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[Get] Clare Le Roy – Business Short Course Bundle Download

2024.05.15 05:33 FeliciaPaynter [Get] Clare Le Roy – Business Short Course Bundle Download

[Get] Clare Le Roy – Business Short Course Bundle Download


This course bundle is designed to transform your business systems, upgrade your client experiences and help you generate a consistent flow of paying clients.

With the bundle you’ll gain access to the following courses:

The Pricing System for Designers: Master the art of pricing your services with confidence. Stop undercharging and embrace a strategic approach that aligns with your revenue goals and desired work-life balance.
Upgrade Your Client Experience: Upgrade every touchpoint of your client journey, from initial inquiry to project completion. Learn proven strategies to impress, engage and exceed client expectations, turning them into loyal clients who can’t wait to refer your services to others.
Lead Generation Strategies for Designers: Discover the secrets to attracting a steady stream of high quality leads. With 12 proven lead generation strategies you will learn how to expand your client base, increase visibility and develop mutually beneficial partnerships.
Instagram for Designers: Discover the strategies and techniques needed to make the most of Instagram as a powerful marketing tool for your interior design business. From understanding the algorithm to writing better captions plus using features like reels and live video, this course will help you elevate your presence on Instagram and attract your ideal clients.

Here’s why you’ll love this course bundle:

Enjoy substantial savings with this bundled package of courses.
Transform your business and position yourself for growth.
Develop a seamless and cohesive client journey that delights your clients at every step. The courses are designed to complement each other, enabling you to implement a consistent and professional approach that sets you apart from the competition.
Streamline your business operations.
Transform your workflow, minimise errors and free up valuable time to focus on what matters – designing and delivering results for your clients.
Build a robust business with tools, strategies and mindset to attract more clients and foster sustainable growth.

Good to know:

Each course is short and highly actionable.
Each course comes with a training video, workbook, and where required, templates, PDF downloads, links, and other valuable resources!
Once you have purchased the bundle you can get started right away (self-paced learning).
Lifetime access and you can rewatch them as many times as you like.
These courses will upgrade your professionalism and profitability by providing you with actionable trainings that will improve the way you work with clients, how you run your business and where you spend your time.
When your business improves, you will win back the time and freedom to spend doing the things you LOVE (like actually working on your client designs or simply spending more time with your family!).
submitted by FeliciaPaynter to u/FeliciaPaynter [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:26 Incman I would love to hear from this subreddit regarding my (actually-this-time-unless-she-changes-) final letter to my nMom.

As the title states, (and despite the existential risk to myself - as I am disabled, impoverished, and my survival is reliant on the room I rent in her attic - given her recent threat to have have me thrown out by the police because she could not handle the feelings she had during the argument that she initiated), I have finally drawn a bright red line in the metaphorical sand regarding her treatment of me. This is the culmination of 8+ years of sustained, one-sided, unreciprocated, and unsuccessful effort on my part to sustain, salvage, repair, or improve our "relationship"
I've learned a lot from the stories and people on this subreddit, and I know if anyone can understand the way that I'm feeling about this it's you guys.
Any input, commentary, criticism, insight, commiseration, etc, is very welcome, and I appreciate anyone who takes the time to read it.
Anyways, enough preamble, here's the letter in all of my ridiculously-verbose inglory (the square-bracketed disclaimers, etc, were part of the letter as delivered to her, since she is selective illiterate whenever there's something she doesn't like):
[This document begins with a 382 word AI-generated summary (titled "AI- GENERATED SUMMARY:" below the square-bracketed opening remarks), estimated at 1m23s time required to read. If you are unable or unwilling to make it through even this brief summary, then there is literally nothing else I could possibly do to assist in your comprehension of my positions. The full message following the summary is approximately 2100 words, estimated at approximately 8 minutes to read.]
[If you would like assistance in understanding things I've written that you're struggling to interpret or comprehend, you can go to (no account necessary), or download the ChatGPT app from the Google Play Store on your phone. You can simply interact with the chat in natural language (in other words, type as though you were texting another person) and it will understand what you are saying. If you are struggling to understand how to interact with it effectively, you can simply inform it of that (in any wording you choose) and it will assist you with altering your approach to receive more effective results.]
Your son's message is a powerful declaration of his boundaries, grievances, and intentions within your relationship. Here's a breakdown to help you understand:
Preface: He advises you to read with an open mind and, if needed, with assistance due to the emotional complexity.
Declaration of Disengagement: He firmly states his decision to disengage from any form of interaction or acknowledgment outside of essential landlord-tenant matters.
Condemnation of Abuse: He accuses you of perpetuating a cycle of abuse that has deeply impacted his health and stability.
Rejection of Coercion: He dismisses the idea that being evicted is a viable solution to the abuse, highlighting the coercive nature of such a choice, and how it leaves him vulnerable to further harm.
Criticism of Your Behavior: He unreservedly condemns your actions, particularly your exploitation and manipulation, emphasizing the gravity and effects of your conduct.
Challenges to Your Claims: He directly confronts your claims regarding his efforts in the relationship, asserting that he has consistently made extensive attempts to maintain it, despite your accusations to the contrary.
Commitment to Compliance: He unequivocally affirms his commitment to compliance with all landlord-related demands, demonstrating his unwavering respect for your authority as the homeowner.
Demand for Clarity: He demands clear and unambiguous knowledge of the requisite terms when any changes to living arrangement paradigms are demanded, underscoring his willingness to comply with any directives you may issue.
Defense Against Gaslighting: He firmly asserts his unwavering commitment to respecting your property and authority, preemptively refuting any attempts to accuse him otherwise.
Insights into Your Behaviour: He offers insights into patterns in your behaviour, linking them to moments of vulnerability or distress in your life.
Call for Self-Reflection: He urges you to seek professional help for your narcissism and unresolved childhood traumas.
Caution Regarding Gravity: He states that failing to address your responsibilities would be a missed opportunity for both of you to salvage the relationship and resolve underlying issues.
Reiteration of Hope: Despite his current stance, he leaves the door open for reconciliation if you undergo necessary personal growth.
Closure on Unequal Effort: He firmly states that he can no longer sustain the one-sided effort in the relationship and won't continue to do so.
It's evident that he's deeply hurt and demanding acknowledgment, change, and resolution in your relationship.
[end of AI-generated summary; my full, non-AI-generated message follows below]
[I recommend that you read this in its entirety at a time and capacity level where your literacy and comprehension are at their highest level, and preferably with the interpretational assistance of a knowledgeable and competent support person or technological assistant.]
[Presumably, after reading a few sentences or less, your defense mechanisms will be activated and you will eject. However, as with the vast majority of the things I have said to you that have gone unacknowledged, I am completely certain that the contents are cogent and comprehensible, and I believe that with competent support and vulnerable effort you undoubtedly have the raw cognitive capacity necessary for comprehension if you are able to stabilize your emotional reactions and put real effort into the actions necessary for you to understand my words.]
I will not talk to you.
I will not look at you.
I will not approach you.
I will not acknowledge you.
If you attempt to interact with me on any interpersonal level not related to your role as a landlord, I will reserve the right to express just how fucking despicable it is to treat such a vulnerable person with such utter disregard and abuse for so fucking long.
The cycle of abuse you have maintained to destabilize me for your own pathological reasons has caused - and continues to cause - extensive damage to my health, stability, and existence. However, since I know your response to this would likely be some variation of "you're not a victim here [my name], so if I treat you so bad, just leave", I'll preemptively and unequivocally condemn such coercive and abusive tactics, and state again (as I did the other day), that the forced choice between your abuse and life-threatening-homelessness is obviously no choice at all, and leaves me perpetually subject to your coercion and abusive control.
Such exploitation by you is absolutely disgusting, and honestly I understand why you run away from yourself at every single instance where you're in danger of having your lifelong house-of-cards ego even slightly threatened. I know if I treated another human being the way you treat me for even a moment, let alone for the literal years you have done so, I would not be able to face myself in the mirror either. You should be fucking ashamed of yourself.
You say I "don't want to be your son anymore", as though it has been someone other than me making hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of hours of efforts and attempts in order to try and single-handedly keep our relationship alive, and as though it has been someone other than you who has stonewalled me for years about every single legitimate and valid time I attempted to gain even the slightest foothold as a full human being in the owner-pet relationship you have fought so hard to maintain. You siphon, in fact demand, emotional supply whenever you so choose, and then fucking discard me as soon as it appears that I might do anything that would result in you losing even a fraction of a percent of the 99% to 1% imbalance you believe is an immutable part of our "relationship".
I will do my absolute best to be in my room as much as physically possible when you are home, so as to minimize the need to be physically adjacent to you in the course of our respective activities of daily living.
I, again, remain unequivocally committed to my position of deference and compliance towards any rules/demands related to my existence, presence, or activities as your tenant.
As you refuse to provide any sort of unambiguous guidance or clarification whatsoever regarding your shifting demands affecting my ability to access/perform basic activities of daily living, I will continue to act in good faith with respect to my adherence to all previously-established arrangements and protocols (whether codified or de facto) regarding such activities. To the full extent of my abilities, and to the extent that it is physically possible, I will immediately and unequivocally comply with any alterations, additions, or excisions you choose to impose regarding the nature of our physical coexistence as landlord and tenant, regardless of your disregard or intent for any harm to my stability that will ensue as a result.
If you intend to attempt to manipulate or threaten or gaslight me to illegitimately and dishonestly accuse me of failing to comply with your rights and demands as the homeownelandlord, then I can assure you that such efforts will be ineffective and inadvisable. The extensive history of my genuine, documented, and unwavering commitment to absolute respect of your home, property, and landlord-tenant authority is unassailable, and nothing has or will change about the good faith nature of my efforts to simply live peacefully and work on stabilizing my health and continuing to attempt to develop basic protocols that offer me the opportunity to seek the ways and means required to sustainably exist, survive, and seek meaning and fulfilment as a human being.
To try and make it a bit more bite-sized (without warranty as to the efficacy of said efforts), since I know when your ego is threatened you conveniently - and dishonestly - become completely unable to read a couple thousand words:
I love you, and goodbye for now. I hope to see you on the other side, but I cannot force you to undertake the journey.
- [name]
(any edits are fixing formatting/copy&paste errors)
submitted by Incman to raisedbynarcissists [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:22 welsim Building an automated testing system for graphical software using QtTesting

