Aleve & colchicine

Severe red eyes, itching, swollen, and dry

2024.05.13 07:06 Desperate-Fold6926 Severe red eyes, itching, swollen, and dry

Hello everyone, this is my first time posting so I'm sorry if its messy.
TLDR - I have been suffering with severe red eye, irritation, and itchiness for majority of my life. Likewise, my optometrist says that my eyes are not dry but they said signs are pointing towards allergic conjunctivitis.
I am a severe red eye sufferer and at first I always thought that I would give myself ocular abrasions by scratching my eyes and I would previously take steroid (Prednisolone & Maxitrol) prescribed by my previous optometrist to help heal my eyes from the abrasions.
This actually worked for me every time i would use it, but in a couple of months or so the abrasions would come back and I would have to use the steroids again. I did this routine on and off for about 15 years.
Fast forward I am now (29) and I am visiting a new optometrist at Kaiser (I know its not a specialist but its what I can do for now), my optometrist let me know when she was measuring my eye pressure that I was at a 40 and it was likely caused by my intense use of steroids for relief. I came off of the steroids (using glaucoma medication) and my eye pressure is back to normal now, but I am left with almost no way for relief. My girlfriend and I spoke about the many different causes for my red eyes because what I was doing was no longer working and it made me think if my diagnosis was wrong this whole time.
Now here is the part for the rabbit hole, I first started with the idea that maybe I wasn't experiencing abrasions and instead my eyes were dry and could not produce the correct oils to keep them lubricated through the day/night. This lead me to trying out an abundance of tactics to solve my issues. First I tried cleaning my eyes regularly with tea tree oil, I also was using several different eye drops (Manuka honey eye drops, Ivizia, Thera tears, Lumify, pretty much any over the counter that wouldn't hurt my eyes i.e. Visine). An important thing to note as well is that I tried to do hot compress, but it would just make my eyes even more irritated and cold compress had little to no affect. I also invested in many different eye masks so that when I slept I could keep my eyes moist. Contrary to my initial idea, my current optometrist had stated to me that I do not suffer from dry eyes and my eyes are coated well enough to support my eye health.
This lead me to try and look into other answers, my girlfriend was being super adamant that it could be allergy related so I went to go get tested (since we have a cat). It came back that I was not allergic to our cat but I was allergic to dust at a level 3/5. Ive invested in two air purifiers for our very tiny apartment and a dehumidifier to really minimize the chances of dust growth. Likewise, I was put on immunotherapy (Tablets by mouth daily), I also use Sequa twice a day, manuka honey eye drops as needed, MSM supplements, omega 3, and vitamin C. Its also important to note that during days where my eyes were very red, I would work out and really exert myself, and my eyes would become clearer, but still be a little red.
So far this hasn't been the solution for me just yet so I also began to look into high histamine foods. I realized through some quick searches that many of the foods I really love are extremely high in histamine. So now to help, I have cut out majority of foods that are really high up on the list (salami and beef jerky are some examples) I have also stopped ingesting caffeine and dairy. Now I mostly take my supplements, eat very carefully, and work out moderately because I feel as though after a work out my eyes get better but then a day later they would rebound pretty badly.
I think it is also important to mention my girlfriend has told my that my eyes are slightly open when I sleep at night. I also work a 9-5 in an IT job where majority of my day is behind a screen (I make sure to reset my eye focus as well as doing blinking exercises)
Final update on my eye situations as of today 5/12/24: My eyes have been extremely red for about 2 weeks now, and last night was an extremely hard night, my left eye was in severe pain to the point that I could not sleep. I noticed the white part of my eyes (Sclera) is starting to swell around my iris and create a small film around the edges of my iris.
I am genuinely at a loss of what steps to take next and would like some guidance or suggestions. However, I have tried an abundance of things and I am sure I have missed some things on my lists below but this is what I can remember for now.
List of Medicines/eye drops I have tried:
Cromolyn sodium eye drops
Manuka Honey eye drops
Thera Tears
Tea Tree oil cleansing wash
Artificial Tears (various brands)
List of Methods I have tried:
Hot Compress
Cold Compress
Wearing several types of masks at night/goggles
expressing my eye glands
Low Histimine Diet
Working Out
No Alcohol
Cleaning my eyes with tea tree oil
submitted by Desperate-Fold6926 to Dryeyes [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 11:31 181280379478577 Mustafa Kemal’in Suriye ile ilgili açıklamaları 1937:

Kaynak: (49. Sayfa) &
submitted by 181280379478577 to MuslumanTurkiye [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 04:06 itsthatbradguy Lingering Pain from First Gout Flare

