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Games Online

2021.12.17 04:08 koja555 Games Online


2008.01.26 00:15 Online Games

A place to share links to free online games.

2009.11.18 22:36 rednightmare Looking For Group

LFG is a place for tabletop gamers to organize groups for the games they love to play.

2024.05.14 04:20 itskaedeus Playing Skyrim For The First Time

I've always been an online player but recently due to the decline of game quality and increase of min/maxing tryhards I've been getting burnt out. Only recently getting into singleplayer games, I picked up Skyrim because it was on sale on the PS Store. It was entirely different than all the other games I've played since then. Initially I got bored fast due to my comfort in the online sphere. I couldn't really go 30 mins without feeling alone or overwhelmed due to not understanding a lick of the lore. The only other singleplayer game I played you were playing a preestablished character with a linear storyline. Skyrim is different, it became hard for me to make choices in the game (I'm an indecisive person) and it hindered my progress of the game. I didn't know who my character was and I felt disconnected from everything around me. That is until I learned to immerse myself into the world and essentially roleplay as my character. I made a 'character sheet' of traits my character has and their moral alignment. Now I have SO MUCH fun with the game and I can enjoy every aspect of it. I no longer feel conflicted on choices nor do I feel disconnected. It makes me feel like a fleshed out character in the world. Now I'm barely started on my first playthrough and I already can see me playing a second time as a new character with a new story.
I remember this game coming out for the first time and I'm a bit bummed I didn't play it earlier, but better late than never I guess.
submitted by itskaedeus to skyrim [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:17 moebeast25 Lost and Listless

Im going to be 23 in a couple of days, i have no job or any other prospects. I would study but i have no clue what to even do at this point. Ive already studied both graphic design and data analytics previously, I apply to literally every job i can regardless of what ive studied now since i cant find work or rather no one is hiring me in the fields ive studied.
Ive been trying to do some online commissions for both graphics and art but in the past 2 years of trying... I have very little to show for it. I dont have friends, the only sorta "friends" i have are a few people that i play games regularly online with and to get them to help me with literally anything is really sisyphean.
Not to try and complain too much but my family has been hounding me to get a job or make a living some how ever since i was 14/15 and me not being able to do that has been a real drain in our relationship. I feel like a failure in every aspect of my life and i have no idea how to turn it around. I dont have much of a will to do anything anymore other then meander about and play video games all day with how everything i feel like i do ends up not going well for me, i am at a loss or have any real idea of how to move on with my life.
submitted by moebeast25 to LifeAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:16 raifoundnemo I got fired today.

