The 5 senses printables

Instant Pot

2014.05.11 07:56 parasocks Instant Pot


2011.01.20 21:47 Generative Art

Generative art refers to art that in whole or in part has been created with the use of an autonomous system. This subreddit is for sharing and discussing anything generative (including music, design and natural phenomena), but especially art.

2019.06.07 18:16 lifeofleaf ImageStreaming

The act of describing aloud the imagery one sees in their mind's eye that appears spontaneously. These descriptions require a recognition of the image in 5 senses, describing the image in terms of touch, taste, sound, smell and sight. Later variations include describing these images in one's head and continue to vary in technique and difficulty to enhance the 'streaming' experience.

2024.06.07 15:21 Ambitious_Poet_8792 Self built down wind board

Hey all, I’m a beginer winger (can go back and forth but can’t gybe). I have a 115 liter board which is great when windy but my area rarely is.
The idea of long and skinny to get just enough for takeoff speed made sense to me, but didn’t want to spend 2k to get a downwind board.
Went to Home Depot and bought the pink insulation, glued pieces together, shaped it into downwind board looking thing and stuck on a 20 dollar track I found online. Then I covered it with 1 layer of 3k weight carbon, and reinforced the box area. Total cost is around 350-400 (depending how you count). The built quality is shockingly bad and nothing is square or even (I did it after work and emphasis was on proof of concept, not perfection). Whole board is 8 feet long by 20 inches wide.
I’ve used the board maybe 5 times now and am shocked it works. But it really does.
Alls this to say, anyone else doing this? I’d be interested in sharing information- specifically foam choice - there has to be better than Home Depot.
Other thought, anyone ever considered going super thin (15 inches..) with little outriggers? I thought that may be cool. Or a cat type thing.
submitted by Ambitious_Poet_8792 to wingfoil [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:21 Nothings-Changed Runner who recently started lifting looking for advice on building more muscular physique

Hello =) I'm a runner and only recently started hitting the gym ~two months ago. My goal is to build a niceleaner physique and more muscle mass from my current, not so muscular physique. I'm a bit hesitant to follow the more popular advice from people on social media as it's usually the other way around; people who have been lifting for a while (and already have a pretty decent physique) start to get into running.
Does it make sense to reduce the amount of runs/mileage per week so the strength sessions have more "impact"? Are the runs interfering with my strength session's progress/recovery? Besides the usual muscle soreness the days after, I feel completely fine. Also, would going on a bulk/cut cycle help me here, even if my running performance will most likely suffer or is a slight calory surplus enough? Anything I should be watching out for?
My current split is as follows; the lifting sessions are adapted from the infamous Reddit PPL program (hypertrophy focused), but with only one leg session per week. I currently average around 53-57km/week (33-35miles) running. Priority is strength training.
Monday Push Easy Run
Tuesday Pull
Wednesday Legs Interval/Tempo Run
Thursday Push
Friday Pull Easy Run
Sunday Long Run
Nutrition (4.000 kcals; ~240g of protein per day) and the amount of sleep (7.5-8hrs) I'm getting is already pretty good, I'd say. Male, 25 years old, 197cm (6"5), 94kg (207lbs).
Thank you.
submitted by Nothings-Changed to HybridAthlete [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:20 InteractionFront4994 Why Stefan and Caroline Didn’t Make Sense and Why He Should Have Ended Up with Someone Like Katherine or Rebekah!!

I’ve been rewatching “The Vampire Diaries,” and I can’t shake the feeling that Stefan and Caroline’s relationship just didn’t make sense. It made me think about the parallels between why Elena and Damon ended up together and why Stefan should have ended up with someone like Katherine or Rebekah. Here are a few reasons why their pairing felt off and why Stefan would have been better suited with someone like Katherine or Rebekah.
Why Stefan and Caroline Didn’t Make Sense
1. Lack of Romantic Chemistry: 
Throughout most of the series, Stefan and Caroline had a solid friendship. Their sudden romantic turn felt forced and lacked the deep-seated chemistry Stefan had with other characters like Elena or Katherine. 2. Different Emotional Needs: Stefan’s journey is all about his struggle with his dark side and his search for redemption. Caroline is more upbeat and pragmatic. Their emotional needs and personalities didn’t always align, leading to a mismatch in their relationship dynamics. 3. Forced Development: Their relationship development felt rushed, mainly driven by the need to pair off characters rather than a natural progression of their interactions. It seemed more like a plot device than an organic romance. 4. Residual Feelings for Elena: Stefan’s profound love for Elena was central to the series for a long time. His shift to Caroline seemed to downplay the significance of his previous relationships, making it feel inconsistent with his deep emotional connections. 5. Conflict of Interests: Caroline’s pragmatic and sometimes controlling nature clashed with Stefan’s more introspective and brooding demeanor. Their differences often led to friction, which was downplayed to make them a couple.
Elena and Damon
1. Mutual Growth: • Damon Made Elena Feel Alive: Elena’s relationship with Damon brought out a more adventurous and daring side of her. He challenged her to embrace her vampire nature and live more freely, which contrasted with her initially more cautious and reserved personality. • Elena Helped Damon Become a Better Person: Damon’s journey from a selfish, impulsive vampire to someone capable of genuine love and selflessness was largely influenced by his love for Elena. She believed in his capacity for good and inspired him to strive for redemption. 
Stefan with Katherine or Rebekah
1. Historical Depth with Katherine: 
Stefan and Katherine shared a complex, tumultuous history spanning centuries. Their relationship was marked by intense passion and betrayal. Ending up with Katherine could have provided a full-circle moment, resolving their long-standing issues and giving Stefan a sense of closure. 2. Rebekah’s Similar Past: Rebekah and Stefan shared a history from the 1920s, experiencing similar struggles and understanding each other’s dark sides. Rebekah’s quest for redemption and a normal life mirrored Stefan’s desires, making them a more compatible pair. 3. Balance of Strengths and Weaknesses: Both Katherine and Rebekah had a level of strength, cunning, and vulnerability that matched Stefan’s complexities. They could challenge him, support his growth, and understand his darker tendencies in a way Caroline never could. 4. Consistent Character Arcs: A relationship with Katherine or Rebekah would have been more consistent with Stefan’s character arc. Both women had significant impacts on his life, and rekindling those relationships could have felt more natural and satisfying narratively. 5. Narrative Depth: The dynamics with Katherine or Rebekah would have allowed for richer storytelling. Their complicated pasts with Stefan would provide a wealth of material for exploring themes of redemption, forgiveness, and the complexities of love over time.
Just like Elena and Damon’s relationship allowed for mutual growth and brought out the best in each other, a relationship between Stefan and either Katherine or Rebekah could have offered similar dynamics. Katherine’s challenging nature and deep history with Stefan, or Rebekah’s shared quest for redemption, could have provided Stefan with the complexity and depth that made for compelling storytelling. Both relationships had the potential to be as transformative and enriching as Elena and Damon’s, offering rich narrative possibilities and emotional resonance.
What do you all think? Do you see the parallels or disagree? Also sorry for a long post just the way I can make my points.
submitted by InteractionFront4994 to TheVampireDiaries [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:16 TrueMight My Dys-Dain for profiteers of pseudo-scientific trash

