Buspar throwing up


2015.06.05 17:25 GearBent DIWhyNot?


2010.04.20 12:37 myhoteldavao Madayaw!

All about Davao! Addendum: Davao is apolitical but since it's campaign season soon, we'll allow political topics. Reddiquette rules still apply. So, review them here: https://reddit.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205926439-Reddiquette If any one starts throwing ad hominems against fellow redditors, expect that comment to be deleted. Worst, the redditor who throws ad hominems would be banned from the sub. If the OP is the one throwing ad hominems, expect the thread to be locked or cleaned up.

2015.04.09 01:10 leechkiller Post your Pics of Dogs Throwing Up


2024.04.25 16:20 dontpetthatcat Wellbutrin/buspar combo causing problems

Hello my fellow worriers!
I have been taking a prescribed combo of Wellbutrin (bupropion xl 150mg, once daily) and buspar (buspirone 10mg, 3x daily) for two months now. Since I started this regimen, I have had unbearable nausea every single morning. I wake up, and without fail I vomit within 10 minutes. I usually don't take my meds until after I throw up so they aren't just going to waste, so it has nothing to do with the immediate effects of the medication. I feel fine for the rest of the day after that point. I know nausea is a common side effect, especially with the buspar, but all the sources I've looked at suggest that the nausea should have subsided by this point.
Has anyone else experienced this, and did it go away eventually? Should I give it more time?
submitted by dontpetthatcat to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.04.25 05:29 Main_Caterpillar1564 New Concern w Vomiting

Hey guys! 21F! So for about a month i have been struggling with vomiting after i eat a meal outside of the house. Threw up (sometimes multiple times and sometimes once) after chic fil a, buffalo wild wings, taco bell, a breakfast restaurant, lunch and dinner restaurant at the beach and starbucks within the span of maybe 2-3 weeks? None of these meals were large or abnormal enough to make me throw up. I had been prescribed phentermine the day i threw up chic fil a. i thought it was just my body getting used to the medicine but at the beach when i was eating out and throwing up, i was not taking this medicine. i also get nauseous after almost pretty much every meal. if i take zofran soon enough after eating out or in general, i can avoid the vomiting and nausea but sometimes it doesn’t help. i went to the doc today and got medicine for acid reflux and a referral for an ultrasound. honestly, i don’t think it’s acid reflux but obviously i could be wrong. i told her sometimes it does feel like acid reflux but it is very very very occasionally which i didn’t specify and only when i eat too fast which i noticed and does not happen on a normal basis. i also suffer from fatigue, no matter how much i sleep and could nap if i slept for 8 hours at night or 10 or 6. i was given vitamin b12 and vitamin d (vitamin d was in range but low range) but it felt like it helped and then went away again. i also have started having anxiety (and what feels like undiagnosed ocd) over the past 2 years which has never happened before. have tried different anxiety meds like lexapro (stopped taking because it caused mood swings), wellbutrin (also mood swings) and tried buspar for a day but it made me extremely extremely dizzy and i’d i took it on a workday, i wouldn’t be able to work. a lot of my issues also seemed to start while i was on birth control (nexplanon) and then when i got off. i also gained a lot of weight on birth control and just felt like something was off. blood work came back normal with the exception of vitamin d that i mentioned. got tested for endometriosis and nothing was found. honestly i’m just very scared and feel like i do suffer from health anxiety because obviously i googled my symptoms lol and got very anxious about cancer and just some other scary things. i’m not really sure what this sub does but i guess i’m looking for advice? i just don’t feel like this is normal! willing to answer any questions needed!
submitted by Main_Caterpillar1564 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.04.13 02:12 anxious__aquarius I need bloodwork, but I panic

i recently got a new pcp, and she noticed that i have never gotten any of the blood screenings (diabetes, cholesterol, etc). so she has a bunch of labs that i need to get done. she said we could do the labs while i was there, so i said “sure that’s fine”.
it was not fine.
i took off my sweatshirt to make it easier, and the nurse that was doing the blood drawl was super nice and was reassuring me the entire time. apparently, my veins didn’t want to cooperate. she tried one, but that didn’t work, so she decided on one on my outer arm, and it worked. this is where the problem begins.
i’m already uneasy at this point. i’m on anxiety medication, so my panic attacks are generally under control. (bless you buspar). the nurse told me that if i feel nervous, i shouldn’t look at the needle going in, and just stay turned away while the process was happening.
i should mention that i have tattoos and piercings, yet getting my blood drawn terrified me.
i made the mistake of watching her throughout the process, and i was feeling okay. the blood started filling the tube, and that’s when a HUGE wave of panic washed over me. i’m talking full on panic attack: tightness in the chest, rapid heart rate. i got super hot, and then i had the urge to throw up. this happens every time i get my blood drawn: it always ends up with me having to throw up. i’m not sure if im prone to passing out, because i can count on one hand the number of times i’ve gotten my blood drawn. the only time that i didn’t throw up, i was 16, and i sat in the chair, bawling. (the nurses at the hospital were so sweet and talked me through it.)
i thought i could make the blood labs delayed, but when i went to the doctor yesterday, she needs a blood test for something important. something that can’t be/shouldn’t be delayed.
i just…dont know what to do?
submitted by anxious__aquarius to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.04.09 15:31 donutchun Mouthguard caused extreme chronic pain, but I eventually found relief.

