My path to a nursing career essay

Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.

2009.10.18 21:53 davedavedavedavedave Nursing for nurses and by nurses for the care of all.


2013.08.03 08:52 yangachee Career Change

A place for sharing and discussing resources pertaining to changing careers.

2009.10.24 07:53 cassandrawoolf Psychiatry: medicine for the mind

We're a community created for psychiatrists and others in the mental health field to come together and discuss our field. We are not a subreddit to ask psychiatrists questions either about individual situations about psychiatry generally. Those questions should be directed to AskPsychiatry.

2024.05.16 02:47 CreakyCabin Best way to become a wastewater operator in California?

Hi guys. I just recently came across this career path and am trying to get into it more. So far I’ve order one book and course from the Sac state university to get my feet wet. Now I’m debating on getting more of their courses or go to a local community college and go for an associates in water science. In your experience what is the best path? Go for associates or just do some courses to apply for the tests? Also if I do go the community college route what math, science, biology classes should I take to become more wanted by facilites?
submitted by CreakyCabin to Wastewater [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:45 hermit-throwaway My (M29) parents' divorce ruined me and everyone is worse off for it

I feel like when it comes to discussions about divorces involving children, 99% of the time people say it was better the divorce happened than if two people that didn't love each other stayed together for the sake of the kids. I want to share my story, because that was not my experience as the kid of divorced parents.
Almost two decades ago when I was 10 years old, my parents told my sister and I they were getting a divorce. They said they didn't get along anymore and we wouldn't all be living together anymore, but they would still be our mom and dad and we would live with each of them. I bawled my eyes out uncontrollably that night, completely shattered. In reality, my dad had spiraled down a 9-year-long addiction to opioid pills that meant he was high 24/7, lost his job, and was doing reckless things like drinking and driving, even with me in the car. Not to mention the impact it had on everyday life, vacations, finances etc. It drove my mom to her breaking point where she wanted a divorce, but first helped him get sober with staging an intervention and then getting him into rehab and NA.
Gradually my dad moved out to an apartment nearby, our house was sold and my mom bought a smaller one a town over, my sister and I would go back and forth between staying with each parent each week, and they both started dating. About a year after the divorce, my dad started seeing a woman of a far trashier, immature nature compared to my mom. He moved her in after a month, and long story short, my dad was heavily dedicated to her and changing from her influence, becoming a juvenile 40-something man unrecognizable to me. All while he had two young adolescent kids to raise who just had their world's shattered. My sister and I felt like afterthoughts, and I blame my dad for that as well as my now-stepmom for fully seeing the situation she was walking into, the impact it had on my sister and I, and still diving head-first into it. She quit her job as a nurse pretty early on to be a stay-at-home wife, even though my dad was making just OK money.
As for my mom, she lost her job shortly after the divorce due to insubordination, and then never held a job of the same seniority/salary/importance ever again. She spent the remainder of my childhood staying at home raising my sister and I, who eventually moved in with her full time to get away from being around my stepmom until we went to college. She had a few smaller jobs she'd last a few months at, but that's essentially been her career ever since but with a steady decline. She was a vice president of a Fortune 500 company, and now she's on the phone in a call center making a little more than minimum wage.
She dated a little too, but never got as serious with anyone as my dad did. Part of it may have been that she just couldn't catch the kind of guy she was looking for, but part of it may have been seeing the impact one stepparent was having on my sister and I. I'm sorry she's still alone and may be alone the rest of her life. But I'm also glad we had her full attention and care when we were growing up, because I was thinking about ending my life every day of those years, and the addition of another new strange adult living with me and having nowhere for me to escape to probably would have put me over the edge. I did attempt in college several times, but had a moment of reckoning and decided to see life through.
Part of the reason for her overall decline too has been her descent into alcoholism, starting a couple of years before the divorce but the scope of it not fully visible at the time. From when I was 12 onwards, she's gone through cycles of sobering up, working AA, gradually checking out of AA, functionally relapsing, descending into disfunction/rock bottom and repeat every 18 months or so. Her latest period as a full-blown alcoholic was her worst, and she was more of a mess than my dad ever was. He's relapsed twice over the years, but to his credit, they were relatively brief periods of relapse and he's seriously worked the 12-step program to maintain sobriety otherwise. He now owns a home near where I grew up.
In summary: I absolutely recognize what my mom went through for 9 years with my dad's drug addiction and I can imagine the stress it put her through, the impact it had in shaping those years of her life, and how out of love she must have felt after so many incidents with my dad being high. That said, I've always felt a massive hole in my chest every day of these last 19 years, and hindsight has only further made me feel like the divorce was a mistake. I can't put myself in my mom's shoes, but I wish she had given my dad a last chance once he was sober. He's a better man sober. I can't help dreaming of "What if's" even when it only hurts to imagine. If my parents stayed together, maybe we would have still had our big, beautiful house; maybe my mom's alcoholism wouldn't have been so out of hand with my dad to support her own sobriety; maybe my mom wouldn't be living in a sober house 200 miles away right now with barely a dollar to her name; maybe my dad would have a repaired relationship with his kids instead of barely seeing one and never hearing from the other; maybe I would actually want to have a family of my own instead of worrying there's a chance I really ruin my kids in some way too; maybe I would be able to hold down a relationship of my own without getting anxiety about the future if I had an example of a united family to look up to or even parents that could give me useful relationship advice; maybe my chronic depression wouldn't have started so early or at all so that I'd never eat myself to morbid obesity. Or maybe not.
Look, yeah, we can never know one way or the other for sure. But if they knew then where their lives, my life, and my sister's life would end up, I think they would have found a way to make it work.
I don't think I'll ever fully be ok with everything that happened or how it's shaped me. I wish I could be, and I wish I could move past all of it, but this was all some destructive shit.
TL;DR - I'm sharing this as a counter to the popular idea that divorce is always better, especially for the kids when there's kids involved. My unbeknownst-alcoholic mom divorced my long term opioid pill-addicted dad when I was 10, my mom helped my dad sober up during the divorce. My dad quickly started seeing a trashy woman that he moved in with him and invested most of his time, love, and attention into, and he eventually bought a house for them. My mom lost her job, essentially never held another serious full-time job again, descended deep into alcoholism with a dozen relapses and sobering-ups over the years, is flat broke and never found another partner. It's almost two decades later and I'm a 29-year-old man, and the effects of the divorce left a lasting trauma on me that a life of therapy hasn't and won't fix. It's also influenced my aversion to ever having a family of my own, my struggles to have a serious long-term relationship with someone, and overall plays a roll in my chronic depression.
submitted by hermit-throwaway to TrueOffMyChest [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:42 lixad3000 Looking for academic assistance? Contact me for help with essays, math (including statistics, calculus, algebra, and geometry), computer science (JavaScript, SQL, Python, C++, etc.), sociology, economics, psychology, philosophy, nursing, political science, chemistry, public health, biochemistry, and

