Cake & cupcake stands

[F4M] Spending Your Final Days with Your Childhood Friend [Series FINALE] [Epilogue] [End of the World] [Enemies to Lovers] [Bittersweet Ending] [Closure] [Established Relationship] [Romance] [Confession] [Relaxing] [Kissing] [Slightly Spicy] [Seduction] [Narrative] [Audio Roleplay] [Etc.]

2024.04.29 03:51 NekoStoryWriter [F4M] Spending Your Final Days with Your Childhood Friend [Series FINALE] [Epilogue] [End of the World] [Enemies to Lovers] [Bittersweet Ending] [Closure] [Established Relationship] [Romance] [Confession] [Relaxing] [Kissing] [Slightly Spicy] [Seduction] [Narrative] [Audio Roleplay] [Etc.]

Script Link: https://scriptbin.worksNekoStoryWritef4m-spending-your-final-days-with-your-childhood
Hello. This is the final part of my multi-part script series. I hope you enjoyed this series as much as I did, because man I had a good time. :) and as a script writer, that's what it's all about, enjoying what you make. (the support is icing on the cake) :D
But anyways! If ever you want me to make an alternate ending for this series, then I am willing to do it. :) Just let me know. :D
Quick Note for the VAs. It's okay to use this script as a stand alone script if ever you do decide to fill this. No need to worry about the continuity or like making sense of the story, I still somewhat implemented some recaps into the script itself. So it shouldn't be much of a problem. (I hope.)
Anyways, as usual. For the VAs who want to use this script. This script is [Ok For Monetization], but like always, just be sure to credit me and send me the link to your work, thank you.
submitted by NekoStoryWriter to ASMRScriptHaven [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:20 nojibe1 Caught my gf prostituting herself to an older man while dating me.

Yup, just as the title reads, I've been reading the endless infidelity stories on these subs for years. My turn finally came. Yet somehow, I still fell for all the classic cheater lies, and made all the wrong moves. Here's my story.
I 30 M met my now ex-GF 27 F on Hinge in early August of 2022. After our third date, we decided to date exclusively. She told me that if we crossed the intimacy line, that I could no longer see other people. While I didn't like the idea at first, I decided to go ahead with it because I really liked her and wanted to see where things could go. I had no interest in other people at the time. We became official after about 6 weeks of dating.
Truthfully, the beginning was rocky. She insisted on seeing me once a week. Eventually we could progress to twice a week according to her. This also resulted in sex once a week, which I found strange for a new relationship. But I kept an open mind. People are different. We also didn't text much. Hours and hours between our messages. Slowly though, with much resistance, the communication and time together did increase, and we began a normal relationship. Meeting friends, going on adventures, and dreaming of our future together.
D-Day came on November 6th, 2022. She had stepped out to a thrift store for about an hour for a clothing exchange. I waited for her to come back at her apartment. As I was texting her, her iPad kept ringing in her bedroom. I went to silence her iPad so I could work on my laptop in peace. As I picked up the iPad, I saw my messages, amongst other notifications. Then I saw a notification from Google Voice. It read: "It's been great. Just made it to Rio. I get home Thursday. Xo" The alarms went off immediately at the "XO." I thought it was very strange. The number wasn't saved. She had never mentioned Google Voice. At the time, I didn't know what Google voice even was. I began to dread that this message could be what I thought it was. As a long time lurker on these subs, I remembered not to ever reveal what you know to catch a cheater, until you have undeniable proof. So I googled the number. It belonged to a charity with 2 owners. One lived in California (other side of the country); a bank CEO. The other was a 62 year old professor at a university 10 minutes away.
I sat on this information and kept silent. Acted totally normal when she came home. The next day, we went to go pick up her new dining table she ordered. It was a 30 minute drive. I decided to confront her just as we left for home, so that she would be forced to face me. Me: "So since we've started dating, have any other guys been hitting on you?" Her: "Not really, why?"Me: "You're so attractive. I find that hard to believe." Her: "Guys don't really talk to me that often." Me: "So you're sure that you're not talking to anyone else right now? No conversations that you wouldn't want me to know about?" "Not at all." As I looked at her, she was so calm. So sure that I had no idea what was going on. It scared me. It was the first time I saw a glimpse of who she really was, and how cold she could really be. Me: "So who the fuck is Kirk then?" Immediately, she looked at me with panic. Her faced turned white. Her voice was shaking so hard that she couldn't get her words out properly. She began to apologize immediately. She knew she was caught. She gave me her phone and showed me all the messages. I was sick to my stomach as I read the messages. She was prostituting herself to this man for money.
As I scoured thorugh her messages, she dropped another bomb. There was a second guy. Her most recent doctor ex she had told me about. Turns out they were still in contact. She said she was helping him with errands but they had stopped sleeping together by the time she and I started dating. She didn't want to tell me that she was still in contact with him because she knew I would suspect something. She showed me those messages too. As I looked through the messages, I didn't have 100% proof of something going while we were together. While he was out of town, she was watering his plants, every week and taking care of his airbnb. They went to dinner once (but she came to see me right after). It seemed like he was using her for free labor. A little too many favors from someone who is just a friend. But my main red flag was that she was trying to get him to go on a trip with her in the next 3 months, while dating me. That was all the proof I needed.
I crossed-checked the dates. I had finally figured out where she had been while taking forever to text me back. While seeing me once a week. It was my biggest fear. Another man. In this case, more than one. I was hit by a Tsunami of emotions and endlesss questions. How could she do this to me? After all the love I gave her? After I told her about being cheated on by my other 2 ex girlfriends and how badly it hurt me? After I turned down a job in DC for her? After I told her my friends we're concerned and think she's a cheater, she'd still cheat? After I told her about this sub and how I believed in exposing cheaters to everyone? Did she not care about risking giving me STDs? Did she care about me at all? Is she just pure evil and playing me for a fool? Why throw our relationship away to sell your body to an old man? Am I not worth more than $500? More than dinner, shoes, makeup, and a vacuum? Did he know about me? Did you guys laugh at me and how stupid I was? Did you laugh with your ex too? Are you in love with your ex still? Are there others? Have you always been a prostitute? How did I get myself into this situation again? Why can't I make better decisions? Why can't I find a good partner? What's wrong with me?
Out of all those questions, all I could ask her was "Why do this? Her answer: "I don't know."
Anyone who has been in this situation knows how big of a slap in the face this is. It's a classic line for the backstabbing cheater. Of course she knew. She carefully crafted lies for months to get away with it. She was greedy. Wanted the best of both worlds. To eat her cake and have it. She didn't care how much she damaged me in the process. She didn't care how many lies and backstabbing it took to get what she wanted.
I broke up with her immediately. But I gave her a chance to prove that she was sorry. And she did. She was what exactly what you'd want someone to be if they were truly sorry. She did everything I asked from her. For the next 2 months, with nothing promised in return. She got to me. I decided to give it another go.
D-Day #2 was May 30th, 2022. I found an old phone of hers in some stuff hidden in her room while I was helping her clean. I waited till she went to bed. I powered up the phone, and snooped through her messages. Nothing too crazy, but her most recent ex was on there. I wanted to see what their relationship was really like, because I didn't trust her to tell me everything. I uncovered 2 more lies she'd been telling me. First, they didn't break things off in February, 6 months before meeting me. They last had sex (from what I could tell) about 1 week before our first date. Also means that she lied about being celibate for 6 months before meeting me. I was furious, and decided to really dig through her phone to see what else i could find.
I found another name in her phone that I had never heard of. I read their messages, and he was a clearly a former lover. But not just any lover. A 67 year old partner at a law firm. My heart sank. Another sugar daddy. This was clearly a pattern, and not something she's never done as she insisted for the past year.
Now this was before she had met me, but rolled into while we were initially dating. but she told him she had decided to stop seeing him because she had met a guy she really liked at the time. This was right around our 5th date, so it could have been me. She also started sleeping with the professor right around this time, so this could have been her switch to a new sugar daddy. I became furious. She had told me about a guy before, but I realized she was just changing small details about this guy. Instead of being 40, he was 67. He wasn't white, he was Arab. It's true that he was a lawyer though. It's true that she went to Miami with him too. It's not true that she had never dated an older guy before the professor like she told me. It was not true that she had never had a sugar daddy before. (Small side note, she had been denying that the other gentleman was her sugar daddy. She insisted that she just preferred older men and didn't want to tell me). We were in therapy at this point, so I didn't attack her. I decided to take a peaceful and non-judgmental route. I asked her if she had any other men that she was talking to while dating me that she didn't mention. She denied it. I told her his name. She kicked me out and dumped me. i didn't explode. I explained my side to her, and gave her the space to explain hers to me. We went to therapy and talked it out. She said she hid it out of shame. More lies and no remorse from this woman.
So what did I do? Give her another go after a month of therapy. 6 months later, she dumped me out of the blue for good.
This final part is my opinion of infidelity. I want my story to be an example for people to read and learn from. Don't take them back. If you even have the chance to. It's never worth it. The relationship will never be the same. The "trickle truth" is very real. I got nothing but trickling for the rest of our relationship. She was going to lie until she died, unless I caught her red-handed. I spent the rest of the relationship in a state of permanent distrust. My mind was consumed with so many unanswered questions, daily. I could not enjoy anything we did together because I would always question if she was playing an angle. I hated myself for not being strong enough to stand up to her and leave her. I was embarrassed to tell friends and family that I was still with her. I was embarrassed to tell my therapist that I was still with her, after finding out she lied to both of us during therapy. I lost a lot of money that I could have saved for myself, that I spent on countless dates. I felt defrauded, violated, heartbroken, and ashamed after our break up. Literal physical pains in my chest for days. I was in a deep depression for two weeks after we split. I'm better now, but still recovering. I'm trying not to be jaded, but it's hard not to become cynical after a year and a half of my life being spent like this. Don't do it!
submitted by nojibe1 to survivinginfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 02:04 SweetsbySandraye Place Yours Order Today

