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2024.05.14 01:30 Mizzno [H] Games [W] Cornucopia, Headbangers: Rhythm Royale, art of rally, Games (Listed Below), Steam Gift Cards

N.B.: I'm mainly looking for the games listed in the title and at the bottom of the thread. Feel free to post other offers, but if I haven't responded to your comment(s) by my next posting, I likely wasn't able to find a trade that interested me.

For sale (for Steam Gift Cards or gifted Steam Wallet balance):

For trade:
*signifies that a game is tentatively up for trade, assuming I buy the bundle


IGS Rep Page: https://www.reddit.com/IGSRep/comments/ti26nz/mizznos_igs_rep_page/
submitted by Mizzno to indiegameswap [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 01:28 SatisfactionOld8678 Dog won’t stop eating cats food

Hi everyone, for context I just moved home from college into my parents house with our family dog. My cat is a grazer and does not eat a lot at a time so I always just leave kibble out for him & then feed him wet food in small portions twice a day. Our dog will not stop eating the cats food & im not sure what to do. It’s not a situation where I can just lock them in separate areas of the house as I don’t feel that would be fair to either of them to not have free range. Does anyone have any advice or hacks that I can do to keep my dog from eating his food?
submitted by SatisfactionOld8678 to PetAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:41 morpheusrecks Dilemma

I'm struggling. My flair says reconciling, but it's on a low arc and approaching failure. Or maybe it's still false. I don't know.
Married 19 years, together for 25; two teenage children with severe emotional problems coming out of the pandemic.
D-Day was 16 months ago, the night before Thanksgiving. AP was literally an alcoholic unemployed late 40-something living in his mom's basement. They had met at a funeral she hadn't bothered to ask me to go because I wasn't leaving the bed in those days and I'd have said no. The night I discovered his clingy, mooning texts lamenting their inability to spend the holiday together, my life - already a terrible, depressive, lonely black hole of a mess and following the sudden, unnecessary death of a parent on Christmas Day - just imploded.
Upon confrontation after Thanksgiving dinner, the response was the worst in all ways possible. WW was high on limerence, and was fiercely unapologetic. She didn't want to separate but demanded an open marriage. She 'deserved to be happy', and felt good about her having told this unplanned encounter that went from EA to PA in 72 hours that she'd never leave me.
She had eschewed having intimacy for years before this. We had been poor to each other over the years, but I fell off a cliff after our kids faded from the world and my parent died. She was legit shocked and belligerent when I refused, and said that if you pursue this I will have to leave.
We made some temporary agreements (ones she did not keep), and started seeing a counselor. I started IC for the first time in my middle-aged life. We were however 'not aligned', as she'd say. She didnt want to give up her boyfriend, and I refused to stay if he was in the picture. I cringe to think back to how I said, 'you can maintain a friendship if you absolutely must but you must reinvest back into working on our relationship'.
This was a no-go for her for a while. She'd meet him. He'd sleep in her place of business. SHe lent him our car. (He crashed it while drunk, btw.) There was a moment when I had the kids in Puerto Rico, and she returned early for a funeral, and she went to the funeral with him and probably had sex after. Meanwhile I was stuck in an airport, trying to get home after a cancelled flight and just threw lots of money at the problem to curtail the time she had with him. She had in the three month relationship began introducing him to family friends, people who knew me.
With someone living a state away, she somehow managed to squeeze in more sex in 3 months than we'd had together in 10 years. In my mind, she was working on replacing me with AP but didn't want to separate for the sake of our kids.
Come January, she claimed to have decided to break things off. I didn't really believe her. I made a surprise visit to her place of business on a weekend, and found him there asleep on the couch with no pants on.
We had words, and despite being beside myself with rage and grief I was able to take his measure. In many ways, I wish I had met him right after D-Day. It was clear he was a narcissistic dumpster fire with pretensions of intellectuality. There were signs of some bipolar behavior. He made clear his intentions was to stay, and to convince WW to leave me. And he still had our car, and keys to her business site. (We live in a large city and don't need multiple vehicles, or even the one car if I'm honest.)
She realized where I was going due to my phone location and ran after me, but got there after I had 15 minutes with the joker. She asked him to leave, but still let him keep our car. She had no words, which has been a theme throughout our marriage. She can't easily access her feelings or articulate them, and she's afraid to express them for fear of my response. I told her after having met him, noted his instability and his intentions, i said I can no longer accept any contact between them. She reluctantly agreed.
From mid-January through to August followed a sequence of false representation of wanting to work on reconciliation and cycles of lying about not having contact. She was in love with him, she claimed, but seemed to go cold turkey overnight. She neither engaged with me nor took steps to reconcile, but claimed how difficult it was and that she was working on our relationship.
We quit the MC we started to see. We eventually found another several months later. We're still with the 2nd MC. In the meantime began a kind of surreal hellscape life for me, as she would say the barest of minimum things, and usually nothing at all about where she was, how she felt, and what was she willing to do to rebuild our relationship. She took no steps to reassure me, or show she wants me. She would say she did, but simultaneously be cold, distant, and - as i soon discovered - was still in contact with AP.
He gave her a burner phone. I found it within 2 days and threw the brand new phone into the river. Cheaters really need to not let unknown devices onto the home wifi networks of the technically literate. We had it out again, she promised to really try. A few weeks later I found unusual call patterns in our cell account. AP had provisioned a new phone number. Following that blow up was the WhatsApp phase, which really began to take the wind out of my sails.
She expressed no remorse. She was resentful of my 'intrusions into her privacy'. She genuinely thought it would be comforting to hear that the affair had nothing to do with me. She would be visibly annoyed when I asked for confirmations there had been no new contact - and even more so when in retrospect when there had been.
There were at least five discrete cycles of deception. AP escalated by getting five phone numbers and cycling through them. Towards the end, she had hid these numbers as secondary numbers of people they knew in common but didn't regularly have contact with. AP would write texts from the perspective of different personae.
Then there were the people who knew, and of those there were people who fully supported her behavior. There were people who aided and abetted it, lending her their apartments, or hoping she finds some comfort. One particularly egregious one, early on, tried to convince Amanda to really try to convince me to find someone else to be happy in an open arrangement. She's still in regular contact with this person.
The culmination of the PA/EA with the AP happened last summer. He eventually returned the car, but only after he had reclaimed it from the police impound lot. He did not pay for the repairs. Or his tolls when coming to and fro to fuck my WW. I did.
I had been fairly successful in identifying his phone numbers and having them blocked at the carrier level with some gaps in time, and diverting his email and voicemail. During ths period where all his means of contact were being closed soon after being opened, he was starting to rage and unstable. WW upon the latest confrontation (i was pretty calm and matter of fact about it) admitted she could not control her behavior, and didn't understand why she was doing it.
AP was a controlling person, with hints of WW's clinically narcissist parent. He wrote a letter and entered her business after hours to leave it. Because he wrote an email saying he was doing this, I ill-advisedly went there to call the police on him. I didn't find him, but I did find the letter. He knew I had been there - either he had been outside or he went back after I left - and complained bitterly about my interference.
His only means of influence had dropped to emails, and he just kept pounding with the short, imperative statements that described outcomes favorable to him. He had started to convince her that I was a threat to her, and trying to convince her I was a threat to our children (for whom I'd die in fire every day).
His tactical error was trying to play up his inability to contact her as a screen for concern. He tried to get the cops to perform a wellness check. He called WW's sister to convince her I was a threat, and that WW was in danger. (She told him off.)
Finally, he threatened to show up at our door with friends and 'free' her. I knew he owned a shotgun; while I didn't actually think he would show up (he had made smaller-scale threats of this kind before and I only realized they had happened days after his 'deadlines'.) I shared this new development with WW. We had agreed to handle it together. However, while I was out one day, she went to her sister's and called him to tell him she was fine but to never call or contact anyone in our family again. It was a muted, brief exchange. I was angry she hadn't stuck to our agreement.
Since then, he's only made a handful of contact attempts soon after the break that really were more for insulting me. I believe on an intellectual level they have had no contact since last summer. I emotionally continue to not feel safe about her intentions.
Since then, it's been difficult. There have been very limited conversation coming from her outside of the MC sessions, and those have trended light on her content. Very recently, she's expressed more. But it's still seemingly grounded in some unhealthy premises. Amongst them:
  1. She at one pointed expressed she regretted the pain she caused, but doesn't regret the experience because (I kid you not) 'she learned so much about herself' and 'many positive elements have come out of it'. (I lost 50 pounds in the first three months post-Dday, and lately I've been hovering around 70. I did have it to lose, having used food to soothe myself over the decade of gaslighting and lack of explanation for her disengagement, and unwillingness to work on it.)
  2. She continues to resent my intrusion into her phone call history. She disagrees with the oft-raised best practice of open-phone/account policies. Her feelings around her lack of privacy unsettle her, and get in the way of engaging (she says).
  3. she doesn't see the value in 'forcing closeness'
  4. she keeps wanting me to 'ratchet it down a notch', but it's not clear what she thinks that means
  5. she finds my sadness and pain to be an impediment to rebuilding closeness
  6. She claims to have read content about rebuilding marriages after infidelity, but to my knowledge she's done hardly anything to rebuild trust. I said it'd be better if you hadn't read it, because to think that you're walking around having read it but still don't do anything feels worse.
  7. She has not taken lead in the reconciliation process, or really done much except endure my periodic/every-2-weeks or so expressions of disappointment and hurt and anger
I'm sure no one has read this far. This is my dilemma. What I'm trying to do here is leave no stone unturned in my efforts to save our marriage. I want to sleep well at night, and I won't be able to do that in a healthy way without going through this.
Yesterday wa the first time she said that he was responsible for destroying my world and my brain, several times over, with the elaborate deceptions (as I'm prone to describing it). I welcomed it and thanked her. But it was only precipitated by a conflict we were having about a mistake I made, where I rubbed her face in my phone snooping by adding unflattering profile pictures to the blocked contacts for the AP. (If they're not there, he could still call her and leave a voicemail when she's on wifi.)
She has had low to middling chronic health issues since April of last year, following her second round with COVID. And if it's not her, it's her parents. Or my surviving parent. Or my brother almost dying. Or the DOL is threatening to reclassify all her contractors as employees. (They should.) Everything just magically seemed to be prioritized over her talking to me.
It's literally, literally been something every other week. She's always tired, always in pain, and I really try hard to stay empathic about it. To hold a space for her. I have taken care of her when she's ill all throughout this horrible time. And she's really appreciative of how well I've supported and cared for her with no promise or signs of reciprocation.
But she still won't have sex with me, and wont talk to me about why she flinches sometimes when I touch her. Or worse, she fakes interest and then I find out otherwise later. Clearly, we have trauma to work through from before the affair. She's not intentionally being cruel. I've expressed remorse over what little she has hinted at, and want to make amends. I love her so much. It's always been my intent to die married to her, and hold our family together.
But it's getting harder to hold onto that empathy. I'm just so tired of feeling hurt, of not having my needs met, and feeling so deeply disrespected in this low-contrition (but maybe trending up) context we're living through.
She seems to evoke a sense in me that everytime I am hurt or express anger, her willingness or energy resets to near zero. Which in and of itself is newly infuriating!
My dilemma is that part of my tenacity in this ridiculous situation that saints would have left three times over already is tied to the idea that by sticking with it and not making it 'easier' for her I'm upholding my self-respect.
But am i? Am I just punishing her by saying I can't let go of my pain until she demonstrates remorse and effort? Being married, a husband and a father of simple small family is a big part of my identity.
It all went to shit a long time ago, but I never checked out. I just didn't understand what was happening, how a wife could treat their partner this way, and I didn't have the maturity or the emotional language to navigate it alone. So I grew resentful and depressed, and just low-level angry all the time. While she would just smile, and say nothing. In public, she'd be affectionate.
In private, it'd be back turned and motionless to my hunger for connection (and release). I turned inward. She, a very social, community-building gem of a human being, checked out and switched to Potemkin mode whenever anyone was looking. I felt like I was constantly being gaslit. Even when I tried to talk about our problems, she'd act as if I had said nothing at all. It was the damnest thing, and I had no words for it.
Maybe she's starting to see the light and be empathic to my pain. But, if that's what's happening, I'm just running out of steam and hope. Hope isn't necessary for me to stay the course, but motivation is beginning to lag.
Any advice?
submitted by morpheusrecks to AsOneAfterInfidelity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 23:02 okenuoliram Airbnb host tried to recruit me into Primerica