I had TMJ from probably long-term stress (jaw clenching) that was making it very hard to eat anything except for soft foods or open my jaw much.
A dentist gave me a mouthguard and it created what sounds like something similar to another post I saw on here-
the mouthguard (only used 1 wk or so) caused a lot of nerve pain (shooting pain in my neck and cheeks) as well as TMJ joint clicking (which I never had had before). Teeth weren't hitting the each other in the usual places anymore.
What was crazy about the facial/nerve pain was that it would get worse when I would get angry, annoyed, or hear loud music (weddings, concerts really painful), or hear peoples voices who were high pitched or frustrating me. i was using ibuprofen & flexeril (muscle relaxants) daily which was just not a long term solution and i kept getting pain after those would wear off.
I wanted to share my story because I actually ended up finding relief- although my pain still flares up now and then, and my jaw is NOT the same as before, I am able to eat everything now (even chewy steak) and have maybe just 1/7 days with pain (which sounds crazy but compared to 7/7 days of intense pain for months that seems endless.... this is amazing).
After I told my dentist my teeth weren't hitting each other in the same way after using their mouthguard, the dentist told me i should switch to a different mouthguard. that mouthguard felt insanely painful just to put in the second i put it in my mouth. so then the dentist recommended to do orthodontics but I thought this sounded crazy to do braces when I already had pain from my teeth shifting. by this point i had already paid over a thousand dollars for the useless mouthguards. i saw another dentist/oral surgeon who i liked from a wisdom teeth surgery a while ago, who recommended botox.
What actually helped:
  1. I saw a Orofacial Pain specialist ($700 in nyc which I basically avoided doing for several months because the price seemed crazy... but afterwards felt worth it to have someone who understands this type of pain specifically instead of throwing generic treatments at it. That guy told me that botox can be helpful for some but for me it would weaken the muscles that are holding my jaw in the appropriate place. He also thought that braces were nonsense and would make things worse for me.
  2. The Orofacial pain specialist recommended I see a pain doctoanesthesiologist. This was covered by insurance which was great. Anesthesiologist/Pain dr said said my spine had become misaligned and was compressing the nerves causing the nerve pain. I got radiofrequency ablation done for my cervical spine. It was a set of painful procedures but it has helped incredibly. Hot showers/ hot water bottles & Gabapentin 100 mg (very low dose) also helps for flare-ups when I sleep with pillows that are wrong etc. Back when this first started, sometimes alternating with ice would also help but i dont do this anymore.
  3. Instead of using mouthguards or botox which don't always treat the root cause that's causing your jaw to clench, I started to see a Psychiatrist who suggested Buspar. This actually helps relax your jaw physically, in addition to helping decrease stress/irritability/anxiety reactions. The downside is you have to take it 3x/day evenly (spread out every 6-10 hours... so like 6-10am for first dose, 12-4pm for 2nd dose, then bedtime for the last dose) but has been SO helpful for my stress & jaw clenching. Seriously it has been the most helpful. When you miss a dose there is rebound pain & irritability, which sucks - but it's been so helpful when I take it consistently. It basically fixed my bruxism issue and is what i should have been prescribed in the first place.
  4. The combo of the destroying the painful nerves with the anesthesiologist + buspar to relax my jaw basically helped my neck muscles finally relax. When my neck muscles relaxed magically my teeth were aligned properly. WITHOUT f*cking braces. It was insane I was suggested to get braces when really it was that my neck was so tight that my jaw was being pulled in weird directions, and nothing was wrong with my teeth.
  5. I also did physical therapy which provided some stretching exercises that at least gave me some brief from the pain. Mostly PT just made it feel good to feel heard since they meet with you every week and really work closely with you.
  6. With suggestion from PT, I made several adjustments to how my neck is positioned whlie sleeping (sleeping on my back very straight & aligned which I know might be hard for some to sleep.. sometimes skipping pillows and sleeping flat has produced the most consistent pain relief
  7. I also made several changes to how i position my neck during the day. changed my work station to have an elevated computer screen so I'm looking straight (instead of looking down at my laptop).. changing my posture when i use my phone so i'm not leaning my neck down constantly.
  8. I also noticed that some things would tighten my back /neck muscles like using sports bras or heavy purses or tote bags carried on one shoulder. so i use a light backpack now, i don't wear sports bras and switched to just adhesive nipple covers (maybe occasional light bralette) instead of bras because that way there is NO pressure on my neck muscles. this has made a huge difference although i know it's a big change and not for everyone.
  9. I noticed hot showers, hot water bottle + wet towel over it so that it creates steam, or gabapentin 100-200 mg (low dose) would help with flareups.
For what it's worth, I'm also a psychiatrist so I have some medical knowledge and mental health knowledge that (barely) helped me throughout this process, but it at least helped me sort out some of the bullshit along the way. It was still a crazy experience where I got told a different plan by every doctor and dentist, my pain seemed like a mystery to a lot of them, and very invalidating at times. it was a crazy thing to navigate.
I also wanted to say that from my work I've found that SSRIs, adderall, and wellbutrin tend to make peoples jaw clench.. This is not to say that you can't take these!!! You can and they are so helpful for so many people!!! But if you notice jaw clenching you may consider lowering the dose of those or adding buspar to decrease the jaw clenching!
Other takeaway is that a doctor i liked can still give incorrect advice. I really liked the two dentists i originally saw but their suggestions were not correct for my specific treatment plan. i think sometimes we conflate a doctor who gave us advice that harmed us as a 'bad doctor' or a 'terrible person' but they are actually lovely people who helped me with an oral surgery & in other ways treated me very gently and had great bedside manner. but it shouldn't be common practice to just throw mouthguards & botox at people when it might not be a 1 size fits all situation..
Edit: I can't keep answering medical questions on here but am happy to see people in NY for a consultation. not to be sleazy but i realized it's not great practice or appropriate to provide medical advice online, i really just wanted to share my experience as a chronic pain patient myself (not my medical advice) & also i do this all day so i'm fatigued haha & dont love to talk about work outside of work lol & that was the reason my post is so long was to include all the info i could think of. i really dont have much more to say. also, I am really a psychiatrist and not a TMJ specialist or medical doctor, so it may not make the most sense to book an appt with me unless you are coming for anxiety or buspar treatment, or 2nd opinion on if your meds are making your jaw clenching / grinding worse. but would really recommend everyone speak to their own psychiatrists if they have one since they know you best ❤️
submitted by donutchun to TMJ [link] [comments]

2024.04.06 22:19 ddym121 Ulnar twitch?

