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Feeling guilty about ending things with my bf, but maybe it was for the best? Help :')

2024.06.07 19:24 ocdreallysucks14 Feeling guilty about ending things with my bf, but maybe it was for the best? Help :')

Hi everyone, I broke up with my bf last night. This post will get deleted later but honestly I just wonder if I made a mistake, but something is telling me to listen to my intuition.
So I am F18 and my bf is the same age as me, we're both college students and he was one of my older brother's closest friend. My brother is 25 by the way. I am Muslim and come from a conservative family, my family is also very cultured (I'm South Asian) and obviously, we have the values of finish your degree first before committing to a relationship, try to go for someone in the same religion as you or else it may cause problems (My parents sort of have an issue but I know eventually they would accept them).
Me and my bf are the same ethnicity but we are not the same religion. Regardless, me, my brother, and him were super close. Like insanely close, we did so many things together. At the time, my BF back then had a girlfriend. I liked him while he had a gf, but maintained boundaries, I knew I could never flirt with him and simply just waited. We did ft a lot, which I now realize is completely wrong bc what girlfriend would be okay with a guy facetiming another girl? I know we were super friendly and the conversations were literally about random things, it was never flirtacious or anything of the sort. Eventually, I told him, hey, this is wrong, we should not be close on this level especially one on one facetimes, or just in general. And he was sort of silent about it, he was like "yeah I understand where you're coming from." And while he had a gf he changed my name right before the day of valentines so maybe his gf wouldnt catch him talking to other girls. His defense was he changed my name and his girls name so his parents wouldnt find out that hes talking to women cus theyre strict. But my name on his phone was "Ramen" as an inside joke cus i loved ramen, that shit is gender neutral his parents wouldnt know...
Fast forward, to my knowledge he broke up with his girlfriend. But what I didn't know was that 2 days before getting with me, he said "yeah I'd love to marry my girl. She's going to ____ college" (she was a year younger than him). He said this to one of my friends, and my friend would NEVER lie to me. I found this out sort of a week ago, meaning that he was so sure about his ex like 2 days before getting with me and us confessing our feelings to each other. Like ain't no way... his reasoning behind this was I mean I don't tell people about my private life like that. And I never said I wanted to marry her, I just wanna marry the girl I'm in a relationship with cus I dont fuck around. As for the college thing, they just asked what college my girl was going to at the time so I just said yeah shes going there. Like what kind of manipulative ass shit is that?? Seriously?? Like 2 days before getting with me? Honestly Im at fault too here, when a relationship is that back to back of course its a red flag. I just thought I was different. Btw, I found this out last week. No one had ever told me.
Regardless, him being my brother's close friend I was scared to tell my brother so we kind of kept us a secret for a week, my brother found out and he flipped out and he is my older brother, of course he is gonna be overprotective. And then he was like okay, I am not against y'all dating but please focus on education first and don't hang out one on one, don't facetime, share your locations with me, and then 2 years later you guys can talk about seriously getting committed because you two are far too young and need to get ur studies together. I hated these restrictions, but I tried to respect them as much as I could. My bf was like of course, I'll take care of her and you don't need to worry.
2 weeks later, we go to a party with some friends and my bf drops me off back to my dorm. He sleeps over but my brother catches us in the morning when he leaves my building. I honestly just wanted a moment alone with him because we never got to, and no we didn't have sex, I'm traditional in the sense that I will only do that after marriage. But of course to my brother it looks completely different, so he gets extremely angry at both of us and of course cuts his closest friend off for breaking a man's word, and the consequences on my side are so bad. I had to stop dorming COMPLETELY, my grades started becoming shit, my brother told my closest family friend about what happened, I had to leave an organization that I loved so much (me and my bf at the time were on the board of an organization so thats why I had to leave, I can't be there simultaneously as him) and I'll be honest I was so upset with my brother. I was like this is just young love and we're being prevented from just loving eachother. But of course, my brother's intuition sort of ended up being right.
My bf's phone was broken around mid-to-end of April, gave it to one of my other friends to fix. So, he used his dad's phone at the time. At that time, what my friend saw was fucking undeniable. UNDENIABLE evidence of my bf sexting another girl while we were together on insta. This dated April 27th and 28th. I was in fucking shock, I can't believe I didn't trust my brother from the beginning, and these texts broke my heart. He was the guy who sang songs to me to sleep, we were dancing partners, he promised me he would never leave me, he promised the world. I promised him the same. We gave eachother love letters. We were old school with it.
Fast forward, I confront this mf on facetime and didn't tell him the dates of when the sexting happen just so I could see if the story made sense from his side. I'm not unreasonable yk, I will still hear other peoples sides. He kept denying and denying and he was like I don't even know what happened, and kept swearing on his mom. He texts an hour later, and says hi I think I got to the bottom of this and I know what happened. He says his homie and this girl had a past together and somehow his friend started texting the girl through his account. But the DATES do not align, my bf said he gave his dads phone around the 13th of April. His friend is saying he texted around the end of april so I was just confused. Like I don't know if they're lying for eachother. But not once did my bf tell me that he gave his phone to his friend on both april 27 and 28. And at first they said they used my bfs phone not his parents, but who was fixing my bfs phone at the time? My friend so theres no way he would have it. It's like the story switches up every single time, he says what had actually happened was his dads phone was used. He says "I didn't know these details were significant so I just didnt mention them at first." Eventually the girl ended up contacting me like a week later and said "hey, truly I have no idea what happened. If i knew ur bf was in a relationship I wouldn't even have messaged him. The convo started getting weird so I gave it to my older brother, truly ur bf loves you but I realized later it wasn't him." Keep in mind this girl used to be obsessed with my bf back in hs, so idek the truth anymore. It's believable but also unbelievable.
There's just so many questions about this. On top of that he has a close female friend that I have never questioned EVER. But I was still friends with a guy (he knew i was in a relationship though at the time) who i had a small situationship with, literally we were two people who found each other attractive and thats it. Genuinely nothing went beyond that, me and the guy ended up breaking it off mutually and we were like lets just be friends, and he ended up getting a gf. I even told my bf, "hey, if me being friends with him is making u uncomfortable, just let me know." Like he knows I would drop any guy for him. And my bf was like "I cannot control who ur friends with or not, so I'll respect that, and I trust you." Funny thing is, right before I confronted my bf me and this guy eventually broke off our friendship cus we were just going on different paths in life and I thought it was best to respect my bf to not be in contact with any guy I've had a situationship with even if we never went far at all.
When I confronted my bf at the time, I was like I don't even understand why you are keeping contact with people who are this level of obsessed with you when I'm willing to drop anyone for you. And he said, "Well, u were friends with someone you had a past with." Like what the hell, manz literally gave me permission and he knew I would drop him anytime for my bf. He also questioned another guy who was literally like mine and my brother's sibling and I was like I don't understand this jealousy. I'll be honest, I am somewhat of a jealous person but only when it comes to mf girls sexting or trying to get with my bf which is kind of valid I feel like. It's like as soon as I caught him he's telling me about every girl that texted him. I didn't even know his ex texted him (the one before me) while we were together. He says he unblocked her to see the message. Now I am not sure why that information was relevant to me.. but none of his past ex's knew he was with someone and I just wished they did from the beginning so they would no longer text him. He followed his ex for a while even though they weren't on the best terms while still being with me and then mid-way into our relationship he unfollowed her fully. And I asked him if she knew about me and he said no. Idk, kinda hurt me a bit but I wasn't gonna bitch about it, I was like okay whatever.
One last thing to top it off, he posted an insta story of the moon and tagged my name in it. He immediately deleted the story after but at this point in time my brother said he was uninvolved in our relationship and truly doesn't want problems anymore. Whatever we do is not up to him anymore. So I tell him a few days ago that this really hurt me cus I don't want to be hidden from the world and he says genuinely I was just afraid of ur brother finding this post considering the past, I know he said he would be uninvolved but im still afraid. So I kind of let this one go.. but idk still it hurt nonetheless.
I'll tell you guys my faults. While I was confronting him he kept calling me baby and I said please don't call me that right now on text. He was really hurt about it and even then I ended up apologizing. Even during this whole process, I still sent him voice recordings of my singing cus it helped him fall asleep. Deep down I knew I was addicted to him but I couldn't trust him anymore after these things, so I made a call last night and ended things. I would've done it in person, but I have a strict family and can't be outside that often like I used to be. I found lip liner in his car a while back and I confronted him about it 2 days ago, i calmly asked who's was that? And he said it was his cousins because they were really close which I did know. I remember in the past he was being very suspicious, and my phone was next to him and I could have SWORN he was going thru my shit because he knew my password. I asked him about it 2 days ago what the hell was that about in the past, But my bf was like trust me it was my dads phone I don't have any recollection of going through your phone. To be fair, I don't have concrete evidence of these things. My trust was so broken that I feel like I started going insane. I shouldn't have mentioned these things but at the same time he told me that I need to communicate better. Which is sort of true, I never communicated that I was hurt in the past. But I did communicate that he needs to understand us facetiming and being close friends like that is really bad and that cannot continue to happen while he was with his ex, so I had higher expectations of him including the fact that he was with 2 girls, long term before.
The call last night hurt me so bad, I was very respectful about it. I still told him I wanted to see him succeed one day, but I cannot keep putting myself through this shit. I cannot feel content with this relationship because I still have trust issues. He told me he is willing to start over and just never hurt me again but idk..
Btw If my parents found out I was even talking to him, straight up I'd be kicked out the house and my brother and my closest friends would lose all respect for me. I'm sacrificing so much to be with a person but even then I said I would fight for love. Idgaf if my friends or family don't approve of the guy I'm with, but deep down I feel like they have my best interest.
He has my ring, I have his bracelet, We both have eachothers love letters and idk what to do with it. We will both be giving eachother the jewelry back, idk whether to ask for the love letter back or not and idk if he is crazy enough to find a way to send it to my future bf if I ever have one. But for a while, I don't know if I can believe in love. I need to prioritize myself before anyone else.
My one question is, should I have given him one last chance? Is it worth risking losing everything again for love? Are two souls really tied? Idk, I'm putting it in god's hands.
Shorter version:
Me and my bf come from diff religions, same ethnicity but my fam is more conservative than his
Him and my brother were close.
We snooped around and my brother gave us one final chance and put restrictions on us in order for us to be together in the future
We broke that promise even though we didn't do anything insanely hardcore, im a sex after marriage gal
I sacrificed all I had, i stopped dorming, my close family friend was told and my parents were informed that he was a bad person but didn't know the full extent of the story or else I'd be kicked out, was forced to leave an organization that my bf was also apart of at the time
My brother keeps trying to give me warning signals but I missed all the red flags cus I was so deeply in love. And yes I acknowledge that Im an idiot for letting these red flags fly over me.
Red flags:
  • Had a girlfriend for 7 months and we did facetime a lot but it was very friendly, but i eventually told him this is wrong and i dont wanna look like a homewrecker. He was silent but was like "yeah i understand where you're coming from"
-kept his relationship life veryyy private, never brought his ex anywhere to events. yes she was a year younger and in highschool but there were still so many hangouts she could have come to
-While he had a gf he changed my name right before the day of valentines so maybe his gf wouldnt catch him talking to other girls. His defense was he changed my name and his girls name so his parents wouldnt find out that hes talking to women cus theyre strict. But my name on his phone was "Ramen" as an inside joke cus i loved ramen, that shit is gender neutral his parents wouldnt know...
  • 2 days before getting with me he said to another friend of mine, "yeah I'd love to marry my girl. shes going to ____ college." I found this out last week and his response was, "yeah bc i dont fuck around, of course I wanna marry whoever im in a relationship with and i dont tell people about my personal life like that. they dont need to know im going through personal problems with her. and i simply answered a question about what college she was going to. i had no intentions of marriage with HER though in the future, i only want u." like what is this contradictory ass shit LOL
  • caught him sexting another girl through dms, claims it wasnt him and everyone involved tried to tell me the story. made somewhat sense, but not 100%. his past exes didn't know i existed
  • got jealous of close family friends and i asked permission from him to talk to a guy that i've had a situationship with (me nd this situationship guy never went far it was as simple as we found eachother attractive and he eventually found someone else but she broke it off months later) and asked him if thats uncomfortable w him, just let me know. he knew i would drop any guy for him immediately but i never questioned him once about his close female friend.
-posted a story of the moon, tagged me in the moon on insta, deleted the story right after. it hurt me but i guess i kinda understand his POV, he was scared my brother was gonna do something about it however at this point in time, my brother told both of us he is completely uninvolved and whatever happens between us is our business and he doesn't want to be in any more problems. still hurt me nonetheless, i don't wanna be hidden like his last girl was.
but im conflicted because i ended things w/ him last night, he sent me love letters, we sang eachother to sleep and sang in the rain, we were dancing partners, etc. promised a lifetime of love, promised to marry me, had so many fun moments together. went through hell and back together. Idk if I should have ended things w/ him regardless? told him i cant continue this relationship bc of these trust issues even though he was willing to start over and no longer hurt me.
there u have it. thanks for reading.
submitted by ocdreallysucks14 to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 19:20 ocdreallysucks14 Am I wrong for breaking up with my bf?