Hi y'all!
I thought you might enjoy this story. I have to say it's the first time someone tried to recruit me into an MLM. I knew some things about MLMs but not that much, i'm glad i could see the red flags.
A few weeks ago i was on a work trip and we stayed in an airbnb. Everything went fine. One week after we left, the host calls me and leaves a cryptic voicemail saying that "i look like a businesswoman" and that she is an "entrepreneur" with "opportunities for professional development". I immediately thought it was fishy because she did not mention the name of the company or anything, didn't know me at all apart from a brief acknowldegement to give me keys. Plus, the way she was talking was very "car salesperson", i sensed there was something off in the way she spoke and the terms she used to stay vague.
I have to say it intrigued me cause nothing like this has ever has ever happened to me. I was not looking to switch jobs, but my curiosity won and decided to call back basically just to have some tea to spill to my colleagues after lmao. I wanted to know what the hell this was about.
I called back and spoke with the host. I was asking for more information on the offer. She stayed super vague and never mentioned the name of the company. I was honest telling her i didn't really see myself changing jobs but was curious to see what the offer was. She told me something about how she though she would always work in her field until she was approached for this opportunity and never looked back. Again, the vagueness and the salesperson voice was sending alarms in my brain, but still i agreed to a zoom meeting so she could tell me more.
So, a few days later, we meet on zoom. They ask me about my current job, but they seem to not care at all lmao. They then proceed to present me with this slideshow on Primerica. I had never heard of this company so i listen. They tell me it's about financial services to the working class and that i don't need any training in the field to start, they have an "internal university" : red flags again. They ask me questions about my thoughts and opinions on different things on the presentation, i say bullshit i don't believe in to be polite and the meeting be over as soon as possible, yet get more info for the office storytime lolll. I find it quite funny because i hate business, marketing, finance bros and everything of that field so they are really talking to the wrong person.
Anyway, i will say i find it very clever on how they ask you questions on financial concepts to make you say you don't know about them, so that later they can leverage that to assure you that they should have a look to your finances because "most people are being scammed by banks and their current investment plans, loosing thousands of dollars". It did make me feel a bit stupid for declining their offer to give a second opinion, but now i'm so so glad i stood my ground and listened to my gut.
At the end, i politely declined their "work" offer, they tried to convince me to let them look at my financial situation "for free" and politely declined again. The dude in the meeting ended saying "just so you know, i know my worth and i don't run after people". I was like okay whatever bro.
After the meeting ended, i immediately googled "primerica" and saw it was a MLM. Dodged a bullet for sure. Glad i could see the sings, but i can totally see how people fall into this, their pitch is convincing if you don't know the sings.
Good news is that we'll be able to laugh it off with my colleagues and never book this airbnb again. We were thinking about making a formal complaint to airbnb, but unfortunately i don't have written proof that they tried to enroll me into their mlm since they stay intentionally vague. But if anyone has ever been through that, let me know if/how you reached out to airbnb!
submitted by okenuoliram to antiMLM [link] [comments]

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2024.05.13 21:40 sorryforthecusses "it's a good problem to have"

in three weeks, T has helped me put on so much muscle i managed to outgrow a brand new binder that i had purchased to size up to begin with and holy shit the pain of wearing a too-small binder for a full work shift fucked me up. do not try to push through wearing a binder if it feels wrong.
for context, before T, i was really underweight and i couldn't outpace my fast metabolism to gain any meaningful weight. i'm 5'5" and bounced between 100-105lbs and i was strong for my size but that's not saying much versus the general male population. this is where i'd say a huge majority of my dysphoria lived, having narrow shoulders, the little fat i had all being at my hips, people assuming i'm too weak for even basic tasks. so at the start of this year, i really put my nose to the grindstone and have been practicing muay thai and weight-lifting multiple times a week like i used to pre-pandemic. i was doing okay at it! i'm never going to the olympics but i was feeling good.
and then i started T in february. my appetite has exploded and i've been putting away over 2300 calories per day just to not feel so goddamn hungry. i've been focusing on high protein foods and trying to drink a quart of milk a day and two protein shakes. it's also given me more energy and confidence to go workout and practice even if i'm not feeling 100% mentally up to it.
so, between all the food and the working out, i've managed to put on 20lbs of mostly muscle in 3 months and holy shit the difference is real. T is putting a majority of it on my upper body. but then also i don't get as cold as easily, i have more energy all the time, my posture is better, my clothes fit better, this specific dysphoria is evaporating slowly and holy shit i feel alive and present. but there's a catch.
none of my fucking binders fit. at first, say around late-march, i got an inkling my flavnt half-binders were too small. something just felt off cause i can usually forget they're on but i was just so aware of them. so i stopped wearing them and i sized up and bought a new one like 3 weeks ago. it fit and felt great, back to normal i thought. i wear my binders maybe 2-3 times a week normally, but last week i had really physically active work so i didn't wear it until friday with nothing but a t-shirt over it. and by the end of the day i was fucking suffering. i had shooting pains when i moved any part of my upper body. i was getting those cramps you get when running along your ribs, while standing still. i couldn't take it off my entire 8 hr shift + 45 min commute, until i got to my girlfriend's place. i spent the rest of the night switching between curling up into a ball or doing any stretch i could think of to get away from the pain, my girlfriend also gave me a massage but the pain stayed just as bad the entire time, it was constant. it felt like a stomach ache, chest pains, running cramps, and period cramps all at the same time. breathing was like i'd been holding my breath underwater for ages and couldn't catch it again. it went on all night until i took an ibuprofen and got very high, then it finally eased. when i was smoking, i had a hacking coughing fit that i think shook up my lungs and cleared me out, and i also had a laughing fit when i was high and watching youtube that also definitely did something to help in terms of muscle pain. it was the opposite of laughing until you're sore lmao. i'm okay now after a weekend of free-balling it with absolutely no sports bras or any compression and doing some yoga to stretch it out, but christ that was so much pain i was freaked out. and i have a decent pain tolerance! i've been hit by 2 cars, i severed a finger once, i've done combat sports on and off my whole life! i'm never making that mistake again.
the night i was rolling around in pain, my girlfriend wanted to check something. i just happened to have my rib and chest measurements in my phone from when i bought the new binder, so my girlfriend measured me again to check to see just how badly i fucked up, and i went from being 27" around my ribs to being 32" (i'm gonna make these lats into wings) and my chest went from 31" to being 34". my girlfriend just laughed and she just said "you're bulking up too much babe, it's a good problem to have"
submitted by sorryforthecusses to ftm [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:28 bostonmovingcompany Mastering Your Move: Essential Moving Tips for 2024

Mastering Your Move: Essential Moving Tips for 2024
Imagine this: You’re standing in your soon-to-be-former living room, surrounded by boxes stacked high and memories lingering in the air. The excitement of a new beginning mingles with the stress of the impending move. But fear not, because in this article, we’re bringing you the ultimate moving tips for 2024. From practical packing hacks to emotional strategies for navigating the transition, we’ve got you covered.
Moving tips for 2024:
Plan Ahead with Precision:
The key to a successful move lies in meticulous planning. Start by creating a detailed timeline outlining tasks such as decluttering, packing, hiring movers, and notifying utility companies. Allocate specific dates for each task to stay organized and avoid last-minute chaos.
Declutter and Donate:
Moving presents the perfect opportunity to declutter your belongings and lighten your load. Take stock of your possessions and separate items into categories: keep, donate, sell, and discard. Donate gently used items to local charities or host a garage sale to turn clutter into cash.
Pack Strategically:
When it comes to packing, efficiency is paramount. Invest in quality packing supplies such as sturdy boxes, bubble wrap, packing tape, and markers. Pack room by room, labeling boxes clearly with their contents and destination room to streamline the unpacking process at your new home.
Protect Your Valuables:
Certain items, such as fragile heirlooms, electronics, and important documents, require extra care during transit. Wrap delicate items in bubble wrap or packing paper and secure them in labeled boxes. Consider purchasing insurance for valuable items to provide added peace of mind.
Stay Connected:
In the midst of the chaos, it’s essential to stay connected with your support system. Lean on friends and family for emotional support and practical assistance throughout the moving process. Communicate openly with your moving company to ensure a smooth and stress-free experience.
Prepare Your New Space:
Before moving day arrives, take time to prepare your new home for your arrival. Clean and disinfect surfaces, change the locks for added security, and set up essential utilities such as electricity, water, and internet. Create a welcoming environment by arranging furniture and personalizing the space to make it feel like home from day one.
Important tips: Tips for Efficient Unpacking
In conclusion, embarking on a move can be both exciting and daunting, but with the right strategies and support, you can navigate the process with confidence. At Premium Q Moving and Storage, we understand the challenges of moving and are here to help you every step of the way. From expert packing and transportation to secure storage solutions, we move lives, not things. Contact us today to learn more about how we can make your move a seamless and stress-free experience.
Contact Your Favorite Local Movers
Experience a seamless moving experience with Premium Q Moving and Storage as your favorite local movers. Get your personalized quote:
Unlock a seamless journey to your new home with our unparalleled moving services. From meticulous packing to expert transportation, trust us to elevate your move to new heights. Say hello to stress-free moving and goodbye to hassle with our top-tier solutions.
submitted by bostonmovingcompany to u/bostonmovingcompany [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:15 Wakinghours Nuclear detonations and The Control System

Jacque Vallee proposed the Control System Theory to describe how They, the Controllers, regulate the system, ie. our general reality, to a desired outcome. If someone were to say, break one of the input/outputs in the system, it could trigger intervention, which is what I postulate nuclear weapons to be doing.
A control system is a means of providing a desired outcome, or result from a set of conditions. Some control systems are simple and regulate material processes, while others are vast and pertain to social, spiritual, or cultural outcomes. A control system is about effecting the desired objective.
Before we go into nuclear weapons and little green men, let's look at a simpler example with our financial markets. Let's say Robinhood is a Control System, trying to create a "stable" marketplace to maximize stock trading and revenue for their own interests. When people create random events like meme stocks, they are in effect triggering Robinhood, the Controller, to intervene to stop these trades. The "free market" is an illusion that only works within the rules set forth.
Suppose there's a similar Control System to develop ecosystems like earth, which regulates itself in an optimal range of parameters. Then one day, the wild hairless apes started hacking rocks at a subatomic level, rendering large areas ff the zoo uninhabitable.
This destabilization forces the Controllers to intervene; ie pull in the "Hand of God," that appears to us as sightings and close encounters. There then develops a relationship between Controllers and the Controlled. Whether this relationship is revelation, a wildlife preserve, a zoo, or darker...we don't know. But it seems like the system has variable response mechanisms.
submitted by Wakinghours to aliens [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 20:10 fixtheblue [Discussion] A Darker Shade of Magic by V.E. Schwab - Chapters Five through Eight

Thank you u/luna2541 for leading us through the first section of A Darker Shade of Magic. I'll be your host for the second check-in. Below is a (not particularly) brief summary. There are prompt questions in the comments. Feel free to answer none, some, all, or add your own questions or comments.
If you need it the schedule is here and the marginalia is here. Spoilers from this book should be avoided and spoilers from other books or media must be behind spoiler tags. Use the following format to hide text > !your spoiler goes here! < (but without the spaces).
Lets head on over to "Grey London, which is yours. Red London, which is mine. White London, which is Holland’s. And Black London, which is no one’s."


  • I - Lila follows three street rats who steal from an urchin to whom she had just given some change.
  • II - The letter delivery is a set up. The paper is blank. Kell feels the magic before a shadow jumps him.
  • III - Lila waits for the rats to seperate before jumping one only for the other 2 to return. The recognise her as The Shadow Thief. She escapes.
  • IV - Kell races to Ruby Fields losing his ambusher(s). The stolen parcel contains a stone engraved with the Antari word Vitari meaning magic. Kell hears someone approaching though no one should be aware of the room. The fabric the stone was wrapped in contained a tracing spell. Kell jumps out of the window to escape but is followed by a man with a X scar on his hand denoting him a cutthroat or traitor. He carries an enchanted blade of the royal guard and demands Kell surrender. Kell is wounded by this blade and so his own magic will not work. Instead he unintentionally taps into the stones magic to stop one assailant. The other he kills with his knife.
  • V - Kell can't use blood magic to travel to Grey London. In a panic he taps the stone and makes the jump where he is robbed by a girl in men's clothing. She took the stone!


  • I - The magic Kell used on the cutthroat from the black stone invades him and there is "just enough [life] left" in the body. It begins to move....
  • II - Lila returns to her room disappointed with her discovery that she only managed to steal a useless broken stone when Kell appears demanding it back. Kell collapses.
  • III - Kell is tied to the bed but relieved to feel his magic has returned. He dramatically burns his bindings away. Lila uses the stone's magic before Kell is able to subdue her by trapping her wrist in the wall. Kell leaves via the window.
  • IV - Lila hacks her hand free then tosses the sword she conjured out the window. Booth, a drunk man leaving the tavern, finds it. The hand holding it seems to take on a life of its own. It stabs the sword into Booth's body. The blood in his veins turning black and spreading through his body and turning both eyes black.


  • I - Holland appears to Lila and with threats forces her to call Kell. Kell comes and orders Lila to run.
  • II - Kell had sensed Holland's magic before hearing Lila's cry out. The two Antari fight and Holland manages to best Kell taking the stone and using its magic. Kell's blood begins oozing out of his body while chains hold him in place. Lila returns just in time. She disables Holland with a blow to the head then uses the stone to free Kell. Lila chains Holland's body using the stone. With help she manages to get Kell onto a cot just before he passes out.
  • III - Lila had dragged Kell back to The Stone's Throw in the rain. She burnt herbs to mask the magic smell. Lila confessed to Barron she had taken him as a mark. Filling him in on the evening's events. Kell sleeps while Lila worries and wonders.


