Eskimo theme preschool

1980s children's cassette tapes musical earworms which just will not be satisfied until I can actually listen to them again.

2024.05.13 08:05 jenLFPotter38 1980s children's cassette tapes musical earworms which just will not be satisfied until I can actually listen to them again.

I have the most annoying earworms one could possibly have, with children's music of all things. Now, when I was a very small child in the 1980s, no later than this, I had 3 cassette tapes in total, which were all produced, published, recorded in the UK, I'm certain of that, because I can remember the voices singing the songs on these tapes and some of the background music to go with the songs. The first and most crazy of the lot, is an A to Z alphabetical order double cassette tape album, of things beginning with those letters. I will give out side 1 of song titles.A is for ABC. 2. B is for Beaver Towers. c is for Christmas time. D is for doll's house. E is for Elephant, f is for fairy shoemaker, g is for going to School. It was a British female singer and producer, possibly a celebrity as this is so flipping hard to come by. She has quite a plumby British accent.
Second cassette then, it appears to be a collection of covered tv theme songs from the Postman Pat theme, to my little pony intro theme from the 1985 LP picture disk which is on Youtube, Super Ted, The Frog Song, Rupert The Bear song, Goofy's On The Open Road, Chugging Steam Train song, not sure what that tv program was though, Herbert The Hedgehog, a song about care bears. T'beside what I remember. I had these tapes as a child. Another tape was a nursery or preschool choir, singing songs about donkeys, Charlie something or other, nice young man, when I first came to this land, a song about London Bridge, a song about birds in the morning, a song about a sailor on a ship, what a merry hum, 5 green bottles Etc. If anybody could throw some light on what the above collections, names of these children's cassette tapes were so I can hopefully, obtain new copies of them for my childhood memorabilia collection, I would be eternally greatful.
submitted by jenLFPotter38 to Music [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:37 PIGEONS_UP_MY_ASS I always cry at the memories of me being a young child without bipolar

I was so innocent and happy. I remember being in reception (first year of primary school, age 4 - 5 for those not in the UK). I have so many memories of being happy and innocent. Even the silly things make me sad and nostalgic. For example I never knew how to do the zip on my coat so I'd go to the teaching assistant at the same time everyday for help. Eventually when I knew how to do it, I'd pretend not to know just to get her to help me again.
I spent the first few weeks crying because big school was so scary. My grandparents would come in for the first few hours and build Lego with me. I remember story time. When I cried, my teacher let me pick a book and she read it to me until I was okay
I remember getting into silly arguments with my teacher. I'd have a tuna sandwich for lunch and be convinced it was chicken. No matter what she said, I was just not convinced lol. I had a stuffed animal I kept for years that I'd bring to preschool everyday (age 2 - 3)
In year 1 and 2 (age 5 - 7) I was bad at maths. I always was and still am. It would upset me a lot and I'd cry when I didn't understand (sometimes still do lmao). My teacher didn't shout at me like in later in my life, they instead would sit next to me and help me gently. I even had some teachers that would hug me when I cried. There was this teacher that would only appear to help on school trips, there was one time I was really upset when I was in reception. It was winter and I was cold and wanted to go home. She held my hand the whole time and let me drink her water when I was thirsty.
I have these memories and I cry. I hear and remember the theme tunes of kid shows I used to watch and I cry. (2000s and 2010s CBeebies was peak TV). Now I'm 18 and a bipolar porn addict. What did I do to be this wrong? I hate it here. I can't tell if I want to die or if I want to relive just one day when I was younger. I hate this.
submitted by PIGEONS_UP_MY_ASS to BipolarReddit [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:36 PIGEONS_UP_MY_ASS I always cry at the memories of me being a young child without bipolar

I was so innocent and happy. I remember being in reception (first year of primary school, age 4 - 5 for those not in the UK). I have so many memories of being happy and innocent. Even the silly things make me sad and nostalgic. For example I never knew how to do the zip on my coat so I'd go to the teaching assistant at the same time everyday for help. Eventually when I knew how to do it, I'd pretend not to know just to get her to help me again.
I spent the first few weeks crying because big school was so scary. My grandparents would come in for the first few hours and build Lego with me. I remember story time. When I cried, my teacher let me pick a book and she read it to me until I was okay
I remember getting into silly arguments with my teacher. I'd have a tuna sandwich for lunch and be convinced it was chicken. No matter what she said, I was just not convinced lol. I had a stuffed animal I kept for years that I'd bring to preschool everyday (age 2 - 3)
In year 1 and 2 (age 5 - 7) I was bad at maths. I always was and still am. It would upset me a lot and I'd cry when I didn't understand (sometimes still do lmao). My teacher didn't shout at me like in later in my life, they instead would sit next to me and help me gently. I even had some teachers that would hug me when I cried. There was this teacher that would only appear to help on school trips, there was one time I was really upset when I was in reception. It was winter and I was cold and wanted to go home. She held my hand the whole time and let me drink her water when I was thirsty.
I have these memories and I cry. I hear and remember the theme tunes of kid shows I used to watch and I cry. (2000s and 2010s CBeebies was peak TV). Now I'm 18 and a bipolar p*rn addict. What did I do to be this wrong? I hate it here. I can't tell if I want to die or if I want to relive just one day when I was younger. I hate this.
submitted by PIGEONS_UP_MY_ASS to bipolar [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 20:31 PIGEONS_UP_MY_ASS I always cry at the memories of me being a young child without bipolar

I was so innocent and happy. I remember being in reception (first year of primary school, age 4 - 5 for those not in the UK). I have so many memories of being happy and innocent. Even the silly things make me sad and nostalgic. For example I never knew how to do the zip on my coat so I'd go to the teaching assistant at the same time everyday for help. Eventually when I knew how to do it, I'd pretend not to know just to get her to help me again.
I spent the first few weeks crying because big school was so scary. My grandparents would come in for the first few hours and build Lego with me. I remember story time. When I cried, my teacher let me pick a book and she read it to me until I was okay
I remember getting into silly arguments with my teacher. I'd have a tuna sandwich for lunch and be convinced it was chicken. No matter what she said, I was just not convinced lol. I had a stuffed animal I kept for years that I'd bring to preschool everyday (age 2 - 3)
In year 1 and 2 (age 5 - 7) I was bad at maths. I always was and still am. It would upset me a lot and I'd cry when I didn't understand (sometimes still do lmao). My teacher didn't shout at me like in later in my life, they instead would sit next to me and help me gently. I even had some teachers that would hug me when I cried. There was this teacher that would only appear to help on school trips, there was one time I was really upset when I was in reception. It was winter and I was cold and wanted to go home. She held my hand the whole time and let me drink her water when I was thirsty.
I have these memories and I cry. I hear and remember the theme tunes of kid shows I used to watch and I cry. (2000s and 2010s CBeebies was peak TV). Now I'm 18 and a bipolar porn addict. What did I do to be this wrong? I hate it here. I can't tell if I want to die or if I want to relive just one day when I was younger. I hate this.
submitted by PIGEONS_UP_MY_ASS to bipolar2 [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 09:35 KitsuneKid99 After Luke's Season 5 retrospective, I decided to make a ranking of my own.

