Long 3rd grade reading passages

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2024.05.13 22:53 Flashy-Let2771 Svenska som andraspråk class

You guys that study SVA do you think you have learn a lot?
I study SVA1 50% on distance so it’s 10 weeks. No lectures, no extra study materials from the teacher. Only study from a textbook, one chapter. That’s it. The rest I have to google or ask someone. I asked the teacher one time because I didn’t understand some stuff, and she said I should google it. So I’m not even sure why I study.
I feel like I’ve wasted almost 10 weeks because I haven’t learnt anything. All my knowledge is from grundläggande level. I did all the homework, never turn in assignments late, went through all the chapter, did all online exercises at least 4 times. When I studied grund level, I got G in everything, and nailed all the tests. Even kapiteltest I would get really high scores.
Today I had a reading exam (NP). After first 15 minutes I knew that I would fail. There were 25 pages. I think there were 7-8 articles or more. Some are very long, and wow…they were on another level. All articles I’ve read in the textbook were easy compare to them.
And during the exam, the teacher didn’t explain anything. The exam had two parts, B and C. I checked all the pages, and was shocked because it was too much and too little time. We got only 3 hours. I tried to calm down, and stay positive. I thought to myself that I could do it. Just relax and read all of the articles carefully.
I looked at the clock, and I had one and a half hour left. I was at page 8. Then the teacher said “Sorry to interrupt you guys but you don’t need to do part C”. Part C started at page 20 or so. I almost said wtf out loud. So I stressed myself out for nothing. I lost all the concentration because this wasn’t the first time the teacher did something like this. She was really bad at communication throughout the whole course. She never explained things. I asked her something, and it took days for her to answer. I asked her last Tuesday about which dictionary we could use in the exam and she replied yesterday. A day before the exam. Like wtf. What was I supposed to do if no library were open?
I have two exams left, and to be honest I don’t care if I pass or not. I chose a distance class because I got really stressed from studying Swedish a year straight. I thought I could study on my own pace, but I didn’t even get study materials that would help me improve my skills to pass the NP. I’m really disappointed. ☹️
submitted by Flashy-Let2771 to Svenska [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:53 whymeeeTT Feeling Neglected by Friend- need some advice

I am so confused right now.
I (17f), have a best friend, we'll call her B(17f). We became good friends really quickly and it has just been a year of being close to one other. It all started when we had a free period in school and talked about our family and stuff for the whole time without hesitation. From then on we were inseparable. She means so much to me, really. I was soo lonely before her, never had anybody to talk to or just be with and she changed it so I'm really indebted to her for that.
We have just given 12th boads this year (its bacically final exams of 12 standard which is on a all india bases). During the exam month maybe after 2 of the exams I got to know that my grandmother passed away. It was really shocking because even though she was in the hospital, she was making speedy recovery. The day she got discharged from the hospital, we lost her on the way home.
I wasn't really close to her but this is my grandmother we're talking about. I was really disturbed after hearing this, especially because I hadn't met her for years, neither I was able to bid her a last goodbye. I wasn't even able to participate in the rituals for her funeral.
The day I got this news I told B. I told her that my grandmother died. She said it's okay, and that even though my grandmother wasn't nice it's hard to loose a grand parent and that I should focus on my studies. This is badically all that she said. I had talked to her about my grand mother and told her some questionable things that she has done, so maybe she thought that I wasn't affected with her death but idk why I expected her to console me, to just be there for me. i didn't even get are you OK text from her.
The next day she was texting me about how there is this person she texted on reddit who turned out to be weird. That's what she asked me the next day after my grandmother just died. She never asked me how I was, never. I was not as responsive as usually was but that was because i was bloody alone. My parents had all gone to the hometown for the funeral and i was at my aunt's house because i could'nt leave the exams. I was so alone and not even once she asked me how i was. I even told her after a few days that i am not okay and that it really hurt when she started taliking about a guy to me after i told her my grandmother just passed. To that she replied that I was being cold so she thought she should give me some time and also she was sick with a throat infection do she couldn't wait for me to talk.
That really hurt. I know she was unwell and it must be difficult for her to think about other stuff while being in sickand I also understand that I am not a baby and that I shouldn't expect people to coddle me, but that really hurt. She did apologise and said that she didn't expect that I would be affected by this. But then went on as if it's all normal from the other day. After this incident, I tried to just forget it and move past it, but everything that she did just infuriated me. It never felt like she was sorry, even after she said it. This has just made me feel like she doesn't care at all. She is recently started talking to this guy on telegram. And all we talk about is him. "Should I send him this?" Or " he send me this message what should I reply with" something or the other about him. She tells me that she talked to him for hours one day but she couldn't even txt me once.
I was really trying to just forget it, really but I just felt so off. It's like I have to work to make things no longer awkward between us when she was the one that hurt me. It still infuriates me. Every conversation is about her, how her father demotivates her or how her grandma did this or something something along those lines. I have started to feel as if she doesn't know anything about me. Sometimes it's like she doesn't care at all about me.
I know I'm no angle myself. But when I did something wrong I know that I tried to change that about myself, tried to mend things (atleast in my head i was trying, idk if it was noticeable).
I know her life is harder than me, she has gone through more stuff than I have, but sometimes is it too much to expect someone to just listen and tell you that you aren't being dramatic Or hell's sake tell you that you are being dramatic rather that telling them that worse happened with them?
I am so just frustrated right now. We were on a meet and she started to talk to that same telegram guy in the meet. I have done this too but in my head it's like "i did it only once and then apologised for it, and its not like i always talk about someone else while we are together."
I don't know what to do. I really wanted to tell her that I am hurt but it feels like it has been to long and I shouldn't hold on to something that happened a month ago. I really don't want to loose her. She is that only friend that I have and we have a great friendship apart from some things. Idk if what I feel is justified or if i'm being dramatic and entitled, expecting too much from people Please be completely honest and tell me if I'm wrong so that i can try to better myself or how I should handle this situation. Any advice for this pety situation is welcomed.
Thank you for reading Sorry for the long post and if things are unclear, it my first time trying this so I don't really know how to be presise!
submitted by whymeeeTT to Advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:52 Opposite_Bread_7851 AITAH For putting my mom in the hospital?