New to this sub but wanted to see if anyone had a similar experience. I believe after some brief researching that I either have an ulnar twitch on the top of my hand (between pinky and ring fingers) or am just dealing with anxiety again. For context I am 23 and have been a swimmer since I was 5. I have deduced it to be this location based on just looking stuff up. I have been recovering from HA for a couple of months now and have been doing better, even got off my meds (buspar). Now a couple of months after I have developed a twitch in that location, which I can predict (like I can tell it is about to twitch). I have been done swimming for a year now and haven't been working out regularly, last time I lifted was probably a month ago. My elbow joint also can crack, like I can ball up a fist and throw it out to snap my elbow. There is no pain but it is very annoying. Anyone else have something like this?
submitted by ddym121 to MuscleTwitch [link] [comments]

2024.04.05 05:54 meladey medication

(drowsiness makes me feel "too calm" and i have the weirdest meltdowns ever)
submitted by meladey to OCDmemes [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 21:48 Own_Attention_3392 Coping with wife's severe, long-term depression.

I'm 41. My wife is 39 years old. No kids, although she wants to have one within the next year or so (how realistic that is remains to be seen, given everything else). We've been married for 5 years, dating for 7, and friends for over a decade.
She's always struggled with depression, but the past year has been awful for her, and by extension, for me. I almost don't know where to start. When we started dating, she was diagnosed as bipolar II with generalized anxiety disorder and was on a combination of medications (Wellbutrin and Lamictal) that seemed to keep it largely under control. Medications changed and were adjusted over the years, but she was an independent, functional adult with a job and hobbies and friends. She'd be depressed occasionally, sometimes severely, and she would occasionally engage in some self-harm behavior, but she actively worked on it all with a therapist.
Things started to spiral a bit in 2021 during the height of the COVID lockdowns, leading to two hospitalizations with one serious suicide attempt, leading to her quitting her job. She recovered from those and found a new job. In November 2022, she had a Mirena IUD implanted because she kept missing work due to horrible period cramps. Within 3 months, her depression and anxiety were uncontrollable. She quit her job. She ended up hospitalized twice in 2023 for suicide attempts. The IUD was removed in April 2023 because it was clearly making everything worse.
By this point, she was on Cymbalta, Lithium, Depakote, Latuda, Ativan, and probably more that I'm forgetting -- the entire pharmacy of medications from psychiatrists who shrug and throw more medication at every problem. We attempted Ketamine therapy for months. None of it worked. She had no motivation. She slept 14 hours a day. She gained 60 lbs. And she was still depressed.
We found a great doctor who identified a few problems:
  1. She's not bipolar.
  2. She has a massive hormone imbalance. Every suicide attempt was immediately before her period.
  3. She's overmedicated
  4. She has Lyme disease
So, we've been working with him for the past 9 months. Her medications are currently Ativan, Progesterone, Latuda, Pristiq, and clomipramine, although she's weaning off of clomipramine because it doesn't do anything for her. She's also a week into Buspar and beta blockers to help combat anxiety and wean off of benzos. She's made great strides, but we're still not out of the woods. Just last weekend, the combination of PMDD/PMS and clomipramine withdrawal caused a major depressive episode that required me to keep blocking her from leaving the house to go jump in front of a car.
Her current state, mostly, is bored and anxious. One of the only consistent sources of relief she has is THC, so she's high all the time. She hasn't left the house on her own for months. She won't go anywhere with me except family functions and doctor visits. Even the prospect of a walk around the park can trigger her. Her doctor is great, her therapist is great, but I feel like we're not making enough progress.
We're trying to address the anxiety issue, but we've now learned that we cannot adjust her medications anywhere near her period, as that has a high likelihood of causing a severe depressive episode. Unfortunately, she was habitually using Ativan to combat anxiety even before all of this, and her usage has increased to the point where she has a prescription for 4 mg a day, and needs that 4 mg to function. It does nothing to cut anxiety anymore.
I'm hoping Buspar helps, but at this point I'm pretty low on hope.
Now, about me...
I have a great WFH job that's allowed me endless latitude -- they understand that at any given time, on any given day, I might just have to stop working and be completely unresponsive. There are days where she needs babysitting from the moment she wakes up to the moment she goes to sleep -- my job those days is to keep her distracted as much as I can.
I'm just exhausted. I do all of the housework. I care for the cats. I work a full-time job. I have to constantly monitor her mood and dispense medications; everything is locked up and only I have the key. I get no time to myself and can't really leave the house except for brief jaunts to the grocery store to pick up essentials or medications when she seems stable. And I've learned at this point that I have to act like everything is okay at all times, because suggesting that she do something that she doesn't do can be enough to trigger intense feelings of self-loathing in her, which usually comes out in some sort of self-harm. And that's been my life for months with no end in sight.
When she's severely depressed, it's incredibly physically and emotionally stressful for me -- she is absolutely a danger to herself. However, I refuse to call the police and have her hospitalized for a fifth time. The first four experiences were so traumatic and unproductive for her that I can't bring myself to do it to her.
The crushing daily anxiety of whether her mood will shift has me constantly on edge. I have no specific purpose for posting here other than to vent a bit and hopefully get some other perspectives. Thanks for reading.
submitted by Own_Attention_3392 to depression_partners [link] [comments]

2024.03.15 16:50 kalliasolti28 Medication combos that were successful for you?