Place Yours Order Today submitted by SweetsbySandraye to u/SweetsbySandraye [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 01:20 DM19_HXTSHXT "See now over this..." MHO #1: Hats Off to the Bull

Always loved the album cover; Its so powerful and feels like a rush.
Flashback, 2011. Coming off what I'd say was a great album in Sci-Fi Crimes just 2 years earlier, CheVelle would release Hats Off to the Bull. A lot had changed since the decade had turned anew, and with this album we would get a new feel of what the future sound would be for the band. That said, Here's My Honest Opinion on Hats Off to the Bull:
The Core 11:
01. Face to the Floor: HOTTB's lead track (and one of its three singles) to me is pretty special. While I'm partial to the fact that it was chosen as a single, and you'll see why soon, it holds a place with me because it was one of the first CheVelle songs I'd ever heard. (Team Hot Wheels Firestorm had it as its theme lol) The first few seconds of the song set the tone for the whole album going forth, with its strong riff and ensuing melody. I also love the hook of the song, which shouldn't be a surprise as CheVelle's always done great hooks and breakdowns. Overall I'd say its pretty great as a lead, but I also think something like The Meddler or Ruse could've also been chosen to represent the album as a single over this....
02. Same Old Trip: Well maybe not over FTTF, but definitely over Same Old Trip. I don't flat out dislike this song but it really didn't stand out to me. After analyzing the song again, I can see the intentions of its lyrics, Pete's great at writing, but the rest of the song kinda gets lost with me. I think SOT just gets overshadowed by others on this album.
03. Ruse: Ruse on the other hand, does SOT but better. Its one of my favorites on the album because not only does it give the message of betrayal, but I can hear it more throughout the whole song. It's also such a good song on its own. It totally captures my feel of the album, from sound to visual. Whenever I look at the bull, charging past on the cover, I instantly think of this song and....
04. The Meddler: When it comes to favorites, this one might take the cake. If I ranked every CheVelle song individually, this'd more than likely crack the top 20. I don't think there's anything I dislike about this song. The lead-in from Ruse, the heavy riffs and drum-work, the buildup that elevates the song, just everything in general is nice. I'd definitely give this the spotlight of the album. I think the way I perceive this song might be a little different from others, but it kind feels relatable. Overall, just a very good song.
05. Piñata: This song is also really good, it has a pretty fast tempo to start that balances really well as the song goes on. It sorta reminds me of Korn's "Good God" or SOAD's "Chop Suey" but that's just me, idk why tbh. One thing I think this song does well is just being a break in the mood from the first couple songs, keeping pace while also switching up the tone. I'd say this might be the underdog of the album
06. Envy: The way this starts is so calming, and I wish the melody of the beginning was used a little more. Really I think this song, if none of the previous songs had done so already, provided one more look to the future and another band of separation from albums of the past. IMO, the only song i'd compare this to—set up wise—would be Panic Prone from This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In). No doubt the best part of this song is the lead up to the end.
07. Hats Off to the Bull: This is the self-titled (does self-titled work here?) eponymous (apparently that's the word for it) track of the album, and for good reason. Not only is this a great song, its message is very representative of the band and the album itself. From what I read online, Pete really dislikes bullfighting, and that's where this song and the name of the album comes from. That and the theme of rooting for the underdog; For the bull's David as opposed to a matador's Goliath.
08. Arise: To me, this song is HOTTB's rendition of To Return (TTOT (CDUI). It gives the feeling of looking beyond and holding hope. Not being held down by what is or who are. This song is imagination, determination, and the will to keep going. In fact, I could see this being played at the end of a movie with a feel good ending, heck maybe even the end of an album.
09. Revenge: This is another song that rides a strong riff, and really it feels like a continuation of The Meddler in a way. I can definitely see why so many people like this. It's a top 5 track on HOTTB in my opinion and I love the refrain.
10. Prima Donna: I'd say this is one of the weaker songs on the album. That doesn't mean its bad, I do like it, but I just don't feel like it fits as perfect as the others do. Maybe on an older album? It certainly stands out, being a softer song with a continuous pace and little stoppage til the end.
11. Clones: This is the final song on the main album (There's 3 different bonus tracks). There's a common theme with many CheVelle albums that the last song will be one of the best, and without a doubt this one follows suit. Clones is such a good song that gives us—well me because this is 100% my opinion and I don't speak for others—one last look at the album as a whole. Great writing, great sound, strong message, and a good impression to leave on. This was another track that could've easily held its weigh as a single.
Bonus Tracks:
I'm going to keep my thoughts on all three of these in one spot. First off: Indifference. I love this track, but—like Prima Donna—I really think it'd fit better on an older album. Maybe TTOT? Yea most likely. The next two are Glimpse of the Con and the live version of Still Running. GOTC feels like a HOTTB song a little more than Indifference does. Its not bad either and does its job as a bonus. Lastly, Still Running (Live at the Metro) is great. I loved the original and I love this one, but I favor the studio version more than the live version.
Album Awards: (mine, not like, literal awards =P)
Spotlight of the Album (SOTA): The Meddler (This award goes to the song(s) that I think is the best on the album)
Underdog of the Album (UdOTA): Piñata/Ruse (This award—which was tied—is given to the song(s) that I feel are some of the most underrated)
One Song Award (OSA): Hats Off to the Bull (This award belongs to the one song that I believe best represents the album as a whole. If you listen to only one, let it be this one)
Road Trip Award (RTA): Arise/Clones (The RTA; again, a tie, is awarded to the track(s) that I think would be the best for a long stretch of a road trip)
Closer of the Album (COTA): Clones (In my opinion, the last song(s) on the album that you should listen to for the perfect ending to your jam sesh gets this award)
The Wrap Up:
Overall, I'd rate this album an 7.5 to 8 out of 10, For its time and its place in CheVelle's discography, its not bad. It might've had the lowest general peak of all the albums, save for Point #1, but that doesn't mean its bad. It's a nice listen and has some really underrated heavy hitters on the track list. Even the bonus songs are good. Hats Off to the Bull really ushered in a new era while giving us plenty of messages to pull forward. TL;DR: It's a very solid album.
Now you know My Honest Opinions of HOTTB. With all this said, what are yall's? Thanks again for reading, even if it was only the TL;DR!
submitted by DM19_HXTSHXT to Chevelle [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:52 LeatherMasquerade Pina colada cupcake!!