  • I - Kell wakes feeling awful, but noting his wounds were almost healed even though it had only been a few hours. Lila had used a salve on the wounds she had found in one of his pockets. Kell explains about the different worlds and sources of magic such as the Thames. He tells her how the worlds diverged and Black London got cut off. The black stone is pure vitari without humanity or harmony. It must be destroyed, but that would be impossible. Therefore the only solution is to take it back to Black London to prevent it being misused. Kell can use the stone as a token to make a door to Black London, but it must be from White London. Lila wants to come with him on his mission. Kell relents though it is forbidden for Lila to travel between worlds. Lila leaves her valuables and they sneak out of the tavern
  • II - They head through the slowly waking Grey London streets to where Kell has a door to Red London. Lila removes the stone from its hiding place in her hat and after planting a kiss on Kell's lips they try to pass from Grey to Red London.
  • III - Barron wakes to the sounds of footsteps above in Lila's room. Armed with a shotgun he investigates. From Lila's description he knows the intruder is Holland and shoots him without hesitating. Holland saves himself with magic then slits Barron's throat.
Join u/maolette next week for chapters Nine through Eleven. III.
"The world sits in balance,” said Kell, “humanity in one hand, magic in the other. The two exist in every living thing, and in a perfect world, they maintain a kind of harmony, neither exceeding the other. But most worlds are not perfect"
submitted by fixtheblue to bookclub [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:45 Reasonable_Winner_90 Snapchat hack - Legit hacker

This guy can hack almost any Snapchat account with no payment up front.
You will only pay after he shows video proof of him going into the account you asked for.
You can also get it for free if you invite a certain amount of people.
submitted by Reasonable_Winner_90 to snapscorespam [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:32 Relative-Obscurity I ended up in the Lost and Found at the end of the train tracks. And I was the only one to make it out alive.

Link to original nosleep post:
It was around 2am on a Thursday, when I must have dozed off on the subway, after a double shift at work.
I had done it a few times before, always waking up to the bright lights of the subway car just a few stops too far, only to have to hop off and wait for a train going back in the other direction.
But this time, I woke up to...
What the? Where am I? I thought to myself, before inspecting my surroundings.
And as my eyes adjusted, I realized that I was still on the train car, its lights turned off, parked at the end of the line.
I hopped out of my seat and ran to the doors, but they were all locked.
So I started pounding on them and screaming, "Help! Help!"
And after a minute of silence...
...I saw a bouncing light approaching.
To my relief, it was a train worker, wearing a yellow vest and carrying a flashlight, as he walked along the platform outside.
I kept yelling louder and louder, until he must have finally noticed me, shining his flashlight through the window and directly into my face.
"Help! Please!" I called out, as he reached into his pocket, removed a set of keys, and opened the doors.
"Thank you!" I cried out, so happy to be rescued that I nearly gave him a great big hug.
"Got yourself lost, did you?" The train worker asked, as he finished relocking the doors and turned back to me.
He was a tall, older man, with a heavy build and a weathered face.
"Yeah, I must have fallen asleep." I replied, before surveying my surroundings...
...Sure enough, I was at the end of the line after all. All around us, I saw countless darkened trains lined up along different tracks, and not a soul in sight.
"Wow, I've never seen the end of the line before." I said, distracted by the sight.
"Not many have. No reason to really." He replied.
"Fair point. So... what's the best way to get out of here?"
"Oh , don't worry, I'll escort you out. Wouldn't want you getting lost twice in one night." He chuckled.
"Thank you. I really appreciate it."
"Right this way." The train worker said, as he guided me down the platform and into an adjacent building that presumably led to the street.
But when we got inside, it started to feel as though he was leading me further into the structure.
"Um, isn't that the way out?" I asked nervously, pointing to a hallway with a neon red exit sign.
"Last I checked, you were the one who got lost. Trust me." He reassured me.
A minute or so later, when we still hadn't left the building, I stopped and asked, "Seriously. Where are you taking me?"
"To the lost and found." He said, his face betraying no emotion.
"Lost and found?"
"Trust me. You'll see."
In that moment, I knew something was off, and, looking back at it, I should have made a run for it right then and there...
...But for some reason, I wanted to know what he meant, and decided to keep following him.
And when we arrived at our destination, I finally understood what he meant by "lost and found."
There, at the end of the hallway, was a large cage, containing about ten poor souls, each of which looking sickly, emaciated, and exhausted.
"This is the lost and found." The train worker said, before opening the door and gesturing for me to enter.
A wave of panic washed over me, and I tried to run away...
...But he immediately caught my shoulder, dragged me back over, and tossed me into the cage...
...Before slamming its door and walking away.
I looked around at the others, to find them simply sitting there in silence, staring at me.
Only one of them had the energy to greet me. "Welcome to the end."
He was a thin, bald man, wearing a suit that must have been new when he got here, but was now tattered.
"The end of what?" I asked.
"Of the train tracks. And, well... everything else, I suppose." He explained.
"What in the world goes on here?" I asked, still shaking in fear.
"All we know is that every day or two, he brings someone to the cage, and they pick one of us to take away. What happens after that, is anyone's guess... because no one's ever come back."
"Wait, what?"
"Oh, and I'm Phil by the way."
"Nice to meet you, Ryan. Sorry it had to be under these circumstances."
I spent the rest of the night lying silently in the cage, curled up in its far corner in fetal position, until I eventually passed out from exhaustion.
Sure enough, when I woke up the next day, the train worker had returned with a stranger, just as Phil had warned.
"Pick one." Our captor said to the nondescript man, who turned to the cage, and took a good look at every single one of its prisoners...
...Before taking a moment to decide.
Please not me. Please not me. I thought to myself, as I tried to lessen my posture, and did my best to hide away in the back of the cage.
And then, the stranger made his decision...
"I'll take that one."
...Pointing to someone in the front.
Phew. I thought to myself, before feeling sorry for the poor sucker.
The train worker then opened the door to the cage, pulled the unlucky prisoner out, locked the door again, and carried the chosen man off down the hallway.
My strategy of hiding myself away in the back of the cage, and thus avoiding getting picked, had worked.
So I stuck to that plan, every couple days or so, when the train worker returned with a new stranger.
But eventually, the number of prisoners began to dwindle, and one night, one of the men that the train worker brought to the cage...
...Chose me.
At least I'll finally know where they've been taking them. I thought to myself, before the train worker grabbed me by the collar, and dragged me down the hallway with the man.
A little while later, we arrived at a small room, which at first, appeared to be covered in paint...
...But I quickly realized that it wasn't paint at all, but instead a collage of splattered blood, caked on to its once white walls.
The room was otherwise quite sparse, containing only a table at its center...
...And what appeared to be a rack full of weapons in one corner.
Fuck. This is the end.
"Now what?" The stranger asked the train worker, as he gave me a strange look.
"You kill him. That's what." My captor replied.
"But I've never done this before." The man said, nervously.
"Here," The train worker said, before grabbing an ax from the rack and handing it to him. "Try this. It's a favorite."
The stranger took the ax in both of his hands, then looked back at me.
He was a short, rather unimposing man, with glasses and a bald spot.
Had he not already volunteered it was his first time, I would have guessed it anyway, as I could see his teeth chattering, and his hands shaking.
"Here let me get him for you." The train worker said, noticing the stranger's hesitation. He then walked over, picked me up, and threw my torso down onto the table, holding me down, as I flailed my arms, attempting to break free. "Well go on. Do it!"
"Uh... I don't know if I can." The man replied.
"Well just start with one body part then. It'll warm you up. You'll be surprised."
The stranger hesitated for a moment, before taking a step back, then running over, swinging the ax high above his head, and bringing it down on my arm... hacking it clean off.
I started screaming and wailing, as the train work nodded in approval. "Great job. Now finish him off!"
But when he turned back, the stranger was just standing there with wide eyes, in disbelief of what he had just done, ax dangling from his hands. "I... I... I... can't do it."
"Of course you can!" The train worker encouraged, a hint of frustration in his voice, as I nearly passed out on the table, blood pouring out of my amputated arm.
"I'm sorry I can't." The stranger replied, dropping the ax to the floor.
"What do you mean you can't? You paid for this. He's yours. Do it!"
"No, just give me my money back, I don't want to do it anymore."
"But he's no good to me now! You cut his arm off. He's used goods! No one's gonna pick him now." The train worker screamed.
"I don't know." The man whimpered, still torn about what to do next.
"Well make a decision, he's bleeding out all over the table!"
"I'm sorry, I can't! Keep the money!" The stranger finally said, before letting himself out of the room and running off down the hallway.
"Motherfucker." The train worker said to himself, before looking down at me.
But rather than kill me, he instead removed a flamethrower from the rack and torched my arm, cauterizing the wound and knocking me out in the process.
I woke up the next day in the back of the cage with gauze wrapped around what was left of my arm, in the most extreme pain I'd ever felt, save for the pain that I'd felt the day before.
"Take these." The train worker said, tossing me a bag of painkillers through the bars of the cage.
And then it was...
...Back to business as usual, as he continued to bring strangers to the cage every couple days.
But from that point forward, just as the train worker had suspected, whenever he brought them by...
...No one wanted me.
"What about that one?" He would always suggest to the stranger, pointing to me, as I lay there, lifeless and armless in the back.
But every time, the strangers would always decline, saying things like, "No thanks. Looks like someone already had a go at him. I want a fresh one."
As time went on, and more and more people got picked, eventually only Phil and I remained.
"We made it pretty far." My best, and now only, friend in the cage said one night. "Looks like I'm next."
"Don't say that." I said, "There's still hope."
"Hope?" Phil replied.
I stood up, walked over to the cage door, and began to push as hard as I could, before calling back to him. "Help me push it!"
Phil did as I asked, and together, we tried our best to push and push, but the lock was too strong, and ultimately, the door never budged from its hinges.
The next day, when the train worker brought a stranger by and asked him to choose between Phil and myself, I raised my hand and volunteered to go, attempting to buy Phil another day.
But they scoffed at the unsettling condition of my body, and chose my best friend instead, dragging him away down the hallway as he looked back at me and smiled.
And then it was down to me. The one that no one wanted.
I was so unwanted, in fact, that it nearly drove the train worker mad, after having repeatedly failed to get rid of me, over and over and over again.
On one such day, after a stranger had stopped by and left empty handed, the train worker started screaming at me from outside the cage. "You're a pathetic and useless excuse for a prisoner! I should have let you die that day, instead of saving you."
"Well if you had others, you wouldn't have to blame me now would you?" I replied. "What happened to your once steady supply of victims?"
"Beats me. Maybe someone figured it out. Or maybe victims just ain't in season right now."
"Sounds like a supply chain issue to me."
"Maybe. But I'm still left with the question. What do I do with you?"
"Let me go."
"Well I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"'Cause you know too much. Where this place is. What I look like."
"I promise, if you let me go, I won't turn you in. I'll just forget about it."
"Yeah, yeah. That's what they all say. Easy to say now. Then once you're free you start thinking about this place. Thinking of me. And want retribution for what happened to you. Next thing I know, there's a swat team at my door."
"Besides, I can't just let you go. The bosses wouldn't be too happy about that."
"You know, the people that hired me."
"Hired you? Someone hired you to do this? Who?"
"You think I know? And even if I did, they made me sign an NDA."
"Okay fine don't tell me. Just let me go."
"Nope. If no one takes you in the next week, I'm gonna do it myself."
Sure enough, a week went by without any takers, and the train worker came walking up to the cage, with a smile on his face.
"I'm a man of my word. It's time to put you out of your misery." He said, opening the door and dragging me off, down the hallway, and back into the small room with the table and weapons rack.
When we stepped inside, the train worker instructed me to sit on the table in the center of the room, facing a very specific direction.
"Now don't look back. But the security camera behind you is recording everything. But only video. So if you want to get out of here, I want you to do exactly as I say." He began.
"Um... okay." I replied, not entirely sure where he was going with it.
"Now I'm going to grab a knife from the rack. Then I'm gonna come back over here, and pretend to stab you. After that happens, all I need you to do is play dead. And then I'll carry you out of here, and leave you in the dumpster. You'll wait until dark, at which point in time you can crawl out of it and run away from here. Understood?"
"I guess. But wait. Why are you doing this?"
I shouldn't have asked, but I needed to know.
"Cause I'm getting transferred." The train worker replied, "This lost and found's not meeting their quota. They’re sending me to another and decommissioning this one."
"Wait. There's more of these?" I asked, trying to wrap my mind around what he had just said.
"Yeah. Lots of them."
"But why not just free me? What's with the theatrics?"
"Cause they told me to finish you off. And they're watching."
"And why not just kill me then? Not that I want that."
"Cause I ain't no killer, kid. A facilitator maybe, but I don't got it in me to go through with it myself."
"Uh... I don't know what to say. Thank you?"
"Don't mention it. Now, before we commence. Any other questions."
"Yeah," I said, looking him in the eye. "What's your name?"
"Dave." He said, with a smile.
"Nice to meet ya, Ryan. And apologies for the arm, and what you went through here. It's just business."
"Sure," I said with a smile of my own, as I began to realize that I probably had Stockholm Syndrome.
Nevertheless, I trusted him, and went along the plan in full, and he was, as he had promised, a man of his word.
Later that day, as soon as I saw the daylight turn to darkness through the crack between the garbage bin and its lid, I did as he instructed, crawling out of the dumpster and running as fast as I could to the nearest sign of civilization... a gas station a few streets away.
After I told my story to the police, they raided the building at the end of the line, but just as my captor had told me, the place had been fully decommissioned, its cage removed and blood-splattered room now clean.
It took me a little while to get readjusted to the outside world, the real world again, and acclimated to life with just one arm, but I got good at typing with one hand pretty quick.
Now whenever I take the train, I set an alarm for the time it'll take me to get to my stop, even though I know I could never fall asleep on the train again.
And every now and then, when I look at the subway map and see the last stop, I think about Dave, and wonder where all those other lost and found locations might be.
submitted by Relative-Obscurity to relativeobscurity [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:18 Phat_Assets EbonyPrince2K24 - All Tweets

