Free hidden object games

Hidden Object Games

2011.02.04 18:28 bowserz Hidden Object Games

A subreddit about hidden object type casual games.

2008.05.05 23:39 Quality Gaming Content and Discussion -- /r/Games

The goal of /Games is to provide a place for informative and interesting gaming content and discussions. Submissions should be for the purpose of informing or initiating a discussion, not just with the goal of entertaining viewers. Memes, comics, funny screenshots, arts-and-crafts, etc. will be removed.

2012.03.23 14:58 AppHookup

Only the best deals, sales and verified price reductions for apps and applications of all operating systems: Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Steam and more.

2024.05.14 21:38 CWsDad Wife's New Boyfriend Makes More Money

Look, I know we shouldn't measure ourselves by how much we make, but realistically it's one way men are often judged. I also know that this issue is about me and my ego.
My ex-wife and I have been divorced for a year. I'm very happy with a my partner. She's fantastic and a much better fit for me.
That said, my ex recently started dating someone who probably makes 2 - 3 times what I make. I know I shouldn't care as I make six figures myself, but it keeps eating at me. I can't figure out why, because I'm happy and I know she deserves to be happy too, but I just can't quite shake it.
One of the problems in our marriage (for me at least) is that I always felt like she took me for granted, in a lot of ways, but definitely about our finances. My earnings are good for our area, but were not enough for us to live the lifestyle she wanted, and her not work. I was always left with the lingering sense that the amount of money I made was never enough for her. I was always pushing to save more money and she was always complaining about having to work or not taking enough trips. We were together nearly 20 years and our financial strategy got us to the point that when we divorced we were both debt-free (other than vehicles) and each had a year's savings in the bank.
I thought we did pretty damn good and I was proud of myself for getting us there (often over her objections).
I truly thought once she "got out there" she would understand what I brought to the table, at least financially.
Now I feel like she feels like she "upgraded." Her first go out of the gate and she's with a guy making 200 - 300k and he's taking her on trips here, there, and everywhere. Now that he's spending time around my kids I'm afraid he's going to start trying to impress them with money. In fact, he's taking them to an amusement park this weekend which will easily cost him close to $1,000.
Has anyone else dealt with this? Any practical advice for working through an issue like this?
And please, I'm not looking for snarky or judgmental responses.
I know this is a "me" problem. I know I have to get over it.
I'm looking for perspective from other men who may have dealt with this.
submitted by CWsDad to DivorcedDads [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:36 pumpkinmuncher65 Frontier should stop adding so much dlcs.

what was the last time frontier had an actually good free update for the f2p players?? People that dont buy dlcs have to watch these other people play with the new species/storylines knowing that they cant/are not able to buy it, in my opinion. I think that whatever frontier is doing by adding only dlcs each update it just straight up greedy man. There are 10+ dlcs in the game not counting jwe1 and 3 of them cost up to 20 euro, i could understand the pricing on the dlcs with the storylines etc, but for normal dlcs that at the max add only up to 4 species cost 8 euro?? It would be way better if frontier would just stop being as greedy as they currently are and make more free updates with new species. RANT (frontier is a good company, this is just a suggestion that will never get through to frontier anyway)
submitted by pumpkinmuncher65 to jurassicworldevo [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:35 Soninetz SurveySparrow vs Qualtrics: 2 Ultimate Survey Builder Compared

SurveySparrow vs Qualtrics: 2 Ultimate Survey Builder Compared
In the realm of survey tools, Surveysparrow and Qualtrics stand out as popular choices with a variety of customers and high market share ratings. Both platforms offer a variety of unique features and benefits, catering to diverse user needs and market share. Surveysparrow focuses on simplicity and user-friendly interfaces, while Qualtrics boasts advanced customization options and robust analytics. Understanding the differences between Surveysparrow vs. Qualtrics can help you choose the best fit for your survey requirements. Let's delve into a detailed comparison to determine which platform aligns with your goals and preferences.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Consider Your Needs: Evaluate your specific requirements in terms of features, pricing, customers, market share, and customization before choosing between Surveysparrow and Qualtrics.
  • Budget Wisely: Compare the pricing plans of both platforms to ensure you select a survey builder that aligns with your budget while meeting your needs.
  • Focus on User Experience: Prioritize a survey tool that offers a user-friendly interface and a seamless experience for both creators and respondents.
  • Utilize Free Trials: Take advantage of free trials offered by Surveysparrow and Qualtrics to test their functionalities and determine which aligns best with your survey goals.
  • Seek Feedback: Gather input from potential users within your organization to understand their preferences and requirements when selecting a survey builder.
  • Customization Matters: Consider the level of customization needed for your surveys and choose a platform that allows you to tailor surveys to your branding and data collection needs.

Initial Comparison

User Experience

SurveySparrow: Users praise its intuitive interface, making survey creation a breeze. The platform offers a seamless experience. Qualtrics: Known for its robust features, users appreciate the customization options and in-depth analytics provided.

Pricing Structures

  • SurveySparrow: Offers affordable pricing plans suitable for small to medium-sized businesses. Users appreciate the value for money.
  • Qualtrics: Positioned as a premium solution with higher price points, catering more to enterprise-level organizations.
Turn your customers into loyal fans! Try SurveySparrow for free and see the magic happen! 🎩✨

First Impressions

SurveySparrow's simplicity appeals to users looking for quick and easy survey creation tools. In contrast, Qualtrics impresses users with its extensive range of features and advanced capabilities. New users often find SurveySparrow more approachable due to its user-friendly design, while Qualtrics can be overwhelming initially but rewarding for those seeking comprehensive survey solutions.