Hi everyone, I broke up with my bf last night. This post will get deleted later but honestly I just wonder if I made a mistake, but something is telling me to listen to my intuition.
So I am F18 and my bf is the same age as me, we're both college students and he was one of my older brother's closest friend. My brother is 25 by the way. I am Muslim and come from a conservative family, my family is also very cultured (I'm South Asian) and obviously, we have the values of finish your degree first before committing to a relationship, try to go for someone in the same religion as you or else it may cause problems (My parents sort of have an issue but I know eventually they would accept them).
Me and my bf are the same ethnicity but we are not the same religion. Regardless, me, my brother, and him were super close. Like insanely close, we did so many things together. At the time, my BF back then had a girlfriend. I liked him while he had a gf, but maintained boundaries, I knew I could never flirt with him and simply just waited. We did ft a lot, which I now realize is completely wrong bc what girlfriend would be okay with a guy facetiming another girl? I know we were super friendly and the conversations were literally about random things, it was never flirtacious or anything of the sort. Eventually, I told him, hey, this is wrong, we should not be close on this level especially one on one facetimes, or just in general. And he was sort of silent about it, he was like "yeah I understand where you're coming from." And while he had a gf he changed my name right before the day of valentines so maybe his gf wouldnt catch him talking to other girls. His defense was he changed my name and his girls name so his parents wouldnt find out that hes talking to women cus theyre strict. But my name on his phone was "Ramen" as an inside joke cus i loved ramen, that shit is gender neutral his parents wouldnt know...
Fast forward, to my knowledge he broke up with his girlfriend. But what I didn't know was that 2 days before getting with me, he said "yeah I'd love to marry my girl. She's going to ____ college" (she was a year younger than him). He said this to one of my friends, and my friend would NEVER lie to me. I found this out sort of a week ago, meaning that he was so sure about his ex like 2 days before getting with me and us confessing our feelings to each other. Like ain't no way... his reasoning behind this was I mean I don't tell people about my private life like that. And I never said I wanted to marry her, I just wanna marry the girl I'm in a relationship with cus I dont fuck around. As for the college thing, they just asked what college my girl was going to at the time so I just said yeah shes going there. Like what kind of manipulative ass shit is that?? Seriously?? Like 2 days before getting with me? Honestly Im at fault too here, when a relationship is that back to back of course its a red flag. I just thought I was different. Btw, I found this out last week. No one had ever told me.
Regardless, him being my brother's close friend I was scared to tell my brother so we kind of kept us a secret for a week, my brother found out and he flipped out and he is my older brother, of course he is gonna be overprotective. And then he was like okay, I am not against y'all dating but please focus on education first and don't hang out one on one, don't facetime, share your locations with me, and then 2 years later you guys can talk about seriously getting committed because you two are far too young and need to get ur studies together. I hated these restrictions, but I tried to respect them as much as I could. My bf was like of course, I'll take care of her and you don't need to worry.
2 weeks later, we go to a party with some friends and my bf drops me off back to my dorm. He sleeps over but my brother catches us in the morning when he leaves my building. I honestly just wanted a moment alone with him because we never got to, and no we didn't have sex, I'm traditional in the sense that I will only do that after marriage. But of course to my brother it looks completely different, so he gets extremely angry at both of us and of course cuts his closest friend off for breaking a man's word, and the consequences on my side are so bad. I had to stop dorming COMPLETELY, my grades started becoming shit, my brother told my closest family friend about what happened, I had to leave an organization that I loved so much (me and my bf at the time were on the board of an organization so thats why I had to leave, I can't be there simultaneously as him) and I'll be honest I was so upset with my brother. I was like this is just young love and we're being prevented from just loving eachother. But of course, my brother's intuition sort of ended up being right.
My bf's phone was broken around mid-to-end of April, gave it to one of my other friends to fix. So, he used his dad's phone at the time. At that time, what my friend saw was fucking undeniable. UNDENIABLE evidence of my bf sexting another girl while we were together on insta. This dated April 27th and 28th. I was in fucking shock, I can't believe I didn't trust my brother from the beginning, and these texts broke my heart. He was the guy who sang songs to me to sleep, we were dancing partners, he promised me he would never leave me, he promised the world. I promised him the same. We gave eachother love letters. We were old school with it.
Fast forward, I confront this mf on facetime and didn't tell him the dates of when the sexting happen just so I could see if the story made sense from his side. I'm not unreasonable yk, I will still hear other peoples sides. He kept denying and denying and he was like I don't even know what happened, and kept swearing on his mom. He texts an hour later, and says hi I think I got to the bottom of this and I know what happened. He says his homie and this girl had a past together and somehow his friend started texting the girl through his account. But the DATES do not align, my bf said he gave his dads phone around the 13th of April. His friend is saying he texted around the end of april so I was just confused. Like I don't know if they're lying for eachother. But not once did my bf tell me that he gave his phone to his friend on both april 27 and 28. And at first they said they used my bfs phone not his parents, but who was fixing my bfs phone at the time? My friend so theres no way he would have it. It's like the story switches up every single time, he says what had actually happened was his dads phone was used. He says "I didn't know these details were significant so I just didnt mention them at first." Eventually the girl ended up contacting me like a week later and said "hey, truly I have no idea what happened. If i knew ur bf was in a relationship I wouldn't even have messaged him. The convo started getting weird so I gave it to my older brother, truly ur bf loves you but I realized later it wasn't him." Keep in mind this girl used to be obsessed with my bf back in hs, so idek the truth anymore. It's believable but also unbelievable.
There's just so many questions about this. On top of that he has a close female friend that I have never questioned EVER. But I was still friends with a guy (he knew i was in a relationship though at the time) who i had a small situationship with, literally we were two people who found each other attractive and thats it. Genuinely nothing went beyond that, me and the guy ended up breaking it off mutually and we were like lets just be friends, and he ended up getting a gf. I even told my bf, "hey, if me being friends with him is making u uncomfortable, just let me know." Like he knows I would drop any guy for him. And my bf was like "I cannot control who ur friends with or not, so I'll respect that, and I trust you." Funny thing is, right before I confronted my bf me and this guy eventually broke off our friendship cus we were just going on different paths in life and I thought it was best to respect my bf to not be in contact with any guy I've had a situationship with even if we never went far at all.
When I confronted my bf at the time, I was like I don't even understand why you are keeping contact with people who are this level of obsessed with you when I'm willing to drop anyone for you. And he said, "Well, u were friends with someone you had a past with." Like what the hell, manz literally gave me permission and he knew I would drop him anytime for my bf. He also questioned another guy who was literally like mine and my brother's sibling and I was like I don't understand this jealousy. I'll be honest, I am somewhat of a jealous person but only when it comes to mf girls sexting or trying to get with my bf which is kind of valid I feel like. It's like as soon as I caught him he's telling me about every girl that texted him. I didn't even know his ex texted him (the one before me) while we were together. He says he unblocked her to see the message. Now I am not sure why that information was relevant to me.. but none of his past ex's knew he was with someone and I just wished they did from the beginning so they would no longer text him. He followed his ex for a while even though they weren't on the best terms while still being with me and then mid-way into our relationship he unfollowed her fully. And I asked him if she knew about me and he said no. Idk, kinda hurt me a bit but I wasn't gonna bitch about it, I was like okay whatever.
One last thing to top it off, he posted an insta story of the moon and tagged my name in it. He immediately deleted the story after but at this point in time my brother said he was uninvolved in our relationship and truly doesn't want problems anymore. Whatever we do is not up to him anymore. So I tell him a few days ago that this really hurt me cus I don't want to be hidden from the world and he says genuinely I was just afraid of ur brother finding this post considering the past, I know he said he would be uninvolved but im still afraid. So I kind of let this one go.. but idk still it hurt nonetheless.
I'll tell you guys my faults. While I was confronting him he kept calling me baby and I said please don't call me that right now on text. He was really hurt about it and even then I ended up apologizing. Even during this whole process, I still sent him voice recordings of my singing cus it helped him fall asleep. Deep down I knew I was addicted to him but I couldn't trust him anymore after these things, so I made a call last night and ended things. I would've done it in person, but I have a strict family and can't be outside that often like I used to be. I found lip liner in his car a while back and I confronted him about it 2 days ago, i calmly asked who's was that? And he said it was his cousins because they were really close which I did know. I remember in the past he was being very suspicious, and my phone was next to him and I could have SWORN he was going thru my shit because he knew my password. I asked him about it 2 days ago what the hell was that about in the past, But my bf was like trust me it was my dads phone I don't have any recollection of going through your phone. To be fair, I don't have concrete evidence of these things. My trust was so broken that I feel like I started going insane. I shouldn't have mentioned these things but at the same time he told me that I need to communicate better. Which is sort of true, I never communicated that I was hurt in the past. But I did communicate that he needs to understand us facetiming and being close friends like that is really bad and that cannot continue to happen while he was with his ex, so I had higher expectations of him including the fact that he was with 2 girls, long term before.
The call last night hurt me so bad, I was very respectful about it. I still told him I wanted to see him succeed one day, but I cannot keep putting myself through this shit. I cannot feel content with this relationship because I still have trust issues. He told me he is willing to start over and just never hurt me again but idk..
Btw If my parents found out I was even talking to him, straight up I'd be kicked out the house and my brother and my closest friends would lose all respect for me. I'm sacrificing so much to be with a person but even then I said I would fight for love. Idgaf if my friends or family don't approve of the guy I'm with, but deep down I feel like they have my best interest.
He has my ring, I have his bracelet, We both have eachothers love letters and idk what to do with it. We will both be giving eachother the jewelry back, idk whether to ask for the love letter back or not and idk if he is crazy enough to find a way to send it to my future bf if I ever have one. But for a while, I don't know if I can believe in love. I need to prioritize myself before anyone else.
My one question is, should I have given him one last chance? Is it worth risking losing everything again for love? Are two souls really tied? Idk, I'm putting it in god's hands.
Shorter version:
Me and my bf come from diff religions, same ethnicity but my fam is more conservative than his
Him and my brother were close.
We snooped around and my brother gave us one final chance and put restrictions on us in order for us to be together in the future
We broke that promise even though we didn't do anything insanely hardcore, im a sex after marriage gal
I sacrificed all I had, i stopped dorming, my close family friend was told and my parents were informed that he was a bad person but didn't know the full extent of the story or else I'd be kicked out, was forced to leave an organization that my bf was also apart of at the time
My brother keeps trying to give me warning signals but I missed all the red flags cus I was so deeply in love. And yes I acknowledge that Im an idiot for letting these red flags fly over me.
Red flags:
  • Had a girlfriend for 7 months and we did facetime a lot but it was very friendly, but i eventually told him this is wrong and i dont wanna look like a homewrecker. He was silent but was like "yeah i understand where you're coming from"
-kept his relationship life veryyy private, never brought his ex anywhere to events. yes she was a year younger and in highschool but there were still so many hangouts she could have come to
-While he had a gf he changed my name right before the day of valentines so maybe his gf wouldnt catch him talking to other girls. His defense was he changed my name and his girls name so his parents wouldnt find out that hes talking to women cus theyre strict. But my name on his phone was "Ramen" as an inside joke cus i loved ramen, that shit is gender neutral his parents wouldnt know...
  • 2 days before getting with me he said to another friend of mine, "yeah I'd love to marry my girl. shes going to ____ college." I found this out last week and his response was, "yeah bc i dont fuck around, of course I wanna marry whoever im in a relationship with and i dont tell people about my personal life like that. they dont need to know im going through personal problems with her. and i simply answered a question about what college she was going to. i had no intentions of marriage with HER though in the future, i only want u." like what is this contradictory ass shit LOL
  • caught him sexting another girl through dms, claims it wasnt him and everyone involved tried to tell me the story. made somewhat sense, but not 100%. his past exes didn't know i existed
  • got jealous of close family friends and i asked permission from him to talk to a guy that i've had a situationship with (me nd this situationship guy never went far it was as simple as we found eachother attractive and he eventually found someone else but she broke it off months later) and asked him if thats uncomfortable w him, just let me know. he knew i would drop any guy for him immediately but i never questioned him once about his close female friend.
-posted a story of the moon, tagged me in the moon on insta, deleted the story right after. it hurt me but i guess i kinda understand his POV, he was scared my brother was gonna do something about it however at this point in time, my brother told both of us he is completely uninvolved and whatever happens between us is our business and he doesn't want to be in any more problems. still hurt me nonetheless, i don't wanna be hidden like his last girl was.
but im conflicted because i ended things w/ him last night, he sent me love letters, we sang eachother to sleep and sang in the rain, we were dancing partners, etc. promised a lifetime of love, promised to marry me, had so many fun moments together. went through hell and back together. am i wrong for ending things w/ him regardless? told him i cant continue this relationship bc of these trust issues even though he was willing to start over and no longer hurt me.
there u have it. thanks for reading.
submitted by ocdreallysucks14 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 14:35 Gandalfette94 I made some bracelets for the gig

I made some bracelets for the gig
I hadn’t made bracelets for a while 😅 Sadly, I didn’t have enough letters to write Imploding the Mirage and Pressure Machine
submitted by Gandalfette94 to TheKillers [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 13:26 Accurate-Message-469 Season 3 Episode: (Countdown): My Version/ What If moment, of how the Freezer Scene should have played out. (Not The Bomb Scene. That's Another Story)

