Amitriptyline and fluoxetine interaction

Aggressive cat even on SSRIs

2024.05.13 09:32 gamgee_the_hobbit Aggressive cat even on SSRIs

Hi all, I have a 2.5 year old cat who I found on the streets of my old apartment complex. I got her her shots, and turns out she was already spayed so likely was abandoned (no microchip, but I got her one). She was extremely anxious and was aggressive so I would respect her boundaries around touching but she would still bite and scratch and would jump at any small noise or movement. This was 5 months after rescuing her so I figured it was due to conditioning from living in the streets making her hypervigilant. I put her on fluoxetine 4mg daily. She's been on it for 2 months and it's improved her anxiety significantly, and her aggression maybe by 30%. However occasionally she'll randomly get angry with me when she was being calm seconds before and pounce at my feet and scratch at them and any exposed skin, not in play. She chases me out of my room when this happens. Or if I need to leave her in my room without access to the rest of the house for a quick trip, as soon as I set her down from briefly carrying her, she starts to attack me. And she's usually okay with me holding her and won't attack me if, say, I do the exact same thing but don't close the door. Another example -- let's say she's scratching something she's not supposed to, and I tell her no. She gets aggressive and attacks me. I've gotten her scratching posts and so I haven't had to tell her no again. I got her cat grass so she wouldn't eat my plants and that worked well too. I let her roam the house now and don't keep her in one room even for errands. These changes have worked to stop attacks from those 3 triggers.
I let her go outside for a couple of weeks because she was meowing her head off (and my head off) every 3 seconds to, and wouldn't let up even after I'd play with her for 30 minutes straight -- she would whine right after to go outside. So I let her out for 2 weeks (she would come and go for a few hours, and spend the nights inside), which seemed to improve her aggression (hard to tell though) but then I found her 25 feet up in a tree fighting with another cat mufasa-scar style so I'm definitely not letting her do that again. I had to coax her for an hour to jump down while getting eaten by mosquitos on my face. Now I let her loose in the house only instead.
Most recently, I was grooming her, which she absolutely loves and purrs like a motor for, and then I picked her up, not grooming. She was fine for 3 seconds, still purring, but then all of a sudden she exploded and started biting me and scratching me. I let her go and she turned around and continued to fiercely attack me so I had to run out of my room and leave her alone. She is a small cat but VERY strong. Here are pics of the resulting scratches. I'm so mad because I know this will leave scars. Current scratches on my wrist and previous scars from this cat not included 🤦🏻‍♀️[](
I cannot trim her claws unless I get some gabapentin from a vet and knock her out to do so. Nothing OTC works, like calming chews, etc. so long as she is conscious, even when I've had someone else help me and I've tried using a cone on her head. She is EXTREMELY aggressive when I try and it makes her way too anxious and I don't want to do that to her.
I'm so sad and angry about my cat and I'm just looking for answers. Will be calling my vet for advice too. Maybe playing more could help, but it's not always a fix for her outbursts -- she's so unpredictable that you'd think she's calm but then all of a sudden she's not, so I don't know if that has to do with excess energy. I can tell the difference between her "I want to play" aggression versus her "im out to get you" aggression, and it's definitely the latter. She attacks me with no prior warning, and I am very cognizant of her signs and body language. I tried to take away all the instances when I would need to tell her "no" and give her alternatives, but that doesn't explain the other times she's aggressive. She's just always been a more aggressive cat since the beginning. She scratched my vet 4 months ago (granted my vet was trying to take her temperature) and she said she's a tortoise Siamese and that combination is just more aggressive. I haven't updated my vet since then, though.
I don't want to have a cat who I have to walk on eggshells around. I'm afraid to touch her myself and I don't even want to pet her when she asks for it because I don't know when she's going to change her mind and bite me. If I ever have people over I tell them to be careful, so they don't touch her. She doesn't attack them because they don't interact with her in any way. Maybe I just need to ignore her but that's not the kind of relationship I want with my cat. I'm willing to try other meds but if they don't work, I might have to give her to a no kill shelter, but I hate to think of her there. Who would take a cat who needs to be on several meds or else she'll attack you? And she was there for me during a very hard time in my life. She's not all bad which makes it so much harder. I came home after spending the weekend at my parent's to take a break from her after she scratched up my chest and she was purring and rubbing her face on my legs and following me around when I came back. I feel like I'm in a toxic relationship with my cat 🤦🏻‍♀️ Thank you for reading this far if you did, I clearly needed to vent.
Tldr; cat is aggressive on SSRIs, idk what to do
submitted by gamgee_the_hobbit to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.12 00:12 LastBoss1325 Ruined my life and my parents will soon find out ( I need advice