I'm a pharmaceutical enthusiast. It's a very interesting and inviting proposal to give in to urges of viewing the body through a totally reductionist lens, just another bit of machinery that we can tweak and manage, that we can manipulate at our whim, make it serve us in the way we feel is gratifying right now. Not the way biological and environmental pressures determiner how it should react.
Unlike the biologically constrained view, this viewpoint is fun, because it feels empowering! It enables the delusion that we actually have even the slightest fucking idea what is going on in the brain and what we are doing. Now, we are creatures of habit, and that is because our body is so dead set on returning to homeostasis and is really good at it. But we are not a kitchen appliance. We don't have 5 dials and 3 buttons. The amount of cross-interactions and ways shit could possibly go wrong randomly is unimaginable. I mean, people actually just take some med and randomly die of sudden heart failure. Why? Fuck if anyone knows.
I'm not a friend of SSRIs. Antidepressants in general. They hailed in the wave of Depression diagnoses - in that causal relationship. We've been handing them out for so many decades now, yet that the production site of Serotonin was located in the gut, that was something we only found Out in the last decade. Look at our antipsychotic medication, our line of defense against psychosis - just fucking block dopamine I guess. Yeah you feel miserable as fuck without it - have some antidepressants with them. Why not go for Venlafaxine. Cause that ones fucking easy to get off of and certainly isn't a massive disruption.
Blocking Dopamines effects, that's our best swing at schizophrenia after a century still - but everyone is under the impression we already have this shit figured out apparently. Really? Did I miss the Party?
It I recall correctly, psychotic states can have a plethora of causes, and it's often difficult to find any substantial reasoning as to why they wouldn't be considered to be 'hallucinating stimuli that aren't present in material reality'.
Let's look at BPD: Borderliners are permanently parapsychotic, meaning their reality testing is impaired constantly, and they like to lose that grip entirely in a state of what is essentially a right hemisphere mini-stroke. They will start confabulating nonsensical, illogical, contradictory and straight up just untrue garbage ad infinitum, no matter how much evidence they are presented to the contrary - they will make it fit in, and they really believe in it, it doesn't vanish afterwards. Do we give those people anti-psychotics? Why not?
Neither do I know with SSRIs.
When are you clinically depressed because of an imbalance, versus should get your fucking life in order?
When is it a disorder that impairs your social life, versus you refusing to leave your god damn basement?
Maybe we should feel bad about ourselves sometimes. Our standing in society. Because here's a little secret: There might possibly be an incentive for certain industries in getting people hooked. Your bodily functions don't gain from your suffering. And it seems weird for human physiology to just have completely and utterly shat the bad so brutally, affecting so many people simultaneously with such growing number.
To go on a tangent, have you ever played a PC game and used cheat engine? There's values you can search for and change within the rapid access memory that your PC has allocated somewhere for whatever memory the game is actively constantly using. There's a lot of games where you could find the value of the level you have in some skill and change that - yet nothing happens. Actually, the number you changed is only a display number for the player, so besides being informative for you it serves no function. So it has to be some other value, maybe an XP counter which just starts at 0 and goes up to 99999999, or maybe that one is dependent on others as well. Maybe it's randomized at every playthrough which combination of values determines it? We certainly know changing the displayed number doesn't really do that much. Actually it might be counterproductive if you think you're higher in that skill than you really are, put less effort into leveling it.. That's basically SSRIs for me.
Now, higher Serotonin concentrations are clearly correlated with higher levels of.. Well that depends what you're searching for, doesn't it.
You can just take the easy route and say "Happyness". Huh. What the fuck does that mean? Because you could also say the lobster thing, say that it's very strongly correlating with the hierarchical status, which would also not be wrong. So the translation for humans seems to be the "socioeconomic dominance hierarchy" I guess? Well that's another very simple, easy, onedimensiomal concept to unpack, isn't it. So I does that disqualify me if I'm low on it? It doesn't seem to. Oh okay - correlation. It's a thing we happened to observe. So what does that mean?
Such statements and observations only maybe might make sense and be of limited use if they are used to make inferences about each other, maybe arrive at a sudden absence of correlation between relationships, but only so long as they are using using identical definitions and rulesets as their playground boundaries.
So what are these boundaries, who sets them? First, lets look at real science.
With formal sciences, we adhere to laws of the fabric of space and time, and we test for ideas, hypotheses if you might, in a way that tries to actually show we're wrong, in order to find the least wrong, least unnecessarily complex theory, that can nonetheless give us reliable capability to predict future events, allowing us to plan and strategize. You try to prove you're wrong because you can't prove anything als definitely right by "Always" being correct. What does Always mean? The next trillion tests? Until the end of the universe? Alright, see you then. It can be correct any number of times - if it fails a SINGLE time to be applicable, or completely misses the mark with a prediction it makes about the future, it needs to be revised or replaced.
Now, join me in the imaginary realm of arbitration and conjecture.
In social 'sciences', we have merely an imaginary and conceptualized space, it's constraints and contents, as well as what that space deems to be in the range of normalcy. Range of normalcy... I guess we do that by what we agree is normal? Or what we're like on Average? Oh right, we are stupid and gullible.
Psychological & Psychiatric associations and doctors determine what's normal, right. Based on what THEY determine scientifically as normal or abnormal. Today you're a junkie tweaker on meth, tomorrow you might be a Performance-enhanced enjoyer of hedonistic short-term pleasure. Doctors know best. If they say you need Adderall, you're not a speed junkie - you're receiving medication for your ailment. Today you have Gaming Disorder, tomorrow it might go up to HAZARDOUS GAMING DISORDER. (I'm not making this up)
So it's a space of 'knowledge' that has as 0 external validity: Whatever is posited or discovered within this conjecture, its gotta be a result of working inside that conjecture and it's rules. That means we have to accept the premises required as existing at least, and the rules wholesale.. Because otherwise we never would've been able to discover anything about that space, it would've been a different space, one that you don't have anyone to discuss anything with. So we have a hypothetical space, and it's boundaries must be accepted as existent, if not true. But we can prove them true afterwards for the ones coming later?
No. You can try to work from within that system to say "the boundaries should maybe be here", not "the boundaries actually don't exist". For that, your have to create a new system that would contain the ones you want to disspell. Why?
Well unfortunately we need a framework to guide us because otherwise, there is nothing to find out because you can do nothing. If there are no bounds or limits to a space, then you have failed to define a space. If you define a space, then you can differentiate between what content is inside, and which is outside of its frame. You change the frame, you automatically change the space, thus you reframed, and new things might be included, others disappear, others have to be revisited (like malignant self love, narcissism revisited) and refined with whatever new bullshit was made up because a lot of people have it. Because that really is the only reason.
They have NO, and absolutely cannot ever have ANY truth-value, absolutely nothing that would allow them to ever enter the methodological realm of hard truths. They have no intrinsic value that would ever qualify them to be be user for confident inferences, deductions, statistics or anything constituting true scientific theory. This is important to know.
People that are psychotic just, in waves reporting they see Santa Claus, that wouldn't be put in as a comorbidity, right? Science doesn't work like that.. Right? Right guys? We don't try to just immediately integrate any behaviors that pop up outside of a more and more narrow definition of normal, with a more and more broad definition of mental illness, and begin to call these people sick and suffering from "pathology", right? We're a.. science?
Since deductive hypotheses are being formulated in a manner, that is trying to positivistically confirm what it has already observed upon as a phenomenon that is a distinct space of mental illness, it's already been established as a prototype. Now they just need enough same-ish results in that group, and voila: Gender Dysphoria.
This is no stance of value. But there was no reason that 'body dysphoria' could not encompass this phenomenon - but when enough people appear, then yeah. It becomes somewhat necessary, they all have the same disturbance of identity and perception. Well, not the perception part anymore, not like it used to be, with the person misperceiving. We reframed that, cause that insinuates delusion. And nobody wants to be delusional.
Also, from a profit oriented perspective, the prospect of these people.. The treatment is gonna be lifelong with a lifelong hormone therapy.. and whatnot because they are fixing an issue of identity with purely sexuality, so antidepressants and a BPD diagnosis are also for the taking.. and oh man the surgeries are treasure trovee no matter how they go.. in fact the less effective they are, the more dependent on the sector the person becomes.. Meaning more. Fucking. MONEY.
FUCK IT, get the gears turning boys we gotta get the news out: Its a distinct clinical entity, all of society is actually misperceiving them and they are born in the wrong body (every single one, otherwise we wouldn't diagnose them, obviously), evidence is one case study here.. Should be good to go!
Diagnostic criteria Tl;Dr: Unhappy in general, anxious to socialize, and have this deep feeling of being uncomfortable in your body, and especially an incongruence in gender.
I can go to a doctor now and claim all of these. It's getting quicker and quicker. Because it'd affirmative care, what fucking monster would stand in the way of the helping hand of the surgeons and endocrinologists and psychiatrists - they are your friends. Your best friends. They do science. Just let yourself be cared for. And as early as possible. Yeah.. I don't know we've been going for a while, and we are severely lacking in even these shitty studies that would have barely any value because of outside pressures and reactivity. People just get lost post surgery and especially the ones that went through with it before puberty keep not being checked up on.
Unlucky, guess it's just luck of the draw that nobody cares about whether THIS very tempered measure for a mental state that seems to sometimes subside or be tied to trauma is actually an effective treatment, you know in improving lives. I mean they gave all this affirming care these friends of us, so everyone should affirm, so better shut the fuck up. And no you're not getting funding for long term follow-up studies, actually if you try, we'll make it as hard as possible to follow up on these people by not changing their records appropriately for them to be found. I think 12 without parental approval would be a good starting age?
This is the most extreme example, but you can apply this to so many conditions and treatments. This shit is totally circular. It's begging the question. Everyone loves it because it is so awesome. It's terrible how people might not love it, so therefore we should act against such people, right?
In a perversion of science so disgusting it needs a name of its own, Psychiatry is a disgrace, and we throw Neuroscientific and Biomedical observations into the same pot with a questionnaire about 'what you feel like?' and 'how intense from 1 to 10 would you rate it?'
Depends on the context. Maybe my 5 is a hellish nightmare for others. Maybe everyone actually feels way shittier by default than it seems. Maybe seeing people happy online nonstop makes me feel like I should be happier, so simultaneously I become less happy and I would rate my happiness as lower. Sounds like a reasonable measure to me. Very Accurate too.
So now, we find out how we can get SSRIs approved and distributed uhhhmmm I mean, find out what might be wrong and how we could treat it. This melancholy of yours uhhh I mean Major Depressive Disorder you pathologically suffer from.
Olay so fuck it, it keeps in Serotonin, let's get a "measurement of the number of instances of neurotransmitter x in synaptic cleft y" in there . A physically existing amount of a defined thing in an area at a time; which therefore, given our tool of measurement has 100% precision, would have to yield as it's value a single, natural number, with a truth value of 1 (maximum) at that exact instance of designated spacetime. That is very important, because it very clearly prevents the possibility of any other value that isn't identical to have been ALSO true at the same time, so it is falsifiable. Or rather, it was - that instance is gone, the measurement cannot be replicated. Convenient for us if we maybe aren't entirely honest about the accuracy, or the method itself.
Now we did the SCIENCE THING. We got a fucking NUMBER man. That sexy, empirical, numerical value, gained by observing material reality and measuring for a quantitative value. Let's get a few more of those measurements.
Now get your lab coats ready again guys:
We take those numbers.. And we start to just aggressively smash, beat, and contort them in whichever way necessary, so that they can 'support the findings' and neatly 'fit into the presumption' of whatever bias-riddled, pseudo-scientific theory we are trying to posit. Graphs are good - just numbers, statistics, math, anything to make it look formal.
We do the research on this, so we are the experts, so we declare us the authority to distinguish between expert and lunatic. on this. Also since our research is science, it has to follow good lab practice. That only costs you a few dozen million to accommodate. Nothing a cooperative partner can't pay.. provided you're doing the right kind of studies.
Also, for the last time guys, follow the science, okay? You might claim that we just see and name behaviors that are abmormal, same-ish and cause discomfort, then might claim that studying whether the people we put in the study because they exhibit that abnormal behavior we grouped are suffering from the label we gave that abnormal pattern (they are, it's bad) is a bit pointless - but trust us, we're always like "Wooooow, the result was exactly what we expected! The descriptions fit like a glove!". We may be unable to make reliable, statistically relevant predictions about the behavior of even 1 person, not even for a few minutes - but rest assured, our statistics are all corrected for, any environmental or external variables or reactivity, and I mean it's 10 people, how much more do you need, 50? Remember, we don't pathologize, we treat and care with methods, like sending you to these people that, you know uhm, talk, and all that kind of shit.. Anyway, lifelong pharmacological and/or surgical interventions are often necessary.
You say 0 truth value again - say take your medicine buddy, cause it's starting to look preeeeettttyyy Antisocial. You got some sort of conduct disorder huh.. guess a callous unemotional type.. not showing any emotional correlate. Hello? Is he just playing dead?
Okay. That's it. He has ODD, it's obvious. That's clearly a case of the oppositional defiant disorder. Do we have a med for that? Mmmhmm ... yeah... okay alright thanks.
How about some Venlafaxine?
submitted by TrueMight to Antipsychiatry [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:16 ImM3llow 26 [M4F] USA / Anywhere / Online. Free Golden Retriever energy BF, let me love you❤️