EbonyPrince2K24 - All Tweets
For those that do not have Twitter or for those crazy enough to read this front to back. It's a long post, sorry. This is every tweet from newest to oldest. Goodluck K-Anons
Last Tweet: May 13,2024 12:00 EST
I wonder what it will be...
My eyes are not trained to determine age. They are trained to decipher adult from adolescent. Young Theodore made changes to how we monitored youngins... 7/27/2023
You were warned at so many turns...
And just when I thought the saga was over, and you mockingly switched over to The Aman, what do you do? You come out and ridicule someone I truly admired. Backseet Freestyle..... Nigga! "Martin had a dream. Martin had a dream"...
Anywhere I've worked can attest to the fact that I do my job to the letter of the law (once there...). That's what makes me amongst the most in demand in the city. How many times should I have allowed you to inderectly affect my livelihood???
What this means is that I am obligated under NYS Law to report any questionable activity regarding the humans this law covers...
Now to this...
I started this asking you and your little friend to humble yourselves. You realize that no one has stopped me right? That's because everyone is in agreeance!
They like the money, not you! And that goes for everyone and everything around you!
But it is America after all, and Cash will always be King. In spite of what asshole it comes from.
Now while you have that lens on your eye, Do you see the foolery??? The regulars there could buy you 100 times over, yet your staff will try and move them out they way. Do you see the insanity???
At first I was annoyed that when the new 3rd party company took my department I was provided with no company information, not even an employee handbook. Than I realized, well whatever. I have signed no agreements to anything, so lets see how this plays out.
You leave a wake of annoyance and stress in your path that makes most people's' skin crawl... On top of costing people to be fired, costing people to resign, and nearly costing me to be arrested (all in the lawsuit against young Theodore from earlier)...
Doing shit like "be there in 10" than show up in "2" Than wanna complain about preparation.
Than enter you... With a goon squad that pushes the service providers who are trying to assist out of the way. Once banging one in the head thinking he was a pap. Being nasty to all the staff...
If not, I challenge you to look through another lens. Imagine having to service actual Monarchs - Kings, Queens, Princes, and Princesses. Presidents, and Heads of State from all over the world with assets in the trillions on a daily basis...
To that point, Are you a Billionaire yet? I wouldn't know.
Simply trashing everything was not feasible as some of the items were extremely expensive. It is after all "The Billionaires Playground"...
It was placed with the other High Value Lost and Found in a safe under a camera, FOR THREE MONTHS...
But you are you, so it was not trashed. Not YOUR stuff. Nobody wanted to hear no bullshit...
Sooooo much emphasis on that little bag, and whether or not it shipped, that the "big bag" was picked through and tossed to the side with these instructions: "We only needed that, the rest is trash"...
We all occasionally slip though. I have throughout this story while fending off hacking attempts, threats (against me and my House members), and more. However, you or your team slipped flat faced after you departed that time...
By now, you should have come to the conclusion that I am quite meticulous in my methods...
I was in disbelief at this claim of theft, considering how the items came to remain in that building. I kept thinking back to: 7/27/2023
But I digress. After the meeting in the office, I later contacted Ms. Edward. All files regarding any items in my possession were transferred over to her, so that if I am ever detained for possession of stolen property, my attorney has the proof of chain of custody...
We are all collectively gatekeeping our shit now. ALL OF IT!!! You know, like how you all do yours...
You see, in the 1920's the movement was called "The New Negro Movement". Here in the 2020's, this is "The New Nigga Movement". hard "e.r."s will get you sent to the "e.r.", Quickly...
Let me ask a question. You all call us niggers, and niggas right? Do you know what we call you???
They are Not Like Us...
Now where ws I???
This is why it goes "Not Like Us". I thought you all were smart???
That's how things work in your home country, Not this one. Not the Land My Ancestor Built the Improvements Upon...
This shall make it abundantly easy to acquire a carry permit now...
You men were asked for nothing both the truth, Refused to do so, and now you think you will harrass and harm me??? Thanks for letting the world know, Idiot...
So Mr. Allen likes to make threats publicly huh???
I was informed that the statements made by DJ Akademiks had also been relayed to her (cause you know the pocket watchers are always hating). I was informed that I should speak with an attorney, because being associated with items declared stolen may have negative consequences...
I was elated to say the least! That elation was broken quote swiftly by one of the managers. She called me into the office and began an inquisition into how the items were obtained.
You see, as a Prince and because of my chosen profession, I speak the unspoken language of royalty. In Black America, there is a common saying, that: "What's understood, ....."
That means, it was no secret to my closest colleagues that all of these items were long in my posession. So last Monday, when I finally was shown "Meet The Grahams" in the employee cafeteria, I instantly understood the assignment...
Lost and Found is a well known and looked foward to perk of Hospitality. It is the incentive to thoroughly perform your duties in the hopes that one mans trash, negligence, or kind gesture may turn into a treasure for you.
You see, the minute you said stolen... You introduced a dilemma in my world. More specifically, my professional world...
And lots of them...
Dear Aubrey, Did you really think this was all about a shirt and some scripts??? This was about DIAMONDS! Time for some hard truths... (VIDEO) https://x.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789951005037125869
I will never forget this...
Don't forget this though... 11/9/2024
To all the bloggers who still assume to know something. You all are apart of the problem, which hopefully this exposes as well. This conversation is between associates that none of you know. Shut the fuck up and watch the show...
While we may not be wealthy, What we lack in finances, We make up for in spades with resources...
Let us all ponder for a moment. Imagine how perfectly the stars had to align for all of these events and people to intersect. This is Divine...
Here on the biggest platform available, we salute you. Our LIVING FOUNDING Father Mr. Larry Praylow Ebony!!! You have weathered all storms, epidemics, and pandemics while standing firm. Today you get to smell the worlds bouquets and vindication!!!
Now as the day turns, and the clock counts down, how can I not honor this man. Your strength and fortitude gave rise to a network that spans the globe. Your leadership and ingenuity have carried the House and the Scene through. It's time for some bigger flowers...
On this Mother's Day We, the House of Ebony, bid a Heavenly Holiday to our Founding Mother Richard Sears Ebony!!! In HER immortal words: Ebony Power, Ebony Power, Ebony Power!!!
Were it not for the rapport I had with these guys, I wouldn't have even got that. Luckily for me, that was a breeze. There was no need to call Ms. Edward again...
When Officer Viola, and his partner Officer Wilt***** entered my booth, they informed me that since there was a complainant present who alleged assault, they would have to take me in unless they saw footage of otherwise. I than had to locate said footage while encircle by them...
Someone asked, how to make it stop? 5 Words: "King Kendrick got the number" and his team too. As well as a quite riveting e-mail that would send shivers down your spine...
Now back to the story...
I'll just leave these here in case we must get to that story tomorrow. That second picture is the one nobody there even knew...
Sorry for the hiatus. Emergency House Meeting with the Elders. The consensus??? KEEP GOING...
I've stood next to you in the rain to keep the paps and fanatics away. I became "essential" during your stays, having to cancel vacations and all to ensure things like this didn't happen... (VIDEO) https://x.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789683018480709696
And now for the NYPD verifiable portion of the story... I was almost arrested while at work for reasons regarding your accomodations. NYPD Officer Viola recieved a CCRB complaint and hearing regarding keeping you from said protestors. Did you ever see Larry there???
Now where were we? July 2023 right??? Hey C.C. do you love me? You should do better investigatimg yourself. How could this be Larry? He left NYC in the 90's and lives in TEXAS... Yet he simultaneoulsy worked on 77th Street for two years...
Tune in later...
Does the Rabbit Hole need to go deeper? I've only unzipped the small part of my napsack...
To be honest. I thought you were gonna at least say you were mistaking by now, but okay. I only wanted to go with the story most know about, because.... Well, you know...
Now back to the story. Your guys' interruptions are throwing me off track.
You made history that night brother. And hey Ms. Lisa Raye Ebony. You see there are a great many Ebony's in your industry. Most industries actually...
"It will be served at Sub-Zero temperatures". https://t.co/Kl7gWGjRlt
Rest in Peace to Our Godfather Mr. Damien Michael a.k.a. Jihad Ebony. May both your family's smile on this Mother's Day.
48 Laws of Power. This is why we must always treat others nicely. You never know with whom your dealing...
Rest in Peace to Mr. Michael K. Williams, a.k.a. Mike Ebony. May both your families smile on this mother's Day. You see Omar wasn't a character. He was the embodiment of everything that is E.B.O.N.Y...
Your teams are applying pressure, I can't lie. Big ups to Mr. Allen and the Jamaican connection (he told me a few more crawled through that hole in Jacumba). But in The House of Ebony, we use pressure to make diamonds in the form of Legends, Icons, and Pioneers...
Better humans have left far more valueble things, and the process remains the same. You get a call, e-mail, or text about lost items. Either pickup, shipment, or disposal is arranged
The other was from the Bronx, and well on his way to becoming a "Blue H.E.N.R.Y." https://www.youtube.com/watch?si=gz8f7iMaTM7CwVg8&v=Ldx29DRx-XY&feature=youtu.be
One was from Texas. He loved cowboy boots, guns, and horses. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSIQi2wMbbI
1 Year 3 Months 22 Days Those were good men. Ever heard of an "Ebony Scandal"? Well welcome to the game...
"My lawyer's so good" Thank you for keeping me free and always staying on top of things. Who is Ms. Adrienne Edwards you ask... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ILCMQ0bYgc
Rest In Peace to the modern Godfather of Black America. Tonight would've been another good one I'm sure. He only meant well, and was well received by many...
Subpar service is not in line with the Forbes standards. Thats what you pay for. So why would you think there would be no proof...
This is why I tell companies I don't conduct company business on my personal cell phone. But since you're so finicky, they insisted I install WhatsApp...
I'm not an extortionist, or career killer. I am a Black American Capitalist. You have inserted yourself in between me and my money. Move! Humble yourself and tell the truth...
"God's Plan" Funny how that works, isn't it...
Don't y'all forget now. November 9th, 2024 Auction of Items before the Ball starts...
(Blood Vol 46 "THE GAME" Poster)
Yet, 6 months later the circus returned... https://nypost.com/2023/08/04/theodore-weintraub-accused-of-smear-campaign-against-the-mark-hotel-says-hes-sobe
How do we know you're "Not Like Us"??? We never come back after we curse out the service providers...
What Nino Said??? Children of Harlem Stand Up! P.S.: "We Don't Wanna Hear You Say Nigga No More" Nor any of the rest of you foreign culture appropriating savages... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5BAwg7_3Mxk
Two Black American Men became unemployed at this exact moment. And you made an enemy...
Had you not lied, I would've just waited until you died to sell my goods...
Push Ups. Really? Should've kept that to yourself...
You're blocking my money with your lies, so you have forced me to get it another way...
You've had many things discarded on your behalf over the years. I wonder if you can remember them all...
To Mr. Aubrey Graham (@Drake), may this photo help jog your memory as to where you discarded those items. The issue in the photo should also jog your memory. Jimmy Brooks would not have been proud of you that night...

1. King Kendrick Lamar

is not a liar, and I am not a thief!

2. Mr. Aubrey Graham (@Drake) & Mr. Livingston Allen (@Akademiks) have until noon Monday 5/13/24 to retract your claims of theft, or my attorney Ms. Adrienne Edward and I will exhaust every legal option available. (VIDEO) https://x.com/EbonyPrince2k24/status/1789092657794371766

First Tweet May 10, 2024

submitted by Phat_Assets to DarkKenny [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 19:08 Hairy_Paramedic_9392 Positive Monday Post

Hey everyone!
It’s not often I post in here, but when i do it’s always serious and never sarcastic. i’m currently enjoying the state of the game right now. what state is that you ask? well, my account is banned. absolutely pooped on some ranked pc kids one match and then one of them hacked my account, added cheats, and got it terminated.
You may think I am mad, but that is not the case. Allowing hackers to run the community adds a new skill gap to the game imo. The need to tighten up defensively on and off the map are at an all time high.
But i’m not here to talk about myself. there’s much more positive changes i believe are sending the game to new heights. Rather than put them all in a dense paragraph format, i’ll just write them out.
1) Match disconnects and SR loss are alive and well. It would be too easy and predictable to simply load into a game and play. The constant “am i gonna load in on time?” and “why is my screen frozen” keeps the squad on their toes!
2) The constant changing spawns/maps/metas are PERFECT for a professional environment. This makes sure no teams have a flushed out strategy. If we’re lucky, the meta will still be in the works come champs!
3) Online matches and connectivity issues continue to be a staple of the pro scene. You thought your pick’ems were a lock? guess you didn’t check the forecast, high ping all across the metro area. adds a little extra spice to viewership and competition!
I’ll take a break for now, just as i do during control map 3 and the numerous technical timeouts (more free time=more happiness).
Hope everyone is hyped up for the next major! Go Green! Woo!
submitted by Hairy_Paramedic_9392 to CoDCompetitive [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 17:21 FarmerRemote9850 Stick War 3 v2024.3.1739 MOD APK (Unlimited Money, Free Soldiers)

Stick War 3 v2024.3.1739 MOD APK (Unlimited Money, Free Soldiers)
Name Stick War
Publisher Max Games Studios
Genre Strategy
Size 324M
Version 2024.3.1739
MOD Unlimited Money, Free Soldiers
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
Also Join us on telegram
The Order Empire defeated King Zarek and his brother Zilaros the Royal Hand of the Chaos Empire. You learn of Medusa’s demise as a group. Discovering what’s hidden in her stronghold will be a once-in-a-lifetime adventure. You will benefit from forethought and conflict.


The struggle for dominance continues in Inamorta, a society that places a high value on weaponry. The original cast members of “The Classic Nations” are all still active and doing well. In addition to the Swordwrath, the Speartons, the Archidons, the Magikill, and the Giants, a large number of other nations, each of which has its specific method of combat, ranging from straightforward farmers to very effective warriors that deal splash damage.