To be honest I’m not sure how I even got here. It feels like 2020 was yesterday for me.
The basics of my story is that I started college in 2020 and failed half my classes during the course of both semesters. ( my father paid for these classes )
During the same year I started school I got a job strictly to pay my college classes in the future. after I failed my first year I edited my grades and my parents were oblivious and didn’t suspect nothing Ig because i was a decent kid i guess.
The next year my college account was still active so I would just edit my grades again then convince my family that I now pay for my classes and books since I’m independent.
Looking back I wish I was just honest I was afraid to admit this think I’d be a failure to them or they would kick me out. I was naive and though by the time they would figure out I’d have a plan to move away or live on my own.
But all I was doing was working and coming home and gambling playing video game and doing thinks with cryptocurrency and stocks which only lost me money.
I was a degenerate person depressed I forgot about and everything and just decided to keep hiding my issues and just to live as peacefully as possible.
I was a selfish pig. I stopped saving money because i convinced myself that as soon as they find out my life is over anyways so I’d spend excess money on food Ubers games weed etc.
I basically expected to be caught one day but the day never came.
some how I was able to lie for 4 years straight. To every single person I’ve interacted with.
I think back then I had a childish mindset my whole life I was known to be a bad student learning wise but respectful person.
I think my family trusted me after what should have been 2 years in college stopped asking as many questions and assumed that I was just a more private person.
For anyone wondering how far I went to fake my lifestyle. ( not proud of this )
I would even have my parents drop me off on campus and I’d just chill around there for 2-4 hours then come home When I knew my parents were slightly busy so that they wouldn’t question me.
I’d avoid family members interested in my school life.
Id even go as far as memorizing my parents work schedules, so I know what time they sleep by.
Manipulating all of our conversations so that they can be as short as possible.
I’m basically a leech and horrible loser son who failed my parents.
I’m supposed to be graduating in 3 weeks.
They’re asking me what days they should take off and what I want at my party and even wanting to buy me a suit.
I’ve been able to play it off and say let me finish all my work first but there excited and I mean who wouldn’t be.
To them these past 4 years haven’t been easy. They weren’t able to keep up with me 24/7 because they have lives as well.
They want finally celebrate my success when I have achieved nothing.
I’m not sure what to do in this situation. Honestly don’t think anyone’s ever done something this dumb. Please give me any advice you have.
  1. Please do not feel bad for me in any way shape or form I put myself in this position and I’m pretty much willing to accept whatever the consequences are ( homelessness) ( ending my life)
( my parents still some accepting whatever I am)
My plan as of right now to commit the night before my graduation with the adderal I don’t use in my room.
Edit I don’t post stuff like this every I’m not the lowest point in my life I’m sure this isn’t written well I’m sorry for messed up gammar
u may see this post
Another edit : I want people to also understood my parents are both immigrants so they built there lives form the ground up.
I would share their stories but for my privacy I won’t
but what I’m trying to say is I know what they sacrificed to get me where I am in my life. And it’s kinda like I spit in there faces
Another edit : i currently still do have a job and it’s very good but since I haven’t saved it would be able to live alone but for anyone wondering about that here that info in fact im typing this at my job as we speak so
Edit part 3 : I really doubt I could do a face-to-face the way I think I would ever admit it is maybe over a letter but idk seems stupid they they’d wanna talk about it anyways
And I feel like if I mentioned suicide they think I’m trying to get sympathy for my actions
4 edit : thanks for all the advice you guys have given me.
It’s definitely changed my process and given me more options.
I definitely don’t think I can tell them today and I don’t wanna do it on a Mother’s Day but maybe I’m planning to take them out to dinner to let them know.
I’m not even really sure I could just be lying about this, but I’m gonna try to make some sort of stride forward.
I thought about writing a letter or maybe an email but that just sounds cringe at that point and I should just say it face-to-face. I’m not really sure.
And yes, for anyone needing clarification on my gender I am a guy
Last edit may 11th 11:39pm : heading to bed thank you for the advice
One thing is my parents aren’t the closest people and I think telling both at the same time might cause an extreme reaction.
so I will weigh out the pros and cons and I don’t know. Maybe you guys can shoot me some ideas.
If I told my mom first, there’s a chance that she would be accepting because she definitely cares about my emotional side I guess but at the same time it might be such a shock for her like a disbelief like she might just freak out and start sobbing .
For my farther I didn’t really add this but he kinda has had a lot health issue recently and basically I’m the oldest so he looks at me and kinda want to leave me in charge if anything sudden were to happen to him and he’s had my back my whole life thru all my bs
So there almost no way I could bring it up to him casually because he generally does not deserve this
Yk I think he would cry as well and I don’t wanna see that
My parents already kinda view me as a suspicious person because of the restrictions and lies. I’ve had to work around the past couple of years.
But I think they the only reason they did this is because they had hope in my school.
I just want people to know why I genuinely dread letting them know.
I also have other other siblings who have similar issues but on much smaller scales and in no way at jeopardize their lives or waste timing like me.
So I’ve kind of seen there reactions and my mom was in disbelief and kinda just blamed my dad and didn’t want to be involved.
My dad was disappointed and but kinda realized the correct steps are needed and to not stress.
They actually kind of depended on me to look after one of my siblings during troubles and his school as well, assuming that everything was going well with me because I told him that it was.
So u see the irony,
Also, my siblings are pretty smart. I just wonder why they have never brought it up. They definitely have maybe pondered the idea but just chose to ignore it because everybody deals with their own stuff. Idk
Felt like I truly have said to much but in the grad scheme of things I’ve come to realize time my time will come and the date is chasing me .
Again sorry for any grammar issues it’s a bit late and yeah.
Hello guys thanks again for all the positive and yes the also more real advice.
So much people have seen the post I’m just kinda overwhelmed so I haven’t been responding
I’m just gonna clarify some things because some people seem confused
I’m a a 23m
I have a job I’m manager, it is possible to further myself in this career, but there isn’t any open opportunities at the moment.
My current plan is to definitely let my bother know tonight and talk it over with him
Afterwards prob my mom then dad
Not really sure on the whole timeline or anything for telling them I just know if I do it will be the same day.
I am also currently working all day today so I wouldn’t even be able to let them know properly.
Since I’m kinda missing Mother’s Day think of take my mom out to a restaurant tomorrow and just letting her know there or after maybe
But I feel like I’m just trying to soften the blow for myself because I should truly be letting my father know.
I forgot to mention this, but my mom are divorced. But we do live in the same household. She just lives downstairs.
My father made a couple years back that changed our family dynamic. Moved us outta my hometown.
Not that this matter but I had a lot to support there growing up and lost it. i’m not saying this to say it’s my dads fault but basically.
She resents him for making us move.
Truthfully, it could’ve affected me educational wise, but it was definitely the right decision for as a family. As the house has gonna up 3x in value.
So ever since we moved, she’s been skeptical of like any chances of me being successful, but not just me also my siblings.
I feel she will be mad but she gonna have ammo on my father who I lied to about my success.
How should i approach this in a way to avoid that type of situation,
I feel horrible for my father, he had 10000x hard life comparatively. I mean i hope on day I could share his story but this is will kinda blindside him
Also to anyone saying just keep lying. I pretty much calculate anything before I say it to friends, family members and. People I just lie to.
Basically I’ve ran out most of u have suggested certain things for me 2 say not knowing I’ve already used these excuses.
Also I don’t feel good about lying. In fact some i feel like I sold my self a lie.
Or I’ll be chatting with someone and they mention something I said 1-2 years ago. And I won’t remember so I create another lie to get past that one.
All that lying has even affected my memory because I’m just good at make stuff up on the fly.
Somehow, throughout my life, I’ve just been able to make my way out of a lot of crazy situations.
And I’ve basically lied through all of them.
Also during my high school years I wasn’t living in the city where it was located which is technically illegal.
It was my ( hometown high school )
So all 4 years throughout high school, even if I stayed out until 3am or something I’d never ask for a ride or anything I would always just take like the hour trip on the train back home.
I’m only expressing that small bit of knowledge because I think that’s where I started hiding stuff because it was constant pressure on me when people go to your house and stuff like that.
I had to dodge questions. And pretty much make up lies for four years straight. I had people 100% convinced they knew exactly where I lived. There were some teachers who were speculative. But I never confessed.
Even four years in my parents thought it was a bit obsessive that I hadn’t let anybody know as there were also kids like me but I had already created this fake family imagine for the last 4 years.
I didn’t wanna risk getting kicked out and at some point I didn’t want the anxiety of people finding out my secret. So I think my problem probably lead back and start for there.
I did insane things like making sure I’m not followed. Checking the train before I get off.
I just scared of being caught or judged. I think that’s really what led me to this path.
Looking back i probably got a mental issue.
But basically since 2014-2015 I’ve been living a secret life.
Looking at your guys comments made me be able to realize where my problem started.
If I’m able to convey properly to them
My steps this summer is to basically start living a real life again
This past for year I’ve spend so much time at work then just sitting on my room.
I wanna start by going to the gym again
Reconnect with some friends maybe and doing some lift sessions
Getting my mental health together ( not sure what the steps are )
FYI : I have had prescriptions for mental health before the medicine was called fluoxetine if remember correctly. I just found it made me super emotional and kinda disregarded the mental health doctors after my bad experience with the medication.
I also use to have super bad depression to the out where my parents would take me to the er as well I say stuff like I’m gonna die or I’m having a heart attack stuff like that.
They ended up doing almost every heart test possible even like the thing were they look at baby’s but on my heart.
Nothing was wrong after me being able to practice certain breathing exercises i got rid of that issue.
Also the weed thing. I only be smoking for a year now because the stress was getting to a crazy point.
Quitting weed is the last of my problems. Once this stress comes out of my back, I don’t even need it anymore. I only used it to help not think about the inevitable.
That’s enough yap ig thanks again for all the good advice.
To be clear, I have no criminal record or anything harmful record wise.
The more I update this post it like the lies are spilling outta me even just this post and talking to people about this has lifted a small weight of my shoulders but I know it’s a hard path ahead.
Edit : after thinking about it, I’ve decided fuck it when I get home imma just tell my mom then my dad.
I’m working a 13 hour shift today so I’m hoping they’re both awake.
Whatever happens form this it can’t be worst than the life 4 years of my life.
I just kinda realized now is not the time to care about there feelings could have done that 4 years ago
So I’m not gonna approach with saying anything about mental health I’m just kinda say yah I fucked up so u still want me type thing
I’m pretty sure I could plan to be a fucking billion dollar CEO but they’re not gonna care about any of that at least for today.
So yeah decision made except a update around 12pm đź•›
submitted by LastBoss1325 to findapath [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 15:33 Fullyarns What is the name of this pain I'm experiencing?

