Is bluebird motorhomes still in business

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2008.10.24 20:05 Real Estate Investing

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2012.09.21 21:23 idgaf_ Aapnu Amdavad - Ahmedabad

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I just finished my 10th grade now it's time for my 11th grade the fees is 1600 dollars but my father just doesn't give a single crap about the my studies because it's 1600 dollars today is the last date but my father, how much he has? literally zero in his bank account he didn't even care and what did my mother do?15 years ago my father sold out of my mothers jewels and all things and just failed in business my mother just brings up what happened 15 years ago she was just sobbing when i ask her what is father gonn a do she starts bringing the past again I feel bad when my friends call and ask did you pay the fees one of my friends just called me right now that he is in the school he is going to pay the fees he asks me when are you going to pay the fees I didn't know what to say I don't think my father be able to afford 1600 dollars in just one single day I know he won't be able to make it, my mother asked my father to beg other people for money ask them to lend I still don't think people will trust my father and lend money but still he didn't even try to ask people for money He just sits right in front of the TV just watching when I ask him how is he going to pay he just asksme to shut my mouth,i dmed a lot of people on insta asking them if they could pay me my college fees but none of them replied
submitted by SANJAY1488 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:19 SnooAdvice771 attempting to give myself closure

Dear C,
I loved you. not in that wishy washy lifetime holiday movie kind of way either. I truly loved you. I knew when I met you I could possibly fall. I tried not to, stayed away. didn't want to rock any boats. I think it was that expression of what I believed to be a love of life. the smile and lighting up eyes. I don't know. It's hard to put my finger on. you just had that air about you.
Became friends. shared secrets. shared sorrows. I didn't expect to become what I thought was that area of close friendship. To then get feelings though we lived so far apart. it hurt when I realized it was more than feelings of friendship in my chest. trying so hard to shut if down. not let myself be swept up into something. Love is a lot like the ocean though. one cannot sway it's currents as one cannot halt the rotation of the Earth.
It was turmoil it couldn't be, though I wished for us to fall into each other, hold you tightly to me and feel ourselves melt into each other. You had inklings I know. never said anything, we never discussed it. you moved even further away. I thought perhaps I could move on. I didn't. perhaps that's when I should have noticed. not that you were with someone but that perhaps you were not really my friend.
permission to send flowers but sending them to your work. speaking on the whatsapp. instead of texting. letting me feel confused about your feelings with me yet no resolution. I didn't want to lose you so I said nothing. that was pathetic of me. I think just a way to let myself be taken advantage of again later.
losing touch, regaining communications. losing touch again. Honestly I should have realized sooner but one becomes blinded by their own feelings. It came to a head a year and a half ago. Nearing christmas I found myself this particular year in a deep depression. Even years after tragedy it still hurts. I saw through posts you recently had a family tragedy as well. I wanted to make sure you were ok.
We agreed to meet up for dinner at my place what was that? the 22nd? the 23rd perhaps. So glad to hear from a close friend, feeling a sense of happiness. looking forward to something. braving the grocery stores less than a week from Christmas. I got a bunch of ingredients settling on a fancy style pizza and poached pears. something fun, not romantic (I didnt want to give the wrong vibes) even got a new sauce pan just to make a great red wine reduction for the pears lol. It was all set. I had a bottle of moscato d asti too. just a dessert wine. I even handmade the damn dough. It did turn out pretty decent, the pizza cooked. pears soaking in sugar water. yet
Yet it was 4:00 and I hear nothing, I had that nagging feeling
no Surely she wouldn't.
5:30 I had no word. perhaps a little later dinner. afterall I did not set the specific time.
6:30 and I messaged you to get an apology. I'm so sorry.
She told me her grandmother's memorial was that day. they released a balloon even.
I was crushed. deflated much like that balloon after a week of floating I'm sure. It seemed like an airtight excuse. Or at least one if I questioned would make me an asshole. I may be an ass but C I'm no asshole. I told you I understood but it didn't end there.
for over six months, six months it went on like this. I sent flowers twice actually when I thought I overstepped, made you mad at me. I rememembe getting very sick in Februaury and aplogizing for looking you up to send the damn flowers, feeling guilty of being some type of creep. You didn't mind. Hell I forgot to mention I had a Christmas gift from the previous years I couldn't get to you due to covid.
I asked if you were busy, You asked my free days. if you had the same day off and we made plans, without fail you would cancel or just not show. you would not message me. I understood-still understand helping family when they are sick. yet why not call? text? If I questioned it I was the bad guy. I'd always be the bad guy for simply questioning. I asked you if you didn't wish to be friends. to just reject me if that were the case. I just wanted to spend time together yet... yet even getting you to answer a text was a chore. why? I didn't obsess, I didn't stalk. I just wanted to spend time with someone I cared for. to help in any way I could.
Looking back it was rather pathetic of me. you're still the only person to make me act in that manner. You never rejected me. why? I needed that finality, that goddamned nail in the coffin to know for sure. I guess I just wasn't paying attention. You seemed to get out any way from visiting. spending time together. at a trusted friend's suggestion I proposed time after time neutral territory. coffee shops, restaurants, the book store. any public place.
I didn't know if you had issue with me personally, meeting a guy in his home? you agreed so many times to meet up to only ghost me. You did ghost me. repeatedly. You then said you didn't ghost me that you were staying late to get in the good graces of a new boss, just not answering me letting me apologize later.
I'm sorry C but having well established plans then not letting the person know you weren't going until after the fact. or not letting them know at all IS GHOSTING. SAYING IT'S NOT GHOSTING IS GASLIGHTING.
you ghosted me constantly, you gaslighted me. it hurt. If I didn't have blinders, if I weren't so fucking depressed I would have wisened to it. Instead I hoped and thought perhaps this time. not unlike those scratcher addicts wasting money hoping for that big payout.
You ghosted and gaslighted me. it hurt my self worth. perhaps I wasn't worthy of love nor frienship. a lingering trauma from my childhood you only reinforced in me. I think looking back on it you gaslighted me the entirety of our relationship. when that hit me... I don't know. From the same friend, she thought it a good idea to ask what I was to you. What type of friend am I to you? that was the question. was I just an aquaintenance? was I a close friend? was I just some person?
"of course we're friends" was my response. That wasn't the question though. Crushed. Angry. depressed. I tried still. yet you didnt acknowledge me. I think I grew bitter.
You ghosted me, You gaslighted me. You wouldn't tell me you rejected me even when I asked you to. I felt as though I weren't being treated as a human being.
To me you seemed to be acting like a narcissist or perhaps afraid? You were giving excused the same way the people who raised me did. classic text book narcissists.
C , I hate that a part of me loves you. I hate that what seemed like a relationship that meant so much to me perhaps didn't mean anything to you. I hate that I fell for someone who lies, who ghosts, nor treats me with the slightest bit of respect. I loved you but you only hurt me. loving you made me not feel good about myself. I wish
I wish instead of this rant I could tell you in a nicer way how I feel. That I then wanted to know you because I think it was more the idea of you I fell in love with. just a phantom. That I wished to find the depths of conversation only those like us could know. to find the depths of that well. to truly know one another.
I realize you'll never give an honest answer. I'll never have that chance to cook for you. the closest we'll be emotionally is being an unanswered call, empty chair, dinner for no one. I'll never share true intimacy with you. I remember you placing your head on my shoulder during the movie at the art museum. I wante to put my arm around you so much that night. it seemed innapropriate. I had no idea if she were your friend or girlfriend. I could not intrude.
I realized there are othes who see my worth. I'm more than just a text. people who see me. Yet a part of me lingers wishing. it's only a whisper now, something that still aches. I wished for closure. I'll never get it. I try to accept it. I can only move on.
submitted by SnooAdvice771 to u/SnooAdvice771 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:17 Tier5NPC Patrols must be buffed