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submitted by lixad3000 to HomeworkAider [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:36 PhysicalGrapefruit72 My girlfriend(23F) and i (23M) after almost 4 years together broke up because she wanted us to grow at our own pace and not rush or keep behind the other person but wanted to still be friends. I dont know what to do?

My girlfriend(23F) and i (23M) after almost 4 years together broke up because she wanted us to grow at our own pace and not rush or keep behind the other person. We were a long distance couple most of the time we met in college when i was a sophomore and she was a freshman. We hit it off almost immediately after meeting. We had everything in common and both bounced off eachothers energy like we were long time best friends after about 2 months i asked her to be my girlfriend. She and i lived in different states so over the summer breaks and christmas breaks we would do long distance but we made sure to text and facetime as much as we were able to and it would be pretty much everyday. We did this consistently for the first 2 and a half years. We rarely had any fights and the fight we would have we be over something we miscommunication and we always would talk about it until we solved it. Everything seemed perfect until the topic of moving in together was brought up my senior year of college. She dropped out to pursue something else but i was going in to pursue med school and that was something i told her before we started dating. Due to some poor performance on my end i wasnt able to get into any school so my second option was nursing and the same thing happened. This kinda lead me down a depression that affected me a lot just because that was something i was pursuing since i was in elementary school. I got over it after a few weeks and continued to look for alternative careers but my girlfriend was more focused on the moving in part. I always reassured her that we were going to move in as soon as we can afford it but she wanted dates and exact time frames on when i was moving in. At that time it was around April and she kept nagging me about the dates and i eventually we settled for october which would have given me enough time to work at my summer job ive been working in once i graduated and save as much as i could to move in. Once i graduated college i called up my boss and he kindly let me know that they were not any positions open for me to work and to me that brought instant stress because fast forward it took me almost 2 months to find the job i work at now but it was already end of july heading into august. Before i got the job in june my gf mom kicked her out of the house because she was moving in with her current boyfriend and selling their house. She moved into this really nice apartment but she aaked me if i would move in with her right then. I had to tell her i could not do it just because financially i couldnt afford it and she told me she could get me a job there but i told her that the job she could get me is not something i want to stay in forever and that i wanted to atleast find a job in a career that i would enjoy and make decent money in. This led to the first of many arguments that would ultimately lead to the break up. At the end of that fight she basically gave me an ultimatum that if i dont move in by October shes breaking up with and this was the mistake on my end that i regret, i agreed because i was scared of losing her. After that fast forwarding to September about two weeks before i was gonna move in i told my parents my plan whats been going on. Basically they said that she shouldnt be forcing you to do that and that you need to tell her that you just don't have enough saved up and arent ready to move out yet. I eventually had to tell her and she burst into a frenzy saying how im a lier and how i broke her heart which i can totally see her side and why it did. After apologizing as much as i could she didnt talk to me for like a week. I thought then i had lost her and was broken. After that week she texts me that she apologizes for the outrage and that she understands my side but that she doesnt wanna wait years for us to finally be together in person again and i kept reassuring again that it wasnt gonna take years i just needed to figure my finances and my career before im ready to move in. We made up and i even flew out every month or so for a few days to see her in person so that we could see eachother. Since then we went back to texting and facetime pretty much everyday and then fast forward to about a month ago out of nowhere she right a big paragraph on how this just isnt gonna work and that she wants to have a break from eachother until we figure ourselves out. I agreed and said that yes maybe it is the best we take a break for a bit. Her birthday in june and i had bought a plane ticket and called off my work to go and see her for her birthday prior the the break. I contacted her 2 weeks after and let her know that i still plan on coming to see her and she said alright. A week later about 2 days ago after havent talked she randomly texts how she thinks its best for me not to come down and break up for real this time. She explained that she just wants to be alone and wants time for us to grow at our on paces and not worry about eachother. She said that she still wants us to be friends and send eachother memes and text just not romantically. She also said that shes not doing this because she wants to see other people she just wants us to come back together when we are both self sufficient. I respect her decision but deep inside i was distraught and hopeless because the girl that i put my all into and sacrificed all my time and money just dumped me and not even in the way it happens she still wanted to be friends which makes this feeling worse. If someone was able to read all of this rant what should i do? i am still deeply in love with her and i can tell she still does too but i honestly dont know how to feel or work to get her back.
submitted by PhysicalGrapefruit72 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:34 ComradeBrick Need advice on pivoting careers

I’m currently working as a barista and have no formal kind of post-secondary education. To be short, barista-ing isn’t paying the bills anymore. Everything is just so damn expensive and I know it’s just going to just get worse.
I want to pivot toward a career that pays more than what I’m making now. I’ve been interested in nursing or any other trade field because I know there can be lower bars of entry for them, but I’m struggling to find an “in”.
I’m also in a position where I must continue to work full-time in order to make ends meet, so I simply can’t drop my job and attend a school. There is also the secondary hindrance of being $25k in debt from my first stent of some college education as well as $7k in CC debt I’ve racked up through emergencies and the like during my adult life.
If anyone has advice or job leads, I would greatly appreciate it. I am willing to do whatever kind of work—I just need something stable and concrete to transfer in to. If you or a family member own a plumbing, electrical, HVAC, or carpentry related business, I have some small experience in all those fields and would come be an apprentice for you at the drop of a hat.
submitted by ComradeBrick to AskNYC [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:34 l_ydcat Stats/CS or accounting?

I'm planning on going back to school to finish my bachelor's. I've narrowed it down to a couple of options, but I could use some advice on which degree program / career path to take.
I think I'd like something either in the realm of stats and/or computer science (i.e. Data Analytics, Business Analytics, Research, etc) or accounting (Financial Analyst, Accountant, etc).
My current job is Accounts Payable - I process invoices, do some data entry, answer emails, and investigate discrepancies in records. I actually really enjoy it. I like working independently on objective tasks, and getting to approach problems my own way. Even the "boring" stuff really gets my brain juices flowing.
For school, I'd really want to take classes in math (just finished Calc I at community college), programming, and business. I've considered doing straight CS but I don't think I'd want to be a software dev or programmer, plus the tech industry is super oversaturated and unstable at the moment.
My concern with doing stats is that while the degree is flexible, it might be too broad to find a stable career. Accounting would definitely be stable, but I'm hesitant about the office culture and how I'd be perceived (tattoos, piercings, dyed hair lol). I know there's a lot of career options for accountants, but I do really want to learn computer science and other interesting skills that I might not be able to find in an accounting program.
Thanks in advance for any insight or advice!
submitted by l_ydcat to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:29 Far_Stomach_9897 First year electives