Building an automated testing system for graphical software using QtTesting
Automated testing is an essential component of modern large-scale software. High amounts of automated test cases are used to maintain the stability of large software products. For the software with a graphical user interface (GUI), establishing an automated testing system can be challenging due to limited resources. Previously, the author has written articles on automated testing for engineering simulation CAE software, see “Automated Testing for General-Purpose Engineering Simulation CAE Software”, “Quickly Create Regression Test Cases for WELSIM”, and “Automated Regression Testing for General-Purpose Engineering Simulation CAE Software”. This article presents how to use QtTesting to quickly implement an automated testing system for graphical software from a software development perspective.
QtTesting is an open-source testing framework with a friendly license, similar to BSD3, and can be used for commercial products. It has been applied in practical instances for large-scale software such as VTK, ParaView, Slider3D, and WELSIM, proving to be an effective and user-friendly testing framework. As long as the software utilizes QT as its GUI framework, QtTesting can be used as the foundational component for the testing system. The source code of QtTesting can be directly downloaded from or
QtTesting is officially endorsed for UI testing. Although, in practical use, it not only can test GUI, but also can test any other functionalities of a product through the properties provided by the GUI, such as the accuracy of calculation results. Many of the numerical results in WELSIM can be validated through the functionality of QtTesting.

QtTesting Framework

The Testing Module of QtTesting consists of two major modules: Translator and Player. Both modules establish connections with widgets in the QT framework to interact with the GUI framework. The translator captures events or signals of the widgets, while the player controls the widgets by traversing all active widgets to obtain the current object of the widget.

Test Translator

The translator module provides users with a fast way to create test files, essentially acting as a macro command for mouse, keyboard, and widget controls. When users perform certain low-level Qt actions such as “mouse movement,” “button press,” “button release,” etc., the generated signals will be captured and converted into higher-level events that can be serialized and played, such as “button activation.” The pqWidgetEventTranslator class and its derived classes play an important role in QtTesting. The derived classes of pqWidgetEventTranslator need to implement the translateEvent() method to handle Qt events and convert signals into high-level events consisting of two strings: a command and a command parameter (which may be empty). Finally, the high-level events are passed to their output container by emitting the recordEvent() signal once or multiple times. This is saved to an XML file, completing the recording of a macro command.
During program execution, pqEventTranslator receives every Qt event that occurs in the entire application runtime and sequentially passes Qt events to each pqWidgetEventTranslator instance. The high-level events emitted by pqEventTranslator can be captured by corresponding observers. Observers either serialize and print the high-level events, or save them. Currently, QtTesting includes two observers, pqEventObserverStdout and pqEventObserverXML, which serialize high-level events to standard screen output and XML files, respectively. Developers can also create their own observers to implement custom functions, such as serializing events to log files or Python scripts.
The translator module can also record check events, such as verifying a property. During the check, an overlay will be drawn on the widget where the mouse hovers. A green overlay indicates that the widget can be checked; if the overlay is red, it indicates otherwise. When clicking on the widget for checking, a check event will be recorded, and a related QString value will be output. This feature is a crucial part when verifying numerical results in WELSIM automated testing.