As "Always" I write these characters as flesh and blood, not a manipulation of the series. Don't get me wrong, I love Castle, but I also recognize that they wrote these characters to keep them apart for as long as they could, but as a fan of the characters, I believe as tons of fanfiction writers believe that the ridiculous endings to season 2, and Countdown, Love and Die in L.A. and Rise just to name of few would never have happened between these two characters. (In my opinion only) I'm not here to tell anyone else how to think, but I enjoy writing things as I believe they would have played out.
There will be an epilogue at the end. I hope you enjoy.
They were huddled on the floor of a metal container. Castle felt the heat from his body ebbing away. He loved the woman he was cradling in his arms with all of his heart; he lost count the times that he wanted to tell her how much he loved her, and would never have admitted this to anyone, but dying while holding Kate Beckett in his arms would not be the worse way to go.
He felt 2 fingers touch his chin and heard his partner say:
"Castle... thanks... for always being there", Kate murmured.
Castle wanted to scream. He wanted to yell at the universe, hadn't they suffered enough, hadn't she suffered enough? He already knew that this woman was it for him, there would be no other, and at that moment the only thing that came to him to say was... "Always".
Kate thought to herself as she felt she was on her last breath, "Always", that's the second time she had heard that word in the last 2 weeks, he had said it after he had pummeled Lockwood with his fists. While he was getting his hand wrapped in the ER unit, she had said to him, "Thanks for having my back in there," and she remembered him looking at her with so much love in his eyes and said "Always". She had wondered what that word meant to him and now he was saying it again. She needed to let him know something before it was too late.
"Castle...Castle", she said barely above a whisper "I just want you to know... how much... I love you". She felt Castles head bang into her shoulder. She panicked and said with her last dying breath, "Castle...Rick", and as she felt herself fall into oblivion, her last thought was that at least she would die in the arms of the man that she loved.
Kate was standing outside with a blanket wrapped around her. They had been apparently rescued by the boys, when Castles daughter Alexis had called the precinct and told them that somethings was wrong, because her dad was not answering his cell phone. Kate had been up and around, for 20 minutes or so, but had been worried about Castle. She had also found out that her boyfriend Josh had not gone to Haiti. Amidst the noise of sirens and swirling lights, reporters, and flash bulbs popping she heard yelling, "Beckett...Beckett". She smiled and yelled out, "I'm over here Castle".
While waiting for him, Kate started running through the last few weeks in her head. When did she start to accept mediocrity. She had asked Josh to stay... Why?... Just a few hours ago, she had talked to Castle about wanting to have someone in her life that she could dive into it with. As she saw Castle leave the ambulance, a moment of clarity came over her. In the freezer, she told him that she loved him. It's always been him. That man walking over to me, is the one that's always been by my side, and having that near death experience made her more determined than ever, that she would no longer accept mediocrity anymore.
Castle stumbled out of the ambulance and saw Kate leaning up against a police car. Trying to get his legs underneath him, he staggered over and stood next to her. "Are you okay Kate"? he asked.
Of course, he would think of her first. Kate smiled back and said, "I'm fine Castle, and I'm so glad to see you're okay too".
Castle saw that Kate's eyes were looking over at her boyfriend Josh. He was standing just outside of the ambulance looking back at Kate and smiling. Castle was so disappointed that Josh was back, as he knew that Kate had asked him to stay. "I see that Dr. Motorcycle Boy didn't go to Haiti', he said trying to keep the sadness from his voice.
"Yeah, I guess he decided to stay" Kate replied.
"So, what does that mean to you"? Castle asked even though he didn't want the answer
Kate looked back at him for the longest time and said to his surprise, "Actually Castle it means nothing to me. The more that I think about it, the more I realize that: Number one: I had to beg him to stay which really isn't fair to him. He loves what he does, and it's something that helps people all over the world. Number two: Because it's his work, he'll just end up going away at some point in time anyway, and Number 3: Like I told you in that radiation tent. I need someone that will be there for me, and I will be there for him, and we can just dive into things together. That will never be him, and that's what I'm going to tell him. Besides, there's someone else I care more about anyway".
As Kate started to walk away, she turned to Castle and said, "Castle, wait for me and don't go anywhere without me. Got it"!
"Not going anywhere Beckett", he chuckled.
She smiled as she started to walk over to Josh.
Castle stared at her as she left, then felt the presence of someone behind him. He looked over his shoulder and saw it was Agent Mark Fallon from Homeland Security.
Fallon said," When I first saw you two, I thought that you two were together, now I find out that she's with that doctor over there".
Castle turned and smiled, "I'm not so sure about that anymore". Fallon and Castle watched as Beckett approached the doctor. They saw the doctor reach out to wrap his arms around Beckett, but they saw her backing up. They looked at the doctor's face, which went from surprise, and then what looked like hurt, and then they saw his arms waving around. At first Castle and Fallon heard nothing, because of the distance and noise surrounding them, but as the conversation continued on, they started to hear Josh's voice getting louder and louder. Kate had spun on her heals trying to get away, but Josh grabbed her shoulders and turned her back towards him.
Fallon grabbed at Castle as he saw him starting to move Kate's way. Fallon said, "Castle, you're just going to piss her off, she's a big girl, she can handle this herself". Then a voice that brought the attention to many in the crowd heard Josh scream, "Are you fucking cheating on me"? and with that they watched as Kate swung and landed her hand across his face that was loud enough to hear. Then she spun around and walked back to Castle. They watched as Josh stormed off cursing and screaming in rage.
Castle looked at Kate's face and knew she was still pissed; he knew better than to ask an angry Beckett anything at this moment. Beckett walked up to Fallon and got in his face. "Well Agent Fallon, have any luck trying find your (Kate air quoted) Terrorists, while Castle and I here figured out the real story".
Fallon looking sheepish said, "Yeah, I feel like a real ass, and all I can do now is apologize, and ask you for your help, because according to what you saw in that van, we have a little over 13 hours. I know you guys suffered border line hypothermia, so go home, warm up, take a shower, but I need you guys back at the precinct as soon as possible".
Castle replied knowing the strain that Fallon has been under and said, "Of course, and while we take a break check into Kevin McCann's military history, I think that he has something going on with other men in his unit. That might give us a starting point, when Beckett and I return".
Fallon took a deep breath and expressed his gratitude and said, "Okay, and thanks. See you. The sooner the better".
Castle looked over at Beckett and said, "Hey Kate, I've sent Mother and Alexis off to the Hamptons, because of the ...you know, how about you and I go back to the loft, I'll turn up the heat and make us my world-famous hot chocolate".
Kate looked at him and laughed, "World famous huh", She smiled and said, "Castle, you had me at turning up the heat, but you better have a better fucking blanket than this crappy one I have on now, because this thing is starting to itch".
Castle laughed and said, "Can't have that now can we. I've got only the best for you Beckett, only the best".
Kate sat all bundled up on Castle's couch at the loft. They weren't kidding themselves. They both understood the gravity of the situation, and that many lives were counting on them, but both of them in some kind of silent understanding just wanted to carve a slice of time out for themselves, before once more heading back into the breach.
She watched Castle in amusement as he hummed and flitted around the kitchen making the hot chocolate. As he approached her with two cups, she looked at him and thought about how often he had stood by her side. That she trusted him like no other, that he was a kind and generous man, and that he had turned into her best friend. It also didn't hurt that she thought he was great looking, and that she had never really noticed just how big his chest and biceps were. She bit her lower lip as Castle handed the cup of hot chocolate to her.
She took a sip and exclaimed, "OMG Castle this is amazing. What's the secret"?
Castle looked around and raised his hand to his face in a conspiratorial gesture, "I add a teaspoon of Nutella. If you like that Beckett, wait till you try my s'morlette's".
Kate scrunched up her noise, "Yeah, if that's what I think it is, I'll pass".
Castle huffed, " Suit yourself, obviously your just not ready for elegant cuisine".
Kate laughed, but then Castle noticed that she had grown silent, all the while picking at some unseen something on her cup.
Castle nudged her arm as they huddled under the blankets, "What's going on in that mind of yours Kate"?
God, she thought, when did she all of a sudden like it when Castle called her Kate. "Rick" she hesitated, "When ...when ...you use the word always to me, what are you saying, what does that word mean to you"?
Castle hesitated, "Before I answer that Kate, I need to know, are you thru now with Dr. Motorcycle Boy for good"?
She sighed, "Well, I'm sure you could tell buy the way he stormed off, and my landing a solid hit to his face that it's over. I'll be honest, I tried to ask him if we could talk about it in a more private place. I tried to apologize for asking him to stay. I'm not fond of unloading my dirty laundry out in public like that, but he wouldn't stop pushing, so I gave him the most honest answer that I could. That I was not interested in him anymore, and really haven't been for a while. I honestly don't even know why I asked him to stay in the first place. Let's just say, that almost freezing to death gave me a new perspective on life. I hate that I hit him, but it started getting really ugly there at the end... So, I'll ask again Castle, what does the word Always mean to you"?
Kate laughed to herself as Castle got up and started to pace back and forth while running his hands thru his hair. Kate swore she had never seen him like this, then Castle blurted out, "I've only used that word on you Kate, and it will be only used on you. It...it means everything. That I'll always have your back, that you can always count on me, that I'll be there for you if you fall, that you mean the world to me...Fuck", he yelled, "It means that I love you. I love you Kathrine Beckett, and I have for a very long time".
Kate smiled, 'That word "Always" is a beautiful word Castle. It sounds really nice... everything you just said sounds really nice".
Castle says in astonishment, "It did?... It does?... Everything I said"?
"Yes, Castle... everything, and I just want you to know that I'm all on board with (she ran her fingers back and forth between them) this...us...whatever were doing". Kate threw off her blanket. She grabbed Castles head with both her hands and planted a soft kiss to his lips. She looked at Castle and said "Well, I'm going to go back to my place, take a quick hot shower, and I'll meet you over at the precinct. Then you and I will figure out a way to stop that fucking bomb. I'm not going to let a bomb keep us from being together, so get your ass down there as fast as you can".
"Kate", Castle said, "This thing between you and me, we can take it as slow as you want too, I'll just follow your lead".
Kate looked over her shoulder as she was about to leave and said, "Slow is good Castle", but then she winked and said, as her eyes darkened with arousal, "But not to slow though, a girl has needs you know. Oh, and by the way, that kiss we had a couple of weeks ago in that dark alley, you were right. It was... Amazing! You think you can top that one"?
Castle laughed, "As a wise and beautiful woman once told me almost 3 years ago", Castle lowered his voice and whispered, "Kate, you have no idea".
She threw her head back and laughed, "I look forward to that. See you soon Romeo", and with that Beckett turned, and waved goodbye as she left the loft.
Castle busied himself with gathering the cups and putting them in the sink when he heard the door open again. He looked up and saw Kate's head poking thru the doorway. Castle said, "You forget something Kate"?
"Yeah, Castle I did. I forgot to tell you ... I love you too"!
As Kate entered the hallways and pressed the elevator button, she smiled when she heard Castle yell, "YES"!
Thats, the day their journey began.
Kate and Rick have been married 2 months now. When they returned from their honeymoon, they found out that Kate was 6 weeks pregnant.
Castle was humming the tune "In My Veins" while making his wife's favorite dinner. He heard the door open and his wife yell out, "I'm home Babe...Oh man, what smells so good".
"I'm making my wife her favorite. Chicken Alfredo, with my world-famous secret sauce. Also, a nice salad to go with it".
He heard his wife whine, "I hope you made garlic bread too, because baby wants garlic bread".
Castle laughed, "I doubt that our baby has already started making dinner requests".
Kate huffed, "Don't argue with the baby Castle! I want to enjoy food while I can before the puke fest starts. That could be anytime now".
"Oh, it's Castle now, is it? Don't worry my love, the garlic bread is in the oven staying nice and warm", he joked.
Kate smiled and gave her husband a peck on the cheek. Then looked over at the kitchen table and saw a rectangular box sitting on the counter, it was wrapped and had a bow on it.
"Babe, what did you do, what's this"?
Castle came up from behind her, and put his arms around her, and put his head on her shoulder. He said, "It's our 2-month anniversary present, and before you say there's no such thing, I beg to differ. Now, go on, open it already"!
Kate just shook her head at her amazing husband and ripped open the package. She lifted the lid and saw the most dazzling charm bracelet that she'd ever seen. It was platinum sliver with diamond chip inlays. There were 3 charms already attached, each one with its own gemstone.
Kate held the bracelet in reverence, and whispered, "Babe its...it's beautiful! What do all the charms mean"?
"Well honey, I wanted these charms to tell our story, and then add to them as future stories unfold. This one here that looks like a book actually has engraved on it in very small letters "Heat Wave". Our story of when I first started following you".
Kate saw what looked like baby shoes, "Is that for our baby Rick"? as a tear fell on her cheek. He watched as his wife started running her fingers over the shoes, and his heart melted. Castle knew that she was going to be an amazing mother.
Castle whispering in her ear said, "Yes honey, and can you guess what that last one is, because it's the third most important day of my life".
Kate held it in her hand, and turned it over, she saw what looked like a square metal box, that had two huge doors in front. She turned and looked at Castle and said in awe, "The freezer container? That's the third most important day of your life"?
"Of course, Kate, it's the day that you told me you loved me. That's the day that you became mine".
Kate wasn't the wordsmith like Castle was, so she tried to show him in her kiss. She turned around and wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her lips against his and poured every ounce of her love into that kiss.
It was a kiss that screamed about how much it has meant to her that he has stood by her side thru all things. Dismantling the bomb, the sniper attack, taking down Bracken, never letting her fall down the rabbit hole, always having her back, and giving her their word "Always". He has been the one constant in her life, and she loved him like no other. Kate whispered in her husband's ear, "Thanks for always being their Babe".
Castle remembering Kate saying those exact words when they were in the freezer said, "Love you Mrs. Castle".
Kate smiled, "Love you more Mr. Beckett... but Baby still wants her garlic bread".
"Yes Dear".
submitted by Accurate-Message-469 to CastleTV [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 12:34 Kelekona One thing leads to another.

