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THUNDERDEX 3.6.0 HAS ARRIVED! Big changelog in the description

2024.05.14 23:36 IAmReinvented THUNDERDEX 3.6.0 HAS ARRIVED! Big changelog in the description

Hi all, today I am releasing the first update of thunderdex for May. I have a lot of changes I brought and small improvements, enjoy
• Redesigned and improved the About section of ThunderDex
• Show a Toast Notification when applying Dynamic Theming before the app restarts
• Animate the Vehicle Images in the Wiki Tab
• Enable the title on toolbar in some Fragments
• Updated AGP to 8.4.0
• Allow dismissing the Changelog Dialog without pressing Okay
• Added a 0.95 alpha to some TextViews
• Replaced the 20% black button background with ripple in About
• Adjusted a lot of wording in the app
• Minor fixes and improvements
submitted by IAmReinvented to ThunderDexApp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:58 Euphoric-Earth-4765 An inside look at the culture and ideology of Faith Comes By Hearing PART 1

If you are thinking about working at or if you are thinking about donating to Faith Comes By Hearing/Hosanna []( you should consider the following. Having worked at Faith Comes By Hearing myself for decades, you should be aware of their culture and ideology. (Arranged from most important to least.)

\*Treatment of the Bible:

Grammatical, historical and cultural context as well as literary genre are all ignored by top management. So, Scripture is often misquoted and misused:

Ignoring basic, common sense guidelines, rules for interpreting the Bible results in misinterpreting, misunderstanding, and misapplying the Bible. Management ignores the fact that observation (what the text says) must always come before interpretation (what the text means); and interpretation always comes before application (how the text applies to me). They do not consider the Bible text objectively first: They treat the text subjectively or relatively or assume what the passage text means. And they ignore the fact that a text cannot mean today what it never could have meant to the original authors and original readers. Exegesis is often contrasted with “eisegesis”; the Greek preposition εἰς means “into,” and hence eisegesis means reading your own meaning into the text. Bible study is not reading your personal theology into some biblical passage. Bible study is letting the text talk to us; we are the listeners, not the talkers. Many Christians just want to know what the Bible “means to me.” If you stop to think about it, this just is not possible. We must do the hard work of learning the author’s original meaning first, and without that we can’t ever know “what it means to me.” A text cannot mean what it never meant.

\*Feelings and experiences rule:

There is a focus by top management on personal experiences and feelings instead of a studied period of reflection: Emotional, simple, popular teaching instead of intellectually careful and doctrinally precise teaching. Bible studies go straight to the question, “What does this passage mean to me?” while bypassing the prior question, “What does the passage say and why do I think my interpretation is correct?” Management promotes and allows employees to get away with applying an understanding of a passage that is based on vague feelings or first impressions and not on the hard work of reading the context, verifying with commentaries and using study tools such as concordances, Bible dictionaries, and the like because a careful exercise of reason is not important in understanding what the Bible actually says for management. Besides, it takes work! For management, Christianity is identified with subjective feelings, sincere motives, personal piety, and blind faith. Management tests the truth not by a careful application of our God-given faculties of thought, or even by biblical mandates (for example, 2 Corinthians 10:5), but rather by private subjective experiences. For the most part, theoretical reason is just not part of the culture at FCBH. In fact, top management will often spiritualizing normal, everyday things like advice, facts, common knowledge:

Example during a meeting, the CEO said he saw a full moon, then clouds formed & covered the moon, then clouds dissipated. He then said he felt God say: "I can turn nothing into something; something into nothing; turn this ministry into something & if it goes thick & blocks Jesus; it has to diminish.”

So, personal, subjective experiences that top management shares equals truth that employees must agree with or at least accept as true.

Also, time is money, but management uses their mandatory meetings to discuss controversial or complex topics (e.g., fasting, communion, tithing, personal stewardship of money, helping the homeless, how to create more interaction with remote workers, how to retain employees, how to hire more Gen Z employees, past trauma), most of which are unrelated to the actual work. Then they ask employees (most of which have no authority to get things changed/done) what their opinion is about the controversial or complex topic, instead of consulting with professionals or experts.

So, top management will read a bible verse (not a paragraph, not a chapter, a verse; usually out of context) using a version of the Bible that is almost a paraphrase. Then share something personal that happened to them, something they did or saw or experienced or a personal conviction that is not related to the verse. Then explain how they felt about it, how they interpreted it. Then they will ask employees (especially internationals) to share similar experiences. And, then if no one shares or comments or speaks, management makes employees feel guilty: Along the lines of “So, God is not working in your life?”

Example: “I felt God give me this verse about gossip. Let me share with you some personal stories about gossip…. This is how I see it. Now, in the last 5 min of our time, I want people to share. I especially want input from internationals. Does anyone have anything to say about this? No, one? Is God not speaking to you? How can God not be moving and speaking? This is unreal….”

Top management will often use a reader response or subjective biblical interpretation: “This is what I think this verse means. What do you think this verse means? What stood out to you? What did you learn? What is God asking you to apply?” This is a very self-centered way to interpret Scripture. The focus is all about you. What you think. What you feel. But, “The Bible is not about you.” - Timothy Keller. And this leads to people looking at the same verse and coming up with completely different interpretations. Everybody seems to have an opinion on what the Bible says/teaches.

So, instead of discovering what the original author said to the original readers. They will take Biblical concepts (e.g., called to ministry; felt led by the Spirit; God spoke to me; felt peace) and then add new meanings to them which the original author did not intend. This is dangerous since it leaves employees with doubt, disillusionment, disappointment, discouragement, and false hope and can leave them with unmet, unrealistic, and false expectations. Top management will also take subjective, unclear biblical principles or non-essentials, or personal convictions and make them scriptural authority and then judge other Christians who do not agree. They will treat the Proverbs as promises. They will also not make an effort to distinguish between Biblical principles and practices which are relative, time bound, culturally subjective, Biblically illustrated (not commanded). They will often make hasty generalizations. They will beg the question. They will commit special pleading, dictionary simpliciter, reductive, faulty analogy and many other fallacies. They will also allegorize promises in Scripture and spiritualize all principles. They assume that all historical narratives have individual identifiable moral application. God’s word should be taught clearly, not in a distorted manner. Top management will proof text and use religious words to promote their agenda.

And top management will encourage others to have this view/philosophy of Bible interpretation. Many incorrectly interpret the Bible and do not even realize it.

I pray to God that this bad method of interpretation is not being taught to internationals, to people who have never had bibles, who do not have biblical discernment, who don't know any better.

\*Inductive Bible study and internationals:

Hermeneutics has been defined as the science and art of biblical interpretation. Hermeneutics helps us understand the Bible. It is a science because there are specific rules the interpreter must follow. It is an art because it takes years of practice to develop the ability to employ those rules properly. There is a difference between a novice and a seasoned interpreter. Hermeneutics has two basic steps, finding what the text meant to its original audience, and then seeing how it applies to our current situation. Unfortunately, many people (Americans included), impose their own personal experiences, theology, and modern culture on to the Biblical text.

Fortunately, God has allowed us (especially Americans) to have Bible dictionaries, commentaries, handbooks, atlases, etc., to help us with correct hermeneutics, to understand the essential historical and cultural information - the context of the original author and readers of the Bible. We have tools that shed light on the text and help us to arrive at the correct interpretation. When you read a commentary, it will provide checks and balances against your possible mistakes. They can answer questions that a reading of the text can never provide or ask questions that you may never think of asking. Unfortunately, many international people groups do not have access to these tools (or even access to mature, trained, and experienced Christians and pastors). And even if they do have access to resources, they may not know how to use them properly (i.e., limitations of commentaries).

Grammatical-Historical Method or Inductive Bible study can easily be done with printed or digital Bibles. But how can a person do this with audio and video Bibles? This is critical especially for international people groups that do not have access to (and may never have) print Bibles.

False gospels and heresies are popular in illiterate people groups because they are not taught discernment or how to evaluate Scripture and the thoughts of others for themselves. People with ulterior motives misuse Scripture and end up influencing the illiterate.

If these Bible Films and audio Bibles are considered to be actual Bible Translations – video and audio translations of the Bible and the equivalent to and sometimes a replacement for print scripture – then should we also make it a point to teach people who are watching and listening to our video and audio Bible translations Biblical hermeneutics (historical-grammatical interpretation)? How to study the Bible properly for themselves?

My experience has been that many non-Christians (and Christians) misquote or misinterpret the Bible because they do not know how to actually read and study it on their own to find out what the text actually meant to the original author and audience and seeing how it applies to their current situation.

There are many ways to study the Bible, and there are many excellent study aids available to help you with specific books of the Bible. But the most important thing you need to remember is that to find out what the Bible says, you need to read it yourself in a way that will help you discover what it says, what it means, and how you are to apply it to your life. And the best way to do this is through the process called inductive study. Inductive study doesn’t tell you what the Bible means or what you should believe. Instead, it teaches you a method of studying God’s Word that can be applied to any portion of Scripture at any time.

Inductive Bible study draws you into personal interaction with the Scripture and thus with the God of the Scriptures so that your beliefs are based on a prayerful understanding and legitimate interpretation of Scripture.

\*Artistic freedom concerns:

Another concern is with the artistic freedom or personal preference when it comes to audio and video Bible media (when these function as replacements for print Scripture). How much can be taken before you compromise the historical accuracy or the meaning and understanding of the original message? A good translation must be faithful to the historical situation and not change the cultural background. In Bible Translation, the translator’s first job is to study the text carefully to discover the correct meaning (what the original author wanted to communicate). Do international people groups understand that the “artistic freedom” (e.g., how the film is lit, the key shots, angles it shoots from, close-ups, point of view, sets, locations and props, editing, the dialogue and the actors’ performance and emotions, wardrobe choices, soundtrack, visual transitions, reference shots), the visuals and sound, are all NOT inspired?

Biblical and Orthodox Christianity teaches that All Scripture (not just some) is inspired by God who utilized the human element within man to accomplish this without error.The very WORDS (not just the ideas, even parts of letters, and sometimes the tense of verbs) are a result of the mind of God expressed in human terms and conditions. The Bible IS fully true in all that it teaches or asserts to be true (including historical and scientific matters). Only the original documents (autographs) are completely free from error. Does FCBH make an effort to explain this to people groups? If not, then there will be conflict when the visuals and sounds that are added do not match the Biblical text. There will be confusion, doubt, disillusionment, disappointment, discouragement, false hope when people are confronted with unmet, unrealistic, and false expectations.

So, using audio and especially video as Bibles should come with some teaching of the basic principles of film criticism, the doctrine of inspiration (difference between artistic freedom and the Word of God), and inductive Bible study or Bible interpretation.

\*Communicating the truth:

They employ a presuppositional and fideistic/experiential approach to evangelism: In the many testimonies that are shared, many of the people who receive the audio bibles say they believe in Jesus because FCBH gave them bibles that are in their native language. Makes you wonder what would happen if the audio was from the Quran or book of Mormon. Would they believe in anything as long as it was in their own language? FCBH does not seem to make sure people are actually believing facts. There seems to be no appeals to evidence and reason for the truthfulness of the Christianity. One should become a Christian and believe that Jesus is God because it is true (from reason, historical evidence, archaeological evidence, theistic arguments) and not because the Bible one reads is in a certain language. You should follow Jesus because He is God and proved it; not because He speaks your language.

\*Hearing from God?

Many in management practice “hearing from God” and then claim God said something specific and personal to them and to the ministry. This practice uses God's name in vain. And often use God to avoid personal responsibility - “I heard from God; God told me; I felt led; God spoke to me…” They then put what happens on God, so they avoid any personal responsibility if it does not come to pass. They make Christianity out to be personal, private, and a matter of “how I feel about things.” Many Christians actually feel spiritually sub-standard and defeated because for them “the heavens have been silent”. This can be debilitating, and it’s profoundly unfair to employees if their only shortcoming is entertaining a false expectation of what a relationship with God entails. Conversations are often littered with casual references to one’s latest revelations without any sense of the gravity of the assertion, or any sense of responsibility to justify the claim. Even Jesus Himself didn’t presume to speak for God without compelling evidence. But, management takes personal opinions and spiritualize them as if they were God’s word to give divine authority to impulses or thoughts that drift through their minds. To say “God is telling me” gives feelings an authority the Scripture does not justify and virtually ends debate. You can’t argue with the person if God supposedly gave the command. Trusting inner feelings is not biblical. It’s confusing at best, and dangerous at worst.