Edit: DO NOT message me a simple hi or hello, with no information about you, Put some effort in to your message like i have, come on. Day+Attempt#204
Hello everyone, Thank you for taking the time to read, I know its long, I know - I know. But its worth the read, Trust me. I appreciate you immensely.
Here's a bit about me,
My name is Jay, I live on the East coast of the US. I'm looking for love - like everyone else on here.., but you may not believe or even be doubtful that I've never had a GF before with me being 26, but its true. I'm simply just not willing to "be with" just anyone and I'm very picky. I want us to be a match, more than just have similar things in common.
One thing I have always been told is that I'm a "Real Catch, I'd be extremely lucky to have someone like you" - WELL THEN TAKE ME. I'M FREE. LOL.
About me:
Physically -
~I'm a semi-tall guy, around 5'10.
~I'm thin but muscular.
~I have dirty blonde/ brown hair.
~Changing colored eyes.
~A voice nice enough to melt all your safeguards and get right into your heart and weak spots.
~I do not have any tattoos or piercings. Though I would like to get some eventually.
If you'd like to see a picture of me just ask and I'll show you - IF I may see you as well, I simply just don't want a picture of me out there for anyone to see.
-If there's anything else you'd like to know just ask.
Otherwise -
~I do have 3 pet bunnies I would be more than happy to show you, they are extremely cute.
~I'm a very honest and down to earth guy.
~I'm very patient and easy going.
~I'm very curious and inquisitive. I will try to ask everything I can to learn all about you haha.
~I'm Very VERY Kind & Caring, I will probably ask how you are feeling a bajillion times a day, simply out of care for you.
~I can get pretty clingy, and will always want your attention and to be talking with you. If i have someone im interested in i wont want to talk to anyone else🤷‍♂️
~I'm very trustworthy - you can confide in me, and entrust your deepest secrets and I wont tell a soul.
~I'm a HUGE hopeless romantic, im old fashioned and will always try to impress you.
- I'm, a BIG softie even though I may look a smol bit intimidating, but I'd do just about anything to see you smile or laugh. And yes.., I do mean anything.
~I'm a big goof - I will get up to some silly shenanigans ALL the time, I will crack dumb jokes and send you memes and tik toks just to make you happy, even if its from across the room I'd wait to see your reaction lol.
~I'm extremely loyal, and would never even think of cheating.
~I will cook for you, and clean up too, even around the house, I'm very self productive and don't ask for much. Just don't forget to kiss the cook.
~I'd also love to just cuddle up and watch a movie or read a book together, anything to get us closer. Id try to take you out on dates whenever possible haha. I have a million SUPER romantic date ideas I have but have never had anyone interested enough in me to take out. Here's your chance ;)
~I will always want to share stuff I find interesting with you, and try to share every moment of every day with you. I'm not looking for someone who can only talk for a small amount of time, I want someone who's willing to put in all the effort I put into them back into me, it goes both ways. If I'm "with" someone you are my TOP priority nobody and nothing else would be. You would be the only person I'd truly want to talk to, so rest assured I would NEVER cheat, even more so because no one is interested in me - Hence why I'm here hahaha.
I'm sure there is more to me than this snippet but I cant think of more at the moment haha, so get to know me and find out more about me.
Some of my interests are: Engineering- I'm a nerd. I admit it. I love being technical and hands on, I love building things. All kinds of things, from furniture, machinery, and reverse engineering anything I find. I love learning how things work and trying to improve things.
Music - I prefer music with a very fast pace, or with some very meaningful lyrics I can relate to. I love to sing along to music and songs that have a deep meaning behind it I can sympathize with makes it all the better. Some bands I like are: Bad Omens, Beartooth, Demon Hunter, MIW, I9K - The list goes on. I'm a bit of a metalhead unfortunately.
TV Shows & Movies - I love watching shows, and I'd love to stream some shows and have some E-dates with you, to get to know you, or if you are close to me, maybe we could do it in person. Some shows I like or more of the Fantasy/Sci-Fi, Comedy, Action, stuff like: National Treasure, Halo, BattleBots, Rick and Morty, AHS, Anything Marvel or DC, The Witcher, Wednesday, The Sandman, The Magicians, The Umbrella Academy, ETC.
Gaming - Yes yes I know, Basic guy likes basic stuff. But gaming has been a thing for me since forever. I know most of you wont care or want to hear that, but I'll leave out the specifics on this part unless you are interested in that, MEGA Bonus points if you are.
Here's a lists of Cons to dating me-
~I'm not Ryan Reynolds. Disappointing, I know.
~I will fight you on what goes on pizza lol.
~I'm not rich.., Yet.
~I can't pronounce Worcestershire.
~I'm slightly forgetful, but with good reasoning.
~(Not really a con but- some might disagree) I still have ALL of my firsts, Do with that what you will c:
~I've got an endless pile of love and affection and no one to give it to! What a dilemma! Help me fix it?
Other than that I'll save the rest for a bit more of getting to know each other.
Here's a bit of what I'm looking in you:
~Preferably someone with lots of free time, and loves to chit chat. I'm seriously not interested in getting 1 message a day. Though I understand people get busy, I personally am not willing to try to learn about you and form something with 7 responses a week. Effort gets reciprocated and I appreciate the time you put in me.
~Physically: -I’m not personally attracted to anyone who’s “curvy/ chubby”, I apologize. Not a shallow thing, I just dont have the attraction chemical in my brain for that, I’m sorry. -If you’re shorter than me, thats a plus to me. -I love dimples, if you have those when you smile, bonus points 😊 - I’m not sure what else to put.., but as for nsfw wise find out😂
~I'm a sucker for a different accent other than American, and if you have an Posh English accent you have already won my heart.
~I'm also only really looking for someone within the ages of 18-35. I don't want anyone old enough to be my mom lol.
~I'd prefer (But not a must) people NOT on the other side of the world, as other time zones SUCK. I don't expect to find anyone who also has never had a boyfriend either, but that would be a real plus. I also don't mind a LDR, but I don't want that forever. But it gives us time to get to know each other.
But as for attributes I'm looking for in you:
~Someone who is above all else very very Loyal and would never cheat.
~Someone who is Honest, and will tell me the truth over a little white lie.
~Someone who is Kind & Caring, who'd constantly check on me, and accept me for who I am & help me improve day to day.
~Someone who is trustworthy, and I can count on to keep my secrets safe, or even just help me remember things.., I do tend to be somewhat forgetful.
~Someone who is very Patient and wants to see me succeed and will help me do so, just like I would help you. Even if its small day to day things, I would appreciate your company ANY time.
~I want a partner who is Affectionate, can reciprocate, and loves to snuggle and talk about their day, and what their interests are, and what makes them happy.
~Someone who can admit they get clingy or overprotective is a bonus.
~A partner with good communication is key, if something wrong we have to be able to talk about it.
~A partner who likes to game with me or at least watch me play would be a plus but not a requirement.
~Someone with a good sense of humor and like to joke around, I am a big goof after all and I love to joke around. Sending memes is always appreciated and good to cheer people up too!
~I'd prefer someone with the same music taste, but not a requirement, Plus if you wouldn't mind if I send you love songs occasionally that's a bonus, or sending me some back haha.
~Being willing to voice call is a must, Texting forever is not the way to go. I have to know what your voice is like haha, later on we can video call if you are comfortable with that. I prefer chatting on Discord because Reddit messages of any kind I'm sure you know are unreliable and sucky in general. So please send me your discord if you have one :)
~I would LOVE to see picture of your pets if you have any. Bonus points if it includes your beautiful self haha.
I'm sure there is more I'm looking for but I cant think of it right now haha, I will have to edit this when I think of it.
Please tell me about you as an opener! I told you a good bit about me, now its your turn haha.
Tell me some things like -
~What's your name?
~Where are you from?
~How old are you?
~What are your hobbies / interests?
~What about my post interested you?
~Where is my TV Remote?!
~Selfie? Pet pics?
~Hit me with your best joke or meme :)
~What's your favorite candy?
I'd LOVE to get to know you, and see where things go.
But yeah, I know it was long I'm sorry haha. Send me a message and lets get to know each other! :)
submitted by ImM3llow to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:15 Ibeenblowinguptowers Competitive needs to be fixed

Yes everyone complains about comp. 1 (while this doesn’t effect me as much) smurfing is way too easy, If you are a decent player you can get to playing competitive pretty quickly and with ease. Then with that just making it unfair. (At least YouTubers try to make it even lol).
2, More of a personal opinion but the skill disparity In 2’s and 3’s is just unreal. When looking at high plat to high champ gameplay in 2’s, the only difference is increased mechanics, the game sense is still lacking heavily. In 3’s you cannot solo q and expect to rank up if you’re below champ lol. Since it’s a team game players don’t have to always play their best to rank up and I think that some are getting boosted to ranks they don’t deserve.
  1. Throwing matches should be punished more harshly. You get a long ban for leaving a tournament but when you leave a competitive game it’s only 5 minutes. I think there should also be a stat detection if you are “rage” queuing into matches while on a losing streak. So that it asks you to take a break, not exactly stopping you from playing entirely but just letting you know.
These are not perfect ideas but I think there can still be something to do with rl’s ranked system.
submitted by Ibeenblowinguptowers to RocketLeague [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:13 Little_Advantage1352 Aspire credit card is a joke

I opened an aspire credit card offering 1% cash back. I know its not much but I was using to try and rebuild my credit from younger days now that I'm older. Well I had the card for almost 2yrs. Never went over my limit and actually got a limit increase, never once missed a payment, always paid my balance in full at the end of the cycle but on June 2nd 2024 the decided to put a hold on my card and then close it. Their reason why is because I made to many payments in a 1 month period. What?? That makes no sense. They tell me that in the contract i signed it states you can only make 3 payments in a cycle. I asked them where cause it's not there and they wouldn't tell me where. For the past 6 months I would make a purchase pay it off, make a purchase pay it off and so on. I thought the whole purpose of a credit card was to make purchases then pay it off. So for 6 months at least I would make a least 5 or more payments in a cycle. The other excuse they came up with it is because I supposedly exceeded my limit for example in May I spent 2,000. My limit is 650 but I also made 1950 in payments that same month. Not once did I actually exceed the "limit" plus I have to pay a monthly fee of $12.50 and an annual fee of like $70. So now because they closed it everything I worked towards building my credit with this card is for nothing. And they won't give me 1% cash back that I acquired. So don't use aspire. They make up excuses to close your account which I believe the reason why is because they weren't getting any interest from me
submitted by Little_Advantage1352 to CreditCards [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 15:12 salomonverse500 I've finally finished stan lees original 100 issue run and it was amazing (heh)

So Ive been reading this run for a few months now and man has it been fun. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this run and getting a better understanding of Peter Parker and his supporting cast. Peter is such a complicated character with so many wants thats conflict with each other and responsiblities that all make his life harder. I think he really does come across as relatable not just because he suffers but because he makes mistakes. Id say half his problems come from his big mouth getting him into trouble before he thinks.
And I enjoy that he's not perfect as peter or spider-man he struggles to do the right thing every day because being a good person isn't a one time thing its a choice made everyday. And man did he develop hes so different from his early highschool days he is a man now who knows what his responsibilities are even if they make his life worse. Though while it makes sense he does come across as thoughtless of his friends and family and does let them down alot. Its hard to blame any of them for being pissed at Peter for one reason or another.
His supporting cast are also all great I mean JJJ is always funny and there are hints later in the run where you can see some of his humanity under all the greed and yelling. Mary jane is a stand out she is always fun too see and pretty progressive for the time.Her actions have aged much better knowing she found out Peter's secret identity its easy to see why shes considered his best love intrest and shes still my favorite . Harrys development from bully to peter to friend was nice too see even if they don't really hang out much after they move in together.
Robbie robertson and george stacy are two characters who add a nice dynamic too just shitting on Peter like most other characters do. Seeing those guys have meetings avout spider-man and try to understand him was nice too see also. George stacy I thought was a fun character sad too see him die but hey now I finally saw asm 90 from across the spider-verse so thats cool. Same with robbie hes such a nice change of pace and adds a nice dynamic too the bugle and Jameson.
Flash tompson is also a stand out hes a very interesting bully he has a code almost like not letting peter take all the blame for something they both caused and his love for spider-man. I think that makes him a more interesting character than he otherwrise would be and his slow acceptance of peter makes a great story to watch.Aunt may Imma be honest is kinda weak as a character so far like she has her moments but shes very stagnant and frail always either shitting on spidey or getting sick its kind of annoying. Though she has those small moments of strength and her always looking out for peter not wanting him to worry about her because shes all he has is nice. But I dunno man I hope she gets better later.
Betty brant and liz allen kinda were just annoying but untold tales I felt helped them out a bit. Gwen stacy also is someone now that I read about her I don't get the hype. She's the most whatever love interest so far bordering on annoying more often than not. Like her only real character trait is loving peter I dunno why they keep trying to bring her back.
The villians too were great Id say my top 5 were Green goblin,doc ock,mysterio,kraven and scorpion. Green goblin didn't appear as often as doc ock but when he did man did he shake things up hes definitely peters most personal and dangerous foe. Doc ock just has so many appearances and their all amazing if green goblin didn't have Peter's seceret identity Id say he was the best villian just always a blast. Mysterio also didn't appear that much but his stories were super creative and fun plus in the reading order he had a jmd story so like super plus. Kraven I always thought was super lame but after spider-man 2 I finally understood the hype and seeing his original appearances only added to my love of this guy he definitely had some crazy traps and schemes for peter. And scorpion I though was a good anti spider-man type villian with an interesting relationship with jonah and spider-man who basically created him because spider-man existsed and jonah hated him.
And so with that I must say this was such a blast Im glad to have done it and I can't wait to read even more. Id say my favorite stories were if this be my destiny, when goblin first found out peters identity,that story where kraven dresses as spider-man to lure him out, mysterio shrinking spider-man into a carnival and scorpion trying to kill jameson. What about you guys how do you feel about this run.
submitted by salomonverse500 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:57 NicMarais Promote LiveGood and Network Marketing Opportunities: 5 Proven Strategies