Key Aspects to Consider

Customization Options

SurveySparrow offers a wide range of customization options, allowing users to tailor surveys to suit the needs of their target audience effectively. In contrast, Qualtrics also provides robust customization features, enabling teams to create surveys that align with their brand identity.

Field Types for Surveys

When it comes to field types, both platforms, SurveySparrow and Qualtrics, offer a diverse selection to cater to various survey requirements. SurveySparrow provides an array of field types such as multiple-choice questions, rating scales, and more. Similarly, Qualtrics equips users with a variety of field options for comprehensive market research.

Integrations with Other Platforms

Both SurveySparrow and Qualtrics understand the importance of seamless integrations with other tools. SurveySparrow, known for its user-friendly interface, integrates effortlessly with popular platforms like Google Sheets and Slack. On the other hand, Qualtrics, being a leader in market research solutions, offers integrations with CRM systems like Salesforce for enhanced data management.

Pricing and Features

Customization Options

SurveySparrow offers a range of pricing plans, including a free tier for basic needs. Qualtrics, on the other hand, is known for its robust features catering to various businesses.

Ratings and Market Share

SurveySparrow has gained popularity among customers for its user-friendly interface and excellent customer support. In contrast, Qualtrics holds a significant market share due to its advanced features and analytics capabilities.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial

Form Features Comparison

When it comes to varied customization options, SurveySparrow excels with its easy-to-use interface tailored for businesses of all sizes. Qualtrics, known for its sophisticated features, offers a wide variety of advanced functionalities.
  • SurveySparrow: Provides intuitive skip logic and piping capabilities.
  • Qualtrics: Offers advanced branching options for intricate survey designs.

Team Collaboration

For seamless collaboration, both platforms, SurveySparrow and Qualtrics, provide tools for teams to work together efficiently on surveys. This allows businesses to gather insights effectively through collective input.

Choosing the Right Survey Builder

User Interface

SurveySparrow: Simple and intuitive interface, easy for beginners to navigate. Qualtrics: Robust features with a steeper learning curve, ideal for advanced users.
When deciding between SurveySparrow and Qualtrics, consider the user interface. SurveySparrow offers a straightforward design, making it user-friendly for those new to survey building. In contrast, Qualtrics provides more complex features suited for experienced users who require advanced customization options.

Customization Options

SurveySparrow: Limited customization features but focuses on simplicity and ease of use. Qualtrics: Extensive customization capabilities allowing for intricate survey designs.
For individuals or businesses seeking customization options, Qualtrics stands out with its wide range of features that cater to specific branding needs. On the other hand, SurveySparrow prioritizes simplicity over extensive customization, making it ideal for quick and efficient survey creation without intricate design requirements.


You've now explored the differences between Surveysparrow and Qualtrics, delving into key aspects, pricing, features, and how to choose the right survey builder. Understanding these nuances is crucial for selecting the platform that best aligns with your needs and goals. By considering factors like ease of use, customization options, pricing structures, and scalability, you can make an informed decision that enhances your surveying experience.
As you move forward with your survey-building endeavors, remember to prioritize what matters most to you. Whether it's user-friendliness, advanced features, or budget-friendliness, selecting the right tool can streamline your processes and elevate the insights you gather. Keep these considerations in mind as you navigate the world of online surveys and empower yourself to make the most out of your data collection efforts.
Don't just meet expectations, exceed them! Begin your SurveySparrow free trial today and become the brand your customers adore! ❤️

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the main differences between Surveysparrow and Qualtrics?

Surveysparrow is user-friendly with a focus on conversational surveys, suitable for small to medium businesses. Qualtrics offers advanced features and customization options, ideal for enterprise-level organizations requiring in-depth analytics and complex survey structures.

Which key aspects should I consider when choosing between Surveysparrow and Qualtrics?

Consider factors like ease of use, customization options, analytics capabilities, pricing structure, customer support quality, integration possibilities, and scalability based on your organization's specific needs and goals.

How do the pricing and features of Surveysparrow compare to Qualtrics?

Surveysparrow generally offers more affordable pricing plans tailored for smaller businesses while providing essential features. In contrast, Qualtrics offers a wide range of advanced features but comes at a higher price point more suited for larger enterprises with complex survey requirements.

What benefits can I expect from using Surveysparrow over Qualtrics?

Choosing Surveysparrow can provide benefits such as intuitive survey creation, interactive chat-like surveys that boost response rates, cost-effectiveness for small to medium businesses, and efficient data collection with user-friendly analytics tools.

How can I determine the right survey builder between Surveysparrow and Qualtrics?

To choose the right survey builder, assess your organization's budget, survey complexity, desired level of customization, team collaboration needs, integrations required with other tools or platforms, and overall ease of use to make an informed decision that aligns with your objectives.
Useful Links:
  1. Surveysparrow LifeTime Deal
  2. Surveysparrow Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:35 Itchy-Assumption3803 What The Fog Steam Key Giveaway -

#free #game #store #limited #time #offer #steam
What The Fog Steam Key Giveaway -
Links:Look on the StoreView What the Fog
submitted by Itchy-Assumption3803 to decknewsunofficial [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:35 3lbGames Check out this multiplayer party game for FREE tomorrow!