Running Tests

The essence of running automated tests is to play back recorded macro commands. In the QtTesting framework, pqEventSource provides an abstract interface for objects that provide a stream of “high-level events.” pqXMLEventSource inherits from pqEventSource and implements specific functionality. It is capable of reading XML files generated by pqEventObserverXML.
pqEventPlayer maintains a set of pqWidgetEventPlayer objects responsible for converting high-level events into low-level events. pqEventDispatcher retrieves events from pqEventSource and passes them to an instance of pqEventPlayer for execution. During runtime, each high-level event is encoded into three strings (object pointer, command, and parameters). Those are passed to pqEventPlayer::playEvent(). pqEventPlayer decodes the pointer address and uses it to locate the corresponding widget. Then, pqEventPlayer passes the high-level event and widget to each pqWidgetEventPlayer until one emits a signal indicating the event has been handled.

Creating New Translators and Players

A new translator must at least reimplement the translateEvent(QObject object, QEvent event, int eventType, bool& error) method. First, it must check if the object is of the correct class. Then, it should handle the case of pqEventTypes::ACTION_EVENT, saving the command and related parameters. Sometimes it should also be able to handle pqEventTypes::CHECK_EVENT.
Similarly, a new player should at least reimplement the playEvent(QObject* object, const QString& command, const QString& arguments, int eventType, bool& error) method. First, it should handle pqEventTypes::ACTION_EVENT, converting the read command and parameters into Qt commands, returning true for events it can handle. For checking commands, it should be able to handle the pqEventTypes::CHECK_EVENT event type. Using the provided command and parameters to check the current value of the Qt object, it should set the error variable to false in case of different values, but it should return true for all handled check events, even failed ones.
Sometimes translator and player classes will correspond one-to-one. Developers can refer to pqLineEditEventTranslator and pqLineEditEventPlayer for simple examples, and pqAbstractItemViewEventTranslatorBase/pqAbstractItemViewEventPlayerBase for advanced examples.

Running Tests

The source code of QtTesting is easy to compile, provided with a CMake program, which allows quick compilation into a static or dynamic library. Since this testing module is called in only a few places in the product, compilation into a static library is appropriate.
QtTesting has been successfully applied in software such as VTK, ParaView, but no test cases are available publicly. Fortunately, the general-purpose engineering simulation software WELSIM not only uses QtTesting as the GUI testing framework, but also open-sourced all test cases. Users can download WELSIM and the test cases to experience automated testing based on QtTesting.
WELSIM’s automated testing user interface is based on the interface of QtTesting, with additional features, such as:
  1. Support for reading *.wstb files, which contain a set of *.xml files, allowing for easier reading of multiple test cases at once.
  2. Saving failed test cases to *.wstb files. Users do not need to manually select test cases for saving.
  3. Adding a right-click context menu for selecting or deselecting test cases.
Developers can also add other functionalities as needed.


QtTesting is a free testing system for Qt GUI frameworks. It not only provides the core functions for capturing QT events and signals, but also offers a user-friendly interface, making it friendly for both developers and end-users. QtTesting can assist software developers with quickly establishing testing systems. Its built-in functionality for capturing and controlling widgets can meet the testing needs of most products, and it is easy to adapt. Developers can add new testing modules based on the widgets of their own products.
We have successfully applied QtTesting to the automated testing of the simulation software WELSIM, achieving great results. The content discussed in this article can be applied not only to CAE simulation software, but also to any graphical software built using the QT framework.
WelSim and the author are not affiliated with Qt or QtTesting. There is no direct relationship between WelSim, the author, and the Qt or QtTesting development teams or organizations. The reference to Qt and QtTesting here is solely for technical blog articles and software usage reference.
submitted by welsim to u/welsim [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:19 therockiest 27 M who’s up and bored and is in the same boat as me ?

Hey people I watched Guilty today . It was a fun movie. I like thriller , horror movies, but not gore haha. I can watch almost everything like action, sci-fi, thriller, mystery, rom-com when I feel like watching something lighthearted. I also love stop motion. Does anybody else here like it? I watch shows as well on Netflix and other streaming platforms. I’m watching only Murders in the building these days. Feel free throw suggestions at me haha.
I feel like I’m an open book so yea come ask me anything. I like going on road trips and stopping on the side of the road to take pictures of mountains, water bodies or nature in general. I feel most alive when out in nature. I like taking pictures or sun and moon too but those don’t turn out very well haha. I just love taking random pictures all the time.
Anyways I’m looking for someone who relates to this , and even if you don’t , just hmu, we’ll find something else that we have in common haha.
submitted by therockiest to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 05:10 Prudent-Enthusiasm79 Beacon Launcher Wont running Switch Game instead of opening suyu emu on RP4 Pro

Anyone has a same problem and know how to fix this, I'm using beacon launcher and add suyu for switch platform, but when I clicked the rom thumbnail from beacon, its just opening suyu emulator. I downloaded suyu debug release version on github. also try open the game directly from suyu and no problem.
submitted by Prudent-Enthusiasm79 to retroid [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:38 IdrisQe Partner has latency when I host servers, but I have no latency when she hosts servers?

So, I've been having an issue for a while now. Never used to be a problem. Me and my partner live very far apart (Me, western Canada, her, southeastern Brazil) but as of a few months ago (I want to say around January we first noticed it?) we've started having a bizzare problem when trying to play games together.
If we host a private server of pretty much any game, it works differently depending on who is hosting.
When she hosts, I have no problems at all. But when I host the exact same server, with the exact same settings, she always has major latency issues. Even weirder is sometimes she says her actions are delayed, but they don't seem to be delayed at all when looking from my own client, which means the server must be recieving her actions just fine but then has trouble sending them back... Which makes no sense, because I assume it has to be using the same route it would be when I connect to a server she's hosting (where again, there are no issues.)
It makes even less sense since her computer is significantly weaker than mine - an Intel i3 9100f and NVidia GTX 1660 Super, while I have an AMD Ryzen 5 5600g and an NVidia RTX 3060, and I also have double her RAM and at a faster speed too. She uses an ethernet connection, and while I do use wifi, it's Wifi 6 on 5G, with a dedicated antenna, and I consistently have a full, stable connection to the router. It makes no difference whether I manually or automatically port-forward either.
Neither of us has any problems with download or upload speeds. And again, this only happens when I'm hosting. When she's hosting it's fine. It makes no sense to me, since no matter who's hosting, it's the same connection between us, right? So if it was a problem with our networks, surely there would be noticable latency for the client in either case, right?
Despite some very foggy memories of my networking course from college, I have no idea where to even begin figuring out the cause of this.
submitted by IdrisQe to techsupport [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:28 blooregard325i Avin Avant 2 rom?