I finally stood up to my abusive mother
This story is a personal story from around 2 years ago and it deals with many harsh topics. Please keep your opinions to yourself after reading.
My mother is the worst. While this may seem radical, it could not be more true. I lost my mail carrier job due to covid and other reasons around 2 years ago, and had to move back in with my parents after not seeing them for a very long time. At the time I was pretty youthful (39) so I had somewhat been looking forward to getting to reunite with my parents. Due to covid I obviously couldn't work, so like everyone else I didn't go outside, played a whole lot of video games, and of course masturbated many times a day ;)
Once covid began to end is when my mom started to become abusive. She would constantly scream at me and tell me that it was time to get a job since places were hiring again. She didn't understand no matter how many times I told her the effects that covid had on my mental state, which meant I couldn't get a job until I was in the right headspace and able to give my full effort to work, as well as the housing crisis that many young people like myself were facing in this economy and also the fact that it was becoming a socially acceptable trend to live with your parents. My mom did not understand this at all.
The worst of it all was when I was playing overwatch on my pc that had taken my father 2 whole hours to set up she came into MY ROOM, and unplugged MY PC. This was when the constant verbal abuse started coming out, she'd criticized my age, my lack of a job, she made fun of me for not going to college and called me pathetic for playing video games at 40 years old (which is what every other millinial does lol) That had done it, I tried to walk past her but she had pushed me to my breaking point and I very lightly pushed her shoulders. She screamed out dramatically and crumbled to the ground still screaming and crying as if I had punched her or something, as if I was in the wrong for standing up for myself. I was done with the abuse from now on my mom knew that I was the man of the house and she didn't even try to make me pay for her hospital bills.
I now live with my pregnant wife, and am the owner of a successful clothing brand that gets several sales by the week. This story is for anyone living with an abusive family member and to let you know that no matter what you do you can still succeed in life and achieve your dreams.
submitted by Opposite_Bread_7851 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:52 jethawkings 60~ Hours in, into-the 'Peril on Gorgon' DLC and I can pretty much say Outer Worlds beats the bad game allegations for me.

I mean yes, 60~ hours is kind of a long absurd time for a game to get good... but it also took me several retries to get to that playthrough of New Vegas where I actually finished it.
For context, up till Groundbreaker... actually heck up till Roseway, the Outer Worlds for me was a slog. The intro, Emerald Vale for all intents and purposes should have been a good intro biome, a sort-of interesting dilemma that allows you to handle it in a multitude of ways similar to Goodsprings in New Vegas... but you could exhaust and explore all of Goodsprings in around ~2~3 hours, Emerald Vale was larger and apologies to Parvati but was frankly uninteresting in hindsight that took me almost 2 days to actually go through without anything of worth coming out of it really. There's no dark sinister secret or anything controversial to uncover, I mean there is but it's honestly frankly underwhelming.
Groundbreaker was 'eh' mostly just a quest hub but nothing again that could sink your teeth in, there's some nice worldbuilding there explaining their situation as their own entity against the Board but at this point what the Board is still wasn't really that clear to me. Oh and we also meet Martin here, probably one of the more interesting NPCs you'll meet this early in the game, his is a cruel tale but being a vendor NPC, is kind of just stuck there, but what little you learn of him actually sets the tone for the strengths in writing of Outer Worlds cynical corpocracy.
Then I get sidetracked to Scylla... like Emerald Vale, barren of anything actually interesting to learn of. Filler-quest that tells you to go there, filler-experience. It's a loading screen with extra steps.
Okay, on Roseway now... this seems interesting can't wait to explore the different areas and learn about what happened here as I venture forth... aaand nvm you learn less than an hour in that this is really all about. I mean yeah there's insight you can surmise later on to provide introspection to your quest giver but so far this game has just been 90% Barren Planets that don't really offer anything interesting to learn about.
Mind you, despite me saying all of these have been bland they still do have multitudes of ways to approach the actual resolution of the quest... it's just that they seem kind of bog standard that you kind of just learn to not expect anything unexpected.
I think Monarch is the first real turning point for me on how things get interesting, because there's actually a lot of interesting memos, terminal, conversations, and logs for you to read. Learning what leads to this area being fucked up, the actual moment-of getting fucked up, guiding your hand to how the colony can sustain itself moving on.
But then, Peril on Gorgon, honestly on Monarch I was still kind of just exploring the map because that's what you were supposed to do and the interesting bits for you to learn about are all really consolidated in one area... but Gorgon? It was honestly a blast to explore, there's a lot of great worldbuilding all over the place, lots of secret audio-logs and terminals to discover.
Unfortunately from what I understand, I'm a little over more than halfway through but god if Byzantium and Eridanos holds the same quality Monarch and Gorgon has then I'm looking forward to it.
submitted by jethawkings to patientgamers [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:51 Dramatic_Presence_25 Help me learn Kannada