I got into Guelph co op for computer science I was just wondering what electives should I pick, I kind of already know my career path I’m trying to go into cybersecurity, if anyone can help or send a link of all the electives related to computer science that will help a lot thanks.
submitted by Far_Stomach_9897 to uoguelph [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:29 Obvious-Offer-1799 Has anyone ever had a performance improvement plan written on them? If so, what was the outcome

Hi everyone! I‘ve been a nurse for 4 years. I have been at my current job for 8 months. I was brought into my nurse manager’s office and told that I have a ”performance improvement plan“ written about me. I‘ve pulled three random charts that you’ve work on in the last month, and your charting is not good.” This is the first time that I have ever had a PIP written about me in my career so far. This is the first time that my charting has been deemed “not good“ in any nursing job that I have ever had. She now wants to have one of the three other managers follow me around while I am working and practice the “team nursing approach.” Should I be worried that she is trying to find evidence to terminate me? Has anyone else been in this position before, and what was the outcome? What would anyone else do? Am I just overreacting?
submitted by Obvious-Offer-1799 to nursing [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:28 Felix_Todd Should I familiarize myself with Web Dev technologies (js, html, css, react, vue...) If I DO NOT intend to become a Web Developer?

I am early in my programming journey and want to start building projects.
For example, I want to start playing around with some maths concepts, essentially coding a graph theory solvevisualizer and also maybe playing around with some other concepts.
The thing is, I only learned basic java in school, and the only UI library I am familiar with is JavaFX.
Sure, I could probably do what I want in JavaFX, but I wonder what is the value of this, since JavaFX is very rarely used in industry.
So I had the idea of making my graph theory visualizer on a website, as creating a website that could be used by students to help with their math problem would showcase that I am able to create a product that has real world utility.
So I set myself on this path of learning javascript, CSS, HTML and React and now that I am a third trough a React book, I ask myself the following question:
Am I putting too much energy on learning something that is not really close to my interests?
Throughout my studies, I found that I am mostly interested by maths and physics. I now find myself spending all my time learning a technology that is not close to any of the potential career paths that interest me (graphics programming, machine learning, physics simulations) just because I want to make my dumb maths project have a more practical aspect.
Am I wasting my time? Or is basic Web Dev a must for any kind of programmer?
submitted by Felix_Todd to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:28 trapezoidbread Looking for interviews from seniors!!!!

Hi everyone, I am a writer for the Daily and I am writing an article for the grad edition about how your dreams change over the course of your college years. If you or anyone you know have had an interesting or impactful switch of majors, career paths, or life goals, and would be open to being interviewed, please let me know! It would be just 15 mins over Zoom so shouldn’t take up much of your time. Just PM me and I’ll send you my email. Thanks so much :)
submitted by trapezoidbread to udub [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:26 Personal-Bee-1941 Should I Pursue a Lofty Transition at 35?

I'm 35 years old with a 2-year degree in Early Childhood Education. Haven't worked in that field since my early 20s. Currently work in the fitness industry, which I have a love-hate relationship with.
Lately I've found myself telling people "if I could do it all over again, I would've gotten a degree in nursing and worked towards becoming a nurse anesthetist." Had I done that straight out of high school, I'd likely be sitting pretty with a fairly prestigious job title, engaging work, $250k salary, and good work-life balance right now. So it goes.
The thing is... I'm not that old. It's entirely foreseeable that 10 years from now, I'll be telling people "if I were still in my 30s, I'd get a degree in nursing and work towards being a nurse anesthetist." So... should I just do it?
I'm a fairly good student (4.0 GPA with 100+ random college credits), married to the most supportive woman in the world, and my next best option is essentially a hobby job owning and running a small coaching/personal training gym.
The rub is that I'm notorious for starting projects and not finishing them. After aborting a career transition into tech and returning to the fitness industry last year, my wife is (rightfully) concerned about me starting an even longer transition into another career I have no experience in. Charting it out, a full transition would take me about 9 years and cost at least $75k. That's nothing to sneeze at.
What should I do?
submitted by Personal-Bee-1941 to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:23 ashtyxy PT School with Minimum GPA?