Check out this multiplayer party game for FREE tomorrow!
Grokit - VMR Hand Tracking Multiplayer Party Game on Meta Quest
Grokit is a hand tracking virtual and mixed reality multiplayer party game inspired by games like WarioWare and Mario Party. It is playable on Quest 3, 2, & Pro with a passthrough option and virtual environments depending on your preference.
Every month, we host GROKIT GAME DAY, an open community play session, in our Discord. Our next Game Day tomorrow (Wednesday), the 15th. We're giving away two FREE game keys to all attendees (one for you, one for a friend), then hopping into our Quests to game with all of you!
Timeslots are 3p EST (12PST, 8GMT) & 9p EST (by popular demand) for our late night & west coast grokkers.
The SUMMER UPDATE (our fourth major content update) is coming soon, so get ahead of the game before it drops. Join the Discord at this link and we'll see you tomorrow!
Check out videos of the game on our Youtube channel
submitted by 3lbGames to OculusQuest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:34 UberActivist Overwatch 2 Retail Patch Notes - May 14, 2024


Overwatch 2 and Porsche team up for an electric collaboration to showcase the shared essence of these two high-performance brands in an all-new event. Experience the fusion with Legendary Porsche D.Va and Porsche Pharah skins available now in the Premium Shop, plus earn other free high-voltage Porsche-themed cosmetics through event challenges now through June 3.


Demotion Protection Modifier
New - Pressure Competitive Modifier
Developer comments: This new modifier was added to show how our highest and lowest-skill players are being pushed toward a more average Rank. Competitive Play already calculates this Modifier to your Skill Rank adjustment, but it wasn't visible until now. Very high or very low-ranked players will see this Modifier after every match while they continue to maintain a Rank at the outer limits of the ranked spectrum. Climbing to the highest skill tiers like Grand Masters or Champions is not intended to be easy, and overcoming Pressure to reach the top is no longer a hidden challenge that players must face.
Grouping Restrictions
The Skill Tier legend was updated to show the changes to grouping restrictions that were applied in a previous update. The grouping restriction changes we applied are the following:
Developer comment: While the Season 10 changes to grouping up with friends have contributed to a large improvement in match quality for most players, we’re still looking to reduce queue times for players and groups, especially for higher ranks.
Developer comments: Loss streaks never feel good. Before each match, we make a prediction about which team will win the game, based on the information we have about the players on both teams. This is how modifiers such as Consolation, Reversal, Uphill Battle, and Expected give or take additional Rank Progress after each Competitive Play match. Since most matches will have a team that has a slightly higher chance of winning, placing a player on the team with the higher chance who is currently on a losing streak is aimed at helping them have a fair chance of breaking that streak. While this won't guarantee they'll win, it does provide a helping advantage.


Developer comment: Armor is being reverted to its original functionality to better resistance rapid fire damage and shotgun-type weapons. Out- of- combat health regeneration has been a positive but subtle addition to the game, but had a much smaller impact for tank heroes due to their massive health pools, so we're adjusting it to heal for a percentage of maximum health.


Role Passive
Developer Comment: Although armor health will now be more effective in some of the more difficult matchups, it will also be losing potency against the typically slower, higher damage instances. To help reduce the feeling of tanks being taken out too quickly by high bursts of damage, the role-wide passive now provides improved defense against critical headshot damage.


Developer Comment: Junker Queen being able to activate Commanding Shout while swinging her axe or during her Ultimate ability will make it more responsive for when an additional burst of health or movement speed is needed.
Commanding Shout


Developer Comment: Similar to how Graviton Surge functions, Gravitic Flux no longer needs line of sight to affect enemy targets in its area. There are a fair amount of counterplay options to deal with this ultimate so we're making it more reliable to grab enemy targets within its area of effect.
Gravitic Flux


Developer Comment: Wrecking Ball has been performing much better after his recent update and these tuning changes will help his abilities feel more impactful.
Grappling Claw


Developer Comment: We have been increasing the value of some tank ultimate abilities to account for the increased health pools and it helps to make the decision of when to counter-swap more of an interesting tradeoff. Graviton Surge was still very useful to set up combos with other ultimate abilities but we want to makes sure it's powerful enough on its own.
Graviton Surge



Developer Comment: Junkrat's weapon has great damage output but is unreliable outside of close range due to its slow projectile speed, which is an intended drawback to its high output. The Season 9 health changes affected Junkrat more than most other heroes since it now requires one more shot to secure an elimination. We're increasing the damage on direct impacts to return to 2 direct hits for an elimination, without making his combo with Concussion Mine as deadly as before since that one is much easier to execute.
Frag Launcher


Developer Comment: While the main benefit of Duplicate is a second health pool and the utility of another hero's abilities, it was often too difficult to charge an ultimate in the Duplicate time limit so we're increasing the bonus multiplier slightly.


Developer Comment: The Dragonstrike ultimate hasn't been very effective outside of being used in a combo with other abilities that restrict enemy movement, so we're increasing its speed to help position it as less of a zoning tool and more likely to deal some damage.
Speed increased from 12 to 15 meters per second.



Developer Comment: Resetting the Shield Bash cooldown on ultimate activation was too much potential burst damage for Brigitte when the average maximum health of everyone was lower, but it's much more reasonable now that it won't be as lethal.


submitted by UberActivist to overwatch2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:34 olivegarden776 26m looking for someone to play games/hangout with

Hey looking for friends to play games or maybe watch stuff with. I have a lot of free time so I'm usually available unless I'm like passed out.
stuff about me
I play the saxohpone, clarinet and ewi mediocrely.
I'm half asian half white if that sort of stuff matters to you.Have a degree in something I know nothing about.
Games that I play
League, last epoch, tft, palworld, enshrouded, 7 days to die, terraria, mc, grounded, lethal company, fire emblem, pokemon, osrs, planet crufter, no rest for the wicked and maplestory
I only use discord so dm me yours cause reddit sucks.
Also please be like 20+
submitted by olivegarden776 to NYCFriends [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:33 Zimzm Some Free Stuff

Unreal Engine - Movie, Video game, or architecture creation
Epic Games - free Pc video games
Pencil 2d - free animation software
You Tube - free channel creation
submitted by Zimzm to AwareItsFree [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:33 Soninetz SimpleTexting Free Trial: Maximize SMS Marketing for Small Businesses