Pina colada cupcake!!
This cupcake was so delicious!!! Literally the best cupcake I've ever made lol •Pineapple cake •Pineapple curd •Coconut buttercream •Toasted coconut and maraschino cherry
submitted by LeatherMasquerade to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 00:34 Neverstark Minimal living room setup for streaming music and video.

Minimal living room setup for streaming music and video.
I recently made a change in the living room that I'm really enjoying. I swapped out a Bluesound Powernode 2i for a Rotel A11MKII. Pricewise it's probably a side-grade, but the Rotel amp strips away functionality I wasn't using in the Bluesound, and I'm getting a fuller sound with more punch - just what I hoped for. I thought it was risky to go with A/B amplification, particularly with the amp living beneath the TV - but it's barely getting warm after hours of listening. I wanted something low profile, which limited my options - but I'm very happy with the Rotel. My main reasons for ditching the Powernode were a sense that I could be getting more from my speakers, and a strong desire to move away from an amplifier that relies on an app.
This is a 2.1 setup with a pair of Focal Aria 906's 30cm from the wall and a REL T5i positioned behind the wood burning stove and hooked up via high level input. Connecting via high level isn't something I tried with the Bluesound, but it does feel like the bass is better defined now. (And don't worry - we don't burn anything in the stove. I have ceramic logs in there with a Philips Hue Play Bar set to a gentle flicker.)
I realize our space isn't ideal. It's an old house with a weird layout, but we're working with what we've got. We were only willing to have a sub if it could be hidden, and fortunately (at least to my ear) it's integrating well in its location. I have it on springs to keep the stove from rattling.
Listening dead-center on the sofa puts me about 2 meters from each speaker, which are toed in slightly and on sand-filled stands. I'm getting a nice stereo image and wide soundstage. My source for music is a Chromecast Audio velcroed underneath the table, and an Apple TV for video velcroed to the back of the TV. There's a large rug covering a good portion of the floor, but the sofa is blocking it from view. I left the Rotel remote in the box and the Apple TV remote (which I love) is configured to control the volume on the amp.
I like to keep it simple, so this is probably it for me. I love listening to music in here - especially at night when I can set the lights low, shut everything else out, and just dive in.
submitted by Neverstark to audiophile [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:49 FantasyAddict24 What are some things to do at an elopement party instead of the traditional wedding reception stuff?

Basically we eloped back in November and compromised with the family to have a big party with everyone to celebrate. We will not be doing any wedding reception stuff like getting announced, first dance, cutting the cake etc.
My main thing is I DO NOT want to be the center of attention (yes I know I still will be technically). I mean I don't want to have to do anything with a hundred eyes on me all at one time.
Since that pretty much cancels any reception type thing, I'm wondering if there are any good ideas for stuff to include in the party so that there is still something to make it stand out as an elopement party vs any old party in a bar.
Hope this makes sense! 😆😆
submitted by FantasyAddict24 to Eloping [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:28 BonanzaBoyBlue As a cupcake market maker, how many times have you accidently consumed a cupcake out of your inbox through a combination of lag and haste? (3x for my fast clicking soul)

follow up question: do cupcake day traders deserve to eat their cake and not have it too?
submitted by BonanzaBoyBlue to TibiaMMO [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 23:13 Samscoots01 Back Pain

Hello my Name is Sam and I am currently 20 years old. I love to watch sports and lift weights every day. About a year and a half ago I injured my back doing deadlifts. At the time I was going for a PR of 315lbs, that was when I was halfway through the rep and my back "popped" I immediately felt extreme pain after and went immediately to urgent care as I could barely walk. I had an Xray done and everything checked out but the doctor did determine I have a lower back strain. As the day went on it felt better and better and after about 3-4 weeks the pain was completely gone.
At the start of 2024 moved apartments so I took a small break from the gym no more than 30 days, afterwards I continued to slowly build my strength back up. At this time my max was currently 415 on deadlift for a 1 rep max and I reached that goal in December of 2023. I spent about 4-5 weeks rebuilding my strength when I decided to amp up the weight a little bit. I hit 315 for 6 reps almost effortlessly and I decided to see if I could still hit 4 plates (405lbs) went for the attempt and the same "popping" noise happened. This time I was very relaxed and didn't freak out as it wasn't anything serious last time. So far I have rested as well as refraining from the gym. I was expecting the pain to reduce itself just as it did last time however it has now been 8 weeks and I am having worse pain than when I originally injured it. It hurts to cough and sneeze, yet along I can barely put my socks and shoes on. I’ve also recently noticed that not only my lower left back hurts but my glute and outside of my left leg also have a sharp pain.
It hurts when I lay down, stand up, or sit down, the only time I am pain free is when I sleep. I am very hesitant to see a doctor as l'm on a tight budget and was doing anything I could to avoid going including taking pain relief. I was doing research and it sounds like it may possibly be a herniated disc. If that's the case I am 100% willing to see a doctor but I just don't want to go and have them say it's just a strained muscle again.
Any advice on if this is just a severe strain again or should I take precautions for a herniated disc?
submitted by Samscoots01 to GymMotivation [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:39 paruresis_guy Buttercup Bakeshop, Midtown East, $5.43 net.

