Call of duty zombies play online

Call of Duty Zombies

2011.08.03 19:49 ki3f Call of Duty Zombies

Call of Duty ZOMBIES is based on the Zombie mode of Call of Duty: World at War. The game was released worldwide on November 16, 2009.

2011.01.26 05:21 Fedor1 Call of Duty Zombies Reddit

Call of Duty Zombies is a first-person shooter survival mode developed by Treyarch, Infinity Ward, Sledgehammer Games, and Raven Software and published by Activision. CODZombies is a developer-recognized community focused on the franchise.

2020.09.09 20:10 TricolorChutoy COD: Black Ops Cold War Zombies

The home for COD Black Ops Cold War Zombies. Discuss theory's, strategies, tips, tricks, Easter EGGS, and find fellow players.

2024.05.14 18:28 Punkki-kukka 25F looking for people to game with

Just a lonely gal that wants to be able to hit people up to play some games when I see them online. I play overwatch and valorant mainly. My sleep schedule is awful so I could be playing at any time of the day, but for pings sake I'm from Europe, but have NA accounts as well.
Gotta be around my age, don't care about gender or location.
submitted by Punkki-kukka to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:27 --2021-- Why does this work (partly) and none of the goal planners I tried?

I stumbled across a daily planning page that basically has you list 3 goals. And then write to dos for those goals that you can accomplish today.
I used it yesterday and it felt like the missing link. Because I'm not able to think ahead, I just react. But it doesn't help me stay on track, my goals change every day. And it doesn't help me think ahead more than a day.
I get so overwhelmed with every part of the process. I tried researching my project and wound up down rabbit holes, and really struggling to make sense of it. Collected pages and pages of posts, I copy and paste comments and try to summarize what I got from them, though often I get overwhelmed and mean to do it later, but have them for reference, because there might be some detail I missed and it helps to be able to refer back to it.
I don't do well with sorting out priorities, because I can't tell what's important. So I wind up just getting overwhelmed and shutting down. Since I was stuck in a cycle of gathering more information and getting more overwhelmed and shutting down, then starting over, I decided to do the "right thing" and set a deadline. I didn't have one because I hate deadlines, they're torture.
Setting a deadline just means that I progressively have a harder and harder time doing the research or focusing as the deadline approaches, shut down a week or two before it's due. And then the day of scramble in a panic to meet it.
So I was like, I have to stop now and get something. I didn't know how to narrow it down really, but I decided that the barebones machine I get MUST have a working power cord (ie the original one) that comes with it. I blew up a laptop trying to buy a replacement power cord, so I won't be doing that again. The seller said it was authentic part, they seemed to have good reviews, and it looked authentic enough from what I could tell, there was nothing online to really vet it, like you can with sneakers, it turned out either to be defective or counterfeit because it blew up my laptop.
At any rate that decision narrowed down things A LOT. The tens of thousands of listings dropped down to very few.
The only thing was, unlike NT people, I missed a detail in the description of the item. I didn't know there were different kinds of ethernet ports, and I wound up with a machine that had something I had never seen before and no one was helpful when I asked about it. So I decided I could buy whatever part I needed for it that would be expensive and I'd never use again, or a usb to ethernet dongle that is much less expensive, won't be as fast and might be a little quirky, but I might be able to use again.
It took me on a side quest to see which usb to ethernet adapter might work best, and I couldn't find anything conclusive. So I just picked one at a store that has a good return policy, and by the time I got it, I was approaching the return deadline. I was overwhelmed and burned out by that point so I figured the machine was new, open box and would be fine. Though I was told I needed to test it, I couldn't figure out how you were supposed to do that, so I just took a break.
After the return window I went fuck testing this, let's just boot it up and install things, I booted it up and the drive was dead. So I could have returned it, it may have other problems with it, etc. I'm mad, but I went ahead and did more research on what type of SSD I can take apart and sub in for a flash drive. It won't fit right, I'm worried it could short out or something, but I'm going forward. So I ordered that.
While I was waiting for the SSD, it didn't occur to me that because the orginal drive was dead I'm going to need to find and install an OS. Thankfully I started using this daily goal page, and write down my project, and had to write a todo for today that I could do towards it. So I wrote down I needed to install OS, but then I realized I need a flash drive to install OS and I didn't have one, so I have to order that now. At least I didn't wait for the day that my SSD arrived to realize that. It happened two days before, so I guess I'm sort of doing this in advance.
I really just don't understand how people plan projects and meet deadline, or predict what's going to happen. For me it's just doing something, having it go wrong somehow, reacting in real time to it.
How the hell do other people do this? I don't understand it. I'm tired of being called a "waste" or names, or people yelling at me that I lack "common sense".
Edit: I don't know what flair to put this under? Hobby and hyper fixation? Cleaning, organizing, etc? Rant/Vent? Help?
submitted by --2021-- to adhdwomen [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:27 Danimation93 [Art] My current Glamour Bard PC artwork!

Hello! First time playing a bard and I wanted to introduce some colour to the world of Barovia as we adventure through Curse of Strahd, so I painted him! Gideon Whisperwood, college of glamour bard, an adventurer with a passion for embellished stories about his own grand adventures (heavily inspired by Gilderoy Lockhart). First to accept the call of adventure but last to place himself in any real danger, that's what tough party members are for!
Hope you like the artwork and feel inspired for your own characters.
submitted by Danimation93 to DnD [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:26 SnowDue1070 Help! Inaccurate medical invoices

Hi everyone,
Sorry if the formatting is bad, I'm on my phone. I'm looking for advice from people who've faced a similar situation.
My health insurance assured me 3 times that a preventive gynecological check up was covered. I booked an appointment through Medgate (Ive never been to a doctor here) and had my exam. The doctor asked me about medical history (breast cancer etc), and I didn't think anything of it.
I have now been billed for this appointment and the lab tests. My insurance told me it's because the invoice states the reason for the visit is 'illness' and not 'prevention'. I called the doctor, who said as soon as I sat down and spoke with him, it's not prevention. So they won't change the reason for the visit. The insurance tells me their hands are tied.
I feel this is unfair, and I'm looking to contest this. Has anyone been in this situation? Does the fault lie with the doctor or the insurance? And has anyone used a lawyer or an organization (I'm based in Geneva) to help? I've seen a few law offices and organizations online, but they seem to deal more with malpractice so I don't know who to turn to.
Thank you!
submitted by SnowDue1070 to Switzerland [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:26 filmmaker08042005 I Destroyed My School And College Life And I Deserve To Be Alone Forever.