And with certain requests from employees, when top management does not want to do something, they will respond by saying things like: “I need to pray about it first. Sorry, I do not feel led. I need to get confirmation first. I need to have peace about it first. I need to hear from God first.” But with other things, with things they want to do, they do not need to pray about it first, do not need to feel led, do not need to get confirmation first, do not need to have a peace about it first, do not need to hear from God first. When management does not want to do something, they pass the responsibility off to God (“We cannot…. because God didn’t tell us to do it. Didn't get confirmation.”); but when they do want to do something, they don't seek God and do what they want (“We have decided and are going to… and we don’t need to ask God for guidance or permission”).
submitted by Euphoric-Earth-4765 to u/Euphoric-Earth-4765 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:57 digitalnomader1 Romantic Fiction Writer - Casual Mobile Game - "Digital Text Adventures"

Romantic Fiction Writer - Casual Mobile Game - "Digital Text Adventures"
Qualifications (Must have)
Initial project is $1000USD.
You work remotely. You track your own time. You will begin with an initial project, and can expand to part-time, then full-time as our need grows.
About Us:
Team of 5. We have marketing and engineering already covered. We are a small team of indie developers, we have previously built and sold three software companies and are working on a new venture in the consumer application space. We are based out of the US & Portugal.
We are looking to hire ASAP and are interviewing candidates up to Tuesday May 21st
Apply at
submitted by digitalnomader1 to HireaWriter [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:55 digitalnomader1 Romantic Fiction Writer - Casual Mobile Game - "Digital Text Adventures"

Romantic Fiction Writer - Casual Mobile Game - "Digital Text Adventures"
Qualifications (Must have)
You work remotely. You track your own time. You will begin with an initial project, and can expand to part-time, then full-time as our need grows.
About Us:
Team of 5. We have marketing and engineering already covered. We are a small team of indie developers, we have previously built and sold three software companies and are working on a new venture in the consumer application space. We are based out of the US & Portugal.
We are looking to hire ASAP and are interviewing candidates up to Tuesday May 21st
Apply at
submitted by digitalnomader1 to writing_gigs [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:15 jayw9027 Struggles with BPD Mother
Ever since I was a child my mother has not respected any boundaries of mine, would bully me at times and would blatantly lie and use manipulation to get what she wants. As an adult this relationship has remained similar ( although she doesn’t bully me anymore, but will still display the other behaviors I’ve mentioned). To make matters worse I still live with my parents, and I work next door to my mother. I’m working to move to a different state ( to be closer to my partner), and I’m thinking I may have to go NC ( although if there is a healthy alternative to NC where I can still keep my boundaries I’m open to that). Recently, my mother, who has skin cancer has had flair ups. A couple of months ago, her face was incredibly swollen ( she was unrecognizable). I suggested that she go to the hospital, and ended up getting into a mild argument with both of my parents who thought I was overreacting. A month later her condition got worse and she was bed ridden. When I would ask how she was doing she’d get irritated with me and say “I’m fine”. When I offered her food “she’d insist that she wasn’t hungry”. While she would tell me these things, she’d on the other hand would make up narratives to relatives and friends that I was ignoring her and starving her ( I had a long conversation with my sister who confirmed that she was spreading that narrative). So I became even more aggressive about leaving some type of food out even if it was a protein shake . She still rejected food and would say “she’s fine”. I confronted her and let her know that if she needed anything she can tell me, and that I heard from somewhere that I was starving her. She immediately interrupted me and said “ I didn’t say anything” (repeatedly). A couple of weeks later while I was visiting my partner, I get a text from my dad telling me that my mother is in the ER because of the swelling, but “everything is fine, and that he expects her to be out by the end of the day”. That was not the case, she ended up going to the hospital all weekend and doctors suspected that she had congestive heart failure . I felt conflicted the entire evening, part of me was angry for my mom’s mind games and for both of my parents downplaying the situation, and part of me felt detached, and then guilty for feeling the detachment. I didn’t want to see her, but I also wanted to be there and help if I could..but I was told “everything is fine” so I took my parents at their word. By the time I got back in town, she was out of the hospital. I kept contact to a minimum. I’ve been more proactive about being out of the house as much as possible and I think that’s kept the relationship with my mother healthy. I left town for a week last week, and when I returned I noticed my mother’s health has improved greatly. She confronted me and asked if I’m mad at her because she notices I haven’t been around much. I’m at a loss about being upfront with her for all of my grievances, or if that is even a fair thing to do since part of why I feel the way I do is coming from a place of realizing that how I was raised in an unhealthy manner. I would appreciate any advice/perspective on this matter.
submitted by jayw9027 to raisedbyborderlines [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 21:06 Joshh170 Forza Motorsport Adds New Cars and Content With Update 8

Forza Motorsport Adds New Cars and Content With Update 8
Developer Turn 10 Studios has released Forza Motorsport Update 8, bringing substantial additions to the game, including new cars and content. Additionally, this new Forza Motorsport update includes several bug fixes for players on Xbox Series XS, PC via the Microsoft Store, and Steam.
In 2023, Forza Motorsport was released as a reboot of the popular subseries within the Forza sim racing franchise, developed by Turn 10 Studios and published by Xbox Game Studios. The game introduces significant technical advancements like real-time ray tracing, dynamic weather, and damage modeling. Forza Motorsport's initial reception was positive, particularly for its realism and online multiplayer modes.
One of the highlights of Forza Motorsport Update 8 is the introduction of Career Events, promising diverse experiences for players. These events include the Featured Tour: Track Toys Tour, which kicks off on May 15 and runs until June 26, offering enthusiasts the chance to immerse themselves in adrenaline-pumping racing action. Additionally, the update introduces various other events like Ginetta Juniors, Weekend Warriors, Kit Caterhams, and Track Toys, each with its unique challenges and rewards.
Furthermore, the inclusion of new vehicles in the Forza Motorsport car lineup will please car enthusiasts. Among these are the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 from the Track Toys Tour, the 2011 BMW 1 Series M Coupe from the Open Class Tour, and spotlight cars such as the 2019 Ginetta G40 Junior, 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS, 2013 Caterham Superlight R500, and 2019 Elemental RP1. These cars not only expand the roster but also offer players exciting choices for their racing adventures.
Moreover, as with the previous Forza Motorsport patch, Update 8 brings significant improvements and bug fixes across various aspects of the game. Players can expect enhanced stability, refined gameplay mechanics, and optimizations for PC performance, including improved video memory usage and fixes for issues like screen flashing and controller disconnects.
In the Forza Motorsport multiplayer arena, Spec Series events were introduced, including the Lotus 3-Eleven Spec Series and the Mazda Miata Spec Series, providing competitive racing opportunities for players looking to test their skills against others. The update also addresses car balancing, refining the performance of several vehicles in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series. Notable changes include adjustments to the engine torque, car mass, and downforce for cars like the 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 and 1997 McLaren F1 GT. With ongoing updates like this one, Forza Motorsport continues to evolve, ensuring that players have a dynamic racing experience.
Forza Motorsport Update 8 Patch Notes
Version Number:
Xbox Series XS: 1.587.4035.0 PC (Microsoft Store): 1.587.4035.0 Steam: 1.587.4035.0 Game Content, Features and Events [All Platforms]
Career Events
Featured Tour: Track Toys Tour (Available from May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 26 5pm PT June 27 12am UTC) Ginetta Juniors (Starts May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC) Weekend Warriors (Starts May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Kit Caterhams (Starts May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Track Toys (Starts June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC) Open Class Tour – 1960s Celebration (Available from May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) D Class Series C Class Series B Class Series A Class Series Reward Cars
Track Toys Tour: 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 Open Class Tour: 2011 BMW 1 Series M Coupé
Spotlight Cars
2019 Ginetta G40 Junior (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2019 Elemental RP1 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) VIP Discount Cars
2014 BAC Mono (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) 2016 Lotus 3 Eleven (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 1996 Porsche 996 GT1 (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 1994 Mazda Miata (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2016 Brabham BT62 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Multiplayer Events
Spec Series
Lotus 3-Eleven Spec Series (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Early Factory Racecar Series (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Mazda Miata Spec Series (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) Modern Factory Racecar Series (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Open Series
R Class Series and P Class Series (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) B Class Series and D Class Series (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) A Class Series and X Class Series (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) S Class Series and C Class Series (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Spotlight Series
2019 Ginetta G40 Junior (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) 2019 Elemental RP1 (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Rivals Events
Spec Division: Forza Touring Cars – Virginia International Raceway Full Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) VIP: Mono a Mono – 2014 BAC Mono – Yas Marina South Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC) Celebrate Senna’s Legacy with McLaren – 2018 McLaren Senna – Silverstone Grand Prix Circuit (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 26 5pm PT June 27 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2019 Ginetta G40 Junior – Brands Hatch Indy Circuit (May 15 5pm PT May 16 12am UTC – May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2015 Porsche Cayman GTS – Mugello Club Circuit (May 22 5pm PT May 23 12am UTC – May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2013 Caterham Superlight R500 – Grand Oak Club Circuit (May 29 5pm PT May 30 12am UTC – June 5 5pm PT June 12 12am UTC) Spotlight – 2019 Elemental RP1 – Lime Rock Full Circuit (June 5 5pm PT June 6 12am UTC – June 12 5pm PT June 13 12am UTC)
Bug Fixes and Improvements
Stability [All Platforms]
Fixed a game crash caused by quickly and repeatedly changing the number of Drivatar AI opponents in Free Play event setup. [1717959] Fixed an issue that occurred when exiting out of pre-race in Free Play quickly after switching cars or modifying the event setup would cause a soft lock in the loading screen. [1732080] Fixed a stability issue when the player would exit to Event Menu while on track in during a Test Drive. [1751335] Fixed an issue in which disconnecting and reconnecting a controller would prevent the player from progressing to the game menu. [1734977]
Improvements have been made to video memory usage on PC. Addressed an issue where the screen would flash white when players entered the My Cars menu. [1749202] Fixed an issue on Steam where you would repeatedly be shown the Self-Improvement achievement, even when you haven't unlocked it. [1738129] Fixed an issue on Steam where the Safety Star and Safety Superstar achievements would accumulate incorrect progress after a multiplayer race. [1738130] Fixed an issue where the player could not exit out of Career when hovering over event posters and pressing the right mouse button. [1717135] Fixed an issue where Exit Event messages could not be closed out using a Cancel Button (B Button/ESC Key/Right Mouse Click). [1717315] Selecting replays using the mouse no longer requires a double click. [1580893] We’ve made changes to how PC graphics settings are applied to ensure you are only prompted to restart the game when it is necessary. [1568770] Fixed an issue where the player is prompted to restart the game when only the ‘Show Framerate’ toggle has been modified. [1755225] Fixed a PC-specific issue where the game would crash when disconnecting a wheel and reconnecting with a controller in Featured Multiplayer. [1728706]
Gameplay[All Platforms]
Introduced a Tire Wear Scale option to Free Play and Private Multiplayer, allowing adjustments to the rate at which tires are worn. 1x is the default value. At 2x, tire wear will occur twice as fast. Values range from .5x to 10x. This setting is found in the Event Setup Rules tab and in the Fuel & Tire menu when on track. Migrated the Open Class Tour in Career from the Builders Cup tab to the Featured tab. The Open Class Tour will be found in the Featured tab going forward. Fixed an issue where lap times faster than 18 seconds on Eaglerock Oval in Rivals X Class Time Attack leaderboards were not being posted. Fixed the achievement “Leisure Cruise” so that it now correctly unlocks when the specified criteria to complete a single lap at Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps during sunset has been met. [1681510] Adjusted the rolling start in the Builders Cup Power Tour: Iconic Muscle event so that cars no longer collide before the 3-2-1. [1717346] Fixed an issue where players not using steering assists were given control of their car at the wrong time when exiting the pit. [1717893] Fixed a bug in Private Multiplayer lobbies where player cars would appear on the track instead of in the pits when the host changes the selected track and while one or more players are in the Post Race screen. [1729190] Fixed an issue in Private Multiplayer where timed races didn’t mark laps as dirty when driving off track. [1757780] In Featured Multiplayer, Telemetry now states the correct number of Qualifying Laps before Featured Race. [1733624] Fixed an issue where every Featured Multiplayer post-race transition would only ever show Laguna Seca art as the next track. Now, the player will see the correct track loading screens when continuing from one completed Featured Multiplayer race to the next event. [1653249] Fixed an issue where the "Not Connected" UI popup would repeatedly show during sign-in even after a connection was regained. [1746586] Fixed an issue in the Settings menu where resetting all options to default values did not apply to Audio Performance. [1731587]
Multiplayer – Matchmaking and Events [All Platforms]
We’ve updated Safety Ratings in Featured Multiplayer by increasing the number of previous races the Safety Rating uses to determine your rating from 10 to 20, and by making on-track collisions more impactful to Safety Rating. Changes will take effect after your first race in Update 8. In addition, we’ve improved the matchmaking algorithm to search for a narrower range of Safety Ratings compared to your own. For example, players with an 'S' Safety Rating should no longer be matched with players who have 'E' and 'D' Safety Ratings. Groups will be connected to matches based on the player with the lowest Safety Rating. We’ve updated Featured Multiplayer events to use consistent weather conditions and avoid unpredictable weather transitions mid-race. [1750733] Removed the 2020 KTM X-Bow GT2 and the 2020 Lamborghini Essenza SCV12 from the Forza GT Series and added them to the Modern Factory Racecar Series in Featured Multiplayer. [1753741] Added the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 to the Forza GT Series in Featured Multiplayer. Developer’s Note: We’re currently working on recategorizing Forza GT racecars into separate spec divisions and expect to push these changes into the game this summer. Corrected an issue where the 1969 Lola #6 Sunoco T70 MkIIIB was eligible for the Vintage Le Mans Prototypes Series rather than the Prototype Group Racing Series. [1731588]
Car Balancing [All Platforms]
The following cars have been rebalanced in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series: Featured Multiplayer Spec Series Car Name Change Summary Forza GT Series 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 Engine torque: +25% Car Mass: +13.4% Front Downforce: -45% Rear Downforce: -45% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 McLaren F1 GT Increased Power 10% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion Increased Power 13% Lowered weight/ballast 3% Early Factory Racecar Series 1989 Ferrari F40 Competizione Increased power 10% Weight decreased 2%
Drivatar AI [All Platforms]
Reduced unnecessary braking scenarios for Drivatar AI opponents. Examples of this include braking while attempting to pass, two cars wide in corners, at the apex of corners, and on straights.
Tracks [All Platforms]
Gameplay[All Platforms]
Introduced a Tire Wear Scale option to Free Play and Private Multiplayer, allowing adjustments to the rate at which tires are worn. 1x is the default value. At 2x, tire wear will occur twice as fast. Values range from .5x to 10x. This setting is found in the Event Setup Rules tab and in the Fuel & Tire menu when on track. Migrated the Open Class Tour in Career from the Builders Cup tab to the Featured tab. The Open Class Tour will be found in the Featured tab going forward. Fixed an issue where lap times faster than 18 seconds on Eaglerock Oval in Rivals X Class Time Attack leaderboards were not being posted. Fixed the achievement “Leisure Cruise” so that it now correctly unlocks when the specified criteria to complete a single lap at Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps during sunset has been met. [1681510] Adjusted the rolling start in the Builders Cup Power Tour: Iconic Muscle event so that cars no longer collide before the 3-2-1. [1717346] Fixed an issue where players not using steering assists were given control of their car at the wrong time when exiting the pit. [1717893] Fixed a bug in Private Multiplayer lobbies where player cars would appear on the track instead of in the pits when the host changes the selected track and while one or more players are in the Post Race screen. [1729190] Fixed an issue in Private Multiplayer where timed races didn’t mark laps as dirty when driving off track. [1757780] In Featured Multiplayer, Telemetry now states the correct number of Qualifying Laps before Featured Race. [1733624] Fixed an issue where every Featured Multiplayer post-race transition would only ever show Laguna Seca art as the next track. Now, the player will see the correct track loading screens when continuing from one completed Featured Multiplayer race to the next event. [1653249] Fixed an issue where the "Not Connected" UI popup would repeatedly show during sign-in even after a connection was regained. [1746586] Fixed an issue in the Settings menu where resetting all options to default values did not apply to Audio Performance. [1731587]
Multiplayer – Matchmaking and Events [All Platforms]
We’ve updated Safety Ratings in Featured Multiplayer by increasing the number of previous races the Safety Rating uses to determine your rating from 10 to 20, and by making on-track collisions more impactful to Safety Rating. Changes will take effect after your first race in Update 8. In addition, we’ve improved the matchmaking algorithm to search for a narrower range of Safety Ratings compared to your own. For example, players with an 'S' Safety Rating should no longer be matched with players who have 'E' and 'D' Safety Ratings. Groups will be connected to matches based on the player with the lowest Safety Rating. We’ve updated Featured Multiplayer events to use consistent weather conditions and avoid unpredictable weather transitions mid-race. [1750733] Removed the 2020 KTM X-Bow GT2 and the 2020 Lamborghini Essenza SCV12 from the Forza GT Series and added them to the Modern Factory Racecar Series in Featured Multiplayer. [1753741] Added the 2019 Porsche #70 Porsche Motorsport 935 to the Forza GT Series in Featured Multiplayer. Developer’s Note: We’re currently working on recategorizing Forza GT racecars into separate spec divisions and expect to push these changes into the game this summer. Corrected an issue where the 1969 Lola #6 Sunoco T70 MkIIIB was eligible for the Vintage Le Mans Prototypes Series rather than the Prototype Group Racing Series. [1731588]
Car Balancing [All Platforms]
The following cars have been rebalanced in Featured Multiplayer Spec Series: Featured Multiplayer Spec Series Car Name Change Summary Forza GT Series 2019 Ginetta G55 GT4 Engine torque: +25% Car Mass: +13.4% Front Downforce: -45% Rear Downforce: -45% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 McLaren F1 GT Increased Power 10% Early Factory Racecar Series 1997 Porsche 911 GT1 Strassenversion Increased Power 13% Lowered weight/ballast 3% Early Factory Racecar Series 1989 Ferrari F40 Competizione Increased power 10% Weight decreased 2%
Drivatar AI [All Platforms]
Reduced unnecessary braking scenarios for Drivatar AI opponents. Examples of this include braking while attempting to pass, two cars wide in corners, at the apex of corners, and on straights.
Tracks [All Platforms]
Increased the track material luminance to be more physically correct, improving the overall contrast and color saturation of the track. This affects newly released tracks as well as future track updates. Maple Valley has been refreshed with “Mobil 1 Presents Maple Valley” race day branding, which includes new track signage featuring Mobil 1. Fixed multiple pop-in zones across the entire Maple Valley track. Fixed multiple pop-in zones across the entire Mid-Ohio track. Fixed numerous areas across Mid-Ohio where textures were displayed at low resolution or stretched. Placed a barrier along the pit exit at Mid-Ohio Sports Car Course. To accommodate this change, leaderboards for this track have been reset. Fixed a couple zones at Brands Hatch that were missing or displaying broken skids. We’ve reset leaderboards for Le Mans track layouts following the changes made to this track in Update 7.
Cars [All Platforms]
2016 Ford Shelby GT350R: Fixed an issue where suspension couldn’t be tuned without the Drift Suspension upgrade. [1648500] 2013 McLaren P1: Fixed an issue where the aero wing wasn’t displaying its deployment animation when accelerating after braking for a turn. [1592856] 1992 Volkswagen Golf Gti 16v Mk2: Fixed an issue where the Analog speedometer did not match the telemetry. [1652263] Fixed an issue on select cars where the fog lights or reflectors would instead act as brake lights. This fix applies to the 1998 Toyota Supra RZ, 2003 Ford Focus RS and 1997 McLaren F1 GT. [1730279] [1731165]
Livery Editor[All Platforms]
Introduced a Vinyl Material tool to the Livery Editor which can be used to uniformly adjust all vinyl materials on a car from matte (non-reflective) to glossy (reflective). This includes a reset option to revert all vinyls to match car paint glossiness. Imported designs from Forza Horizon 5 using its similar feature will automatically inherit these values. When removing a livery from a vehicle, the color will now be reset to the default manufacturer color instead of the color when the player purchases it. [1731939] Adjusted the arrangement of hint buttons in Livery Editor at the bottom of the screen. [1741965] Fixed an issue in the Livery Editor where the save popup would not be shown when exiting after flipping a decal or creating a mask from a layer. [1739245] The 'Find Designs' menu is now accessible for rental cars when players try to open it from 'Design & Paint Menu' and 'Livery Mode Select' scenes. [1643182] Fixed an issue where the game was creating empty base model liveries. Forza base liveries will no longer be created and stored unless it's the current livery in use. [1551365] Added iconography to layers in the Livery Editor. The player can now see icons to indicate if it's a mask layer or a locked layer. [1370431] The background values (position, scale, color, etc.) will not change when the player is navigating through the lighting options panel. [1734187] Fixed issues when flipping the rotation of vinyls in the Livery Editor. [1728080] Fixed an issue to prevent zooming of camera if the mouse is over Livery Color Selector in all color modes (Normal, Manufacturer, Special) for consistency. [1721951] Addressed an issue where player brake calipers were displaying the wrong color instead of the expected special colors. [1712512] Fixed an issue in the Design & Paint menu where non-block color vinyl shapes ignored mask effects. [1630741]
Accessibility [All Platforms]
Screen Narrator now properly narrates the “Place in Car Bay” scene. [1738094] Screen Narrator will now read associated credit bonuses as part of the option value names on Free Play Advanced options which affect credits earned during the event. This change also fixes the display of the bonus percentages for all players. [1721875] Fixed intermittent failures of Screen Narrator to read the tab names in the Builders Cup Series Selection scene. [1721928] Screen Narrator now fully supports the “Series Standings” leaderboard scene accessed from the Builders Cup Event Setup scene. [1721944], [1657223] Screen Narrator now correctly reads the Driving Assists modal popup for new players during the initial races of Career mode. [1738064] Screen Narrator will now always correctly read the Data Out IP Address and Port settings in the Gameplay & HUD settings menu. [1667393] Fixed an issue with Screen Narrator reading DLC pack descriptions twice in Purchase Options menu. [1746587] Added descriptive text for the SoundCloud Driver Suit. [1708217] The Tune Setups menu is now fully narrated. [1709554]
Localization[All Platforms]
Fixed an issue where several words were not translated when using [sv-SE] (Swedish-Sweden) language. [1589182] Fixed an issue causing hint button text to exceed the text boundaries in several languages. [1711597] Fixed a typo in Screen Narrator voiceovers in [pt-BR] (Portuguese-Brazil) when viewing car info panels. [1712323] Fixed an issue that caused text to overlap in the Fuel & Tire setup screen when text size is set to largest, and the language is set to [fi-FI] (Finnish-Finland). [1749301] Fixed an issue where the word “Pause” is not translated in [ja-JP] (Japanese-Japan). [1749465] Fixed an issue where the word “Hardcore” is not translated in several languages. [1749471] Fixed an incorrect character in [zh-TW] (Taiwanese Mandarin-Taiwan) that caused Fuel & Tire menu categories to be mistranslated. [1749479]
submitted by Joshh170 to GameGeeks [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:54 tacfmz Verunsichert wegen sofortigem Clocking durch eine Kollegin

