Key characters display nanme

Ravenloft - Demiplane of Dread

2011.07.29 16:47 Ravenloft Ravenloft - Demiplane of Dread

Ravenloft is a Gothic Horror campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons. It is a pocket dimension called the Demiplane of Dread, a collection of domains brought together by the mysterious "Dark Powers". Each domain is ruled by a "Darklord". Characters risk coming under the influence of the Dark Powers and transforming themselves into figures of evil. The mists of Ravenloft can access the entire D&D universe, drawing evil-doers or innocents alike into this realm of horror.

2014.08.11 22:56 Ravenloft - Demiplane of Dread

avenloft is now ravenloft. Ravenloft is a Gothic Horror campaign setting for Dungeons & Dragons. It is a pocket dimension called the Demiplane of Dread, a collection of domains brought together by the mysterious "Dark Powers". Each domain is ruled by a "Darklord". Characters risk coming under the influence of the Dark Powers and transforming themselves into figures of evil.

2014.03.24 06:30 gmsc MentalMath: It's the thought that counts

Want to learn how to do math in your head, or even just wrap your head around a mathematical concept? This is the place!

2024.05.14 09:49 Node-Runner Wolverine-Themed Meme Coins Flood Market Following RoaringKitty's Cryptic Post

Wolverine-Themed Meme Coins Flood Market Following RoaringKitty's Cryptic Post
The Wolverine meme coins were minted immediately after TheRoaringKitty posted a video including the X-Men character.
Several tokens have also been issued relating to GameStop and Melvin Capital.
Wolverine-related meme coins flooded several blockchains after TheRoaringKitty, the personality behind the Gamestop meme stock frenzy, posted a video of the X-Men character on the X social-media platform.
More than 30 new tokens went live on following the tweet, with others also being launched on Ethereum and Solana, according to Dextools.
TheRoaringKitty, whose real name is Keith Gill, returned to social media after a three-year absence on Monday, posting a meme that alludes to gaining focus, which led to a widespread rally in meme stocks and volatile weekly open for the Gamestop stock (GME) as well as several cat-related meme coins.
Meme coins have been a key component of the recent cryptocurrency bull market following the success of dogwifhat (WIF) and bonk (BONK). Many of the tokens have surged to more than $1 billion in market cap as investors attempt to find the next dogecoin (DOGE) or pepe (PEPE).
A number of the newly-minted meme coins faced sharp declines shortly after launch as bad actors drain liquidity to capitalize on the meme coin hype.
TheRoaringKitty's return potentially brings a new narrative to meme coin trading. The immediate rise in X-Men characters and meme coins related to Gamestop and Melvin Capital, the hedge fund that got squeezed out of a GME short three years ago, demonstrates a clear crossover from TheRoaringKitty's traditional finance following and crypto meme coins.
submitted by Node-Runner to SolanaKommand [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:40 adulting4kids Commandments of Writing

The Art of Deception: Crafting Characters That Lie, Cheat, and Steal Your Reader's Hearts
My dear young storytellers, it's time to enter the realm of the truly delicious: the art of creating characters so real, so vibrant, so delightfully flawed that your readers will desperately want to grab them by the shoulders and either shake them or offer them a hug (and possibly a strong drink).
Commandment #11: Heroes Are Boring (Embrace the Anti-Hero)
A flawless, always-do-the-right-thing hero makes for a rather dull story. Give your characters some baggage to unpack, some questionable decisions in their past, a healthy dose of selfishness or a pinch of cowardice. These are the cracks where the light of redemption gets in, the flaws that make them relatable…and infinitely more interesting.
Commandment #12: Your Villain Is the Hero of Their Own Story
Nobody twirls their mustache and cackles, "Mwahaha, I am evil!" A truly compelling villain genuinely believes they're the good guy. Give them a motivation that the reader can almost understand, a twisted logic that justifies their actions. This makes them far more chilling and harder to defeat.
Commandment #13: Minor Characters Matter (No Cardboard Cutouts Allowed)
Even the grumpy barista who serves your protagonist a double-shot of reality can have a spark of personality. A unique detail, a snappy line, a hidden backstory hinted at in a single gesture – this brings your fictional world to life. Remember, everyone is the star of their own narrative.
Commandment #14: Dialogue Is Not Just Talking Heads
Dialogue is a weapon, a seduction, a tool for revelation. It should reflect your characters' personalities, reveal their hidden motives, and advance the plot all at once. Make your characters' voices as distinct as their fingerprints. Study how people really talk – the pauses, interruptions, the unspoken words lingering between the lines.
Commandment #15: Actions Speak Louder Than Internal Monologues
Sure, internal monologues can be great, but don't rely on them to tell the story. Show us your characters through what they do, what they choose, and what they desperately try to hide. Actions leave far deeper impressions on a reader than pages of introspection.
World-Building for Beginners (and How to Avoid Info-Dumping)
Ah, the intoxicating power of creating entire worlds! But beware, young architects of universes, there's a fine line between a rich setting and a dry encyclopedia entry. Let's make sure your readers are booking guided tours of your world, not yawning in the face of a geography lecture.
Commandment #16: Start Small, Expand Slowly
Resist the urge to cram all your brilliant world-building details into the first chapter. Ground the reader in your protagonist's immediate world – their room, their village, their annoying neighbor. Layer in the larger world organically through action and dialogue.
Commandment #17: Sensory Overload (In a Good Way)
Don't just tell us about your world; make us feel it. The sting of salt wind on a sea voyage, the scent of otherworldly spices in a fantastical marketplace, the rough texture of ancient stone beneath trembling fingers – engage all the senses to make your setting come alive.
Commandment #18: Rules Are Made to Be Broken
While consistency in world-building is key, a single, shocking exception to the rules can be magic. Just when your reader thinks they understand your magic system, hit them with the unpredictable. It sparks wonder, curiosity, and those delicious "aha!" moments.
Commandment #19: If It Doesn't Affect the Plot, Chop It
You may have created the most intricate political system in the galaxy, but if it doesn't directly impact your protagonist's struggle, it needs to be edited down. Remember, world-building needs to serve the story, not overshadow it.
Commandment #20: Research Is Your Secret Weapon
Even in the most fantastical realms, grounding your world in some element of reality makes it believable. Research medieval sword-making, Icelandic folklore, or the migratory patterns of butterflies. These real-world details add unexpected texture and believability to your fictional creations.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:27 Inciter_of_vibe TEMPORARY TEST POST

Hi all, this is a guide on setting up analog walking and driving for Cyberpunk 2077 with the analog capability in a Wooting Keyboard (or other analog-capable keyboard depending on if you can replicate the advanced key setup). As the Wooting Keyboard allows you to "spoof" controller inputs due to the analog nature of its magnetic switches, you can setup many games to allow you to moderate your speed based on how far down you press the key, rather than simply being binary like "walk" or "don't walk".
This guide serves as an update to the original written here(\_2077\_movementdriving\_binds\_guide/), because the original was written 3 years ago and has outdated mappings/keybindings, and the author had since had their account deleted. Additionally, the original sets up the movement for walking and driving both on one joystick, instead of two, and this is an issue as explained below:

Why two joysticks?

It is much easier to setup the movement for walking and driving to only use the left joystick, but there is a downside. If you are driving a vehicle, and you accelerate (Right Trigger via the W key), and try to turn left or right at the same time (left joystick left / right via the A / D key), you will find that you will only be able to make very wide turns, despite pressing the A / D key to the maximum. This is because, due to the setup for walking, the W key not only activates Right Trigger as needed for vehicle acceleration, but also moves the left joystick up so that you can walk forward.
This means that you unintentionally press move the left joystick up as you accelerate, which limits how much the left joystick is able to move left or right, as its range is confined to a circle.
The first pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the W key (aka accelerate)
The second pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you press both the W and D key (aka accelerate + turn right)
The third pictures show the wheel and left joystick when you only press the D key (aka turn right)
The fix for this that I found, as the gamepad tester screenshots imply, is to set the steering control to the right joystick instead of the left joystick, and leave the left joystick solely for walking. This is done specifically by setting the "LeftX_Axis_Vehicle" mapping/keybind to use the "IK_Pad_RightAxisX" controller input instead of "IK_Pad_LeftAxisX".
This setup assumes that you will use the analog controls for walking and driving (+ a few minor things like extra photo-mode control) and regular keyboard input for everything else, preserving the use of the regular WASD keys.