I feel a little bad for the guy's wife, but Mom really wanted to give the scale that was in my way to a member of the scale-collector's guild and I managed to arrange it... for one scale. Mom was suddenly in-a-tizzy to find the other two and she had labelled the boxes while also leaving only a few places to look, so he got a surprise bonus.
I say I feel sorry for the guy's wife because he said her first question about his collection is "where are you going to put it." I tried to show that I wasn't heartless by saying I had to choose between that first scale and a fishtank... also getting excited about wanting to go back to the science museum he was fond of.
I think he understood because mom also mentioned analog camera-gear and he was like 'if only a few years ago before the downsize, but I had to give that one up, especially darkroom'
Getting those scales out made her excited about telling me where to put something that was in my way, but she was a bit worn-out. I realized that now that it was warm, I could offload that pile of camera-stuff back at the used gear dealer.
A few days after, (camera stuff is still waiting) I was poking around the main room because that scale project and a few other things made it messier than normal. That thing in my way was a glass triptych and I had told mom that when she tells me where to move it, I'll get all my crap out of the main room. She told me to put it in her bedroom, which isn't a big deal because the hardest part about moving it was making sure the path was clear and getting the hinge-pins out so I could move one panel at a time, so future-me doesn't mind having to move it again.
After that, I did get my six art-carts back into my space, there's an empty cabinet in the corner that's hard to get to without moving junk but the junk in the way is light. I had set the cabinet in the middle of the room because I wanted it where the triptych was and moving the cabinet could damage it. Now mom has that main space to work in because she needs to get the volume in her craft-room down by 50% and I think I could loan her a bit of space for a few weeks. I do have a few missed bits and bobs in the main space and my fishtank is still sitting on the buffet, but those bits can easily go into a doom-box.
Also I think that being anti-box is wrong. Mom wanted to mess with an embroidery kit I had let her have and was able to grab the tote with the floss-bobbins in it without much fuss. She was able to put the leftover bobbins back in and I just need to put the box back.
submitted by Kelekona to hoarding [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 10:38 CatRelative4149 gift idea for bf

so my long distance bf's bd is in a few days. I've already come up with a few gifts i.e 3 hot wheels, matching bracelets, perfume and a letter. but he mentioned it before that he wants something of mine (maybe something that ive used). so do u guys have any ideas?
submitted by CatRelative4149 to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 07:42 No-Quality-2644 Yūrei Chronicles