Hey guys,
So I applied to PT school last year and didn't get in because my GPA was a whopping 2.97 (ignore how underprepared I was in that aspect). I've been working on retaking classes and even planning to retake my GRE to up my GPA and strengthen my application. Even though I'm planning to retake about six classes this summer and get As in all of them, I'm unsure if I'll get anything much higher than a 3.0, & I've been looking at programs that have a 3.0 minimum requirement for overall GPA.
Have any of y'all gotten in with the minimum GPA requirements? I know I have AMAZING essays, GLOWING reference letters and close to 3,000 observation hours across in patient, out patient, and home health settings. I'm really passionate about the field and I want to continue on this career path, but I also want to know if anyone else has done this before? Or know of students who have made it into programs on the lower end of the GPA spectrum?
Any and all feedback and words of wisdom/tips are super appreciated
submitted by ashtyxy to PTschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:23 Familiar_Gas_590 "Fading Dreams: The Struggle of Nelson Gabriel, an Engineer's Quest for Hope"

My name is Nelson Gabriel, and once upon a time, I stood on the cusp of greatness. In 2017, I proudly graduated with a degree in engineering, my head filled with dreams of revolutionizing the world with my innovative ideas. But reality had other plans for me.
As I eagerly entered the job market, I quickly discovered that the path to success was riddled with obstacles. Despite my qualifications and unwavering determination, job offers were scarce, and rejection became a bitter pill I swallowed daily. Months turned into years, and the once bright future I envisioned grew dimmer with each passing day.
Instead of pursuing my passion, I found myself bouncing between menial jobs just to make ends meet. The weight of student loan debt pressed down on my shoulders like a heavy burden, draining my savings and leaving me teetering on the edge of financial ruin. While my friends embarked on promising careers and built stable lives, I struggled to keep a roof over my head.
Now, here I am in 2024, staring down the barrel of yet another month's rent, my pockets empty and my spirits shattered. But amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope emerges—an opportunity to finally break free from the cycle of uncertainty and secure a position that could change my life. The catch? I need $1600 to pay a job, here in Africa to get job you need to pay or have someone on the company. might as well be a fortune to someone in my position.
With nowhere else to turn, I find myself reaching out for help, swallowing my pride and clinging to the hope that someone, anyone, will extend a lifeline in my darkest hour. But as the days slip away and the deadline looms ever closer, the weight of my circumstances threatens to crush me entirely, leaving me wondering if I'll ever find my way out of this endless maze of despair.
my Paypal: [](
submitted by Familiar_Gas_590 to lifeinapost [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:22 lixad3000 [For Hire] Are you Stuck on your essays, term papers, dissertations, research papers in subjects such as Information systems, Psychology, Algebra, Statistics, Leadership, Organizational behavior, Nursing, Economics and Business, Literature and History? Worry no more. Just Contact Me ASAP!

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submitted by lixad3000 to assignment_helprs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:21 lixad3000 [For Hire] Are you Stuck on your essays, term papers, dissertations, research papers in subjects such as Information systems, Psychology, Algebra, Statistics, Leadership, Organizational behavior, Nursing, Economics and Business, Literature and History? Worry no more. Just Contact Me ASAP!

Hello Students
I am a Seasoned academic writer with over 8 years’ experience. Are you struggling to beat your course/class deadlines due to taking two jobs? Are you a busy mum taking parttime classes? Do you need help in understand technical aspects of your courses? Worry No more because i got you covered. Just contact me through Email : Or Discord: brandon_0379 for expert help from as low as $15 per page.
With my experience, I help, guide and support you in handling;
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NOTE: Our services start at only $15 a page
submitted by lixad3000 to pro_essay_writers1 [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:21 Familiar_Gas_590 "Fading Dreams: The Struggle of Nelson Gabriel, an Engineer's Quest for Hope"

My name is Nelson Gabriel, and once upon a time, I stood on the cusp of greatness. In 2017, I proudly graduated with a degree in engineering, my head filled with dreams of revolutionizing the world with my innovative ideas. But reality had other plans for me.
As I eagerly entered the job market, I quickly discovered that the path to success was riddled with obstacles. Despite my qualifications and unwavering determination, job offers were scarce, and rejection became a bitter pill I swallowed daily. Months turned into years, and the once bright future I envisioned grew dimmer with each passing day.
Instead of pursuing my passion, I found myself bouncing between menial jobs just to make ends meet. The weight of student loan debt pressed down on my shoulders like a heavy burden, draining my savings and leaving me teetering on the edge of financial ruin. While my friends embarked on promising careers and built stable lives, I struggled to keep a roof over my head.
Now, here I am in 2024, staring down the barrel of yet another month's rent, my pockets empty and my spirits shattered. But amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope emerges—an opportunity to finally break free from the cycle of uncertainty and secure a position that could change my life. The catch? I need $1600 to pay a job, here in Africa to get job you need to pay or have someone on the company. might as well be a fortune to someone in my position.
With nowhere else to turn, I find myself reaching out for help, swallowing my pride and clinging to the hope that someone, anyone, will extend a lifeline in my darkest hour. But as the days slip away and the deadline looms ever closer, the weight of my circumstances threatens to crush me entirely, leaving me wondering if I'll ever find my way out of this endless maze of despair.
submitted by Familiar_Gas_590 to self [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:20 callie1007 insight on kinesiology undergrad degree