I have been having extreme, overwhelming, and crippling anxiety for around 9 days now, waking up shaking/trembling, with the trembling continuing periodically throughout the day, feeling like I need to throw up, barely eating anything other than crackers and tea, feeling fatigued all the time likely from the mental toll, the lack of food and water, I have been inside my house for the last 3 days working from home as I have been too anxious and scared to step outside. I need help, i’m scared, and I did start therapy again yesterday and have an appointment with my psychiatrist on Monday, which was the earliest we could set something up. I have been taking 5mg of lexapro for months as I wanted to begin weaning off the medication and that was…a horrible decision, am now back to taking the full 10mg. Can anyone share experiences with their med combinations that work for them? I am ofc going to talk in depth with my psychiatrist, I am simply wanting to see what has worked for people. I have some friends who do the buspar + lexapro combo, and others who mentioned taking .5 mg of ativan as needed but I am extremely nervous about taking benzos, especially when I feel I need something to stabilize me for a hot minute while I continue therapy and treatment. Thank you!!!! I hope you all are having lovely days.
**edited for clarity!
submitted by kalliasolti28 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.03.12 17:50 Subtlecoal Florida Recommendations

I have taken medication since the fifth grade for chronic anxiety. I can recall throwing up from it every first day of school until I was in the 10th grade. My long time psychiatrist has been very iffy on trying out “unsafe medication” and has since told me that lexapro is essentially my only option. When I left that office, I was on a daily regimen of 60mg of lexapro and 30mg of buspar before I gave up. Never once did she offer genetic testing or any additional services to try and find what works for me and any mention of a stronger drug such as Xanax or the likes would send her into a rant of how many people those drugs have killed over the years.
I consulted in my general care doctor and he seemed dumbfounded that I was on such a high dose of lexapro and that I had been through so many medications over the past 15 years that just didn’t seem to work. I had him conduct a genetic test and have the results but am weary of how he typically handles medical situations such as this. He is very good with the general stuff, but anxiety just doesn’t seem to be his department.
I struggle every single day with anxiety. I cannot make a phone call or go into any given store without feeling a sense of dread. My moods are imbalanced, and I’m at the end of my rope.
Does anyone have any recommendations for a doctor in north central Florida or quite honestly, anywhere within 3 hours of ocala/gainesville that would actually take the time to listen and would do their damndest to get to the root cause of this issue?
TL;DR - need GOOD anxiety doctor within 3 hours of north central fl who has their practice down to a science.
submitted by Subtlecoal to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.03.08 06:53 desperateplanthelp Intense and Violent Seroquel Withdrawal- Please Help

25F, do not smoke, only occasionally drink, do not take illicit drugs, 4'11", 200lbs
Currently on- Buspar, Lithium, Pantoprazole, Adderall, Birth Control, Xanax, Synthroid (for Hashimoto's), Metoprolol
Hi all, apologies as I do not post on Reddit much but I'm at the end of my rope. Mid-last week (I don't remember the day, my mind is very hazy) my doctor took me off my 50mg Seroquel (Instant Release) cold turkey. I thought this was odd because I've worked pharmacy and know there is a 25mg available but decided it was a low dose so I would probably be ok. I was not. About a day later I began throwing up violently. Incredibly violently. I could keep nothing in my stomach. Zofran did not help. Eventually I ran out of Zofran and went to Urgent Care to get more, where the doctor questioned why I wasn't weaned. After this visit I only continued to throw up so I went to the ER to make sure this wasn't serotonin syndrome. The doctor said it wasn't and while I should've been weaned they could at least rehydrate me and give me Zofran. He also offered to give me a dose of Seroquel and wean me himself but given I'd been dealing with withdrawal for four days now I said I'd rather just ride this out. Threw up for a few more days, today I finally don't feel as nauseous, just very very weak from not eating. I managed to get down half a milkshake and two bowls of custard.
How do I recover from this? It's taken such a toll on my body. How should I handle this doctor from now on? I admittedly feel very distrustful of her after this but I know everyone makes mistakes.
Thank you!
submitted by desperateplanthelp to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.29 15:54 DarkPrinceCait Death Anxiety is Ruining My Life

I’m a personal injury paralegal who just recently hit 34. I’ve suffered from anxiety problems since I was in elementary school, and this has spun off into full-blown death anxiety several times. I had a few episodes in high school, due to my Christian upbringing never really taking and me beginning to contemplate what death means, and then another more severe one in college. About a week ago, I started having another spiral, and it’s threatening to ruin my life.
I don’t know what set this off, exactly. For a long time now, I’ve just been focused on living day by day, either immersed in my work or my hobbies. I think some of it might be simply because of where I am in life - I have a stable job, but I’ve only had this job for 3-odd years, half my income has to go into paying off my rent, and I can’t afford to save or invest much. I don’t have many ties to my community, and while I want a partner, I have no dating experience and am in the closet as a lesbian and planning to go in deeper at the rate America is going.
Like, fuck, I remember being 13 and teasing my dad over turning 40. I’ll be 40 in six years. What do I have to show for it? I spent five years caring for my mother until her death in 2017 and two years scraping by at retail while I attended night classes to get my paralegal certificate. My 20s were supposed to be the best part of my life, and they went completely down the drain. My 30s have been a lot better but... that's kind of the end of the line, isn't it?
I think some of it is also just my job - I love what I do, but the fact remains that I’m being exposed to stories of other people’s deaths and trauma day in and day out. I thought I was compartmentalizing, but I guess I wasn’t. Maybe something just spilled over.
Whatever it is, I’m struggling. I’ve suddenly gone from eagerly hitting my pillow at night to being afraid to sleep, from loving to cook and enjoy food to not enjoying any bite of food or any sip of water, and from throwing myself into my hobbies to feeling apathetic about them. I used to be super passionate about my job, and now it’s a chore to do anything. What’s the point of working or eating or enjoying myself or doing anything at all if I’m just going to stop existing one day? God, I'm so jealous of my mother - she was a religious woman who saw death as a release. I lost my faith at a young age and have nothing to cushion myself against the fear of oblivion.
I went to a doctor on Tuesday and was put on Lexapro and Buspar, but it doesn’t seem to be doing anything yet past giving me panic attacks. I’m struggling to care for myself more than the bare minimum, can’t focus on anything past constantly reading up about death and mortality, and am wearing my exhaustion on my face. I want to get myself back before I really hit rock bottom, but I don’t know how to do this anymore.
submitted by DarkPrinceCait to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.02.20 20:37 Level_Eggplant_4254 Lexapro saved my life