After Luke's Season 5 retrospective, I decided to make a ranking of my own.
All of these are my opinions. I don't expect anyone to agree with me, especially on a season as divisive as this.
Episode Ranking (From Favorite to Least Favorite, start at the bottom):
  1. Sing a Song of Patrick - 10/10: ♪TWINKLE TWINKLE PATRICK STAR; I MADE MYSELF A SANDWICH; MY MOMMY NAMED IT FRED; IT TASTES LIKE BEANS AND BACON... THIS SONG IS OVER EXCEPT FOR THIS LINE: YOU WIN THIS ROUND, BROCCOLI!!♪ Ok, this may be my favorite, but Spy Buddies is a very close second for me. The song is unironically better than most modern songs in my opinion. The reason this is my favorite is because of its moral of there being people who like your work and others who don't. Not to mention the visual gags and reaction humor here give Something Smells a run for its money. It honestly deserves its divisive reputation in an already very divisive season.
  2. Spy Buddies - 10/10: If you thought this season couldn't be a good one after a botched start with Waiting and Fungus Among Us, this one literally blows everything out of the water. The spy stuff is so awesome here too. What would you do if you could fire a laser out of your butt? Add in comedy on the level seen in Seasons 2 and 3, and you have what is one of the best episodes of not just Season 5, but of the entire series.
  3. Krabs à la Mode - 10/10: This episode is simply fantastic. Coming from a place where it doesn't even snow, I love these types of stories. I probably shouldn't because for those who deal with snow know how much of a pain in neck it is. The creativity, humor and visuals make this episode such a COOL experience. Fun Fact: This episode taught little kid me that there are numbers below zero.
  4. Roller Cowards - 10/10: For those who are terrified of going on roller coasters, this'll definitely encourage you to face that fear. The storyboard directors did their research by taking a trip to Disneyland and putting in elements from that to make Glove World feel more like an authentic theme park. Similar to the trilogy in Season 4, it explores how close Sponge and Pat's friendship is, and there's strong comedy.
  5. Blackened Sponge - 10/10: You know those "If you laugh, you lose" videos on YouTube? Try doing that with this episode. I bet dollars to donuts you'll lose. Seriously, the ways SpongeBob makes up how he got his black eye are so hysterical. I could say more, but it's better if you see for yourself.
  6. SpongeBob vs. The Patty Gadget - 10/10: Here we have a story about man versus machine. It isn't much, but now the theme is very routine. Ok, you know what? I'll stop with the rhyming before you think it's Dr. Seuss who's writing. All that aside, jokes, a great story and a relevant theme for these days make this the best short of the season.
  7. The Battle of Bikini Bottom - 10/10: This is probably the best use of gross-out in this season, and more time is dedicated to the Sponge vs Pat fight than in Snowball Effect. If you were entertained by this, you'll be blown away by a certain episode in Season 6 with a similar premise to this...
  8. The Inmates of Summer - 10/10: Everyone remembers this one because of the warden character. R. Lee Ermey of Full Metal Jacket fame gives a spectacular performance. Still, the episode isn't without its moments. For those who hated the songs in Atlantis SquarePantis, the "Together" song is a breath of fresh air for you.
  9. The Two Faces of Squidward - 9/10: OMG HANDSOME SQUIDWARD WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! Ok, that aside, the rest of the episode is great, and what Breath of Fresh Squidward should have been more like. I don't have much else to say other than I love this episode.
  10. 20,000 Patties Under the Sea - 9/10: The three main formulas of each episode merged into one episode. Strange how we have rarely ever seen submarines as a way of travel in this show. Also, I can't talk about this one without bringing up the scene where Plankton roasts an entire family on an open fire.
  11. Friend or Foe - 9/10: Y'all are probably getting sick of this, but more lore! One of the reasons why it's a 9 instead of a 10 is because I like ten more episodes more than this and it's not without its faults, such as Krabs and Plankton becoming enemies out of nowhere, but it's still a fan favorite that I can't give it a lower rating without being cancelled. Also, first time in the show we see Karen in mobile form.
  12. New Digs - 9/10: Man, this is so relatable. Have you ever wanted to more into your school so you wouldn't be late for your classes? I have, and thankfully that never happened, as it inconveniences those who work there.
  13. Mermaid Man vs SpongeBob - 9/10: Mermaid Man and Barnacle Boy are here, and it was only a matter of time before Plankton teamed up with them. Another funny one with the first appearance of Mobile Karen... with arms.
  14. The Krusty Plate - 9/10: SpongeBob vs A Spot that won't come off of a plate. It's simple, yet so funny because of how it escalates.
  15. The Donut of Shame - 9/10: Patrick having a guilty conscience? This is pretty much the inverse of the Pink Purloiner from the previous season, and just like it, it has great jokes that all land.
  16. Pest of the West - 8/10: YEEHAW, more SquarePants family lore! Ok, this western is clichéd to hell and back, but it has its charms and humor.
  17. The Krusty Sponge - 8/10: Aaron Springer, welcome back! Anyway, this is probably the most meta and self-aware the main show has been, and seems like a precursor to those " portrayed by SpongeBob" videos on YouTube.
  18. Slimy Dancing - 8/10: SpongeBob, Patrick and Squidward in a dancing competition. Not much to say here, it funny and engaging. First of two times they show an epilogue, for those who care.
  19. Money Talks - 8/10: Mr. Krabs befriends the concept of capitalism and they want to be spent. Good episode all around, and the Flying Dutchman appearing is always welcome.
  20. Goo Goo Gas - 8/10: This episode is so stupid and written out-of-order, but it's hilarious, so who cares?
  21. The Original Fry Cook - 7/10: More Krusty Krab lore? This one's good, and gives out more life lessons. I like how Squidward had a wig in the flashback. Kinda makes sense now why he didn't laugh at SpongeBob's wig back in Wigstruck.
  22. Bucket Sweet Bucket - 7/10: Hey, Plankton's renovating the Chum Bucket, except no, he's using this to distract the Sponge, Starfish and Octopus while he tries to steal the formula. But there are some funny bits here and there that keep me from losing interest.
  23. Boat Smarts - 7/10: This episode is actually good once you kick the "SqUiDwArD tOrTuRe PoRn" argument into a bottomless pit. I actually see this as a fact that the safest drivers aren't safe, especially from reckless drivers.
  24. Picture Day - 7/10: The only time we see Mrs. Puff's Boating School in the entire season. The whole episode is fine, funny and based on Dani Michaeli's daughter's bad picture day in preschool.
  25. Rise and Shine - 7/10: Ever wanted to know what Patrick's mornings are like? Well, this is it. Pretty funny, too.
  26. To Save a Squirrel - 7/10: Don't let the title fool you, this one's actually about Sponge and Pat trying to eat each other... at least it's entertaining.
  27. Banned in Bikini Bottom - 6/10: More Krusty Krab episodes... *yawn* I like how this is a parody of Prohibition and there are a couple of jokes, but otherwise, it's decent.
  28. Night Light - 6/10: I used to like this one... when I was younger. This isn't bad at all. The last couple of minutes are rather messy, (what is Luke Skywalker of all people doing here?) but it's fine.
  29. Atlantis SquarePantis - 6/10: GODDAMMIT, WASTED POTENTIAL! But seriously, this episode does have a bad reputation among the cartoon community and I can see why, but if it was made as a TV Movie instead of an 11-minute episode without the Nickelodeon executives butting in, most of the problems wouldn't be there. All that said, the story is lackluster, but the visuals are eyecandy, no one acts out of character, some decent comedy is sprinkled in here and there and those, combined with the Patchy segments, make up for the flaws. This simply needed more time in the oven.
  30. Le Big Switch - 6/10: I do like the exchange concept and this is the only time we hear Pearl in this season. I would say see, but she only appears in a phone call. I can't remember anything else.
  31. Stanley S. SquarePants - 6/10: More SquarePants family lore? Cool. Oh, wait he screws up everything. At least there are some jokes. I like how Squidward hightailed out of the episode the instant he saw Stanley. "THERE'S TWO OF THEM?!"
  32. SpongeHenge - 6/10: I am very mixed on this one. I do like the concept, but it could've been funnier.
  33. BlackJack - 6/10: I like seeing more of SpongeBob's family, but why is BlackJack so tiny at the end? Did he get size reduction surgery so he could fit in the prison cells easier?
  34. A Flea in her Dome - 5/10: The only major Sandy episode in the season. Whatever. Some chuckle-worthy bits here and there. A flea giving birth... Uh... I didn't need to see that.
  35. Good Ol' Whatshisname - 5/10: What's it to ya? I don't remember anything from this one.
  36. Breath of Fresh Squidward - 4/10: This isn't how to do a role-reversal story. At least SpongeBob tries to apologize after he makes Squidward leave, and I find Patrick and SpongeBob becoming Squidward at the end stupid but funny. Pat Hearts Squid is a better version of this.
  37. Pat no Pay - 4/10: Patrick screws up tasks after he can't pay for his meal. At least it's short.
  38. Waiting - 4/10: Okay, boring episodes like these aren't that bad because there's less bad material to talk about. SpongeBob = Selfish Asshat, but at least there's a couple of funny bits here and at least Squidward helps him in the end.
  39. To Love a Patty - 3/10: In my opinion, this is the first episode that feels... wrong. And more unpleasant gross-out... and SpongeBob killing clams (I highly doubt one of them was Junior, but I digress). At least there are jokes here and I have an embarrassing secret about this episode I do not wish to share. LMAO
  40. Fungus Among Us - 2/10 (Almost a 3/10): The only thing funny about this episode is its title; Just remove Fungus. Joking aside, while this episode is gross, my main gripe with the episode is that there are barely any jokes, but at least the story barely functions. If I'm being honest, Kwarantined Krab from Season 12 did this concept way better. It doesn't help that this episode led to people assuming that the entire post-movie era is all gross-out.
  41. What Ever Happened to SpongeBob? - 1/10 (Almost a 2/10): The title kinda sums up the episode, huh? The only parts I like are the battle with the Bubble Poppin' Boys (They deserved more screentime), Patrick casually lifting an entire road in one scene and Squidward throwing away his brain at the end. Those aside, the episode's story is so messy. It's too mean-spirited (Squidward and Mr. Krabs aren't as affected by this as much as Patrick and Sandy though) with no emotional buildup which makes the conflict feel unnatural. Also, SpongeBob getting amnesia makes the story fall apart if you think about it, because if he can't remember anything, specifically his friends lashing out at him which was his motive for running away in the first place, and it doesn't change his personality either, so what was the point? At least Sandy, Patrick and Mr. Krabs realize the error of their ways even if it took them reading SpongeBob's note to do so and it isn't the worst thing in the world.
Season Overall - 7/10: This used to be my favorite season as a little kid... But not anymore. The quality feels so turbulent. This season actually feels very different from Season 4, when a lot of people clump that and this season together. It feels more like a transition from the first four seasons to the so-called "dark era" of Seasons 6-9A. That makes more sense because a lot of the problems that plague those seasons started here after a couple of them were mostly laying dormant since Season 2. I still like the season in spite of all its flaws.
Tier List:
submitted by KitsuneKid99 to spongebob [link] [comments]

2024.05.11 04:14 LizzieDizzle Suggestions for Elementary Graduation

My fifth grader has been invited to read a poem at her elementary graduation and she wants to read song lyrics from tMG (!!! It’s happening!) They’re her favorite band and she has seen them twice so far.
She has been a student at this school since preschool, and the other two graduates are kids who have been there with her the whole time and they’re all going off in different directions. Any suggestions for something that fits the theme of endings/new beginnings that would be appropriate for the occasion?
(My initial thought is Attention All Pickpockets)
submitted by LizzieDizzle to themountaingoats [link] [comments]

2024.05.10 06:35 Up_Square_Schools Subject - National Technology Day

Best Preschool in Electronic City
UP Square International Preschool

Subject - National Technology Day

National Technology Day is celebrated every year on May 11 to highlight the achievements and contributions of engineers and scientists in the field of science and technology.