Tales of Japanese Horror [ 日本のホラーの物語 ]
By: Seph Cruz [ 投稿者: セフ・クルーズ ]
CONTENTS [ コンテンツ ]
Preface [ はじめに ]
Chapter 1: The Cursed Scroll [ 第 1 章: 呪われた巻物 ]
Chapter 2: The Shrine in the Shadows [ 第 2 章: 影の神殿 ]
Chapter 3: The Haunting of the Geisha [ 第 3 章: 芸者の幽霊 ]
Chapter 4: The Onryo's Revenge [ 第 4 章: 怨霊の復讐 ]
Chapter 5: The Dollmaker's Curse [ 第 5 章: 人形師の呪い ]
Chapter 6: The Shadow in the Forest [ 第 6 章: 森の影 ] Chapter 7: The Haunting of the Yūrei Inn [ 第 7 章: 幽霊旅館の幽霊 ]
Chapter 8: The Curse of the Haunted Kimono [ 第 8 章: 幽霊着物の呪い ]
Chapter 9: The Mirror's Malevolence [ 第 9 章: 鏡の悪意 ]
Chapter 10: The Bridge to the Beyond [ 第 10 章: 彼方への架け橋 ]
 "Yūrei Chronicles: Tales of Japanese Horror" 
Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
In the heart of Kyoto, where history whispered through the ancient streets, there existed an antique bookstore known only to those who sought the rarest of tomes. Nestled among centuries-old texts and dusty manuscripts, a forbidden scroll lay hidden, waiting for an unwitting soul to stumble upon its chilling secrets.
Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
The quaint, dimly lit bookstore was a treasure trove of the past. Intricate calligraphy adorned scrolls, while faded ink whispered stories of long-forgotten samurai and mystical creatures. Among these relics of history, one scroll remained elusive, concealed behind a glass case. Its dark, ornate cover bore no title, and its presence seemed to beckon.
Haruki, a young scholar with a fascination for the occult, visited the bookstore one rainy afternoon. His curiosity led him to inquire about the enigmatic scroll. The elderly shopkeeper, Mr. Tanaka, peered at him with a knowing look, cautioning him about the scroll's malevolent reputation.
"Many have sought to uncover its secrets," Mr. Tanaka said, his voice trembling with age, "but few have lived to tell the tale."
Haruki, undeterred by the ominous warning, insisted on examining the scroll. Mr. Tanaka, sensing the scholar's determination, reluctantly unlocked the glass case. As Haruki unrolled the ancient parchment, he saw that it was filled with intricate symbols and incantations, written in a language he could barely comprehend.
For days, Haruki delved into the scroll's mysteries. His sleepless nights were filled with whispers from unseen forces, and chilling drafts seemed to haunt his small apartment. Yet, he pressed on, believing that the scroll held untold knowledge and power.
One fateful night, as a full moon cast eerie shadows across his cluttered study, Haruki recited an incantation from the scroll. The room grew icy cold, and an otherworldly presence enveloped him. A mournful wail echoed through the room, and Haruki's heart raced as he beheld the apparition before him.
A yūrei, its long, disheveled hair obscuring its gaunt face, hovered in the air, its eyes filled with anguish and rage. It reached out bony, pale fingers toward Haruki, its spectral form translucent yet undeniably real.
In that moment, Haruki realized the scroll's true nature – a curse that summoned vengeful spirits to torment the living. He had unwittingly invited the yūrei into his world, and now, it sought retribution for its suffering.
The scholar's life turned into a nightmare as the vengeful spirit haunted his every waking moment. His research became an obsession to find a way to pacify the yūrei and lift the curse. With each passing day, Haruki's health deteriorated, his body and mind succumbing to the relentless torment.
Desperate, he sought the guidance of a renowned exorcist, who revealed a grim truth. The only way to break the curse was to discover the scroll's origins and offer the yūrei the peace it so desperately sought.
As Haruki ventured deeper into the scroll's history, he uncovered a tale of betrayal and tragedy that spanned centuries. With newfound knowledge and a heavy heart, he prepared to confront the vengeful yūrei and set things right.
In a chilling confrontation between the living and the dead, Haruki faced the spirit, offering it the closure it craved. As the yūrei dissipated into the ether, its mournful wail echoed one last time, fading into the night.
Haruki emerged from the ordeal forever changed, carrying the weight of the scroll's curse as a cautionary tale. The forbidden knowledge he had sought had come at a great cost, a reminder that some mysteries should remain hidden, and some curses should never be invoked.
As the sun rose over Kyoto, the antique bookstore remained shrouded in an eerie silence, and the cursed scroll returned to its cryptic slumber, waiting for the next unwitting soul to unlock its dreadful secrets.
End of Chapter 1: "The Cursed Scroll"
Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
In the heart of a tranquil Japanese village, nestled among ancient forests, stood a centuries-old Shinto shrine, known to few but revered by all. This sacred place held an eerie secret, hidden in the shadows of its past.
Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
The village of Mizuki was picturesque, surrounded by dense woods and the whispers of rustling leaves. Its most treasured gem was the Shōrin Shrine, a sanctuary dedicated to the worship of the kami, where the villagers paid homage with heartfelt prayers and offerings.
On a bright spring morning, the Hayashi family moved into a charming house near the shrine. Yuko, a spirited young girl with inquisitive eyes, was enchanted by the quaint beauty of Mizuki and the mystique of the Shōrin Shrine. Her parents, Masato and Yuki, hoped the peaceful village would offer respite from the bustling city.
Their first evening in Mizuki was serene, and the family felt blessed to live in such an idyllic place. As night descended, they heard a faint melody echoing through the forest—a haunting tune played on a traditional shamisen. Yuko, drawn by curiosity, followed the eerie melody to the shrine.
At the shrine's entrance, she saw a flicker of movement among the trees and bushes. As her eyes adjusted to the dim moonlight, she gasped in awe and terror. There, bathed in an ethereal glow, stood a beautiful woman dressed in a white kimono, her long hair cascading like an ebony waterfall.
The woman's face bore an expression of immense sorrow, and her eyes seemed to pierce Yuko's very soul. In her delicate, spectral hands, she held a shamisen, its strings plucked by fingers that had long since turned to mist.
"Who are you?" Yuko asked, her voice quivering.
The apparition gazed at Yuko with an inscrutable sadness and whispered, "My name is Hana. I have been bound to this shrine for centuries, waiting for someone to hear my song."
Hana's story unraveled like a tragic tapestry before Yuko. She had once been a young woman in love with a humble fisherman from Mizuki. Their love was forbidden, and when their secret was discovered, they met a tragic end at the hands of the villagers.
As she spoke, the melody of her shamisen became more mournful, and the trees seemed to weep in sympathy. Hana's spirit, bound to the shrine, could only find solace by sharing her story with the living.
Yuko, moved by Hana's tale, felt a deep connection to the ghostly figure. She promised to help Hana find peace and bring her story to light. Together, they would uncover the truth behind the tragic love story that had ensnared the shrine for centuries.
As Yuko delved into the village's history, she uncovered hidden documents and ancient scrolls that confirmed Hana's story. The injustice done to Hana and her beloved was a blot on the village's past, a truth that had been concealed for generations.
With newfound determination, Yuko rallied the villagers to acknowledge the village's dark history and to seek forgiveness for the sins of the past. In a moving ceremony at the Shōrin Shrine, the villagers offered their prayers, and Hana's spirit was finally set free.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Mizuki in golden light, Hana's ethereal form dissolved into a wisp of gratitude and serenity. The shrine, once shadowed by sorrow, now radiated with newfound peace.
"The Shrine in the Shadows" became a tale passed down through generations, a reminder that love and forgiveness could transcend even the darkest of curses. Mizuki continued to flourish, its shrine standing as a testament to the enduring power of redemption.
End of Chapter 2: "The Shrine in the Shadows"
Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
In the vibrant streets of 19th-century Tokyo, beneath the shimmering lanterns and behind the delicate allure of geisha, a haunting presence lurked—a presence that would forever change the life of a celebrated geisha named Kaede.
Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
In the heart of Tokyo's historic Yoshiwara district, Kaede was renowned as one of the most captivating and skilled geisha. Her beauty was ethereal, her dances mesmerizing, and her laughter like the tinkling of wind chimes. But beneath her porcelain makeup and the grace of her performances lay a heart heavy with secrets.
One cool autumn evening, as the lanterns cast their warm glow on the district, a newcomer arrived at the teahouse where Kaede performed. His name was Kaito, a handsome and enigmatic man with piercing eyes that seemed to see beyond the facade of the geisha. Kaede's heart quickened as their eyes met, and she felt a connection she had never experienced before.
As weeks turned into months, Kaede and Kaito's bond deepened, their love blossoming like the cherry blossoms in spring. But their love was a forbidden one, as Kaito was a samurai, and their worlds were as different as night and day.
One fateful night, Kaito revealed a dangerous secret to Kaede—he was involved in a plot against a powerful daimyo who ruled with cruelty and oppression. Kaito believed that by exposing the daimyo's corruption, he could bring justice to the people. He asked for Kaede's assistance in gathering information from the teahouse's influential patrons.
Reluctantly, Kaede agreed, and together, they embarked on a treacherous path filled with deceit and danger. As the days passed, they uncovered dark secrets that could expose the daimyo's crimes. However, their actions did not go unnoticed.
One evening, as Kaede performed for a gathering of influential men, a sinister figure appeared in the shadows. It was the vengeful spirit of a geisha named Akiko, who had perished in Yoshiwara under tragic circumstances. Her ghostly form was veiled in a blood-red kimono, and her eyes burned with malevolence.
Akiko's haunting began subtly—a chill in the air, whispers of despair, and a feeling of dread that hung over the teahouse like a shroud. Kaede, sensing the supernatural presence, knew that they had awakened a vengeful spirit.
Desperate to protect Kaede, Kaito sought the guidance of a local exorcist, who revealed the tragic story of Akiko. She had been a geisha in love with a samurai, but their forbidden love had led to betrayal and death. Her restless spirit sought vengeance on those who dared to love across societal boundaries.
With the exorcist's help, Kaito and Kaede embarked on a perilous journey to confront Akiko's spirit and offer her the peace she so desperately sought. In a climactic showdown, they faced the vengeful geisha, revealing the truth behind her betrayal and death.
As the first light of dawn bathed the Yoshiwara district, Akiko's spirit dissipated, her eyes filled with sorrow and resignation. The curse she had cast upon the teahouse lifted, and peace returned to the district.
Kaede and Kaito's love story continued, forever marked by the supernatural forces they had encountered. The teahouse thrived once more, its lanterns casting their warm glow over the enchanting district, where love knew no boundaries and forgiveness transcended even death.
"The Haunting of the Geisha" became a legend whispered among geisha in Yoshiwara, a testament to the enduring power of love and the consequences of forbidden desires in the mysterious world of Edo-era Tokyo.
End of Chapter 3: "The Haunting of the Geisha"
Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
In the heart of a decaying city, where abandoned buildings stood as silent witnesses to forgotten tragedies, a group of urban explorers would stumble upon a place where the restless dead held their sinister dominion.
Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
The city of Kurayami had fallen into disrepair, its once-thriving industries crumbling, and its streets echoing with the memories of better days. Among its many derelict structures was the forsaken Kurayami Hospital, a place whispered about only in fearful tales.
Rumors spoke of a curse that had befallen the hospital after a gruesome series of medical experiments in the early 20th century. Patients had been subjected to horrific procedures, and their agonized cries still seemed to reverberate through the corridors.
A group of urban explorers, lured by the thrill of the forbidden and the allure of the macabre, set their sights on Kurayami Hospital. Among them was Hiroshi, the group's leader, and Yumi, a budding photographer with an affinity for capturing the eerie beauty of abandoned places.
As the explorers entered the hospital's crumbling entrance, they were greeted by the musty scent of decay and the eerie silence of long-abandoned hallways. Shadows danced in the dim light as they ventured deeper into the forsaken building, their footsteps echoing like distant whispers.
The group's excitement turned to unease as they encountered signs of the hospital's dark past—rusty surgical instruments, bloodstained gurneys, and cryptic medical notes. Yumi's camera captured it all, each photograph revealing more about the hospital's gruesome history.
As night fell, the explorers gathered in the hospital's decrepit lobby, their flashlights casting trembling beams into the darkness. It was then that they heard it—a faint, mournful wail, like the keening of a soul in torment.
Hiroshi, the group's fearless leader, brushed off their concerns, attributing the sound to the wind or their imagination. But the cries grew louder and more anguished, echoing through the halls.
The group became separated as they navigated the labyrinthine corridors. Yumi, camera in hand, wandered into the hospital's disused psychiatric ward. There, in a shadowed corner, she saw her camera's flash reveal a horrifying apparition—an onryo, a vengeful spirit with long, disheveled hair and eyes filled with hatred.
The onryo's spectral form contorted with rage as it approached Yumi. Its icy fingers reached out, and she felt an otherworldly coldness pierce her very soul. She knew that this was the spirit of a patient who had suffered unimaginable horrors in the hospital.
As Yumi's companions searched for her, they stumbled upon the onryo's lair and witnessed the terrifying encounter. In a desperate bid to save Yumi, they searched for a way to pacify the vengeful spirit.
Through a combination of research and communication with a local historian, they learned the full extent of the hospital's atrocities. Armed with this knowledge, they returned to the onryo's domain to confront the spirit and offer it the peace it had been denied for so long.
In a climactic showdown, the group faced the onryo, revealing the hospital's dark secrets and acknowledging the suffering of the tormented souls within. With profound remorse, they begged for forgiveness on behalf of those who had perpetrated the atrocities.
As the first rays of dawn broke over Kurayami, the onryo's anguished wails transformed into a mournful sigh. The spirit, its wrath finally quelled, dissipated into the ether, leaving behind a sense of profound sadness and closure.
The group of urban explorers emerged from Kurayami Hospital, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. They had confronted the past and offered redemption to the restless dead, leaving the decaying city with a newfound sense of hope.
"The Onryo's Revenge" became a cautionary tale among urban explorers, a reminder that some places are best left undisturbed, and that the past, no matter how dark, can be confronted and reconciled.
End of Chapter 4: "The Onryo's Revenge"
Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
In a remote mountain village, nestled among mist-shrouded peaks, a master dollmaker crafted exquisite creations that captured the hearts of collectors worldwide. Yet, within her secluded workshop, a malevolent force lurked—one that would ensnare a curious journalist in a nightmarish world of living dolls and dark secrets.
Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
Hidden away in the secluded village of Ichiban, known only to those who ventured deep into the mountains, lived a master dollmaker named Ai. Her dolls were celebrated for their lifelike beauty and craftsmanship, with collectors from distant lands coveting her creations.
One brisk autumn morning, a journalist named Keiko received a cryptic letter from a source in Ichiban, hinting at a sinister mystery surrounding Ai's dolls. Intrigued by the enigmatic message, Keiko embarked on a journey to the remote village, determined to uncover the truth.
Ichiban was a place untouched by time, its cobblestone streets winding through dense forests and past centuries-old homes. The village exuded an eerie tranquility, and the locals spoke in hushed tones about Ai's dolls, rumored to be infused with a piece of the human soul.
Upon reaching Ai's workshop, Keiko was greeted by the dollmaker herself, a woman of grace and poise. The workshop was a treasure trove of exquisite dolls, their eyes seeming to follow Keiko's every move. Among them, a particular doll known as Hikari stood out—a hauntingly beautiful creation with ebony hair and obsidian eyes.
As Keiko delved deeper into the village's mysteries, she discovered that Hikari was believed to house the soul of a deceased child, a belief held by both Ai and the villagers. The doll's unsettling presence and the uncanny resemblance it bore to a girl named Mei, who had died tragically years ago, sent shivers down Keiko's spine.
Keiko's nights in Ichiban were filled with restless dreams of porcelain dolls that came to life. In these dreams, Hikari beckoned her to uncover the truth behind the dollmaker's creations. Guided by an inexplicable compulsion, Keiko embarked on a quest to unearth the dark secrets hidden within Ai's workshop.
As Keiko investigated further, she uncovered Ai's own tragic past—a story of unrequited love, loss, and a desperate desire to capture the essence of the human soul in her dolls. With each revelation, the line between the living and the lifeless blurred, and Keiko felt herself becoming entangled in a nightmarish world.
The dolls that had once been works of art now seemed to harbor malevolence. They moved of their own accord, their eyes filled with an eerie, lifelike intensity. Keiko realized that Ai's obsession had bound her to a sinister force, and her creations hungered for more than just existence.
In a chilling climax, Keiko confronted Ai and the curse that had gripped her creations. Together, they sought to break the curse's hold and release the trapped souls within the dolls.
As the moon hung low in the night sky, Ai performed a solemn ritual, guided by the spirit of Mei, whose essence had been captured in Hikari. The dolls, imbued with a restless energy, gathered around, their haunting eyes watching as the curse was lifted.
With a mournful sigh, the dolls' porcelain features softened, and their malevolence dissipated. The spirit of Mei was set free, and the dolls became lifeless once more, their beauty preserved in eternal stillness.
Ichiban returned to its peaceful slumber, and Keiko departed with a newfound appreciation for the power of art and the depths of human longing. The village's haunting tale of the dollmaker's curse served as a reminder that some obsessions could lead to the creation of something far more sinister than art itself.
End of Chapter 5: "The Dollmaker's Curse"
Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
In a land steeped in history and tradition, the Aokigahara Forest, known as the "Suicide Forest," concealed a dark secret. Within its dense, ancient foliage, a group of hikers would embark on a journey that would lead them into the heart of a malevolent force.
Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
Deep within the prefecture of Yamanashi, shrouded in a perpetual mist, lay the infamous Aokigahara Forest—an expanse of ancient woodland that held a dark reputation. Known as the "Suicide Forest," it had been a site of countless tragic deaths throughout the centuries.
A group of adventurous hikers, seeking to conquer the wilderness and challenge the forest's ominous legends, gathered on a chilly autumn morning. Among them was Akira, an experienced guide with a deep respect for the forest's history, and Yumi, a young woman in search of adventure and solace from her own troubled past.
The hikers ventured deep into the forest, their footsteps muffled by the thick blanket of moss and fallen leaves. The dense canopy above cast eerie shadows, and the trees seemed to whisper secrets of sorrow and despair.
As they trekked further into the woods, they began to notice strange occurrences—a disconcerting sense of being watched, distant whispers on the wind, and ghostly apparitions that flickered at the edge of their vision. Akira, the guide, attributed these phenomena to the forest's ominous reputation and urged the group to press on.
Yet, the forest's grip on their minds and senses tightened. Yumi, in particular, felt a strange connection to the haunting forces that seemed to lurk behind every tree. Inexplicable visions of tragedy and despair flashed before her eyes, and a sense of overwhelming dread enveloped her.
Night descended on the forest, and the hikers set up camp, their flickering campfire offering the only semblance of comfort in the oppressive darkness. It was then that Yumi encountered a spectral figure—a yūrei, her kimono tattered and her eyes empty voids.
The yūrei beckoned to Yumi, her voice a mournful echo. Unable to resist, Yumi followed the apparition into the depths of the forest, her companions unaware of her disappearance. The yūrei led her to a clearing where an ancient tree stood, its gnarled roots forming a grotesque face.
As Yumi approached the tree, she felt a malevolent presence—an ancient spirit of the forest itself. It spoke to her, revealing the tragic history of Aokigahara—the place where those who had lost hope sought refuge in death.
Yumi learned of the forest's vengeful guardian, a yūrei born of countless lost souls, whose suffering fueled its malevolence. It was the embodiment of the forest's sorrow, forever bound to torment those who ventured within.
Realizing that Yumi was now connected to the yūrei, her companions embarked on a desperate search to rescue her from the forest's clutches. With the guidance of Akira's knowledge and determination, they confronted the vengeful spirit, revealing the pain of their own pasts and the impact of their actions on the world around them.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Aokigahara in a pale light, the yūrei's malevolence waned, and its grip on Yumi loosened. With a final sigh, it dissipated into the morning mist, its haunting presence released from the forest.
Yumi was reunited with her companions, forever changed by her encounter with the malevolent spirit of Aokigahara. The forest's ominous reputation remained, a reminder of the darkness that could consume those who dared to venture too close to its heart.
"The Shadow in the Forest" served as a chilling testament to the mysteries of Aokigahara, where the past and the present intertwined, and the boundaries between life and death blurred beneath the ancient canopy.
End of Chapter 6: "The Shadow in the Forest"
Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
In a remote village nestled among mist-covered mountains, a centuries-old inn held a sinister secret. When a weary traveler seeks refuge within its ancient walls, she becomes entangled in a web of supernatural mysteries that threaten to consume her soul.
Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
The village of Okuyama was a hidden gem, nestled among towering peaks and blanketed in mist. Within this secluded haven stood the Yurei Inn, a centuries-old establishment steeped in history and whispered legends. Its age-old charm masked a sinister truth—a haunting presence that had plagued the inn for generations.
Amidst a dense fog, a lone traveler named Rei arrived in Okuyama, weary and seeking shelter from the elements. The Yurei Inn, with its rustic charm and flickering lanterns, seemed like the perfect refuge. Little did Rei know that her stay at the inn would unravel the mysteries hidden within its ancient walls.
Upon her arrival, Rei was greeted by the inn's elderly proprietress, Eiko, a woman whose weathered features and deep knowledge of the village's history hinted at a deeper connection to the inn's haunting past.
As Rei settled into her room, the oppressive atmosphere within the inn became palpable. Shadows seemed to dance in the corners of her vision, and strange, ghostly whispers echoed in the corridors. Unbeknownst to her, Rei had become a pawn in a centuries-old battle between the inn and the vengeful spirits that resided within.
In the dead of night, Rei awoke to a chilling presence at her bedside—an ethereal yurei, her white burial kimono flowing like a spectral river. The vengeful spirit's eyes held an insatiable hunger, and she reached out to Rei, her fingers icy and skeletal.
Rei's nights became torment as she encountered more yurei within the inn, each with their own tragic stories of betrayal, injustice, and unfulfilled desires. The spirits sought vengeance, and Rei's presence within the inn had awakened their malevolence.
Desperate to uncover the inn's secrets and free herself from the spirits' relentless pursuit, Rei sought the guidance of Eiko. The elderly proprietress revealed the tragic history of the inn—an establishment built on the suffering of countless souls who had met their demise within its walls.
Eiko's own family had been entangled in the inn's dark legacy, and she bore the weight of their deeds. Together, Rei and Eiko embarked on a journey to confront the yurei and offer them redemption, hoping to break the cycle of suffering that had plagued the inn for centuries.
In a harrowing confrontation with the vengeful spirits, Rei and Eiko unveiled the truth behind the inn's cursed history and acknowledged the pain of the souls that had been wronged. With heartfelt apologies and rituals of atonement, they sought to release the spirits from their torment.
As the first rays of dawn bathed Okuyama in a golden light, the yurei's spectral forms dissolved into the ether, their eyes filled with a mix of sorrow and gratitude. The Yurei Inn, once a place of darkness, now held the promise of redemption.
Rei departed from Okuyama, forever marked by her encounter with the supernatural. The Yurei Inn, now cleansed of its malevolent spirits, stood as a testament to the power of reconciliation and the hope of breaking the chains of the past.
"The Haunting of the Yurei Inn" became a cautionary tale among villagers, a reminder that the sins of the past could be confronted and forgiven, even in the face of vengeful spirits.
End of Chapter 7: "The Haunting of the Yurei Inn"
Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
In the heart of Kyoto, where tradition and modernity intertwined, a family heirloom, an ancient kimono, carried a chilling curse that had plagued generations. A woman must delve into her family's history to uncover the origins of the curse and find a way to break it before it consumes her and her loved ones.
Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
Kyoto, the city of a thousand temples, was a place where time seemed to stand still. Among the historic districts, the Nakamura family had passed down a treasured heirloom for generations—an exquisite silk kimono adorned with intricate embroidery, a relic of a bygone era.
The kimono had always been a source of fascination and reverence within the Nakamura family. It was said to be imbued with mystical powers, protecting its wearer from harm and misfortune. But beneath its ornate beauty lay a dark secret—a curse that had haunted the family for centuries.
Emi, the youngest of the Nakamura family, had grown up hearing stories of the kimono's mystical properties and the curse that clung to it. When her grandmother passed away, leaving the kimono in her care, Emi became the latest custodian of this fabled garment.
As the years passed, strange occurrences began to plague Emi and her family. The kimono seemed to have a malevolent presence, causing nightmares, unexplained accidents, and a growing sense of dread. Emi's husband, Toshiro, and their young daughter, Yuki, bore the brunt of the curse's effects.
Desperate to protect her loved ones, Emi embarked on a quest to uncover the origins of the curse and find a way to break it. She delved into her family's history, poring over ancient scrolls and consulting with local priests and scholars.
Through her research, Emi learned of a tragic love story that had been concealed for generations—a forbidden romance between a Nakamura ancestor and a woman from a rival clan. The lovers had been torn apart by a vengeful spirit, and their love had been sealed within the cursed kimono.
With newfound determination, Emi sought out the help of a renowned exorcist, who revealed that the curse could only be broken by reconciling the spirits of the star-crossed lovers and offering them a chance at eternal peace.
Emi, Toshiro, and Yuki embarked on a journey to the ancestral shrine of the Nakamura family, where they conducted a solemn ritual to appease the vengeful spirits. As they offered their prayers and made heartfelt apologies on behalf of their ancestors, a profound sense of forgiveness washed over them.
In a climactic moment, the cursed kimono transformed, its once malevolent aura dissipating into the ether. The spirits of the star-crossed lovers, now free from their torment, appeared before Emi and her family, their eyes filled with gratitude.
As the cherry blossoms rained down upon Kyoto, Emi, Toshiro, and Yuki returned home with a newfound sense of peace and closure. The kimono, no longer cursed, became a symbol of their family's resilience and the enduring power of love and forgiveness.
"The Curse of the Haunted Kimono" served as a reminder that the sins of the past could be atoned for and that the bonds of love and family could transcend even the darkest of curses.
End of Chapter 8: "The Curse of the Haunted Kimono"
Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
In a quiet suburban neighborhood, an antique mirror with a sinister past found its way into the home of a young couple. As they unwittingly unleashed the malevolent spirit trapped within, they must confront the mirror's dark history to save themselves and their family.
Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
In a serene suburban neighborhood, where cherry blossoms bloomed with each passing spring, lived a young couple, Hiroshi and Aiko, who were enamored with the charm of their new home. They had recently moved into a quaint, old-fashioned house that came with a peculiar antique mirror.
The mirror was ornate and beautiful, its frame adorned with delicate carvings of cherry blossoms. It had been left behind by the previous owner, a recluse who had passed away under mysterious circumstances. Little did Hiroshi and Aiko know that this mirror carried a malevolent secret.
As they settled into their new home, strange occurrences began to unfold. Reflections in the mirror seemed to distort, showing glimpses of eerie, shadowy figures lurking in the background. At night, whispers filled the room as if unseen voices murmured from within the glass.
Aiko, with her fascination for the occult, was the first to sense the mirror's sinister aura. She delved into research, uncovering tales of a cursed mirror that had plagued the previous owner's family for generations.
The mirror had once belonged to a vengeful spirit, a yūrei who had perished in despair. Its malevolence was bound to the glass, and those who possessed it were tormented by the spirit's relentless anger and sorrow.
Desperate to free themselves from the mirror's curse, Hiroshi and Aiko sought the guidance of a spiritual medium. Through a series of rituals and séances, they made contact with the vengeful spirit trapped within the mirror.
The spirit's story unfolded like a tragic drama—the yūrei had been a young woman in love with a man from a rival clan. Their love was forbidden, and when their secret was discovered, they had both met a grisly end. Her spirit had been bound to the mirror as punishment for her defiance of societal norms.
With the medium's help, Hiroshi and Aiko offered prayers and apologies on behalf of the mirror's original owner, seeking forgiveness for the wrongs committed against the vengeful spirit. They vowed to help the spirit find peace and redemption.
In a chilling climax, they conducted a final ritual, allowing the yūrei to pass on and find the solace she had been denied for centuries. As they gazed into the mirror one last time, they saw the spirit's reflection fade into the distance, her eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and farewell.
The mirror, now cleansed of its malevolence, became a symbol of hope and renewal for Hiroshi and Aiko. Their family flourished, and the cherry blossoms in their garden bloomed with newfound vibrancy, a testament to the enduring power of love and forgiveness.
"The Mirror's Malevolence" served as a chilling reminder that even the most innocuous objects could carry dark secrets, and that confronting the past and seeking redemption could break the bonds of even the most malevolent curses.
End of Chapter 9: "The Mirror's Malevolence"
Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
In a remote mountain village, isolated from the modern world, a historic bridge served as a link between the living and the dead. When a group of travelers crossed its ancient planks, they would discover the chilling truth behind the bridge's supernatural origins.
Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
Deep within the heart of the Japanese mountains, nestled among ancient forests and shrouded in mist, lay the village of Yamanokawa. It was a place where tradition and superstition still held sway, and the bridge that spanned the river was both a lifeline and a gateway to the unknown.
A group of adventurous travelers, drawn by the allure of Yamanokawa's untouched beauty, embarked on a journey to explore the village's remote reaches. Among them were Kaito, a historian with an insatiable curiosity, and Mia, a photographer who sought to capture the essence of this secluded world.
The village's centerpiece was the Akane Bridge, a weathered structure made of ancient wood and adorned with centuries-old lanterns. Its planks creaked with the weight of history, and the river below whispered tales of lives long gone.
As the travelers ventured deeper into Yamanokawa, they discovered that the villagers held a profound reverence for the bridge. It was said to be a link between the living and the dead, a place where offerings were made to appease the spirits that dwelled in the surrounding forest.
As night descended, the travelers set up camp near the Akane Bridge, its lanterns casting an eerie, flickering glow on the river's surface. It was then that they heard the sound—a mournful melody that seemed to emanate from the bridge itself.
Mia, driven by curiosity, followed the haunting tune to the bridge's edge. There, bathed in an otherworldly light, she saw a figure—a woman in a white kimono, her long hair flowing like an ebony waterfall.
The woman, whose name was Hikari, revealed herself to be a yūrei, a spirit bound to the Akane Bridge for centuries. She had once been a young bride whose love had been torn apart by a tragic accident on her wedding day. Her spirit was eternally linked to the bridge, where she waited for her beloved to return.
Kaito, the historian, delved into the village's archives and uncovered the tragic story of Hikari's past. It was a tale of love and loss, of a bride whose life had been cut short, and a groom whose heart had been forever scarred by grief.
With newfound determination, the travelers sought to reunite the spirits of Hikari and her beloved. They embarked on a journey deep into the forest, following a path laden with offerings and prayers.
At the heart of the forest, they discovered an ancient shrine dedicated to love and reconciliation. There, in a poignant ceremony, they offered heartfelt prayers and apologies on behalf of the villagers and the groom who had never returned.
As the first light of dawn broke over Yamanokawa, a sense of serenity washed over the Akane Bridge. Hikari's spectral form dissolved into the river's mist, her eyes filled with a mix of longing and gratitude.
The travelers departed from Yamanokawa, forever changed by their encounter with the supernatural. The Akane Bridge, now freed from its haunting past, stood as a testament to the enduring power of love and the hope of reuniting even in the afterlife.
"The Bridge to the Beyond" became a legend whispered among villagers, a reminder that some bonds could transcend time and that the spirit of love endured even in the face of eternity.
End of Chapter 10: "The Bridge to the Beyond"
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2024.06.07 07:05 CeIIuIose Cel Aria - The Tempter of Titans, Radiant Rogue of Romance, Celestial Conqueror of Hearts