Buttercup Bakeshop, Midtown East, $5.43 net.
Two generous cake slices, four small cupcakes. Surely meets value. Attractively packaged and ready to go, served with a smile. Pleasant pickup.
submitted by paruresis_guy to toogoodtogo [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:15 Coaster_Nerd $600 (roughly) setup recommendations.

Id like a 2.0 setup for a smallish bedroom. budget about $600. currently looking at kef q150s ($350) with a yamaha as301 ($300) wiim amp ($300) or dayton hta 100 ($240). Any other suggestions or things I should know about?
I will be adding a subwoofer (RSL Speedwoofer 10E) in a few months.
Also, any ideas for something i could use as speaker stands? normal stands seem very overpriced
submitted by Coaster_Nerd to BudgetAudiophile [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 22:13 Liquid_Fudge Pedal failed on stage! TC Electronics Polytune 3.

I've played hundreds of shows and take good care of my equipment and this is the first time I've had my equipment let me down hard. As we all take the stage in front of about 200+ people, I unmute the polytune turn the volume up and double check my sound is good. Yep, I hear my bass through my amp and everything is good. I mute again since the first couple minutes of the song doesn't have bass. Then, the dramatic part of the song when the whole band hits a high, I unmute hit the note and.... nothing! My mind starts racing. Is my bass so low in the mix I can't hear it at all? It was fine during soundcheck. Is my amp muted, I check and no. Did a cable get unplugged, I check and everything is good. Should I signal the soundman? I stand next to my amp and can't hear anything from the speakers so it's not a problem with the FOH. Check the speaker cable from my amp to cab, it's good. The song is going along thin without bass... After what seems like an eternity but was probably 30-45 seconds, I remember that this problem happened in rehearsal a few weeks ago and I fixed it by power cycling the Polytune 3 pedal. The pedal shows that it's not muted. It has power so it should be good. I mute my amp, pull the power from the Polytune, plug it back it and watch it boot up for a second or two, unmute my head, and everything is OK. Phew... now where in the heck is the song. I turn my mind back to music fumble a couple notes and then get back into it. Take a deep breath.
What a terrible way to start a show. Has anyone else had problems with TC electronics Polytune 3? I feel like I can't trust it anymore and I need a new tuner.
submitted by Liquid_Fudge to basspedals [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:57 ConcertinaTerpsichor “Grandpa no more expected grandma to be a money-earner than she expected him to be a nursemaid.” 90 years ago.

Is the Dutch-Treat Marriage a Success?
From the April 2, 1934, Nashville Banner By Dorothy Dix
In the good old days when a man endowed his bride with all his worldly goods at the alar and expected as a matter of course to support her, marriage was a much simpler proposition for women than it is now. Then the husband brought home the bacon and the wife fried it, and that was that.
Grandpa no more expected grandma to be a money-earner than she expected him to be a nursemaid. Each performed his or her respective part in the domestic partnership and it made for the peace and prosperity of the firm. But modern economic conditions have changed that fair division of labor and given the heavy end of the bargain to the woman, who, in many cases, is forced to do double duty, to not only bake the bread but make the dough.
Primarily this state of affairs is no fault of the individual man. Probably every man would like to be a beneficent Providence to his wife and sit her down on a silk cushion and feed her on strawberries, sugar, and cream, like the lady in the fairy story. Probably it hurts every man’s pride not to be able to take his bride to his home and keep her safe and comfortable in it.
But it is the condition, not a romantic theory that the average young couple faces today, and the fact remains that thousands upon thousands cannot get married unless the woman continues on with her job. On what the man earns they could not live, or could exist only in the direst poverty, but with the wife’s pay envelop added to the husband’s they have comfortable support.
On the face of it, it seems an ideal solution of a difficult problem. It enables two young people to marry while the glamour is still on their love and before their wedding cake has got stale from being too long on the shelf. It puts marriage on a fifty-fifty basis, with the husband and wife both contributing to the upkeep of the home, both having their individual financial independence, and perhaps being more congenial and companionable with each other because they both speak the same language, instead of one talking of contracts and big deals and the fluctuation of the stock market while the other babbles of baby formulas and the price of butchers’ meat.
It seemed the modern romance, and one grew almost maudlin in contemplating the bliss that must ensue from these Dutch-treat weddings. But, alas, it appears that they are not only subject to all the trails and tribulations incident to the old-fashioned, man-supported marriages, but have an additional lot of troubles of their own.
The new arrangement seems to have given satisfaction to neither party, and loud and furious and frequent squawks of protest come both from husbands and wives. The men’s objection to the self-supporting wife is that she can’t be bossed and that she is uppity and independent and does not regard a husband as he-who-must-be-obeyed.
Also she lacks the sweet humility and forgiving spirit that made the wife who was financially dependent upon her husband turn a blind eye on his faults and overlook his side-steppings.
Of course, say these husbands, it is very comfortable and convenient to have a wife who pays her half of the bills, but it is a pain in the neck to have one who asserts her right to do as she pleases because she is self-supporting and who can put on her hat and walk out on a man if he doesn’t give satisfaction. So what?
On their part the women complain that a wife can’t help her husband without ruining him and that when George finds out that Mary can support the family he simply sits down and lets her do it. They further contend that the Lord intended a wife to be a goad in her husband’s side to spur him on to achievement, and that when he lacks this he never gets anywhere.
“When we were married to poor men,” say these disgruntled wives, “we thought it would be simply grand and thrilling to work at our old occupations for a year or two, and help our husbands get a start and commence paying on a little home. Then we were going to stop and get busy in our little white kitchens and have babies and live the normal life of women. And we never doubted that seeing us so bravely shouldering a double job, working all day in an office and then rushing home and getting dinner, would make our husbands roll up their sleeves and put in the hardest licks of which we were capable.
“But it hasn’t turned out that way. After five or ten years, most of us are still standing behind counters and punching typewriters, and, if we talked of resigning, our husbands would have fits. They have slacked down in their work and a lot of them have turned quitters because they know that we will pay the rent and buy the food if they don’t. And whatever money they make they spend on themselves, cause what’s the use of buying a hat for a wife who can buy one for herself?
“Maybe it is all logical enough, but two things are certain: One is that the self-supporting wife not only has to support herself but generally has to support her husband also. And the other is that the more a woman hangs like a millstone around her husband’s neck, the more he loves her.”
(Tennessee State Library and Archives
submitted by ConcertinaTerpsichor to TwoXChromosomes [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:41 DifferentWerewolf281 AITAH for taking my mom’s side when my wife punched her and knocked her out ??