The theme for National Technology Day 2024 is “From Schools to Startups: Igniting Young Minds to Innovate.”

With Best Regards,
Up Square.





submitted by Up_Square_Schools to u/Up_Square_Schools [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 20:48 pdlbean Torn between two schools

Hi, I'm a parent to a 3 year old boy. Right now he is enrolled in a parent participation play based preschool that we love. Unfortunately, they may have to close their doors after this school year so we have been looking for an alternative. We have narrowed it down to two.
The first school is on the campus of a junior college. It is where ECE students get their practicum hours, supervised by two ECE professionals. It is free flow play with inside and outside time. It has different tactile and imaginative play areas as well as access to art supplies. They do snack time and group time (music and movement plus storytime). They have access to the agriculture department of the school as well as the campus library and campus museum about the local area. There is a semester-long art project the kids contribute to. It is 3 hours a day twice a week. This school is the most similar to the one we currently attend.
The second school has a bit more structure. 1:12 ratio. 4 hours a day twice a week. In this four hours the kids have 1 hour and 15 minutes of outside time, 1 hour of free play inside (including dramatic play stations, art projects, and play and art related to the theme of the week), 15 minutes music and movement, 15 minutes focus on a letter and shape of the day, 15 minutes storytime, and 15 minutes writing practice (not in this exact order). It includes a 30 minute lunch and 15 minute snack. We liked the different theme weeks of community helpers, dinosaurs, and cooking. We also liked that it has a HUGE play yard with two big toys and many smaller activities.
My husband and I are torn. We would appreciate any thoughts.
submitted by pdlbean to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 15:46 SunshineandTacos276 Feel like I'm failing..

I'm a SAHM to a 3 year old boy and he is DEEP in his threenage feels. Everything is wrong and he has to do things himself but also never wants me out of his sight but "mom get away from me," etc. I also have a 7 year old daughter (in school) and she went through this as well so like I know I've gotten through it but man, it's tough. I feel like there is no rhyme or reason to our days anymore. I attempt to wake up before the kids to have some "me time" but it's about 50-50 whether the kids wake up before me or not (regardless of how early I try to get up). Before school is just chill time, eat and get dressed then once we drop my daughter off at school I feel overwhelmed with the day. Everything seems to agitate me. I feel restless but also exhausted. I used to plan activities, crafts, etc. I'd make sure to set time aside for reading and puzzles. We'd get outside when we could. Lately I just don't want to do any of it. Even if I give all my effort all day, he inevitably is angry and screaming and I know I'm supposed to be his calm but man if he hasn't been pushing every single button. My parents actually just took him to their house for a week to give me a break (they live in the same state but a few hours away). It was his first time away from me ever and I should have felt nervous or something but I felt relieved. And then guilty for feeling that way. The kicker is I have a degree in child development and background in Early Ed. I was a preschool teacher for years then transitioned to SAHP with my daughter shortly before COVID and loved it so never went back to teaching. But like, I have the background to know I should be doing more to help him emotionally and academically. I used to love planning special theme days. I just don't enjoy any of it. Even going for a walk around my neighborhood feels overwhelming. I can't just be in the moment with him I'm constantly overthinking and correcting completely age-appropriate behavior. I want our days to be more structured, but lack the motivation to do anything. I want to enjoy being a mom but mostly just feel resentful. I feel stuck. If you made it through this entire post, thanks for reading. Not sure what I'm even looking for, just needed to vent I guess.
submitted by SunshineandTacos276 to SAHP [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:29 Shanziekb Classroom name ideas!

Help! I work at a childcare and preschool, we have 5 classrooms with ages as follows: Infants, ones, older ones and younger twos, twos, and three/four year olds. We want to rename our classrooms to have cute potentially Montana related names and I suck at coming up with this sort of thing! Anyone have any ideas for cute nature, animal, etc. themed names for our rooms?
submitted by Shanziekb to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 17:29 Shanziekb Classroom name ideas!

Help! I work at a childcare and preschool, we have 5 classrooms with ages as follows: Infants, ones, older ones and younger twos, twos, and three/four year olds. We want to rename our classrooms to have cute potentially Montana related names and I suck at coming up with this sort of thing! Anyone have any ideas for cute nature, animal, etc. themed names for our rooms?
submitted by Shanziekb to Teachers [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 16:12 wenlee01 10 Edible Thanksgiving Food Crafts for Kids

Making food together is an amazing way to bond with your kids and family members. There's something special about working together to create something that's then shared by everyone involved. And food made around the holidays has even more special, memory-making potential. This fall, spend time with your young ones by making any of these 10 edible Thanksgiving food crafts.
Fall-Flavored Fun
Thanksgiving may be the fall holiday where food is most celebrated but the entire harvest season presents unique opportunities to make food with your little ones.
Halloween Candy Bark (by Just A Taste) – Have a bunch of leftover Halloween candy that you don't know what to do with? Take 10 minutes to make a giant sheet of candy bark that you can nibble on as a family or share with friends.
Candy Corn Fruit Cocktail (by Family Fresh Meals) – Use a quintessential fall candy to lure your kids into eating their daily serving of fruit. With just a few candy corn on top, this 5-minute fruit bowl can be adjusted to include ant kind of fruit you think works best for your family.
Caramel Apple Slices (by On My Kid’s Plate) – A less-awkward take on a fall favorite. Instead of a giant apple the size of your child's head, have fun decorating and customizing easy-to-munch apple slices.
Thanksgiving-Themed Snacks
Thanksgiving is the perfect time for fun food crafts. So grab your kiddos, jump into the kitchen, and make some edible Thanksgiving food crafts that your kids — and your dinner guests! — will never forget.
Pilgrim Hats (by Taste of Home) – Make a batch of cute edible "hats" that will keep people coming back for more. Don't let the prep time in the recipe scare you. That shrinks when you have more people helping!
Thanksgiving Rice Krispies Turkey Legs (by Kitchen Fun With My Three Sons) – These silly turkey leg lookalikes make for a great weekend of after-school snack. You as mom or dad may need to make the "bone," but your kids will get a kick out of forming the leg out of the Rice Krispies mixture.
Turkey Pretzels (by Welcome to the Mouse House) – These pop-able pretzel snacks are a great assembly line treat that really display the personalities of the people who made them. From your tiny 2-year-old all the way up to grandma and grandpa, have fun constructing (and eating!) your turkey creations.
Reese’s Turkeys (by Mom on Timeout) – This is similar to the Turkey Pretzel recipe but uses Reece’s Cups instead. It’s another great food craft to use up some of the leftover Halloween candy that may be floating around your house.
Thanksgiving Day Goodies
Celebrate Thanksgiving day with your preschoolers by finding time to make food that’s perfect for them.
Turkey Pancakes (by Kitchen Fun With My Three Sons) – Start the day off with a breakfast made for Thanksgiving. Some of the steps in this recipe may be a little advanced for younger kids, so work together to find ways they can contribute.
Fruit Turkey Fondue (by Clean & Sensible) – Make the kids table a blast with this great fruit and chocolate dessert. Include your kids by having them decide what the turkey “feathers” are and how they’re organized and displayed.
Turkey Pudding Cups (by Crystal & Comp) – Pie may not be everyone’s piece of cake, but who doesn’t like pudding? Make these fun turkey-themed pudding cups after Thanksgiving dinner and watch all of the kids in attendance light up with excitement.
The holidays can become stressful when the focus shifts from being together to throwing a party. Take a breath, slow down, and make some tasty (and probably messy) memories with the children in your life. If you take the time to truly have fun and and enjoy the time with your kids, these activities have the potential to be memories they keep for their entire lives.
submitted by wenlee01 to u/wenlee01 [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 11:46 hellopriyasharma 10 Inventive Blue Day Crafts Ideas for Preschoolers

10 Inventive Blue Day Crafts Ideas for Preschoolers
Teaching kids about colors is a fascinating and entertaining pastime that also serves as education. Preschoolers can explore and enjoy these 10 imaginative blue day craft ideas for preschools:

1. Blue Bubble Wrap Painting

Materials Needed: Bubble wrap, blue paint, paper
  • Dip the bubble wrap into blue paint.
  • Press the painted bubble wrap onto a piece of paper to create beautiful blue bubble patterns.
  • Let it dry and display the artwork proudly.