5 Keys to Network Marketing Success
Unveiling Proven Strategies to Thrive in Network Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide
Welcome to the ultimate guide to network marketing success! In this article, we'll delve into the five pillars of building a thriving network marketing business. Whether you're just starting out or looking to take your business to the next level, this guide will provide you with the knowledge and strategies you need to succeed.
We'll cover everything from developing effective promotion strategies to building a loyal team, generating qualified leads, adhering to ethical practices, and fostering customer retention. By implementing these proven strategies, you'll be well-equipped to achieve your business goals and create a fulfilling and prosperous career in network marketing.
So get ready to embark on this exciting journey with us. Together, we'll unlock the secrets to network marketing success and empower you to build a thriving business that you're passionate about.
Click here for the Powerline and Business Opportunity.
LiveGood Promotion Strategies for Beginners: A Step-by-Step Guide to Success
Are you ready to promote LiveGood and build a successful network marketing business? In this beginner-friendly guide, we'll provide you with proven strategies to effectively promote LiveGood to potential team members and generate leads.
We'll cover a range of tactics, from leveraging social media platforms to hosting live events and partnering with other businesses. By implementing these strategies, you'll be well-equipped to spread the word about LiveGood's amazing products and opportunity, and build a thriving team.
So get ready to dive into the world of LiveGood promotion! With our step-by-step guidance and practical tips, you'll be able to confidently promote LiveGood and achieve your business goals.
How to Build a Successful LiveGood Team: A Guide to Recruitment and Retention
Building a strong and successful LiveGood team is essential for your network marketing business. In this comprehensive guide, we'll provide you with proven strategies for recruiting and retaining a team of distributors who are passionate about LiveGood and committed to achieving success.
We'll cover a range of topics, from identifying potential team members to providing ongoing training and support. By implementing these strategies, you'll be well-equipped to build a thriving team that will help you grow your business and achieve your goals.
So get ready to embark on the journey of building your LiveGood team! With our step-by-step guidance and expert insights, you'll be able to attract, recruit, and retain top-performing distributors who will help you achieve unprecedented success.
Click here for the Powerline and Business Opportunity.
MLM Lead Generation Techniques for LiveGood: A Guide to Attracting Potential Team Members
Are you looking to generate leads and attract potential team members for your LiveGood business? In this comprehensive guide, we'll provide you with proven techniques to effectively reach your target audience and build a strong network of potential distributors.
We'll cover a range of strategies, from utilizing social media and content marketing to attending industry events and partnering with other businesses. By implementing these techniques, you'll be well-equipped to generate a steady stream of qualified leads and grow your LiveGood team exponentially.
So get ready to amplify your lead generation efforts! With our step-by-step guidance and expert insights, you'll be able to attract top-tier prospects who are eager to join your LiveGood journey and contribute to your success.
Ethical Network Marketing Practices for LiveGood: A Guide to Building a Sustainable Business
Building a successful LiveGood business requires not only hard work and dedication, but also a strong commitment to ethical practices. In this comprehensive guide, we'll provide you with essential principles and best practices to ensure that your network marketing efforts are conducted with integrity and professionalism.
We'll cover a range of topics, from transparency and honesty in marketing to avoiding deceptive tactics and respecting customer rights. By adhering to these ethical practices, you'll not only build a strong reputation for yourself and your LiveGood business, but also contribute to the positive perception of the entire network marketing industry.
So get ready to embrace ethical network marketing! With our step-by-step guidance and real-world examples, you'll be well-equipped to build a thriving LiveGood business that is both profitable and sustainable in the long run.
Click here for the Powerline and Business Opportunity.
Customer Retention Strategies for Network Marketing Businesses: A Guide to Building Lasting Relationships
Building a successful network marketing business is not just about acquiring new customers; it's also about retaining them and fostering long-term relationships. In this comprehensive guide, we'll provide you with proven strategies to ensure customer satisfaction, build loyalty, and create a thriving customer base.
We'll cover a range of topics, from providing excellent customer service to creating a sense of community and offering personalized experiences. By implementing these strategies, you'll be able to minimize customer churn, increase repeat purchases, and turn your customers into loyal advocates for your LiveGood business.
So get ready to elevate your customer retention game! With our step-by-step guidance and real-world examples, you'll be well-equipped to build a network marketing business that is not only profitable but also characterized by strong and enduring customer relationships.
Conclusion: Embracing Success in Network Marketing with LiveGood
Congratulations on taking the first step towards building a successful network marketing business with LiveGood! In this comprehensive guide, we've explored five key pillars to help you achieve your goals: effective promotion strategies, team building, lead generation, ethical practices, and customer retention.
Remember, success in network marketing is not just about making a quick buck; it's about building a sustainable business based on integrity, relationships, and value. By embracing the strategies outlined in this guide, you'll be well-equipped to create a thriving LiveGood business that provides both financial rewards and personal fulfillment.
So take action today! Implement these strategies, stay committed to your goals, and let LiveGood be the catalyst for your success. With hard work, dedication, and a positive mindset, there's no limit to what you can achieve in the exciting world of network marketing.

What are some additional tips for promoting LiveGood effectively?

In addition to the strategies mentioned in the article, here are a few more tips for promoting LiveGood effectively: - Leverage the power of social media: Create engaging content, run targeted ads, and engage with potential customers on social media platforms where your target audience is active. - Host online webinars and events: Showcase LiveGood products, provide valuable information, and connect with potential team members through live webinars and virtual events. - Partner with influencers: Collaborate with influencers in your industry to reach a wider audience and build credibility for your LiveGood business.

How can I build a strong and supportive LiveGood team?

Building a strong LiveGood team requires a combination of effective recruitment strategies and ongoing support. Here are a few additional tips: - Identify and target the right candidates: Look for individuals who are passionate about health and wellness, have a strong work ethic, and align with LiveGood's values. - Provide comprehensive training and resources: Equip your team members with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed, including product training, sales techniques, and marketing materials. - Foster a sense of community and support: Create a positive and supportive team environment where members can connect, share ideas, and motivate each other.

What are some ethical considerations I should keep in mind when building my LiveGood business?

Maintaining ethical practices is crucial for the success and reputation of your LiveGood business. Here are a few additional ethical considerations to keep in mind: - Be transparent and honest in all your marketing and sales efforts: Avoid making exaggerated claims or using deceptive tactics. - Respect customer rights: Always obtain informed consent before sharing personal information or enrolling customers in programs. - Avoid pyramid schemes and other illegal or unethical practices: Ensure that your business practices comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
Click here to take the free tour of LiveGood today.
Click here to tour the LiveGood Site for free.

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submitted by NicMarais to LiveGoodNic [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:57 emotibit Does the discoloration on the EmotiBit electrode affect its performance?

The discoloration on some electrodes results from the manufacturing process and does not indicate corrosion. The electrodes have been extensively tested with EmotiBit to validate performance. Here is a link to our validation paper:
The electrodes are coated with Ag-AgCl for its Biocompatibility, stability, low-noise, and low skin-electrode impedance. For reference, see:,biological%20signals%20recording%20%5B16%5D.
Device safety and protection information
EmotiBit has been designed and tested for safety of use. The device operates on a low-voltage battery and wirelessly transmits data with zero risk of electrical shock from power mains. Each device is factory-tested for functional insulation, and short-circuit prevention. During use, continuous temperature sensing protects from overheating. Materials and methods used in the device are determined to provide irritant-free body contact utilizing ISO 10993-5 and UL-certified conformal coating compliant with RoHS directive 2015/863/EU, individually inspected with UV fluorescence. The EmotiBit device is used in conjunction with a replaceable PET plastic barrier and replaceable Ag/AgCl electrodes designed for medical applications that aim to provide hygienic, hypoallergenic and irritant-free contact with the skin.
submitted by emotibit to EmotiBit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:57 Stunning_Practice9 Zepbound is a miracle

I was a healthy/normal weight as a child, and went to college at age 18 a 5'10" man weighing 155 lbs. I was definitely skinny and not very muscular. To keep it brief, I experienced several traumatic and very difficult things during my years in school, and I packed on roughly 40 pounds seemingly overnight. As the years went by from ages 22-30 my weight slowly crept up to a high of 240 in December of 2020.
That whole time I was painfully aware of being fat. My cholesterol/triglycerides skyrocketed in my early 20s. I tried tracking calories, weighing my food, intermittent fasting, keto, and exercising like a fanatic. I made many, many good-faith attempts to lose the weight but my body would fight me SO HARD every time. I would lose 20 pounds then gain it back over the next 8-12 months, and a little more each time. My cholesterol was alarmingly bad so my doctor put me on a statin when I was 30, and I started to take blood pressure meds at 32 years old. I carried my weight OK, friends and family never believed me when I would talk about how fat I was and how I had to take meds in my early 30s for obesity related diseases. My fasting glucose and A1C were both creeping upward as well, though I was not pre-diabetic when I decided to go "no holds barred" in January 2021 and "finally get back down to a normal BMI."
I fought as hard as I could. I signed up for a meal delivery program so I would know EXACTLY how many calories, macros, etc I was eating. No alcohol (haven't had a drop since December 2020). No sweets, no snacks except sugar-free beef jerky or plain nuts/seeds. My diet has been low carb, high protein, high fiber. I drink only water or flavored seltzer (no artificial sweeteners). I dropped from 240 to 213 across 2021 and maintained it until this year...but UGH was my life miserable. I was hungry 24/7, sometimes so hungry I couldn't sleep...and yet I was still "fat" and still needed a statin and BP med. I had zero energy, every workout felt like a punishment. I thought about food 24/7 and my inner dialogue was a constant argument like "oooo that looks delicious, eat it!" "no!" "ooooo I'm starving, grab a snack" "no!"
If any of you have little kids, it was like part of my mind was a hungry little kid constantly begging for food and the other part was the "responsible adult" who constantly replied "no." This dynamic is utterly exhausting, as I'm sure most of you are well aware. I don't care what anyone says, to endure that inner dialogue for years on end just to maintain moderate weightloss IS tremendous willpower. Willpower, by itself, is no match for the disease of obesity, in my opinion.
I am not lazy, I am not stupid, I am not unmotivated, and I DID DO THE WORK that everyone told me to do to lose weight. I did lose some weight, and I was constantly miserable, hungry, deprived, tired/weak, and I was still fat and still needed meds as a result.
Fast forward to April 2024. My PCP has been watching me struggle with weight for several years, and has noted my many and continuous efforts to get it off of me. He was pleased with my ability to lose ~ 27 pounds and keep it off for several years. I just could not lose anymore though, it felt impossible. I'm a relatively young man and I was eating around 1500 calories per day, working out 4-5 times per week including 30 minutes cardio (minimum) and 30 minutes with weights AND STILL NOT LOSING. What the hell? Noom kept telling me to eat MORE lol. Like, I kept getting warnings that I wasn't eating enough, and I have an apple watch so my exercise data was automatically logged into the calculations made by Noom. I've weighed myself daily for many years. Noom thought I should be in a massive caloric deficit and yet I wasn't losing weight. I was beyond frustrated and miserable.
Doc said, "let's try one of these diabetes drugs." My insurance approved it since my BMI was still above 30 and I had 2 co-morbid conditions, plus I demonstrated years-long successful attempts at moderate weightloss.
I felt almost high in the hours after I took my first zepbound shot. The annoying hungry kid inside me was suddenly just quiet. The mental relief I felt is so hard to describe, it was truly amazing. I didn't change my diet or exercise habits whatsoever, and the weight began rocketing off of me. I felt better right away. Afternoon exhaustion: gone. I felt vastly stronger and more energetic in the gym. I slept better: no more going to bed with a rumbling stomach and hungeanxiety. My mind was clearer: no more constant sense of inner struggle to ignore and deny hunger signals. My blood pressure went from 140/95 to 110/70 in the first week, and has remained there since. I don't take BP meds anymore. I now weigh 185, a weight I have literally never seen on the scale because I must have passed through it in college during my original weight gain, before I began weighing myself regularly. I still have a spare tire, and I haven't gotten my lipids/A1C checked yet...but oh my goodness do I feel tremendously better overall. I'm still "overweight" on the BMI scale but I'm ecstatic with the progress. I don't actually know what my goal weight is, but I think it's somewhere in the "normal" BMI range. I'm going to keep going until I lose the spare tire, and hope my lipids and A1C/glucose normalize.
Anyway, I wish everyone who wants and needs these drugs can get them, they're truly life-changing. At 35, I have literally never felt better. I am much healthier than I was at 25, and it is largely due to this peptide. Incredible!!!
submitted by Stunning_Practice9 to Zepbound [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:56 Sweet-Count2557 Best All Inclusive Resorts Cabo San Lucas Families