What is the name of this pain I'm experiencing?
Bit of context to start with. 32, male, have seen doctors many times but they don't know and I am months away from my booking with a pain specialist. Been suffering with these types of headaches (or close to they evolve over time) for about 15 years, and headaches in general my entire life.
Have been to the dentist, my teeth aren't great but they shouldn't be causing this much pain, and a sinus xray showed nothing. Have had a head and neck mri, showed nothing.
The only medication to ever effectively help in a remedial sense has been eletriptan which i take 3-4 times a week as needed. Nothing has worked as a preventative. Have seen a neurologist who suggested i try amitriptyline but i can't because it interacts with my anti depressants (fluoxetine). Medications that have so far not worked are - Propranolol, Topiramate, ibuprofen, paracetamol, codeine variants of the same, and a few others i can't think of now because im in pain haha
In the attached picture is drawn the lines and points along where I feel my pain my pain. usually its only one pain type at a time, one side of the head at the time, but there are anomalies. these types of pain can range from nothing more than alight nuisance 2/10, to a 10/10, sobbing, rolling around in bed, vomiting, extreme nausea and going to the hospital because the meds aren't working fast enough.
Pain type 1 feels like a strong blunt external pressure bearing down on my skull along those lines, tension in the neck, and i guess tension in all the fascia muscles affected, including my gums, it feels like my teeth are being pulled.
Pain type 2 feels like jamming a tablespoon into the back of your head where the neck meets the skull and and doing the same thing but above the eye into the bone of the eye socket on top of and behind the eye. with a line of pain over the top of my hea and down the neck into shoulders.
The pain can come during the day, can be triggered by stress both mental and physical, can be triggered by an errant thought about the pain itself, but 80 percent of the time i wake up with them as the main cause. Most of the time sensitive to light and sound, but sometimes not at all. I know that's a fucking wall of text but cheers if you read any of that.
TLDR - What pain do you think I'm experiencing based on the drawing? my best guess is occipital and/or trigeminal neuralgia. Any help massively appreciated, cheers.
submitted by Fullyarns to ChronicPain [link] [comments]