I just got fired from a major corporation. I’ve been a pharmacy technician since October 2021. I’m near Charlotte, NC. USA
I can fill in more details as needed. I feel like so much has happened during my time with this company, I’m not even really sure which parts of the story are relevant.
But to start, I was at a store that didn’t have a store manager for 6 months and I was having issues getting hours, support, literally any paperwork being done because my pharmacy manager (pharmacist in charge, RXM) did not like me. We were understaffed, there was a ton of drama. I had spoken to the district manager (DM) about my issues several times and finally after a technician lashed out and threw some filling totes and some bagged prescriptions at me and another technician, I called him after work and told him I no longer felt safe and wouldn’t be returning to work until he handled the situation.
I help out at other stores all the time and one of the stores I help out offered me to transfer. Additionally, right after I left pretty much everyone quit, I was not the only person with issues at that store. After that situation, since I was already starting the process of transferring, instead of waiting two more weeks I immediately went to the new store. During this time I had started the process for ADA accommodations through HR and with my doctor.
The week I started at the new store, I sat down with the pharmacy tech manager (RXOM) and the store manager (SM). This probably should have been my first red flag, but the SM basically asked something along the lines of why he should let me transfer because it sounds like I had a lot of problems at the old store. So upon starting at this specific store, I disclosed issues I have socially due to my disability and stated that I needed clear communication because I do not pick up on hints or subtleties and that I needed clear feedback when I have made a mistake or in a situation where I upset someone. I also disclosed that I would need additional assistance in tense situations with customers and coworkers. I explained there was a lot of drama and pettiness at my old pharmacy and that I inadvertently caused a lot of issues because I was oblivious to it. The SM basically decided that it didn’t sound like an issue to be clear and concise and kind of guide me through situations that come up. He assured me I could talk to him anytime. I was repeatedly ignored when I requested aid in those situations. And then if the outcome was less than satisfactory, I was punished. The tech manager became my support needs liaison, but the store and assistant manager refused to accommodate me. The tech manager actually got a lot of crap for trying to help me. I have a disability that can affect the way I am perceived by other people and speaking to people about it usually helps clear up any problems. I was not given an opportunity to do this. I thought I was protecting myself my disclosing my needs and weaknesses.
So at this store a few things happened with different people all at once and the store became short staffed. I started helping out a lot, staying late when I could, picking up shifts even though I had to find extra childcare. The pharmacy manager quit a few weeks after I got there, a few technicians quit or drastically reduced their hours, a couple people went on leave. So the ESM (assistant store manager) started helping out in the pharmacy more, mostly with filling prescriptions. I was warned before she started helping out that she was really prickly and if I had any issues that I could talk to the RXOM. There were a few things that came up and he told me that I wasn’t misconstruing things, to just ignore her.
And then came a day where we had a ton of call outs, my RXOM wasn’t in that day and the SM had left. It was Christmas eve weekend. So the pharmacy was gonna be closed the next day. So we were extremely short staffed, extremely busy and the phones were insane. The ESM started out the day basically complaining to us about how nothing was done, it was a mess, etc etc. I wouldn’t even call it passive aggressive. She was outright threatening and saying she would definitely be telling the RXM and SM about how incompetent we were, how out of hand everything was.
There was an incident with a customer, he was yelling at me because I went to lunch before helping him and instead of letting me handle it, the ESM jumped in without really even getting a handle on what was happening. I got written up for the way I spoke to the patient and how I handled the situation with the ESM because I had stepped over to the floater pharmacist and when asked I explained the situation. She told the story as me mumbling under my breath and complaining and carrying on. The rest of the day was pretty much the same, her carrying on about how useless we were and at one point she said it was a mess and that we (the techs) would be staying after to clean it up. I was slightly irritated that she told me I had to rather than asking, especially because the mess was from the days previous, from other techs, etc. It just had been a hectic few days, with short staff. I knew how she was though so I just decided I would stay. Right before we closed, she told me she wanted to speak to me. I had assumed she was going to give us a game plan for how to clean up quickly so we could go. I went over to her after we closed and she started to tear into me for disrespecting her and then noticed I wasn’t making eye contact. It had been a long day and I was feeling really overwhelmed. She made a big deal about it and I told her I couldn’t make eye contact with her because I have a disability but assured her I was listening to her. She went back and forth with me a few times basically trying to force me to look her in the eyes or I was disrespecting her. She ended up saying that she couldn’t speak to me if I wasn’t going to look her in the eyes when she spoke to me. I took this as a dismissal, so part of my write up was for insubordination because I left and refused to have a conversation with her. I reported the incident to HR, briefly spoke with them and thought that was the end of it.
Well shortly after, she started being extremely short with me, very dramatically avoidant like when I walked in the pharmacy would say things like “that’s my cue to leave”. If she asked for help out loud, if I tried to help her she would tell me she didn’t want my help and she would get someone else. I tried not to let it bother me but it definitely stressed me out over time. The few times I did help her, she would throw whatever she was working on down and storm from the pharmacy muttering that she would tell SM about whatever, usually swearing. I asked the other managers what I was doing wrong and was never given any answers. Or guidance. I brought it up a few times and was always brushed off. That never really ended.
An important detail is that the schedule was consistently put out on Wednesdays, usually evenings and our week started on Thursdays. Our weeks run Thursdays-Wednesdays.