Hallo zusammen,
vorab: alternativer Account, weil ich Meckern auf hohem Niveau eigentlich nicht mag. Bin aber dennoch verunsichert und weiß nicht, wie ich emotional mit der Situation umgehen soll bzw. das Erlebnis für mich einordnen soll.
Ich bin eine binäre trans Frau, Mitte 30 und über anderthalb Jahre in HRT. Bartschatten ist keiner mehr vorhanden, Stimme ist nicht super aber okayish. Ich bin definitiv nicht komplett stealth, aber in Alltagssituationen ist Passing eigentlich schon eher die Norm (denke/dachte ich). Letztes Misgendering war vor vielen Monaten. Dadurch habe ich mittlerweile auch sowas wie Vertrauen in mein Passing oder zumindest Blending aufgebaut. Mir wurde auch schon von einigen Leuten gesagt, dass man mir eigentlich nicht mehr anmerken würde, dass ich trans bin. Wobei das alles Leute waren, die normalerweise nicht hugboxen.
Ein Ereignis heute auf der Arbeit hat mein Vertrauen darin, dass ich nicht mehr so oft von der Transfreundlichkeit meiner Mitmenschen abhängig bin, leider ziemlich ins Wanken gebracht. Ich habe mal wieder mit einer Kollegin gesprochen, die mich nicht von früher kennt. Da ich bei ihr bisher nicht wusste, ob sie "es" weiß, war ich leider immer ziemlich angespannt in ihrer Gegenwart. Heute haben wir uns sowieso über Themen wie Antibabypille, Periode, Endometriose, Hormonschwankungen und Unfruchtbarkeit unterhalten (von ihr initiiert). Dabei habe ich dann gesagt, dass ich bei vielem nicht wirklich mitreden kann, da ich unfruchtbar bin und keine Periode habe, weil mir die Organe fehlen. Hatte vor mich zu outen. An ihrer Reaktion habe ich aber schon gemerkt, dass sie sich bereits gedacht hat, dass ich trans bin. Sie hat das nie von sich aus angesprochen und den Dialog auch so elegant weitergeführt, dass ich zwar deutlich gemerkt habe, dass sie es weiß, aber ohne, dass sie es direkt angesprochen hat oder ich direkt ansprechen musste. Ich habe sie dann gefragt, wann sie es gemerkt hat und durch was.
Sie meinte dann, dass sie es sofort gemerkt hat, also beim ersten Treffen in der Küche vor einigen Wochen. Und es lag an meiner Statur. Nichts Auffälliges, das sie beziffern könnte, aber irgendwie hat sie es unverkennbar gemerkt. Vielleicht auch, weil mein Chef sie beim Vorstellungsgespräch gefragt hat, ob sie ein Problem mit trans Personen hat und sie dadurch auf mindestens eine vorbereitet war (ich bin vermutlich die einzige, kleine Firma).
Was mich jetzt wurmt ist nicht die Tatsache, dass sie es gemerkt hat, sondern eher wie schnell und auch das mit der Statur. Hätte sie jetzt Stimme gesagt hätte ich das total nachvollziehen können. Bin noch im Training, oft selbst unzufrieden und weiß, dass ich da noch besser werden kann. Meine Hauptsorgen sind eigentlich immer Stimme und Gesicht, aber das fand sie nichtmal außerhalb des für sie typischen Rahmens. Und dabei bin ich jetzt nicht sonderlich breit gebaut oder so, eigentlich eher schmal. Zwar groß, aber es gibt auch einige wenige cis Frauen in meiner Größe.
Sie hat mir meine Enttäuschung angemerkt und sofort erklärt, dass sie super perceptive ist. Sie merkt laut eigener Aussage sehr viel was anderen gar nicht auffällt. Hat mir auch ein Beispiel dafür gegeben. Und sie meinte, dass das den meisten anderen vermutlich überhaupt nicht auffallen würde. Was ja eigentlich ein schöner Zuspruch ist.
Und seither hab ich einen gewaltigen Gefühlscocktail in mir. Einerseits bin ich froh, dass ich bei ihr jetzt keine Angst mehr vor einem versehentlichen Outing haben muss. Zudem glaube ich, dass wir uns seither menschlich noch besser verstehen als zuvor. Und sie hat mir zwischen den Zeilen auch sehr sachte aber deutlich klargemacht, dass sie mich zu 100% einfach als Frau wahrnimmt. Andererseits hat es mir schon ziemlich Selbstvertrauen genommen, dass sie das so verflucht schnell gemerkt hat. Und jetzt interpretiere ich wieder jeden Blick von Fremden als Clocking und neige wieder zu Overthinking.
Primär wollte ich mir das einfach mal von der Seele schreiben. Ich bezweifle sowieso, dass die meisten diesen langen Text bis zum Ende gelesen haben. Sorry dafür. Aber was mache ich jetzt daraus? Piense ich einfach nur herum? Ist das ein Fall von "check your privileges"? Ich weiß, dass ich genetisch nicht die schlechtesten Karten habe und dass ja auch HRT noch was tut. Ich bin auch wirklich dankbar dafür, wie "unsichtbar" ich mich normalerweise fühle. Aber genau deswegen fühle ich mich manchmal so, dass ich kein Recht habe mich auch mal wegen so einer eigentlichen Kleinigkeit herunterziehen zu lassen. Mein Ich von vor einem Jahr hätte mir wahrscheinlich den Vogel gezeigt wenn sie diesen Thread gelesen hätte. Trotzdem belastet es mich jetzt - höhere (ungesunde?) Ansprüche an mich selbst und so.
Was sind eure Gedanken dazu? Ging es euch mal ähnlich? Wie gehe mit sowas um, sodass ich es wirklich nur als Kleinigkeit sehen kann, ohne sofort wieder meine Selbstwahrnehmung in Frage zu stellen?
Vielen Dank fürs Zuhören!
submitted by tacfmz to germantrans [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:41 Zardotab Why are verbose UI specs so common and excepted? I miss DRY UI specs.