Best All Inclusive Resorts Cabo San Lucas Families
Best All Inclusive Resorts Cabo San Lucas Families Are you and your family searching for the perfect all-inclusive resort in Cabo San Lucas? Look no further, because we've got you covered!In this article, we'll take you on a journey to discover the best resorts that cater to families. From exciting activities for the kids to luxurious accommodations and amazing dining options, we'll explore it all.Get ready to plan the ultimate family getaway in Cabo San Lucas with our comprehensive guide to the best all-inclusive resorts!Key TakeawaysHilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort, Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos, Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort, Melia Cabo Real All-Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort, Grand Velas Los Cabos, Paradisus Los Cabos, Dreams Los Cabos Suites Golf Resort & Spa, Marquis Los Cabos, Villa del Palmar Beach Resort & Spa, Sandos Finisterra Los Cabos, Riu Palace Cabo San Lucas, Solmar Resort, Barcelo Gran Faro Los Cabos, Royal Solaris Los Cabos, Dreams Los Cabos Golf Resort & Spa, Grand Fiesta Americana Los Cabos All-Inclusive Golf & Spa, Grand Velas Resort, Los Cabos, and Montecristo Estates Luxury Villas are some of the top all-inclusive resorts in Cabo San Lucas for families.These resorts offer a range of activities for kids, such as kid-friendly activities, family accommodations, and dining options.Safety and security are important factors in these resorts, with most of them scoring high in this category.The resorts provide good value for money, with many of them offering affordable rates and a variety of amenities and services for families.Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf ResortWe've heard that Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort offers a variety of kid-friendly activities and family accommodations. Located in Cabo San Lucas, this resort is known for its stunning beachfront location and luxurious amenities.The resort offers a range of activities for children, including a kids club, where kids can enjoy games, crafts, and supervised activities. There's also a pool area specifically designed for families, with shallow areas for young children to play safely.The family accommodations at Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort are spacious and well-appointed, with amenities such as cribs, high chairs, and in-room entertainment options for children. The resort also has several dining options that cater to families, with menus featuring kid-friendly choices.In terms of safety and security, Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort has a good reputation, with attentive staff and secure premises. While the resort isn't the most affordable option in Cabo San Lucas, it offers good value for money considering its amenities and services.Overall, Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort is a fantastic choice for families looking for a fun and relaxing vacation in Cabo San Lucas.Now, let's move on to the next resort on our list, Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos.Hyatt Ziva Los CabosHyatt Ziva Los Cabos offers a wide range of family-friendly activities and dining options. From kids' clubs and poolside games to gourmet restaurants and international cuisine, there's something for everyone in the family to enjoy.Let's explore the different activities and dining experiences available at Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos.Family-Friendly Activities OfferedOne of the reasons we love Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos is because they offer a wide range of family-friendly activities for everyone to enjoy. Whether you're looking for relaxation or adventure, this resort has something for everyone.Here are three activities that will make your family vacation unforgettable:Splash in the pools: Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos boasts multiple pools, including a kids' pool with water slides and a lazy river. Your little ones will have a blast splashing around while you relax in the sun.Explore the beach: The resort is located on a stunning stretch of beach, where your family can build sandcastles, play beach volleyball, or take a leisurely stroll along the shoreline. The crystal-clear waters are perfect for swimming and snorkeling, offering a glimpse into the vibrant underwater world.Engage in sports and games: From tennis and basketball to beach soccer and ping pong, the resort offers a variety of sports activities for the whole family. Challenge each other to a friendly competition or join in on organized tournaments for some fun-filled bonding time.With its range of family-friendly activities, Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos is truly one of the best all-inclusive resorts in Cabo San Lucas for families.Dining Options Available?Let's check out the dining options available at Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos and see if they offer a variety of delicious cuisines.When it comes to the best all-inclusive resorts in Cabo San Lucas for families, dining options play a crucial role in ensuring a memorable vacation. At Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos, you can indulge in a culinary journey that caters to all tastes and preferences.From authentic Mexican dishes to international cuisines, the resort offers a diverse range of dining options. Whether you crave a sizzling steak, fresh seafood, or a hearty buffet, you'll find it all at the various restaurants and bars scattered throughout the resort.The chefs at Hyatt Ziva Los Cabos are dedicated to creating exceptional dining experiences for families, ensuring that every meal is a delight for the taste buds.Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach ResortWe found that Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort offers a rating of 4/5 for its family accommodations. Here are three reasons why this resort stands out for families:Spacious and comfortable rooms: The family accommodations at Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort are designed with families in mind. The rooms are spacious and well-appointed, providing ample space for everyone to relax and unwind. With comfortable beds, modern amenities, and stunning views of the ocean or resort grounds, these rooms offer a home away from home for families.Family-friendly activities: The resort offers a wide range of activities that are perfect for families. From swimming in the multiple pools to playing on the beach, there's no shortage of fun things to do. The resort also has a kids' club where children can participate in supervised activities and make new friends. Additionally, there are sports courts, a fitness center, and a spa for the adults to enjoy.Dining options for all tastes: Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort boasts a variety of dining options that cater to all tastes. From casual beachside eateries to upscale restaurants, there's something for everyone. Families can enjoy delicious meals together, whether they prefer international cuisine, Mexican specialties, or fresh seafood.Overall, Pueblo Bonito Sunset Beach Resort offers excellent family accommodations, a wide range of activities, and diverse dining options. Families can create lasting memories and enjoy a relaxing vacation at this beautiful resort.Melia Cabo Real All-Inclusive Beach & Golf ResortMelia Cabo Real All-Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort offers affordable rates for families seeking a memorable vacation in Cabo San Lucas.Situated in a stunning beachfront location, the resort provides breathtaking views and easy access to the pristine beach.Additionally, families can enjoy the entertainment and family fun offered at the Family Concierge Lounge, providing a variety of activities and amenities for a truly enjoyable stay.Affordable Rates for FamiliesThe Melia Cabo Real All-Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort offers affordable rates for families, making it a great option for those looking to save money while enjoying a vacation.Here are three reasons why this resort is one of the best all-inclusive resorts in Cabo for families:Stunning beachfront location: Imagine waking up to the sound of waves crashing and the sight of crystal-clear turquoise waters. The Melia Cabo Real is situated right on the beach, offering breathtaking views and easy access to fun water activities for the whole family.Family Concierge Lounge for entertainment and family fun: The resort understands the importance of keeping the little ones entertained. The Family Concierge Lounge provides a variety of activities and entertainment options tailored specifically for families, ensuring that everyone has a memorable experience.Private Kids Zone: The Melia Cabo Real has a dedicated Kids Zone where children can engage in age-appropriate activities under the supervision of trained staff. From arts and crafts to outdoor games, your kids will have a blast while you relax and unwind.Overall, the Melia Cabo Real All-Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort offers a perfect combination of affordability, convenience, and family-friendly amenities, making it an excellent choice for families seeking a memorable vacation in Cabo.Stunning Beachfront LocationAs we wake up to the sound of waves crashing and the sight of crystal-clear turquoise waters, we're captivated by the stunning beachfront location of the Melia Cabo Real All-Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort.Nestled along the pristine shores of Cabo San Lucas, this resort offers the perfect setting for a memorable family vacation. With its affordable rates and all-inclusive amenities, it's no wonder that the Melia Cabo Real is considered one of the best family resorts in Cabo.From the moment we step foot on the soft sand, we're surrounded by endless opportunities for fun and relaxation. Whether we choose to lounge by the pool, take a dip in the ocean, or indulge in a variety of water sports, there's something for everyone to enjoy.The breathtaking views of the beach and the warm hospitality of the staff make us feel right at home. As we soak up the sun and build sandcastles with the kids, we can't help but feel grateful for the incredible beachfront experience that the Melia Cabo Real offers.Family Concierge Lounge EntertainmentWe frequently enjoy the family concierge lounge entertainment at the Melia Cabo Real All-Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort, and it provides a great opportunity for us to relax and have fun together. The family concierge lounge is a vibrant and welcoming space where we can immerse ourselves in a variety of entertainment options.Here are three reasons why we love the family concierge lounge entertainment:Live Performances: From energetic dance shows to live music performances, the family concierge lounge offers a range of live entertainment that keeps us entertained throughout our stay. We love watching talented performers showcase their skills and create a lively atmosphere for the whole family.Games and Activities: The lounge is equipped with a variety of games and activities that cater to all ages. Whether it's a friendly game of foosball or a challenging round of trivia, there's always something for everyone to enjoy. The lounge also hosts interactive workshops and classes, allowing us to learn new skills and participate in fun activities together.Movie Nights: One of our favorite activities in the family concierge lounge is the movie nights. We gather with other families and enjoy watching family-friendly films on the big screen. It's a cozy and relaxed setting where we can unwind and bond over our shared love for movies.Overall, the family concierge lounge entertainment at the Melia Cabo Real All-Inclusive Beach & Golf Resort adds an extra layer of enjoyment to our vacation. We appreciate the effort put into creating a vibrant and engaging space where families can come together and create lasting memories. When it comes to cabo all-inclusive family resorts, the family concierge lounge at Melia Cabo Real is definitely a highlight.Grand Velas Los CabosWe highly recommend staying at Grand Velas Los Cabos for its excellent food, spacious rooms, and family-friendly atmosphere. From the moment you step foot into this luxurious resort, you'll be greeted with warm hospitality and a sense of tranquility.The rooms at Grand Velas are incredibly spacious, providing plenty of room for your family to relax and unwind. Each room is beautifully decorated with modern furnishings and offers breathtaking views of the ocean or the resort's lush gardens.One of the highlights of staying at Grand Velas is the food. The resort boasts a variety of dining options, from gourmet restaurants serving world-class cuisine to casual eateries offering delicious snacks and meals. No matter what your taste buds are craving, you're sure to find something to satisfy your appetite.In addition to its excellent food and spacious rooms, Grand Velas is also known for its family-friendly atmosphere. The resort offers a wide range of activities and amenities for children of all ages, including a kids' club, a teen club, and a variety of outdoor activities such as snorkeling and whale watching. Parents can relax and unwind by the pool or indulge in a spa treatment while the kids are entertained and supervised by the resort's dedicated staff.In conclusion, Grand Velas Los Cabos is the perfect destination for families looking for a luxurious and memorable vacation. With its excellent food, spacious rooms, and family-friendly atmosphere, it's no wonder why this resort is a favorite among travelers. So pack your bags and get ready to create unforgettable memories at Grand Velas Los Cabos.Now, let's move on to our next topic, Paradisus Los Cabos.Paradisus Los CabosLet's discuss Paradisus Los Cabos, which offers a variety of kid-friendly activities and family accommodations.Immerse yourself in the stunning beauty of Paradisus Los Cabos. With its picturesque beachfront location, you can enjoy breathtaking views of the sparkling turquoise waters and white sandy beaches. The resort's architecture seamlessly blends with the natural surroundings, creating a serene and tranquil atmosphere for you and your family to unwind and relax.Indulge in the array of kid-friendly activities that Paradisus Los Cabos has to offer. From the dedicated Kids Club, where children can engage in supervised games and crafts, to the exciting water park with thrilling slides for all ages, there's never a dull moment for the little ones. The resort also boasts a variety of swimming pools, including separate pools for both fun and relaxation, ensuring that everyone in the family can find their perfect spot.Delight in the delectable dining options available at Paradisus Los Cabos. With multiple restaurants offering a wide range of cuisines, there's something to satisfy every palate. From gourmet pizza to fine dining experiences, you can indulge in culinary delights while enjoying the stunning views of the ocean.Paradisus Los Cabos truly offers an unforgettable experience for families, with its kid-friendly activities, family accommodations, and exquisite dining options. Whether you're lounging by the pool, exploring the beach, or indulging in delicious food, this resort is sure to create lasting memories for the whole family.Dreams Los Cabos Suites Golf Resort & SpaWe can explore the luxury accommodations and unforgettable views at Dreams Los Cabos Suites Golf Resort & Spa. This magnificent resort offers a perfect blend of relaxation and adventure for families seeking a memorable vacation in Cabo San Lucas.The resort boasts spacious and beautifully appointed suites, providing a comfortable and luxurious retreat for guests. Each suite offers breathtaking views of the sparkling Sea of Cortez, creating a serene and picturesque backdrop for your stay.For families traveling with children, Dreams Los Cabos Suites Golf Resort & Spa offers the Explorers Club, a supervised program that provides fun and educational activities for kids of all ages. Meanwhile, parents can unwind and indulge in the resort's adults-only pool, complete with a swim-up bar for ultimate relaxation.If you're looking for a unique and rejuvenating experience, take an evening dip in the pool or enjoy a refreshing rain shower in the morning. The resort also offers close proximity to other attractions and resorts, allowing you to explore the beauty and charm of Cabo San Lucas.Dreams Los Cabos Suites Golf Resort & Spa is the perfect destination for families seeking a luxurious and unforgettable vacation experience. With its stunning accommodations, engaging activities, and breathtaking views, this resort truly delivers a dream-like getaway for all.Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Are the Specific Amenities and Activities Available for Children at Each of These Resorts?When it comes to family-friendly resorts in Cabo San Lucas, there are plenty of options to choose from. Each resort offers a range of amenities and activities for children. From kid-friendly activities and family accommodations to dining options and safety measures, these resorts have it all.Whether it's a beachfront location, a private kids zone, or a family concierge lounge, these resorts provide a variety of options to keep kids entertained. So, parents can relax and enjoy their vacation while knowing their children are having a great time.Are There Any Age Restrictions or Limitations on the Kid-Friendly Activities Offered at These Resorts?Age restrictions or limitations on kid-friendly activities vary at each resort. For example, at the Hilton Los Cabos Beach & Golf Resort, children must be at least 4 years old to participate in the kids' club activities.However, at the Royal Solaris Los Cabos, there are activities suitable for kids of all ages, including a water park with slides for all ages.It's important to check with each resort to ensure their activities align with your family's needs and preferences.Can You Provide More Information on the Dining Options, Such as the Types of Cuisine Available and Any Specialty Restaurants?Sure!When it comes to dining options at the best all-inclusive resorts in Cabo San Lucas for families, there's a wide variety of cuisine available. Each resort offers multiple restaurants with different types of food, ensuring there's something for everyone's taste buds.From gourmet dining to casual eateries, you can expect a range of options including international cuisine, Mexican specialties, seafood, and more. Additionally, some resorts have specialty restaurants that offer unique dining experiences.Do Any of These Resorts Offer Special Packages or Deals for Families, Such as Discounted Rates or Inclusive Family Packages?Yes, some of these resorts offer special packages and deals for families, such as discounted rates or inclusive family packages. These packages often include various amenities and activities tailored specifically for families, allowing them to have a memorable and enjoyable vacation.Are There Any Additional Services or Facilities Specifically Designed for Families, Such as Babysitting Services or Children's Clubs?There are various additional services and facilities specifically designed for families at these resorts. Some offer babysitting services, children's clubs, and kid-friendly activities to keep the little ones entertained. Others have family accommodations and dining options that cater to the needs of families.From luxury resorts with spacious rooms and pools to all-inclusive resorts with water parks and live entertainment, there are plenty of options to choose from. These resorts aim to create a family-friendly atmosphere and provide a memorable vacation experience for everyone.ConclusionIn conclusion, we've explored the best all-inclusive resorts in Cabo San Lucas for families. We've highlighted their family-friendly amenities, diverse dining options, and commitment to safety and security.Whether you're looking for affordability, beachfront luxury, or a wide range of activities, these resorts have got you covered.So start planning your ultimate family getaway and create unforgettable memories in the stunning destination of Cabo San Lucas.
submitted by Sweet-Count2557 to worldkidstravel [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:53 BRIKittProp Discover the Perfect Holiday Home at Puri Near the Sea Beach with BRIKitt