"Here he is; Our Lovelorn Phantom, the Bewitching Blaze Survivor, Herald of the Heart and Phoenix of Passion. The Enigma of Eros, Cel Aria."
Name: Celestial "Cel" Amare Aria
Age: 18
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Race: Brazillian-Caucasian (French)
Demigod Conundrums: ADHD and Dyslexia
His name was given to him by his mom. She told Cel that he would 'grow to shine brighter than the stars.' "Amare" means "Love" in Latin, it was given to him by his father for reasons unknown. Cel believes it serves as a reminder that "love" is always with him.
Family Age Description Relationship
Father: Eros Old enough to steal your girl The god of Love, Desire, and Pleasure. Cel finally had the pleasure of meeting his father after falling into a coma. It goes without saying, but Cel loves him with all of his heart and wants to make him proud. Eros is proud that Cel is growing and does love him, even though he never explicitly said it. Their relationship is likely better than that of most demigods with their immortal parents.
Mother: Andrea Aria 41 An emergency room nurse practitioner. She looks no older than 25 and is one of the most gentle and caring women you'll ever meet. Her arms are open to all who are in need. Andrea was always away working while Cel was growing up. This led to them not growing as close as some other parents with their children. Nevertheless, Andrea loves Cel more than anything in the world, and vice versa.
Family is an important facet of life, especially to Cel. Once he learned the words 'mom' and 'dad' he began to daydream what it would be like to meet his own father. After talking to Eros he still wasn't satisfied and would give anything to talk with him again! He holds each of his family members in high regard and keeps in contact with them as much as he can! He consistently writes letters to his mom while at Camp and is planning to attend NYU in the Fall in part to stay close to her. There
Name Relationship Description
Seth Westley Boyfriend [Redacted]
David Ruiz Best Friend A friendship forged in the fires of love and war. That should be a metaphor, but David and Cel quite literally became friends through constant clashing of their respective powers in an effort to train. What began as a mentor-mentee relationship blossomed into a strong friendship that could last even a Styx Oath. Cel is so proud of the man that David has become and is so happy to call him his friend. He's had some pretty bad experience with mentors, and David made up for all of that. Together, with Jules, they make up 1/3 of Triple Threat.
Jules Morgan Best Friend2 It began on a fateful day when a motorcycle lunatic crashed into a tree and began crying over his lost love. Cel offered to show him around Camp and the rest is history. Jules has made Cel countless prototype weapons for testing. Some that work, others that don't, and many that probably violate some kind of international war laws. Cel has watched this guy grow (metaphorically, not literally) from a machine crazed sociopath into a machine crazed sociopath with a girlfriend. Any time with Jules is sure to be a riot, with a bunch of insults sprinkled in for good measure. With David, the three boys make up Triple Threat, their brotherhood.
Walker Marshall Old (emphasis) Friend Both of these guys have been around for an insanely long time. Walker was at Camp Half-Blood before Cel even got there, so they've known each other for a while. Cel is trauma bonded to him after everything that happened with the Son of Metis (see; statues, Medusa, etc). He views Walker as a strong ally, and a loyal friend. They had their rough patches during the aftermath of the war over the throne of Olympus but all of that is water under the bridge now. It's hard to keep friends at Camp Half-Blood, people always come and go, sometimes never coming back. Cel is grateful for that constant southern drawl he knows is always around the corner at the Demeter cabin.
Sadira Andersen Budding Buddy This little one somehow managed her way into Cel's dreamscape after his mysterious three-month blip from reality. She saw deep cut secrets that Cel didn't share with the world. Trauma of his past that eats at him every day. The girl is the mediator and Cel wants her to focus on being a kid. They don't know each other well, but Sadira is definitely on Cel's radar. She may not know it, but he's looking out for her.
Quincy "Quinn" Rockford Crabby Comrade Quinn is an enigma to Cel. One moment, they're brash and abrasive like the back side of a sponge, the next a broken child trying to heal parental trauma. Cel gave Quinn a present for Christmas because he wanted to let them know they were seen. He let them know about the secret burrow of bunnies near the Eros cabin as well. Cel understands their abrasiveness and respects it, but also keeps his distance because of it. You can't help someone who doesn't want it, and Cel isn't going to drag himself through the thorns of Quinn's attitude until they're ready to open up. He's always there for the kid, though, they just need to say the word.
Amelia "Mel" Hayes Tattooed Twin Another friend as old as Cel's time at Camp. Amelia is a constant laugh, her personality is crazy and infectious. Together in a trip to Atlantic City they both shoplifted an entire store (love and humor) then proceeded to get tattoos together. If Cel needs a partner in crime, aside from Seth, he knows he can always count on Amelia for a good time. He loves hearing her shout insults from across the way and the roar in her iconic laugh. There's nothing better than a good laugh, after all.
Harper Morales Magazine Mate Since meeting Harper has been nothing but kind to Cel. She was there after the entire Capture the Flag debacle when Lupa Hines punched him in the face for his emotional assault. It was a rough time, what with Seth not talking to Cel and a lot of irritation at his powers going around, but Harper was such a breath of fresh air in that trying time. Her personality always has Cel feeling light and happy. He's constantly impressed by her work with The Camp Half-Blood Chronicle. He's even thought about stealing her for his own magazine.
Booker Fink Prankster Pal New friends never hurt, it was always an avenue for new beginnings. Cel first met Booker when he decided to throw lightning bolts at Cel's boyfriend. But- that was training, Cel couldn't blame him for anything that happened during training. They reunited at David's birthday party and seemed to hit it off in an smooth way. Booker seems to want to train with Cel. Cel wants to hear more about what past came with Booker. Who knows where their friendship will grow from here.
"I heard he got burned alive but he said it only made him hotter" - Walker Marshall
Faceclaim Height Build Weight Hair Eye Color Piercings
Right Here 6'2 Muscular, but lean. His body isn't burly due to muscles, he's more toned than built. How rude of you to ask! Wavy and Light brown; Normally left to be messy and do its thing. Although, his hair never seems to get too unruly Deep Red Both ears are pierced. with doubles. Cel usually sports a simple stud and a small hoop. (Note: This is NOT his Faceclaim)
"It's so easy to get lost in those red eyes." - David Ruiz
Abilities and Skillset:
"I hear the training dummies actually line up to be his target." - Harper Morales
Godrent Minor:
Godrent Major:
* Denotes modmail/custom power.
"Cel doesn't need to flirt; he just breathes and people fall head over heels for him. It's ridiculous." - Amelia Hayes
Where the was once uncertainty masked in the frame of an insecure kid there is now a confident, strong young man. Cel has come into his own, accepted his divine heritage, and found confidence in who he is. He stands tall and proud, his head held high with a smile and light that could rival the sun. He's playful, flirtatious, even. Talking in smooth tones that could soften even the coarsest personalities. Cel enjoys having fun conversations with friends. He'll talk animatedly about subjects for hours with those he's close to.
His mischievous smile isn't just for show. Cel enjoys finding fun things to do that may not necessarily be the best. A trait he gained from his father, who was known for causing lots of mischief. (Looking at half the myths about Zeus' affairs). If someone suggests a midnight snack run, Cel will offer to lead the charge (invisibility does come in handy).
Never one to shy away from a challenge. He has been known to get into trouble with his fellow campers for taking things (in their opinion, of course) a bit too far in friendly camp games. Cel is competitive when it counts, but never a sore loser. He loves when the people close to him are having a good time. Cel is the life of the party, and often the planner. Gatherings with those he's close with are some of the most joyous moments for the son of Eros. Nothing is better than having you friends around.
His friends are regarded with the utmost care. When Cel loves someone, he truly does and tries his best to be there for them in any way. New people and new friends are always something Cel looks for. He is personable, always finding ways to make the person he is talking to feel like they are his entire focal point for the time they are together. When faced with a problem, Cel no longer will shy away from straight-up confrontation, preferring to handle issues outright then letting them stew into an even more poisonous problem.
Cel's Spotify Playlists:
Fun Facts