2024.05.09 04:23 Avera_ge My calico hates my partner’s cat

And now my partner’s cat attacks my calico.
Partner’s cat is 8, calico is 13. They’ve lived together for 7 months now.
We put the calico on fluoxetine, and it made her VICIOUS, not just territorial. So we took her off.
We’ve been rotating them out of a bathroom for 7 months. One stays in during the night, one during the day.
Our vet suggested we get a crate and put my partner’s cat in it while we live life during the evenings (the cat is also afraid of the dogs, but only downstairs). We’ve been doing this for three months. Vet suggested we put both cats in the crate with a divider. They do fine. Don’t look at each other or interact.
We’ve tried gabapentin for both of them. Treats. Playtime. Swapping litter boxes. Adding litter boxes.
Feliway, exchanging beds, we even tried to hold them and let them just LOOK at each other recently, and got torn up.
Now, my calico isn’t attacking my partner’s cat, but my partner’s cat will attack my calico.
I feel hopeless. We don’t have doors to our bedroom, the only doors are to closets and bathrooms.
This cat’s quality of life has diminished substantially. It’s so sad.
Next step is putting the crate in the bedroom and having her sleep in it all night.
What in the world should we do?
submitted by Avera_ge to CatAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.08 02:26 _Cherryfairy_ Questions about medication interactions

I'm a 19 y/o female. I'm on lansoprazole, aripiprizole, Metformin, fluoxetine, Lisdexamfetamine, and the pill. I have a quick question about my medications. I want to ask as I won't be seeing my psychiatrist for a while. So basically whilst I was doing my research on new medications I came across a few interactions between my meds one being the lansoprazole and the Lisdexamfetamine and the other being the latter and the fluoxetine. I also saw aripiprizole and the lisdexamfetamine.I'm wondering if I should reach out to my doctor and raise these concerns or if they're even worth raising.
submitted by _Cherryfairy_ to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 23:48 _Cherryfairy_ Question about Medication interactions

19F, 5'4. I'm on lansoprazole, aripiprizole, Metformin, fluoxetine, Lisdexamfetamine, and the pill. I know I just posted but I have a quick question about my medications. I want to ask as I won't be seeing my psychiatrist for a while. So basically whilst I was doing my research on new medications I came across a few interactions between my meds one being the lansoprazole and the Lisdexamfetamine and the other being the latter and the fluoxetine. I also saw aripiprizole and the lisdexamfetamine.I'm wondering if I should reach out to my doctor and raise these concerns or if they're even worth raising.
submitted by _Cherryfairy_ to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 19:55 2tired0 No antidepressant is working for me pls help

Hey everyone , i ve been facing very weird symptoms for a almost 2 years and almost 24/7 all days, like jaw popping tightness and soreness , excessive yawning , electric zaps , all joints popping , eyes tearing, pois symptoms (if i orgasm all these symptoms above become intolerable ), brain fog , hearing my heartbeat strongly in the back of my head or whenever i stand up i feel like fainting too.... And i ve been on a lot of antidepressants (ssris mostly) tried fluoxetin duolextine amitriptyline escitalopram sertralin paroxetin and nothing is helping me .. Please help i really wanna just die i can't live all my life with these 24/7 symptoms and i m in medschool and have upcoming exams and can't study well plss help
Ps: Mentally i had ocd and hypochondriasis (fear of getting ill) but i think all that came from the fact that my symptoms are making me afraid but rn i have almost no ocd and no fear but the physical symptoms that started way before hypochondriasis ( i had ocd first then physical symptoms then hypochondriasis ) don t seem to go away
Ps: m being treated for gad (generalized anxiety syndrome)
submitted by 2tired0 to SSRIs [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 19:03 2tired0 No antidepressant is working for me