Hi, everyone. Hoping to see if what I'm experiencing is common and/or cause for concern.
A little background: Had my first and so far only gout flare at the base of my right big toe back on February 28. Got diagnosed via virtual visit, they prescribed a 10-day course of prednisone (miracle drug!) and that knocked it out in no time. Went to my regular doctor a couple of weeks later to confirm the diagnosis, got a uric acid test (8.2) and he gave me a prescription of colchicine to keep on hand in case of emergency. He didn't recommend any daily medications since I have only had one flare and seemed to understand the necessity of dietary changes (I've cut out red meat and sodas/sugary drinks, still have some alcohol though).
My concern is I'm about 10 weeks removed from the flare, but I still will get some pain and discomfort in that toe every so often, especially if I've been on my feet a good bit. Nothing compared to a flare. I'm talking like a 1-3/10 of pain instead of an 8-9/10. I have flat feet so I'm kind of prone to aches & pains in my feet anyway, but it still makes me extremely paranoid that I'm going to have another flare, which is playing hell with my anxiety.
My question is: is lingering discomfort this far out from an initial and only flare something to be concerned about? Just looking for a little peace of mind.
submitted by itsthatbradguy to gout [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 23:32 Whole-Branch-7050 Hey guys! American over here ✌🏾. I have a question about a traditional Alevi song lyric?

Heyyo. So for the last couple days, I’ve been doing a lotta research into Alevism, the Alevi culture & traditions, etc. First of all, just wanna say I find it all super cool & amazing! Its been so awesome to learn more about a religion, I had never rlly know of before :) 🙏🏾
Now dont worry, I promise I didnt use only Wikipedia for all my research, im better than that lol.
However, i did find one Wiki section that I found rlly interesting. Over there, was written a song lyric from a traditional Cem ceremony & sung by a cantor / asik:
“All of us alive or lifeless are from one, this is ineffable, Sultan. For to love and to fall in love has been my fate from time immemorial”.
Okay first off, bro this sounds beautiful 😳. Second of all, this line rlly intrigued me. So much so, that i was wondering
Is there any way I can find the original Turkish or maybe Arabic wording of this lyric? Or the original verse? I was also wondering which poet or singer, or religious leader who was responsible for writing this line? Do we know at all or nah?
Thank you!
submitted by Whole-Branch-7050 to AleviTurk [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 23:48 mindfulicious Ditched My Messy Purse

Ditched My Messy Purse
Just sharing for suggestions and to maybe give good ideas to others. So please be kind, or at least wait until tomorrow to be all Reddity and trollish. Tommorow, I'm working a double and probably won't be online much lol. Friday is a better day. I may need a good laugh after a long work week, meanie comments make me laugh.
Been carrying an unorganized purse that I'm always rummaging through to find stuff. I didn't really have any useful items in it either. I decided to ditch the purse I was carrying and put more useful items in a over the shoulder, cross the chest, fanny pack bag (came with a backpack I bought). Not the prettiest, but it'll do for now. Please note I sometimes go fishing before or after work at a river close to my job. The fishing stuff is really moreso for leisure although I do have in my emergency bag, a telescopic pole w/ small fishing kit the same size of the silcock and meds kits (Dollar Tree ear bud cases). I'm comfortable with the weight, it feels less than 5 lbs. This will be my new purse/EDC bag. I also carry a 7-8 lb backpack the days I work overnights/double shifts. I am looking for something more feminine looking with the same functionality . I am not super concerned about being a target because "it might attract attention" etc. I don't like loud colors anyway, so I'll probably stick with black, or an earthy color.
Contents left to right & top to bottom (weight 5 lbs)
Row 1
  • Katydyn Be Free Water Filter
  • Water purification tablets
  • Clorox Wipes
  • Flushable wipes
  • Face mask
Row 2
  • Silcock key
  • Gerber Multi-Tool
  • Nail care kit
  • First Aid Kit (Quick-Clot, liquid bandage, anti-biotic ointment, couple of band-aids, and burn cream)
Row 3
  • Protein snack (cheese, cranberries, & salami)
  • Almond butter
  • Protein bar
  • Mixed drinks
  • 2 packets of water
Row 4
  • Electric lighter attached to paracord with fire wick inside and a flashlight
  • Bic Lighter
  • Battery bank (next to lighter)
  • Telescopic Rod w/ Reel
  • Sewing kit w/ hooks
Row 5
  • Notepad & pens
  • Wallet (includes an old store card wrapped in gorilla tape
  • Glasses & contacts w/ solution
  • Meds (Aleve, Tylenol, Ibuprophen, anti-diarrheal pills) & chapstick
Not Shown
  • USB Block
  • Small fishing kit
  • Pocket Knife (folding push button)
  • 1 liter stainles steel bottle of water
Items itealicized are usually carried on me when I have clothing with pockets

submitted by mindfulicious to prepping [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 18:50 Pretend_File312 Diagnosis / Meloxicam

Hi! I was diagnosed last week with NR AXSPA (F 26). For come context, I have sciatica, hip pain, lower back pain, neck pain, jaw pain & migraines, osteoarthritis in my hands & feet and suffer pretty badly with enthesitis.
I’ve been on 660mg of Aleve for the last 2 months and it made me realize how much pain I was truly in as it took the edge off and made me feel somewhat human again. Still had pain, but was doable for the most part.
I started Meloxicam on Saturday and have been feeling horrible ever since. Pain everywhere, especially sciatic pain, and the enthesitis in my wrists is almost unbearable (can barely bend the right one).. I haven’t been in this much pain since before I started Aleve. Just looking for some insight on how long did it take to kick in for you? I have an apt in a month to discuss how it’s going and if we should explore biologics.
Any support, advice or insight is appreciated as I’m a little nervous with my new diagnosis :)
submitted by Pretend_File312 to ankylosingspondylitis [link] [comments]

2024.04.30 02:42 dannypcass Tacoma City Marathon Race Report - My First Marathon!