2. Blue Sea Creature Collage

Materials Needed: Blue construction paper, sea creature stickers or cutouts, glue
  • Provide preschoolers with blue construction paper and a variety of sea creature stickers or cutouts.
  • Encourage them to arrange and stick the sea creatures onto the paper to create an underwater scene.

3. Blue Sensory Bottles

Materials Needed: Empty plastic bottles, water, blue food coloring, glitter, small blue objects (e.g., beads, sequins)
  • Fill the plastic bottles with water.
  • Add a few drops of blue food coloring and desired blue objects into each bottle.
  • Seal the bottles tightly and let preschoolers shake and observe the mesmerizing blue sensory effects.

4. Blue Bubble Wrap Ocean

Materials Needed: Blue construction paper, bubble wrap, blue paint, fish stickers or cutouts
  • Cut out a large ocean shape from the blue construction paper.
  • Dip the bubble wrap into blue paint and press it onto the paper to create textured waves.
  • Add fish stickers or cutouts to complete the underwater scene.

5. Blue Paper Plate Fish

Materials Needed: Paper plates, blue paint, googly eyes, colored paper (for fins), glue
  • Paint the paper plates blue and let them dry.
  • Once dry, attach googly eyes and fins cut from colored paper to create adorable fish characters.

6. Blue Playdough Creations

Materials Needed: Blue playdough, assorted playdough tools
  • Provide preschoolers with blue playdough and various tools like cookie cutters, rolling pins, and plastic knives.
  • Encourage them to use their imagination and creativity to sculpt different blue-themed objects.

7. Blue Ice Painting

Materials Needed: Ice cubes, blue food coloring, paper
  • Add a few drops of blue food coloring to water and freeze it into ice cubes.
  • Once frozen, let preschoolers use the blue ice cubes to paint on paper, creating unique patterns as the ice melts.

8. Blue Sponge Printing

Materials Needed: Blue sponges, scissors, paper, blue paint
  • Cut the sponges into various shapes such as circles, squares, and triangles.
  • Dip the sponge shapes into blue paint and press them onto paper to create colorful prints and patterns.

9. Blue Nature Collage

Materials Needed: Blue paper, glue, assorted blue natural materials (e.g., blue leaves, flowers, feathers)
  • Take preschoolers on a nature walk to collect blue natural materials.
  • Provide them with blue paper and glue to create beautiful collages using the collected items.

10. Blue Balloon Art

Materials Needed: Blue balloons, paper, markers
  • Inflate blue balloons and secure them onto paper with tape or glue.
  • Encourage and teach preschoolers to draw faces, animals, or scenes on the balloons to transform them into whimsical works of art.
  • These creative blue day activity an opportunity to explore the color blue in a hands-on and engaging manner, fostering their creativity and imagination while also enhancing their fine
submitted by hellopriyasharma to preschoolwithpriya [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 00:29 whydulookatme plausible explanation as to why i'd be getting a tutu skirt?

hey, so they have these super pretty tutu dresses at the store in the kid's section and checking measurements i believe they'd fit which is exciting for me! i reallyreally want to get one but i'm a minor so while i'm not concerned about getting it, i don't want to get it and then never actually wear it because i'm too scared. so what's a reason i could need to get something like that? right now the main idea i have is it's for a costume, like halloween, only it's really early to be thinking about halloween.
-i've bought clothes from the kid's section before which my family has been okay with and even done for me on a few occasions, but it's mainly been more like cute tshirts. -i'm definitely childish but my family doesn't specifically know i regress. i do have autism though. - i'm not specifically sure how family would react. my mom didn't have the best reaction to my paci but it was a baby one and i think she was more worried about my teeth than anything. i use pull-ups for my period, and it is absolutely true that it's just easier for me so she agrees to it. if i can only use them once a month to be allowed to have them then that's okay with me. they're okay with me watching cartoons, but i'm not really into baby or preschool shows and phineas and ferb or gravity falls aren't really that weird to watch at 15 anyway. so i don't actually know.
there is a community center i go to in summer that sometimes has themed dress-up days that maybe i could say it's for, and then just wear it because now i have it? but they might check and also i don't know what the themes will be yet.
submitted by whydulookatme to ageregression [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 17:05 AppleCritter723 [Thank You] The Biggest Thank You (and Apology)