Hi! I'm a grade 11 student in BC and I've been wanting to pursue the pre-med track (biochem or molecular bio), but I recently discovered kinesiology and based off of research (other people's experiences, first year course options, etc) it's become one of my top choices.
If anyone has recommendations for schools & specific majors/locations in Canada (BSc not BA) I would really appreciate it. For reference, I have a 96% average this year (probably 94% end of year if I'm lucky) and I volunteer at a physio center and with many local youth groups and run clubs at school. I also do music (multiple school music ensembles, and previously musical theatre & acting).
I would love to know if anyone has insight into what you liked/disliked about kinesiology, career paths after the degree, and if it's a good premed major! Thanks.
submitted by callie1007 to Kinesiology [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:14 Unlikely-Bottle13243 How do deal with technological existential dread? Please help.

Ever since AI has become the next big thing for around the past year or two, it's been everywhere and it's hard to avoid. But every time I see stuff about new things it can do, I start to have an intense existential crisis. I start to go down rabbit holes online and eventually end up freaking out.
I feel nervous that my career prospects will be completely destroyed, that I will have nobody romantically or sexually since people will most likely date and have sex with AI's in the future (because why deal with a human like me with flaws when you can deal with an AI that will tailor itself to your needs and you can customize it to look however you want), that what's the point in doing what makes me happy or spending a lot of time accomplishing a difficult task, because if I choose to post it online, an AI will just take what took me a long time full of reflection, emotions, etc and just replicate it instantly.
I know this isn't true, but it feel like life right now is specifically made to put me into a state of psychosis and I'm trying to remain optimistic, but it's hard. People always tell me I'm the most optimistic person they know, sometimes to a fault. I'm not actually in psychosis (or even close to it honestly), but it feels like everything I care about and what I want to do is being destroyed and upended before my very eyes. Every single carer path (over 15 different areas I've heavily considered) are already being changed/jobs opening being decimated/fields being completely upended. I already deal with mental problems and this is just making things one million times worse.
Any advice to get this to stop? I can't take this anymore.
submitted by Unlikely-Bottle13243 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:12 sheriffderek Massive Skill Gap: Are Coding Bootcamps and New Developers Missing the Mark? A recent chat with DonTheDeveloper.