Who: 31M
What: Tacoma City Marathon
When: April 28, 2024
How far: 26.2 miles (actually 26.5 because I took a wrong turn in the beginning lol)
Where: Tacoma, Washington
Finish time: 5:02 (Avg pace 11:32)
  1. Just finish!
  2. Sub 5 X
I followed a 20 week beginner's program from Trail & Kale. Before I started, I had never run more than a 5k but I liked running and wanted to get more into it. I'd say the first 10-12 weeks went really well. I was increasing mileage and stamina and I was feeling great. Did a lot of cross training like biking, swimming, and elliptical. Week 13 is when things really got challenging. I got really sick and missed three consecutive long runs in a row. Once I got back on the horse I felt depleted and not sure where to pick back up having missed so much training. I modified the last few weeks of my program and just did what I could. I originally wanted to run a sub 5 hour race but eventually scrapped that in favor of just finishing. I also started getting really bad pain from my right IT band during long runs greater than 13 miles. I bought an IT band strap which kinda helped and just tried not to aggravate it anymore. Next thing I knew it was almost race day!
Taper kinda sucked! I felt like garbage and was really unsure I could even finish a marathon. I was also pretty lax with my nutrition throughout the whole training program. But I dialed it in the last few weeks and tried to get in a good place for race day. The week before the race I was hydrating like crazy, carb loading, and just going for a few light jogs. By the time race day came around I was actually feeling pretty good and ready for the day. The morning of, I woke up at 4am, ate a bagel, drank an electrolyte mix, got ready, and headed to the start line for a 6:30am start.
Whew, running a marathon is no joke! It was the craziest experience I've ever had! My race offered a one-hour "early start" at 6:30am for people wanting extra time to be on the course before the official 7:30am start. I opted for that because I still wasn't totally confident in my ability to finish. If you do the early start, there are no volunteers on the course yet to direct you. That being said, I immediately made a wrong turn and added an extra 0.3 miles to the race haha. Luckily I caught it early! I was chatting with this one guy around mile 8-9 and he took the wrong turn too but added 4 miles to his race! The extra 0.3 miles was fine but I was definitely paying for it in the end when every step I took was pure pain hahaha.
I was using the Nike Run Club app to keep pace and see how I was doing but I guess my watch didn’t charge fully overnight and it died in the middle of the race, so it didn’t save the workout and I lost all my splits. Ugh. But in general, the first 13.1 went by like a breeze. I was keeping pace and took gels every 45min (honey stingers). The course was beautiful, and I essentially had it to myself because not many people did the early start (there were only 450 marathoners total, and very few did the early start). Crowd support was decent in the first half, but after that they basically disappeared so it was pretty lonely. No worries! It was still fun. Mile 16 was where things started going downhill. My right IT band was really acting up and I started taking frequent breaks to walk. Unfortunately from there, the rest of my race was very frequently running-then-walking to manage pain. The worst and I mean ABSOLUTE WORST part was miles 21-23 when it dumped rain and was blasted with cold wind (the temperature most of the day was mid 40s, low 50s, very overcast and windy). I did not dress appropriately for the potential weather so I was soaked and freezing. I was so fcking over it and wanted to quit. Right when I was at my absolute LOWEST point in the race, the rain stopped, the sun came out, and I was like alright fuck it let's do this. I was so delirious that I barely remember miles 24-finish. I just remember seeing my boyfriend cheering me on close to the finish line. He brought 3 cardboard cutout posters of our cats and seeing them made me so happy haha. I pushed through and finished at 5:02!
Finishing was surreal. I had never felt so physically terrible but also so happy. My first words after finishing were "What the fuck was that!?" as I grabbed my medal haha. It was insane. I met up with my boyfriend who brought me my recovery bag with clothes, water, protein bars, Aleve, etc. The finish line was at a really beautiful park in Tacoma close to a shopping center with lots of little stores, markets, and restaurants. I got changed, we had some lunch, then we went home! I've been on cloud nine ever since and have barely taken my medal off. (I almost slept with it under my pillow last night). I'm pretty sore one day after, but took two days off work to just relax and recover. Which has felt amazing so far haha.
If you read this far, thanks for reading! It was an amazing experience — and just today I already signed up for my next one! Seattle Marathon on December 1st :) Many thanks to this community for all the support, encouragement, advice, and wisdom! It was definitely a staple in getting ready for this race! Thanks y'all.
submitted by dannypcass to firstmarathon [link] [comments]