First, in the main Wootility settings, enable the Xbox Controller:
Make a new profile dedicated to this game, then setup the following advanced keys in the "Advanced Keys" section:
Then make sure the settings are set like this in the "Gamepad Mapping" section:
You may change the curve in "Analog Curve" but I cannot recommend a specific curve to follow


This is for Steam, if you are on GOG or another platform you will need to figure these steps out on our own
Right click on the game in your steam library, hover over "Manage" and click on "Browse local files" to open the game's directory folder:
While you're here, also make sure steam input is enabled for Cyberpunk 2077, by instead clicking on "Properties..." and going to the following setting:
Once you're in the "Cyberpunk 2077" folder, open the "r6" folder, then open "config", then either replace the inputUserMappings.xml file with the one provided or open it with a text editor and make the changes listed below.
Here's the file with all of the edits implemented, rename the file to remove the ".Analog.txt" part before replacing it with the one in the game folder:
Otherwise, here are the changes you will need to make in the file. Beware, its a big list...
1. For:
2. For:
3. For:
submitted by Inciter_of_vibe to u/Inciter_of_vibe [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:22 Electrical-Ad1820 Skin stereotypes Andro(1)-Betty(5)

A conversation with a few friends of mine some skins have certain audiences to them and certain people will pick them more than others that's just the nature of people, and sometimes these people can be fit into certain groups, and certain stereotypes which is also nature of people. So I will be talking about these stereotypes, with 4-8 champs at a time depending on how many skins they have, starting with- Not androxus- but some general skin types etc.
Let me start off by saying that stereotypes are broad, and over generalized by nature, and not everyone is the same we're not Buzz Lightyear here, at the very least these are meant for fun.

Basic Recolours

The recolours you can buy for gold often attract semi-new players those that got the champions they like and often will spend "extra" gold on recolours.
They're most likely new at the game, or at the very least their champion.
Certain recolours will be brought up again per champion if they add anything different or have a different stereotype.

System Recolours/Promotional Recolours

So these guys probably are more likely to be even newer than the basic recolours since they got them from linking accounts or following/subscribing to different social media and all that.

Mastery/Gold Skins

Assuming it's gold they're probably confident in their skill with a champion and want to display that, but with the obsidian and cosmic ones they tend to be the same as basic and promotional recolours.

Invitational/Event Recolours

Okay so we're done with recolours after this I promise but often these are old school players, often ignoring the actual quality of skins to more say that's when they were around.


Hats are kinda the same as the event/invitation recolours but they can also be found on new players who got the hat from a chest, in general if they have a proper skin they'll dump these for the skin so at the very least that leaves semi experienced players who finds the frog hat more funny than they do the cowboy cool.


It's fair to say that Android is the poster boy of paladins and since he's relatively old he's got a lot of skins over the years and he's got quite the audience, I mean really he's the guy they show on the splash art of the game like imagine little Timmy seeing his older brother playing Androgenous "Who's the cool guy with the revolver and horns?" And his brother is like "That's my main Abolitionist" and then next game Timmy is playing Angrosist.
And they're very against nerfs every time pretending it'll kill Ambrosia and every time he's just fine maybe the fact he's got a solid baseline kit means he's not struggling when nerfs come knocking. Either way it doesn't stop the complaints.
Often Anglo (Okay the bits running thin) players take themselves seriously, whether you should depends, and depends alot. But he does inevitably attract edgelords, assholes, and blowhards.


Exalted Andros tend to hold themselves in high regard but at the same time tend to suck, they bought this skin since it was cheap and with it are often not that great.


So imperator is basically the same as exalted in looks but it does have the caveat that it's actually not as readily available which means someone has to make a active choice to run this, these guys are pretty much more for simplicity and class over complexity and fancy stuff, this means you'll see them play pretty good Andro where they'll stick to the stuff that works rather than flashy montage worthy stuff, they can do these but they more prefer understated competency over flashy nonsense.


This is a hat that actually has a stereotype since it's not apart of a chest it's from the deal of the day that makes a difference to who is using it. These guys are mostly raging blowhards, they think they're gods at the game but they're not as good as they believe, like antlers they say crap but not enough to get banned. This changes to just normal tryhards when they get their hands on shattermaw, almost every Andro with this skin and shattermaw are more interested in shitting on you and moving on to the next, they really only do really good in casuals without comms, but they can get work done in ranked.


Okay so this guy either uses the Shatter Maw and same deal as Screech Andro's or they run they Huntsman's gun and if you get to talk to them in a party or something they'll cry about how the pirate skins in Paladins Strike aren't ported over to paladins. It's weird and it's specific. They do tend to be nicer and less serious than Screech Andros.


These are the most average Andro's in existence, they certainly exist but they're not too interesting all considering. They're not bad or good, or particularly toxic or nice or anything like that, they just exist.

Steam Demon

I mean there's a Young Frankenstein joke to be made here. But Andro's running the steam demon skin tend to be uptight and expect people to carry their own weight... Of course the chance they tend to mess up they go silent, they're not rude perse but they sure do expect a lot.


These are the guys who listened to Nightcore- Angel with a shotgun too much and will be very melodramatic, and tend to be almost always a downer for the team, they do clutch up though so something to be said.

Battlesuit Godslayer

No one really uses this skin if they have others, really this skin doesn't sell the gundam vibes the others do maybe it's because of his waistcost flowing back there but really he just looks like a guy in a robot suit


These Andros are just as dramatic as Fallen Andros but they seem to be in on the joke and often will more be self aware, they will be playing like some viking bagpipe metal music so it's not all good with them.


These guys probably blame their support and will unironically quots the skin, not realizing it's making fun of them. They also probably are tickled by the fact it looks likr a Xbox 360


Now often with battlepass skins their recolours are basically the same stereotype normally but for Modded these guys have basically brain rotten themselves down to the same level with their obsession with RGB lights.


Yeah another skin no one uses really, unless they're really interested in the cat in his backpack otherwise it's just not really a great skin since it's just a guy in a dragon ball z kai uniform without the cool ass powers and literal royalty free music.

Grave Danger

This is Kinda like omen it's not as self aware but it's hard to take this skin more seriously than default and these guys tend to be chill but it's a newer skin so it's not exactly like there's room to have a stereotype yet, which is fair but still other skins still have stereotypes that formed same day as their release.


Now it's rare that a gold skin that doesn't change something about a character shows up but this is widespread since every Andro on earth who runs this will almost always have a bloated ego, whether it's 50 or 550 these guys are super quick to be offended and will tunnel the shit out of you for just about anything.


Ash is weirdly uncommon despite being free, probably because everyone is running at point with her and she basically loses that engagement to every proper point tank, she is a offtank first and foremost after all.
As for stereotypes there is a few thing that I've noticed with Ash's (Ashes? Ashs? Ash players) First is if they're running the default voice pack even with other skins they're definitely offtanking.
And another oddity is the Ash mains that have more than one skin tend to never properly match their weapons and skins up, it's weird but every other Ash main I see runs a different weapon and skin.

Heirloom Crest

So I bring this hat up because unlike anyone else with a hat skin no one wears this, honestly it should just come with a different version of Ronin but really this is the exception to the hatskin rule, these guys are just new players who got it from a chest and felt justified in using it because they spent crystals on a chest.


