%Sindhi+38.1%Pashtun@3.04
3 87.3%Pathan+12.7%Turkish_Kayseri@3.05
4 85%Pathan+15%Iranian@3.15
5 89%Pathan+11%Turkish_Trabzon@3.21
6 69.7%Pathan+30.3%Pashtun@3.22
7 83.8%Sindhi+16.2%Turkish_Aydin@3.26
8 90.1%Pathan+9.9%Iraqi_Jew@3.35
9 88.8%Pathan+11.2%Armenian@3.36
10 89.5%Pathan+10.5%Assyrian@3.37
11 86.9%Pathan+13.1%Kurdish@3.41
12 90.6%Pathan+9.4%Jordanian@3.42
13 89.6%Pathan+10.4%Syrian@3.45
14 90.5%Pathan+9.5%Palestinian@3.47
15 90.4%Pathan+9.6%Lebanese@3.48
16 90.8%Pathan+9.2%Saudi@3.49
17 90.5%Pathan+9.5%Cypriot@3.49
18 88.7%Pathan+11.3%Georgian@3.54
19 87%Pathan+13%North_Ossetian@3.55
20 87.4%Pathan+12.6%Kumyk@3.59
submitted by akiratto7 to gedmatch [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 02:56 LazyBadger605 Sleeping Giant PP -- parking for a UHaul (day use visitors)

Hi everyone -- I searched the sub and Googled and tried to look at park maps, but am not finding a great answer to my oddly specific question. We're driving across Canada in July for a West to East move, and really want to spend a day (sadly that's all the time we'll have) hiking in Sleeping Giant. We'll have our SUV and a UHaul with us and cannot figure out how far into that park we would have to be before we could park the UHaul and just use our car to get around/to trailheads. Basically, do not want to drive a UHaul all over the park and if there isn't a visitor centre with a parking lot early on, we'd try to organize leaving the UHaul somewhere else for that day. Thanks for any advice you might have!
submitted by LazyBadger605 to ThunderBay [link] [comments]