Short story make you cry

What can I get you to drink tonight?

2014.05.30 02:35 YearsofTerror What can I get you to drink tonight?

Server, waiter, waitress? Welcome home, take off your apron, have a glass, and let's chat about work, cause c'mon, as much as you act like you don't wanna talk about it, you do. I know! Read the rules before posting and commenting. Check out these related subreddits! [KitchenConfidential]( /chefit /food

2009.08.19 01:37 miserlou /r/onions: Things That Make You Cry Tor Onion Routing Hidden Services

The Best Parts of the Anonymous Internet Tor Onion Routing Hidden Services .onions

2017.03.04 03:26 sowydso Memes that will make you cry

Sad memes

2024.05.15 00:42 SuperIntHuman [Rant] I'm really introverted and intuitive.

During my first week with a new client, my colleague shared with me that he holds four part-time jobs.
For those who have read my previous posts and comments, you'll know that I strongly dislike the "fake it till you make it" approach often used by some freelancers; I prefer the "learn as you go" method.
I have a decade of experience and have observed a variety of work from young to senior freelancers. His work reminds me of a one-hit wonder.
I need to remind myself to keep quiet and mind my own business. However, I will be the one transforming his work into a functional website. Naturally, I am concerned, but we can't fault those who prioritize earning money and overlook other essential qualities a freelancer should have. This is particularly true in my experience with Filipino freelancers. I started exploring international channels that discuss outsourcing work to Filipinos. Some have had success, while others have faced challenges.
Another point to consider is that it might be cost-effective to hire Filipinos for non-critical tasks in the short term, but in the long term, it often results in the need for rework, especially in our niche. I'm not sure if this is the case in other niches.
This is why many supervisors/bosses micromanage—not just to control us but to teach us how tasks should be performed.
We prefer to work independently without being micromanaged, but the reality is that we need guidance on how to excel and improve in our roles. Not all Filipinos are like this, but for heaven's sake, we must work honestly, show integrity and diligence. By doing so, your skills will improve, and you won't need to work 12-16 hours a day to achieve your desired earnings. You can achieve the same rate with just one client if you are honest with yourself and continually seek to improve.
submitted by SuperIntHuman to buhaydigital [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:41 saltedwater428 35m feeling pretty alone. Who wants to be besties? Bonus: Voice recording inside

Anybody else feeling pretty alone? We should be friends then! Or more likely we can exchange a couple messages, get bored, then never talk to each other again. Orrrr you could get mad at me and go off on me for not replying fast enough or with enough words! For some reason I've encountered that more than once recently. Actually I decided I'm going to make a voice recording to tell about this lol
So yeah that's me. Potential besties or anybody with a story message me!
submitted by saltedwater428 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:40 deerestme Underrated Gem Shoutout: Growing Up Creepie (2006)

Underrated Gem Shoutout: Growing Up Creepie (2006)
I would bingewatch this show in the mid-2000's. It ran from 2006-2008 with 2 seasons on Discovery Kids. The main character is Creepie Creecher, who is not like other girls. She was adopted as a baby into a family of insects. She's adjusting to the real world and attending middle school with the support of her bug family, but is often misunderstood by the kids and adults around her, except for her two closest friends, Chris-Alice (which I didn't realize it was play on word of chrysalis) and Budge . Creepie was so chill and could be herself. Creepie would also give out bug facts of insects on the screen, and I am not a fan of certain insects and I'm afraid of spiders. But it might not be everyone's cup of tea, it can also be pretty dark at times.
I loved the goth-y and grunge art style, and it was produced by Mike Young Productions, now known as Splash Entertainment. They were very infamous for their 3D animation, such as the 3D Bratz movies and tv series, another short lived show Pet Alien, Butt Ugly Martians, and the abominable Norm of the North. However they can make pretty decent shows like Growing Up Creepie. The show is on their channel, Kabillion on YouTube.
submitted by deerestme to cartoons [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:40 VampireCry Blood of Zeus Season 2 is what LO wished it could be (Spoilers)

Major Spoilers for the first 3 EPs of Blood of Zeus. Read at the risk of being spoiled.

So I'm on EP 3 of Blood of Zeus and...
The writing is LITERALLY what I wanted LO to be like, but with its own twists. It didn't demonize Demeter but made her flawed but caring. It also didn't paint Hades as a saint, he admits he had his own selfish draw to Persephone, but it was not a nearly as bad as LO. It was definitely more reasonable, and I feel like Hades actually respected and treated Persephone like and actual person with her own desires.
Plus, BoZ Hades is 100% self-aware of what his attraction to her could mean for both of them and what taking Persephone down below would mean for her.
He even is aware how going could hurt her (He never forces her to go either). She goes of her own fruition because. She's adult and makes it clear she's ok being with him (after knowing him for a long-time mind you and is not a fresh minoadult like LO Kore).
He even tried to dissuade her from going unlike LO Hades.
Who just goes with it and doesn't consider the consequences until he has a mental breakdown and half-baked crying fit about what he's done (It's too late by the time he realizes or has any self-doubt). Bro always spoilers Kore and entices her to stay with fancy gifts and buying sprees as well as special treatment.
We're supposed to feel sorry for LO Hades and excuse him because of his trauma with Kronos.
While I'm not that far into BoZ Hades definitely has trauma, he doesn't use it as a sob story, though it does tie into the plot, which IMO is a good thing. Yea, in LO the trauma does tie into the plot, but the characters don't react in a consistent way showing that it affects them. RS could have done better job writing reactions and trauma tbh.
The problem is we don't really see LO Hades suffer at all because of the Underworld, sure he's an overworked CEO, but that's really it. He bosses people around, he owns everything, He's pimped out and rich with an expensive house, the only real consequences we see him having is a 2-week time like for leaving the Underworld which mind you is plenty of time to explore and do whatever do it's not that constraining.
BoZ Hades is seen physically "deteriorate" and change not just physically and mentally due to the anguish it causes it him and his time away from the Underworld is like 1 or 2 days at most. Which is more punishing than 2 weeks.
Plus, because in BoZ their both mature adults unlike LO.
One NOT being naive and an UWU baby and the other NOT a megalomaniac groomer. Makes their love feel more real and thought out.
As for Demeter, they went the route of her lying about the kidnapping and making winter due to pettiness and depression of losing Persephone for half the year. While there is some slight gaslighting on her part towards Persephone it not as dramatic as LO Demeter's antics but is in a similar vein. Demeter in Boz interestingly does want Persephone to marry and move on with her life. However, only with the suitors she deems worthy. Hades as always is not on that list.
A MAJOR improvement from LO is that Demeter's worries have a point, and the narrative treats them as valid. Hades doesn't even try to argue with Demeter when she says this place isn't right for Persephone. In Boz, The Underworld isn't a Pimped out Modern city where the dead are compartmentalized and stashed away because "Oh yea where the Underworld but modern and hip :p".
This is the traditional Underworld described in the Greek mythos where the screams of the damned can he heard everywhere. Its implied and show to grate on Boz's Hades nerves and drive him to want to escape the literal hell.
Of course, Demeter wouldn't want her daughter there, she was right in a way, but Persephone has the right do as she wishes and refuses to be treated like her wishes don't matter.
TLDR; BoZ Hades is Peak, LO Hades is Woobie Wannabe Trash.
submitted by VampireCry to UnpopularLoreOlympus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:40 Hollywood_Zro Zero Hour: Legend Time feels too short. And having to also kill all adds AFTER the boss? That's a bit much.