Ronin Ash players kinda just suck, it can be a matter of many different things as to why these guys struggle, they could suck at shooting people, they could be bad at positioning, trying to point tank, they're using their abilities at shit times, they could be great with all of that and still they'll have a terrible deck and talents.
These guys just suck


Xenobuster Ash players tend to run into fights they shouldn't and lose, this more or less comes from the overuse of shoulder bash, otherwise they're probably running knock back spam, they're most likely to be found on TDM Throne or Abyss trying to wait around corners to throw you off. They will go spastic if you buy sentinel.

Street Style

These guys are meatheats, they're less interested in actually capturing the point and more just want teamfights, the objective and space are biproducts, as such you'll see these guys with really selfish buys, and decks, and they'll steal kills with slugshot, they're not doing it intentionally but they are rude.


Ska'Drin Ash players often properly play Ash as offtank and for the most part are good sports, it's nice enough at least when these guys are working with you, they will probably ask for someone to point tank while they do their thing.


Another recolour with a different stereotype, these guys are also playing Ash as offtanks but their also raging assholes, and will bitch and moan from just about anything, whether it's their fault or not they'll yell at their team, though at the same time they are probably making space, and do their job well enough

Draconian Huntress

As mentioned earlier Ash mains tend to be rather rare, and the amount of people who'd go out of their way for this skin is rarer, these guys pretty much are guaranteed to be Ash mains or at the very least skin collectors. As for gameplay it's hard to say since I've seen like 4 people use this skin


Atlas mains are pretty much obsessed with telling you they're Atlas mains it's like telling people you don't play fortnite or something. Like good on you mate, but I and I'm pretty sure most of the world don't really care. Skill ranges wildly and skins for the most part don't really change that.


So uh this skin no one uses, you'll more likely find a Atlas running default with this Skin's gun, it's weird it's specific and I have no idea why it's like this... Oh yeah because Atlas looks awful without a beard.


So Legionnaire Atlas is kinda a situation like Grave Danger Andro mostly because the skin again looks kind of goofy, though for the effort put into it, it's at least nice. Still these guys take themselves just as seriously as the skin does.


Most of these guys just suck like sure there's bound to be a good Corrupt or Vile Atlas out there but every one I've seen just sucks. It's a bloody shame since they're nice skins.


Azaan doesn't really have too many skins to talk about but at the same time most people aren't exactly Azaan mains he's kind of a back pocket kind of champion.


These guys actually main Azaan, and they're quick to get defensive on why they pick the shirtless Azaan skin

Dark Drake

I don't get how anyone understands this skin, it's so garbled and just nonsense, there's no real stereotype but I did find out that this skin has the same voice actor as Freddy Fazbear...


Again Barik mains are a rarity and, nost of the time I only really see last/bottom picks grabbing Barik and doing really nothing all game but cry about their team not carrying them.


If a champion has access to their pre-reworks skins and in general just older skins they're often on the cheaper side and really are just bought by newbies due to this, that's really it outside of the odd end nastolgia tripper.

Team Fortress 2

So you get this skin in a way that's similar to promotional recolours, and it's more or less exclusive to steam, it's a safe bet that a TF2 Barik is new at the game and on steam, that's it.


Pirate skins often invite people into running teams of pirates skins, outside of that Swashbuckler Bariks tend to more or less the point jockey they live on the point they die on the point.

Steel/Dragon Forged Barik

This guy listens to diggy diggy hole and probably runs some stupid deck that relies on a gimmick these guys are here for fun and will probably do something cool, maybe?


Betty is new-ish and so she only has the one skin, Betty kinda is the easy version of both Willo and Dredge without the impact of either, this means Betty attracts bad players.


Bowsette meme aside this is Betty's only real skin and so it's kinda broad to say anything but I assume once she gets something else it'll attract... A certain audience.
So yeah 5 champs, feel free to suggest anything for future champions I'll probably see or agree with them.
submitted by Electrical-Ad1820 to Paladins [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:16 SnortMod How to Buy Meme-Coin $SNORT on Coinbase Wallet

Step 1: Download and Install Coinbase Wallet
Step 2: Add Funds to Your Wallet
Step 3: Buy Ethereum
Step 4: Bridge Ethereum to the Base Network
Step 5: Swap Ethereum for $SNORT
Final Step: Confirm Transaction
And we're done! It’s as easy as that! Stay tuned for more tips and updates.
In the coming days, we will launch our own video tutorial to help guide you through this.
submitted by SnortMod to SnortCoin [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:15 Fun-Cricket5972 Engines of Fury: An exciting new game to revolutionize the gaming industry.

Engines of Fury is a revolutionary new gaming experience that is set to transform the way we play games. With its unique blend of fast-paced action, strategic depth, and visceral intensity, Engines of Fury is poised to be a hit with players and critics alike. In this article, we will explore the key features and innovations of Engines of Fury, and why it is set to be a game-changer in the gaming industry.
Features and Innovations
1. Advanced Physics Engine
Engines of Fury features an advanced physics engine that simulates the behavior of real-world materials and objects. This results in a more realistic and immersive gameplay experience, with players able to manipulate their vehicles and the environment in ways that feel authentic and responsive.
2. Strategic Depth
Engines of Fury also features a strong focus on strategy and planning. Players must carefully manage their resources, equipment, and crew members in order to succeed in the game. This requires careful consideration of factors such as fuel consumption, damage repair, and crew morale, all of which can have a significant impact on the outcome of the mission.
3. Visceral Intensity
In addition to its strategic depth and realistic physics engine, Engines of Fury also features a high level of visceral intensity. Players will feel the rush of adrenaline as they engage in intense battles and fight for survival in the game's fast-paced action sequences.
4. Rich Storyline
Engines of Fury also features a rich and immersive storyline, with a deep cast of characters and a compelling narrative that drives the game's overall theme. Players will be drawn into the game's world and become invested in the fate of the characters and the outcome of the mission.
Why Engines of Fury is a Game-Changer?
Engines of Fury is a game-changer because it offers a unique blend of fast-paced action, strategic depth, and visceral intensity that is unlike anything else in the gaming industry. With its advanced physics engine, strategic depth, and rich storyline, Engines of Fury is poised to be a hit with players and critics alike.
Engines of Fury is a revolutionary new gaming experience that is set to transform the way we play games. With its unique blend of fast-paced action, strategic depth, and visceral intensity, Engines of Fury is poised to be a hit with players and critics alike. So if you're looking for a game that will push the boundaries of what's possible in the gaming industry, look no further than Engines of Fury.
submitted by Fun-Cricket5972 to CryptoKami [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 josh-assist Running wireguard in client only mode in a VyOS docker container

What I want to do:
  1. Use a new wg-network for VyOS in my docker environment.
  2. In my VyOS container, run wireguard in client mode to connect to my paid vpn service.
  3. Make VyOS a sort of the default gateway for other containers in the wg-network.
  4. Connect other containers to wg-network and ensure all the traffic goes out throught the VyOS' wireguard interface.
What I have been able to do so far:
  1. I have been able to create a VyOS docker image and run it in a container from these instructions.
  2. Have put my wireguard config in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf (The config works fine btw I've tested it in other distros)
What's the blocker:
  1. When I run the command ip link show - it does not display a wireguard interface.
  2. Output of the wg-quick up command:
wg-quick up /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf
[#] ip link add wg0 type wireguard
[#] wg setconf wg0 /dev/fd/63
Device or resource busy: \my-paid-vpn-endpoint:51820'. Trying again in 1.00 seconds...`
Device or resource busy: \my-paid-vpn-endpoint:51820'. Trying again in 1.20 seconds...`
Device or resource busy: \my-paid-vpn-endpoint:51820'. Trying again in 1.44 seconds...`
^C[#] ip link delete dev wg0
Unable to access interface: No such device
[#] ip link delete dev wg0
Cannot find device "wg0"
According to the documentation- a new key-pair needs to be generated for the wireguard interface. However, I'm afraid that it will make it run in a server (or peer) mode and won't help connect to my paid vpn service because they already have provided me with a public and private keypair which I have put in the wg0.conf file.
Can someone help me troubleshoot this further, please? Much appreciated.
submitted by josh-assist to vyos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:12 dejobaan ∞ - This is a role-playing sci-fi game.Use the A and D keys to move your character.Manipulate the character to complete the interaction to achieve the ending, including state control, and the mode of input content.