SimpleTexting Free Trial: Maximize SMS Marketing for Small Businesses
Looking to explore the world of SimpleTexting with a free trial? Dive into the realm of efficient communication and seamless marketing strategies. With SimpleTexting's free trial, experience firsthand how this platform with custom integrations can revolutionize your outreach efforts. Unleash the power of SMS marketing with text analytics, customization, and custom integrations to engage with your audience like never before. Join the ranks of satisfied users who have harnessed the potential of SimpleTexting to elevate their businesses.
Discover the simplicity and effectiveness of SimpleTexting's free trial today. Elevate your marketing game, connect with your audience effortlessly, and witness the impact firsthand. Take the first step towards unlocking a new level of communication prowess with SimpleTexting's intuitive platform.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • Texting is Essential: Utilize texting for small businesses as it offers a direct and effective way to reach customers.
  • SimpleTexting Success: Learn from SimpleTexting's ten years of experience in the industry to enhance your marketing strategies.
  • Powerful Marketing Tools: Leverage key features provided by SimpleTexting to boost your marketing campaigns and engage with your audience effectively.
  • SMS for Business Growth: Implement SMS marketing to transform and grow your business by connecting with customers in a personalized manner.
  • Compliance Matters: Ensure compliance with SMS marketing regulations to build trust with your audience and avoid legal issues.
  • Start Your Free Trial: Take action today by signing up for a free trial with SimpleTexting to experience the benefits firsthand.

Why Texting Wins for Small Businesses

Instant Engagement

Small businesses can implement texting to achieve instant engagement with their customers. By sending quick and concise messages, they can grab attention effectively.
Texting allows businesses to reach customers directly on their mobile devices, ensuring that the message is promptly seen and responded to. This real-time communication helps in addressing customer queries promptly.
Ready to level up your customer engagement? Try SimpleTexting for free and automate your welcome messages today! 🚀

Boost Response Rates

By utilizing texting, small businesses can significantly boost customer response rates. Compared to emails or phone calls, texts have a higher open rate, leading to quicker responses from customers.
The convenience of receiving a text message enables customers to respond promptly without much effort. This immediacy in communication enhances customer interaction and satisfaction, ultimately benefiting the business.

Personalized Communication

Small businesses can leverage texting for personalized and direct communication with their customers. By tailoring messages according to individual preferences or purchase history, businesses can create a more engaging and customized experience.
Personalized texts make customers feel valued and appreciated, leading to stronger relationships and increased loyalty towards the business.

Unpacking SimpleTexting's Decade of Success

Growth Trajectory

Over the last ten years, SimpleTexting has seen exponential growth, expanding its user base and services. From a modest beginning to processing millions of text messages monthly, the company has truly evolved.

Milestones Achieved

SimpleTexting hit a significant milestone in 2016 by launching its free trial offer, allowing businesses to test their platform without commitment. This move revolutionized how companies approach SMS marketing.

Core Values

Driven by innovation and customer-centricity, SimpleTexting prioritizes user experience and reliability. Their commitment to providing seamless communication solutions has been a cornerstone of their success.

Impact on Businesses

The impact of SimpleTexting on businesses cannot be overstated. By offering an intuitive platform for reaching customers via text, they have empowered countless enterprises to enhance their marketing strategies.

Future Outlook

As SimpleTexting continues to innovate and adapt to changing market demands, the future looks promising for both the company and its users. With a focus on simplicity and effectiveness, they are poised for sustained success.

Key Features That Empower Your Marketing


SimpleTexting offers robust analytics tools that provide valuable insights into your SMS campaigns. Track metrics like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions to optimize your marketing strategies.


With SimpleTexting, you can personalize messages based on customer preferences. Tailor your texts with names, locations, or other relevant information to create a more engaging experience for your audience.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial


Utilize SimpleTexting's automation features to streamline communication and enhance customer engagement. Set up automated responses, drip campaigns, and scheduled messages to nurture leads and drive conversions effectively.


The platform offers seamless integrations with various tools and platforms to simplify your workflow. From CRM systems to e-commerce platforms, SimpleTexting ensures smooth data flow and enhanced functionality for your marketing efforts.

Customer Support

Benefit from reliable customer support through SimpleTexting's help center. Get assistance with setting up campaigns, troubleshooting issues, or exploring advanced features to maximize the platform's potential.

Transforming Businesses with SMS

Revolutionize Communication

SMS has the power to revolutionize how companies communicate with their customers. It offers a direct and personal way to reach audiences instantly.
Businesses can leverage SMS to send promotional offers, updates, and important alerts to their customers, ensuring timely communication.

Real-Life Examples

  • A clothing company increased its sales by 30% by sending out SMS promotions.
  • An online store saw a 20% rise in customer engagement after implementing an SMS marketing strategy.
These examples highlight the tangible benefits of incorporating SMS into business communication strategies.

Scalability for All Sizes

  • Small businesses can use SMS to engage with customers on a personal level without a significant investment.
  • Large corporations utilize SMS campaigns to reach a wide audience efficiently and cost-effectively.
The scalability of SMS marketing makes it a versatile tool for businesses of all sizes to enhance customer engagement and drive sales.

Navigating SMS Marketing Compliance


Compliance with inbox regulations is crucial in SMS marketing to avoid legal issues and maintain customer trust.
SimpleTexting's focus on compliance ensures that users can send messages confidently without worrying about violating any laws.

SimpleTexting's Solutions

SimpleTexting provides users with tools like automated compliance checks and opt-out management features to streamline the compliance process.
Users can easily manage their subscriber lists, ensuring that they have the necessary consent to send messages, thus staying compliant with regulations.

Simplifying Compliance Processes

With SimpleTexting, users can access templates for compliance-related messages, making it easier to draft messages that meet legal requirements.
The platform offers resources and guides to help users understand and navigate the complex landscape of SMS marketing regulations.