Hey everyone , i ve been facing very weird symptoms for a almost 2 years and almost 24/7 all days, like jaw popping tightness and soreness , excessive yawning , electric zaps , all joints popping , eyes tearing, pois symptoms (if i orgasm all these symptoms above become intolerable ), brain fog , hearing my heartbeat strongly in the back of my head or whenever i stand up i feel like fainting too.... And i ve been on a lot of antidepressants (ssris mostly) tried fluoxetin duolextine amitriptyline escitalopram sertralin paroxetin and nothing is helping me .. Please help i really wanna just die i can't live all my life with these 24/7 symptoms and i m in medschool and have upcoming exams and can't study well plss help
Ps: Mentally i had ocd and hypochondriasis (fear of getting ill) but i think all that came from the fact that my symptoms are making me afraid but rn i have almost no ocd and no fear but the physical symptoms that started way before hypochondriasis ( i had ocd first then physical symptoms then hypochondriasis ) don t seem to go away
submitted by 2tired0 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.05.07 11:58 belikejaylondon Complicated Medical History including Paradoxical Reactions

Hi all, I thought I would perhaps ask for some outside perspective around some ongoing issues with my mental health.
24 / M / 173cm / 80kg / Ongoing
I see a consultant psychiatrist who specialises in addiction, childhood trauma and ADHD, all of which are included in my diagnoses. The list includes Poly-Substance Misuse Disorder, C-PTSD, ADHD, Anxiety and Depression.
He has changed my medication according to my experience with it, including removing benzodiazepines from the prescription, lowering the dose of antipsychotic treatment and adding Modafinil as ADHD treatment in line with my history of stimulant abuse (the first line treatment in the UK includes Methylphenidate and Lisdexamfetamine). As follows:
Modafinil 200mg AM 100mg at noon
Chlorpromazine 25mg at night
Gabapentin 300mg three times a day
Pregabalin 300mg twice a day
I would note that there have been mentioned concerns over two different Gabapentinoids, but this is a result of careful consideration of my history with chemotherapy causing residual neuropathy as well as his experience of synergistic effects when combined. I personally do not experience any adverse reactions from this combination.
I am confident in his abilities and wisdom, and I have an appointment with him this weekend to discuss some concerns over depressive symptoms which have presented very suddenly over the past couple of weeks. I have experienced a sudden change at home which has resulted in some passive suicidal ideation, which I do not wish to go further if anything at all.
The depression has been pervasive over the course of my whole life, but I have not experienced much of it for 2-3 months previous to this episode, and it concerns me as I know a passive thought for me can quickly turn into an active plan as my experience shows, and I wish to be prepared so I have made an appointment. My concerns stem from my history of paradoxical reactions to a lot of medications initiated in my treatment, including:
Intense paranoia from Fluoxetine / Prozac 20mg
Mania and aggression from Mirtazapine 15mg
Suicidal ideation from Amitriptyline 25mg
Depression from Clonazepam 2mg / Diazepam 5-10mg
Hallucinations from Chlorpromazine 600mg
Anxiety and paranoia from Prochlorperazine 10mg
Suicidal ideation and crying from Olanzapine 7.5mg
Suicidal ideation from Quetiapine XR 150mg
Parkinsonism and impulsivity from Aripiprazole 10mg
I have had conducted careful research into any solution to the problem of the acute crisis that I have experienced in the past, which usually involves intense aggression, impulsivity, self harm (including and not including drug abuse, although as someone in recovery I doubt this would be a problem), agitation, isolation, and occasionally it has involved suicide attempts.
The medication that draws my attention is Levomepromazine. I have had much experience with this, first given for antiemesis as an infusion where I felt extreme relief from stress and a sudden change in thinking. I no longer experienced the rage that plagued me as a child and I stopped wanting to hurt people and myself. Since then, I have been on and off it either as a 25mg PRN, taken daily as an adjunct to my other therapy in doses ranging from 25mg once daily to 250mg daily in two divided doses with different effects based on the other medications I was taking.
In a state where I feel like the options available are death or violence, I personally think this would get me out of it, but I am aware that I may not be seeing the whole picture.
I understand nothing will replace the decision made by my psychiatrist, although I was wondering if anyone has anything they believe I should present to him as well as this information when I see him?
Any responses would be greatly appreciated, and I wish you all well.
submitted by belikejaylondon to AskPsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:52 cuzbrushtruewood Does anyone else experience severe ear worm, racing thoughts & unable to relax on antidepressants?