∞ - This is a role-playing sci-fi game.Use the A and D keys to move your character.Manipulate the character to complete the interaction to achieve the ending, including state control, and the mode of input content. submitted by dejobaan to WhatsOnSteam [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:09 josh-assist Running wireguard in client only mode in a VyOS docker container

**What I want to do:**
  1. Use a new wg-network for VyOS in my docker environment.
  2. In my VyOS container, run wireguard in client mode to connect to my paid vpn service.
  3. Make VyOS a sort of the default gateway for other containers in the wg-network.
  4. Connect other containers to wg-network and ensure all the traffic goes out throught the VyOS' wireguard interface.
**What I have been able to do so far:**
  1. I have been able to create a VyOS docker image and run it in a container from these [instructions](
  2. Have put my wireguard config in /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf (The config works fine btw I've tested it in other distros)
**What's the blocker:**
  1. When I run the command `ip link show` - it does not display a wireguard interface.
  2. Output fo wg-quic up command:

wg-quick up /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf

[#] ip link add wg0 type wireguard
[#] wg setconf wg0 /dev/fd/63
Device or resource busy: `my-paid-vpn-endpoint:51820'. Trying again in 1.00 seconds...
Device or resource busy: `my-paid-vpn-endpoint:51820'. Trying again in 1.20 seconds...
Device or resource busy: `my-paid-vpn-endpoint:51820'. Trying again in 1.44 seconds...
^C[#] ip link delete dev wg0
Unable to access interface: No such device
[#] ip link delete dev wg0
Cannot find device "wg0"
According to the [documentation]( - a new key-pair needs to be generated for the wireguard interface. However, I'm afraid that it will make it run in a server (or peer) mode and won't help connect to my paid vpn service because they already have provided me with a public and private keypair which I have put in the wg0.conf file.
Can someone help me troubleshoot this further, please? Much appreciated.
submitted by josh-assist to vyos [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:09 King2021721 ASUS launches the ROG Ally X PC handheld with a significantly upgraded battery and improved UI.

ASUS has released a YouTube video titled “The next ROG Ally is coming soon” in which it announces the launch of the new ROG Ally X gaming handheld, and confirms more details in an interview with The Verge.
The ROG Ally X isn't a next-generation upgrade to an existing product, but it directly addresses more key areas of gamer demand for ROG handhelds.
The ASUS ROG Ally X boasts a higher-end Ryzen Z1 Extreme APU than its predecessor, which is the chip of choice for 8-core handhelds, with 16 threads at up to 5.1 GHz, 12 RDNA 3 compute units, and 24 MB of cache.The APU's power can be adjusted between 9W and 30W, and with the ROG Ally X's upgraded cooling system. gamers can expect even better performance.
In terms of battery and storage, the ROG Ally X has seen major improvements. Battery capacity has been boosted by 30-40% and gaming time is twice as long as the previous generation. Storage supports NVMe M.2 2280 SSDs, so users can upgrade more easily. The Ally X also supports LPDDR5X-7500 standard memory, which will be more than the previous generation, although the exact capacity has not been announced. This means gamers can have more flexibility in allocating memory to the GPU without compromising CPU performance.
The size remains the same as the previous generation, with a 7-inch Full HD screen, 120Hz refresh rate and 500 nits maximum brightness.
In addition to the hardware upgrades, ASUS also announced the release of the Armory Crate SE 1.5 software update. The new version has a cleaner and more intuitive UI, with new useful features such as quick access to the game favorites list. Users can customize the main UI to rearrange blocks, decide which games to display, and share custom button mappings and game settings with other users.The Armoury Crate SE 1.5 update will also be rolled out to original ROG Ally owners in July.
The ROG Ally X will be available in black and starting prices will also be offered.The 2023 model of the ROG Ally will also remain on sale with a possible price cut.
ASUS is expected to officially launch the ROG Ally X on June 2, 2024 at Computex 2024.
submitted by King2021721 to u/King2021721 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:03 UsualAcanthaceae8775 What if their was a Ben 10 5v5 hero shooter like marvel rivals (Redesigns)