If I’ve made any mistakes, let me know! Here’s a mod list before the long, typo-infested, rambly bits!
u/lonelytwatwaffle (x3)
u/babyraspberry (x6)
u/bluedecemberart (x5)
u/comingtogetyoubabs (x5)
u/constructionlower549 (x7)
u/cswl (x6)
u/DoraDoodle (x4)
u/ez330 (x4)
u/Jdoodle7 (x4)
u/jvanct88 (x2)
u/korewrites (x2)
u/mikepenpal6 (x5)
u/mlks00 (x2)
u/mydinosaurdidit (x8)
u/onelittlericeball (x4)
u/pinkpengin (x7)
u/TigerLady13 (x4)
u/umeshufan (x14!)
I’ll start this with a huge apology. It was never my intention to take so long on my break or to post a thank you for all the amazing mail you’ve been sending. A few months were super… not stellar, and I just kind of wanted to hide under a rock so I wouldn’t bother anyone until I could feel a bit more like myself, and with all of that, you guys have just been the sweetest. I got so many sweet messages checking in and felt so loved despite the fact that it’s taken me half a year to get back on here. Thanks for all your patience with me. You guys are the absolute greatest! <3
An additional thanks to u/pinkpengin for sending a card basically inviting me to come back to the cool kid’s table to play this week! :D
Allsssooo also, I wrote half of these in January if any of them are odd, and I’ve also not detailed the cards that have been sent to family members as I didn’t read them myself, just added them on my count here, and sorry if the formatting is a bit wonky. I'm copying this from a document, so I might edit if it's terrible.
To start, I received a fun Meet-Up card from some now irl friends on here! Thank you guys! I really wish I could have made it to this one:
u/lonelytwatwaffle (x3)
u/babyraspberry (x6), You sent such happy mail with your world postcard day envelope! I love the picture of a beach in Portugal. It makes me want to take a vacay ASAP! I also loved the fun little fact you put about the Peach Springs, AZ USPS! So cool! You also included cute star cut-outs, a little packet of stickers, and washi on what looks like a fun space cat playing card! I’m seriously giddy to get to the pic!
Thank you so much for the sweet hot cocoa and New Year’s card you sent! You also included a pretty saguaro cactus card and lovely pastry scrapbook paper, because you’re so thoughtful like that! I love how pretty every single envelope and card is that you send! I’m also excited to hear that you’re getting settled into the new(er) place a bit more! I hope you had a great time with the family visits!
Oh, my goodness, the wintery cards you sent my way were just stunning! I really liked hearing about your walk on the frozen lake and what an adorable “Cake of Friendship” recipe! The stamp stickers are always just the perfect colotheme, too! It always gives me heart eyes!
u/bluedecemberart (x5), Your Halloween card was adorable! You made it even cuter with the stickers. You mentioned “catching up on mail someday”........... Lol! You sent me about 50 cards to my…. ahem… completely non-existent ones. You’re a treasure, friend!
Thank you so much for my massive care packet of cards in an envelope that was just the cutest, with cats and Totoro stickers! It was beautiful! Every single bit in the envelope was so thoughtful!
You sent a “You’ve Got Mail” postcard, which reminds me… I should rewatch that movie someday so u/comingtogetyoubabs can stop laughing at the fact that I mix up all the Meg Ryan/Billy Crystal movies. I can’t be the only one… or maybe I am?!
You also sent the cutest envelope and added little address cardstock labels to add some zest to my envelopes along with so many cute stickers of cats, dogs, and squirrels! So sweet! I really loved the “Support Your Local Librarians” sticker! We are so lucky to live close to a very nice library with super active librarians who really care about the community, and it breaks my heart that they’re being given extra nonsense to add to their worries right now. :(
I especially love the card that has “You can do anything! Just not Everything” on the front. What a perfect reminder. You are so caring and thoughtful, and I’m so thankful for you!
u/comingtogetyoubabs (x5) How do you always find the perfect cards and things to say?! I love the whole envelope filled with citrus-themed cards, stickers, washi, all of it! Your puns were cracking me up! You even made the address label with little lemons! Super cute!
Then you also sent cards that were bee-related and stickers galore! I’m pretty sure that’s the first cat bee return label I saw in-person! They are adorable!
You sent a fun fall card with such pretty watercolor animals on it! The little hedgie sticker matches perfectly! It’s giving me heart eyes! Thank you, m’dear!
u/constructionlower549 (x7) Ugh, your holiday postcards are always so cute! I love the pic with you and the pupper (both smiling) on the front! It’s seriously so sweet and happy! I also loved the sweet card you sent with the New Year’s plans/updates. It’s seriously been entirely too long since I’ve sent an update! I definitely agree… Christmas is a bit overwhelming for me every year, tbh. I always look forward to the New Year knowing that we’ve made it through another hectic season of cooking/visits/everything! XD I always feel like I drop so many balls and last year was one of the biggest times I’ve done that. I didn’t even send holiday cards last year. :/
What a cool Starbucks postcard! I had no idea they even had postcards, but I love the gold and white on this one! The sparkly purple pen you used on it is just chef’s kiss perfection! Thank you!
I loved hearing about your bday trip! It sounds like such a fun adventure! I know you mentioned you did a lot of HUGE things, but I saw, “hung out by the pool,” and for some reason that part was the bit that I was like, “WHOA! WHAT?! IN FEB?! …living her best life by going somewhere beautiful!” XD
Then I got the most cards (I really, really love the hydrangea ones) with backstories from some of the postcards you sent! <3 I loved hearing about your dog-sitting adventure! Ugh, I need to send you a recipe for ice cream when you’re there next time! It’s blueberry pie-flavored, and it’s basically the only one I make in the summers, though I haven’t made it for a few summers now. I was laughing at the “behind-the-scenes” stories from your trips! It’s so funny catching up with people from school, especially when they’ve become parents! It almost feels like a secret club sometimes, knowing things about them but only discussing it in front of kids basically in code language! XD Oh! You asked at the end… I think the postcard lady would definitely be the highest contender for my demise! Lol! I’d totally take an entire litter of rabid cats over her! :D
u/cswl (x6), Thank you for the lovely Halloween card with the glittery witch skirt and the little cat on a walk! So cute! Our cat actually loves taking walks on his harness, but it’s been too cold to go out with him recently, and our old sweet old man of a dog thinks it’s a bit of a pain to go out on big walks now too. Can’t wait for spring! (I wrote this part of your thank-you in January! Spring has been nice indeed!)
The school supply postcard is so cute! I love LouPaper designs and the little rounded edges! The bright rainbow colors on it is just so happy! <3
Such a great “M” card made out of mustaches, too! Very cool design!
What a cool Veteran’s Day card you sent my way! I haven’t seen very many for the holiday, so it was super fun to get one! Thank you!
I also liked your secret “Walt Whitman” card. I have been wondering how work has been going for you. I have done some “extra” work tidying myself at old jobs when I’ve been feeling less than good about them myself.
It was also fun hearing about the 2 festivals in one weekend… was super happy you didn’t have to cook that weekend! That’s kind of a mini-vacation in itself!
u/DoraDoodle (x4), You sent such a pretty Halloween card as well as such adorable cats in costume stickers! They were so sweet! You even finished off the card with a tiny skull and crossbones stamp on the back. Your attention to detail makes everything so perfect! I always love seeing how you perfectly coordinate the papers to make such nice designs!
We all loved your gorgeous handmade Christmas card! It was displayed with the ones we received from family! I definitely missed out on the fun and didn’t send a single holiday card last year. :(
Oh, my goodness, I loved getting your beautiful watercolor card from your trip. That is actually one of our family’s bucket list places! Were you able to catch the Northern Lights while there? I hope you were treated with a lovely view!
u/ez330 (x4), I loved the colorful tulip card you sent and hearing about what had been happening with you. Thank you for checking in with me! You also included such sweet stickers, one of a corgi cupcake that I absolutely adore! Our dog is red with the cute Dorito ears like a corgi, so I’m a little partial to those types of breeds because of him! <3
Oh, my goodness, how was your trip to the National Postal Museum?! My grandma was a retired postmaster, and I think she would’ve loved traveling there! I hope you had the best time!
I loved getting your sweet flower heart postcard too! Thank you so much for caring and sending notes my way. You’re so thoughtful!
What a gorgeous handmade Valentine’s Day card! The light aqua blue with red were actually my wedding colors, so every time I see them together, it just makes me smile! Thank you for thinking of me! It made my day!
u/isar-love, I loved your dragonfly postcard! I love learning differences in language and I really think “dragonfly” is much prettier in yours! My son has a book about bugs from close-up views, and the dragonfly picture is on the cover! I always thought that photograph was especially pretty! He’s terrified of bugs now, unfortunately, but every time I see a dragonfly now, I think of when he first asked if they were actual dragons as a preschooler, and I thought it was just so cute!
u/Jdoodle7 (x4) Thank you so much for sending such sweet cards my way to check on me! My birthday card was just so pretty, and I really like how you did the washi on a diagonal. It really set off the envelope! You even have birthday return address labels, and I just absolutely adore them!
I have out another card you sent recently, the one mentioning Monty Python! Oh, my word! I am so excited to meet someone who gets my references now! :D Poor E, I had to introduce him to it years ago when he mentioned he’d never seen it (can you believe it?!), but now he grudgingly chuckles or rolls his eyes when I quote it in passing!
u/jvanct88, Thank you so much for the super pretty I’m thinking of you card with a holo cat silhouette! I loved getting the life updates! Just so you know, I can’t use the tea you sent because the little packets are so cute! Oh, they’re in with my tea, yes, but only for showing off the cute designs on display! :) Thank you! <3
u/korewrites (x2), thank you for the postcards you’ve been sending my way! I liked hearing about your travels to visit friends. The place you went in January sounds particularly exciting! I hope you had the best time catching up with them!
u/libertyprogrammer, thank you for the lovely card with the super fun stamps on them! What a good idea to send it before the price increased (again), too! The stickers match the pretty dusty rose color of the envelope and I love how you made the card inside with such cute Snoopy washi! It is so good hearing from you! Oh, I might have mentioned in the last post, but I have finished all of your book recs, and I was absolutely blown away by one series in particular! Kind of bouncing up and down over the fact that a certain author has new author pics!!! Did you see?! I know everyone online is saying not to get our hopes up, so OF COURSE MY HOPES ARE SKY HIGH that we get a new book ASAP! :D I can’t believe there are some people who have been waiting for decades when I’ve only been excited for a few months!
u/LeeElla, thank you for the sweet card with the cherry blossoms and cute washi and stickers! I loved getting to hear about your travels. I feel like my family and I will start doing a small bit more of that this year finally, and I love hearing where others have been!
Also, your writing is lovely!
u/lonelytwatwaffle, I loved hearing about your beach trip! What a nice getaway! My family took trips there when I was little. I think it was maybe the first time I saw the ocean! It sounded like such a nice, relaxing time! I hope you had a blast!
u/mikepenpal6 (x5) I loved your purple Halloween card with the pumpkin and owl! What pretty scrapbook paper in the background, too! You always find the most festive and adorable carding supplies!
What a gorgeous handmade Christmas card! I love how glitzy it is with the little rhinestones and all the cute stickers and washi you used! I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!
Ooh, I loved hearing about the concert you saw! That would’ve been so incredible! I’m super jealous and also really excited that you could go! I saw that one of my faves is going to be about 2 hours away from me very soon, so I went on the ticket site to buy them. E said that I definitely should, but I told him, “Meh, it’d be way past my bedtime.” lol I’m such an old lady now.
Your handmade Valentine’s Day card was absolutely stunning! I always love seeing the cute little gemstone stickers ppl use! I actually didn’t do a ton for this Valentine’s Day. I usually bake for our littles, make them a heart-shaped pizza for dinner, and cook something for E that he likes, but this year, our tiniest got covid (on my birthday! boo!), so we were all sick by Valentine’s Day, and we basically stayed at the house for the rest of the month to make sure we didn’t spread the joy to anyone else. Yuck! I really am glad you were able to do fun things and enjoy the weather with the family!
u/mlks00 (x2), Thank you so much for the sweet Christmas card you sent to the fam and me, especially with the handmade snowflake! How cool! I feel like I haven’t done those in too long. Have you seen the ones you can print online with Star Wars characters snuck into the designs?! They look so cute!
I always love getting your check-ins and updates! I really like this “hello” card stationery too! How classy! I hope you’re doing well, friend!
u/monetmonkey- Oh, what an adorable avocado holiday card! Thank you! Not only that, but you included such cute stickers with a sweet fox and snowy day scene! I loved all of it as well as how you decorated the inside of the card with the diagonal washi. Such a cool effect!
Of course I loved the fun stamps, especially the Maine Coon one! Our kitkat isn’t quite as massive as that, but he’s close, at over 7.5 kg/17ish lbs!
Loved the way you addressed the envelope vertically, too! It really made it stand out!
u/mydinosaurdidit (x8) You sent such happy mail to me last FALL (it’s been way too long since I’ve been here), and it was just so touching that you thought of me for it. It’s beautiful, thoughtful, and I was so taken aback at your generosity! Know that I have it set out for my next project now! I’ve been waiting to make something with it for the summer, and I’m so excited! I’ll send pics when I get it finished! I’ve had a pattern I’ve been wanting to make, but I’ve not had the right materials…until now, and the fact that it’s sentimental is just the cherry on top!
Oh, you gave me ideas for my bullet journal by sending me a sample-type page, and I really like how you have it set up! I’ve been book journaling a bit more lately and still use a bullet journal for my busier months, but I’ve been converting most of the dates to a wall calendar and still using a bullet-style on there for the tasks. It’s so helpful!
What a pretty holiday card you sent with tea and everything! I loved the adorable little paper stars to match the color of the font, and the message made me laugh!
I got the sweetest check-in card from you, typed and everything. It made me a bit teary-eyed. You even included journaling pages and stickers. You are so thoughtful, friend. A few months there were super not super, and I just kind of wanted to hide, and there you were telling me it was okay to just exist. You’re an absolute treasure. <3
Then you sent a kitty postcard with “You’re alive!” on it, and I burst out into laughter! It made me think of Schrödinger's cat, and it just made me ridiculously happy on top of it just being so freakin’ adorable! Thank you, friend!
Such a cool state card you sent! I like the ones with the different flowers/flags/birds on them to see how many I remember from my fourth grade class! :D We visited our state capitol building (where I lived growing up) during school, and the only part I remember was being so nervous that I’d be too loud walking around the halls with the echo-y marble floors… and then I suddenly stopped fretting over that when I realized how slippery the stone made the stairs and imagined falling down them making way more noise than walking funny ever would. XD I was a nervous child… glad I’m not anymore….ummm :D
Thank you for the sweet birthday wishes as well! You handmade a gorgeous pop-up card with a rainbow quilt, and it just blew me away!
The second (!) kitty postcard you made with all the rainbow writing/washi/stickers was just so happy! It made me smile!
u/onelittlericeball (x4), thank you so much for the gorgeous cards you send! I always love seeing your handwriting and the pretty washi/sticker combos you use!
I really liked getting updates on things that have been going on with you lately. It's so nice hearing from you, and I have your latest in my "reply ASAP" stack now!
u/pinkpengin (x7) The fam loved our cute black cat purpley Halloween card! The Halloween donut washi you have is top notch!
Your Jane Goodall Institute card is so cool! She’s one of my heroes (as are you, of course)! I actually bought this little amigurumi book where you could make little feminist icons, mostly because one of the characters is her! I digress… Okay, so as of that card, you had 22 kitters… have there been any more foster fails since then (bc I can absolutely say I’d be such an enabler about that! I nearly got another one myself last month)?
Oh, what a cute little fox riding a bike! I think these notecards are just adorable! You absolutely did not need to write a thank-you, but of course you’re just super sweet and thoughtful like that, and it made me smile! :)
Your sweet holiday card was displayed with the family cards we received this year, and it was so cute! Thank you! We all really enjoyed it. Maybe I’ll get my act together by winter and send some myself this year?! Here’s to hoping!
You also sent such a sweet Valentine with two additional mini cards inside! You are so thoughtful. The envelope was so pretty with how you decorated it! I think Valentine’s Day might be my favorite holiday… I don’t really do anything to celebrate other than baking, but I think that’s maybe why I like it! It’s low stakes! :D
You also sent an extra special holiday card VERY recently… but I’ll be commenting on that one elsewhere. ;)
u/TigerLady13 (x4), I really loved the Christmas card you sent! The stamps were so cute on the envelope, and the Santa in the woods feeding apples to the horses were so just so pretty! Thank you so much!
You have been sending such sweet cards my way! Thank you! My birthday cards were so super sweet. Both were decked out with the cutest washi and stickers galore! You are so very thoughtful! I really like the envelopes! They both had ribbon streamers on the insides of them! How festive!
u/travel4me22, thank you for the fun Blue Ridge Parkway postcard saying hello and checking in! That was so thoughtful! I hope your year has been great so far!
u/umeshufan (x14!) Your pop-up llama card (so cute!) along with an additional note was so cute to get! I really liked the signatures that you and a family member added to it! It was from 15 Nov, so I had the biggest smile reading about a recent event that happened there! <3
The Christmas card you sent made me laugh! I’ve seen shirts with that sentiment on motorcycle drivers, and to see it on the back of a reindeer was just the absolute best! XD You find the most hilarious cards! I definitely need to up my card game!
Thank you so much for the beautiful cards from all your travels over the past 6 months as well as sending notes to other family members! You have been to so many places already this year, and it’s always fun getting to live vicariously through your descriptions of each place!
The NZ sheep postcard is adorable with the little sheep, and I loved hearing about each stop along the way. The “Where’s Wally/Waldo?” one is extra cool! Thank you for sharing it with us! You’re always so thoughtful!
Oh! One of the cards you sent from NZ had another person added to the card, and I don’t know if I’m mentioned, but I think their handwriting is just beautiful! I especially like their A’s! That was so sweet hearing from them as well!
During one of your trips, you were in the same time zone as I was, and I was so excited to get FOUR cards from there! It was so fun getting cards that arrived so very quickly! I always love seeing The Snooty Bookshop cards! They’re hilarious!
You also sent 6 cards just last month, completely putting me to shame! I have them out for a reply just as soon as I pick up some different cards from the store. I think part of my extra long hiatus has made me not want to dig out the perfectly fine old cards I had but start fresh… capitalism at its finest, I suppose… :/
Thank you for sending so many cards to the family over the past half year as well. Your cards always brighten our day! You’ll be getting some replies from E soon, too. He’s not been on RAoC recently either, so I’m adding some of his on my post for him.
submitted by AppleCritter723 to RandomActsofCards [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 08:04 gomnomnom Teacher Appreciation Week feedback