I (19M) was always lonely throughout my life. I never had friends in school and never took part in any co-curricular activities. I would be jealous of my classmates with them hanging out with friends and being able to talk to girls, so I decided that after my high school I will try to make friends in college.
In college I met a group of people who I thought could be my friends. We would talk and have fun together. We would joke about each other. Even there were 2 girls in our group and with their friendly nature made me comfortable to talk to girls. Even there was a guy in the group who I would hangout with a lot. We would sit together and go to eat food together in the canteen or outside college.
I even started talking to a girl. She was really sweet and cute to talk to and we would bitch about our professors and at once shared playlists with each other. She was the one who asked me for my Insta ID. She would look and smile at me and wave at me. It was amazing. I thought my college life is going to be way better than my school life.
But it all came crashing down. In October me and my friends bunked our classes and went to the sports arena to play games. We were playing darts. One of the 2 girls, let's call her S, jokingly told one of the guys in our group that she would hit him on his head with a dart. So I jokingly told her that I would hit her with the dart but I accidentally pointed at her breast. I was looking at her face so I didn't realize it.
She got offended. She took the other girl, let's call her Z, and told her everything about this. Z confronted me and started shouting at me in the sports arena attracting everybody's attention. The Sports Officer came running towards us. He heard the entire story and took my ID card and told them to write a letter against me to the Dean.
After the letter was written he took me and the girls to the Dean who thought of this as a minor incident and told us we are legally adults and coming to him with these petty complaints. Then they told the Dean about me taking photographs of them and leaking them.
The day before I clicked S's photos of her eating a banana in the presence of our friend group. She took it very sportingly as a joke and I uploaded them to our personal Whatsapp Group. Everyone of us including her were laughing and giggling. But she and Z told that I took them without permission. They even told that I was never a friend and I was an outsider.
Dean got me suspended for 15 days because the next day our vacation would start so throughout November I was in my home. My mother uses this incident as a weapon to scold me evey now and then when we have arguments. And the worst was my crush.
During the days of my suspension I was in contact with my crush. She would even send notes of the classes of that day everyday throughout the suspension, but she didn't know I got suspended. Then when I rejoined college and started attending classes I sat far to my former friend group and behind my crush and she ignored me. Completely.
Throughout the whole day she would ignore me. That broke my heart. I was very upset and regretful for my actions. I think that my crush stopped taking to me because she got to know about this incident and misunderstood me. I have been hating myself for not respecting boundaries. Now I am all alone seeing my classmates enjoying their friendships and relationships. I think I deserve this.
submitted by filmmaker08042005 to Healthygamergg [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:25 happy_bird90 FPI management, CA- Bay Area-Dublin

Hello community, I need some advice. I’m been living in an apartment complex for about a year in a half. In this time I’ve had what I would consider a lot of issues thus far. Here you go. 1. Roughly 2 months after moving in, I had a downstairs neighbor who would knock on the walls all day so hard my bed would shake (bed leans against the the wall). It felt like someone was kicking the wall with in. It continued for maybe another month until I decided to report to the office. I finally did and I was advised by office staff to go to the police. I chose to wait. A few days pass, it’s a Monday , holiday around 6pm and a man comes knocking on my door somewhat aggressively. When I open the door (which idk why I even did) , he tells me I need to keep it down. Mind you, I live alone and I was napping. I tell him this (again, so stupid of me I know) and he says “I don’t think so”, I then told him to report to the office and closed my door. Based on this I decided to report these to issues to police. About a week after I reported, the banging stopped and it hasn’t happened since. 2. I requested for maintenance because my toilet was making weird noises and kitchen sink was a little clogged (twice I threw dirty carpet water in the sink, my bad). So when submitting a maintenance request online you have two options in terms of entry to your home - allow entry or not allow entry. I opted for allowing entry because I wasn’t sure if I was going to be working from home that day. The day comes and it turns out I stayed home. While working I heard someone unlocking my door, my heart dropped and I ran to the door, in which I found the maintenance person opening my door. Quickly he states while pointing at a piece of paper “it says here I can come in”. I looked past it and thought maybe I didn’t hear him knocking, I showed where the issue was and he left (very rude interaction the whole time he is here by the way). I decided to look back at my cameras just out of curiosity because I hadn’t remembered hearing a knock. I look back at my cameras and it turns out he knocked once (not very loudly) and helped himself into my home EXACTLY 7 seconds after knocking. I thought to myself , why wouldn’t he give me more time to open the door? Right. I let it go. 3. It’s 7am , I was still asleep. I remember waking up because I heard my door being opened (specifically when the key was turning, it makes a really loud almost screech sound). Quickly I yelled “don’t come in!”. I put myself together and went to the door. It was the same maintenance person. He stated there was a flood in my bathroom. I quickly run into the bathroom and sure enough, the toilet is clogged and leaking. In the heat of the moment I look at this man straight the eye and tell him he needs to wait at least 60 seconds before he opens my door. He was clearly upset, looked around the bathroom, saw toilet paper rolls and said the issue was to do with too much toilet paper. Those rolls are not all from one day you know? I’m not sitting here throwing loads of toilet paper down my toilet. I used the plunger and mopped the floors and apparently that was good enough because he didn’t come back until later. The situation had really spooked me so I had left. So I look back at my cameras to see what happened. At 7am a different maintenance person (maintenance person 2) knocked on my door twice and both times I didn’t answer. He then calls someone on the phone. About roughly 20 minutes later the other maintenance person (initial maintenance person who helps himself to my home) shows up. He knocks quickly and opens my door not even 5 whole seconds after he knocks. And that’s when I hear it and essentially woke up. I filed a complaint with the office and their response was something like “we’ve told our maintenance people to allow more time before entry, and it’s because they get to their jobs quickly they may be working too fast” (if anyone is genuinely interested I can provide screenshots of the email messages). I did reiterate that it was not the maintenance TEAM but just one individual. In which they then stated they spoke with him individually as well. 4. Again, working from home and the CO2 alarm goes off. I call the office and I am told they will be submitting a ticket for this issue (Given that it was an alarm, I called in, I could have easily submitted a ticket myself but I figured this was an emergency so I called the office). She tells me she can’t give me an ETA because they have other tickets to get to as well. I call the fire non-emergency line just to make sure and I am told by the dispatcher the office staff’s response was unacceptable and they are sending over firefighters immediately. They show up, it turns out it was the battery. Okay. I call the office staff member to let her know what had happened and this lady has the audacity to tell me that she KNEW it was the battery which is why she didn’t escalate it. Mind you, information she never shared with me when i had called her frantically about an alarm going off in my home. 5. Last straw- this happened today and this is what I need feedback on .. or other resources. This morning I received an email from management, in which they stated they’ll be doing an inspection on all units next week. This complex is for BMR (below market rate) but honestly not even that much cheaper.. so it’s mandatory that they do this every year. In this notice, they mention we can no longer have doorbell cameras. I’ve been here for almost 2 years and never before has a doorbell camera been an issue. So why now?. So I asked, and I was told by management that we were never allowed to have doorbell cameras. Which I find odd because so many people have them so I know it’s something they missed and just recently noticed. I can’t help to think they are now enforcing this rule because I reported one of their own and the only reason they couldn’t get away from it was because I had that evidence. Also, I won’t be able to sleep the same without a camera, this is going to interfere with my everyday life more than they know. What can I do? And by enforcing this rule I mean they threatened to evict.
submitted by happy_bird90 to bayarea [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:25 Past-Impression- Had sex night of day 3