Eclipsers are flying bat-like monsters that shoot arrows from the sky and serve as the Chaos Empires’ ranged unit. These are just a few ways Shadowrath employs their ninja assassin abilities. Stick War 3 follows in the footsteps of Arrayed, whereas many other mobile action games focus on either throat-slashing action or mind-hacking riddles. Because it does not require as many contextual components or intricate 3D modeling as action games, this gameplay is easily adaptable to many models.


In Stick War 3, players must not only set up an array and engage in battle but also build a stronghold appropriate for their army’s capabilities. When the tide of battle has turned against you, this is where you can seek refuge. The player can also amass troops, recruit and train new soldiers, and improve the army’s equipment. The number of bases at your disposal increases your ability to turn the tide of combat.


Stickman army command entails rallying troops based on impromptu strategies, forming battle formations, engaging in combat, and constructing outposts. A military installation. There are two game modes, each with its own primary goal. One strategy for victory in any conflict is fighting hard and fortifying the base. That is true if you are a defender rather than an aggressor and follow the peace love school of thought. The goal of the second strategy, dubbed immediately defeating the powerful force, is to strike like a tornado and destroy the enemy’s monument as quickly as possible, preventing them from mounting a defense. This strategy is frequently used by players who thrive in an aggressive environment.


Stickman soldiers are also a fun and unique addition to Stick War 3. There are six different types of soldiers to pick from. You can choose to be a miner, a swordsman, a soldier, a wizard, a giant, or an archer. When they hear your name, however, they change their tone. You’re correct. Different military branches will have specialized skills (with their disadvantages, of course). Your combat style will influence your decisions about organizing the group effectively. The close-range fighter attacks first, followed by the long-range defender. Alternatively, people rush into war in the hopes of finishing it quickly. This is entirely your choice.


  • Real-time multiplayer strategy game with PVP matches.
  • No “pay for power” system.
  • Players can control any unit at any time.
  • 2v2 matches with the ability to team up with friends.
  • Single-player modes include a massive, expanding campaign and the ability to practice strategies against AI opponents.
  • Customizable armies with a growing selection of unit types, upgrades, and bonuses.
  • Unique enhancements and spells include the “Rune of Reanimation” and “Snow Squall.”
  • Generals from major nations, such as Prince Atreyos and Princess Kytchu, can be added to armies.
  • Customizable battlefield with unique skins, statues, voice lines, and emotes.
  • Live replays that allow players to watch and share games from any player’s view.
  • Expansive campaign with multiple chapters and fully animated comic book cut scenes (in development for early 2022 release).
  • Detailed storyline and immersive world, set in the world of Inamorta where weapons are religion and various nations compete for dominance.
  • A variety of unique nations with their own fighting styles, including Swordwrath, Speartons, Archidons, Magikill, Giants, Sicklewrath, Eclipsors, Shadowrath, and more.
submitted by FarmerRemote9850 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:58 CommercialBee6585 Reborn as a Fantasy General (Army-Building Isekai) Chapter 43

[Previous] [First] [Patreon]
Upon the tallest silo of Fleapit's foundries, a duel was about to break out that would determine the fate of the entire Underkingdom.
Marcus often recalled tales of such duels in the books he loved to peruse as a child – fanciful stories of men and women going off to conquer fantastical realms and slaying dragons or witch covens after proclaiming the inherent purity of the human spirit.
Such tales rouse the hearts of young men. They become the same young men who run off to wars thinking that mass combat will afford them the same kind of moral superiority.
For Marcus - a man trapped in an ugly rendition of one such world - such superiority was a luxury he would never have. Heroes are supposed to bandy words with demons. They are supposed to show their valor in righteous battle.
But the battle that unfolded atop Fleapit's highest point was not honorable. It was not righteous.
Instead, one armored rat brought his vicious halberd to bear against two humanoid snake-hybrids, and the strikes they made were to kill, not to entertain their spectator.
First, the youngling threw Marcus aside and leaped directly for Festicus. The ratman anticipated the attack, shifting his weight to his right to sidestep and cleave the snake-woman from belly to breast. The attack was one of pure, raw strength, but it was one burdened by the heaviness of the creature's weapon. In the moment of impact the young Yokun twirled and slashed at the ratman's exposed neck, her blade coming away with his crimson blood gleaming along its edge.
He staggered, dropping to his knees just in time for the Matron to came at him with her mercy strike.
A strike that he met with his bare teeth.
His head jerked up. His mouth opened in a snarl, and Marcus saw his fangs clamp down on the blade as it entered its throat. The Matron's eyes narrowed as she tried to free the blade, watching the ratman's gums fill with gushing blood as the Wakizashi's edge nicked his tongue. Then, in her moment of pure confusion, his halberd swept the Yokun elder's feet.
Festicus smirked as he felt movement behind him – the youngling spinning in a deadly pirouette that struck for his armored spine. The blessings of He-Who-Festers was with the ratman on this day, for the Yokun's blade merely pierced the outer layer of his armored hide and ripped the metal pieces away, letting them fall in a hail of iron that rained down on the spectators watching the small snippets of the battle they could see below.
The ratman thrust the pole of his weapon back to knock against the ribs of the youngling and push her almost straight off the silo's precarious platform to join the bloody mess that was her sister below.
"MMMHMMM!" Marcus wheezed from his position, still gagged. He couldn't help it. This fight was showing him just how skilled the Marrow rat truly was. And it was telling him that his spirit was still loyal to his Shai-Alud after all.
As Festicus turned to hack away at the thin leathers of young Yeeva's chest, the Matron regained her footing. She sent a flurry of blows angled down at the ratman's armpit joints that struck faster than Marcus's eyes could follow. All he saw, when he blinked, was that Festicus was reeling back, his mouth, elbows, and arms all bleeding profusely, coating the dark metal of the silo in his life fluids.
The Matron brought her youngblood back up to her knees, and both of them angled their blades at the mauled rat before them.
"Sire..Marcus," Festicus groaned, drawing his eyes towards the human huddled at the edge of the bloody platform.
With a single twist of his claws he ripped through Marcus's gag and the human heaved a wail of release.
"Festicus," he said, trying to maintain his commanding tone. "Stand. Down."
"I would listen to your monkey friend," the Matron spat through her smiling lips. "You face two Sisters of the House of Whispers, little cretin. We have slain more of your kind than you can count."
Festicus rose steadily, using his halberd to push up from the floor of the platform as the two Yokun circled, both picking their target that would end the miserable ratman's life.
"Clan Marrow…" he wheezed. "Never…back…down."
He turned to Marcus abruptly after coughing a torrent of dark crimson.
"I will be living…to see…those cannons," he sputtered as he brought his halberd back up, holding it across his chest straight backed and regal, like some Arabian prince's honor guard. "In the name of Clan and King…I will be living…to see…our victory!"
Both women's blades flashed through the air, trailing arcs of brilliant light as they curved to bring death upon the beleaguered ratman.
And the eyes of the rat flew to Marcus's as he swept up his halberd to meet the Matron's strike at his right flank.
The Wakizashi of the youngling flew to cleave through his ribcage to the left, and it would have done so if she had merely followed through.
Instead, Marcus watched as her arm writhed like it had a will of its own. She dropped her weapon and it slid across the platform while she screamed in agony – an animal scream that pierced not only the air, but the ears of her Sister who was taken off balance by the sudden change in her companion's demeanor.
And that opening was all Festicus needed cut right into her waist.
She opened her mouth in a gasp, arms flying to dislodge the blade while the ratman that held it grit his teeth and pushed through her scaled skin with all the force left in his hulking frame.
Marcus watched awestruck as the Matron's torso was cleaved clean through. Her legs flopped beneath the purple-soaked blade of Festicus's halberd while the rest of her body spun in the air, crumbled, and fell back to the platform in a heap of twitching limbs.
"SISTER!" Yeeva screamed, her arms still gyrating with a life of their own as Festicus collapsed to one knee, seeing the ghostly form of someone familiar appear just over the lip of the platform's north face.
"By…the Unclean…" he wheezed. "Could you not be coming…a little…more early?"
The hooded rat man that had his eyes trained on the twitching Yokun before him twisted his face into a smile.
"A Gloomrava of Glumrot isssss coming exxxxxactly when he issssss needing to."
"Look out!"
The shout came from Marcus as his eyes flew to the still spasming Yokun Matron's body. In a macabre display of pure, uncanny willpower, her fingers wrapped round her blade and sent it spinning towards the tiny legs of the newly arrived priest, drawing a cry of agony from him that sounded more like the shrill wailing of the undead than the pained voice of a rat.
Festicus watched his Brother go down and made to rise again to finish off the last female, but this time the Yokun youngling was faster – spurned on by the death of her senior.
She met Festicus' sweeping strike with such fury that the ratman was sent staggering back, and, holding the blade of her Matron in her hand, got the other around the ratman's throat and held him down, her nails penetrating deep into his neck and drawing tiny trickles of blood that traveled through her scaled veins.
"Miserable, scaleless swine!" she railed, pushing her Wakizashi closer and closer to the ratman's face, watching the life in his eyes and strength in his arms gradually fade away to nothing. "Vlitark take the Matriarch! You all die here and now!"
Festicus's arms began to give way. The power to even bite back at the vengeance-filled face of the snake was going – it was draining away like the rest of his blood. It seemed he would have to be satisfied with slaying one of them. An honor most of his Clan would still respect him for, even if it had to be in death…
But before he closed his eyes he saw the Yokra's go wide. He saw the passionate fires of fury die away on her scaled features and then felt the wet spew of her blood that had just spurted from beneath her chest. Both ratman and Yokun looked down to see where her discarded Wakizashi had just penetrated her lower abdomen and, as the blade was twisted, Yeeva finally fell to the side.
And revealed the human standing above her who had just stabbed her in the back.
Festicus wanted to laugh then more than any other time in his life. But, try as he might, all he could manage was a slight smile.
"You truly…are…having the soul…of a rat," he wheezed.
And as Marcus bent down to check the vitals of the ratman, discovering, too late, that there was nothing more to be done, Festicus of Clan Marrow closed his eyes and left the world of the Underkingdom behind.
If you are enjoying Fantasy General, support the story on Patreon to read + 10 advanced chapters
Join the Discord server to keep up with Fantasy General and my other works. Honor the memory of our furry comrade by forging memes or telling me your conspiracy theories.
submitted by CommercialBee6585 to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 16:09 ArtOfMehdiAbdi CotG report + tips for new GM's