Feel free to make art of these redesigns and give criticism of the designs
Redesigns: Heatblast Redesign: Sleeker with magma-like veins glowing beneath his rocky exterior. Equipment: Volcanic Gauntlets that enhance his fire abilities. Outfit: A flame-retardant suit with a core reactor symbol on the chest.
Diamondhead Redesign: Crystalline armor with reflective surfaces and sharper edges. Equipment: A crystal shield that can morph into different defensive shapes. Outfit: A suit with geometric patterns that shimmer with a diamond-like brilliance.
XLR8 Redesign: More aerodynamic with streamlined armor and a visor for high-speed travel. Equipment: Turbo boots that leave a trail of blue energy when he sprints. Outfit: A racing suit with a sleek helmet that has a retractable visor.
Fourarms Redesign: Bulkier with reinforced joints for extra strength. Equipment: Heavy-duty gauntlets that can smash through barriers. Outfit: A gladiator-inspired ensemble with a belt displaying his alien number.
Stinkfly Redesign: Brighter colors with translucent wings and bioluminescent spots. Equipment: A harness that helps distribute healing mist more effectively. Outfit: A lightweight suit that glows in the dark, highlighting his flight path.
Upgrade Redesign: Futuristic with a sleek metallic finish and circuit patterns. Equipment: A modular backpack that can transform into various tech gadgets. Outfit: A tech-suit that integrates with his body, allowing for seamless transformations.
Ghostfreak Redesign: More ethereal with a ghostly aura and chains that represent his phasing ability. Equipment: Ectoplasmic chains that can extend and bind enemies. Outfit: A tattered cloak that billows as if always caught in an otherworldly wind.
Snare-oh Redesign: Ancient Egyptian motifs with hieroglyphs etched into his bandages. Equipment: Ankh-shaped gauntlets that enhance his sand powers. Outfit: A pharaoh’s headdress that symbolizes his regal presence on the battlefield.
Frankenstrike Redesign: More industrial with visible bolts and conductive wiring. Equipment: A pair of Tesla coil shoulder pads that amplify his electric attacks. Outfit: A patchwork suit that resembles a mad scientist’s lab coat.
Eye Guy Redesign: Eyes of varying sizes with adaptive irises for different vision modes. Equipment: A visor that coordinates his eye beams for precision strikes. Outfit: A suit with lens patterns that focus his ocular energy.
Swampfire Redesign: More plant-like with vibrant green foliage and fiery red flowers. Equipment: Compost Gauntlets that enhance his regenerative abilities. Outfit: A botanical suit with leaf patterns and a fiery emblem on the chest.
Echo-Echo Redesign: Sleek and white with sound wave patterns across his body. Equipment: Sonic Amplifiers that boost his sound-based attacks. Outfit: A suit with a sound equalizer display that reacts to his sonic screams.
Humongosaur Redesign: Dinosaur-like with armored plating and a more pronounced tail. Equipment: Meteor Hammer fists that increase his smashing power. Outfit: A prehistoric-themed armor set with bone and rock elements.
Jetray Redesign: More streamlined with sharper wings and a jet engine-like back. Equipment: Aero Fins that improve his maneuverability in the air. Outfit: A flight suit with a sleek helmet and goggles for high-altitude visibility.
Big Chill Redesign: Ghostly with icy blue tones and frost-covered wings. Equipment: Frostbite Claws that leave a chilling effect on enemies. Outfit: A cloak that shimmers like thin ice and leaves a trail of frost.
Brainstorm Redesign: Brain-like patterns with neural connectors and a brighter shell. Equipment: Cerebral Enhancer that increases his psychic abilities. Outfit: A lab coat with a brainwave pattern and a utility belt for gadgets.
Goop Redesign: More viscous with glowing internal organs visible within. Equipment: Polarity Boots that allow him to stick to surfaces and maintain shape. Outfit: A containment suit that helps him keep form and focus his attacks.
Spidermonkey Redesign: More arachnid with additional eyes and spikier fur. Equipment: Web Slingers that shoot stronger and stickier webs. Outfit: A stealth suit with a spider emblem and grip-enhancing gloves and boots.
Loadstar Redesign: Magnetic with a core that glows when using his powers. Equipment: Gravitational Greaves that enhance his magnetic field control. Outfit: An armored suit with polarized plates that attract and repel metal.
Rath Redesign: Fiercer with more pronounced claws and tiger-like stripes. Equipment: Rage Amplifiers that boost his strength when his health is low. Outfit: A luchador-inspired costume with a mask that embodies his wild spirit.
Water Hazard Redesign: More aquatic with a sleeker, streamlined body and gill-like structures. Equipment: Aqua Cannons that can shoot high-pressure water streams. Outfit: A wetsuit with hydrodynamic patterns and a water drop emblem.
Ampfibian Redesign: More translucent with visible bio-electric currents flowing through his body. Equipment: Electro-Flippers that increase swimming speed and maneuverability. Outfit: A suit with neon trims that pulse with his electric charge.
Armodrillo Redesign: Bulkier with reinforced armor plating and drill bits. Equipment: Seismic Boots that enhance ground-shaking abilities. Outfit: A miner’s outfit with a helmet light and a rugged utility belt.
NRG Redesign: Glowing core with a more robust containment suit. Equipment: Reactor Gauntlets that can channel and shoot nuclear energy. Outfit: A radiation suit with a warning symbol and energy-absorbing layers.
Terraspin Redesign: Shell patterns resembling wind turbines and more pronounced fins. Equipment: Cyclone Discs that can be thrown to create gusts of wind. Outfit: An aviator jacket with a turtle shell pattern and wind direction arrows.
Clockwork Redesign: More gears and clockwork mechanisms visible with a timeless finish. Equipment: Chrono Keys that can unlock temporal abilities. Outfit: A steampunk-inspired suit with brass accents and a pocket watch.
Jury Rigg Redesign: More mechanical with tools integrated into his limbs. Equipment: Wrecking Ratchets that increase his dismantling speed. Outfit: A mechanic’s jumpsuit with patches and a tool belt.
Chamalien Redesign: More chameleon-like with adaptive skin that changes patterns. Equipment: Camo Cloak that enhances his stealth capabilities. Outfit: A suit with a chameleon scale motif that shifts colors with his movements.
Feedback Redesign: More electrically charged with pulsating energy lines across his body. Equipment: Antenna Arrays that increase the range and power of his electrical attacks. Outfit: A suit with circuitry patterns that glow with stored energy.
Bloxx Redesign: Modular with interlocking blocks that can reconfigure on the fly. Equipment: Building Bracers that allow for quicker construction of barriers and structures. Outfit: A construction-themed outfit with a hard hat emblem and utility belt.
Ball Weevil Redesign: Brighter colors with a more pronounced spherical body for rolling. Equipment: Plasma Cores that create larger and more potent explosive orbs. Outfit: A sleek suit with orb patterns and a visor that helps target his plasma globes.
Pesky Dust Redesign: Fairy-like with more delicate wings and a dreamy aura. Equipment: Dreamcatcher Net that can capture and amplify his sleep-inducing dust. Outfit: A mystical robe with star and moon motifs that enhance his magical presence.
Atomix Redesign: Radiant with a mini-reactor core and energy veins visible on his body. Equipment: Fusion Gauntlets that stabilize and focus his nuclear energy. Outfit: A hazard suit with a reactor symbol and protective plating.
Gutrot Redesign: Chemical tanks visible on his body with tubes connecting to his gauntlets. Equipment: Diffuser Mask that spreads his gases over a wider area. Outfit: A biochemical suit with a respirator and hazard symbols.
Whampire Redesign: More vampiric with bat-like features and a darker color scheme. Equipment: Echo-Locator Goggles that help him navigate and hunt in the dark. Outfit: A gothic cloak with a high collar and a clasp shaped like a bat.
Shocksquash Redesign: Bulkier with coils and capacitors integrated into his limbs. Equipment: Shock Boots that generate electricity with each stomp. Outfit: An electrified suit with lightning bolt patterns and insulated gloves.
Wildmutt Redesign: Enhanced sensory nodes and a more streamlined body for agility. Equipment: Sonic Collar that amplifies his roars and tracking abilities. Outfit: A sleek suit with padded armor to protect while maintaining flexibility.
Grey Matter Redesign: More pronounced cranial features and brighter skin to highlight his intelligence. Equipment: Quantum Computer Backpack that assists with hacking and strategy. Outfit: A miniaturized lab coat with various gadget holsters.
Ripjaws Redesign: Sharper teeth and fins, with a bioluminescent glow for underwater combat. Equipment: Aqua Jetpack that allows for swift movements in and out of water. Outfit: A reinforced diving suit with pressure resistance for deep-sea excursions.
Cannonbolt Redesign: A more aerodynamic shell with reinforced plating for rolling attacks. Equipment: Momentum Wheels that increase speed and control during rolls. Outfit: A racing stripe motif with impact-absorbing materials.
Wildvine Redesign: Thicker vines and a broader range of plant-like features. Equipment: Photosynthesis Boosters that enhance healing and growth abilities. Outfit: A botanical armor set with leafy camouflage.
Spitter Redesign: More pronounced glands and a wider mouth for his spitting attacks. Equipment: Hydration Pack that keeps him primed for slime production. Outfit: A moisture-retaining suit that helps in slime regeneration.
Buzzshock Redesign: Brighter electrical arcs and a more compact body for zipping around. Equipment: Static Amplifiers that boost his electrical output. Outfit: A suit with conductive pathways that glow with stored electricity.
Blitzwolfer Redesign: More pronounced fangs and claws, with a darker, more intimidating appearance. Equipment: Lunar Lenses that enhance his night vision and howling range. Outfit: A tattered cape that billows as he moves, adding to his fearsome presence.
Upchuck Redesign: A wider mouth and a more robust digestive system visible on his belly. Equipment: Digestive Accelerators that allow for quicker consumption and energy conversion. Outfit: A suit with reinforced areas around the stomach to handle his expansive appetite.
Ditto Redesign: Brighter colors and more expressive faces to differentiate his clones. Equipment: Cloning Belt that enhances the stability and independence of each clone. Outfit: A uniform with a number system to keep track of his duplicates.
Waybig Redesign: Cosmic patterns on his skin and a more imposing stature. Equipment: Stellar Stabilizers that help him maintain balance and leverage his size. Outfit: A suit with celestial motifs that reflect his cosmic origins.
Arctiguana Redesign: Icier appearance with sharper spines and a more pronounced frill. Equipment: Cryo Converters that enhance his ice beam’s freezing capabilities. Outfit: An insulated suit that protects him from overheating and helps focus his cold powers.
Chromastone Redesign: More prismatic with a crystalline structure that refracts light. Equipment: Prism Gauntlets that enhance his energy absorption and refraction abilities. Outfit: A suit with angular, reflective panels that mimic his crystalline form.
Alien X Redesign: Cosmic and ethereal with starry patterns that shift and change. Equipment: Celestial Scepter that focuses his reality-warping powers. Outfit: A robe that seems to contain a piece of the universe, complete with twinkling stars.
Nanomech Redesign: Sleeker with more advanced nanotechnology features. Equipment: Micro-Assembler that allows him to construct various devices on the fly. Outfit: A tech-enhanced suit that adjusts to his size changes.
Fasttrack Redesign: Streamlined with aerodynamic features for enhanced speed. Equipment: Velocity Vambraces that boost his speed and agility. Outfit: A racing suit with dynamic lines that glow when he accelerates.
Eatle Redesign: Bulkier with a reinforced exoskeleton and sharper mandibles. Equipment: Digestive Reinforcement Belt that aids in processing consumed materials. Outfit: A utility belt with compartments for storing consumed materials.
Gravattack Redesign: More planetary with a core that glows like a molten core. Equipment: Graviton Anchor that helps him control his gravitational fields. Outfit: A suit with orbiting bands that represent his control over gravity.
Crashhopper Redesign: More insectoid with enhanced leg hydraulics for powerful jumps. Equipment: Impact Dampeners that protect him during high-velocity landings. Outfit: A suit with spring-loaded accents that highlight his leaping abilities.
Walkatrout Redesign: More amphibious with sleek scales and a streamlined body. Equipment: Aqua-Dynamic Fins that improve his swimming and maneuverability. Outfit: A wetsuit with a slippery surface to aid in evasive maneuvers.
Molestache Redesign: More distinguished with a larger, more versatile mustache. Equipment: Mustache Combs that can be used as weapons or tools. Outfit: A Victorian-style suit with a bow tie and a monocle for a touch of class.
The Worst Redesign: Tougher looking with visible scars and a more rugged appearance. Equipment: Resilience Amplifiers that make him even harder to take down. Outfit: A battered suit that looks like it’s been through many battles.
Kickin Hawk Redesign: Sharper talons and more pronounced feathers for a fiercer look. Equipment: Talon Enhancers that increase the power of his kicks. Outfit: A martial arts gi with feathered accents that flutter as he moves.
Toepick Redesign: Darker and more ominous with a face that’s hidden until revealed. Equipment: Fear Inducers that amplify the terror he instills in enemies. Outfit: A cloak that shrouds him in mystery, only opening to unleash his frightful visage.
Astrodactyl Redesign: More alien with wing membranes that glow with cosmic energy. Equipment: Jetpack Harness that enhances his flight and energy projection. Outfit: A suit with aerodynamic features and a helmet with a visor for space travel.
Bullfrag Redesign: More muscular with amphibious traits and a tougher skin texture. Equipment: Strength Enhancers that boost his physical prowess. Outfit: A tactical vest with various pouches for carrying mission essentials.
submitted by UsualAcanthaceae8775 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 09:01 adulting4kids Plot