I know like 4 languages (read, write, speak) Marathi, Gujarati, Hindi, English and so now I am in Manipal for my bachelors I am very keen on learning Kannada though finnally trying to put it together I've started learning from YouTube been 15 days already it's coming together things I noticed - learning or getting grammer concept is the easy part but the vocabulary and pronunciations and sheer amount of data takes toll and actually putting things is practical use I am struggling saying it's difficult but not impossible I am doing it anyways and it works so how long will it take me to get grasp of language? What potential roadblocks will I be facing? What other resources I can imply on my learning? Currently 1 hour I am doing daily practice and videos and my corrections pronounciations and informal ways of talking are done with help of my friends and other people. Suggestions and changes are much appreciated.
On personal note already being a multilingual person I really get the value of knowing another language like it makes your life easier with people around you and let's them connect with you on deeper level and helps is getting rid of that outsider person identify to accepting and blending in person to their culture and heritage. And Karnataka will be giving me much more than a degree like friends... memories... career... networking... soulmate (who knows :D)... life experiences in these coming years.
I can't think of any other better way of paying my tribute to this state by learning their language and be a part of greater society. By my final year I'll learn this language and leave.
Dhanyawada :)
submitted by Dramatic_Presence_25 to karnataka [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:51 Smegma_Sniffing100 Am I tweaking ?

I swear the books keep getting the age of the characters mixed up. I'm reading Spy School British Invasion, and in the first chapters it says that Erica is 16, but then it says later on that Ben is 13 and Erica is 2 years older than him. That would mean that either Ben is actually 14, or Erica is actually 15. It also mentions that Murray is one year older than Ben, saying he's 14- all in all, it just doesn't add up. Atp I've just gone with what I think makes sense (Ben being 14, Murray being 15 and Erica being 16), just because I think it indicates a passage of time.
submitted by Smegma_Sniffing100 to SpySchool [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:50 AAverageFortniter Will I get in trouble or not?

As writing this, the more confident i feel about the situation and feel this might be something i shouldnt worry about, but im a person who gets really nervous thinking that i might have to deal with this incident in the days to come as i dont want to or believe i deserve to face a consequence for this incident as well as the effort it probably will take to repeal anything if something were to happen
*a brief summary: Im worried if a classmate will report me and if i will get in trouble for saying that their score (which they chose to disclose, i didnt ask or force them to show) isnt good (according to them, they thought i said that they score is terrible, probably how they viewed it) because i heard them talking about the incident after class with the teacher
So today in Spanish class, I was talking to another classmate about how they are studying for this one big test we have for a different class and how well are they preforming in the practice for the test, and after we had a conversation about it, another classmate talks about how they did poorly, like a 60% on a multiple choice section for a practice exam and I said that their score on the multiple choice isnt good, but the writing part should carry their grade. A few minutes later, the student who got a 60% on the practice was talking about how I said that "their score is terrible and sucked" (which, in fact i only said that it wasnt good, probably how i said it came off as that). So if you're asking, why do i think im going to get in trouble or why i mention this, its because as i was leaving class, i saw the student stay behind and heard them talking about it to the teacher. Im nervous if they will actually try to report me, and if i will actually get in trouble or not, or what to do? (so far my plan is to wait it out and see what happens, but im worried because its a lot easier in my school to report someone than to repeal something, and even if anything gets repealed i heard some stuff will still reamin on your record and could affect your college acceptance if they see)
CONTEXT/RANT HERE: my Spanish teacher doesnt really like me, she somewhat liked me as a student last year, but this year she is mad that i sometimes talk during class (i dont talk when shes giving instructions, i talk while i work sometimes or after i finish the work), like today i got somewhat in trouble how she said that i couldnt get a retake on the next quiz like the other students(not too bad of a punishment) because i talked in class a lot (to be fair, we were playing bingo in class, and i was talking in that period of time where the teacher waits for you to fill up board, and also, its not like i dont pay attention in class, like today for example, my teacher gives points for every time you raise your hand to answer a question she gives, and she gives a grade for how many points u get as long as u have a certain amount, and i was trying to participate to get a good grade as i was raising my hand literally for every question she asked but she like she doesnt call on me, or when im the only one raising their hand she waits like 10 seconds to call someone else.
If you read all of that, tell me how you think the situation will go (i would much apricate this as it would lower my anxiety over this issue)
submitted by AAverageFortniter to highschool [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:50 dogstatue Normal A1C, Prediabetes/Diabetes Self Tests, d/x Fibromyalgia/Hashis