Discover the Perfect Holiday Home at Puri Near the Sea Beach with BRIKitt
Are you dreaming of a luxurious holiday home in the paradise of Puri, just steps away from the breathtaking sea beach? Look no further! BRIKitt presents an exceptional collection of holiday homes that offer not only a prime location but also a smart real estate investment opportunity. Our fractional ownership model allows you to indulge in the ultimate beachfront lifestyle without the hassle of full ownership.
Presenting SJ JRG Ventures, the luxurious and tallest residential project in Orissa developed by the renowned SJ JRG Ventures, offering a unique opportunity to own your BRIKitt in the distinguished pilgrimage destination of Puri.
Get in touch
Welcome to SJ JRG Ventures, where you can experience the epitome of luxury living. This magnificent project boasts an array of exceptional features and amenities that will enhance your holiday experience and captivate your senses.
Begin your journey with the grand entrance lobby and be greeted by a warm reception that sets the tone for an elegant welcome. Feel at ease as you explore the sacred dining space, known as the Mahaprasad Sevana Room, where you can relish the divine culinary delights of Puri.
A cool retreat with an air-conditioned clubhouse, a welcoming cafe lounge, and a refreshing oasis featuring an outdoor swimming pool.
Indulge in a cool retreat within the air-conditioned clubhouse or enjoy a refreshing swim in the outdoor swimming pool. A delightful cafe lounge invites you to unwind and savour your favourite beverage while soaking in the serene ambiance.
For families with children, SJ JRG Ventures offers a variety of entertainment options. The kid's delight area features a splash pool and a grand deck where children can create joyful memories. An outdoor section equipped with swings and slides will keep them engaged and entertained throughout their stay.

Schedule A Call

Fitness enthusiasts can benefit from the fully equipped gymnasium, and there’s also an indoor games room for added entertainment.
If you value an active lifestyle, the fully equipped gymnasium will cater to your fitness needs. Stay fit and energized during your vacation. For additional entertainment, the indoor games room provides a space for friendly competition and leisurely enjoyment.
Cricket enthusiasts can indulge in the dedicated corner featuring a cricket net practice pitch, and an audio-visual experience awaits in the AV room.
Sports enthusiasts will appreciate the dedicated cricket corner that features a practice pitch with a cricket net. Engage in friendly matches or improve your skills. For a cinematic experience, the AV room awaits you with its exceptional audio-visual setup, offering moments of relaxation and entertainment.
Convenience is key at SJ JRG Ventures as it is located in close proximity to renowned landmarks. The revered Lord Jagannath Temple, a significant pilgrimage site, is just 5.7km away. Biju Patnaik International Airport in Bhubaneswar is located 64 km away, ensuring easy accessibility for travellers. The Grand Centre, a hub of shopping and entertainment, is also just a short distance away. If you prefer travelling by train, the railway station is conveniently situated 7.3km from the property.
Explore the epitome of luxury living at SJ JRG Ventures in the heart of Puri.
Set in the heart of Puri, SJ JRG Ventures offers a haven of luxury, comfort, and tranquillity. Immerse yourself in the serene atmosphere and create cherished memories that will last a lifetime.
Your Dream Holiday Home Awaits
BRIKitt presents a selection of charming holiday homes that offer a perfect blend of modern amenities and traditional hospitality. Our properties are designed to provide utmost comfort and convenience during your stay in Puri.

See immediately available units

Discover the Perfect Holiday Home at Puri Near the Sea Beach with BRIKitt
submitted by BRIKittProp to u/BRIKittProp [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:52 No_Pomegranate7134 How difficult are both Kanji & Hanzi for native speakers of Indo-European and Semitic languages to fully grasp due to having over 2000+ characters as they are logographic instead of alphabetical?

How difficult are both Kanji & Hanzi for native speakers of Indo-European and Semitic languages to fully grasp due to having over 2000+ characters as they are logographic instead of alphabetical?
To put into perspective, Indo-European languages (other than English) such as: Russian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, French, Lithuanian, German & etc. to name a few, not forgetting Semitic languages like Arabic or Hebrew for example, all of them are alphabetical in different ways (as Hebrew and Arabic have their own scripts but still comply with an alphabetical structure, Russian has Cyrillic, Greek has Euclidean, while Punjabi or Bengali have their own alphabets.)
In terms of Kanji (Japanese) excluding Hiragana and Katakana & Hanzi (Mandarin) are logographic, meaning that a single character equates to an entire word (which in return requires multiple lettters in both Indo-European and Semitic languages to spell out) For example:
In both Japanese (Blue) and Mandarin (Red), a single character alone is representative of an entire word. (Translations require multiple letters to spell out, as shown.)
The fundamental differences are:
Indo-European + Semitic Japanese & Mandarin
Letters have a set limit wihtin their alphabets regardless if you are learning Russian, Spanish, German, Arabic, Hebrew, Punjabi, etc. They have a large amount of characters, getting the feeling like it's 'limitless' but they contrast around 2,000 - 10,000+ in their total amount.
All of those languages are phonetic, meaning a letter does not carry a definition alone. Both languages use characters to infer on semantic meaning, as it is logographic.
Most of those languages have gender cases assigned to nouns and verbs. Both languages have zero concept of gendered nouns, verbs or cases, as they are not a thing.
They all have a reliance on cases in relation to adjectives, nouns, verbs. (Alphabetical.) Grammar is "easier" in terms of both languages not focusing on grammatical cases.
There are no "Tones" in the same sense as Mandarin, but homophones, I guess? Japanese: Pitch-Accent / Mandarin: Tones, which phonology connotates a different word.
Mandarin: There are dictionaries that state the existence of 106,230+ Hanzi.
Japanese: There are dictionaries that state the existence of 50,000+ Kanji.
Both Kanji & Hanzi, in this example they use the same character. The key part of how the word is formed is derivative of semantic meaning, as in visualizing the definition as refected by both the shape and appearance of the character. (Which is something both Indo-European & Semitic languages lack.)
As you can see, the shape of the Kanji & Hanzi is reflected on semantic meaning.
Translations in: Bulgarian, Russian, Armenian, Albanian, Greek, Urdu, Punjabi, Persian, Arabic, Hebrew, German, Norwegian, French, Spanish, Finnish & Lithuanian.
When used in a word, take for example「軍人」as each character has their own definition, but when combined, they create a word connotating from the semantic meanings of each character.
As hilighted, each character is representative of one word, but when combined together, they form a new word derived from their semantic meanings.
In this case:
Results of 軍人 (Though the wordings have to change as it is now combined.)
RU: Военнослужащие
GR: Στρατιωτικοί
DE: Militärpersonal
FR: Personnel militaire
AR: الأفراد العسكريون
HW: אנשי צבא
LT: Karinis personalas
From Japanese, take the onyomi reading「ショウ」consists of 517 Kanji alone with their own separate meanings. (Which they all share the same onyomi reading, depending on how they are used.)
I only listed 144 Kanji, but there are more.
This is a big thing when dealing with Kanji, as one "phoneme" can consist of multiple words composing of different characters with their own stroke order. (Even ones with the same radical but the rest of the character differs from the other implies different meanings.)
How difficult is this for a native speaker of an Indo-European and Semitic language to grasp, as their languages do not use the equivalent of Kanji? (Despite Arabic having Ajbad while Hebrew has the Alef-Bet, but they have a limited set of "letters".)
From Mandarin (Taiwan) take the reading from Pinyin: "TI" keeping in mind that it's a tonal language too, so the way you say it can connotate an entirely different word.
I can only think of 43 Hanzi, but there are perhaps more.
Like Japanese, a "phoneme" can consist of multiple character variations with their own definitions, but the difference here is that Mandarin has tones, which play a role in to knowing which word you are using. (You need a "Musical" ear to be able to tell them apart.)
How difficult is this for a native speaker of an Indo-European and Semitic language to grasp, as their languages do not use the equivalent of Hanji? (Despite Arabic having Ajbad while Hebrew has the Alef-Bet, but they have a limited set of "letters".)
The "hard" part about Japanese is that 1 Kanji possesses multiple readings, which are:
Kunyomi: Native Japanese Reading of a kanji.
Onyomi: Reading of a kanji derivative of Mandarin phonology.
Nanori: These readings only apply when a kanji is used within a persons name.
As shown, the components consist of a separate Kanji and a radical thus forming 道.
Let's use this Kanji in a sentence, for example:
You can see the differences between the phonologies for the same kanji.
The same Kanji in Red: applies the onyomi reading, as it is paired with another Kanji.
The same Kanji in Blue: applies the kunyomi reading, as it isn't paired with another Kanji.
In hindsight:
  • In both Indo-European & Semitic languages: Can you create words based on semantic meaning as reflected by the appearance of the word?
  • How difficult is it for native speakers of Indo-European & Semiitic languages to learn Mandarin when dealing with Hanzi? (Since it is very different from the "Alphabet.") [4-5 Tones]
  • Excluding Hiragana & Katakana: How hard is it for native speakers of Indo-European & Semiitic languages to learn Japanese, when dealing with Kanji? (Alien from the "Alphabet.") [Pitch accent]
submitted by No_Pomegranate7134 to languagelearning [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:52 MavDrones Which Is better, DJI Mini 3 Pro Or DJI Air 2S?