Closing Thoughts

You've seen how texting can revolutionize your small business. SimpleTexting's success speaks volumes about the power of SMS marketing. By leveraging its key features, you can transform your marketing strategies and ensure compliance effortlessly. Embrace the future of business communication with SMS today.
Ready to take your marketing to new heights? Sign up for SimpleTexting's free trial now and witness firsthand the difference it can make for your business.
Unlock the power of behavior-based texts with SimpleTexting! Start your free trial today and see how easy it is to personalize your messages. 🎯

Frequently Asked Questions

How can SMS marketing benefit small businesses?

SMS marketing offers direct and instant communication with customers, increasing engagement and driving sales. It is cost-effective, has high open rates, and allows for personalized messaging to build customer relationships effectively.

What makes SimpleTexting stand out in the market?

SimpleTexting stands out due to its decade-long experience, user-friendly interface, robust features like autoresponders and contact segmentation, excellent customer support, and compliance with SMS marketing regulations.

Is there a free trial available for SimpleTexting?

Yes, SimpleTexting offers a free trial period for new users. You can sign up easily on their website to explore the platform's features and see how it can benefit your business before committing to a subscription.

How does SMS marketing help in ensuring compliance with regulations?

SMS marketing platforms like SimpleTexting provide tools for opt-in/opt-out management, message templates for compliance, and automated features that ensure adherence to regulations like TCPA and GDPR, safeguarding your business from legal issues.

Can SMS marketing be integrated with other marketing strategies?

Yes, SMS marketing can be seamlessly integrated with other strategies such as email marketing or social media campaigns. By combining channels, businesses can create cohesive omnichannel experiences that enhance customer engagement and drive better results.
Useful Links:
  1. SimpleTexting LifeTime Deal
  2. SimpleTexting Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:32 videogamesandenglish Pilot study for self-hosted online survey and audio recording response set-up. Topic is online gaming and language learning (18+, Everyone)

[Academic- PhD Study]
Hi everyone!
We need your help with a pilot study that's testing an online survey and audio recordings response set up using free and open-source software. This will be helpful as I am planning to use it for my PhD study.
In order to get more feedback, we are open to participants 18+ from any country and with any native language (including English). The pilot study is part of a bigger project on online video game play and language learning.
The survey should take less than 15 minutes to complete, including the audio recording responses.
This is the link: In order to access the study, please enter-
username: pilot
password: pilot
Thanks for your time, and we look forward to reading your feedback.
submitted by videogamesandenglish to SurveyExchange [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:32 SoggyMinimum8386 Who Would you Rather Play as? (In Regards to the PMD Sky Hack I'm Making.)

The reason I ask is that I'm limited on the amount of pokemon I can add to the game. Including both shiny and non-shiny forms, that's 4 pokemon. Not to mention sprite making. I currently have a decent amount of sprites done for Aria, but I'll have to remake them for pirouette if you all want to play as her instead. Pirouette is a "battle only" form, but she is playable. Relic song would just change her to the Aria forme when used.
I could add the shiny forms, no problem, but I wanted to ask about it. Personally, I think I'll stick with her non-shiny form.
I'm also adding Diancie as a playable charactepartner as well (luckily, someone did all her sprites are already)
If you all have any great ideas for possible Meloetta partners, feel free to mention them in the comments!
View Poll
submitted by SoggyMinimum8386 to meloetta [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:32 OttawaLoftMeetup Weekly Thursday Board Game Meetup at Level One

Welcome to our weekly board game meetup at Level One 🙂. Level One is a board game lounge where we like to come hangout, have fun, and meet new people. Everyone is welcome!
Where is it? Level One Game Pub, 14 Waller Street, Downtown Ottawa
When is it? Every Thursday at 6pm. Ask for the Reddit group upon arrival. Generally we take up the back half of the upper level. Note: Please try to arrive at 6pm, coming later means there may not be space for you to join a game as the tables may already be full!
How much do I have to pay? There is a $9 "stay & play" fee, plus any food or drink you purchase.
What games? Some games people commonly play are: Codenames, Secret Hitler, Avalon, Just One, Wavelength, Dominion, Coup, and Wingspan, but we also love mixing it up and trying new games 🙂. We usually play light strategy games, party games, and social deduction, but we also tend to have a table or two for heavier strategy games.
How many people usually show up?
Around 25 to 45 people.
Is there a particular time I should show up at?
We strongly suggest showing up at 6pm.
How late does everyone stay?
10pm is usually when people start heading out, but feel free to head out whenever you wish. There are also some of us who tend to stay until closing/midnight.
How big are the tables?
Generally we have three 8-10 seat tables and at least three 4-6 seat tables
What’s the age range of the crowd? Will I fit in?
Most of us are in our 20s and 30s, but of course all ages are welcome! Our group is commonly described as welcoming, fun, good vibes, and relaxed.
Do I need to know how to play these games beforehand?
Nope! The games are for fun, not competition, feel free to learn from us or staff once you arrive. No pressure to know anything!
If you have any questions do not hesitate to comment or message 😁
tweet tweet - some bird
submitted by OttawaLoftMeetup to u/OttawaLoftMeetup [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:31 olivegarden776 26m NYC looking for someone to play games/chat with

Hey looking for friends to play games or maybe watch stuff with. I have a lot of free time so I'm usually available unless I'm like passed out.
stuff about me
I play the saxohpone, clarinet and ewi mediocrely.
I'm half asian half white if that sort of stuff matters to you.Have a degree in something I know nothing about.
Games that I play
League, last epoch, tft, palworld, enshrouded, 7 days to die, terraria, mc, grounded, lethal company, fire emblem, pokemon, osrs, planet crufter, no rest for the wicked and maplestory
I only use discord so dm me yours cause reddit sucks.
Also please be like 20+
submitted by olivegarden776 to Needafriend [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:31 Just_Faze7 Spider-Man (2002) - Modding Activity Discord Server

Spider-Man (2002) - Modding Activity Discord Server
If there any modders out there that is interested in modding this game feel free to join the server. The server could use some help with the following:
  • Cheat Engine
  • Blender
  • Hex Editing
  • Photoshop
  • Scripting
Link -
submitted by Just_Faze7 to ModDB [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:31 3lbGames Check out this multiplayer party game for FREE tomorrow!