There were a few other small issues, I had talked to the managers about issues with scheduling and basically just got constantly brushed off. I had agreed to a general schedule of opens and mids and every other Sunday when I transferred and they weren’t able to accommodate it anymore, they started scheduling me all over the place, closes, several weekends in a row. This made childcare difficult especially with short notice because daycare has set hours. When I got my first warning about tardiness, I brought this up and was accused of blaming everyone else for my tardiness and told to have some accountability.
By this point, I dreaded going to work when the SM or ESM was there. I would get so anxious, I would be physically sick, throwing up, gastro issues, migraines. I was constantly in a state of overstimulation. Again, I asked for help and got blown off.
So in February there was an incident that led up to me requesting short term leave. My son had a minor medical issue that I took him to the doctor for, she made an appointment for the following Thursday at an eye doctor at 8:15am. I told my RXOM I couldn’t work Thursday, he ended up scheduling me to close. 12-9. I called out around 9am after getting to my son’s appointment and learning he had to do some tests for underlying issues including being dilated. He’s 3 so I needed to be with him because he was really disoriented. We finished around 4pm and my RXOM had texted me several times for updates telling me other people called out and they really needed me. I told him that my son needed me and he basically begged me to come in for a few hours to close. I finally relented and got there around 5-6 and stayed until close. No one said anything to me, so I didn’t think anything of it. A few weeks go by and on February 19, I was called into the office for a meeting with the SM and RXOM and received a write up for being 5 hours late that day. If I would have just left it as a call out, there would be no disciplinary action because I had not used any yet for the year. This was incredibly frustrating and the way it was presented was really overwhelming. I told them I was getting overwhelmed and would like to step out, the SM continued to talk down to me. I was getting increasingly agitated, my stims were getting faster and I started to rock back and forth, beginning to have an autistic meltdown. The SM told me I needed to calm down, tried to get me to speak to him while I was shutting down and just kept scolding me, I honestly don’t even know what he was saying by this point. I told the RXOM I needed to step out and I walked out of the office next door to the break room to turn on the sink and I just completely shut down, I crawled under the counter in the break room and had a complete shutdown/meltdown. My muscles locked up, I was crying and rocking back and forth and covering my ears and had my arms over my eyes, all stimulation was bothering me. The RXOM came to check on me and saw me having a meltdown and that I was unable to communicate so he pulled my file and called my emergency contact and basically just told him I was melting down and I was under the sink and needed to be picked up.
My partner came to get me, we left my car, I went home and calmed down and then called my company’s HR and put a request in for short term medical leave. My doctor had been urging me to do this for over 6 months. I texted my RXOM and SM asking what I should do next and heard nothing so I reported to work on 2/20. Upon arriving, the guest pharmacist notified me we had a call out. After everyone arrived, I asked who the call out was and the ESM, pharmacist and other techs didn’t know. The SM was not there. The RXOM wasn’t answering my texts. An hour into my shift, the RXOM told me that they were told my leave was approved and I wouldn’t be there. I asked what to do and got nothing in response.
During my lunch break on 2/20/24, I received a call on my personal phone from HR outlining my short term leave and giving me instruction on paperwork. They verified leave was supposed to start 2/19 and I explained no one answered me so I reported to work. She told me she would have to change my leave to go into effect starting 2/21.
Fast forward, my leave ends 5/8/24, and I had not heard anything beyond communication with HR about it ending. I text my RXM and tell him I am returning to work and ask what my next steps are. He replies late evening and tells me to reach out to SM and I tell him I will in the morning. The next morning, I receive a text with my name written in and highlighted, I’m not scheduled for the first few days (Thursday-Sunday) and I’m scheduled Monday-Wednesday. So I go in for my scheduled shift on 5/13/24. During my leave, my RXOM and a bunch of technicians quit. We gained a full time staff pharmacist and a couple technicians. I get there at 10:00 and I work until 12:00 (so for two hours) and I’m called into the office with the SM and RXM and told the SM told me that I received a final written warning for insubordination and tardiness so they decided to terminate my employment due to my continued insubordination and job abandonment and because a member of management complained about my attitude. He went on to say that he contacted HR and reported that I had an “episode” and walked away from him when he was trying to communicate with me and resolve a conflict which was the insubordination and then after my “episode” I went home instead of finishing my shift. Despite putting my leave in the day it happened, because the date of leave was changed, the day I left early wasn’t covered under FMLA.
So far, I have submitted a request to the EEOC, but their first available appointment was 11/4/24. I was not in a state to call lawyers today, but I filled out a couple online forms for Employment Discrimination lawyers that had online contact forms. Immediately after being terminated, I went to my car and logged into the employee portal and downloaded all of my available paystubs and the documented disciplinary action sheets. There wasn’t one for termination, I asked my SM how I would obtain that information and he told me to contact HR. I have some screenshots from text message communication mostly asking the RXOM for help with conflicts, but the SM would really only talk to me in the office.
I’m looking for advice on what to do next. I am feeling pretty overwhelmed. Obviously, I am going to work on my resume and start applying to jobs, but beyond that I’m not really sure what to do next. Any advice is appreciated. Even if it’s to tell me that I’m in the wrong. If you read my novel, thank you. <3
TLDR; I have autism and I was bullied into having a meltdown and then fired after returning from short term medical leave for going home early. I feel like they were looking for reasons to fire me as retaliation for reporting the ESM to HR.
submitted by raifoundnemo to legaladvice [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:14 Imdeadashell AITAH for telling everyone that my friend of 4+ yrs cheated on her boyfriend with several people, several times?