Hello everyone. I never post, but the last 3-4 days have given me such hope.
A few months ago I mixed weed, adderall and mdma all in one night. Mood wasn't right, and all of a sudden I became extremely paranoid and then had my first panic attack ever. I wanted to throw myself in front of a car because it was so bad. I then started to not believe anything was real, questioned reality and said some really dumb shit to close people around me.
Afterwards, I experienced depression for about 2-3 weeks that eventually resolved itself. What I was left with was severe anxiety, and an exacerbation of my OCD, which I didn't even know I had. For 2 months, I lurked on forums trying to fix it without SSRIs, and tried to do everything to "fix" the issue. Taking ashwaganda, I kept exercising a ton, taking supplements, and I believe that my healthy lifestyle was slowly but surely fixing the issue. Every morning my anxiety would be really bad and then got better by around 6:00 PM.
I eventually realized that mornings were bad because of heigtened coritisol levels that dissipated through the day. I eventually got a pysch and got onto buspar, which helped, but the progress was slow. 2 months later I was going through personal issues and eventually went a couple of days without sleep. This is what messed me up.
The insomnia I had for two days made my anxiety worse causing MORE panic attacks, and I ended in the ER a couple times. I had a ton of brain fog, severe anxiety, depersonlization, extreme guilt and shame, you name it. I talked to my psych and they put me on lexapro almost immediately starting at 5mg the first two weeks and then 10mg. After 4 weeks, today and yesterday were the first days where I've felt completely normal. I had to use klonopin for the first few weeks to bridge over, and I'm still combating insomnia with trazadone. But I see a light at the end of the tunnel.
The first two weeks were brutal, but I am not sure if it was from the after effects of the panic attacks or the onboarding itself. Experienced nasuea for a couple of days, constant physical symptoms, lots of guilt and shame, and head tension.
My panic attacks had given me insomnia, and I couldn't sleep for more than 2 hours before waking up in constant fight and flight. So I had to use klonopin to get sleep. I took klonopin almost daily for almost 18 days. It was like a chicken and egg problem though.
If I took the klonopin, I could sleep, because if I didn't sleep I would trigger more panic attacks. But I was so scared of being dependent on benzos, so I would try to sleep without it first, and if I couldn't after hours, I would then take .5mg to sleep. Eventually, it got to a point where I could sleep without klonopin for a couple days after the dose as I was onboarding on lexapro, and eventually made the jump and took my last klonopin dose over a week ago. I experienced some pretty gnarly rebound anxiety for about a week, intrusive thoughts, and OCD symptoms.
Then I got on trazadone to help with the insomnia. The sleep has been interrupted, but I've gotten an average of around 8 hours over the last week. And then things started to get better.....
The rebound anxiety started dissipating each and everyday. And as of two days ago, I feel.....normal. No anxiety in the morning, at all. I'm back to my old self before the whole drug incident and its been only 4 weeks since starting lexapro. I am so thankful for lexapro and its only on 10mg! To be honest I think 5mg was working well, but the rebound anxiety from the Klonopin use may have masked its early effects. I think I still need some time to level out, but I imagine it can only get better from here since its only been 4 weeks. I'm scared of emotional blunting as it levels out, but I know what I was like before this whole fiasco, so I'll be super aware of my mood.
Symptoms and mood by week:
Week 1: Nausea, head tension, tremors, intrusive thoughts, heightened anxiety, emotional blunting.
Week 2: Intrusive thoughts, heightened anxiety
Week 3(10mg jump) : Heightened anxiety, intrusve thoughts. Again I am not sure if the anxiety here was caused by the rebound anxiety from the klonopin or lexapro itself.
Week 4: Physical anxiety really reduced here, intrusive thoughts dissippated, OCD reduced.
Start of Week 5: I feel normal :)
I've been doom scrolling for the past month here, and to be honest its a mixed bag. It helps with the encouraging stories, but also scary with the horror stories.
I'm welcome to answer questions y'all might have, because it is indeed a scary journey, especially for someone that was so adverse to any type of medication for fear of dependency. This is my first time on ANY maintenance medication, and I never thought I'd be taking klonopin, lexapro, trazadone, and buspar all at one time. It was all so new and scary to me, but I'm here if you want to talk!

submitted by Level_Eggplant_4254 to lexapro [link] [comments]

2024.02.12 17:31 Objective_Warning454 Progessively worse dizziness/lightheadedness, palpitations, brain fog/forgetfulness/difficulty concentrating, etc.