Some help with Step Three- Plot Outline
  1. Central Conflict:
  1. Inciting Incident:
  1. Key Plot Points:
  1. Subplots:
  1. Rising Action:
  1. Climax:
  1. Falling Action:
  1. Resolution:
  1. Foreshadowing:
  1. Pacing:
- How do you manage the pacing of the story to maintain reader engagement? - Are there moments of tension and release strategically placed throughout the narrative? 
  1. Twists and Turns:
- Are there unexpected twists or turns that challenge characters and surprise readers? - How do these twists contribute to the unpredictability of the plot? 
  1. Symbolic Elements:
- Are there symbolic elements or motifs that carry through the plot? - How do these symbols enhance the thematic elements of the story? 
  1. Character Choices:
- How do characters' choices drive the plot forward? - Are there moral dilemmas or decisions that significantly impact the direction of the story? 
  1. Setting Integration:
- How is the setting integrated into the plot? Does it play a significant role? - Are there specific locations that have a profound impact on the unfolding events? 
  1. Mystery and Revelation:
- Are there mysteries or secrets that characters uncover as the story progresses? - How are these revelations timed to maximize suspense and engagement? 
  1. Parallel Narratives:
- Do you employ parallel narratives or timelines? How do they intersect or diverge? - How does this narrative structure contribute to the complexity of the plot? 
  1. Genre Considerations:
- How does the plot align with the conventions and expectations of your chosen genre? - Are there genre-blending elements that add a unique flavor to the storyline? 
  1. Emotional Arc:
- How is the emotional arc of the story managed? What emotions do you want readers to experience? - Are there specific scenes designed to evoke particular emotional responses? 
  1. Moral or Ethical Dilemmas:
- Are there moral or ethical dilemmas presented in the plot? - How do characters navigate these dilemmas, and what impact do they have on the story's direction? 
  1. Antagonist's Motivations:
- If there is an antagonist, what motivates their actions? - How does understanding the antagonist's perspective contribute to the depth of the plot? 
These questions aim to guide writers in crafting a well-structured and engaging plot outline that propels the narrative forward while providing opportunities for character development and thematic exploration.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:59 SzakaRosa Movies/scenes about struggling with your physical surrounding

I am a film student, who is developing a project about a person with disability. During my research, I am looking for a scenes or movies that shows a character struggle with his environment. For example: in the "Whale" (2022) there is a scene where the main character is struggling to pick up a key from the floor. I would love to see your recommendations!
submitted by SzakaRosa to MovieRecommendations [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:58 jakgem Lovely Runner [Episode 12]

Lovely Runner [Episode 12]
  • Drama: Lovely Runner
    • Also Known As: Time Walking on Memory, Carry Sunjae and Jump
    • Korean Title: 선재 업고 튀어
    • Adapted from: Tomorrows Best/ 내일의 으뜸 (webtoon)
  • Director: Yoon Jong Ho (Flower of Evil)
  • Screen Writer: Lee Si Eun (True Beauty)
  • Starring:
  • Network: tvN, TVING
  • Premiere Date: Monday April 8th, 2024
  • Airing Schedule: Monday and Tuesday at 8:50pm KST
    • Duration: 1 hour 10 Minutes
  • Episodes: 16
  • Streaming Sources: Viki, Viu
  • Plot Summary: In the glitzy realm of stardom, Ryu Seon Jae shines as a top-tier celebrity, captivating the spotlight since his debut. Despite the facade of a perfect life, the demanding nature of the entertainment industry has left him utterly exhausted. Im Sol, an ardent admirer, holds an affectionate love for Ryu Seon Jae. A childhood accident derailed her dreams, yet the solace found in Ryu Seon Jae's music on the radio transformed her into an unwavering fan. The narrative takes a poignant turn when Im Sol, reeling from the breaking news of Ryu Seon Jae's tragic demise, experiences a miraculous twist of fate. Transported back 15 years into the past, she confronts Ryu Seon Jae in his 19-year-old high school self. Im Sol grapples with the formidable challenge of altering the trajectory of his future, driven by an unyielding determination to avert the impending tragedy.
  • Major News Summary : 4 Reasons To Anticipate The Premiere Of "Lovely Runner"
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    • Any users who are displaying negative conduct (including but not limited to bullying, harassment, or personal attacks) will be given a warning, repeated behaviour will lead to increasing exclusions from our community. Any extreme cases of misconduct (such as racism or hate speech) will result in an immediate permanent ban from our community and a report to Reddit admin.
    • Additionally, mentions of down-voting, unpopular opinions, and the use of profanity may see your comments locked or removed without notice.
  • Spoiler Tag Reminder: Be mindful of others who may not have yet seen this drama, and use spoiler tags when discussing key plot developments or other important information. You can create a spoiler tag in Markdown by writing > ! this ! < without the spaces in between to get this For more information about when and how to use spoiler tags see our Spoiler Tag Wiki.
  • Please be reminded that spoiler tags must be used when discussing the original source material in consideration for those who haven't read it e.g. (webtoon) spoilers for webtoon (drama) spoilers for drama
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submitted by jakgem to KDRAMA [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:44 SzakaRosa Movies/scenes about struggling with your physical surrounding

I am a film student, who is developing a project about a person with disability. During my research, I am looking for a scenes or movies that shows a character struggle with his environment. For example: in the "Whale" (2022) there is a scene where the main character is struggling to pick up a key from the floor. I would love to see your recommendations!
submitted by SzakaRosa to movies [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:30 Maleficent_Low3281 iOS distribution pipeline issue