Before Dot Net I used to simplify UI maintenance by packaging common shop UI idioms behind compact methods. If one needed the "long cut", they could just paste-and-modify the text of the short-cut method, and thus I wasn't hiding the magic; they were just old fashioned methods that didn't prevent usage of the out-of-the-box long-cut when desired. It made web CRUD simple and easy.
But the equivalent in most Dot Net frameworks seems to require reflection rocket surgery that's above my IQ (especially when they "break"), or stack-specific templating gizmos, which are either buggy and/or poorly documented.
Most just seem to shuddup and accept the typical XML bloat in the UI code. Some people can indeed read bloated verbose code much faster than me, so maybe my eyes are just too slow? But a good many devs don't have fast eyes either. Is one expected to be a bloat-master now if using C# frameworks? Should I get out of C#?
Old fashioned subroutines/methods for shop-specific DRY have fell out of favor, and I don't understand why. C#'s optional named parameters are a wonderful abstraction tool, but we can't use them in UI's.
Example pseudo-code:
 var pocoRef = longCutToPocoReference(...); var pnl = New UiFramework.Panel(....); // pnl.addNum(pocoRef.EmployeeNo, decimals: 0, zeroPad: True, HideOnAdd: True); pnl.addText(pocoRef.LastName); pnl.addText(pocoRef.FirstName); pnl.addText(pocoRef.MiddleInitial, 1, altTitle: "M.I."); // override default grid columns* & title pnl.NewRow(); // explicitly start a new row (DIV) pnl.addText(pocoRef.Narrative, multiLines: 4) // Etc... (Who can NOT love this?!) // * alternative longer form is "gridCols: 1". Shown is a positional param. 
submitted by Zardotab to dotnet [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:30 peacefulnomadonearth Why isn't my AlertDialog showing?

I have the below code which is supposed to show an AlertDialog when I click the button but nothing happens. What went wrong?
floatingActionButton: FloatingActionButton( shape: RoundedRectangleBorder( side: const BorderSide(width: 1, color: Colors.grey), borderRadius: BorderRadius.circular(100)), backgroundColor: Colors.grey[400], child: const Icon(, onPressed: () { if (mainPages[bottomNavIndex].toString() == "HomePage") { const SearchBusinessesDialog(); print("Home"); } }, ), import 'package:fluttematerial.dart'; class SearchBusinessesDialog extends StatelessWidget { const SearchBusinessesDialog({super.key}); @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return const AlertDialog(title: Text("Accept"), content: Text("Test")); } } 
submitted by peacefulnomadonearth to flutterhelp [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:06 MisterSpacemanStuff Next Planet Predictions

During the 'fake ending' of 2.2, we engage in a navigation meeting with the Astral Express Crew to vote which planet to go to next. Of course, given how much time and effort goes into creating a planet, it's unlikely the player will actually be able to choose to next destination. In 2.3, it is likely we'll have the next planet revealed, with no choice of which it will be. Still, we can have a little fun speculating things.

Where are we Going?

During the meeting, we are given 4 options: Lushaka, Patrevia, Melustanin and Edo Star. Depending on the decision you make, the result of the vote will change. However, one opinion seems to appear in every vote: Edo Star.
Option Votes
Lushaka 3 votes for Lushaka, 2 votes for Edo Star
Melustanin 3 votes for Melustanin, 2 votes for Edo Star
Edo Star All votes for Edo Star
Patrevia (I don't have this data)
I can't make up my mind All votes for Edo Star
Unlike the other planets which the Crew is only interested in for their touristic purposes, Edo Star is in mortal peril.
Edo Star has been under attack from the Antimatter Legion for a while now. In the discussion, they mention distress signals from the planet have ceased, and the IPC wants the Express to investigate. Now, this last part might have been false, given we're in the dream at that point. However, the Antimatter Legion part is something we know to be true from the Destruction of the Destroyer text.
It's reasonable to assume the crew will end up pivoting towards this destination in the end.

But then... what can we expect? Well, here's some speculation:

  1. It may be the most treacherous planet we've visited yet, being in an Ion Storm region and being besieged by the Antimatter Legion.
  2. It's possible there will have already been great damage and destruction to the planet's civilisation
  3. While this may be a bit of a Planet of the Hats interpretation, it is likely Edo Star will be heavily inspired by Japanese culture, given the use of the name Edo.
  4. According to Forla, Edo Star has great houses of music where they sing ancient ballads, so we might get some Japanese vocal works.
Notably, Edo would not be the only Japanese inspired world, as Izumo is similarly Japanese. However, Izumo is gone. If we ever explore what Izumo was in a Simulated Universe or similar mode, Edo and Izumo may appear redundant if they don't make sure to have a distinct aesthetic. However, there should be enough to work with to make that distinction.
If we assume for a moment that the planet depicted in Sparkle's Myriad Celestia trailer is in fact Edo Star, that distinction should not be an issue. While both are futuristic, Edo's portrayal is more neon, whilst Izumo is more sober, relying more on abstract shapes and designs.

Part 2: Who will be there?

If we do go to Edo Star, what can we expect from the characters? Let's have a looksie.
First, let's talk about the people we already know:
1. The Astral Express Crew:
Of course, our core members will be along for the ride. As for who stays on board the Express this time: I don't have much of a theory. I'd be inclined to think March, because she's the only one who hasn't stuck behind yet, but there's not much to go on.
2. Black Swan and Boothill?
While it was a nice dream to have them join the ride for a bit, I'm not convinced this will actually happen. Black Swan has her own agendas and travel methods, and Boothill doesn't seem like he'd have business on Edo Star, and he has a hunt to do. Well, 2.3 will likely reveal more. Who knows? Maybe they'll have reasons to come along after all.
3. Sparkle:
As the character most heavily implied to come from a place like Edo Star, Sparkle being a returning character for its plot would make sense. However, as a Masked Fool travelling the cosmos, she could also just be mucking about wherever. If she is from Edo though, we can at least expect some mention of her background there. That said, there's no guarantee the planet we saw even is Edo Star to begin with.
Other Masked Fools like Sampo or Giovanni also always have a good chance of popping up.
4. IPC/Genius Society/Intelligensia Guild characters:
I know, these three factions aren't the same. But I'm mentioning them for the same reasons: All of them could easily have business at Edo Star. Be it to investigate the Ion Storm, or to deal with the Legion situation.
5. Stellaron Hunters:
It would be a bit odd for them to go completely silent, as it appears they need to be pretty hands-on with Trailblazer's trajectory to achieve their goals.
6. Acheron:
While I think she'll probably slink into the background after what happened now in 2.2, I don't think this is the last we've seen of her. While I don't think it would be a good fit for the main Trailblaze Mission, the idea of a side mission that's just Acheron landing on Edo and engaging with the world with both familiarity and alienation could be very interesting to watch.
7. Tingyun:
This one's a bit more of a stretch. We know Tingyun likely got involved with the Legion somewhere on her trips, so it's not impossible we may find traces of her at Edo Star.

But what about the people we don't know?

NEW characters: HSR mentions a lot of names, but there are none so far that have any known relation to Edo. Also worth noting is that 'newcast' characters outnumber the 'variants' from previous game with over 3 to 1. We will definitely see a lot of new faces. In fact, Penacony only had 1 character so far we can assume without question is a variant (Acheron), while the rest were all newcast.
But you can't really speculate based on nothing. So what are the variants we can expect to meet? To be honest, there are way too many characters that could work for Edo Star versions. Yanqing and Kafka have shown us miHoYo does not mind picking some of the more obscure figures. But once you start counting side characters and stigmata, well, the list becomes absurdly long.
So let's stick to some highlight candidates:
1. Yae Sakura/Kasumi/Miko:
Yae is a prime candidate for a new version. A mainstay figure with versions across Guns GirlZ, Honkai Impact 3rd and Genshin Impact. Who has a big life sized statue dedicated to her at miHoYo HQ. Who's one of the most popular characters in the roster, and has her own song. I can't imagine miHoYo not including her.
This also brings good odds of some variants of Yae Rin and Higokumaru/Hellmaru to show up. Yae's little sister and the Bake Kitsune that is often tied into her narrative.
2. Kallen Kaslana
While it's not unheard of, it's uncommon for a Yae not to have a connection to a Kallen. Kallen Kaslana has two major facets of her identity: Her adventures in Europe, and her adventures in Japan. In fact, in one world, she rose to dictatorship trying to resurrect her beloved Yae.
(Yes, this is official art posted by miHoYo)
3. Theresa Apocalypse
Theresa is an odd character. Perhaps with the most flexible identity of the recurring main cast, Theresa has done it all. She's had different names, hair colours, eye colours and even nationalities and ethnicities. Nevertheless, in several of her versions she ends up tied to Yae or Japan in one way or another, making her a decent candidate for appearing in some shape or form on Edo Star.
4. Shigure Kira
Playing roles in both GGZ and HI3, Kira is an often overlooked multigame cast member. Shigure Kira seems like a prime candidate for Edo Star. Not only does she have a Japanese background, but she also fits perfectly with the one thing we do know about Edo: The music houses. Why? Because in HI3 Shigure Kira is an idol who cannot sing. Additionally, she's typically regarded as one of the strongest warriors around, which could allow her to fit both into the cultural landscape of Edo Star and the war with the Legion.
5. Hokushin Mei
Raiden Mei's ancestor Hokushin Mei is mostly prevalent in GGZ. (Mei is the given name. It's not a direct lineage). It could be a way to bring in another Mei while tapping into a different identity.
6. Raiden Mei and Raiden Ryouma
Yes, I know, there's already Acheron. But we also have two Bronyas already! It's not unlikely another Raiden Mei would appear. The only thing that makes me think she won't is that it could be considered a bit soon.
But another avenue they could explore is to instead use her dad. Ryouma. Appearing in both GGZ and HI3, but with a bigger role in GGZ, Ryouma is one of those dudes players would love to see playable, and HSR could be his first opportunity to become it.
7. Murata Himeko and Murata Ryusuke
Another Himeko?! Another Himeko. She is Japanese. It could be a good opportunity to delve into the Express Crew themselves running into variants.
Similar to with Ryouma, they could instead bring in Ryusuke. This could be especially interesting if he runs into Welt, as Earth's Ryuusuke tried to kill him before.
Making deals with eldritch beings to get space powers isn't something that'd be out of place in a plot about a war with the Legion.
8. Any fitting character from GGZ
While it's clear GGZ still influences the identities of the multigame cast (such as Seele's Belobog design taking from her Firemoth version), we have yet to see a character in HSR we can say beyond doubt is based on a GGZ character. GGZ does have a lot of characters tied to its Japan though, and several with Japanese backgrounds too. Perhaps Edo Star could give us the first. Perhaps not. We can't know until it happens.

And if it turns out we don't go to Edo Star after all.... Well, it was fun anyway.

What do you think? Will we be visiting Edo Star next? What do you think the planet will be like? What faces do you expect to see?
submitted by MisterSpacemanStuff to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 20:00 Inciter_of_vibe Cyberpunk 2077 Analog Movement with Wooting Keyboard Guide, Updated for Patch 2.12

Cyberpunk 2077 Analog Movement with Wooting Keyboard Guide, Updated for Patch 2.12
Hi all, this is a guide on setting up analog walking and driving for Cyberpunk 2077 with the analog capability in a Wooting Keyboard (or other analog-capable keyboard depending on if you can replicate the advanced key setup). As the Wooting Keyboard allows you to "spoof" controller inputs due to the analog nature of its magnetic switches, you can setup many games to allow you to moderate your speed based on how far down you press the key, rather than simply being binary like "walk" or "don't walk".
This guide serves as an update to the original written here, because the original was written 3 years ago and has outdated mappings/keybindings, and the author had since had their account deleted. Additionally, the original sets up the movement for walking and driving both on one joystick, instead of two, and this is an issue as explained below:

Why two joysticks?