I (23 F) have been having a lot of health issues progressively show up over the past few years. I got diagnosed with POTS in 2020 and have been perfectly controlled with no episodes until June or July of 2023. My heart palpitations have gotten worse, I had an SVT episode, BOTH of my legs and ankles were swollen to the point it hurt to walk, so I went back to the doctor in November (my cardiologist said the leg swelling was a mystery - he just switched my meds from Nadolol to Pindolol). I also started seeing something similar to a fuzzy wave (I am not sure how else to describe it). Since the episode of my ankles getting very swollen, I booked an appt to the cardiologist and he couldn't explain that but my echo was normal. I wore a Holter for 2 weeks and he said it looked fine but my HR would often get really fast out of nowhere -- especially at night...there was one night it got up to 160 bpm apparently.
Also in 2020, my FNP was concerned about a swollen lymph node (left side) in my neck. Referred me to oncologist who just felt it and said it was fine. Still there in 2023, so she referred me again to a different oncologist, and he did the exact same thing -- that I am just a thin female so it is common to feel the lymph nodes. However, I am in nursing school and my clinical instructor (during our health assessment checkoff) noted the left lymph node enlargement -- I told her how I have been told it has been enlarged and she urged me to get it checked out further but I have only noticed it because my NP pointed it out (it doesn't hurt).
Anyways, over the past few months, I get SO lightheaded. I have had to pull over while driving multiple times, my eyes get blurry despite only having astigmatism, I feel so nauseous, and sometimes laying down doesn't even help. I used to just get dizzy with POTS when I would stand up too quickly but now, it happens even while sitting. I have had to leave clinical once because of the dizziness and I couldn't see properly. I do use my phone a lot though so I think that could be what is causing the blurry vision b/c I have had my vision checked. and then this past week I was so dizzy and lightheaded to the point I got nauseous and threw up four times. I saw on my Apple watch later that my HR got as low as 45 this day, but usually my HR rests in the 70s. My clinical group has been concerned about me, but I am not one to worry about health issues without GOOD reason - at first I thought my meds for POTS just needed to be adjusted but then after adjusting them, nothing has changed and it has even gotten worse since I have started throwing up. I also don't get enough sleep most nights so I think that could also be it.
ALSO, around Christmas 2023, I couldn't remember my passcode to my iPhone or the alarm code to my house which has been the same for years. I think this could be due to fatigue but a PA in my family says this is concerning. I have done well in school, though, so my cognitive functions are otherwise intact.
Anyways, the PA in my family told my mom she thinks I need to get checked out for a brain tumor. I do get headaches occasionally but I have always gotten them and they are common in my family. She also says I have become less sociable and bubbly, so that was also a concern to her... but I have had big life changes and attribute it to that. My mother wanted to take me to the ER last week after my episode at clinical that I described above, but I said no because I hate getting things checked out because every time I get stuff checked out, everything is fine hahaha and I don't get enough sleep most days and don't always get enough protein, so I think if I took better care of myself in that regard, then I may not be experiencing these things.
The only other health issues are some urinary retention and Raynauds. I also have ADHD and take 60 mg of Vyvanse. + Wellbutrin 300 mg for depression and 7.5 mg Buspar for anxiety. I have taken these pills for a while, though. Also, i recently got labs drawn and everything was normal.
Could this be due to a heart issue, or is it likely something else? Could it be because I rarely get enough sleep?
I know it would be easy to say I should just get an MRI for my brain but I don't want to unless highly advised to. It takes so long and is so inconvenient lol. Plus expensive.
Any advice is much appreciated!! Thanks :)
submitted by Objective_Warning454 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.02.07 20:01 Sharp_Lengthiness_74 Meds not working but I'm terrified to try something new

Currently on max dose of zoloft and Buspar for depression, anxiety and ptsd and its keeping me from being actively suicidal and keeping the worst of my panic at bay, but I am just here. I spend all day in bed, get no joy from anything other than food and sleep, and can't work up a single fuck to give that I'm basically living like a zombie in a filthy house.
I know I need to try a new cocktail of meds but I am terrified of the possible side effects. Most recently I tried seroquel and I ended up being hauled off in an ambulance because my husband thought I was having a psychotic break. I felt like I was crawling out of my skin, and I could not stop screaming in rage. I wanted to hurt someone, and in fact did throw a taco at my husband. I'm pretty sure I may have kicked our dog, but my husband said I didn't, she just scrambled away because I was screaming. I had a similar, but far less severe reaction to abilify, wellbutrin and Lexapro.
Any good experiences with anti depressants that work well with Buspar or other anti anxiety meds?
I have a very hard time communicating with my provider, so I'm kind of on my own as far as research, and I am so overwhelmed!
submitted by Sharp_Lengthiness_74 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.01.24 18:07 WallInteresting9394 Physical anxiety symptoms ruining my life, need help

I wake up most mornings needing to immediately throw up if I have to go somewhere that day.
The physical symptoms I get from anxiety have caused me to miss two days of work this week because I was throwing up at work.
I’ve told both my psychiatrist and my therapist and they just stare at me. I’m on two anxiety medications and they don’t do anything for the nausea. I take hydroxzyine and Buspar.
I’ve gone to another doctor to make sure I don’t have any other issues going on, but nope it’s just anxiety.
I genuinely don’t know what to do anymore. I’ve tried eating or not eating in the morning or night before, taking my medication, breathing exercises, TIPP and NONE of them make me stop throwing up. I’m bawling my eyes out because I had to go home yet again this week because I was throwing up at work.
Edit: just looking for any advice
submitted by WallInteresting9394 to Anxiety [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 22:23 tiny-acorn Thinking of applying - anything I should do first?

  1. I have bipolar 2, anxiety, autism, ADHD, migraines, idiopathic hypersomnia, and possible IBS.
TL;DR anything I can do now to make sure when/I'd I start the process I have everything I need to hopefully be approved?
I am on guanfacine, lamictal, abilify, and buspar. I've also done TMS 3 times(4?). I will improve for a bit but I'll either slip back or it's still not enough. I've been in therapy on and off but seeing psychiatrists for medication management fairly consistently.
I have tried many other antidepressants and antianxiety and mood stabilizing medications. They have given me memory issues that have never recovered and the lamictal (and possibly buspar?) might be helping but I think are contributing to confusion. I have also tried all kinds of stimulants. They have given me anhedonia or simply have no effect. And my migraine meds have stopped working as well.
I worked starting in college on and off, worked for 3 years at a desk job and towards the end things started going downhill. I wasn't fired from there as I left before anyone realized I was slipping, but I was fired from my last job. After 4 months I got another job, and I'm now afraid I'm going to lose this one.
I am talking to my psychiatrist about sdi in California, but I am concerned I will be fired before that goes through. I'm not really certain what to do. I've been crying nearly every day in fear because I truly don't think I can keep up with work anymore. It's really mostly the anxiety. I've been a minimum wage barista and I don't think I could even do that at the level of sga anymore - or at least they would fire me for missing too much with migraine flare ups or going completely blank and work from being tired as well.
Is there anything I could be doing to get my ducks in a row? Haven't met with my sleep doctor in awhile so I think I should do that and let them know the meds aren't even working. Beyond that all I understand is that they'll need my psychological history medical records?
I don't know if any disability alone would qualify me for severity levels, but I feel like everything plays into me being completely paralyzed.
I have fallen so far behind at work. I am truly trying my best. I've kept bullet journals, written things down, asked questions, but I'm still just not able to keep up at all. I throw up in the bathroom at work. I'm also in the bathroom constantly and people NOTICE and it's so horrible because it makes the anxiety worse and I'm so paralyzed. And the tiredness is awful, it's like my brain just can't start. And I'm sensorily overwhelmed and it makes everything else worse too.
I was a good worker pre-COVID, but my bipolar disorder and anxiety+adhd got worse (bipolar I think with age and anxiety+ADHD with the stagnation of covid)
I would love to get better and be able to contribute more to my household but I just simply don't think that's possible until I'm better - if I'm ever better. Until then I will play this game of getting fired and trying to find a new job with new l no income forever until no one will hire me (which is probably after this - I work in a technical software-y field)
I just truly don't know what to do. I keep reading that it's unlikely I would get approved but I'm just not capable of being a "productive" member of society and I'm worried I will kill myself from shame, stress, and despair if I keep trying.
My brain screams at me all day. It is too much to brush my teeth, shower, or even eat most days. All I can do when I go home is lay on the couch and fall asleep at 8pm. I don't even have the energy to have a YouTube video playing in the background most of the time (or even just light classical music!) - even that sensory input is so overwhelming.
I would just like to know if there's any hope, too. I feel so absolutely powerless.
submitted by tiny-acorn to SSDI [link] [comments]