Patrols must be buffed
So here I was my friends and I minding our own business breaking random fences because we hate fences, who like them, around this weird looking pole thing then OUT OF NOWHERE this massive creature shows up and jumpscares all of my friends, I call for help because there's no way I can take him on his 5 times my size.
The reinforcements arrive and we had 3 openings dug up with lots of friendly hunters and hive guards all swarming it but it just won't die even though it's thing that shoots wierd rocks didn't help him, he kept just running around and fist fighting my friends completely devastating them even though we outnumbered him a 100 to 1😭.
Our big friends the chargers arrived and managed to knock him down and send him flying off into a cliff face so we all rush to try and attack him, I shit you not it took some stick out of it's pocket and stabbed himself and screamed something and CHARGED the charger mauling her with his bare hands 😭😭
4 patrols that heard the commotion came to help, we WHERE LITTRALLY 200 against one and he still won't die, finally our bile titan came to the rescue and as we swarmed him to the floor so that she could kill him with her huge leg, finally it was dead so we all tried to relax but then suddenly AN ASTEROID SMASHES INTO OUR TITAN KILLING HER ON THE SPOT, then who comes out of that asteroid, THE GOD DAM MONSTER that immediately started slaughtering all my friends 😭😭
We need to have more of an advantage against these things, all we can do is spit at them and swing at them with our little legs, our only strength is in numbers, We need more of us to be capable to take these things down 😡.
submitted by Tier5NPC to Helldivers [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 OverGap3758 GF/Ex disappeared but not sure if she is ok.

Throwaway account.
I would like to ask for help in possible scenarios and what other people think is more likely.

So I (35M) have been/was with my girlfriend (33F) for over a decade. Maybe once every year or two she would out of the blue say she was breaking up (sometimes wouldn't say anything and just take everything and disappear) and would disappear. The last time she said it was last year but she didn't disappear but became really distant. So it has been improving, and just this weekend everything seemed fine until Monday when she suddenly disappeared for a few hours late at night saying she was busy which is very unusual as she usually sleeps quite early, she responded to my texts briefly and seemed genuinely busy with work. Then on Tuesday she said she wanted to break up but wanted to remain friends (I asked if she had found someone else and she was genuinely surprised or acted so, this is important), so I was obviously devastated but after some short talks it seemed like she might have room to stay in the relationship or at least consider not breaking up for sure, though it seemed likely she would.
That isn't the important part, she was supposed to go on a training trip today for over a week so she was busy packing her luggage yesterday. On Monday I asked what time her flight was so I could make sure I was free to drive her to the airport and she said that I didn't need to (which was where I got really suspicious that something was up as I basically almost always drive her to the airport or any far away place/when she is transporting lots of stuff). Then yesterday when we were talking I said I'd like to eat with her before her departure and then drive her to the airport and she went oh that's good we can eat near my business (which she just opened several months ago) so I can check up on my business before I go. So we had arranged the time today that I would pick her up to go eat then check on her business before going to the airport.

Then this morning when my alarm woke me up and I checked my phone I saw a text message from her that was a few hours ago saying that she had to arrive earlier and that she just arrived at the airport. My first thought was that she just wanted to avoid me so I was sad but understood why she did it, however I then checked the rest of my notifications and saw that the plane ticket and hotel was cancelled so now I'm seriously concerned as she had been planning this training trip for a long time. Also when I dropped off some stuff for our dogs at her place I saw that the huge luggage she packed yesterday was still at home.
So now I'm concerned about if she is actually safe, and would like to ask anyone for their view/perspective to see if there may be something I'm missing or didn't think of.

The reason why I am concerned about her safety (whether safe from herself or others) is because she has been acting really weird the past few days which understandably so if she was just going to break up with me. However she had cancelled all of her appointments yesterday and this morning because she said she had a bad stomach ache (probably stress) which is very unusual for her as she is usually very hard working, the last time something similar to this happened was a few months ago when she had a mental breakdown and was about to blow up her business, clients and industry acquaintances. She also contemplated about taking her own you know (I think I can't say the word on reddit? or was that somewhere else). I eventually got her to calm down and I hope she moved on and she did seem to recover. But I'm not sure if that was all an act (should be because she generally can't act for an extended period of time as I would generally pick up on things when the inconsistencies became too frequent).

Second of all she had basically deleted all of her social media a few days ago too and when I asked her she said there were too many weirdoes approaching her and adding her and talking to her. When I asked her how could random people add you on one particular social media platform as you need to confirm their request before they can even talk to you she said I dunno I accidentally accepted them (this is why I thought she was with someone else at first along with some other stuff when she said she wanted to break up but when I listed out all the reasons she genuinely sounded surprised) it sounded really weird but after asking a few times I didn't ask more because after the first few questions she will shut down generally.
A few days ago she also removed all snacks and beverages from her business as she was afraid of getting sued which I thought was weird but understood the risks if someone got food poisoning from something you provided however unlikely as those were prepackaged items. The thing that concerned me was that she said someone told her that it's not safe but she wouldn't tell me who which was weird as she would usually say the name even though I would have no idea who it was. (Another reason why I thought she may be with someone else)
She also has some documents of mine that she was supposed to hand over when she arrived at her destination which is quite time sensitive (which she collected late last night and asked for them which I found weird as I was going to give it to her today) so she would not purposefully sabotage work related stuff.

So I'm concerned that something happened to her, whether it is another breakdown, blackmail or something. If she didn't have this trip that she planned extensively for a while which she suddenly abandoned along with the scrubbing of a lot of business related stuff (her personal social media that is private is still up just all public social media has been scrubbed) and her past breakdown I would just think that she is avoiding me or is with someone else, which is still a possibility and is actually the one I hope is the case. I'm afraid that it's something else and she is either in danger to herself or from someone else (could just be me panicking cause this situation is so weird). I'm on here to ask if anyone else has any ideas that I may have missed because I'm contemplating about going to the police (not much they can do if she just disappeared on her own with no outside interreference) but fear that I may be taking too drastic an action if in fact she is just avoiding me/with someone else and is totally safe.
TLDR: GF of over a decade broke up with me and disappeared. However circumstances makes me question if she is just avoiding me or is she in trouble.
submitted by OverGap3758 to relationships [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:15 Honest_Abalone6945 Ap physics C....