A few weeks ago, someone posted a link to one of Don’s rants and I went through and commented on each of the points. I can't find that post, but I had copied it over here:
We had a chat about it. Here’s the video/podcast:
Don titled it: There's a MASSIVE Skill Gap Among New Developers
I'll attempt to write a bit about that - (even though we went over many other topics - and I'm having a hard time grouping them)
It’s easy to simplify this into “the market” or “the boot camp” or “the tech stack” or "what's fair" or "the resume" - but I think people are missing the various multidimensional aspects at play. Is it:
Is it all of those things - and more? (Yes). And it's "the student" too." We're all different (cue reading rainbow moment). But it's true. Some of us are slower. Some of us are faster but miss the details. Some of us have a background that alignes neatly with tech. Some of us already know what job we want and why - and other people just want to make a good bet on a stable career. No matter what zone you're in, we still have to face the music - and deal with (trigger alert) - the truth.
The market is real. Companies aren't aggressively hireing random barely capable developers right now (like they have in the past). They're scared and holding on to their money. They also kinda realized they were spending more money on middle management and probably developers too - and are going to need some time to figure out how to make profitable businesses (or how to keep getting more VC funding to burn through).
But if there's a huge gap between your skills/experience and what it takes to do the job you're applying for, none of the other factors matter.
Many people choose a coding boot camp based on superficial factors like the price, the timeline, the website design, and the sales pitch. They often don't consider other important aspects because they simply don't know better. This isn’t unlike any other product or service or school.
Some people pick out a boot camp and learn a bunch of awesome stuff and they go out there and start a new career and for some reason, they don’t come back to Reddit to tell us about it. There are some legit colleges and boot camps and other alternative learning paths out there - that are really great. It's just a fact.
If you read the bootcamp marketing, paid your tuition, went through the steps they lined out, and came out the other end unable to get that job they promised you, well - that’s awkward. Maybe for you, it’s that simple. If you feel like you got a raw deal, I’m sorry. There are some businesses that should be ashamed of themselves - but they won't be. All you can do is warn other people. That’s over now. We can only work with the present.
For people who really want to work in this industry - they'll keep moving forward: at the end of the day, this is the playing field. So, if you want to get off the bench, we’re going to have to design a path to that – and you might need to rethink some of your assumptions.
It could certainly be said that new developers are now expected to know about–and have experience with–a lot more things.
Are the expectations that someone brand new to development is going to be able to get a job unreasonable? Well, does it matter what someone’s opinion about that is? You either want the job - or you don’t. And you need to know how to do the job, or no one will hire you. Do you need to know everything on this huge list to get an entry level position ? (no) (in fact - close that - and don’t ever look at it again)
When I started (at the age of ~30) (in ~2011), you needed to know HTML, CSS, (Probably some PhotoShop to get your assets), maybe a little PHP (and likely HTTP and more about URLs and request types and forms), FTP and DNS to get your site hosted, and maybe some JavaScript. You might have used jQuery to help out or Knockout.js. And you had to know how to hook up a database and MySQL and probably a CMS or some sort. And maybe your code was a mess or maybe it adhered to some common patterns. But that was life. Not everyone needed to know all those things. Some people would focus more on getting the mockup into the HTML and CSS. Other people might focus on the server and the PHP or Perl or Java. There were all sorts of jobs and some of them were done by people with a formal education in Computer Science studies and other people just figured it out as needed. There was a lot of work to be done. Lots of custom stuff to build and maintain. And it was just normal to learn more incrementally as the years went by. You could totally get a job knowing just HTML and CSS (and you still can BTW). There was still an infinite amount of things you could know. But it seemed to ramp up naturally because we were closer to the grain of The Web.
So, what do people learn now? (Generally) They rush through some HTML and CSS really quick (which actually teaches them more bad habits than good). They rarely learn about DNS or FTP because a tutorial showed them how to type a few random things into a terminal to have their site on a free service and they don’t buy a domain name because there’s a free subdomain. Apparently paying for anything is for suckers and companies that don't give you things for free are evil capitalistic pigs who should be shut down. New devs don’t know much about servers because their text editor is actually running an advanced web application behind the scenes that starts a virtual server and runs all sorts of other things they don’t understand outside of that context - like connecting to version control, opening a terminal pane, SSH, code completion and typeahead, autoimport completion, AI suggestions and other additional layers like typescript and many other linters to tell them where all their errors are. If they couldn't use VSCode - they might be dead in the water. It can feel like you’re just a bag of meat being yelled at by VSCode as you try and solve the errors and remove all the red lines. And we do all of these - to put the training wheels in place.