It is much easier to setup the movement for walking and driving to only use the left joystick, but there is a downside. If you are driving a vehicle, and you accelerate (Right Trigger via the W key), and try to turn left or right at the same time (left joystick left / right via the A / D key), you will find that you will only be able to make very wide turns, despite pressing the A / D key to the maximum. This is because, due to the setup for walking, the W key not only activates Right Trigger as needed for vehicle acceleration, but also moves the left joystick up so that you can walk forward.
This means that you unintentionally move the left joystick up as you accelerate, which limits how much the left joystick is able to move left or right, as its range is confined to a circle.
The first pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the W key (aka accelerate)
The second pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you press both the W and D key (aka accelerate + turn right)
The third pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the D key (aka turn right)
The fix for this that I found, as the gamepad tester screenshots imply, is to set the steering control to the right joystick instead of the left joystick, and leave the left joystick solely for walking. This is done specifically by setting the "LeftX_Axis_Vehicle" mapping/keybind to use the "IK_Pad_RightAxisX" controller input instead of "IK_Pad_LeftAxisX".
This setup assumes that you will use the analog controls for walking and driving (+ a few minor things like extra photo-mode control) and regular keyboard input for everything else, preserving the use of the regular WASD keys.


First, in the main Wootility settings, enable the Xbox Controller:
Make a new profile dedicated to this game, then setup the following advanced keys in the "Advanced Keys" section:
Then make sure the settings are set like this in the "Gamepad Mapping" section:
You may change the curve in "Analog Curve" but I cannot recommend a specific curve to follow


This is for Steam, if you are on GOG or another platform you will need to figure these steps out on our own
Right click on the game in your steam library, hover over "Manage" and click on "Browse local files" to open the game's directory folder:
While you're here, also make sure steam input is enabled for Cyberpunk 2077, by instead clicking on "Properties..." and going to the following setting:
Once you're in the "Cyberpunk 2077" folder, open the "r6" folder, then open "config", then either replace the inputUserMappings.xml file with the one provided or open it with a text editor and make the changes listed below.
Here's the file with all of the edits implemented, rename the file to remove the ".Analog.txt" part before replacing it with the one in the game folder:
Otherwise, here are the changes you will need to make in the file. Beware, its a big list...
1. For:
2. For:
4. For:
5. For:
6. For:
7. For:
8. For:
9. For:
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11. For:
12. For:
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14. For:
15. For:
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17. For:
18. For:
19. For:
20. For:
And remove:
21. For:
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36. For:
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39. For:
40. For:
41. For:
42. For:
43. For:
44. For:
45. For:
Here is a backup of the original file if you messed up or wish to undo these changes (or you can delete the file from the game folder and verify integrity of game files thru steam):


That is all that is to it! While the original guide said to change the keybinds for walking / driving to something other than the WASD keys ingame, this seems to be unnecessary as the setup still works despite not changing them.
  1. WASD (aka left joystick) still moves the cursor in the game settings / inventory, I found that none of the mappings control it. Only an issue if for instance you liked to use A and D to navigate submenus, etc.
  2. The game will rapidly switch between displaying keyboard icons and controller icons on your HUD, as of course it is detecting both keyboard and controller inputs at the same time. Wish there was a fix for this but I have not found any
Note: This mappings setup may become invalid (like in the original guide) if an update changes everything again, but I bet that will not be the case since the game has probably already received most of the updates it was going to get
Thanks for reading, let me know of any suggestions or issues
submitted by Inciter_of_vibe to WootingKB [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:59 Inciter_of_vibe Cyberpunk 2077 Analog Movement with Wooting Keyboard Guide, Updated for Patch 2.12

Cyberpunk 2077 Analog Movement with Wooting Keyboard Guide, Updated for Patch 2.12
Hi all, this is a guide on setting up analog walking and driving for Cyberpunk 2077 with the analog capability in a Wooting Keyboard (or other analog-capable keyboard depending on if you can replicate the advanced key setup). As the Wooting Keyboard allows you to "spoof" controller inputs due to the analog nature of its magnetic switches, you can setup many games to allow you to moderate your speed based on how far down you press the key, rather than simply being binary like "walk" or "don't walk".
This guide serves as an update to the original written here, because the original was written 3 years ago and has outdated mappings/keybindings, and the author had since had their account deleted. Additionally, the original sets up the movement for walking and driving both on one joystick, instead of two, and this is an issue as explained below:

Why two joysticks?

It is much easier to setup the movement for walking and driving to only use the left joystick, but there is a downside. If you are driving a vehicle, and you accelerate (Right Trigger via the W key), and try to turn left or right at the same time (left joystick left / right via the A / D key), you will find that you will only be able to make very wide turns, despite pressing the A / D key to the maximum. This is because, due to the setup for walking, the W key not only activates Right Trigger as needed for vehicle acceleration, but also moves the left joystick up so that you can walk forward.
This means that you unintentionally move the left joystick up as you accelerate, which limits how much the left joystick is able to move left or right, as its range is confined to a circle.
The first pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the W key (aka accelerate)
The second pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you press both the W and D key (aka accelerate + turn right)
The third pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the D key (aka turn right)
The fix for this that I found, as the gamepad tester screenshots imply, is to set the steering control to the right joystick instead of the left joystick, and leave the left joystick solely for walking. This is done specifically by setting the "LeftX_Axis_Vehicle" mapping/keybind to use the "IK_Pad_RightAxisX" controller input instead of "IK_Pad_LeftAxisX".
This setup assumes that you will use the analog controls for walking and driving (+ a few minor things like extra photo-mode control) and regular keyboard input for everything else, preserving the use of the regular WASD keys.


First, in the main Wootility settings, enable the Xbox Controller:
Make a new profile dedicated to this game, then setup the following advanced keys in the "Advanced Keys" section:
Then make sure the settings are set like this in the "Gamepad Mapping" section:
You may change the curve in "Analog Curve" but I cannot recommend a specific curve to follow


This is for Steam, if you are on GOG or another platform you will need to figure these steps out on our own
Right click on the game in your steam library, hover over "Manage" and click on "Browse local files" to open the game's directory folder:
While you're here, also make sure steam input is enabled for Cyberpunk 2077, by instead clicking on "Properties..." and going to the following setting:
Once you're in the "Cyberpunk 2077" folder, open the "r6" folder, then open "config", then either replace the inputUserMappings.xml file with the one provided or open it with a text editor and make the changes listed below.
Here's the file with all of the edits implemented, rename the file to remove the ".Analog.txt" part before replacing it with the one in the game folder:
Otherwise, here are the changes you will need to make in the file. Beware, its a big list...
1. For:
2. For:
4. For:
5. For:
6. For:
7. For:
8. For:
9. For:
10. For:
11. For:
12. For:
13. For:
14. For:
15. For:
16. For:
17. For:
18. For:
19. For:
20. For:
And remove:
21. For:
22. For:
23. For:
24. For:
25. For:
26. For:
27. For:
28. For:
29. For:
30. For:
31. For:
32. For:
33. For:
34. For:
35. For:
36. For:
37. For:
38. For:
39. For:
40. For:
41. For:
42. For:
43. For:
44. For:
45. For:
Here is a backup of the original file if you messed up or wish to undo these changes (or you can delete the file from the game folder and verify integrity of game files thru steam):


That is all that is to it! While the original guide said to change the keybinds for walking / driving to something other than the WASD keys ingame, this seems to be unnecessary as the setup still works despite not changing them.
  1. WASD (aka left joystick) still moves the cursor in the game settings / inventory, I found that none of the mappings control it. Only an issue if for instance you liked to use A and D to navigate submenus, etc.
  2. The game will rapidly switch between displaying keyboard icons and controller icons on your HUD, as of course it is detecting both keyboard and controller inputs at the same time. Wish there was a fix for this but I have not found any
Note: This mappings setup may become invalid (like in the original guide) if an update changes everything again, but I bet that will not be the case since the game has probably already received most of the updates it was going to get
Thanks for reading, let me know of any suggestions or issues
submitted by Inciter_of_vibe to cyberpunkgame [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:22 gamer426 Looking to hire a romance writer who lives texting for a interactive fiction mobile app game

Romantic Fiction Writer - Mobile App Casual Game
Qualifications (Must have)
You work remotely. You track your own time. You will begin with a $1000USD initial project, and can expand to part-time, then full-time as our need grows.
About Us:
Team of 5. We have marketing and engineering already covered. We are a small team of indie developers, we have previously built and sold three software companies and are working on a new venture in the consumer application space. We are based out of the US & Portugal.
We are looking to hire ASAP and are interviewing candidates up to Tuesday May 21st
Apply at
submitted by gamer426 to RomanceWriters [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 19:21 OddClimate4206 How to Script a Form

I am trying to make a standard PDF form wherein Page 1 is text entered into form fields and page 2 is a narrative format (think report style).
For page 1, I want to ask standard questions and have the form fields in those sections get linked to certain areas of the narrative on page 2.
For example, page 1 would have a field that says “what is the employees first name?” then there’s a form field to enter the first name to its right.
Then I’d like the value of the form field from page 1 to get copied into a certain area in page 2 in the same font and format as the surrounding text.
For example, “[value of field 1, page 1] joined the company in 2023.”
Is this something that could be done using JavaScript? Or any other Microsoft Office product?
submitted by OddClimate4206 to pdf [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:59 AceKupeli Still Struggling to open Windows .lnk files in Mac ?

I have a solution for you guys ( Mac Automator - Quick Action). You can customize it according to your needs. I'm using it to convert network links (single server). Let's begin.
Two things are important:
  1. Where the script will grep the link (START_POINT). For example, if your shortcut starts with "\Erics_Computer", use "\Erics_Computer.*".
  2. The sed section is crucial because the network location is already mounted to the volumes, so we have to replace "Erics_Computer" with "Volumes". For instance, use: sed 's/START_POINT/Volumes/' like so: sed 's/Erics_ComputeVolumes/'.
When you right-click the .lnk file and choose the quick action, this script will extract and convert the target path for Mac. You can copy and paste it into Finder or directly open it from the dialog window.
on run {input, parameters}
tell application "Finder"
set theFile to item 1 of input
set filePath to POSIX path of theFile
set targetPath to do shell script "strings " & quoted form of filePath & " grep -o '\\\\START_POINT.*' tr '\\\\' '/' cut -d ':' -f 2 sed '1d' sed 's/START_POINT/Volumes/'"
set targetPath to text 1 thru -1 of targetPath
set theDialog to display dialog targetPath buttons {"Copy to Clipboard", "Open", "OK"} default button "OK"
if button returned of theDialog is "Copy to Clipboard" then
set the clipboard to targetPath
else if button returned of theDialog is "Open" then
do shell script "open " & quoted form of targetPath
end if
end tell
end run
Good Luck :) Ahmet Celal Kupeli
submitted by AceKupeli to MacOS [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:55 fintech07 MidReal’s Gen AI ‘choose your own adventure’ platform launches

MidReal’s Gen AI ‘choose your own adventure’ platform launches
Generative AI storytelling platform MidReal has officially launched its flagship “choose your own adventure” product. Powered by its latest Morpheus-1 model, the tool allows players to generate stories that evolve as they make decisions. Instead of passively consuming media, MidReal puts gamers, readers, tv and movie buffs, and more in control to shape the narrative.
Founded in October 2023 with researchers from MIT, Cornell and Duke at its disposal, MidReal is blurring the lines between text adventures and games. The San Francisco-based company has seven full-time and five part-time employees to push the potential of the medium.
In addition to story generation, MidReal has more features to boost immersion and keep users engaged. These include generated illustrations with consistent characters and the ability to remix public stories.
“In the world of AI driven narrative and storytelling, readability and believability is of paramount concern and that desire to give creatives the most state-of-the-art tools available is what drove us to create MidReal and its latest AI module ‘Morpheus-1,'” said Kaijie Chen, cofounder and CEO at MidReal. “With its official launch today we’re looking forward to the countless stories that are just waiting to be told to the world.”
submitted by fintech07 to AIToolsTech [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 17:00 AEMarling honor mode: what I wish I had known

Earned my gold die today. I wanted to share a few things I wish I and everyone understood going into honor mode. After these common misconceptions I’ll go over a few general tips that you probably already know, but they bear repeating.
Most guides and videos for “Best Characters for Honor Mode” are wrong. They focus on complete builds for characters level 8+, in Act Three. This is the opposite of what is necessary and fun. Act One is the most difficult. That’s where the game will squeeze you the hardest, and you’re most likely to die. The first four levels are where you may need to min-max and select characters based on their relative power. If you want my advice, here are a few classes and the level where they start to shine.
Level 2: Light Cleric, with bless
Level 3: Rogue Assassin, surprising enemies with bow
Level 4: Barbarian Berserker, with tavern brawler and throwing weapons
That said, feel free to ignore those suggestions. What’s the worst that can happen? Die in Act One? Not much time invested and plenty of excitement in trying again.
The second biggest misconception is that you need to do certain things in honor mode, play certain classes, or make “safe” decisions. The truth is, if you do your utmost to make the game as easy as possible, it’ll be boring, even on honor mode. After you reach level five, your party will get much stronger. You won’t need to pick the sweatiest classes. I thought you did, but the rest of my game turned into a cakewalk. You should focus on playing the classes you enjoy, rather than those you feel are the most potent.
Instead of looking for ways to make honor mode easier, search out paths to make it more entertaining. You shouldn’t be doing anything as far as role play that feels gross. If you don’t want to make Momma K sad, don’t side with Gortash. If you love Gale too much to blow him up, fight the final battle instead. That’s what I decided to do in the eleventh hour, and it made for a much more memorable story. Just prepare to fight the big brain and enjoy the challenge. To reiterate, don’t feel pressured into any path or strategy you don’t enjoy. I didn’t pickpocket gold. I didn’t use barrelmancy. And I stopped using throwing weapons because I find them too finicky.
Some people make honor mode more exciting by limiting their long rests per act. Another idea is only letting wizards use spell scrolls, or no crafted potions, etc. Definitely play with the origin characters you enjoy. Do only those quests in Act Three that feel fun and necessary. Some will go poorly. For instance, I killed Minsc. Even with sublethal enabled, either my crit ended him or the thunder damage from Punch-Drunk Bastard. Jaheira left. Boo cried, but all good stories have tragedy.
Honor mode reduces the temptation of save scumming and injects more chaos into your narrative. Two other exciting aspects are the more challenging boss fights and some more balanced abilities. Lean into the fun. With all that in mind, here are a few general tips for honor mode.
1. Stick to well-traveled paths. Don’t test the unknown. This game likes to surprise you, trick you, and kill you. If you aren’t sure what’s coming, if you try a different dialog choice than one that worked for you in a prior playthrough, you may well die. If you like to live dangerously, break a leg. As long as you understand the risk.
Personally, I regret fighting the Mystic Carrion for the first time, on honor mode. He didn’t have any loot I wanted, and since I didn’t know what to expect, the battle felt brutal. That’s the only time any of my characters died in Act Three. (Outside of camp anyway.)
  1. Play a main character with high charisma. Remember, you can respec any origin character into a charismatic class. If you don’t do this, it will be a different and more exciting experience, with less gold (like 4x less) and more scary fights.
  2. Gain as much experience as you can before fighting bosses. Since they are tougher, with legendary abilities, it is safest to confront them with your party a level higher than typical.
  3. Do your research. Read honor-mode posts. Study up on the legendary abilities, and go into every battle with a plan.
  4. And most importantly, have fun.
submitted by AEMarling to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:25 talkiemateapp Unleash Your Creative Genius: The Ultimate Guide to top Free Character AI Alternatives