Wanted to post this on here because I could not find many posts of people that had sex before seven days.
Felt like my recovery postop was very well comfortably was walking bending over and could even call or jump without any real discomfort. I had blue balls, the afternoon of day three which caused some discomfort, typical blue ball discomfort. I extensively looked up the risk of ejaculating before the seven days. The American Urology Association recommends waiting 7 days before sexual activity.
I am not a urologist, but I took into consideration the very small risk of things like scrotal hematoma and recanalization into account and decided f it since I couldn’t find post online about people having complications (EVEN though I’m sure complications do happen) and because I FELT COMFORTABLE I decided to have sex.
Felt comfortable the entire time. Busted inside cause I’m a crazy Mf and my girls on birth control so can’t comment on the color of the bro-gurt. It’s now the day after and I have NO additional discomfort.
TLDR: American Urology Association recommend waiting 7 days. Felt physically comfortable having sex and understood the small risk of complications. I had sex night of day 3 with no physical complications so far. Use common sense. You’re a grown ass man you know the risk of what you’re doing.
submitted by Past-Impression- to Vasectomy [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:25 What-did-Mikey-do Every binding vow a character could have made throughout the story

Every binding vow a character could have made throughout the story
I'll be trying my best to source an inspiration for these vows, so that the convo doesn't devolve into baseless "THAT could/can't happen" arguments.
Obligatory misc. that would always be useful:
  1. (Based on Overtime): "For this day (day before major conflict) my CE output is limited to 0%, but tomorrow (day of conflict) it will cap out at 200%."
  2. (In case the vow needs to be permanent): "When I'm not in a fight my CE output is limited to 0%, but when I'm fighting, it caps at 200%."
  3. (Based on Sukuna's DE rules): "When I open my domain this time, I give up the ability to entrap or have it be effective against (type of being I'm not fighting) and in return I get (whatever will win the fight)."
  4. (For Inumaki) (Based on Miwa's "I get __ but I have to be doing __"): "I get to talk without triggering my technique, but in return I activate the technique only when I have my fist clenched."
  5. (Alternatively for Inumaki): "I can only talk in terms that activate my cursed speech, and in return, the technique becomes stronger / harder to block out with CE reinforcement."
  6. (Theoretical for Yuji): "I relinquish Sukuna's soul, and in turn I also lose the buffs I was receiving from it."
  7. (For Megumi) (Based on Sukuna's ability to permanently change how his technique works): "I relinquish control over all other Shikigami, and in turn I master Mahoraga without having to fight him."
  8. (For Gojo and Sukuna since they have the amazing RCT to back it up) (Based on Hakari's vow): "The Cursed Energy used in protecting any of my non-vital body parts will instead be transferred to reinforce any area that would be lethal."
Sister School Exchange event (Based on Overtime) - Gojo: "For 5 seconds my CE output is 0%, and for the 5 seconds that follow, my CE output is 200%."
Allows him to bypass this barrier
Disaster Curses Playing Life - Any of them: "I give up my ability to draw life tokens, and instead I choose to draw the Doctor job with 100% accuracy."
Allows any of them to win because Life tokens are useless but give the aura of importance
Shibuya (Same as Barrier bypass before) - Everyone: "0% for a bit, then 200% equally after."
These barriers can no longer keep any of the sorcerers in or out
Gojo vs Disaster Curses (Based on Sukuna's domain fuckery) - Gojo: "My domain cannot affect humans, and in return it does a greater deal of damage to transfigured humans and curses."
Allows him to easily defeat the danger and save everyone, and we know from Sukuna that self-imposed vows on domains are reversible, so this is not a detriment.
Jogo vs Sukuna: "My maximum meteor loses some of its strength but massively increases its speed."
Allows him to likely at least graze Sukuna and win the bet
Todo vs Mahito (Based on the Dismantle vow) - Todo: "This once I can activate my CT without clapping, and in return I need to clap twice to use it again."
Allows him to save his technique and other hand
Pretty much any killing blow in the history of this series (Based on Hakari's vow): "Transfer my defensive CE strength to the part of my body that is about to be hit."
Un-killable as long as you are quick on reactions
Higurama vs Sukuna (Based on Sukuna's one-time dismantle buff): "The next time I open my domain, I will get a 100% chance of death penalty and CT confiscation, and in return, for the future, people trapped in my domain can call for defense lawyers (or something like that)."
Bypasses the discussion and worry that the domain might not work, and is pretty much a confirmed kill on Sukuna
That's about all I can think of while writing this, definitely could ponder for some more. Put your own down in the comments!
submitted by What-did-Mikey-do to Jujutsufolk [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:24 0regon_ Scam targeting contractors through an exterior painting job.