Hello, I have two pipelines for development and distribution to testflight of my ios app. There are development/distribution certificate and provisioning profile for both the setup. My Development pipeline is working fine, but in distribution pipeline, on dotnet publish I'm getting the below error:
error : No valid iOS code signing keys found in keychain. You need to request a codesigning certificate from 
Upon debugging, I found the following log
The certificate 'Apple Distribution: ****** Limited (*******)' does not match any of the prefixes 'iPhone Developer', 'iOS Development', 'Apple Development'. 
Do any of you know why it is looking for developer and development prefixes while this is for distribution. Is it any issue related to the task, if so can any of you suggest some alternate ways to sign. I'm using Azure DevOps pipeline.
pool: name: Azure Pipelines demands: xcode variables: password: '*****' steps: - task: InstallAppleCertificate@2 displayName: 'Install an Apple certificate' inputs: certSecureFile: AppleDistributionMay13.p12 certPwd: '$(password)' signingIdentity: 'Developer' setUpPartitionIdACLForPrivateKey: false - task: InstallAppleProvisioningProfile@1 displayName: 'Install an Apple provisioning profile' inputs: provProfileSecureFile: AppleDistributionMay13.mobileprovision - task: UseDotNet@2 displayName: 'Use .NET Core sdk 8.x' inputs: version: 8.x - script: 'dotnet workload install maui' displayName: 'Install Dotnet MAUI Workload' - task: DotNetCoreCLI@2 displayName: 'dotnet publish' inputs: command: publish publishWebProjects: false projects: Ids.sln arguments: '-f:net8.0-ios -c:Release /p:ArchiveOnBuild=true /p:EnableAssemblyILStripping=false /verbosity:diagnostic' zipAfterPublish: false modifyOutputPath: false - task: CopyFiles@2 displayName: 'Copy Files to: $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)' inputs: SourceFolder: '$(Agent.BuildDirectory)' Contents: '**/*.ipa' TargetFolder: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)' flattenFolders: true - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1 displayName: 'Publish Artifact: drop' - task: displayName: 'Publish to the App Store TestFlight track' inputs: serviceEndpoint: 'Apple App Store service connection' appIdentifier: com.******.******* ipaPath: 'bin/Release/net8.0-ios/ios-arm64/publish//***.ipa' shouldSkipWaitingForProcessing: true shouldSkipSubmission: true appSpecificId: ********* 
submitted by Maleficent_Low3281 to azuredevops [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:24 KugaSenpai97 Review for Mi Pad 6 after one year

Review for Mi Pad 6 after one year
I have been using Mi Pad 6 for about year now. Following is the Pros and Cons of this tablet.
Pros: 1. Flagship processor (SD 870) so no lagging in multi tasking and heavy gaming. 2. Charges very fast 3. Note taking is great with the Smart pen 4. The keys of the keyboard are very tactile. 5. Camera is good considering a tablet. 6. Workstation mode is the best Windows like display till date. 7. The display is wonderful for media. 8. Battery life is great.
Cons: 1. Absence of sim tray. 2. Absence of trackpad in the keyboard. 3. Interconnectivity restricted to flagship devices (till now). 4. Storage size options limited to 256GB. 5. Widevine L1 issue remains till now. 6. No fingerprint scanner
Things I want Xiaomi to add in Xiaomi Pad 7: 1. Sim tray 2. Snapdragon 8 gen 1 3. Variable storage options upto 512 GB 4. Addition of Trackpad. 5. Resolve the Widevine L1 issue from day 1. 6. Fingerprint scanner.
submitted by KugaSenpai97 to XiaomiPad6 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:11 Clean-Appointment126 Stay Cool with Our Google Pixel Service Centre: Your Ultimate Resource for Managing Mobile Overheating

Introduction: In the fast-paced digital age, our smartphones have become indispensable tools, keeping us connected, organized, and entertained. However, as our reliance on these devices grows, so does the frustration when they start to overheat. Google Pixel users are no strangers to this issue, which can disrupt productivity and even damage the device if left unchecked. Fortunately, our Service is here to provide the ultimate resource for managing mobile overheating, ensuring you can stay cool and connected without any interruptions.

Understanding Mobile Overheating

Before diving into solutions, it's essential to understand why mobile devices, including Google Pixel phones, overheat. Several factors contribute to this problem, including processor-intensive tasks such as gaming or video streaming, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, using power-hungry apps, and even software glitches. When a device overheats, it can lead to decreased performance, battery drain, and potential damage to internal components.

Identifying Overheating Symptoms

Recognizing the signs of overheating is crucial for prompt action. Common symptoms include the device feeling unusually warm to the touch, sudden battery drainage, sluggish performance, or even automatic shutdowns to prevent damage. Ignoring these warning signs can exacerbate the issue and lead to long-term damage to your Google Pixel phone.

Preventive Measures

Prevention is key to avoiding mobile overheating issues. Our Service recommends the following preventive measures:
  1. Avoid exposing your device to direct sunlight for extended periods.
  2. Close background apps and processes consuming excessive resources.
  3. Keep your device updated with the latest software and security patches.
  4. Use optimized settings for gaming or streaming to minimize processor strain.
  5. Remove the device from any protective cases or covers when it starts to heat up.
  6. Avoid charging your phone while using processor-intensive apps or games.
By incorporating these preventive measures into your daily routine, you can significantly reduce the risk of mobile overheating and prolong the lifespan of your Google Pixel device.

Troubleshooting Overheating Issues

Despite taking preventive measures, mobile overheating can still occur. When faced with this issue, our Service Centre offers the following troubleshooting steps:
  1. Check for Software Updates: Ensure your device is running the latest version of the operating system and app updates. Software patches often include optimizations to improve device efficiency and reduce overheating.

  1. Monitor Background Processes: Use built-in tools or third-party apps to monitor background processes and identify any apps consuming excessive resources. Close unnecessary apps or clear cached data to free up system resources.
  2. Adjust Display Brightness: Lowering the screen brightness can reduce the strain on the device's battery and processor, helping to prevent overheating.
  3. Enable Battery Saver Mode: Activate Battery Saver mode to limit background activity and optimize system performance, especially when your device is low on battery.
  4. Reset App Preferences: Resetting app preferences can resolve conflicts or glitches that may be contributing to overheating issues. Navigate to Settings > Apps > Reset App Preferences on your Google Pixel device to perform this action.
  5. Perform a Factory Reset: As a last resort, performing a factory reset can resolve persistent overheating issues caused by software glitches or corrupted system files. Remember to back up your data before initiating a factory reset to prevent data loss.

Expert Assistance at Our Service

If you've tried the troubleshooting steps mentioned above and are still experiencing overheating issues with your Google Pixel device, don't hesitate to visit our Google Pixel Service Centre for expert assistance. Our team of certified technicians is equipped with the knowledge and tools to diagnose and resolve any hardware or software-related problems affecting your device's performance.


Mobile overheating can be a frustrating and potentially damaging issue for Google Pixel users, but with the right preventive measures and troubleshooting strategies, you can keep your device running smoothly and efficiently. Our Service serves as your ultimate resource for managing mobile overheating, providing expert assistance and solutions to ensure you stay cool and connected at all times. Don't let overheating issues disrupt your mobile experience – visit us today and let our team help you keep your Google Pixel device running at its best.
submitted by Clean-Appointment126 to servicestays [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 08:02 DC_Legend1 Subway Surfers APK MOD (Unlimited Coins, Keys, Menu) v3.26.0

Subway Surfers APK MOD (Unlimited Coins, Keys, Menu) v3.26.0
Name Subway Surfers
Publisher SYBO Games
Genre Arcade
Size 169 MB
Version 3.29.0
MOD Unlimited Coins, Keys, Menu
👆👆👆👆Download Link👆👆👆👆
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The race in Subway Surfers is one of the longest in video game history. Millions of people still participate in it every day. Does it have anything that makes players so passionate? This is an endless runner game. No matter how long you play, the journey never ends. This challenges the player’s endurance and control technique.