The legend timer is pretty short. 20 minutes for a REALLY long basically jump puzzle the entire time.
A few extra deaths and you're not going to make it. Have a team member that falls behind or doesn't know really well the route? Not going to complete it on legend.
And then if you DO get the final boss down, you also need to get all adds in the timer or it'll send you to orbit.
Feels like it needs a small adjustment.
submitted by Hollywood_Zro to DestinyTheGame [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:39 Pleasant-Mouse6259 AITAH For telling my mother in law that she was a horrible grandmother to my son?

This needs a little back story first. And this one is a bit long, sorry. My mil and I never really got along. She was an overbearing, passive aggressive Karen. That thought I wasn't good enough for her son. He was a bit older than me (13 yrs) and came from a better background. My family grew up rather on the poor side and his was solid upper middle class. My father-in-law was rather indifferent about most things and she wore the pants in the family, what she said goes, always.
That said here we go. Her and my father-in-law would go to Krispy Kreme at night to get a cup of coffee after supper. When my daughter was born, a few months after her birth they started taking her to Krispy Kreme with them to give me and my husband "a little time without the baby" her words, which was appreciated but we never asked them to do it. They're reasoning was they wanted to show off the baby, their first and only granddaughter.
I guess after having three grandsons from her daughter, it was a joy to have a female child in the family again and she wanted to show her off at every occasion she could think of. My husband and I never really minded I thought it was wonderful. I thought she was wonderful, she was going to be the perfect grandmother. She loved having her granddaughter around. She loved showing her granddaughter off even though she and I didn't get along she loved her granddaughter.
The problems started, after my only son was born. Now I know she had three other grandsons and I figured she'd treat them all the same. Boy was I wrong. Her daughter's Sons were treated like normal grandchildren wonderful presents at Christmas and birthdays she spent time with them she babysat them she was the same way with my daughter if not more so. But when it came to my son that was a completely different matter. She didn't want to hold, him she didn't want to feed him like she had my daughter. She didn't want to take him anywhere either. Remember she had been taking my daughter with her to Krispy Kreme every evening for 2 and 1/2 years before my son was born. But she didn't want to take my son anywhere, ever. I overlooked it at first. My son was still a baby my daughter a toddler handling both of them would have been a bit too much. So I figured when my son got older she would want to take him as well. She never did
When my son got old enough to ask, why granny didn't take him to Krispy Kreme in the evenings ever, I figured then we'd have a conversation. Well that day arrived and he asked the question that I knew he would and the only thing that I could tell the poor little guy was let me talk to Granny about it. So I talked to my mother-in-law about it and asked her why she never took my son to Krispy Kreme. And she explained that he was too much to handle. I asked her what she meant by that. She said I can't handle both of them. I told her that you don't have to handle both of them take my daughter one night and my son the next that way you won't be overwhelmed. She agreed to do this. My son was overjoyed he thought he was going to get to go to Krispy Kreme with Granny! So that night she took my daughter and I told her before they left that tomorrow night was my son's turn to get to go. She said "yeah yeah I know". So the next day after dinner she tells my daughter come on honey let's go to Krispy Kreme and I tell her wait just a moment you said you would take my son today. This is when she tells me again I can't handle him. And I again ask what do you mean by that. She says he's too rambunctious that she can't make him behave that my daughter is easier to handle.
Granted little boys can be a little harder to handle but he was no harder than his sister. This answer aggravated me to the point where I told her "you said that you would take him tonight, you promised him". And she again tells me "I can't handle him". So I tell her "if you can't take him tonight like you promised him, you can't take her anymore either. So instead of agreeing to take her grandson to Krispy Kreme she simply stops taking her granddaughter to spite me, or her grandson, I'm not sure which. She always treated my daughter much better than my son and this was just one example of the petty, small-minded, ignorant behavior she heaped on that child's head. My son was never cruel, loud,or entitled he never broke anything that belonged to someone else, he never had tantrums like most small children do, he was a well-behaved little boy and she already had three other grandsons and didn't need another one or that's the way I felt anyway, especially after all the other incidents but this one sticks in my head for the blatant disregard for either of her grandchildren. So I told her she was a horrible grandmother to my son . I never fought in front of the children with her. I never talked about her badly to them either. So am I the a******?
If you want to know more of what she did let me know.
submitted by Pleasant-Mouse6259 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:39 mystrawberrycandle My partner was just admitted into an inpatient psychiatric hospital yesterday. Looking for advice and support