Let's start of with the good. I think I actually maybe somewhat did decent on the mechanics part. Or maybe I am making this up after the hellfire that was e and m. Boy where do I even begin. NEVER IN MY 12+ YEARS OF SHCOOLING HAVE I EVER BOMBED A TEST THAT BAD. NEVER HAVE I EVER FELT SO HOPLESS ABOUT AN EXAM. I can still feel it, my joyus but joking demeanor right before the exam. Each cracking jokes on how bad mechanics went and e and m couldn't be worse. How naive I was. Opening that seal on that shrink-wrap was like opening pandoras box, and oh the ap test makers let out a mischievous snicker as they knew what they had done. The first question the mcq was like a pity point, a farce put up by the ap test makers to mock your arrogance. Each question after was a slap to the was, a kick to the groin, a spit on the eye. I have never felt more humiliated while giving a test. It wasn't even close. Usually I can bring the answer choice down to 2 or 3 choices, but not this time. I don't know if the devil took hold of the test makers, or if someone's wife left them, all I do know is that all of that anger and stress was used to brew this Satan spawn of a test. I remember looking around the room and seeing everyone's faces. Some were smiling and some were stonefaced, but all were perplexed not only by the question but by the sheer absurdity that letters and numbers could be arranged in such a way as to open a void on your page, sucking in any and all thoughts, emotions, dreams, and hopes. HOWEVER the worst was yet to come. The frq.... after the beating that was the mcq, the frq felt like being sent the "she's busy bro" text. You could see the text, read it, and yet felt hopless all together. "OH I don't get this question maybe I'll understand question 2, okay maybe question 3, OK nvm, I might be able to get a part of a question". I am sure that's what went through all of our heads. Yet again I hear laughter outside in the hallway, it was just a bunch or rowdy kids I assumed. I should've known it was the subtle chuckles from the ap test makers, laughing at the delusional state I was in, trying to convince myself I understood something ANYTHING. My exam the week before helped me learn about schizophrenia, and I had realized that I had gone full schizo and had started hallucinating numbers and variables that don't even exist in fictional books. Once again looking around the room, his time it was all smiles. The test had broken the, it had consumed their souls, was I the only sane one left in the room? No it can't be. Each of their smiles had to have been filled with memories of their most beloved moments. Their brains had activated its defense mechanism, but it was too late, their was no sound left inside to pilot the suit.
Aftermath... well there was no aftermath, my brain blocked out that memory right away. It was as if it never happened.
... Just to cover by bases in case ap overlords somehow figure out this is me and want to retaliate... this was all a big joke...
Aftermath of aftermath... I think I need a therapist and some pills👍
submitted by Honest_Abalone6945 to APStudents [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:14 No-Upstairs7333 Did I deduce it right? Or ABYG sa desisyon na yon?

Long post ahead
Hello, my gf and I broke up days ago. This is the first time I’m starting to lose interest in everything, I always tried to escape in games but this time I get tired of it too so I want to let this out.
She tried ghosting me, I was lucky I followed my instinct to kinda hack my way in to her messenger and found out about it (read a chat with one of her friends) even if it meant I invaded her privacy.
I’m not perfect, we had our ups and downs, I had red flags and she did too. The reason I read why she was leaving me was because she said she deserves peace of mind, I was not respecting her anymore, rude words whenever we had argument and the silent treatment that she wanted me to change and she said that I did not change, she gave me a chance and she is done and she is spent. Yes, that is true I am guilty of it, I am trying to change, but it is still not enough or she saw too little of it, definitely my fault.
But then I also found out that she was talking to her guy friend she met at the same dating app that she met me in. (I was not able to see the messages and no sign of it because of the new encryption of messenger).
I don’t know how long they have been chatting, I have no access to her social media account. As to how I found is that I only saw a few in her email and this is not accurate idk how or why meta sends this email and not all messages she receives in messenger are emailed to notify, only a few. There was 5 emails in different dates this month that notifies she received a message in her messenger from this guy.
I thought we were still okay this past month, although I noticed some changes that she doesn’t want me to hug her anymore for long when sleeping or cuddling, saying that it is hot. She is getting cold in the chat, I always tried to be lively in the chat but it was not as it was how it supposed to be. I ignored this knowing she is busy with her work.
Days before our break up, she met with the guy she was talking to after work. She did ask for permission from me and the reason is it was all just about catching up with one another and “Kaibigan niya lang”. I agreed even if I did not really want to because I was complacent we had an app that is called life360 and I can check up on her wherever she is going. This did not go well for me, as I was monitoring the app from time to time, I thought it was cancelled as her location never moved from her house. Later that day I asked her about it and she told me it was not cancelled and that she left her phone at home and only brought her sister’s phone. I was kinda mad and it resulted to me ignoring her.
I did not know that this was the start of her ghosting me, she also ignored me and let it pass, I messaged her asking for something like to start a conversation again and make it up again. But she still ignored me. And this was when I did it, going through her messenger and email. I also tried checking on some of her social media platform, I found out she has a threads account which I did not know that she had one. I saw there her 2 posts that caught my attention. It says “You are one of a kind”, and the other “In another life, maybe we met each other earlier then I would love you” posted this month, one that is days ago and one that is weeks ago. It was definitely not for me.
I felt anger with all that I found out. As she was ignoring me in social medias, I emailed her to confront her and tell that I found out that she was ghosting me and all the other things, some insults as to how the guy is just a friend despite all the things I learned of, and if it was me in her place and did it, I bet her reaction would be worse. I also said that it is the last time she will hear from me.
She did replied saying that there is no need to explain to me and it is okay if I think that she is cheating and the post on her threads were not meant for that guy.
So it was meant for someone else? Another guy I do not know of? A quick thought that popped in my mind.
I ignored her, blocked her on everything, I did not try to fix it anymore. Did I do the right thing, I wanted to fix it but with all that I learned of, it was too much for me.
With everything that I found out there is still a question in my mind.
The question now in my mind is if that I’m the real reason or did she really cheated or maybe both…. Now my emotions are being mixed with anger whenever I think about it.
submitted by No-Upstairs7333 to AkoBaYungGago [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:13 Clean-Ad-2141 TDIU Granted. Timeline, Tips & Takeaways - HLR / DTA / VERA / waitwhile link / informal conference IC