"I expect you to make mistakes. I expect you to fuck up time and time again. I expect you to learn from them. If you do that, what father wouldn’t be able to say they are proud of their son?” - Eros, The God of Love
When Cel was born and Eros subsequently had to leave Andrea alone to raise a child on her own, his mother made it her mission to make sure her son knew he was loved. His childhood was relatively normal. No monsters followed him around and Cel found that he had a lot of opportunities afforded to him, more than other kids. Teachers always said he was such a joy to have in class and the other kids seemed to be drawn to him, wanting to be his friend.
As Cel found his way to Camp Half-Blood, he was immediately swept up into countless events. His first experience with true danger was in The Olympics where Cel was tasked with venturing to the underworld and capturing Cerberus, the guard dog of Hades. His group failed the task and one of his former friends was cursed by the river god, Acheron, in exchange for their safe return home. This event proved to Cel just how weak he was, and just how easy it was to die trying to play the hero when you could barely grasp how to use your powers. Cel swore that he wouldn't allow himself to be that weak any longer and sought to grow stronger. He found himself training under one of the most sadistic beings at Camp Half-Blood, the former Hades counselor Derek Ward. For some reason, Ward had an intense dislike for the son of Eros, but he trained him nonetheless. It was brutal, Cel almost died a few times, but it definitely turned him into a stronger person.
The first test of Cel's resolve as a hero came when he found himself on a quest to Ikaria in order to find the entrance to the newly reopened labyrinth. Upon their arrival, many things happened including Cel yelling at the guide sent to them by Pasiphae, goddess of the maze. This led to his group having to venture into Ikaria on their own to find the entrance of the maze. The trio found their way to the junkyard of Hephaestus where Talos tried to kill their party. With help from the luck-empowered Felix Branwen, Cel was able to shoot an arrow directly into Talos' control panel, stalling the automation to give his fellow quester's enough time to run into the labyrinth for safety. Cel, however, was burned alive by the automations fire where he was sent into a magical coma and confronted by Bellerophon. A deal was made between the forces of Pasiphae and Cel, where he swore a Styx Oath of fealty to them in exchange for them healing the burned Son of Eros. However, some good did come from this coma as Cel was finally able to meet his father. It was, quite literally, the greatest moment of his life.
After arriving back at Camp, a whirlwind of events happened. Camp was attacked by statues, Zeus cursed the Apollo campers, and Seth charmed his way into becoming Cel's boyfriend. Eventually, life settled down and everything went back to business as usual. Life, it seemed, would remain calm. But demigods never held calm for long.
Cel enjoyed a long period of peace without much happening. He met David and Jules and the trio instantly became close. They went on some jobs together, Cel did some on his own. He and Seth enjoyed each other's company daily. Camp Games were quite fun, even if they did sometimes end in a loss and with you getting socked in the face by a scorned rival. Overall, though, Cel didn't have much turbulence in the time before his senior year. That is until he accepted a job to investigate an anomaly. Together, with David and Ciara, Cel ventured into the unknown and the trio disappeared for a three month long blip with no explanation. When they returned with no explanation, turmoil hit Cel's relationship. He and Seth suddenly found themselves at opposite ends of a seemingly endless chasm. None of Cel's friends were able to offer him any consolation for what happened, Cel's own brothers even ignored his problems. Eros, for the third time in Cel's life, met him and gave him his blessing. He assured Cel that everything would end up all right, that there was beauty even in the pain life brought. So, Cel left Camp and returned for his senior year. He accomplished his dream of playing for the varsity basketball team, established a fashion magazine with his friends, and got up to some of your average demigodly shenanigans (near expulsion, anyone).


It was odd spending his birthday in New Argos, definitely not how Cel envisioned his eighteenth. When Cel thought of eighteen he saw a massive party with his friends on the beach, Seth at his side with loud music and fun outfits. They'd all dance and eat some of Cel's favorite foods, tearing it up all night until the sun came back into the sky. New Argos was a far cry from the beach at Camp Half-Blood. Some of his friends weren't even there to help celebrate. So, yeah, it wasn't ideal. But Cel was going to make the most of it.
He gave invites to every camper that came to New Argos for the games, no room for discriminating between guests when the pickings were slim. It was going to be a party at New Argos' version of Central Park. As a New Yorker, Cel found the park to be less cool than the real thing, but it would have to do for now. Some decorations were set out on tables, pizza boxes were stacked high, and games borrowed from Harper's sleepover available for play. Cel wasn't dressed in anything super flashy, a simple 'Bluey' themed oversized t-shirt and black shorts. He wasn't worried about looks tonight, all he wanted was to have a good time.
A large speaker was blasting his favorite tunes as Cel waited for the guests to show up. Hopefully they would, nobody wants to spend their birthday party alone!
submitted by CeIIuIose to CampHalfBloodRP [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:26 EmuFeisty 32/F/US Autistic/ADHD Nerd Looking for Snail Mail

I have been writing snail mail letters on and off for over a decade, and am dedicated to keeping the art of letter writing alive. I love letters of all kinds- decorated, plain, anything in between- all good by me.
English is my native language but I also know a smattering of Japanese and Spanish. I'd love the chance to practice either language- just be patient with me please!
I am LGBT and married to my NB partner. I'm also Autistic and ADHD and would love penpals who are eitheboth- but am happy for penpals who aren't as well! I love board games, baking, tea, fiction podcasts, reading, writing, and embroidery.
Please message me if you'd like to exchange letters!
submitted by EmuFeisty to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 04:03 InternationalGene576 Beginner set up and issue questions

I am trying out beaded embroidery. A friend gave me embroidery floss but I am having such a hard time getting it thru thr needle cause it gets separating from itself. I tried a bigger needle but now my 4mm beads won't go thru the needle.
What needle size should i be using?
Am I suppose to tie both ends of the thread?
I keep loosing my thread but again when I tried tying it at the needle end the bead can't go thru
submitted by InternationalGene576 to Embroidery [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 02:52 Otherwise-Way-305 What type of string to use for square knot sliding closure?

I made a friendship bracelet using embroidery floss and I want to use the square knot closure to make it adjustable, but I’ve only ever made that closure with pura vida-type string. Im worried if I make it with embroidery floss that it’ll shed or fray after being rubbed back and forth from opening and closing.
Has anyone used embroidery floss for this/have another preferred string?
submitted by Otherwise-Way-305 to friendshipbracelets [link] [comments]

2024.06.07 00:01 vcobraa School List Help!

Need help with my school list. Plz tell me wut schools to add and remove. Interested mainly in schools in FL, north east, midwest, and California. Narrative has a lot of service esp for LGBTQ+ community, with elements of medically-underserved pops and social determinants of health and I am from a med-underserved area.
FYI: Skipped a year of high school and a year of undergrad. Applying for the 2025 cycle. All these activities have start dates ranging from May 2022 to Jan 2024. I am worried if I have miscalculated these hours. Do you all think the number of hours below would be sus for adcoms? I had a p light courseload each semester for most of undergrad cuz I did dual enrollment and knocked out quite a bit of my classes, which gave me a lot of free time for activities.
Ik I don't have my MCAT retake score yet, and it won't come out until June 25. But, I want to make three school lists ahead of time based on my three score predictions: high 500, 510-513, 514+. FL Avg on my retakes (accounting for varying retake inflation) was 511-514 range. Plz help me make these three possible school lists; focus primarily on location and mission fit and less on MCAT for now (ik it sounds rly dumb but plz help ;-;). I really just want closure in terms of mission fit for what schools I should be digging into.
When my score comes out, I plan to repost this with my retake score to finalize my school list!
State: FL
School: Private
ORM? Yes, LGBTQ+ if that matters.
Age: 19 at application submission, 20 when i matriculate
Major: Biology
GPA: 4.0
MCAT: 1st take 506 (127/124/127/128), 2nd take score will come out 6/25/2024
AAMC PREview: score release 7/9/2024
CASPEDuet: taking it next week
Research = 160 hrs completed, 150 hours anticipated?
100 hrs bioinformatics genome annotation computer research (most meaningful)
60 hrs biophysics computer research on seizures, 150 hrs anticipated
X hrs survey data research on sdohs of lgbtq+ pops from health fair, likely going to reference it in secondaries/interviews. got enuff data to do poster presentations. *See non-clinical volunteering abt health fair*
X hrs possible from poster presentations w/ stem tutoring. might ref in secondaries/interviews if smth comes up. *See non-clinical volunteering abt the stem tutoring*
Leadership =
100 hrs student ambassador, 75 hrs anticipated
Clinical Paid =
310 hrs seasonal peds MA (most meaningful), 135 hrs anticipated
Clinical Volunteering = 176 hrs completed, 150 hrs anticipated
126 hrs volunteering in assisted living facility, 100 hrs anticipated
50 hrs international medical mission w supervision of med school faculty and health professionals, 50 more hours anticipated.
Non-clinical Paid = 150 hrs completed, 80 hrs anticipated
70 hrs orthopedics records assistant
80 hrs non-science TA, 80 hrs anticipated
Non-clinical Volunteering = 318 hrs completed, 328 hrs anticipated
160 hrs president of lgbtq org (most meaningful), 160 hrs anticipated
102 hrs secretary of club, 64 hrs anticipated
56 hrs STEM Tutoring Leader @ local elementary school, 104 hrs anticipated
Shadowing = 254 hrs completed
123 hrs seasonal surgery center (ortho, gen surg, anesthesiology, etc.)
74 hrs private hem-onc practice
57 hrs ER
Hobbies =
Trying to learn how to play bass rn but i suck ;-; so not gonna include in app, maybe bring up in interviews ;P
Will be on a podcast associated with my alma mater's med school to speak about lgbtq+ stuff
Organized on campus social events as well as president of the lgbtq org but im emphasizing the service aspect of the position more than anything
1 from bio prof who was PI for the genome annotation research
1 from physics prof who was PI for the biophysics research
1 from faculty of med school i help organize health fairs
1 from non-science professor who taught the class I am a TA for (was not their TA, was their student)
1 from DO ortho I shadowed and worked for as a med records assistant
1 from lawyer who is a faculty @ my alma mater law school who I TA'd for
School List:
LECOM Erie and Bradenton
Nova KPCOM Ft. Laud.
Touro COM - Harlem
PCOM - Philadelphia
Florida Atlantic University
University of Miami
University of Florida
University of Central Florida
Carle Illinois
USF Morsani
Nova MD
Virginia Tech
Pitt (maybe)
Florida International University
George Washington
Penn State
Rush (if i can figure out smth with their anal prereqs)
Saint Louis (exception to my geographic preference)
Florida State University
Howard (not sure cuz it's an HBCU)
Boston University
submitted by vcobraa to premed [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:45 MrBobilious Millimeter to Inches Lettering Reference

When you start working in embroidery, you are used to inches but, most clients can't understand how small or large Millimeters are in reference to inches. You can simply create a Millimeter to Inches Lettering Reference.
I made this basic one that shows the difference size from Millimeter to Inches
I've made ones with reference to Block and Script fonts too, also, I have made my own thread color books to show off different thread colors.
submitted by MrBobilious to Machine_Embroidery [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 17:29 theladyjorts 8 Year Old Girl's Bday Party

My daughter is insistent we throw her birthday party here at the house (despite my wishes to outsource this lol) and she wanted it to be a "late over" so the girls are coming from 6-8:30p (because that's as late as this mom can handle)
She's having a flower power / groovy themed party. We're doing bracelet making and I got all the girls beads with their names' letters on them. And I hired a woman to come do manis and glitter makeup.
But beyond that...I'm struggling with how to fill the remaining time. I don't want it to be too structured as they are 8/9 year olds and they love that tween autonomy, but I also don't want it to be a free for all of chaos in the house.
Would love activity suggestions. Trying to steer away from anything too childish (her request) and I also want to be sure we have some more indoor activities, too, in case the weather and cicadas keep us from being outside. Thanks all!
submitted by theladyjorts to Parenting [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 16:00 freeradical28 Matte thread suggestions for traditional patterns

I was very fortunate to receive a traditional Easter basket cover made by a family member in Eastern Europe probably over 40 years ago. Maybe longer. The embroidery thread used is quite distinctive compared with DMC style floss. It's heavier and matte with deeply saturated colors, not glossy/mercerized like DMC. Can anyone suggest sources to replicate this type of thread? The cover itself is in fine shape, so i don't need an exact match, but i'd like to find a similar thread in order to make some items of my own in the same style. To be clear, it's definitely a stranded thread (not perle cotton or something) and was used in a traditional folkloric pattern like the ones shown on this page: https://www.behance.net/gallery/167724601/Ukrainian-Embroidery-Vector-Bundle.
I'm in the USA if that matters - thanks!
Edited to fix a link.
I also posted to CrossStitch but thought I would ask here as well
submitted by freeradical28 to Embroidery [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 14:01 ThrowAway7s2 “June a rare month as well as providing many rare days” from the June 19, 1979 Door County Advocate

“June a rare month as well as providing many rare days” from the June 19, 1979 Door County Advocate