TLDR: My partner had a very sudden manic episode turned into a psychotic break over the past week, and I'm not handling him being in a psych ward for the time being very well. It's honestly killing me, I'm so worried for him - I'm looking for advice and support on how to cope with this event.
My boyfriend (21M) and I (20F) have been together for nearly 3 years. For 2 years, we were long distance. In August 2023 is when we closed the distance and began living with each other in real life. Last week, the week of May 5th, is when this situation begun.
We frequently took edibles (weed) as part of our routine. Last Tuesday, he did just that - and while he was high, he started to get curious about his parents' finances. He began to text both his mother and father, asking questions about what they've saved up for their retirement. His mom seemed to be dodging his questions a lot, but eventually she told him that she estimated that both she and his father would have around 10-13 million after retirement. Not only this, but she also both implied and outright confirmed that my boyfriend would be inheriting this large amount of money after they pass away. This quickly unlocked a hyperfixation for him, and we began to talk about it together. It's all we talked about for that week, because we thought, why is this something that his mother would lie about? There's absolutely no understandable reason that she would have to lie about this. I should mention that, after Tuesday, he did not take any more edibles or substances, though regardless I feel that weed may have partially played a role in why this happened.
Throughout the week, as he was delving into this hyperfixation, his behavior began to change. I didn't truly notice it at the time, and just thought he was very reasonably acting a bit odd and excited because, this was a life changing thing that was presumably happening for the both of us. I didn't think to question his mother's statement. Me being passive to his behavior and not suspicious of his mother's statement and behavior is something I feel I am to blame for, because it turned out to be a slowly building manic episode. On Friday, May 10th, is when we found out that the 10-13 million inheritance was a lie. He was distraught - absolutely broken. Something snapped in him after that day.
On Saturday, he woke me up at 6-7 am. I suspect that he may not have slept Friday night into Saturday morning. He reassured me that he would be okay, we would both be okay after this, that we would get over it and be able to focus on something else. But very quickly throughout Saturday his behavior shifted drastically, and it turned into a full blown manic episode. For the entire first half of the day, he paced around our apartment, glued to his phone, spamming everyone in his life about the thoughts he had been having. It's normal for him to be on his phone a lot, so I didn't question this. I regret it so much, I should have noticed the signs. It's difficult for me to convey what exactly his thoughts were or what his hyperfixation was, because most of it didn't truly make sense, but the short version of it is that since the inheritance wasn't real, he began to hyperfixate on starting a business from the ground up with both me and his friends. It spiraled from there.
In the evening is when his behavior began to become violent and increasingly more erratic. He began to direct his frustration and anger towards me, starting to hyperfixate on me and our relationship, blaming me for the entire situation. We've had a difficult relationship, but we've always managed to come back full circle either way. He became paranoid of me, believed that I could hurt him, and so much more. It broke my heart. It's more than I can convey into words. Saturday evening into Sunday morning I stayed up all night with him, trying to handle the situation as best as I could, but it only got worse. Eventually, his parents arrived at our apartment. He's always had apprehensions about introducing me to his parents for multiple reasons, especially including the fact that we met online. He believed that they wouldn't understand it, and he didn't have a close relationship with his parents to begin with at all. It sucks that I could only meet them as this situation was going down.
Sunday, May 12th, is when his parents took him to the emergency room. It is only just yesterday that he was admitted into a psychiatric hospital. I'm heartbroken. I'm keeping in contact with his mother, but I haven't gotten many updates from her besides the fact that he's in a hospital and that they're waiting to hear from the doctor. Based on what I've seen with his behavior and researched, it seems that his manic episode eventually turned into a psychotic break. I also suspect that he may have bipolar 1 disorder. I'm not a doctor, but it matches up with everything that I've seen, and I'm devastated. It was horrible. His mother has bipolar disorder, though im not sure what type - though my partner did mention that his mother would have occasional manic episodes.
It's been two days since he's been gone. All I've been doing is grieving. I've eaten very little, all I've been doing is crying, and everything in our apartment reminds me of him. It's incredibly painful to be here without him because we spent all of our time together. I'm also worried about him being in the hospital itself - I don't want him to be mistreated by others or misdiagnosed. Psych hospitals can be very hit or miss, and it terrifies me. It's possible that he could be there for several weeks at the very least given how severe his mental state was. I just don't know what to do, or what this means for us in the future. He hasn't even gotten a diagnosis yet, from what I know. I just feel like I'm being kept in the dark. I don't know anything about what's happening at all. I just want him to be okay. How can I get through this? I don't think I can get through this. What happens when he gets back? Is he gonna be okay? Have any of you experienced what it's like to be kept in a psych hospital? I don't know what to do with myself when he comes back, I don't know how to support myself in the mean time, and I don't know what this means for us or for our relationship. I'm so, so scared. I'm terrified. I love him so much, I just want him to be okay.
I don't have many people around me to support me, so posting here has been my last resort. I feel awful, I feel horrible, I feel like this is all my fault. I feel like if I saw the signs earlier, I could've prevented this, I could've grounded him, I could've brought him down from where he was headed. I don't know what exact mental illness he has yet, I can only assume based on what I've seen. But, has anyone ever been in a similar situation like this? What do I do with myself? I know he's getting the help that he needs, but I can't help but worry for him. I feel super isolated and alone and anxious in our apartment. It's empty here without him, incredibly empty.
If you've read this far, thank you so much for taking the time to read this. It means more to me than you know. So, once more, TLDR: My partner had a very sudden manic episode turned into a psychotic break over the past week, and I'm not handling him being in a psych ward for the time being very well. It's honestly killing me, I'm so worried for him - I'm looking for advice and support on how to cope with this event.
submitted by mystrawberrycandle to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:38 West-Advertising7128 Group Chat