Check out this multiplayer party game for FREE tomorrow!
Grokit VMR Hand Tracking Multiplayer Game on Meta Quest
Grokit is a hand tracking virtual and mixed reality multiplayer party game inspired by games like WarioWare and Mario Party. It is playable on Quest 3, 2, & Pro with a passthrough option and virtual environments depending on your preference.
Every month, we host GROKIT GAME DAY, an open community play session, in our Discord. Our next Game Day tomorrow (Wednesday), the 15th. We're giving away two FREE game keys to all attendees (one for you, one for a friend), then hopping into our Quests to game with all of you!
Timeslots are 3p EST (12PST, 8GMT) & 9p EST (by popular demand) for our late night & west coast grokkers.
The SUMMER UPDATE (our fourth major content update) is coming soon, so get ahead of the game before it drops. Join the Discord at this link and we'll see you tomorrow!
Check out videos of the game on our Youtube channel
submitted by 3lbGames to oculus [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:31 Soninetz ThirstySprout Alternatives: 7 FREE options & Key Features

ThirstySprout Alternatives: 7 FREE options & Key Features
Looking for alternatives to ThirstySprout that can elevate your online presence with system upgrades, successful transformation programs, mobile learning experience, and application development projects? Wondering where to turn for fresh, innovative solutions? What if there were new ways and technologies that could take your digital strategy to the next level? Explore a world of possibilities beyond ThirstySprout and discover new technologies to enhance your brand's visibility in the vast global network. Ready to unlock the potential of other platforms, technologies, and services that cater to your unique needs? Let's delve into a realm of exciting opportunities waiting to be explored.
Useful Links:
  1. Thirstysprout LifeTime Deal
  2. Thirstysprout Free Trial

Key Takeaways

  • When exploring alternatives to ThirstySprout, consider the key features, benefits, and technologies of each platform to find the best fit for your needs.
  • User reviews and ratings provide valuable insights into the real user experience with different platforms, helping you make a more informed decision.
  • Prioritize platforms that align with your specific requirements and objectives, ensuring a seamless transition from ThirstySprout.
  • Test out free trials or demos of potential alternatives to get a hands-on experience before committing to a new platform.
  • Look for platforms that offer excellent customer support and resources to assist you during the transition period and beyond.
  • Stay open to new possibilities and be willing to adapt to change for improved efficiency and effectiveness in your processes.

Discovering Alternatives to ThirstySprout


Turing offers a platform for hiring remote developers, ensuring top talent for your projects. It provides access to skilled professionals globally.


Terminal specializes in setting up remote engineering teams swiftly and efficiently. They focus on seamless integration with your existing workflow.
Don't settle for mediocre talent. Experience the power of AI-driven hiring with ThirstySprout. Sign up now for your free trial! 💼


Facet stands out for its curated network of tech freelancers, offering flexibility and expertise tailored to your project requirements.

Key Features and Benefits of Each Platform

Turing vs. Terminal

Turing focuses on mobile learning experience technologies, offering a seamless interface for application development projects. On the other hand, Terminal excels in assembling technical teams adept at handling diverse scopes of development projects efficiently by using employees.
While Turing stands out for its user-friendly platform and cost-effective solutions, Terminal shines in executing successful transformation programs through specific pedagogies tailored to individual needs.

Index vs. Krores

Index specializes in talent-sourcing solutions, streamlining the recruitment process with advanced algorithms and extensive databases. In contrast, Krores is renowned for establishing high-performing offshore development teams that deliver exceptional results within budget constraints.
Index's strengths lie in its ability to match companies with top talent swiftly, while Krores ensures the seamless integration of offshore teams into existing projects with minimal disruptions.

Muoro vs. Deazy

Muoro offers on-demand access to skilled engineering talent, ideal for companies requiring immediate technical expertise without long-term commitments. Conversely, Deazy accelerates digital solution development by leveraging cutting-edge technologies and agile methodologies.
Muoro's flexibility in scaling resources based on project requirements makes it an attractive option for businesses seeking short-term support, whereas Deazy's focus on rapid innovation fosters a culture of continuous improvement and efficiency gains.
Useful Links:
  1. Thirstysprout LifeTime Deal
  2. Thirstysprout Free Trial

User Reviews and Ratings Highlight

User Experiences

Users have praised platforms like Andela and Flexiple for their great products and quality services. Clients appreciate the extensive experience these platforms offer, ensuring top-notch results for their projects. The vast network of skilled specialists on these platforms has been a significant advantage for users seeking diverse skill sets.

Review Ratings

According to reviews on Remotebase and, clients are highly satisfied with the pricing and system upgrades provided by these platforms. The availability of full support for various needs, such as online forms, job applications, and resolving technical issues through efficient handling of tickets, has been commendable.

Client Satisfaction Levels

Clients working with and Facet have expressed contentment with the platforms' efficient scaling capabilities. The inclusion of engaging features like fun knowledge capsules, robust security, and streamlined approval flows has enhanced user experience. The prompt assistance from dedicated support teams, including the HR team, has significantly contributed to overall client satisfaction.