Just picked up a used AVIN Avant 2 (yes it's old), but it's a nice upgrade from stock for not too much money.
AVIN themselves refuse to even provide the download link for the last available ROM if you are not the original buyer (Read: never buying anything AVIN again...), so I'm looking to see if anyone has the ROM they would be willing to share?
Yes, it's old. I'm not even looking for them to support the unit, I just want to download the ROM that they have and are willing to give the original owner.
Thanks, if anyone can help out :)
submitted by blooregard325i to e46 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 04:08 GCrites Help me get a handle on Mini Yonku (Mini 4WD) Shining Scorpion Let's & Go for Super Famicom

So I found out about this game through the Wiki. I had no idea there was a Famicom game, 2 Super Famicom games, 4-5 PS1 games, Game Boy games, Dreamcast, DS games about Mini 4WD. All -JPN only. This one seems to be the most like actually playing Mini 4WD in real life. So I download the Shining Scorpion ROM and start playing it on an emulator. I'm pretty lost since I can't read Japanese but I recognize the parts you can buy. They are dead-on like the real parts. Right color gears, endbells, wheels, rollers, all of it. So I'm motivated to learn it.
3 days after downloading it I see what looks like the cartridge in a local game store. No way. Only way I knew was recognizing the Japanese logo from the emulator. I ask the guy working who could read a little Japanese and he was like "Yeah it says 'Shinning' Scorpion Racing". My city isn't known for having a lot of import games at all unlike a coastal city so it was crazy! I get it home an put it next to my home track box and see the Japanese "Yonku" on both. Break the Super Famicom lockouts off of my SNES and fire it up. It's it.
This was way better than using the emulator since it already had a save on it. Whoever had it before grinded their brains out on the track in the first hobby shop in order to be able to buy all this stuff from the hobby shop in the second town. Unfortunately there is very little English documentation of this game and talking to NPCs to learn more is impossible for me. Problem now is course outs on the track where you race against the guy who looks like a 1940s cartoon depiction of a monkey with a bow tie. I have added all the weight possible to my car. Front, side and rear 19mm rollers. Wide rubber tires (the game seems to like these for stability even though few people race with wides today -- some things the game likes aren't how things are done 25+ years later) Tried dual rear rollers both high and middle plus low and it wasn't as stable. Hyper Dash 1 motor, Rev Tuned and Torque Tuned are too slow and still course out sometimes. Even with Hyper Dash I am still 2nd place at the most before eventually coursing out. Both types of 4:1 gears and the 5:1 gears all course out. Switching to 1.2v batteries from 1.5v doesn't stop it either. Car is very heavy. Anybody else played this one and did well?
submitted by GCrites to mini4wd [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:49 possomkicker Everdrive

Here recently I been giving my N64 some care. I just bought an Super Eon 64( I probably overpaid for it but I wanted to play on my HD tv so I bought it) and a retro fighter controller that I love. So my quest is, is the Everdrive worth the price. Also, where do I download roms for that as well. Thank you.
submitted by possomkicker to n64 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 03:16 Kil0-SiX Infinite loading and CIG's gatekeeping mechanic to bar players from flooding their servers

I was in game when 3.23 went live and consequently got booted out of my desperate attempt to earn the last few aUECs to get myself a MOLE miner. So after calming down and accepting the fate of what was inevitable, I started downloading the patch and suddenly, I was left countin minutes and after two hours of loading... I got irritated and started looking for what went wrong. Fired up the console and saw a bunch of lines with "busy" responses from the server... and consequently quitted.
Downloaded the game again (in full) and met the same fate after four hours.
Started looking for forum posts regarding the issue and found EPTU symptoms, but this can't be the case cause this is live. Later found out that the symptom was persistent in the live server and I'm not the only one having this problem. Even new players whose first time in the SC verse got met with this kind of rejection.
Started to think that my US$297 investment just got flushed down with no official communication from CIG. Not even action being done.
I got desperate and had to invoke the dreaded "Character reset" with another full download and install of the game to no avail.
WTF is going on?
submitted by Kil0-SiX to starcitizen [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:59 Accomplished-Paper69 Legality of downloading ROMs/ console BIOS

I’ve been learning how to use ROMs to emulate older games on my pc and I’m a bit confused about the laws involved. Every tutorial explaining how to set up an emulator says “I can’t discuss how or where to download ROMs/BIOS but just google it; it’s super easy”. After googling I found some seemingly very legitimate websites that host these files for download.
Why would it be illegal to discuss downloading ROMs but not illegal for these websites to host them for download? Is it illegal to download ROMs/BIOS from these websites? (I’m in USA)
submitted by Accomplished-Paper69 to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:48 iFknLoveTits I'm trying to play atari games, particularly the 5200. I downloaded some roms, dropped them in the rom folder, and parsed, but nothing shows up. Any ideas?

What am I missing? I can get every other emulator working, I figured atari stuff would be as easy as putting nes roms on there but it's not showing up. Am I missing a step or was there something else I needed to download? I'm trying to play some berserk and moon patrol and gremlins.
submitted by iFknLoveTits to EmuDeck [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:45 skybliki24 How to Safely Install Cinema HD APK on FireStick 2024