I put this under AITA because i dont really know what to put it under. So i had three best friends, lets call them Regina (my aunt), Gretchen (ex best friend), and Karen(childhood ex bestie). They all had known each other and were decent with one another which was great, we started to hang out together and talk on the phone together, finally felt like i had a girl friend group. December rolls around and me and my fiance wanted to go to see Bert Kriesher, it was already planned out, tickets bought, etc. I was so excited to go i told everybody about it in the beginning of November. Well about two weeks after I told everybody about it i find out the Regina is having “Friendsgiving” and has invited all of the girls. It happens to be on the same night we are going to see Bert, that is completely fine with me, i told them that we can’t make it and we can do something before Christmas (early Christmas) if they would like. All said yes and everything was good, we did early Christmas with Regina and Gretchen lived two hours away so it was hard to connect. Fast forward to early Christmas with Karen a week later and she was acting kinda weird during the entire time, was responding with short responses, wasnt really all the chatty and i just thought she was having a tough day. Asked her what was wrong she said nothing. Well two days later i get a message from Karens Fiancé saying that the people who i think are my friends arent my friends, curious i asked what he meant and he responded with i have screenshots and sends me almost a whole album of screenshots of all three of them talking shit in a group chat named Shit talk and then changed it to Grinch Talk, about me and my relationship, my recovery, how i parent, how i look, my health and more, but what really pissed me off the most is they decided to add my son(2yo) into it, so after receiving the screenshots i decided to make a group chat on snapchat and called it why are you talking shit, no-one responded to the group chat and messaged me individually. Karen called me crying saying the did it because they were concerned about me. Regina texted me saying i was making all of my health issues up and i just wanted attention when i in fact have medical records to prove otherwise (i have POTS, Seizures, stomach issues, and more). And Gretchen blamed it on karen and Regina saying she just wanted best for me. I blocked all of them on snap which Karen took personal and blocked me on everything after getting mad at me for blocking her on snap because i needed a break from seeing them all over my social media. Afterwards i cut Regina and Gretchen off and have completely cut them out of mine and my childs life. Some part of my feel guilty for my son because he was besties with Karens son, but i choose our peace over that drama anyday. Rant over✌🏼
submitted by West-Advertising7128 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:38 CoolBasileus shy rats

Hello ! Sorry in advance for my english, it's not my native language :)
4 months ago I adopted 3 female rats. 2 young sisters (Marie & Curie) and 1 even younger, just weaned (Annie). Right from the start I noticed that Curie was the most adventurous and curious. She was the first to venture out of her cage and climb onto my shoulder of her own accord. Marie was a little less enterprising and Annie incredibly shy, but I put that down to the fact that she was still a scared baby.
20 days after the adoption, I was surprised to see Marie give birth to a litter : due to a lack of attention from the breeder, Marie was impregnated at the time of adoption. Rather than kill the babies, I decided to bring back Marie and her babies to the breeder and to take Marie back once the babies had been weaned.
So I got Marie back 4 weeks later. Inevitably, I had to reintroduce her and start the trust process all over again. The problem is that to this day, Marie is still untrusting. It's worse than before she left. She can't stand being held. She doesn't bite (no one has ever bitten, even when very baited and/or cornered), but she squeals a lot if you try to pick her up. She gets out of her cage to explore, but as soon as she hears a movement from me (sometimes just a mouth noise) she panics and bolts back into her cage.
As for Annie, she's grown quite a bit in 4 months but still seems shy, hardly better than Marie.
Curie's the only one who's sociable and lets herself be handled with legendary calm. I'm just a little surprised that she never licks me like I see other rats do, sometimes I get the impression she's coming over to my shoulder just to get some treats.
In short, do you have any explanations or advice for my rats' shyness/fear? I'd like to make it clear that I never force them to get in or out of their cage. As soon as I see that they are uncomfortable about being carried, I withdraw my hand. And I give them a treat if they let me.
thank you in advance!
submitted by CoolBasileus to RATS [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:38 Sure_Estimate_6239 What are my job options if I am no longer pre-med?

Long story short I started college premed (im a biopsych major) and junior year I decided I didn't want to do it anymore. Parents were not happy with this decision and made me stick to it despite my failing mental health and grades (they just told me to try harder 💀). Due to this my grades are not good enough for medschool, and I need a job after I graduate this fall because my parents now say they are going to kick me out (due to no longer pursuing their goal of medicine). Due to being pre-med, I only briefly looked into marketing and comp-sci careers, but didnt take many classes (didn't think i could handle marketing with my courseload since I explored comp-sci). I also dont have much experience, besides being a sales associate in high school, which makes finding a job difficult.
I just need advice on what my career options are/where to go for job that will fully support me when I move out. I know many biopsych majors go into the field of health care, which I'm not completely opposed to if it pays well. I did intro to comp-sci so i have basic c++ knowledge (I got the feeling of quitting premed 2nd semester sophmore year so I tried CS first semester junior year). However, I don't see myself doing programming as a permanent job.
I just feel stuck because I'm graduating soon and it feels like no one will hire me. I've been applying to several entry-level marketing careers, but it feels like I am going to be rejected due to having no marketing classes compared to other applicants that do.
submitted by Sure_Estimate_6239 to Career_Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:36 Sure_Estimate_6239 What are my job options if I'm no longer pre-med?

Long story short I started college premed (im a biopsych major) and junior year I decided I didn't want to do it anymore. Parents were not happy with this decision and made me stick to it despite my failing mental health and grades (they just told me to try harder 💀). Due to this my grades are not good enough for medschool, and I need a job after I graduate this fall because my parents now say they are going to kick me out (due to no longer pursuing their goal of medicine). Due to being pre-med, I only briefly looked into marketing and comp-sci careers, but didnt take many classes (didn't think i could handle marketing with my courseload since I explored comp-sci). I also dont have much experience, besides being a sales associate in high school, which makes finding a job difficult.
I just need advice on what my career options are/where to go for job that will fully support me when I move out. I know many biopsych majors go into the field of health care, which I'm not completely opposed to if it pays well. I did intro to comp-sci so i have basic c++ knowledge (I got the feeling of quitting premed 2nd semester sophmore year so I tried CS first semester junior year). However, I don't see myself doing programming as a permanent job.
I just feel stuck because I'm graduating soon and it feels like no one will hire me. I've been applying to several entry-level marketing careers, but it feels like I am going to be rejected due to having no marketing classes compared to other applicants that do.
submitted by Sure_Estimate_6239 to careeradvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:36 Straight-Row-3458 What would you like to see if they were to remake Awakwning for the upcoming Nintendo system?