Finally got approved for TDIU. I am grateful to all the helpful info in this group. I want to share some things to pay it forward. Maybe something here will help add to the wealth of information.
Originally granted 70% for MH in 2018. Have not been employed since 2019. Not currently in treatment but have been before. I filed my claim for increase/TDIU Aug 2023. I submitted VA treatment records, behavioral health records, personal statements from myself, spouse, and a previous coworker. Also, the previous employer forms(more abt the forms at the bottom) and a copy of my social security earnings statement.
September 2023 - C&P scheduled and conducted via telehealth (VES)
November 2023 - Medical Opinion requested and submitted (Optum)
December 2023 - Claim Denied
January 6, 2024 - Filed HLR - along with a statement/argument with CFR references
January 11, 2024 - Informal conference call - I used the waitwhile link to schedule myself. The link works sometimes and it down other times, search "waitwhile" "ic link" in the search bar for recent posts for a current link.
January 17, 2024 - HLR Closed - Duty to Assist error - DTA Supplement Opened
March 2024 - 2nd C&P conducted in person - QTC - was originally scheduled for Feb, but they rescheduled due to the provider no longer being there.
May 9, 2024 - scheduled call with St Pete VERA to ask for update/status
May 10, 2024 - HLR>DTA Supplement Closed - TDIU denial continued. C&P examiner opined in my favor, rater denied anyway based on a side statement examiner made - This is where I felt defeated and almost gave up, but instead..
May 10 2024 - Quick Submitted HLR with argument, found waitwhile link on reddit, scheduled informal conference for May 14th
May 11, 2024 - HLR opened on VA account
May 13, 2024 - Informal Conference canceled due to scheduling prematurely. Immediately scheduled another one in its place for the next day
May 13, 2024 (an hr later) - DRO called me saying they reviewed my case and was granting TDIU
May 14, 2024 - Decision Letter granting TDIU available
Tips I learned along the way:
VERA is quicker than the C-File. Yes, get your c-file, but in the meantime, VERA can give you what you need. Every time I had a c&p or medical opinion submitted, I scheduled a call with VERA to request a copy be sent to me by mail. I usually had copies of my DBQs 4-5 days after the examiner submitted it. Schedule call (virtual appt) with VERA - you can choose ANY office - I had luck with Albuquerque and St. Paul , I used St Pete during my HLR.
Once I got my copy in the mail, I wrote a personal statement in response to what they wrote. For instance, when the examiner stated I could work in a solitary position, I wrote and submitted a statement explaining how my symptoms prevented me from working in a solitary position. These were not super long statements, just my statement in response, a paragraph or two. My sole purpose of this was to add this all to the record in case it took me years to fight my claim. At least it was in writing that I said xyz to the VA. Whether it actually helps, who knows, but I spoke my piece on the record and it made me feel "heard" I guess.
When I talked with VERA reps, I always ask when my suspense date is. I know they are very loose timelines, but I realized if I called before the suspense date, I was scripted off the phone but if I called after, they usually would “flag” or “make a note” or “check to see whats going on with it” and in my experience, it moved my case along.
USE THE SEARCH BAR on this subreddit. Sometimes, I didn’t even really know how to word what I was looking for or what I needed to know, so I just used keywords and scrolled to see if anyone else asked. 9/10 someone else asked.
For previous employer forms - Look up your former employer online, find the email for the human resource dept. - Send form and request via email. Follow-up with a phone call if you don’t hear back. In my case, they contacted me by phone to verify who I was then sent the completed form back to me. I submitted them with my claim because it can take way longer for VA to reach out to them and maybe hear something back. I liked this route because I didn’t have to interact with any old supervisors or people I actually worked with. Just an HR person doing their job.
I understand some people don’t like the idea of people skipping the line or harassing the VA, but I think people should be as proactive as they can when it comes to fighting for what they need for better quality of life. The VA is backed up and busy, so if you can break through the noise then go for it, nobody is going to fight for you like you will. And everyone is going to play the waiting game at some point. These claims are stressful and extremely triggering so do what you have to do. Good Luck to everyone still in the fight.
submitted by Clean-Ad-2141 to VeteransBenefits [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:09 nmm_777 Storage

Today everything is more and less good, business is going more or less well, so I decided that it is necessary to rent storage for business, since yesterday our business has had storage, and most likely today all things will be transferred there, for me this is the first experience with renting something, so I am afraid that something will go wrong, for example, the business will not pay for the storage, although we have paid off the price of storage in one day, but it is still scary that something will be wrong. That's all for now, wait for updates.
submitted by nmm_777 to u/nmm_777 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:09 ThrowRA-ILoveMyGF I’m obsessed with my girlfriend

My (19M) girlfriend (19F), whom I'll call Nora for privacy, has been busy finishing her finals, so I decided to use a throwaway account. I'm not new to this platform—I usually interact with people who share my interests on my main account—but with Nora being occupied, I wanted a place to share my thoughts.
This morning, we woke up around 7 am, spent about 30 minutes getting ready, grabbed breakfast, and then headed to her campus library. I helped her study for five hours. When we decided to call it a day, she was full of energy and told me she felt confident about her final. Seeing her so happy and carefree, I couldn't help but kiss her.
Although she's not the biggest fan of PDA, she didn't mind today. She kissed me back twice and held me tightly. I started laughing, and she asked if she could trim my hair. I immediately agreed, and we went back to my place. Before she started, she put on some music and took breaks between sections to have mini concerts. Sometimes I joined in, and other times I just watched. There's something so beautiful about her voice, expressions, and gestures.
After finishing trimming my hair, I was about to ask her to shave my facial hair, but she frowned and said, "You always shave it off so soon; you never give me a chance to enjoy it." I shook my head and let her do what she wanted, and she ended up trimming it. When she was done, she pulled me to the mirror and told me I looked beautiful. The way she said it and looked at me reminded me of everything I love about her.
Her gaze was so intense that I felt my face getting warm. I walked out of the bathroom, and she looked puzzled. She asked if I was blushing, and I denied it. She insisted I was lying and said, "I meant what I said, you're beautiful. Your eyes are the color I cherish deeply, your laugh is the sound I crave, and your attention is the only thing I need. Inside and out, the Conny (her nickname for me) I love is the most beautiful person in the world."
We ended up having a staring contest that made me cry, and she cried with me. She forced herself to stop and asked why I was crying. I started laughing, and so did she, saying, "It's unlike you to cry over random encounters." I told her it had been a while since she put so much love into me, which led her to hug me tightly. Afterward, she said she needed a break and started running around the room.
She's definitely weird, but I never see it as a flaw. Her quirks are the cutest thing to me. Sometimes, she can't stay still and will drop everything to do push-ups. We're both healthy and active and often work out together. Two months ago, on our 2 year anniversary trip, she even won a push-up contest against five men and earned a significant amount of money.
I love my wonderful weirdo girlfriend, I love talking about her.
submitted by ThrowRA-ILoveMyGF to offmychest [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:05 Psynotic Seller wants me to close my dispute (now claim)

Several weeks ago, I ordered a controller for my sister’s gift from Dareu, and the item ended up stolen. I contacted the seller, and they gave me the local carrier that delivered my item. So, I check in with them and told them the situation.
After that, they followed up with an email after investigating my case. Here it is:
Dear [Recipient],

Thank you for contacting the United States Postal Service. Your concerns have been brought to the attention of our Consumer Affairs office. We are in receipt of your complaint regarding your missing Item [Item #] After a thorough investigation, the station has verified that the carrier scanned and delivered the package on 4/30/2024. We apologize for the non-receipt of your package, possible theft.
For the resolution, we recommend you contact the sender of your item immediately. You can supply them with a copy of this letter as proof that you filed an inquiry of non-receipt to the USPS. The sender can use this letter as supporting documentation to file a claim at As a matter of courtesy, this letter is being provided to the customer to use should they experience a problem with a mailecreditor. Past experiences have shown that many providers will reimburse, or penalties are waived

Please accept our sincerest apology for any trouble this may have caused you. We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you again in the future.