Which Is better, DJI Mini 3 Pro Or DJI Air 2S?
Which Is better, DJI Mini 3 Pro Or DJI Air 2S?
Choosing between the DJI Mini 3 Pro and DJI Air 2S can be an uphill task, but let us break it down. Both drones are amazing, but they shine in different areas. So, which one is better for you? Let us dive in.
1) Size And Portability
DJI Mini 3 Pro
First up, let us talk about size. The DJI Mini 3 Pro is super compact. It is the kind of drone you can toss into your backpack without thinking twice. This drone weighs less than 250 grams. Perfect for those spontaneous trips!
DJI Air 2S
On the other hand, the DJI Air 2S is a bit massive. It is not huge by any means, but it is chunkier than the DJI Mini 3 Pro. If you don’t mind a bit of extra weight and want something a bit more robust, the DJI Air 2S might be your go-to option.
2) Camera Quality
DJI Mini 3 Pro
Camera quality is crucial, right? The DJI Mini 3 Pro sports a 1/1.3-inch sensor. It can shoot 4K video at 60 fps and 48 MP stills. It is pretty sweet for such a tiny drone!
DJI Air 2S
But if you are a pixel peeper or a serious content creator, the DJI Air 2S wins this round. It has a larger 1-inch sensor capable of 5.4K video at 30 fps and 20 MP stills. The dynamic range and low-light performance are top-notch. So, if you are looking to create professional-level content, the DJI Air 2S is your guy.
3) Battery Life
DJI Mini 3 Pro
Who likes running out of juice mid-flight? The DJI Mini 3 Pro offers around 31 minutes of flight time, which is solid for its size. But wait, there is more! If you go for the Intelligent Flight Battery Plus, you can stretch that to about 47 minutes. That is some serious airtime for a mini drone!
DJI Air 2S
The DJI Air 2S, meanwhile, gives you about 31 minutes on a single charge. There is no extra-long battery option here, but 31 minutes is still plenty of time to capture stunning shots.
4) Flight Features
DJI Mini 3 Pro
Both drones are packed with cool features. The DJI Mini 3 Pro comes with tri-directional obstacle sensing (front, back, and down), which is a step up from its predecessors. It has intelligent shooting modes like MasterShots and FocusTrack, making it easier to get those cinematic shots.
DJI Air 2S
The DJI Air 2S takes it up a notch with four-directional obstacle sensing (front, back, up, and down). Plus, it has Advanced Pilot Assistance Systems (APAS) 4.0, making it better at dodging obstacles. It also boasts smart features like MasterShots, FocusTrack, and Hyperlapse.
5) Price Point
DJI Mini 3 Pro
The DJI Mini 3 Pro is the more budget-friendly option of the two. It is great value for what you are getting, especially if you are just getting into drone photography or need something ultra-portable.
DJI Air 2S
The DJI Air 2S is pricier but justifies the cost with its superior camera and advanced features. If you have the budget and want the best of the best in this category, it is worth the investment.
Who Should Buy Which?
Go for the DJI Mini 3 Pro if:
  • You need something super portable.
  • You want to avoid extra drone regulations.
  • You are on a budget but still want killer features.
  • You are a hobbyist or a casual flyer looking for convenience.
Choose the DJI Air 2S if:
  • You are a serious content creator or professional.
  • You need top-notch image quality and more advanced features.
  • You are okay with a slightly larger drone.
  • You want the best obstacle avoidance technology in this class.
Final Thoughts
In a nutshell, both drones are stellar in their own right. The DJI Mini 3 Pro is all about portability and great features for its size and price. The DJI Air 2S is for those who need the best image quality and don’t mind a bit more bulk.
So, what is your pick? Are you leaning towards the lightweight champ or the feature-packed pro? Either way, happy flying, and may your skies always be clear!
submitted by MavDrones to u/MavDrones [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:51 MiserableReaction696 Xcom half assed stealth/recon mechanics or yet another post about pod agro.

I've recently bought WOTC , and started a new campaign and yet again, the biggest dent in my will to play were the enemy agro and stealth mechanics.
I'm not new to the (new) X-coms, I have several campaign on both EW and X-com 2, (mostly using Long war for both), so I know how to "deal with it" and how to set up an overwatch ambush, but it doesn't help that much making those less annoying.

My main issues with currents mechanics

In any case, once you engage 1 pod all the other pod should be rushing to their help, the game should be balanced around that and accidently triggering more enemy in combat shouldn't be a thing
As for the rest for me there is two way to fix this:

Get rid of stealth and map exploration

The game being as it is, it would be better if the first phase was entirely removed and enemy spawn already positioned around your spawning area, like a chess problem, which btw would make more sense, since you've just dropped "expected" over their heads, in a very fancy space chopper*.

Make X-com a stealth/tactical-rpg hybrid

[END OF THE RANT] Past this point we're getting out-topic, just things I think would be neat in the game if it were to be a full on stealth hybrid.

Going further with Intel and infiltration

Straight up weed talk

submitted by MiserableReaction696 to XCOM2 [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:51 adulting4kids Holiday Poetry

  1. Haiku for Hanukkah:
    • Craft a series of haikus capturing the essence of Hanukkah, focusing on the symbolism of light, the menorah, and the joy of shared traditions.
  2. Sonnet of Diwali Delights:
    • Write a sonnet that explores the colors, lights, and festivities of Diwali, incorporating themes of triumph over darkness and the spirit of renewal.
  3. Kwanzaa Villanelle:
    • Create a villanelle that reflects on the seven principles of Kwanzaa, exploring the repeated refrains to convey a sense of unity, purpose, and cultural celebration.
  4. Las Posadas Limericks:
    • Compose a set of limericks capturing the humorous and heartwarming moments of Las Posadas, focusing on the characters and the reenactment of the journey to Bethlehem.
  5. St. Lucia's Day Free Verse:
    • Write a free verse poem that explores the sensory experience of St. Lucia's Day, using vivid imagery to convey the sights, sounds, and emotions of the candlelit processions.
  6. Winter Solstice Cinquains:
    • Create a series of cinquains that capture the anticipation, stillness, and eventual rebirth associated with the Winter Solstice.
  7. Chinese New Year Acrostic:
    • Compose an acrostic poem using the words "Chinese New Year," incorporating each letter to convey the energy, symbolism, and cultural richness of the celebration.
  8. Ganna Elegy:
    • Write an elegy that reflects on the Ethiopian Christmas (Ganna), exploring themes of faith, tradition, and the emotional resonance of the holiday.
  9. Oshogatsu Haiga:
    • Combine haiku with visual elements in a haiga to capture the serene beauty and cultural significance of Oshogatsu, incorporating traditional New Year imagery.
  10. Global Celebrations Ghazal:
    • Craft a ghazal that weaves together the diverse elements of global holiday celebrations, exploring the shared threads of joy, love, and cultural exchange.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:49 AngelClouds4ever 21 [M4F] from Texas looking for a relationship from anywhere

I’m a 21 year old guy, from Texas who’s looking for someone to hopefully have a serious long term relationship. Reddit isn’t exactly the proudest place to look for love but it can’t hurt to try lmao
About me, I’m around 5’8, pale with dark hair. I enjoy making songs and poems, skateboarding, basketball, MMA, fitness, watching and reading about crime cases, I occasionally game.
What I’m looking for in a relationship is just someone loyal who I can trust, who won’t cheat or flake on me. Someone who’s honest and can open up about their feelings. And preferably someone with a sense of humor. Someone who I can support and get support back at chasing our goals in life. Love shouldn’t hold you back from achieving things. But above all, just someone who I have a genuine connection with, like we just click and get eachother. I’m not looking for a fling, serious relationships only
If this sounds familiar I’ve probably posted before on my old account lmao
submitted by AngelClouds4ever to ForeverAloneDating [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:47 tini_bit_annoyed How do you genuinely support your single twentysomething friend who really struggles with singleness? (As someone who is in a long term relationship)

I (28F) and have a childhood friend (29F) who I’ve been in touch with for decades. She’s wonderful and she has made so many changes and learned so much about herself in the last few years (and for that I am so proud!!). Basically, she is a serial 8-24 month dater. She had one big long term relationship in college blow up over fundamental misaligned beliefs and then after him, she has dated 2-3 guys for 8-18 months each back to back since. She has know they are not ‘the one’ and she is mad that they aren’t and dates around holidays and wedding dates if that makes sense. Anyway, recently, she made some progress with personal development and admitted she does not want o settle, is ok casually dating, understands you can go on multiple dates, has tried going on dates with dif people from various backgrounds and tried new things with them… all completely valid and I get how you have to figure out what works for you and what you like/don’t. I also have been in a relationship for almost 5 years so I legit do not remember the awkward texting phase also dating in your early 20s is so different from late 20s (i would def hate it though!!) so I try to admit when I dont get it and still try to understand.
I guess after being without a bf for the last year and just dating around, she has a lot of fun stories to tell and maybe some personal red flags that I see (multiple guys she seeks are the ones who will tell you “i like you” i see myself with you blah blah after 1-2 dates then by date 4-5 they are like nvm sorry youre too much and im actually busy with work and its me who is the problem. She also moved to a different city so I can see that being an issue in the city that is notorioulsy exceptionally hard to date in (both east coast major cities). Now she decided to preserve fertility by freezing eggs (good move perhaps) and says its bc she cannot reproduce with someones gross son (fair enough) but will shit all over people our age who have kids. She comes home often (every 2 months or so. Then holidays and birthdays) and when we hang out, and I’m fine hearing stories of dating bu thse will say out of pocket things like “you could be terminally ill tomorrow and you’d have a boyfriend” “you could lose a leg tomorrow and still have a boyfriend” “i hate peoples like ___ who just date whats in front of them and they probably dont feel any satisfaction” (but then when I say ok well ___ and ___ got married fast and theyre miserable now and she will respond “well at least they got married!!! Who the fuck cares leave them alone. Never judge people who are married ”). Followed by “i want to date someone who aligns with me and my future” and I’ll respond “thats great, that’s very important! It’s rough when theres no alignment bc that sometimes doesnt end well” and she will say “it’s not your place to judge or predict”. And its like some weird flip flop snark snapping where SHE is the only one that is right and shes screaming into an abyss where no one understands her and shes allowed to shit talk people but others are not. Other topics are FINE bu she will only talk about that and I literally have come to decide that the fact that i’m in a relationship and shes not is the main trigger for her. I don’t even talk much about my bf bc I dont want to hear it from her. She has never snarked at my relationship but it just triggers her and i dont even think shes self aware that she is defensive nor do i want to tell her? Do I just politician pivot or is there something actually helpful that I can say…. To offer genuine support but be like youre MEGA projecting girl!
submitted by tini_bit_annoyed to women [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:46 namz9ne my bipolar sister st@bbed my mother last year and here is how it affected me and how i observed it affected others, and what happend prior to the incident.