I got awakening for christmas almost 10 years ago and I instantly got hooked into the world and characters. Even to this day i can basically remember every character from the top of my head, but playing it again I can see some things that can be aproved on. So (outside graphics and full voice acting throught the game of course) what would you like to see if they remade awakening for the switch or the next nintendo system? What would you like them to change about the story, characters or gameplay?
Anything below here will contain spoilers to awakening, so be warned.
For me, 1) improve the villians. The villians in awakening are pretty bland especially coming from 3h. I think to improve the 4 main villians (Gangrel, Walhart, Validar and Grima) they should make them more memerable somehow. Starting with Gangrel they should make him more of a tragic villian. Have him start off seeming like a one note villian just wanting a war, but the deeper into his arc they start to show how hes gone crazy due to chroms father killing his family when he was child. Maybe, in one of the chapters (after Emeryn dies) have him monologue to chrom saying something like "what did you feel chrom when you saw your sisters dead body? Did it hurt? Did you feel anger, sadness, regret? Most it feel weird to lose someone you care about right infront of you. That pain, that regret, that anger you felt when she died is what I feel every day since i was a child. I was scared when your father burst into our city, I felt anger when he paraded my father and brothers across the city like pigs to the slaughter. I felt anger not when he had his men do what they wanted to my mother and sisters. I felt so helpless as they slit my families throats. You know, I only survived because my brother convinced a soldier I was just a slave. How could I be the only survivor of that monster? Ive asked that question every day. Everyday, my family calls to me to avenge them. Night and day they call to me, and now, finally, I killed one. Now, I just have 2 more then I shall have peace." I think doing this will help flesh out gangrel more.
For Walhart IDK exactly how to make him better except for making him more of an unmovable object kinda thing. Maybe have us play a one-off chapter as Basilo and in a that suicide march against Walhart rather then it being a cutscene. Also, make sure the player knows hes trying to unite the whole world under one banner so humanity can be united before grima is awakened.
For Validar I think they need to make him delusional and smarter. I think they should change awakenings prologue or whatever to show Validar, Robin, and Robins mothers past. Maybe have it so they show Robins mother fleeing Plegia with Robin as a baby to Ylisstol which will eventually lead to her death by Validar and the grimleal followers,which, in turn, will eventual lead to chroms father starting the war with Plegia. Validar justifies all the killing he does to the fact that he believes the lie that grima will bring peace to the world and bring the living to the dead. So he really wants to resurrect Grima to bring his dead wife back to life. Also, I think he should be the main reason most of awakenings plot happens in the remake without being totally stupid like he is in the original.
With grima, have him be more of a threat throughout the story.
2) Have each arc be more connected. Gangrels, Walharts and Grimmas arks are all kinda just thrown together so connecting each of them would be cool. Maybe have it where Gangrel starts the war with ylisse but seeing that hes losing, Aversa suggets aid from the mighty king on Valm, Walhart, who'll help in their aid if he gives walhart the fire emblem, Gangrel agrees but obviously hes killed before walhart can arrive. For walhart to grimas arc, I think Excellus (the purple haired tactician of walhart) should be a spy for the grimleal and would steal the fire emblem from chrom and book it out of there. Now having the fire emblem, all the gems validar can start the awakening ceramony.
3) have there be open 3d spaces to run around in, like a camp like in FE engage, where you can go there to spend more time with characters and stuff but not be needed like in 3h. Maybe have optinal dungeons that can unlock world building, powerful loot and characters.
4) Just have more lore in general and have some side characters be more important to the story outside their intro chapters.
5) have there be choices that affect the ending. If robin makes too many evil choices and doesnt have a lvl B or higher support rank with chrom and a few other characters, have him kill chrom and turn into grima. If he turns, let us play as grima and kill the remaining shepards, but if he doesnt turn, have the story continue as normal. I think this will help strengthen the story about bonds.
6) Explain grima more. I dont fully understand how grima works. Why does grima need a human body? How is robin grimma? Is grima the human or the dragon? I kinda have it as head canon the grima is like a titan in attack on titan where the human body is grimas actual body but the dragon is just kinda like a mech that is controled by his human form.
Thanks for reading this far! Im interested in hearing what you guys think they should do.
submitted by Straight-Row-3458 to fireemblem [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:36 Bodacious_Voice 26M Australia - You, Me and a whole lot of voicenotes!

Small talk is lame and neither of us have time for it, so we're skipping it! Voice notes are preferred but not totally necessary.
I have the day off, so I'm just going to be doing stuff at home (mowing lawns etc.) So will be pretty responsive
About me: I'm a Paramedic, and before you ask - the funniest story I have is of the guy who got a cricket ball stuck up... I'll let you figure out the rest 🤣
I love sports, fitness/working out, travel, meeting new people, music (play guitar) and camping/4x4
I'm 6'6 (yes I play basketball) I'm slim/athletic with short brown hair and green eyes if that matters
Hit me with something unique and let's be mates!
submitted by Bodacious_Voice to MeetNewPeopleHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:35 Elizabethmurphybaxt It’s not about wanting to stop- I literally can’t