And I’m not saying that a LAMP stack doesn’t have it’s own level of black-box and mysteries with how Apache handles your HTTP requests and MySQL starts up it’s own server - but we have to be comfortable with some level of abstraction or we’d be writing all ones and zeros at the machine code level.
So, the new developer is manning this huge stack of tools unknowingly, but they do get a lot of benefits. We can spin up a pretty complex web application with a front-end to make requests, a server to talk to a database and other third-party systems and respond back to the client/front-end, and an auth layer to make sure people are properly signing in and only seeing what they need to see. There are abstractions for HTML and CSS and JS that put that template logic and controller logic into a neat little component file (which is great) and that component file is properly registered based on file name conventions and everything gets set up in this larger system of conventions that all happen behind the scenes in the framework architecture. So, as a new developer - you can really ride the framework and know hardly anything about how it works - as long as you know the language to speak to this layer of the abstraction (the API).
These aren't just arbitrary add-ons that people made to complicate things. They solve real-world problems. The new dev won't really understand what they are - but I'm not saying we should just get rid of them. They allow us to move faster and to build interfaces and business logic without having to write tons of behind the scenes repeated structural code by hand. And with those training wheels, we have more time on our hands. We can also add in the chance to further define our programs with safety measures and plan automated testing routines, and built-in documentation of our code base. We can keep adding layers and layers or pull in more and more third-party tools. It’s pretty amazing. But what people end up learning is how to maintain that configuration - and there’s only so much time - and so, they end up learning 10% of all the things you used to need/want to know. And some jobs have a path for that. But there's likely going to be a long-term cost for you.
Arguably - it doesn’t matter how much “code” you know - and making things is what matters. And that’s true. That’s what matters to the business that pays you. And to the school that wants you to feel good about your progress. But I think you should protect your learning journey. It’s for you. It’s going to be what you carry on throughout the years and it’s a seed.
Getting proficient with a popular tech stack - when the market is booming proved to be a great decision for boot camps and their students. And I'd bet that the majority of people mean well.
But when it's not booming, students are in it for the wrong reasons, schools have tightened up and moved online, the market has plenty of devs who already have 5+ years working with that framework/stack -- then all of the sudden - the surface-level fake-it-till-you-make-it path (as much as I respect that) doesn't work as well. You're going to have to put in some more energy.
When it's obvious that you can't build an HTML page with semantic markup, that's accessible, and has a universally pleasurable experience, and you can't write CSS without a UI framework or do anything custom, it's obvious. You should be aware of that gap. When you've never owned a domain name or setup a deployment pipeline, you should be aware of that gap. When your personal website looks like your boot camp gave it to you, you should be aware of how that looks. When you can't take a server-side scripting language like Python or Go or PHP and build out a little personal website framework - you should be aware of that gap. When you can't plan a project and don't have experience with diagrams and explaining things, you need to be aware of that gap. When you've never written about your process or created any case-studies to explain your projects, you should be aware of that gap. When you're only proof of work is the class assignments, you should be aware of that gap. When your github history goes dead after the last day of class, you should be aware that we'll see that. When you claim to no nothing about visual design and that's for someone else on the team - you should be aware of that gap. If you refuse to turn on your camera and just want to be left alone, you should be aware of that huge gap. If you can't build a little prototype app without React, they you probably don't JavaScript, and you should be aware of that gap. And there will ALWAYS be a gap. There's always more to learn. So - it's an important skill to know what to learn and why - and when. You can't learn everything. And if you're having a hard time finding work right now, then get clear on your goal. Stop applying for general "Software engineer" jobs you aren't ready for. Narrow your scope. Figure out a job that you think you can do confidently. Get clear on how big your gap is and what you need to learn to get centered and confident with your toolset. Ideally, it's fun. Try and ignore all the doom and gloom and focus on your own personal goal.
It's not just the market. Too many people are applying for jobs they aren't anywhere near qualified to do. And it probably doesn't feel good. But luckily - you can learn the things and get back on track.
submitted by sheriffderek to codingbootcamp [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 02:06 Emo_cheeto_22 Entry level non-physical careers