I recently started up a contracting/handyman business. A couple of weeks ago I received a text asking me if I did exterior painting. After informing him that I did, I got the address to do a free estimate. The location looked like it was vacant, and definitely in need of paint. Long story short, I submitted a bid, he accepted, and offered to send me a check for 30 percent down, and the rest when the job was completed. I became suspicious when he wanted me to email him the contract to sign. Plus, his number had an unusual area code, and the name he used in the email didn't match anybody listed as owners of the property. I checked on the Oregon Construction Contractors Board (CCB) for any info regarding scams against contractors, but they only had warning for customers regarding scams contractors might attempt. Luckily, an online search for "scam painter contractor" revealed posts from contractors getting scammed. I decided to play along with the guy and his scam was to send me the down payment, along with money to pay the carpenter that would be doing work on the house I was to paint. He told me to pay the painter as soon as the check clears with my bank. I received the check yesterday and notified the sheriffs department. They are sending me a form to fill out which will, at best, provide the government with statistical data regarding these types of crimes. There is zero hope that they will actually catch the guy. I wanted to think up a clever way to mess with the guy. Like to tell him I lost the check and send me another one, but I ended up just telling him to f*** off when he called me at a bad time. Anyway, I hope this post helps prevent someone else from falling for this type of scam. Cheers
submitted by 0regon_ to Construction [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:23 Any_Frosting_4049 Seeking Legal Advice: Driving Lesson Course Refusal for Son with Mental Health Issues (Located in Wisconsin)

I'm reaching out seeking legal advice regarding a situation with a driving lesson course I purchased for my son back in December 2022. Unfortunately, my son, who is now 17, has been struggling with severe mental health issues, including depression and ADHD, which significantly impacted his ability to attend school, take care of basic daily needs, and engage with the world around him.
The contract I signed with the driving school stipulated that the course must be completed within a year. Due to my son's mental health struggles, he was unable to start the course within that timeframe. Now, after getting his medications adjusted and feeling more motivated, he is eager to learn how to drive.
I reached out to the driving school, explaining my son's documented disabilities and requesting an exception to the enrollment policy given the circumstances. However, they have refused to allow him to reenroll or issue any form of refund for the $700 paid.
I find it unjust that the driving school is unwilling to provide any service or refund, especially considering that no service was ever rendered. The course was entirely online and self-paced, so it's not as though they had incurred costs by having him attend classes with a reserved seat.
We are located in Wisconsin, and I'm seeking advice on whether there is any legal recourse available to us in this situation. It feels unfair that they should be able to retain the full payment without providing any service, particularly when my son's disabilities played a significant role in his inability to utilize the course within the specified timeframe.
Any guidance or suggestions on how to proceed would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance for your help.
submitted by Any_Frosting_4049 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 Ur_Anemone Harvard Law expert explains Supreme Court First Amendment case Murthy v. Missouri