How to Safely Install Cinema HD APK on FireStick 2024
Hey AllForTelevision fam! Ready to supercharge your FireStick with Cinema HD? This guide will walk you through safely installing Cinema HD APK on your device. Whether you're rocking a FireStick 4K, Lite, or even a Fire TV Cube, we've got you covered. Plus, we've thrown in tips for Android TV, smartphones, and PCs!
What's Cinema HD APK? Cinema HD APK is your ticket to a world of free movies and TV shows, no sign-up required! With a sleek design and intuitive interface, it offers easy access to a plethora of content, neatly categorized into TV shows, movies, and more. From thrillers to rom-coms, it's got something for everyone.
Why Choose Cinema HD? - Works on all major devices: Windows, Mac, Android, FireSticks, and more. - Offers a vast library of movies and shows, including classics and latest releases. - Streams in impressive quality up to 1080p and 4K. - Supports Real Debrid and Trakt integration for enhanced viewing. - Seamlessly integrates with external media players for a customized experience.
Is It Safe & Legal? While Cinema HD APK is widely popular, it's essential to stay cautious. It's a third-party app, so we can't guarantee its safety. However, scans haven't flagged any red flags. As for legality, well, that's a gray area. We don't endorse piracy, but we do value your privacy. That's why we recommend pairing Cinema HD with ExpressVPN to stay on the safe side.
Installing Cinema HD APK on FireStick Since Cinema HD isn't on the Amazon store, we'll sideload it onto FireStick. Don't worry; it's easy and legal! But first, let's prep your FireStick:
  1. Install the Downloader app.
  2. Enable unknown sources in FireStick settings.
Once prepped, follow these steps:
  1. Open Downloader, enter the source URL (, and download Cinema HD APK.
  2. Install the APK and delete the installation file to free up space.
  3. Voila! Cinema HD is now on your FireStick.
Stay Secure with ExpressVPN Before you dive into streaming, remember that your ISP and government can see what you're up to. To stay anonymous, connect to ExpressVPN: 1. Subscribe to ExpressVPN. 2. Install and sign in to the app on your FireStick. 3. Connect to a VPN server and enjoy secure streaming.
Exploring Cinema HD Now that you've got Cinema HD installed, dive into its vast library! From movies to TV shows, it's all at your fingertips. Plus, integrate Real Debrid for premium-quality streaming links.
Join the Discussion Got questions or tips to share? Drop them in the comments below! Let's make the most of our streaming experience together.
That's a wrap, folks! Happy streaming! 🍿✨
submitted by skybliki24 to allfortelevsion [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:17 420MacMan [USA-CA][H] PS1+2+3+4+Vita, Gamecube, Dreamcast, XBox360+One+Controllers, N64, DS, 3DS, Switch, Wii, Gameboy, $5 Games, Manuals/Covers/Cases [W] Paypal

Have a few items i'm trying to clear out all in good condition, noted if games are loose or CIB.
Open to offers, bundle lots listed as well with discounts.
$5 Games for various systems available $25 Minimum if only buying from this list please.
$3.50 Shipping for first item & exact amount for bigger bundles sent via USPS and taking Paypal F&F with Pics available upon request.
Total estimate with PriceCharting is about $2,900
Will take and accept $2,450 Shipped on the entire Lot excluding Paperwork Material.

PS4 - $200 on Lot

PS4 Slim 500 GB Console with 1x OEM Black Dualshock $175
Metro Redux CIB $15
Plants vs Zombies 2 : Garden Warfare $10
Deus Ex MD $10
Grand Theft Auto V $10

XBox - $125 on Lot
Metro Redux $10
Rare Replay/Ultimate Gears of War $20
Torment Tides of Nememura in GameStop Case $10
Transformers Devastation $20
Sunset Overdrive $10
Pillars of Eternity in GameStop Case $10
One Lords of the Fallen $10
XBox One Phantom Black Controller CIB USED $25 (Controller is 7/10 cosmetic wise with bottom back bumpers having heavy scuffs & 9/10 overall function wise)
XBox Series S White OEM Controller - $25 (Controller is 9/10 cosmetic wise. Left trigger buttons gets stuck randomly not sure if something small or dirt is stuck, buttons functions perfectly)

N64 - $500 on lot
Cruis'N USA - $15
Body Harvest - $20
Aerofighters Assault - $10
Top Gear Overdrive - $10
Tony Hawk 3 - $65
Buck Bumble - $30
Pokemon Puzzle League with Manual (game and manual in great condition) - $40
Space Station Silicon Valley - $40
Gex 3: Deep Cover Gecko (Entire label was missing so a cheap replacement was made) - $20
Command And Conquer - $20
The New Tetris - $30
Snowboard Kids 1 with Manual (manual and game in great shape small tear on back of Cart) - $70
Robotron 64 - $20
Forsaken 64 (video rental sticker on label) $15
Yoshi's Story - $25
Mischief Makers - $40
Wipeout - $15
Doom 64 - $30
Kobe Bryant In NBA Courtside Box(good shape includes inner tray) - $25
NHL Breakaway '98 Box (good condition no inner tray) - $10
Mario Tennis 64 Game with Box (Box is rough shape, missing ride side flap. includes inner tray, Cart is clean) - $50


TMNT Fall of the Foot Clan - $10

Switch - $325 on lot

Hori Split Pad Pro Blue CIB (used about 7 months in 9/10 condition) - $25
Old Skool GC Controller Adapter (Works on Switch/PC/Wii U) - $20
Hyperkin Joy-Con Grip Charger - $10
Monster Hunter Rise Joy-Cons with Grip NIB - $125
Shin Megami Tensei V [Steelbook Edition] - $30
Blacksad: Under The Skin [Limited Edition] SEALED $25
KORG Gadget $65
Psikyo Collection Vol. 3 JAP $45

PS Vita - $275 onLot

The Walking Dead: Season 2 $25
Hot Shots Golf World Invitational $15
Legend Of Heroes: Trails Of Cold Steel 1 $40
Dynasty Warriors Next $20
Stranger Of Sword City $25
Shantae Half-Genie Hero [Risky Beats Edition] $45
UnEpic SEALED $65
Risk Of Rain SEALED $35
Aqua Kitty SEALED $40

Dreamcast - $20 on Lot

NBA2K1 loose $10
World Series Baseball 2K1 loose $10
MTV Sports Skateboarding loose $10

3DS - $100 on Lot

Legend Of Legacy Launch Edition SEALED $60
Crush 3D Loose in 3DS Case $10
Cubic Ninja Loose in 3DS Case $10
Codename S.T.E.A.M $10
Smash Bros 3DS CIB $17
Steel Diver CIB $8

PS1 - $45 on Lot

Fighter Maker Loose $10
FF9 CIB (Case damaged) $15
Sim City 2000 Game+Case (damaged) $10
Oddworld Abes Oddysee CIB $20

DS - $50 on Lot

Bleach Blade Of Fate Loose $15
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles Ring Of Fates - $15
OEM Charging Base for original 3DS $20
Intec DS Case(scuffed up) $10

PS3 - $85 on Lot

Final Fantasy X/X2 Remaster Limited Edition CIB $10
NiNoKuni 1 Steelbook CIB $20
Zone Of The Enders HD Collection CIB $15
Yakuza 3 Loose $15
Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Loose $15
Genji Days Of The Blade $20
Genji Days Of The Blade Loose $10