You play as a bad boy running on train tracks. The attraction here is that a fat old policeman is always trying to catch you. This race is a race on a bullet train track. Here, trains running in the opposite direction are trying to hit you. Try to avoid them to run as far as possible.
  • Exciting Experience: Jumping on the roof of trains running at high speed certainly gives players a heart-stopping experience. It makes excitement surge through my veins.
  • Agility Required: Agility is the key to this game. Players must jump between trains and avoid obstacles along the way. If you touch them, you officially lose.
  • Action Hero Thrills: Your race will resemble an action movie with dangerous jumps over obstacles. Sometimes, the obstacle does not appear in front of your eyes but hides somewhere and rushes out suddenly. Unfamiliar players will immediately crash into it and lose.


The graphics of this game are extremely smooth and vivid. The character design is very funny, making players immediately feel humorous. And the game’s landscape design is equally unique. A series of trains moving at high speed creates a huge contrast. It makes a strong impression on players.
  • Vivid Visuals: The game makes the player’s vision explode with the enormous amount of colors it has. However, the unique feature is that the game can display sharp details on most devices that can run this game.
  • Realistic Graphics: Thanks to its sharp design, when you play the game, you can recognize all the details from the largest to the smallest, which improves the player’s reflexes. In addition, the scenery changes according to each occasion of the year, making the game lively and trendy.
  • Smooth Animations: Its animations are extremely smooth. With simple movements on the screen, you can make the character move without any lag problem. Each player’s action skillfully controls the character’s movement.


Do you remember the name of the game? It seems like it has nothing to do with how the game is played. However, you will immediately understand when you see the boy using the Futuristic Hoverboard. It has unique features that help players move more easily in this game. And it’s a lifesaver, too. While surfing, you are protected from losing 1 life.
  • High-Speed ​​Riding: The hoverboard helps players move much faster. This feature helps the boy quickly outpace his opponent’s pursuit. In addition, moving faster also scores more points.
  • Cool Tricks: One of the attractions of using a hoverboard is that you can do tricks. These tricks are especially impressive because they are done in the air, and the space constantly moves, making it look like you’re gliding through the air.
  • Smooth Movements: Perhaps this is one of the games with this unique combination. It offers a humorous, tense race with elements of skateboarding.


The best feature is that you can fly into the sky thanks to the Jetpack. When you pick up the Jetpack, the player can fly into the air without encountering any obstacles. This experience is probably one of the most fascinating experiences of my life. When you pick up this item, there will be no obstacles that will make you lose. Furthermore, it will have a lot of coins flying continuously in the air for you to pick them up.
  • Paint-Powered Flight: As soon as this item is picked up, you will have a jetpack strapped to your back. Then, an explosion occurs, and you are sent flying into the air. It is empowered by the drawings you have done.
  • Colorful Streaks: When you fly up, you leave behind a trail of colorful smoke. This was considered an eloquent demonstration of momentary victory and motivated players to continue moving forward.
submitted by DC_Legend1 to Modifiedmods [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:51 AfigureGeek RZA Ultimates Bobby Digital 7-Inch Action Figure - Just Dropped!

RZA Ultimates Bobby Digital 7-Inch Action Figure - Just Dropped!
Available from Entertainment Earth
Unlock the gates to the electrifying universe of RZA's legendary debut solo album, "Bobby Digital in Stereo," where the enigmatic persona of Bobby Digital reigns supreme!
Dive deep into the sonic landscape that shaped a generation as you journey alongside RZA's fun-loving, hedonistic alter-ego, Bobby Digital, who masterfully weaves a semi-autobiographical tapestry of his early life.
Now, prepare to elevate your collection to legendary status with the RZA ULTIMATES! figure of Bobby Digital, meticulously crafted in a 7-inch scale to embody the essence of the iconic cover art from that groundbreaking album. Step into the realm of metallic cybernetic armor, where every detail exudes the essence of RZA's visionary persona.
Behold the epitome of craftsmanship, as this highly articulated figure boasts intricate sculpting and premium paint detailing, capturing every nuance of Bobby Digital's commanding presence. With multiple interchangeable heads and hands, you have the power to customize your display and showcase the many facets of this iconic character.
But the journey doesn't end there. Embrace the thrill of discovery as you uncover an arsenal of accessories, including a test tube, SMG, and large rifle, each meticulously designed to enhance your storytelling experience and immerse you in the world of Bobby Digital like never before.
In a digital age where analog is a relic of the past, don't settle for mediocrity. Seize the opportunity to own a piece of hip-hop history with the made-to-order RZA ULTIMATES! figure of Bobby Digital. Whether you're a seasoned collector or a die-hard fan, this is your chance to elevate your passion to new heights and pay homage to one of the greatest innovators in music history.
Join the revolution and embrace the future of collectibles. Order your RZA ULTIMATES! figure of Bobby Digital today and let the legacy of Wu-Tang Clan's visionary leader live on in your collection for generations to come. Don't miss out—this is your moment to shine in the digital domain!
Disclaimer: Chatgpt was used to create this text!
submitted by AfigureGeek to ActionFigureGeek [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:48 Crossover_Weirdo78 What are some alternate universe ideas that regarding story tone, are just neutral?

I have made a post regarding ideas that fall on the ridiculous/silly side of the tone scale, and I have made a post regarding the exact side that has nothing but serious stories, so now, the compromise.
Basically, this just means that the AU idea is neither too serious nor too silly: it’s 50/50 on both, though yes, the story can tilt to the other side other time, which I highly advise looking up the term Cerberus Syndrome for.
(In fact, here’s the link to TV Tropes: (Also, I would highly consider checking the Media Adaptation Tropes page, it’s shockingly helpful:
Other than that, same as with the darkest and ridiculous AU ideas post, meaning just state the basic idea, and even give it a name if you want.
However, I will state this: there is a key difference between an AU and an alternate continuity, alternate timeline, and what-if scenario, that being scale of impact. In order, what-if scenarios are the most limited in their impact and don’t even get a place next to the podium, much less receive a medal, alternate timelines get the bronze medal, alternate continuities get the sliver medal, and alternate universes stand on the top of the podium at first place wearing the gold medal.
I’ll state my idea first to try and provide an example. My idea, currently named For Want Of A Nail, Mario, which I only recently started on regarding the planning phase because I actually have a decent liking for the idea, which is an alternate universe where the basic idea is that Mario’s character development from the Waluigi Arc and onwards sticks without him going back at all, with the same applying to other characters who underwent character development/growth. However, the elements of using fan fiction to fix things I don’t like is kept as minimal as possible, mostly just involving rerailing character personalities to having more than one-trait (example: Bob actually becomes humbler after the Rapper Bob arc) like they do now, removing episodes or post-Anime story arcs, and also just throwing whatever at the wall and seeing what stuck, which if anyone asks about what stuck? Er… you’ll see.
submitted by Crossover_Weirdo78 to SMG4 [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 07:43 Gigaflux I have two monitors connected via display port to my NVIDIA RTX 2070 Super. The BIOS splash screen always shows on the monitor that windows identifies as "2".... why?

My primary monitor is centered and is marked as my main display in windows, while the other monitor is off to the side. Both are connected via display port to my NVIDIA RTX 2070 Super.
Ideally, the Bios splash screen should show on the monitor identified as "1" by windows. Why does that matter? Because when you use windows key + P and select "PC Screen Only", it will show screen "1" and turn of all the others. For some reason, my BIOS splash screen always shows on the monitor marked "2" by windows. If I switch the two display port cables, it just does the opposite:
Scenario 1: BIOS Screen shows on secondary monitor. "PC Screen only" shows my primary monitor.
Scenario 2: Bios shows on primary monitor. "PC Screen Only" shows my second monitor.
I don't understand. Shouldn't windows follow the same screen priority order as the BIOS? Is there any way to fix this annoyance?
submitted by Gigaflux to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]