Harvard Law expert explains Supreme Court First Amendment case Murthy v. Missouri
According to President Ronald Reagan, “the nine most terrifying words in the English language are: ‘I’m from the government, and I’m here to help.’” The attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana tend to agree, at least when it comes to federal government involvement in social media platforms’ content moderation policies…
On March 18, the justices will hear oral arguments in a case, Murthy v. Missouri, in which the two states and several individuals claim that federal officials violated the First Amendment in their efforts to “help” social media companies combat mis- and disinformation about COVID-19 and other matters…
This is one of several landmark social media cases the Court is hearing this term, including Lindke v. Freed and O’Connor-Ratcliff v. Garnier, in which they will decide if and when government officials may block private citizens from commenting on their personal social media accounts…
Former national security official and current Harvard Law lecturer, Timothy Edgar ’97, believes that both the states and the federal government have valid arguments, and argues that the justices should channel the spirit of that famous 18th century publisher and postmaster, Benjamin Franklin, who was a proponent of both neutrality and rational discourse…
Timothy Edgar:
Missouri among other states and individuals are arguing that the Biden administration’s involvement in trying to suppress COVID-19 misinformation, especially about vaccines, crossed the line from being public health education to being censorship, by proxy. They argue that the administration was making very aggressive, specific suggestions to those social media companies, either to remove or to downgrade certain kinds of posts, and that by doing that, they transformed the private decisions that those companies made — principally Facebook and Twitter, now X — into public decisions, and that would amount to censorship.
The federal government says this was a voluntary, cooperative effort between social media and the government to combat misinformation and improve public health. They also argue that the government has long engaged in public health education and that even if the government expresses its views bluntly, it has a responsibility to express those views. The First Amendment and concerns about censorship, they say, don’t prevent the government from expressing an opinion about what information is or isn’t truthful when it comes to public health…”
My opinion is that they’re both right and that we need to get some clarity from the courts about where that line is between engagement and public health…
In his early days, Franklin was a printer in Philadelphia and a postmaster. When he was criticized by a number of the citizens of Philadelphia for publishing a controversial essay, Franklin wrote a famous response called “An Apology for Printers,” which is a defense of the idea that printers should be neutral. Here’s the quote:
“Printers are educated in the Belief, that when Men differ in Opinion, both Sides ought equally to have the Advantage of being heard by the Publick; and that when Truth and Error have fair Play, the former is always an overmatch for the latter: Hence they chearfully serve all contending Writers that pay them well, without regarding on which side they are of the Question in Dispute.”
Franklin was defending the idea that there’s a role for service providers — publishers, printers, platforms — to share information and arguing that, if we say that they must agree with everything that’s on their service, then we cut off debate. It is an argument grounded in an enlightenment faith in the idea of rational discourse. Of course, it doesn’t answer the question of whether we should print literally everything — which Franklin did not believe — or when and how platforms should moderate content. But it embodies a certain faith in the marketplace of ideas.
Franklin is making two arguments in his essay. One is the enlightenment idea of rational debate: that the truth will win out. But it also has this very pragmatic point, which is that neutrality is good for business. Printers were natural monopolies in a way that social media platforms can be as well…to serve the public, you need a platform — a printing shop and now a digital platform — that maintains some level of neutrality in order to have a democratic system of government…
When the government communicates with distributors of information, in that case, book publishers, if they do it in a way that makes those businesses feel like they have no choice but to comply, then those actions will be seen as government actions. And they will be seen as a form of censorship that is prohibited by the First Amendment unless there’s some legal basis for censorship…
You can look at this example from Franklin’s life and see some of both sides of what the justices will be deciding in this case. The platform should be neutral. In general, they should aspire to further public debate and that, even when they think something they allow to remain posted to the platform is wrong, they should have some faith in rational discourse. But there is a line, and the platforms or the printers can draw that line where they choose...
The government has a responsibility to inform the public and to engage with digital platforms. They may even criticize digital platforms if they feel that their moderation decisions are being driven by private profits at the expense of the public interest…The government can make rational arguments. What it cannot do is to invoke its power — even implicitly — in a way that makes platforms feel they have no good option but to do what the government says… The government has an important role and responsibility here to be engaging with private platforms, and not just on public health, but on issues of terrorism, and extremism and violence, on issues of taking down illegal content like child sexual abuse material. When there are foreign, state sponsored disinformation campaigns, the government is uniquely positioned to let the platforms know about them. So, they need to be involved with Facebook, X, Google, YouTube, all the big social media companies…
…there’s a difference between X and Facebook and the New York Times. Platforms make content moderation decisions. The New York Times makes editorial decisions. Both are protected by the First Amendment, but they are different decisions, and different considerations apply when deciding when government pressure crosses the line. And this gets back to our discussion of Benjamin Franklin. In the social media space, content moderation may deprive a speaker of the practical ability to have access to digital public square...
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:22 SuperGamerAdvance All flasks missing

So it's been a while and I just returned to Blasphemous 1. I've never beaten it before because I never really found the time and eventually forgot about it along with most of the mechanics.
When I returned to it I played a while and then died to some regular to some enemy that jumps and attacks you. It was in the grievous ascends area. After a few minutes of playing and I was a little further along the area and I encountered some poisonous gas that I mistook to be some harmless mist made to add to the ambience. So naturally I got hurt and I realized that when I looked at my health bar all of my flasks were missing. All three of them. I never sacrificed them and it was there when I first launched the game so what happened?
Here's a list of items that I have currently equipped if it helps:
I'm now at the point where I have beaten the boss which is called the Tres Angustias. I tried refilling the flasks but it didn't really work. Did the game glitch? Or am I missing something? This game is a little confusing to me especially with how everything is worded (Not complaining though since I understand it is part of the aesthetic) so it is possible.
submitted by SuperGamerAdvance to Blasphemous [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:21 GreenBL0X Bye, Rec Room 👋😊 [repost bc i forgor flair]

Hi, Rec Roomers. I know im not known in the Rec Room community [not at all, no one knows me really lol] I might be quitting. Everyone says, and even if you don't play ROBLOX, is that the "old roblox was better" like 2017, 2018. 2019, and 2020. I feel the same. Everyone is swearing on the game mostly in the rec center and the auto-bot is not even banning ANYONE for calling me an n-word [mostly kids who should be on a Jr. account.] Its not because of FBA, its everything that is happening to the game. I started the game in 2022, and i liked it back then.
Goodbye, the great people i have met and RecTubers.
love ya'll 💕
submitted by GreenBL0X to RecRoom [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 shcdy23487 AITA for arguing with my stepbrother on Mother’s Day?