2024.01.22 15:00 StopFunny8311 Painful periods with no answers.

Hello. I am 21F, I am a smoker (medical marijuana only) and I have SLE lupus and possible POTS. Medications- Hydroxychloroquine, sertraline, buspar. Family history of endometriosis and my grandmother had cysts on ovaries. I have extremely painful periods and have always had it. They are so extreme to the point where I throw up and cannot function. Period pain is so much worse when I move around and I can no longer have a physical job because I will just get fired for calling out due to this. I have had two internal ultrasounds that came back normal and 1 normal ultrasound that also came back normal. I have tried birth control, but it helped for about a year and no longer worked. I no longer feel comfortable taking birth control due to my lupus as well. My doctor has told me odds are this is lupus, but this doctor was absolutely terrible. She tried to put me on the depo shot while it had a recall and after I told her a lot of birth controls can make me go psychotic (I do not want to have severe mental health problems for 3 months..) I am wondering at this point what I should do especially if this is endo. I forgot to mention I am on 500mg naproxen take as needed and I LOVE it. With naproxen I can actually function, but I think my doctors getting tired of refilling it, she seemed weird about it last time I went in and I had to convince her.
submitted by StopFunny8311 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.01.08 02:02 PSSD_Kara Differential diagnoses and exploring root causes with machine learning versus doctors

ChatGPT Diagnosed Child's Tethered Cord Syndrome Missed by 17 Doctors (insider.com)
Hi everybody, this is just my personal opinion. Anyone can disagree. I wanted to start a discussion on it because I have been approving posts from people who do not have PSSD, but who have a very similar symptom presentation (PAS, PFS community, neurological and brain injury patients, people who took other drugs) because I believe that their anecdotes are valuable for getting to the bottom of the body systems and processes involved in the symptoms we are experiencing. While it is not proven, and it is purely a theory, some people suggest in a naturopathic or functional medicine framework, that perhaps the SSRI created some kind of overall immunological or toxicity reaction, which creates the syndrome overall, rather than necessarily saying that everything is only due to "neurotransmitters and receptors". The human body is not a simple car engine and is an interconnected and living being.
I have personally experienced some level of relief by nutritional and microbiome approaches for example, and it's possible this is due to the heavy influence of the digestive system on immunological functioning. I think it's important to have some level of nuance and common sense and understand that people posting here that have similar symptoms to us for different root causes play a role in helping to suggest the common denominators or differential factors involved.
Human doctors are biased and I've had a lot of really shit reactions from general family care providers and honestly I think part of the issue is the doctors ego, some people have reportedly received more testing and help including under their insurance covering IVIG and SFN testing, by going to a real neurologist or endocrinologist and describing the symptoms but simply not mentioning the SSRI. Psychiatrists are not real doctors (objectively) in the sense that they do not seek out physical factors before prescribing, and they don't offer any healing for the symptoms we are experiencing other than maybe throwing Buspar or Wellbutrin at people, which has been reported as having mixed results.
However, based on dialog with other women in the community I strongly believe that seeing a real neurologist, endocrinologist, functional medicine or naturopathic doctors is not a waste of time, especially if you're willing to experiment with playing dumb and acting like you don't know why you have these symptoms, which can help avoid the biased reaction of being written off as a mental patient. Anyone is welcome to disagree with me but I just wanted to share my logic about why I allow a bit of a broader range of people to post in the subreddit, after all it's important to realize that a social media website is not a licensed neurologist, and people with similar symptoms might just have nowhere else to go, given that the medical system at least here in the USA is very hard to navigate.
So they end up here, or on long COVID, or PFS or PAS subreddits and just post their OP and hit send. Please don't lack nuance and interpret anyone as saying that these are all literally the same thing. I'm just saying that as a matter of empirical science when you have the same outcome for two different reasons it's very interesting, and long term I believe it will be important to getting a diagnosis and a root cause besides as we all know the SSRI was the root cause for us here on the subreddit, but like what it exactly did to us, we're still trying to figure that out, and get that established in formal scientific literature, there are a lot of barriers to doing that, but we can and will get it done long term.
submitted by PSSD_Kara to PSSD [link] [comments]

2024.01.06 07:02 mamameatballl Why does my shoulder hurt and then I vomit?