2024.04.29 19:28 breebop83 Mucinex upshot

This may sound odd and I’m not sure why I’m sharing but here goes…
I’ve had active flares in both arm pits and under my buttcheek for about a year, in the last month or so I’ve had one pop up under my boob and on both sides around my ribs/bra line. Keeping them clean and at bay pain wise is about the best I’ve been able to do.
I also have seasonal allergies and they can sometimes progress in to sinusitis/bronchitis. For most of my teens through my 30s this happened spring and fall almost every year. It sucks and means a week of coughing, crazy head congestion and there isn’t much you can do but deal until it’s done. I use a neti pot and humidifier but in an effort to feel mildly human I do take a cold & sinus med and mucinex.
I managed to avoid this for a few years but I currently have the crud and have been taking Aleve Sinus & Cold and Mucinex pretty much around the clock since Thursday.
People… everything is draining and healing. I don’t know if it’s the drying that these meds do or what and I know I can’t take them indefinitely but it’s a little silver lining for me right now.
submitted by breebop83 to Hidradenitis [link] [comments]

2024.04.28 21:03 idkkkk44336 on the brink of death😩 PLEASE help🙏🏼

after an ER trip for abdominal pain & n/v, i was labeled with gastritis. no testing to see what type, cause, chronicity, whether my stomach acids were too low or too high, nothing. they just took a guess & prescribed aleve for the pain & PPI's (20mg, then 40, then 80) after 3 weeks on the meds & doctors upping the dose every time i told them things were getting worse, i fully believe my original issue was due to low stomach acid, not high. otherwise, the ppi wouldve been helping, not literally killing me, correct? im down to 85lbs & diagnosed with severe malnutrition as my body can no longer digest ANYTHING since the PPI's. i also fully believe them telling me to take the aleve every 4 hours created ulcers (a sharp stitch like pain?) my PCP & i are highly certain i have a sliding HH (chest pains, trouble breathing, regurgitation, reflux, etc) soo this brings me to my whole mind fucked situation... how the fuck, do you deal with ulcers, low stomach acid, and acid reflux from HH ALL at the same time???? this combination is pure hell and beyond confusing. if i cant take ppi's due to it dropping my stomach acids way too low, but at the same time have ulcers & reflux from the HH, what the fuck do i do?

i have an appointment with GI on the 6th - same lady that upped me to 80mg. but i simply cant wait that long for some sort of advice. this is taking my will to live day by day. even with being on ativan for the anxiety. i just cant take it anymore. im so angry they put me on the meds in the first place & fucking ruined my body.

please, anyyyyy advice is welcome. anything at all🥺😭
submitted by idkkkk44336 to HiatalHernia [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 23:08 sam-skrit Orthopedic Foot/Ankle Surg has “never seen anything like” my sesamoids

Hello all.
About 4 weeks ago now, on my 10-minute commute, I went from being perfectly fine to having a non-weightbearing right foot. The first step I took out of my car was about a 7/10 on the pain scale and it gradually decreased throughout the day (with me delicately walking on the very outermost edge of my right foot), so I figured it would go away after a good night’s sleep.
Needless to say, it didn’t.
Almost 3 weeks after the onset of pain, I went to an orthopedic urgent care and got a couple of x-rays. The urgent care provider said that she had no idea what it was and that she’d never seen such a thing.
Here are my x-rays:
As you can tell, there is what appears to be a third, separate sesamoid.
Urgent care gave me a Darco boot and referred me to an orthopedic foot & ankle surgeon, who had me take more x-rays. He came to the same conclusion as the urgent care provider, saying it looked like Mickey Mouse but might just be a strange formation of a bipartite sesamoid, especially as there was no trauma that would indicate a fracture.
He referred me for a CT scan next week and another appointment two weeks after that (within the 6-to-8-week timeframe he gave me for healing).
I’ve been on Aleve basically 24/7 for the past 2 weeks, with my foot in the boot whenever I’m not sleeping, and I’ve bought better footwear (Rykas, compared to Timberland Pros). Admittedly, I need to do a better job staying off of my feet (part of the reason for the long wait before urgent care was a 9-day trip around Europe, and I’ve taken at least 6k steps on weekdays since getting booted), but I’m used to 10-12k steps a day and lifting heavy weights. I’m a very active and involved person, so it’s getting mentally draining for me to spend all of my free time sitting on the couch and elevating my foot.
It’s worth noting that the rest of my foot isn’t exactly ideal — very high arches, developing bunions, and hammer toes — but I’ve never had pain like I do now.
Any ideas/suggestions? Will update after my CT scan and following appointment, but does it sound like a “tough it out for a few more months” situation? I’m moving 4 hours away from home for college at the end of August, so I’m hoping for the cat to reveal something relatively quick to solve (not an easy feat given the stories I’ve read on this sub). Can anybody provide some info on how easy it was to get surgery on their sesamoids?
EDIT: Not a sesamoid! The CT scan pointed to a more-likely-but-still-strange formation of an osteochondroma (a.k.a. a glorified bone spur with a cartilage cap). And yet I still find myself doing contrast baths multiple times a day… Huge thank you again, and this entire sub for giving me peace of mind. God bless all of you and my thoughts are toward your eventual recoveries ❤️
submitted by sam-skrit to sesamoid [link] [comments]