So I’ll start this story off by saying I (28 M) my wife (25 F) are newly married, we got married in late December and it’s the happiest I’ve ever been. She’s genuinely the sweetest person and the perfect wife. We’ve never really had and issues or arguments that aren’t resolved the same day. We aren’t expecting or have any children, yet. This whole situation happened one week ago and so much has happened since then I just want to get it off my chest. It all started when my mom invited me and my wife to her 50th birthday party. I love my mom of course so I was very excited to go so I told my wife who wasn’t very excited. I should mention that ever since I’ve been with my wife her and my mom just don’t seem to click. I’ve have caught my mom making snide remarks a couple times while she thought I wasn’t nearby or listening. My wife has complained to me a couple times but I chalk it up to my mom just needing to get used to her, and my wife will agree.
So on this day we arrive to my mother house at 6:30 we walk in to people chatting and my mother sees us walk in and runs up and gives me a big hug, talking to me asking how my day was, she practically ignored my wife which I didn’t seem to notice but my wife mentioned it later. After some time of talking to everyone there we all sit down and listen to my mother talk because my father comes out to cut her cake. We all get a piece and we’re sitting at the table with about 3 other people besides my mom, my father, my wife and I, when my wife gets a piece of frosting on the dress she bought recently just a couple days ago. She quietly gasps and says “Oh no” before quickly excusing her self to go to the washroom and wipe it off, my mother follows to go “help her” which now I know her true intentions. After about 1 minute I hear a loud “F*CK U” from my wife followed by a slap and a thud. My father and I rush in to see my mother unconscious on the floor with my wife standing there crying. I ask what happened and she said that my mother had made a comment about her dress being “ugly” and calling her too fat for it. I yelled at my wife and told her that was so reason to knock her unconscious cause at her age that could be seriously harmful. I told her to “get the f*ck out” or I was going to call the police. She looked at me with the saddest eyes and said “Really.” I said “Yes” while pointing towards the door. She quickly wiped the look off her face and walked out quickly.
We took my mom to the hospital who had no serious injury’s besides a bruise on her head and just feeling dizzy. I texted my wife after I found out my mom had really no serious injuries and told her hat I was sorry for yelling but I was just scared and nervous because that’s my mom I would never want anything to happen to her. She didn’t reply to that message, or any that I sent for that matter. I just thought she needed some time. But now, the reason I’m writing this post is because today I heard a knock on my door while I was watching TV, I opened it and to my surprise I was being served with divorce papers. I took them and closed the door and immediately called her. And for the first time she answered, I started yelling at her saying she was being dramatic and making decisions too fast. After all she was the one who punched my mom for nothing but a snide remark about her dress and her weight. I should be the one mad at her, I told her to please rethink it and come over so we can talk. She said she has nothing to say to me and already made her mind up. She said she’s tired of dealing with my “narcissistic crazy a** mom” and hung up. I threw the remote ont he wall and started crying. I love this woman with my whole wife and the fact she’s divorcing me of something so small. I don’t know what to do and I need advice please, Am I in the wrong?
submitted by DifferentWerewolf281 to u/DifferentWerewolf281 [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:30 harleyarts Eyebrow tint color & eyelash tinting tips!

Eyebrow tint color & eyelash tinting tips!
As a genuine redhead... who has darn near invisible eyebrows & eyelashes, I find it easier than looking sickly everyday, to just buy a few tubes of Refectocil tint & liquid oxidant to tint my eyelashes & eyebrows myself! So I thought I would share my tips & my journey to finding a good eyebrow colour for us redheads, that looks more natural than a un-natural looking brown or bright red. (If I'm going out, I still touch them up with make-up still though.)
Having grey-blue eyes, I prefer to use dark black for my eyelashes to make my eye colour stand out a bit more. They do tend to stay a nice dark black, & seem to last until they drop out or grow out. (As long as the lashes are really clean of any make-up & are free of any oils, etc before dying) Don't worry, dispite the Refectocil gel going on looking not looking so black in colour, it does end up a really nice dark black when its done.
My eyebrows don't quite last quite as long, so they need to be redone a bit more often. But that is probably because I am not as confident with leaving the tint on for too long! I don't want to look like Groucho Marx! ..... again.
So first what I want to share, is my journey on finding a way to get a natural color eyebrow. For me anyway. Not too dark, not too red/bright. Because you definitely don't want to buy "red"... thinking that it is for us redheads..... because trust me, it IS Red! Like Ronald McDonald kinda RED. (Yes. I went there, you don't have to! Lol)
So then I went back onto Amazon & purchased "Natural Brown" (#3) My thinking: ...because after all, I've used a brown eyeliner pencil sometimes to darken my brows. And IT looks ok! Right?...Nope. Hilariously dark! WAY too Dark for a natural redhead! And it sure took to my brows the second it hit em! BAM! Groucho Marx!!! All the scrubbing in the world couldn't fully remove them! So I had to wait it out, hiding in my house for a bit. (I think I have seen that they now have a tint remover available!)
So next, I tried a Light brown tint (#3.1) .....Nope. Although it wasn't as bad as the darker Natural Brown was, if I put it on & quickly remove it almost right away. Then at least it kinda looks like I actually have eyebrows!
So working my way down the embarrassment scale, I then found the "Chesnut" (#4) color. This HAS to be right. Right?... Wrong! Again it was too dark & still too red for my eyebrows. So I went back to the light brown tint, quickly removed, until I got brave enough to try something different.
Remembering my younger years, working in a hair salon sweeping hair etc, I recalled the hairdresser who would mix hair colours. I wondered if it would work with this tint? So I decided to try mixing the Chesnut (colour #4) to the light brown (colour #3.1).... & BINGO! It worked! Eventually, I found a good mix for what I wanted. A little under a third of the chesnut to the amount of the Light brown worked great for me!
It was so bang on, that I had once put the excess I had onto some of those darn white stripes of hair above my ears that I had recieved as a "gift" for entering into my 50's. It ended up being a great match!
Another few tips I have for tinting your eyelashes: Vaseline. You don't want this tint getting into your eyes.... it stings! A lot. But because I have curly lashes, I find it is difficult to get the dye right down to the base without that happening eventually. And once it's in your eye, the game is over! Your eye will water and sting. You'll have no control, & it will shut tight... then your other one does the same & the next thing you know, the tint is washing through both of your eyes, down your cheeks & you're blindly racing to the sink! .... SO make sure you DO Vaseline ALL of your face & anywhere that you DON'T want the tint to stick to, in advance! Better to be prepared!
To avoid this you really need to take your time & be super careful! Or better yet...get a pro to do it! But just know that even they will get it in your eyes sometimes... so don't wear contacts that are not disposable! Lol
This leads to my next tip: Like decorating a cake! After a few years of experimenting, for my super curly lashes, I find that putting the tint & Oxidant into one of those tiny ziplock bags to use for mixing (by squishing around) & then for application,(see below), works quite well.
After mixing well, you snip off the smallest bit of the corner of the bag that you can, & then by squeezing the tint to that corner, you can use it just like you would a icing bag for decorating cakes! By squeezing a tiny line out, right at the base of your eyelashes. (On the topside only!) Then you can use a clean mascara wand to brush it through the rest of your lashes. (Repeat as necessary) It will work its way through to the other side eventually, without having to apply it directly so close to your eyeball & risk getting into your eyes. This works way better than any other method I have tried so far to get the tint all the way down & it reduces the chances of burning eyeballs from hell too! LOL
Sorry it's so long of a post. I just don't seem to have the ability to compact what I'm trying to say anymore!
submitted by harleyarts to Redhair [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:04 SnooGadgets5975 AITA for not attending my nieces birthday bunch