31f - 5’6 - 160lbs - epilepsy (zonisimide) - anxiety (buspar & zoloft )
This is not an emergency - I’ve been to the ER and they called it heartburn and sent me on my way and suggested I follow up w GI doc and it kind of stopped until recently so I forgot.
I eat. Sometimes I get a stabbing pain in my neck and shoulder blade (left side). It radiates down my arm and my chest feels pressure. Then my stomach- relieving the shoulder pain. I force myself to burp about 60 times. The pain bounces back and forth between my stomach and shoulder / neck. The only thing that seems to help is forcing myself to vomit , which is extremely hard during one of these episodes. It’s like im constipated but vomit. Once I throw up a little the pain relieves a little. It’s like I need to throw up “enough” and then suddenly the pain is gone in my shoulder and i am absolutely fine.
I know this sounds like it’s in my head and even my husband worried I have an eating disorder, as I have anxiety but this started after my daughter was born via c-section 3.5 years ago and gotten progressively worse.
The nausea isn’t as bad as the neck pain. It is triggered by like the most random foods - lettuce, oatmeal, soda. Meanwhile I eat Taco Bell and im Fine.
I guess I should see a doctor but like…. How urgently // what is this lol
submitted by mamameatballl to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2023.12.31 05:57 SubstanceSeveral8667 Take with food

I take Lexipro 20mg everyday at lunch time. If I don't take it with a full meal I'll throw up. I also take a one a day vitamin and iron....both with food. About a month ago Buspar was added to my routine twice a day. I tried to take it on its own with some water but it upsets my stomach. Especially the night time dose. I don't want to have to eat a meal eachntime i take my meds. So my question is, is there a small healthy snack I can eat that will be sufficient with "take with food" meds that won't cause me to over eat!? (I heard a glass of milk is a possibility, anyone try that? Is it enough?)
submitted by SubstanceSeveral8667 to BusparOnline [link] [comments]

2023.12.04 14:05 gabelli29 How to avoid “exploding?”

Hi. I’m new to this thread, have not been diagnosed but I have many, many symptoms of BPD, significantly worsened in the setting of grief. The most bothersome and problematic symptom is that I essentially throw tantrums, usually in the context where I would have had a panic attack in the past but no longer do. In past relationships it would add to existing turbulence, but my current relationship (2 years next month) is with an extremely calm, emotionally unreactive, securely attached partner, so he never escalates me. He usually says nothing (or comforts me if it’s more sad than angry) and it resolves in a few minutes. It’s essentially never directed at him, it’ll be about silly things like a package getting rained on, a soggy burrito, or plans falling through. I don’t yell at him, I yell about the thing, pace, and cry. In past relationships I found it way less embarrassing because people would match my behavior or do similar things but since he doesn’t I always feel mortified. It’s one of the main things I worry about for the longevity of the relationship - this must be exhausting for him. Sometimes when this happens I’ll beg him to help me even though I don’t even know what I’m asking for and I can tell it makes him feel powerless. He is extremely reassuring and understanding about it but has told me at times that it feels scary for him and I know he wishes I could control it. I feel especially bad because I think part of why he’s so good at “handling me” is because he grew up with much, much worse so he’s well practiced. I don’t want to remind him of that. How do you guys avoid freaking out / melting down when feeling emotionally flooded? I’ve been to therapy, I don’t like meditation much, and I am currently medicated (Wellbutrin and Buspar)
submitted by gabelli29 to BPD [link] [comments]

2023.12.01 03:44 scourge9753 Anxiety or heart problems?

I, 20F 5'7 195lbs caucasian, have diagnosed (severe?) anxiety, depression, bipolar II, ADHD, and severe bulimia. My medications are Esomeprazole 40mg 1-day, Venlafaxine ER 225mg 1-day, and Gemmily birth control. I also am prescribed Lamotrigine but I don't take it because it turns me into a zombie. My anxiety also very much revolves around anything hurting me, even if it seems stupid. My bulimia is also severe, purging via self-induced vomiting at least 1x a day, but not extreme binging.
To give good context to my question, I'll give the background story of EXACTLY when this started happening. I was at work, in about hour five and a half of my nine hour solo shift on a saturday at dollar general. Saturdays are ALWAYS our busiest days, excluding holidays, due to our coupons and such. I already was nauseous for an unknown reason, and had to make myself throw up twice earlier in the day (I've been bulimic for so long that my body will not throw up on its own, except for very rare occasions). These two weren't from my eating disorder, I was genuinely extremely nauseous, but that may or may not be relevant. Anyway, around the five and a half hour mark, a customer threatened to call corporate on me (first time ever) which obviously set my anxiety off. I managed to keep it under control. About 30 minutes later, I am in the middle of processing a HUGE return when I get hit with a massive wave of dizziness, along with it feeling like fire is flowing through my veins. I started breathing erratically, and I stumbled back into the chair I brought to the register. I sat there, and slowly it became harder to talk and think coherently. My hands also started tingling, which then moved to my neck and face, and spread throughout the rest of my body within a couple of minutes. The tingling was extreme, and almost painful, and I couldn't move. My fingers were actually contorted and taught, and my legs were shaking uncontrollably. Customers called 911, and they got there pretty quickly. My pulse was in the 110s-120s, but my blood pressure was 120/58, which is low for me (mine usually borders normal-high, has been running high lately). We managed to get my breathing under control, and everything subsided, though I was still very shaken up and wobbly when walking. I was escorted home, and took my anxiety medication (at the time, 175mg venlafaxine and two 15mg buspar tabs) and went to sleep.
Now onto current times. I now get semi-frequent random bouts of the hot fire coursing through my veins, the dizziness, the breathing, and my heartbeat feeling irregular. My blood pressure also runs unusually high, with drops to unusually on occasion, and I CONSTANTLY feel "tense", if that's how I can describe it. Not mentally, but my body always just feels like...it's pressurized? I'm not quite sure how to describe it, but even when I am relaxing, my body isn't relaxed.
Is this just all in my head, or could there be something more going on?
submitted by scourge9753 to AskDocs [link] [comments]