2024.04.27 06:26 idkkkk44336 misdiagnosis???

i'll start off by apologizing for the length of this, but please take the time to read & give any thoughts/advice possible.
April 11th & 12th i was in the ER for terrible abdominal pain, N/V & shortness of breath. after a cat scan, xray & bloodwork, they came back at me with gastritis. they labeled me based on symptoms. unsure of the cause, whether it was acute or chronic, the type, anything. they literally had no way to tell if i was having low acid or high acid, but told me to take omeprazole (without telling me what it was, or why i needed it) & did NOT mention diet change whatsoever. also told me to take aleve or tylenol for the pain😐 i had an ER follow up with my PCP on the 15th. the 3 days between, i did not take the omeprazole, i ate normally without immediate pain & nausea, i was up & moving around like my normal self, only having a little abdominal discomfort. things were fine. at my appt with my PCP, i told him i was still feeling a little bit of pain (looking back, this was 100% due to taking the aleve, thanks doc🫡) but he pushed me to take the omeprazole. i started taking it the 17th. then i had an awful pain flare & my first rime with acid reflux on the 19th. i started experiencing awful pain & nausea when eating, lost my appetite completely, terrible anxiety, trouble sleeping, headaches, lost 11lbs (went down to 85lbs at 5'4), slight chest pains, acid reflux, stomach spasms, urine retention, tachycardia when eating, rib & back pains, indigestion, trapped gas, etc. back to the ER i went this past wednesday. i was diagnosed with severe malnutrition & dehydration. they upped my prescription from 20mg twice daily to 40mg twice daily. so 80mg a day total. again, without even knowing whether my stomach was high or low on acid. i took the higher prescription for the past 2-3 days and felt even WORSE. all the symptoms above, plus delayed stomach emptying (had a gastritis friendly smoothie that sat like a brick in my stomach for 4 hours), incomplete evacuation, worsening SOB, awful chest pains right behind my sternum, solid foods & pills getting stuck in my chest, food regurgitation, the feeling of my esophagus narrowing, and like my chest is coming up into my throat, i could go on.
so basically, prior to ppi's my only symptom was abdominal pain. after ppi's i have a laundry list of symptoms that are literally taking my will to live. has ANYBODY ever experienced this??? my gut says stop taking the ppi's immediately. but i dont have an appointment with GI until may 6th, 10 days away. i CANNOT deal with this that long.
submitted by idkkkk44336 to Gastritis [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 23:59 rustedpyre Mysterious swelling of left foot