I have 2 kids that attend the same preschool (3 and 8 months) and my oldest only started attending when he was already 2 so he had a lead and an assistant in his class. For teacher appreciation last year, I got gifts for his teacher and TA and smaller gifts for the floaters that regularly helped his class. However, this year I'm kind of not sure how to approach the infant class and was hoping maybe hearing others' experiences could let me know if I wasn't doing enough or if I was doing the right amount.
Our school does a theme each day where some things are the school as a whole contributes and other days are just for your class. The infant class has 8 teachers. One of the leads is my daughter's primary caretaker and manages her schedule. She's going on maternity leave soon so there is another teacher that will be taking on that role once she leaves and regularly cares for my child if her teacher is coming in later. There's also a secondary backup in case her lead is out and then 5 other teachers that care for other babies. However, where I'm kind of lost is...all these teachers care for my baby! I want to thank all of them. I know her lead does most of it, but most of these ladies have held my sweet, sleep-hating child for nap in their arms. I want to acknowledge their hard work too without disregarding the primary teachers' heavy lifting. I have small gifts (flowers on one day, $10 gift cards on another) planned for these 5 wonderful ladies, but are gifts usually expected in this type of setup? (I guess I'm asking in preparation for the end of the school year too since last year we gifted cash to our teachers and floater and I'm wondering if I have to worry about 6 teachers (including my son's) or 11 teachers!)
I know it's hard work and I want everyone to feel appreciated, but at the same time don't want to make anyone feel like they're not getting enough credit so thanks for any advice or stories you can share! And thank you for taking care of all these children! It's a hard job that I certainly know I wouldn't survive so all of you are amazing!!
submitted by gomnomnom to ECEProfessionals [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 08:47 hellopriyasharma Orange-colored objects for preschool activities that make learning fun

Orange-colored objects for preschool activities that make learning fun
Color recognition is an essential developmental milestone for preschoolers, laying the foundation for various cognitive and creative skills. Among the vibrant spectrum of colors, orange stands out as an engaging hue that captivates young minds. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of orange color objects for preschool and present a myriad of fun and educational activities designed to enrich preschool education.

Understanding Color Recognition in Preschoolers:

Preschoolers are naturally curious about their surroundings, and colors play a significant role in their early exploration. Recognizing colors is not only a cognitive skill but also a precursor to language development and artistic expression. As educators and parents, fostering color recognition in preschoolers is crucial for their holistic development.

The Importance of Orange Color:

Orange is a warm and inviting color that symbolizes energy, enthusiasm, and creativity. Introducing orange color objects for preschool can stimulate their imagination and enhance their understanding of color concepts. Moreover, the prevalence of orange in nature and everyday objects offers ample opportunities for hands-on learning experiences.

Exploring Orange Color Objects:

Orange Fruits:

Oranges, tangerines, and apricots are delicious and nutritious orange fruits that appeal to preschoolers' senses. Incorporating these fruits into snack time or sensory activities can make learning about the color orange a delightful experience.

Orange Toys:

From toy cars to building blocks, orange-colored toys abound in preschool classrooms and playrooms. These toys not only encourage imaginative play but also reinforce color recognition skills as children interact with them.

Art Supplies:

Crayons, markers, and paint in various shades of orange empower preschoolers to express their creativity through art. Providing a diverse array of orange art supplies enables children to experiment with color mixing and create vibrant masterpieces.

Fun Learning Activities with Orange Color Objects:

Orange Color Hunt:

Organize a scavenger hunt where children search for orange objects in their environment. Whether indoors or outdoors, this activity promotes observation skills and encourages children to actively engage with their surroundings.

Orange Sorting:

Set up sorting trays or baskets with a variety of orange objects, such as toy fruits, craft pom-poms, and felt shapes. Encourage children to sort the objects based on different attributes, such as size, shape, or texture.

Orange Collage:

Provide children with orange-colored materials, such as construction paper, fabric scraps, and foam stickers. Let them unleash their creativity as they collage and create artwork using exclusively orange items.