Making Informed Decisions

Global Talent

Access the global talent network through Andela for your recruitment needs. Scientific research supports their innovative approach to training employees, ensuring meaningful work.

Vetted Offshore Engineers

Evaluate offshore engineers available via for new ways to meet your company's needs. These candidates go through a rigorous approval process.

Freelance Developers and Designers

Consider hiring freelance developers and designers from Flexiple to meet your company's demands. They offer conditional branches for customized solutions.


You've now explored various alternatives to ThirstySprout, delved into their key features and benefits, and considered user reviews to make informed decisions. Each platform offers unique advantages, catering to different needs and preferences. By analyzing user feedback and weighing the features that matter most to you, you can select the ideal platform for your business or personal projects. Remember to prioritize aspects like ease of use, customization options, pricing, and customer support when making your choice. Don't rush the decision-making process; take your time to evaluate each option thoroughly before committing.
Make sure to test out a few platforms firsthand to get a feel for their interface and functionality. Your final choice should align with your goals and requirements, setting you up for success in your endeavors. Stay informed, stay proactive, and choose wisely!
Elevate your hiring game with ThirstySprout's cutting-edge AI solutions. Take advantage of our free trial offer now! 🌟

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some alternatives to ThirstySprout?

If you're looking for alternatives to ThirstySprout, consider platforms like GreenThumb, GrowFlow, and Plantify. Each offers unique features catering to different needs in plant care management.

What key features do these alternative platforms offer?

GreenThumb provides real-time watering alerts, GrowFlow offers personalized plant care tips, while Plantify focuses on community-driven plant care knowledge sharing.

How can user reviews help in decision-making?

User reviews offer valuable insights into the actual user experience with each platform. They highlight pros and cons, ease of use, customer support quality, and overall satisfaction levels.

How can I make an informed decision when choosing a plant care platform?

To make an informed decision, evaluate your specific needs first. Consider factors like budget, desired features (e.g., watering reminders, plant database), user-friendly interface, and integration capabilities with other tools.

Why is it important to explore multiple options before deciding on a platform?

Exploring multiple options allows you to compare features, pricing plans, user feedback, and overall suitability for your plant care management needs. This ensures you select a platform that aligns best with your requirements and preferences.
Useful Links:
  1. Thirstysprout LifeTime Deal
  2. Thirstysprout Free Trial
submitted by Soninetz to NutraVestaProVen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 hangrybananas 30 [M4F] Canada Vancouver - I hate doing this but what options do I have left?

I'm not interested in international or prolonged long-distance, I'm not interested in those just looking to kill time and with no real motivation to date, I'm not interested in them vs us politics or taking sides to the point where dialogue is impossible, I'm not interested in religion, and I am absolutely not interested in any woke BS.
I have nihilistic and libertarian tendencies, I don't care what people do with their lives but that doesn't mean you're free from judgement or commentary. I'm constantly thinking that I must be insane since I can't see most people as individuals but as carbon copies of each other, but when I speak to people one-on-one I'm able to enjoy myself and engage in decent dialogue for the most part. I like to think I'm a pretty capable introvert but my preference is privacy.
A part of why I don't date or haven't dated in so long is because I don't really go out to meet people in general/casual settings and most of what I do are solo things like I mentioned. I just don't have many opportunities to meet people and while I've been interested in people IRL in the past I feel like it's borderline impossible to meet anyone naturally anymore.
For me casually obsessive is something I know I'm into but don't rush at finishing it. I like to take my time enjoying my hobbies and a lot of them are what I would think of as lifelong interests. I like going deeeeep while not rushing towards an objective end.
I don't think it's required to have common interests but it would certainly help to have a few. I live and breathe cars and racing. I have a love/hate relationship when it comes to games and anime, I can't help but always refer to the good days but still find slivers of hope every so often, really though I blame trends and popular opinion for the loss in quality. I'm a big appreciator for things that are well-designed/engineered and are purpose built, I think I have a decent eye for subjective things but purpose built things are what makes my mouth water. Also am constantly fascinated by all the different ways to cook/bake things that I don't think I'll ever get tired of learning.
I really am not expecting much, I've had success with talking to some nice people over the years but like with everyone else no one stuck around and am pretty tired of all the mindgames people put others through. I'm pretty cold at times but I'm not heartless, just waiting for the right person to open up to. I'm not someone that expects perfection, I just aim to discover the genuine and honest version of yourself and wish to help each other achieve the best version of each other over a long-period of time.
submitted by hangrybananas to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 gersuim Is the bottom pit bottomless

I don’t even know where to start I’ve been struggling with mental health for almost half of my life and it only keeps getting worse no matter how I look at it
I’ve had periods of calm where I enjoyed the peacefulness of some days and felt joy engaging in things that I love but it always come back to make everything meaningless
I feel like it’s simply a reality check and that my brain cannot handle how unfair life is but will force me to accept it no matter what. Maybe this is why it keeps coming back
Each low is worse than the last, my despair grows while my thoughts venture into territories previously unknown, to my great dismay.
Therapy feels useless, maybe I haven’t found the right one but still I hardly see how talking to some stranger once in a while will change the things that cannot be changed and horrify me
Maybe I simply mustn’t think about it and pretend that everything is alright, that my thoughts are rooted in some sort of bad things that happened through my life and that they’re not that important
But still I can’t ignore them when they end up being partially true. But maybe still this is just my mindset and my beliefs that stop me from being happy. I always try to be as objective as possible and as close to the "truth" as I can get but none of the answers I find bring me peace.
They’re all about how life is inherently meaningless because meaning is just a human concept, that fairness doesn’t exist as a force of nature that would somehow balance the world but rather something that we must learn and apply as a species capable of reasoning for the greater good of the greatest number of individuals and species.
Maybe I dream too much and that wouldn’t be false. I know we aren’t meant to be happy, we are just meant to be and that’s mostly it? We’re capable of giving our lives meaning through more or less free will but I can’t find it in myself to believe in something that isn’t rational.
I don’t know what I wanted to do with this rant, just having a rough day and needed to let some words out. I wish whoever is reading this a great day
submitted by gersuim to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:30 olivegarden776 26[m4f]NYC/online looking for someone to play games/chat with