Hi, I need some advice on what to do next - all the Drs I have met with are stumped and really have no ideas of what to do! I am desperate for help figuring this out.
Primary complaint: Left foot considerably swollen for about 3 months from an unknown cause.
Demographics: 42F, 5'8", 220 lbs, White, recently started smoking again (Ugh! Plans to quit again soon tho) after being quit for a long time - this issue started prior to smoking, do not drink or use recreational drugs ever. Meds - I am on a lot, but there have not been any recent changes for at least a year. Checked with PCP & Psychiatrist, they think only possible ones connected would be lamotrigine (Lamictal) and Gabapentin. But I have been on both of those for 5+ years, so it seems strange that a side effect would happen suddenly now, and that the swelling would happen only on one side of my body.
Existing Medical Issues: Diabetes 2, Chronic pain in low back, hips & ribs, sciatica, unknown nerve problem in legs - waiting to see neurosurgeon for more testing, benign tumors all over my body including one inside ear canal and softball sized one in my liver, anemia which required iron infusions every few months. Had gastric sleeve surgery 2018 (lost 130 lbs), abdominoplasty Aug 2023 - complications of splitting at horizontal & vertical intersections and creating a hole with tunneling requiring being on a wound vac for 5 months. Blood work doesn't show much of concern besides iron, and a chronically moderately elevated WBC.
More details on issue:
I have already talked with my pcp, a vascular surgeon / General surgeon, a specialized vascular surgeon, a wound care nurse / General practitioner, several other nurses, & podiatrist. I also went to the ER twice. All of them are stumped and have no ideas of what to do next.
My left foot has been very swollen for a few months. I have very minor varicose veins on the outside of my left calf that hurt, throb, and "fizz". The top of that foot has also been numb to sensation (not pressure) for many years for an unknown cause. I do have sciatica which has been the main guess for now as to the numbness. I am diabetic but it's well controlled and was ruled out as the cause for that. No idea if that has any connection to this issue or not.
My right leg and foot are fine.
Nothing seems to help the foot swelling and leg pain. I wear compression socks every day, use an electric leg compression device daily, elevate any time I am sitting, eat inflammatory foods and take some supplements. Also tried: diuretics, low sodium diet, ice, heat, anti-inflammatory creams, anti-inflammatory meds (like aleve etc), massage, varying levels of activity, and a couple other things that I'm blanking on at the moment. Nothing seems to make much difference. Some days it's much less swollen than other days, but it's always swollen to some degree. I'm not sure really what makes it worse or better, there doesn't seem to be consistent patterns.
Generally I exercise every day, tho I am not a super active person. I also have chronic pain in my back which worsens if I get more than about 8k steps a day for a few days in a row, and also worsens if I get less than 6k for a few days In a row. So I usually stay in that range tho I do cardio exercise for around 20 to 30 mins every day plus 30 mins of yoga, plus normal daily household stuff moving around.
I have tried being on the higher end of that activity for a week (not sure if it has a direct correlation or not, but the swelling did seem worse with more activity). I also tried being much more sedentary. Didn't seem to make a difference, maybe a bit better than being more active.
I have been scanned for DVT twice, have had a pelvic CT scan, and an ultrasound vein mapping (tho they said this would take 2 hours and it took 1 and I'm a bit suspicious it may not have been super thorough, but the Dr said it was ..). All of those tests came back negative for any problems.
I had an abdominoplasty in August from which I had complications (it split at the horizontal and vertical intersections). Was on a wound vac for a while and only recently has it basically fully healed. However there are lumpy and hard spots around my abdomen which could be scar tissue or maybe pockets of lymphomas which I'm told should clear on their own eventually. Not sure if any of that could affect my leg.
what kind of Dr am I looking for? I live in a rural area with limited services, so local Dr's have less resources and less broad knowledge with few specialists. I have traveled to two larger city areas, and those Drs also were stumped.
Thank you so much for any insight as to what MIGHT be going on any any possible directions to go in next.
submitted by rustedpyre to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 11:44 jwolf1191 Found this hanging on a tree branch.

Found this hanging on a tree branch.
I was out walking a trail by the Susquehanna, and I saw this hanging out a paperclip attached to a tree branch.
submitted by jwolf1191 to schuylkillnotes [link] [comments]

2024.04.24 01:22 jwolf1191 I found this hanging from a tree branch on a walk today.

I found this hanging from a tree branch on a walk today.
I was just out for a walk through a trail, and I found this note hanging from a tree branch close to the entrance.
submitted by jwolf1191 to conspiracy [link] [comments]

2024.04.20 01:23 watervolcano99 Colchicine Mental Symptoms?

Hello, I don't have gout, but I am taking colchicine for pericarditis & would be very happy for advice from this community!
I've been instructed to take colchicine 2x a day, am only taking 1x a day because of side effects (numbness in my hands that scared me and does not occur with the 1x).
The biggest side effect is oddly an emotional one; I feel completely emotionally numb, and disassociated from my body. It's like I'm playing one of those POV games, and my hands are a character's. Everything looks fake & far away. I feel extreme depersonalization and sometimes hopelessness when the medication is in effect, and once I stop taking it, these symptoms are gone.
Has anyone else experienced this with the medication? I also experienced it with indomethacin, but to a lesser extent. Thank you so much.
submitted by watervolcano99 to gout [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 23:00 Soft_Match_7500 Rheumatology Work-up (Spine, hands x-rays)

Pt: 35m
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 185lbs
Dx: Inflammatory polyarthropy, raynaud's phenomenon, GERD, gastritis, gastric ulcers, Ehler's-Danlos (Pectus excavatum), ADHD, Autism, Depression, CPTSD, Seasonal allergies
Rx: Prednisone 30mg (2nd 2-month taper course), hydroxychloroquine (just started 2 weeks ago, at 100mg), famotidine 40mg BID, amphetamine 15mg BID
OTC: Aleve x2/day, Tylenol x2/day
Supplements: Omega-3 fatty acids, Lion's mane, collagen, multivitamin, fiber
Drugs: Nicotine vape 4-5ml of 24mg/ml per day, 140mg caffeine/day
FmHx: Degenerative disc disease, CHF, Raynaud's

Was sent to rheumatology Sep'23 after a visit with my new pcp, although I wasn't sure what for. I guess she asked about joint stiffness in the morning and pain. Never really made much of being painful and stiff, but I'm starting to realize I was just ignoring it so I could keep working and not have to worthy about it. Rheumatologist order labs and x-rays:
Anti-CCP: 5.6/3.0
Complement C3: normal
Complement C4: normal
Total Complement: Elevated/High
ANA: 1:80 Speckled
Everything else normal
Hands: bilateral negative ulnar variance
R Foot: Midfoot and hindfoot deformity appears present, but these are not weightbearing views. Weightbearing views are recommended for confident evaluation of foot alignment.
Apparent foot misalignment could be better characterized with weightbearing views
Lumbar spine: 4 nonrib-bearing lumbar type vertebral bodies, mild multilevel disc disease, developmental deformity of the superior endplate of L2
Everything else normal. Symptoms are pain & stiffness from the neck down, peripheral neuropathy, balance problems, chronic fatigue, inflammation in the hands and knees, neurological problems (memory, brain fog).

submitted by Soft_Match_7500 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.16 09:29 TRGARMY Look what i found!!