TW: mentions of suicide, self harm, brief mentions of physical, mental and child abuse along with a few other things that might trigger people.
I, (13-15 female) have a small group of friends. (All around 13-15, mainly female) But there has been some major drama in our friend group and I need advice on what to do.
I've had this friend who we'll call Sam. Sam and I have know each other since we were around 6 yrs old. We met in YeaPrimary 2. (For all the people not from the UK, that would be 1st grade)
We have known each other from then all the way until now. But this is when the drama starts.
For context, My group of friends has 4 people in it. (Including me) and one of these friends, who I'll call Rich, wanted to meet sam. But since Rich lives at least 4 hours away from us, I decided to set up an online game for us to play and for Sam and Rich to get to know each other and ask each other questions.
Sometime into the game I get a private message from Sam.
That's when Sam told me she had a crush on Rich. (We were less then 10 minutes into the game aka less then 10 minutes knowing each other) And she asked if she should tell him. I was (mostly) happy for my friend as she hasnt dated for a few years and told her to shoot her shot. And turns out, Rich liked Sam back. So they started dating.
BTW, Sam had just ghosted someone she dated online and did role-plays with, a few days before this happened. (Keep this in mind)
So some background, our entire group of friends play online role-playing games (In a private server) since we all like being able to make role-plays and storylines, except Sam. (She can be really picky)
This is how Sam and Rich basically went on dates. They also invited me to join them sometimes so they had someone else to play the "extra characters" in their role-plays. Their role-plays mostly consisted of guy x guy, mafia bosses and the typical cringe gacha storylines from 2018. I hated the 'maifa guy buys a slave' type tropes they did but I did it with them anyway because Sam always ended up getting mad and ignoring me if I said no or suggested something different.
This whole role-playing thing went on for a few months. That's when I saw Sam online with Mike. (Mike is the name of the person Sam dated online before Rich, I was friends with Mike and still was at the time despite their break up) I decided to join them and see what they were doing on a server together. (Sam had told me and Rich several times that she hated Mike and she always said he was a "alpha bad boy wannbe")
Once I joined I looked in the chat I saw a bunch of messages like Kisses softly (From Mike) and "You're sexy~" (From Sam) I was extremely confused and decided to ask Sam about this later when she wasn't on the server. She said something along the lines of "I was joking around, I never actually broke up with Mike 🤣".
So I was extremely confused and asked Rich if he knew about this.
That's where it all went to shit afterwards. (Don't worry, it gets worse)
To give a short rundown since this post is already long, Sam was cheating on Mike with Rich while also cheating on Rich with Mike as they both though that Sam dated them and had blocked the other person. When Rich 1st confronted her she said they were in a polyamous relationship. (They were not) This kept happening until eventually Mike blocked everyone (Except me) and really didn't talk to any of us. (Or so I thought.)
I always thought that Rich and Sam shouldn't be dating but I stayed out of it because Sam is the only friend I can really talk to and hang out with, without feeling anxious.
Then I found out that Sam was cheating on Rich AGAIN with a girl from her class called Jaime. Then she cheated AGAIN with a girl from my class who I'll call Autumn.
So not only did Sam cheat on Rich with 3 different people. She did it SEVERAL TIMES WITH THOSE PEOPLE.
I eventually distanced myself from the group as a whole. (I also was in hospital which helped me to ignore all of the drama as I was recovering from surgery)
That's when I found a message in the group chat. (The group chat had me, Sam, Jaime and one of Sam's friends in it as well) The message said "Imagine if Rich knew about you dating me and Autumn 🤣💀" from Jaime.
I told Rich literally everything including screenshots and evidence I had. He didn't believe me until he asked Sam which to that she laughed about it and told him that her adhd made her do bad things. Rich then went into a major depressive episode and he wouldn't respond at all to anyone.
Rich even cut himself and attempted suicide. (He has home issues and several mental illnesses, which Sam knew of) Thankfully he survived.
But here's the thing, Sam and Rich GOT BACK TOGETHER AFTER WHAT HAPPENED.
I was absolutely fucking horrified by this as it seemed to be a severely toxic and maybe even abusive relationship (Psychologically) since Rich had Bipolar and Sam used to blame him for acting weird and blamed him for her cheating.
Here's where I think I became the asshole.
I made a throwaway account and took screenshots of everything and sent them to Jaime, Autumn, Rich, our group of friends and basically everyone who knew of the drama. Which included most of the school. (And even random people from other school that knew some of the gossip)
And then it turns out that Sam, who is bisexual, called Richs gay BFF( I'll call him Matt) a gay bastard and the F-slur. TWICE.
Ans then it turns out, after Sam had cheated on Rich the first or second time, Rich started DATING MATT AND THEY ONLY BROKE UP BECAUSE RICH FELT GUILTY.
Then Sam and Rich got into a massive fight which lead to Rich attempting suicide again. Sam said, and i quote, "womp womp🙄" when told about Richs second sucide attempt and also then Rich told her that his cat had died.
They then broke up and he blocked her on everything.
I felt horrible. I felt like I shouldn't of told everyone what Sam did and I shouldn't of put myself into their relationship..
I felt really depressed and guilty and I thought (and still do) that it was all my fault..
I honestly think I'm the asshole and I shouldn't of done anything considering I don't have any dating experience at all and I don't have any of the disorders Sam or Rich has...
But I've always been told to get a second opinion on everything so I wanted to ask Reddit. (Not the most logical way to do it but I'm desperate af)
So Reddit, AITAH?
I'm sorry if the spelling or wording is off, I'm writing this at 3:13 am and I have school at 8:30. But I am desperate to hear someone else's opinion on this as I feel i am going insane. I'll try and answer any questions as best as I can.
(Ps. Sam has dyslexia and supposedly has adhd as well which she uses as an excuse for why she cheated and blamed Rich. She also used the excuse that her home life is terrible. Which it is. Rich has autism, adhd, bipolar, lack of awareness and is physically and metally abused by his parents. And before I forget, my mother was walking home from work one night and saw Sam HITTING her MOTHER with a stick and laughing about it)
I will honestly appreciate ANY help or opinion given on my situation..
submitted by Imdeadashell to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:13 Equal_Panda_3737 [Kindle Fire][2015] multiplayer FPS that had bug aliens