Complaints & Inquiry.
From this point I message the seller and the following happens:
So it would seem that my package was stolen. I have this message direct from the USPS, and would like to receive a refund for this order. I apologize if this has caused inconveniences. Hope to hear from you soon.
Best, [Me]
Hello, thank you for your reply, sorry to hear this, it is news we did not want to receive, but the logistics company admitted their mistake anyway. The logistics provider can compensate. We are now submitting evidence to require the logistics provider to compensate, but please cooperate with us in canceling the PayPal dispute. Once you cancel, we will immediately issue a full refund according to your original payment method, and then you can place an order again. Buy. Otherwise we will have to submit evidence for explanation, please understand.
Hello again,
Thank you for your prompt response and willingness to issue a full refund for the stolen package. Given the circumstances and the guidance from USPS, I am eager to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.
However, I am concerned about closing the PayPal dispute before receiving the refund, as it is a safeguard to ensure that the transaction is resolved fairly. I propose the following:
  1. Issue the Refund Through PayPal: You can process the refund directly through PayPal. Once I receive confirmation of the refund, I will immediately close the dispute.
  2. Mutual Resolution: By handling the refund through PayPal, we can ensure that both parties are protected, and the resolution is documented appropriately.
Please let me know if this solution works for you. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation in resolving this matter.
Best regards, [Me]
[Seller] Hello, that's not the case, because you have already initiated a dispute. If I refund directly, it will be a loss of the dispute, so our account will be banned, so you need to cancel the dispute first, and then we will refund, so that our account It won’t be banned! Because the problem is now with the logistics provider. Even if we submit evidence to each other in Paypal, the logistics provider will pay the compensation, but this requires us to spend time waiting, and the method I suggest you is beneficial to both of us. It’s more efficient, and if we don’t refund you after you cancel, you can still use our email records to report us, so don’t worry!
When you cancel the dispute, we will refund the money immediately. You can rest assured because we have email records. We are just reducing the dispute rate of our collection account. Once the disputes increase, the merchant will ban our collection account, so please you understand
[Me] Hello,
I wanted to let you know that I have escalated the issue to PayPal for resolution. I understand your concerns about the impact of disputes on your account, but I believe this is the best way to ensure a fair and secure resolution for both of us. By escalating the dispute, we can work with PayPal to resolve the matter efficiently and ensure that both parties are protected. I appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
Thank you, [Me]
[Seller] Then we can only submit evidence, and we need to wait until we submit relevant evidence before we can proceed with the next steps. If we win this dispute, you will need to file compensation with the logistics yourself.
I myself am unsure of what to do right now. I want to let PayPal help me settle this dispute, as I have email evidence directly from the USPS in regard to my missing item. Yet, at the same time they're offering me a refund only if I take down the dispute which is risky. Any thoughts on what I should do y'all?
submitted by Psynotic to paypal [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:03 m00njaguar May 13th: I got Tinnitus 16 Years Ago

May 13th is an anniversary for me. That day, in 2008, I tried to break up a bar fight & woke up 2 weeks later in a hospital bed. My skull was fractured & I had severe brain trauma. My right ear was left 100% deaf, with non-stop tinnitus resulting from the torn auditory nerve connecting my brain to my ear. I had lots of other issues too, like not being able to walk, swallow easily, strong memory issues, no sense of taste or smell, etc. So tinnitus was just part of the mix of health hassles overwhelming me. With time, medication and therapy, all those issues were resolved, leaving only my deaf ear and the tinnitus as long-term problems.
At first, the constant high-pitched squeal made it very difficult for me to get to sleep. My audiologist recommended that I try using a noise machine. By listening to sounds like white noise, the sounds of the beach, rain, etc, my brain would have something else to focus on beside the tinnitus screech. The machine helped to distract my mind on a soft neutral sound as I fell asleep. It worked very well and I recommend using one of these for new tinnitus sufferers. After a few months, I was able to gradually turn down the volume of the noise machine and finally I was able to sleep without a machine.
It has been 16 years since I heard true absolute silence- proof that you don't miss something until it's gone! Since 2008, no matter where I go and how totally quiet a place may be, I still hear that tinnitus squeal. Yes, it can be very frustrating, very distracting and emotionally challenging. But I came to accept this annoying distraction as a part of surviving my brain injury.
I do not get depressed, saddened or angry over suffering from it- it does zero good at all to struggle emotionally against what cannot be changed- why choose to make yourself suffer even more? So I am now at peace with this condition, though it took me a few years. And yeah, over time, since tinnitus is a constant, I have become relatively less aware of it, the buzz often fading from my awareness when I listen to music or watching a film, just another background noise that at times you can become more are of. People who grew up near a busy airport compare it to that experience.
Since in my case tinnitus is combined with traumatic hearing loss from a brain injury, being deaf in one ear while constantly hearing the electric buzz of my torn auditory nerve all combines into one hearing loss mess for me. Being half-deaf with tinnitus creates auditory interference with the hearing in my good ear- the tinnitus buzz is often louder than the voice of someone that I am talking with. Overtime, I have instinctively learned to walk and sit strategically, so that I attempt to place myself with my good ear pointed towards whomever I am with.
The volume of the tinnitus squeal is automatically as loud as my environment, matching the volume of whatever I am hearing through my good ear. So when I am at a loud restaurant, at a disco or anywhere noisy, my brain attempts to match the volume of what it perceives as is being heard from both ears. So the volume of the tinnitus is as loud as the concert or party where I find myself, making communications difficult.
Well, I just wanted to share all this with all my fellow tinnitus sufferers. For those of you who are new to this experience, it is never something good, but over time it tends to fade into the background as a constant annoyance that you learn to cope with, though of course at times it does frustrate more than others. For other long-term patients, well, I just wanted to share my perspective and experience, which may or may not overlap with your own. I send a big hug to everyone in the tinnitus community.
submitted by m00njaguar to tinnitus [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:00 Ok_Contest_569 am i wrong for not wanting to be around my stepmom

Hi to give some back story me female 18 and my dad 57 have always had a rocky relationship but still see each other every so often, my dad got married in 2018 to my stepmom 55 i didn’t find out until 2020, found out though facebook this was the beginning of all this i didn’t know this woman first time i met her was around late 2021 when she moved into my dads home we had an okay relationship wasn’t anything too crazy always respectful and nice to each other since i wasn’t there too often. my mom 38 and dad got married very young and divorced before i even tuned one in 2007 so everyone is nice to each other we went on vacation with his new wife and my mom side of the family and dads ,so i thought everything was okay that was dec of 2022. in nov of 2023 i ended up in the hospital and my mom was trying to reach my dad since i was in pain i didn’t want to call and we find out my mom is blocked which is weird because they don’t communicate if it’s not about me which is not often i ended up calling him and asking him and he said he didn’t know why my mom blocked but it had to stay that way which me realize it was her who blocked my mom so i told him i was not going to him nothing about my surgery until he unblocked my mom because i found it dumb honestly the next day my step mom post on instagram saying to not blackmail because the only person who loses is me , this wasn’t the first time something like this happened one time me and my dad got into a argument at his home and she had posted don’t bring drama to my door so i told my dad about it and all she had to say was the internet is public and she can post what she wants so i took a step back from them 3 months had gone where i hadn’t seen or talked to my dad and he called me telling me she wanted to apologize and talk so i went to his house the conversation started by her telling me that my bad adttide is why the people who love can’t love me she was talking about my dad like i said before we have a rocky relationship because of stuff that’s happened in the past which she wasn’t around for so it’s not her business so i got up to leave and she followed me out telling me not to go and then we get into a argument basically me telling her to mind her own business when it came to mine and my fathers relationship and her saying as his wife that she can say what she pleases then we get outside and it gets heated me and her are going back and forth ( all while my dad was just standing there ) and then she said if we’re in her home contry i would have all my teeth knocked out so i called my mom since my dad wasn’t defending me and her my mom got into it ended up finding out that my quince photo was never hung up because i look like my mom ( i am a spitting image of my mom ) so basically this is all because i look like MY mother and the after that she locked m dad in the house and didn’t let him out so i left. it’s been 1 month since then and and she sent me a paragraph apologize and i honestly don’t care for it and ain’t want her apology but everyone on my dad side of the family thinks i should accept it and move on but i just can’t see past what she said
submitted by Ok_Contest_569 to amiwrong [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 07:00 Ok_Contest_569 AITAfor not wanting to be around my stepmom