Look what i found!! submitted by TRGARMY to Hotwheelsindia [link] [comments]

2024.04.10 19:35 InigoMToya [URGENT] i need over-the-counter/easy to get pain med recommendations

another doctor has abandoned me- i just got the call that theyve cancelled my appointment last-minute again. i’ve been waiting months for care and now i can’t access medical care for the next two months (travelled out of state. i’m fucking really upset about it).
i have unidentified chronic joint pain. my doctor put me on prednisone to test & gather evidence for a rheum referral, and it really helped on the highest doses. but obviously, i cant just take fucking 70mg of steroids every day- and tapering off was really painful.
nothing else works. ibuprofin 800mg or a double-dose of aleve will help occasionally- but doesnt knock my pain down more than two points on the scale.
please. help me- i’m desperate. i need help so badly and i cant get it. i need to survive the next two months until i can hope to see my doctor again. i need medication. i’m trying every route i can think of to get even a temporary prescription- but we all know how long this shit takes.
tell me what you take. tell me what works for you- especially if you have something like arthritis or is otherwise inflammatory. i already use every holistic and natural remedy in the book- i need medication. please.
submitted by InigoMToya to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.04.08 11:10 ramdytis3c Alev & DAV5 & Cession & Ekzail - Ghost [ChillYourMind]

Alev & DAV5 & Cession & Ekzail - Ghost (Extended Mix) / Key Gm, BPM 124, 3:22, MP3 8.15 Mb

DOWNLOAD - progonlymusic com
submitted by ramdytis3c to proresivesound [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 17:03 mahiyet Ekler Sözlüğü

im açıklama
D ünsüz sertleşmesi dolayısıyla; d, t
A ses uyumuna göre; a, e.
I ses uyumuna göre; ı, i
U ses uyumuna göre; ı, i, u, ü
X ses uyumuna göre; a, e, ı, i, u, ü
() gövde ile ek arasında köprü kurmaya yarayan kaynaştırma ünsüzü/ünsüzleri; y, ş, s, n.
[g] gövdeye bağlı olarak; kimi kez /k/, kimi kez ise yitmiş (erimiş) biçimde karşımıza çıkan eski bir kaynaştırma ünsüzü.
ek & kök açıklama
+A yapım eki; eylemden belleç üretir. «Bilgili bilgisine göre bilgi verdi.»
+[g]A yapım eki; eylemden ad aza ön ad üretir. «Bilge damgacı geldi.»
+(n/y)A çekim eki; adın yönelme durumu; «Ona danıştık.»
+(y)A yapım eki; eylemsi; ulaç. «Koşa koşa eve vardı.»
+(y)Abil- çekim eki; olumlu yeterlik eylemi. «Bu işte bir bit yeniği olabilir
+(y)AcAk çekim eki; gelecek öy. «Sizi bekleyecekler.
acı- geçişsiz eylem; kimi kez acılaş- dengi, kimi kez yazıklan- dengi, kimi kez ağrı- benzeri.
aç-1 geçişli eylem; kapa- karşıtı.
aç-2 geçişsiz eylem; acık- dengi.
+(g)Aç yapım eki.
ad ad; name.
ada ad; island.< ? or-
+(y)Adur- çekim eki; sürerlik eylemi. «Sen gidedur, ben arkandan geleceğim.»
af yansıma; afkurma sesi.
agu çocuk dili; sevinme dışavurumu.
ad; tuzak dengi.
ünlem; üzüntü dışavurumu.
ağ- geçişsiz eylem; yüksel- dengi.
ağaç ad; tree.
ağı ad; poison.
ağıl ad; barınak benzeri.
ağır ön ad; kimi kez değerli dengi, kimi kez yeğni karşıtı.
ağız ad; mouth.
ah yansıma; iç geçirme sesi.
ak1 yansıma; aksırma sesi.
ak2 ad; kara karşıtı.
ak- geçişsiz eylem; dökül- benzeri.
+Ak yapım eki.
al ad; kızıl benzeri.
al- geçişli eylem; ver- karşıtı.
alacık ad; pergola.
alan ad; düzlük benzeri.
alev ad; yalım dengi.
altı ad; six. < ? al-
altın ad; sarıca dengi.
am1 ad; kimi kez kuku benzeri, kimi kez ağız dengi.
am2 ünlem; okşama dışavurumu.
an1 ad; ayrım dengi.
an2 ad; yırtıcı benzeri.
an- geçişli eylem; anımsa- benzeri.
ana ad; ök dengi.
anız ad; stubble.
ar- geçişsiz eylem; yorul- dengi.
ar- geçişli eylem; ayır- dengi.
arı ad; bee.
arı- geçişli eylem; ağart- benzeri.
arpa ad; barley.
art ad; kimi kez sırt dengi, kimi kez dağ geçidi dengi.
art- geçişsiz eylem; çoğal- dengi.
arva- geçişsiz eylem; büyü yap- benzeri.
as ad; stoat.
as- geçişli eylem; sarkıt- benzeri.
ad; yemek dengi.
aş- geçişli eylem; geç- dengi.
at ad; horse.
at- geçişli eylem; fırlat- dengi.
ata ad; baba benzeri.
av ad; hunting.
av- geçişsiz eylem; üşüş- dengi.
avuç ad; handful.
ay ad; kimi kez month, kimi kez moon.
ay- geçişli eylem; ayır- benzeri.
+[g]Ay yapım eki; adlardan ön ad yapar. «Üvey kardeş.»
aya ad; sıkıntı benzeri.
ayı ad; bear.
aylan- ad; dolan- dengi.
az ön ad; çok karşıtı.
az- geçişsiz eylem; yoldan çık- benzeri.
submitted by mahiyet to u/mahiyet [link] [comments]