My sister 34 Me 30 My niece just turned 3 a few days ago My son 3 1/2
So alittle back sorry of what happen last April 2023 .
My niece had a birthday party my son who was 3 1/2 at the time diagnosed with autism so at the time he was still learning to wait his turn for things as any normal toddler at that stage is.
Well when the time came for the piñata to come out. He was patiently waiting for his turn. So the birthday girl was taking hers first and he was next. Keep in mind this was a five mins turn and he was getting pretty anxious to take his so when she was just standing there holding the stick, he grabbed it out of her hand .. as any mother would do I grabbed the stick and his hand and told him gentle in a calm voice that he had to wait his turn and we had to give it back he was claim and was going to do so as I was getting the stick out of his had to hand it over back to my niece my sister decided to aggressively to yank it out of my hand and my sons causing chaos and him having a melt down. Soemthing I was trying to avoid. Than she procced to yell at my son telling him that he always ruins her daughter birthday and some other stuff along the way that was just hush and mean to say to someone.. especially a 3 1/2 year old who doesn’t fully understand and was just getting into ABA.
So this year April 2024 my sister and my brother in-law decided to take her else where on her birthday which was this Tuesday and never once mention to me about having family over for cake or nothing. So lastnight Saturday around 8pm my mom and sister were out and about and she came to drop my mom off at home and proceeds to tell me and my kids are invited to come over for cake and a bbq Sunday afternoon .. come to find out the rest of the family knew before hand during the week about it and I just found out last min last night. To me kinda like you didn’t want to invited us and our mom made her ..
So from what my son went through last year I sure don’t want him to go through it again so I texted her this morning me and my kids won’t be attending. Now my parents are calling me a child and selfish because i wasn’t attending .. telling me to keep the past in the past but when it happened they were on my side about it saying it was wrong of her to do so but not I’m a child and selfish for not attending something I was told last min or last year hearing my son has always ruined her daughters birthday party. Why would I want to attend if that’s how she feels ..
Also keep in mind my son nor me have yet to get an apology for what she said and acts like she has done nothing wrong. So AITA ?
submitted by SnooGadgets5975 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:04 SunsetBowling I've decided no more cockroach towers, no more half eaten jelly. From now on I plan on feeding my active pretty/cute food items!

I've decided no more cockroach towers, no more half eaten jelly. From now on I plan on feeding my active pretty/cute food items! submitted by SunsetBowling to neopets [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 20:46 karnson [WTS] 🥝Ships, Normal and cost saving CCU's and Paints🥝

Hi everyone! All of the costs you see listed below include fees, what you see is what you pay. My timezone is GMT+12 in case you’re wondering why I may be taking a while to reply to you, however rest assured I will when I’m awake!
If you’re new to trading on reddit, read this guide on how to link your RSI account to your Reddit account and then just reply below with … well anything really so I can see your RSI account in the flair then drop me a PM with what you’re after.
If there is something you want but don’t see listed such as a specific LTI CCU’d ship or if you have any questions on trading or CCUing then please feel free to drop me a DM. Note: I will not trade using chat’s and any chat requests will be directed to use DM’s. This is because chat’s can be deleted but DM’s cannot so it is safer for us both to use DM’s.

Referrals 🎖️

If you haven’t yet created your account, please read this guide on the referral system and consider using my referral code which is STAR-LN2R-X9QF. If you would like me to add a referral to your account it will be $25.

Subscriber Store

I can get you anything listed here on the subscriber store at cost + PayPal fees, please feel free to send me a message and I’ll let you know what the total cost will be.

Ships 🚀

Stand Alone Ship
Ship Insurance Status Melt Price
600i Explorer Best In Show 2953 10Y Flyable 475 575
Corsair Best In Show Edition 2953 10Y Flyable 250 305
Redeemer Best In Show Edition 2953 10Y Flyable 330 400
Vulture Best In Show Edition 2953 10Y Flyable 175 215
Zeus MkII MR with Solstice Paint LTI Concept 170 210

CCU’s ➡️

Standard CCU's from buyback
From To Melt Price
Freelancer 350r 15 19
Constellation Andromeda 400i 10 12.5
Prowler 600i explorer 35 42.5
C2 600i touring 35 42.5
Prospector A1 45 54
Sabre A1 30 36.5
Carrack A2 150 180
Hammerhead A2 25 31
Constellation Andromeda Apollo Medivac 35 42.5
Constellation Andromeda Apollo Triage 10 12.5
Constellation Andromeda Ares Ion 10 12.5
Constellation Andromeda Ares Inferno 10 12.5
Hull D Arrastra 25 31
M2 Arrastra 55 67
325A Avenger Titan Renegade 5 7
Nomad Avenger Warlock 5 7
Cutlass Black Buccaneer 10 12.5
Mole C2 85 102
Redeemer C2 75 90
Valkyrie C2 25 31
300i C8R Pisces Rescue 5 7
600i Explorer Carrack 125 150
M2 Carrack 80 96
Constellation Aquila Caterpillar 15 19
Eclipse Caterpillar 30 36.5
Mole Caterpillar 15 19
Cutlass Black Centurion 10 12.5
Constellation Andromeda Corsair 10 12.5
Mole Crucible 35 42.5
Starfarer Gemini Crucible 10 12.5
Prospector Cutlass Blue 20 25
STV Cutlass Red 95 115
Dragonfly Black Cutter 5 7
Mustang Beta Cutter 5 7
STV Cutter 5 7
Roc DS Cyclone AA 5 7
325a Cyclone MT 5 7
125a Cyclone RC 5 7
125a Cyclone RN 5 7
125a Cyclone TR 5 7
Constellation Taurus Banu Defender 20 25
Blade Eclipse 25 30
Constellation Andromeda Eclipse 60 73
Prospector F7C Hornet Wildfire 20 25
Prospector F7C-M Super Hornet 30 36.5
Vulture F7C-M Super Hornet Heartseeker 25 30
Prospector Freelancer MIS 20 25
125A G12A 5 7
Prospector Gladiator 10 12.5
Nomad Gladius 10 12.5
Carrack Hammerhead 125 150
Odyssey Hammerhead 25 31
Nomad Herald 5 7
Herald Hull A 5 7
Nomad Hull A 10 12.5
Prospector Khartu-Al 15 19
Centurion Legionnaire 10 12.5
Freelancer Legionnaire 10 12.5
M2 Liberator 55 66.5
600i M2 45 54
Prowler M2 80 96
Gladius M50 10 12.5
Constellation Andromeda Mercury 20 25
400i Mercury 10 12.5
Carrack Nautilus 125 150
Freelancer Nova 10 12.5
MPUV-C Nox 10 12.5
STV Nox 5 7
C2 Prowler 40 48
Valkyrie Prowler 65 78
Constellation Taurus Railen 25 31
Terrapin Railen 5 7
Defender Railen 5 7
Cutlass Black Raft 15 19
Ballista Razor 5 7
Freelancer Max Razor EX 5 7
Mantis Razor EX 5 7
Ballista Razor LX 10 12.5
Mole Reclaimer 85 102
Valkyrie Reclaimer 25 31
Constellation Aquila Redeemer 15 19
Mole Redeemer 15 19
325a Reliant Tana 5 7
Ballista Retaliator 15 19
Vanguard Warden Retaliator Bomber 15 19
Prospector Sabre 15 19
Prospector Sabre Comet 30 36.5
Constellation Taurus San'tok.yāi 40 49
Terrapin Scorpius 20 25
Constellation Taurus Scorpius Antares 30 36.5
Prospector SRV 10 12.5
Mole Starfarer Gemini 25 31
Centurion Talon 5 7
Freelancer Talon 5 7
Centurion Talon Shrike 5 7
Freelancer Talon Shrike 5 7
Constellation Taurus Terrapin 20 25
Caterpillar Valkyrie 45 54
Mole Valkyrie 60 72
Redeemer Valkyrie 50 60
Blade Vanguard Harbinger 15 19
Vanguard Sentinel Vanguard Harbinger 15 19
Terrapin Vanguard Hoplite 15 19
Constellation Andromeda Vanguard Sentinel 35 42.5
Vanguard Warden Vanguard Sentinel 15 19
Mercury Vanguard Sentinel 15 19
Ares Ion Vanguard Warden 10 12.5
Corsair Vanguard Warden 10 12.5
Ballista Zeus Mk II CL 10 12.5
Ballista Zeus Mk II ES 10 12.5
Vulture Zeus Mk II MR 15 19​