PS2 - $250 on Lot
MGS 2 CIB $10
DQ8 missing Demo Disc $20
Onimusha 2 CIB $15
MX vs ATV Unleashed CIB $10
Tekken 5 CIB $30
Kingdom Hearts 1 GH CIB $10
Kingdom Hearts 2 GH CIB $10
Stuntman CIB $10
Looney Tunes Back in Action CIB Looney Tunes Back in Action $10
Tak CIB $10
Soul Caliber 3 CIB $15
God of War 1 First Print CIB $50
GTA San Andreas (missing manual) $10
Gran Turismo 3 A-Spec $10
Soul Caliber 2 CIB $15
ATV Offroad Fury 4 $10
MDK 2 Armageddon Loose $10
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 $10
The Getaway $10
007 Agent Under Fire Loose $10
Test Drive GH $10
Eye Toy Antigrav with Eye Camera $20

XB360 - $35 on Lot

3rd Party Controller $10
Marvel Ultimate Alliance in Gamestop Case $10
OEM Black Controller with Battery Pack $20

Gamecube - $275 for Lot

GBA to GC Link Cable loose - $15
Donkey Kong Bundle (includes CIB copy of Donkey Konga, 1x loose Bogo Drum controller and DK Jungle Beat Bongo Drum controller in box but missing game BOX IS IN ROUGH SHAPE) - $125
Odama CIB with Microphone (Big Box is in rough shape but Game/Case/Manual/Mic are in perfect condition) $40
GB Player OEM Case Holder *Missing outer cardboard and Manual $25
Monopoly Party+Manual in Blockbuster Case $10
Star Wars Rogue Leader+Manual in DVD Case $15
Spiderman 2 Player's Choice (Missing Manual) $15
Megaman Anniversary Collection (Missing Manual) $20
MC Groovez Dance Craze$10
Fifa Soccer 2002 $10
Need For Speed Hot Pursuit 2 loose in GC Case $15
Resident Evil 1 CIB Players Choice $35

Wii - $20 for Lot

Nights Journey of Dreams in Gamestop Case & Manual $10
Generic Dual Wiimote Charging Dock $10

$5 Games - $150 on Lot

GC 007 NightFire Case with Fantastic Four Games
GC NFL2k3 Loose with Cover & Manual
XB360 BF3 Limited Edition
XB360 Kinect Adventures
XB360 Motionsports
XB360 Call of Duty Ghosts
XB360 Darksiders 2
PS2 Wheel of Fortune
PS2 Motorcross Mania 3
PS2 Seaworld Deep Sea Adventures
PS2 Socom US Navy Seal
PS2 Final Fantasy X-2
PS2 ThrillVille
PS2 Star Wars The Force Unleashed CIB
PS2 Army Men Soldiers of Misfortune
PS2 Welcome to Jumpack Demo Disc
PS2 Metal Arms in Generic Case
PS2 Army Men
PS2 Rocky
PS2 NCAA Football 2004
PS2 Army Men : Sarges Hero
PS2 Full Spectrum Warrior
PS2 NCAA Football 2003
PS2 NCAA Football 2004
PS3 Need for Speed Most Wanted CIB
PS3 Call of Duty : Modern Warfare 3
PS3 Need for Speed Pro Street
PS3 Red Faction Guerilla x2
PS3 MoH Warfighter LE Loose
PS3 Crysis 2
PS3 Mercenaries 2 in Generic Case
PS3 Call of Duty MW3 x2
PS3 Assassins Creed 4 BF
PS3 Beyond Steelbook (Bad shape broken at spine)
PS3 Uncharted Dual Pack in Custom generic case
PS4 Has Been Heroes
PS4 The Division

Covers, Cases and Manuals

8x Universal Game Cases (N64,SNES,Genesis,etc) $8 Each
3DS Persona Q : Shadow of the Labyrinth Case $10
PS4 Rise of the Tomb Raider 20th Anniversary Extras Only No Game $10
Grand Kingdom Case $10
Toukiden : Kiwami Case $10
Wii Dragon Quest Swords Manual $7
Wii Monster Hunter 3 Manual $5
Wii Elebits Manual $5
GC Ghost Recon Case & Manual $7
GC True Crime Streets of LA Case & Manual $10
GC Spiderman 1 Case Only $7
GC Dead to Rights Case & Manual $10
GC Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow Case & Manual $10
GC Hitman 2 Case & Manual $10
GC MoH Frontline Case & Manual $7
GC Rainbow Six 3 Case & Manual $7
PS2 Red Faction Case $5
PS2 Call of Duty FH Case & Manual $7
GC NFL 2K3 Case $5
PS4 Nioh Case $5
PS Vita Exist Archive Case $5
PS3 Zone of Enders HD Collection Case & Manual $10
PS2 Dragon Quest 8 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Onimusha 2 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Tekken 5 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Kingdom Hearts 1 GH Case & Manual $10
PS2 Kingdom Hearts 2 GH Case & Manual $10
PS2 Area 51 Case PAL version $5
GC NBA 2K2 Case & Manual $10
PS2 Final Fantasy X-2 Case $ Manual $10
PS2 Starwars Battlefront Case & Manual $10
GC Prince of Persia Cover & Manual $10
GC Viewtiful Joe 1 Manual $20
PS2 Katamari Damacy Cover & Manual $10
GC Burnout 3 Takedown $5
PS2 Nightmare before Christmas Oogies Revenge Cover & Manual $15
PS2 GTA San Andreas Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Capcom Classic Collection Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution Manual $5
PS2 Megaman X Collection Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Star Ocean Till the End of Time Cover & Manual $10
PS2 R-Type Final Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Soul Caliber 2 Cover $7
XB Panzer Dragoon Orta Cover & Manual $30
XB Ninja Gaiden Black Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Mad Maestro Cover & Manual $10
PS2 007 Everything or Nothing Manual $5
PS2 Half Life 2 Cover $10
PS2 Devil May Cry 3 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 FF X-2 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 REZ Cover & Manual $15
PS2 Rygar Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Chaos Legion Manual $7
PS2 Zone of Enders 1 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Final Fantasy 12 Manual $7
PS2 Front Mission 4 Cover & Manual $10
PS2 Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence Cover $7
PS2 Escape from Monkey Island Cover $7
PS1 Final Fantasy Chronicles GH Back/Front Cover & Manual $10
PS1 Tenchu 1 Cover & Manual $15
PS1 Final Fantasy 7 GH Front/Back Cover & Manual $15
PS1 Buster Bros Collection Cover & Manual $20
GC Zelda Master Quest Manual + Windwaker Promotional Paperwork $30
PS2 Black Case & Manual $10
submitted by 420MacMan to GameSale [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 02:00 AutoModerator NEW PLAYERS COME HERE! - Weekly Questions and Information thread - May 15, 2024