Hi to give some back story me female 18 and my dad 57 have always had a rocky relationship but still see each other every so often, my dad got married in 2018 to my stepmom 55 i didn’t find out until 2020, found out though facebook this was the beginning of all this i didn’t know this woman first time i met her was around late 2021 when she moved into my dads home we had an okay relationship wasn’t anything too crazy always respectful and nice to each other since i wasn’t there too often. my mom 38 and dad got married very young and divorced before i even tuned one in 2007 so everyone is nice to each other we went on vacation with his new wife and my mom side of the family and dads ,so i thought everything was okay that was dec of 2022. in nov of 2023 i ended up in the hospital and my mom was trying to reach my dad since i was in pain i didn’t want to call and we find out my mom is blocked which is weird because they don’t communicate if it’s not about me which is not often i ended up calling him and asking him and he said he didn’t know why my mom blocked but it had to stay that way which me realize it was her who blocked my mom so i told him i was not going to him nothing about my surgery until he unblocked my mom because i found it dumb honestly the next day my step mom post on instagram saying to not blackmail because the only person who loses is me , this wasn’t the first time something like this happened one time me and my dad got into a argument at his home and she had posted don’t bring drama to my door so i told my dad about it and all she had to say was the internet is public and she can post what she wants so i took a step back from them 3 months had gone where i hadn’t seen or talked to my dad and he called me telling me she wanted to apologize and talk so i went to his house the conversation started by her telling me that my bad adttide is why the people who love can’t love me she was talking about my dad like i said before we have a rocky relationship because of stuff that’s happened in the past which she wasn’t around for so it’s not her business so i got up to leave and she followed me out telling me not to go and then we get into a argument basically me telling her to mind her own business when it came to mine and my fathers relationship and her saying as his wife that she can say what she pleases then we get outside and it gets heated me and her are going back and forth ( all while my dad was just standing there ) and then she said if we’re in her home contry i would have all my teeth knocked out so i called my mom since my dad wasn’t defending me and her my mom got into it ended up finding out that my quince photo was never hung up because i look like my mom ( i am a spitting image of my mom ) so basically this is all because i look like MY mother and the after that she locked m dad in the house and didn’t let him out so i left. it’s been 1 month since then and and she sent me a paragraph apologize and i honestly don’t care for it and ain’t want her apology but everyone on my dad side of the family thinks i should accept it and move on but i just can’t see past what she said
submitted by Ok_Contest_569 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:59 Deep-Objective-3835 Pricing strategies for early stage B2B products?

First time founder here! From my understanding, businesses expect higher quality than consumers do and as such are willing to pay a higher price. Products in the B2B space seem to range in price from free to $50k a year for a Bloomberg Terminal. I’m building a SaaS for data analytics.
Given my product is in the MVP stage, how do I price it? I haven’t been able to find any incredibly direct competitors (the only other is yet to launch) and less direct/adjacent products are priced around a low end of $50 per user / month, a few higher tiers for $100, and then a contact form for the enterprise version. All the potential customers I’ve spoken to, however, also see our product in a different light and use case than the adjacent competitors and have said they value it more.
Given this information, how would I best price my product while it’s still simple and improving? For the time being, my approach is to just ask people what they’d be willing to pay for it and charge that number or a slight discount till a market price is reached. In addition I would also adjust the price to a favorable conversion/churn rate.
If anyone has any other tools, essays, or resources for B2B strategy and growth I’d truly appreciate it as well whether or not it is related to pricing.
submitted by Deep-Objective-3835 to ycombinator [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:57 Dear_Fate_ Tired of Family Business

Since the age of 13, I began working as a game tester for our family mobile gaming company. However, due to lack of profitability, we paused operations for about 9 years. Fast forward to the summer of 2023, we developed another mobile game. Didn’t make money either., So currently, we are in the process of creating a PC game that is scheduled to be released in the next 2-3 months.
I’m not in the same country as my family, and worked remotely for a couple months, and yesterday I hinted to them that I wanted to keep remote. Then my father blew up, saying I was abandoning the family at their most needed moment. And how this company was made for me and my siblings, to navigate the industry and wouldn’t have to suffer like he did (he got his childhood traumas too).
Since 13 to my early 20s now, I’ve never taken a single cent from them for this family business. Not that I wanted or asked for a salary. But Ive never felt like a family member, and today he just told me - I have and always will be replaceable. I’ve heard that one before, today I was just surprised at why I was still surprised the words gutted me.
You could say this is the straw that broke the camel’s back and I’m ranting. He wants to make sure that I go back (physically to the office location) and that I want to work in the business based of my own volition. I’m tired of being emotionally manipulated, and I’m trying to make sense of it all. Thanks.
submitted by Dear_Fate_ to AsianParentStories [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:56 Bulky-Present-2244 What should I do?

Before 2 and half year I start nofap challenge everything was smooth I was having a GF and she was living in Another country. By following Nofap I get recover fromm many things Even if my friends are talking about girl or if I.saw a girl hot still my nofap challenge was so.strong I would easily forget that and focus on my goal but Problem appears when I moved to another country where my GF lives as much I know having sex will not break your challenge the main addiction is porn and masturbation so when I came to another country me and my girlfriend start meeting weekly or monthly and slowly slowly we become physical now because of her busy routine and some personal issue she can't meet so I am unable to focus work and it leads me to masturbation when she say no for meeting. She can't meet me everytime because of her strict family when this happen I masturbate with porn and this is happening to me from 8 to 9 months. what should I do ? Because later I have all life if my girlfriend is not with me I want to control urges of her. Because of this habit I start not meeting her but doesn't help. Please any advice.
submitted by Bulky-Present-2244 to NoFap [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:56 spherocytosis7 URGENT!! HELP!! ordered tickets with stubhub, now ticketmaster transfer has been canceled.

in january, i bought two tickets to see norah jones at the met in philly. i completed the purchase and received a confirmation email. a bit later, i received another email saying my ticket transfer to ticketmaster was ready. i was super busy at the time and didn’t realize i received the transfer email. i was checking my email a few weeks ago, saw the transfer, and went to add the tickets to my ticketmaster account. at first, i kept receiving an error message, but eventually, the tickets showed up in my ticketmaster account. a day later, i received can email saying the ticket transfer was canceled by the sender. when i try to open the original link from the transfer confirmation, i see a similar “sender canceled transfer” message. i spoke to someone from stubhub on the chat/help feature, gave them my order number and all that, and they told me they would transfer my issue to their internal department and email me an update. now it’s the day of the concert and i STILL don’t have tickets, and no update from stubhub. i’m sorry if this doesn’t make sense and is ramble, but i’m kind of stressing out. should i wait for another ticket transfer, or just buy new tickets? any and all help would be appreciated.
submitted by spherocytosis7 to stubhub [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:51 horny_riya24 Would you want to know if your SO is cheating on you?