I am on my second round of this with my doctors at a VA hospital, and I'm trying to be informed and confident as I try to get this addressed.
I have fibromyalgia, Hashimoto's (I take liothyronine and levothyroxine), and I have issues with my neck (C6/C7) from an accident last year. Since the accident, I've had frequent urination. More recently, my urine has smelled sweet pretty consistently. Sometimes my sweat does as well. My feet are tingling more frequently than usual.
I've been testing my morning fasting blood sugar and it's only been under 100 mg/dl once in the last 20 tests. Here are 15 consecutive tests spread over a few months (I am not omitting any morning fasting tests, I just wasn't testing every day): 114, 124, 132, 117, 114, 123, 119, 144, 134, 107, 113, 111, 141, 111, 126.
Twice a month I make a very long drive to see my kid. I've noticed it trends much higher (along with my pain and fatigue) the days after.
A couple years ago, my doctor looked at my A1C and brushed me off that it was normal. Back then, I was sometimes around or below 100 md/dl, but I thought the numbers indicated I was prediabetic. I know there's a blood sugar component to fibromyalgia, and there seems to be a correlation (but not a perfect one) between my levels and my flare-ups. I started taking a low-ish dose of Metformin from an online doctor but I didn't tolerate it well at the time. I was on an SNRI and it just seemed like too much for my stomach.
Now I have another normal A1C test (4.6% which is even better this time!) but I feel like my daily tests are very clear and getting worse. My creatinine levels are also high, and I understand kidney issues can gunk up A1C tests. I also have some fatty liver disease, which my doctor says was not significant. I haven't drank for ~5 years.
So right now I'm changing my diet and I've added 500mg of Berberine and an electrolyte supplement to my regimen. I've noticed it responding to my changes, which has helped guard against hopelessness. I have more testing (poop) and a referral for endocrinology. My doctors have missed a lot in the past, and I don't want to lose any more years to not being diagnosed.
That's a lot. I don't know what I expect, but I didn't want to dump another health story on my friends and family, and I'm hoping there are others who've been through a similar thing. Thanks for reading.
submitted by dogstatue to diabetes [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:50 Zhin_L Broke things off with my bf of almost a decade.

So, English is not my first language even though I had studied it for years now, so, any grammatical error, please be excused. I also want to point out a few things up, this story is LONG, as it says on the title, we’ve been together for almost a decade, so there’s a lot of things to patch up, also, I’m not trying to paint him as the bad guy nor myself as the good guy, just trying to let it all out because there’s some details I cannot say to everyone I know, so it’s better for me to just talk about it with internet strangers, also, I don’t know if this place has a limit of characters, so if it has, it’s going to be some parts long.
So, to start this, I (27 F), broke things with my bf (26 M) Alan (Not his real name) after we’ve been together for little less than a decade because I was just so fed up with everything we lived together, not having the strength to even try and give this another go as he wanted us to. A year before meeting him on my last school year I was s*xually Ass*ulted by a man that I met on a park where I used to go dancing, not only that, but he made me believe that I was okay with what happened (I was sixteen and he was 21, here the age of consent is not until the 18th mark), he made me believed that I liked it, and made me believe that no one would ever believe me if I ever decided to report it, so I didn’t, but obviously it got me a pretty bad scar.
I met Alan one year later, his friend group was friends with my friend group, so in school we kinda merged together and he was a good guy, a great guy even, he always had something nice to say about me and he never blamed me for being scared of a group of people so anytime I wanted to buy something on the school market, he did it for me until he tried to make me come across my fear and was just behind me as I was approaching the big group gather on the market trying to make me feel confident enough to buy things by myself, after that we became closer and closer until one day I went with my friend group to recess with his friend group, but he wasn’t there, I asked one of his friends and he told me that he wasn’t feeling right and was still on the classroom, so off I went and looked up for him, we talked for a while and then he thank me for listening to him and not bug him with the “guys don’t cry”, that made us even more close to eachother and we started something, not a relationship, but a situationship from mid July to late November, when I graduated from school (He had one more year to go), on my celebration date, he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes, I made him meet my family shortly after and I met his.
He was a part-time gamer, and the first straw was that he believed that I would made him choose between his games or me, but no, I didn’t, even so, I asked him to teach me how to play so we could play together, I was not good, at all, but I was just glad to be on his hobbies, little did I know that would be one of the reasons I broke things off. We had fights and arguments because he was a competitive type of guy on this online games and, because I was bad at them, we usually lost games because of me, it took us a lot of work to find a solution, he had to put down some bars, because it was not healthy, also the first “or else” that he made me aware of, was when I told him that I needed him to express his emotions to me, but he took it as “Show emotions or I’m leaving you” which wasn’t the case, but worked up just fine.
Some years passed and… You remember what I told you about the year before meeting Alan? Well, we couldn’t get intimate in that way and I had to sit him and explained what happened, he was supportive and we didn’t do it after our four year mark, but again, he wasn’t as supportive as I recall, he usually push over it and only stopped moments before I got a flashback of what happened. But that one time that we did it, I remember it well, I started crying out of emotion because I finally overcame my fear, but after we finished, he stood up, we cleaned ourselves and he made me get ready because he didn’t want to be late to a friend’s birthday. Speaking of intimacy, he had a really big drive and I didn’t, but every time I tried to say “no”, he got all frustrated so I started initiating moments after I saw him like that so I could brush that feeling off of him, our intimacy was like that until just months before our breakup.
Now into another thing, I have always work, even when I was still at school, I’ve always worked to get my things, I’m not good at saving money, but I work my butt off, so when he started to gain interest on a particular expensive game, we usually used his mother credit card and the one paying it was me, he said that when he worked he bought things for us, but… This is the thing about it… He only worked 5-6 months in all of our relationship, sure, he went with his father some times to do some work, but he didn’t even saw that money because it went directly to a gaming console for himself, so in years that we’ve been together, he worked 5-6 months and the rest was payed from myself and he still took his time working as a sort of argument against me.
Now, one time, when I was on the university, a random classmate just suddenly kissed me and I was in shock, so in shock that I didn’t kissed him back, nor could I stop him, but when he went for a second one, I backed out and I went to my boyfriend crying because I thought I was cheating on him because someone kissed me and I explained every detail to him, but the guy dropped off from college, so I never saw him again and then, another day, I was in the subway and encounter my ex boyfriend while he was, actually, coming back home after his own studies, I ignored him for the most part, but he actually asked politely to let him talk to me, so we went to a public park and he actually just wanted to say sorry because he cheated on me with his ex girlfriend while he was with me, we didn’t do anything besides me listening to him and giving him the closure he was searching for, we did not stay in contact, I just said to him that it was not something that I keep on mind to this day, but if it made him feel better, I would accept his apology and then we parted ways, everything I did and said I made my boyfriend aware of and he was such in a panic that one of his friends actually went to his house and they talked shit about me because I dared to let my ex ask for my forgiveness. Those are the only two time that I recall I made him feel insecure, two times and that’s it and he wasn’t letting any of those things go any time we got into an argument.
I remember one time we actually parted ways for some days and I kissed a girl, a girl that I have liked for a very long time and only then I figured that she actually liked me back, but I was stupid enough to not go for her, and wait for this guy for us to get back together and I actually told him everything, I know I shouldn’t do it, because it would only made him feel like on the edge, but by that time I felt like it was better to come clean about everything, he knew everything about me, it was only fair that I keep it like that. But then he got jealous everything I said I was talking to her in a friendly way (he never was banned from looking into my phone) and now I understand that his jealousy was not that unfounded, because I kissed this girl while we were separated.
There was numerous times when I wanted to break things with him, but he always managed to made me come back to him, one time we were walking on the sidewalk and I told him how I felt and that I was thinking about breaking up, he got on the ground, took a piece of glass and tried to h*rm himself, but I stopped him and we never talked about it again. Another time I was home, not at work because I was injured and we had a phone fight, not breaking up, but making it subtle, then a couple hours after that I received another phone call from an Unknown number, telling me that he almost threw himself on the subway and, Injured as I was, I went to get him and Uber us to his home.
I had to make two limits for him, I didn’t want him to call me before checking if it was possible for me to talk on the phone, unless it was an emergency, of course. And that I didn’t want him to go to my home unannounced, because he did it too much and he did not respect those boundaries until there was yet another conversation about breaking up and just then, he stopped doing it. He also lied to me one time when he went to the bus stop at freaking 7 am with the excuse of “I just wanted to get some air” and the proceeded to talk to me all the way about his problems and follow me to my workplace, and then he had the audacity to get mad when I told him I couldn’t stay longer because I had to get to work, just when we finally broke off he came clean that he was, obviously, trying to get a hold of me and not “Trying to get some air” as he tried to make me believe. I even started to go to my destinations by other means because I was afraid I would encounter him in every corner that I usually go to.
One of my college friends started a relationship with one of his friends and now that we broke things off, neither of them talk to me, so I am not sure what sort of fairytale he told them in which, he obviously was not in the wrong at all.
I am not asking if I was the AH here, nor asking if I should talk to him again, I am pretty confident That I shouldn’t, I just wanted to vent, thanks for anyone who would read this loooooong story. Cheers.
submitted by Zhin_L to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:50 maracuja_19 f23 - just in the mood to talk