I’m twenty and I am so badly addicted. I literally cannot stop being sick. I can’t eat unless I binge and even when I manage to stop for a few days I find myself struggling to eat at all out of fear of it becoming a binge. I told my family when it began but they don’t seem to care unless it’s within sight or I’m crying and then they get angry. (My mother is bulimic and my father has mental limitations- dyspraxia, dyslexia, autistim he struggles to understand emotions etc. so let that paint a picture!)I have nothing to do outside of my job or uni assignments. I don’t have friends or anything to keep busy and I live in rural Ireland with poor transport so getting into town to do something as shit as just bowling in a 2000s alley, is a nightmare. I have really bad people skills and have been diagnosed passively by therapists with everything from social anxiety to autism on account of my inability to make friends and awkwardness. I feel trapped and stuck and can’t imagine a future. Binging and bulimia is all I feel like I have to do that brings me joy which is awful but ultimately it’s true. I was a passionate runner but a lot of the time now my body is so wrecked I can’t. I just don’t have anything or anyone to make me stop.I’ve been in hospital crying whilst being forcibly treated for heart problems caused by my bulimia because I just wanted to die so badly. That was a year ago and now I refuse to go to check ups because I don’t want to be saved again to be put through more of this. Some people don’t get better and I think that might be me now. If I’m not vomiting all day what is there to do?I go insane on my own when I can’t binge. I just feel so lost I’ve done the whole therapists and antidepressants, mood stabilisers, sleeping pills thing but I didn’t feel better and the side effects messed with me more than it benefited me. I feel like I have been defeated and would happily give up on my life but I don’t seem to have it in me. Someone just please write back share what you’re going through or even if u have something similar going on I am so broken and just want to put my pain somewhere. Maybe you need to do the same.
submitted by Elizabethmurphybaxt to bulimia [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:35 jennabug456 Hospital isn’t competent to test for lung cancer

4 years ago my step dad had prostate cancer, they took out his entire prostate and he kept testing negative on PSA tests.
On April 3rd he went to Bronson Urgent Care because he had a cough. His pulse ox was 86 so they made him go to Bronson Hospital. After almost a week and a short stent in the ICU they said he had pneumonia and sent him home on 4 liters of oxygen. A week or so later he went back to the hospital due to shortness of breath. They couldn’t figure out what was wrong so they sent him back home on 5-6 liters of oxygen (5 while resting 6 while up).
On April 28th while on 6 liters his oxygen dropped to 74. Once he was stabilized we took him to University of Michigan Medical Center (hospital). On May 1st he was put into a medically induced coma. They confirmed cancer on May 2nd or 3rd and on May 4th my mom had to make the decision to take him off the vent where he then passed away.
You mean to tell me Bronson hospital which boasts a cancer center couldn’t detect he has lung cancer that metastasized all over his body? I’m so angry he was only 54 he’s been in my life since I was 3 he was a great second father to me. How the hell did the first hospital miss it? Is there any sort of explanation other that pure stupidity on their end? They ran the tests.
submitted by jennabug456 to CancerFamilySupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:35 LeeTSimba Will YouTube shorts ever get longer than 60 seconds?

YouTube shorts and Instagram reels started as a competitor to tiktoks. Since then, TikTok has increased the length of their videos to 10 minutes and Instagram let's their reels be up to 90 seconds. Do you think it makes sense for YouTube increase the length of shorts? I think it was this year that your TikTok videos are only eligible for monetization if they're at least 1 minute long. A lot of people make their content 1 minute on the dot now or a bit longer than that so they can get monetized. This makes it harder for them to repost onto YouTube unless they edit down the video or just let it cut off at the 60 second mark. Wouldn't it make sense for YouTube increase length of shorts just for people who post the same content on both platforms? It feels it would benefit them.
submitted by LeeTSimba to NewTubers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:35 Natural-Sky-7296 Scammer asks 7th grader (me) for credit card info. I didn't have a card.

You guys love my scammer stories, so here's a story about a really stupid scam call I got on my first cell phone.
I usually didn't pick up from numbers I didn't recognize since I only had so many minutes to spend on my super cheap Motorola phone. I hated that thing, tbh. It didn't even take pictures! But one day, someone called me from a number that had called me several times, and this was the first time I picked it up at all. I was just fed up with this number calling me and I wanted to give them a piece of my mind.
So I answered it. And it was my very first scammer.
"Hello, is this Natural-Sky-7296?"
I was surprised that they knew my name. So I said, "Um, yes... do I know you?"
Them: We're calling to discuss your tax payment. You failed to pay part of your tax.
Me: I'm in middle school, sir. I'm too young to pay taxes.
I expected them to give in and hang up, but this next line got me.
Them: Everyone has to pay taxes, ma'am.
Me: Even kids? My mom never told me that. I don't even have a job yet. I'm in 7th grade.
Them: It's okay, I'll help you now. Can I have your credit card number?
Me: Um, I don't have a credit card.
At first I just shrugged it off and started playing with my plushies again. As Goldenrod the Pegasus was about to make some magic happen, however, I got a sinking feeling that I should talk to my mom. So I went and told her about the call, and she taught me about scammers for the first time. She even showed me how to block a phone number on my phone, and after that, I was even more cautious on the calls I received.
Point is, anyone can be a victim of a scam. Even a kid. This is why parents should educate kids on the many ways scams can happen, especially in the age of social media. I was lucky that it wasn't worse, though. I can envision a scammer telling a kid to steal their mom's credit card and give them the info on it...
Anyway, that's my story for the day. Why they thought a middle school kid would have a credit card is beyond me, but that's a topic for the comments section.
submitted by Natural-Sky-7296 to Scams [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:34 Sure_Estimate_6239 What are my job options if I'm no longer premed?