Source: 🔗 Chat with Lifelike Virtual Personalities —
Ever wondered how writers, game developers, and storytellers craft such compelling characters with ease? Character AI holds the key. These cutting-edge tools utilize artificial intelligence to breathe life into characters, making them more relatable and engaging. With the rising demand for intuitive AI tools in creative industries, many are on the lookout for free alternatives that offer robust features without breaking the bank.
In this post, we’ll explore the top 10 free Character AI alternatives that stand out in the ever-evolving landscape of AI-assisted character creation. Whether you’re a budding novelist, an ambitious game designer, or just someone with a passion for storytelling, these alternatives provide powerful solutions. Embrace the future of character development without the hefty price tag and elevate your creative projects to new heights.
Talkiemate AI is a powerful tool that excels in character AI creation, making it a top choice for many users. Let’s explore its key features and how it stacks up against paid alternatives.
Talkiemate AI offers a wide range of features that set it apart in the world of character AI creation. Its user-friendly interface allows creators to easily design and customize characters to suit their unique needs. With a vast library of voices and accents, Talkiemate AI enables users to bring their characters to life with realistic and engaging dialogue.
Additionally, Talkiemate AI provides advanced customization options for facial expressions, gestures, and emotions, giving creators full control over the personalities of their characters. The tool’s integration with text-to-speech technology ensures clear and natural-sounding speech output, enhancing the overall quality of character interactions.
Comparison with Paid Alternatives
When comparing Talkiemate AI with paid alternatives, it stands out for its robust functionality and impressive quality. Despite being a free tool, Talkiemate AI rivals many paid options in terms of performance and features. The tool’s intuitive design and ease of use make it a preferred choice for creators looking to experiment with character AI without financial constraints.
In contrast to some paid tools that offer similar features, Talkiemate AI delivers excellent results without compromising on quality. Users can create dynamic and lifelike characters using Talkiemate AI, making it a cost-effective solution for character AI creation.
Photo by Tara Winstead is a delightful platform designed to assist in character generation with ease and efficiency. Let’s delve into the features and user experience of this innovative tool.
Overview offers a myriad of features that streamline the character creation process. From diverse customization options to a user-friendly interface, simplifies the task of bringing characters to life. With its intuitive design, users can quickly navigate through the platform to craft unique and compelling characters for various projects.
Photo by Somben Chea
User Experience
The user experience with is nothing short of exceptional. Novice users and experienced creators alike appreciate the intuitive nature of the platform. The straightforward layout and easy-to-use tools make character generation a seamless and enjoyable process. Moreover, the high level of customization options allows users to fine-tune every aspect of their characters, ensuring they meet specific project requirements effortlessly. truly empowers users to unleash their creativity without any technical hurdles.
Replika, an innovative character AI platform, offers a range of unique features that set it apart in the realm of AI-generated characters.
Unique Selling Points
Replika stands out for its ability to create deeply personalized interactions with users. It leverages machine learning to adapt to individual personalities, creating a unique conversational experience. Additionally, Replika provides a safe space for users to express themselves without judgment, fostering a sense of empathy and understanding between the user and the AI character.
Community Feedback
User feedback on Replika has been overwhelmingly positive. Many users praise the platform for its empathetic responses and engaging conversations. Some have likened interacting with Replika to talking to a close friend, highlighting the platform’s ability to provide companionship and emotional support. Overall, Replika’s community feedback underscores its effectiveness in creating meaningful connections with users.
Photo by ThisIsEngineering
Anima AI
In the realm of character creation, Anima AI stands out as a powerful tool that brings characters to life with ease.
Anima AI offers a diverse range of functionalities that elevate character creation to new heights. From generating unique personalities to crafting intricate backstories, Anima AI provides creators with the ability to breathe life into their characters effortlessly. Its advanced algorithms analyze various traits and attributes to create well-rounded characters that resonate with audiences. Whether you need a hero with a tragic past or a quirky sidekick, Anima AI can tailor characters to suit your narrative needs with precision and flair.
Integration Options
Anima AI seamlessly integrates into a variety of platforms, making it a versatile choice for character AI utilization. Whether you’re designing a video game, animated film, or virtual reality experience, Anima AI can be easily incorporated to enhance the storytelling experience. Its compatibility with popular software and engines streamlines the integration process, allowing creators to focus on unleashing their imagination without technical barriers. With Anima AI, the possibilities for character creation are boundless, offering a seamless workflow for bringing characters to life in diverse mediums.
Photo by Google DeepMind
DeepFiction is an intriguing free character AI tool that offers a range of innovative features to enhance character creation for various storytelling purposes.
Innovative Features:
DeepFiction stands out from other character AI tools due to its cutting-edge capabilities. One of the standout features is its ability to automate book printing, providing users with a seamless way to bring their characters to life in physical form. Additionally, DeepFiction offers VR story experiences, allowing creators to immerse themselves in their characters’ worlds and explore narratives in a whole new dimension. Another innovative feature is the conversational character bots, enabling interactions with characters in a dynamic and engaging manner. These features combine to elevate the character creation process and empower users to craft compelling and immersive stories effortlessly.
For more information about the innovative features of DeepFiction, visit their official website.
While DeepFiction excels in providing advanced features for character AI creation, users may encounter certain limitations or challenges when utilizing the tool. One potential limitation is the learning curve associated with leveraging the full range of features effectively. Users may need time to familiarize themselves with all the functionalities DeepFiction offers, which could require additional time investment upfront. Additionally, as with any AI tool, there may be occasional technical glitches or inconsistencies that users may experience, affecting the overall user experience. Despite these limitations, DeepFiction remains a powerful platform for character AI creation, offering unique and valuable tools for storytellers and content creators.
To explore pricing and more details about DeepFiction AI, check out their profile on Capterra.
DeepFiction’s commitment to innovation and creativity makes it a compelling choice for those seeking to enhance their storytelling capabilities through AI-driven character creation tools.
StoryMate offers excellent features that cater to seamless collaboration among creators, streamlining character development projects.
Ease of Collaboration
StoryMate simplifies the collaborative process by providing tools that allow creators to work together efficiently. With StoryMate, creators can easily share ideas, exchange feedback, and collectively work on character development, enhancing the overall project coherence. The platform’s user-friendly interface fosters a cohesive environment where creators can brainstorm, plan, and execute ideas collaboratively, ensuring a holistic approach to character AI creation.
Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro
Customization Capabilities
StoryMate empowers users with a wide range of customization options to tailor character AI outputs according to specific project requirements. Creators can adjust various parameters such as tone, personality traits, and speech patterns to create unique and engaging characters. The platform’s intuitive customization tools enable creators to fine-tune every aspect of their characters, ensuring a personalized touch in the AI-generated content. By offering extensive customization capabilities, StoryMate allows creators to unleash their creativity and bring their envisioned characters to life with precision.
Exploring the top free Character AI alternatives opens a world of possibilities for enhancing your character creation process without any financial burden. Each alternative offers unique features, from conversational depth to sophisticated personality crafting. Leveraging these tools can significantly enhance your creative projects, whether you’re a writer, game developer, or a hobbyist.
Experimenting with different options can help you discover which tool aligns best with your specific needs, ultimately enriching your storytelling and project development. Dive in, explore these resources, and enhance your characters like never before.
![Image]( )
submitted by talkiemateapp to talkiemateai [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 16:22 TheBlaringBlue Ranking the Shire Arcs in AC: Valhalla