I think I'm going crazy because I can't find a single picture of this game that l used to play on my kindle fire as a kid. It was named evolution. I played this around 2014-15. The game looked like a gritty rpg and was pretty competitive online multiplayer game. Each player would start out joining a map with many players and would have either a death match or team battles (I don't remember exactly). If you grinded the game enough you would rank up. I remember one of the ranks being colonel. On some of the maps there were big spider bugs that you could kill and they would give you health or something like that. There were many maps you could load into. On of them being a city, another being a large cliff area. One of them was an alien spaceship. It's wild to me that I can remember the name and everything and I still can't find a picture or any proof of it existing. Can anyone recall anything like this?
submitted by Equal_Panda_3737 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:11 Ur_Anemone It’s time feminists started listening to men

It’s time feminists started listening to men
Feminism’s foe is supposed to be the middle-aged guy railing at his TV for showing ladies’ bloody football or, worse, letting women commentate on a men’s game. The dinner-on-the-table, girlie-calendar-on-the-wall world he grew up with has been swept away. Poor baffled, angry old fool.
Younger men raised by working mothers to see female classmates and colleagues as equals are thought to breezily accept feminism’s gains. Except this week research by King’s College London showed a quarter of British males aged 16 to 29 believe it is harder now to be a man than woman — and they are more likely than their boomer dads to believe feminism does more harm than good.
A global trend is emerging among adults under 30 that the academics Rosie Campbell and Alice Evans call “gendered ideological polarisation”. From South Korea to Spain, young women increasingly support liberal political parties while their male peers are more likely to vote conservative or populist. Older men and women’s voting patterns, however, still largely align.
So what is dividing young people? Most critiques focus on how the sexes now live in different social media bubbles: girls on Instagram and TikTok, boys drawn to “manosphere” gurus like Andrew Tate, the alleged sex trafficker eagerly exploiting angry, disaffected boys who can’t get laid.
Yet could young women and men diverge politically because each is pursuing their material best interests? Told to #bekind and empathetic, no wonder young women are drawn to liberal parties that promise to care for migrants and the poor. But their support is not entirely altruistic. Progressives offer what they need: state-funded childcare, an end to the gender pay gap, equality legislation and campaigns against male violence such as MeToo.
In the hierarchy of oppression preached by progressive politics “the last shall come first and the first shall come last”. At its apex are women, people of colour and the ever-expanding LGBTQ+ “community”. A straight, white guy is at the very bottom. Most young men I know shrug off or joke about their “privilege”. But for lost boys struggling to find a foothold, or those who’ve never felt alpha at all, it must be a slap in the face to learn your needs are not just invalid but that you’re an embodiment of “toxic masculinity”. Why vote for a party that calls you the problem?
“This is the best time in history to be a woman,” says Evans. Undoubtedly true. The Labour Party has dropped all-women shortlists now female MPs are a majority in the PLP. Women have never been safer in childbirth. Once girls are allowed education, they always exceed boys: globally, 100 women are in higher education for every 88 men. From astronauts to prime minister, there is no male bastion women haven’t breached. Female empowerment is celebrated. You go, girl!
Evans is right that gender equality is not a “zero sum game” — realising women’s potential has economic benefits for all — but coldly, objectively this not the best time in history to be a man. At work he must compete with women for preferment, at home he can’t expect the full wifely domestic service. (Older men are more relaxed about feminism, I suspect, because it hasn’t harmed their lifestyle.) Plus what gender barriers do men have to break? Where are the plaudits and “you go, boy!” for being a stay-at-home dad or caring for your elderly mum?
Evans notes that one reason for gender divergence is a “feminised public culture” and cites the book industry where a predominantly female staff publish mainly female writers to serve female readers. The Royal Society of Literature website boasts about its “queefemale-led team”, hardly welcoming to a young man toiling over his first draft.
Yet the feminised sphere now extends into teaching, academia, medicine and the legal profession. Even if you greet this as progress, it is facile to suggest men have lost nothing. And what irks younger males is still being hammered about “privilege” by confident, successful female peers.
I realise I can only write this because I’m a woman, a feminist even. (Few male colleagues would dare.)
Failing to address specific male issues won’t make women’s lives better; indeed it only breeds misogyny and wider misery. Countries with the widest gender polarisation have the lowest birth rates.
In South Korea, where men retain traditional sexist ideas while wallowing in modern online porn culture, young women now sign pledges not to marry or even date. A riven society is a loveless one.
Yet to raise under-attainment of working-class boys makes you a men’s rights activist; ask if fatherless black boys are drawn to gangs and you’re racist. Every man who speaks to the modern male condition must be another Andrew Tate. Jordan Peterson’s initial 12 rules merely told young men to stand up straight and that tidying your room or stroking a cat could bring structure and joy to seemingly meaningless lives. Now Peterson is demonised.
From the female standpoint it looks as if everything men enjoy is either mocked or condemned. A group of blokes going fishing must be saddos avoiding their wives: a stag-do must be a drunken, red-light crawl, but a hen night is an uproarious female bonding trip. The only acceptable men-only spaces now are gyms and, as Helen Lewis said on her Radio 4 New Gurus programme, blokey podcasts thrive because they serve the hunger for banter once satisfied in the pub.
Is it harder to be a man than a woman now? In some senses, yes. And if this is how a quarter of young guys feel, instead of demonising or dismissing them, we need to find out why.
submitted by Ur_Anemone to afterAWDTSG [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:11 Hamelzz Games that are suited to short, occasionally sessions?

I'm a grown man with a family and a career and a lot to take care of and unfortunately time available to me for gaming has become more and more scarse as I age. This has caused me to only be able to play for short periods of time that can sometimes be weeks apart.
This style of gaming causes me to start games, play them for a bit, then return to them a week later with no idea what I'm supposed to do or how half the mechanics work. I've even tried keeping a notebook but nobody wants to read notes when you've got 35 minutes every 2 weeks to play. The entire experience frequently turns me off gaming entirely, as I'd rather spend the time doing something productive than playing the intro to yet another game I won't even get 10% into
So, that being said, are there any games that lend themselves to this kind of 'playstyle'? Something that I could pick up with weeks in between sessions and not feel frustrated at the need to relearn the entire game? The only thing that comes to mind is online shooters like CoD.
Oh, and the skateboarding game Session. That's been my go-to for the past few months when I have some time to kill. Easy to jump into with very little to remember.
submitted by Hamelzz to ItsAllAboutGames [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:11 DepoisDoFim The worst multiplayer experience I've ever had in 15 years of video gaming

I simply can't believe what's happening in this $70 game. I just came out of an extremely contested match. At the 88th minute, it was tied 4-4, and I managed to score two goals, taking the game to 6-4.
At 90+1', I got disconnected. Okay, it could have been a rage quit. But no, I was promptly taken to the startup screen, having been disconnected from Ultimate Team. I reconnect and realize that the match wasn't counted, my "NOT FINALIZED" index increased, and I lost an entire WL match. I don't know how my opponent does it, but he did, and he took a win from me after 4 painful losses that I endured silently, to the end.
And it wasn't the first time, but it was the most absurd. This afternoon, I suffered 4 or 5 disconnections, all of which counted as a loss for me. All of them, inevitably.
This game is absolute trash, it's the first FIFA I've played seriously and all I want is to never have to play it again. The worst experience I've had in a multiplayer game in 15 years of online gaming. The fun is over, it's just a stressful casino. Every day the experience gets worse and worse.
submitted by DepoisDoFim to EASportsFC [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:09 Enochwel Surface Pro 9 with 8g RAM. Enough?