June a rare month as well as providing many rare days

By Grace Samuelson

“What is so rare as a day in June?” That selection from James Russell Lowell’s “Vision of Sir Launfal” was one of the many “pieces” we memorized in school, when this grandmother was a girl. Then it was an important part of entertainment, in those days without radio or television.
Those well-remembered pieces that we spoke at school programs or Friday afternoon Literary Society meetings helped to instill in us a love of poetry. The picture study classes gave us an understanding of the great masters, and we learned music appreciation in singing class. I remember that we learned a great deal of German music, and then when World War I broke, suddenly we weren’t allowed to sing “The Blue Danube”, or “My Heart’s in the Highlands.” We struggled with the difficult “Marseillaise,” since France was our ally. I remember too, being in a home talent play at that time, and as part of the finale, three girls: Agnes Fax, Joyce Otis, and I were representative of Belgian refugees, dressed in black cheesecloth dresses, and scarfs over our heads. We all sang lustily: “Stars and Stripes Forever.”
But June brings back memories too. June is a favorite because it evokes thoughts of old fashioned things. There are so many of the old-fashioned flowers, which remain dear to our hearts. The cherry blossoms and apple blossoms are through blooming, but though we’ve seen those blossoms every year since many of the big orchards were first planted, each year the sight of that misty white bloom, set off with the blanket of gold dandelions like a carpet beneath, bring just as big a thrill. The fragrance of the lilacs always brings to mind the perfume Miss Minor wore when I was in third grade, and my first grade teacher. Miss Colignon’s talcum.
Then the bridal wreath sends out its white petaled sprays; June “pineys” bloom and roses outdo themselves. There are lovely named varieties now, but we used to have the bushes with the many pink flowers and myriads of sharp thorns. And we would gather the wild roses to bring home to our mothers: beautiful, and so cherished. Our back yard had loads of forget-me-nots and in the east side of the house the wild flower garden my mother had transplanted, carrying roots of trillium, mayflowers, jack in the pulpits, yellow and blue violets and others in pails of black dirt from the cottage at Clark’s Lake.
Way back in those days almost every parlor piano was graced with a long linen scarf, trimmed with crocheted medallions. On our piano there were bisque statuettes of Ruth and Boaz, some family photographs, and the covered rose-bowl, which held the potpourri of rose petals, the recipe of which was handed down through the family. It took lots of rose petals, some spices, and orris root powder, but the fragrance lingered for years.
I recall reading, with awe, that in the Balkans, where the rose petals were gathered to create attar of roses, those petals had to be gathered at darkest night. The workers couldn’t begin to pick till 1 a.m. and had to stop at two. They said 40 percent of the fragrance disappeared with the light of day. My grandmother had a string of beads that Great Aunt Effie had sent her from California. They were made of rose petals; I remember they were black in color with a gold bead strung between each black one. They had a lovely fragrance, too. Grandma used to wear a knitted lace collar on her long black dress, and the black beads showed up well against the white.
The honeysuckles in bloom drew butterflies and bumblebees, and when the daisies bloomed in the vacant fields near our house we made daisy chains, and stripped the petals to learn if “he loves me, he loves me not.” Dandelions held under your chin would tell you whether or not you liked butter. (Who didn’t?). We slipped the hollow stems of the dandelions inside one another, and made chains to wear around our necks, or as bracelets. The seed pods from the box of elders made lovely “pincher” glasses, and, we thought, gave us a dignified air.
June bugs could be a bother, and when the “Green Bay flies” (really may-flies) came they covered the store windows down town, under the lights, and the sidewalks were so full of them they crunched under your feet. People gathered them in tin cans, to use for fish bait. If a spider dropped down near you, spinning his web, you knew he had a message: usually there was a letter coming. We didn’t collect spiders, but we did try to collect butterflies or moths, and in the evenings we would try to capture the lightning bugs in pint jars. Then if you took the jar into your bedroom you could see them flash their little lights in the dark. The vines that covered the ell part of the front porch grew large green leaves, and created privacy. Often in hot weather we’d bring our quilts down and sleep out there. The only problem that there were big green or brown worms on the vines. I suppose that was what caused my nightmare. My sisters claimed I woke up yelling. “Hurrah! He’s got green whiskers at last!”
June is a commemorating month: commencement exercises for many phases of education: kindergarten, Junior High, High School, Technical School, College, and University. Then we have the June Jubilee, Flag Day, Father’s Day, first day of summer, and Mid-summer night’s observance by some, (supposedly the night the fairies appear, as in Shakespeare’s “Midsummer Night’s Dream.”) June is always a big month for weddings, showers, and anniversaries. Poets rhyme June with moon, croon, and honeymoon. Birds are mating; building nests. The cardinals and sparrows come to the feeder, and we’d like to chase the brassy grackles away. The orioles and a robin love the oranges we put out, and we enjoy watching. Bird watching is free! The cardinal has a nest in one of our trees, and the orioles nearby. And mama duck parades her 12 ducklings in flotilla formation. What a disciplinarian she is! Just one squawk, and the errant baby is kept in line: go bobbing over the waves or skimming along in still water, and with a mysterious series of quacks and maneuvers she teaches them not to go astray, and dip food from the water. By fall they will all be entirely independent. She is a marvelous example of mothering.
This is vacation time; picnic time though both may be curtailed this year by the gasoline shortage. The old song went: “Can’t go to Heaven in a limousine, cause the Lord don’t sell no gasoline.” Well, picnics in the back yard can be fun, too. I remember the Sunday School picnics we used to go to. Seems to me some of them were on top of Gussie Lawrence’s hill. We carried our jugs of lemonade, the crocks of potato salad tied up in dish towels, boiled ham sandwiches on homemade bread, devil’s food and angel food cakes, and then we were treated to ice-cream cones (the Poulos brothers’ cake-cones), which were dished up by generous “scoopers.” One-legged races, tug of war, and baseball, when they even let the girls play a little. We considered it a celebration second only to the Fourth of July.
Door county fish boils are known far and wide. Better Homes and Gardens and National Geographic have pictured them. Once, in the thirties, the Depression years, we went to a family reunion at Stoney Creek, where the branches of the Samuelsson, Fellows, Trodahl, and Johnson families had a big fish boil, the first I’d ever seen. I have a snapshot of the group. Not many of us left now.
The flag day I remember most was not observed on the 14th because it rained, and was held the next day. I was through teaching at Bethlehem, and took the train home, stopping off in Washington D.C. to see Stanley on the way. His friend met me, as Stanley had Marine Honor Guard Duty for Flag Day ceremony at the Capitol. That was a thrill, and an impressive sight. I like to fly the flag every day, when weather permits, and I do need a new flag. Ours is in tatters. Those terrific winds we had around Memorial Day are responsible for its condition. The American Legion and the Amvets are having a flag-burning ceremony, which is how I disposed of the old one. Love of flag and country were drilled into us from first grade on, and displaying the flag is one way we can show it.
There is never quite as much fuss made over Father on his day as for mother. But Dad’s day has a spirit of its own. The day of observance came late in my father’s life, but I think we girls paid tribute to him in other ways besides the gifts he got as he was older. He was a unique person; strict, though lovable. His nautical experience as a youth helped steer us on the right course. His precepts: honesty, industriousness, and friendliness have carried us through a lifetime. We were very lucky.
Neighborliness is very evident in June. Those who have beautifully kept lawns and gardens are often out to talk and share with others. We benefit from the lovely surroundings, enjoy the visits and the activities. My girlhood neighbors were wonderful, too; I recall them with much affection. You remember all the good things. Not just the Lady Baltimore cakes, or coffee kuchens and rhubarb pies brought over on occasion. But the helping hand; the tolerance with our noise when we were allowed to play out after supper: “Pum pum pullaway.” and “Auntie, auntie OVER!” Being included in a birthday party, when we weren’t as old as the birthday girl or her guests. Watching a neighbor sharpen the butcher knife on a crock, before she cut thick slices of fresh bread for her daughter’s friends. Calling to each other as we picked over berries, or snapped beans and podded peas on the porch. Tea parties, staying overnight, or being invited for a meal. Running errands.
Although I didn’t realize it then, we had many serendipities — unexpected happenings. As a little girl, I knew I was lucky: having a week’s vacation on Uncle Sam’s farm. A chance to help graze the cows and to ride on his shetland ponies! To go camping with the camp fire girls when I was old enough — and now serendipities happen often. Wonderful friends and family: gifts of books, friends providing rides to church and meetings. Relatives and friends’ visits. Letters. A view of the bay. Truly lucky.
Courtesy of the Door County Library Newspaper Archive
[https://sites.rootsweb.com/~wipgs/PGS/PGSSAMUELSONFamilyOct2010.htm includes an anecdote attributed from “e-mail family memories contributed by Chris ELONICH (25 Oct 2010).” The anecdote is included in the biographical entry for Grace’s husband Stanley, under “22. Stanley Gordon SAMUELSON”. Chris Elonich, reflecting on it, noted that Grace would have said “A serendipity” concerning the circumstances of her body’s internment.]
Articles by Grace Samuelson https://doorcounty.substack.com/t/grace-samuelson
Articles relating to summer https://doorcounty.substack.com/t/summer
submitted by ThrowAway7s2 to DoorCountyALT [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 10:27 Gold_Entrepreneur430 Pillow embroidery

Pillow embroidery
My first big embroidery project, containing a mix of embroidery floss and beads<3 A present for a friend
submitted by Gold_Entrepreneur430 to Embroidery [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 05:28 freeradical28 [CHAT]: Thread for Easter basket cover

[CHAT]: Thread for Easter basket cover
I received a traditional Easter basket cover made by a family member in Eastern Europe probably over 40 years ago. Maybe longer. The embroidery thread used is quite distinctive compared with DMC style floss. It's heavier and matte with deeply saturated colors, not glossy/mercerized like DMC. Can anyone suggest sources to replicate this type of thread? The cover itself is in fine shape, so i don't need an exact match - i'd like to make some items of my own in the same style. To be clear, it's definitely a stranded thread (not perle cotton or something) and was used in a traditional folkloric pattern like the ones shown on this page: https://www.behance.net/gallery/167724601/Ukrainian-Embroidery-Vector-Bundle.
I'm in the USA if that matters - thanks!
Edited to fix a link.
submitted by freeradical28 to CrossStitch [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 03:33 translator-BOT [META] Weekly "Unknown" Identification Thread — 2024-06-06 (Week 22)

Here are the posts from the last week still marked as "Unknown." Please help identify them if you can!
Date Title Author
2024-05-30 Unknown > English u/StWav_
2024-05-30 [Unknown >English] Thrifted this painting, any help with origin as well as translation for the script. u/ForestDale4
2024-05-31 [Unkown > English] What does this pottery say? u/slipset
2024-05-31 [?tibetan/naxi language -> english] Help finding this song that was playing in my tour guide's car while in Shangri-La City, Yunnan, China? u/udonchopstick
2024-05-31 Unknown > English u/TeacherPast
2024-06-01 [Unknown > English] I cant seem to understand what does it mean? u/Objective_Meeting_62
2024-06-01 [unknown>english] please help me translate these runes! u/IwantaSwedishgirl
2024-06-01 [unknown to english] u/PerformanceRude9567
2024-06-02 Unknown>english u/Financial-Chemical-3
2024-06-02 [Unknown > English] The inscriptions in this (fake) mummy. Do they make any sense? u/NatanaelAntonioli
2024-06-02 [unknown>english] Need help translating please u/Crazy_Noodles200
2024-06-02 [Unknown > English] u/schutzy69
2024-06-02 [Unknown > English] I've been wondering what language the people in the intro of this song are speaking. The musician is brazilian himself, but the language sounds kinda "ancient" to me. Any help is pretty appreciated :-) u/Hot_Bodybuilder2
2024-06-02 [unknown>English] gargoyle writing u/jasminedragon3
2024-06-03 [unknown>english] can anyone help me translate this please u/SignificanceExpert71
2024-06-03 [Unknown > English] Does anyone recognize these markings? u/FudgeImpressive3099
2024-06-03 unknown > English (possibly Japanese?) u/ashfordroe
2024-06-03 Unknown to English u/boocakebandit
2024-06-03 [Unknown>English] Bracelet with one bead repeating u/Wise-Ear-7564
2024-06-04 **[[Unknown to English] What does this brief series of letters (a word or multiple words) say?
](/translatocomments/1d7t27g/unknown_to_english_what_does_this_brief_series_of/)** u/Most-Zombie
2024-06-04 [Unknown > English] What language are these notes? u/ninebinchnails
2024-06-04 Unknown > English u/catsrcoolll
2024-06-04 [Unknown > English] Can somebody translate what is written on my jeans? u/Simsion
2024-06-05 (UNKNOWN > ENGLISH) My client got this tattoo years ago and doesn’t know what it says. u/froggybagginss
2024-06-05 [Unknown >> English] u/smellgel
2024-06-05 [Unknown - English] Found a painting u/obstacleahead
2024-06-05 (Unknown > English) My grandma passed away recently and I was given this necklace of hers. What does it say and in what language? u/m00n_rac00n
2024-06-05 Unknown to English [Unknown>English] Please help give me an idea of what this pretty painting/ink says. Thank you u/ForestDale4
2024-06-05 [Uknown - English] u/VegetableLow3621
2024-06-05 Unknown>English u/Mish3546
2024-06-05 unknown>english "What does this phrase mean ? "narakamini boomanaraki vu man papa du"" u/Select_Peach9016
2024-06-05 [Unknown > English] This copper repousse u/dbstanley
2024-06-05 Unknown to English u/zmoney32
Please make any identifications on the individual request pages.
submitted by translator-BOT to translator [link] [comments]

2024.06.06 00:00 autonomousegg Headliner Utility Fabric?

Headliner Utility Fabric?
I’m making Simplicity 9772 (cactus pillows, specifically pattern B, if that’s important) and I tried googling headliner utility fabric but all I got was articles about car interiors? Does anyone have suggestions on where to get this fabric or an acceptable substitute?
submitted by autonomousegg to sewing [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 22:46 FabulousMongoose630 Looking for a PenPal

Hello! My name is Anthony, but my friends call me Tiny. I am 17/M and I am from the US. I am looking to exchange thoughts and ideas with people through the mail. I don’t have any age requirement as long as you have good intentions. You can be in any country and speak any language. You don’t have to write or understand English. English is my first and only language so understand any communication of any non-native language with be through a translation tool. Here are a list of things about me ~ I’m open to talk about any appropriate topic. I love learning new things and reading about/ asking questions about anyone’s special interests. ~Things that I like to do are including but not limited to; baking, cooking, gardening, fishkeeping, listening to music, collecting physical copies of music, various types of dance, learning new things, painting, sewing, drawing, sculpting, making friendship bracelets, making kandi bracelets, scrapbooking, writing poetry, writing in general, reading, origami, collecting old technology, and more. ~ I like to write in cursive ~ I put a lot of effort and thought into each letter I send ~ I love to draw pictures and send art/trinkets with my letters and would like for my penpal to do the same That’s about it, feel free to message me if you want to be my penpal
submitted by FabulousMongoose630 to penpals [link] [comments]

2024.06.05 20:51 Accomplished-Wing129 Handmade Bead Embroidery Leather Cuff Bracelet - One-of-a-Kind USA

Bead Embroidery Leather Cuff Bracelet
submitted by Accomplished-Wing129 to LalaJewelry [link] [comments]