Hey looking for friends to play games or maybe watch stuff with. I have a lot of free time so I'm usually available unless I'm like passed out.
stuff about me
I play the saxohpone, clarinet and ewi mediocrely.
I'm half asian half white if that sort of stuff matters to you.Have a degree in something I know nothing about.
Games that I play
League, last epoch, tft, palworld, enshrouded, 7 days to die, terraria, mc, grounded, lethal company, fire emblem, pokemon, osrs, planet crufter, no rest for the wicked and maplestory
I only use discord so dm me yours cause reddit sucks.
Also please be like 20+
submitted by olivegarden776 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:29 Pale-Advice-2162 What to do after quitting bad habits?

So I quit most bad habits of like binge watching youtube while sitting on the chair the whole day and also quit gaming because it suddenly just became boring, which I am happy about. For the past 4-5 years almost every day of me was the same : school - come home - youtube or gaming - sleep and on weekends it would be just watch youtube and gaming all day.
Now after quitting, sitting in front of my pc, I just don't know what to do. I wake up, watch some instagram reels, breakfast and go to the gym, go home and just entertain myself with my phone. I have a feeling that in 99% when I scroll on instagram or watch youtube its just because of boredom and not knowing what to do instead of scrolling etc. What could I fill my free time with?
sorry for my bad england
submitted by Pale-Advice-2162 to getdisciplined [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:28 PhunkmasterD Improving the "Dungeon Exploration" Elements of the Game

A lot of discussion has been recently had about the "core gameplay" of Dark and Darker, and how that core gameplay feels like it has been lost from the game. Dark and Darker, as intended by the devs and enjoyed by the player base, is a PvPvE dungeon crawler extraction game. However, recently it feels that the gameplay has become more of a PvP fantasy battle royale, where players rush to find fights and PvE is more of a nuisance than a core mechanic. So, what could ironmace do to bring back the PvE dungeon crawler half of the game?
I think a lot of these ideas are better with the removal of swarm, and create systems that encourage players to move through the dungeon looking for points of interest instead of rushing the location of already known high quality loot areas or constantly chasing the circle.
Dynamic Modules
A recent post made a strong case for dynamic modules, meaning a system where instead of static layouts modules instead work like puzzle pieces that get jumbled up for every lobby. In my opinion, this should also include a fog of war effect on the minimap that obscures adjacent modules until they are explored. We already have a low level of randomization in enemy/chest spawns, but I think dynamic modules could also step this up with more randomization of enemy spawns. Personally, I think this dynamic modules alone would fix a lot of issues in the game and would keep runs fresh and exciting.
Mini-Modules/Secret Rooms
As part of the dynamic module system, I think adding more secret rooms to the dungeon would be beneficial. These would be a pool of randomized, small rooms that attach to existing modules and would provide high quality loot (lions head/golden/marvelous chest, gem/weapon spawns). These already exist, but the lack of randomization means players already know all the locations and how to access them. Adding mini-puzzles to access these rooms would be great, such as hidden levers and illusory walls.
Improving Special Keys
Skull, golden, and previously rusty keys have always been used as a store of value instead of a dungeon exploration tool. In my opinion, instead of being something you bring into the dungeon, special keys should instead be items that commonly drop from mini-bosses which are used to access loot rooms from the dungeon you are currently in. Extracting with keys would cause them to crumble to dust. With dynamic modules, this could add an exciting layer of exploration where players either find a key and have to search for the loot room, or find a loot room and go after mini-bosses for the keys.
Wandering Merchants
I think this is a no brainer, basically the dungeon should have merchants with a chance to spawn (possibly in special rooms) that can give you some kind of benefit in the dungeon. You could use collected treasure and gold to purchase things like high rarity weapons, surgical kits, campfires, and restock on potions, bandages, and arrows. The goblin merchant could be used to send items back to your stash mid-raid.
Better Quests
Better quests could utilize the wandering merchants to make them more engaging and tie them into the dungeon better. Instead of kill x and fetch quests, a quest might be triggered when you find the leathersmith that causes the miniboss which has captured his daughter to spawn, which then needs to be tracked down and killed for the reward upon returning to the tavern. I think having a big pool of randomized quests that occur in the dungeon, each of which provides affinity, would be more engaging than our current system. Instead of being a checklist you grind, quests would be based on exploring the dungeon. I'd be concerned about RNG in this system, but perhaps one way to mitigate would be displaying which merchants are in each dungeon during each rotation.
Exploration/Mapping Tools
With randomized dungeon and randomized PoI's/merchants in the game, new items to help with exploration and navigation could be added. A dungeon map would be a supplied item that lets you view the explored dungeon, and on defeating another player you would be able to fill out your map with the locations they've found. This could also be tied into the AP system, with AP provided for each module that is filled on your map and a large AP boost for completely exploring the map. Treasure maps could be found in chests/on mobs which would indicate the general location of a high value treasure. Compasses could be used to track down static exits and portals. Locator stones could be put in that help you find the location of the wandering merchants.
submitted by PhunkmasterD to DarkAndDarker [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:28 PangolinClear1504 shein/temu users

Hiii! If you are someone who plays the temu and shein games, I decided to make a user-friendly trading community group. Please feel free to join.!!!
submitted by PangolinClear1504 to anything [link] [comments]