To me 8g ram is not enough to do anything, but here’s what I need:
I’m taking online courses in EE undergraduate and CS graduate level. I’m doing a lot of work on my computer in both, but I do have a powerful desktop PC to do some heavy lifting. For the purpose of studying, note taking, video conferences, along with light-duty programming and a little lab work in EE, will the 8g ram surface pro 9 suffice? No gaming or anything.
Forgot to say this version is only $750 at the moment… so since I’m on a tight budget, this looks good if viable.
submitted by Enochwel to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:07 GGtheEng Poker Theory Books for Beginners

I’m pretty new to poker with all my experience coming from free to play apps such as monopoly poker and a few cash games with my buddies.
I’d like to try my luck on some real online sites, but would like to learn some theory before I lose the house.
Does anyone have any poker theory book recommendations for a player like myself?
Preferably something that starts right at the basics and progresses from there.
Thanks reddit
submitted by GGtheEng to poker [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:07 Ok_Collection_557 Chance Me ED Cornell Engineering

GPA: 3.81 UW 4.42 W
1520 SAT (720 English, 800 Math)
White Male
Middle Class
Intended Major: Computer Engineering
16 APs (Major Specific I've taken AP Calc BC, Calc 3 and will take Linear Algebra next year, Physics 1 and taking C, Chemistry, and both Comp sci classes)
*I got a B in Calc 3 but an A in every other Math class.
Passion Projects - Built VR Treadmill, Built PC, Made Projector TheateGame Emultation Setup, Flipped PCs and PC Parts on Ebay(I'm not quite sure how to write this on my app)
Student Council Member 4 yrs
Math Honors Society Founder and President - 3 yrs
Key Club Internation Founder and President - 3 yrs
Science Bowl Founder and President - 4 yrs
Science Olympiad Member and State Competitor - 3 yrs
National Level Soccer Player - Travel 5-9 times a year for academy games and showcases - 3 yrs
In-N-Out Employee - 2.5 yrs
Youth Soccer Referee - Travelled to ref national level tournaments
NHS Committee Chair, Youth Advisory Board Leader, Spanish Honors Society Member. Varsity Soccer Player, or Coding Club Member(I'm not sure what to put)
Pretty Solid from my Math teacher I had for two years and started the Math Honors Society with
Really Good from my Spanish teacher that I ate lunch with to get better at spanish because I was behind after covid and after a lot of that and hard work became a top spanish student
AP Scholar
Seal of Biliteracy
Local Math Competition
Varsity Soccer Letter all 4 yrs
All state honorable mention/team mvp/top goalscorer HS Soccer
Academic Letter all 4 yrs
Plan to write about my epilepsy and how learning about reading the brain waves during an EEG kickstarted my passion for computers and wanting to create hardware that could read and write directly to the brain.
P.S I'm genuinely unsure if I'm competitive or not, all the posts online are of these international students or minorities, but I'm literally just a dude who likes computers and school.
Will the B in Calc 3 be really bad for my application?
Other schools I'm applying to: Columbia, Washu Stl, Case Western, Cooper Union, Northwestern, UF, Georgia Tech, Co School of Mines
submitted by Ok_Collection_557 to chanceme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:05 ResilientPierogi97 After 10 years together and beating long-distance, he isn't who I thought he was and I left.

My husband [M31] and I [F26] met online ten years ago and did long-distance between visits until I could move in with him, though now I think he may have groomed me (16F and 21M when we started talking) but I'm not sure, I'm still working through alot of stuff tbh.
Shortly after we got married he had a (common, manageable) chronic medical condition make itself known and it seems like thats when he became emotionally abusive and would threaten physical abuse when he got annoyed with me. He'd always had a bit of a temper toward anyone but me, but now he was quick to anger and would throw and break things in front of me when his temper flared. Sometimes we'd argue and he'd scream insults at me so loudly I could feel the bass of his voice vibrate in my chest from across the room and my ears would ring. At least twice our neighbours called for wellness checks on me, he would apologise to the officers and we'd pretend that we had no idea our little argument had gotten so out of hand, but as soon as the door closed again it was always my fault; he wouldn't have behaved that way if I had just used my brain and not made him so angry, I'm so twisted how I provoke him then play the victim.
Thankfully I'm now back in my home country and preparing to file for divorce but I can't stop feeling dumb and ashamed for how much time I wasted with him- and ohmygod, the moneeyy 😩 easily over 15 grand on visas, travelling, flights, care packages, post cards, letting him spend entire paychecks of mine on his hobbies (weed & video games)!! 🤡🤡🤡
I know I'm only 26 and still really young, but I'm angry and worried that maybe I wasted my prime years being a bangmaid to someones crusty, deadbeat son. It also haunts me how many red flags I brushed off before we were married that are perfectly fucking neon now! 🤦‍♀️ They come to me at random times, like this morning in the shower; it hit me that him physically intimidating his cats when they groomed themselves in the same room as him was never 'a sensory issue' or 'difference in training methods', he's just a short-tempered bully who solves things with threats and intimidation. I felt like I had to physically shake my head to get the embarassment out after that, because how blind could I have been!!? Ugh.
If anyone reads this and relates, how did you cope with all the anxious thoughts and negative feelings after leaving and start rebuilding yourself? I feel like I lost so much of myself in that apartment, and I'd really like to eventually stop thinking about all of this, and him, all the time.
Thanks for holding space for me if you read this far🌷
submitted by ResilientPierogi97 to emotionalabuse [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:05 lishengzhi Discord group for game installation, online play and technical support for installation and online issues