2024.04.01 17:38 broken_capitalism Dr prescribed allo, no colchicine

During flare ( foot and knee) went to Dr. He prescribed a few days worth of colchicine, inflamation went down in about 4 days, still dont have full mobility, also sent to get Uric Acid labs. Dr follow up visit a week later, labs verified I have gout 9.0 reading. He only prescribed allo and no colchicine. From reading this sub, Ill probably get another flare up when starting allo. I asked him 3 times if Ill also be taking colchicine, he said he didnt want me on it everyday, I said if I can just take it when i feel like im about to have a flare up- he didnt prescribe it. I did call back later and request a referral to a rheumatologist. Should I just take the allo and drink lots of wate aleve and hope for the best?, as it will be awhile til I can be seen at the rheumatologist. It just seems hes doing the bare minimum, didnt offer prednisone on a very bad flare up. I think hes one of those doctors that doesnt want to hear any of the patients concerns, forbid you say youve done some research....on your health issues. I also had a bad flare up on other foot early last December, didnt go to dr., took a month and half to get full mobility back, then now this flare up since mid march, so frustrating :(
submitted by broken_capitalism to gout [link] [comments]

2024.03.30 09:28 Ordinary-Giraffe-442 41M - Gout flare in my left knee, is it safe to repeat Colchicine 2+1 dose twice within 72 hrs (or even on consecutive days)?

Some context here: I have been suffering from Gout since last 1 year & have been taking Allopurinol tablets daily (initially 300mg, but increased to 400mg since past several months). Around 6 months ago, I had a severe gout flare in my left ankle. As per our family Doctor’s advice, I took Colchicine 2+1 dose (i.e two 0.6mg tablets at once, followed by one 0.6mg tablet after 1 hour) & it helped in rapidly reducing the pain. The next few days, I went on a tapered dose of Colchicine (twice a day, then once a day & then none at all) & that helped me to fully recover from the ankle gout flare.
Since then, for the last 5 months, I have been able to lead a normal "flare-free" life, by managing my diet & drinking sufficient water. However, in the last 1 month, I had to travel out of town & attend a few office parties, because of which I ended up consuming a bit too much "junk food", including cakes, ice-creams, soft-drinks etc. Possibly due of that, I started getting unusual on-and-off pain in my left knee since the last few days, which then got progressively worse & it became really difficult for me to do normal activities, like even standing for a few minutes was challenging for me!!! (please note that I am still taking Allopurinol 400mg tablets daily without fail).
I initially took PainkilleNSAID tablets, but that didn't help in relieving the pain at all. So, two days ago, I consulted our family Doctor via phone & he said that it is most probably another Gout Flare & asked me to take the Colchicine 2+1 dose immediately & start the tapered Colchicine daily dose from the next day onward (like last time). Once I took the Cochicine 2+1 dose, it helped A LOT in reducing the pain & for the rest of that day, I was able to do regular activities without any pain. Unfortunately, the next day (i.e. yesterday), my left knee pain returned with same intensity as before! I stuck to my Doctor's advice of taking tapered Colchicine dose - so I took two 0.6mg tablets (one after breakfast & one after dinner), but it did not help much in reducing pain :-(
Today morning, the knee pain exists same like yesterday. Is it okay/safe for me to take the Colchicine 2+1 dose again, as that is the one which gave me maximum relief & enabled me to do normal activities? Or should I stick to my Doctor’s advice of continuing the tapered dosage till the flare passes off?
Any advice is appreciated.
submitted by Ordinary-Giraffe-442 to gout [link] [comments]