Incorporating Technology for Enhanced Learning:

Interactive Apps:

Explore educational apps specifically designed to teach color recognition skills through interactive games and activities. These apps provide a fun and engaging way for preschoolers to practice identifying colors, including orange.

Virtual Tours:

Take advantage of virtual tours or videos that showcase orange-themed destinations, such as pumpkin patches or citrus groves. Through virtual experiences, preschoolers can learn about the natural world and its vibrant colors.

Parental Involvement and Communication:

Home Activities:

Encourage parents to extend color learning beyond the classroom by incorporating orange-themed activities into their daily routines. Suggestions may include cooking orange-colored meals together or going on nature walks to spot orange flowers and leaves.

Communication through Apps:

Utilize a school parent app to share information, resources, and activity ideas with parents. Regular communication fosters collaboration between educators and parents, ensuring that color learning continues seamlessly between home and school.


Early childhood instructors and parents may spark toddlers' curiosity and excitement for learning by embracing the charm of orange-colored things. Preschoolers can engage in meaningful and pleasant learning opportunities while developing fundamental color recognition abilities through a variety of activities and experiences. Let's go on this vibrant adventure together and encourage young minds to experience the power of orange!
submitted by hellopriyasharma to preschoolwithpriya [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 06:26 Decent-Employer4589 Is it helpful if I check out random stuff?

My library has lots of non-book items that I am not interested in, and apparently no one else is interested in them either because I always see them available on the shelf. But does it help the “numbers” if I check them out? For example, the wall artwork and preschool Theme Kits (a box with books, small toys, and a CD all covering the same topic) never seem to leave and though I don’t need them, I would be happy to just take them home and then return in two weeks unused. But does it matter?
submitted by Decent-Employer4589 to Libraries [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 22:02 urbanhomestead1 Feedback wanted on this agrihood masterplan.

I am brainstorming a subdivision development that could be used as an intentional agriculture theme community. See the final drawing for the full masterplan. Each home would have a small, private back yard, but a large shared space beyond it. A looping trail would connect all the homes, shaded by fruit trees, and encircle growing beds and picnic areas.
The central zone where the trails connect would be a Central Park, which could have a hill, a pond, an event space, a mountain/bmx bike zone, a small forest, etc.
At the other end of each row of houses would be a commercial building and the access road to the surrounding city. Ideally the commercial buildings would have a farm stand and market, bakery, restaurant, maybe a preschool etc.
I imagine there would be an entity that owns the commercial buildings and rents the space to residents (ideally) who want to run the businesses and rent would go towards an HOA.
The four corners of the lot would be larger lots for agriculture operations, such as compost, plant nursery, chickens, storage, aquaponics etc.
I am looking for feedback. How could this be improved? Would you and a some friends want to buy homes here, together and start a community?
Would you be more or less interested in this if it was in the Central Valley, California, 3 hours from a major city? Typical homes of this size sell there for around $400k.
submitted by urbanhomestead1 to intentionalcommunity [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 20:07 TomorrowsTopkids Free Drop-In Preschool for May

Free Drop-In Preschool for May submitted by TomorrowsTopkids to richmondbc [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 18:35 JasonBetter10 The Future Of Early Childhood Education: Yang Fan Academy’s Vision For Preschool In Pleasanton

The Future Of Early Childhood Education: Yang Fan Academy’s Vision For Preschool In Pleasanton
As we look ahead to the future of early childhood education, Yang Fan Academy stands at the forefront of innovation and excellence in Pleasanton.
Our vision for preschool in Pleasanton is not just about the present; it’s about shaping the future of education for our youngest learners.
In this blog article, we will delve into our vision, the key elements that define it, and the impact it will have on the early childhood education landscape in Pleasanton.

Visionary Approach To Early Childhood Education

At Yang Fan Academy, we embrace a visionary approach to early childhood education, recognizing that the foundation we build during a child’s formative years sets the stage for a lifetime of learning and growth. Our approach is guided by several key elements and themes that shape our educational philosophy:

Holistic Development

At Yang Fan Academy, we are committed to providing a preschool and kindergarten environment that prioritizes the holistic development of every child.
We understand that education is not limited to academics; it encompasses the complete growth of a child in all dimensions. Here’s how we approach holistic development:

Cognitive Development:

Our curriculum is thoughtfully designed to stimulate cognitive growth. We offer engaging activities that promote problem-solving, critical thinking, and a thirst for knowledge.
Through hands-on experiences love learning and exploration, children develop cognitive skills that lay a strong foundation for future learning.

Social Development:

We recognize the importance of social skills in a child’s development. Our preschool environment encourages positive social interactions, cooperation, and teamwork.
Children learn to communicate effectively, resolve conflicts, and build relationships with peers, family and adults, fostering valuable social intelligence.

Emotional Development:

Emotional well-being is a fundamental aspect of holistic growth. We create a nurturing and supportive atmosphere where children can express their feelings, manage their emotions, and develop resilience. Emotional intelligence is nurtured, helping children navigate life’s challenges with confidence.

Cultural Understanding:

We embrace diversity and promote cultural understanding. Our curriculum reflects various cultures and traditions, fostering an environment of acceptance and respect for differences.

At Yang Fan Academy, we understand that the future of education is evolving rapidly, driven by technological advancements. Our commitment to innovation is a core element of our visionary approach. Here’s how we embrace innovation in early childhood education:

Digital Integration:

We recognize the value of technology in enhancing learning experiences. Our classrooms are equipped with age-appropriate digital tools and resources that complement our curriculum.
These tools are carefully selected to ensure they align with educational goals while engaging children in a fun and interactive way.

Personalized Learning:

Technology allows us to cater to the unique needs and learning styles of each child. We use adaptive learning platforms and personalized learning pathways to tailor educational experiences.
This approach ensures that children can progress at their own pace and focus on areas of school where they need additional support or challenges.

Interactive Learning:

We leverage digital platforms to make learning interactive and engaging. Educational apps, interactive whiteboards, and multimedia resources are integrated into lessons to make concepts come alive. This not only captures children’s attention but also deepens their understanding of the material.

Virtual Field Trips:

We take students on virtual field trips to explore the world beyond the classroom. Through virtual reality and online resources, children can visit historical sites, explore ecosystems, and embark on adventures that expand their horizons.


At Yang Fan Academy’s Pleasanton Preschool, inclusivity is at the heart of our visionary approach. We believe that every child, regardless of their background, abilities, or cultural heritage, deserves an equal opportunity to learn and thrive.
Here’s how we embrace and celebrate inclusivity:
  1. Diverse Community: Pleasanton is a wonderfully diverse community, and we cherish this diversity. Our preschool is a reflection of this richness, where children from various backgrounds, cultures, and abilities come together.We believe that exposure to diverse perspectives enriches the educational experience and prepares children for a globalized world.
  2. Anti-Bullying Environment: Inclusivity extends to creating a safe and supportive environment where bullying, discrimination, or exclusion are not tolerated.We have clear anti-bullying policies in place and educate children about the importance of kindness, empathy, and respect for one another.
  3. Celebrating Differences: Our preschool actively celebrates the differences among children. We hold multicultural events and activities that allow children to share their cultural heritage with their peers.This not only promotes a sense of pride but also fosters friendships and understanding.
  4. Empathy and Understanding: We prioritize teaching empathy and understanding. Through stories, discussions, and role-playing, children learn about different perspectives and develop a strong sense of empathy towards others.These skills are essential for building positive relationships.

Collaborative Learning: Child Development
In our visionary approach at Yang Fan Academy’s Pleasanton preschool, collaborative learning is not just a concept; it’s a fundamental pillar of our educational philosophy.
We recognize that in the rapidly evolving world, the ability to collaborate, communicate, and problem-solve as a team is a vital skill for success. Here’s how we embrace collaborative learning:
  1. Group Projects: Our curriculum includes various group projects that encourage children to work together towards a common goal.Whether it’s building a model, solving a puzzle, or creating a story, children learn the value of teamwork and the synergy that comes from combining their ideas and efforts.
  2. Peer-to-Peer Learning: We believe that children can learn from each other. We encourage peer-to-peer learning, where older children mentor younger ones, creating a sense of responsibility and leadership.This not only benefits the younger ones but also reinforces the knowledge of the older children.
  3. Celebrating Achievements: We celebrate group achievements to reinforce the value of collaboration.Whether it’s a successful project completion, a well-done presentation, or a team effort in a sports activity, we acknowledge and applaud the collaborative spirit.
  4. Life Skills: Beyond academics, collaborative learning instills essential life skills such as effective communication, active listening, empathy, and adaptability.These skills are transferable and serve children well in their future endeavors.