hello, i will obviously not be saying my name but i am a freshman highschool student who lives in the middle east, i also would like to add a disclaimer, i am no way trying to make it all about myself nor is this fully my story to tell but i have to get it out of my chest and how it affected my mother, sister, and my family in general, it all started sometime on oct 15, before that though my sister has grown an obsession over buying excessively without a thought, i only realised this was one of the signs after i watched a show on netflix that talked about this illness, anywhom, she before that also created a program for my 4yo brother at the time, because he was being a very disobedient kid,calling us names, h!tting, and such..., she made a diverse schedule where if he does something wrong she puts an X and if he does something right she puts a ✅️ ,she started as doing this only to my brother, then started doing it to herself, then started a one for me, and my other brother, then my parents, thats when things got heated, mind you, a few nights before the she was talking to me about how she loves my parents so much and thought of them as kids she needed to help, and cared for them, and how she thought that she should run away from them, and stuff, but she changed her mind, and i thought she was finally gaining some sense, because i disagreed with alot of her thoughts were mostly wrong, but i still loved and showed support to her, anyway, beck to where we were, oct 15, she has a fight with my mom, over how my thinks my sister is trying to take the parents part and take our brother away, from us, and how obsessive shed gotten to the whole right and wrong thing, and i remember being outside of her room and heard screaming and yelling and a big slap, that i heard, shocked me how loud it was i ran to the room, then after that, they had a conversation and ended up on her having to go to a psychological, but i also remember her running away at some point in the night but i cang recall when?? but it was sometime in the same night and same day, so they went, and she was diagnosed with bipolar, i wasnt with them,my parents and sister, but when she came back, she wasnt herself at all, apparently they went and she got diagnosed then went to my grandmother to do some religious praying on her out of worry and at some point while being there my sister must've said something that seemed like she didnt like my parents and my grandmother jokingly said "haha why do you think theyre villians? are they selling and eating human meat or something??" thats when shi started to really go down, that was NOT the right time for a joke like that because guess what? she takes that joke very seriously and convinced herself it was real, and when they came home the first time i came in to try to hug her and she pushed me away, i felt so unwanted? just yesterday she was talking about how much she loves me and our family, and how im the closest to her, because i listen to everything she has to say, mind you this was all happening while my oldest sister had JUST gotted married and was in her honeymoon, and during her wedding at somepoint my sister who has bipolar left the wedding and did something pretty bad,not horrible but something against everything my parents believed in so it was definitely a problem when they first saw her phone when she wasnt here, sorry i skipped too much lets go back, so they come back i go hug her she pushed me, im upset, and at first i think shes faking it all to try to "traumatise my parents back" after a bunch of trauma they caused us, but I knew it was legit when she started going in and out of her room telling us how she came up with a new conclusion and how my father is a cannibal, and how he eats and sells humans, and she swears to god its real, and she seemed so genuine, and cried to me to search it, at some point, my oldest sister finds out about her sickness, we didnt want to say bc shes on her honeymoon but she found out just a day into this whole thing, so pretty much immediately, anyway, my sister whos sick refused to take the medication because she thought that that was a drg and that they were going to give it to her then sell her meat so she didn't take it, and was so against it, but eventually, i went to sleep next to her but she kept getting up to yell at my parents for "being cannibals" also might have missed this on accident but i eventually researched my fathers name out of frustration, obv didnt find anything, anyway i slept next to her and she ended up falling asleep at me wrapping my legs around her and holding her tight while kissing her forhead, i forgot to mention shes 21, and then the morning of oct 17, where it all just became worse, i still remember the day before, oct 16, commenting on weverse and i quote "hi, can someone please help me? im scared" and on oct 15 i quote "im scared. my mom has went mad... she kept h!ting my sister.. and now getting mad, simplu because she treats my 5 year old brother better, i am so scared my dad says hes going to come and k!ll us, i know he cant, because his religious belief will stop him from it, but i am still scared, im used to my mom being crazy but my dad scares me, i just want my brother to be happy.. hes only 5, and my sister doesnt want him to go through the same shi she and i and my other sister and othrr brother did." copy and pasted. and now getting to the actual day, so i wake up at 5 am, go to my room, try to calm myself with some music, and then hear my mom and sister, my mom woke my sister up bc it was time for her medication but my sister refused, apparently had already thrown the first pill in the toilet and flushed it, and my mom doesnt have a very good way of dealing with stuff like this, shes very frustrated and gets mad, i hear it and go to try to help mom give her medication, but she (my sister) screams and refuses to take it, im getting my heartbeat up just thinking about the moment, she eventually tells me to convince her to take the medication, i tell her that she needs to take the medication to calm down and that my parents are not cannibals and how perhaps my mothes way of dealing with the situation wasnt good, shes right about how you need to take it, she was breathing heavily and widening her eyes, trying to hint to me to help her not take it but i mean wtf can i do? i couldn't do anything, my dad was outside my brother was at school, it was just me atp, she ends up taking the medication but while screaming, shaking while opening her mouth and opening her mouth and drinking water, and she gets so extremely frustrated, mind you a day before this i told my parents we need to put her into a mental hospital because her being here while thinking you guys are villians is not going to end well but theh dismissed me, back to where we stopped she drags me to her room, and lays down with me, looks to the door and whispers so close to my ears i can almost feel like shes inside of my head "i didnt actually take the medication" looks back at the door then whispers back to my ears "dont tell mommy" and i am so lost at this point idk what to do, should i tell mom or not? if i do she will get mad and things will get heated i thought to myself.. but i dont that's also wrong, so my mom comes in shortly after i get that info from my sister and tells me to cook something for my sister bc she needs to eat, i go and put eggs on the stove to cook it for her, then i start to hear noises from my mother's bedroom, thats when i go and see, my sister on the bed with scissors in her hands, she originally came in with a cake scoop to hurt my mom but she took it from my sister, and my sister saw the scissors and took it, and started hurting my mother, i ran on the bed my mother was holding my sister on and i kept telling her to run, while seeing blood fall from head, and my 4yo brother at the time, was there 💔, woke up to the whole thing and cried so much, mind you my sister was stronggg at the time, i mean exercised EVERYDAY, so it was so difficult trying to get her hands away from my mother since i myself was very weak and unfit,eventually she lets go, and runs out, i immediately lock the door of the room, locking her outside, and then she runs back to the door, and has a moment of realisation on what she did, i was holding my brother at that moment, and had already tighten some pj pants around my moms head, i originally took a picture of my mother just in case, but ended up deleting it bc the sadness on her face the blood broke me to pieces everytime i saw it, so back to where we were, sorry for the constant delay and distraction, im trying to tell every part of the story i can say, so, she has a moment of realisation and starts banging on the door, yelling and i quote "IS MY MOM OKAY? IS SHE OKAY? HELLO!!! "SCREAMING" PLEASE ANSWER ME PLEASE PLEASE" i later answer "SHES FINE" she screams for us to let her in, i obviously decline, and my younger brother also hears her and yells through the door " NO! WE WONT LET YOU IN YOU HURT MOMMY!!" my heart sank hearing that, i think that was the day my brother became a concise child, my sister eventually loses hope and fills up the sink, but according to her she stopped herself from it because she didnt want us to feel bad and upset we couldnt save her, but goes down stares and destroys a bunch of stuff out of frustration, i call the police, and tell them about it while barley catching my breath, and the ambulance, they all arrive eventually, take my sister and my mother, my mom told me as my sister was getting dragged away, she was pointing at her while screaming "YOU! YOU!! YOU DID THIS" then im at home with my brother and boy did i cry alot, he was somewhat disconnected but still concise about what happend "why did ___ st@b mommy?" i just told him shes sick, i didnt know what else to tell him, after thag i gave him a coloring paper to distract him a little, short time after my oldest sister calls, or i call? i don't remember, she asks me how everything is going, i try to dismiss her because i didnt want to ruin her honeymoon, but it was so difficult as she kept pressuring me, i ended up telling her, and she was in extreme shock, her stomach sank and i could tell from her eyes, she started crying, i started crying, she maturely handled her emotions stopped and told me to stop so my brother wont cry, and i gatherd myself up and stopped crying she calmed me down a bit and i tried to maintain strong for my brother till my family came back home, because my oldest sister knew i was very mentally disturbed from it she told her friends to reach out to me and they did and it was very sweet, but didnt help me really if im being honest, but still appreciated it so much, my sisters (the ill one) friends reach out too, asking where she was, what happend, i told them, they were shocked, she was normal just 2 days ago.. crazy shi, fast forward 29 days in the mental hospital we visited her after school alot and my sister came back after finishing her honeymoon and also visited her untill it was over, i cried at school once shaking and all because i remembered what it was like, my math teacher called me out and said, "your cry was not normal are you sure your alright?" i just dismissed her and said multiple times till she left now, after all of that, now as in 2024, my sister is so much better, takes her medication, gained alot of weight and is really frustrated from it though i think she looks good even with that weight, and things are back to normal, or at least thats how it seems like, cause from the way my mom speaks about my sister, the first month she came back from the hospital ( my sister ) my mom gave me the key to my room and told me to lock myself when im asleep, and talked about my sister like she was some kind of monster, i get where moms coming from but... she was the closest with my mother. my mother loved her the most. just seeing the way my mom views my sister changed hurt my soul, everyday i can very easily tell the hatred my mom has for my sister, and the hatred dad has for my mom, and the confusion of my little brothers and the stress of my oldest sister, feels like this whole thing shook my family apart, it feels so fake, and i hate that so much, all the love feels so forced, and how my mom is always running away from her problems to me and using me for multiple stuff, like forcing me to places that i don't want to just so my father allows her, even tho she knows i hate them, her friends, faker then anything ever, just hurts my soul and idk why, and no it's not fun because all i have to do is watch my brother 24/7 if something happens to him im dead. anyways ill stop here. thank you for reading if you reached this point. have a good day.
submitted by namz9ne to meeeeeeeewwwwwww [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:44 cringer3000 If your HLR is with "Andrea," RECORD EVERYTHING

This piece of shit spent about an hour explaining to me I need "tReAtMeNt ReCoRdS" to back up my claim for 70% and 100% criteria for mental health. Explain to me how the FUCK that makes any sense. A doctor does not say "this was observed this was observed this was observed" etc etc etc. They make a diagnosis, and give you a fucking prescription.
Despite having numerous buddy statements, personal statements, psychologist notes, etc, which ALL overwhelmingly prove verifiable instances that back up at the very least a 70% claim and 100% claim, this scumbag continued to explain to me that "oh well you need treatment records that back it up." HOW. HOW will a treatment record EVER back any of that stuff up. How will a treatment record prove I planned suicide, how will it prove the police had to get involved, how will it prove the SPECIFIC instances that my buddy statements ONLY can prove. Oh wait, it fucking can't. A treatment record cannot do jack shit other than back up the diagnosis WHICH I ALREADY HAVE.
So how the FUCK was the initial claim enough to get a 50% rating, but then once the reviewer is forced to come to terms with the OVERWHELMING 70% and 100% criteria evidence, they simply ignore it like it's not there in front of their fucking eyes.
And my initial interview was with some woman that barely spoke English and REFUSED to let me elaborate on anything, basically demanding one word answers, and even when I said I wanted to elaborate she would not let me. But oh I guess there is no error there??????
My advice to everybody else is to go into these things knowing that for, whatever reason, lots of VA employees are lazy piece of shit scumbags that belong rotting in prison for their negligence. You can overwhelmingly prove something and they will deny it for no reason at all, demanding evidence that APPARENTLY was not required for a 50% rating, but all of a sudden magically becomes necessary to back up the plethora of 70% and 100% criteria you and ~5 other people are all claiming.
submitted by cringer3000 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:43 adulting4kids Poetry Class Week Five

Week 5: Sonnets and Found Poetry - Lecture and Discussion
Objective: - Explore the traditional elegance of sonnets and the creative use of found poetry. - Understand the structure of sonnets and the impact of rhyme and meter. - Discuss the artistic possibilities of creating poetry from existing texts in found poetry.
Day 1: Introduction to Sonnets - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of sonnets. - Explanation of the traditional sonnet structures (Shakespearean and Petrarchan).
Day 2: Analyzing Sonnets - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic sonnets (Shakespearean and Petrarchan). - Exploration of rhyme schemes, meter, and emotional depth.
Day 3: Analyzing Sonnets - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in sonnets. - Exploring how contemporary poets adapt and expand on the traditional form.
Day 4: Crafting Sonnets - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the first eight lines of a sonnet. - Emphasis on establishing the thematic foundation.
Day 5: Crafting Sonnets - Part 2 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on crafting the final six lines of a sonnet. - Emphasis on creating resolution and impact.
Homework Assignment: - Craft a sonnet focusing on a theme or emotion that lends itself well to the traditional structure.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of crafting the first eight lines of your sonnet. How did you establish a strong thematic foundation? 2. How did you approach creating resolution and impact in the final six lines of your sonnet? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting a sonnet?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of sonnets, their traditional structures, and the emotional impact of rhyme and meter.
Day 6: Introduction to Found Poetry - Lecture: - Definition and characteristics of found poetry. - Exploration of creating poetry from existing texts.
Day 7: Analyzing Found Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - In-depth analysis of classic found poems. - Exploration of the different approaches to selecting and arranging found material.
Day 8: Analyzing Found Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing modern variations and themes in found poetry. - Exploring the diverse ways poets engage with existing texts.
Day 9: Crafting Found Poetry - Part 1 - Lecture: - Step-by-step guide on selecting source material and extracting words for found poetry. - Emphasis on creating meaning through selection and arrangement.
Day 10: Crafting Found Poetry - Part 2 - Lecture: - Discussing the role of experimentation and creativity in found poetry. - Exploration of different techniques for arranging found words.
Homework Assignment: - Craft a found poem using existing texts and experimenting with different arrangements.
Study Guide Questions: 1. Reflect on the challenges of selecting source material and extracting words for your found poem. How did you create meaning through selection and arrangement? 2. How did experimentation and creativity contribute to the creative process of your found poem? 3. What insights did you gain from the process of crafting a found poem?
Quiz: Assessment on the understanding of found poetry, the creative use of existing texts, and the impact of different arrangements in found poems.
submitted by adulting4kids to writingthruit [link] [comments]