Stable - Gaiman (Recommended)

Android, Linux, OS X, Windows

Experimental (Not recommended)

Automated Installation

Catapult Game Launcher (3rd party, pretty convenient, more details in the link)
CDDA Game Launcher (3rd party, pretty convenient, more details in the link)

Manual Installation

Android, Linux, OS X, Windows

Compiling Guide

Controls (not up to date, controls for mobile can vary)

Helpful Guides

Featured Let's Players

Individuals that are currently known for playing C:DDA. List is subject to change (maintain active and current streamers), send modmail if you'd like to be added.
Player(s) Twitch YouTube
Vormithrax Link Link
TheMurderUnicorn Link Link
TheCritsyBear Link Link
RyconRoleplays None Link
Orange01gaming None Link
nonsonogiucas None Link
GrandpuhTy Link Link


Individuals that used to play C:DDA but have gone on hiatus or stopped streaming. These are mentioned here as requested by the community for being noteworthy.
Player(s) Twitch YouTube
flakaby Link None
Pr0manTwitch Link None
CromulentArcher None Link

Semi-Multiplayer - is hosted by r7st and allows for semi-multiplayer ASCII version of Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead. It can be a bit confusing to get started so make sure you check out the Instructions page for more details and join that Discord to communicate while playing. Any issues need to be expressed on WatchCDDA's Discord, not the subreddit - any troubleshooting posts will be removed.


If you're new here, make sure to read through the above. Secondly, any simple questions should be confined to this weekly announcement post. If you've found a bug or a new strategy, or wondering what type of playthrough to try, you should make a separate post about those.
There are two types of flairs: user flairs (which are currently customizable) and post flairs. If you make a post, make sure you're flairing it appropriately for others. There are some exclusive flairs you cannot pick but should be on the lookout for, such as:
Changelog - these posts have very informative posts regarding changes.
Fixed - these posts generally have a solution to a bug or problem.
Lastly, if you flair a post [Help Wanted] and someone answered satisfactorily, make sure to re-flair it with [Solved] so others can find the solution instead of looking through tons of posts.
Antivirus products are known to detect the launcher as a threat and block its execution or delete the launcher. The reason for this is uncertain, but most likely due to a launcher component, PyInstaller, that is commonly flagged as a threat by antivirus software. A sufficient workaround is to add the launcher binary to your antivirus' whitelist, or to select the action to trust this binary when detected. More information can be found from the launcher's FAQ on Github.
If you are paranoid, you can always inspect the source code yourself and build the launcher from the source code. However, you are still likely to get false positives.
If you think the UI isn't set up correctly, make sure to press } to access the UI Settings panel. You will be given a choice of several different styles, with "Labels" being the recommended setting for new players and "Classic" for veteran players.
Great! The modteam is always looking for feedback, please make a post about your purposed change or idea and let the community decide through voting and debate. If it's something that is a bit more sensitive, please send it through modmail.
submitted by AutoModerator to cataclysmdda [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:54 hmcneill46 I got Celeste running on the RG35XX H

I got Celeste running on the RG35XX H
I love playing this game on here and since no one seems to be talking about it, I thought I should post a little guide here, and since it works on the H I thought that there was no reason it wouldn’t work on the Plus as well, so thought I’d leave this here in case anyone wants to give it a go!
To put Celeste on your system you first need an operating system that supports Port master, I’m using MuOS.
Then follow Retro game corps guide until you have the Celeste folder and the file
Next replace the .sh file with this file (To make the file directories work with MuOS):
Then put the Celeste folder into root/ports. And put the file that you downloaded into root/ROMS/ports
As is mentioned in the guide you also need to download Timespinner from portmaster to get a required mono file. Do this from your device.
You should now see Celeste in your content directory, this is all that you need to make it work!
Have fun!
submitted by hmcneill46 to RG35XX_Plus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:50 47OO i am a ios delta user

i have issues playing games on n64 idk if it does happens in nds or the others but i have a lot of texture issues. Between cutscenes in zelda ocarina of time and at the end of the game, it just crashes out the texture ruining the momment a lot. Same thing happens in majoras mask in the day cycle texture it just puts a white box texture instead, it is annoying at some point. Tried to changes roms and nothing even languages, anyone knows how to fix it?
submitted by 47OO to Delta_Emulator [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:47 winda544 Delete new account or continue old one?

So I haven't used Bumble in about a year, when I deleted it I made sure to put the account to Snooze mode so nobody could see my profile. I downloaded it again 6 days ago but I forgot that I used Apple ID to sign up on my account, and this time accidentally used my number to sign in which didn't belong to any account. I said f*** it and created a new account, thinking maybe I'll get a boost. So, same phone, 2 accounts, one with Apple id and one with phone number.
However, back in the old account, I would get AT LEAST 1-3 matches a day and likes as well, but in this one, only 1 match, no other likes and It's been 5 days. Am I shadowbanned or something because I have 2 accounts now? What action should I take?
submitted by winda544 to Bumble [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:43 everlostmagedb Mastering Macro: The Ultimate Strategy Guide for League of Legends


Welcome, summoners! In the complex world of League of Legends, mastering macro strategies is essential for players who want to control the game beyond mere individual skirmishes. This guide dives deep into the art of macro gameplay, teaching you how to read the game, make strategic decisions, and lead your team to victory through superior map management and objective control.

Understanding Macro Play

What is Macro Play? Macro play refers to strategic decisions that affect the broader game state, including objective control, wave management, and territory dominance. It contrasts with micro play, which focuses on individual mechanics and lane battles.
Why Focus on Macro?

Core Components of Macro Mastery

To excel in macro strategies, players must develop skills in several key areas:

Advanced Macro Strategies

Implement these advanced tactics to refine your macro play:

Building Team Coordination

Since macro play heavily relies on team efforts, enhancing team dynamics is crucial:

Leveraging Technology and Tools

Use technological aids to sharpen your macro skills:


Mastering macro strategies in League of Legends opens up new dimensions of gameplay. It allows players to influence the game at a strategic level, leading to more consistent and impactful wins. By focusing on macro play, you develop a deeper understanding of League's complexities and how to manipulate them to your advantage.

Call to Action

Ready to take your strategic gameplay to the next level? Dive deeper into macro strategies with our in-depth tutorials and case studies available on our website. Join discussions and exchange tips with other strategic players on our subreddit. Enhance your macro skills and dominate the Rift!
submitted by everlostmagedb to LeagueCoachingGrounds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:43 everlostmagedb Dominating the Jungle: A Strategic Guide to Mastering Jungling in League of Legends


Hello, summoners! Mastering the jungle role is crucial for controlling the tempo of a game in League of Legends. This guide is designed to enhance your jungling skills, focusing on strategic monster control, effective ganking, and optimizing your impact across the map.