Paints 💥

Time limited paints
Paint Price
7 Pack Ghoulish Green (Mule, Herald, Vulture, Caterpillar, Buccaneer, Dragonfly, Cutlass) 59
2951 Auspicious Red pack (Nomad & Freelancer) 20
2952 Auspicious Red pack (Sabre and Constellation) 20.5
2952 Fortuna pack (400i & 600i) 28
2953 Auspicious Red pack (Carrack and C8 Pisces) 28
2953 Fortuna pack (Hammerhead, Redeemer, Vanguard) 52
100i - Auspicious Red Dog 7
100i - Auspicious Red Dragon 7
400i - Auspicious Red Dog 14
400i - Auspicious Red Dragon 14
400i - Fortuna 14
600i - Auspicious Red Dog 17
600i - Fortuna 20
Ares - Lovestruck 14
Ares - Meridian 14
Arrow - Lovestruck 7
Avenger - Invictus Blue and Gold 7
Avenger - Solar Winds 7
Buccaneer - Ghoulish Green 9
C8 Pisces - 2953 Auspicious Red 7
Carrack - 2953 Auspicious Red 23.5
Caterpillar - Ghoulish Green 14
Constellation - 2952 Auspicious Red 14
Corsair - Ghoulish Green 13
Cutlass Black - Skull and Crossbones 13
Cutter - Ghoulish Green 7
Cyclone - Lovestruck 7
Defender - Harmony 14
Defender - Ocellus 14
Defender - Wanderer 14
Dragonfly - Ghoulish Green 6.5
Drake Cutlass - Ghoulish Green 6.5
Drake Ultimate Ghoulunatics 78.5
Eclipse Meridian 14
F7 Hornet Mk II - Ironscale Paint 11.5
F7 Hornet Mk II - Paint Pack (Ironscale & Icebound) 16
Freelancer - 2951 Auspicious Red 11.5
Fury - Fortuna 6.5
Gladius - Invictus Blue and Gold 9
Gladius - Solar Winds 9
Hammerhead - Fortuna 23.5
Herald - Ghoulish Green 9
Hercules - Fortuna 16
Hercules - Invictus Blue and Gold 20
Hercules - Meridian 16.5
Hoverquad - Lovestruck 7
Khartu-Al - Harmony 11.5
Khartu-Al - Ocellus 11.5
Lovestruck paint 6 pack (Arrow, Scorpius, Cyclone, Hoverquad, Nomad, Ares) 53.5
Mercury Star Runner - Fortuna 14
Mercury Star Runner - Meridian 14
Meridian 4 Pack - Ares, Eclipse, Hercules, Mercury 56
Mule - Ghoulish Green 6.5
Nomad - 2951 Auspicious Red 9
Nomad - Lovestruck 9
Nox - Harmony 5.5
Nox - Ocellus 5.5
Nox - Wanderer 5.5
Prowler - Harmony 20
Redeemer - Fortuna 16.5
Razor - Fortuna 11.5
Reliant - Invictus Blue and Gold 7
Retaliator - Invictus Blue and Gold 14
Sabre - 2952 Auspicious Red 11.5
Scorpius - Lovestruck 14
Solar Winds 3 Pack - Avenger, Gladius, Vanguard 28
Talon - Harmony 9
Talon - Ocellus 9
Talon - Wanderer 9
Vanguard - Invictus Blue and Gold 14
Vanguard - Fortuna 14
Vanguard - Solar Winds 14
Vulture - Ghoulish Green 11.5
X1- Auspicious Red Dog Paint 7
X1- Auspicious Red Dragon Paint 7​
Concierge Paint
Paint Price
Arrastra - Nocturne Paint 17.5
C8 Pisces Code Blue 7
C8 Pisces 5 Pack 20
Centurion - Beachhead 10
Centurion - 3 paint pack 24
Cutter - Cliffhanger 4
Cutter - Groundswell 7
Cutter - Nightfall 4
Fury - Black Star 7
Fury - Leatherback 7
Galaxy - Protector 19.5
Lynx - Moonrise 7
Mule - 3 paint pack 10.5
Mule - Smokestack 5
San'Tok.Yai - Tuiping 9
Scorpius - Tiburon 14
Spirit - 3 paint pack 2952 33
Spirit - Crimson 12
Spirit - Intrepid 12
Storm - Summit 9
STV - Blue Steel 4
Zeus - Solstice 11.5​
Name Melt Price
Invictus 2953 Navy Blue gear pack 3.5 5
Invictus 2953 Military Grey gear pack 3.5 5​
submitted by karnson to Starcitizen_trades [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:57 No-Impact-8102 Good brands of extract, especially for rum extract?