I (13F) have 5 siblings (17F, 16M, 15M, 10F, 8F) and 3 step siblings (14M, 11M and 9F) as well as a half brother (4M).
My middle step sibling is my 11 year old stepbrother Bryer. His mom died 7 years ago when he was 4, this is the same year my parents divorced. My mom started dating his dad a year after this happened. They got married in December last year and this is our first Mother’s Day together.
Bryer has been the one who is the most okay with all of this, he never mentions his mom when my other step siblings do. He’s said he was never really that close to her, which makes sense because the only people he’s close to are his friends from school who he plays basketball with. Those boys are the only people who he will allow to hug him and the only people he seems to like talking to. Bryer isn’t close with me or any of his siblings, he’s not close to his dad or my mom either. He will buy birthday gifts and Christmas gift, but even at family parties, he will spend most of his time on his phone taking to his friends. He’s always been like this according to my stepdad. I’ve always thought it was weird.
On Sunday, Breyer and I had some fights over how he was acting on Mother’s Day and I don’t think I did anything wrong, but my mom and stepdad are upset at me.
The first fight happened while we were going to lunch for Mother’s Day, Breyer is a very picky eater and he was getting all nervous over not finding a menu online for the place we went to. I told him to chill out and he could look at the menu when we got there, but he was freaking out about if they had nothing he liked. I told him if they didn’t have anything he knew he liked, he should try something new but he said he was worried he wouldn’t like that either. When we got there, he saw some things he liked on the menu and he was fine, and I told him he shouldn’t have been so dramatic and that I told him so, and my mom told me to knock it off. I tried to explain to her my opinions, but she told me that it’s “ok to be a picky eater” and how she read an article online about young people having “menu anxiety”.
Another fight we had was over the gifts he got her. My mom’s favorite animal are elephants, she thinks they’re cute, but she doesn’t spend all day thinking about them or watching movies about them. Bryer often goes out to the thrift or antique stores with his friends, and he had a bunch of elephant stuff for her, from little figurines to shirts to books and more. He said anytime he saw something with an elephant, he got it for her. He was keeping the collection at a friend’s house and had to bring it in a trash bag because it was so much stuff. Bryer does this with basketball stuff, from shoes to posters to trophies, anything basketball he sees in a store he wants. It’s all he ever talks about and he knows a lot about it. I told Breyer that she didn’t need all of this elephant stuff, but he said he was right for getting it and how he wants her to have a collection of the stuff she loves, we literally need to get a new cabinet for the living room to put all of them in.
We had another fight when he started to have a temper tantrum when our plans changed, we were supposed to see my great grandma’s spot at the cemetery, but my mom decided that it would be too much for her and wanted to do something fun instead, so we decided to go to the donut shop on the way there instead. Breyer was freaking out because he didn’t have plans for what he wanted at the shop and didn’t know what they had. Everyone there’s even a minor change like this, he starts to cry and fidget. My mom and his dad claimed him down, I told him he needed to grow up and know that as an adult, sometimes things change.
Later that night, my mom told me that I was overreacting to Breyer’s behavior and that he’s always been a bit quirky. She told me about a guy she had in her school in elementary school that reminds her of Breyer, she said he would go on about cats and knew everything about them, etc. He moved after elementary school. She said he now owns a cat cafe a few towns over and she wants to visit it now. She said he’s a very happy and successful man, and she was talking to him on Facebook. He told her not to worry about Breyer and how it’s ok to be shy like he was. She said that if I continue to talk about Bryer's quirks that I would get in trouble. She said they love Breyer for just the way he is, that nothing is wrong with him and that “everyone has a bit of weird in them, including you, Breyer is just a bit more weird than average”. AITA?
submitted by shcdy23487 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:20 cookiecrispinglover You are responsible for your dog

In just the past few days my dog has been attacked twice by other dogs. First by a dog that forced its way out the front door of a gym in our neighborhood. Second, today at Higgins Beach when a dog we were playing with, without provocation lunged at mine and bit her leaving cuts on her chest. In both cases the owners were completely incapable of controlling or restraining their dogs.
My dog is a large pit bull who is gentle as they come. She’s even good with babies and cats. These other two were pit bulls of a very different nature. People cross the street or guard themselves when they see her because of dogs like these two. It is YOUR fault if your dog acts out like this. And you ruin the reputation for all the other good dogs of that breed.
If you can’t control your dog, they have to be leashed at all times! If your dog attacks another dog, you have to stick around to make sure they did no damage! In the first attack the owner at least came to apologize for their irresponsibility. In the second they just called out sorry and left without checking in.
Beware of a large black pit bull named Echo. She’s probably fine most of the time but her owner is incompetent and irresponsible when she acts out. Dogs get aggressive sometimes, I get it. My problem is with OWNERS who aren’t prepared, aren’t paying attention, and don’t take responsibility for their dog’s behavior.
submitted by cookiecrispinglover to portlandme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:19 interquast I am dying here, please help me tell my boss how to simplify this process (we use Shopify)

I genuinely am not sure if this is the right sub but I'm at my wits end with this and I am seeking help.
I have a job where I do the ecommerce for a small chain of clothing boutiques in Florida. This is not a field I know a ton about and the job kind of happened to me on accident. The owner hires sales associates, then if they are "tech savvy" she will train them to do onlines.
The owner has 5 locations including a warehouse. At one of the locations, which is typically slower and doesn't see as much foot traffic, she has the "online girls." These are the employees that process all her online orders. There are 3 of us.
I am the only full-time "online girl." The other two work 1-2 days a week typically. Sometimes 3 if I am lucky.
Her online process is... really crazy and I've not been doing this job long enough to be able to figure out where I can even begin to fix it.
Basically, this is her process:
  1. Order comes in
  2. I have to log on remotely to a PC in the warehouse to manually search for each item in our inventory and I have to write down in the Shopify order notes which locations have the items, and where we are going to ship the order from. I then have to adjust these items out of inventory. Roughly 50% of the time someone is using that PC and I have to wait. Sometimes its easier for me to do this at 1am when everyone is asleep.
  3. If there are items on the order that cannot ship from the same place, we split the shipment and buy multiple labels.
  4. I email the stores where I am pulling items from with a list of the items I need for this order.
  5. The stores search their flooback room for the items, and then they respond back with the SKU, price, and weight.
  6. If they do not have all the items because inventory was incorrect (it nearly always is), I have to pull the item from a different store, repeat the process.
  7. If all items are accounted for then I send them the label.
  8. If there are items that are showing up as out of stock companywide, we have to make a list of these items and send them to our company group chat and tell all the stores to search their flooback room for these items. We have to send this same list to the owner and email all the stores with it.
  9. If the stores cant find these items still, we have to see if our boss can order it directly from the vendor, and then email the customers to let them know there will be delays.
  10. If it will take too long to order the item, we can email the customer with a list of "replacement options." We have to email the customer every day for 3 days until they answer. If they don't answer, we have to call them and ask them what they want as a replacement for their out of stock item. We aren't allowed to refund them unless they tell us they don't want a replacement or they don't answer their phone.
I could go further but I won't. This is a multi million dollar business and she's had it for 18 years.
Where do I even begin with this? Orders are almost always delayed. Customers are constantly getting the wrong things in their shipments. People are always complaining. I have to work crazy amounts of overtime to make any of this work. The "online girls" are all on the verge of quitting.
I have tried documents. My boss says she "doesn't do documents." She does most things through text message.
I have been here 6 months. It's not sustainable. I need to convince her there's a much easier way to do this but I don't know how.
Anybody have any immediate thoughts?
submitted by interquast to ecommerce [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:19 TonyAtCodeleakers I was approved for 8.45% with a 835 credit score. What gives?