Long story short I started college premed (im a biopsych major) and junior year I decided I didn't want to do it anymore. Parents were not happy with this decision and made me stick to it despite my failing mental health and grades (they just told me to try harder 💀). Due to this my grades are not good enough for medschool, and I need a job after I graduate this fall because my parents now say they are going to kick me out (due to no longer pursuing their goal of medicine). Due to being pre-med, I only briefly looked into marketing and comp-sci careers, but didnt take many classes (didn't think i could handle marketing with my courseload since I explored comp-sci). I also dont have much experience, besides being a sales associate in high school, which makes finding a job difficult.
I just need advice on what my career options are/where to go for job that will fully support me when I move out. I know many biopsych majors go into the field of health care, which I'm not completely opposed to if it pays well. I did intro to comp-sci so i have basic c++ knowledge (I got the feeling of quitting premed 2nd semester sophmore year so I tried CS first semester junior year). However, I don't see myself doing programming as a permanent job.
I just feel stuck because I'm graduating soon and it feels like no one will hire me. I've been applying to several entry-level marketing careers, but it feels like I am going to be rejected due to having no marketing classes compared to other applicants that do.
submitted by Sure_Estimate_6239 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:33 ThePinkySuavo Preparation for first build

Hello all,
my first drone like 2-3 years ago was Moblite7, shortly after I got Geprc Smart 3.5" analog.
I didn't fly for a while but I got kinda dragged in again. And I'd like to build my first own drone. However, I aim towards Tiny Whoop capable of flying 1km distances, inspired with this video (and some others):
Before I do that, I need to ask couple of questions and note my thoughts about the build, and I'd be glad if you commented any of the points!
  1. FC - does it actually matter? I probably aim for ELRS built-in, but should I really care about other factors in AIO FC when it comes to Tiny Whoops? What can really differ? Two things I can think of are: a) Ports - on Moblite7 VTX antenna was soldered as single wire, I'd prefer to have some port to be honest. I broke it SO many times already (canopy could be useful, gotta get it). b) VTX - in my opinion the bigger VTX power available the better, especially if I wanna fly quite further.
  2. Motors - to be honest EX0802 1900KV from Moblite7 seem to be okay. My only issue was that one shaft seemed thinner and propellers went out often. Now I have a lot of propellers of one type and barely of the other one lol. Would you recommend something else? What should I look like? I guess more KV = better?
  3. Frame - the original Moblite7 frame seems okay, but my GNB 660mAh batteries had to be pushed in hard to get in and I think frame gets bent too much. In general I feel like my propellers aren't all parallel now. Is there any better frame to go for 75mm?
  4. Propellers - original biblades seemed to be okay. Now I use 4 blades and I feel like they perform worse.
  5. RTX Antenna - I guess some dipole antenna would be nice. But I see some FCs have built-in RTX small ceramic antennas. Are they good? Or should I find one with switchable antenna for some dipole?
  6. VTX Antenna - as written previously, I'd like to have canopy and possibility to swap the VTX antenna. But I wonder how much of difference it gives if I'd choose some lollipop or califlower instead of these single wire antennas.
  7. ESC - I don't really know what to look at. I think most of these AIO FCs have 5A-6A ESCs. So should I even look at ESC when looking for FC?
  8. Camera - does it really matter? I feel like the image was almost the same on Geprc Smart 35 and Moblite7. Does it matter when it comes to analog at all?
  9. Batteries - I aim for 660mAh - 850mAh for the long range, but on Moblite7 I liked freestyling on 450-520mAh. Problem is that these big batteries fit hard into the frame, and these smaller ones could be too loose. I wonder if there's some nice solution for that, like with straps on bigger drones. Anyone has ideas to make the battery slot universal?
  10. Battery connector - I watched some videos and I am quite sure I'd like BT2.0, but not sure if there's better option now.
  11. Flight stability - not sure how to say it, but I feel like my Moblite7 has lost stability over time. Maybe there are some issues I haven't solved, but I feel like when a drone hovers indoors on acro, it shouldn't randomly wobble slowly and move to other direction. I don't know what to look at to though to ensure it. Ideas?
  12. Spare parts - I don't want to spend too much, but after some fun with Moblite7 I know I will need some spare parts, like 1-2 spare motors, maybe some motor washers/C-clips in case I can repair it myself, propellers and maybe VTX + RTX antenna. Actually that's all I guess, I doubt breaking camera and if I break FC then I kinda can build a new drone.
  13. Others - I am not sure if I missed something. I don't know too much and never built a drone by myself. I know there are some details I am unsure of, like:
I want to spend as little as needed. Thank you for any help or thoughts regarding some of these points. Even though I have been flying for some time already, I feel like a noob and have no clue about building my own drone. I am afraid I'll mess up something, something will not be compatible or I will just solder something badly.
submitted by ThePinkySuavo to TinyWhoop [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:33 Bodacious_Voice 26M Australia - You, me and a whole lot of voicenotes

Small talk is lame and neither of us have time for it, so we're skipping it! Voice notes are preferred but not totally necessary.
I have the day off, so I'm just going to be doing stuff at home (mowing lawns etc.) So will be pretty responsive
About me: I'm a Paramedic, and before you ask - the funniest story I have is of the guy who got a cricket ball stuck up... I'll let you figure out the rest 🤣
I love sports, fitness/working out, travel, meeting new people, music (play guitar) and camping/4x4
I'm 6'6 (yes I play basketball) I'm slim/athletic with short brown hair and green eyes if that matters
Hit me with something unique and let's be mates!
submitted by Bodacious_Voice to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:33 Red_devil1902 I walked out from my dates' house and I'm not sure what I did was right or wrong.