I was taking 20mg of fluoxetine for depression, OCD & panic attacks. It worked well but it made me extremely wired, restless, racing thoughts and constant ear worm. I tapered down to 10mg and the same happened. I eventually went down to every few days and it settled a bit. I went on amitriptyline for headaches and the above ramped up massively and I couldn't sleep. My reactions to medications has been wild since suffering with long covid. I am bed-bound due to this and need antidepressants but my brain can't tolerate them. Just wondering if anyone else has the same issues? Today has been hellish. I can't relax at all.
submitted by cuzbrushtruewood to SSRIs [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 23:07 cuzbrushtruewood Does anyone else experience severe ear worm, racing thoughts & unable to relax on antidepressants?

I was taking 20mg of fluoxetine for depression, OCD & panic attacks. It worked well but it made me extremely wired, racing thoughts and constant ear worm. I tapered down to 10mg and the same happened. I eventually went down to every few days and it settled a bit. I went on amitriptyline for headaches and the above ramped up massively and I couldn’t sleep.
My reactions to medications has been wild since suffering with long covid. I am bed-bound due to this and need antidepressants but my brain can’t tolerate them.
Just wondering if anyone else has the same issues? Today has been hellish. I can’t relax at all.
submitted by cuzbrushtruewood to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 19:00 Master-Lie7072 Antidepressants (fluoxetine) versus birth control pills

I have been taking the antidepressant Seronil (20 mg contains the active ingredient: 22.4 mg of fluoxetine hydrochloride, equivalent to 20 mg of fluoxetine) for six months and I have also been taking Microgynon 21 for two months.
My doctor has said that these medicines do not interact with each other, but I find mixed information on the internet that antidepressants suppress the effect of the birth control pills. Is this really the case? The information has me a little stressed because the pill + withdrawal is our only form of contraception at the moment.
submitted by Master-Lie7072 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 12:32 ThrowRA212749205718 Drug interactions? Concerta, Fluoxetine and Spironolactone

I’m just wondering, as I may start taking Spiro soon and I hope the other two medications don’t affect its efficacy. Or the other way around.
I’m on Fluoxetine for OCD and Spiro will be for my hormonal acne. Just Concerta and Fluoxetine I was already worried about taking together, though I’m fairly confident now that they don’t have any interactions with one another. Spironolactone on the other hand is so different to both that I fear it could really throw a wrench in things.
submitted by ThrowRA212749205718 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.06 10:14 Swampybritches Am I able to tell if I’m overly medicated?

First, this is kind of long and rambling.
Second, my official diagnosis are; TRD, bipolar 1, anxiety, and ADHD. However, and I’m not a medical professional, simply from my own findings, I suspect I have mild OCD and maybe some symptoms of BPD. I’ve been medicated for about 5 years, and in CBT for 6 or so.
So flash back about a year and a half ago. I was bouncing around doctors, trying to find a good fit for my psychiatrist/med provider. A few I didn’t feel like they were doing well and I left, the others switched positions/places and didn’t provide Telehealth. I found my current Dr about a year and a half ago.
When I met him the first time he looked at my med list. He knew my previous provider-they actually were in the same building. He immediately was like so you were seeing Mr. W*** before, correct? Did you feel like your meds were working effectively? I expressed I did feel much more stable, I hadn’t had any manic episodes, I’ve stayed sober for 3 years, and my depression and anxiety were still pretty bad, but I could function and I didn’t feel like I was an immediate danger like I had been before. He sort of sighed. He said something like “that’s a LOT of medication just for your mental health (I don’t normally take medication for anything other than my mental health) and I’m a bit curious as to why, for example, he had you on 2-20 mg fluoxetine as opposed to just the 40mg pill.. and a few other concerns like that.” I had no clue. So he said he didn’t want to do anything too drastic because I was pretty stable and functional, but he remedied a few things of that nature and bumped up a single medication slightly, and we schedule a follow up shortly after to check in. I didn’t have any extreme reactions. So slowly we began tweaking and fine tuning things to help me feel better, and it has helped a lot.
I really need to get my ADHD and self destructive tendencies/intrusive thoughts under control, as they were causing some serious damage in my life. So we worked on those slowly as well. I still have my issues, especially with ADHD, but my intrusive thoughts, and really a lot of my symptoms have become a lot more manageable.
Anyways, Recently, I went to the back specialist to get some X-rays and whatnot done. I wasn’t always able to walk well, and my mom offered to help so she came as well. When the doctor came in, he doubled checked my med list. He asked if I was currently taking all of these daily, I said yes. He then expressed a bit of concern, saying (and I’m paraphrasing very loosely) that’s quite a cocktail, but hey if it works it works.
After my appointment my mom asks if I thought I was overly medicated. She goes on explaining how she thought my grandma (her mom) was also over medicated, especially towards the end of her life (she clearly had mental health problems all her life, but I believe the treatment for dementia and or Alzheimer’s was more what she was referring to, but I personally saw many signs of BPD and Bipolar disorder, but I’m not a medical professional, and I’m not sure if she was ever diagnosed or medicated for anything other than dementia and or Alzheimer’s. ), but I said I have no idea if I am or not, but this is the most stable, happy and safe I’ve felt-ever. However I do definitely still have my issues. Mostly chronic fatigue, depression, lack of focus, and probably worst, self destructive behavior and tendencies.
These have been long standing issues for me. My chronic fatigue is for sure getting worse, self harm has improved some, but not greatly. Anxiety is stable, as is the mania. Depression still gets pretty bad at times, but I haven’t made any plans to harm myself or anyone else.
With several others bringing it up I start to wonder if I am overly medicated? I’ve been on some meds for 5 years. My first doctor prescribed me lamotrogine and it hasn’t been changed in 4 and a half years or so. As I said, I’m not educated on anything medically, but what if my lamotrogine was causing my chronic fatigue to be worse? Or reacting with another med to counteract its effects? I’m sure they know how things interact, but there are so many variables going on I don’t get how you can say anything is causing or not causing anything to happen. Does that make sense?
I’m not making any decisions without talking it over with my Dr. of course.
submitted by Swampybritches to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.05 21:10 acethemaverick 50mg gave me headache, intense heartbeat.