I am seeing varying success online for the 0.99% deal and some people having success with requesting a manual review. I got immediately approved for Santander at 8.45% and I don’t get it. I have less than 5% utilization and make 95k on paper it should be a home run.
Can anyone expand on how to get a manual review, no one answers when I call any department and it feels like I am pulling teeth to get an answer through chat post order placed. Prior to placing my order they were calling and chatting constantly. I have sent multiple messages through the app chat client with 0 response outside of automated updates for my trade in.
submitted by TonyAtCodeleakers to ModelY [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:19 crummytortilla Husband and I discussed open marriage about 2 years ago. Nothing happened but I still carry so much guilt.

Like the title says, my husband and I thoroughly discussed the possibility of an open marriage a couple of years ago, because we both got married extremely young. We are deeply in love and building a wonderful life, we just were talking about "playing the field" a bit more since we never really got to. We gave each other permission to flirt and talk to other people during the duration of this, but we were not ok with anything physical happening yet. So, I did exactly that. I just texted this guy I used to have a small crush on and we flirted a little. No sexting, just a couple of flirty selfies. I didn't know how to tell him I was opening my marriage, so I never said it directly and I think that's where I went wrong. This person knew very well I was not looking for a new relationship, but that's about it. I don't feel like I led him on, because he knew nothing was going to happen. One day I got a random call from one of the other guys friends asking about my husband and I knew I had fucked up. I had permission from my husband to talk to this person, but we did not want to tell anyone our marriage was being explored in this way, so I just played it cool. I have never spoken to this guy again and we have since decided it isn't for us.
I feel like I cheated on my husband. I feel disgusting and like I betrayed him even though this is what we discussed. And again, this all happened over 2 years ago. I was just young and inexperienced and unable to properly communicate. I shouldn't have tried sometime so complex at such a young age, but I really thought I could do it. As soon as I got the call from that random guy, I called my husband and told him exactly what happened and he was not bothered at all.
Should I feel this badly about what I did? I just need advice. I need support. I feel like my husband deserves better and this makes me a terrible, terrible wife. I wouldn't think that if someone told me this story from their perspective, but I'm being consumed by guilt.
submitted by crummytortilla to OpenMarriage [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 ConnectionTotal2083 Lost my childhood pillow and I’m struggling to cope

I (23f) feel a bit silly making this but this is something that has me crying for nights. For context, I was born in the Philippines and migrated to Australia when I was 10. At 5, my mum use to work for this pillow company called DAKKI and she gave me a throw pillow which was blue and had sea creatures on it. It came from the Everything Animals collections and since that day I treasured that pillow. I called it Fishy and growing up he (I always thought of my pillow as a boy) was there during difficult times. He came with me as I migrated to Australia and has moved houses. I always bought him to road trips and whenever I travel overseas. He’s been ripped at the edges a few times but I would always sew him back despite not knowing how to sew properly. He’s had bite marks because I would bite him whenever I felt anxious and scared, and stains from my tears and saliva as I always hugged him. Whenever I hold him I always feel reassured and safe. He was there when my grandma was still alive and same with my dog. It was the only thing that helped me go through difficult times and often whenever I felt that I was alone I would talk to him. Recently (6 days ago) I went on a trip to Singapore. During the trip I was feeling sick and wasn’t thinking straight. Upon arrival at the airport I was holding him under my arm. My family and I went to a food hall within the airport where we put our stuff down; I don’t know if it was because I was so out of it but I didn’t realise that I was not holding him anymore. It was 4 am when I lost him. I didn’t realised it until 10 pm. By 10 pm I was in my hotel room wondering what was missing. For 18 hours I did not wonder because I was busy with my family.
I got back from my trip 2 days ago. When I went to the airport I went to the information desk and asked. I filled out a missing item report on the night I found out and the next day. They said that no one handed a pillow in. On that night I cried myself to sleep. The night I arrived back to Australia, I cried myself to sleep. Even right now I was sobbing. My siblings and boyfriend have been comforting me and offering solutions such as making a new pillow or finding a replacement for him. But I don’t want it. I just want my boy back. I know it was my fault for not taking care of him but I’ve been praying non stop, asking for a miracle that maybe one day someone will find him or that I find the same model being sold online. I know that some people may find this silly but this pillow is the only thing that was there for me during my hardest times and I am not ready to lose him. I cannot find him online so if anyone can locate him or have an exact one just like him please reach out. Nothing feels right and I just don’t want to be here anymore. I know I have to move on but considering that pillow has been with me for my whole life, I think this is something that will take a long time to heal from.
submitted by ConnectionTotal2083 to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 NotABadSlime25 27 [M4F] #Singapore - Looking for a long-term relationship