I wrote mini reviews of each arc here, but because there are so damn many arcs, this ended up being a wall of text, despite me trying to keep them short. Feel free to skim or read only what interests you!
The episodic nature of Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla means that its narrative is split into chunks. These chunks take place across the many shires of medieval England and vary in terms of length, depth and, well, pointlessness. I thought ranking them would be a fun exercise — a competition of story arcs, all vying for best Viking mini-narrative.
It goes without saying, but I’m about to spoil the whole damn game, so read at your own risk.
21. Wincestre
Wincestre is just another Lunden or Jorvik, accept with more Jesus, more King Aelfred and way less… anything worthwhile. This one was just a total nothing-burger of an experience. The fact that it comes so late in the narrative really hurts it, too, because by now you’ve experienced arcs that are a similar traditional Assassin’s Creed city-style that at least aren’t this bad. Aelfred’s turning on Eivor at the end also didn’t feel coherent, convincing or warranted to me. Big miss.
20. Lunden
The smaller, denser cities with multiple targets to track down and ‘social stealth’ options are certainly here to attempt to replicate the traditional AC experience, but Lunden fails to do so meaningfully, and even gets a huge points deduction for being misleading.
The arc is set up to feature twists with Stowe and Ercke (is one a traitor? Will your romancing of Stowe make things complicated?), but after their initial scenes they’re mitigated to what I would hardly even call side characters as Eivor unveils three randos as Order members, kills them and then leaves town. At least there was a cool boss sequence on the river?
19. Snotinghamscire
This arc sees you reunite with Hemmingr Jarl, his son Villi and his compatriot, Trygve. Eivor has an existing relationship with these characters, but the player doesn’t. As a result, nothing that happens with them lands meaningfully.
After Hemmingr passes, this arc boils down to running dull errands to prepare for the burial ceremony. Eivor chooses whether Villi or Trygve will succeed Hemmingr in the end, but the decision is very clear-cut and suggested to the player, lacking the nuance of the game’s other difficult decisions. This arc isn’t memorable, doesn’t concern the main quest, and feels like fluffy filler in the worst way.
18. Jorvik
Another version of the Lunden & Wincestre arcs, Jorvik is stronger than its competitors for presenting the Order members to your face before you deduce who they are. There was nothing shocking about their reveals, but each provided an interesting set piece to navigate during assassinations.
Problematically, the arc sets itself up for Eivor to accuse a traitor, only for her decision to not matter at all. You never get to act on your accusation at Yuletide — the Order member interrupts and attacks the feast no matter who you accuse.
17. Cent
The Cent arc sees Eivor team with Basim to track Fulke. It feels important and part of the main story, but it’s all for naught in the end — you come face-to-face with Fulke in what seems like a meaningful story moment, only for her to run away. Your reward is finding out Sigurd had his arm cut off.
This arc earns some points for getting Fulke screen time and tiptoeing the tightrope of Eivor and Basim’s rocky relationship believably, but certainly can’t be called good. This is because once you pull back the veil, you realize you never advanced the plot and were running in circles for nothing the entire time. At least the other “filler” arcs were forthright about their (lack of) connection to the main story.
16. Jotunheim
This arc has a compelling story to it — Odin running from his fate and bending over backwards to flee from it is interesting, his broken relationship with Loki should be a strong point for the arc, and his moral gray areas (sleeping with a Jotunn, betraying Tyr) certainly make for a complex character’s development.
It has the ingredients of a strong arc, but I just couldn’t shake the why am I doing this feeling I had the entire time. Everything in between Odin’s big moments is a fetch quest and I just felt like I was wasting my life.
This one is weird because on paper it feels like there’s a lot of substance here, but ultimately, I felt nothing while playing it besides contempt for having drank the potion in Ravensthorpe again.
15. Lincolnscire
Heir to the throne Hunwald is exiled from Lincoln and reaches out to Ravensthorpe for help. Eivor tracks down his sickly and dying father and then must cast the deciding vote for whom the new Ealdorman will be after his death.
The game wastes your time with one of Hunwald’s competitors, Aelfgar, (who is a dork) and paints the bishop as evil pretty clearly (he turns out to be an Order member). I suppose this arc could hit hard for someone who accidently put an Order member in charge. For that and for Hunwald at least having a strong drive and personality, this arc earns some marks.
14. Essex
Eivor is brought in to repair a marriage by separating husband and wife naturally without a public divorce. She reunites Ealdorman Birstan with his former lover and sets up a fake public kidnapping to whisk away his wife, Estrid.
I think many would rate this arc far lower than I have here because it is pure side mission nonsense — but for me, this arc stands strong on the backs of convincing and fun characters in Birstan and Estrid, as well as the tangled web of relationships between the two of them, Birstan’s son, and Rollo, Estrid’s former lover.
13. Ledecestrescire
Ledecestre sees the intros of Ivarr, Ubba and Ceowulf. You team up with the sons of Ragnar to help put Ceowulf’s father on the throne in Mercia.
Ledecestrescire earns points for strong, realized characters in the Ragnarsons and Ceowulf, a believable conflict with the Mercian king, as well as the arc’s biggest moment with killing or sparing Leofrith in Tamworth.
12. Asgard
Asgard looks pretty and hits hard when you first arrive. I appreciate Ubi for creating places like Atlantis and Asgard to run around and explore in.
Unfortunately, both felt supremely empty. However, watching Odin fight tooth and nail to run from his fate was satisfying and Loki is aptly deceptive and frustrating. The Builder gave the arc a nice wrinkle, too and climaxed with a nice boss fight.
I spent too much time tracking down tears, but I think if you look at just the main missions here, this is a solid experience in an incredible environment.
11. East Anglia
In this arc, Eivor works alongside Oswald to fend off violent Dane aggressors and claim his leadership role.
Oswald is honorable and likeable — watching him teach the Danes in his court that bravery can reveal itself in more nuanced ways rather than physically was powerful, and giving Eivor the decision to allow Oswald to fight his own battles or fight for him solidified the feeling of fathering Oswald through this arc into manhood and leadership.
I bought into this arc because I felt the story was touching and meaningful and the cast was strong.
10. Vinland
Nothing really happens here aside from hunting down Gorm Kjotveson, but the arc earns major points for how refreshing it is.
I played it late in the story when I was feeling quite a bit of fatigue towards the game and everything about Vinland just landed for me, giving me new energy to actually enjoy what I was doing.
The new landscape is insanely gorgeous and fun to navigate. The stripping down of Eivor’s equipment essentially forces you to start from scratch — but it really makes the four stealth encounters stronger; you have to approach them differently due to being unarmed and unarmored.
The whole thing was a little bit of a reset button for the entire experience of Valhalla and it sorely needed it.
9. Suthsexe
Suthsexe is the meeting with Guthrum and the rising action leading up to defeating Fulke.
The arc is fun, feels impactful as well as meaningful and sees you reunite with all the old friends you’ve made up to this point. Fighting alongside Soma and others was a big positive for me. Storming Fulke’s fort at least included some different mechanics than many forts up to this point, so it felt fresh. Her boss fight in the darkness of the crypts was exceptional, as was her confession sequence.
This arc was mostly good, satisfying fun the whole way through, but didn’t include too much intrigue as the ones ranked above it did.
8. Rygjafylke
Look, I’ll be honest. I’m writing this particular paragraph after completing the game and this opening section was so long ago that I don’t have a great memory of it.
What I do know is that Valhalla opened strongly. I found it all pretty compelling. I remember it being atmospheric, believable and driven by strong characters like Sigurd, Varin, Haytham, Basim and Kyotve. I was bought-in very early and Rygjafylke really got the game off to a strong start.
7. Hamtunscire & Epilogue
Aelfred screen time is a good thing, and this arc earns marks for his badassery in the face of Guthrum, as well as his manipulation of the Dane army. Ally deaths in the battle at Chepeham give the arc meaningful stakes and ratchet up the tension. This arc is brief and straightforward — there’s not much story to it since it’s really just war throughout the whole thing.
Afterwards, Eivor tracks down the final member of the Order and confronts him in a touching sequence over some burnt bread in a small swampy town in the middle of nowhere. It’s a humble conclusion for Aelfred and the swirling epic that was AC: Valhalla.
6. Hordafylke
The return to Norway contains two things: Eivor & Sigurd finding closure with Sigurd’s father, and the two locating “Yggdrasil.”
I quite enjoyed the pit stop with Sigurd’s father, and the entire Yggdrasil sequence was incredibly interesting. It was a refreshing change of pace from what you’ve been doing for the past 100 hours and featured a nice boss fight at the end. No matter which ending you get, the conversation with Sigurd after the dust settles is impactful and weighty.
5. Oxenefordscire
Finally reunited with Sigurd, this is the arc we learn of his obsession with his ancestry and true nature. Eivor’s reaction of discomfort and distrust towards Sigurd’s change is honest and relatable and she must juggle relations between Sigurd and the Thane they are working to put in charge, Gaedric.
Negotiations with King Aelfred are complex and a late intervention from Fulke reveals her true allegiance to the Order and puts Sigurd in enemy hands.
This arc moves the plot along moreso than the last 400 hours you’ve been playing the game, while also establishing and reinterpreting Eivor’s relations with the cast in meaningful ways. It ratchets up the tension of the main quest and narrative, which up to this point had been lagging behind due to a breadth of shire arcs.
4. Glowecestrecire
I’m so surprised to see myself rank this so high — after the first third of the arc, I was considering putting it in dead last. I felt Gunnar’s fiancé’s unintelligible dialogue, the trick-or-treating, the druid encounter, and Eivor’s 400th drunken night of debauchery to be a disrespectful waste of my time this deep (over 80 hours) into the game.
But then the arc turned, with two solid stealth encounters and a stellar boss fight. Navigating the Aelfwood was a gorgeous thrill and the confrontation with Modran is atmospheric and a fantastically fresh take on the typical Valhalla boss or mini boss fight.
When I decided to focus-up on the story and let the Celtic and Welsh mythos shine, the arc became a terrestrial fever dream of satisfying magic, intrigue and character interactions.
3. Grantebridgescire
Eivor looks to ally with Soma, the leader of Grantebridge, but her town’s just been sacked from the inside by a traitor. After saving her three companions in the thick river bogs, you take back Grantebridge and then embark on an investigation to discover the rat.
Its the investigation that makes the whole arc. It has a slew of clues, nuance and red herrings to consider. One of its strengths is how open ended the investigation is — you can follow the quest markers, but talking to the town’s people and hunting down the yellow-painted ship is up to you (at least I think, I played on the most ‘difficult’ exploration setting).
This arc earns big points because the investigation matters — you have to tell Soma to kill one of her closest friends and then watch her do it, living with your right or wrong decision.
2. Eurvicscire
Finally meeting the third of the famed Ragnarson’s, Eivor finds Halfdan a paranoid soul, waxing poetic about friendship and treason. The arc balances the two on a blade’s edge to tremendous effect.
Halfdan believes he has a traitor in his midst and the main culprit is his right-hand man, Faravid.
Faravid's dialogue is expertly written to feign allegiance to Halfdan, but never reveal too much of his true nature. Eivor’s wavering relationship and trust with him are complex and the Wolf-Kissed can lie to both him and Halfdan depending on dialogue choice. Every decision feels like it carries weight. It’s this ambiguity that makes the arc compelling and gives the decisions importance.
This arc could feel disconnected (it’s not part of the main plot and Halfdan doesn’t appear in the late game, no matter your decision) and thus appear as pointless fluff, but I won’t fault it for that. As a self-contained story, this was flat-out interesting and kept me in anticipation of the next reveal or twist. Imagery and foreshadowing, red-herrings, and great atmosphere all make for an engaging and compelling experience. I only wish every shire arc could’ve reached these heights.
1. Sciropscire
Sciropescire’s strengths come somewhat from the arcs that came before it, as it sees Eivor quickly reunited and working with Ivarr and Ceowulf. Your preexisting relationship with both gives this arc an advantage over others where it doesn’t have to establish too much all at once, as well as it starting off with you already having a personal connection of some sort with the main cast. Still, each set piece here is strong enough on its own –
  1. Eivor & co. join to negotiate peace with King Rhodri. She can offer 600 silver to whomever she chooses to try and quell the peace talks. Each option is mired in obscurity, has obvious pros and cons, and plenty of uncertainty. It felt impactful, difficult and nuanced.
  2. After peace talks go sour with Ivarr’s outburst, Eivor, Ivarr and Ceowulf sack a village under Rhodri’s control. It’s brutal and takes a long time to burn (on purpose!). You then fight a huge party of Rhodri’s men. The whole scene feels vile, over the top and harsh (on purpose!).
  3. The twist is that Ivarr kills Ceowulf in cold blood to earn himself the opportunity to get his own revenge on Rhodri — only revealed after you sack Rhodri’s fort (after reaching peace with him). A brutal blood eagle from Ivarr and the game’s best boss fight ensue.
It’s close between the top 3, but this is the best arc in the game, for me.
For once, the game forces you to face the trail of bloodshed and destruction your ‘pacifying’ of England has left in your wake. Additionally, the ambiguous decision-making process in negotiating peace, the brutal village burning sequence, the tangled web of Ivarr’s relationships and motivations, the twists of the peaceful alliance and Rhodri’s fate, and finally, the Ivarr boss fight are just too good all in tandem to not take first place.
I’m conflicted looking back on these.
There’s many that feel even more empty than I remember them being now that I draft them as text. However, a surprising number of highly-rated arcs aren’t actually part of the main quest.
Ultimately, I’m left bewildered at the scale and scope of the epic that this game took me on. I was so fatigued by the end of it, but in hindsight so happy I completed it.
submitted by TheBlaringBlue to assassinscreed [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 15:33 Suspicious-Row-3614 Unveiling Al-A'raf: The Heights, the In-Between, and the Day of Judgement in the Quran

Unveiling Al-A'raf: The Heights, the In-Between, and the Day of Judgement in the Quran
The concept of Al-A’raf occupies a fascinating and thought-provoking space within Islamic eschatology, the study of the afterlife. It manifests in two ways: as the title of the seventh chapter (Surah) of the Holy Quran and as a potential waystation for souls on the Day of Judgement. Delving into the rich tapestry of Quranic verses and scholarly interpretations, we can explore the multifaceted nature of Al-A’raf.
1. Surah Al-A’raf: A Foundation for Understanding
The Surah itself, titled “Al-A’raf” (The Heights), lays the groundwork for the concept’s eschatological significance. Composed of 206 verses, this Meccan Surah (revealed before the Prophet Muhammad’s migration to Medina) covers a diverse range of topics including the creation stories of Adam and humanity (Quran 7:11-24), messages to previous prophets like Moses (Quran 7:143-158), and the importance of unwavering monotheism (Quran 7:59-64).
Crucially, within this Surah, we find the first mention of Al-A’raf as a specific location. Verses 46 and 47 introduce the concept:
These verses paint a picture of Al-A’raf as a dividing barrier separating Paradise (Jannah) and Hellfire (Jahannam). The inhabitants on this partition recognize the dwellers of both Jannah and Jahannam by their distinct markings.
2. Al-A’raf in Islamic Eschatology: A Place of Waiting?
The Quran doesn’t provide extensive details about Al-A’raf’s inhabitants or its exact function. However, scholars have drawn upon various hadiths (sayings of the Prophet) to elaborate on this concept. Many interpretations depict Al-A’raf as a purgatory-like state for those whose good and bad deeds have equal weight, preventing them from immediate entry into either Paradise or Hellfire.
The Quran itself hints at this possibility. In Surah Al-Baqarah, Allah (SWT) states:
This verse underscores Allah’s meticulous accounting of both good and bad deeds. If a person’s deeds are perfectly balanced, Al-A’raf could serve as a temporary holding place until a final judgement is made.
3. Potential Inhabitants of Al-A’raf: The Quran and Hadiths
Hadiths offer some insights into those who might dwell in Al-A’raf. Here are some possibilities:
  • Those with Balanced Deeds: According to a hadith narrated by Sahih al-Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, “There will be people whose deeds are evenly balanced (between good and bad) on the Day of Judgement. They will be admitted to Al-A’raf until Allah judges between them.” (Sahih al-Bukhari, Hadith: 6531)
  • Neglect of Obligatory Duties: Another hadith, narrated by Musnad Ahmad, suggests that those who neglected obligatory duties but performed good deeds might find themselves in Al-A’raf. (Musnad Ahmad, Hadith: 17025) This aligns with the Quranic emphasis on fulfilling one’s religious obligations (Quran 2:43).
  • Martyrs Defending Family or Property: Some hadiths mention that individuals who died defending their families or property might also reside in Al-A’raf. (Sunan an-Nasa’i, Hadith: 4052) This resonates with the Quran’s message of protecting life and property (Quran 5:32).
4. Al-A’raf: A Temporary Abode or a Final Destination?
The Quran remains silent on the duration of a soul’s stay in Al-A’raf. However, some hadiths suggest it’s a temporary state. A hadith narrated by Sahih Muslim describes the inhabitants of Al-A’raf eventually interceding for those in Hellfire, implying their eventual departure (Sahih Muslim describes the inhabitants of Al-A’raf eventually interceding for those in Hellfire, implying their eventual departure (Sahih Muslim, Hadith: 2901). Ultimately, Allah’s infinite mercy may allow them to enter Paradise based on their good deeds or through the intercession of prophets and righteous people.
The Quran also offers verses that hint at the possibility of redemption from Al-A’raf:
  • Surah Al-Zumar (The Troops), verse 53: “Say, ‘O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He who is the Forgiving, the Merciful.’”
This verse emphasizes Allah’s vast capacity for forgiveness, suggesting that even those who might initially reside in Al-A’raf due to transgressions could eventually be granted entry into Paradise through sincere repentance and Allah’s mercy.
5. Al-A’raf and Comparative Religion: A Look at Similarities and Differences
The concept of Al-A’raf bears some resemblance to the Christian idea of purgatory, a place of purification before entering heaven. However, there are key distinctions. Purgatory is generally considered a fixed stage in the Christian afterlife, while Al-A’raf’s purpose and duration remain open to interpretation within Islam. Additionally, the concept of intercession plays a more prominent role in Islamic eschatology, with prophets and righteous people potentially advocating for those in Al-A’raf.
6. Conclusion
The concept of Al-A’raf serves as a reminder of the complexity of divine judgement and the vastness of Allah’s mercy. While details remain open to interpretation, the concept underscores the importance of striving for good deeds throughout one’s life. By living a life aligned with Islamic principles, we increase our chances of attaining Allah’s pleasure and a blissful hereafter.
Call to Action
For further exploration, consider delving deeper into the Quran and hadiths on the Day of Judgement and the importance of righteous actions. May Allah guide us all on the straight path and grant us a place in Jannah.
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2024.05.14 15:03 talkiemateapp Top 10 Free Character AI Alternatives