I wanna find the root cause. I know people who take even up to 800mg and dont have any problems.
I couldnt find much drug interactions but i also take anti-allergy pill every morning and SSRIs (Fluoxetine 20mg).
Once i took 200mg of pregab and i thought ill legit die, had severe heart palpitations and headache so hard that i thought my head will explode. Thanks for advice.
submitted by acethemaverick to pregabalin [link] [comments]

2024.05.04 07:02 PreparationMaster160 Diagnosed with Visual Processing Disorder instead of ADHD?

Hi everyone,
I want to clarify that I am not necessarily seeking medical advice or anything like that - I just want to see if anyone has been through something similar and can maybe share what they did.
I am 25 y/o female - my ADHD-like symptoms became extremely prominent in my later high school and college years, and has made young adulthood with a full-time job extremely difficult. I meet literally every single criterion for ADHD.
Nobody has ever taken me seriously, both in a personal sense and a medical sense. I have been to various doctors, therapists, etc who have dismissed my symptoms and their impact on my daily life. It has sunk me into a depression where I was constantly getting in trouble at my job, not interacting socially, feeling hopeless, all of the above. I genuinely never thought it would get better or I would find help.
A few months ago I started seeing a new psychiatrist. She sent me for a neuropsychological evaluation. She is the first person I have ever met who I feel like is hearing and taking me seriously. She suspected I had ADHD and OCD (as well as GAD) and put me on fluoxetine, as well as 15mg XR Adderall. It has changed my life. I finally feel like a functional human being. Aside from work, I can go out socially, my thoughts are more organized and clear, I am happier, less angry/impulsive - it has improved my quality of life in every way.
I completed the neuropsychological evaluation and just got the results back. The doctor told me she could not find any evidence of ADHD in any of the tests conducted, but believes I have a Vision Processing Disorder. She told me I need to seek a neurologist to get formally diagnosed.
Here’s the thing - I’m reading all the criteria for this, and while I have some, I feel like I do not align with a majority of it. She said VPD can mask as ADHD symptoms, but again there’s a lot that I feel like I am missing. I’m also reading VPD and ADHD are often comorbid. I’m just confused, and back to square one of feeling extremely invalidated.
Has this happened to anyone else? Can I still be prescribed my medication without an ADHD diagnosis? Do I seek a second opinion?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
submitted by PreparationMaster160 to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 19:41 noah7233 Fluoxetine and mini pill

Posting for my wife. She doesn't use reddit
My wife is taking fluoxetine 40mg and taking the mini pill. She said she felt depressed again yesterday which was the first day starting the mini pill. We looked and couldn't find any interactions listed online we were wondering if anyone else had this happen while taking the two.
submitted by noah7233 to birthcontrol [link] [comments]

2024.05.03 16:50 firehydrantlmao Am I becoming a sociopath?