I'm reposting this so that it gets more notice, if anyone girl has talked with any such guy then they are aware too.
I had met a man, initial letter N (31M) through reddit some 4-5 months back. He commented on my post that he had a few materials for a competitive exam that I was giving. I DMed him asking the same and moved to telegram to share the same files.
There was an instant connection and we started talking. On the first day itself I had asked him if he had a gf or wife. He said no and so we continued talking. After 1 month, he went to his hometown during his leaves and communication was infrequent. He wouldn't talk when he was home, disappeared during the long weekend completely, etc. I couldn't understand if he was just uninterested or was dating someone else.
I tried talking with him about this, a couple of times, he just shut down saying he was going through a lot etc. But then suddenly he flipped and started talking like before. He even came to met me in my city. He even asked me what does he see in next 2 - 3 years for us. And he was talking in long term right from the starting.
Honestly, he felt like a complete green flag except for this communication thing. After his leaves ended, he went back to his city and then again after a few days communication lessened to the point where it would be barely 1-2 msgs each day. He said it was work but my female intuition was telling me something is wrong.
I asked him multiple times to tell me if there's someone else. He gaslighted me each time. Told me I'm overthinking etc. But still we had very less communication and I was fed up of it and anxious all the time. So I too stopped putting in the efforts. One day he posted status of link to his mother's youtube channel. My instincts were screaming by then. So I stalked the account, came across one name. Somehow I found her account on instagram but it was private, she had a small business too in which the contact number for queries given was his. And of course she wasn't his sister, because the surname in bio was different. I also found her sister's instagram which is an open account. I saw their wedding video. He's been married for 3 years and dating her since almost 2017 (I guess).
I confronted him, he left the msgs on seen. I had to threaten him to just agree. Even then he tried to be the victim. After that I blocked him from everywhere. This was almost 20 days back but somehow the girl keeps coming in my mind. I'm really confused if I should msg her and tell her everything. I have screenshots and all the proof. He cheated on her emotionally and physically.
And I'm sure I'm not the only girl he was talking to. There might be other girls too from reddit itself. If any of you think you are talking to a guy I described, dm me the reddit ID or name of the person and I'll tell you. Should I tell his wife? If so how without causing any damage to me?
EDIT: I honestly don't care if she stays or leaves him. My only concern is if she should know and how can I do that without him causing any harm to me?
submitted by horny_riya24 to IndianBoysOnTinder [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:47 Tortilla_Y_Arepa Managers stick up for your employees!

So I use to work for HEB about 4 years & I no longer work there but I have a family member who works in business center still. I KNOW how rude customers can be so I believe my family member tells me something wild. In this case a female comes in asking for a refund for something that clearly looks half eaten from bakery & she wants a refund. My family member starts being nice saying how that’s so weird that she doesn’t recall them selling that AND there was NO TAG (keep in mind it was for Mother’s Day so they no longer sell this particular pastry) & the lady starts CUSSING AND INSULTING my family member and then ACUSSING HER OF CALLING THE CUSTOMER A LIAR??? She starts being so rude & loud while continuing to insult my family member in front of the front end. My family member calls another manager & tells them that if they don’t come defend her she’s going to go off on this customer & possibly lose her job. The manager came and ended up defending her but it blows my mind that customers think they can just be assholes when clearly she’s just doing her job. MANAGEMENT NEEDS TO STAND UP FOR THEIR PARENTS THE CUSTOMER IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT!!!
( customer still ended up getting a refund and my family member didn’t know bakery had sold that pastry since she works business center and doesn’t go eating sweets like that)
submitted by Tortilla_Y_Arepa to HEB [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:47 dlschindler Honor of the Mech Knights

Injustice is intolerable to the human. By his nature, Prince Regen disobeyed his father, Lord Sard, who was master of exports on Astragoth, second in power only to the planetary minister, the emperor's own nephew Anj Kurim. Perhaps how Prince Regen became son to Anj Kurim is a tale too bold to ever be repeated, for it dares the instinct of man to do right or wrong, the hearts of the young to fall in love from mere eye contact and the honor of the knights who braved the arena on the tournament of Easter. A tale too bold, but I'd go mad to keep it all to myself:
The lords in question were the three barons of slag on Astragoth who commanded the planetary production of mech armor alloys, Astragoth's most valuable export. The types are well known, Bronze-Steel, Silver-Steel and Gold-Steel, although none of those alloys contain any such metals, they are named poetically, rather than literally. Lord Sard grew quite suspicious of them, or perhaps jealous. He had them summoned, stripped, beaten and arrested, accusing them of crimes against his office. His next order of business was to have their estates seized.
Normally such a moment would be conducted honorably through a Trial of Combat, but since these men were severe mech knights, Lord Sard chose caution over honor. His son was not such a coward, and witnessing the atrocity, he fought his way into the holding compound in light armor without markings, but only so the guards would not die withholding their attacks. Regen considered dying honorably to be more important than shielding himself with his identity. When he had rescued the three lords, he did turn himself in, for he took responsibility for his actions.
Lord Sard was furious and had his son exiled. Regen was sent into the frontiers of Astragoth with only his fine robes, a horse, some supplies and a servant named Igor. Igor was quite corrupt, and when they were out in the wilderness he shot Regen in the back of his head when the prince was bathing in a stream, and left him there face down in the water, believing he had killed him. Letting nothing go to waste, Igor took everything, the clothes, supplies, horse and even the prince's identity, managing to assume the prince's identity.
Regen was not dead. By a miracle he'd survived, and the gunshot attracted a retired combat medic who fought in the Scratch Wars and had seen much worse than a naked, drowned man with a gunshot wound in his head. She easily patched him up, rolling the cosmic dice with critical precision. It was not enough for Regen to have his memory intact, as he had severe amnesia.
By instinct he was still very honorable and brave, and pleased with this, he was made apprentice to the one who'd saved his life. She taught him how to care for the kinds of injuries the locals came to her with, and in time he grew wise in the ways of medicine and he worked hard, volunteering to help anyone who needed his strength.
One day he came to the main star port of Astragoth, travelling in the world and seeking his fortune. The daughter of Anj Kurim, Lili, was getting married soon. The whole city was in a state of celebration and three days of games were declared, in which mech knights would duel for the honor of Princess Lili's favor. No mech knight who wasn't willing to risk death would dare step into a close-range combat in the Phoenix Dome, as the impressive arena of Astragoth was called then.
Regen put his only coin into the coffer of the richest man on the planet and bought a ticket to the games. The likelihood that he'd be seated so that Princess Lili could not take her eyes off of him was only the whim of such stars. She'd seen him there and something was different about this man than any she'd ever seen. Some part of her had sailed through the ethers at the dawn of time, and he was her other half, torn from her when she was born as a human on Astragoth. That's how the Princess described the feeling.
Regen glanced across the crowd and met her gaze. He felt like his world began that day, at that moment, as though suddenly every detail of his life became relevant. It was all so he'd be at ~Bed, Bath and Beyond~, right there in the Phoenix Dome as an eight-meter-tall fusion-powered battle armor mech walked out the gates spraying steam at thirteen hundred degrees Celsius from its flamers.
The opposite gate opened but there was no other mech. A weird silence fell over the crowd. It wasn't uncommon for someone to forfeit, anything could go wrong. There was a challenge issued, not as though any unexpected contestants ever answered it. Yet this time a mech in full bronze-alloy armor did enter Phoenix Dome. Nobody knew who it was, and when the newcomer won the battle, they left without claiming the victory.
On the second day, the new husband of the Princess Lili was revealed, and the games would be in his honor as well. He was Prince Regen, except it was really Igor, having assumed Prince Regen's identity. When the combatants were about to fight a third mech entered the arena, this time in silver-alloy armor. He fought both enemies at once and defeated them. Again, before claiming the victory, the mech knight left the arena.
Lord Anj Kurim had a battalion of mech painted in white and decorated with garlands surrounding the arena on the third day. No more intrusions and dishonorable departures. The insults on the first two days by mysterious mech knights could only be surpassed by the games of the final day.
No mech knight had the courage on the third day. Anj Kurim worried this was worse and relayed to the mech commander of the wedding games detail to allow any rogue mech knights in, deciding it couldn't be worse than no games at all.
When the mech knight in the gold-alloy came around the corner and spotted the battalion guarding the arena, he did not know they were ordered to let him past. He charged at them, firing his weapons and they scattered. The holo displays in Phoenix Dome showed this exchange, emphasizing the damage to the government-owned superstructure, cashing in on each chunk of concrete sheared away by laser fire.
The gold-alloy mech stood in the arena alone. Someone had hijacked the holo displays and suddenly they showed the face of just one man in the crowd, and as he looked up he recognized himself. It was all coming back to him in a flood of memories.
The other two mech from the previous games entered, the bronze-alloyed and silver-alloyed. They stood side by side, having found Prince Regen in the crowd and turned their mech to face him.
"Open your cockpits and reveal yourselves." They were ordered by Lord Anj Kurim.
They were the three lords Regen had set free so long ago.
"Honor the Princess!" they were told and they did.
"Now the Prince!' but they saluted the man on the holo display instead of Igor. Lord Anj Kurim saw that Igor was terrified. He drew his sword and beheaded Igor on the spot, his blood spraying all over the booth, and Princess Lili was barely able to escape the gore.
The real Prince Regen was married to the Princess Lili, and the remains of Igor were tossed to the dirt floor of the arena and left there. Soon Regen inherited Lord Anj Kurim's position and had his father's power stripped from him and he gave the three lords back their old homes.
And the armor? What alloys are we even talking about? Some say the bronze is infused with courage, to do what is right even when it is very dangerous and to overcome fear in order to act. Some say silver is imbued with the holiness of love, how it causes miracles, drives us to our destiny and opens the locked doors of fate. And gold? Gold stands for honor, an unyielding adherence to fairness and justice.
submitted by dlschindler to HFY [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:47 Total-Mastodon-6888 Understanding Different Types of Visas Adric Immigration Consultants