Understanding the Role of a Jungler

What is Jungling? Jungling involves managing the area between the lanes, known as the jungle, where neutral monsters reside. A jungler's responsibilities include securing these monsters for buffs, supporting lanes through ganks, and controlling key map objectives like Dragon and Baron Nashor.
Why Master Jungling?

Core Skills for Effective Jungling

To excel as a jungler, you’ll need to master several essential skills:

Advanced Jungling Strategies

Elevate your jungling with these advanced tactics:

Building Synergy with Teammates

Effective communication and coordination with your team are crucial for a jungler:

Utilizing Technology and Tools

Enhance your jungling with the help of modern tools:


The jungle is a battleground of wits, will, and strategy. By mastering the jungling role, you not only increase your team’s chances of winning but also gain a deeper understanding of strategic gameplay in League of Legends. Elevate your game and become the jungle master your team needs to dominate the Rift.

Call to Action

Are you ready to master the jungle and control the game? Visit our website for advanced jungling courses and personalized coaching sessions. Join our community forum to share experiences, discuss strategies, and learn from fellow junglers. Take the first step to becoming a jungle legend today!
submitted by everlostmagedb to LeagueCoachingGrounds [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:30 HAvoc9r help make my Moto G pure fast?

Brushed the dust off my moto G pure because my current phone has shattered. G pure was in reset state, so once I activated it (was fairly smooth) until it updated on its own and became laggy to use - thing would stutter going from one app to the next.
I was considering to flash a custom rom, already unlocked bootloader, fast boot and oem unlock using their site. But the flashing bit is a bit confusing since I'm not sure what custom rom to put in and how.
Phone model is XT2163-4 Canadian retail. Would really appreciate some step by step guide if possible. I've already downloaded the stock rom using Lenovo search and rescue in case of failure. Just need help flashing a custom rom in and would really appreciate any input if at all.
submitted by HAvoc9r to MotoG [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 01:30 mamarot Vault 333 (Part 1): Panton's Terminal

[Additional Parameters] OPENING...
While the purpose of this experiment is to monitor all residents, and due diligence in this is required, particular attention is to be paid to the following residents for the stated reasons:
Overseer J. Kendall - Uninformed of true experiment before implementation.
Researcher Q. Saint - Early onset dementia. Volunteered for research position and was granted on basis of additionally taking part in the experiment.
Resident M. Michaels - Photographic memory.
Resident F. Darling - Short term memory loss.
Resident C. Darling - Long term memory loss.
[Failsafe Protocol] OPENING...
[Overseer Failsafe] OPENING...
[Research Logs] OPENING...
[Oct 30 - Nov 5] OPENING...
Control week. 0 activations. Several residents report various physical or mental health improvements, all tangential to experimental goals. Clear implication of placebo effect.
[Nov 6 - Nov 12] OPENING...
7 activations. No events outside of expected and acceptable deviations. Continued expression of placebo benefits from general populace.
[Nov 13 - Nov 19] OPENING...
4 activations, 1 every other day. Beginning trials of variable and non-standard intervals between activations. One notable event - Researcher Saint mistakenly activated his own system an extra time. Event considered acceptable given Saint's preexisting condition; monitoring his interactions with other residents showed an assumption of his condition as an explanation of his behavior.
[Nov 20 - Nov 26] OPENING...
1 activation. Extended periods of time between activations potentially problematic, will continue to pursue until confirmed. Numerous residents complaining of frequent, abnormally long sensations of "deja vú." Two notable events - One. F. Darling required isolation 3 days after most recent activation; expressed anxiety and staged a potentially violent incident over "alternate timelines" he believed he was viewing within his mind. Isolation caused conflict with C. Darling as well. Investigating long-term solution. Two. General populace has begun performing nearly the exact same actions after each activation, with insignificant differences. Residents will hold the same conversations, begin and end the same activities at the same times, etc., as prior activation cycles.
[Nov 27 - Dec 3] OPENING...
2 activations, 5 days apart. Several notable events. One. Researcher Saint asks to be recused from either experimentation or research. Declined before reason for request given. Two. All vault residents simultaneously experience rapid-onset, intensely painful "thunderclap" headaches 3 days after first activation for the week. Three. A recurring conversation between M. Michaels and another resident results in secondary resident falling unconscious and being placed in infirmary after Michaels seemingly "went offscript," i.e., responded in a significantly different way from how this conversation normally goes. Resident did not wake until second activation of the week; no further changes observed.
[Dec 4 - Dec 10] OPENING...
8 activations. Major changes in paramaters to avoid disruption; F. Darling and Researcher Saint are to be pulled from general population and isolated after each activation under guise of quarantine related to surface world disease. Both residents have proven problematic on a consistent basis for opposite reasons; Darling's short-term memory loss seems to have slightly "immunized" him to the desired effects of the device, while Saint has undergone an alarmingly rapid degeneration of his mental condition. General populace has begun reporting persistent, intense, and uncomfortable feelings of familiarity with places, events, and people that they should not remember. Failsafe protocol activated on day 3 as a result of a conversation between M. Michaels and F. Darling after Michaels breaks into secure zone. Hypothesizing that returning to daily activations will lessen or remove these issues.
[Dec 11 - Dec 17] OPENING...
7 activations. General populace has become deeply unwell, clearly demonstrating subconscious retention from previous activation cycles. The strain on the psyche has physically damaged nearly 40% of residents and psychologically damaged over 80%. Repeat activations are not resolving symptoms as prior. Failsafe engaged on Overseer Kendall twice in 3 days. Full retention within 7 hours on both occasions, situation nearing critical mass. F. Darling and C. Darling have begun using their complementary conditions to understand the nature of the experiment, both are immediately apprehended and isolated by automated security after each activation under guise of "underground hysteria." Researcher Saint has degenerated to the point of near non-function, is taken to infirmary after each activation under guise of massive stroke in his sleep. M. Michaels has seemingly been unaffected by activations since experiment start. Clearly aware of experiment protocol, non-active threat as of yet; however, Michaels has been apprehended by residents and automated security in secure zones on no less than 4 occasions. Unsure how to procee NOTE: TERMINAL ENTERED TIME-OUT SHUTDOWN BEFORE FINAL ENTRY WAS MANUALLY SAVED.
submitted by mamarot to TheVaultEntries [link] [comments]