All welcome to join, group is on t3a.
submitted by lishengzhi to bfme [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 04:02 alicerougee Heartbroken

Is there any way to stop the hurt?
So.. I don’t even know how to start this.. but I guess I’ll start with me I 24f made friends with a guy 21m two years ago. I’ll admit we’re only online friends (we were) who games together almost daily.. he had grown to be one of my best friends. I cared about him a lot and in the beginning he cared about me.
But in the past 3 months he’s changed a lot, we were constantly getting into arguments, about a month ago we got into a major fight, it was start cause he said he would 1v1 my little brother on fort but I told him he didn’t have to but he still agreed, and then decided to play ow (overwatch) till my brother couldn’t stay up longer. That was the start of the fight which escalated to me bringing up my feelings on how I felt ignore and under appreciated and how I just wanted to feel like he cared about me again, and how 1 sided the friendship felt. Anyways we made up but it was a big fight that brought changes to our friendship which I didn’t like. Like how he would only play games with me 2 days in a week, and I wasn’t allowed to talk about my relationship or my life in general.
Anyways he and I got into a fight 4 days ago, and I didn’t mean to argue with him but I had just woken up and he snapped at me first, so I told him I was tired of walking on eggshells and arguing with him.. so he decided to end the friendship.. then he messaged me the next day saying we should talk.
So we got into a discord call and talked for about 35 minutes and in the beginning it was like he wanted to continue our friendship and saying things like if we do continue we gotta stop arguing and getting into fights, which I agreed to and then right before we ended the call he said I know this is probably going to hurt you more than me, but I think we should just end it here even tho the entire time we were talking he made it out that we were going to continue our friendship and then he goes and messes with my head and ended it.
Then my fiancée talked to him, asking about what happened cause I called him crying about it, my ex friend explained what happened from his POV and then said maybe in the future we can talk again but right now it’s over.
My heart is broken, I really really enjoyed our friendship I haven’t stopped crying for 4 days since then. I truly don’t know what to do and even talking to my fiancée he said let it be for now and maybe in the future you guys will be friends again.
I just want the hurt to go away.. my heart hurts so much.
submitted by alicerougee to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]


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2024.05.14 03:59 throwaway83040627 I’m not cut out for life

This is my first time posting something on here so sorry if I’m doing something wrong. I just want to vent out my thoughts somewhere.
I’m 19 years old, turning 20 in less than three months. I’m a trans guy, realized that a little while ago. I don’t have any friends in person. I haven’t even held a conversation with someone around my age in years. I barely leave the house, hardly even my bed. I haven’t had a job in over a year, I don’t have a license, I’m not in college and I don’t have a romantic partner.
Every job I look into seems unappealing. I have depression (obviously) and anxiety and it makes it really hard for me to even push myself to just get one and get over it. I don’t want to do anything with customer support but that’s pretty much my only option around here. I don’t want to work forever doing something I hate. That’d just make me hate my life more. I don’t care about the money, I don’t care I could buy more games, it feels like no matter what I’m always going to be miserable.
And back to the trans part of me, it sucks so much. Majority of my family is homophobic/transphobic, only my mom isn’t. I told her a few months ago and I asked her not to tell anyone. She agreed and I’m really thankful for that. But it still sucks, I don’t think I can ever be open about it. I feel miserable every time I think about my body and how it looks. I hate my voice and I wish I was taller. I wish I could’ve grown up as a boy. I wish when I get my hair cut short it actually looks masculine.
I constantly feel depressed, I constantly feel like there’s a weight on my chest. I cut myself sometimes too. I have a few online friends and I’m thankful for them but it hurts to hear them talk about hanging out together when I’m states away and can’t participate.
I wish someone loved me romantically. Honestly, I feel like everything would feel way better if someone did. I know everything wouldn’t instantly be perfect, but I think it would get me on the right track. It’s genuinely all I want. I just want someone to hold me. But it’ll never happen. I’m so unmotivated for everything and honestly sometimes I feel like I shouldn’t get better. I probably deserve to feel like this, I’m sure I’ve done something wrong.
Everything seems so difficult and complicated. I still feel like I’m 16 years old. I don’t feel cut out for life. I’m too stupid to accomplish anything. I wish I could just go back to being a kid. It feels like everything is against me. I want to just end it.
submitted by throwaway83040627 to depression [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:58 YourStonerGF 33F, US, For your new nerdy best friend inquire within!