CotG report + tips for new GM's
Chariot of the Gods, a GM report. SPOILER ALERT
Side note/ I’m french ! My english isn’t perfect so forgive me for bad writing ^ This Reedit help me so much ! I want to share with you my last playthrought (physically) with you as a huge thanks. Maybe there will be useful things for new GMs.
*My collection : * I have the core rule book, Chariot of the Gods, Destroyer of the worlds and Heart of Darkness.
*Context : * I’m a Tales from the loop and Alien GM (also a DnD player only). Didn’t have so much experience as a GM but i love cinematic scenarios from Free League. Just ran a couple of Tales from the loop, i ran Chariot of the gods (CotG) 2 times (one finished physically, another one didn’t finished online) and Destroyer of the worlds one time (didn’t finished). Last time was like 2 or 3 years ago. My DnD GM (who love Alien) always asked me to GM a session. After months, we finally found the perfect group with other fan friends of the Xenomorph world. Everyone was a DnD player but never touched at Alien Rpg.
We're all profesional artists. My DnD GM (who play Cham) is a 3D artist who sculpt, 3D print and paint. He came the first day with a full sculpture of a Xenomorph (in the pictures) and give one to each player and myself. We were shocked by the quality ! I think it's a great idea, and i started a digital paint (i'm a profesional illustrator) for players for next session. I plan to give them as a poster (work in progress in the pictures).
I don’t like Hope’s last day so much, just played it alone. It’s more mechanical than cinematic and my players are huuuuudge fan of acting. I found that Chariot of god is perfect for a first session because first act is full of “tutorial moment” if you change it a little bit.
The full scenario was around 14 hours of play divided in 2 session. 4 players, one GM. Age between 30 and 40.
*Last week before hell : * We have a private Discord, i send them everything they need to know about the game. A quick history of Alien Rpg and Gaska, the difference beetween Campaign and Cinematic, preroll character you gonna leave at the end, the permanent treat of death, personnal agendas, paranoïa and anger, “you make the scenario”, and i finished my presentation by the famous “i can’t lie to you about your chances, but you have my sympathies”
They asked me more about there character before the Game day. So i wrote a quick introduction about the Montero, the Helium 3 and the contract with Weyland-Yutani. They are at Anchorpoint, doing wathever they want and can roleplay in the discord conversation. In private, i send them a quick introduction of the characters.
Gm side/ The dynamic between MilleDavis (command) and Rye/Cham (workers) works pretty well. On the players side, there's a natural conflict between Miller and Davis at the beginning, but can be resolve during the act ⅔ (depends on players). The friendly first dynamic between Rye (greedy) and Cham (As Lucas) can led to a total chaos at act 3.
Davis (PNJ acted by me) : The pilot who have “little” drugs problems.
Miller (PC) : I tell her Wilson is a jerk who try to act as the person in charge. Sometimes they fight about the leadership, but she is the Montero Crew officer ! (😏)
Wilson (PC) : I tell her Miller is a jerk who try to act as the person in charge. Sometimes they fight about the leadership, but she is the Weyland-Yutani representative ! (😂)
Rye (PC) : I tell him he’s the smartess and Miller always makes dumb decisions. Everybody as better income than him and he can complain about everything.
Lucas/Cham (PC) : He’s a DnD GM and love roleplay. So i let him build a lot of things in the backgound. He faked a condition where he have to take pills at regular hours. He is on the Cronus for 5 years, placed as an hidden agent here by Bionational.
They immediately started to roleplay on discord, like they where in communication but not at the same place. Miller and Wilson started to fight, Rye and Cham to complain. It was perfect 🤌 Wilson asked informations by private messages. Weyland-Yutani respond with few things about the mission.
*RP- DAY : * We started early. I made a quick reminder of the game. I show them the dice mecanics with abilities, competences and stress. I also show them a little combat situation with cards, help form command, etc. For this first game, to emphasize on roleplay, I skipped water, food, encumbrance and stunts. For Stunts, when they rolled multiple succes, i (as a GM) offered them multiple choices. I’m gonna let them choose the stunts for the next scenario (Destroyer of the worlds next month).
I have a simple 1h loop of the Montero for ambiance and a couple of music from various Alien movies depending on situations. I really recommend to NOT play a full ost on random, because it can lead to some calm music in stressful situation and furious music when nothing happens. I acted as a dj. Choose music for mandatory events, and one for every type of encounter (Neomorph, mutant, synthetic and between humans). Having some sound fx helps too. Really effective.
And heeere… weee… go !
Where are we ?
Intro when they quit Anchorpoint. It tell them to shut their eyes and play the Cryosleep music from Alien. I started to described some dreams. “You’re 5 years old, inside the arm of your mother. You’re chilling in a cottage with your dogs. You’re laughing loud with your friend while drinking a fresh and delicious beer… it’s long dream. A very, very long dream”. They waking up. Davis (PNJ) jump from cryotube and looks at medics. She decided to take drug from her suit in front of everybody. Then she goes half naked, with her cloth on the shoulder, in the kitchen to take a coffee.
They almost immediately find out they are lost. Rye looked if anything goes wrong with sensors. Cham looked at Helium 3. Wilson helps with navigation and Miller discusses with mother. I let them roleplay a lot. Everybody start to complain about the others. And when they were really angry i triggered the “DANGER!” event. Davis did a good job (i let Miller do the roll as a “tutorial”). And then, things started to be really interesting.
I let them direct everything and they made smart choices. For this scenario, only one engine was down, because a Space Probe was inside the engine. The pilot explain there’s empty spaceships of W-Y who travel in the unknow for two reasons. 1st, to map the universe with hudge probe, launched to scan new worlds. 2nd, smaller probes who attach wreck ship they encounter on the road. They also saw the problem with communications, vents and reactor. At this point, they were thinking Mu/Th/Er is an ally (wich is fake. She don’t care. Only the mission is important).
2 hours of fantastic roleplay where Miller and Wilson want to go on the ship, but Rye and Cham don’t want to. When they started to act too angry, i looked at the player and tell them “you sounds stressed. Add a stress point”. They laughed really hard (i just add one stress on two players. Don’t abuse on that). Off course, as Davis i join the debate and throw gaz on that burning debate. Finally, the plan is : Miller and Wilson goes to Mu/Th/Er, Rye and Cham takes care of the engine.
The ghost ship
Davis conduct the small ship. When Rye and Cham was on the engine, she start complaining about waiting here. Huuudge debate, but finally she quit and let communication ON when they want to go back to the Montero. Cham/Lucas lied to Rye. He tell him he have pirate friends who can take and sell the Cronus. If he helps him, they split the money in half. Rye hacked the probe and Cham send a message (secretly) to Bionational.
Miller tried the Montero’s captain card on Mu/Th/Er. Nothing. Wilson tried with her own card. It worked. She asked for journal and info. Miller’s waiting at the door with creepy sounds. Rye and Cham asked David to come back… but she didn’t respond. Miller and Wilson heads up to the Montero, found a chill Davis who shut down communication while listening to music and smoke cigarettes. The captain slapped her and asked to do her job.
They bring back Cham and Rye to the Montero. 2h of debate where Cham/Lucas didn’t want to jump in the Cronus. Rye agreed. I suspect my Chal/Lucas was metagaming a lot, with the goal of sending the captain and the W-Y agent on a certain death. I let them deal with that, it was very effective for the scenario. Finally, Miller and Wilson jumped on the Cronus while Cham and Rye was drinking alcool on the Montero. They finally join the crew to help them clean the air scrubbers shaft. Wilson helped and took Eggs samples… which leads to waking up spores in the vents.
Rye, Cham and Wilson are on the Command while Miller try to open the Cryo’s door. Wilson was suspecting Rye and Cham trying to quit them at first opportunity (which is true). She secretly asked Mu/Th/Er to lock the Montero’s door to them. I accepted (😏). The Cronus Crew started to waking up. Wilson ran to join Miller while Cham and Rye didn’t want to move at all. The meeting with the Cronus, fight with the bloodbuster and Miller almost died here. She’s alive but needs to go into a Medipod quickly. Clayton disappeared during the fight, the medic is shocked. End of act one.
Chaos at medilab
Rye and Cham tried to escape the Cronus, but the door was locked. They asked for Davis but… no one. The captain tried too… no one. They asked Mu/The/Er, she said Davis was on the Cronus Medilab without communication. Miller was upset. Everybody meets at the medilab. Rye and Cham arrived first, found Davis who put Clayton on the ground with a punch. They were paranoiak, sure that Davis locked the Montero’s door. They almost killed Davis and Clayton, but Miller, Wilson and the Montero crew came.
At the Medilab, tension was HIGH. Everybody started to suspect everybody. Clayton became a prisoner, Miller and Davis came to the medipod room to heal the captain’s critical injury. They chose the medipod with the mutant. Initiative. Miller protects herself by a smart move, jumping into the medipod. Other players easily killed the monster. Miller secretly asked Mu/Th/Er who locked the Montero’s door. As the captain of the ship, she have access to this information. I secretly answered “Wilson” (😏). Nobody saw, but the medic escaped.
Cham/Lucas and Rye blocked the game by threatening everybody to do what they want, increasing suspicion between PC and NPC. Clayton talks about evac pod in her room, they found the captain card in Lab 1 and heads up in the Mu/Th/Er room. Cham tried again the Montero’s door but it was locked. Miller asked Mu/Th/Er to open, she accepted (after all, Miller is the Montero’s captain 😏).
Cham/Lucas was really nervous, jumped into the Montero and asked everybody to “take the information from the Cronus Mu/Th/Er before getting out of here with the Montero”. He didn’t know it was the perfect sentence to launch the auto-destruction. The 10 minutes after that was one of the best roleplay moments of my life.
Cham became parano, sure someone triggered the event. He locked the door manually. Then tried to stop the autodestruction. Of course, it didn’t worked. Everybody was suspecting Wilson. She said “yes, I locked the door because I don't trust Cham and Rye. But I didn't launched Montero’s destruction”. Rye threatened everybody, the Crew was splitted. Cham didn’t want to move the Montero. I was ready for a TPK, asking Wilson to stop the process. She said “ok, i’ll show you i’m not suspect. Mu/Th/Er, can i stop the Montero’s destruction”? I slowly turned my head, looked inside her soul and said “yes”. I saw despair on here face. TENSION WAS REALLY HIGH !” But at the same time, Davis was working on opening the Montero’s door and asked the ship to quit the zone. As the Pilot, she have all access to that command. Cham was upset. Davis asked him to let her control the ship, and then both quit with the little one to go back into the Cronus. Cham/Lucas killed Davis with a one shot (a really dangerous Combat roll, and a deadly critical injury roll made by Miller 😂). The last minute, Cham said he don’t want to bring back the Montero until Wilson stopped the destruction. Wilson (his girlfriend in real life 😂) said she don’t want to stop the destruction until he bring back the Montero. Everybody started to scream, complain and debate. 3…2…1… and Wilson stopped the auto destruction.
An epic ending where everybody was super tense. Loving the unexpected horror experience we just had. Neomorphs eating popcorn while the crew split. The perfect moment to stop the Act 2. A week of rest before playing the final act.
Panic at reactor’s room
Cham/Lucas liked the character. He was able to end the game by triggering the Montero destruction and quit with the small ship. He's synthetic, so long distance traveling is not a problem for him. He decided to let players finish the game and enjoy, looking at the ending as a silent spectator.
The rest of the crew heads to Deck C. They locked into the storage with black goo (stress + 1 😂). They found Ava. Wilson took the vaccine a week before (and Rye had one in his pocket). She explained the side effect, 50% chance of turning into a monster. The crew let Ava clean the Reactor room while they waited in the Cargo office. Communication stopped. The marine runs to save her. Sound of shotgun. Miller, Rye and Wilson slowly go to the reactor. They found the Marine and a half splitted Ava in the Jonction.
Hard fight in the reactor room with the mutant. Wilson escaped and stayed with Ava… but a Neomorph appeared on the jonction, slowly going down with the ladder. Wilson used the talent and threw Ava to the Neomorph while running again in the fight with the mutant. The mutant is dead. The marine sacrificed her life to give a chance to Miller, Wilson and Rye.
Run for your life
Miller and Wilson want to clean the reactor. Rye escaped to the evac pod in Claytons room. He found the mutant medic at deck B, in the living area. He threw something in the east elevator to attract him. It worked… but he called the west elevator who made a lot of noise (i said this the first time he saw the elevator last session, but he forgot). Initiative and… mutant kill him at the very beginning with a perfect roll. He ran to Rye, jumped with him and both were killed by the height. The corpse is in deck D. My player didn’t want another character. He loved how he died and wants to see how Miller and Wilson can escape that.
Cham/Lucas launched the Montero destruction countdown before escaping with the small ship. The Montero is close enough to kill everything. Wilson and Miller did a great job with cleaning rolls, and ran to the corporate suite… but Johns did it too, purchased by two neomorphs. When they arrived at the door, they saw Johns who says “RUN!”. He took the elevator (thanks Rye!) and the hide into the Captain’s Quarter… forgetting the door is destroyed. Elevator slowly goes up. Too slowly. The first neomorph passed near Miller and Wilson who hid successfully with great rolls. The neomorph is with Johns… screaming while the monster eats him.
The second neomorph came. They asked Mu/Th/Er to make noise in the Command room and close the door and vents. It worked. They destroyed the door, then found the hidden money and information. Wilson kept the information. Miller kept the money. The neomorph destroyed some doors, but they successfully quit the Cronus with EEV. Really cool to see them - who were fighting at the beginning - finally teamplay to win.
Cham/Lucas open his eyes. He can’t move. He’s in a huge scientist room full of W-Y people. A mechanic hand looks inside his synthetic brain. He have no body anymore, just a head. Scientists tries to understand who he is. Wilson and Miller are attached on a chair. Miller have an headache (reminder of the first bodyburster encounter) and Wilson’s arms are way too long. Both knows. In a minute, everybody here is gonna die. The End.
TL;DR Here are random tips and tricks.
I love CotG. My players loved it too and immediately asked for another game. They also loved the mechanics. For me, it’s a victory !
It was the first time i saw a player trying to win over the game instead of living the experience (probably because he is a DnD GM) and it turned out very well. I let the players direct the game and accept every choice (they need to assume after). My advice is always let them do whatever they want, especially when they try to break things, and let the players deal with it. The payoff is always surprising and leads to epic moments.
I learned the tips “You act stressed. Add one stress point” here on Reddit by someone. I absolutely loved it and my players laughed and argued every time. It became a meme with this group, I really recommend you to use it.
Don’t take the hand of the players. Explains things one time. If they forget, they forget. If they say something, play it. No backward. The game become more demanding, successes become more rewarding for them.
Let them talk. Let them conduct the story. Let them do whatever they want. The characters, setting and events are well written. Enough to make a great improvised story. Don’t trigger things because you think nothing happen for a long time, because group dynamics happen and evolve. Slow pace. Repeat after me. SLOW. PACE. Players need to put a lot inside their character to be really afraid to lose them. If we run too quickly and too much into combat, it’s just hack and slash without empathy. Combats are quick and deadly. If you want them to shit on their pants at every corner, just slow the pacing to let them love their characters.
Every time they go into a new room, I describe things with a point of view. Don’t make cold descriptions like “you enter the room. There’s that and that.”. Imagine you’re here with them. Like a movie director, choose wisely what to show and what order. Try to put storytelling. Players enter the captain quarter : “Hard to believe it was an Officer quarter. On the wall, written with blood, you read a big “LIARS”. The person who wrote this was really angry, because everything here is destroyed. You walk in and can’t avoid the many pages on the ground.” Players enter the Mess : “There’s a disgusting sound when you open the door. On the floor, food everywhere. Colors and textures mix together. You’re happy to wear your helmet, avoiding the smell. Fridge, desk, chairs, … everything is upside down… but this chaotic and sickening view is contrasted by hundreds of origamis. Somebody placed them well in the direction of the opened vent. The light above flickering.” Add stuff like “a mug with a written “dad of the year” is on the desk”, “there’s a poster on the wall. A cat says Hang on”, “a chess game on the table. The black horses put the white king in trouble”, etc.
Forget the Sotillo. I changed it. It’s a W-Y ship who follow the 966 Order, ready to take care of survivors… or conduct them at Fort Nebraska. I made connections between CotG, Destroyer of worlds and Heart of darkness. I think cinematic scenarios are meant to be a toolbox where you can write anything you want. Fill the holes as you wish with your taste and improvise (A LOT) during the game.
Let players roll the dice for signature attacks of the enemies who target them. And say to them, with a serious and slow voice, “don't. roll. a six”. They will shit on their pants. After that, secretly roll the attack (if there’s a second roll in this attack) and make a serious face on your GM screen for 3 seconds before announcing the result. The suspense is good 🤌
Don’t be too hard with rules. I skipped a lot of things (food, water, …) to have a better pace, and forgot things sometimes. It’s gonna happen. Just move on and accept it. Don’t go back. Never.
Let your players joking, even if it's a metagame. But respond with roleplay, it naturally forces them to joke as their character, not the player. For example, if a player is joking at the beginning about a creature who can lurk into vents, Davis can say something like “Stop reading Space Beast, Wilson. Space dragons don’t exist” or “the only thing you can find in vents is your paycheck. Go clean it, Cham !”.
Be a jerk when you play NPC. It push the Players in the good direction, they feel more free to act with their own characters. Clayton talks only to Wilson and ignores the rest of the crew, especially Cham and Rye. The medic escapes combat and the Montero’s Crew everytime he can. Johns follow but always stays behind and can’t make a decision. The marine judges the lack of teamwork. Ava is good. But when you can, throw the “i can’t lie to you about your chances, but you have my sympathies” and any ambiguous and scary stuff you can. She’s lovely, but she tells dark stuff. Uncanny valley effect 🤌
Mu/Th/Er is a character. Your players think it’s a tool, but don’t act like that. She clearly have her own objectives (Order 966) and wants to accomplish the mission. Don’t use Mu/Th/Er as a solution giver. When she speaks to them, it’s always to do the job of repairing the Cronus. In addition, by saying “access denied” or “this information is confidential”, your players are gonna hate her (that’s what you want)… and eventually (probably ?) try to hack Mu/Th/Er. Say to them “AI like Mu/Th/Er are the most difficult things to hack in the Alien world. You can try, but she's gonna send a message to W-Y and you risk jail. If you fail your test, she can go wild and autodestruct, stop air, open the door to space, and a lot of other things depend on rolls.”. They understand it’s better to find access cards, codes and people who can talk with her, for a better result with low risk. But if they really want to hack her, i let them do it with a Comtech roll without anything else. No chance of pushing dice. If they success, they deserve whatever information and control they want. But if they fail… the situation goes wild (always with a little chance of survive). For this scenario, i give Wilson almost everything he wants on both ships. It pushes the paranoia of other characters (especially Miller, who only has access of Montero’s information and control). Wilson is the bullied one. One of the great thing is the fact that players need to overcome paranoia and work as a team. But everything and everybody (including Mu/Th/Er) try to split the team. I think it’s the true horror of CotG.
Sometimes, when they are lost in a debate for a long long long time and you have nothing to do, just secretly roll a dice… for nothing. Make a face, and look at them without interrupting them. There’s always a player who notices and thinks something is gonna happen. If they ask, don’t respond and smile. Most of the time, they end the debate and make decisions, afraid something is gonna attack them. They don’t know you are a good MJ and you want a good experience for everybody. They always think you - as an Alien GM - trying to kill them at every corner. Let them think you have no mercy. A good thing for that is to tell them (before you launch the game) ARPG is deadly and punitive, which is true but not as much as they think.
All these tips and tricks are personal taste and represents my own point of view. Pick what you want and throw the rest.
I hope it helps somebody here, cause a lot of thread helped me a lot. I recommand you to read many Reddit about the game and ask questions.
Have a nice week 😊 Cheers !
submitted by ArtOfMehdiAbdi to alienrpg [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:01 aznpersuazion Is the Michelin Guide Overrated?