TW for self harm, eating disorders, thoughts of animal abuse and violence
TLDR: I've had violent thoughts I've never had before and a lack of feeling for pretty much everything as of recent. It may be my medication, depression, dissasociation, affinity for the darker things in life or a fun quirky cocktail of it all.
(for anybody wondering I'm 20, F, INFP) Ok so, I've always considered myself to be a deeply feeling person. I have a very strong sense of morality and that has dictated the majority of my choices throughout my life. I'm diagnosed with aspergers syndrome, and I feel naturally that there's been a sort of disconnect between myself and others which is a normal feeling for somebody on the spectrum. I also feel that me being on the autism spectrum has contributed to my thinking that I usually feel MORE than the average person about things.
I have struggled with depression and disassociation throughout my whole life, but as of recently I've felt that what I'm experiencing is different.
So recently I've been having some disordered behaviour when it comes to food, I've been overweight my whole life and I've had thoughts of restricting heavily before but I never acted on it because I cared about my health too much. I also have started to self harm again. In the past I had self harmed but it was mostly for attention, I know it sounds bad but I felt that when I was much younger that nobody would take my mental problems seriously unless I gave them a reason to. Now I find hurting myself to be a sort of urge in me that needs to be fulfilled, kind of like smoking.
Now I'm going to be brutally honest here about my thoughts I've been having. I don't plan on hurting anything or anyone. I know what I'm about to admit to may sound dark, a bit scary and cringey like I'm some sort of angsty anime protagonist. I just genuinely want advice because I've never had thoughts like this before.
The sudden need to hurt myself actually mostly stems from a sort of aesthetic want of having blood on my hands. I find it to be quite pretty and it gives me a thrill that most things don't these days. The pain doesn't bother me much, I've always had a high pain tolerance and if anything it adds to the thrill.
Most worryingly I've had these thoughts before bed about killing an animal. Theres no chase, it's just simply a sort of fantasy of holding (usually a bird of some kind) and cutting it open and watching it die. I also have a want to disect it and again, have the sensation of blood on my hands. I also want to smell blood, (I know that's weird) but I sort of want to make myself feel sick with it, with how strong and overpowering the scent is.
I've had these thoughts every night now for the past week almost, always at night when I'm trying to sleep. I know all of this is bad and pretty concerning but weirdly I have this sense within me that it's nothing to worry about. Aside from this I have been generally feeling a lot less recently, for context, I am somebody that would genuinely cry REAL TEARS hearing that somebody has died on the news. (genuinely, when I say I am a deeply feeling person I mean it) I have a lot of empathy, I just feel very out of touch with it recently.
I'm pretty aware that having a lack of feeling and getting no sense of joy from anything is a symptom of depression. Which I have been diagnosed with and I'm currently on medication for. However I've never in my life experienced such a carnal need to feel something to the point where I would fantasize about hurting myself or an animal.
There's a chance that it might be my new medication? I'm on Setraline (Zoloft) and I've had some side effects that I didnt have on Fluoxetine (Prozac).
I have a slight affinity with the dark and macabre. I'm interested in topics like cannibalism, murder and the morality of them. I have only ever taken interest in the topics because its just that, I find them interesting to ponder. I have also had a lot of unwanted gore showing up on my twitter feed (has anybody else had this?) I don't interact with it besides occasionally watching it. I know gore is pretty horrible and I've never liked it, but everybody has a morbid curiosity that they can't dismiss sometimes.
I don't know if maybe the combination of my recent sense of feeling being dampened and this influx of violent content has seeded in my brain into a problem for me. However rest assured that I wouldn't hurt an animal or anything else even with these thoughts.
So, am I cooked?
submitted by firehydrantlmao to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 20:00 nadethi FYI Drug-drug interactions

Hi, this is important for anyone who has comorbidity with ADHD and anxiety/depression and is taking both an antidepressant and ADHD medication. Some psychs may not be aware (though they should) and many general practitioners are not aware of the drug interactions between specifically Prozac/fluoxetine or Paxil/paroxetine and amphetamine based stimulants like Vyvanse,Adderall and Dexedrine. I learned it through a doctor on YouTube
I actually purchased his book to learn more.
Basically, both Prozac and Paxil inhibit the metabolic pathway in the liver, CYP2D6. This is the pathway in which amphetamine based medications are metabolized. When this pathway is inhibited it means the medication can't get can't get metabolized and the medication builds up in your system, which can lead to side effects and ineffective medication. This will get worse the more you take (increased dose) and the longer you take it. As the doctor states, you may feel fine at first but weeks or months down the line you start having problems.
I had no idea and was taking paroxetine as my anti-depressant for years before being prescribed dexamphetamine (Dexedrine) as I was recently diagnosed with in attentive ADHD. I felt great the first two weeks! Then we tried to up my dose and I started having weird side effects, and even going back to the lower dose wasn't helping much.
The paroxetine hasn't been very effective in treating my depression or anxiety for the last year, so my doctor and I decided to try a different medication that wouldn't interact with my ADHD medication (Effexovenlafaxine). I'm 6 weeks in, and although my depression and anxiety is still there (currently still titrating up in dosage), I can feel a big difference with my ADHD medication. It no longer gives me the jittery, anxious side effects or makes me feel lightheaded and it just feels like it's working better!
Hope this helps someone!
submitted by nadethi to ADHD [link] [comments]

2024.05.02 09:02 voparita Serotonin syndrome?

My doctor prescribed amitriptyline 25mg with fluoxetine 40mg but I read online it can give serotonin syndrome and I'm scared now
submitted by voparita to antidepressants [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 23:55 glasshalfconfused Alcohol w/Cymbalta?

I’ve just started Cymbalta (30mg) as I taper off Zoloft. I’ve taken Zoloft for 12 years and never noticed an interaction with mild to moderate social drinking. However, I have noticed an interaction with Amitriptyline and alcohol when I’ve taken it for pain/sleep. How has everyone found Cymbalta with alcohol?
submitted by glasshalfconfused to cymbalta [link] [comments]

2024.05.01 06:48 LivingObvious7628 Medication interactions

I just got prescribed naltrexone to go with the bupropion that I had already been taking. I’m getting kinda worried about how many medications I’m on though. For reference, I’m in my early twenties and I’ve been on antidepressants since I was a tween. I’m currently taking fluoxetine, Norethindrone, verapamil, vitamin D, as needed for migraines: rizatriptan and as needed but rarely: lorazepam and Ondansetron. I saw online that some of these are advised against bc of interactions and of course being on more meds raises risks too. Is anyone taking any of these meds or a similar combination and what has your experience been like? (I know this is not the same as professional medical advice, if I decide it’s necessary I will contact my providers.)
submitted by LivingObvious7628 to Contrave [link] [comments]