hi! it’d be nice to connect with some likeminded people! i’m open to talking to anyone so long as you’re 21+
a few things about me: i like anime (banana fish, nana, hxh), reading (currently reading crime and punishment), spirituality, herbalism, studio ghibi and lots of other things too.
i’m always open to recommendations! be it for music or books. i love learning about other people’s interests too.
if we connect then i’d be down to talk over discord too! <3
submitted by maracuja_19 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:49 Odd-Muffin511 I'm at crossroads and need helping deciding my life path

Hello everyone,
So I'm in my mid-twenties and I am kind of lost on what to do (what a surprise, right?). I have a bachelor's degree which I've never given much use to (and tbh I won't give it much use where I'm at, the opportunities just aren't good here) and I was in the military for a couple years, got deployed also. I eventually got out, and this is how I got here.
I have 2 plans for my future life now, and I intend on following one of them soon, but I'm very divided between them.
The first one is to study again. I already have a subject in mind, and it's something that, if I manage to complete, has a really great chance of giving me a really good life in the future. The thing is, this is going to make me dependent for 6+ years, it takes a lot of time and effort and even if I find work in the meanwhile I won't achieve an independent lifestyle until then. But, again, if I manage to do it, it will be life changing, and even if it takes 10 years to complete I will eventually probably make it up for the time I lost financially. But then again, even working during off-season, it will be very hard to leave my parents' nest before 35+, which, as much as I love my parents, my home and everything in it, just sounds like way too long. Which takes me to the second option.
I have plenty of friends abroad, and I myself have been abroad for both studies and work as I've mentioned above, and those were probably the times of my life when I felt most accomplished on a personal level. Getting rid of home confort also seems to be a booster to want more from life, and as much as I love it here, it's depressing me, because too much confort is killing me inside. I've had people (well known friends) offering to help me move abroad and find a job, and this seems like a really good option to be honest. I'd be able to save up some more money and live a more independent lifestyle, even if I end up coming back home after a year, 2 or 5 (probably will come earlier for vacations, but yeah) at least I will have saved up some money, lived in a different culture and would definitly have new stories to tell.
There are definitly other options, like trying to find a job around my home or trying to build up my own business, but none of them really interest me much. Finding a job around here could be good short term, but I feel like I would just stall career wise and would eventually get tired of remaining in my confort area. Trying to build up my own business has the same issue, it could go very well, it could go very wrong, but I don't see myself doing it and the proccess of doing so is very kafkaesque where I'm from. They're both still valid options, but I feel like they're not what I need right now. So it eventually comes down to picking between those two.
I wish I could express myself as well as I do inside my own head and expose the internal fights that happen there to try and guess which solution is best, I am exploring both solutions to try and figure out what to do, maybe I won't even get accepted into uni and my choice will be self-made, but until then I'm thinking between both.
Thanks for reading
submitted by Odd-Muffin511 to makemychoice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:49 Enough-Ear-7988 A complex situation between me (M30) and her (F28). Cheating, Emotional Turmoil, Uncertainty and more. Can anyone give a detailed advice on how to navigate this? :(