My experience with Michelin in a complicated one. Having gone to one, two, and three Michelin star restaurants across the globe, I've seen Michelin do some great things for restaurants, but I've also seen them bring the demise of others.
Because it's quite apparent what good things come from being highlighted by Michelin, this post is more focused on some of my criticisms of the Michelin guide, and why I think the current structure of Michelin should be changed.
Maintaining "Michelin's definition" of the gold standard..
There have been a ton of amazing restaurants given a one star review. Restaurants don't even need to be "fine dining" to be given a Michelin star, as highlighted by some of the cheap eats that have received a one star review.
But a one star review, can at times, be a curse for restaurants. Often, restaurants receive one star reviews got there by showcasing there strengths. A passion for food and creativity, a desire to share culture or tradition, or an expression of a personal brand of art.
When a restaurant receives a one star review, two things happen.
  1. They begin to get huge influx of customers. Initially.
  2. They start to be compared to other one star restaurants, sometimes even two or three star.
The majority of the time, when a restaurant receives a one star review, the rapidly get a ton of customers wanting to try them. And in just a few months, they start to raise prices. Because money can change people.
And eventually, they start to act as more of a "tourist attraction", and start to lose the original loyal clientele that brought them to where they were in the first place.
Secondly, they begin to compare themselves to the standards of other "higher" Michelin star restaurants.
And that typically means focusing more on a particular brand of fine dining. Hyper-attentive service, an overuse of "micro complex food"(emulsions, purees, colorful vegetation). Just to name a few.
I've seen this unfortunately happen time and time again.
If your customers wanted to go to a Eleven Madison Park, they'd travel to New York. But don't turn your restaurant into a chain of fine dining. You'll start to lose the allure, and it starts to feel like the routine of Mcdonalds or Capital Grille.

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submitted by aznpersuazion to travelfooddiaries [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 15:01 aznpersuazion Is Software Engineering a Good Job in 2023?

To preface this post, I want to give the disclaimer that like many things, there is not a black and white answer the question. I'm writing this as an experienced tech professional, and the information provided is based on opinion.
To start with. A little bit of history..
The golden age of software engineering(and similar jobs) is over. At least for the next 5 - 10 years. I don't think this is an unpopular opinion. The reason why between the years of 2010 - 2022, these jobs exploded, was because of the boom of the internet for commercial and personal use.
This is different from the dotcom boom of 2000s, where the internet was just starting and most of the products being created were for basic things like: putting banking on the internet, putting videos on the internet, etc.
The boom in the 2010s was related to the widespread popularity of commercial and personal products. Things like Uber, Spotify, and Salesforce. With the sudden increased usage of the digital world, there were MILLIONS of companies rushing to create digital products.
However, we're starting to see the rise and fall of some of these products, millions of startups failings, and less VC funding. In case you don't know, VC stands for Venture Capital, which are basically investment companies that give money to other companies to help them grow and develop, in return for partial ownership of the company.
As the industry began to mature, successful companies started to emerge, and many more started to fail.
The present day..
Software engineering and like jobs will continue to be important, and there will be a high demands for these engineers. Nearly every company will still need a website, a place to manage their data, and people to manage their hardware. BUT.. the basic technologies they need to run their company will become more efficient. AND there will be less research and innovation because the a lot of the trial and error already occurred.
We're in a weird spot where the demand for workers is now decreasing from it's recent peaks, and the supply of workers is now increasing because of how all the benefits of being a software engineer in the past decade.
This has really unfortunate consequences for any recent graduates or others trying to break into the tech field. There are WAY more beginning career people than jobs available. Which is made even worse with the amount of layoffs there are, where mid-level employees are now having to settle for entry level jobs.
What can we do?
I have two pieces of advice for people interested in the topic, or wanting to break into the field but can't. Try breaking in from a adjacent field, where you can get some exposure to tech. Things that data entry, analytics(this can be finance, supply chain etc). Then try to learn as much as you can from the tech people at your company.
The second piece of advice. Go into a different field. Software engineering is not for everyone. You have to learn and understand some relatively complex topics, and it's becoming harder and harder to be competitive in the industry. Healthcare, supply chain, and many other industries are booming right now.
Understanding history, you can see that certain industries will rise and fall. For the near future, technology might be one of the harder careers to break into. Something like healthcare would be that's expected to grow exponentially. The average population of the world is getting older, as less and less people are wanting to have kids. There will be higher demand for healthcare professionals and healthcare technology.
Do your best to review and understand these trends, and hopefully you can create a good life and career. Best of luck!

**If you found any of this helpful, consider checking out a referral link. You get additional sign up and welcome bonuses. Signing up and using Rakuten for cash back is free!*\*

submitted by aznpersuazion to dataengineeringstuff [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 14:21 ChrisPlaysDG I'm starting a YouTube Channel

I'm starting a YouTube Channel
What up reddit, I used to dabble a little in video editing as a hobby over 10 years ago. I've wanted to get back into it for a long time now and decided to use my favorite hobby disc golf as my source of footage. My first videos will be rough, but I am hoping to improve as I go. I've accumulated some camera gear over the years, including both wireless and external camera microphones, though i still need to upgrade to a new camera lens and a monopd to really improve the quality.
I'm an Intermediate player that is local to Charlotte, NC. I am hoping to showcase all of Charlotte's courses with fun challenge videos, group videos, etc. I have a great group of friends that will be making many appearances. I haven't played much over the winter so I'm shaking off the rust while trying to bring my game up to par. Hopefully I can entertain and relate to some of y'all 🤙 I'm not trying to be some disc golf influencer or clickbait grinder posting every disc review or form hack possible. I just want to edit chill and relatable videos.
Hope you enjoy the video below, and feel free to check out my channel if you liked what you saw. I have a few more uploads on the channel already, with a few future videos already recorded and being edited. I am hoping to upload a 15-20 minute video every week for now, and hopefully I can keep a consistent schedule in the future.
This video was recorded using my phone, so I focused on zooming in during the editing process to make the viewing experience a more enjoyable one.
submitted by ChrisPlaysDG to discgolf [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 13:13 Dear_Stuff_2475 Random Post - Humans/Gods that desperately need their own fan roster agenda: Pierre du Terrail or the Chevalier De Bayard, nicknamed "The Knight without Fear and Without Reproach" and "The Good Knight"