So a little back story, i met this girl for the first time a few days ago, went for drinks, and we hooked up. We hadn't talked about what we were planning for but she told me I never really asked her out. So i did and she invited me over to her place for some pasta as she had a long work day.
So as she doesn't drink and loves dark chocolate, I took some chocolates as my culture taught me that when ever you're visiting someone carry something nice, and she completely ignores it and gives it back because she doesn't want any chocolates today, maybe some other day. So onto the date, we start talking and immediately she mentions that we're on the second date because her friend thought I was nice and she should give me a second chance. That kinda bummed me off but I let it slide because I thought it was a joke ( it wasn't ). And then we decided to make some pasta and watch a movie, but all along she did was scroll her IG, check up on some work or text her girl friends. I'm someone who doesn't like checking up on phone when I'm around someone so it kinda felt bad. After dinner, she said let's cuddle and then you can go as i have early work day tomorrow. So yeah we cuddle and end up having sex, and she doesn't sleep at her time so while we're in bed after the sex, she mentions it's my fault if she wakes up late. I said lol I'll wake you up in the morning by giving you a call to make sure you're not late and then she tells me that I'm crossing boundaries by trying to help her and she wants to take things slow ? I mean what ? I didn't even mention anything about the future, just wanted to make sure she didn't get late for work. And I'm a morning person anyways. So yeah I got pissed and got up to wear my shoes and while wearing them she asked me for a hug and I was already tying my laces by then so I tied them and leaned in for a good bye hug and she tells me that now you're touching me after touching your shoes, now you shouldn't. And then I was completely mad and i just told her you sleep, I'll leave now. And left her house.
I don't know what she wanted from me, just a hookup, dating idk. But atleast talk about it and communicate.
submitted by Red_devil1902 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 00:32 Icy-Text-9833 I feel guilty for going no contact with my 19 year old daughter, but I can not change it.

Super long post so grab your tea and settle in.
I, (50f) have two kids; daughter (19) and son (18). My daughter has always been difficult. She would blame her brother for things she did, fight with him endlessly, lied continuously to me, stole from family and stores and was a hard teen to raise. She began seeing a boy (21m) 3 years ago and honestly I didn’t care for him from the start. He was rude, intitled, zero respect and already had quite the legal record.
My daughter ended up pregnant by him about 1 month into their relationship she was 16 he was 18. They lied to me and told me he was 16. They also lied about the pregnancy. She really didn’t get a pregnant belly and anytime I mentioned she was gaining some weight and could she possibly be pregnant she would accuse me of fat shaming her and being rude just for asking. Fast forward a few months and she said she was staying at her best friends for the weekend. Her friends mom even backed this story and lied to me saying, yes she is with us. When in fact she was at boyfriends recently acquired apartment ( I had no idea about and was told he lived with his grandparents). She went into labor that weekend, I still had no idea she was pregnant. When she finally called to say she was at the hospital and had a baby she insisted she had no idea she was pregnant and it was a suprise to all of them. I didn’t really buy that but didn’t argue, none of it mattered. She had a new baby and baby needed taken care of. With her story of not knowing I immediately went shopping. Bought everything you would need for a new baby. She let me know she was moving in with BF and would be raising the baby with him. When I dropped off the baby gear (literally an F250 truck load) to the apartment I notice quite a few items were already in place for a new baby, and realized they knew and had already gotten some stuff. None of that really mattered to me, I was a grandmother now and the how’s and why’s weren’t changeable so I just moved on. I tried really hard to accept her BF and invited him into our little family. He was always rude making snide comments about my son and their father. Father took his life a month before baby was born, whole other story. He would say how much better he was and would never leave his family, just a little turd. He wouldn’t let her visit without him. I couldn’t even talk to her on the phone without him listening and answering for her. He seemed extremely controlling and jealous of any relationship she had, even with her brother and I.
This kid could never hold a job for more than a month, sat around playing video games, didn’t help with baby, didn’t clean or cook. Just a waste of space, smoking weed and doing nothing. I tried not to say anything but the look on my face was telling whenever she would talk about him to me. They eventually got behind and lost their apartment and refused to move in with me because I wouldn’t allow him to stay, just her and the baby.
They were living in their cars and couch surfing. She had very little contact with me durning this time. At one point a friend of theirs called me to tell me BF was being abusive and I drove to where they were living to see if she would come home with me and leave an abusive relationship. She refused, actually became very angry I would even butt in to their relationship like that. I honestly just wanted my babygirl, my first born safe and not hurt. A little time goes by and eventually she reached out and I help her get into an apartment, he wasn’t on the lease. A couple months go by she tells me she is 5 months with number two. I am less than thrilled but it is what it is and I am just happy she is in an apartment.
Then, I get a phone call. She was just taken to the hospital because BF hit her in her pregnant belly and baby wasn’t moving. (Baby is fine).
Cops were called he is taken to jail. There was apparently an incident before this where he gave her a black eye. The police were called then but he ran and they didn’t find him but there was still a report filed. I was never told of the black eye story till later.
The time he is in jail (3 months), she is at my house daily. I am helping her with the baby and her pregnancy. I go to doctors appointments was even in her labor room. Things were actually good between us and her and her brother were getting along great. Brother is an amazing uncle and loves his niece to death. Buys her anything she wants and they are so close. She tells me she is done with BF, has a restraining order. Is moving forward and sees how in 3 short months her life is actually improving.
But sure enough as soon as he is released (2 felony charges) she takes him right back. She lies to me saying she won’t and isn’t but I don’t believe her at all. So I drive to her place and he is there. She screams at me to mind my own business and if she wants him it’s not up to me. Again I have been there everyday with both baby’s. Helping her and getting a chance to know my grandkids. At this point am very attached to my little angels and extremely frightened for her safety . She tells me, If I can’t get over the fact she will be with BF, then she never wants to see me again. I’m crushed but at the same time I am done. Done with all the lies, done with being told I can’t see the kids. With baby number one I have gotten to see her just a handful of times until the three months BF was in jail. Done with being treated like crap from my daughter. I feel like she was just using me while he was in jail. So I say fine.
That was in march. I haven’t spoken to her since. She hasn’t reached out at all and even changed her number. I feel guilt because I didn’t really fight the no contact. I mean I miss the babies something horrible but I am so done with lies. But I also feel guilty because what if he is still hurting her. A couple of her friends let me know how she and the kids are doing. And now that she isn’t pregnant I know she could kick his butt in a fight. I feel like I have abandoned her but she is the one who said no contact.
I’m I wrong for wanting no contact as a parent?
submitted by Icy-Text-9833 to nocontact [link] [comments]