Hi Reddit, I (30M), find myself deeply entangled in a complex, emotionally charged relationship with this woman (28F), whose name interestingly mirrors mine and who shares my astrological sign (Aries) (Not gonna go into that, but just wanted to point it out). Our connection began unexpectedly but has grown into something intensely complex. I'm here seeking your insights and advice on how to navigate this tumultuous relationship.
1. Detailed Background
First Meeting and Instant Connection: We met at the beginning of last December. Our connection was instantaneous; we clicked right away, ending our first encounter with a kiss. This spontaneous beginning set a passionate, though complicated, tone for our relationship.
Ongoing Interactions: After our first meeting, our interactions were sporadic but charged with an undeniable tension. We would see each other occasionally at office events or casually during work-related tasks, where flirting was evident. Our connection deepened significantly by late February this year, evolving from casual flirtation to more profound emotional engagement.
Current Relationship Dynamics: She (28F) has been in a relationship with someone since before we met (2 months prior I believe) but is currently in the process of ending it. She admitted that they plan to have a decisive video conversation soon to conclude their relationship. The video conversation is because they both live in different cities. He doesn't want to come to our city and she doesn't want to go to his city.
2. Emotional and Relational Complexities
Her Long-Term Relationship and Engagement: She was previously in a nearly 13-year relationship that ended in a broken engagement, which profoundly affects her emotional responses and availability. The last few years of this relationship involved discussions about marriage and starting a family, adding layers of complexity to her emotional baggage.
Rebound and Current Dynamics: Her current relationship with her boyfriend (M25) began as a rebound after her long-term relationship ended, complicating her emotional landscape. She is currently cheating on him with me, which brings up concerns about patterns of fidelity and trust.
Coping Mechanisms: She often resorts to drinking heavily (mostly beer) and using marijuana as a way to escape her emotional pain and numb her feelings, which concerns me deeply about her ability to cope healthily with her emotions.
3. Intimacy and Connection
Profound Sexual Connection: Being intimate with her is nothing short of amazing for both of us. The level of sexual arousal and the act itself feel spectacular, raising questions about whether this intensity is due to the 'forbidden fruit' effect or simply because our physical connection is genuinely extraordinary.
4. Key Concerns
Infidelity and Trust: Her current infidelity raises serious concerns about future fidelity. Could the patterns of infidelity repeat themselves if we transition into a more committed relationship?
Emotional Availability: Her need for personal space, combined with her habit of emotional avoidance and her belief system being shattered—no longer believing in "forever," rejecting the idea of starting a family, and dismissing true love—pose significant challenges.
Personal Well-Being: While I feel a profound connection to her and a strong desire to support her, I'm aware of the emotional toll this situation is taking on me. How can I protect my emotional well-being while being a supportive partner?
5. Attachment Styles
Her Avoidant Attachment Style: She displays typical avoidant attachment behaviors, such as distancing herself when things get too intimate or emotionally complex. This style contributes significantly to the challenges in our relationship, as it complicates our ability to connect on a deeper emotional level.
My Anxious Attachment Style: Conversely, I have an anxious attachment style, which heightens my need for closeness and reassurance. This often puts me at odds with her avoidant tendencies, intensifying my fear of abandonment and desire for a deeper connection.
6. Expectations and Personal Reflections
Desire for Clarity and Commitment: Despite understanding that distancing myself might be logical to avoid pain, my emotions pull me strongly towards her. I recognize her subtle signs of care and affection, despite her often stoic façade.
Understanding vs. Emotional Sacrifice: I'm striving to be understanding and patient, recognizing her coping mechanisms as her way of managing pain. However, balancing my emotional needs with my desire to support her is increasingly challenging.
Fear of Abandonment: My anxious attachment style heightens my fear that once she possibly heals or finds stability, she may choose to move on without me, disregarding the support I've provided through her toughest times.
7. Looking for Advice
Reddit, how should I navigate this situation where my emotional investment, fear of abandonment, and a desire for a meaningful relationship collide? I’m in need of advice on how to proceed with a relationship that is as rewarding as it is challenging. Your insights, experiences, or perspectives would be greatly appreciated as I ponder our future. I have very deep feelings towards her. I know she does too, even though the current situation is far from ideal. I feel it in her, in her eyes, in her soul.
Thank you all for reading and for your advice in advance.
TL;DR - Inlove with a taken woman, who is cheating on her boyfriend to be with me, but is emotionally unstable, avoidant attachment, while I am anxious attachment. Help.
submitted by Enough-Ear-7988 to relationship_advice [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:49 alexaplaydespactio82 [TOMT] book with yellow and some blue cover maybe “sunday morning” in the title about school and a class teacher

i read this book in 6th grade (2015/16) i think and it’s a yellow cover maybe some dark blue on it. i think it’s about a school and teachers maybe sunday in the title sunday morning or something
submitted by alexaplaydespactio82 to tipofmytongue [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:48 Droogs-R-Us Ultra Pro Guild Sleeves