Continuous Improvement:

In our visionary approach at Yang Fan Academy’s Pleasanton preschool, we understand that the landscape of early childhood education is continually evolving.
To ensure that we provide the best possible education and support to our young learners, we have made continuous improvement a core element of our own vision statements.
Here’s how we embrace and implement this commitment to ongoing enhancement:
  1. Responsive Curriculum: We recognize that each child is unique and has different learning needs. Our curriculum is designed to be flexible and responsive, allowing us to tailor our teaching methods to the individual needs of our students.We regularly review and update our curriculum based on the latest research in early childhood education.
  2. Feedback Loop: We maintain open and transparent communication with our students’ families. We actively seek feedback from parents and caregivers about their children’s experiences at our preschool.This feedback loop helps us understand what is working well and where improvements may be needed.
  3. Professional Development: Our educators are lifelong learners. We invest in their professional development, providing opportunities for training, workshops, and certifications in early childhood education.This ensures that our teachers stay current with best practices and innovative teaching methods.
  4. Parent-Teacher Collaboration: We believe that parents are essential partners in a child’s education. We actively engage parents in the learning process and encourage their involvement in school activities and decision-making.This collaboration helps us make informed improvements based on parental insights.

Impact On Pleasanton’s Early Childhood Education Landscape

Our vision for preschool in Pleasanton will have a profound impact on the local early childhood education landscape. Here’s how:

Setting High Standards:

At Yang Fan Academy’s Pleasanton preschool, setting high standards for early childhood education is not just a goal; it’s a fundamental part of our visionary approach.
We believe that by pushing the boundaries of innovation and excellence, we can positively influence the entire landscape of early childhood education in Pleasanton and beyond.
Here’s how we set and maintain high standards:
  1. Continuous Improvement: By actively pursuing continuous improvement, we showcase the importance of adaptability and staying up-to-date with the latest research and innovations in early childhood education.Our commitment to ongoing enhancement encourages other preschools to prioritize growth and learning.
  2. Environmental Sustainability: Our commitment to environmental sustainability serves as an example of responsible stewardship of the planet. We showcase the importance of teaching children about environmental awareness and eco-friendly practices.
  3. Community Engagement: Actively engaging with the local community and collaborating with community organizations demonstrates our dedication to understanding and meeting the evolving needs of families in Pleasanton.This engagement encourages other preschools to connect with their communities and enrich their students’ experiences.
  4. Setting a Benchmark: Ultimately, our commitment to excellence and innovation sets a benchmark for early childhood education in Pleasanton.We aim to raise the bar and encourage other preschools to aspire to the same high standards, ultimately benefiting the education and development of all children in the community.
Inspiring Educators: At Yang Fan Academy’s Pleasanton preschool, our visionary approach doesn’t stop at benefiting our students; it extends to inspiring educators as well.
We believe that when educators are motivated to embrace new teaching methods, technology, and inclusive practices, it has a profound ripple effect on both our students and the broader community.
Here’s how our approach inspires and benefits educators: 1. Embracing Innovation: Our commitment to innovation in early childhood education serves as an inspiration to our educators. They witness firsthand the positive impact of innovative teaching methods and technology integration in the classroom.This experience encourages them to explore new ways of engaging and educating young learners. 2. Professional Development: We prioritize the continuous professional development of our educators. By providing them with opportunities to enhance their skills and stay updated with the latest trends in education, we empower them to bring fresh ideas and approaches to their classrooms. 3. Technology Integration: Educators at our Pleasanton preschool witness the benefits of technology integration in early childhood education. They learn to leverage digital tools to personalize learning experiences, making education more engaging and effective.This knowledge equips them to adapt to the evolving educational landscape. 4. Collaborative Learning: Our focus on collaborative learning environments encourages educators to facilitate teamwork and cooperation among their students.They see the positive outcomes of collaborative activities and strive to create similar experiences for their learners. 5. Inspiring Future Leaders: Educators who are inspired by our visionary approach often become leaders in their educational communities.They share their experiences and knowledge, spreading the benefits of innovation, inclusivity, and high standards to a broader audience of educators. 6. Empowering Parents: At Yang Fan Academy’s Pleasanton Preschool, our visionary approach places a strong emphasis on empowering parents as partners in education.
We firmly believe that when parents are actively involved and communication is open and transparent, it creates a powerful support system for children’s education and development.
Here’s how our approach empowers parents: Open Communication Channels: We maintain open and accessible communication channels with parents. Regular updates, newsletters, and parent-teacher meetings provide parents with insights into their child’s progress, classroom activities, and upcoming events.This transparency enables parents to stay informed and engaged in their child’s educational journey. 7. Involvement in School Activities: Parents are encouraged to participate in school activities and events. Whether it’s volunteering in the classroom, assisting with school projects, or attending special events, parents have the opportunity to actively engage in their child’s school life.This involvement creates a sense of community and shared responsibility for children’s education. 8. Parent-Teacher Partnerships: We foster strong partnerships between parents and teachers. This partnership extends beyond traditional parent-teacher conferences; it involves ongoing communication and mutual support.Teachers and parents work together to address any challenges or opportunities for growth that may arise during a child’s preschool years. 9. Progress Tracking: Parents have access to tools for tracking their child’s progress. This includes digital platforms or portfolios that showcase a child’s achievements and developmental milestones.Parents can review their child’s growth and celebrate their successes together. 10. Creating a Supportive Community: Our commitment to parent empowerment extends to creating a supportive community of parents who can connect, share experiences, and provide mutual support.This sense of community strengthens the overall educational environment. 11. Preparing Future Leaders:
At Yang Fan Academy’s Pleasanton preschool, our commitment to preparing future leaders who love learning is at the core of our visionary approach to early childhood education.
We believe that the skills, knowledge, and values instilled during a child’s formative years lay the foundation for their future success as leaders and contributors to the community.
Here’s how our approach prepares children to become future leaders:
  1. Leadership Skills: Our curriculum includes activities that foster leadership skills from an early age. Children have opportunities to take on roles such as line leaders, group leaders, or project leaders.These experiences help them develop qualities such as communication, decision-making, and teamwork, essential for effective leadership.
  2. Confidence and Self-Esteem: Our nurturing environment boosts children’s confidence and self-esteem. We celebrate their achievements, no matter how small, and encourage them to take pride in their abilities.Confident individuals are more likely to step into leadership roles with conviction and self-assurance.
  3. Resilience: Resilience is a key trait for future leaders who may face challenges and setbacks. Through play and experiential learning, children develop resilience by learning to overcome obstacles, adapt to changes, and bounce back from failures.
  4. Innovation and Creativity: We encourage innovation and creativity through various activities. Future leaders often need to think outside the box, come up with innovative solutions, and embrace change. Our curriculum nurtures these qualities.
  5. Love for Learning: Above all, we cultivate a love for learning. Future leaders are lifelong learners who continually seek knowledge and growth.By igniting a passion for discovery and exploration, we inspire children to approach each day with excitement and curiosity.
In conclusion, Yang Fan Academy’s vision for preschool in Pleasanton is not just a glimpse into the future; it’s a commitment to shaping that future.
We envision a holistic, innovative, and inclusive early childhood education experience that sets high standards, inspires educators, empowers parents, and prepares future leaders.
Together, we are building a brighter future for Pleasanton’s youngest learners, one filled with endless possibilities and a love for lifelong learning.
submitted by JasonBetter10 to u/JasonBetter10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 17:00 colorbynumberskids Exploring Color by Numbers Kids: A Creative Haven for Young Artists

Exploring Color by Numbers Kids: A Creative Haven for Young Artists
Hey, fellow art enthusiasts! Today, I stumbled upon a gem of a website that I couldn't resist sharing with you all: Color by Numbers Kids. If you're a parent, teacher, or just someone who loves nurturing creativity in children, this site is a goldmine waiting to be discovered.
Let me walk you through what makes Color by Numbers Kids so special.
A Canvas of Creativity:
At first glance, you might think it's just another color-by-number site. But oh, it's so much more. This platform offers a vast array of coloring templates designed to engage and entertain kids of all ages. From simple shapes for toddlers to intricate designs for older children, there's something for everyone.
Educational Value:
What sets Color by Numbers Kids apart is its subtle blend of entertainment and education. While children immerse themselves in the joy of coloring, they're also honing their fine motor skills, improving hand-eye coordination, and learning about colors and numbers. It's a win-win for parents and teachers alike.
User-Friendly Interface:
Navigating the site is a breeze, even for the tech-challenged among us. The interface is clean, intuitive, and ad-free, ensuring a seamless experience for both adults and kids. Plus, the templates are conveniently categorized by theme, making it easy to find the perfect picture for any occasion.
Customization Galore:
But wait, there's more! Color by Numbers Kids goes above and beyond by allowing users to customize their coloring experience. Want to change the colors or adjust the difficulty level? No problem. With just a few clicks, you can tailor the templates to suit your child's preferences and skill level.
Community and Feedback:
One of the best features of Color by Numbers Kids is its vibrant online community. Parents, teachers, and kids from all over the world come together to share their creations, exchange tips, and offer support. It's a safe and supportive space where young artists can showcase their work and receive constructive feedback.
Final Thoughts:
In a world filled with screens and distractions, Color by Numbers Kids offers a much-needed reprieve. It's a place where imagination knows no bounds and creativity flourishes. Whether you're looking for a rainy day activity or a classroom resource, this website has got you covered.
So, what are you waiting for? Grab your virtual crayons and let the coloring adventure begin!
submitted by colorbynumberskids to u/colorbynumberskids [link] [comments]