I’m 26F looking to begin paving a career path for myself that will allow room for professional growth in the future. I attended college for 6 years studying nursing, biology, business administration, and cyber security; however, I did not end up obtaining a degree for any of these. I know finishing my degree would probably be ideal, but unfortunately that’s not something I can afford to do in my current position. Unfortunately I also suffer from chronic nerve pain, which means a lot of warehouse/trade jobs aren’t a good fit for me. So, I’m in search of potential career paths that wouldn’t require a degree, allow room for growth, and doesn’t require physical labor. I’ve been at my retail medical cannabis job for over 2 years now & im feeling pretty stuck, so I’m open to any suggestions/advice y’all may have to give.
submitted by Emo_cheeto_22 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:54 Odd_Past_3170 Career in Healthtech Help

Hello All,
I have a pretty diverse background, I would consider myself more of a generalist. Essentially I have always been interested in many things, but really wanting to find myself a career and stay there.
I have two degress one in nursing and one in Communications & Sociology from Boston College. I am currently a registered nurse with ICU and behavioral health experience. Before becoming a nurse I had a career working for different tech startups in operations and sales. I wanted a more "stable" career since the starup world had so many layoffs. However, here I am wanting to get back into the corporate world and out of nursing (I also had a health issue which will not allow me to continue as a nurse due to the physical demands).
I'm looking to combine all my experiences and pivot into the Healthtech space or Insurance ideally in Customer Success or as an AE. Does anyone have any advice for finding these roles and beefing up my resume?
Thank you!
submitted by Odd_Past_3170 to jobs [link] [comments]

2024.05.16 01:54 ApprehensivePost6118 I'm an accountant by profession and know nothing about the computer/IT/programming field. Help me decide what I should start learning?

I dont know what I like and the different career paths people take in this field. I just know that I want to switch professions eventually to make more money. I dont know what I like and the different career paths people take in this field. Help me decide where I should start? From my research, python seems to come up a lot but I don't understand the practical applications of it.
submitted by ApprehensivePost6118 to learnprogramming [link] [comments]