I’m looking to get these for my Trostani, Selesnya’s Voice deck since it’s my pride and joy. The deck is just shy of being fully foil and I have it in perfect hard inner sleeves. I want to get the Selesnya Ultra Pro Sleeves from Guilds of Ravnica, but I wanted to see if anyone has any long term use with those. From what I read they are the chroma fusion material though since they’re on the older side i wasn’t sure if they’d hold up long term. Has anyone used these for a long time?
submitted by Droogs-R-Us to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:48 StuffedPeppers13 Dried meat after reseting overnight in the oven

As the title says, my pork butt came out super dry after resting overnight in the oven. I decided to presmoke the meat the day before to serve at noon.
Here's what I did:
Seasoned and smoked about 10lbs of pork shoulders in my pellet grill @ 250f , spritzing every 45 minutes with apple juice and water solution for the first 3-4 hours.
Once I was happy with the bark and the rendered fat, it was about 186f internal. I placed the meat in an aluminum pan with more seasoning, apple juice, and some butter and foil wrapped tightly until my meater+ read 203. I can't remember how long that took, thinking 1-2 hours at the most.
Cracked open the foil lid to let the steam out for 5-8 minutes or so, feeling happy with the end result (bark and tenderness check using a probe). I set my oven to 170f and let it rest there until it was time to shred and eat.
Fast forward 12 hours resting in the oven at 170f (10pm - 10am), the tray was still nice and toasty, put it in an insulated cooler and I drove an hour to the party. The meat smelled amazing, shred really easily with my gloved hands but I noticed that the meat was extremely dry. Even when I incorporated the left over juice on the bottom of the pan.
I've also had a similar experience with two briskets that I prepared the night before for a lunch event. I'm seeing a lot of people here talking positively about resting overnight in the oven, but I can't seem to get it right.
I've had way better experience with waking up early and doing hot-and-fast to meet the lunch deadline and that method hasn't failed me so far.
Please educate me what I'm doing wrong here and share your experience.
submitted by StuffedPeppers13 to smoking [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:48 AdAppropriate7838 EE software and tools

I'm gonna be starting 3rd year EE and I read about a few tools that will end up being helpful next year and in general. I'll write down the tools and what I'm going to be using them for so please let me know how to learn them and potentially get a certification for them (to be able to put on my resume).
  1. WinCupl - Designing Digital PLDs I have 0 experience with it)
  2. MultiSim & UltiBoard - Designing Analog Circuits & PCBs (this line is straight from a course syllabus, to my understanding they're different tools used closely together at times but again, I have 0 experience with both)
  3. SolidWorks - Designing & Modelling Mechanical Parts & Assemblies (Again, line straight from a course syllabus, I have very very minimal, basically 0 experience).
  4. Matlab & Simulink - For a course about controls & systems. The course description is " Continuous time system analysis by Laplace transforms; system modelling by transfer function and state space methods; feedback, stability and sensitivity; control design; frequency domain analysis. ". I have basic beginner's experience with MATLAB, but nothing related to Controls & Systems.
Any help is appreciated, thank you!
submitted by AdAppropriate7838 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:47 TouchComfortable1497 ANY TWC employee with answers/Rant/Current Situation

im honestly baffled and confused at how shitty a program made to help people when they get unemployed is so ass.
i have been waiting for 5 weeks, no contact from my examiner or twc. i have called every week and told same thing " we do not need anything at this time" yea no shit idiots i already know yall dont but i know yall GOING to call me EVENTUALLY so lets get this shit taken care of NOW and ask the damn template questions your supposed too and put it in.
im sorry for the foul language but i just got to rant at this point. a program made to help people when they down bad shouldnt take more than 4 weeks to get an application processed AND even that is a long time. i understand if this was pandemic and there was backlog but its not. there are people who got laid off with no warning who need financial assistance while they look for more jobs. my fiancial situation is crazy bad rn and i know thats on me. but man it just sucks when you are told the option is available just for you to try it and figure out its piss poor.
i have called (877)915-6400, and all the other numbers and the people say same thing but whats crazy to me is this. these so called reps who cant do shit can supposedly open my case, tell me EVERYTHING thats happened so far for my case, and than end it off with there is nothing we can do at this point. like your telling me yall have all my info in front of yall but because my slacker examiner hasn't processed the info he got from my employer, i get burdened with the wait.
not to mention the WEBSITE itself even told me i would have decision NO LATER than May 9th, yet here we fucking are. i should have screenshotted it as proof because it dissappeared and when i tell the twc rep that they say "idk why it told you that it should be 4-6 weeks". and ive called ENOUGH times to realize these people reading scripts all day and not one wants to break it and say " you know what im getting paid right now anyways lets go ahead and get these questions asked and answered so we have it and can get case filed more quickly than it would IF left alone."
i have the email and text proof of layoff but cant do anything with it because apparently it takes weeks to process what my employer sent. i can only imagine how long it takes AFTER i send MY information, another 6 weeks? because if my employer gets all that time i should too right? bullshit. from what i seen here they take WEEKS to review employer information but once you submit your information they only take 2 days to review and make a decision.
TLDR: im out of luck, out of money, and out of patience. if you read all of this, thanks. if you didnt, thanks anyways im sure we all struggling in some way.
submitted by TouchComfortable1497 to TexasUnemployment [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:47 pineapplepiejuice Opened LTD at 19, 3 years later I'm fucked


I'm (21M) a Student in my 3rd year. No stable income (apart from internship that ends in sept), with some minor financial support from parents.
Long story short, I opened a LLC/LTD in 2021 with my uncles' advice in hopes of selling items on Amazon as he made a living off of it, I wanted it too and he made it sound *so* easy. (He's registered as Secretary)
I was lazy and other stuff was going on so by the time it came to VAT evaluation interview, two years had passed and I was denied VAT. At this point I was not interested in doing this anymore and ignored it until recently.