The world beckons with its rich tapestry of cultures, vibrant landscapes, and exciting opportunities. But before you embark on your international adventure, navigating the world of visas can feel like stepping into a labyrinth. At Adric Immigration Consultants, your trusted partner in Bangalore, we understand the complexities of visa applications. This comprehensive guide aims to shed light on the different types of visas available, helping you choose the right path for your aspirations. visa consultant
The Big Picture: Broad Visa Categories
Visas act as official permissions granted by a country to enter and stay within its borders for a specific purpose and duration. Broadly, visas fall into two main categories:
1. Non-immigrant Visas:
Designed for temporary stays, non-immigrant visas cater to diverse needs, including:
2. Immigrant Visas:
For those seeking to establish permanent residence in a new country, immigrant visas pave the way. These typically involve a lengthier application process with stricter eligibility requirements. Common types include:
Going Deeper: Specific Visa Types and Considerations
Understanding your purpose for travel is crucial. Here’s a breakdown of some commonly sought-after visas and key factors to consider:
Beyond the Basics: Additional Considerations
Visa processing times and fees can vary significantly depending on the visa type, country of application, and individual circumstances. It’s crucial to factor in these costs and potential delays when planning your international move.
Visa reciprocity plays a role in certain work visa categories (e.g., TN visa between the U.S., Canada, and Mexico). Understanding the reciprocity agreements between your home and destination countries can help determine your eligibility for specific work visas.
Dual citizenship allows individuals to hold citizenship in two countries simultaneously. Eligibility for dual citizenship varies by country. Researching the policies of both your home and target country is essential if this path aligns with your goals.
Travel restrictions can be implemented due to various reasons, including pandemics or political situations. Staying updated on current travel advisories is crucial before embarking on your international journey.
Your Trusted Partner in Navigating the Visa Maze
At Adric Immigration Consultants in Bangalore, we understand that navigating the complexities of visas can be overwhelming. With our extensive experience and in-depth knowledge of global immigration regulations, we are here to guide you every step of the way.
Our Services:
Contact us today for a free consultation and let us help you turn your international dreams into reality. With Adric Immigration Consultants as your partner, you can start on your global journey with clarity, confidence, and peace of mind.
submitted by Total-Mastodon-6888 to u/Total-Mastodon-6888 [link] [comments]

2024.05.15 06:46 BlackPepperAndLime Personal Money Situation

I'm 32M living in Toronto. I used to be very positive person and I still am but sometimes I get to sit down and have some alone time and try to reflect myself and see what's going on thoroughly.
I used to work as an independent contractor for a corporate so I was making a great money so purchased a townhouse with the money I saved up and the financial help from parents. The townhouse is currently valued around 750k and I have 350k equity in it. I quit my job last year and bought a existing restaurant and currently running the restaurant right now. Making half money I used to make from working for a corporate but I see it more value for myself because from this restaurant I'm getting more ideas and currently planning on opening a new restaurant from scratch, not buying a existing one. If I sell my restaurant, maybe I can sell it for around 230k. But I have a business loan of 166k so I would end up with 50-60k I guess. I don't have any saving for now, but every dollar is invested in and currently have around 100k in my investment portfolio. Those are everything I have, which means 500k is all I have for 32 year old man with a wife and a baby due in August. I feel quite grateful for what I accomplished so far and I still have motivations to go and move forward. But the detached houses are just out of reach and I wonder if I can ever truly think I can afford one here. Like, even if I save 30k/year and my portfolio grew 10% for 3 years. That's like 100-150k and I'm purely imagining like those houses will be increased by 300-500k in prices during the same time. That's 2-4 times wealth gap again. I get so demotivated by simply thinking about it. Also, with lots of crimes and stuffs actually puts me off about living in Toronto or Canada. Plus for business perspectives, the current economy, the unknown future economy, inflation, increasing minimum wage and taxation, those actually makes me want to stop any types of business to conduct in Canada...
Truly thinking maybe Canada isn't the place that offers me the best... I've been loving this country since I came in 2012 and I'm not really ready to move out Toronto or leave Canada at all yet. I'm curious how people nowadays handle their emotions or stress about current financial situation. Maybe some are doing better but I know by facts lots of us are not doing well. I simply want to find a way to improve the skills to handle this type of stress and become better at it so I can rebound bigger. Hope the same to you all.
submitted by BlackPepperAndLime to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]