Source: 🔗 Chat with Lifelike Virtual Personalities —
If you are a visual storytelling fan and strive for creativity through fictional characters’ eyes, you’re in the right place. is an amazing tool that lets you do just that! But what if you crave a different experience, with more tools or a specific character in mind? Fear not, for we have gone through 35+ options and picked the top 10 paid and free Character AI alternatives, each offering a unique experience tailored to your preferences. Whether you’re a writer looking to enrich your stories, a history buff eager to get deeper into the past, or simply someone who loves engaging with AI in a new way, keep reading if you’re:
A tech enthusiast curious about the intersection of AI and storytelling.
A gamer eager to experience AI-driven narratives in your favorite games.
A marketer looking to use AI for content creation and engagement.
A researcher interested in the psychological impact of AI-generated characters on user engagement.
A storyteller seeking new ways to engage your audience through AI-generated content.
  1. TalkieMate
Website: TalkieMate
TalkieMate is the best free alternative to Character AI, providing users with a plethora of options to create their personalized AI girlfriend. With TalkieMate, you can engage in deeply immersive and uncensored conversations on a wide range of topics, including NSFW content. The platform offers customizable characters, allowing users to tailor their experience according to their preferences. Whether you’re looking for a companion for deep discussions or just casual chat, TalkieMate offers a unique and engaging experience.
Completely free with no subscription fees.
Highly customizable AI girlfriend with personalized features.
Uncensored NSFW chat options for mature interactions.
Ability to create personalized AI girlfriend with specific traits and characteristics.
Some advanced features may be available only in premium plans.
Website: is one of the leading AI Girlfriend apps with which you can talk on a range of NSFW topics and have a deep conversation. Candy Ai enables users to adjust their virtual girlfriends to their preferences and experience real conversations and engaging dialogue. Candy Ai also has a unique function that enables users to generate a specific image or audio message that boosts the reality of the experience.
Customizable characters are not only limited to appearance and personality but also provide users with a tailored experience.
NSFW chat options for more mature interactions and more audience satisfaction.
Numerous features to be explored, satisfying the tastes and preferences of different people.
The free plan comes with necessary functionalities and the chance to upgrade for extra benefits.
The majority of features are availed in the Premium Plans which may constrain the access of some users.
Pricing Plans:
Free Plan: Offers basic features and AI companion engagement without cost.
Premium Plan: Starts at $9/month, unlocking advanced features and enhanced user experience.
Custom Plans: Tailored to specific needs, with varying pricing based on customization requirements.
  1. Botify AI
Website: Botify AI
Botify AI offers an innovative character AI style. It presents a revolutionary system that allows users to communicate with real people or characters from their favorite TV shows, films, or literature. Thanks to the flexibility of Botify AI, you have the possibility to create your own digital character and customize every detail like appearance, emotions, voice, and backstory.
Free version accessible.
High-quality editing tools.
Intuitive interface for users.
Relies on outdated data in some instances.
Utilizes Automated style writing, which may not suit all preferences.
Pricing Plans:
Essential: Starting from $35 per user per month, suitable for simple websites requiring comprehensive SEO data and recommendations.
Pro: Starting from $55 per user per month, ideal for businesses heavily reliant on organic search, aiming to protect and expand their organic revenue.
Enterprise: Custom pricing for large, complex organizations needing accelerated scaling, support, and security.
  1. Replika
Website: Replika
Replika is a personal AI assistant that you can talk to. It was designed to give the user a deeply special and personal experience. Made to be a friend, a confidant, and an emotional support, Replika utilizes the learning ability of machines and natural language processing, thus bringing to the fore the ability to engage in empathetic and contextual conversations.
Highly personalized and customized stories and avatars.
Ranges from new features to improved or enhanced capabilities, are constantly being forwarded.
Provides not only free but paid as well on the conditions built-in subscription options.
One main shortcoming lies in the fact that chatbots’ uses go beyond the conversation stage.
The question of privacy and usage of users’ personal data is one of the aspects, which is a crucial issue when talking about social media.
Impact of user dependency and emotional attachment as prospective risks.
Pricing Plans:
1 month plan: $19.99
12 months plan: $5.83/month (billed annually)
Lifetime plan: $299.99 (billed once)
  1. Anima AI
Website: Anima AI
MyAnima AI is our super smart AI chatbot. It has been developed to be the best friend for you who likes playing the role of a human and can do this like nobody else. With Anima AI, a user can easily pick any relationship status of their choice: AI-Girlfriend, -Boyfriend, Virtual Wife, the other way round, or even a custom-made Character AI. Whether it is a friend who will be a help and support, a virtual companion with whom you can role play, someone with whom you share your emotions, or a chat partner you can discuss any topic that tickles your fancy, Anima AI can help you out.
Unlimited unique stories.
Anima AI is an AI bot that is warm and conversational.
Ability to respond to your messages instantly when you need to talk.
Some features are called back in the Free version.
Pricing Plans:
Anima AI offers a free version with basic features, allowing users to create a customized AI virtual companion after signing up.
  1. DeepFiction
Website: DeepFiction
DeepFiction narrates a plethora of stories that include captivating and thrilling sagas to touching and heartwarming fables. What sets it apart? You can, however, change your characters and the scenery to your taste. That is the AI-powered mechanism that enables the production of compelling and well-connected stories with the help of natural language processing and machine learning.
Unlimited unique stories.
Customise characters and settings.
Sparks creativity and imagination.
Suitable for all ages.
Limited control over the plot.
This chatbot is not interactive like most other chatting bots.
Pricing Plans:
DeepFiction offers a single pricing plan at $5 per month.
  1. StoryMate
Website: StoryMate
StoryMate is your virtual reading partner, but without a library sound ban. It’s essentially there to bring the wonder of literature to life, providing you with an extensive collection of books and amazing narration methods to send you exploring faraway lands or to make you acquainted with unforgettable characters.
Elicits a desire for reading.
Enhances writing abilities.
Provides diversified choices of relevant titles for different age groups.
Facilitates collaborative creativity.
May not be suitable for all those that seek highly sociable experiences.
Chiefly concerns a child’s literature.
  1. Kajiwoto
Website: Kajiwoto
Kajiwoto offers the same experience as Character AI to users creating human-like chatting with AI characters having their own character features. It is a cool platform for both AI fanatics and those who are creatively inclined. In Kajiwoto, the users can choose whether they want a free or paid membership to fit their needs. Yet, it has this 200-character restriction on one-on-one dialogues.
Free option available.
Customizable mood for your Kaji.
Unlimited chatting.
Permits NSFW content.
Premium subscription required for business idea development.
Paid subscription can be expensive.
Pricing Plans:
Free Plan: Unlimited chat and access to basic features.
Kajiwoto Plus: $7.32/month, includes unlimited AI voice usage and private rooms.
Kajiwoto Pro: $25.00/month, offers all features of Kajiwoto Plus plus more, for the ultimate AI experience.
  1. KUKI.AI
Website: KUKI.AI
KUKI.AI is a conversational AI with award-winning applications, providing exceptional functionalities. This virtual assistant employs the most advanced AI methods to allow the users to have very natural talks, thus qualifying it as a good chatbot application. Through direct and indirect semantic cues analogous to GPT, the KUKI.AI aggregates its knowledge base. Through the dissection of phrases into two inputs of “core” and “wild card”, it is able to expand its vocabulary for more understanding of multiple speech patterns. To use KUKI.AI without being limited by the number of questions one can ask, the chatbot answers all queries while making sure conversations do not repeat themselves.
Infinite question handling capability.
User-friendly interface.
Absence of graphics, a text-only trip.
Pricing Plans:
$75/month (100,000 chat)
$1500/month (Dedicated service plan)
  1. In World AI
Website: In World AI
Inworld AI is a leading platform that allows you to chat with AI characters or even create your own if you wish, similar to Character AI. On Inworld AI, you can have conversations for free with the characters but if you want to have access to features like API integrations, and unlimited character creation, you have to get their premium plan which starts at $20 monthly. Inworld AI utilizes the power of the OpenAI models meaning that accurate information will be delivered by the chatbot.
Through it, you can design characters.
Available at no individual cost for chatting.
The paid version starts at a subscription fee as low as $20 per month.
It can only be accessed through an internet browser.
The app has not yet been launched and is only accessible through mobile browsers.
Pricing Plans:
Free — $0–200 API integrations and minutes, 60 virtual characters, customization options.
Pro — $20 per month — 2000 API integrations and minutes, unlimited virtual characters, customization options, shareable workspaces, access to Discord community.
So there you have it – 10 alternatives for Character AI, each with a distinct personality and feature set. Keep in mind that selecting the ideal chatbot for your clan involves striking the ideal equilibrium between amusement, education, and age suitability. With the right AI companion by your side, you can make learning an adventure, and turn screen time into quality time.
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2024.05.14 15:01 sidusnare [Talk] This film festival spotlights efforts to preserve and discover lost movies
The Restored and Rediscovered film festival begins Monday at the Jacob Burns Film Festival in New York City. It's meant to put a spotlight on movies that have been since lost.
Nearly half of all movies made before 1950 have been lost, according to some estimates. That's why film historians and archivists are racing to preserve older movies. The Restored and Rediscovered Film Festival spotlights these efforts, and it kicks off today at the Jacob Burns Film Center in Pleasantville, N.Y. One of the festival's offerings is this rarely seen 1971 film, "Bushman." It's about the racial politics of 1960s America as seen through the eyes of a Nigerian immigrant.
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #1: (As character) Man, I can't get used to these strange Black people in the world (ph).
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #2: (As character) I'm Blacker than you are.
CHANG: Senior film programmer and critic Monica Castillo is here to tell us more. Welcome.
MONICA CASTILLO: Thank you for having me.
CHANG: Well, thanks for being with us. So can we start with that film, "Bushman"? Like, I've heard it described as half drama, half documentary. What was this film about exactly?
CASTILLO: It's a really interesting film that blends narrative nonfiction and fiction. You're following a Nigerian exchange student as he kind of explores identity, ideas of home and belonging in counterculture San Francisco in the late 1960s. And he even embraces the name Bushman as well. You know, and his different questioning and answers throughout the different characters that he meets.
But then all of a sudden, the movie comes to a screeching halt. And then somebody else comes in front of the frame and tells you that the actor playing the main character was arrested on his own college campus and deported. So then that's when the documentary aspect really comes in. And it's a talking point for the way that Black students are treated, the way that immigrants are treated. It's a really remarkable film.
CHANG: So interesting.
CHANG: Well, I do want to talk about the work involved in bringing a film like "Bushman" to audiences on the big screen. Like, what does it take to restore a film? What do archivists have to do to resurrect some of these films, exactly?
CASTILLO: Yeah. So it really depends on the film itself and what condition it's in. There's usually a scanning process, digitizing it. And then once it's in a computer, they can fix the imperfections, whether that be mold or color degradation or scratches. And then through that process, we're able to get another copy on the other end. So that's what we're able to show.
CHANG: What's fascinating about this for me is when I think of restored films, I think of, like, the old silent films or the early talkies. But we're talking about films that are much more modern. Like, I know one of the films you're showing is the 1960 British horror thriller "Peeping Tom."
UNIDENTIFIED ACTOR #3: (As character) Whatever I photograph, I always lose.
CHANG: Which I understand that critics hated when the movie came out. So tell me why you decided to showcase that movie here.
CASTILLO: Absolutely. And they sure did hate it at that time. But...
CHANG: And why? What was so awful about this movie?
CASTILLO: It was controversial in the way that it depicted violence. And it sort of equated, you know, movie making with a sense of warriorism. I mean, that's very much what it's playing with, but maybe it was a little too ahead of its time. So even though it came out about the same time that "Psycho" did, you know, Alfred Hitchcock was celebrated, and Michael Powell had to deal with the sort of career fallout with all of these negative reviews over "Peeping Tom." But now with this new restoration, I mean, you get to really appreciate the amount of texture and color work that he's working with. Like, he really immerses you in the main character's sort of mania, and it's really fascinating.
CHANG: So what do you ultimately hope that people will take away from watching these films years and years later?
CASTILLO: I really just hope that they keep an eye out for these restorations. They are so special, and you get to see so much more. I was just thinking of the Iranian New Wave film "The Runner," which we have in our series. Before, I had seen a sort of VHS scan copy off of YouTube, and you lost so much of the story.
CHANG: Yeah.
CASTILLO: And then now with this restoration, there's whole pieces of the story that now come together. And you feel this character's journey in a such more emotional and visceral way. That's part of the movie magic.
CHANG: That is Monica Castillo, senior film programmer at the Jacob Burns Film Center. And if you aren't able to make it to the festival in Pleasantville, many of these restorations will be available to stream or to buy. Thank you so much, Monica. Thank you for having me.
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