I am stuck and have no idea where to go. I want the company gone and don't want it bearing over my shoulders any longer. From what I understand VSO is the only way to go and I can't do that until I file all of the filings mentioned below.
Wtf do I do?

The options I know of so far:

Additional Info:

I have the following menu of taxman returns which have piled up and the quote from the accountants at companyformations.ie was about 10k (excl. VAT) to file these:

More Additional Info:

submitted by pineapplepiejuice to irishpersonalfinance [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:47 yowaa 33/EST PC ~ Looking for friends<3

Hiya! Mostly as of late I have been grinding Fortnite, but I can easily be persuaded to play Outlast Trials, Plate-up, Overwatch2 Or basically any co-op game. I dont love a lot of other competitive shooters I've tried so probably not those. Im not ragey and Im not super good by any means so you shouldnt be either. I like to be casual and cozy and your skill level doesnt matter to me. Ive struggled a lot maintaining long-term friendships and Im always kinda feeling alone.
Other interests include : reading, (girlie books mostly), writing, coloring, watching tv shows and movies (Newly introduced and very interested in watching anime!) and Id love friends to share those things with as well!! I love sitting on discord and just having company regardless of what game we play, together or solo.
I dont care if youre younger or older, just speak english and have a thick skin and a big heart. I can be a little bully at times so I dont mind some playful back and forth. Bonus points if you make me laugh, Gender doesnt matter to me, I get along well with just about everyone ^_^
Also I have kids so sometimes Im really busy during the day and even at night I might have to dip at a moments notice to care for them. I basically dont sleep tho and will provide and endless supply of double texts and random thoughts at 4am when youre peacefully sleep like a normal person hehe
Anyways, DM me friends<3
submitted by yowaa to GamerPals [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:46 Equivalent_Bug1665 When to stop feeding

Hi all. First year with 2 hives 4 weeks since installing bee packages not nuc. I've got Feeders in both hives and am reading conflicting information on how long to feed the 1:1. Local expert I got the bees from said 1 week of feeding then they will be fine. Some internet pages say much longer and one tutorial I watched said all summer?!
Also does the 1:1 in the feeder go off or spoil? Read a reply on here about that but it's news to me. After a month do I remover and clean out the feeder?
submitted by Equivalent_Bug1665 to Beekeeping [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:46 Ok-Umpire-7531 Poor babies

Y’all aren’t bothered by what we say? Y’all have better things to do? But y’all sit on live ALL day long and sit over here ALL day long reading every comment the moment it’s posted! Y’all do so good making yourselves look so stupid on the daily!
submitted by Ok-Umpire-7531 to wreckitcrewsnark [link] [comments]

2024.05.13 22:46 SeaworthinessKey3654 A bit of Goodwin/Landry history

So this will be a bit long, but I find it interesting…then again, I’m a history nerd, lol
So first I’ll link to a discussion I had on Twitter about the symbols on Colton’s guitar
And below are links to a few of my tweets within that link
Just to briefly summarize, so you have Nordic symbols on the guitar. At the time of this discussion, I wondered why…but didn’t pursue it.
So today, this same friend wondered why the Goodwins decided not to sell Lingermore, and instead want to plant a vineyard.
All of a sudden I had an epiphany - and now I know I have my answer to the guitar question.
The Vikings were the first European presence in North America - at a site called L’Anse aux Meadows ….in Newfoundland, which like New Brunswick, is part of Atlantic Canada.
Here’s the section on the UNESCO site that discusses it. It’s worth reading a little bit of it
L’Anse aux Meadows is part of an area that the Vikings called Vinland “land of wine” or “land of wild grapes”
Vinland :
“The name appears in the Vinland Sagas, and describes Newfoundland and the Gulf of Saint Lawrence as far as northeastern New Brunswick…”
Here’s another blog article that provides more info.
Grapes DID and DO grow in New Brunswick, and there is a wine industry there.
So, the Goodwins wanting to grow a vineyard makes sense…
And …there’s more
“Goodwin is an English surname. It has Anglo-Saxon roots and has been used in Britain in some form since before the Norman Conquest of 1066. It comes from the personal name 'Godwine' (friend to God) and would be given to the lineage of those of that forename.….”
The Vikings colonized Britain and struggled with the Anglo-Saxons for centuries for control of Britain …they intermarried. Harold Godwinson was the last Anglo-Saxon king of England.
Goodwin is essentially Godwin/Godwinson
LONG story short, Goodwins are of Norse/Viking heritage. This explains their family history of ship building, and why a ship is on the Goodwin crest
Nick’s life has been on the water; he loves boats. He’s adopted, has blond hair like Evelyn. He could be a Goodwin
submitted by SeaworthinessKey3654 to TheWayHomeHallmark [link] [comments]