Random Post - Humans/Gods that desperately need their own fan roster agenda: Pierre du Terrail or the Chevalier De Bayard, nicknamed
One of the greatest heroes of France in the sixteenth century, was the Chevalier Bayard, or, as we may translate his title, Bayard the Knight. His real name was Pierre du Terrail; and he came of a famous family of warriors who had done excellent service for their country. He was born in the year 1476, at Bayard Castle, near the town of Grenoble, in France; and it was from the family estate that he took the name of Bayard.
He is often called "the knight without fear and without reproach." He was so brave that he never feared a foe; so good that no one ever reproached him for doing wrong. His father and grandfather were warriors, and no other life than that of a soldier was thought of for young Pierre.
The first step in the education of a knight was to become a page. When fourteen years old Pierre began his military training as a page to a famous warrior of that time, Duke Charles of Savoy.
Mounted upon a pony, and dressed in a suit of silk and velvet, he was a handsome little fellow; but, better than that, he was courteous and obliging. The pages carried messages from the duke and duchess to their friends; and Pierre was such a faithful messenger that he became a general favorite.
He had not been a year at the ducal palace when the duke had to make a visit to his sovereign, King Charles VIII of France. He thought that he could do no better service to the king than to offer him his bright little page.
The king was charmed with him, and for three years Pierre was page to the king. He was then promoted to the rank of gentleman. He was only seventeen years old; but it was not long before he became famous, and everybody at the court was speaking in his praise.
It was the fashion, in those days, for brave men to show their skill as soldiers by fighting with one another in "tournaments" or sham fights. A lady, chosen for the occasion and called the Queen of Beauty, presented prizes to the victors. The knights who wished to fight hung their shields on the boughs of trees near the tournament grounds as a challenge. Whoever wished to accept the challenge struck the hanging shield with his lance or sword.
A tournament was to be held in honor of King Charles and the ladies of his court; and Sir Claude de Vaudre (vo' dray), who was the champion of France, hung up his shield. Among those who struck it was young Pierre; and when the tournament was held, he won the prize. He had vanquished Sir Claude.
Not long after this, he held a tournament himself, and was the challenger. Forty-eight warriors struck the shield that he hung up; and one by one they were defeated by him in the tournament.
But it was real war for which the young soldier longed, and very soon it came. The French king invaded Italy, and the Italian states formed a league against him. In a battle which was fought, although the Italians were more than five times as numerous as the French, King Charles won the day.
The champion of the fight was Bayard. Two horses were killed under him, his sword was hacked, and his coat of mail was battered; but in spite of all, he captured the royal standard of Naples. He was brought before the sovereign holding this trophy in his hand; and then and there, on the battlefield, the king made him a knight.
Charles soon afterwards died, but under the new king, Louis VII, the French again fought in Italy. Marching across the Alps, they captured the province of Milan and held it; but the city of Milan was won back from them by the Italian Prince Sforza.
Three hundred of Sforza's horsemen were one day encamped near the city, when Bayard, with only fifty comrades, made an assault on them. The fight was wild, but at length the Italians fled and galloped swiftly through the gates into Milan.
Bayard, supposing that his comrades were close behind him, dashed after the flying Italians into the great square of the city. A fierce attack was now made on him, while he on his part slashed right and left with his battle-axe, killing or wounding many of his assailants. At length however he was overpowered, and taken prisoner. The din of this conflict was heard by Sforza, and he ordered the knight to be brought before him.
When Sforza had heard his story, he said, "Lord Bayard, I set you free. I ask no ransom. I will grant whatever favor you ask."
"Prince," replied Bayard, "I thank you. I ask but my horse and my armor."
Then bidding his generous foe adieu, the knight rode out of the city, and soon reached the camp of his friends.
Some time after this there was war between France and Spain. Both claimed certain parts of Italy, and so the fighting was done on Italian soil.
Once the French and Spanish were on opposite sides of the river. There was a bridge between them which the French held and could easily defend.
The Spanish commander knew of a ford some distance down the stream. He proposed to draw the French away from the bridge, so that his men might capture it.
Accordingly, taking a body of troops, he went to the ford, as if he were intending to cross it. The French, on seeing him move, abandoned their post at the bridge and marched toward the ford.
The bridge being thus left undefended, a body of two hundred Spaniards suddenly appeared and marched directly toward it. Bayard saw that not a moment was to be lost. Putting on his armor, he leaped to the saddle, and spurring his horse, was on the bridge before the Spaniards could reach it.
The Spaniards quickly arrived; but Bayard stood upon the defensive and, swinging his heavy broadsword, he slew an enemy with every blow. The Spaniards thought him some demon, and checked their furious charge. Meanwhile, a band of French horsemen rushed like a whirlwind to the bridge, and drove the Spaniards back to the farther side.
After this exploit men said of Bayard, "Single, he has the might of an army."
Once, at the siege of a castle, he was crossing the ramparts at the head of a storming party, when he received his first wound. He was struck by a pike, and the sharp-pointed head remained fixed in his thigh.
He was taken to a house near by, where a mother and her daughters had shut themselves in in dread of their lives. The mother timidly opened the door, and the wounded knight was taken in; and there for six long weeks he lay, and was nursed as carefully as if he had been a member of the family. And he on his part was their protection, for a band of his soldiers guarded the house until all danger was past.
On the day of Bayard's departure, the mother begged him to accept a little steel box as a remembrance. It contained twenty-five hundred ducats in gold, which would be more than a thousand dollars of our money.
"Give five hundred for me," said Bayard, "to the nuns whose convent near your house has been pillaged; and as for the rest, young ladies, I beg you each to accept a thousand ducats from me; for I owe you much for your care."
War was still raging in North Italy. Francis I had become sovereign of France; and like the king who reigned before him claimed part of Italy for his domain.
The French army lay encamped about the town of Marignano (ma reen ya no). The king was about to take his supper, when suddenly the enemy marched in full force from the gates and assaulted his camp. The French were instantly in arms, and the battle raged as long as there was light to see a foe. Both armies lay under arms all night, and before the sun rose, the fighting had begun again.
The contest has been called the "Battle of the Giants." The French performed marvelous exploits and won the day, but Bayard outshone all his comrades still.
The evening after the victory, King Francis knighted many brave men on the field of battle. But a wonderful honor was chosen for Bayard. The king made proclamation that he himself would receive the rank of knight from his champion.
Accordingly he knelt before the Chevalier, and Bayard, striking the shoulder of Francis with his sword, said, "Rise, Sir Francis;" and thus gave him knighthood.
When, in 1520, Francis I met Henry VIII of England near Calais upon the celebrated "Field of the Cloth of Gold," the knights of both countries vied with each other in what were, perhaps, the grandest tournaments ever held; and Bayard again won the greatest renown.
It had always been the Knight's wish that he might die in battle. And so he did.
In 1524 he was fighting under the French commander, Lord Bonnivet. Want of supplies and sickness compelled Bonnivet to retreat. The Spaniards placed men in ambush along the road which the French had to take. From one of these hidden foes the chevalier received his death wound. A comrade helped him from his horse, and laid him under the shadow of a tree.
Bayard felt that he was dying. He charged his friend to turn his face toward the foe, and then to care for his own safety. When the Spaniards reached the spot, they found him still breathing.
The Spanish general, Lord Pescara, showed him every care, and a priest was brought to console him in his last moments. And thus, loved by friends and admired by foes, the "knight without fear and without reproach" ended his wonderful life.
submitted by Dear_Stuff_2475 to ShuumatsuNoValkyrie [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 10:56 hackrevealblog The 9 Best Hacking Apps for Android In 2024

These hacking apps are very useful for those who wants to hack someones account or device remotely. Hacking, by its very nature, is the act of breaking into computer systems and networks.
In simple terms, it is the process of finding clever ways to get around security measures so that one can gain access to data or information.
Android, being the world‘s most popular operating system, already has a plethora of mobile applications that allow its users to perform ethical hacking tasks from the comfort of their hands.
There are many hacking apps available on google play store but not all of them are safe so be careful while downloading any app. Some of the best hacking apps for android are as follows:-
These hacking apps are very useful for those who wants to hack someones account or device remotely. Hacking, by its very nature, is the act of breaking into computer systems and networks.
In simple terms, it is the process of finding clever ways to get around security measures so that one can gain access to data or information.
Android, being the world‘s most popular operating system, already has a plethora of mobile applications that allow its users to perform ethical hacking tasks from the comfort of their hands.
There are many hacking apps available on google play store but not all of them are safe so be careful while downloading any app. Some of the best hacking apps for android are as follows:-

Hacking Apps for Android

A hacking app is a tool that can be used to test the security of your phone. It allows you to find out if your device has been compromised and if so, how it happened.
These apps are useful for finding out if there are any security vulnerabilities in your device. But they don’t provide any direct protection against attacks like malware or viruses.

1. AndroRAT

AndroRAT is a remote administration tool for Android devices. It has the ability to send commands to a device, and to download files from it. AndroRAT can also change the phone’s settings, and show the user’s location on a map.
It is a free and open-source Java-based client/server application developed to give remote control of the Android system for retrieving information.
It was created by a team of 4 for a university project and includes functionalities such as getting call logs, contacts, messages, and location (by GPS/Network), taking pictures from the camera, streaming video and sound from the microphone, making calls, and opening URLs in the default browser.
Download: AndroRAT

2. zANTI

zANTI is a mobile penetration testing and security analysis tool that lets you see how risky a network is. Using zANTI allows you to simulate a cyber attack—specifically Man In the Middle (MITM) attacks—to test networks and identify vulnerabilities in them.
This tool will show you the users connected to the network, the weak points in their devices and the network itself, and where you should apply further cyber-protection.
However, your device needs to be rooted in order to use zANTI properly. It provides a comprehensive security architecture for your Android device.
zANTI is a security scanner that detects and removes malware, adware, spyware, and viruses from your device. It also helps you to keep your phone secure by removing unnecessary apps or games when they are installed on the device.
The app’s main features include:* Scanning all apps downloaded from Google Play Store automatically when they are installed on the phone. Removing any unwanted applications/games which were installed on your phone or tablet.
Monitoring whatsapp messages sent via chat boxes to check whether they contain malicious links or texts.* Scanning all attachments sent via email attachments (including PDFs) for viruses and malware infections
Download: zAnti

3. Fing

Fing is a network utility app that provides you with an in-depth view of your network. You can use it to find all the devices connected to your network, and their MAC addresses.
This type of tool can be very useful in a number of different situations, such as when you want to find out what devices are on a network, or when you want to troubleshoot connectivity problems.
Fing also allows you to configure settings like:
Download: Fing

4. Nmap

Nmap is a security scanner that can be used to scan your network for open ports, vulnerabilities, and other information. It can also be used as an alternative way to find out which programs are installed on a computer or device.
Nmap is a command line tool and requires you to type in commands into the terminal (command prompt) of your Operating System before it will do anything useful.
Download: Nmap

5. Droidsheep

Droidsheep is a tool that can be used to collect information about the Facebook and Instagram accounts of users. However it’s designed to help you gather information on your friends, family and other people who use Social Media.
Sure, here’s your revised sentence with added transition words:
It is one of the best hacking apps that allows you to intercept web browsers that are not well protected using a WiFi connection. Additionally, it examines and accesses the strength of a network by exposing the vulnerabilities.
DroidSheep is an application equipped with functionalities that simplify the hacking of social media messaging platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. This distinctive feature distinguishes it from other hacking applications.
The app is available for Android devices and will run on most versions of the operating system, including Android 4.0 or later (Ice Cream Sandwich), but it does not work with some older versions of Google’s mobile platform such as Gingerbread 9 or Honeycomb 3.2
Download: Droidsheep

Read More

The World’s Top 8 Most Famous Female Hacker
Hijacking satellites is easy than you think
The Top 10 Best Keylogger Apps for Android Devices
How to Make a Fake Facebook Phishing Page
submitted by hackrevealblog to u/hackrevealblog [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 09:42 HoloKross Faction Review: Robots

Ok, so I am interested in starting a faction review for every faction in the game. Most reviews out there are about 2-4 years old, and I kind of wanted something more modern as new players get introduced to the game. Now, I'm doing this in my free time, so don't go expecting a new review every single day. Also, as a note, while I will attempt to be factual and genuinely helpful, the focus of these posts is entertainment rather than rules lawyer accuracy. Expect these posts to be filled with helpful tips, tactics, and general hilarity. Also, as I'm having to do this in my free time, ill be updating/completing these posts whenever I have free time. If posts are incomplete/don't have all of the units, its most likely because I had to stop to sleep at some point and didn't want to save the post as a draft. One last thing. These reviews are mostly meant for battlemode. However, you might occasionally see tips for other modes like settlement mode, where I will specifically mention that. With the intro out of the way, lets get to the review!
Robots Faction Review:
Faction Rules:
Weapons, Mods, Upgrades, Items, etc:
Named Characters
The Mechanist
This gal is pretty good. 75 caps with a free Stealth Boy. If she's your leader, she gets Robot controller, Robot expert, and any 3 robot perks for FREE. Keeping her cheap with combat armor and a cheap pistol is probably your best bet though, as her combat stats are just the WORST. Even if you kitted her out with decent power armor, her strength/melee wont really go beyond 6, and besides you have other units for that job. Invest those hard earned caps elsewhere. Funnily enough, her agility is decent, if you wanted her to just lob molotovs after hacking a terminal.
This fancy butler can do A LOT . You want a melee guy? Mr Handy buzzsaw goes pretty hard with AGI 6. With Int of 7, hes also quite dapper at hacking. Purified water also heals NOT ROBOTS consistently over a game. While hes not great in the ROBOTS faction due to only healing living targets, Im sure hell shine in other armies.
Diet Cosdworth. Terrible at combat, but a higher intelligence means that this gal will almost never fail at hacking terminals. She can also heal other units 2 damage a turn, but cant be used on robots, synths, or power armor.
If youre running the Mechanist, RUN THIS ONE. ITS MANDATORY. While it is EXCEPTIONAL with its eye laser, thats not why you take it. You take it for enhanced sensors, giving friendly units using stealth boy an additional -2 to be shot at, for a total of -6 perception test to even be shot at while running objectives.
Its a meme. Dont run it. Jokes aside, its pretty cheap, and does buff search tests, so theres that. AGI of 1 means that it will almost never hit, and it cant do any objectives other than search. But, it can have a use in settlement mode. The Take a Flyer rule will net you an additional 5 caps every game, which is a free perk, I guess, if you want to sacrifice an eyebot or battered protectron for her cost. Just remember its once per game, and each of your opponents can also interact with her to gain 5 caps.
Holy crap this guy is scary. Its basically a melee version of HK-47, if you're old enough to remember him. Red move, green charge, and free ready ups mean this guy is AGGRESSIVE. Its also one of your only bots that can climb, SO NO ONE IS SAFE FROM YOUR WRATH. Good armor with HIGH HP means it can also take a beating. It also fires a face laser, which is always a plus. AND it explodes when it dies, so dont be afraid to send it into the middle of enemy lines. The only downside is the price at almost 250 caps each. Meaning that this will really only see play in 750+ games, and maybe not even then. True, you could CLUNKY it, but do you really want to make this thing unreliable while still being around 200 caps?
You like making your own robots? Do you like converting models? Did you play Orks before leaving 40k? Then this unit is for you. You can customize a bot for any job by combining 3 robot parts. Want a cheap, expendable wall? Look no further than the Junkbot build. 1 Protectron head, 1 Junkbot torso, and 1 protectron legs equals 11 caps worth of cannon fodder that cant do objectives. This thing is so cheap, it costs only 1 cap more than the hand laser on your protectron! Funnily enough, its also got 7 HP with 2 physical, so HE CHONK. But you get what you pay for, so don't expect it to do anything. Ever. On the other end of the spectrum, you could fully kit out an automoton with a Strength 9 melee profile, red move, and immunity to terrain. Happy Toaster Oven Noises
Battered Assaultron
The diet version of the Assaultron. Less than half the caps as to original, it loses out on ready up, a point of armor, and some specials, but still well worth the cost. Does not automatically throw a nuclear temper tantrum when it dies though, instead having a random chance to do so. Still gets a free face laser shot during your turn, albeit less accurately.
Battered Protectron
Decently cheap for less than 50 caps, don't expect this guy to so much. It also cant do any objectives without leader perks or mods, so don't take it for that. INSTEAD, take it because it has a decent chance of exploding during a game, and because of its strength 8. Sure, it hits in melee with an AGI skill of 1, but any time your called to do strength tests due to unique scenarios/quests, this bucket of rusty bolts shines.
Battered Sentry Bot
First off, even though he's the old man Jenkins version of the Sentry Bot, don't underestimate this guy. 10HP with strong armor means hell probably stick around a while. Not terribly accurate, but seeing as a missile launcher scatters when it misses, you still have a chance of hitting something even when you miss. A fun tactic you can do is to send your cheap junkbots into melee with an enemy unit, and then have this guy fire into it with a +2 accuracy. Even if you kill your 11 point junkbot, one, you most likely wont care, and two, its tanky enough to survive it in the first place.
to be continued
submitted by HoloKross to wastelandwarfare [link] [comments]