LF: Singapore, Chinese, F, 23-26 y/o (pref), searching for long-term RL, and who doesn't mind the slower-paced "random supper adventures and long walks on the beach" approach to dating.
Standard ASL first. I'm a 27 y/o Chinese (M) living in SG and rather average as far as lifestyle, beliefs, and the genetic lottery is concerned. I'm not built very athletically (more on the skinny side), but I'm also not wafer thin. Mostly introverted at first, but will get more extroverted and expressive once I'm comfortable with your company.
Work-wise, I have a relatively stable 9-5 office job which pays the bills and leaves more than enough left for rainy days plus the occasional midnight Haidilao.
As for my interests, they're straight-up geeky. FGO (lots of bonus points for this!), Pokemon, Anime TCGs - anything goes. Aside from that, I also enjoy hunting for good cocktails (in moderation, of course), the occasional karaoke session on weekends, and I like to think I can hold my own in the fantasy literature aisle. Mostly. XP
Anyway, drop me a DM (with your ASL preferably) if you want to:
1. Talk about basically ANYTHING.
(Can be your crappy work day, your new favourite song, that one annoying guy talking loudly on the MRT, etc.)
2. Not be judged for your interests.
(Look, I'm basically an adult guy playing a children's card game, so you can rest assured that this pot won't be calling any kettles black.)
3. Share shitposts, memes, and most of all, puns.
(No quotas for these. Nuff said.)
Thanks for reading my entire GP Paper. As for pictures, if you send me one of you, I'll gladly send one back when I can (keep this clean for now, though). Not exactly the most responsive on Reddit (WA/Tele is more my thing), so please be patient. Looking forward to meeting whoever's out there :)
submitted by NotABadSlime25 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:17 OkIntroduction9149 Life planning, it's seems great but has some problems..

Hello friends, I hope you're doing well. Today, I need your help regarding a matter I'll explain shortly.
After my 19th birthday, I decided to abandon the habit of wasting my time aimlessly and instead fill it with more meaningful activities. I've been quite successful; a few months after my birthday, I began the unstoppable journey and I quitting smoking, and now, as I talk about it, it's been almost over 5 months.
During these months, I've listened to numerous podcasts, decided to learn web design, read books on self-improvement and discipline, as well as interesting novels. I even decided to learn Spanish, despite living in the Middle East and perhaps having slim chances of visiting that place one day.
But I've done all these things to avoid wasting my time on trivial matters and to be satisfied with myself. And now, as I write this, it's not because I'm tired of doing these things; I just feel like something is missing in my life.
Although maybe I shouldn't feel this way, if Mark Manson were here, he would strongly disagree with me (laughs). When I used to plan my days, my tasks were fixed. Every day, a book, every day, a podcast, coding and taking online courses occasionally. But I was sure that among these days, I would allocate time for myself, because after all, well, I also want to watch a movie, play games, or maybe just stare at the wall for a while.
But when I made this plan for myself, I didn't go to university, and now, the days I go to university, when I come home, I'm completely more tired than I can even relax. And well, with the story I've told you, my life is summarized either in my room or going to university. Even the times when I find some free time during my day, I pick up my phone and scroll through Instagram and Telegram, even when I could use that time to watch a movie or play a game, I waste it.
And yes, I said all this to finally come to the conclusion that what I've lost in my life is a form of recreation that I can't achieve by neglecting my routine tasks. And I don't know what to do. If I stop my daily tasks, I feel trash, and if I indulge in leisure, well, it still feels somewhat like being trash.
I don't have much more to describe my situation. If you have any thoughts and would be so kind as to write them to me, I would greatly appreciate hearing them.
Thank you for your attention ❤️
submitted by OkIntroduction9149 to Life [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 18:16 deceptiveuser1 Replacing Xbox Controller Joystick Experience

Hi Everyone Wanted to share my experience dealing with joystick drift on my xbox controller.
So my original controller which came with the Series S started showing signs of joystick drift around 1 year after the purchase. Initially I bared it, but it became a pain when playing games such as overcooked 2.
Spending 5k more on buying a controller didn't seem to make a lot of sense since I had one more controller, the only issue was with couch co-op games.
So I first tried to call up local repair shops and they quoted me insanely high numbers to replace the joystick - roughly 2k. I live in Hyd, these prices might be lower in places such as Delhi.
Then the engineer in me got an itch, and I thought why not replace it myself. Searching on amazon I found this - TCOS TECH Xbox Series X/S Analog 3D Analog Joystick Replacement for Xbox Series S Xbox Series X Wireless Controller : Video Games (not sponsored or affiliated in any way)
I thought it should just be a simple soldering job and I ordered a soldering kit with this.
Then I started, and oh my, it was a really scary experience.
So the difference between soldering normally, and removing solders made by hand is generally very easy. But in things such as the controller, the soldering is done using automated machines on the PCB.
Removing these solders is not possible using normal soldering guns you might have for hobbies etc. They require significantly more heat to remove.
So yeah, I spent a long time trying to heat and remove the solder to no avail, the PCB almost changed a bit of it's colour, and I was like I have anyways messed this up.
Then I started exploring more on youtube to see more simpler techniques, there were techniques around just breaking the potentiometers/joystick instead of the solder, and then just move it back and forth to break the solder.
I thought I'll do this on the whole joystick, but just doing it on one of the potentiometers was too much effort and scary. Scary in terms of breaking the whole thing up.
Then I ended up only breaking 1 potentiometer (the front-back one which had the drift) and then replacing it with a potentiometer from the one I had purchased. After much more effort and abusing the PVC very badly with heat, solder and the hole from where I removed the older potentiometer, it looked like a complete mess. I was worried if it would even turn on.
Luckily after few minor adjustments, the joystick was working perfectly. I can honestly say, I felt super happy!
Fast forward to 2months since this, now the joystick has a different kind of problem, where it randomly gets stuck in top direction, hopefully might be fixable with minor tweaks.
All in all it was a very scary experience (of destroying my whole controller), and I won't recommend it to anyone if you don't have advanced soldering skills and equipment.
Better approach would be to buy a stick like this online and then maybe go to a mobile repair shop and pay them some money to help with soldering.
submitted by deceptiveuser1 to IndianGaming [link] [comments]