I'm rather nerdy. I spend most of my days at home hanging out with the cats. I've loved art ever since I was very young. I have big ambitions to have my own graphic design gig some day.
I love video games. I got a lot to play on. PS5, Xbox One, Switch, Meta Quest 2, and my iPad. So, like, pretty much everything but PC 😅 I also collect PS1 & 2 games to play on my PlayStation 2. In recent years I've been very casual with my gaming, playing a lot of platformers and survival/crafting games. I'll play a bit of everthing, though, except, like, sports games.
I love tabletop games. Star Wars Legion, Warhammer 40K/AoS, Magic: The Gathering, Pokémon TCG, Digimon TCG, and Lorcana. I love to paint miniatures as well, but it's a bit of a struggle to actually get people to play with me. Never really gotten the chance to play an TTRPG, but would love to. I suffer from a bit of learning curve.
I love music. Dance Gavin Dance, Papa Roach, Twenty-One Pilots, A Day To Remember, stuff like that. Bit of an elder emo. I wish I could play an instrument, but I fear I may be tone deaf 🙃
I love Marvel. Spider-Man's probably my favorite.
I love Harry Potter. Pretty sure my house is Hufflepuff.
Huge fan of The Office. I've seen the whole series countless times.
I love horror movies and got into true crime on YouTube few years ago. My favorite horror movie is probably The Blair Witch Project, second to the 2003 Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
I love anime and manga. Demon Slayer is by far my favorite. I also really love Fullmetal Alchemist, Attack on Titan, Digimon, Dragon Ball, and Sword Art Online.
I'm doin' a Japanese course on Duolingo.
I love baking, coffee, and grilling. I don't have too much confidence in my cooking skills 😅 I'm rather adept at baking though, and I love smoked meats 🤤
🟢4 20 friendly because some seem confused🟢
submitted by YourStonerGF to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:57 jobless_wanderer 24M - Looking for some nice new online friends

Hi everyone.
I'm looking for online friends, I have no specific requirements except being an adult (18 and above), I'm more comfortable with that.
I want to start by saying that I love animals of all kinds, they are beautiful and lovely when they come in all shapes and sizes, also I have 5 cats. I'd keep a dog too but cats are easier.
I am into sports, to keep my body moving 😅, I love Football and usually play it each evening with some friends. I like to cook however I mostly make healthy alternative dishes to help me on my path to achieve my fitness goals. I workout because it's like a therapy for me and makes me feel and look great. Let's motivate each other in the gym! Skincare is a passion of mine, and I'm always looking to try new products.
History and historical fiction are my interests, especially ancient epic tales, medival battles, paranormal stories and last stands. The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones are my favourite. I'm sometimes into gaming, particularly RDR2. Despite a full-time job as a software engineer, I can be a good listener when time allows.
Don't be shy to hit me up.
submitted by jobless_wanderer to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:56 jobless_wanderer 24M - Looking for nice new online friends

Hi everyone.
I'm looking for online friends, I have no specific requirements except being an adult (18 and above), I'm more comfortable with that.
I want to start by saying that I love animals of all kinds, they are beautiful and lovely when they come in all shapes and sizes, also I have 5 cats. I'd keep a dog too but cats are easier.
I am into sports, to keep my body moving 😅, I love Football and usually play it each evening with some friends. I like to cook however I mostly make healthy alternative dishes to help me on my path to achieve my fitness goals. I workout because it's like a therapy for me and makes me feel and look great. Let's motivate each other in the gym! Skincare is a passion of mine, and I'm always looking to try new products.
History and historical fiction are my interests, especially ancient epic tales, medival battles, paranormal stories and last stands. The Lord of the Rings and Game of Thrones are my favourite. I'm sometimes into gaming, particularly RDR2. Despite a full-time job as a software engineer, I can be a good listener when time allows.
Don't be shy to hit me up.
submitted by jobless_wanderer to friendship [link] [comments]


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submitted by Disastrous_Bedroom72 to MaddenCFM [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:55 o_o995 29 [F4A] #Seattle/Online - looking for some nerdy friends!

Hi everyone! I'm finishing up my first year of grad school and coming up on my first year in Seattle. I came back to America after a few years abroad and most of my friends are scattered across the states, still abroad or i've lost touch with them. Since moving to Seattle i've found it...lonley? Lol I love the city but haven't really clicked with new friends. I'd love to meet some people that I can do things with on the weekend and explore with. Anyone want to go hiking/paddle boarding? I'm also always looking for more online friends to chat with!
Some things about me:
Look forward to hearing from you!!!
submitted by o_o995 to r4r [link] [comments]

2024.05.14 03:55 Ghost00074 [36m] What’s up? I am here looking for friends, also eventually my bestie!

Hey, my name is Ralph. I am 36, and I live in Florida. I travel for work though so I am all over the place and I travel full time. So that means I am not on any specific time zone, I sleep when I’m tired. As flight crew my work schedule can be 7 days a week, 365 days a year and holidays. I prefer it that way vs a traditional 9-5 Monday to Friday type job, no thanks. As flight crew I get to see the world and get paid for it. I truly love my job and what I do. I also get to live in Florida but still see all 4 seasons! I have been to 19 countries and growing!
I am a nerd. I love gaming. I have a PS5, gaming desktop, gaming laptop, switch OLED, etc. I am also an electronic music producer. I produce house, tech house, trance, techno, drum and bass, etc! It is just for fun!
I am looking for friends. I am VERY picky with who I respond to and make friends with. I am also looking for my best friend but that takes time and it just has to happen. I just need to click with someone. Someone who immediately gets my high level of sarcasm, etc.
I am looking for real life friends not just online! Message me! :)
submitted by Ghost00074 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]