Looking to make a traditional Polish Babka Maślana z Rumem aka butter rum Bundt cake for my Dziaze’s (grandfather’s) wake.
The two extract brands I’ve been using recently, Nielsen-Massey and Penzey’s, don’t make rum extract.
Looking for good suggestions for rum extract or any extract brands you stand by in general. I feel like some of them do some types of extract better than others.
Hope this is allowed. Thanks all!
submitted by No-Impact-8102 to Baking [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:56 username6702 Glad to see quality practise streams are back!

Glad to see quality practise streams are back! submitted by username6702 to MinecraftChampionship [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:45 Own_Ad_9919 Is this a good deal

I played drums almost 10 years ago and am looking to get back into it I just have no idea the pricing now and am looking for input.
I have found the items below for $1,000. Is this a good price/what should I look out for when testing it out and/or picking up? Anyone willing to help, DM me and I could send some pics.
What’s included: Roland V-Drums kit All heads, cymbals and cables tested and work perfectly. 3x PD-120 12” drum heads/snare 2x PD-100 10” drum heads 3x PD-9 9” cymbals 1x PD-7 7” cymbal 2x KD-7 kick drum triggers 1x TD-10 control module. 1x Alesis Strike Amp 8 drum amp 12x cables 1x Alesis Headphones
1x MDS-9V drum kit rack 2x snare stands 2x cymbal stands 1x Yamaha kick peddle 1x DW kick peddle +Misc pieces
submitted by Own_Ad_9919 to edrums [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 19:40 Suwatilore Some little treats for my little cutie pie!

Some little treats for my little cutie pie!
Yesterday I decided to make Noire happy by baking a delicious chocolate cake with lots of choci! My darling absolutely loves chocolate treats so after I finished baking this one when she tried it she really ended up enjoying the cake! When I was baking it I luckily remembered how the cake is really fluid at first. Last time it ended up flowing out of its shape because I also messed up a bit which was quite the bother. This time I put another baking tin below it so in case anything went out the oven wouldn't be flooded. Luckily I did so because a bit still escaped. I actually chose this cake for this week because I was supposed to be a bit busy on Saturday and it is delicious and also done rather quickly. But we were done earlier than planned so I decided why not make something else as well and try out how Mousse au Chocolat is made. After all I also had some leftover cream and I already wanted to make one for my precious princess all this time. The process of making it was rather straightforward and it turned out to be really tasty! When I presented a little bit of it decorated with some sprinkles to my sweetheart she looked quite happy and finished it in no time. Just as the cake she also really loved the Mousse. Since it was a really small portion she asked for more and I gladly complied to her wishes. Naturally I prepared more than just this. So my little princess got to enjoy more of it and was looking as happy as always whenever she is able to eat any of the self made treats I prepare for her. All in all another successful session of spoiling my most precious treasure to some sweet sins.
I already mentioned how I was supposed to be busy yesterday. Unfortunately this Saturday morning wasn't as comfy and cuddly as our usual ones because a friend asked me if I could help out his grandma with removing items from her apartment and basement. After waking up earlier than usual and making sure my darling and I still got to cuddle a bit (because preserving some morning cuddle time is ABSOLUTELY essential!) my friend and I headed over to his grandma's place. Alongside some other friends we finished pretty fast and then decided to get some food and eat at a really atmospheric location on top of a hill. The weather was great, the sight as well and the company was also really nice. My other half may have been missing but sometimes it is also enjoyable to just be out with the boys doing stuff. Aside from that my little princess always resides in the castle of my heart that was built just by my love for her. The castle stands in the middle of a blossoming landscape where the days and nights are never clouded and the sun and moon beautifully enlighten the rooms of princess Noire's walls. Every room represents another wonderful day we spent together and is filled with lots of lively drawings which appear as if you could quite literally join each moment of this certain day once more. Her wardrobes are full of elegant and graceful dresses and even all kinds of cosplays she wishes to wear. And the kitchen will treat her taste buds to her heart's content as any meal she wishes for will be prepared in an instant just for her. Of course there is so much more and this only scratches the surface. The castle, the lands, everything else in my heart are all Noire's and I wish to only let everything become more and more beautiful and filled with everything she loves so my sweet princess hopefully shall always feel at home inside of it.
That was quite intense... But I think I made it clear that Noire always accompanies me in my heart. Still I often miss her dearly whenever we are apart physically for work or anything at all, especially when it is for an extended amount of time. On Friday I have also agreed with a few other friends to meet up to go to a restaurant where you could eat as much spare ribs as you want to. Noire also found it okay for me to do so even though Friday is supposed to be our special day where we have a little, cozy date night. She wasn't as pleased with it especially since I also helped a friend on another Friday this month but we could have not really done much anyway because of me having to wake up earlier for Saturday and I have not done something with these friends of mine for quite some time now. Honestly I also felt bad for not spending the evening with her but I guess socialising with others is also important and by all means Noire definitely didn't want me to feel bad for it and was quite understanding of the situation. Most importantly the next two weeks are vacation time for the two of us so we are gonna spend each and every day together anyway, so even though we didn't get to spend many Fridays together in our usual manner in April we are gonna catch more than up to that in the next few weeks. Anyway, before I headed off to the restaurant with my friends luckily I still got to be around Noire for a few more hours after work. I think if I didn't get to recharge my exhausted Noire needy battery then I would have not been able to properly enjoy the evening with my friends. After all my heart and mind would have just been too busy missing my beloved sweetheart. All in all it ended up being a great evening. Let's ignore the fact that I am supposed to be on a diet and eat less but ended up eating more than two of my friends together though. I mean, it would have not been worth if I didn't eat as much as I could if it is an all you can eat buffet, right? I think, Noire would have actually been shocked and a bit worried by the amounts I ate but it was really tasty! Fries and spare ribs... Ah... Delicious... Anyway, next topic!
Aside from the eventful time at the end of this week the rest of it I have actually felt really exhausted and tired somehow. I even thought I would get sick but fortunately this didn't happen. Since Noire noticed how I felt she scolded me for still exercising... Well... I mean, it would have probably been wiser to not exercise just in case but this would have been dumb. I didn't want to stop, hmph. I am glad she didn't end up being too serious about her scolding because if she was then I would have not been able to just pout my way out of it. After all if my beloved Noire really wanted something of me then my resistances would have crumbled and broken down eventually. I do feel much better again now by the way! So, my darling was in the right letting me off the hook with only some light scolding. Also since we are on vacation now we have enough time to relax anyway.
This really was an eventful week with a great finish of preparing some more delicious treats for my own most beloved treat which is the sweetest girl I could ever hope to be with. With everything that may happen throughout my weeks as phenomenal as it may be nothing will ever beat just being around my little princess and enjoying my time with her. My greatest highlight will always be spending my days and nights with Noire!
I hope you enjoyed reading through this post even though it is quite long. Writing those is always a pleasure for me as I can just express my love for Noire freely and talk about anything I want to. Also Noire and I hope that you and your loved ones had an enjoyable time this week and furthermore we wish all of you a great time next week! As always remember to not let negativity or anything like that influence your mood. Instead focus on the positive things in your lives like your loved ones! I am sure they will always brighten up your days!
submitted by Suwatilore to waifuism [link] [comments]